"All information contained in this documen by the recipient to third persons without the VACUUM- AS CASTINGS WIT D6.3: Dra Instrument Collabo Grant Agreement No. 315506 Start date of project 1/11/20 Prepared by Mikel E Marcos Review 1.0 nt remains the sole and exclusive property of SOUNDCAST Consortium e prior written consent of proprietors" SOUNDCAST SSISTED HIGH PRESSUR TH REDUCED POROSITY COST aft Dissemination orative Project – Research for the benefit of S 6 Call identifier FP 012 Duration 24 Eguiazu s Pérez Company A IK Date of preparation 30 m and shall not be disclosed RE DIE AT LOW n Plan SME P7-SME-2012-1 4 months ALIASA K4-AZTERLAN 0/07/2013

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan - Soundcast - innovative … · 2016-02-11 · The general purpose of this document is to present the draft dissemination plan of the ... HPDC aluminium

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"All information contained in this document remains the sole and exclusive property of SOUNDCAST Consortium and shall not be disclosed by the recipient to third persons without the prior written consent of proprietors"


D6.3: Draft

Instrument Collaborative Project

Grant Agreement No. 315506

Start date of project 1/11/201

Prepared by Mikel EguiazuMarcos Pérez

Review 1.0

document remains the sole and exclusive property of SOUNDCAST Consortium and shall not be disclosed by the recipient to third persons without the prior written consent of proprietors"




Draft Dissemination Plan

Collaborative Project – Research for the benefit of SME

315506 Call identifier FP7

/2012 Duration 24 month

Eguiazu arcos Pérez


Date of preparation 30

document remains the sole and exclusive property of SOUNDCAST Consortium and shall not be disclosed


Dissemination Plan

of SME


24 months



30/07/2013 Review 1.0


Dissemination Level (choose the suitable option)

X PU Public

PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)

RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services)

CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)


Review Date

1.0 30/07/2013 First version

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Dissemination Level (choose the suitable option)

Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)

Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission

Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission


Modifications Author/Organisation

First version Mikel Eguiazu / ALIASAMarcos Pérez / IK4Ana Fernández

Page 2 of 16

Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)

Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission

Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission



30/07/2013 Review 1.0

1. Introduction ................................

2. Dissemination activities ................................

3. Target group for dissemination activities

4. Templates of documents ................................

5. Brochures and posters ................................

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506




get group for dissemination activities ...........................................................



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.......................................... 4

....................... 4

........................... 10

................... 10

....................... 11

30/07/2013 Review 1.0

1. Introduction The general purpose of this document is to present the draft dissemination plan of the SOUNDCAST project.

The content is divided into two main sections: dissemination described the publications, congresses, presentations already done and to be done during the project execution, and the last section, target groups, where the main industrial sectors are represented.

This document is a preliminary Final dissemination plan) will be available at the end of the project.

2. Dissemination activitiesAlthough, SOUNDCAST is a research project with restricted access, the dissemination of the project results will be undertaken. The progress of the project and its results will be disseminated through different channels:

- SOUNDCAST Web page- Communication of major results to broad public- Participation in conferences related with the relevant subjects of SOUNDCAST

The following sections list all dissemination activities.

The consortium must be informed about any dissemination activity of the foreground to protect the interest of SMEs. Necessary actions to protedissemination activities should not take place or be delayed until a decision on how to protect such foreground is made. Tdissemination activity is necessary

Project Web site The project web site is available since the beginning of SOUNDCAST project. It is accessible at: http://www.soundcastproject.eu/to remain available at least one yea

The public SOUNDCAST Web site explains to the broad public the main objectives of the SOUNDCAST project, presents the basic ideas and describes the consortium. Furthermore, the public documents generated during the project can be downloaded from the site.

Partners Web Sites: To increase visibility of SOUNDCAST project, the partners are to implement within their own Website a link to project W


More information related with the project’s Page.

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

The general purpose of this document is to present the draft dissemination plan of the

The content is divided into two main sections: dissemination activities, in which are described the publications, congresses, presentations already done and to be done during the project execution, and the last section, target groups, where the main industrial sectors

This document is a preliminary version (Month 9). A detailed final versionwill be available at the end of the project.

Dissemination activities Although, SOUNDCAST is a research project with restricted access, the dissemination of the project results will be undertaken. The progress of the project and its results will be disseminated through different channels:

eb page. Communication of major results to broad public.

rences related with the relevant subjects of SOUNDCAST

The following sections list all dissemination activities.

The consortium must be informed about any dissemination activity of the foreground to protect the interest of SMEs. Necessary actions to protect the foreground will be made and dissemination activities should not take place or be delayed until a decision on how to protect such foreground is made. The authorization of the consortium before any

activity is necessary.

The project web site is available since the beginning of SOUNDCAST project. It is http://www.soundcastproject.eu/. Once the project is ended, the website is

available at least one year.

eb site explains to the broad public the main objectives of the SOUNDCAST project, presents the basic ideas and describes the consortium. Furthermore, the public documents generated during the project can be downloaded from

To increase visibility of SOUNDCAST project, the partners are to implement within their Website.


More information related with the project’s Web page can be found in deliverable 6.3 Web

Page 4 of 16

The general purpose of this document is to present the draft dissemination plan of the

activities, in which are described the publications, congresses, presentations already done and to be done during the project execution, and the last section, target groups, where the main industrial sectors

A detailed final version (Deliverable 6.5

Although, SOUNDCAST is a research project with restricted access, a notable effort for the dissemination of the project results will be undertaken. The progress of the project and

rences related with the relevant subjects of SOUNDCAST.

The consortium must be informed about any dissemination activity of the foreground to ct the foreground will be made and

dissemination activities should not take place or be delayed until a decision on how to e authorization of the consortium before any

The project web site is available since the beginning of SOUNDCAST project. It is Once the project is ended, the website is

eb site explains to the broad public the main objectives of the SOUNDCAST project, presents the basic ideas and describes the consortium. Furthermore, the public documents generated during the project can be downloaded from

To increase visibility of SOUNDCAST project, the partners are to implement within their


ge can be found in deliverable 6.3 Web

30/07/2013 Review 1.0


As every EU funded project, SOUNDCAST is published CORDIS Web Page in collaboration with the EU.


Figure Papers and publications

All the publications of the project will be identified as the result of a research project which is supported by the European Commission

During the first 9 months of the project, no publication or paper has been presented because there are no results to disseminate. However, it is planned to prepare publications or papers in the cfoundry technology at regional and

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Figure 1: Soundcast Web site

roject, SOUNDCAST is published for special promotion on the CORDIS Web Page in collaboration with the EU.


Figure 2: Soundcast – Cordis Web page

All the publications of the project will be identified as the result of a research project which is supported by the European Commission (FP7 – R4SME).

9 months of the project, no publication or paper has been presented there are no results to disseminate. However, it is planned to prepare

in the course of the project on sectorial and specialized reviewregional and national level, such as FUNDI press

Page 5 of 16

for special promotion on the


All the publications of the project will be identified as the result of a research project which

9 months of the project, no publication or paper has been presented there are no results to disseminate. However, it is planned to prepare several

specialized reviews on FUNDI press (Spanish foundry

30/07/2013 Review 1.0

magazine, highly supported by Spanish foundry associations and widely disseminthrough Spanish foundries), Fonderie MagazineGermany, showing the results of:

- New secondary alloy for high ductility and welda- Vacuum assisted technology for the fabrication of sound weldable casting.- New laser welding process under reduced pressure.

On the other hand, in spite of the lack of results, ddisseminate the Soundcast project and its objectives by means of a newsletter, a technical conference and several publications on on.

Conferences and presentations

All presentations and posters related with SOUNDCAST must show the logo of the FP7 and the SOUNDCAST logo.

Figure 3: Soundcast A summary of the project is presented in a

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

magazine, highly supported by Spanish foundry associations and widely disseminFonderie Magazine in France and Giessereiforschung

showing the results of: New secondary alloy for high ductility and weldable casting. Vacuum assisted technology for the fabrication of sound weldable casting.New laser welding process under reduced pressure.

On the other hand, in spite of the lack of results, different actions have been performedproject and its objectives by means of a newsletter, a technical

conference and several publications on sectorial newspapers, as will be

Conferences and presentations

All presentations and posters related with SOUNDCAST must show the logo of the FP7 and the SOUNDCAST logo.

Soundcast logo Figure 4: Flag of EU and FP7 logo

s presented in a flyer to facilitate the dissemination:

Figure 5: Soundcast flyer

Page 6 of 16

magazine, highly supported by Spanish foundry associations and widely disseminated Giessereiforschung in

Vacuum assisted technology for the fabrication of sound weldable casting.

ifferent actions have been performed to project and its objectives by means of a newsletter, a technical

will be described later

All presentations and posters related with SOUNDCAST must show the flag of the EU, the

Flag of EU and FP7 logo

flyer to facilitate the dissemination:

30/07/2013 Review 1.0

Information about the participation in conferences and presentations will be shown in the Web site of SOUNDCAST.

Consortium has already taken part in sectorialindustrial representative agents, where the project has been mentioned and future congresses were suggested. SOUNDCAST results are dissemination actions at the moment are very general and jproject as reference in the European market.

The next table shows some conferences whand will attend in the next months. The participation to the conferences will depend on the availability of results at the deadline for submission of the event.

Table 1. Forecast

Date Type & Where

13/03/2013 Technical Conference,

Tabira Institute, Durango, Spain

01/04/2013 Press release: Empresa XXI Newspaper, Basque

Country, Spain

04/06/2013 Press release by eIK4 Newsletter

January 2014 Fair: EUROGUSS

Nuremberg, Germany

May 2014 Conference: World

Foundry Congress (WFC 2014), Bilbao,

June 2014 Conference: Congreso Nacional de

Barcelona, Spain

September 2014

Conference: MSE 2014 Materials Science and Engineering

Sept. 2014

“Große Schweißtechnische

Tagung”, Conference,Darmstadt,

Oct. 2014 “ICALEO”, Conference,

California, USA

2014 Journal, Cutting &


2014 Open house session /

IK4-AZTERLANDurango, Spain

2014 Technical conference

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Information about the participation in conferences and presentations will be shown in the

Consortium has already taken part in sectorial meetings, with different associations or industrial representative agents, where the project has been mentioned and future congresses were suggested. SOUNDCAST results are not yet available dissemination actions at the moment are very general and just informative, introducing the project as reference in the European market.

The next table shows some conferences which members of the consortium have attended and will attend in the next months. The participation to the conferences will depend on the

ailability of results at the deadline for submission of the event.

Forecast participation to conferences and Fairs

Type & Where Type of Audience

Technical Conference, Institute, Durango,


Industry: HPDC aluminium foundries,

HPDC suppliers Press release: Empresa XXI Newspaper, Basque

Country, Spain Basque Country industries

Press release by e-mail: IK4 Newsletter, Spain


Fair: EUROGUSS, Nuremberg, Germany


Conference: World Foundry Congress (WFC

, Bilbao, Spain. Research, Industry: Foundry

Conference: Congreso Nacional de materiales,

Barcelona, Spain. Research

Conference: MSE 2014 – Materials Science and Engineering, Germany

Research, industry: Material Science and Process

“Große Schweißtechnische

Tagung”, Conference, Germany

Research: Welding

“ICALEO”, Conference, California, USA

Research: Welding

Journal, Cutting & Welding

Research and industry: Welding

Open house session / AZTERLAN,

Durango, Spain

Industry: HPDC aluminium foundries,

HPDC suppliers

Technical conference Research, industry: HPDC

aluminium foundries, HPDC suppliers

Page 7 of 16

Information about the participation in conferences and presentations will be shown in the

meetings, with different associations or industrial representative agents, where the project has been mentioned and future

not yet available so the ust informative, introducing the

members of the consortium have attended and will attend in the next months. The participation to the conferences will depend on the

and Fairs

Countries Addressed

Spain, France, Sweden.












30/07/2013 Review 1.0

Description of the dissemination activity:

Newsletters and publications:

Several articles have been published in 2013.Empresa XXI (Figure 6), a sectorthat circulates an average of 8,418 copies per issueaddressed to IK4 research alliance communitybetween 1,200 researchers and technicians.9), another sectorial newspaperobjectives of Soundcast project.

Figure 6: Empresa XXI publica

Finally, a press release describing the activity of Ascamm Technology Centre in the foundry sector, including a reference to SOUNDCAST project, was written in Spanish and Catalan and disseminated in local press as well as national press specialized on foundry and auThe document was published in the following sources:







D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Description of the dissemination activity:

Newsletters and publications:

articles have been published in 2013. The one was published a sectorial newspaper addressed to Basque Country industries

average of 8,418 copies per issue. On 4th June, 2013 a addressed to IK4 research alliance community (Figure 7). The publication circulated

1,200 researchers and technicians. On 12nd May, 2013 Interempresas), another sectorial newspaper addressed to metal industries published a new about the

objectives of Soundcast project.

publication Figure 7: IK4 N

press release describing the activity of Ascamm Technology Centre in the foundry sector, including a reference to SOUNDCAST project, was written in Spanish and Catalan and disseminated in local press as well as national press specialized on foundry and auThe document was published in the following sources:







Page 8 of 16

on 1st April, 2013 in al newspaper addressed to Basque Country industries

June, 2013 a newsletter . The publication circulated

Interempresas (Figure addressed to metal industries published a new about the


press release describing the activity of Ascamm Technology Centre in the foundry sector, including a reference to SOUNDCAST project, was written in Spanish and Catalan and disseminated in local press as well as national press specialized on foundry and automotive sector.




30/07/2013 Review 1.0



On 13rd March, 2013 AZTERLAN delivered a Technical conference at Durango (Spain) where 82 delegates from France, Sweden and Spain attended the event. Most of them work for HPDC aluminium foundries and supply chain.

Figure 9

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Figure 8: Interempresas publication

AZTERLAN delivered a Technical conference at Durango (Spain) where 82 delegates from France, Sweden and Spain attended the event. Most of them work for HPDC aluminium foundries and supply chain.

9: IK4-AZTERLAN presentation at Tabira Institute

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AZTERLAN delivered a Technical conference at Tabira Institute, Durango (Spain) where 82 delegates from France, Sweden and Spain attended the event.

AZTERLAN presentation at Tabira Institute

30/07/2013 Review 1.0

3. Target group for dissemination activitiesIn order to maximize the success of the commercial exploitation, the target groupdissemination and exploitation have been defined. traditional dissemination tools accompanied by innovative dissemination activities will be carried out:

Sector 1: HPDC foundries

Sector 2: Raw materials suppliers

Sector 3: Auxiliary equipment suppliers for HPDC foundries

Sector 4: End users

Sector 5: Scientific community

- Communication Channels and Toolsgroup will be mainly carried out

o Diffusion of project

o Workshops, seminars

o Diffusion of Soundcast project on c

o Publication on Scientific magazines

o Production of Reports and Guidelines

o Diffusion of flyer by electronic means

o Information diffusion on

4. Templates of documentsDifferent documents are generated during the whole life of the project, and all of them should be prepared in accordance with a standard format. In this sense, templates are available for:

a) ppt Presentations

b) Deliverables

c) Internal Report: Progress Reports

d) Meeting Agenda

e) Attendance Register

f) Meeting Minutes

g) Contractual Reports: Periodic Reports

Annex I includes a picture of the above

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Target group for dissemination activities In order to maximize the success of the commercial exploitation, the target group

exploitation have been defined. For all these target groups atraditional dissemination tools accompanied by innovative dissemination activities will be

Raw materials suppliers

Auxiliary equipment suppliers for HPDC foundries

Scientific community

Communication Channels and Tools: Dissemination of information will be mainly carried out by means of a list of events already identified:

project report by electronic means (Soundcast project Web)

eminars, etc.

Diffusion of Soundcast project on conferences.

Scientific magazines.

Production of Reports and Guidelines.

by electronic means and in international Fairs.

Information diffusion on partner Websites.

Templates of documents Different documents are generated during the whole life of the project, and all of them should be prepared in accordance with a standard format. In this sense, templates are

Internal Report: Progress Reports

Contractual Reports: Periodic Reports

Annex I includes a picture of the above-mentioned templates.

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In order to maximize the success of the commercial exploitation, the target groups for For all these target groups a full set of

traditional dissemination tools accompanied by innovative dissemination activities will be

Dissemination of information for this target by means of a list of events already identified:

(Soundcast project Web).

and in international Fairs.

Different documents are generated during the whole life of the project, and all of them should be prepared in accordance with a standard format. In this sense, templates are

30/07/2013 Review 1.0

5. Brochures and postersAn official brochure and poster to be used for dissemination purposes are being prepared and will be circulated to all Consortium members at month English. However, in case any project member needs a version of these documentsdifferent language, it could be prepared provided the respective member carries out the translation of the text into their country language.

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Brochures and posters An official brochure and poster to be used for dissemination purposes are being prepared and will be circulated to all Consortium members at month 11. They will be available in English. However, in case any project member needs a version of these documentsdifferent language, it could be prepared provided the respective member carries out the translation of the text into their country language.

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An official brochure and poster to be used for dissemination purposes are being prepared . They will be available in

English. However, in case any project member needs a version of these documents in a different language, it could be prepared provided the respective member carries out the

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D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

- Templates of documents

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Templates of documents

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a) ppt Presentations

b) Deliverables

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

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c) Internal Report: Progress Reports

d) Meeting Agenda

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Report: Progress Reports

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e) Attendance Register

f) Meeting Minutes

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

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g) Contractual Reports: Periodic Reports

D6.3: Draft Dissemination Plan

Review 1.0 Project No: 315506

Contractual Reports: Periodic Reports

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