Ii t s S i 1 i7 i )u jm,juj m j't","' ifwn il ii iiii'ii.iiiii.jiip DAILY NASB.YM1LE E-ATE'iOT- o - . PUBLISHED DAILY. TUI-WEEKL- Y. AND WEEKXY. BY A. S; OAitP ;& DEADERICK STREET. J vol. xxn. NASHVILLE. TENN.. WEDFESMY.. JUNE 6.. I860.- - NEW SERIES NO. -- 1390. llasljiiillc patriot TEUTCS: Daily, per annum ...-- .' o v. wrtaiain . ............. 5 00 Weekly, per annum, finm W lrt. for t mn tfir. artwo Week"i 3 00 fip na riar. tn a4rioce. ...... 6 00 When the Haily.Tri-Weekl- y, or Weekly Is to be discontinued (paid 10 advance at the time subscribed or), the subscriber m si order. otnT wise it will be continued, at our adoption dutilpaid stopped, r not paid, it mast be paid .it the time of dtsconUnu-nce- , or at ourojaioo. if tfcepar;y is good, it will be lent until pa d. Remittances by ma.I, in "registered " letters, at oar Tint. JHisccilancons. American and l'oircijtu. STKIIEOSCOPIC K31POU1UM. E. ANinONT, 308 Broadway, JfelV York. After May lit, 1SG0. 501 BROAD WA Y, two doori from the St. Kicholjs HoteL Ta. Stereoscope Is the most instructs, interesting, nltrtaininy, amusing, and exciUng 01 modern .nveii-iom- s- None are loo yoamt none too old, none ton intelli- gent, none too uneduaiUd, to ackuowlede ils worth aud beauty. No borne is complete without it, and it iii'u--t and will penetrate every here. U preseuia to your view every part of the world, in ail the relief, lA loess, periprrtice,a.iiil sharpness of dduil. aa if yuu were on the rpt. Puotot'raoners ars every where exploring Europe, Asia, Africa, Ara-rk- -l , in searctr r th cram! ami toe beautiful, and tbu rccuut of ineir skUl ure con- stantly enrickina our stock MY- - have an iiumeune variety of paper Views of Scenes in Pari, London, England, ficotiid, Ireland, Wales, France , Belgium, lioiiaud .wuzerlana , tin . The Rhiue. Ver-.iiie- tfl. Cloud, roulainebleau, TuiUcritu, Inly, Turkey, EVypt, Athene, Hie Hly laiid.Cbiua, luoia. Crystal faiace, ai-- o Groupe Jl.d torwtl, amusioK, unmade teencs. breaXfart scfi.es , statuary, tLC tic. An Htortjntn ef Illuminated ItUrriurwrt falaces, tiiurrlws, and Ca thedralaof rrauce, Italy, . kf-- . Ihe eUcct o th-- s iiiuminau-- views is most remarkable. tTCHT OF WKaLIH ASD HKMlXKlt 1AP1E Ehouid have in Ins drau ibg goDie ot our tieKM on ylus. with a Hturcocpc, fehown B 11, io or 100 a;eii'. Noibins tin b iuire faa loatm, and ono can oiler no prcatt-- r treat to a TrK-ii- foil 1 of the picturoque ana t:ie beaulilui. Anth:my'tlnitanline.us Stereoscope Views are the laii-F- t riu.-- - graphic wonder, lhi-- are taken iu the fortieth part of a second, and everylhiug no Matter how rapvU'j U may be moving, is depicted sharply and a it it bad been perietly at rest. Thm Rives au additional value, f.ir t-- the beauties or inaiiimate nature tt adds the charm of lift and mo-tw- n. The process is a discovery ol our own, and bc.i;g unknown in Europe, K e rcieive from loudon ond l'aris Uiri?e orders lor Antiiouy '8 InsUntaueous Viewsof American lite and tceuery. Anjoiijf other thiiixs we have just published Flere-cscod- ic Illustraii..ns of the ol the rciTox bTki.I I'sarfcK Mketixos, in whxh many hearts feel an interest- - The iKtrtic-jlar- of this will be round la our catalopue. Ock CaTatout a of subjects and prices will to for- warded toany address on receipt of a stump. l arli. s at a distance sending us a. $i,I0,$15 $20, or(J5 can have a good iiiglruiuent and euch pictures a h ey ni ty request, sept by Express. V.ewB alone, (withouiinstrunient cau be sent by mail. i'arties who wish to be advisod of everything real- ly v.K.abic in the line that comes out , may Send us their names t place on record, stud will keep tuein poffd at our own ejteno. Mm of leiture will lind tholograpl)y a mobt fasci- nating and drlltfbtlul amusement.- - We are prepared to Ll out amateurs with ever thing uecesriaay for their success together wah lusiruclioua 'lln to taSce Stereoscopic fittures." E.ANTHONY, Importer and Manufacturer of Photographic itcrrOCOpic Views. Merchants from every section of the country are respectfully mviu;d to make an exam.natiou of our slock, as our discount to tim trade wilt be lib- eral. . TO PrOtOgrapheri. First c!js sterecr-copi- c e- -f ative Wjh.cU. by in-- a print cnmaurteJ, with pricn of Ne- gative. ;iiili-4- m. G.C. HROW.N, A. J.HOU'Ki:. O. M17XIX. MIZELL, IIOOPER&CO IVKOLESALK UKOfUIS, FOB W A X i AND Commission Merchants AX 1) tiCALl 1;; IN F0rEin AM) DOULSTIC Lll'0SS. TUI51C rO, CIK1KS, S.MFFS, 4cM No, (i mud 8 .Market Street, N ASH V 1 IlaC TUN n i:ss i: i: WHISKIES. BRASDIE3, WIS3, c. TE have m stornaud for Saiecbeap tJtue trait- - libtU.Jo. celebrated VL..J.kj. 6j bbM. Old liiurbuu Whisky, "ibbis. Oi l bye a prime rt !.-. labels '!4 Kye i arrai.te.l Ture. ta I.Ms. Teuuc.f'-'- e Wil l' v hiky . 45 il ?. irrris CliTry llraudy . -- '5 quarter Lblt. Cherry Brandy. oi .iturter bb!.;itiiier Uraudy. 10 blls. pure K bertin Coo-t- y Whi--y- . 4 bbls pure App- i- llrandy. 2a qu rter casks H.l.ud ti:n. TJ bb!s. AmerM-a- Brain y. 15 bbis.Saeet iva iie. Witu ...guac,Catawna tfrandy , kr. Jiu'J--U c iZraJ.,UUOrKRtt'". Attention All!! ATE !iiveinst.ir,aud far fcale cheap, a Urg as sitrtuient of tvaies, wiiich fr Uurxoii.lv conip!et. cea of maai.raclure stand uurivalied :n the United al.lleg. Mrzr.ii.. HiMirKRitit. jan'i-- tf a c Nu'ttiS Markrt direct. A Full and Choke Slurk of Dry Goods at Co AT MCIIOIaSON IllTMPIIHKY'S t.. the time of receiving S.iriuc Oo.hIs wo will LT our iiil ri! sU.k f sfAi'LK and KAXCV Guoiio at covr ion t: su. Oar objrt m ;.jiiig tins l' reJuee our preset.! etnrx as iuu. il aa Ks.ibl K t''"! w K"o'-s- . I j 1 1 t'l il time -- II wuo i.- tw buy cheap K ls will Co weli to call ou us at No. JJ, iti- - i.I tue Sl iare. J uiJ-- U U.S. NtWSOM. GLASCOCK & NEWSOM C;f.ce. CUlrjcst., nez! dur to Menkir.tt' Bank, Eealers in and Agents for tac purchase and ale of REAL ESTATE, Binting House or Land in the city or coun- try. Wll 1 also Rio meir uudiviaed aties-Uu- n to taa OdlUcuou ol CiAttaa, xieoua i: . II. GLASCOCK attend t all sales ol Trouerty oT every WILL ucripttoD either in low u or c uaulr) . JinU tf lllautcD. Cross TVies Wanted. rfllK X'asaiillcandXorta-wetrr- n iUi.ioad Com-J- . pauy wuli toe. .utracuor 40.000 CKDAKCUuaS Tlts,le!lUi. 6iuc:ni lUi,ell ueau.lo I'ce atuarrwe.l pUc Bullosa luaii S ui.Ue clear ol bark ;tiuiber to be.ouud .to b.deiivreuatihe.re lin.wl luo road u NaatmUe. TUeoutrai.t.Tswantt JCoufclfor 30,000" ik rik-- 5 of the same sue aa ie aJVC ,lo badelnered on tue iiueol tiie r.'ad 1a pnesiroui seciiouUlo oct:oo H ,uouU uli eacbscctiou to supply tbe Mmn. rertouswih!ugto bid wt!l l:rtcl totb Tre'iJeM and Director ol the Xaavilie N ria- western RaiiroacCoiupony raabvilie,l'euBessec. iuiy;i-- u H. H. HAYNES & CO., Ai.EXTi run TiiX Sale and Purchase of A'egroes, At XOj 1C Cedar atreel. rVtwecn Public Square and Coa.nercW Uetcl, aeca-- tf bllle, "I rut. Tin KooGiig. JAVINO every fac.lity id lb. way eT werkmea XI a .id material to do ur. r.i ora wiiodcruw b, 1 will contract for ruiuiag nn , eiihor m tha m orcvdetry,at l w raves, J la vv.ry r warrant aaiulacuua. twillors . Kipoif, VUvy Cap.rtHf, Ac. lo, ialvaaet Iron Cor au.., .,ioi lu tul manor. J- - W.WiLanX, febS Uppoutc St.MM UuJU. Ii . M Y 11 USA. CO., AVboIeMle CorerUnera, Xo. 5i Maiu St Ciuc'anali, O- - .oprrior c,A.lay. Oada-- a MAMTAClCRtlWef !, i reneb Co.l--Uouar- y , t'au Cady ad - ri.p. a, aewierl la t m.U, Nu,3ardu 4 ro Morks. BurlO-o- ia Exlra Familj Flour. tptf BAttK-L- H Extrw rauif !o,i!f-lir-xO- J d frwicbow WbtW KttMl, to arrive 10-a- r , ed for Saie by ri-- tf unruL, nxjPE a co On BOXES CWttaet Champ-in- e; U Ba.k4uUe;d 6,J fttut, jwst received and tor a.u er tai3-i- f SJ . T. rli Jl Pi 4 CO. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TX7'13HrXG to make other i o vestment?, p' V uofictoselUIIoor Roa!K3tatein Jjav:JODCo., asfollows : Tltat Suburban Residence, sUnstenonthe Fraaklia Turnpike, within halia telle oftbecity.and opposite the residence of the late Jo- seph V. ilorton. This is. perhaps, the oiost com Banding Site ia the vicinity ol Xashviile.and is a moetdesirablecouutry residence. The house will be sold with 12 or 1 aacrc-- s of land aa tbepurchaser may choose. That Valuable Farm, IcnowaastheSimsTract.situatcdon the smith Turn pike, (old Lebanon road witiiiuinree mnesoi jasn-rill- c, contai uiuglU acres. The soilis cood.it is well watered ad timbered, and car. be divided into small tracts of twenty acros and apw irds, all of which are admirably adapted for country residences, uiirket dairy larms. A&oAhat Beautiful Farm, onsame road , now occupied bj T.C. ileCasipboU, and formerly owned by Tom Harding, r.eoUintng about 250 acres. Tbisplaceie so well kaewi as te need no further description Itwillalso be .id to smtpurcoasers T.C. UcCauipbii laowthoa IUc; -1 any one who wilicall. Alithnaboveprop"rty willbe sold on reasonable terms ,and on a creditor one ,two,thrce and four yeairs AnplytoA.V.S.LiudiIey,Na?hvillo .or to either ollueuuderigDed. III0S.C McCAMPBELl., iix milesl rom Sachvillc. J. A . McCAMI'BELI., aprl Xaehviile. EXTll A For the CoaMderatiou of Sensible People Fmnl-WOfchoutl- ucdersi.tuds the notvhepeKtleeofDr.MEMCK. disease t once and cures. He b.ites long tampering around and long running bibs, but sticks to anhoUvrable practice, to respecla-bi- e leva and to cash payments. Caes given up by oilier Physician. are olteu cured by lr. JUtCK OlUce 00 corner 01 iiue. july-- tr Commission iilcrcljante. H. C. BRUCE, Auction & Coz2ai;isiou merchant. CuruerCedaraud Clierrrsls., A S :i VI I.LK, VKXTi KSSEK, ESI'ECri L LL solicitsconslgninenttorilercban-Vdiseo- f allclaFfacs. Satisfaction c: veu to consign ees and. purchasers us nearly as posj.ble. Consign eesof to tins uiarsi-- l will lind 111 y auction rooms we 1 lulled up, and the goods will be sold without . ay and the money paid over lortu WHU. S.U. Xogoods buuhtorsuliloD my ownarcoLtit. Chargesreasoualile aud liberal advances uuide on cou.ignmeuM. luar-- o W. A. JOllJNSON i CO., COTTON FACTORS, AXI Coniciissiou Merchants, 7 Sep 6 . il. KtKKiVl; iC-i- . CAllOXIKLEl 5 rllEET 27 K. T. NEVINS. E. KlitKI'ATKlCK. KIUKATIUUK & CO., vouYCi'o r vevons, COMMISSIOX FOIlWAUDiXG MERCHIXTS, o, 27 ..Tl!UE vniEET, (Between Magazine and Camp,) MiH OltLEANS, I. A. nov. ti 3lAltUTLUE!lS' AUTItLES. j. "& c. ITeakiut. 52 Second Street, Cincinnati, Oaii. K b.K l A t l LL SL'PPLV W Manufacturers' Articles, Carding machines, Warp on Beam, assorted colors Machine Cards, Wire Hediles and Frames. Shuttles, Steel Heeds and Fickers, Lacing and Piaker Leather, Harness X vine, Hand Cards, Tenter Hooks, Comb Plate, &c, &c Altio, A KL'lJ. ASSOr.THEN'T 0 Dye-Stnff- s, Cochineal Cndbear. Indigo, Iladder, Cutcn, Log Wood. Sumac, Cam. Wood, c, &c, tc. Ep2l-l- y Ambi ot j pes ami 31elaneot5 ies, 'pllK cheapest and the beit, are made at tht Ar 1 Callrry, corner of College and L'niou street Imgucreuptyiw Picture ef .ieceased persouscan her b" eopied and turown up to the Life Sise i'ortraii Pieasecftllnnd see specimens. C. C. IH f:ilE5, Principle and 1 proprietor of the JJelaneotj pe ruhtiu .Nashville. novSl-- tf If You Want a Hot Fire ismix THIS A TAA COAL! Orders Ian be Left in Cox 91, P. 0. dec7-- :f S. J. Ai.Vi:W. ilOKEE(IslEriY A CASE ! ANOT11LR LOT OF THOSE FINE. PRINCIPE SEGARS, amor.;; w hi. h may t f .uad w ry ol the Nbi.K MtKK ALSO, A very I irr assertmei.1 of FRENCH PIPES, to w!l. '.(. ilc ;al 41 I'n.n Street. aj rl-l- f J. W. LA NO" LEV. De Forest, Armstrong & Co., Dry Goods Merchants, 80 82 CHAMBERS ST., NEW xOSK, ll'Ol'IH notily tue Trvde that they are opcuiug Weekly , iu uew and beautuul patterns, Till: WAMSUTTA PRINTS, ALSO Tim amo.ski:au, A Xew Print, which excels every Print in the Coun- try for perfection of rarculion and draigu iu full M icdt-- .lor. Oar PriuU arc cheaper b an auy in tlm market aud m-i- tii g lib eaten.lve sa.e. Jjtmleri projiptij. a'.lsuded to apr-Jeo- TO MILLERS, DISTILLERS, &c. 1 HI. t XIiEr-S- u NtD U SOW SIXUX0 OUT A IXTHE Tubs lloilers l'ipea, 31acliine-r- j, rixtiire!) AkC, fW I.inc lo the UstilWy aud Hourin; Hill.kuown as the CITY MILLS, At Naohviilr ; paru or parcels of the aame will be auld Ui u.l purchasers AT VKV RtDCCED TitlCES. p.reuea derin pajeLa. are referred to i ueter, -- 4 , T Jae t, at 7UIW.J Xi3TPK. aprl lro .v;iVvs. & "oo (ieecesssor t Joata h nrr) VS.KIXT.SIH DRUGS, MEDICINES, PALMS, OILS, PERFUMERY a s r r.vxc y uoons, Ho.SlCsdaritrtet. X AS1 1 V I Llai: .TUN NKSSKC Dealers aud Ilriciaut LIBERAL. TEHXIS F0S3CA2H- .- 1 TAX lalST CORPORATION OF NASIIV1L.LE. STATE W THSXF.s.EE, DAV!DStX CtX-'XTT-, i nlLBEAS, ANSO.X NELSO., Collector cf the Tales for the Corporation of the Mayor and Aldcr-- f f rcen of the City of Nashville, has reported to Court the foUow-D- g Town Lots and parts of Town Lots, a having been assessed for Taxes during the year 159, and that the Taxes thereon are dne and remain un- paid , and tint the respective owners or the same have co goods and chattels within the limits of the said city on which he can distrain for said Tais to-w-it; - . XAMKt. Ances, W J., 1857 4 185'J. Allen, Samuel M Aliiron, Allison, PbertT. Allev, V Wll, JJ Belli Jones Black, U rn., heira Brasbears, Aki Brandon, John Bogg, Samael H 4 4. 4. B'lsh, J II Hnsb, H., and Klrspntrick Buniett, John Callender, Thomas, estate Cameron, Mrs. rWali Ciiarlton, Dr. James Clark, Mrs. Eleanor J Ctafstoa.LB Correy, II as Eleanor ' Corbitt, Nicholas P . Cowan. John V Coltirt, John Couch, GW Currey, R B Dabb3 & Porter Davis, H:l!ijrd lavis, Sirs Mary ! nnell, Thomas Ionnell, George, (colored) Drirer, Win., trustee Irew, Polly, (colored) Dungy, nary Iaimoudrion, John K Elliott, George Elliston, Joseph T Evans, B V & R Faulkner, James T F'ehs, .lames W Ford, William Fieuung, Mi-- Elizabeth V Fox, Mrs arah Garrctron, iaac Gieavcs, Fall and Ewin, trustee Gordon, Fostall and Briggs Gregory, udrcw Groen, Jonalhau, heirs Gary, J H llarmer, Hay Jk Co Hays', Charles M 'Harris, Wyley, (colored) Harmon, 1 rank Hawkins, Hubert Harris, Mrs Ember Harris, Mifs Ellen M ll;iyes, O B. , esute Hanks, Mrs E Hile, James Hill, Mrs Sarah Hess, John W Hooper, Joseph Hurau,Joun Hunt, Samuel Hyde, Hen, heirs Hyde, Tazewell, heira Junlc, Fred., estate King, Jos-'phin-e Kr He) , M'sa Ellen Ki by , John , eutate Iiuier, ii., (letsee) LamouU!, Alexander - 44 44 Lamb, Augustus Iajjvu e, diaries Lidd. 11. J H Unci. In , George W., Lonu', James, McClaiu, Hr. Wm , McCoy, Wilham, McDeannon, Joel McEwen, Jowph IL, EsUte, Mclntyre, Mrs, Sarah, McLaughlin, Iboraas, Maney,0. t McKenuio, Martin, Ralph, 41 Martin, Frank, Marling. H. O , Mallorv, Philip, Estate, Mallory.C W., Meadows, James M.,.Tr.. Miller, George S., Morris, Cynthia, Morns, Jeese, Morgan, Elizabeth. Montgomery, Willis MorU.n k Bi ugs, Xash, Edi-- ll, to., Naylar, P. J- - Northern, S. W. Owen, W. W. Owen , r'. .'rett Owen, James C. Khoruc, Jamea ORborne, Joseph Paul ft Hill Prtway , Host ins 4 Co., Perry j Klcbard Porter, W. Presbyterian thurch, First Parsonage, Kowton , Hirlim"nd P.owt m. Sarah Ann Scott, Robert Saff.irraut , Mrs. Susan Samuels. Mrs. . F Saunders. K. A. Shopiwrd H , and Ponelou Heirs, Singleton, Moses Sigler,.lbn Smith, K. McX. and Ann Sto it, Mr. Catherine ii Sb.ut, S. V. D., EsUto . 44 44 Stevens, James Steveii-wn- . James B. Skipw ilh, A. P. Thomas, tieorgn Thomas, John I.FslatA Thurmond, J. D., ILslaU-- , Tucker. T. G. Vance. Morgan Walden, II V. Watson, W. Scolt Walker, Joaepb B. Websu-r- , J. II. k. F. O. Whiiak r, W. H. Whit.-- , J.imes A. Wh te, Jjmes C., Heirn W illis, Julia II. W illiams, tieorge, (cfdored ) William", O P. Work, Mr. Martha, Estate Woods. James, (decea.M!d) Wurts K nnell, Young. William 1 J 'aEcrrr cocet, may tzzu, ipso. OB So . Foct. So. of Lot , ?-- 1 5H ' I 1700 1 40 82 200 i 100 62 1CS50 I 42j; ' 82 6160 i 2-- T 2416 229 4 22 3) i 70 36 10 (127 8 Jiro 37i 00 2iJ 47;i It ss:.o SO 163 5ft0 SO Cherry St. f--t 48 40ri0 T 48 4W0 102 1 620 100 .Kit 11 7e0 62J.' - 14 J2fH 65 117 H 70 10 - f0t 4 67 0 eo 12S f 25 1 250 loO &7 - 8i- - 407 Market St. 9850 67 Cherry . 13X 60 Summer . 2200 30 10 2700 9fl U0 5000 47 11 12 4lO . 07a 26 - 80 320 o33 77 & i'30 V4 4 2770 49 161 2600 InO 19 & 20 150J 3d 2- -3 - RUO 33 34 t.VJ 40 29 250 5. 87 2t0 40 22 2000 ... to ..0& 115-- ar 84 500 10ft 87 rOd 52 104 6100 207 100 tc 101 3720 33 28 3:10 24 SI 6MW 45 1 72 64 65 e0 i 50 5 150 t 82 i l'o 260 1 2, 3 & 6 j 2690 44 102 3500 i 40 30 12'XJ 102 374 5 3.6 75 128 6000 J7 1W 51" j 07 10 & 11 4320 43. 00 700 J SO 27 800 ! 43 67 430 00 its C woo 82 26 670 51 0 1K50 122 23 &31 1700 30 17 & 18 1SW 50 -- ' 660 120 81 j 61 161 t00 6. '.' 13 6e0 35 157 8750 32- 121 2..6 i to l:t0 600 3U - 36 750 83 - 39 300 fcO 130 6O0 60 130 600 120 17 40, 32 6C00 ' 40 ' 17 2000 - 70 39 600 38 : 12 86200 24' 10 35u0 30 180 2700 9q 823 ( 1200 60 26 250 22i- - 3345 000 282 1816 6320 81 21 ,650 69 8784 9IK . 106 H60 8ji,' 175 600 6l' 135 63S0 gt 369 8140 100 40 k 18 1090 t 1011 72J SO 18 ijo 60 11 12T00 41 t2 145'JO 200 Market St. 2 JtiO 6 79 11S00 72 15 Io2i0 SO 1 8'K) 57 155 100 41 T. 1,3 A--3 6100 45 650 7 j 27071 600 1 0 73 M0 1SS 1,2 8 1670 114 8 600 60 1 600 100 23 ftoo S5 23 6?5 88 9 10o0 21 105 4500 4 89 40 40 IS 2600 157 7, 8 9 1W0 76 1415 760 CO 00 800 66 1516 1 60 1 Acre 3000 F 13 " M 8 2i 5 f.-- i 7 8 500 78 lOWM) 41 0 400 40 O 201 30 15 SO '.5 1 2S-- 0 40 7 1000 47 19 3S 6 8790 50 17 7500 100 104 196O0 40 820 2-- 174 WOO 8 660 V0' 174 4l0 60 83 l'O 65 146 T 1350 75 2V 66 SummerSt. 18"0 M 14 2i 7. Jt' 8 7800 40' S7 900 60 25 looo 8 21 10 fW 4 J0 13 4900 HO). 280 550 S3 104 to 10 5 3 4T4 35 3 ISOO 80S' 7 166 69 145 1500 liJ 8718 700 51 47 8'0 46 1; 154 1100 65 74 14'00 Ji 71 7S 79 1215 5 25 25,1 Si 1616 ,1610 4253 182l lfl95 1610 1055 therefore considered Court judgmeut is hereby entered against aforesa'd tract Uud town partsot aiajur i Narfiville annexed to each; beiug amount taxes, rnargen.aue aeveraiiy tnereon year ordered Court several or parts I'ds, or fomuch thereof assliall suilkieut each Uetn tosatiilj Uxes.corts charges annete.1 lo them severally directs. LOVE, Clerk. Virtue above order, XELSOW, ColhTtir Pobnc Taxes Corporation By Nahville, sale, cash, Court Yard, in said City Nashville, in the FIKST MOXIIAY JL'LY,1S6), and aucceiling if necery. above raetilowird desrriled Lola", Pieces, or Parcels Land, or much Uiereof ullio'eut each them lo satis! Taxe, Cki's tliares annex-H- l to them severally. lo commence between hours an 12, ?Uy2l.lS60. AXjOX NEION, Collector. lUincs, gronoifg, iflcrg. aTrTva & coT, IMPORTERS Direct through the Custom-honseo- f Ka'hville, AXD PEALERS Wines, Brandies, &c, From Trance, Spain .Portogal.Germaay Italy; Havana Cigars, Olive Oil, YUUMtCValilAl, A.C,, SO North Market strwet, (Next door a'ivove Watson House J N AS 1 1 V 1 LL.E , TKN N ESSKK. lITEDtfi established house in this city the pur.e of vending He Wl.Sri, BKAX01ES, 'lGARd,ko.,c.,and koepconsuuUy on band sev- eral qiMitti.a Wioe. and Brandies , which Lave never before been imported into Plate. n-- . tmrriour Goods direct. (oneef our nrmbemg la uroix ef nis-m- e.) and PAY COTOU- - T HOt J't.PLTIESOX ALL THE FOREIGN ARTICLES U 1 , nic fact, Urick , alone should prevtthalwe t Srll oalj Crnaine Imported G00J1. Ouritockef UosMwticaad Havana Cbrars'v'7 .kk r.octfollv Hoiiaea laina-es- eli ailporta. hey visit the we uiijvftiitr. MlNtDlOOffertueoesloncoucemcBi. COXfEXTRATED POTASH. MorttkJK LfOUslM XrtnjXHCJ vrawsrj imm j IVK mak:ec wtthoafnm., l:tU. trouble Value city, dcvere4 for Ue peTr- - pn a ill ake t gaUoneef KP, wina4 atsperf Hard . . . . Krv,.aosa4ih.iapaa4p Ial,,a48j ftaa-fart.- r.d CUALIXXCECUEIUCAL . .an.." J Ulwty rwartatr Verk. 100 2 50 laxs dam. VV by Fire . on by M. 6. dirt Una. 52 2 70' 185 tit S8 30f 39 SI! 5 00 2 40j id n 3 48t 39 62, 63 23 11 10! 53 73! 68 15 8 63 9 721 17 a! 143 90 136 26 r 8 35 i 3 S3i "a-i"- ' 11 io! 137 sa ls 491 30 60 37 53 69 50 55 68 4 45 34 15 40 61 36 15 20 85 11 10 11 86 8 48 3 70i 27 811 16 00! - 05 11 101 65 61 51 721 4 60; 136 261 61 951 11 95 8 0o 2 60 36 04 46 66 16 6S 45 36 83 43 6 98 CO 071 9 72 4 17 5 97 134 15 7 92 27 79 23 6 25 25 80 60 175 20 11 10 8 35 145 30 3 45 6 35 10 43 4 171 8 35i 8 35 6 68 85 05 27 8". 11 10 364 80 48 66 37 63 18 74 3 47 13 hii U 13 5'! 16 ;s! 11 loi r8 71 43 65 6i 10 DO 19 4l 176 63 2 l 6O1 27 81 164 07 181 SI 4 2J 15 113 62 6 J I'J 9 03 8 6 6 95 23 22 11 10 8 85 11 lo 72 18 '. 62 55 6 55 88 21 25 05 10 57 11 10 9 IO 41 7o 100 11 4 fa w 146 00! 5! 2 To! 4 HI 88 18 8 35 58 74 104 88! 279 4' 4 45 76 00 lt 55 62 U 77 3 47 IB 05 31 H 101 55 12 50 18 15. 27 151 4 60' 64 18 7d fo! 9 501 51 3o! 20 65' 50 oil 21 65 9 :t II lol IS 90, 1 67i 17 06j 8 4 57 46 170 190 62 93 30 44 21 : 1000 - 29 83 8 48 44 62 68 23 58 73 73 15 13 63 14 7S 22 64 90 134 'U 13 36 97 31 8 1 14 21 23 49 35 60 42 53 74 60 60 62 945 39 15 45 61 41 15 SO 90 1610 16 K6 84 7 70 S2 81 21 OO 95 16 10 90 61 66 72 9 00 141 26 66 95 16 05 7 09 8 60 4104 53 66 21 68 60 36 88 43 11 98 60 07 14 72 9 17 10 97 137 15 12 92 S3 79 28 64 85 60 ISO 20 16 10 13 35 150 30 13 35 la 43 9 17 13 35 13 35 11 68 90 05 o2 K1 369 80 53 23 74 8 47 I 7 83 7S 96 4 02 . 7SO 21 12 17 10 f8 71 45 65 20 M 11 00 81 6$ 12 81 16 07 9 19 2515 117 62 '519 14 oa 13 1195 28.23 16 10 13 85 16 10 13 2J t7 65 13 65 43 21 30 06 15i7 14 10 46 70 985 11 96 7 TO 17 43 Wl 18 13 aa 69 74 lo H 275"4 45 61 60 14 19 61 62 635 15 77 6 47 23 65 8t 11 106 55 17 50 18 95 ?.2 05 9 611 78 18 8t.0 7t AO 1.81 25 S3 65 89 25 63 14 72 16 2J 8 199 t7 Si 05 .V) rT is by the that be, and il the of and lota and town in uic name m mv aim ai icrmru ui iiie 4iiy for the sums tne 01 cosvt ana that d town ..t.i of town fur the And it is by the aa be of of the and be o d, as the law PA VIII C. of the I, AX SOX of tlic for the of the of will oir.-- r for for at the, house of OF days, the and To a of o Will be of of y Ihe and ww Sale Iho of 11 l A. M. IX and o. the for V of tttia 1 much Til E R E a the e ty h s with J 1 l l,X 25H NANlIVII.I.KCU.TI.-aKIlCIAL- , Insurance Company. Capital lO0,O00: ALIPAID Jf. t ; OFFICE At Ka.M, Corner of and the Pubiic Saoare. T TTIlJ-tak- e riskaagaiast or Buildings, Goods, Wareaau-- l Merchandiaegenerally Shipfaeulaagainiitlosa damage 9 1 1 ft 9 ,34.44 9 8 Seas Rivers, toand from all point. ALSO Ki.ki on Negroes against the daagertof the MRECT0R3 ALU ANTiK.lt FALL, T.BEitRY,. nioX V W. LEEK, H. F.WIX, JOHN KIRK McCKEA, JAMES! WA!8. JOMtrH E1AH1, K.C. UcXAlKV, IRBV MUttGAS, w. a v ALXXAJJDEB T president. JAME3 WAlACKK.Soei-etary- . augl TENNESSEE MARINE PI RC INSUli AAN CE Y. Capital tlS0,000-a- ll pa 1 4 In. !0rX Xorth-We- st Cornerofthe Square take risks l er dansae by ar . ... w. invite the attention o! 0a Dweikasiaad ottwr , Gtd 1 a bur.kc , he public. Wealwa)sjora every rom belbe porearucW. be bay ALsO eiveacall from all and ceaaaiaers when KlaklOm Hegr0iaf aiaatt- - Danr0l t- -t a. are abulav aidatlr-.a-vfexpesae- . iiitti'Sr""'"""' ' S"' ' ! twelve or a.teen pelade Saf. rr-f- ra U P ou JAMES CMKP.EX Al:X. ALLIEN, U.GAKINKJt. ll aa 11 8- -, 10511 10 as Codar street Also, or Kiver. W. AX JOUX MAS, HIGH n. lev ALL Public axaio.l We should dealer JOHX HIIJ. M. FOGG. R. 46' WBXCTOBSt , JOSEPH VACLX THOMPSON A.VUERSOX. JAMES IXUa. M. ALLOW AT. T. 4. UtaJN. . TUlirf.L. BRAXSFuKI'. JOSXTHTAULX, rrMidsat f BniES .Secretary Oct 2 2 Hungarian Grass Seed CsT recetvett, and for sale at a Uw agnre too Kaaaeta apwrtor Uasianna Uraaa .ii.l h im .tati w.ii. . . . a 14 8.45 J I VAX K. liu. .rwiefovsl-.niuaiy- i-. Ilia necuy .aM xrtn-- r. Jt.o It s4- - l-e- ir- o- l. WKa..rakl, in age aud C031PA a4 ait imparl 148 142 15100 IS atwll-t- f Ml 11U1U, KOOPUt Ca, Selected liUinp Coal. rpHC tMt Ut af tikM Lamp Cm) la ta b X fad M the Xlaa rar4. wbere a is eoid at the 4711Iltal BtXUm i (at K. H r. O..U4 ltT attl t Meur M- - CSHaX.M.LLST, for aaU for CJS .7 44 t. AMCCL J. AGNt. j,Bifaj aiXB,eau co. J '- -: jututei K.c.ft. t.-e- . 1VASHVH.L.E AND: iVOllTrf-WESTEIl- N' R. K. TAX SAXaES " i. luL.I - - . . STATE OFIENKESSEE, DAVIDSON COUNTY, I i ri - . ' . . : c Circctt , CocBT, Mat Term, 1SC0. . J 7 HEREAS. AXSOX Collector f the Taxes . the Cor no ratlin of the Cilv of v.h ville.for the Xasnville aud North Western PUroa4 Company, leeie 1 by vote of the peeple, ace.oe. olrig lo law, has reported U. Court the following Town paiUofTown liOU.jis having been ai?pec5S-- d for Ttxee for the yeir 1859: which Taxs are tlue-an- remaiw unpaid, and tbnt tne rcpetive ownere and Claimants thereof have no goo as or cbattels, vrilhin the ceroorattan, on which he can distrain for sahl Taxes, t:- , . . ,v...- - ... . - v KAME8 Alley. . " Alien, Saraoel M. - Ailison, Robert V. AliiBon, Eamael P.,eatat,. .4 . '44 Armes," W.' J," Beech. John J. ' ' Bruseell, Theodore, " Bngg, Samuel H. ' ' Sell Jones, Black, William, heirs. Brandon ,Joha Bush, J. H. Bosh, J.H. and Thos. KirkpaOkk, Br ashes rs, At dmoron, Sarah ' Calk-oder- , Thomas, estate, Charlton, I r. James Ciark,Ura. Eloanor J ' ClagsUM, L. H. O.rrt-- v Eleanor, Couct, G. - Cnltait, John Cowan , John W Corbitt, N. P. Currey , R. B Pbbs 4 Portsr, Pavis, HUliard Pavi, Mrs Mary lleaderick, Fieltlitijr Ton nell. Thomas, Ponncll, George, (colored,) Jrew, I'ol v . (colored ,) rrrlvcT, William, T ustee, . Pungy, Mwr,MtMa,) Edmuudson, John K. Elliott, George lllistoii,Joeph T. Evans, B. W. R. ' Faulkner, James T. Pelts. James W. Fly, Enoch 44 Fleming. Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Fox, Mr. Sarah Garrcttson , Isaac Gary.J.H. Cleaves. Fall ft Ewin, Truloes, Brigg?, Gregory, Andrew Green, Jonathan, heirs, Harrison, II. H. Harmer, Hay & Co. Hays, Charles M. Harris. Wiley, (colored,) Harmon, Frank Harris, Miss Father Harris, Miss Ellen, M. Hayes, O. B., estate, Hanks, Mrs. Ann W. Hill, Mrs. Sarah Ilinton, Harrison B. Hile, James Hooper, Joseph, Horan,Jobn Hunt, Samuel Hyde, Ben, heirs, Hyde, Tazewell, heir . Jackson, Rachel, (colored,) Jonte, Fred., estate, Keiley , Miss Ellen Kirby John, estate. King, Miss Josephine, Lanier, B. , (lessee,) Lamonlo, Alexander , tt 44 Lamb, Augustus Ivy, Henry Lenviu, Charles Uddell, J. H, Lincoln, George W. 1. on;, James MK;iain, Dr. William McCoy, Wi'l'iam Mcllouald, James MuKwen, Joseph II., estate, McEwen , Pr. J. W . , fr wife f Mclntyre, Mrs. r?arah, McLaughlin, Thomas Moey,Geo. and B.R.McKennie, Martin, Ralph 44 4. Marling, H. C. Marling, Pleasant Mtrtin, Frank Mallory, C. W. Mallorv, Philip, rttate, (bal.) Meadows. Jam ra M., Jr. . Miller, George 6. Morris, Cynthia ...... . . Morris, Jesse Morgan , Elizabeth - ' Montgomery, Willis G. Mortou Brigga, Nanh, EdaUitCo. Nay lor, P. J. Northern, f. W. Owen, W. W. OsborD. Jmea Ownn, J unes C. Owen, Everett Oi borne. Joeph Otteuvilie, Francis Paul Hill. Pet way, Hvskms ft Co Perry, Richard Porter, Reese W. Presbyteriau Church, (Ut) Parsoi ago, Quiun, M H.,TrntUe, . Itoherlson, Mrs. Ellen M. Rowton, Sarah Ann ' Rowlon , Richmond SaHarraiis, Mrs. Samuels, Mrs. S. F. Sanders, R. A. Scott, Robert Sheard, H. and J. PoneUon a be rs. Singleton, Mosoa Sigler, John Smiih, B. M. and Anne Stout, Mrs. Catherine 4 4. 44 Stout, S. Y. P, estate, Stevens, James SteveuiHio, James B. Skipwilh, A P.. Skegga, iboe. L. Thorn. is, (ieorge 1 lioir.au , John L., estate, 1 h lriuond, J. U., enl-t- c. Tucker, T. G. Vance, Morgan Wakieu, Heury Y. Wals-.n- , W. Scott W alker, Jotx-p- U. Webiter.J.H. F. 0. Why te, Jami-- C, heirs, Wuitaker, W. H. White, James A Willi.. Mrs. Juha II. Williams ,Geo. ('Colored,) Williams, U. N., estate. Williams, O P. Wort, Martha, esUte. Wtxid, Jjoaes, (dee'd.) Wurts Bouuell, Yoaug, WiUtant ' . new the be U..B. Th 60 A. U. a r. . . and and all aa a s aor ttta ill te aa a taa I 1 a ben ye la by f lb. J. ... the af a t ta , 27 . . 1 . . of fb-- t tr Lot : ' - - ! ' I 70 1 j 35 , 00 40 - ' '4 : j 22 - : . 147 - - liO . S3 56 . 157 " 8 - ' 1C0 : . ... 37 V. Ft. 250 ' 11 " 30 i 1 : i . 700 . 50 163 .. ." 70 ' 10 , 65 - 40 . , 67 600 12S ' ' 19 50 6--7 810 14 . . 1. 433 : ' , 15 SO . i' . 161 . ISO - 33 ?-- 3 800 U ; f.50 60 8.'0 40 29 i50 59 67 200 90 154 40 22 27 84 6(X - " 62 207 - 109 87 80O - - 33 28 330 " 24 24 45 1 72 SH0 50 6 150 2 : 140 44 lot -- 40 39 122 27 300 75 128 ' 17 143 0 97 ? , " ' . , , 70U 43 C7 4.0 60 3 26 5 50 60 27 ' 84 51 .V 161 600 32 j 121 256 85 &: 100 65 11 600 CO - ' 30 ' 336 750 30 300 60 ISO 00 . 60 130 fiOO 121 17 1 40 70 9 MM) 52 32 55 sj 12 24 10 30 . 90 60 . 19 . 60 26 i:50 ' WK 232 , " 30 24 - 68 "900 106 6 12 161 CSO el 138 8 100 " ... 7 JO : 30 18 60 11 42 62 200 Market St. 65 79 . 7J 15 . " 67 " 155 30 1 700 ' 30 aoo 4--5 S64 ' " 45 7.') 70 J ; ' A.10 100 73 . 4 158 1- -2 114 800 19 600 100 2--8 800 8 9 , 21 105 49 89 40 16 . o 800 76 700 157 66 fifcO 43 9J 1 80 12 35 j 28 :i50 62 7- -8 5u0 80 I 78 90 43 K3t Ifl 39 4 ' 4 200 1 40 4M 25 40 7 47 19 COO 50 15 3O0 S8 j 6 10 1 27 76 . 40 ' 9 3o CO 23 f 8 660 70 i 65 j j 30 174 j 250 56 a 60 36 14 20 73 ?f 8 4j 37 woo 6O '- -5 P8 il i., 53 4 330 20 12 C5 101 M 7 45 ' 2 t 2 t9 j 14 j li -- 7'J I 7i W ' 3 ' l ' 'i 47 Soo . ! 54 j 3J ! 171 11 l : ! ' j I 36 therefore considered judgment against aforesaid town in Mayor Aldermen M Naibrille. sums amount charges, thereon orders id several or or mt aa each to aatixfy taxes, ehrgea annexed to severally, as BY order, AXSOX XEI.S0X, Coll,tor Corp..rtlna Nashville, Court-boos- e NaahvUie.oa MONPAY CFJCLY, succeeding If necessary, tueutioned tjeitrribed Parcels I.nd, or ao as ill auSlcicnl satisfy Taxes, Cbarges severally. to dnimence between honraof 21.18ti0. AVJiflX XFXSOX.C.llector. New Steinway Piano At IiUcW's Iuslc Store, L'ul- o- atrct. ffniSlaetrumeotia warranted 1 and nTlstity man-- ; nfactorv.aa will aeea will sell manufacturer's is a it if without additional charge freight. want aPt u taterwut it before purchasing. JotlX CK u'17-l- f Dealer, Cf 7 PREMIUM PIANOS. MoCLCRC Una for JA. Fortes saakers .SAeia way k&, Gaie hrna. ethers, eonataung aaidV.T Ocuv,aod raagtagio prtr f lOOte warrented la respect. Pwreeaa parcaaamg frutn bin sranpay 825 snore than U gave PantAafor aa.lastrnBtenl lUal neither hearantil putapla lhcirparkr. Wbe seooi.tieire bard Bad plMM parutatar yvn have slaws moro fraes.is It at would pl.-a-ad buying Atea m store taelarreat Mm Buokr, laatmatenia kVarket, aa4 wai b aoM lever any tber beaaeialheC-tf- . Ccsaetoat rcionUeetaa4 becoatnawd. MotiaKJu Suadaj School i'rlchratkas. Flact! FlacT: Flac!!! NOTUINO adds aa Apearaae Vuaaay CiuUms as F g lataa aad (U. areeared fnra im aaae'tay (VUege afta.Jl tuvf 9TVT UaUa-- 1 AiiUMa Xo. Yalue. 19M 182- - 200 360 2 19703 241-C- 44 1040 1130 37-- 38 1700 48-4- 9 Cherry C8SO ;5J "102 reao 10-- n 3550 9000 25-1-17 2 1C0 .48 ,170 2000 270 29-- 79 77-- 78 '180 170O 624 J3480 49.. .:, 2C00 1500 1150 2000 "IO--- - rioo- -- 100-1- 01 3720 4500 64-- 65 2550 23 -5 ?5) .500 l;o C74-- 5 32CJ .30 6000 5 10-- 11 4320 46' IMS' 61-2- -3 4TM 16i-- 3 0500 670 I860 17-- 18 1800 8800 120 8750 2000 16-- 17 lf50 "480 137 2000 88i 2t3200 8500 180 2700 82-3- -4 1200 1SOO 22. 33-1- -5 13-- 16 5320 650 1160- - ewr-- o 36-7- -8 3140 18-- 40 1090 .66 10-- 11 S9-.- 1400 2000 11S00 1.100 i 4160 1-- 7000 .271-7- 2 600 1670 5 J 625 1000 4M0 .40 sO0 14-- 15 0 16-- 16 280 acre 3000 7200 2759 1000 i 37.iO 100 104 17.1 65"0 63-1- 71 I4V-.- 7 135 Summer et I300 4i 2350 loio 0 73O0 1000 4ii,ki 2i-- 30 5510 6000 3t60 4.W1 1MKI 170O 7.KM "M 915., H0 MM icis 2 TS . W . 25 00 . . . SO ov ?l 2 50 12 ' 1 S 134 1 7 7 12 69 1 19 5 4 4 30 61 69 4 47 1 5 19 TotaL 66. SIT tS' 44! CO 96 78 23! 91 00 IT 55 10 13) 4o 74 5 74 1 6 1 36 7 77 13 5U 3 ot en 2 23 66 15 so a 5 81 1 50 40 60 17 53 30 04 8 1C 2 02 2 03 4) 60 3 44 29 16 4 T2 29 39 2 91 f3 IS! 3 851 13 50 12 15 39 15 65 05 6 40 2 78 70 64 18 50 4 05 4 05t 6 071 2 08, 4 05! 4 05! 11 141 3 25 13 60 6 4! 40 60' 176 85 41 65 9 10 12 15 1 69! 6 A 35 92 4 39! 07! 7 83 86! 7 48 1.7 49 9 45 65 7d 97 8 13 50 4i 169 09 j 9 7s 5 78 2 03 29 19 41 00 6 39j uo 8 38 28 ft 40 4 05 5 3 6 30 2 40 61 75 .8 70 IS 65 4" 6 13 12 15 4 45 17 te! 20 25 4s eo 2 37 SS 70 88 t ai 67, 35 2 la uol 75 4 Oi 2 03 25 60 6 IO 8 19 22 6 11 6 3 1 70 6 631 181 51 4H T4 i7 e7 9 12. 1 m! 8 77; la . 7 15 lo! 4 3i 6 til.; 75! 13 U; 2 41 53i v7 13! 33 751 .'4 71 27 61 10 13! 10 13. 4 T2; t 7 48 tt 50 82 1 69; 11 &5 17 3 12 3 17 23 74 26 6 44 23 w 10 IS 8 94 9 63 35 45 6 05 74 61 8 80 52 00 6 44 10 15 24 45 f5 71 23 96 65 75 22 33 14 ea 10 i 16 49 10 4 6 44 9 10 12 52 18 25 8 13 76 44 rS T'l 00 35 13 10 66 6 25 45 8 22 5 ?4 9 12 26 kT 6 S 45 5 8 9 33 9 7 34" 12 7 6 69 63 8 60 18 25 16 90 43 90 89 90 10 15 7 44 75 20 18 25 8 60' 8 80 10 82 6 78 8 80 8 80 15 69 8 00 18 25 10 15 45 25 151 60 46 60 13 65 16 90 0 44 11 17 40 67 9 14 10 63 2 88 7 11 81 23 31 74 14 SM 90 4 102 62 18 25 173 84 14 63 10 4a 6 7 33 M4 45 75 10 14 8 60 7 13 16 03 13 15 8 80 10 15 8 29 11 60 35 13 7 45 za ao 11 15 68 16 90 9 21 21 83 .3 OO 53 36 7 12 8 13 75 63 60 74 .12 6 lo 7 45 23 r 11 60 8 60 6 78 30 35 55 83 K6 2S 6 62 53 09 32 42 13 87 6 94 13 52 20 ol 11 85 19 63 54 13 10 86 11 5o 17 99 98 48 28 41 89 38 60 29 46 32 Si 14 km 14 8S 9 47 129 27 134 03 6 41! IO li 12 18 99 '.5 13 08 4 44 I Tut by the that !" ul 'tis elr enu-re- Hie - tif land aud k t anl 44- - lows has, Ute name or ihe and or the city for the aniix-- d to each: being in. of taxea, ouarts and due several V for the And it ts by tfie Court that r iwa lota of town bda much thereof be ulbciol of ul tnciu the cU and be sold, the law directs. PA VID C. LOVE. Clerk. virtue of the abova I. of the Taxes for the of the of will off r for fale, Tor cash, at the yard, in said of the FIRST i860, and days, the above aud Town rU, Pieces or of niocn thereof w be of each vt to the and aoneieu b aSale the H and 15, A. M. M.y . . - 45 4ay a examiaa- - I at prase, for in of so wtil Bad tataeir call and examine IX Mosto 45 eat fraoi VI.mIlm Peters Oar x ' of T.S from $000, every will 1 t'i they order in lacy 1 a.irsitMi t every or l lect all likely be order Steak Sheet aa4 amall Muaia ever oCevd la than by A. arsa-- t( Kacfe a tft'haal aaad of every bty LlVa. any s ooa; a 1 1700 82J4 10150 47i .100 j. 10350 .70OO 113 60-1- 80 1800 i7W 4M0 r 49-- 63 19-- 20 334 9800 1610 1200 I 130 600' 39 17Ji 373- -4 33i 12700 14500 13250 392 60i 105OO 15750 1 U'500 j 4li0 30;, f'.'! ! ! SaViinii;U Woutc N E W Y 0 IT K Crtat edactioa iaEatci Paiurc. Sew irria;tra:-- t TJiroaii TicltU! oriuaas.. UobOo. MoaigorMry..,. Coiauabus ...... Albany.. 00,1 U 21 03 ' 47)139 t lOi 2;., .5 1 131 Court tracu parts year. parts tbeta City Qty them Costa Ibens from Co., from very tbeu t'Vi Tae . cl ci Xew 25.1 shall Publ .839 raosj Mentdiia. 831 TS S44auv1l.il ........ ;7 76 taaltsnwoga ..... 5W KootvUle.. ...... t 60 Aliairta .... 21 0 AugiMVa.. 17 M Bagcage checked thrMgh by the Manhattan E. preM Cvm ay aa iseCcailral Kulruad Cars, and 4e livered any aberc la New York ar vauatty Hr the spiendij and cadMiis iil'l-WHEl- X nTCAMMUrd. ACRCSTTA, 1S00 tes Cipt VooJhalt LOK1U A... ...lJoa ...... laaaaCraweU. AUA&AMA,.. .14 " ... ' UaoJLAAcark Laaviag Savaaaah every HA TV RPAY, carrying the I'aaaa :is Mad. These rXeasashipe bakiag to the old Esl.blt.tied and favurttst la kaewa aa tfaa New Yarkaaa SuaU Niutnai t Kavigatws Cnmp.sy.ai.4 vera ak for Una Uae, UkrV are cuoua lad by etp. Ttvwd, ual, rrefui and fnttta etgkwrs ; tad ta Cuiaii-- r bM aoc meml.liHoa and fare caaa4 be by aef veae. aa tiie cm. Ttfwtta Ttciete are avU 1a S OrViM K. Cux,9Qjrvicr , Mb-l- e fey tii( riaajtaae Co., Cuiaeanas by " 8 U HiU, Aea4 liaradoai kUprwM aa4 f. M. Bivaea,-KA4ro- Tstt trl, aa4 et U eiaar poiata b waocwag rji lakat . , . v, joasr .WOM 6dLUE Afauavaaaalf - tAX'I- - L KlTOiixi a aa. , 4 an-- 4i , - . ; -- Ill,3v , CT i . -- ; a is i) rj:w - - w i n d s ' ' ADVERTISIN G AGENCY , -- : lC3Xassaat., next door lothe Nassau Bask .Ik T. is the Agent tor the Xxirrruji ParKioT jiad the Vet, circulating JonrnaiM n the LnitelSUtcfaadafacd West Indies. " He is anlhorisetto receiTeadTertemestfferu at 00 r pwMuAed rairs . , ICitADY'S Publisliing House. f NEW BOOKS. - eta. CAX0XBrEYUOCSE,bT C .W .Reynolds jincrtO APA ARCXDEI., t. 50 oiATi.4 .ortne Haldof hocor f to iilAiu K rOA'StahioniqSoncBook ' 13 OEORGECHRWTY'S.-.k- e Bok,So.s! IJ." 13 THK PATRIoTCRCISFJt.byaylvanfCobb Jr... 25 THE MAXIAC'SSECniTT. 25 TH E MAlPOFTHFRAXCHE.by Dr J .n Robinson" .25 Seat-'re-e of postage on receipt ol price. - l . - FREIKIRIC A. aRAPY, ' Ne26NasaBstret,New York. . AgontF wanted .. aug3--tf w Jalics ii.Malth's i;Gppr3i.K 4lTrPTT T TCTiy J-X- kJ JL AJJJJJJjy tohiskey NSt. Louis, lIo. ' .7 ' Julius II. SUiltli'S NW J CELEBRATED 'Old Kesorve -- rncr i! r as aa l a Bl B ' ' V, -- Ak; ju-ji- -i --a. r3t. Limis, Mo. ) I! Tile andersigued.sole proprietors of the above of Whisk v. would resrtertsullv caution the.rf nea Js aud customers a gainst the numcroutiin- - tatious of these well known brands. The spurious article :sinwai-iaUl- y a ncfarioascom- - pcnud, whereas we guaranty the genuine, manufac-uro- d oaf. by ourselves .to bef reefroia al lobuoxious Ingredients. UEUTIIOLD.S-IIITI- I c CO.. 136 aud 1 3b Xorluoccoud street, apr?2-- tt St. Louis. M BaKimorc Beil and Brass Works. No. 53 Iloilidar St- - BALT1H0EE, Md. Keep 00 hand and make to order, BELLS Of" every a.ze and tone, varying from 10 to 10,000 roevns, wuich are warranted in all respeots equal to any ma le in tlic dnrtur. Also, manufac- ture every variety of Braa Faucets, for Watvr, SAeam snl lias. Abu,Rrasa BbtiniTS, Babbiil's anu Anu-Frvtio- n Metal, al lof which is anU upon piei-a-In- g U nna. Sjond for a CavaLoom avn rrtr Ijst. tnarl8-d6- m ,. Jasper Brancli Railroad. OrncsN'asa. ACaav.IlaitaoanCo. October 3, 1659. Board olliroctrs calls are mad BYorderofthe of the Coranaoy anbverioed building a branch road front Briogepoi t ta Ja payable to the Treasurer c this Company as foil. One dollar on each a... on the lt or Vuvomb 185v,and two dollars on eacb .bare on the 1st da ot Pocetnber, 185, January, February, Mare April, May, June, July , August .September, O her and November, lHO. Payment may be made to Jack kun Tryor.at as per, or to the Treasurer at hisollicein Nashville. Promplneln meeting these calls ls reueteil a; thesubscrilcrs of stock.aa the costrnrtton of the road ileentls exclusively uu the means provide speciilcally for that purpose. oct4 ti W. A. GLKAYES.Treasnrer FUKSII AlUtlVALS. SEED CJRN, SEED OATS ASD POTATOES. A.J E"NK INS, Ko. 14 Soutlt Market street; K a s 1 1 v 1 1 a la n, t 1 : x us s 1 : n , HAS NOW IN STORK Piflfl Iriuie Northern Corn fiw Sid. viUU fuiO do. " lVnoylTaiilaOaU " l.iHlilo. MisaouriOatt 200 bajrels enrly Nehaunock PotaUn-s- . Also, to arrive - r .trailer rt. M. Ruuau: 600 buheUr HungarLtu Grasa Sed. 200 Millet Seed. For Bale by A. JENKINS, mar3-- tf . No. 1 4 South Market strftct. XT Mil" VarL 1 n ti ft.- - r.iViJ-Alj-L- t iitn a visa 1 iuuhm T. II. CHAM 111-- : US'" PIANO JF0BTES. Itabllahed In 182S. Tl 11. CUAAlHlaUS, Piano Manufacturer, (Formerly Dubois 4k StoUrt, aud Pubolt,Bacou i Cuambv-rs.- ) AVarcrootuain th01tla lleaae, Cor. 8tli street and Kit Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. This ll a reliable placet purchase. Orders by lettrr faithfully and feriect sitisfactton g otrinlfH . N. B.sud for a circular, with 4iecrtiea af styles and scoeduhi of prices. mtra 3m Express to Clarksvillf rrtilX Souiara Express Com pan T respectfsity an-- aeunce that thy ara now ruaning anauiucaa through lo ClarksviHe, v. K. k kl. and U.C.kl. Ratlcars,Bnd ar. prepared lu forward la that place and taterveniog points with promptneaa and dispttrh aligooda uially sent by exprr.. TUey wtl alsa fitrwardto all places stage routoa, coaaecuag with the above bai'roa4ia. Ua.aotea, drafu, a'c, collected and prompt return tuade. r office No. 1 Public rquare. fablT-- tf - A X- - IIOLT,8aioriatea4eoC CAIN & CORNKLIUS. Funeral Undertakers. DEALERS 121 isj; jrVa.Ti ic BURIAL CASES, - - ASD ;i - C A S ly E T S. No. to Citurcia Street. iN' ash Till c, Tense ssec. Tin: JxtiiTiioLF .macium: HAJ tWfrrut Br aa-te- 4. ta- -l Ua aaj , Na. ntuf, "Pyiiwit Sa . ; KATES qr AD V1IRTJ SliVQ (txs i rsv-- s vim to eve! nut a Oneaaare 1 day 1 ooeachadaiiaset;cH. i . 1 week, 3 00 vacnad'alsoaare L " X 4 60 r " "ImontliO 00 -- -' a a 00 ' . a - 1 oa - IS 00 ... , lt .' 5 00 ..'-.- ' aasnrm ini at n rasntr. ' Onesaare.oteyrar.JSO eectaildiLioiiabor.-- T I Written notice tsust be riven to take oot vi adTerlueMea trof 1 earlr ai vorUners beiurelL ? otherwise weFhallcharret. Idene. exrwres, - - - Aoeontract efyearlvadvertiseeneUc Umi . tinned ftUontpreviooKtlee tocsoiorm ilu.r j '! -- . oa mane for lees than one year at be yearly rat. i ezeeecia e t- -t t r- -t e ;.. adforTrillbes-argodforthoexc- esa -- irf - Friwa VISCHER.OWEX k CO., General AdverUs- -g ureaaway New-York. . . ... LIGHT! LIGHT II - jLIGHT!!' dietz & co;. : MASlYA6-r- i- EttuiW ma. uab.. a.: l A. x U HES, i. ... If tuwumuui. im.- - CUASBELl EU S, CHCECHES.COIXECES, AND PCBIJC BCTLPlKa fcb06VramStrelerrttho,l'xwTork' I860 JL Stramb0at5a A Winter A, rf a tin I860 I AIL Y LIlVEs U. S. MAIL JP.A.C JK E TS; W....1.111U.1 niiu IJJti - a Nashville and Chattanooga R R TcDnrssrr and AlabamttEaKroad, . AND TUE - LouUville &IN'a&hrilIe liailroad rpiIE following splendid ateamere Coaan-ls- ; f,audleave.hviledailyloriSt.U.LCaia. niihtaod.Padncub, Cairo, Memphla04 Naw' Orleans. Steamer MIXNET0N' A, UaMUiKLl, Master, jl ' LeavesNashvilleaverr 24 00- - WW-NLiii'- L.- ? day at 12 o'clock. V. i: SteainerC.E.HILLUAN. - . . ...s , .OkB1TT,lmluter, Leaves Vsshville every Tue. day at 4 o'clock, P.M. .. - Steamer ST .Claim. Jmu Master, o ; ,. Leaves Nashville on Wedues ew- -i J, daysatl2oVkck,M. ... - 8teamerMIXNETON"KA - . lr PaJUiiiiti Mailer, It 11 f ' LMvesVahvUleevervTiicrs-'VeSi5- : y atl.'clock,M. , ' wmrjy '"".?-- ' Steamer B. M. RCN YAN , iiuc, aianer, ai 11 Leaves Nashville ou. FriUysC!ea"4,"" at 4 o'clock. V M. aS SleaajerST.CICT. ' 8ras, Ma.Mer ,' m --' , Leaves 2Cashvilie very Satur w'ri dayat 12 e'clork, M. - at I Thee5leafirseaectat Padoeah withtlM Mo and OUh Railroad, ai Cairo with the Illinois Centre. Kaib-o- and at Si. IOm ittiibe Muwouriaud u p MuiMasij n j K; ve r Pac k , auo are eq oal loaa tuaa ersauoatforsaiely , speed and cemiort, anga-t- f. A. HAMILTON', Agent Cincinnati. Ftiitt. V ii V"r TO. . ' - s.sovtk raaoEajcKaact BOYIdK & CO., No. 59 Second Street, CI.CIXXJXI, OHIO iMio:;rERj5 or Forct.n Llqaora 6c ITlnen. Dlatlllerr and laaafarlurtrs of Urandiri, Wlaea, Cardial., ItlUera, A..hav. constantly ot hand various 7idesof pare Hoar aouandliie U bIrkr,IarhsndAp. pla Ilraudy; alao. Ilaralarla and .w CosUud Hum, Jte. iSjletuanufacturersof tiiecciebrledItone lVlilak-- . KW Agents for Frd. Uoalo's JapaueseBittert aprll-da'- tf C I11 e.-cse- , BUTTER, - TlfilOTHr SEED lilne and Herds Grass Sc. Li 1 1 iS-E- D Oil. LVH OIIa, Star Candles, Bacon. SOAP Tallow Cattle, Cordage, Proems, scket .Crackers, tkc. tc. 1 have arraarcd to be constantly supplied with consignments of the above and ether articles af oh Produce and Manufacture and solicit orders. ucaJua rxaso ocatiTT to aa errwatun .and rmicaa ae low uCered byaay boo la lUecity. CoaslgnoHXits f luuuessee rrodoxe sold and tarns bad. promptly. - ROBERT MOORE, COM VISION MERCUANf acttt-- t 4 Valanl street.TnactnnaU.Ohia. W, W. HAMER & CO., I r a mmrm w mb nMM ' n L' t rucr MAcmvr;, rws i ackirs. bjiv pes , . TKJfej, ti LN I I i E It rCil A UXi. hA0 WUITLN0 CLOTH SlJlfMTlItlU or Kiniai CSISWXC AXD BOITLVS FLCCS ZILU, CORN and l ead Mi'! afAtl aia, both apper aad tiuiMri. Portable and ffeuiOBary La. ginea , Buifera. Gear his . AQf or a : bed la eeswr , iv--ar af Wets-r- e tv.i sad f amt ls.,C aeitiB ,. Mills can be sva i.. atxa at oa iFacwry - Fresh Fruits aU the Tear! THE VUOMAiNS' FRUIT BOTTLE, t'-ir- TY, CIVYENlENCr, FCoNMY AND 1"VS ITY , ts uae oallvd I at preaevvuijr F'U W 14 a freah ba. m CituW.B Ulde&uite UtM. liV tag Waa4 Om skAtira, we Sad tbesa ajuaacHifty avaveeml aad pt th. thuta wrl. .V J.TUOMAi.ia at.-i.te- r ol Karal ASi rs. F'X dcacr.Mive a4 ffae ir, uxrs, adraa Pr. . arete, at Waiwarta, Wayne aaiy , Mw York.. ... .; avja--5t- w : , , ,t,U.YEUMa2U ..: .- v;For.iiw-?,..- ': "Ts3 the hajae vf the jr, ran-!,- ' active Sa-.- , "J? reatfjiUjfi v.. Jt 5 ltu uce a tU - - . 5 ! i i ! ' 4 I 3 . f if 4 i I! II

Daily Nashville patriot. (Nashville, Tenn.) 1860-06-06 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025725/1860-06-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · in ail the relief, lA loess, periprrtice,a.iiil

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Page 1: Daily Nashville patriot. (Nashville, Tenn.) 1860-06-06 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025725/1860-06-06/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · in ail the relief, lA loess, periprrtice,a.iiil




i7 i )u jm,juj m j't","' ifwn il ii iiii'ii.iiiii.jiip




vol. xxn. NASHVILLE. TENN.. WEDFESMY.. JUNE 6.. I860.- - NEW SERIES NO. -- 1390.

llasljiiillc patriotTEUTCS:

Daily, per annum ...-- .' ov. wrtaiain . ............. 5 00

Weekly, per annum,finm W lrt. for t mn tfir. artwo Week"i

3 00

fip na riar. tn a4rioce. ...... 6 00When the Haily.Tri-Weekl- y, or Weekly Is to be

discontinued (paid 10 advance at the time subscribedor), the subscriber m si order. otnTwise it will be

continued, at our adoption dutilpaid stopped,r not paid, it mast be paid .it the time of dtsconUnu-nce-,

or at ourojaioo. if tfcepar;y is good, it will belent until pa d.

Remittances by ma.I, in "registered " letters, atoar Tint.

JHisccilancons.American and l'oircijtu.


E. ANinONT,308 Broadway, JfelV York.

After May lit, 1SG0. 501 BROAD WA Y, two

doori from the St. Kicholjs HoteL

Ta. Stereoscope Is the most instructs, interesting,nltrtaininy, amusing, and exciUng 01 modern .nveii-iom- s-

None are loo yoamt none too old, none ton intelli-gent, none too uneduaiUd, to ackuowlede ils worthaud beauty.

No borne is complete without it, and it iii'u--t andwill penetrate every here.

U preseuia to your view every part of the world,in ail the relief, lA loess, periprrtice,a.iiil sharpness ofdduil. aa if yuu were on the rpt.

Puotot'raoners ars every where exploring Europe,Asia, Africa, Ara-rk- -l , in searctr r th cram! amitoe beautiful, and tbu rccuut of ineir skUl ure con-

stantly enrickina our stockMY-- have an iiumeune variety of paper Views of

Scenes in Pari, London, England, ficotiid, Ireland,Wales, France , Belgium, lioiiaud .wuzerlana , tin .The Rhiue. Ver-.iiie- tfl. Cloud, roulainebleau,TuiUcritu, Inly, Turkey, EVypt, Athene, Hie Hlylaiid.Cbiua, luoia. Crystal faiace, ai-- o Groupe Jl.dtorwtl, amusioK, unmade teencs. breaXfart scfi.es

, statuary, tLC tic. An Htortjntnef Illuminated ItUrriurwrt falaces, tiiurrlws, and Cathedralaof rrauce, Italy, . kf--. Ihe eUcct oth-- s iiiuminau-- views is most remarkable.


Ehouid have in Ins drau ibg goDie ot ourtieKM on ylus. with a Hturcocpc,

fehown B 11, io or 100 a;eii'. Noibins tin b

iuire faa loatm, and ono can oiler no prcatt-- r treatto a TrK-ii- foil 1 of the picturoque ana t:ie beaulilui.

Anth:my'tlnitanline.us Stereoscope Views are thelaii-F- t riu.-- - graphic wonder, lhi-- are taken iu thefortieth part of a second, and everylhiug no Matterhow rapvU'j U may be moving, is depicted sharplyand a it it bad been perietly at rest.Thm Rives au additional value, f.ir t-- the beautiesor inaiiimate nature tt adds the charm of lift and mo-tw- n.

The process is a discovery ol our own, andbc.i;g unknown in Europe, K e rcieive from loudonond l'aris Uiri?e orders lor Antiiouy '8 InsUntaueousViewsof American lite and tceuery.

Anjoiijf other thiiixs we have just published Flere-cscod- ic

Illustraii..ns of the ol the rciToxbTki.I I'sarfcK Mketixos, in whxh many hearts feelan interest- - The iKtrtic-jlar- of this will be roundla our catalopue.

Ock CaTatout a of subjects and prices will to for-

warded toany address on receipt of a stump.l arli. s at a distance sending us a. $i,I0,$15

$20, or(J5 can have a good iiiglruiuent and euchpictures a h ey ni ty request, sept by Express.

V.ewB alone, (withouiinstrunient cau be sent bymail.

i'arties who wish to be advisod of everything real-ly v.K.abic in the line that comes out , may Send ustheir names t place on record, stud will keep tueinpoffd at our own ejteno.

Mm of leiture will lind tholograpl)y a mobt fasci-

nating and drlltfbtlul amusement.- - We are preparedto Ll out amateurs with ever thing uecesriaay fortheir success together wah lusiruclioua 'lln totaSce Stereoscopic fittures."

E.ANTHONY,Importer and Manufacturer of Photographic

itcrrOCOpic Views.Merchants from every section of the country

are respectfully mviu;d to make an exam.natiou ofour slock, as our discount to tim trade wilt be lib-

eral. .

TO PrOtOgrapheri. First c!js sterecr-copi- c e- -f

ative Wjh.cU.by in-- a print cnmaurteJ, with pricn of Ne-

gative. ;iiili-4- m.

G.C. HROW.N, A. J.HOU'Ki:. O. M17XIX.



Commission MerchantsAX 1) tiCALl 1;; I N



No, (i mud 8 .Market Street,N ASH V 1 IlaC TUN n i:ss i: i:

WHISKIES. BRASDIE3, WIS3, c.TE have m stornaud for Saiecbeap tJtue trait- -

libtU.Jo. celebrated VL..J.kj.6j bbM. Old liiurbuu Whisky,"ibbis. Oi l bye a prime rt !.-.

labels '!4 Kye i arrai.te.l Ture.ta I.Ms. Teuuc.f'-'- e Wil l' v hiky .45 il ?. irrris CliTry llraudy .

--'5 quarter Lblt. Cherry Brandy.oi .iturter bb!.;itiiier Uraudy.10 blls. pure K bertin Coo-t- y Whi--y- .

4 bbls pure App- i- llrandy.2a qu rter casks H.l.ud ti:n.TJ bb!s. AmerM-a- Brain y.15 bbis.Saeet iva iie.Witu ...guac,Catawna tfrandy , kr.

Jiu'J--U c iZraJ.,UUOrKRtt'".

Attention All!!ATE !iiveinst.ir,aud far fcale cheap, a Urg as

sitrtuient of tvaies, wiiich f r Uurxoii.lvconip!et. cea of maai.raclure stand uurivalied :n theUnited al.lleg.

Mrzr.ii.. HiMirKRitit.jan'i--tf a c Nu'ttiS Markrt direct.

A Full and Choke Slurk of Dry Goods at Co


t.. the time of receiving S.iriuc Oo.hIs wo willLT our iiil ri! sU.k f sfAi'LK and KAXCVGuoiio at covr ion t: su.

Oar objrt m ;.jiiig tins l' reJuee our preset.!etnrx as iuu. il aa Ks.ibl K t''"! w K"o'-s- .

I j 1 1 t'l il time -- II wuo i.- tw buy cheap K lswill Co weli to call ou us at No. JJ, iti- - i.I tueSl iare. J uiJ-- U


GLASCOCK & NEWSOMC;f.ce. CUlrjcst., nez! dur to Menkir.tt' Bank,

Eealers in and Agents for tac purchase andale of

REAL ESTATE,Binting House or Land in the city or coun-

try. Wll 1 also Rio meir uudiviaed aties-Uu- n

to taa OdlUcuou ol CiAttaa, xieoua

i: . II. GLASCOCKattend t all sales ol Trouerty oT everyWILLucripttoD either in low u or c uaulr) .

JinU tf


Cross TVies Wanted.rfllK X'asaiillcandXorta-wetrr- n iUi.ioad Com-J- .

pauy wuli toe. .utracuor 40.000 CKDAKCUuaS

Tlts,le!lUi. 6iuc:ni lUi,ell ueau.lo I'ceatuarrwe.l pUc Bullosa luaii S ui.Ue clear olbark ;tiuiber to be.ouud .to b.deiivreuatihe.relin.wl luo road u NaatmUe.

TUeoutrai.t.Tswantt JCoufclfor 30,000"ik rik-- 5 of the same sue aa ie aJVC ,lo

badelnered on tue iiueol tiie r.'ad 1a pnesirouiseciiouUlo oct:oo H ,uouU uli eacbscctiou tosupply tbe Mmn.

rertouswih!ugto bid wt!l l:rtcl totb Tre'iJeMand Director ol the Xaavilie N ria- westernRaiiroacCoiupony raabvilie,l'euBessec.

iuiy;i-- u

H. H. HAYNES & CO.,Ai.EXTi run TiiX

Sale and Purchase of A'egroes,At XOj 1C Cedar atreel.

rVtwecn Public Square and Coa.nercW Uetcl,aeca-- tf bllle, "I rut.

Tin KooGiig.JAVINO every fac.lity id lb. way eT werkmea

XI a .id material to do ur. r.i ora wiiodcruw b,1 will contract for ruiuiag nn , eiihor m tha morcvdetry,at l w raves, J la vv.ry r warrantaaiulacuua. twillors . Kipoif, VUvy Cap.rtHf, Ac.

lo, ialvaaet Iron Cor au.., .,ioi lu tulmanor. J- - W.WiLanX,

febS Uppoutc St.MM UuJU.

Ii . M Y 11 USA. CO.,AVboIeMle CorerUnera,

Xo. 5i Maiu St Ciuc'anali, O--.oprrior c,A.lay. Oada-- a

MAMTAClCRtlWef !,i reneb Co.l--Uouar- y , t'au Cady ad - ri.p. a,aewierl la t m.U, Nu,3ardu 4 ro Morks.

BurlO-o- ia

Exlra Familj Flour.tptf BAttK-L- H Extrw rauif !o,i!f-lir-xO- J

d frwicbow WbtW KttMl, to arrive 10-a- r

, ed for Saie byri-- tf unruL, nxjPE a co

On BOXES CWttaet Champ-in- e; U Ba.k4uUe;d6,J fttut, jwst received and tor a.u er

tai3-i- f SJ . T. rliJl Pi 4 CO.


FOR SALE.TX7'13HrXG to make other i o vestment?, p'

V uofictoselUIIoor Roa!K3tatein Jjav:JODCo.,asfollows :

Tltat Suburban Residence,sUnstenonthe Fraaklia Turnpike, within halia telleoftbecity.and opposite the residence of the late Jo-seph V. ilorton. This is. perhaps, the oiost comBanding Site ia the vicinity ol Xashviile.and is a

moetdesirablecouutry residence. The house will besold with 12 or 1 aacrc-- s of land aa tbepurchaser maychoose.

That Valuable Farm,IcnowaastheSimsTract.situatcdon the smith Turnpike, (old Lebanon road witiiiuinree mnesoi jasn-rill- c,

contai uiuglU acres. The soilis cood.it is wellwatered ad timbered, and car. be divided into smalltracts of twenty acros and apw irds, all of which areadmirably adapted for country residences, uiirket

dairy larms. A&oAhat

Beautiful Farm,onsame road , now occupied bj T.C. ileCasipboU,and formerly owned by Tom Harding, r.eoUintngabout 250 acres. Tbisplaceie so well kaewi as teneed no further description Itwillalso be .idto smtpurcoasers T.C. UcCauipbii laowthoaIUc; -1 any one who wilicall.

Alithnaboveprop"rty willbe sold on reasonableterms ,and on a creditor one ,two,thrce and fouryeairs

AnplytoA.V.S.LiudiIey,Na?hvillo .or to eitherollueuuderigDed.

III0S.C McCAMPBELl.,iix milesl rom Sachvillc.

J. A . McCAMI'BELI.,aprl Xaehviile.

EXTll AFor the CoaMderatiou of Sensible PeopleFmnl-WOfchoutl-

ucdersi.tuds thenotvhepeKtleeofDr.MEMCK.

disease t once and cures.He b.ites long tampering around and long runningbibs, but sticks to anhoUvrable practice, to respecla-bi- e

leva and to cash payments. Caes given up byoilier Physician. are olteu cured by lr. JUtCK

OlUce 00 corner 01 iiue.july-- tr

Commission iilcrcljante.

H. C. BRUCE,Auction & Coz2ai;isiou merchant.

CuruerCedaraud Clierrrsls.,A S :i V I I.LK, VKXTi KSSEK,ESI'ECri L LL solicitsconslgninenttorilercban-Vdiseo- f

allclaFfacs. Satisfaction c: veu to consignees and. purchasers us nearly as posj.ble. Consigneesof to tins uiarsi-- l will lind 111 y auction roomswe 1 lulled up, and the goods will be sold without .ay and the money paid over lortu WHU.

S.U. Xogoods buuhtorsuliloD my ownarcoLtit.Chargesreasoualile aud liberal advances uuide oncou.ignmeuM. luar-- o



Coniciissiou Merchants,7

Sep 6 .

il. KtKKiVl; iC-i- .

CAllOXIKLEl 5 rllEET 27




o, 27 ..Tl!UE vniEET,(Between Magazine and Camp,)

MiH OltLEANS, I. A.nov. ti


j. "& c. ITeakiut.52 Second Street, Cincinnati, Oaii.

K b.K l A t l LL SL'PPLV WManufacturers' Articles,Carding machines,Warp on Beam, assorted colorsMachine Cards,Wire Hediles and Frames.Shuttles,Steel Heeds and Fickers,Lacing and Piaker Leather,Harness X vine,Hand Cards, Tenter Hooks,Comb Plate, &c, &c

Altio, A KL'lJ. ASSOr.THEN'T 0Dye-Stnff- s, CochinealCndbear. Indigo,Iladder, Cutcn,Log Wood. Sumac,

Cam. Wood, c, &c, tc.Ep2l-l- y

Ambi ot j pes ami 31elaneot5 ies,'pllK cheapest and the beit, are made at tht Ar

1 Callrry, corner of College and L'niou streetImgucreuptyiw Picture ef .ieceased persouscan herb" eopied and turown up to the Life Sise i'ortraiiPieasecftllnnd see specimens.

C. C. IH f:ilE5,Principle and 1 proprietor of the JJelaneotj peruhtiu .Nashville. novSl-- tf

If You Want a Hot Fireismix THIS

A TAA COAL!Orders Ian be Left in Cox 91, P. 0.

dec7-- :f S. J. Ai.Vi:W.ilOKEE(IslEriY A CASE !


PRINCIPE SEGARS,amor.;; w hi. h may t f .uad w ry ol the


A very I irr assertmei.1 of

FRENCH PIPES,to w!l. '.(. ilc ;al 41 I'n.n Street.

aj rl-l- f J. W. LA NO" LEV.

De Forest, Armstrong & Co.,

Dry Goods Merchants,80 82 CHAMBERS ST., NEW xOSK,

ll'Ol'IH notily tue Trvde that they are opcuiugWeekly , iu uew and beautuul patterns,


Tim amo.ski:au,A Xew Print, which excels every Print in the Coun-

try for perfection of rarculion and draigu iu fullM icdt-- .lor. Oar PriuU arc cheaper b an auy intlm market aud m-i- tii g lib eaten.lve sa.e.

Jjtmleri projiptij. a'.lsuded toapr-Jeo-


Tubs lloilers l'ipea, 31acliine-r- j,

rixtiire!) AkC,fW I.inc lo the UstilWy aud Hourin; Hill.kuownas the

CITY MILLS,At Naohviilr ; paru or parcels of the aame will beauld Ui u.l purchasers

AT VKV RtDCCED TitlCES.p.reuea derin pajeLa. are referred to

i ueter, --4 , T Jae t, at7UIW.J Xi3TPK.

aprl lro

.v;iVvs. & "oo

(ieecesssor t Joata h nrr)VS.KIXT.SIH


a s r

r.vxc y uoons,Ho.SlCsdaritrtet.


Dealers aud IlriciautLIBERAL. TEHXIS

F0S3CA2H- .-




i nlLBEAS, ANSO.X NELSO., Collector cf the Tales for the Corporation of the Mayor and Aldcr-- f

f rcen of the City of Nashville, has reported to Court the foUow-D- g Town Lots and parts of Town Lots,a having been assessed for Taxes during the year 159, and that the Taxes thereon are dne and remain un-paid , and tint the respective owners or the same have co goods and chattels within the limits of the saidcity on which he can distrain for said Tais to-w-it; - .


Ances, W J., 1857 4 185'J.Allen, Samuel MAliiron,

Allison, PbertT.Allev, VWll, J JBelli JonesBlack, U rn., heiraBrasbears, AkiBrandon, JohnBogg, Samael H

4 4. 4.

B'lsh, J IIHnsb, H., and KlrspntrickBuniett, JohnCallender, Thomas, estateCameron, Mrs. rWaliCiiarlton, Dr. JamesClark, Mrs. Eleanor JCtafstoa.LBCorrey, II as Eleanor 'Corbitt, Nicholas P .

Cowan. John V

Coltirt, John

Couch, GWCurrey, R BDabb3 & PorterDavis, H:l!ijrdlavis, Sirs Mary! nnell, ThomasIonnell, George, (colored)Drirer, Win., trusteeIrew, Polly, (colored)Dungy, naryIaimoudrion, John K

Elliott, GeorgeElliston, Joseph TEvans, B V & RFaulkner, James TF'ehs, .lames WFord, WilliamFieuung, Mi-- Elizabeth VFox, Mrs arah

Garrctron, iaacGieavcs, Fall and Ewin, trusteeGordon, Fostall and BriggsGregory, udrcwGroen, Jonalhau, heirsGary, J H

llarmer, Hay Jk CoHays', Charles M

'Harris, Wyley, (colored)Harmon, 1 rankHawkins, HubertHarris, Mrs EmberHarris, Mifs Ellen Mll;iyes, O B. , esuteHanks, Mrs EHile, JamesHill, Mrs SarahHess, John WHooper, JosephHurau,JounHunt, SamuelHyde, Hen, heirsHyde, Tazewell, heiraJunlc, Fred., estateKing, Jos-'phin-e

Kr He) , M'sa EllenKi by , John , eutateIiuier, ii., (letsee)LamouU!, Alexander

- 44 44

Lamb, AugustusIajjvu e, diariesLidd. 11. J HUnci. In , George W.,Lonu', James,McClaiu, Hr. Wm ,McCoy, Wilham,McDeannon, JoelMcEwen, Jowph IL, EsUte,

Mclntyre, Mrs, Sarah,McLaughlin, Iboraas,

Maney,0. t McKenuio,Martin, Ralph,


Martin, Frank,Marling. H. O ,Mallorv, Philip, Estate,Mallory.C W.,Meadows, James M.,.Tr..Miller, George S.,Morris, Cynthia,Morns, Jeese,Morgan, Elizabeth.Montgomery, WillisMorU.n k Bi ugs,Xash, Edi-- ll, to.,Naylar, P. J- -

Northern, S. W.Owen, W. W.Owen , r'. .'rettOwen, James C.Khoruc, Jamea

ORborne, JosephPaul ft HillPrtway , Host ins 4 Co.,Perry j KlcbardPorter, W.Presbyterian thurch, First Parsonage,Kowton , Hirlim"ndP.owt m. Sarah AnnScott, RobertSaff.irraut , Mrs. SusanSamuels. Mrs. . FSaunders. K. A.Shopiwrd H , and Ponelou Heirs,Singleton, MosesSigler,.lbnSmith, K. McX. and AnnSto it, Mr. Catherine

iiSb.ut, S. V. D., EsUto

. 44 44

Stevens, JamesSteveii-wn- . James B.Skipw ilh, A. P.Thomas, tieorgnThomas, John I.FslatAThurmond, J. D., ILslaU--,

Tucker. T. G.Vance. MorganWalden, II V.Watson, W. ScoltWalker, Joaepb B.Websu-r- , J. II. k. F. O.Whiiak r, W. H.Whit.--, J.imes A.Wh te, Jjmes C., HeirnW illis, Julia II.W illiams, tieorge, (cfdored )William", O P.Work, Mr. Martha, EstateWoods. James, (decea.M!d)Wurts K nnell,Young. William



'aEcrrr cocet, may tzzu, ipso.


So . Foct. So. of Lot

, ?--1 5H'I 1700

1 40 82 200i 100 62 1CS50I 42j; ' 82 6160i 2-- T 2416 229

4 22 3)i 70 36 10(127 8 Jiro

37i 00 2iJ47;i It ss:.oSO 163 5ft0SO Cherry St.f--t 48 40ri0T 48 4W0

102 1 620100 .Kit 11 7e062J.' - 14 J2fH65 117 H70 10 - f0t4 67 0eo 12S f

25 1 250loO &7 - 8i- -

407 Market St. 985067 Cherry . 13X60 Summer . 220030 10 27009fl U0 500047 11 12 4lO

. 07a 26 - 80 320o33 77 & i'30

V4 4 277049 161 2600

InO 19 & 20 150J3d 2- -3 - RUO

33 34 t.VJ40 29 2505. 87 2t040 22 2000

... to ..0& 115--

ar 84 50010ft 87 rOd52 104 6100

207 100 tc 101 372033 28 3:10

24 SI 6MW

45 172 64 65 e0

i 50 5 150t 82 i l'o 260

1 2, 3 & 6 j 269044 102 3500

i 40 30 12'XJ

102 374 5 3.675 128 6000J7 1W 51"

j 07 10 & 11 432043. 00 700

J SO 27 800

! 43 67 43000 its C woo82 26 67051 0 1K50

122 23 &31 170030 17 & 18 1SW50 -- ' 660

120 81 j

61 161 t006.'.' 13 6e035 157 875032- 121 2..6

i to l:t0 6003U - 36 75083 - 39 300fcO 130 6O060 130 600

120 17 40,32 6C00

' 40 ' 17 2000- 70 39 600

38 : 12 8620024' 10 35u030 180 27009q 823 ( 120060 26 25022i- - 3345 000

282 1816 632081 21 ,65069 8784 9IK .

106 H608ji,' 175 6006l' 135 63S0gt 369 8140

100 40 k 18 1090t 1011 72JSO 18 ijo60 11 12T0041 t2 145'JO

200 Market St. 2 JtiO

6 79 11S0072 15 Io2i0SO 1 8'K)

57 155 10041 T. 1,3 A--3 6100

45 6507j 27071 600

1 0 73 M01SS 1,2 8 1670114 8 60060 1 600

100 23 ftooS5 23 6?588 9 10o021 105 45004 89 4040 IS 2600

157 7, 8 9 1W076 1415 760CO 00 80066 1516 1 60

1 Acre 3000F 13 " M8 2i 5f.-- i 7 8 500

78 lOWM)

41 0 40040 O 20130 15 SO'.5 1 2S-- 0

40 7 100047 193S 6 879050 17 7500

100 104 196O040 8202-- 174 WOO

8 660V0' 174 4l060 83 l'O65 146 T 1350

75 2V66 SummerSt. 18"0M 14 2i7.Jt' 8 780040' S7 90060 25 looo

8 21 10fW 4 J0

13 4900HO). 280 550S3 104 to 10

5 3 4T435 3 ISOO

80S' 7 16669 145 1500

liJ 8718 70051 47 8'046 1; 154 110065 74 14'00Ji 71 7S 79 1215

5 25










therefore considered Court judgmeut is hereby entered against aforesa'dtract Uud town partsot aiajur i

Narfiville annexed to each; beiug amount taxes, rnargen.aue aeveraiiy tnereonyear ordered Court several or parts I'ds, or fomuch

thereof assliall suilkieut each Uetn tosatiilj Uxes.corts charges annete.1 lo them severallydirects. LOVE, Clerk.

Virtue above order, XELSOW, ColhTtir Pobnc Taxes CorporationBy Nahville, sale, cash, Court Yard, in said City Nashville, in theFIKST MOXIIAY JL'LY,1S6), and aucceiling if necery. above raetilowird desrriled

Lola", Pieces, or Parcels Land, or much Uiereof ullio'eut each them lo satis!Taxe, Cki's tliares annex-H- l to them severally.

lo commence between hours an 12,?Uy2l.lS60. AXjOX NEION, Collector.

lUincs, gronoifg, iflcrg.


Direct through the Custom-honseo- f Ka'hville,AXD PEALERS

Wines, Brandies, &c,From Trance, Spain .Portogal.Germaay Italy;

Havana Cigars, Olive Oil,YUUMtCValilAl, A.C,,

SO North Market strwet,(Next door a'ivove Watson House J

N AS 1 1 V 1 LL.E , TKN N ESSKK.lITEDtfi established house in this city the

pur.e of vending He Wl.Sri, BKAX01ES,'lGARd,ko.,c.,and koepconsuuUy on band sev-

eral qiMitti.a Wioe. and Brandies , which Lavenever before been imported into Plate.

n--. tmrriour Goods direct. (oneef our nrmbemgla uroix ef nis-m- e.) and PAY COTOU- - T


U 1 , nic fact, Urick , alone shouldprevtthalwe t

Srll oalj Crnaine Imported G00J1.Ouritockef UosMwticaad Havana Cbrars'v'7.kk r.octfollv Hoiiaea

laina-es- eli ailporta.

hey visit the we uiijvftiitr.MlNtDlOOffertueoesloncoucemcBi.

COXfEXTRATED POTASH.MorttkJK LfOUslM XrtnjXHCJ vrawsrj imm j

IVK mak:ec wtthoafnm., l:tU. trouble



dcvere4 for Ue peTr- - pn a ill ake t

gaUoneef KP,wina4 atsperfHard . . . .

Krv,.aosa4ih.iapaa4p Ial,,a48jftaa-fart.-


Ulwty rwartatr Verk.


2 50

laxs dam.VV by Fire

.on by



dirt Una.

522 70'

185 titS8 30f39 SI!5 00

2 40jid n3 48t

39 62,63 2311 10!53 73!68 15

8 639 721

17 a!143 90136 26 r

8 35 i

3 S3i"a-i"- '11 io!

137 sals 491

30 6037 5369 5055 684 45

34 1540 6136 1520 8511 1011 868 483 70i

27 81116 00!- 0511 10165 6151 7214 60;

136 26161 95111 958 0o2 60

36 0446 6616 6S45 3683 436 98

CO 0719 724 17

5 97134 15

7 9227 7923 625 2580 60

175 2011 10

8 35145 30

3 456 35

10 434 1718 35i8 356 68

85 0527 8".

11 10364 8048 6637 6318 743 47

13 hiiU13 5'!16 ;s!11 loir8 7143 65

6i10 DO

19 4l176 632 l 6O1

27 81164 07181 SI

42 J 15

113 626 J I'J

9 038 66 95

23 2211 108 85

11 lo7 2

18 '.62 556 55

88 2125 0510 5711 109 IO

41 7o100 11

4 faw146 00!

5!2 To!4 HI


8 3558 74

104 88!279 4'

4 4576 00

lt55 62

U 77

3 47IB 0531 H

101 5512 5018 15.27 151

4 60'64 187d fo!

9 50151 3o!20 65'50 oil21 65

9 :tII lolIS 90,

1 67i17 06j8


57 46170

190 6293 3044 21

: 1000-

29 838 48

44 6268 23

58 7373 1513 6314 7S22 64

90134 'U

13 3697 31

81 14

2123 4935 6042 5374 6060 62945

39 1545 6141 15SO 90161016 K6

8 47 70

S2 8121 OO

9516 1090 6166 72

9 00141 2666 9516 05

7 098 60

410453 6621 6860 3688 4311 9860 0714 729 17

10 97137 15

12 92S3 7928 64

85 60ISO 20

16 1013 35

150 30

13 35la 439 17

13 3513 3511 6890 05o2 K1

369 8053

23 748 47

I 7 837S 96

4 02. 7SO

21 1217 10f8 7145 6520 M11 00

81 6$

12 8116 07

9 192515

117 62'51914 oa13119528.2316 1013 8516 1013 2J

t7 6513 6543 2130 0615i7

14 1046 70

98511 96

7 TO

1743 Wl

1813 aa69 74

lo H275"4

4561 6014 1961 62635

15 776 47

23 658t 11

106 5517 5018 95?.2 059 611

78 188t.07t AO

1.8125 S365 8925 6314 72162J 8

199 t7Si 05


rT is by the that be, and il theof and lota and town in uic name m mv aim ai icrmru ui iiie 4iiyfor the sums tne 01 cosvt ana

that d town ..t.i of townfur the And it is by the aabe of of the and

be o d, as the law PA VIII C.

of the I, AX SOX of tlic for the of theof will oir.-- r for for at the, house of

OF days, the andTo a of o Will be of of y Ihe

andww Sale Iho of 11 l A. M.






1 much Til E

R E a the e ty h







Insurance Company.Capital lO0,O00: ALIPAID Jf. t ;

OFFICE At Ka.M, Corner of and thePubiic Saoare.

T TTIlJ-tak- e riskaagaiast orBuildings, Goods,

Wareaau-- l MerchandiaegenerallyShipfaeulaagainiitlosa damage









Seas Rivers, toand from all point.ALSO Ki.ki on Negroes against the daagertof




w. a vALXXAJJDEB T president.

JAME3 WAlACKK.Soei-etary- . augl


Capital tlS0,000-a- ll pa 1 4 In.!0rX Xorth-We- st Cornerofthe Square

take risks l er dansae by ar. ... w. invite the attention o! 0a Dweikasiaad ottwr , Gtd 1 a bur.kc ,

he public. Wealwa)sjora every rombelbe porearucW. be bay ALsO

eiveacall from all and ceaaaiaers when KlaklOm Hegr0iaf aiaatt-- Danr0l t--ta. are abulav

aidatlr-.a-vfexpesae-. iiitti'Sr""'"""' '

S"' ' !twelve or a.teenpelade Saf. rr-f- ra U












Codar street





n. levALL


We shoulddealer







f BniES .Secretary Oct 2 2

Hungarian Grass SeedCsT recetvett, and for sale at a Uw agnre tooKaaaeta apwrtor Uasianna Uraaa

.ii.l h im .tati w.ii. . . . a







liu..rwiefovsl-.niuaiy-i-. Ilia necuy .aM xrtn--r. Jt.o It s4-- l-e- ir-o-





a4 ait imparl





atwll-t- f Ml 11U1U, KOOPUt Ca,

Selected liUinp Coal.rpHC tMt Ut af tikM Lamp Cm) la ta bX fad M the Xlaa rar4. wbere a is eoid at the

4711Iltal BtXUm i (at K. H r. O..U4 ltT attl t Meur M--CSHaX.M.LLST, for aaU for CJS .7 44 t. AMCCL J. AGNt.

j,Bifaj aiXB,eau co. J'- -: jututei K.c.ft. t.-e- .



. . : c Circctt , CocBT, Mat Term, 1SC0. . J

7HEREAS. AXSOX Collector f the Taxes . the Cor noratlin of the Cilv of v.hville.for the Xasnville aud North Western PUroa4 Company, leeie 1 by vote of the peeple, ace.oe.olrig lo law, has reported U. Court the following Town paiUofTown liOU.jis having been ai?pec5S-- d

for Ttxee for the yeir 1859: which Taxs are tlue-an- remaiw unpaid, and tbnt tne rcpetive ownereand Claimants thereof have no gooas or cbattels, vrilhin the ceroorattan, on which he can distrain for sahlTaxes, t:- , . .,v...- - ... . - v


Alley. . "

Alien, Saraoel M. -

Ailison, Robert V.AliiBon, Eamael P.,eatat,.

.4 . '44Armes," W.' J,"Beech. John J. ' 'Bruseell, Theodore, "

Bngg, Samuel H. ' 'Sell Jones,Black, William, heirs.Brandon ,JohaBush, J. H.Bosh, J.H. and Thos. KirkpaOkk,Brashes rs, Atdmoron, Sarah '

Calk-oder- , Thomas, estate,Charlton, I r. JamesCiark,Ura. Eloanor J 'ClagsUM, L. H.O.rrt--v Eleanor,Couct, G. -

Cnltait, John

Cowan , John WCorbitt, N. P.Currey , R. BPbbs 4 Portsr,Pavis, HUliardPavi, Mrs Marylleaderick, FieltlitijrTon nell. Thomas,Ponncll, George, (colored,)Jrew, I'ol v . (colored ,)rrrlvcT, William, T ustee, .Pungy, Mwr,MtMa,)Edmuudson, John K.

Elliott, Georgelllistoii,Joeph T.Evans, B. W. R. 'Faulkner, James T.Pelts. James W.Fly, Enoch


Fleming. Mrs. Elizabeth Y.Fox, Mr. Sarah

Garrcttson , IsaacGary.J.H.Cleaves. Fall ft Ewin, Truloes,

Brigg?,Gregory, AndrewGreen, Jonathan, heirs,

Harrison, II. H.Harmer, Hay & Co.Hays, Charles M.Harris. Wiley, (colored,)Harmon, FrankHarris, Miss FatherHarris, Miss Ellen, M.Hayes, O. B., estate,Hanks, Mrs. Ann

W.Hill, Mrs. SarahIlinton, Harrison B.Hile, JamesHooper, Joseph,Horan,JobnHunt, SamuelHyde, Ben, heirs,Hyde, Tazewell, heir .Jackson, Rachel, (colored,)Jonte, Fred., estate,Keiley , Miss EllenKirby John, estate.King, Miss Josephine,Lanier, B. , (lessee,)Lamonlo, Alexander ,

tt 44

Lamb, AugustusIvy, HenryLenviu, CharlesUddell, J. H,Lincoln, George W.1.on;, JamesMK;iain, Dr. WilliamMcCoy, Wi'l'iamMcllouald, JamesMuKwen, Joseph II., estate,

McEwen , Pr. J. W . , fr wife fMclntyre, Mrs. r?arah,McLaughlin, Thomas

Moey,Geo. and B.R.McKennie,Martin, Ralph

44 4.Marling, H. C.Marling, PleasantMtrtin, FrankMallory, C. W.Mallorv, Philip, rttate, (bal.)Meadows. Jam ra M., Jr. .

Miller, George 6.Morris, Cynthia ...... . .

Morris, JesseMorgan , Elizabeth - 'Montgomery, Willis G.Mortou Brigga,Nanh, EdaUitCo.Nay lor, P. J.Northern, f. W.Owen, W. W.OsborD. JmeaOwnn, J unes C.Owen, EverettOi borne. JoephOtteuvilie, FrancisPaul Hill.Pet way, Hvskms ft CoPerry, RichardPorter, Reese W.Presbyteriau Church, (Ut) Parsoi ago,Quiun, M H.,TrntUe, .

Itoherlson, Mrs. Ellen M.Rowton, Sarah Ann '

Rowlon , RichmondSaHarraiis, Mrs.Samuels, Mrs. S. F.Sanders, R. A.Scott, RobertSheard, H. and J. PoneUon a be rs.Singleton, MosoaSigler, JohnSmiih, B. M. and AnneStout, Mrs. Catherine

4 4. 44

Stout, S. Y. P, estate,Stevens, JamesSteveuiHio, James B.Skipwilh, A P..Skegga, iboe. L.

Thorn. is, (ieorge1 lioir.au , John L., estate,1 h lriuond, J. U., enl-t- c.

Tucker, T. G.Vance, MorganWakieu, Heury Y.Wals-.n- , W. ScottW alker, Jotx-p- U.Webiter.J.H. F. 0.Why te, Jami-- C, heirs,Wuitaker, W. H.White, James AWilli.. Mrs. Juha II.Williams ,Geo. ('Colored,)Williams, U. N., estate.

Williams, O P.Wort, Martha, esUte.Wtxid, Jjoaes, (dee'd.)Wurts Bouuell,Yoaug, WiUtant







A. U.a r. . .

and andall

aa as aor ttta

ill teaa a taa I 1 a ben

ye la byf



the af a

t ta , 27

. . 1 .

. of fb-- t tr Lot :

' - - ! ' I

70 1 j 35 , 0040 - '

'4 : j 22 - :. 147 - -

liO .

S3 56 .157 " 8 - '1C0 : .

...37 V. Ft. 250' 11 "

30i 1 : i

. 700. 50 163 .. ."

70 ' 10, 65 -

40 . , 67 60012S

' '19 506--7 810

14 . .

1. 433 :', 15

SO .i'

. 161 .


33 ?--3 800U ; f.50

60 8.'040 29 i5059 67 20090 15440 2227 84 6(X- "62

207 -

109 87 80O -

- 33 28 330"24 2445 172 SH050 6 150

2: 140

44 lot-- 40 39122

27 30075 128 '17 143 097 ? ,

"' . , , 70U

43 C7 4.0603 2655060 27

' 8451 .V 161 60032 j 121 25685 &:

10065 11 600CO - '30 ' 336 75030 30060 ISO 00 .

60 130 fiOO

121 17 1

4070 9 MM)

52 32 55 sj12

24 1030 .

9060 . 19 .60 26 i:50' WK

232 ,"

30 24- 68 "900106 6

12 161 CSOel 1388

100 "

... 7 JO:

30 1860 1142 62

200 Market St.65 79 .

7J 15 ." 67 " 155

30 1 700 '30 aoo


S64' "45 7.')

70 J; ' A.10

100 73 . 4

158 1- -2

114 80019 600

100 2--8 800

8 9 ,21 10549 89 40

16 .

o 80076 700

15766 fifcO43 9J

180 1235 j 28 :i5062 7- -8 5u080 I 7890 43 K3t

Ifl 394' 4 2001 40 4M

2540 747 19 COO

50 15 3O0S8 j 610 1 27 76


40 ' 9 3oCO23 f 8 66070 i

65 j j30 174 j 25056

a6036 14 2073 ?f 84j 37 woo6O '-


P8 il i.,53 4 33020 12

C5 101M 7

45 ' 2t 2

t9 j 14 j

li -- 7'J I 7iW ' 3 '


'i 47 Soo . !

54 j

3J ! 17111 l : !

'j I 36

therefore considered judgment against aforesaidtown in Mayor AldermenM Naibrille. sums amount charges,

thereon orders id several or or mtaa each to aatixfy taxes, ehrgea annexed to

severally, as

BY order, AXSOX XEI.S0X, Coll,tor Corp..rtlnaNashville, Court-boos- e NaahvUie.oa

MONPAY CFJCLY, succeeding If necessary, tueutioned tjeitrribedParcels I.nd, or ao as ill auSlcicnl satisfy

Taxes, Cbarges severally.to dnimence between honraof

21.18ti0. AVJiflX XFXSOX.C.llector.

New Steinway PianoAt IiUcW's Iuslc Store,

L'ul- o- atrct.ffniSlaetrumeotia warranted

1 and nTlstity man-- ;

nfactorv.aa will aeeawill sell manufacturer's is a it if

without additional charge freight.want aPt u taterwut

it before purchasing.JotlX CK

u'17-l-f Dealer, Cf7 PREMIUM PIANOS.

MoCLCRC Una forJA. Fortessaakers .SAeia way k&, Gaie

hrna.ethers, eonataung aaidV.T

Ocuv,aod raagtagio prtr f lOOtewarrented la respect. Pwreeaa parcaaamgfrutn bin sranpay 825 snore than U

gave PantAafor aa.lastrnBtenllUal neither hearantil putaplalhcirparkr. Wbe seooi.tieire bard Bad

plMM parutataryvn have slaws moro fraes.is It at

would pl.-a-ad buyingAtea m store taelarreat Mm Buokr,

laatmateniakVarket, aa4 wai b aoM lever anytber beaaeialheC-tf- . Ccsaetoat rcionUeetaa4

becoatnawd. MotiaKJu

Suadaj School i'rlchratkas.Flact! FlacT: Flac!!!

NOTUINO adds aa ApearaaeVuaaay CiuUms as F g

lataa aad (U.areeared fnra im aaae'tay

(VUege afta.Jl tuvf 9TVT UaUa-- 1 AiiUMa

Xo. Yalue.

19M182- - 200

3602 19703

241-C- 44 1040

113037-- 38 170048-4- 9


"102 reao10-- n




.48 ,1702000

270 29-- 79

77-- 78

'180 170O624 J348049.. .:, 2C00



"IO--- - rioo- --100-1- 01 3720

450064-- 65


23 -5 ?5).500l;o

C74-- 5 32CJ.30


10-- 11 432046'

IMS' 61-2- -3 4TM

16i--3 0500670

I86017-- 18 1800



16-- 17 lf50"480

137 2000

88i 2t32008500

180 270082-3- -4 1200


22. 33-1- -5

13-- 16 5320650

1160- -

ewr-- o

36-7- -8 314018-- 40 1090

.66 10-- 11





41601-- 7000

.271-7- 2600


5 J 62510004M0

.40 sO014-- 15


16-- 16

280acre 3000




100 104

17.1 65"0

63-1- 71

I4V-.-7 135

Summer et I3004i 2350




4ii,ki2i-- 30 5510



"M 915.,



TS. W. 25 00... SO ov

?l 2

50 12' 1










66. SITtS'44!

CO 9678 23!91 00IT 5510 13)


5 741 61 367 77

13 5U3 ot

en2 23

66 15so a5 811 50

40 6017 5330 04

8 1C2 022 03

4) 603 44

29 164 T2

29 392 91

f3 IS!3 851

13 5012 1539 1565 056 402 78

70 6418 504 054 05t6 0712 08,4 05!4 05!

11 1413 25

13 606 4!

40 60'176 85

41 659 10

12 151 69!6 A

35 924 39!

07!7 83


7 481.7 49

9 4565 7d97 813 50


169 09 j

9 7s5 782 03

29 1941 00

6 39juo

8 3828

ft 404 05536



IS 654"

6 1312 154 45

17 te!20 254s eo

2 37SS

70 88t ai


2la uol

754 Oi2 03

25 60

6 IO8 19







6 631181 51

4H T4i7 e7

9 12.1 m!8 77;

la .

715 lo!4 3i6 til.;

75!13 U;2

41 53iv7 13!33 751.'4 7127 6110 13!10 13.4 T2;


7 48tt 50

8 21 69;

11 &517 312 317 2374 26

6 4423 w10 IS

8 949 63

35 456 0574 618 80

52 006 44

10 1524 45

f5 7123 9665 7522 3314 ea10 i16 4910 46 449 10

12 5218 258 13

76 44rS

T'l 0035 1310 666 25

45 822 5?4 91226 kT6 S

45 58 9

339 7

34" 127 6

69 638 60

18 2516 9043 9089 9010 15

7 4475 2018 25

8 60'8 80

10 826 788 808 80

15 698 00

18 2510 1545 25

151 60

46 6013 6516 900 44

11 1740 67

9 1410 63

2 887 11

81 2331 7414 SM

90 4102 62

18 25

173 8414 6310 4a6 7

33 M4

45 7510 148 607 13

16 0313 15

8 8010 15

8 2911 6035 13

7 45za ao11 15

6816 909 21

21 83.3 OO

53 367 128 13

75 6360 74

.126 lo7 45

23 r11 60

8 606 78

30 3555 83

K6 2S6 62

53 0932 4213 87

6 9413 5220 ol11 8519 6354 1310 8611 5o17 99

9848 2841 8938 6029 4632 Si14 km14 8S9 47

129 27 134 036 41! IO li

12 1899 '.513 084 44

I Tut by the that !" ul 'tis elr enu-re- Hie- tif land aud k t anl 44-

-lows has, Ute name or ihe and or the city

for the aniix-- d to each: being in. of taxea, ouarts and due several Vfor the And it ts by tfie Court that r iwa lota of town bda

much thereof be ulbciol of ul tnciu the cU andbe sold, the law directs. PA VID C. LOVE. Clerk.

virtue of the abova I. of the Taxes for the of theof will off r for fale, Tor cash, at the yard, in said of the

FIRST i860, and days, the above audTown rU, Pieces or of niocn thereof w be of each vt to the

and aoneieu baSale the H and 15, A. M.

M.y . . -


4aya examiaa- -

I atprase, forin of so wtil Bad tataeircall and examine

IXMosto 45


VI.mIlm Peters Oar x


of T.Sfrom $000,

everywill 1 t'ithey order in

lacy1 a.irsitMi t every

or l lect alllikely be order

Steak Sheetaa4 amall Muaia ever oCevd la

than by


Kacfe atft'haal

aaad of every bty LlVa.any s




82J4 10150


.100 j.



113 60-1- 80


r49-- 63

19-- 20





I 130 600'39


373- -4












f'.'! !


SaViinii;U Woutc

N E W Y 0 IT KCrtat edactioa iaEatci Paiurc.

Sew irria;tra:-- t TJiroaii TicltU!

oriuaas..UobOo.MoaigorMry..,.Coiauabus ......Albany..


U21 03









Courttracu parts

year. partstbeta

City Qty

themCosta Ibens















Mentdiia. 831 TSS44auv1l.il ........ ;7 76taaltsnwoga ..... 5 WKootvUle.. ...... t 60Aliairta .... 21 0AugiMVa.. 17 M

Bagcage checked thrMgh by the Manhattan E.preM Cvm ay aa iseCcailral Kulruad Cars, and 4elivered any aberc la New York ar vauatty

Hr the spiendij and cadMiis iil'l-WHEl- X

nTCAMMUrd.ACRCSTTA, 1S00 tes Cipt VooJhalt

LOK1U A... ...lJoa ...... laaaaCraweU.AUA&AMA,.. .14 " ... ' UaoJLAAcarkLaaviag Savaaaah every HA TV RPAY, carrying the

I'aaaa :is Mad.These rXeasashipe bakiag to the old Esl.blt.tied and

favurttst la kaewa aa tfaa New Yarkaaa SuaUNiutnai t Kavigatws Cnmp.sy.ai.4 vera ak

for Una Uae, UkrV are cuoua lad by etp.Ttvwd, ual, rrefui and fnttta etgkwrs ; tad taCuiaii-- r bM aoc meml.liHoa and fare caaa4 be

by aef veae. aa tiie cm.Ttfwtta Ttciete are avU 1a

S OrViM K. Cux,9Qjrvicr ,Mb-l- e fey tii( riaajtaae Co.,Cuiaeanas by " 8 U HiU, Aea4 liaradoaikUprwM aa4 f. M. Bivaea,-KA4ro- Tstt trl, aa4et U eiaar poiata b waocwag rji lakat. , . v, joasr .WOM 6dLUE

Afauavaaaalf- tAX'I-- L KlTOiixi a aa. ,4 an--4i , - . ; -- Ill,3v , CT i .

-- ; a is i) rj:w -- w i n d s

'' ADVERTISIN G AGENCY , --:lC3Xassaat., next door lothe Nassau Bask .Ik T.is the Agent tor the Xxirrruji ParKioT jiad the Vet,circulating JonrnaiM n the LnitelSUtcfaadafacdWest Indies.

" He is anlhorisetto receiTeadTertemestfferuat 00 r pwMuAed rairs ., ICitADY'S

Publisliing House.f NEW BOOKS.- eta.

CAX0XBrEYUOCSE,bT C .W .Reynolds jincrtOAPA ARCXDEI., t. 50oiATi.4 .ortne Haldof hocor f toiilAiu K rOA'StahioniqSoncBook ' 13OEORGECHRWTY'S.-.k- e Bok,So.s! IJ." 13THK PATRIoTCRCISFJt.byaylvanfCobb Jr... 25THE MAXIAC'SSECniTT. 25TH E MAlPOFTHFRAXCHE.by Dr J .n Robinson" .25

Seat-'re-e of postage on receipt ol price.-l . - FREIKIRIC A. aRAPY,

' Ne26NasaBstret,New York. .AgontF wanted .. aug3--tf w

Jalics ii.Malth's

i;Gppr3i.K4lTrPTT T TCTiy

J-X- kJ JL AJJJJJJjytohiskey

NSt. Louis, lIo.

' .7


Julius II. SUiltli'S NW


'Old Kesorve--rncr i!

r as aa l a Bl B '' V, -- Ak; ju-ji--i --a.

r3t. Limis, Mo. )I!

Tile andersigued.sole proprietors of the aboveof Whisk v. would resrtertsullv caution

the.rf nea Js aud customers a gainst the numcroutiin- -tatious of these well known brands.

The spurious article :sinwai-iaUl- y a ncfarioascom- -pcnud, whereas we guaranty the genuine, manufac-uro- d

oaf. by ourselves .to befreefroia al lobuoxiousIngredients.

UEUTIIOLD.S-IIITI- I c CO..136 aud 1 3b Xorluoccoud street,apr?2-- tt St. Louis. M

BaKimorc Beil and Brass Works.

No. 53

Iloilidar St--



Keep 00 hand and make to order,

BELLSOf" every a.ze and tone, varying from 10 to 10,000

roevns, wuich are warranted in all respeotsequal to any ma le in tlic dnrtur. Also, manufac-ture every variety of Braa Faucets, for Watvr,SAeam snl lias. Abu,Rrasa BbtiniTS, Babbiil's anuAnu-Frvtio- n Metal, al lof which is anU upon piei-a-In- g

U nna.Sjond for a CavaLoom avn rrtr Ijst.tnarl8-d6- m ,.

Jasper Brancli Railroad.OrncsN'asa. ACaav.IlaitaoanCo.

October 3, 1659.Board olliroctrs calls are madBYorderofthe of the Coranaoy anbverioed

building a branch road front Briogepoi t ta Japayable to the Treasurer c this Company as foil.

One dollar on each a... on the lt or Vuvomb185v,and two dollars on eacb .bare on the 1st daot Pocetnber, 185, January, February, MareApril, May, June, July , August .September, Oher and November, lHO.

Payment may be made to Jack kun Tryor.at asper, or to the Treasurer at hisollicein Nashville.

Promplneln meeting these calls ls reueteil a;thesubscrilcrs of stock.aa the costrnrtton of theroad ileentls exclusively uu the means providespeciilcally for that purpose.

oct4 ti W. A. GLKAYES.Treasnrer


A.J E"NK INS,Ko. 14 Soutlt Market street;

K as 1 1 v 1 1 a la n, t 1 : x uss 1:n ,HAS NOW IN STORK

Piflfl Iriuie Northern Corn fiw Sid.viUU fuiO do. " lVnoylTaiilaOaU "

l.iHlilo. MisaouriOatt200 bajrels enrly Nehaunock PotaUn-s- .

Also, to arrive - r .trailer rt. M. Ruuau:600 buheUr HungarLtu Grasa Sed.200 Millet Seed.For Bale by A. JENKINS,mar3-- tf . No. 1 4 South Market strftct.

XT Mil" VarL 1 n ti ft.--r.iViJ-Alj-L- t iitn a visa 1 iuuhm


Itabllahed In 182S.

Tl 11. CUAAlHlaUS,Piano Manufacturer,

(Formerly Dubois 4k StoUrt, aud Pubolt,Bacou iCuambv-rs.- )

AVarcrootuain th01tla lleaae,Cor. 8tli street and Kit Avenue,

NEW YORK CITY.This ll a reliable placet purchase. Orders by

lettrr faithfully and feriect sitisfacttong otrinlfH .

N. B.sud for a circular, with 4iecrtiea afstyles and scoeduhi of prices. mtra 3m

Express to ClarksvillfrrtilX Souiara Express Com pan T respectfsity an--

aeunce that thy ara now ruaning anauiucaathrough lo ClarksviHe, v. K. k kl. and U.C.kl.Ratlcars,Bnd ar. prepared lu forward la that placeand taterveniog points with promptneaa and dispttrhaligooda uially sent by exprr.. TUey wtl alsafitrwardto all places stage routoa, coaaecuagwith the above bai'roa4ia. Ua.aotea, drafu, a'c,collected and prompt return tuade.

r office No. 1 Public rquare.fablT-- tf

- A X- - IIOLT,8aioriatea4eoC


Funeral Undertakers.DEALERS 121

isj;jrVa.Ti icBURIAL CASES,

- - ASD ;i -

C A S ly E T S.No. to Citurcia Street.

iN' ash Till c, Tense ssec.

Tin: JxtiiTiioLF .macium:HAJ tWfrrut Br aa-te- 4. ta- -l Ua aaj, Na. ntuf, "Pyiiwit Sa .

; KATES qr AD V1IRTJ SliVQ(txs i rsv-- s vim to eve! nut a

Oneaaare 1 day 1 ooeachadaiiaset;cH. i. 1 week, 3 00 vacnad'alsoaare

L " X 4 60r " "ImontliO 00 -- -'a a 00 ' . a

- 1 oa -IS 00 ... ,

lt .' 5 00 ..'-.-'

aasnrm ini at n rasntr. 'Onesaare.oteyrar.JSO eectaildiLioiiabor.--T IWritten notice tsust be riven to take oot vi

adTerlueMea trof 1 earlr ai vorUners beiurelL ?otherwise weFhallcharret. Idene.exrwres, - - -

Aoeontract efyearlvadvertiseeneUc Umi .tinned ftUontpreviooKtlee tocsoiorm ilu.r j '! --

.oa mane for lees than one year at be yearly rat.

iezeeecia e t--t t r- -t e ;..adforTrillbes-argodforthoexc-

esa--irf -

Friwa VISCHER.OWEX k CO., General AdverUs--gureaaway

New-York.. . ...


dietz & co;. :MASlYA6-r- i- EttuiW ma.

uab.. a.: l A. x U HES, i.... If tuwumuui. im.- -






A Winter A,

rf a tin



JP.A.C JK E TS;W....1.111U.1 niiu IJJti - a

Nashville and Chattanooga R RTcDnrssrr and AlabamttEaKroad, .


LouUville &IN'a&hrilIe liailroadrpiIE following splendid ateamere Coaan-ls- ;

f,audleave.hviledailyloriSt.U.LCaia.niihtaod.Padncub, Cairo, Memphla04 Naw'Orleans.

Steamer MIXNET0N' A,UaMUiKLl, Master, jl '

LeavesNashvilleaverr 24 00- - WW-NLiii'-L.- ?

day at 12 o'clock. V. i:SteainerC.E.HILLUAN. - . . ...s ,.OkB1TT,lmluter,

Leaves Vsshville every Tue.day at 4 o'clock, P.M. .. -

Steamer ST .Claim.Jmu Master, o ; ,.

Leaves Nashville on Wedues ew--i J,daysatl2oVkck,M. ... -

8teamerMIXNETON"KA - . lrPaJUiiiiti Mailer, It 11f '

LMvesVahvUleevervTiicrs-'VeSi5- :y atl.'clock,M. , ' wmrjy '"".?-- '

Steamer B. M. RCN YAN ,iiuc, aianer, ai 11

Leaves Nashville ou. FriUysC!ea"4,""at 4 o'clock. V M. aSSleaajerST.CICT. '

8ras, Ma.Mer ,' m --' ,Leaves 2Cashvilie very Satur w'ridayat 12 e'clork, M. - at IThee5leafirseaectat Padoeah withtlM Mo

and OUh Railroad, ai Cairo with the Illinois Centre.Kaib-o- and at Si. IOm ittiibe Muwouriaud u pMuiMasij n j K; ve r Pac k , auo are eqoal loaa tuaaersauoatforsaiely ,speed and cemiort,anga-t- f. A. HAMILTON', Agent


Ftiitt. V ii V"r TO. . ' -

s.sovtk raaoEajcKaact

BOYIdK & CO.,No. 59 Second Street,


Forct.n Llqaora 6c ITlnen. Dlatlllerrand laaafarlurtrs of Urandiri,Wlaea, Cardial., ItlUera, A..hav.constantly ot hand various 7idesof pare Hoaraouandliie U bIrkr,IarhsndAp.pla Ilraudy; alao. Ilaralarla and .wCosUud Hum, Jte. iSjletuanufacturersoftiiecciebrledItone lVlilak-- .

KW Agents for Frd. Uoalo's JapaueseBittertaprll-da'- tf

C I11 e.-cse- ,


- TlfilOTHr SEED

lilne and Herds Grass Sc.Li 1 1 iS-E- D Oil.LVH OIIa,Star Candles, Bacon.SOAP Tallow Cattle, Cordage, Proems, scket.Crackers, tkc. tc.

1 have arraarcd to be constantly supplied withconsignments of the above and ether articles af ohProduce and Manufacture and solicit orders. ucaJuarxaso ocatiTT to aa errwatun .and rmicaa ae lowuCered byaay boo la lUecity.

CoaslgnoHXits f luuuessee rrodoxe sold andtarns bad. promptly. -


acttt-- t 4 Valanl street.TnactnnaU.Ohia.

W, W. HAMER & CO.,

I r a mmrm w mb nMM ' n



rucr MAcmvr;, rws i ackirs. bjiv pes, . TKJfej, ti LN I I i E It rCil A UXi. hA0WUITLN0 CLOTH

SlJlfMTlItlU or KiniaiCSISWXC AXD BOITLVS FLCCS ZILU,CORN and l ead Mi'! afAtl aia, both apper aad

tiuiMri. Portable and ffeuiOBary La.ginea , Buifera. Gear his . AQf or a : bed la eeswr , iv--ar

af Wets-r- e tv.i sad f amt ls.,C aeitiB ,.

Mills can be sva i.. atxa at oa iFacwry -

Fresh Fruits aU the Tear!THE VUOMAiNS'


TY, CIVYENlENCr, FCoNMY AND1"VS ITY , ts uae oallvd I at preaevvuijr F'U W 14a freah ba. m CituW.B Ulde&uite UtM. liVtag Waa4 Om skAtira, we Sad tbesa ajuaacHiftyavaveeml aad pt th. thuta wrl.

.V J.TUOMAi.ia at.-i.te-r ol Karal ASi rs.F'X dcacr.Mive a4 ffae ir, uxrs, adraa Pr. .

arete, at Waiwarta, Wayne aaiy , Mw York.. ....; avja--5t- w : , , ,t,U.YEUMa2U

..:.- v;For.iiw-?,..- ':

"Ts3 the hajae vf the jr, ran-!,- ' active Sa-.- ,

"J? reatfjiUjfi v.. Jt 5 ltu ucea tU - - .






3 .


