David Denton Davis MD has written a controversial non-fiction book about SIDS, autism, the environment vaccines Product Description Dancing Cats Silent Canaries is a compelling story written by David Denton Davis MD, a traditional doctor, to help parents frightened their babies might succumb to sudden death (SIDS) or autism. It is about the failure of doctors, including the author, to pay closer attention to lurking dangers in environmental toxins and vaccines never proven safe. It focuses on chemists and doctors who dare to h onestly voice concern. The author is not an apologist for Dr. Andrew Wakefield; however, he presents a gripping case for â railroading.â  The author presents evidence that gives parents a better understanding of baby c are problems... Readers learn Crib death victims are canaries caged in a crib si lenced forever by nerve gases. Parents become aware children, who manifest autis tic symptoms, are similar to dancing mercury poisoned cats. Steps to protect ba bies from conception through the critical first year of life are offered. Dr. Da vis cleverly and convincingly weaves his first-hand experiences and curiosity ab out the benefits of chelation and hyperbaric oxygen therapies into a provocative story. He shows the dangers of baby mattresses made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), espe cially when contaminated with mildew. The author concludes some immunizations ar e more dangerous than imagined due to adverse event under-reporting. Rampant fai lures complying with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) by not re porting vaccine related illnesses are a problem. Queries of emergency physicians reveal few are aware of the law leading to a log ical conclusion reports are widely ignored. His startling conclusion is perhaps only 1% of adverse vaccine events are reported each year making VAERS a woeful failure. Astonishingly prior to a vaccine the law requires parents receive a Vac cine Information Statement (VIS) indicating risks and benefits. The author asks why Dr. Paul Offit is allowed to proclaim vaccines safe and condemn those disag reeing. Dr. Davis wisely introduces the Precautionary Principle:--a policy that offers a warning and requests a temporary ban. Without cause and effect evidence a produ ct is harmful this principle shifts the burden of proof for product safety to ma nufacturers. The book ends with a prospective elimination study proposal combine d with a resolution asking for reporting help from an estimated 25,000 emergency physicians.

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