5/27/2018 DamonCircosta(AJFletcherFoundation)AddressestheClassof2013-slidepd... http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/damon-circosta-aj-fletcher-foundation-addresses-the-class-  ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL WEB 909 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 919.322.2580 [email protected] www.ajf.org !"#$% '()*$+," -..)/++/+ ,0/ '1"++ $2 3456  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 

Damon Circosta (AJ Fletcher Foundation) Addresses the Class of 2013

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Blog Post written for the A.J. Fletcher Foundation about Executive Director Damon Circosta addressing the Fletcher Academy Class of 2013.

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    909 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 919.322.2580 [email protected] www.ajf.org

    Damon Circosta Addresses the Class of 2013

    AJF Executive Director Damon Circosta addressed the Fletcher Academys Class of 2013 at its graduation ceremonies.

    Striking a tone of humor and humility, Circosta told the crowd of students, parents and faculty of his own junior high school experiences, of being shoved in a locker and teased for his unique fashion choices. Circosta followed by stressing the significance of individuality; its okay to be you, even if other people are going to laugh.

    Circosta also discussed values of honesty and intellectual integrity, telling a story of a reading class discussion. Having not read the assigned reading for that day, Circosta was caught fudging his knowledge of the book, teaching him that you can get by on charm and wits for a little while, but at some point, youre going to have to know something.

    Closing his remarks to the graduating class, Circosta instilled that learning does not stop, just because youre done here. Learning happens everyday. Never ever ever stop learning.

    Following his speech, the graduates turned tassels and handed out roses to their parents, per tradition at the Fletcher Academy.

    Photos from the event are also available in this photo album, on the AJ Fletcher Foundations facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.386383471480219.1073741826.296326513819249&type=1&l=6adf87a963

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