Daa Adbhentures Obh Bool Sheet - The Keeck

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  • 8/7/2019 Daa Adbhentures Obh Bool Sheet - The Keeck


    The Keeck

    by Shamit Bagchi

    Bool Sheet lay in bed; yet his flailing arms were clenched and moving as if he were fighting


    Bool Sheet was bleeding - his right arm had several gashes, he lay on the ground now but tried

    to get up and something big and dark lunged at him and there was a scuffle and a loud growl

    followed by a series of sharp sonorous barks.

    It was an enormous hound of supernatural proportions, its dark black haunches powerful andgleaming. Its bared teeth tore into Bool shoulder, Bool gave a cry of intense pain and then

    with all the strength left in him Bool kicked hard with his Bata shoes on the side of the big

    black dog. And then another and another until a bone crunched. There was a yelping sound

    and the huge dog slowly moved its head to one side and licked at his wound. This was the

    chance Bool had been looking for. He jumped up and ran.

  • 8/7/2019 Daa Adbhentures Obh Bool Sheet - The Keeck


  • 8/7/2019 Daa Adbhentures Obh Bool Sheet - The Keeck


    One Sunday as he sat glum in the hostel lobby, Jobb came over and started asking


    Jobb was known for his questions in class, in the hostel and anywhere and everywhere, the

    one thing Jobb was well known for was for his incessant questions! He could go deep or ask

    absolutely useless questions depending on his mood. Some days his mood would say:investigator and on other days scream: Arbit! When in an investigative, detective mood he

    could really be intimidating, everyone else would shut up and look up to him in awe. That

    day too he was in a similar mood.

    I have been observing you, whats the matter with you?

    Bool hesitated first but Jobb was Jobb and after a few minutes Bool told him everything and

    actually felt relieved. Jobb was known to be a master in the art of advice - an expert. He

    suggested to him that this problem of the Black Dog and his Nasty Boss was easily solvable.

    When Bool mentioned that from the time he had met his boss - the manager he had beenuncomfortable. To this on further questioning Jobb figured that Bool felt he had seen the

    guy somewhere and he looked familiar.

    Just as he was thinking deeply as if everything fell into its place. Jobb clapped his hands and

    whispered something into Bools ears. He told him to do exactly as told.

    The second month was even more torturous. Bools boss despite Bools stellar performance

    demanded more and more and behaved irritably with his habit of sarcasm intact and also

    like a spoilt grown up kid!

    The last week of his two month summer stint was now here, and he continued to perform

    to his best and had become quite a star except in the eyes of his boss.

    And today was the last day of his internship, and as the lunch hour came to an end, Bool

    went and spoke to Nikita and told her to get the fire safety drill executed through office

    staff exactly at 4:45 PM.

    At the appointed time, a loud siren went off but quite amazingly the people sat relaxed.

    After a while when the siren did not stop, people started panicking - the emergency exit

    was opened and in the ensuing melee as everyone started to walk down the iron staircase

    to the holding zone, Bool saw his boss also go out through the emergency exit.

    In a flash he was behind him and as he was about to land in the open zone where everyone

    was - Bool kicked his boss hard on his rump and then slyly moved into the crowd. The boss

    kept looking all around, puzzled at who kicked him, his face turning deep purple in anger!

    After a while the drill was called off on the news of satisfactory preparedness of the


  • 8/7/2019 Daa Adbhentures Obh Bool Sheet - The Keeck


    Bool felt great satisfaction that evening after having kicked his disgusting boss on his

    backside. He felt a relief, a calmness spreading across his whole body and especially his

    head. It was in this state of peace that realization dawned on him, that his boss had looked

    so familiar because he resembled the black dog he used to see all the time in his dreams!

    That night and then onwards he never got the black dogs dream ever again and could sleeppeacefully, although sometimes scaring his neighbours with whistle-like snores.

    Actually unknowing to Bool what Jobb had done and what Bool came to know later from

    Jobb was that Jobb had done an Outfection on Bools subconscious. In parapsychology

    terms it is known as The Keeck first coined by the famous parapsychologist Dr Haajaar


    Bools kicking his manager had eliminated the residual image of the black dog from Bools

    subconscious whose reality was actually the boss!

    Although this technique can only be mastered by a few under the guidance of an expert like

    Jobb, it is recommended for fewer still, unless it gets to Bool Sheet like circumstances!