C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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Page 1: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious


Tales Of The Unknown Volume I


Page 2: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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Lon.!I fuwr lawai/ttl lIig clJ!Tling of CI!Jl. Our fown oj S(aro 'lJrJU tf./t/i sWwfy willier !miTer ,Ii, t:u~' S(JfU"I oj <Mrurgar, .~J1ttlllll of rUmoru. (Many limn cfw{kngtl( Iii!; JlOU"!', on[y!C ttl(.oUlHtr tlit:lnfoom.

One mun mast n~or{1/ slU,wi. Lori tJprrit.t;,., ifl<~ rJ!sconnt of our sistir .. i f!J J w.lmdoJl, DWUlI(. ullpriJolI(.a (1(11'. tfirough !Mangar $ tVi! ~pd( qf win ler. :1 it fail.ei, fiut ill his !aifu/T. fiu rfrt 'U~l!l to tliy VidllTY. Lim( qf.lrrit.kJuf·~~£'f: 11i a joumai, and 9tlilrwar is tillitr unlluure oJ iL~ t;IJ.(iunu, (If fll'linlts it to fuwt. pmsflt:,( ,lIon9 TIlitfl tfit rmpwU1!l W(.oUlit. 'But 1m ttJm£ rfjtf.)t $Imlillt, om{ came inlo my ~tpi'!9'

'1fjuu art II Drave wo.rrinr UI IliyfasfUoII, QIll{ a sdwlm ptming fair. 7(1 if 'nou Wc1W.{!1 accept tliis qut'St trwll liasl nmf of u.ssisllinct. ~IO IflJ!joUhulilrg pagts farfllrthuwllrrsd Imtf 1Iif(.

lIie palli Own lIIust fo/feu' dotEi ,iii rli ,f;lnger IIbOlmd. qo, om{ II1k~ wi!/i Iflu !lie }<lUmaJ of a braIN KFignt, rIm{ Iii" pruym of WI oM mall.

Page 3: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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Page 4: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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II isn '/ to 6e torerated! I refuse to k11~ef to flit wi! dial lia.r iliad!. its hOIlle. itl SK.(lni 'Bmll. 51(( of tlie Grave iQligliL~ wlia pro/f.(/ tfiis 10UI/I fimJt rlaJlisfid, fellVing irigfi/wctf serfs, womw ana dii[,frw to fila utlprotutea t(1t fwnUs of strunge 6wsts am{ rujfWIL, Ifiat <lmv infw6il tr,,~ streets. 'l,[y hrave party <Ina 1 WII ao (illfe 1.0 rrdu(t Oilir sumitlflfy inJ!lIitt: lIum{ju.,. 'lVf-. must Jesty,,!) the

wizard 'J.lcmgllr, surdy flit S(lurer. of tfit ffJi[ im1osi<m, (/na of tfie: ungor(ry ill/a

impmelra/i& winter tflat imprisons Sf(Wli 'Bme.

My aU friend 'l'r{fis td(s me tfull my servants, fiOWflIer vafiont, are yet no matdi for 'J,{(l1Igar, and m{wfs me to ret tfiem guin 6attfe t:>;perience 6efore we enter any of tlic tflmgeunJ . I am fllTtfier adviser! tfiat to ellIer a tfungton pnmlltllrdy is to court r(estruction. f aceta, to llie wiscWm of tfiis cOU/lSd, ana wiJI seel( Ollt tlit: inn/iJeptr of die Scarfet 'Bard, wlio 1IUlJ.{ be a6ft 10 ass~~t me In my quest. 'I1it iml is eonwll~nt 10 my fod8ing.~ at /flt t'tuf of 'l(akjiir Stll'l't.

'Iliis 6ar/iJep requires goM to wo::;ell liis II.mgue, mu{ d:':f\ljlits in pmm'nB Jartli cryptu. tirir/d. / !&Iew almufy tli-l' import<lIlCf oj tlie 9?eview 'Board, am! its (oeatlml. Jl.1umeyulg -,outli "II 'Tmmpu Strut, it is tlie secona 6uiMinB on tlit {eft. 5l.5 Jor gaLts t(uu caruwt ve st.mnd, it. is II we{f K.f.UJTVII liumt oj wist men to liave cOlluaIed errtranas to tlidl" strcmg(w(Js. 'But I tlillllK... tlie goas tliat my taste in diillk..is of a liigli-l'T nll·tIITt tfi.m tfim oj my compani01IS. ')ftu{ r oraered ale IlI.$lriuf of wine T.le ",.mf.! be tliere stiff, WITJusillg am! we/!cfilllg III tfie Trill u.ntif :Mallgar filmseif mrne to join liS. 'But tfi e 6ar/iJep is Of}f.l'Wori(f.<i, alufsr.flt lilt dOWII Into tfl£;

cdfll1" after my own willt. 'X9 mere cae/it ofJi,u:. dr/Itt i l l dusty frOttle.1 ami ::;kjro ill '

tliis cdfar - 'tis mtlier all e:r.teIL~ifJe maz.r of wrr!;£.lrJ oozlllg niter alld same. 'We u~"[f ntum witli our gear, alld tru:. remallliu I.1f (lU( pa.rty.

Page 5: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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Page 6: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

'1M 'JVI"ne Cd{flr

~Ii, tht risirlg SIllld, of f,(wJ ming{ts II.;/Ii tlit cms of our jafft" jOtS! 'IVt ~I"t ,~u on immdiatdy 6y 9WI/ps of aUlllrTlfS alia {06ofth, am{ at'luillts{ mm:tff}tS witfi fwnaf, 11 i~' ,{iffrcu[t to put Pfll to VerrUIII, Oie mlfy if{urnimHu.m "tins

Lflm j 1'1:,"1 cndl</nulf Ivr'lp(!n~·.

emr af ollr KfliglilS fr(JS 6uIl sfaitl 69 iliad a"ilS' hut our party ftJntinuts in a sdHm[ statt, our 6fooJ {14/t tfintillisfud'. 'It\: wi/I t..@Ct juff rtWmptnSf, !J,(illl/Jar!

'nie.n. is a sa of tft~amfin9 stain ill tfit IIOTtfrwt.tf stctwn oj f(U: uJ(ar, 'nit. mugiciatl5 .pdf :),:ry Sift ' cmma tlit waffs to .ptat(, rewaling /.(I us our r..K:ution ill .fic /iWy/'iJ! tfi, Jferr. M', rr, t, IIm( pnparr: for flie morrcrw.

Page 7: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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Page 8: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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- . : . ' .

w~ art itl a mud .. .:arrndmf stinK.ing SlUltT, alia tlU &'u.H$ ,InrI 6fudl)uunU Tlnw IlttacK,. us lit~ are 100 numerous to k duui6t4. :lfar. """ 1/'lin mllc/i ~a{tfi,

IIna uur sf(jf[f art; hOIll:tlliq fint slul6ftufu. Jots flit: ~wrr, rilr auclJtler stranDt writirws all iiI'- 1lJai& vf tfiis jour fide . 1 wif[ rwmf ,Frem filitfr/u(fy lim - tfll!ir r.dill willpr.nll1ps urwme eftar (ater iu our [rar!tfs.

'9'ass tlit figfit lIt night. ' ;} ayplu verst ;rufwf. 'I1iis $lwer COIIWyr

sl@hnvmt!iSllgu, us aDd IIU fat 6arf\.rrp u6vve.

'J'l{~( '1>f.5!).(oEPD!A'£9.(. · 1 am nil scfl/J(ur, 6u I IItilfief am I a .<tfTUllJu

,." (ore mil! (e l lers. I carl perreiw no senSf hUll.

'{joUnu art; IlwU of sumt. ' Is tlii.! nu:anllil f18fi1r.tl our M.anS '¥i'linst II Iwro! tllCQUlltering ugoftm 100M from ria: 1,U/(Jingi'

'TTiL< sewer ahounds willi .{(Jfumr5 tri,.:k;. '11', lVen: tdeportti /0 ii/fam! foca tions am! spun a60llt IHlf:Jwwi'lg, aU at tfi~ wfiim uf four magic. I am taU tfiat wt art imrttl furtlHliltf to liaw amollg u.> tlit frUI of fli, great sag~ ·.~orctmrs, for (~ call ,[ivine. ollr rocuti/}1\ at af{ limt.$, an.tf fins "'I'll providtrf us willi f(Jugli maps

()f radr TlJr'l'ulirrf rfUII,Be/}1\ tU wt ttl/u it.

'We limIt foutld" our III(J!! tlirougfi levir rfarf;,JIf'..5.! /fUll 110 sptff or flame wn penctmtf. 'I1ien: L, a Jtaiml(J!j i71 tlit mirf51 of tli'~ tfad:,!/.c.ss, Ct.lUfin8 lown inf(), furtlier stlluli a/ll! 6(adi:..llu.5.




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Page 9: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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- - - - -Sewer;. Lwe{ 'Two

Page 10: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious


Cwmitrg alii rkadly Iraps fimN. daimClf tlie fives of tUio gllff.mt pafalins. ,/t'e limit: fiull ((It/stalltfy [,r"i''jJfJf sina OUT entry into tliis noisi!me pit, umf liuve 6onU! IIUlIIY i'~iuriu_ ['{lifo! 01' OIfin, Ollr no6fe (rani, stcppd inti! u roy of fignt, ['umi'l8 tiotli fii.' fiamfs amf onc (;iJe uf Iii; f,ully_ I fed r!!Spotlsi6fe, f or now tne meill/ing of tfie inSOiptiim, 'Pws tlie {iBnt at night' 6uome5 dear. 'We Ulait~d"

IIntif the setting of tlie slIn amf tnc beam faaea, af{owi,w us 10 pa.~, wdianJU!d: C"ifiJ wi{[, Imler tlie prot~ctioll of tUiO warriors, retire from tlitse rfullgeal~' to sfef;ail far ni!; injuril!S.

'11iere al"£ scrnwferf IIU'.£mge.; liere:

'}Ve meolllltad fillny wrcery in tli~ form of a vile Jet of di.>em6orfWd fips ",fiidl. spmk.. to us IneSf woras; ''Know tlii!;, Ilia! a Irwll calTed -Taljarl, tlialJ8fi.t liy man!J to 6e insane, naif tlirougn wizard"ry powers prodaillU!i liillL>elf a garf. ·j-{i .... image is {ocf;d in stone unti( maie wlio(e agaill. · r /nr6atie our mngUial1 to Inks tne ,,6sce11e tning with II.5! as it wouM s~roe 110 pll!]!a.>e.

'11ie Oldy apparent lIU!atL; to M,<Ulli to tlie u.vd tidoUi is tfirougfi tfle usr. of portalS llial red( oj sorcery. 'nit. IIUlfJUiatl (vi/{ {"vitau our part!J lumm tfirougfi llie portaL

Page 11: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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r . : . S'W", Level'Tn,ee

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Page 12: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

Sewer, Lcwf%ree

:\{ore inscriptiaTl.5:

"The fialld"o/ lime wrill!S allt[ camlOl Clll5c. ·

'lrul"r. & all wit p{af-f. (1£.1"" Itt mid.paint aloNg IFI£. r.a.stem 'Wall thai we 1IIu..1I

e.sCMW </5 if ·f;"lere tfie 'l'rague. 'J,{w pa55 atlli "(1</11&(1, wmfclluua ttl fwuru all "nJUS$ "(10M tiff (ifr. itself begin.> nneul. (jfiakfali, (lUI magician, scryd it as fit meaiWle,(, priM·ng ~et 1I!Jllin fii.;· !/5ejidllt.5s.

We came upon a fong set of staiT$ wlItinuing 011 to jilriner IIprvura pas$(19f.>, 6ut 6att{, alia tridsnJ fiave rendered 11.5 too weaTlJ to go on. 'W, wi{(

rerum to tfie fWfit, ana Sli;gm 'Brae.

Page 13: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

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Page 14: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

'- " '

'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious fus 10 altena to our waul/lea. 'I1iey CIlI"!' 1/01 tfjM 'We risk.ollr fives for tlieir unwortfly Si;jIL~ aswe{[ a.!

fM tn-/,- rest of5k.um 'Bme . I am /Jratefll{ tliat theiraoor.! were opell 10 liS, t'CII at I/igfit. 5u-Cfi 'WIIS not the CIIse 'Wilh lIir 'l\.wU!w 'fJoard and (;arlfi~~ ,~quipmellt sfwp, no mlltter ho'W we cursed alld pOUlldtd die Mars.

'rTwa.~ a fair dawn. (jlUth /in., J-I'-ignea to opm fiis csta6fi,-limml, 1/5 fias Iii,

%r!iew 'Board_ !FII.rtn,tl7non, 1,le "!UC p(w~'ea to fina lliat t<pscoc's 'Lntrgy '£mporium ula.> stiff to 6e fO!l11lf III llie ,orner of Cjrey 'Xnife anaSerpel1l Streets, nortn'iUfst of tfit Cjrun p(<<z.

pdfis td(s me that we were fortunate 10 have. dr.parua from tfle SeW(T5

wfien we aid - to fla-ve (ontillur.l W(>uU limN mCllnt OIiT loom, for tfWse stairs liTe

IliL Jurel trtUanu to 'lIfangar's col1nyr.mf. J{e e"-.Tmcter.{ this infonnatiOlI from a capture-,{ minum <if tne 'illiZI-mrs , I fiope tlie goas wi{{ forgive Pdas tfle metlioa fie u.sea to gain tliis k.now{eage. 'Lven tlie permissive goils of feamed- lllell do rim JlI1iu

upon torture,

Some of tlie Jtrau 0/ S4Iru 'Brae urt umier a strange endiantll1c.nt. We traverfed'soutli 01< Si"ister Strut to e;wfore a (lIIc(grue of tlie city, ani found" oursefr!t..5 end-{us{y u,afi;jfig past si(,mt_ liOl/us, thTlJIIgli eerie stiffness in wliich 110 numan stine,i, no 6irr.{ IItlcrer.{ fortli the sfiglitest song. We liastily raumca to our

(<->dgings, to prepare for ollr ne"-.'t tast to ,lia[{cllge tfie '},fad ~;Od in liis {air,

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'IIi, 'T'mpl' Of 'IIi, 'Maa yoa

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Page 16: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

'We 6fllm(trnf jar II {ay, W!l.aitW prr.dous tilm trying to grlin mfmittll1lCt to tne temp(( 6~jrm: I wlnzei iliat 'U~ fia'! 6eat given an imprfflrlllt cflJ~ ilr !fie sr.wm', 'The meS5lrJIt SpO~ll 6y Ille Jl,u'16orfi.,,{ rip:;,1 ~ iOOlllT {wi I Iwud Oie mime tlian we jOlmt! ourstfws itl a carannnli. 'DIII{ ant! twistir1,9 turllld, fay kjem IL5 fi~ a mllU oj frarrfuu.fl (.1I-traifs, mllf liuman DorU'..5 rr:adu.{ md fn>m thr. flllnf.pack!i U1rtJi ttf;J. afuzstfy p<rffM fingus. 'wisli rruJSlif fxu.( irl my rnstfr. at :Jw=(O/I. 'Wt nlOlJlt. ort.

'J.[igfrt ruuf '(l/!) jfuw tt;qttfrtr. '.tJ.: 6au(~ Um.ilant(1J wJhss mlm6m of tfit 'Dwil's fiorrk, um!(lIIf crtatllrcs vomitet! from lfit i(.ptfr., of Jfdf. 'Hrapons /tIff

frtlm {Jill' "enrdrss fingers, tile screarrL, of our slain comrlUffS fi({jng our ears until wr. IllIW rrmuin CUll !itar 110 rnorr:.

5I1I/! now a IIrLtmfJ'-, strov.£J. in ['(,>0<1. "r[fje Im£~ntwit£fr :}\jllj !J"I fives. ' 5ITC" tlimo: arwur /.umrs!j(t to ht (.ncormtemf? '£tclietf into tfre ·waif nJlt. ptu/ t/iis:

·'TifU~ll doors east am! tfimr IIrt tfiue,

011 .,oul, t/u.'!J ftllSt in tfie ::Darl({lne :s {air. '

'Wt liavr. joulI/f II S/llirway t£adUl9 tfmurl. 'Iliru. men (illTIt' fwftta in panic, lfIiwness dmilf ~rta{;J'l/ll tfttir Url.~t.\". '£isfit l"tmmn - IfIlJStff, Corfia llit 'Bard,

qfio~ufr tlie mrwicillll, I.~fi 1ft/! paJaAin, Sorice tlit IIrcfiml1g~, mr! rft'~t .,trf fIIlmju,,'. 'lVe go forward, IWL tfrrougfi wllmgt, 6111 6wUlse tfie tllougfu of going lilld:.tfr, way ru: {/alit. UII/It trllUWt ht 6"m~,

Page 17: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious


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1@J~fill[[]~ ~ [g' 0 g]'", hQ' , , .,1',

Catacvm6s, LtiJd'Two


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Page 18: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

Catacnll!lis, uve['TU'<1

fI~,atJe 'T<l1jatl, wfia VI fiis fiauficetlu s(u1t1's fiis ttmfady witfr us all! 'We .:FaU/e /a/,wan{, att,uKs.a at eve)!! tum, su.>tainillg matly illjuriu frattl .,Ofr-nOrS tricK..'.

CIliae art p(aas fiere wfiere magic ii,s - wI.m(J tfim TtY .. ouM liMt(e ;J,(angar ill unc vf tfio,/! TY:!Jion!i! ~n inscription warns liS to lieware of 'Basfi,lr 1((lvi(or, Jfi/J1i Tn'es t, liut tlie warning affuts us {jut /lttre . 'We are fey, ana tlie Mood" (list liulieavy OIl us. (om/!, Priest ,}(avifar, we await tliee. Lay Ollt

'The 'J(Wh Prie.n proved a migfiry foe, alii! nile (~r mu warriors /lt3 itlut: 'We di.'pauhe,{ lIil aragon rfiat guanu.,{ 'fIashar 'K.avi£or~' tn.~a ... ure alia. thaugli. sucfi giLw I!Jt<l1lS littft /.<1 us tW'l/!, we plutuft.rea fils (wrd.:,

->I. lio/fife.;:; voice uttererf tlieS( wurJs; 'To tlic tlJUJer fly, a mill( one (fie, once wst tlie eye ,' Loss of illl eye (or liOlIi) W()IIfr( lie a !JI/t from flit !J{)Ir~ ill tliis fiMu,ms prace!

(jliaHllfr lias smjea II plilU of Jan!Ju liere wliw! men stay frozen in time witli no ,fi,mce of eSCl/pe. It is to the t;ctTeme southwest of the Wlltartca tomli- we wi{( avoia the area.

'We ,{escmi tlie .. tair.<; itl llie soulfiea .. 1 qaadratll of rrl£.,e wtacom6 ...


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Catac.r:mtbs, Leve[ '11iree


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'We. fiJw( become ruwstom(a to the (egjons of ul1I[eillJ; {jm( aoing Patt[e '1llith. them lioMs rw ;,pail/[ telTor. 1111i(e Q1'[oring the lIorth war£, we sh!.m6rea Py

cli/l11Ce into tlie chamPer of ~l11g fllj(d're/i, It was as if we e;rpectea to meet fiim, having Pun wllmea of 'the aead witcli lijng's ' eitis/enLe. 'But /0 say llial fie fives! 'Lvi( haa bOu/la his (0118 aeall Jincws logt/fier, arui it was with sa7!age g[a that we assignd him to 'J/£[[. 'We foU/uf ill liis possession a 6au6Ct rrwdt. in tf.e

fik:!ness of 1111 eg£. 'Verify, diL, //lust 6e die e!Je <if which ,Vf. ,,)fre toU tm tlU prevji1l~~ [evef, alia L~ Of-Wile fiiJifm import, SarUu. will ptlCK}r tfu:. tlin/i:st.

'Ihue are 110 (orUfr hvds flue. We IlvoMed II (urge dmgoll, 1I111( discovered rmothcr oyptic musllfJe: ~~,d(thf :Mad goos stmlCg self i1l 'JfilrKylls iomain.'

'We .Ili« return to lfie Wtml.

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r J ',"

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01" spirits lire Ii~aft.a liy tlie fa{ of slmfl,g1i1 "" our fau~' , i?llmor of our qUfst IiIl.5 spmui llirough j'(gfll 'Bm( fii(t II fif(; througli Ille ary 9=~ of summer, ~Mally sui;". to join Ullr purty, IJI!I "ur /lulllliu nlJ.5 /lot Rftady i/lcffll.Se4. 'Ji-? sepamll flit. wliMt from file ellaff, alia und pacKinR fnuse 000 {U.~I afll.( go(,{ ana 110/ fredulII . an.£( tnievcs alia a.~,assi/l.S wfw woufi aaa III Ifidr purses liy piffaging a lIIunfemf cummat, ,limN bun .ufl~'sel{ to affow <l! Itau om; "'!J1If

10 (JLC(lmpQJ/y us - Ii, ~viff 6~ of use in lfi~'llnning tmps alia {ttu:tmg IUIII!Jff. / give my rrll/ount CiIR5tTI/. OIU oj Ollr nllmPcr ;:uif( ~cp watdi (III nim at /Iff filMS.

Ollr ne~1 tasi( 'wilf M. rnc in!Jrlsim/ of ~){O~IIS (mrfe in lIorlnU"'-'1 Si(ara

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r . ~."

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~~~- r' - - -

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:J{ar(j/II S Cast[~

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:;{t last WE Em/lend Ik dtftlut.,S and en/emf tf"" ('lUd, from tli,. r.(JurIlFJ.r({ , on tlit f.Ilst Tlialf. '11it gmmfimrs Tf-""( Ju/'u fiIJlittrJ, fiut 1l~ proIJI'X{ f lit 5trrmgr.r.

,.q jaJj6erwocfi.! Su(h a lIIagnificent hast - surdy llit (ust 11/ it.> (UI/f. 'We sKirr it,f fair willi lll lltfun, (UtJ IIIQllt on.

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I /lotia from the map5 providd me 6y (jfiak{afi tfiat' af{ llit umfcrgrou,uf comp(cl(!.S Ul starn '1Ime orr rlmgfify rif II. size. 'l1las starn 'lJrae IJl.rt.liatlCt 6uiit . mlu Irlt. rui71.5 <if an oIIldtnl sing(' Cil11Ip(tilj die r~ of wliirfr lou 11<11 11<>u1 r);j..'f,

.!ar,o: ill ,rt(. m&u[5 <if men i'

'W( fimm[ a St,ltm( WTVIlfJlit rif u crystaf sufiuallct (/$ Il(.ar to I',.ifutkm. 'IS

11~ an r:>Jr.r li(,rfy to see. 7frr rq/IltS IIOSt lMufieJ wrltll wt rli.ulJtltrtt[ il. I trwl

IWI Ihi; man. 'lTrt sworrf is tntTU.5uJ 10 dlt .:lin rtf Ik I~ Uli. slit wi{{ guard it WI!ff.

'WI. nOliI'. dont. crude willi 9oremJ, mId rfr.scomred a llimlle. ~rt ,f(/Ufot 'ti.>

Yl"ar(:{II's. '}Vr U!(f? I!,I-K~tf if Imy of ollr part!) wL,Ii~tf to sit (III lliis tnmllf'., ami fir/off. 1 ""11ft! Stop liim Corjin, impetllous 11.1 6artf.! arc UI<JI1t 10 fit, jumper{ I'Me the tfars rllltf pflmtuf fiis am llpall Ihe uaL. 'W,. Tvailro!, honifotf, /1Jr fijm It! he tnlllsmugrifirtf into 0. 'Ul(lrljautl, .t(Ul19 SUXlIIII' (.flatUff.. l~r£rllf, II Utn!t tf(Jfff

opum! to nwo.! a pa.{,f(/9tway. 'Miy tfo tnt gOlfs imfufgr in d'est curious liumours, cuuf nwanf atuf punis/i at 51ufi dllleti, mnrf(J1Tl?

'~1~ Iia,.-.. just lone 61lttfe u~'th si~ mtn OJ/rod in grun ro&.s. 'lVe tuif( don

Intir IVr,...>, as it iJ appllmnt tfilll tlieyare of some ((!II,irfemo!e vu(lIe.

'We waild 1101 limg 10 rfiJcmter Inat ,mfl/t. :J;(any BUilds limit pnsw{ liS

6y withaul IIOlice, for tfity alt. gar!..:J. in grttl/ rv6a iJmticuf tv rhlJSe wt hmJf­aOIIlJd. 'I1/t smir(upoll Ik ]IIU. rif I,I/U' ign06fe han{ is 100 milch fur mortllf man to WArl

We jilu{ litrt a ulaSlrjul iUuswn_ cI1it Slrlir$ III llie northu srclion of tlil tl.Jf-.>l waIT apprAr to featf Imvn. but /laul/{(y ,lilY lI,unrl. ~Vt wil! follow tliem,

pausi"g aniy 10 "~IIW"1It Ollf cljm6asil11Ie rooes.

.' ':

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'11~ tflC()lInlun{ urlOlliu 60diuSJ jf<llifing mOlllli IItt"ill8 Gil iJlwmpktr.

potm. 'n~w Iii, magiciurl sliflllUt{ 011-1 t6e Ti.J1J,l llillt wmpf~t~,( tlir. rliymJ.', Gil

yDllJTIl J"6irlt{ /lpptGwl Imm out of tlU nlitr, II p()W£rfuf J1mjtr.tiT~ gift imfwf. 'Wt_ wi{( mu~~ nnste wfiift '(If-BOfiJ ytl smi(e rlpun lIS.

>1n oft! mOil Q(.{-llSW lIS tIIilli tliis ,itftUt; '(.I.IU mC/1I aiiot, fI<lU1 firiinU autlli, it ,(riu~tli 6fN,,f, anr{ $ua[n/i pmltli . ' Soria.: ~UUl tfie ,lruu!ef, 1111,( il rVU5 witli a 6foatf{fS.~ flisoge tfmt fie rIISPOl!({~,( III tht. oM o-ncs llfr$t. ''Mlnlpire, ' fie

wfii.~J1trt.d. an,f, Wf wert uf(tn"uf III pass. 'Xitlf I rrr.1te llillt WI' contiuut, mf1j

mlJ(iI on our gmm{?

'We WIlT' uftportd to IT room tllfiert WI! jalJ/l,( a ftC/t SqUall of $ifif('f, fm

udlf ,(evi" of wfiicli Ulf wiIf taq. p<.>SS(.'),;um.

>1 portal ill 1(1l- mmli',!(sl $tction wi{(, I am taM 69 mymagifian, trwpfe lIS

to ruand /0 IN: uppmtwst rwms. 'Hi- pr= on.

. ..

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~ :J[arkyn's Crude, Levd'11iree

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~~, ---:~,~vr-~~-:-~-~~~~~ __ :- :--,

'Wt t"COllnttrttf a J0J4uill9 old fool ut/io Oorn" our J"ltli unli{ fl~ toM frim

tI.e mlm( of tlit lllrJl!nI OIl J4.rdirr Stru t. 'The OI~fWtr, stuff'liwrm, fvtl.S [uunr! to

fit tfisqllil!tirW III .wme mtmlius r.if our party.

'Td~piJrL tmp> ai>mmif, rmlf we shrug t(WIII oj! ilRs $(J IIIMy PlluillJJjTies.

)fli, I'rilt htflhC- 11 /u{{, Ona ll!1ain we a~ din([tngd to 'lit UIllIA~1 of our afjifltit'.s, amI tmUJJf not unsea/rled. '1M. 6mtr1ws! '11ity altat(td' UI tVl ~ruIIrs.s

;un'1ing .m/IIII, to sfay /fU:1II afjn to fw{mrtJJ 6uck... flit tUft witli a [,otwmus~' [,ud,st. 'We fUIIIII.{ 0111 (I()(I Co.!!:!) that our nUllify a6atltfmu,{ OroOI mbes u!(luM have. /'tn/rrm( us imlllune to attlUi(, 51t ru.>t TIN Stulll6{~,f, Ii/i't/a. ulitli fl'tan'n(Ss,

IWrr iiI/flirt/is oj r.orpm, j()rlr 0/ OUT slain 'UXlrrior$ [ying hUlk" kntMfi stin{Jng mounds of !fit 'Baron '}{ru/i;yrl 5 ltd ((gums. 'HIt alii spare no time In liunt for tfirm - //lily tIie gads iuraiVf- us.

f Wlltt. frum witliil1 lfi~ Batu of tfu; r,tium{ Xy{wrall:f trmiu, Uif,ur. tVt

wue UUpUlU,{ ufftT tli t 6altlt. jb 1iJt IlpPMICliea atl old" .flatue i,t tfit. uppumrul {rvef uf Jwr*gn:f aOlllrJUr.. tire. rye 5fwpca 6rJuhff wt lituf colla.ttl ffoau'{ frum SurWc5 Ddt pouch, up, up ..... //Iu{ llit statue Du.all!t. rJllimalt./ 'JV,. J/JUglit, d"ts~mle for our tilltS, I1m{ firw{{y 6wca dlt. foul mmg. 'lfit. IIrdimllge uffs us tlial IIi£f tfretuffuI fat MIS Tmjlm, tfit maagoa. l! is attft. lllOm(er tfiat tlit (mlt{e cost U.f atar. 'We are rnrnl 611 t s~ven in num6er.


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f-·~"~· ~/~--~~~.~ ~. ~~~ :---

[u..H. "-L:.cL.f:._ • •

'l(y{eara7f J- 'Tower



J(mt II!tw Iii!: 1I1f11! '[mj(l(/, our jafferl 'Clmm~, our surrormtfinlJS - D"tU. 'l1'e fj~'[f til t~r llit lOWI:r IIna tffmaru[ an t.l1'fuuutilm far our prrscllu lien:.

Sorial: 10M us of 1/ ritrlal,fiat //lust & jof(Otlltd to tllttr lIil! tOnJl r. 'I1't tooti,.

U .:me ~up ~"I, mle step soutli ." only Ifllli Wfl"f till' '16k tv tru(.f '(II! am6cr tQUltr.

rC ' 'H~ m:WId tUM1I1~lftS litre:

1 - :9tftUk of curt/i, witfrlJlJ/ sImI; tl5 avilllJ SII/Illt. fie. is ulfwk' anti r ..:. _. /''' ,,,,i.,, "m,"' .~"~ ,', f~' p"" 4 ' • ."M " "~'." ~.'" , .,.

G _ ...JL.:..c..~~..c./'<-'-~..-:.-1..~---'-'-;-" '-..;. "--,~

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, ., ' ' , '. "

1i.rrmm6£mw lIie ,/V...t,'ogt from tfrt. stwm, fIJI. j/pprt'l~r;d Int. m'!l]i~ moutli" (lIS (jnatfDfz i. nnw rAffuW tkm), 11 clinfft.ngd IIi 10 Ill15Wt'r tlie n'tftlft.; "9o/911U!

,fit. Cllt oj cAL, !orrJWu' HliVjofa,' am{, 6wlII)"e u,y wm: !OTl!UJ/lnlea. ~ auf .<;(1 witfi r.a.<;r..

',H 'Wen ttf,portetf to a va.'1 .£arl;.. ama 'UHurrJ UiIO itum6(e,{ upun II sfCumf mll!}ic mOlltli. '!A(JlIlIt tlie elUJ.{(.$$ 6yway: it tfcmllntfea of liS. I sfllllftfud am!

IIIISTUtna, nmem&ring IIiai urit., end"umtilf Slfut of 5K.(lffl 'Bru,. 'Bul aflliaugli our mlswa WiJ.<; wnul, it appwntf to limit n/l immflilute 'fitel. It was 110/ 'til faltr llial ~ Iowul a Mol' in anctlitr pilrl of Iii, mau, a aoar lliat fiat! iii/fUrta Dull i,llIisilik.

We Juuna II tn'mw{c (lJ ,>ifver, a~jll til tIu, .<i[1!er squar(, ifisCI.nlrrr.rf in :Hllrk.yn 5 C(JS de. f naw given !lwm 10 t(u. fI(9'ue It> rarry, 'l'~n:liana fir, 1ui{{ rtlUm

Vllr trust wiln foya!ly. 5llllf du.n ptn:lillflC¥- lit Il!i!( nut - t/i( siiver is uf fi tt!, l~I(Ul, ana 1 am.<;lIrt fu. {;Jun./.< ,liis kst of IIny in our tumpllny,

kI in.>(riptiun fWI7IS us /0 6twan II} UIt. Sill/gilt flie ma uf Iii .. wFnl5 Illif lj(ulfJafi td& us llib n!f'r5 10 a room a/ !fit emf of a snaJ.:r.·fit:! 1IUlU vJ CltTT"(ors.

'11~ wi£( avoill Uris aiM.

'Wf fiafJ~ <1<'111' {i,I/I!r 1vitfi ani s[lIill a ,qofCIII of ((y"la f. 'Ifif 1IIf.{f.,: !JJwt i([I'" liS IIIlti{ Ine pa{a'£ill I .. fi sttpperC into tfit fray, 'U~'ddin9 tlie crystal sword: ~1 Jew

6{urV5 IIna tlit lJofctll spfl,uerca inlO tiJtf;,ji"9 sf"znl$.

'HIe sllllll6{ta UpOIi UH7t- rooms, aIf ;,(tnliw{, a({ willi aoors {toahtq in way linction. Dllt of llitsl ltd '1110 a .<nulff fia/fn'lly. 'U:pforing ,liis, UtI' wen Itftportta, to u'"fron , 'lit rviwrd Xy{tarall . 'n~ rr.aJitd for hauk, hUI fiis intt,,'ivn~' rvcrt jlr.a,:,:ful. :He approll<tS 1)/ uur qll'St, alii oilerd I/.' aM ill lfu Jam, of a I;j:y nomllgfil oj .. fiilling <111_'I:t;: JI II(){i[t 8ift inr{u,(, IIImr oflier (fian tnc lC!y 10 Mallgar:, /rm" aoar! '~Ve laK! (lur (f.aw ,if t/it jmlwry uJiumf.

'. .

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f}.{aJZguT, Level One

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5l.m{ now tflt find len 'We an; fuaftl, ,Iml r(stu£, ana our f¥Jlili/!!I $Irr.IJ!llh is again /I faiT num&r. 'WI, an ruu£y fIl diaffrnge llif viff wizaru ill lii~ fair. Only OIU

lliing mur..{ts - tflt mgla lirl> tfuuppturrl, WK.iug willi liim Uu: $ml(T sliapes. 'J.1~

$tt/relita for fiim, 6u/ to no u{mii 'Ir!erf is 110 mort lime - we f(.allt. IWIII far tirt wiumfs castk.

'IVt en.lud g,{alljjrlr's aamain 6y rl.5CfWi('¥J tfuo. sl4Iirs in tf.t tliinf few.f of tnt Jt.711U$, alia usinjj flir ~~y of Oll!f(. '}{orurs oj (.rtawll's ,rfj(JIm,{ ('(I"t, protectillg tfltir I1l4$ler frvm ill/nllflrs. 'Ir!ty fa{{ &f(lft U.I fi/:.r uilt~t 6enll/tli 1/ Icytlit. '11ifrt all!

tricQ oml i{{usions, DU/ we ~w{ tiiis from a wiuJr/f. 'lVt: $mt{[ liis vilt $/t.ntJi,

ana (,is IIwrn£iS {tlllM IU 'Ulings .

• Il magic moulli I~ctull's tl' U$ 011 tnt virtue (If pUJCfl!Cra'I('('. I U/f/S anJjnea, tliillkjllglliil La {P.! the wit 1111um{s mock.~ry, uHli{ Soriac injimrw.rilll(. 1(,lIt tlie IIctuU{ ~1IOrrf.s I.IHem{ 6y tr~ mf¥JiI: moulli liT? tlit m£iIIJ$ !O Ullw.:t a door ill tlit. 1I''1"tliC<l$t swum (If Uris rerJtt; am( 6e ufepurtd to tlit ",)(1 {tvd.


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"-,4.,, • 1""" 1,1, T, H " '~'T'

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r.Jv{allgar, Level 'Two


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9«11719I1r, Lwd'Two

5'1 magic mvuth assai{~l us with a rirf£e: -'Two) s/iaprs yours, alii orIe ~,

a.rvllru[, spwk. the sliap~, alii! )llla{/ound:- 'DiL< garl(. us paust until Soria<;, wlio is !Jj /I scientific Gmt, gave Ihe anw/er: '()rr.fr. ' :ffe was pnl1li&.rf ·" .~:tfi a flu, si1ilu circfe tliat lIIaldied- tfie IlIfes slofen 6y /f,,~ cursed rogur. DruM it ve tfim the sfiHpes arc 0/s01lle great ill1p0rl.? :Jrfay tlie wi!. tlilfiarwus rogue_ hUTn irl Jk{{.I

rIFre ,(c.mon.>, Vllmpires Imtf furies lliat are fiere Ullfcaslird laf& tlieir tof{ 011 our party. 'Ilie pumtfer line is w01u{rO!L5 6~yolld compare, ge! we gat/iu it quick.{y, rdm:tlmtl"y, resen ting the time it s leaL~ from our rr.illpurpose.

'We are attadq.d wit(wut n~'piu, and ,>ur ;pin"b tfe,Bne ,I,' I{V vllr 71IlmGers. It is willi {ead~1t feu /fUlt we proceed. 'We finr( the tfovr tv the n''l:.t {evd in tlie .wm/ieast S((lion of tfris area.

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iJvlaflgar, Level'11iree

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Page 36: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

~~-----"zr: Y'r-~-'-.,--. -.. "-\~.~:C-. ."'.! ~,~ ,

Uungar, uw( 'lIin:/l

Olle "Y one /Jrl' no[,(" group fa([~ pl1'.y/(1 lflt TI!/um(s sm)(lnts. Magic 1II001Ihs allli &.~t.1II6oditl vuicu ~Qi{ liS al ewry tum, tliiir m~unu too munemus (0 ~

Stl MUJn fr",r, I fw r lfiis 1II11y fit rFit eM vi Ollr gforious gut-a, I"~ 6t ioomed 10

Uilllufer in ,.fiis lIemsli prau UI/ti! tlir. fas t of 115 is sfl.lil1, or arivw lIlui 69 di.e curr· prf'smt mOlltlis.

'Hie (jave tllCilu,mrnf a marliant, u [iftfiy nu:rdlllll( wfl(J ItU.4 to s({f liS /I ~(!J!

'Tht aDsurii!!J "f finrfintJ Sluil II ont in .mdi a I'(au t1V>'l'f.<lmt lU aff, lInt! 'M

co{(apm{ ill {augfittr. rIfit aUf mlln daimed !lial di~ q!J fl101d.{ Bllin liS admittanct to

601ft the gate.< "I X,y(eamn's 1160ac amr U/ Mallgnr', . '}(n(Jt4/l'ng If" naturt of merdUlI!/S, it t4!or/(J not surprise lilt: UI disama tfUit tfle ((I) ul,1S to 11 rusty, f lllp!!J

diaslity htlt in II tft.5trtuf faay:( c1iam6r.rl '11'r. paM liis frigti pria - llit fljt (It 9QiJt, UJ o/u jairing spirits = MIJlIIr4 goM.

Soriae, wises! (lJ tlit unst, lid" 11IIswucd 11i~ ritfifl (lJ '(II. magic TrWutlis. :He tdr" us we mIMI s~el( 1Iit. "wl/lli tfilll iIi;/(~ II.> to revtaf 1Iit. al!s'Ult.~r. all,l SllY tfiis; 'Lie willi plI.>Jilm alii fit J(lrever ,("mntlf.· 'To fimf a moral" pmciaimarion in lliis PUIU is urucrnity, amf , alii r.fH:T ItWTt ,ff/ermintd' 10 fa!J tlit uJiz.ani alld liis f//fITf(; 10 nlill.

11't find tlie IIIOUtFi in. Ik wlltlinifsl section oj tlii.~ fwti. aml uu", tlit anSWlr. StuiTS arE re~ sligntf!) to tEtt nurtliTVtSt oj !(~ I1Wu.m, (lIu.f M . a.5Ulflf.

. .- .

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Mangarj Lever:Four

Page 38: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

'}.{angar, Ltw( 'Jour

'Jtlr. rim/( t"'em( :lUff, am! Iii, ,{cltlilll$l'ur,m aM mUW"1 6r1JOj( of unlilai tliillOs ffint If" P,Ift(e willi us lreeze our souls. ~'-"'m[y Tilt jigfit UH, tfi{jivt of us wfio . I"I!main. ?«ilY tlie/lois pity u.>, Imrf B'u'lt I/.S r:~n dit sfigfitest ,lilma to comp{ete our tasK.,

Wt Un! IJ..11(pf· to IIume tlit. grell/lSt .w1I of Otfi'J ulI4 Wt. UII.S"UJ(:r (orru.tfy, p/easd to fu rtUJdrrfed for OJ" time in tliat cesspool sewt.r. :From fflt r.tM.r i5 givrn us a .flllaIl SWIat, and Soriae tdls us tlial il wi({ aM us in ootllt. J{am Ollf praytrs 6etrl at~'uJt".r.d/

'IVe art tdeP"Neif to tlie nortfiw£S/ rrgl.m of this ftlie{, Ulfiae sm(Jen(y tI{{ tlie fll(l((S fum into aoors, alia a{( die aMfS ill I,) waf(s! 1ft', proUt' 'WeSt ani are tdtpurted onu morl. ,'~'t Iry /fumy aoors uIIti( Wf find Iii, parta( il, tnt e:tln/lle s/lutliu'ESt of tfji~ (lTIe(, wuf it i5 Iiae ul( find tlit mtrona IiJ 1M. upptrnJOSt (wd of MIJ1J9ars castIe. '11¥ wmmtlll( our Wills to tfit ootf.~, /VJ4 lor tfl/. [mal lime, (!Suna..

'. : .'

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Mangalj Leve! :Five

Page 40: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

~""'---'zr:,~r-.,-cc,~, --~', ,C'C"'~, ' :~': "

'Wt lilT atftUw[ til dit fa.st. 'lJUo .Illmr S(WplS WtTl tflt qy to mitring tru main "iamp" wliUtuI rtJUfes a gloating M'lngur. 'JVt an trapI'd fiq fills it, a tiny room wlitn tvtlllibUJ Ifu wiumlum!;!ijs miniOfU to storm 1M aoor.

'BU! 'We art gitlt.rt l,lise wllnsd vy SOrille, wfro cufvi.~t!,~ u." til try ami gu tfiis joumaf 10 ,peflis. ill tflt fiope tfillt fie rlliff pass 011 llil tx;peru.1Zus TlII'i1l<'1I frere to one

~apalili. of ,kftarina MII1I9"r. On, filial speC!' u.,illg tfie £ife jorces of .5orim;, cvrjld am[ rtI!f,eif, i,n{! rrnr{a [sa invisi6(e Jor a lime, tIIl/liallg (l-tr to a~apt 1M.; PUIU' willi

tfu: jf.lltnlai 9'tf it is evil magic. 'EVI'.rylliil'!1 T<lt /lmlt acwmpliJfir,{ wi{{ Vt nn t from tfrt fofnir "I timt Olll[ rlt.Slro~,£ alii! as u,t speIl 6!U11S Iud! Ollt Isfi wi{[ be c/J1Isumca.

I embra.-.I! Illy r.(>lIIpanions, wuf tl/Slt tfie saft oj 'l;n:, If.IJ/l". fifj~nfi fras IIskrtf for my laMer - fl(. fws rw wisfr /() be cap/urea alirlC. PI., rl<J preplill'S tfie spdf, l cal! [jut rej(ut tfl4lt '10 man '(111M wish 10 ait ill 6tiiU campa,,!!.

" "

Page 41: C[ue13ool( · 2010-08-27 · 'We e/lUt;ge at fast into fresn air ana open spm:e, wliich is wdcvm~, ana into nigfu, [uhlc(. is /lot. effie pn'csts in tfj¥ tempfe (;fpclelf usurious

'!lm.-",, ;<, _~'" ",,,,,r;!<J '"" 'i9Ii' '" "",~, ''''f''W'''''"'' ;. 'h, p • ..-.!,,,, J",rif>.-i I" ,~« dIU ioo/;., any "'"" 0"" u·"'''''' "",;"" '1lii.< <flU 60,,( u ,~,d. ill! rW<" ." """"",,- ?{p l"" Df ,/iu M>( ... y w <~ 'rrs"".wl. ,""'"".,hI '" ,,"_,., any <lwron;" ,..Ji._ .. """~., ""~ik f ..... ~..m...l 1M I""" un'". , ....... , of ·£f<llfOftk)tns. I.!::'D ij4"""9 'l!n' ..... 501. !Il.,,,,, CJijumio 9-1./01

'Lkc,,,,,,,, .'I"" ....v, "JOdi. G.itd ....,....'IU ""t/i nprrf w "'for"'" 1n:,oJI,g -r ... ~"'" rilL 'C.I.t,.,,,..., ArU r_od , .. ." ... .,,,.,r-.f ""'"" W ,...""'1".

SPfi"""'" ~ 1m In"~og1'1"" .. ,,,,,,,

cr... ~.f,·I.L , 'Ir.....,.-'I+I,~ ,. ... ""~ 6y:kolo. 'Po ~"""H oM M"'Y'"" 'LIW"!I

7".(1114 Oy~.w... iA<nff "" J98. 'L(m~u.J,: >1n.<

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