Oririott aTthm fta.V.ii... w- - A3IERICAN AND Fnnnnv Benjamin P. Johnson,! of West Ur- - I860. IIE17 GOODS, i860 xiiiru.ujL.ajjT to tho ATriJCTXD uiiiuiB, in me Illinois farmer. a j M. STAFFORD, Publisher, a Z tT r :k .U"VW,D5 fKeic9 of the origin of Berkshire swine: f irrl. W JAlffVl ft? Hi! E. AUTHONY, 308 Broadwnv. "M" V Wl I TTT Ann AflrXay Ut, 18G0, l 601 irocilsy, Uo "a native, of the South Sea Wands, where the population, instead of pressing on the means of subi sistence. the meanrf mm. mm u n r. w . IS DOW Atwninir lari OTnnt' I 'He. Stereoscotxt t - . . . , . -- uuojaieuuB presses - uavva. ur uuuua. and tihbVAnfLb "1 on puwiiuu vegetation is so VlErorona nA 'one are too young, norw foo oJ, nor too UUV ables. so.extraordin.riIy abundant. Says -- J .wn jr, LADIES' DRESS AND FANCY GOODS. wrth ;d LeaoTy. - . CKno1X Enc Merinos fa atm.. rv-t- ir . . ..' !n . I cornl'lrt ilnwt It, and It most aod tk Ll,re!nU. rV"r Prt of tha world. Franklin, JTorth Carolina, Jane 22, I860. .i. . . -- ""vie.-, ,uAitie mxiini. was. L.W ! H.SM. L-- -r, Kair ? III' ft" n.mtr II - ! LrsaC S-- ai I. ' II tKm U," f l LtKnc - Lairxt iut ' tk LrKa4 tkM LararM Rai tlmrn turn Um.rmmt 8i. mmT -- W I. saw W.r3: Of ar Mrkh I. Ik, wlrt! Ot aar lt4kh im Um VWiV X.OlJO rataim lov.uuw Pawai Iuu. UUU I...... IMMJW) IWk.p, lu.oo " V.v - ooujn oca islands, on their discovery by. Europeans, were found to be well stocked With a small, short-legg- ed black hog, and the extraor-dinar- v he ipF r it,n u i Printed and Rlark Ttr.Mi;..... . . "T "" ffM of detail . ifrn. -- 1.1 .1 I ,K rP- - OFFICE IN TUB PUBLIC BCILDIXG, ! South of the Court House. i ri. , . J ""r'" .siiorinR nroi . j uuLuaq natives was. 5Sm - silk t"1 8Uk M.imi. cS ryE?-1"- 1 cttels regard to Subscriptions or Jiat. thej-wer- e ns anciently descended as cd to Re l'f' . ' sil Eb:icat!o1 VslK,uld address-- themlve.: The hog, in 'fact, in thesa ' islands. IS the nrinrinal nn,..J i . . 4ivt uuuira, te'.. u-a- . fifaE c. kM Wm?" ? A?vrtffniHte. brdera for Blanks, Job &c., be addressed m tl, v. . - t .""i 'iouiujiru, uuu w, ot nil olheTs, the most! carefully cnl SI0.V- -; o... '..yHl" vouan and Wales. Fr.,w . lOUBBCR, Ucs, for Ladles, Misuses and Youths. tivated The fruit of the bread-fru- it tree, either id the form uf a sour paste or,n its natural condition, constitutes HolvLani t 1 ,,iVll1A,rktf' H, Albans, tht Ilistortcal. aniuiniT . VT?i 150NNETS and BLOOMERS. Tarlton. auorit rlr. r:.K.-.- i . . - ' VALUABLE MEDICINES. 10,000 Xc-ro- c3 " 10,000 --Negroes 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly . Saved Yearly Saved Yearly "Planters Take Notico Planters Take Notice Planteis Take Notico Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Oiily Sure-- Is The Only cure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People -- Before The People . In Dysentery, Iir Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhcca. . "'ifc L.Sn IP Rllb Itimn.1. C...II l U 1U llll IL SIMMS a VI 1 w 4m a. W , J . a a o.ouu .,, lOUUMsa aw... Princess White Tedal, Pearl Roj.f, KrtmJ , and Cathedral ..r p,.. V!l2: tharekes, ; o vmhi- - umci mum ve vejl- - th. iu.n.t. -- .'i "lT- - ttC cet of Jbterr rn.iVt.,.,. , r . WHITE GOODS. White Cm mlirlr. t.i . .. . ...,viip mru iUUMins JarriifM fbowitis. 12. En i n irn9oc, i w tun. othui2 can l more faxrinstli.tT in,i ..... 122 : :ir?i -- i - STAPLE GOODS .n i.cr no to a Irkudfd of the .and tL. u!St fnim-- A f " i """"c. timers us uesa mst . juicy and ?CUo reader8 wbo tended delicious; its fat, thougri . r!ch, beiu- - at Planting Sugar Cane this season, the same time not - less delicate and have gotten it in he ground. before this! "peable than the finest butter. In ; hQi wHowing-hinljs- taken;from a Wes- - hQ Islands,-beside- the tog, the only em .paper, we pu on record fof their fu- - indigenous quadrupeds wefe the rat anil lU r"nCe lnJllftIvestig the crop, a Sma11 d- o- Therefore, befng the lar-an- d best use of the same- :- gest and strongest animal, ;nnd T bavin-p- o HARVESTiKG.ptrip (ff the blades a ai6n for defensive the days before putting p the cane' ff the Island of the SoJthj s Is 1 his i secures earlier LTl an ripening of tl.a tusks to a rreat. Osnaburgs Sl.eetinss. PhirtinSs, Tickings, &c. &c TAILORING nnmia Cloths CasMn etes and Votings, of u'mr.A hand- - ,v , .", "- -i iv wifr. i ner are taken in VUUWI uooa3 ,or vieuU' and Boy' car HATS. Mena', Boys' and Youths' Wool, Fur, r Leghorn and Pal. n... ,. . ;.V.. " MUoaaI talue. f..r to ih. juices the! by exposing to sun And air. . If the most fnv oble ciicums? fTZ "r,ou, e qnilitle,. BCOTS, SHOES and TRUNKS. Srl .'rT-- - ro;. e recei,. has be- - frol, " ar order fvr "r 7':. lustai.lar.ron. v.. round- - two; on of the latest styles. r.,r i.:; n. .. " creature j; e iiate in.HLiiniiiiki.nl Vi n.i Y..nti.. . - : "'"vii.ni, "iwes Vl irmifcI ait(1 varjt o, "'UMranuna oi the ccte of the Ko'ton Bags. seems to iomldch mmr heart, feel an interest. Tl. . ..i . , no ant- - w w ul ui.1 m in 111. ill I f . . . r- -J tnm MmiIm, I r,rU" 'lona. I- - -- r1 M.tia. I" I"r" I" r" alka, J- - artws Ma,tla. i" I'i'r, MmiIn. laj rsrrlM Miai. I. I ' mrm f. .1 t ,rs HkMim.inlut.M Aa-- t asrar OlaU-wt-Am- t mmr t lr UM1 III .""-VAill- U. ourcalaloeT ran asirTLii ifitr ni h . t a . - . a ..aaeu irom muu to dough ,uai raoe unuormly, certainly, and then haul it to the on ! r... tinctlv. u 117 laying it carefully with Iho im Berkshire. H i. i "i:T . " .r' ' F"'C.v Drill Vests. Ready-mad- e' I'artle. at ; .liZ.." " , 1" ' " f I"!"!!-- . . . . v.v..M.KH,jj ,j me j ever ,n ,,ilc8 Eo hat .wi.ka l.av knife 'o Devon it aaons LrS nf 1. it! TinnK' Ti'e". STATrnvrnv naicnet vouean rrt'f. nfT U tU ir A:. . -- -? . r . wv". iC . J ,rHii ent or res fmni. the tnn Ttrr r ""J r " "uu wigmai constitution. ocoo. uook, uiank Bo.s, Toy rj.ks, Mor.tr Cooks, Ladies' Albums, Ladies' P,.rl Folios Cai, Letter, anrl Vm. T... . u r:.. . Parties hn kK i- - . 1. 1 . . '.. CARCASSES FOR MAMKE. A corespondent asks a New VnrV j vi , mine, unn, ana assorted colored Envelop. Propeller Pencils and Leads -- Iks S.ates. Pens and Tea lloldcrs, Pni cr Folders real!rval,i'-- i Vi , . ,,:cn "crjtMt!2 us their names to on reen,d, and mill Um, ineni immici! at n IIP AM r v iuu pile. V .F reezing and thawixg. "fhe nearer Ihe freezing point Ihe cane can be kept Iheietter. It will iremain sweet so Ions as the temperature does not rise above 26 deg.j At about , 24deo-- ; tW 9,fl ltor: . i ; " " Tir. M- - , , 'The best and mnet otT.,1 lln 1 A 1 1. . 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ""srai.nT a most ii- - ... ,. v........x an.l cicliahtrul iniu.fi,,.,.! r . lot rednrinf tho r, i . II aw WmW 1 a i 6 uueg. vis-- 1 a viiwaesca ii ueaa ani- - cous fermentation Jenmmonnaj fPi.. mals to mannrafn ar.,i :.t. i . ' , . . . yv "iw wau wnai ' AlarcoTarietTofP.V,.iKni. v..: , , Itoi.k s,., " . wur.i, -- nw ID? OTIPIIS ho Tinroo nf k .11. i . Albatta. TV, .'ml T-i- .r. V.";".'""" " . rJ,,K". t.. r,V" E AXTIIOXY. wa'iiera-- . arm- - ,," "''" -- "Uiaclurer of Photographic Ma o rj r;- - .... I Sten-iw-.n.- .. .,1 c. . . and to what crops it shoul4 bo applied Blacksmith T.i.; fasti (3); and how applied f 4 )?M 1 Blister Steel; Bar and Lv V vr,- - siaiK, - wrings the atmosphere into ! contact with the juice,, and viscous fermentation ebsures as rehdil v as if the imVo l10,i V . r r"ii einncmie I lrws Lr Merchant iimu iron. Il.ml.ln I I fr..... m.ro ...ii .. Ilrrnl H,.,.. !..! . ... 1 -- .v are re.Mrif..Hr i" I rc,,on . .v. vmuj iuiB, UUCKOtS, &C. vi uicn ne shall know in iust six onr i.L.r a, raan.i,.aiwa, ol SADDLERY". . WOrds!nnP t . 1. ,JkL, ... ' " vu .wat.i 10 ttada wlil lcIilr iriJ'-T- i- mt L,.Wta Jr rMW IJsir ln., rr tMaraw Irer lr' I4rr IMaeaaai. JJT IHt, 4rr IN. Uirr llww, Utr iMaraa, J mm ttrt J""lr. i ..un, tuuuji. inreo mm- - oaades. RriHV n.n,.,..i . .pressed. - .' .. ' Fxeezino produces a fnVnrnl.T fr..t lour, inn nJll ' 't.r. 7. .r.r w2 nicss, tol - To PhoLytra . - I "' miv, ogsy Minim, Ladita' Aiding Whins, 1 ' . V.. - '"""X CUlL'l. r,- . f ives wante,! J icrcosc.n.ic .Vej u v iicutrniizinor iha nniv,n . i .i I? ur norm i . r t . Send Vx tilil a r is.t . . a. vw 6UI,1B "uu acius lttruier "no has or causing, their conversion intr. ,., Jcan easily obtain swamn U I . GROCERIES. reatire wui.iea, ltu ricc of inerebv inrflncmr,uv . , k. ' mini. shi-,nt- ,i nlm. t "- - i . . I cver. - nannr. jzVtuc 7. crj KFt! tki ot!t for rrtrenre. u J ,u6 m'c jmiu iro n ii -- i jo uuve a it T..ir. n- - ui imr, 20 per cent, if the Icane is immediat,. i on, in which to bury UJJ ISL Aim.H.ds, Soda! 33 . 4m worked un. - . 7 to be obtained. t ' ' . Snie. ::rJf V'l.l. . ' vvm, I v "'"aiHI wwuvr use, i.ead. Shot . Makufactcrim- j- A .! ... pound, or everv norl M ltij vf T . ' ' 9 Commuiiom Xtrtlant lir n.i r. sistips of three waen"ri '"r;fi. or cW.t'.ei , "MNE DVES,;rAIKTS, c. s K otT l!01' erc,J; kt" mvAaudbe fui - nnnm I r t . i .1 ... l . 7 . "r iciers. .nonarts. Arrr 1 - a a 1 1111 in ivii wn ra.aMK a iv bi.i. a w . - T ul ,un 1 cog-wheeI-?,; may be con- - 1. unaicu ueuompo- - I "," Jicwtnca ana Javnc s Til Is 'i.'V, in t ,... . . 11 a a a 0m ninna . r a oiwuij, uu as mnch voohf r.r i: !"' wtu gui. MachLns. Iron Kaf. 7 9 vi'Miiai, taieman a Drons Laudanum, rare?oric, HarUhorn. Camplw. BritLh 0 1 Sweet and Cantor Oil, Mexican and Mnstanc l.llilnioiil tiil T.. : t.. . t. n- - . . you have fish, and cover it all one or two feet deep. If you cannot get muck, use old beds of charcoal burners and f!h.innri any rich sod. Failing to get muck . . or m n n n auuuicuior about 15 to 20. But as ?n acre of sorghum will bny a one horse ronill at SoOand. a $45 evaporator, with something over, we would recom- mend to buy X he best machinery, ually as vvooden pollers only press Jut -- -. . Ainijj, BiHi prices ja Ascnt for the" ll..-- i ; . " 150 J1. V by .". I'ublUhel ; T"CT ......uv...., . . ci uTiui Dim. icily i.tcorie Ei Sslts, Snlphur, E--s. Cinnanuln, Pcpiirmint Lei'n.rtV ws sv st sat 1 a. iiiiirw c. iciownnct nil Sin,.,...!!!, c. I H'iu i iiickoru Aai Jv.77. v r .... .. j-.. i.- - hi n 1 uncn- - I ' - - - . ...... v. WXIi H " tine. Cloves, Lemon . Srrun. Glu r.tp. .. LA'-- 5 . AUo. Cktnkf V. u nuy luriu, you qan make it MatJL' UUMle n'h- - This inralaabU ra.!t. a j- -t "" 'i iriiii. f .11 1:. 1. . . J - by burning sods and trash, or TOT! makp r,tmslonc- - . Scotch Snuff. . Pipes, . .. Germat your pile nf Kds aEd rich i earth. ' If the !. Coach Oil, and leather VamUes" bones are not used up in the compost Sreen J?d Vellow; Pm Blue, Yen. i Copal, Xi T u"ttf M-- '' copi,.ns ha-Ho- d. S, an. ' ru?!.T.':Vno.or. 1 and mWortane. tu,iuims to three lourlhs of the juice ' ' IIOW TO USE COOK'S EVAPORATOR Below the evaporator set the syrup tank. Having filled the juice tank, cover the pan , one inch in depth with water-bm- U the fire, let on the juice, and it Will course its own w-- ni . .1 . . you can use them in prown- - Extract and o,!,!, i,,dir0 Mad.ler UP anes. or di- - l,Jz in Alum. Com.era ri., t :. I fourth i3,,.irin,e,Ionflnw,' edition ram Mn. W?.- - e'r ljo.,4. Diarrliooa, Diarrhoea, And Flux. And Flux. And Flux. It Never Fails. It Xcver Fails. It Never Fails. . Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Packages of Half Doz. Put Up Expressly Put Up Expressly Put Up Expressly For Plantations. . For Plantations. For Plantations. lor Sale hy Tnr aV at the FratiVKa Oram,, Offir.. ' .nT URfar iirr !rT r IH.T .a,t a..,, IiT .aT riMi.t T1UT .e.t tia.i. mr fcjuur lusr aavciuj uraviTKJ noir nnnnc anchiz rrtnna Tlllt uLV hnmi craa THK oLT hhlt, tt a IMC omi t Mum a a mi iu U.LV rtMnTE t.va BorrRf rnf rfnrtJt cxxk tut rnirvs roi.at Tita rroTL exua ihc noext arx tuc rtorua ajaf thi norut iicrvaat. trrccnojia. raaTaasL arracnoKs. -t- BSTMS4L arrtcTiona. rriTsiiLinrcnoM. raaraasi. srrrcrtoat. vscraatL arrtcnews.' . art A rw enrmai srtx a.TM a wa torrraia mtl 4Tra a atn txciiHt-- a ibll !II ?a fci-- t a aia rxTv-- a rll M KA.Jlt TlKrl fc BX1LV T4Ka- - , w u.-- ar TSKCM . U UU f THM M K4J4I.T TAKr J ira tto Tim mas a ao tajt IIA.S aao Tate "At tut SAO lAirrC MA BaO TTg MS M B 40 Ta.snc FyX. IHHT A rm u. rn.xT a rru W'U- - Hiixt a ecu "w-"- A CISC ua. iru t a rear - TlU. mm a ccaav - ", f iTUfHT pw or rm srrria:-- T i.m A- - i- - i luted oil of vitriol. , t H ,a V x JlrIJ mis the best F.ch Window Class. &c&c. vt -- 'rr'. A,3W. l'Icdid lithograph lOx- -l t,,H "J of all the crop to apply. Buch strong manure to, t i . uieES you nave. some other rank feedin- - Bishops of the M. E. Church, South, l'LttUX 'C?.m nJ. CI ertalM.1 eopie, j 11 1 sunn An bMK.i.. w : a . - - r na . luuernes, blackberries -- CROCKERY and GLASS WARE usuaTCh larSr StCt' grcatcr Tarict)" tbin ALSO, A GREAT 2IAXY GOODS la the diflbrcnt departments, that it is Quite impossible to enumerate here lie would also tak inT. , .w.v ... tucineives. nil ai.l.ir.t . t... jam ar .a . " a vnit nronf .... . ' i 7 "".''"" receipt of oN dollar a " j " fcu iorwara. Ferdinsr tatn: "rr11 ' i respecuui t ..- - . .. . r . . W. verse channel, andlin a brief period, a continuous stream .of syrup will flow irom; the pan into the tank at fucha rate that it will tax Ihe mill to its utmost. to supply its evaporator jn.ee The wo! k to be done is to ieel hot f re and slum the ends 'of the channels m the pan. Cook's evaporator clarifies perfectly without chemical nts. , . i- -- v,. 4- -. .ncndenl.all a J.a.-.- t larors, 10 bis A . . M. tenderinv . .. lit tVia..V. At a conventional meetingUthe mVm- - w U tends aiwl natron Der8 ot the Ohm Rrnto A rrvii-A.ll- .. 1 O . I UDUanCe of tho ' uorrnan, taq.. Ho,,. We,. A. Graham, J. R. mj ineni a con- - same, proportionate to a.. . .4igiiyuuuiai oo i r. ciety, which we alluded to in! b.t vrt "tock of 'J&& i" U line. II. W. KOLEN. "'" 1 ??. "en. B. F. rerrJ I ffl Col. Alsdorf. of Licking, said I am a grazier Keep from forty to j fifty head of cattle to feed. Part of my pastures blue nrrnco no.i r : i ' J . i The Sulwcriber is also opening a aai(Mllr aaaMtei, Jhi, JaMHt . JlBMlk. Jaasd vrr JaaiM(krr( JaarMlhrr, oti rvMnt r. OwrraJ IKknnr, 4ral IVMlllr. "ral UrlMllt. a ntMuir, t ISrSiM, rl DvaiHy. fial Itosxiitir. UiMilir, -- rl LttaUlf, raHlatSa. falitati rlr4lMa. : fatptlatlM, "IHUlUa, '1 talM, IalHallM. 'IHtalkM, iStaltH. Pala4attM, ChrmU rX.rrkMva. Jirat IHarrWa. CttrMlr iNaritMva ara.l lH.rrK-- a siaal PMnuv C Btnaasa IHarrtaaMk e""U iMarrHar CrNlc IllarrMa, C hran. tMarrtxra. Cfcrvatc iHarvStara, CMta, , fUIlaa. (Mdlam. fllf llM, (.UadlMra KkMlatM, tM4lMl, - ;Mrflaa. UMalans. tVprraaraf rfrNa, lltprrMnl Rr., llfrftMH ,rlta, nprrtal Splill. Hm, lpmml 4itta, Vprt ,4tHa, . tplUil. IVrmMnl HHtt. """"t Hrtla. laiflpprtll,, r Apir1lia, la af Avtll, f a(ltr, - I'Msrsmtii. Appaiita '" im Ma Mf lUrk. W mm nmrhZ la M a-- H HaTT In kf atf ttk? Jl a SMt aM Itea7 - IT"" " rt-- h! alaj la Ml. .m Hah! l"lai l ls auct Back. I KapS.UF iSM.L iT Il U K.prl.llr A-.- Pal I It U r.afxrsall, 11 1! E-- -r Aaani ;i II I "r At-p- a tm II I T:,,,,,,,r ArfiMai a 51 A- -. ta Is E.,Ully Ad.l FraaaU raaaplal.ta. VaaaaU, .pl..t. j 5H-t- . Btlt t aai,a.iM raal CMp7..t J JVmata C.tal.u, aH - - H4"t I rrou, SIM upwards warraited in every particular. 4 $50 REWARD. MM - - mm mm a A mi mm 1 AW At U IN MURPIir. CHEROKEE cavxrv v r- - " pam wi nuiuuiy anu, clover put upon the blue grass iQrst in thl Ranaa ayiVon, the residence of Mr. A. P. Mundr, eboni n,, firt of A rif tle. CTO Imr liiniMl Tnl f . '. '. Fpr Sugar, prepare . conical shaped sugr coolers with. ping or gate at the Set them in a warm room and ' tnVlT' h ruP,to granulate, which ; from twenty four hours to a h TDg ,0 lhetcmPeature and qual- ity nip. Then draw off the plug and let the molasses drain off v . . 4,. vy. , , spring; then on my timothy knd clover! tAou? When the latter begins to Shoot. I seli J-P- ct. .of the o'e aSve SVerTr"kS my cattle in J iroe. . Save myj blue i wI?en 's eal prrf wlli.be &,,owc1 f,,r Ft"-- ' for fall nasture. F Lk.-- 0 .B!cVr".J Skin,, Beef Hides, Tal- - feet 10 inches high. atishaab.ut lnO or 1 . 0 pounds, ascd 27 or 28 3 ears. Is .nnart OUIIt. SH-I- I iirramtiLn 1 . . . . . ... t a aiifa. black round face.qmck spoken, hoa a ck- -I ICLm arliit f.i. ... i . . . 7 ' "f "ucc "" ttC- - c- - me I ns ness will becnndiicfed a day m winter. Feed corn 6a dry sod 8trct,Tn the CAS1 A barter syst Jn t, i o i . I and at nnces that rannni r.;i ..i X 1 RECTIFIED SUGAR. After ed 77b"i hTT it-bu-t . n-- T keep; . Itshar. 1 a . iinr m aurAM.. ... - m s f Ai 7 " icniia raid delivery in t,. .k.i . . --. IT . -- iv.i iu me i "..cvin." irom an entire new and exteimiro on sant.n.i. 7 " ,.vr r t 1 Bn,r. ;.auv,ah8e8 is tt rained off, pour over the !An al,,,,w. st?Dd -- frrly-eight hour. v "wm niw abi lO tne lOtQ Of ""-"viW- Hl uur motto Is to sell cheap. March. When T annl r .t . - II. Vf. xolev it,,, I,. :"" .' i , vuiiuuenieni in any jail, so I r It la m.t-- .t il... f . i. i oni nas a pa s. ati h - vm m me March 9 33 ,1 Wl, it perished. It has been conven- - z : :ent for me to use small fields of fifteen Howar Association, Philadelphia. Or twenty acres. I hare XnnA A ,inU;.i.j t melt the snr..ir "oil.;,.. : a. . , 7. T ' . "V". lfc io granulate a Ocl7,1P5012tf X:J?UwA,0l y Sped eywinu ume, ttrwl then- - potrr on the hot liquor, and drain r as a benefit. Don't think cattl A .... ww weiii vitlrused, afflicted u-it- lV.-u- 7 j .u. 1 - - soeep. , m,). succeds in making a verv refined. sugar, rrof iAGE CBPpT weight of a ATHEIIS FOUIIDBt ' ATUENS, GEO., N . 11. Ladd, of Jefferson, said I T Fr,trdrA.MOcialir: 1,1 lie" of the have one hundred acres of p'asture. It NLSil oesi to nrow down, the division fences, tnr,e of uch die, b "S3 It i, ch? F 1 and let all yields about 34,000 lbs., : my stock go together. or twice " V nicir namt. moitni Dih-- iii'icn as tne corn. The and seed of ..the latter are .llhlmr.roTca c.rrUjc Ire.. !, S onorrhoe. TCr - "1AL UKK fur - - m..r.m . 9m w 'mal (aaapuiau. SelAAbuse, 4 nd order T.r n. " "T lclilA- - " !!rj',e rtafauwllly af r it is made. r K mngyear. . TtPTTnt-- v vtt... It Ptal.i . . It . .. t a Aa. aa . 1 ' iUlLUH COWS 'ha . . Aorjrr. i J Sr" ltlarfH- - m . . viict ui nn nil ph lrnn...i. . 1 " ppnereoi oenerolent n bO Ml maae fat efTrt or Led. . In a blue ptbs !naen - have beenol creat benefit to th .m;..j . tnoat lil.ri , cows shnnli oi.:..u.i . .. 1 Upon th 7""'" u parcoa m.. f " - w J llafaaaHlf "" r cur CUftlomera BOLTING ITHiT M Ttai em crrivac rw rnrt - 0 HtXwK A- -j OA CM A HO a: O , f o chaui tar mrt oa. tnvi.r tar m-- r j cnst;it fr rir OA CaUXaB or Hat nrn u.-- m im w,ni xifS Ta rru j fjs Tvmtj . "a fTtTpriT tm srarj4i f mtmK araJSLT Mnsg as- -, rini T aioK ran.n.r ' BKMB r3:i r nwiLf aruiLr AK rTSVlTTTTtT - ami t rssAvi-s-n- r , . ASft rSRMAr.TLr a't rTiKrii.r An MxTrrn.r asm Ax r H AAXIILT Tn Y Kosm arr.T at emoww aauT rn- - ait asxrwsi KntrpT thaw .ST Esosrtr kt,mr . THaj ait iisusrsi imitir ha ast twii aaaiAir , trwT 4 Catrj rU.t . r- - a, i, -ZTZ !r! - The quantity and miality of the m;n7 rn?ga i IS best. .''. But D r (iriajr JJ IT - ItMaiMllir II ?r,"r" Matawta- - It - - t A. . .. St. 5foa, Smutteri, Btliina 27 I UI w - avvspsa . T Z. :" ... . Idouht 'tthnnf ,tl,Voung! nd . hav resolve.1 to deroti CLOTHS. Jfi3 themselves, with renewed teal, to this rerr Jan. 27 im- - Unt ! much despised caule mpor - is greatly improved, and a richer' butter 8 Clover and toothy. I have . Karaa , ""won, mw is the result; -- 7 7 proved my pasture greatly brl spreading t 4d1.,inil,,e BPrtn Spermatorrhoea or Sen,. JEFKFRSHV " pnArWO rn..v:-- i. ji.'. - -.- : mannr nn J- - : .n f ,f Weaknesa. the-Tre- e ot 0,.BU tULLLllL. .uu.wvu b IU 1QR 1(11 1 I I an Spar J" Tula HaM. llaMt. llaM. P- --a I a r. a. 1 . . . . . la ar..," ' ra II.Ml . ; Where oD! EoeS below tlat rate? more !?h,!'1 "P" OU Pstur are more ffAtt SSJSTS ! - '.t'. w W j l 111.1 1 11 1 u ri n vn noon . . ihiomu. . . . . vc.uii . cai-uuu- armmriih, k j.ri .... i " . a a aa l i . uotu course manure r cs tr mre coosumtly puLIbled inations. In .rk c ' 7i to great ndvanta i,?1""0 tril.ntiorf, and will be sent tO thm I LrflirM a aV 0 "many .reaching 350 and 400 gallons per acre. Well defeca- - . i farv lUMa liV? .rpSB,' "u mjr wBeai .neias ' -- - - i - i INaataara St.. . . m . .ev-r- .1 snv.w,. Lr-rr- .' wi"er? . rr romeuioa ana methods afva.1 dwC0TWed durk,s the laat year of A ' Householder in a we.of.Prn viita,. i . t1 . "rW aa .Dw.a, .r -t. - , --- r .cents per - gallon- .- .".-"- . . -- . o deIrinf farther information Catalogues will be seat, on application to thm P,a.u, W. W. Il Lisa avc-a-l 1 ' - up s'chedulej iinderthe fllhng nouaHi6?'?CV'lrwt",?, eolnmn 4 By of th n R. IL l)AB5Ert A. M., WaynesviTTe, N. C, April 21. t, lSCQ. Vol! It ("'v" icpcuiauuu itu xo-morr- ow. and headed' Were borni"'- - describ! havea day more Jto renent;nf. ni . ed ftnf hU rbilro ' .... ? for. Sale For tale at the Observer Office. J!7RA n irpiDvw-it- a daj .es. to repent in, , " parIor - and - .X-- " " i waaa 4 jl 1 i. ior Uowel Complaint. For DEC- - OF EJECTMENT, and other LUsls toe- - a ttoapVAT. n to t W as llnMtniii Foraalaai tU FraoaJka OUavrer OaUe. - - v.

Franklin observer. (Franklin, N.C.) 1860-06-23 [p ].newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92074064/1860-06-23/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · HARVESTiKG.ptrip (ff the blades a ai6n for defensive the

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Oririott aTthm fta.V.ii... w- -

A3IERICAN AND FnnnnvBenjamin P. Johnson,! of West Ur-- I860. IIE17 GOODS, i860 xiiiru.ujL.ajjT to tho ATriJCTXDuiiiuiB, in me Illinois farmer.a j M. STAFFORD, Publisher,

a Z tT r:k .U"VW,D5 fKeic9 of the originof Berkshire swine: f irrl. W JAlffVl ft? Hi! E. AUTHONY,308 Broadwnv. "M" VWl I TTT Ann AflrXay Ut, 18G0, l 601 irocilsy, Uo

"a native, of theSouth Sea Wands, where the population,instead of pressing on the means of subisistence. the meanrf

mm. mm u n r.w.

IS DOW Atwninir lari OTnnt' I 'He. Stereoscotxt t - . . ., . -- uuojaieuuB presses

- uavva. ur uuuua. andtihbVAnfLb "1 onpuwiiuu vegetation is soVlErorona nA 'one are too young, norw foo oJ, nor too UUVables. so.extraordin.riIy abundant. Says


GOODS.wrth ;d LeaoTy. - .


Enc Merinos fa atm.. rv-t- ir . . ..' !n . I cornl'lrt ilnwt It, and It most aod

t k Ll,re!nU. rV"r Prt of tha world.Franklin, JTorth Carolina, Jane 22, I860. .i. . . -- ""vie.-, ,uAitie mxiini. was.

L.W ! H.SM.L-- -r, Kair

? III'ft" n.mtrII -! LrsaC S--ai

I.' II tKm U,"f l LtKnc- Lairxt iut '

tk LrKa4tkM LararM Raitlmrn turn Um.rmmt 8i.

mmT --W I. saw W.r3:Of ar Mrkh I. Ik, wlrt!Ot aar lt4kh im Um VWiV

X.OlJO rataimlov.uuw PawaiIuu. UUU I......IMMJW) IWk.p,lu.oo

" V.v - ooujn oca islands,on their discovery by. Europeans, werefound to be well stocked With a small,short-legg-ed black hog, and the extraor-dinar- v

he ipF r it,n u i

Printed and Rlark Ttr.Mi;..... . . "T ""ffM of detail . ifrn. --1.1 .1 I ,K rP- -OFFICE IN TUB PUBLIC BCILDIXG,

! South of the Court House.i ri. , . J ""r'" .siiorinR nroi .j uuLuaq natives was.

5Sm - silk t"18Uk M.imi. cSryE?-1"-

1 cttels regard to Subscriptions or Jiat. thej-wer-e ns anciently descended as

cd to Re l'f'.' silEb:icat!o1 VslK,uld address-- themlve.: The hog, in 'fact, in thesa

' islands. IS the nrinrinal nn,..J i. . 4ivt uuuira,te'.. u-a-

. fifaE c. kMWm?" ? A?vrtffniHte. brdera for Blanks, Job&c., be addressed m tl, v. .- t .""i 'iouiujiru, uuuw, ot nil olheTs, the most! carefully cnl SI0.V- -; o... '..yHl" vouan and Wales. Fr.,w. lOUBBCR,

Ucs, for Ladles, Misuses and Youths.tivated The fruit of the bread-fru- ittree, either id the form uf a sour pasteor,n its natural condition, constitutes

HolvLani t 1 ,,iVll1A,rktf' H, Albans, thtIlistortcal. aniuiniT . VT?i

150NNETS and BLOOMERS.Tarlton. auorit rlr. r:.K.-.- i . . -


10,000 Xc-ro- c3"

10,000 --Negroes10,000 Negroes

Saved Yearly. Saved YearlySaved Yearly

"Planters Take NoticoPlanters Take NoticePlanteis Take Notico

Jacob's CordialJacob's CordialJacob's Cordial

Is The Only SureIs The Oiily Sure-- Is

The Only cureAnd Positive RemedyAnd Positive RemedyAnd Positive Remedy

Before The PeopleBefore The People --

Before The People .In Dysentery,Iir Dysentery,In Dysentery,


. "'ifcL.Sn IP Rllb Itimn.1. C...IIl U 1U llll IL SIMMS a VI 1 w 4m a. W ,J . a a

o.ouu .,,lOUUMsa aw...Princess White Tedal, Pearl Roj.f, KrtmJ , and Cathedral ..r p,.. V!l2: tharekes,; o vmhi- - umci mum ve vejl- -

th. iu.n.t. -- .'i "lT- - ttC cet ofJbterr rn.iVt.,.,. , r .WHITE GOODS.

White Cm mlirlr. t.i . ... ...,viip mru iUUMins JarriifM

fbowitis. 12. En i n irn9oc,i w tun. othui2 can lmore faxrinstli.tT in,i ..... 122 : :ir?i --i -STAPLE GOODS .n i.cr noto a Irkudfd of the .and tL. u!St

fnim-- A f" i """"c. timers us uesa mst . juicy and

?CUo reader8 wbo tended delicious; its fat, thougri. r!ch, beiu- - atPlanting Sugar Cane this season, the same time not - less delicate andhave gotten it in he ground. before this! "peable than the finest butter. In; hQi wHowing-hinljs- taken;from a Wes- - hQ Islands,-beside- the tog, the onlyem.paper, we pu on record fof their fu- - indigenous quadrupeds wefe the rat anil

lU r"nCe lnJllftIvestig the crop, a Sma11 d-o- Therefore, befng the lar-an- dbest use of the same- :- gest and strongest animal, ;nndT bavin-p- oHARVESTiKG.ptrip (ff the blades a ai6n for defensive thedays before putting p the cane' ff the Island of the SoJthj s Is

1 hisi secures earlier LTlan ripening of tl.a tusks to a rreat.

Osnaburgs Sl.eetinss. PhirtinSs, Tickings, &c. &cTAILORING nnmiaCloths CasMn etes and Votings, of u'mr.A hand- - ,v , .", "- -i iv wifr. i ner are taken in

VUUWI uooa3 ,or vieuU' andBoy' car

HATS.Mena', Boys' and Youths' Wool, Fur, rLeghorn and Pal. n... ,. .

;.V.. " MUoaaI talue. f..r to ih.juicesthe!

by exposing to sunAnd air. . If the most fnv oble ciicums? fTZ "r,ou, eqnilitle,.BCOTS, SHOES and TRUNKS. Srl .'rT--- ro;. e recei,.has be- -frol, " ar order fvr"r 7':.lustai.lar.ron. v..round- -two; on of the latest styles. r.,r i.:; n. .. "

creature j; e iiate in.HLiiniiiiki.nl Vin.i Y..nti.. . - : "'"vii.ni, "iwesVl irmifcI ait(1 varjt o, "'UMranuna oi the ccte of the Ko'tonBags.seems to iomldch mmr heart, feelan interest. Tl. . ..i . ,no ant- - w w ul ui.1 m in 111. ill I f . . .

r- -J tnm MmiIm,I r,rU" 'lona.I- - --r1 M.tia.I" I"r"I" r" alka,J- - artws Ma,tla.i" I'i'r, MmiIn.laj rsrrlM Miai.

I. I ' mrm

f. .1 t ,rsHkMim.inlut.M

Aa-- t asrar OlaU-wt-Am-

t mmr t lr

UM1 III.""-VAill-U. ourcalaloeTran asirTLii ifitr ni h . t a . -

. a ..aaeu irom muu to dough ,uai raoe unuormly, certainly, andthen haul it to the on ! r... tinctlv.u 117 laying it carefully with Iho im Berkshire. H i. i "i:T . " .r' ' F"'C.v Drill Vests. Ready-mad- e' I'artle. at ; .liZ.." " , 1" ' " f I"!"!!-- . .

. . v.v..M.KH,jj ,j me jever ,n ,,ilc8 Eo hat .wi.ka l.av knife 'o Devon it aaons LrS nf 1. it! TinnK' Ti'e".STATrnvrnvnaicnet vouean rrt'f. nfT U tU ir A:. . -- -? . r . wv". iC. J ,rHii ent or resfmni. the tnn Ttrr r ""J r " "uu wigmai constitution. ocoo. uook, uiank Bo.s, Toy rj.ks, Mor.trCooks, Ladies' Albums, Ladies' P,.rl Folios Cai,Letter, anrl Vm. T... . u r:.. . Parties hn kK i- - . 1. 1 . . '..CARCASSES FOR MAMKE.

A corespondent asks a New VnrVj vi , mine, unn, ana assortedcolored Envelop. Propeller Pencils and Leads --

Iks S.ates. Pens and Tea lloldcrs, Pni cr Foldersreal!rval,i'-- i Vi , . ,,:cn "crjtMt!2us their names to on reen,d, and mill Um,ineni immici! at n IIP AM

r v iuu pile.V .F reezing and thawixg. "fhe nearerIhe freezing point Ihe cane can be keptIheietter. It will iremain sweet so Ions asthe temperature does not rise above 26deg.j At about , 24deo-- ; tW 9,fl

ltor: . i

; " " Tir.M-- , ,'The best and mnet otT.,1

lln 1 A 1 1. . 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ""srai.nT a most ii- -... ,. v........x an.l cicliahtrul iniu.fi,,.,.! r .lot rednrinf tho r, i . II aw WmW 1ai 6 uueg. vis--1 a viiwaesca ii ueaa ani--cous fermentation Jenmmonnaj fPi.. mals to mannrafn ar.,i :.t. i .

' , . . . yv "iw wau wnai 'AlarcoTarietTofP.V,.iKni. v..: , , Itoi.k s,., " . wur.i, -- nwID? OTIPIIS ho Tinroo nf k .11. i .Albatta. TV, .'ml T-i- .r. V.";".'""" " . rJ,,K". t.. r,V" E AXTIIOXY.

wa'iiera-- . arm-- ,," "''" -- "Uiaclurer of Photographic Mao rj r;- - .... I Sten-iw-.n.- .. .,1 c. . .and to what crops it shoul4 bo applied Blacksmith T.i.; fasti(3); and how applied f4 )?M 1 Blister Steel; Bar and

Lv V vr,- - siaiK, - wringsthe atmosphere into ! contact with thejuice,, and viscous fermentation ebsuresas rehdil v as if the imVo l10,i V

. r r"ii einncmie I lrwsLr Merchantiimu iron. Il.ml.ln I I fr..... m.ro ...ii ..Ilrrnl H,.,.. !..! . ... 1 -- .v are re.Mrif..Hr i" I rc,,on. .v. vmuj iuiB, UUCKOtS, &C.vi uicn ne shall know in iust six onr i.L.r a, raan.i,.aiwa, olSADDLERY".. WOrds!nnP t . 1. ,JkL, ... ' " vu .wat.i 10 ttada wlil lcIilr

iriJ'-T- i-mt L,.Wta

Jr rMWIJsir ln.,rr tMarawIrer lr'I4rr IMaeaaai.

JJT IHt,4rr IN.Uirr llww,Utr iMaraa,J mm ttrtJ""lr.

i ..un, tuuuji. inreo mm- - oaades. RriHV n.n,.,..i ..pressed. - .' ..' Fxeezino produces a fnVnrnl.T fr..t lour, inn nJll ' 't.r. 7. .r.r w2 nicss, tol - To PhoLytra. - I "' miv, ogsy Minim, Ladita' Aiding Whins,1 ' . V.. - '"""X CUlL'l. r,- . f ives wante,! J icrcosc.n.ic .Veju v iicutrniizinor iha nniv,n . i .i I? ur norm i . r t .

Send Vx tilil a r is.t . . a.vw 6UI,1B "uu acius lttruier "no has orcausing, their conversion intr. ,.,Jcan easily obtain swamn U I . GROCERIES. reatire wui.iea, ltu ricc ofinerebv inrflncmr,uv . , k. ' mini. shi-,nt- ,i nlm. t "- - i . . I cver. - nannr. jzVtuc 7. crj KFt! tki ot!t for rrtrenre.u J ,u6 m'c jmiu iro n ii -- i jo uuve a it T..ir. n- - ui imr,20 per cent, if the Icane is immediat,. i on, in which to bury UJJ ISL Aim.H.ds, Soda! 33 . 4mworked un. - . 7 to be obtained. t ' ' . Snie. ::rJf V'l.l.

. ' vvm, I v "'"aiHI wwuvr use, i.ead. Shot. Makufactcrim- j- A .! ... pound, or everv norl M ltij vf T

.' ' 9

Commuiiom Xtrtlant lir n.i r.sistips of three waen"ri '"r;fi. or cW.t'.ei , "MNE DVES,;rAIKTS, c.s K otT l!01' erc,J; kt" mvAaudbe fui- nnnm I r t . i .1 ... l . 7 . "r iciers. .nonarts. Arrr1 - a a 1 1111 in ivii wn ra.aMK a iv bi.i. a w . -T ul ,un

1cog-wheeI-?,; may be con- - 1. unaicu ueuompo-- I "," Jicwtnca ana Javnc s Til Is 'i.'V, int ,... . .

1 1 a a a 0m ninna . r aoiwuij, uu as mnch voohf r.r i: !"' wtu gui.MachLns. Iron Kaf.7 9 vi'Miiai, taieman a DronsLaudanum, rare?oric, HarUhorn. Camplw. BritLh

0 1 Sweet and Cantor Oil, Mexican and Mnstancl.llilnioiil tiil T.. : t.. . t. n- - . .

you have fish, and cover it all one ortwo feet deep. If you cannot get muck,use old beds of charcoal burners and

f!h.innriany rich sod. Failing to get muck. .

orm n n n

auuuicuior about 15 to 20. But as?n acre of sorghum will bny a one horseronill at SoOand. a $45 evaporator,with something over, we would recom-mend to buy X he best machinery,ually as vvooden pollers only press Jut

-- -. . Ainijj, BiHi prices jaAscnt for the" ll..-- i ; . "150 J1.Vby .". I'ublUhel; T"CT

......uv...., . . ci uTiui Dim. icily i.tcorie EiSslts, Snlphur, E--s. Cinnanuln, Pcpiirmint Lei'n.rtV ws sv st sat 1 a. iiiiirwc. iciownnct nil Sin,.,...!!!, c. I H'iu i iiickoru Aai Jv.77. v r.... .. j-.. i.-- hi n 1 uncn- - I ' - - - . ...... v. WXIi H "tine. Cloves, Lemon . Srrun. Glu r.tp. .. LA'-- 5. AUo. Cktnkf V.u nuy luriu, you qan make it MatJL' UUMle n'h- - This inralaabU ra.!t. a j- -t"" 'i iriiii. f .11 1:. 1. . . J -

by burning sods and trash, or TOT! makp r,tmslonc- -.Scotch Snuff.. Pipes,

. ..Germatyour pile nf Kds aEd richi earth.


If the !. CoachOil,and leather VamUes"

bones are not used up in the compost Sreen J?d Vellow; Pm Blue, Yen. i

Copal, Xi T u"ttf M--'' copi,.ns ha-Ho- d.

S, an.' ru?!.T.':Vno.or.1 and mWortane.

tu,iuims to three lourlhs of the juice' 'IIOW TO USE COOK'S EVAPORATORBelow the evaporator set the syrup tank.Having filled the juice tank, cover thepan , one inch in depth with water-bm- U

the fire, let on the juice, and itWill course its own w-- ni . .1 . .

you can use them in prown- - Extract and o,!,!, i,,dir0 Mad.lerUP anes. or di- - l,Jzin Alum. Com.era ri., t :.Ifourth

i3,,.irin,e,Ionflnw,'edition ram Mn. W?.- - e'r ljo.,4.

Diarrliooa,Diarrhoea,And Flux.And Flux.And Flux.

It Never Fails.It Xcver Fails.It Never Fails. .

Packages of Half Doz.Packages of Half Doz.Packages of Half Doz.

Put Up ExpresslyPut Up ExpresslyPut Up Expressly

For Plantations. .

For Plantations.For Plantations.

lor Sale hyTnr aV at the FratiVKa Oram,, Offir..

' .nT URfar iirr!rT rIH.T .a,t a..,,IiT .aT riMi.tT1UT .e.t tia.i.mr fcjuur lusraavciuj uraviTKJnoir nnnncanchiz rrtnna

Tlllt uLV hnmi craaTHK oLT hhlt, tt aIMC omi t Mum a a miiu U.LV rtMnTE t.vaBorrRf rnf rfnrtJtcxxk tut rnirvsroi.at Tita rroTLexua ihc noextarx tuc rtoruaajaf thi norut

iicrvaat. trrccnojia.raaTaasL arracnoKs. -t-

BSTMS4L arrtcTiona.rriTsiiLinrcnoM.raaraasi. srrrcrtoat.vscraatL arrtcnews.'

. art A rw enrmai srtxa.TM a wa torrraia mtl4Tra a atn txciiHt-- a ibll!II ?a fci-- ta aia rxTv-- a rll

M KA.Jlt TlKrlfc BX1LV T4Ka- - ,w u.--ar TSKCM


J ira tto Timmas a ao tajtIIA.S aao Tate"At tut SAO lAirrCMA BaO TTgMS M B 40 Ta.snc

FyX. IHHT A rmu. rn.xT a rruW'U- - Hiixt a ecu"w-"- A CISC

ua. iru t a rear -

TlU. mm a ccaav - ",fiTUfHT pw or rmsrrria:-- T i.m A- - i-- i

luted oil of vitriol., t H ,a V x JlrIJmis the best F.ch Window Class. &c&c.

vt-- 'rr'. A,3W. l'Icdid lithograph lOx- -l t,,H "J

of all thecrop to apply. Buch strong manure to,t i .

uieES you nave. some other rank feedin- - Bishops of the M. E. Church, South,l'LttUX 'C?.m nJ. CI ertalM.1 eopie,

j 11 1 sunn An bMK.i.. w : a . - -r na . luuernes, blackberries

-- CROCKERY and GLASS WAREusuaTCh larSr StCt' grcatcr Tarict)" tbin

ALSO, A GREAT 2IAXY GOODSla the diflbrcnt departments, that it is

Quite impossible to enumerate herelie would also tak inT.

, .w.v ... tucineives. nil ai.l.ir.t . t...jam ar .a . "a

vnit nronf .... . ' i 7 "".''"" receipt of oN dollar a "j " fcu iorwara.

Ferdinsr tatn: "rr11 ' i respecuui t..- - . .. . r . . W.

verse channel, andlin a brief period, acontinuous stream .of syrup will flowirom; the pan into the tank atfucha rate that it will tax Ihe mill toits utmost. to supply its evaporatorjn.ee The wo! k to be done is to ieel

hotfre and slum the ends 'of thechannels m the pan. Cook's evaporatorclarifies perfectly without chemical nts.

, .

i- -- v,. 4--. .ncndenl.all aJ.a.-.-t larors, 10 bis

A . . M.tenderinv. .. lit tVia..V.At a conventional meetingUthe mVm- -

wU tends aiwl natron

Der8 ot the Ohm Rrnto A rrvii-A.ll- .. 1 O . I UDUanCe of tho ' uorrnan, taq.. Ho,,. We,. A. Graham, J. R.mj ineni a con--same, proportionate to a... .4igiiyuuuiai oo i r.ciety, which we alluded to in! b.t vrt "tock of 'J&& i" U line.

II. W. KOLEN. "'" 1 ??. "en. B. F. rerrJ IfflCol. Alsdorf. of Licking, said I am agrazier Keep from forty to j fifty headof cattle to feed. Part of my pasturesblue nrrnco no.i r : i ' J . i

The Sulwcriber is also opening a

aai(MllraaaMtei,Jhi,JaMHt. JlBMlk.Jaasd vrr


oti rvMnt r.OwrraJ IKknnr,4ral IVMlllr."ral UrlMllt.a ntMuir,t ISrSiM,rl DvaiHy.fial Itosxiitir.

UiMilir,-- rl LttaUlf,

raHlatSa.falitatirlr4lMa. :


'1 talM,IalHallM.'IHtalkM,iStaltH.Pala4attM,

ChrmU rX.rrkMva.Jirat IHarrWa.CttrMlr iNaritMvaara.l lH.rrK-- a

siaal PMnuvC Btnaasa IHarrtaaMke""U iMarrHarCrNlc IllarrMa,C hran. tMarrtxra.Cfcrvatc iHarvStara,

CMta, ,

fUIlaa.(Mdlam.fllf llM,(.UadlMraKkMlatM,tM4lMl,

- ;Mrflaa.UMalans.

tVprraaraf rfrNa,lltprrMnl Rr.,llfrftMH ,rlta,nprrtal Splill.Hm,lpmml 4itta,Vprt ,4tHa,

. tplUil.IVrmMnl HHtt.""""t Hrtla.laiflpprtll,,r Apir1lia,la af Avtll,f a(ltr, -I'Msrsmtii.


'" im Ma Mf lUrk.W mm nmrhZla M a-- H HaTTIn kf atf ttk?Jl a SMt aM Itea7

- IT"" " rt--h!

alaj la Ml. .m Hah!l"lai l ls auct Back.

I KapS.UF iSM.L iTIl U K.prl.llr A-.- Pal IIt U r.afxrsall,11 1! E-- -r Aaani ;iII I "r At-p-a tmII I T:,,,,,,,r ArfiMai a51 A- -. taIs E.,Ully Ad.lFraaaU raaaplal.ta.VaaaaU, .pl..t. j

5H-t- .Btlt t aai,a.iMraal CMp7..t J

JVmata C.tal.u,aH -- H4"t I

rrou, SIM upwards warraitedin every particular.4

$50 REWARD.MM- - mm mm a A mi mm 1 A W At UIN MURPIir. CHEROKEE cavxrv v r- -

" pam wi nuiuuiy anu, cloverput upon the blue grass iQrst in thl Ranaa ayiVon, the residence of Mr. A.P. Mundr, eboni n,, firt of A rif tle.CTO Imr liiniMl Tnl f . '. '.

Fpr Sugar, prepare . conical shapedsugr coolers with. ping or gate at theSet them in a warm room and

' tnVlT' h ruP,to granulate, which; from twenty four hours to ah TDg ,0 lhetcmPeature and qual-ity nip. Then draw off theplug and let the molasses drain off

v . . 4,. vy., ,spring; then on my timothy knd clover! tAou?When the latter begins to Shoot. I seli J-P-

ct. .of the o'e aSve SVerTr"kSmy cattle in J iroe. . Save myj blue i wI?en 's eal prrf wlli.be &,,owc1 f,,r Ft"--'for fall nasture. F Lk.-- 0 .B!cVr".J Skin,, Beef Hides, Tal- -

feet 10 inches high. atishaab.ut lnO or1 . 0 pounds, ascd 27 or 28 3 ears. Is .nnartOUIIt. SH-I- I iirramtiLn 1 . . . .. ... t a aiifa. blackround face.qmck spoken, hoa a ck- -IICLm arliit f.i. ... i .. . 7 ' "f "ucc "" ttC- - c-- me I ns ness will becnndiicfeda day m winter. Feed corn 6a dry sod 8trct,Tn the CAS1 A barter systJn t, i o i . I and at nnces that rannni r.;i ..i

X 1 RECTIFIED SUGAR. After ed 77b"i hTT it-bu-t . n--T

keep;.Itshar.1 a .iinr m aurAM.. ... - m s f Ai 7 " icniia raiddelivery in t,. .k.i . . --. IT. -- iv.i iu me i "..cvin." irom an entire new and exteimiro

on sant.n.i. 7 " ,.vr r t 1 Bn,r.;.auv,ah8e8 is tt rained off, pour over the

!An al,,,,w. st?Dd--

frrly-eight hour.v "wm niw abi lO tne lOtQ Of ""-"viW- Hl uur motto Is to sell cheap.

March. When T annl r .t . - II. Vf. xolev it,,, I,. :"" . ' i , vuiiuuenieni in any jail, so

I r It la m.t-- .t il... f .i. i oni nas a pa s. ati h

- vm m me March 9 33 ,1Wl, it perished. It has been conven- - z ::ent for me to use small fields of fifteen Howar Association, Philadelphia.Or twenty acres. I hare XnnA A ,inU;.i.j t

melt the snr..ir "oil.;,.. : a. ., 7. T ' . "V". lfc io granulate aOcl7,1P5012tfX:J?UwA,0l y Spedeywinu ume, ttrwl then- - potrr on the hotliquor, and drain r as a benefit. Don't think cattl A.... ww weiii vitlrused, afflicted u-it- lV.-u- 7 j.u. 1 - -soeep. , m,).succeds in making a verv refined. sugar,

rrof iAGE CBPpT weight of a



N . 11. Ladd, of Jefferson, said I T Fr,trdrA.MOcialir: 1,1 lie" of thehave one hundred acres of p'asture. It NLSiloesi to nrow down, the division fences, tnr,e of uch die, b "S3

It i, ch?F 1 and let allyields about 34,000 lbs., : my stock go together.or twice " V nicir namt. moitni Dih--iii'icn as tne corn. Theand seed of ..the latter are .llhlmr.roTca c.rrUjc Ire.. !, S

onorrhoe.TCr - "1AL UKK fur - - m..r.m . 9m w

'mal (aaapuiau.SelAAbuse, 4nd order T.r n. " "T lclilA-- " !!rj',e rtafauwllly af rit is made. r Kmngyear. . TtPTTnt-- v vtt... It Ptal.i . . It . ..t a Aa. a a . 1 'iUlLUH COWS 'ha . . Aorjrr.i J Sr" ltlarfH- - m. . viict ui nn nil ph lrnn...i. .1 " ppnereoi oenerolent n bO Ml maaefat efTrtor Led. . In a blue ptbs !naen - have beenol creat benefit to th .m;..j . tnoat lil.ri ,cows shnnli oi.:..u.i . .. 1 Upon th7""'" u parcoam.. f" - wJ llafaaaHlf"" r cur CUftlomera BOLTING

ITHiT M Ttaiem crrivac rw rnrt -0 HtXwK A-


OA CM A HO a: O , fo chaui tar mrtoa. tnvi.r tar m--rj cnst;it fr rirOA CaUXaB or Hat

nrn u.--m imw,ni xifS Tarru j fjs Tvmtj .

"a fTtTpriTtm srarj4i fmtmK araJSLTMnsg as--, rini T

aioK ran.n.r' BKMB r3:i rnwiLf aruiLr

AK rTSVlTTTTtT- ami t rssAvi-s-n- r

, . ASft rSRMAr.TLra't rTiKrii.rAn MxTrrn.rasmAx r H AAXIILTTn Y Kosm arr.Tat emoww aauTrn- - ait asxrwsi KntrpTthaw .ST Esosrtr kt,mr .

THaj ait iisusrsi imitirha ast twii aaaiAir ,trwT 4 Catrj rU.t .

r- - a, i, -ZTZ !r! -

The quantity and miality of the m;n7 rn?ga i IS best..''. ButD r (iriajrJJ IT - ItMaiMllir

II ?r,"r" Matawta- -It - - t A. . . .

St.5foa, Smutteri, Btliina27

I UI w - avvspsa . T Z.:" ... .

Idouht 'tthnnf ,tl,Voung! nd .hav resolve.1 to deroti CLOTHS. Jfi3themselves, with renewed teal, to this rerr Jan. 27

im-- Unt ! much despised caule mpor -is greatly improved, and a richer' butter8 Clover and toothy. I have . Karaa, ""won, mw

is the result; -- 7 7 proved my pasture greatly brl spreading t 4d1.,inil,,e BPrtn Spermatorrhoea or Sen,. JEFKFRSHV "

pnArWO rn..v:-- i. ji.'. - -.-: mannr nn J- - : .n f ,f Weaknesa. the-Tre- e ot 0,.BU tULLLllL..uu.wvu b IU 1QR 1(11 1 I I an SparJ" Tula HaM.



I a r. a. 1 . . . . .la ar..," ' ra II.Ml

. ; Where oD! EoeS below tlat rate? more !?h,!'1 "P" OU Pstur are more ffAtt SSJSTS ! - '.t'. w Wj l 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 u ri n vn noon . . ihiomu. . . . . vc.uii . cai-uuu- armmriih, k j.ri .... i" . a a aal i .uotu course manure r cs tr mre coosumtly puLIbled inations. In .rk c

' 7ito great ndvanta i,?1""0 tril.ntiorf, and will be sent tO thm I LrflirM a aV0 "many .reaching 350and 400 gallons per acre. Well defeca- -

. i farv lUMaliV? .rpSB,'"u mjr wBeai .neias '-- - -i - iINaataara St.. .. m .

.ev-r- .1 snv.w,. Lr-rr- .' wi"er? .rr romeuioa ana methodsafva.1 dwC0TWed durk,s the laat year ofA 'Householder in a we.of.Prn viita,. i . t1 ."rW aa .Dw.a, .r -t.


--- r .cents per- gallon- .- .".-"- .

. --.

o deIrinf farther information Catalogueswill be seat, on application to thm P,a.u, W. W. Il Lisa avc-a-l 1' - up s'chedulej iinderthefllhng nouaHi6?'?CV'lrwt",?,

eolnmn 4By of th n

R. IL l)AB5Ert A. M.,WaynesviTTe, N. C, April 21. t, lSCQ. Vol!It

("'v" icpcuiauuu itu xo-morr- ow. and headed' Were borni"'-- describ!havea day more Jto renent;nf. ni . ed ftnf hU rbilro ' .... ?

for. Sale

For tale at the Observer Office.J!7RA n irpiDvw-it- adaj .es. to repent in,


"parIor - and - .X-- " "

i waaa 4 jl 1

i. ior Uowel Complaint. For DEC- - OF EJECTMENT, and other LUsls toe--a ttoapVAT. n to tW as llnMtniii

Foraalaai tU FraoaJka OUavrer OaUe.- - v.