Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)

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  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    Innovative Methods of TeachingInnovative Methods of Teaching

    We think of the effective teachers we have had

    over the years with a sense of recognition, but

    those who have touched our humanity we

    remember with a deep sense of gratitude.

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    Dr.V.S.Damodharan and Mr.V.engara!an

    "acu#ty, $usiness Studies Department, %igher &o##ege of Techno#ogy

     Su#tanate of 'man

    We think too much about effective methods of teaching

    and not enough about effective methods of #earning.

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)




    Evaluate traditional methods of teaching as well asEvaluate traditional methods of teaching as well asmultimedia teaching methodsmultimedia teaching methods

      Teaching must include two major componentsTeaching must include two major components

    sending and receiving informationsending and receiving information Any communication methods that serve this Any communication methods that serve this

    purpose without destroying the objective could bepurpose without destroying the objective could beconsidered as innovative methods of teaching.considered as innovative methods of teaching.

    Benefits of innovative methodsBenefits of innovative methods

    Improve Learning processImprove Learning process

      trengthen governancetrengthen governance

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    IM*'T(-& '" D+&(TI'-IM*'T(-& '" D+&(TI'-

    (## re#igions attaches great importance to know#edge(## re#igions attaches great importance to know#edgeand education.and education.

    When the ur/an began to be revea#ed, the first word ofWhen the ur/an began to be revea#ed, the first word ofits first verse was /I0ra/ that is, read.its first verse was /I0ra/ that is, read.

      ( scho#ar 1a#im2 is accorded great respect in the( scho#ar 1a#im2 is accorded great respect in thehadith.hadith.

    “ “ Education is the manifestation of perfection already inEducation is the manifestation of perfection already inman” – (Swami Vivekananda)man” – (Swami Vivekananda)

    They are not students of our generation where they sitThey are not students of our generation where they sitdown and listen! " think things have changed now# theydown and listen! " think things have changed now# theywant to e$plore cut and paste!want to e$plore cut and paste! 

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    *re3techno#ogy education conte4t, the teacher is thesender or the source.

    The educationa# materia# is the information or


    The student is the receiver of the information.

    The de#ivery medium

      cha#k3and3 ta#k5 methodoverhead pro!ector 1'%*2 transparencies.

    In such a #ecture students assume a pure#y passive

    ro#e and their concentration fades off after 67389minutes.

    (-(:;SIS '" T(DITI'-(:(-(:;SIS '" T(DITI'-(:

    MT%'D '" T(&%I-

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)




    Teaching in c#assroom using cha#k and ta#k is =one wayTeaching in c#assroom using cha#k and ta#k is =one wayf#ow5 of informationf#ow5 of information

    Teachers often continuous#y ta#k for an hour withoutTeachers often continuous#y ta#k for an hour without

    knowing students response and feedback.knowing students response and feedback.

    The materia# presented is on#y based on #ecturer notesThe materia# presented is on#y based on #ecturer notesand te4tbooks.and te4tbooks.

    There is insufficient interaction with students inThere is insufficient interaction with students in


    More emphasis has been given on theory without anyMore emphasis has been given on theory without anypractica# and rea# #ife time situations.practica# and rea# #ife time situations.

    :earning from memori>ation but not understanding.:earning from memori>ation but not understanding.

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    Innovative Methods of TeachingInnovative Methods of Teaching

    " hear and " forget!" hear and " forget!

    " see and " %elieve!" see and " %elieve!" do and " understand " do and " understand .. 

    ! "onfucius! "onfucius

    The empires of the future are the empires of the

    mind.3 Winston &hurchi##

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    M+:TIMDI( :(-I-< *'&SSM+:TIMDI( :(-I-< *'&SS 






  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    T(DITI'-(: (-D M+:TIMDI( :(-I-

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    MI-D M(*MI-D M(*

    Innovative way ) (ind (ap.Innovative way ) (ind (ap.

    $eveloped by Tony Bu*an +-.$eveloped by Tony Bu*an +-.

    (a/ing notes with /eywords and images.(a/ing notes with /eywords and images.visual and sensory tools at our disposal.visual and sensory tools at our disposal.

    'ecollect information for long time.'ecollect information for long time.

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    (- @(M*: '" MI-D M(*(- @(M*: '" MI-D M(*

    "' S&(:( +(-TITIS"' S&(:( +(-TITIS 

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    T(&%I-< WIT% S-S '"T(&%I-< WIT% S-S '"

    %+M'+%+M'+  Laughter is a natural, universal phenomenon, withLaughter is a natural, universal phenomenon, with

    beneficial effects, both physical and psychological.beneficial effects, both physical and psychological. veryone #oves a teacher with an infectiousveryone #oves a teacher with an infectious

    sense of humor.sense of humor. &ordia# re#ationship.&ordia# re#ationship.

    (bi#ity to re#a4 peop#e and reduce tension.(bi#ity to re#a4 peop#e and reduce tension.

    (dvertising strategy.(dvertising strategy.


    When there is a wi##ingness to change, there is hope forWhen there is a wi##ingness to change, there is hope forprogress in any fie#d.progress in any fie#d.

    Students en!oys humor in forms of funny anecdotesStudents en!oys humor in forms of funny anecdotes 

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    A T' ( (**'(&%A T' ( (**'(&% 

    This approach attempts to e4p#ain the app#ication part ofThis approach attempts to e4p#ain the app#ication part ofa particu#ar concept first.a particu#ar concept first.

    StrengthsStrengths Makes a particu#ar concept c#ear Makes a particu#ar concept c#ear 

    Students deve#op interest to know e4act#y the concept.Students deve#op interest to know e4act#y the concept. &reates #ong #asting memory)corre#ation of a concept.&reates #ong #asting memory)corre#ation of a concept.


    Take 0uite #ong time for a teacher to introduce aTake 0uite #ong time for a teacher to introduce aconceptconcept Initia# difficu#ty in understanding a particu#ar conceptInitia# difficu#ty in understanding a particu#ar concept

    wi## be encountered.wi## be encountered.

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    LEA%I%0 T12E' 13 4IA E54E'I(E%T ) E5A(4LE T1LEA%I%0 T12E' 13 4IA E54E'I(E%T ) E5A(4LE T1

    6 ) A A44'1A"&6 ) A A44'1A"& 

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    "oncept imulation ! reenacts 0alileo7s e8periment"oncept imulation ! reenacts 0alileo7s e8periment

    of two different objects falling at the same rate.of two different objects falling at the same rate. 

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    M-MM'-I&S 3 W'DS3 W'DS ?M-MM'-I&S 3 W'DS3 W'DS ?

    W'DS (**'(&%W'DS (**'(&% "oncept approach."oncept approach.

     Associated meaning. Associated meaning.

    Increase word power Increase word power 


    ': *:(;I-< (-D S&-(I'': *:(;I-< (-D S&-(I'

    (-(:;SIS $(SD T(&%I-

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)




    Internet ready phonesInternet ready phones

    &andheld computers&andheld computers

    $igital cameras$igital cameras(p9 players(p9 players



  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)



    I%%1:ATI:E (ET&1$I%%1:ATI:E (ET&1$

    "ourses"ourses   tudents; needstudents; needs

     Industry re 1n!the!?ob Trainin

    1#' 01AL@ "larity is the /ey

  • 8/18/2019 Damodharan Innovative Methods (1)





      (nyone who stops #earning is o#d, whether at twenty or eighty.(nyone who stops #earning is o#d, whether at twenty or eighty.(nyone who keeps #earning stays young.(nyone who keeps #earning stays young.

    To teach is to #earn twiceTo teach is to #earn twice

    Teachers shou#d guide without dictating, and participate withoutTeachers shou#d guide without dictating, and participate withoutdominatingdominating

    The critica# factor is not c#ass si>e but rather the nature of theThe critica# factor is not c#ass si>e but rather the nature of the

    teaching as it affects #earning.teaching as it affects #earning.

    :(-I-< -V -DS:(-I-< -V -DS