teach @ home Daily Lessons & Activities © hand2mind, Inc. Permission is granted for limited reproduction of pages for in-home use and not for resale. hand2mind.com For video lessons and additional resources, visit hand2mindathome.com La hoja de respuestas para las lecciones de esta semana se puede encontrar en: Imprimible hoja de respuesta hand2mind-link.com/L3-AK-W5a Actividades de Lenguaje en Inglés Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1 Usar Vocabulario Académico (Ciencia) 2–4 Día 2 Usar Vocabulario Académico (Ciencias Sociales) 5–7 Día 3 Causa/Efecto 8–9 Día 4 Problema/Solución 10–11 Día 5 Adjetivos 12–13

Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

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Page 1: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

teach@homeDaily Lessons & Activities

for K-5 Students

© hand2mind, Inc.

teach@homeDaily Lessons & Activities

for K-5 Students




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hand2mind.com For video lessons and additional resources, visit hand2mindathome.com

La hoja de respuestas para las lecciones de esta semana se puede encontrar en:

Imprimible hoja de respuestahand2mind-link.com/L3-AK-W5a

Actividades de Lenguaje en Inglés

Grado 3, Semana 5Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto,

Problema & Solución, Adjectivos

Día Tema Páginas

Día 1 Usar Vocabulario Académico (Ciencia) 2–4

Día 2Usar Vocabulario Académico (Ciencias Sociales)


Día 3 Causa/Efecto 8–9

Día 4 Problema/Solución 10–11

Día 5 Adjetivos 12–13

Page 2: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 2

Mira la lección día 1 hand2mind-link.com/LKW5D1Día 1

Lee el texto en el organizador gráfico. Luego, escribe sobre cómo los animales son iguales y cómo los animales son diferentes en la página siguiente.

This graphic organizer sorts pond animals by characteristics, or features. The characteristics are: Has a Shell, Has Legs, Comes on Land, and Has a Tail.

Has a Shell Has Legs

Has a Tail Comes on Land


fish crayfish pond snail frog turtle

Pond AnimalCharacteristics

Sorting by characteristic is called classification.

Page 3: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 3

Día 1 (continuación)

Crayfish and pond snails are alike because ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Crayfish and pond snails are different because ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Turtles and frogs are alike because ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Turtles and frogs are different because ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

What else did you notice about pond animals? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Page 4: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 4

Día 1 (continuación)

Solar system giant balls of frozen gas and dust

Planets first 4 planets closest to the Sun that are warm and made of rock and metals

Inner planets a star and everything that orbits or moves around the star

Outer planets large, round objects in space made of rock, metal, or gas

Asteroids 4 planets that are farther from the Sun and are dark, cold, and made mostly of gases

Meteoroids chunks of rock the size of small planets

Comets chunks of rock that fly through space and are smaller than asteroids

A solar system includes a star and everything that orbits, or moves around, the star. The Sun is a star. It is also the largest object in our solar system. Planets orbit the Sun. A planet is a large, round object in space made of rock and metal, or of gas. Earth is the third of 8 planets that orbit the Sun. The planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Scientists believe the Sun and planets formed from a swirling cloud of gas, ice, and dust. The planets are close in age. But they are very different from each other. For example, Jupiter is the largest planet. All the other planets could fit inside it! Venus is very hot. It constantly oozes melted rock.

Scientists divide the planets into groups. The first 4 planets are close to the Sun and to each other. They are called the inner planets. They are all made of rock and metals and are the warmest planets. The next 4 planets are spread much farther apart. They are called the outer planets. They are dark and cold. They are made mostly of gases. They are also much larger than the inner planets and have rings and many moons.

The solar system also contains other space objects. Pluto is a dwarf planet. Asteroids are chunks of rock the size of small planets. Most orbit the Sun in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. Smaller chunks of rock called meteoroids also fly through space. So do giant balls of frozen gas and dust called comets.

Lee el texto de abajo. Usa el texto para ayudarte a entender el significado de las palabras de vocabulario en negrita. Luego,

dibuja una línea para que cada palabra del vocabulario coincida con su definición.

Page 5: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 5


Mira la lección día 2 Día 2

Lee la siguiente información sobre la basura en los Estados Unidos.Luego, responde las preguntas en la página siguiente.

Yard Trimmings


16% 5%







Food Scraps



Other (Wood, Rubber, Leather)

Americans throw away over 228 million tons of trash, or solid waste, every year. This includes glass and plastic bottles, cans, old clothes, broken appliances, and lots and lots of paper. The garbage produced in our homes, schools, and businesses must be disposed of, but many people are concerned that we are running out of room for all of our trash.

Method What It Means Example

Source Reduction To create less waste Package food in smaller containers.

Reusing To use the same item again and again Use a lunch box instead of a paper bag.

Recycling To take an item and turn it into something else

Make carpet fibers from plastic bottles.

CompostingTo let nature break down organic materials, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, into nutrients for the soil

Don’t throw away food scraps and yard trimmings; build a backyard compost pile.

Incineration To save space by burning waste materials

Burn bulky solid waste, such as paper and plastic.

Landfilling To bury solid waste in a way that is as safe as possible for the environment

Use landfills to deal with solid waste.

Page 6: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 6

Día 2 (continuación)

source reduction composting

incineration landfilling

What is something that you could recycle?




What is something that you could reuse?




Draw pictures to help you remember the following words:

Page 7: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 7

Día 2 (continuación)

1. The flag of the United States has 13 stripes and many stars.

2. The Canadian flag has a single maple leaf.

3. The Japanese flag has a circle in the center representing a rising sun.

4. The flag of the United Kingdom is filled by a cross in front of an X.

5. The Australian flag has the United Kingdom flag within it.

6. Brazil’s flag has a diamond with a globe of the southern hemisphere’s sky inside it.

7. The Vietnamese flag has only one star on it.

8. South Africa’s flag has a sideways Y.

9. Togo’s flag has 5 stripes and one star.

10. The Republic of Congo’s flag has one diagonal stripe.

11. Bhutan’s flag has a dragon on it.

12. Hong Kong’s flag has one flower on it.

Dibuja una línea para que la descripción coincida con la bandera correcta.

Page 8: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 8

Mira la lección día 3hand2mind-link.com/L3W5D3Día 3

Dibuja una línea para que cada causa coincida con su efecto.

Causa/Cause Efecto/Effect

It is snowing. My stomach is very full.

I ate 5 cookies after dinner. The plant grows tall and strong.

I studied for my test for 10 hours. I was late for the birthday party.

Sheetal tends to her plant every day. Lux wags his tail out of happiness.

Traffic was terrible. I got an A on my test.

There are a lot of people at the beach.

I get to the park faster than if I walked.

We bought Lux a new dog toy. I am cold and shivering.

I ride my bike to the park. We couldn’t find a spot to put down our towels.

Page 9: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 9

Día 3 (continuación)

1. I cried all night long because

Cause 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Cause 2: ____________________________________________________________.

2. The branches fell off the tree because

Cause 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Cause 2: ____________________________________________________________.

3. I spent all day in my room because

Cause 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Cause 2: ____________________________________________________________.

4. Maria had a very bad sunburn because

Cause 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Cause 2: ____________________________________________________________.

1. Effect 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Effect 2: ____________________________________________________________. because I couldn’t sleep last night.

2. Effect 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Effect 2: ____________________________________________________________. because Sasha practiced every day.

3. Effect 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Effect 2: ____________________________________________________________. because the sun finally came out.

4. Effect 1: ____________________________________________________________.

Effect 2: ____________________________________________________________. because the cat ran across the yard.

Escribe dos causas posibles para cada situación completando la oración.

Escribe dos posibles efectos para cada situación completando la oración.

Page 10: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 10

Mira la lección día 4hand2mind-link.com/L3W5D4Día 4

Lee la historia. Luego, completa los cuadros a continuaciónpara mostrar el problema y la solución de la historia.

Eric saw a mountain bike at the store. The bike had flames painted on it and big tires. Eric wanted to buy the bike more than anything, but it cost $100 and he didn’t have enough money. Eric talked to his dad about the bike. His dad said that he could do chores to earn money. Eric decided this was a good idea. First, he washed his dad’s car. Then, he mowed the lawn. Next, Eric helped take care of his grandma’s dogs. After 2 months, Eric earned enough money to buy the bike. He bought the mountain bike and enjoyed his first ride.

Problem: Solution:

Page 11: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 11

Día 4 (continuación)Escribe una historia corta que tenga un problema y una solución. Primero,

piensa en el problema que enfrentará tu personaje. Luego, piensa encómo el personaje encontrará una solución al problema.

Personaje/Character: ______________________________________________

Escenario/Setting: _________________________________________________

Problema/Problem: ________________________________________________




Solucion/Solutión: ________________________________________________




Historia/Story: __________________________________________________________












Page 12: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 12


Mira la lección día 5Día 5

Encierra en un círculo los adjetivos en las siguientes oraciones.Subraya el sustantivo que describe cada adjetivo.

1. The cold water flowed through the green field on its way to the swift river.

2. The scorching sun was so bright I had to wear my sunglasses.

3. The noisy students became quiet when they walked into the silent library filled with towering bookcases.

4. The frosty morning was just the beginning of a wet, chilly day.

5. The enormous ship was like a floating city.

6. The courageous fireman helped the frightened cat get out of the tree.

7. Whenever there is loud thunder, our normally happy puppy gets a little scared.

8. The kind teacher greeted each new student at the door on the first day of school.

Page 13: Daily Lessons & Activities for K-5 Students Lenguaje en ... · Grado 3, Semana 5 Vocabulario Académico, Causa & Efecto, Problema & Solución, Adjectivos Día Tema Páginas Día 1

© hand2mind, Inc. hand2mind.comGrade 3 Literacy, Week 5, Page 13

Día 5 (continuación)Reescribe las siguientes oraciones, agregando al menos

dos adjetivos a cada oración.

1. A cloud floated across the sky.



2. A spider sat in its web.



3. A bat flew into a cave.



4. The child held a balloon.



5. A mouse scurried across the floor.

