Tristan Tzara , Dada and Surrealism By, Michael E. Moats (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) (1 2 3 Movies.info) 1 23 Movies.info . (1 2 3 Movies.info)


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  • 1. . (1 3 Movies.info)(1 22 3 Movies.info) Tristan Tzara , Dada and Surrealism By, Michael E. Moats 1 23 Movies.info
  • 2. Tristan Tzara (bornSamuel orSamyRosenstock, a.ka. S.Samyro; April 16 1896, inRomaniaBorn into a Jewishfamily, his 1st language wasprobably Yiddish, hissecond Romanian, and hisadopted language French.In fact the majority of hiswork was written inFrench. Having been sent awayto boarding school at11, he actually started hiswriting career with themagazine Simbolul, underthe direction of AdrianManiu, when he was 16. Dada 1, ed. Tristan Tzara (Zurich, July 1917), cover, and Dada 2, ed.(PoemHunter.com) Tristan Tzara (Zurich, December 1917), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 3. So Tzara was a majorpresident in Dada, themovement to end allmovements, in reaction to thatWar to end all wars, WWI or theGreat War.Avant-garde poet, essayistand performance artist. Alsoactive as ajournalist, playwright, literaryand art critic, composer andfilm director (Hoffman) So Tzara collaborated withother Romanian Jews notably Marcel and GeorgesJanco to start the Dadaistmovement. (Sanderson) Dada 3, ed. Tristan Tzara (Zurich, December 1918), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 4. During WWI, Tzara joined MarcelJanco in Switzerland at the CabaretVoltaire and performeddrama, recited his poetry and hisDadaist manifestos. Though nobody knows where theterm comes from, some say Dadain French it means hobby horse.In German it means good-bye, Getoff my back, Be seeing yousometime. In Romanian:Yes, indeed, you are right, thatsit. (Spencer) Dada 3, ed. Tristan Tzara (Zurich, December 1918). (Hoffman)
  • 5. From Dada ManifestoDadaist Disgust (KennethDouglas) Dada 45 (Anthologie Dada), ed. Tristan Tzara (Zurich, May 1919), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 6. In Zrich, Tzara met many writers and artist who would later found the Dadaist movement. Among these were Hugo Ball and his wife Emmy Hennings, who ren whoent The Troupe in Zrich Hugo Ball and his wife Emmy Hennings, Hans Arp, Arthur Segal, Otto Van Rees, Max Oppenheimer, Marcel Janco, Richard Huelsenbeck, and Marcel Stodki. (Gullette) Though the movement began as a literary venue, it quickly moved to performance and visual arts movement. (Sayre) Der Dada 3, ed. Raoul Hausmann (Berlin, April 1920), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 7. Many authors, andartists fromFrance, Germany, andItaly joined themovement. Eventually, artists fromthe United States joinedthe fray. (Hartt) 391 2, ed. Francis Picabia (Barcelona, February 10, 1917), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 8. From France, it was MarcelDuchamp who led themovement with hisoutrageous paintings andsculptures. In this painting, Marcel Duchamp integrates the Cubist to the Futurists in a brave Dadaist way. Marcel Duchamp: Nude Descending a Staircase 1912 (Swanson) The Blind Man 1, eds. Marcel Duchamp, Beatrice Wood, and Henri- Pierre Roch (New York, April 10, 1917), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 9. The photo to the leftshows Duchampsreadymade sculpture of aurinal, which he aptlycalled Fountain. (Hoffman) he Blind Man 2, eds. Marcel Duchamp, Beatrice Wood, and Henri-Pierre Roch (New York, May 1917), pp. 23. (Hoffman)
  • 10. IIn 1918, FrancisPicabia, and MarcelDuchamp, from France, andMan Ray from theU.S., formed the Nihilistoffshoot from Dada.This movement wasextreme Dada, Nihilism isthe belief that all valuesare baseless and that Neozubair.worldpress.comnothing can be known orcommunicated. It is oftenassociated with extremepessimism and aradical skepticism thatcondemns existence. A truenihilist would believe innothing, have noloyalties, and no purposeother than, perhaps, an www.niilists.net
  • 11. Dada in Paris, 1920With: LouisAragon, Breton, andRibemont-Dessaignes, Arp andTzara from Zurich, ManRay and Picabia fromNew York, and Max Ernstfrom Cologne. (Sayre), (Hoffman) & (ArtHistory.net) Dada 6 (Bulletin Dada), ed. Tristan Tzara (Paris, February 1920), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 12. Dadaism eventuallyevolved into Surrealism.Andr Breton led thecharge and change tosurrealism. (Hoffman) but secondsourced fro Bretons Manifeste du surrealisme Minotaure 10, ed. Albert Skira (Paris, Winter 1937), cover (Hofman).
  • 13. Though theSurrealist movementbegan as a literarygenre, it too quicklyevolved into a visualart movement.To name a few:AndrBreton, SalvadorDal,Giorgio deChirico, RobertDesnos, MarcelDuchamp, and MichelLeiris. We should also addthe UltraistaslikeJorge Luis Borges.(Hoffman), (Pratt) & (Spenser) La Rvolution surraliste 12, ed. Andr Breton (Paris, December 15, 1929), cover. (Hoffman)
  • 14. I wrote this tribute to Dal and his expressedphilosophy of Gastro Esthetic Cannibalism when Iwas 18:To Dal or Gastro Aesthetic CannibalismMunching on fingers,I assimilate,osmosize sculpture art;grace metaphors.Those mothsnot butterflies in stomach,feed on each other,death-head victor,rends gastric-wallsin carnivore jaws.Lust tastes, wants and screams insatiably more!more!That wind, of hate, hungers for our warmth,gnaws at corners of cloth-skins,and sins.Beauty-day consumes beast-ugly-night, (Salvidordalipaintings.blogspot.com)and moon that sunand we that son of God? My favorite surrealist artist isTears and rivers erode-bits of wealth- Salvador Dal and this painting isfrom Earth and brow; called The Persistence of Memory(both being faces and planets)leavingonlyrotting fearsome stenchand time.Life in lark exaltation, death in black-raven shriek-cosmic orality-consuming all.
  • 15. . Poems from Borges Lluvia Bruscamente la tarde se ha Rain aclarado The afternoon has brightened up at last Porque ya cae la lluvia minuciosa. For rain is falling, sudden and minute. Cae o cay. La lluviaesunacosa Falling or fallen. There is no dispute: Que sin dudasucede en el pasado. Rain is a thing that happens in the past. Quien la oyecaer ha recobrado Who hears it fall retrieves a time that fled El tiempo en que la When an uncanny windfall could disclose suerteventurosa To him a flower by the name of rose Le revelunaflorllamadarosa And the perplexing redness of its red. Y el curioso color del colorado. Falling until it blinds each windowpane Estalluviaqueciega los cristales Out in a lost suburbia this rain Alegrar en perdidosarrabales Shall liven black grapes on a vine inside Las negrasuvas de unaparra en cierto A certain patio that is no more. A longed-awaited voice through the Patio queya no existe. La mojada downpour Tarde me trae la voz, la vozdeseada, Is from my father. He has neverdied. . (A. Z. De mi padre quevuelve y que no ha Forman) muerto. (A. Z. Forman)
  • 16. Tristan Tzara dies in 1963 Image: (1 2 3 Movies.info) Video: (YouTube)
  • 17. Image: (1 2 3 Movies.info) Video: You tube
  • 18. Image: (1 2 3 Movies.info) Video: You Tube
  • 19. Image: (1 2 3 Movies.info) Video: You Tube
  • 20. ReferencesTzara. 2012. Image. 20 September 2012. A. Z. Forman, Translator. Poems Found in translation. 2012. Document. 03 November 2012.ArtHistory.net. Introduction to the Artistic Style od Dada. 2009. Document. 03 November 2012.Gullette, Alan. Sur . Real. 13 January 2011. Document. 03 November 2012.Hartt, Fredrick. Art; A History of Painting, Sculture and Architecture. Vol. II. New York/Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall Inc., and Harry N. Abrams, 1976. book.Hoffman, Irene E. Documents of Dada and Surrealism:Dada and Surrealist Journals in the Mary Reynolds Collection. 2001. Document. 30 September 2012.Kenneth Douglas, et. al. The Noton Anthology of Western Literature. Ed. Sarah Lawall. Eighth Edition. Vol. II. New York/London: W.W. Norton & Company, 2006. Anthology.neozubair.wordpress.com. Neo Nihilists . 2012. 2 October 2012.Nielsen, W. Dadaism and Surrealism . 1996. Document. 19 October 2012.PoemHunter.com. Tristan Tzara. 19 October 2012. Documant. 19 October 2012.Pratt, Allan. Nihilism. 03 May 2005. Document. 13 October 2012.Salvidordalipaintings.blogspot.com. About SalvidorDali. 2012. Image and document. 02 November 2012.Sanderson, Brenton. Tristan Tzara and the Jewish Roots of Dada, Part 1. 15 November 2011. Document. 10 September 2012.Sayre, Henrey M. A World of Art. 5th edition. Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. book.Spencer, Harold. The Image Maker. New Yory, New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1975. Book.Swanson, Chad. Marcel Duchamp (1887 - 1968): The Father of Post-modernism. 2012. Image. 17 September 2012.www.nihilists.net. Nihilists Corner. 2012. Image. 30 September 2012.You Tube. ABCs of Dad 1. 2012. Video. 03 October 2012.