www.rotaryrotorua.org.nz ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Gary C.K.Huang D9930 GOVERNOR Paul Wright OFFICERS President Russell Dale Vice President Deborah McCarthy 2nd Vice President Ray Bloomfield Imm. Past President Barry Lane Secretary Bob Allison Treasurer Martin Kinder Tony Hill (Asst.) DIRECTORS Club Service Deborah McCarthy Community Ray Bloomfield International Bryce Dunn Youth Don Macfarlane Vocational Peter Faulkner Membership Peter Spurdle Welfare Katrina Allison Bulletin Roger Gordon Margriet Theron (Asst.) Programme Garth Wilson Ann Nicholas (Asst.) Sergeant Dennis Mariner Perry Stevens (Asst.) Web Master Tony Baker Publicity Kevin O'Connor Rotary Club of Rotorua (Inc) Chartered on 21 December, 1927 THURSDAY 24 JULY 2014 Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings New Rotary officers begin their year of service PRESIDENT'S PEN Hi all, The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own charity and a little understood feature of the Foundation is that all funds contributed are used to make a difference to people around the world. Unlike many other charities, it is just the interest earnings on the annual contributions each year that support the administration of the Foundation. Last year clubs in our District, 9930, contributed $150,000 to the Foundation, or about $85 per member. This means that in 3 years’ time, the District will get back around $75,000 to distribute to clubs for worthy community projects. This year our clubs goal for Foundation giving has been doubled to $2,000 which is $40 per member. This is still well below the District average but it is a start to lifting our contribution. The plan that the Directors have developed to achieve a presidential citation in 2015, is to have all members contributing to the Foundation. The aim is to also increase the number of members making a regular contribution. Let’s see what we can collectively do to increase our contribution to the Foundation this year. Next week we will be announcing our plans for the Club’s cycling challenge to get out in the fresh air, get some exercise, have fun together and raise funds for a good community cause. We have a group of experienced bikers who will provide the support and advice to those who are keen to take part in this activity. On a less favourable note, I have received a resignation letter from Frank Emirali who has decided that for family and health reasons he can no longer make the commitment to Rotary. We will miss Frank and Jan and wish them all the best.

D9930 GOVERNOR Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings · The wonderful teamwork team work shown by The Christchurch WRCF 2002 Festival committee and the support given from throughout

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Page 1: D9930 GOVERNOR Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings · The wonderful teamwork team work shown by The Christchurch WRCF 2002 Festival committee and the support given from throughout



Gary C.K.Huang D9930 GOVERNOR Paul Wright OFFICERS President

Russell Dale Vice President

Deborah McCarthy 2nd Vice President

Ray Bloomfield Imm. Past President

Barry Lane Secretary

Bob Allison Treasurer

Martin Kinder Tony Hill (Asst.)

DIRECTORS Club Service

Deborah McCarthy Community

Ray Bloomfield International

Bryce Dunn Youth

Don Macfarlane Vocational

Peter Faulkner Membership

Peter Spurdle


Katrina Allison Bulletin

Roger Gordon Margriet Theron (Asst.) Programme

Garth Wilson Ann Nicholas (Asst.) Sergeant

Dennis Mariner Perry Stevens (Asst.) Web Master

Tony Baker Publicity Kevin O'Connor

Rotary Club of Rotorua (Inc) Chartered on 21 December, 1927


Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings

New Rotary officers begin their year of service


Hi all, The Rotary Foundation is Rotary’s own charity and a little understood feature of the Foundation is that all funds contributed are used to make a difference to people around the world. Unlike many other charities, it is just the interest earnings on the annual contributions each year that support the

administration of the Foundation. Last year clubs in our District, 9930, contributed $150,000 to the Foundation, or about $85 per member. This means that in 3 years’ time, the District will get back around $75,000 to distribute to clubs for worthy community projects. This year our clubs goal for Foundation giving has been doubled to $2,000 which is $40 per member. This is still well below the District average but it is a start to lifting our contribution. The plan that the Directors have developed to achieve a presidential citation in 2015, is to have all members contributing to the Foundation. The aim is to also increase the number of members making a regular contribution. Let’s see what we can collectively do to increase our contribution to the Foundation this year. Next week we will be announcing our plans for the Club’s cycling challenge to get out in the fresh air, get some exercise, have fun together and raise funds for a good community cause. We have a group of experienced bikers who will provide the support and advice to those who are keen to take part in this activity. On a less favourable note, I have received a resignation letter from Frank Emirali who has decided that for family and health reasons he can no longer make the commitment to Rotary. We will miss Frank and Jan and wish them all the best.

Page 2: D9930 GOVERNOR Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings · The wonderful teamwork team work shown by The Christchurch WRCF 2002 Festival committee and the support given from throughout


CLUB MEETINGS 12.30pm on Mondays (except public holidays)

Sudima Hotel, 1000 Eruera St, Phone 07/348 1174

POSTAL ADDRESS:: P.O. Box 59, Rotorua

APOLOGIES TO: (07) 348 1174

Contributions to the Bulletin are welcome and

can be emailed to [email protected]

We are now on facebook -

don't forget to 'like' https://facebook.com/rotaryrotorua

Next Monday we welcome the new District Governor, Paul Wright. Don’t miss this opportunity to “LIght up Rotary” with your best and brightest shirt and make a donation to the Hearing House. Regards Russell


Sudima Hotel

Rotary Trade Me Now’s a great time to clean out your garage, attic or cupboard, and

sell your unwanted items. Something you think is junk could be someone else’s treasure. Any items he/she doesn’t need can be sneaked around to Tony

Baker’s place and will be turned into Club money before they are even missed!!

Bulletin report on meeting of 21 July 2014

Guest Speaker Sharon Ross Sharon went on a trek to Nepal with her sister and nephew who were commemorating ten years since they erected a cairn in memory of Ray Brown, her sister’s husband, on the slopes of Mount Everest. Ray had run the Everest Marathon in the 1990s and his veteran’s record still stands. When he died unexpectedly in 2002 the Nepalese wanted to build a memorial for him. Sharon and her family’s trek from Lukla Airport

What’s Coming Up

Rotary Learning and Information (RLI) training will be held in Taupo on Saturday 16th August. RLI training will provide opportunities for engagement with Rotary and is aimed at increasing Rotarian knowledge for experienced as well as new members. Levels One, Two & Three courses will all be run on the same day (running consecutively). Please register by 9th August, directly onto the D9930 Website - click on the "Information" tab at top of page and click on "District Training & Development" down left side of page. Please share this information with your members this week, to encourage them to attend. Paul D. Wright Governor, District 9930

Page 3: D9930 GOVERNOR Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings · The wonderful teamwork team work shown by The Christchurch WRCF 2002 Festival committee and the support given from throughout


via Namche Bazar to Everest Base Camp took 8.5 days up and 3.5 days down.

They carried their own backpacks and by taking their time up the mountain and drinking lots of water and tea they did not suffer from altitude sickness. Porters carry huge loads, up to 120 kg, up the mountain, walking with sticks

with cross bars to provide a seat to rest. The loads on the yaks are limited to 70 kg. To be safe, the party stuck to meals of vegetables and yak cheese. In the severe cold the villagers use cunning plans to preserve vegetables for winter: digging up mature cabbage plants and replanting them close together under canvas, and storing root vegetables in deep holes covered with a mound of earth. When approaching the narrow swing bridges trekking parties have to look out for oncoming teams of yaks – easy to detect with the bells around their necks. The yaks produce meat, cheese, wool for blankets and clothes, and fuel for fires. Accommodation includes rooms so chilly that cameras had to be kept overnight inside sleeping bags to protect their batteries, narrow beds, and very expensive electricity to recharge batteries. Showers were replaced by wet wipes and merino underwear. Sharon’s family did some repairs to Ray’s cairn on the way up and paid another visit on the way back. Helicopters are a common sight, carrying injured climbers and affluent tourists. At 5,300 meters the temperature was -20C.

Happy Birthdays “Coming Up”

27-Jul Robyn Spurdle 28 Jul Louw Van Wyk

The Directors have received and approved the following requests for leave of absence:

To 26 September 2014 Peter Baars

NZIFCR History of IFCR in New Zealand

The progress of our unique International Rotary Cricket fellowship in New Zealand can be attributed with appreciation to the efforts of many wonderful Rotarians. They are all worthy of mention: 1994 Australasian Tour to England. Gordon Fenwick and his 1994 Australasian touring team to England who upon their return sowed the seeds for IFCR growth “Down Under”. The 1994 tour to England was an Australasian team (not an Australian team), thanks to the presence and prior legwork of a fellow called Brian Morgan. 1994 Australasian Tour to England. The support and encouragement throughout from IFCR International President Geoffrey Pike and Secretary Michael Jackson RDU Editor Bob Aitken and the contribution of the whole Rotary Down Under Team for the

Page 4: D9930 GOVERNOR Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings · The wonderful teamwork team work shown by The Christchurch WRCF 2002 Festival committee and the support given from throughout


wonderful fellowship reports throughout. When NZIFCR was established Brian Morgan was the Secretary from inception until March 2003 when he stood down and John Dean took over. It is doubtful that there would be an NZIFCR without the untiring efforts of Brian. At that meeting, Brian was elected Foundation President of NZIFCR, and a Life Member of the Fellowship The many New Zealand IFCR District and Local IFCR organisers from throughout our country for generously giving their time when caring for International IFCR visiting groups. Bevan Congdon and Tom White for leading our first New Zealand IFCR group to New South Wales and Queensland in 1997. Brian Doherty and Warren Bampton organizers of the First Australian IFCR group to visit New Zealand in February 1998. MN Prasad from Bangalore who organized the first ever IFCR group from Southern India to visit New Zealand in February 1998. Robert Armstrong, Manager of the New Zealand IFCR group led a return visit to Southern India and the WRCF 1999 in Chennai. PDG Kittu and PS Sridharan plus their tremendous organizing WRCF committee for all their good work in providing such a wonderful International Rotary Fellowship occasion at Chennai. The visiting IFCR groups from both the United Kingdom and Australia who toured New Zealand in the new millennium year of 2000. Tour leaders Michael Jackson and Peter Daly fostered the goodwill of our Fellowship throughout. Touring NZIFCR Team at Lords June 2001 The wonderful teamwork team work shown by The Christchurch WRCF 2002 Festival committee and the support given from throughout New Zealand when providing for all our international visitors. New Zealand’s second IFCR visit to Australia visiting throughout Victoria and Country NSW led by John Hannah in 2002. A third New Zealand group visit to Australia in September 2003 led by NZ IFCR Secretary John Dean and Tour Manager Paul Warren playing matches throughout Queensland and Bundaberg. Currently NZ IFCR has some 96 fellows on its database. Thanks to the efforts of a hard core of enthusiastic fellows we have developed an infrastructure which will enable us to further develop the fellowship. Current challenges include getting IFCR established in more regions/districts around NZ and having more overseas tours 2002

Page 5: D9930 GOVERNOR Rotary Theme for July is New Beginnings · The wonderful teamwork team work shown by The Christchurch WRCF 2002 Festival committee and the support given from throughout


QUOTE OF THE WEEK Provided by Ian McDowell

Anon “There is no security on this earth there is only opportunity” Anon “Live today. Not yesterday, not tomorrow. Just today.”

DUTY ROSTER If you cannot do your rostered duty, please arrange a replacement and advise Sergeant Denis Marriner on 027


NOTE: Change of Fellowship and Badges for 28 July

28 July 4 August 11 August GUEST SPEAKER

District Governor Paul Wright

Wayne George Defibrillation saves lives

Katrina Allison Classification Speech

INTRODUCTION President Russell Dale Deborah McCarthy Garth Wilson VOTE OF THANKS Richard Pryce Bruce Rykers Perry Stevens

PRESIDENT’S TABLE Ally Gibbons Barry Lane Bob Allison 3 MINUTE SPEAKER Tom Davies Not Required Tony Baker FELLOWSHIP & BADGES Peter Spurdle Peter Faulkner Richard Pryce QUOTE OF THE WEEK Ian Pound John Heaton John Powell FINING OFFICER Dennis Neilson Don Macfarlane Doug Clemens COMMITTEE REPORT Community Club Service Youth

BULLETIN DEADLINE 5pm Wednesday – Phone 3481228, 0275381228 or email: [email protected]