A Royal Account Part 1 – X.X. AC “Can they be trusted?” asked a middle aged man dressed in the finest of attire. “I have used their clan for many a service, so trust is not the issue. Their leader just had a baby girl so they haven’t been accepting contracts. But given the right price and agreeing to some interesting conditions he said, we will have gained a great asset for our side in the coming war.” The younger gentleman handed the other a scroll tied together with a red wax seal. Taking the scroll in hand, the elder examined the seal of the clan. Looking up at the other he broke the seal and started reading the list of demands the clan leader had listed. As he read a snarl started to form on his face. “2000 pounds of gold?” “A reduction of their taxes.” “And he wants his entire clan to become a noble household.” “Well he’s not being pretentious, is he?” said the middle aged man throwing the scroll back at younger one. “Should I tell him the terms are unfitting?” said the younger rerolling the scroll looking to leave. “No.” said the older taking the scroll from the younger’s hands. “The blood spilled in this war will change everything.” Holding the scroll to a candle the two watched as the parchment burned, “and why not have someone else do our dirty work.” “Tell them we accept their terms.” The younger man promptly bowed, “Yes, your majesty!” and turned to leave. -written by Unknown

Damion Backstory

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Dungeons and Dragons backstroy for one of my players

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A Royal Account Part 1 X.X. ACCan they be trusted? asked a middle aged man dressed in the finest of attire. I have used their clan for many a service, so trust is not the issue. Their leader just had a baby girl so they havent been accepting contracts. But given the right price and agreeing to some interesting conditions he said, we will have gained a great asset for our side in the coming war. The younger gentleman handed the other a scroll tied together with a red wax seal. Taking the scroll in hand, the elder examined the seal of the clan. Looking up at the other he broke the seal and started reading the list of demands the clan leader had listed. As he read a snarl started to form on his face. 2000 pounds of gold? A reduction of their taxes. And he wants his entire clan to become a noble household. Well hes not being pretentious, is he? said the middle aged man throwing the scroll back at younger one. Should I tell him the terms are unfitting? said the younger rerolling the scroll looking to leave. No. said the older taking the scroll from the youngers hands. The blood spilled in this war will change everything. Holding the scroll to a candle the two watched as the parchment burned, and why not have someone else do our dirty work. Tell them we accept their terms. The younger man promptly bowed, Yes, your majesty! and turned to leave. -written by Unknown

A Royal Account Part 2 X.X. AC

The bloodshed during the Peasant War was incalculable many died at the whims of the ruling lords, and those caught in the middle of warring factions were often slaughtered without regard. The method that each state fought with was based on the leadership that held the most power at the time.

I have to hand it to your saboteurs, at first I doubted their capabilities, but it would seem that there is some merit to their reputation. Crud as it is. The lord frowned as he swirled the wine in the glass as the flames from the fireplace dimly lit the study. They have been under my employ for many years now, and that rogue dog and his band of outcasts have outperformed some of my best generals.

One could say they are fighting for a chance at a better future your majesty, the younger gentleman stated lifting the wine container to refill the goblet. From our reports they have been protecting the flanks of our main forces as well as setting fire to any stronghold theyve infiltrated. Ive never seen fighters. The young man stopped short when he saw his lord looking at him with a stern glance.

They are assassins, nothing more, said the lord with a firm tone. They serve a purpose for us and should be grateful to do so. Truth be told their very presence offends me. But, I will do whatever it takes to see Belten in to the next era. The gods have chosen me as the rightful ruler, even if I must consort with demons.

Emptying the goblet in several swallows the lord stood up and walked towards the gentleman. Placing his hand on the youngers shoulder and leaning in close, When this war ends I promise to give their leader my royal favor that is befitting a man of his position.

-Written By UnknownRoyal Account Part 3 X.X. AC

Shes gotten so big, and she still doing the singing thing asked a well armored nobleman as he escorted his charge through the dimly lit royal hallway.I cant believe how quickly shes growing, and you already have her doing contracts? I didnt think this war would have lasted this long; But I guess with the stubbornness of the Dwarves and Elves, its easy to see time passing quickly on the battlefield.

Behind him followed a stocker built man dressed in simple black robes, with a thick black beard, scarred face, and dark eyes. On his waist hung a well-polished long sword on one side, and a serrated short sword on the other. Walking behind him and stopping to look at anything that pricked her curiosity, was a young girl, dressed in dark leather armor, with hair flame bright red, arm with a short spear almost as long as she is, humming loudly.

The bearded man laughed, stopping to wait for the child. She gets the sing thing from her mother, and yes they grow fast. Shes already stronger than I was at her age, and probably will succeed me as clan leader when I retire someday. Youll see Edward when you and your wife have children of your own; they too will surpass you. Even in the field of battle.

Coming to a large gilded double door the group stopped. Turning to look at the robed man, the nobleman extended his hand. The bearded man clasped it and shook it smiling.

High Noble Hanzo let me be the first to welcome you to our ranks, Edward said proudly. We shall have a feast that even the gods shall envy my friend, as soon as we get this meeting with the king over with.

Edward banged hard on the door with the gauntlet of his black armor. The large door opened slowly. The throne rooms windows were opened fully allowing the hall to be flooded with sunlight. So much so that it caused the young girl to shield her eyes as she follow behind her father to the center of the room. The two of them kneelt before the king; the father greeted him with all the honorifics that befitted a man of his status; the daughter thought the king just looked fat.

Hattori Hanzo rise, echoed the kings voice throughout the hall. We are here to account for your deeds performed during the war. Delegates from far and wide are here to see that an adequate punishment is served, to match the heresy performed by you and your group of bandits during the war. I welcome our elven diplomats who speak of you slaughtering unarmed men and women, in a township after you were told the elven army had moved elsewhere.

There was a long pause as Hanzo gazed at the diplomats out of the corner of his eye.

A dark frown appeared on the clan leaders face. And how many innocent human men, women, and children have been killed by their spells your majesty, Hanzo said deeply? Yes the town told us that the army had moved on, but what they didnt tell us was that everyone in the Elven Township was a wizard or mage under the armys employment. Besides, we were instructed not to let any of those knife eared bastards leave our lands alive by your..

Enough! boomed the kings voice. Know your place assassin, else I will have you and your band convicted of war crimes and hung. Now life imprisonment with be your punishment, you will hand yourself over to the Elven forces as per our agreement, so that we can resume trade.

And my men, asked Hanzo looking down, not wanting to meet his shocked daughters eyes?

Leave my sight, said the king motioning with his right hand towards the heavy doors.

As Hanzo started walking towards the doors he heard a voice barely audible above a whisper.


Silence, Hanzo whispered sharply as he stopped by his daughter. Stay close to Edward and he will see you to your mother. Let him explain to the others what happened to me. Repeat nothing youve heard today to anyone. I will always love you.

Continuing to walk towards the gilded doors Hanzo left the girl standing in the middle of the courtroom.

No, said the small voice now lyrically loud enough that others had stopped their conversations.

Hanzo stopped just short of his soon to be jailers to turn and look.

No father this is unfair, she said with a rising singing voice.

After all you have done, you really deserved better...

Nothing makes sense in this world

It's all a big pile of crazy...

And the kings are cowardly fools!

Where is the honor,

When a solemn promise is just a pretty lie?

And the mighty mock the courage of the humble!

Although he's just an ordinary human...

My daddy taught me, you don't need to be colossal...

To be a great heart...

You don't need to fly...

To be awesome!

My hero...My father.

The child stood there staring at the king and pointing at her father. The sunlight coming through the windows as she sang lit set her red hair ablaze. The surrounding nobles stood there struck by the performance of the child.

Fool? Coward? You low born rat how dare you, the king shouted! Guards, bring me her head!

Following their kings order and drawing their swords the royal guards started walking towards the young girl. Before Edward could intervene one of the four guards near the girl screamed causing everyone to look at the circle of assailants and pause. A few seconds later all four men surrounding the child fell to the floor blood spraying from the multiple slash wounds on their arms and necks; Dead.

-By UnknownA Royal Account Part 4 X.X. AC

In the center of the blood soaked corpses sat Hanzo sternly facing the king, blades drawn, with his daughter pinned underneath his hind side. The kings face pale, dropped back into his chair, a noble womans screams caused the guards outside to pour into the great hall surrounding the two in the pool of blood with spears.

The assassin never took his eyes off the king, and if he was panicked or scared for his life he never showed it. The only noise that came was from the now thrashing child pinned under him. Slowly, Hanzo lowered his blades to his sides, quickly adjusting his posture; he was now kneeling with one of his knees digging into the girls back keeping her pinned to the blood soaked floor.

Your majesty I apologize for the words my daughter spoke to you, Hanzo said coldly bowing so his head touched the floor. She is young and shows much promise, but has yet find her place in this world.

Regaining his composure the king looked down at the man for some time. Whether or not it was her intension, she has insulted your king. What shall be her penance according to your ways mister assassin, the king asked coldly? Maybe death?

Slowly Hanzo raised his head and looked straight up. The noise for the nobles was now starting to raise and the guards with spears pointing at them was starting to become restless. He released a sigh and looked down at his daughter who was struggling under his weight. She had already managed to free one of her arms; he wont be able to keep her simply pinned much longer which brought a grin to his face.

You are right your majesty the insult demands a blood payment, said Hanzo. Swiftly, he grabbed his short sword and buried it into his gut and tore it along his mid-section soaking those around him with blood.

The sudden display of sacrifice caught all those in the room off guard. The king sat in his chair speechless. The guards holding spears all scrambled away. Many of the nobles went running from the throne room covering their eyes and mouths at the gory site. While a small blood soaked figure pulled herself out from underneath her fathers lifeless corpse. Heaven help that poor child. -By Unknown

A Royal Account Final Entry - X.X. AC

For Gods sake brother, yelled Prince Edward over the wails of the grieving girl. Was it really necessary to execute the man? It was just the words of a child; you could have easily over looked it.

Looking to his younger sibling, I love you brother, you have a very gentle heart, so you couldnt see what would have become of this if I gave him his titles. He would be an example to the lesser element that they too could surpass those who are of the better class. I will not allow chaos to rule my realm. Turning to the girl, The question is now what to do with you my dear?

Edward walked swiftly to stand in front of girl, blocking the Kings view of her. Give her to me to watch over brother. I can keep an eye on her and see that she never becomes a threat. Pausing to allow his King to think about all the possible outcomes, Edward lowered his voice so only the king could hear. You also dont want the blood of a child on your hands; I have seen what it does to men.

The king pondered long, lost in thought of how best to handle the sour situation that he had found himself in. After minutes of deliberation he came to a solution. Lord Oloneiros.

From behind the shadows of the throne came a dark hooded figure with a wooden staff. The figure kneeled and removed his hood showing a middle aged bald man with somber features. Edward tried very hard to hide his distain.

Yes my Lord, you have need of me?

Have you been watching have you not, I need you to remove this slants memories so she has no recollection of todays events, ordered the king.

At once my Lord, said Oloneiros looking at the girl on the floor.

As he made his way down the stairs Lord Oloneiros noticed that Lord Edward was staring at him with his hand on the pommel of his longsword. Relax your highness no harm with befall the child rest assure.

Moving Edward aside Oloneiros loomed over the red headed girl whose face was buried in the chest of her dead father. Gaining control of his breathing Oloneiros brought the words to his mind, reciting the spell over and over again. Then once he had it memorized he outstretched his hand and released the amount of power that the spell required engulfing the child in a swirl of arcane energy mass.

The sphere swirled for what seemed like hours constantly shifting colors. Edward shielded his eyes from the sight when a sharp scream pierced the rooms silence.

Shes in pain stop the spell now, he demanded.

Shes resisting. The pain will stop when she stops struggling, Oloneiros said beads of sweat now appearing on his brow.

Lord Oloneiros is there a problem, the king said coldly peering down at the wizard as the screams became louder.

No your grace, I merely have been holding back because shes a child, said the wizard not daring to turn around. If I apply my full power then this should be over in a matter of moments.

Using his long sleeve Oloneiros wiped the sweat from his face; drawing on whatever stores he had left unleashed his full power at the sphere. Others watched as lightning streaked from his fingertips to sphere in an attempt to speed up the spell. The colors on the sphere became erratic and the shape of the sphere started to contort and bend as large ripples started forming. Lord Oloneiros raised his staff and continued chanting in a thunderous voice that seemed to be trying to sound over the screams of the child. As the remaining guests cowered on the floor covering their ears, a loud thunderclap came, and then a second, then the screams of the child ceased. Sphere now had become completely contorted and with a deafening yell from Oloneiros ended in a great explosion.

The explosion caused many of the guests to panic quickly leaving the courtroom covered in blood. Edward slowly raising himself wiped as much of the blood from his face as he could for the entire courtroom was covered in it. He saw Lord Oloneiros thrown to the side of the thrown surrounded by what remained of his shattered staff. When he turned to check on his brother he saw that the king was covered head to toe in gore but no worse for wear. As the smoke started to clear Edward slowly started walking towards the center of the blast. Seeing the lack of bodies explained where all the blood came, but in the center laid the girl. Lord Oloneiros was struggling to stand, cursing about the destruction of his prized staff and the kings shock was now wearing off screaming for the room to be cleared. She better still draw breath wizard, or your fate will be the racks, said Edward crouching over her. To his relief her breathing was slow and even. Lifting the girl over his shoulder and grabbing her short spear he left the hall, none daring to stop him.

By Lord Jamneiros Strifeminer (deceased)