C^TmOtTTiirl.wU B-WPOBT aad FALL IIVE R. BB^_.lt^_____wta«tat_ee_eri BtY BTATB. CaaA Waa. ¦E "^.<__t^P8T?Vr_. <_***_ B«Bia_ta Braytea. ke»e *a __^^"i^y.«-r^*£ No x a-aTam.«a ___?_7r _aitb leae-tog at Newparteaib '_* 1 VwJkBWY kail-oaD-c or>«/'|R^v^{i_ar; ^.^rt-^ - tv. froa New York K 15la7 aa* ll * - p M _, _r^_^T_-T--iBOT RAILROAD __£___*i- fiAMI'Efi 0,n" _,. , ._._. .-, Twooaeed-ly. al 1VmK__8P -*"*r5!_x-od..l-.L L,B'4t7A M by 8r.a_d tUtoSZ-d^ rueOt TRAVFIFB" LOOK to YOUR INTEKEST, a-BXTI-.dCOMFOKT. -CtNANDAHH'A aad NIAOARA 141 L«' 1.1 LKOAH- Thia Boad, ceanecttaa wi'h tbe Canaa- Ii.. and B-B-* atd New Vork aod F.r.- rf.i-oad., forna tha __!ri.r.taade.r-du1o. .r.ate beiweea New York City aod SI- i_o_ Palta a'd Wtag on the brreid or.'X fe.t **"*- th* cir.ar, !_£ eeaaeoiou. .Ld maaOBllll Ihan oo any other ta- of tr.-*. rhtftaMBtag a ronte betweeo N.w York City, lipp-r Cxt__- Sd tk* Wit-ero fkati 4 ntaurva-ed for keautv to. "-__**___ Sea.ry. aad for the e.*a*d, afety and comfort of lh* treveli-d coav "__ ard tfttr Der IP traina leare a rWlo-i ___a aai TObVON'IO FXFP.I.SH TKAIN Iravea Nlaatra F.Ui at 2.30 r.18- JSSMa-O--. tl- ffiiSrS____ __» l-o.ai.d New Ymk eed Frie "laoroed. eaat. ¦_^r_Wft.aj___j_^_r__,-'ta MFat.t.aaili VF M ..on 0*44*1-'¦ _,.___irn. _,d NUgan r_OTS££! a5R.»_ '.-'- ^ w 3 "" o7V TKo__£ r a^^ Mtamm1-* NewY.rh and ._£_a«B_-t2^ l*|l'"f."_V-t*Dger. ean he tickeied tbrougb to Balalo rl* r4ita ky ean-, at «he waBae-a^OOtae^^ ..,,,<_,._,,._ Baperi-teodeBt'. OlTee C 4 11.11 I latiaiit*.g«a D"- I8*'- » _, . WM W. PAl.M.VR. Af ut, No. 193 Brotdwty. Ntw-Yoik. GREAT WESTESN MAIL ROUTE.-SIXTT MIl.lB PI8TARCB NAV/.-J.-MICIIIOAN BOIIPHBR" BAH.ROAD LINF. -Tbe R-lrta-l - aow open to ihe MiB_axii>p> __.. xtn.nir. tltne taSt I al. Yoa hourt ^nger" ._ l-.v- N,-w Y,.k Bta. NEW-YORK AND BUO a 1,1 i'mN RIYr.t KAll.ROADH. at 7 e'r'nck A 1 »»'', * B'.lMk P. M. enblng am* evenlna at Dnn.irk er Butalo BBdMaaWtt-g with I.K.Hi'NIN* E_J___B TfcAINd oa taelAKF SHORF RA't.KOAD. aud reaca ( bieago u-«t PTealna Mtl o'cl-tk. where teonfor-hle nigbt- .^~/*a"'_ __.?_ ar.«r-d .ta.'rl.-cl eext n.oraiBg ky the CHCAUO »" *y\* BLaMi hAlbl.dAD.PorUSiTil.., Blon-iarton. Bprir.giiebi, Al _.T..Ji Si lr,_. ai tbe war by RtlLRUAO. Alatcoon. c i-,4 ST-k*-...;a*. ¦'n ta. OL.' l^l IHCA.-O aRD OALRR I RAIU BOAD for Roekford. Fie.|.ort. Oaleea and I>u'.a(ae P.«.i,ii-.'ii illaltaab*.*lh*prl»ll*-eof yt-pptal M aat aol il aj-akaa M a..'..' pVunr* And _3^^-^j\t____ _ioaaaeieaaedtexatio- delay. oxvaeiootd by LOYA tVAT-E, *'FerThrV-ghTitkela. or aBy further loft.rmatioa. anply at tbe Co_¦ a.iv'. Oflic, No. IPULreadway. purupr ..I i)-v at tt. F.3 "*-""". JOHN V. POBTBR. (tti.-r.! Ag.at D _> -altMcal. _^oi^0VER',, TRUScTaudBANDAME IN'STI 11' v No 12 ABBit -Nerth'. B-w pat nt pr-wnbia fi-niv, bii rw el .nc'.ieel ,-bo...d.r Br»,.- aad n'variic fafclll 4 inpo-tera aad Ba li Ib! Femile. ind c.pul. . t>-*a*. lu*'ru-cnta for Bow- L... .*a A-kl. a crooked B-aiae tn ---».kii.d nf d-'or o'ty. EatllBfe toi.die.'Departr.e h ,'l. wil.' f-.r.a.e .1 anerea-.e B*tieWBam« D- i.LOS p.-t ,.. laatltato rTPIHNM 1 " 1AMI1.Y PILL8- A. B. fc D. 8ANDt4 ^a-uta, ll* iai Foitoo*- Eli;, ka l.Wkr, what havo raa foaadl rvafoaad IP. .-ifl that will'lorce-he H't'S ar H.lrtngieiw Pronr and 41. tk ie Iv- era_ anki. »nd it .-on't atalr eiit.j -.re >b-ekla Yritl Bur.l'edt (IRA'UYi'.a'UNili 'Nl-iliit will do It, peti-.'r.ly, m ,. .. d n t a Utt le Itt * I j er to-tle. leiit »IJ«i of tba eeae'iv R O imAlUM. No 15At-.t Mr. 'lAYtS, No 1,1 JrVhoBft. troek'vr; J R »P . II.DINO. No 27 Tr.rnoatiow, Btotto; H. L. ( f lilUP.HT. Na. Il'lll.t, Pitaki-gh._ HOhbLS! HOR8E8! HOt.-l-l7>!.A 4tro_g Uiu aeat -peelaliy .d.plafl ta tl.e HatoB, to ke.l aad .tr. aatba* kitigbim blli D.lt. ibe e-.tlie wt1l knd Id IPi. KKIa- aieu rhlle While working fclni leliv i na »l» f-a. -.. . ¦-_____ _JN(.Kh'SBewCHAI(M »hlrb i. tb» aa._t eenata re-nedy ever .Jared to -he ppbllc I" e-:-e tbe h-»>- * licii-diat-.y aad all raaa- aeref eore. eonx, hrolae., a r kr., and the horee aiay be worked aally la :.r«e be.lt ie. at ai eatb 8t> a do--i, ThU «re.t re-.i-tlT k -P_t baiaiiBaiB kaw -aa iT.ared »e. ,, ,. kleJwJ eVam 61 *4rh-n* emeller B-B N B -Mr I Ua. Mirrat aad Wrrt -u inred . anrae ef h-ate. and giand ... Mr >_'.*'-~ -airimp-r No BBWaM-el purcbaaed aioleodld bor*a. Bra.tli. iy .ut rai. to gire ii a inta .,..,.».... . . tt m lei, il.e* a ohea* a. any other temedt ettered io (tie toopl*. a# 0.Afc.Kfaib ^^^_____ Dr Extuitaaa-My Dear Sir: When I aow th*ao«v*l p-oald nad ailrte .etll eailing en ibe ,.«.rtiee Thea I ooild e-t do.bi; b t mil the ettdenre wa ool *-at_ta. tnrt a lhaairong tnal ay t'lal 1 a.w a itb great pWaatire a.'d n.y 'atimoov. 1 he... ear-d two verj ta- or «e. of he -a and e>. ply aated eo«»b -oae enred tattau daya Ceahmmeama k«p^I...t yo-* lAtoM___R£RR__ There la bo rooia fer drnbt arta atrial._r M_DICATL1» INHALATION-A NLW METH- OD A aa.at woLdeifm duiove.y ba. receeily been ¦n.-'e hy Dr Tl KilS for the cute of Aeth-ua. CoBAu-a.tii.'O, Biouc-» , <_. ¦!. lola. aodallbiing ro-t-..iiita. by Medl ated lnhal.ti.m. S C-aflia- IIYHF.ANA. or INHAMNO tOEAjt V*Pua aad 4 HI UKY 8TRUP, lia aero--.i-aed tli* moat wooiler'al aar** af Aath_iaaLdioo-..ni|.ti l in .b,- v M* aaatja n-b over auown -aaLTirAeerr.-ilicat-a tabaPlbof jeoU ] ¦_. luhaiar to wurn .n tbe kramt *BBB tka >u-Ji wil' out the !«..." '_^__f>___^_ ke.l ol tle tad] beim ..f-flputto ev>ta*f*Je tk- flnl.1.-pply ng f . iuapa eatrtanlly wilh . l.ealln. aoi. »gr-**ble'v«por -Ptaafaj^'* Tn H e i, r eei. th_ cmtaieirL-4 ln Bo tahai way told by BO\ I) kPAl'I. No 40 Coortltritat 0. H I a* ro.n-rof John-il. and Bro.eiit.'veandb. Mra Haya.. Nn 171 Fol'or.-at. Br .-k yn Prlco .?,i r.ekVge N B -Ary p.raco inrloeiug 43 to «oj.i fc Paol or _an!afc tttkin.. Ntw Yort. will recette a paekago ronli-aing a bettle ol'Hxpitn Yator, oaa af Cnerry Bytap. and an laba'er laa a.tt Pox. by rlj .ca, ftee to any pait ol the I'uited s-.ua ol taor paakageafor 8'"_ ..- THE ONLY PKIZE MEDAL for TKUSSE8 taiidid io MMiSllfc'.., by t!a li.d'.itiii: Exbit-iiiaiiof ll K,,., ... at Ihe l i-.lal Falare. for tb.ilr n-w ilADICAb l.UKE TM t-S iln.i iii Ihrcghihti. SurgicalCoa-.tlee. Piof.jyon J Ren».i Wl I'a.ker J M Caruophxa. A Cltrke Dr a Oall.ioit I i.rlet.. p-.e t I'i 'linan. aod rthfra tlie euipkttia ibi- SrlB nlui tor wh'i I. . tataatog haa labur-d aa-ldoteiay f.,r tw-Bty- T. y.an axd which hnl alreadt heen aatlcioiied hy -nant uf the tifW-Yoik 8i rr- D8B Ta p-^-iliar chatacterol thia fm-* ba boea at feith lu a ..rai le.e aad ron pial k.dt* uauu.l hy 8. N Maj.X dea.ttaitveof et. iy t.tie'y of rup nt-. to be bid at Da YY Itt k I'a-0|in'a. Tiil:.t.p Buil.'iirg. aud Bt No. 8| Ma den laoe New- Yoik atMreoti. Au eiteeeic lilt of namta nf m-rc*ntlle aod etPiergi-rtlirincaretthy thliTra-iav bca-'inat then ntBrre Scigltal aud Aatao-i.ii Mrcl.kuiei ma, Int-n'nra tud idan.r.i-- toreitelllieiiiTUible luppirt for latcral or bit-i.'e.l cirtitore of tbeiplar ilhe ci.re ot cirb-fiet boa-lega, aad a I oiier phvil 4l dffo.n.n tlall. itoeklii4 .nd kn- cati. for-anecal oi_a of tari- KMii'm kc Tle P; ize Mrdai a-T.rdtd (t- ..ap. .ary hai-iage.. tapnbai'o ait I etr lo' re ,i, iia- Abo. aur-w au t ltn|in>ved ll|h: tt.lir ihmllir hr-rt fnt liiHat* aal i.i'.. m i .* L, « npea uoiil 9 a-claatolbeevAtiug. V I Uhl fc Co., Not; t-h.BrlaaB, New-Vjrk. Ccgal Notueo. AT A BOTROOATE"" COL'WT, beld in and for the fooiiiy of New-Yoik, at the atanaa Bta OtRce ln th* City of Ma li ., in tbe iw'uti-,h day of Iai» ruler, ta the year oaa Uexaaid elgPt Lundttd aid B'lytlire* -aeat Alei an ler VV Bradlcrd. Mirrogaie lo iho niatier o- tbe .' r uatiou IO Mortgar- taaae er al, the real eai.ie of ROllERT D'.itlKR. dece_-,t. Oi waoiiig ara mltg-ih. pMittaa of Ykiili.-n kk'i.'iatn. aad loh U Tbcrne, tbr Execmor. uf ihe lat aii *nd t i v-neat of iloh.'rt il o |«e, Uteof tlip ( itvol N-t. Y-*k. deoeaaed. for auhonty to aurt- gagp le.ieor frll tbe ipa.1 ea tte of iui aa i t-cet-ed for thepayineut al bi. i bta, li lai.rdt-red that .:< petra1 ta tb* aata.* *f tha aaid Ptibrrt tntafea, leieaeeci. a; ,iear b*4br* tli - Sirrmtaia of Be t o..ctv of N w V, x, ai hi. ur~r.e ia tba City New-Yeek. ea Bhe iSihtb'd.y of P'ekuarj -.ext. tt 16 e clo t iu lh- ' riaeoa of h .1 day, tbn a_ti there loibow eaune »ht iu'.boii:t .h aid ao'. Se -.> o Bo ibr taid Fxers'ir. ;i. .i .e.a.r. h oi a kl aBateofihattid LVb--i li.ngt u. dtte.-.'l *».''.'l he nuoea tc B*y bia dekto_JJ4 4v. . .1). S rr nale. AbMi!Mb' NOT1C1 fV] reai ijp.iriuauceof aueid'-r of tke Corrt of Co-ii.-i I'i .'tfoi iiy.aa tyof Nrw-Yotk -aie t.._ r. -ii'tdil of D«oe.n'>at. A 11 W-'IDPS p Y\ aL&E-R lat- o. Boet ¦_ ! tt ol N -Voik, u** 4lIa aalincdlnane all Li. natata b*i-reel *nap»ieaii4l iu law aai ta equlty el w_a!i vi B-tan tiie ii.ui n t l>e l' r,f..r -. a'l Per- Iti i.d't. ld tobia by B t W v.Serwit- a perty er eviOi i.i.. a. liupert.. Lel >. (I. .',.:i. iy oroih. w ... .... i-ic-ated to oali ob mp t'. in (.'i ta iilW.!'. ai tatofIfBi if fliia TuL iadiilllaIhi wiai i l*y. tn I- m U him or io a I . wkh auy otbai peiKio, txxept a i"v .Idtu .1 k UYVPaI 4>. t Al..MIMsii:A,..K SOTICE to CBEDITORS -THOMAt POW'NSl N'.Y Adtoiu-nt or of LKVVI3C TOWN- Bl'.sD I'l-un. lata ol tbe f-aar. ,i (.'.;., k'aT, in taa .4l*le of hew.l.ir.y. I" . ...rl' ,iC I'ip Ctunty of _h.fr May, m the State of !--- » . e |,, , ra B(-l U. tbe BMdBeoa sf tt* aaid UawtoCTewaaaal e-.-d n. uzhiblt U _i, aaJrr oalhor i.Inattba. th-n Ixhaaai 4, .ma_ia aaa'iat ihe eet.te ofar.it dretaa-o vti'lu .'xcaleLJer maaihe from lha third d.v ,f Janu.rv, Ifat, or they wli t* foreter har ed ftotn pru»-ce'.lng ot re- eovenxi ite ...e iape Ma. Jaa 4. V4.M ' ^iHOM. j i-OA'.sKNI) Aialniatrator. A DMI-^tTvt-x-VTOB*'' NOTICE..Notloe ia herek- _lataBMI rr xaM havi g r'»'in«ra.ret Sxrcinri YV Hatluga, _eiv)_t late of the v "ty ot .Niagere aad B'ale ol New Ymt a k. i f S-n P ixnctaco inCAlnoniU. deoeaaeA tatihrvaiet nhiame. .'. ¦' i.totba aadenigatd. at ihe oll. s C tlaidurr fc Fiutv... « tae Yu-g. of Lockwirt. N. Y. oi belo'p the lit day r-f Yvr 1'-4 x-tapo.x,-. ..oxtui Jt,,_r ,,. _.. k.i_lfcatratrit. THOd. J. Y AIL, Adanaiatraior Beptemlaria. 1S._ _?!.*_! IN PUKBUAKCEoi a_ordoroftlM8o*Tii(4*atoofthe Oaaagaf R*a V . n - ta *ur»hTg.vtn toan .«-rajr>.h.v, , ciax-a ag'ti.-l AK11II B H P. -*t" .-w-luri. de- traaed tnprenat tl-ai- . ;th vo-ir 'i> -. tTiereof to tba . n».ri.*t at h.r NBMa.* No ¦ Man-'Sat in tha l " of New-YoiA, eaor befi re tbe tblrrt day of Aur- .i»U.Dal-d New-York, ta* 3li aTotri.ptt-bfr.llfc} . .vJANE FbF. Adn.Blrtratrtt IN PUBOUANt Lot an bB iirofaiaaf tbe Cob-It _f Newl -ri. aoliaa _k--reby nr*a . hav.ig elaiu. ar.Vi .'IHIN aeic. a- tiaatoaod \ tbe. .. ta ile ( nyc: - I'-A* ti! lat. Da-.e K* «llB/.«:,.) . IN 1 . Rl . -tflTH, F«j. p. rro»ate a< . _) a*. iltS L M/f.L"*- BOL* ,...i.- . . P . IN 1TR8UANCE of an order of tbe Bamnta af ... ...,..y *f NawTark, Retlee l* b-reby gi»*a l* ail l II l b,y_,;«r.".V.i- MABOARFT F "WO*.to.ttltoay_ ... v,, k defT-aed, I. prtaenl tb* lamt. -Hb tou.ora ttonat* M _T___* ai hi. |.|.re. No 314 Weter-ot. le tba CUy af Na». ttt. etor tlb'*»to rix.b day *f Jnly B.tl-DMeat kaw-TMk. U * Vk"¦. -* Jauuary. 1*M CUARLE8 L. BROW, jaS ltwdniTh* Eie«a**T_ IN PUEPUANCE ef aa order ol the Surrogato of tbe C*a.nia nf New V-.k Bttfcw ta herel y glren to all p-rwan* havtaf rkx4mi, ai'.init JOIIN WILL1AM8 lat* of th. I Ity of New York drrrered. io prraeat tbo aanaa wlib vourben ihsraof to t*ie eob- en.'.r al h.r rardeeee, No 63 Wooater at lo th. City of N.w. Vo.k on.rb.f. r. thetwebty-luat day of Aprll aext. Dated, rl,w. Yo:k ibe e'gbtreblbday of Oetaber ItSS .... _, ertjn lawt.-.h fATHARlNE WILLIAMS. Adi-lBattratiix. IN Pl'ESUANCE of an Ord.r of tbe Burrogat* of tbeCoBBtvof New-Yoik. Botiee kt I rrebx gi»*a to all r?"*9* ki.lng c.ilu.. MBia*4 THOS R GARLAND. lat* ofthe C.iy of *.*.- 3,4-k IHerieord) to prraent tke itJO*. wlibiiay hert aWtt*l. io JAMK8 M FLANDRKAL'. at bi.o«.* No 11 Baa* Bbbtt. Hifa- City of New-Yoik. on or tofora th? ljtb day of M*T,a*.xt "a*** Nri Yo.k, But 17 Itio. THOS. J GARLAND, Exeeoter. Bl7 lawtoaTk _ IN PUl.M'ANCEof an order nf theSurrogate of th* ^wk'^c araft~ ^v_»p2 «s# mZmSm+tZj, a th* ci.y'.f s«--.;»*. ~ZfZ.ltmjnZm% d.x of Jrrnentlt Dated, aj.-w- lork tb. "'f* *S> °'^j££ It?4 F1KIII ««'''»»'*{B«',1J)fl .*?, ffiiT. LANDfcKOTT. FroetOTk 1*. 1" Bnada.y. j.i-i.womii u IN Pl'RSl'ANCE ofan order ofthe Surronate of tha V.fnty of NrwYotk. ootbe it bereby gtteo lo all porajot hyttag (.Bntyof ^w I0.',. MpA,D late of tbe City *f Rew-Yexk, ..\Zr?toii",i tha*-_-.* wilb yoacher. tWoof.to tb. "b- i .. i.r ie.ld.te* Re to.'Woet i4th*t, ia tk* City .f New- Yonrk,oBbrto;o7.,,,heet.«thA., of Jaiy aext-Daud <.*- York, .^-a.^-rTi**"''7'_*."A MEAD .»to"?°_. ¥N PITB8UANCE ef aa order of thf Surrogato of tbt I ( m-Lta ef New-York. Notlc* b ber-bi g<v*B to all perwM hiv to, fl.iiai atalnit tbe earate of F.DMI'ND RE1LLY, bte of tke loxr. .f 1'e-hltlarni. in tbe Stite ofObio, deceated. to prei-ot the eaaae wl-b xootken tbereof tb tke tnbee.iber. at hii r-Raca. No. 1*5 aoatk- .t ln the litv of NewYirk. irB or before tkd tweotyfim day of Mrrrb uext.Tlated New-York, the 2T.h day of Angaet ItB t, (1 i.wlmoTb* PHILANDF.R ttANFORD. Exec.tor. SIPRFME C'OURT, City tntl Cniintv af New York. ._WILLIAMP Tl'RI'lN agalnat Rl HARfJ B. H tRDf tad otl tn Suo.a.or.1 for relief -iCnna not t-rved.i-To Rl" H ARD B HAhDY. AbBC l.rrdx Jotf.h M A Ta piu, Oeorgli Woahinrtro Tbixin CTiUlte H Dillart bru'lla E D ard Ml f>a Riwley. Mary L «¦ Rowlry NitbiBixl Ctarke Calba/iae W Clark*. Rn. ir A T, rpr, Tbitn-tl. Tarpin. *ii_-e! M Grean LaxireRH Or*-n. Bin.uel A Maverick, WillUm VaO 3\xck LydiaA. M Van Wyci. Gtij .lore. lle'.at- n Faiaketh A -t Ho'.ion. Joaeph B Wayaiin Joaet bli <. TUm| «,o aod Mimbel M. ThomraaoB You are bereby lun.ri.intd. tad req.ired tr, amwer the c-.tnntaint ln tba ae'loa. wbi.bwM tled ln tbe officB of the Tle.E of tbe f.ity aad Coxary of New-Yoik. attb- City llall of tbe Olty ..f New-York oo iba .Ith Jannaiy iLet-at. and to teyye a eoi.y of yoor aniwer ta tbe aa.ri oo-a- i.laibl w the a-l*rril.er. at hia ofli.*. No SWallat.ta th. 1 Ity ol Nfw-Yerk. witl.tntwiaty dayi after tb* wrvbeof th-» eamoio-.i.m .oa exflueiyeoftbae-ycf lurkMrvic*; »od il yoof.ilto aatwaf tLr .Bid cotnplxbit wiiblB th* Um* afi.naid ihe piaintltT ia ta.t ac- tton wl.i app.y lo tht 1'o.rt for the r.bef deaitBrl-d >. th« eo ophxiut. -Ilii-dJaiftrx 10. 14J4 T. W i'(f.-lt, jilla.twTl.-'_ PbaBLftAttaroey. kJI I'REME COl.'RT-In tho matter i,f tbeapplica- L3 tion oftbeMayor, Ald«rmen and Comtiionaity of' ib¦¦ City ot iVTwYotk niatlxetr the OPERING and KXIT.SDINi of AL- BAN3-.«T to BROADWAY, ln aaid City-Pnnoant to .4t*lofM la rib r*ae rria.Ie ind pretided, tbe Mayor. Alderm-o %nd C.miaoo- il-a irf .br t itv of N».-York. I.erebv give ao'ir.e tbat they Intand loiiiilvtit'r r-bpretne i ourt ofthe State of Ne- Yori, M a -Jpr-clal I rm ef ni ( tn rt 10 be he,d al tae Ci'y of Ne- York on Siinr- diy tlelitbdax oflrbnary, A 0 .834 a' the opeaiai '.fth* Conrt BBll dn or it uon tarreaffer rt couni-t ran be I »ard that tae rall I.i retbfiie made by the Midn.pr.nae Conrt. bearing dtte tae l.t>, ttay bf Jnly. A. D lf.31. aod entirb d In tbe n.atter of the ap- II rillin of tbt klaxor. Aldircaen and Co-nm ir.alty of the U'l of N. » Vtik. re ative'to tbe opening a. d extrbrflti. of Al'.tay It rroio lir. i ra i-b at tb Tiibily-piace, lo ihe City of New-York."be elrer.d andiniiBerd. wuto ltelodethe laadi and pre-nnei heitiuxrier datinbid. fcrthe lurpo e f opeuing an4 eiten.llBg Arbaiiy at to I.ii.i r!» ay i Ihtt the iaid f kiort appi-int Coiumltaioueta of Eet.nxt* atd Aaaattnn»f htr. io: tbat tbeial.ie aud eitent of the Imprire- Binibertby ibteoden, in addiii..u to tb* iuapro.«m- nt bOM'er.r* o.d. .rd by the aaid r.ile ia Ibe exta-Mion of albaux-it f.o.n rri.-iitT- plarelo Bii.iflway lolh.tthe tomheila line t..«re.,f *ball he lo a ttreifkl line fietn T.inlty-plaee fn Broadwa*. io rou'ibnation of the i. inlnily lineof tiidette.itlenfroo, Greenwl hit to r-ioity plaee. b.renfa'.e eid.:»d bv Ibeialdrnleof ta'* Coirt. aod .htf tne oor- thnly ildetbirrof thill be ln a I.i e ruon a, rro _ Trini'y pla*eait- llly ilotgthi irnthirlv tideofilr* lx.,di aodprerniai koa. M lrii'y B-lid'rrt. to Krovlivay mnldCiiy aa lald o it on ihemta er xlax of iai.1 Citx, nnd»r and by airtue m v. act of tbe L-giataiu'e of tl.e inple if tht Htate of N*w York .niitled ' Ao att rtURva to ln i rexenaer.l! tonrhlng the l.jlng out ot itreeti and rua.lt io the I ity of NewVotk. and fi.r oib-t JMIfoaM " ptMed Apiil 3d, lgaa.- Di.t'd New-Yorx Jannary 13 UM BOBBRT / UILLON. Coo-m! to the Corporalitra. STPREME COURT. In tl.oinnttor of tho aprilioa- tion el the Miyei, A.dernien and C..ui,i,o_aity of Ihe New V.nk .ytheCio.cn aaatdaB Ho-rd ..f aaid citt, relati.e u tLe irqiilring of landa fot a uew Reiervo.r ia lha taid ci.y toiweaa Bii.biiiri vwhiri and ihe ith and Vthav*, In ihe itirl ciiy The WaTei, A'dermm BB* Commonalty of ibe City of N-w-Y.rk. Ibt'CrotoB Aqurdnct Peparimeot or aain city part ix-.l 'o tba .-*tai tte entiiied A Act lo facilitate tbe acqnlaitiao ot laadi >ur a aa- Pn.iTiir te the Cky of Rew-Tark," pabedJaae vh, l'.vi ihree- £011 ing rn ttnt.' hereby give notice to tbe o»»ni, '*.»..*. ptr lln a_. pnt..,! irtiit'ivelj ebtuied unto or inUriwted lu tat laodt i n t ti her. ittaat. Btt anrl prrnaiiara. bereiuxfter mentloned au.1 1-.li l.id. 'tball'ey will apply to ihe S ipreme I'ourt ofthe dtaieo* Nee V.ek al a Ge'ina' Terui of the t_.d Ooatl to be held at Ihe C.iy Halitjf Ihe City ef New Yo.k '.n FRlllAY, tb* l-ab day <d I-.biiiaty ICAI. atlhe opening if liie Coari ob lhat day. Br aa i »o thmaftrraa fo>.n*al ean be hrard. for the aprwinttneat of three Iin u laaliiur.i of At praltal In tbe aboxr entitb d inat tt, to eatlioate ro r.Tor ef thi- teTf ra) owoera leiaee*. partiet and penani af.ireaa.il a iut iib »<|i.liable comj.enaaiion fbr Uking all 'bo«e lao.lt >eoe Baebta h»i*ditanaebliandpr*uil*n, fal.e kettrotl «>th and *J'h*ia^ nd tbetabirdTthiva. ln t.id city, and whirh the aaii Croton A.brdtirt PoaTf .leraatdTbable to to ica.i.ire.1 r.r tbe purpoee of eo.,a.r.tlii.g.new Ritervolrln tbe fityef N..« York, trhlcb tnd landrttd arenitiitt. ltld out on the ii.tp or plao of aaid city aa der ird by yirtee of ao Act, eBtitled " An Act relif.ve to Iniproy-. SarViVit-r' C',,8f S,wY"k- t"d %li^irh7iloTri I i.nnul le th* Corporatloo aud tbe Oroton Ajaediici B >ard Dated. New York, Jan 3,11.34._Jatolor BAYA1-D TAYLOgg LETTERa 8CENES IN BBNABEB. EaTtorlal C*rre*pondi ace ofthe N. Y. Tnb.me. Bi:nare«, India, ) Wodnos.iav, F.-b. 16, 1J-53. S At tioon, on bfonday, I left the boipitable roof of Mr. Owen. at Allahabad. On reaohing the Ganges, l found the drawbridge opon, and a f-triug of upward bound veueli paitiiig through. Tbere aore thirty-nine in all, aad eo ttewly were thoy towed agaiott tho itroam, that full tao houn elapscd, and I itill tat there in tho heat, eontomplating the white and glariog eand-fJat* of the epposite ihore. There wat an end of it, at lait; my imrreev3ai puihed acrou and oter the tands, by a arowd af eager cooliet, and havinif, attained tho hard, Biacadaudzed road, abaded by uuibra^eoai peopul and aot ra treet, I whirled away rapidly toward Bcuaroa- My road lay along the northern bank of the G.__g84. tbrouflh a very rich and beautiful country. The broad fieldt of whoat and barky now ooming into head, woro picttireFqucly broken by " topei" of the dark mao^o ar tbo feathery tnmarind, and grovei of t*io brab palui. It wa* a land of harvett culture, with all tho graee of .jlvaii adonimtnt whieh dittinguishei u ptik of ploature. The road wat thronged with pilsrimi returning frcm tbe gTeat tnela, or ftir, of Allahabad. During tho afttnioon I pawed many thouwtndi, wbo appexred rti be of the loweit and pooreat castet of tbe Hiudoot. They all earried carthen jan. filled with the taered water of the Jtinction, (ef tho Oanget and Jutnns,. ahith thej were Uking to pour upt.n the ihrine* of Irtentrci or Byxnath. At the iTaiiom where I changod horie*. they rrowded aroan.l the garreo. bogging vo- siferontly i ' O gTeat being, an aluai for Siva'i take '" 0_M balfnaked, dark eyed troy of ten yeart. accottod me ln fluent Arabic, exclaiining: "Ogroat lord. may " Peaco repof-e npoB your turhan I" with luch a graco- ful aud perkuative air, thtt he did not need to a*k twice. But for tbe other*. it wai necesitry to be both tdif.d and deaf. for there wat no charm in the .erpent- arired Dtttroycr to extort 3\ hat had been given in tha tacied n_me of Petoe. Al ni^ht appmaohed, tha crowdt tLitkencd, and tho yelli of my driver op -ne 1 a w_y through their niidtt, for the rapid garree. They uioveil in a cloud of dust. of their own raiiiu., tnd I had no ccmfort until the darknea* obliged thant to halt by tle roadside aad around the villagci, aftor arhleh tl.e atmotphore becatne clearer, _n 1 the road wai ttdorably free from obitinction. The hortet. however, gavo me no paace, and every elange, at the ri lay itationi. leemod to be for tbo worte. After haulking at the itart, they would dath ©fT in fury, unking the body of the garree iwing from .ide to tide tt every bound. till a craab of 4ome kind tppeared inevitalle. dOne of thete oareert wai thnmgb a long and rrowded village, in whieh a market wat be ing held I did uot oount how many tiimarmv flying vxheelt grazed the pilei of earthonware. and the heapi of gra!n and vecetablei, l.ut I know that there were tereamt af alarm, gotticiilati.'iii. fright and eonlaaion from eao i nd of the village tn tbe other, and how we ran tho gtutitlet witbout leaving a wake of ruin behind ni, it a n.)rt« ry whi.-h I rannot explain. I gradually bo- raire loo ivearj te Botiee tbote alM'rratioin of the pro- . foree, ar.d tinking down it,to thoteittoni of tho gnrrt*p, foil into a ilwp from whieh I wat awakenod it tbediivtre raiee* I looketi out, eaw a (ii Ln- il.uri h bofore me, in tbe moonlight, anJ iiivv h_v that tol.tn that the Ki.al wai reacbed. -. rday BieTBiBl I OaaBei upon my ciintryman, Hr. Fitz-Edward Uall. to vvhnin I had letter*. aii.l, ae iii*tom, iuiniediatelv r»-r,iitxl ttio ..ia buragalow Mr. 11.11 wPraCttaorof bta r.'a.-e, anti aa- I Inlia - With kk asaiataaee I kave been enabied to take a kaaty bat very intareating eurvev of Beaarei within tke two daji to wbieh m~ atay ia limited. Beaarra, tbe Holv City of tbe Hiadoo* and ooe of tbe moat aneient in India, liee apoa tbe aortbern banb of tbe i'aiiff-a. at tbe point where it reeeira tbe wa- '. rg oi two in all tributariea, tbe Baraa aad _raae, fn m whoae nnittd namca ia dt-rived that of the town. All juiirti. na of otber riiera with tbe (.ang-e ar- aa- rred, but tbat ofthe Junina and the intinble 8'rie- wattre, at Alkbabad, earpaaeee all other* in bolineaa. Ni'tertbeleaa, Bemarea, from ha ing been the apot aLi re kiaLadeo, (if I am not iniataktn,) made hia but *r*r*r, or incarnaie appeaianee on tba? eaith, ia ao pernliarly aanctil p-.l tLat aii peraona wbo lite within a circuit of bie n.ike.even the abhorred Muaaalmau acd tke lcef-« aticg Eogliih.m to Paradiae, wbether tbey wiab it or no. Aecording to the Goepel of the .IrkLmina, the city and that portion of torriary inrluded witbin tbe aforeaaid radiui of five milea. ii aot, like aU tbe reit of tbe eartb'a bulk. balaiar>d upon tbe back of tbe great Torti.iae, but npLold upon the pointa of Sbiia'i trident. In tbii k lief, _Mf boldly afliimed tbat tboogh all otber parti of the world tuigLt be ilaken to'piecei. no earthqnake could aflfi-ct tle itkbility of Iknarei-until MM. wbeo of a aud- den, toweri and templee were thrown down, bundreda buried in tbe wrerk, and half-built quaya anl palacee ao rplit and aunken, tbat the bnaetful buildera lett off tbeir work, wbieh atanda at tbia day in the aame hide- oua atate of ruin. Thia mundane city, however, ^tbey aay,) ia but a faint ehadow, a dim retkction of the rcal l!« i.ana, whicb ii built upon a plain balf-way between eartl aid heatcn. The Erpliih caxtonmenta encircle the old Hindoo citv. Owing to tbe deep, dry bede of tne ainall rivera, abicb acar tLcratbcr aiid level which it eovera, the aettlment baa mttbe bome-likc, pleaaing featuree of otlera in Hicdoatan. Tbeie are a few bandaotne pri- »ate maniicna, a apacioua rhurcb. and the naw 8xn- ivt Cidlege, whicb ia cinpidrred the fineat modern e-.tlce in India. To tl.oae wt.o are familkr with tbe laet India C( n | any'a crTorta in thia lino, 8uch anop.n- im will not raiee very high expectationa. Tbe Coi- bfgo ia a Gctbic croea.a reiuini.rence of Oxfi.rd, and libutilul aa it ia in maDy reapecta, we ahould prefer go-.ttbibg elae, to pmject againKt a background of lu'ti.g and tamaiinda. It ia built ofthe a..ft, roae- ealetn d pandxtone of Chenar, and tbe delicat* beauty of ita butirfP6«-a and pinnaclea, wronght in thia ma- tcrii.l.i-al.eug tegrtt tLat tti*> archirect had not availei LiiLieli «f tte iicb atoree ot riaraceuic art, which the ii.( K.ties ind taa bp ofthe Mogul Einperora nilord him Gitbic aicLitccture doea not, aud never ean be m_do lo l;ariTi(.ni'e witb the foiuia of a tropical landacape. Thaatoaaf tl.ia CoBaaje ia ani.|ue. and haa ol laa bei n iLe aulje ct af much criticiaui. It waa eaUbliahed bj tLe Eaat India Company aixty-three ycara ago, for tLe pr.rpopo of inetructing tbe cnildren of Itrabmina in tl.4- 8ai,iciit Pbilow.ph) and Litertiturc. and aincethe c. UPtiLctim of tLe new building. the. Etigliah CeilegO bai been ineotporated witb it. Tbe Pr.ncipal, Dr. B-ilnntYDP, who ia pnbably tbe prjfuumket S.marnt kI,( iar'liiing, 1.8« tbkm advai.tage of tbia junetion to ict nn toot an experiment, which, if aiicceaelul. will i ri dure an cntire revolution in thr philnaophy of tbe lirabniiiia. The nativc acholaia iu tbo Eu;:liah Colkge are n.ade acquainted witb the inductive plnloaophy of I'arm. while tbe atudcuta of Sanpcrit take a* a text- k . - tl.e N'wiva ai ati nt, aa it iacalkd.of Gautama, the ralobtoted -ittdaopbUeaiahar, Theieare many pointe ai 1.1 |.n B4 ii in f-OBfl hro rHitetua, anl Dr. lialiantviie laa t.t. n Ud to toaibiRfi them in aueb a way aa hnall. to plaee the atuileiif. Ytlu. commeticea with tbe re- Lned ipeiulationof Guatania, BBsaaVa broail and finu baak ol tbe llaconian lyamRO. He i* tbua p--epared to rtrriie tLe trutLa ol the pbi lical aciencea, a kaaertodko id YtLich inuat gradurlly, but iuevitably, overthrow the .arieoase-Biautiaa «t hi* ielii;i(ia»i-ith. Alter vii itii ig Ur. Keid, tLe Cominiepioner ofthe D;i- tiict.Hr. Hall aeeou \<n..e*l BM to the kliaaion estab- kiLBMBtei tbe EafBah cimrcb. DuBlhoaato b a.uail vQlageefaativol iuietim.e, \thom I could not but com- l aamoaale. ( ut ai loreier froui totoraaarao with tbeir liin d- deaaaaeed aa unclean and accuraetl, they ahow- (dli.nrii.lhti.il by a quict, paliebt deuieanor, a< if tLe) paiiiiil) Hifctaincd iheir new iaitb, iuateAid ol act- ivel. rejoiciig in it. Tbeie was, bowevar, a riaibk iupn.nutnt in their bouiehclda- grcater cleaulincaa and 68-4 r, tnd tl.e lacea o. the woinen, I could not but nctice, iLoYacd tLat the tt-aebing* ol tbe miaaiouariea Lad Lot been loat upcu tLem. I wiab I aoahl hive Uiore laith in tLe aincirit) ol tbeae converta; b;it th" iact tlat ibire ia a pecuuiary gaiu.no in-tter b.nv llight, in I'lt-miitig Chrntian, thtawa a doubt upon the taiity cl lLe,r *f nituitl receneratiou. If lackiug empkja mt, tbe) are put iu tlie wa) t.lobUining it; il* dfttitiite, tttir iraato are laBoraii aud arhea gatbare l totO Ooanmaahira, ai l.ere, tb.y are furaisbed with dadlii.'f, ru.t li.e While I ctieerlully teetit'y to the nal ua laitLaii.i'BB of tLoKe wbo lobor m th.' ciia.-, I uupt c(n:taa tLat I la\e not )et OfitaBOiel any multa YYl.iib fatiily ne tLat tbe va.t .xpciiditure m n.miy, t_l« nt md liic iu niieaioiiary ciiteipriaea, bna bein re-aid. 1 aaoat to-day in the atree- and templea of lianarea. Aa a (it) it pmu-nta a more picturcaque and iiupreaa- ive wlole tLan aithei Itolhi or Laehaow, tboiigh il haa no auch tiacea ol aicl.itcctural apleudor aa thoae ciliea. Ibe atraeta aia aarraw a_i eraaaaa. but psved with large elal.a ot landatt.ne; the liouiea nre lol'ty, iub- attutial kttuctuiea cl yyocpiI, witb projeciinj. atori.-g, H..1 at eicry tuiu tLe eye rcste ujion the giided eonlcal d(.ni4 6 ot a Hindoo ten.ple, or the tall minaret oi'a Ma- b( mttau B oique. It ie a tk ilderneaa of lanUatic huild- int», iu YtLich )cu are conatttutly aurpriaed by new and atrikiDgcticbinationa and pictureaque elfecta of ligbt atd aLhde. I ahould Lave been coiiteut to wander kbcut at rnndoui in tbe kbyriutb, but my companion iuiiittd on i.oi_g atcnee to tbe (Joldeu Pagoda.or great ttn ple cl Alabwleo, aml tbitLer we BaaaaaBBgly w.-ut. Tlenarri-YY atrraa were obatructed, iu tne viciuity ol tLe ttniple, with numbera ol the aacred bulla. JJe- naie* bVAarn.8 vYith tLebe auimala. which BIOBI great a Luifiince to tLe plaee aa tLe mendicant friars are to lu me. The) are kuowing bulk, pertcctly eonsciouaof tl eir aaerC- cburacter, aud preaume upon it to coramit all Kita ot c'epicdatiocg.- They are tbe terror of tbe dtaleraiu fruiia aai rofOtahlOB, lor, llthOBgl not al- wiyb eX(HDpt.d from blt-wa, no one ean atand before tbt'ir bniua.aiid tbege tkt. do aot acruplo to uee, if BOaOOORTJ to eecure tbeir end. Sometimea, «n their f(.i84.ii.g expeditiona, tbey boldly euter tbe housea, n arcb up fctan* aud take a atmll on the tlat roofa, abeie tlev n ay be seen, lookiug down with a quiet in- teieet t-n the pa8kin« cioYvda b.-l.iw. From tbeae emi- nci.ct.'a Ihojj tuke a aurvev ot the aurrounding country, ritlculate ita leacurcta, and bat ing aeleettd one ol tbe riebeil -,'iti witLin tLeir circle of viaion, aOBM-i atraiglitYvaY and .et ofl in a beoliue for the plaee, wtix-h tlei' never fail to bnd. When tbe lobialaah pii-miaii g'cii tbe other fide af tbe Gangea. they march UtiYYntotbe river bauka, aud pnveu: auy paeaeie-er from goicg oa board the fcrry boata until tbey are per- n ilttd to uiter. They croaa and r.-main there uutil tLe pupjliee are exhaiiated, wtea tbey loree a paiaage bat L iu tLe aame mauner. The gardena of the Eagliib rttidmta treqocntly auller from their depndationa, mid tl.e ilIy O-mrtaal way af ^u-ruiLg BfBBBOl tin iu ia to joke tleni at once, and keep t'neui at bard labor BM a ilav or two, wbieh ao ntterly dia^uata them wtli th.- alaeo tLat tLey never teturn to it. It i* alao atlirmeJ tl nt tbey carcfuily avuid the neigbborbood ot tboae butcleT»'wbo6iippl) tbe tablea ot the Eu.liali. buiu^ clotiYcd tLat aome of their brethreu diaap.K«r4kd in a rxiioculoug ¦anoiir. after Irequenting laeb locaiitiea. We were loituuate inour kiait to the Gol.len P-uodi. li r it waa cne ol the god'i Iciiival da)a, and the .uur: bnd iLiinta of tle temple were tbrouged with croerdi ol wiipLijerg. TLe moat of them brougbt wrea- ..- lomera 8Ld biape Yeaaela of Ganpca water, to pour ii. aa tl.e -.ahah of tbe diviuity. Tne pagoda ia built et mi aat'dttone, wlich a.ema ta bave crown darker ai.d lider by age, and bj contraet with tbe blating ct ld ol ita ekborate gpi--. a, Laa a BFOO lerful!)' gor.fjiu* ai pemaiice. 1 ht ittle of afebitceture U eipeutially tbe aame in all Ii,u-!o.. templea. The body of tbe atructure ia iquare and m8>piYe, tadoaaOR the ahrine ol the gai 1'n m a ci rnice oi great breadtb, and afllm covered with iculptured oniameDt, riae< a Ull 8pire, ot para- bolic outlinea, which baa the look of being f-.rmed by an accretion ot fmaller ipirea of aimilar form. It baa a gcnerel reaemblauce to u pine-apple or rugged pine- ci ne. Wl.ei e tbe temple ia inclot-d witlm a court, aa ir. tbia iii-tnuee. tLere are ujually a numher of aeparate eLrinea, and the cluatera of apire* and.einall. orna- mental pinnaclea. entirely cutered with gilding, form a pictLre ol baitaric pomp not unworthy the repuad wcalth"t.f0rmuzorolliid." The P-n*K*4)6tood within duikT reccasta or aacctuariea, lighteil by larnpa filled witb ei-cca-niit cil They were in charge of pneata or neopb)tea. wbo odered ua wreatba ol jaamin«-bl4)4-om8. fihgTaiit. aud moiat with GoOfH waar. I wai aboat to accejt BBRM cf them. but Mr. Hall requeated me not to do *o. ae tLe act wa6 one of wonhip, and woold be lot ked upon aa ahowing reepeet tn Mahadeyo. Tle bod) cl tfce lempk abounded with atone i_mgee af the Ituiitim, in all af which ky wreatba af dowera. v.iile lha awrahiaaaa,BB_a and lVmale. p.ured over tLiiii the water ol the cacred river. The worah p aaB t.r. tnei! qotetlj ar.il decently. witb every jutward I,,. ifci.t'it laejatrt, aai there waa nothim* ia tbe la tfc4_!8eliw,or tbe e-rcm ciea. togi-- .,. wLich (aith. rfcip *f the Efvptiant, witb wbieb it wae no doabt ee*> val. There it a pn.f.,und philo«ophical truth hidden ander tbe iiegular t. nni of thii wontip, if m.-n would divi-tt tkemtelvei for a moment of a prudery witb regnrd to ¦aeb tabje eti, wbieb wemt to be tbe af. preirnt tge. 80 fir from tho BWe 1 t-ein f. lio_ti,..i pteple tbey ire far leit go tl.an tbe Ch e on I Lind or tbe lluneiuaen on the .1 ber. 1 .1. >.*» whv. I ean leirn, tbev a.e .initea* moral at aiiy raoe to witich tLe trrpie tun hai given an ardent toinperatoert aod a brilliint vitality of phyiical Mh I alio vitited the ternple of Unna-Pnma,.one of tbe ttmei of the Giiide.1 Bi t'ani, the Iiniian Ceret. It itndi in a platii.rm ef m.-tonry. torronodA**! by a range of tmafltr ihrinea. Bundredaef vrorthiper.. Daoitly ptatADti froni the turroundinu eountrr, were nanticg with a u.iek tti-p an.un.l thr toinplo, with their c-eiingi in tbt ir htndi. Tho ihrine of the Oea> den wa* go crowded that I bad aome diflknlty in oltainirg a view of her dutky fitrure. Tha gay, ehoer- ful a»i*fet of tbe rotariet, with their rarlandi of flow- en iLd braien umt of water, recallod to my miud tbe Hentinian Feitivali of Greeee, tnd the wordi of ScbiliVr't Iljmn flaiked into niv memery: "Wladet tea Irtnie dle geidiBea J-ibieBT' We alterwardi went down to the Gangei, and wan- dered il> a. pait iLattered paJacea, innken quayt, tern- plet tbrown iroat'bte, or leanintr more throateningly tban tbe beliry of rita, tl.ri.u_h a wildernest of fan- taitie ard n-a.-itireot fonna, watehing the orowdi bat I ing in tbe ieekintr ttnkt, or the open waters ofthe river. Bn ad itone _baut* (flich't of stopi.) eovore.1 tLe bcnk, riiing frona the river to the batot of ttatvly builditct, 50 or6») bet tbove. Tho GaLge* here makes J a brrad b< nd to the north ward, and frntti thioe _hxuf«, neir tLe renter, ae aaw on either hand the horni <>f tbe creieent tbipedeity, with their iweepi of touiplei. tt-avrrt tnd miiarttt glittering in Ihe tun. A ernwd of Ivigrrivs. or river boatt wai __oofv<l all bIorbj the I11.I1, or ilowly movod, with white railt tpread. a_aintt ll c rurrect. The batheri obnerved the tatne eoremo- _i<i a* I bad notieed at Allababad, and were quito dirori.ui rn th ir movementi, tlie men retaining the dicltt, ar enttfn cl.tb twitted about tho loim. The Hindtott-e rrctlly thocke.1 by the Euclith loldien. abo go naied to the einbraee* of the God leit Gungt. .BOt fimu tbit eiTiMUi.tttnee mi eonnectexl with bath- ing. but at a wtnt of reapeet to the holy itream. I Batehed nay v itit t<> the citv by takng a boat aml .lowly fioating down tl* (inngf.« in front m it, nntil it* eon- fiin d anay ot palieei aud ghautt and gnlilcn ipirot wat itiiilil lv datuorrot. pid upi n my niomory. Tbe n't-reiiity of reacbing Calcutta in tirae for the Hi _(.¦ King fteamer tf the latt of thit month, obligea ae to hurry offto-night, and refu«e an invitation to a arik'g tikerliunting in tha jun.let ofthe Vin lhya Hille.a prnpe. t whioh I caunot relinguieh witbout inite bitti r lrcrott. And now, if I get thrnu.h t"> milei more of "garre dawk" witht.ut a bruite.1 heavi or bnkm bonet, I ihall begin to fancy that I bear a rt.ain.fd life. B T- «>- KECOLLECTIONB OF THE COVMT OF M'SSIA. ET 1* XX HAHHERI Al.a or TBE BMPKnoR. !*l.__ld the grtat mjitfi.ation commonly calkd tho Eartcrn Qnntitn lead to any potitive rotult. we may well loi.k f< r a gf t rrtloxtrtt.rn af ihe worll, but tho ild it re- b tin tu. h at it now it. ii wdl adorn the butfon h'det nf a ftw t) pitirat' aid guidiira with new rbbanlt and-that m ili te all. Bo- tvcr, be thi* at it ma«, it u tho g reat topio of tLe mrBHBt on l«ith tidet ef the Attantie, aul y. t tha jr 11. | il iineicii» fguritig in it are hnt tittle kuown.or iatl er aie qnite unkn.'wn 8even yesn of foroed aoj iiirn at tbe Cmrt of Nickolat, mnet at leatt Ithmk 10, aff .rd on.' wl o wat witbout ambition and lckidnol forward to any imiorfant .ani-r, the rnoani of doliiiealmg laludy and tinibfully tbt prineipa. ahanietir* parformi'ig part* in the jTKt diimi wh'oh now abaorbt the attention of thn what* pobtiia'w. rd Atall tvint.*, I am roi.f:d.nl tbat what I il.all lay wili Le tht f.nit af impartial obairvabon, lip.ued b) dititui t ol tiiri- ind p'u. e, ut well tv* by the diiraattion .to ind oLhtiieed jndgmort. of one tnj.ying the hoa;-.* J tv, btirty and fnedom of thonght and opimou of tht I'litid tatatol. Tl.t Emjttor Ni.bula* mtirt naturally h.,ld tho firat p!*ve* in tbit Mttte of iket.het. Com<ng to tho throne ui the midit of niiliiary atdition aoeident gave him au optxaiiani ty tor intnirgttio itroke of poiicy, whieh impru_*od hii iri.l.ttLtd inljevU with a ft-tiinf of awe, tho i_apre-»ion of abih htintnii cd throuitliout all bi* tubx-equeutreiga. Hit ttti. n on ihat oc.aion wat intpired by tlin adviee of an id Mfch Geoeral, Count Grabowtky. it itrected the .t| 1 > in viwcoinpielily, and the inturrtxtion, whi hwaa the rtralt of a contpiraoy, being *rn*bed there wat noahinkf tb ptvmt ihe En.paror fratn impreMing npm hi* reign w.iM,Vxirtbir«ilerheihote. Int-.tad of drawing the ved of foib««J»nceand forgivtnea* over the tran*^e*iion* of tl.e ft-w ptrtent whote oonnettion with tbo mnvo nint wu hardly kuown he aought them ouL caused tev etnl lo bo haugtd in publio and exiied many othori to FiLtria and tiie mmt* Ho knew no other L_k of powur tban ttrtor. no other way of rnling than by fear. rhe drath p. lb ty had bt4 n *boli.-bed in Rumia Iin firat tl of bk rtign wae to revive it Theee fa. U I liave nrated. aa 1 rovir g ted iliottrating the main deftnt in the eharncttrr of Eh tolat-the w*nt of a lupcrior intellect. He hat an ir.n will, achtratter ofttteb of bronze, of marhle andifhi*. otdendaLdiBg were tqually vigorou*, he would be traly a gnat min. When a m«n 1 ideai are cbar and diatinot, anl raiTitd iut in bia own mind to all their doduotioni acd cinteqneneta, if ho ha* alao the itrength of wdl aerittary for thtir t-xt-iution, we may weil uxpect great thir gi uf Lim but Luwever endowed with itrength ef will .td etitrgy of charactt-r. if hi* rea*oning fai'ttltiet be traal!, atd he bo itnpable tf following oat hi* ideat into their riniottitfcanquinoet. hUactiontmntt b.ar the imprea* of inoon.pltttLttt-he oannot be truly grrat. 8uch w the caie whh Nicbolai He detlret to r*nder Ruaiia tTeater ard more |owirul than the his e*.tr teten, lo make htr tbeatbittriif the digiinin of Europe. tu play himtelf a ooDipiru. tt I art iu hittory But how haa he aought to aietniplkh thkT Havii.g itarted wioug, he ha* beon foned, dnHig the intirt twenty uine yeart, lince be tttiLded tbe kbrone, to govern by terror at home. to gain lia endi >J cbarlatmitm abroad. Thete art tht two faitt wbiih lotni the b*t:ai of l.ia powtr in Ruraia, of hia influtnoe every whorw el*e. And this not ia oonae ncutnit- of any criginei inti nl on hia part, but becanie at the oubtt be rould not take that enlarged view of thingi «hi.haou'd have ltd him naturally into the path of true gnatnoi. Of great and magnaninoou* deu he waa inoa t able. Ut hat had no gu;de but hit own wdl.hat itrag gkd 4Dfrgv4i.*l:y ted for ihe mott part incceaafully, witb the obtUnotiona abb b have impeded hit projrett. bat ha* la. ked tbt nu-tal foatr nwtkiaary to foreaoo new impedl nmtt*tdtoprovideitaieaaon for ibe meand of avoiding ttim Ee miht bave takea advantrge of the ttrength ai d vittliiy .f a katioa in the fud vigor of youtb. n-aderud it t .wetlnl at l*ni« by prun»v«icg trade and indu^y, pro mntt-d ita welfan by the eoa-trnctkin of oanak and roadi, aad fin-lly have bP'Ugbt hk 60 0am 000 of lubje.tt kata a ncditkE-evui thoLgh the emavneipation ofalargeprj wrtion of tbtm wai 1.-fi aa a qaiition for th* fature-to bo ttli diieatly in tbedcatir ka of tbe worid Bat he ha* Dur ixed e-ctte r coune HU adrainiatration during the whote iiignhaabeeavii-bntand witb no fixid prinoiple.. Tne dtt-tr-lixtlki-n of all ckteea of totiety k to. neoeatary con raqu*aco. A ntXA>L once pregnant with the fotni., now ,. 1 »i.-t. of datt rei) noblet, crafty and diahoneet funotion tiitt, and a muvti-Ue pea*__ry. wbiob grtkant undor the I ordtn of »n tetahtal le yoke, lightened but by the famtoat jP BBRI of libirty a-.d thk ia to retnote tnd .Lloiiv- t ihtntim aa to rather precipiute and hurry on fntore oivd c.ivuUiont. tban *.t a* e tepport to tht erown. H:i C_tnt-t beiog be-ly admiuuatered. anl tho revenue not anxueting to over ll5i,(JOO,000 at tbe oottide, he t* in con- n*nt petmniary di_6x_ltie-. Hk army alonc abaorb. frona IfCOOiJ.coo to |r?5,ooo,w:') aaLBally, and yet tha r*nk* ar* ntvtrfuLL Tle .am* emph.ved in ke.-p.ng an impoeing outaide ahow are .normo-., f.r tho oyv-i of Earope mutt be bUnded to hia real ponrty and thu* a* time goe* on. he find* h mtell in tbe poeition of an adventiu-er who for par pc*e*of gpeoulation ba* obtaiaexl the oredit of pvtMtmn; tentimt* bi* rcai am-nnt of availablo mean*, aad njw gtasda on the point of btiDg nnmaaked. A bad x^nain. axd afakeraute tetTe bronght Nubolat to thia ta-Treaiity Tbe tkUl ind thrtwdneoi of Kaa-ian diptemaey I tc kti.al.dgc, fcr the d-plon-tey of aa ab*olate gnTeraaatal aiw.vi txitk. But thk very ikill token ia connrv-aon a_ihee_or_Jon*expxne atundicf i». k a proof of my iui, mi at alove that tbe Ciax a wi_ar>*lkd to bbnd th* eye* ti tle wnrld tven at tht expent* of the bitfheat national -it Bk (ocdn. t '.* tbat of a banhr-pt .ut.ning t.i a l.t'k lei'ger. by oeatly pana. and extravagant biU* F.v,ot*rL..blen_.m_at«-tbttth-.»uteo- , t__ot Ia«-I :* -unii. r m tbat. tt tb* I«-e".t alag. af **V- i ,.,ir. it ba eoBtiaaed .0 long: oad I atn ooafilent tle-i t aar d-ataae. whaa ahahiali ~iii af ar w.ll lo will wtrrk oat thrrr legitkaaa reew*a betora tb* eyeenf the a.'ti. it.c w. i d Nit-ak* a ty be viewed aatkr two dLatinct oad difTarent . [.. 'a * prvate iidivwael. it Maet k- aekiMwlealged batom baam '4-man; h* t* . g"»i pwnt. and what iffaninlyitbtd "a |ttyd aob'iman,' w_b-Itbequali Baa vij-utati.u vi .sbelongkg m the cIub. Aa a pibao BJ.G BBd aOIW _B, ht 888 CVer |N¦ devoid of all BB<»r*Jity Twinty a'.ae yeara of BB.in.r'rd powtr bav* raiaed hia prid* to ttai pit.- tkat h* caaaitkra hia_elf tafailibltr.aod aai_y m thirg eaa be aoore daageroo* t) an aach a belief. k caae of a nan of tvrendary initlint, vM anaed witb more than ini.i aiy i *wtrand forceof will I rt-peot it, Maaoiaroiga, he ia di atifnta of all moral principk He acknowledge* no dbOka k* knowe pothing bni hi* ewa ngklt Standin^ ap bi forw thi world ae tbe champion *f the raun.vrhieal aod tt-ptr-atiie .dtar. he - ihe laat man in tk- worid to i-om pri bi Ld tl e i im j.'.c de a of dtttv. The docti.e tbat Mon an by ia tLe hai-mony of righto, dtrived frora feodalietn aad .lit d lhoae of a 'bird cka*. tnn et-/, maat be wboily na- ktelaigilk foaaovcreign, who nn-lcrttandi the aystem f (OhO tol ia potiam aki e- -1...«lf at the top. let what will lebelow I'nfeaakgtxi be the dtfeiiderof order and ofthe rigkaof prttperfy. he haa in f_-t been the infli tor of the bardt at biowi apon tk ro, daring bi* wbole reign. M tkim. bk wib Lie omy gnide. he has conhVa'ed pr-iperty rtgard b ii ef eit-.r law or right. he ha* imprisoncd. coadeaaed, and BOB-hai withoot Icgal proo.e<l_g* bia mo-xt reapecta tk ard indttd r_ptciful, a-bjeete and with no raa .on bat tbat aach waa ke will, haa dentroyed the moit amient and vectrable _-titutioiia. He reck leaily anailrd tbe rtligioua ideaa of hia people be- rauie tL. y .ti \ teated h,m. and linally aeted the part of the viry rrvolBtkB-ta againat whom be hurled ha aaatbt_ai-th«i-jgh far from bavinr tftoLr .in^ahearted t, unpt aod devotion. The ody other example io biatory af ihe eoonc he baa parantt!, iato feund in t!.e action of ibe l'r.B.'h National Convtntien, and yet he ia the moit implaeab'e rn. my of tbe Krcnoh Revo'ttion Thaa farbe baambd ettinly by apecial aad OBB p'i.iu.l kwe, and I p!edge nijteif to prove tbia e_e<rt'on ia a suhaequent arkie. in whkh I abajl give the Chaeea of Iba. Eaaperor. for a perind of four yeara. in cc-parison with t te njoet vio- leut detiet* of the Ereach Nttknal Convrntion -and tbeir ewikirip rrtt mblance wiil he evident at a glanee Now.it ia acppf^id by pome tbat thi* Lthe ma_ d -etined to aaveth* tnoneit Lit al prm iple from i_i_pt_di..g tate. No, noth*' He ia bot tbe laat reprea.1*ative of Abaoluti-na, and. aa im h but the n preeectative of a dying i lea. He repreaeate bat it» br-tal ard material form, for it i* already a .ulleM tLd dxad. Iiouie Napoleon BBBJ be conaid. red another rua\ ten-ntattte of the iame principle, bat in fact, he ia atoere caricatirc of tbe Itn-iian Emperor. and ,n the aimggle be tattn tkne two Biic, tho idea mutt bn ithe iia laat. Nicb laa ia biutal, aoroetimiacona'aUut, nevir, raentally, above m. dioi uly Ixiuia Napoleon ia cov. toua, iTiifty aad a ti.'iif. tbe wbole ap'rit of devotion. nelfsarrirk-e and ihiva'ry ha6 ducrtid their poL'uted fla_.. Thia apirit ha ei rolltd fcrtflf ur,d<r the banm rof I. bOOtj O/er.i >worel wcak feel.l*. ihe atrugt;**! tn, but having truth at her aide, ab* mtut eveutually i-onqn«r the two gr"«t co m 0-00Bk wb* onfirt-iati'y pcptciethat mattral -BOR which Liberfy wai.ta Caaaaa-HM, I aaid. tor Nnhoke at hia cvurtape* I.nip XIV, and upon tl.e parade ^rroucd, in the preaence oi* bk ltd ja. boaaaaaOaam too, a».pnmca the la«onic atyleof Napolti n abile Loab BeBlkoa, in the nnivrte ..f bii lit tiinnalnkora to to.itate Ni.bolaa Betwetn tbe two the mtrr.n bii al idt a ntut-t p. tiah I k lieve thia nioet tir n!y firahn I aie tbe lait reli.a af mooarchy. n lueed to notbinjnti* and aunk ia apaihy, ..lafiu,' dBBBMlvaO nnder ttie iirctntioncf aTartAr^irt'"i'i,or tind'-r adalaighted advtntnrer. loat in vice and debaachcry. 1 ean cbertah na faitb in ihe future ..f iliat idea. AU the ormiee io th* wcr!d en' mt poat-rful e.ougb to ebirld it i .aiu.tt a aiB__le ra; of Liltrt), when.auflicientlyaopported by heraiBaaiie tht 11 raiie htr Bahhj btad above the ckuda, which now hide l.rr in our old Europe. Haiingktnlcd away aomewhat from my aabj.ct by the wi»b lo give an idea of tbe influtnee which the rei.;n ofNiibolaahaa bad upon Uunia. I have dwclt peibapi tco l..ig upon Ihe govircigB, and not h.ng enough aaaa the man; to atone f.-r thia I inten-1 to give icase anetdctea ard detaile of bia private liio, aa well aa acxce pit-turta of the prinrlpal peraonagea who mrrtacd him, in my fulare akelclea. If 1 dirTer in my cpiniona of thia powcrlul lOfBRI IgB from thoae who tall ihtmaelvea Cor.acrvativ.a, bat who acem to me in fact revt.lntieii.ta of ibe moat dnngcroua kind, l thiok tho» cpiniota are aell ftnndtd. rt-ating aa tbey do upon my bob> ictal ob« rvatioi a, aa well aa upen dedutiona from the acilda hiitory durirg ihe loat t.antyfive. yeara. I am tounc to make known at the on'mt my politi.al creed. and ihi w Ihe pnblic my point of vkw, before proeceding to the pk-tihir. which I inttnd to ky before it fnr ita pt ruaal, if it tbinka thim wortby, and alao to give my viewe of the diplo- maey of Kuapia, which ia the prini ipal aouroe, aa wtll ai the mtat pettnt inaUnmpHt, of thefiictitioua powtr exeried by that cn-pire in tbe ccrrert of occidental affairi. P UBIJV MEETINQS. ANTI-KIiSIURECriONISTN A mctting ef the partics oppoied to Ihl re.inval of buman irmaina fn m tbe Cemet-ry, OOOBBl f l_al ht an l Beccnd av waabeld in lleimit-ge Hall, laat eveuiu/, *ir Smiib Bkka pttaiding. The meelinir waa umueroualy at- ttndtd ty perat.ua of both eexcp, all of whomjaero er.raeat in their 888800.0 to tbe deaecr-ti.»n Moet nf tbe peraona imiiiit haking the rtmnine of aome rclative or friuod in- t.rt.din tbia bi rial ground, fclt a deeu intoreat in tho iatue of tbe qneaiion, and many maniteatod their foalinga on the BBBJOOt i" a very warm and em;.liaiic m.inner. Mr I'oatta, the SecPptary, read the minutee of the laat mcttirgwhith were epproved. _r. StafTord, the tonneel f. r the (,pta)n«n'a to rem.vaL paid hc hod aipured the counael for tbe defeu.Unta tha the mceting wi uld wflBaglj Def-n with nl! due re«P -t to rnv extikratku that tHt-y might hnve to m ,ke. He bIko an'un d l.im tbat ahould any of the kraataa or mintrrt-ra oftl.e tburhea lut.reiUd ou tbe OMoe!M ~ide of tbii qcrtlion wiih to make ony alatcmi nt tliey- w -hI.1 be treat wilh ell reaitct. [Ihe audiiace aign-bci ih-ir afflrma ti. n of thia aarurauce j Mr. -taff'rd i.iquired if any of Ihimwue in tl e room, but aa M one carue torwaxd he read tle followiig: ___. ,. Ktw YoxaP-'t;iaiMiCoi'4T.-8-iitb illck. againat tae Carrora- tionof .lieR-.h.-ii-tK,-. o.-Cburcii lu h. f tat Crcil tn tke Cityof Ntw-Ytrk,.tdeiher. Sia- Pleaaa--t ie .-m niti aud teapialat in tht. .c iou an tb« .Lir..vit. aTwhJ**i c«*aa ire I et. to iBtrxed e iai ndaula will arply to one of the J a. aea cf tLla C ott. in theit Ch_x'ei4 .t So tl .'kauberta in tue I ey of N.w-Ytik. optoeltethefity llail i"i tbe «7lh day of J.oaary-,«- r att. UL L'cbr. A M, that tbe urount ot tae BB-t-riaiiBg 8ia» tbii «n:oo ta iEtr»...d to 13 M or to «ch ....- a th. Ca_t may Uiimtierrr wiih ...-ci.sirireti*. ih.retor-J.n 31 1888. RICHA-iD MOIT, Att'l fordel". No. 11 Wa 11-et N. Y. ToYV B bTiiroao, Fao, Ali'y l«i Fltf ._. llBl PWiie ta ..ke tatn e I tm rt_i_«d u Attoraet art appear for.led.fead.iUiBlbliariion Ycaia,fcc. .Jl_ {__?_______. ToYk fi PJTirrotO. Faq Atl'y lor I'tlf ,,*'',/ ''..'Ti. Mtvu -taraaaa Cootr-s-t«h Hkk.pUiat.u ******** Cerioratu-nitibf MniiodUl F.r*rOL*i Cbuich :a tae -eatCrealt of .let: y of N.w Yetk. tha Cyi.or.ti.. *7taa fcwery FUata* Lbd.;?f,i.....l ttartk ..'.ne F.ai .re.'t af I>* ^ w- Yoik. tb. terfoi.t'one- *a___M__h_w4__»~l^ *IU, .t .f tie Fat Ciieoii of ihe City of M-wYort. the (,ar- rorat eu of Ibe Willett.,1. Metfcoourt F.B'aau.1 Cb.jich aad taa, C <r- uiiviMi tbe.M.Uo-tx- r.p.a-i-1 <*borch */_a.Baal C.rca.L _r.-td in fci.roBdat Ib tte ( ily of Ne-» Yari aaftal._. _ O-iaTd-taTr. aj Im. i » » '**»** Ata- .*¦*¦, ' *__'7 T"; ._m_ te i. eta 't tbe Trurte-e ad -ke Ploweiy V.l_ie «______. I -itT- lha:rh tL*oltb.Co;per.tb._raxpH ia tl,- eotnplati tatkaltitoa i tatikc iiiria.tr.ird *kh ilt-ioaol tat. .arial J ":'.!«. nt t..iu _.e x^pl-Ktamk-iieai'atftaifctaadP aMaahtata _toa>aaa waa Mrvtd, wga aaiaiao -gBtlt.iBoiA'.iCt-'.tourt _. o-m-Jonof y*^*"** t,.t.r.aove the lead Iikm » kl .0" .Lg rro-Lrt t tue -JP'eaa il.'.Ca.tiT ...eaaiedoBiao-. :.rtbeth*r_* *_d dtreettaa of . teM-di'taltctatl- -erobe-.e; I -la J»._« Le t. ut clTet.1 " to tnd ke Vat clialai. io gtxift 'b* frtaada of P. e-iLaritd there ib-trhe d. faoiuitf ca.ald.io :t la. That oa aa- cona. of tbe Ur,e B.rLbei et the d«ed b .-..,1... M BB_ ta. c^Uioa tf tke aat lu, r-uoer-g the protea of Lt reo-t- .l-*. J____f__ ...rVmcatof the time'wttt. t.e tuet of »«V .."^.___;.'__3 rV-nal <>l aocn Crt. ihat the p«r_J»'-B oftae City loeoee o aa.i »'.,. r ..L-.l.a lh. i.-e af eaeh reeriovai ta tl« fir.t day of »**.*** atiet.-l. uol ptrtnit tb. dead ieibe r.njei -A ater ,o taee ano Saat-al aaul ifr.r tiie fc.-et of __}"'«-____.»_"r__taYS___ , Ltlc.ip.ua fr.niotlna-M d*ad are p-doy M" *«'_"* ,ud tbe -_8da cf tb* dead 84* patto a. '*?"££* ^.mo _e it .oeb ruroval-ay a towy P1^* t''"'"*_DL_^^1| '^. ,k. F..ce .kr*ad by tk* 4«B>au -dr-eh - ^^^piaba kiy antaat to tbe '.'» .'^J" «" Vht.ht be occaxloupd ky thea, £^SS5S.tra t_S t^o-idta*.-. ! a-w^jra-- k, ta. d_«da_? h^juMtd^ i 1^.'.ir c*n.a_--*.rofD^-t- ._____._ ... _.d rtlio Boot.-A k-toa du.y 4w*aa. aejaruiy at taa' Ux*y are otf.- _._«.._nif»_' eftbe 8c<ief.pe namad a I .ecdaa'ala ___?__________ amt bave b.ard tead ihe foagoma _R4*Tit of Jaeab '__ .. ^ .uaiated aiOi ihe -altera .ad fac aratod tberaie. ihTtiar attrraily cootur ia the c*rr*trt*ta and imu of aach ______ta-ad r .loeri itdtertly .e.iete 'ae wrae to be true JCDN LLDLOW8. JOUN BAYNOA PHILOSCOFIELD -wora to t-k:t.city of JtBuirt. iU4 befcre m* J txar. &.mmlai«*«r tf Peed* City aad Coattt, «f B*ra- »"'*« .. -.*-' C Oetoan ef tbe Cl'y of KewYoik. kaleg ealy iwnB a-itaat he ha kno»n r4_-h .-" le.eul vear.: tna: fiom isfoncatioa helaof aali Ibcka a. B not. i8dei«ittt'itv_:iB.a_anaoiihma4_piop-rty^ _..__A_| 8aem to Ui* Mth ity of Jar.nary 1684, P- i-tp oie J E. CiBV, C*__-atoBPr et Deade. Mr Buffor.i aaaaamial that ihe pr-p*rty bti^n,- Jof riabt ro tLe rtlativia of tbn.e wh.-e hone* lie m it. ra babeeaappmm-mtd 10 bttrtol .p_^f*^*Xj latai-rchaaadbytbe a ftaf Ox I - l-kai bBtotamma b c * b -^ rn^"-^ it,."dfor aach in(e.mtnt_e aaiial fot. f»^r«%* 1 .it L.i-, i id lt waa troo no fonaal doeda b_i laea liaw tt'1 1'tit wai imili-d that when tbe re c. V lektivT were i_crred tU-ein i-r.a aaraala , Maey, that H-*e .em-u- etaaaU n tt ir. tbat apet Bitditt-rhea Tae »«B*tder*t*>n whirh iiib id the Trattt-c* to ctmaaenraa tht claartettteo I f Ihe rt-main*, waa aeaaeihing like ths tora of wlii h the tand k worih ia tho raarket Tbe Tra* ja r. d t., e< t_* to *on*e> BOlicaMo *rra_*f SBttBt witb Bte trietica-antl ia oiderto do to OaTertvl to ramove :be rtmeiDi to any Ci metery they, Ih* relativta. aiigbt te, baving tald rrlative* to dofray th* expenat af .1 g _r. *td. pav for re hnriel, tte ar. thevy woald itifirtl.e wbite ia l viteat liill l>*n*t>r*jr, aaderaarta graad minu_-*nt over tbem -don t kaow b»w graad. taa i.r<it*ii:i. i. for a .-..-.r-roini** waa indigaaady rejgettA r-everal px-rxaoni ipok* apaa tbe eaiajocx. all of wbo* wrrmlv iijn-ixieg-d all i-ontidera-ion* of coaprottka. klr Jtuny aafcaaaj <U' uni*taocx«* tendiag to tbow that letital yt*r»ago tbe traMct* had punaed anderhaad r *. * to gtt the propeity Into their owa poeaaa-ioa. aad it waa wiih gwat ditht aky tbal a ttop waa pat to their pro retd-Baa. 4b* wipaity th.y were na* .tmuig t-. gtt i w. uld. wte'.i ilear.d of iti ''enou-tlttia-tc^'' fttth near «<;0.000 in tht tttrket. for baildtng parpoeee But bo held that the natural atTeciiam were javauaiant to tl. llarand cent aawttii nt, ard bope.l that e<r,otiveBktae ont woald beUkentoel.tain a pennaiKvit mj.a.tioe apaa tte te ontrage* Br Jenny . remarki were wartaly ap 1 ItrTLfaM Fiak read the fotlowing eoaittleieation ¦aw-Yaaa j_* ttitM T. ,Ar <.mm.Nm a-xaaled ,». tk, r;*ad. £J*f\^«ftt jatayied ra lAe t mttrrj coraer x/ 9te.¦**.*». «.< * .** « / M M- -"li haxtag k- aa .rraaeMttly Mpatrted. aad i*a*r- ;bai tbo Becua-.v Railraavd Cattpiay c^atentalMe tetwi (Unil.tMI* " ke.lcved. io. td cera.r *f -*<-**- ae tii Fir*4-a far chaa.rgib* lura iug groub t .igbrr ..., tbe aiib.anr* that aoawili .Itnoat- y M tti ia prexoo tag ta* tte drpirtrd frt. nt and r-lati... f-.x Mil| a*w«4. jeul ftitbd and aupporto: ef yaor bol, BQ ^ _. Mraaltr .f Board of Dlreft.ra >. a.d at Balt.-lOa. ale^fri Abrabam Irlyert and Samui-1 Lodtr thea eam* forwird and ttaied that thev had atu u.tod a aieeting oa tbit tameiubjxct, held at the Broadway Huute tora* aix teta or teventf en xeara ago, when a jierpetual luiuaetion on tbe procta-inga af the Tiaiteea wai inued rtiey xxauti-d to kaow if that bad btxeu avaallod. aat if not. what Buthority empoweredtho Truitnot t.i act thus la thi. mr-ttcr * _. lhi quettion of finding.the requtrod evunty then **_»* nt. *t.d Mr .lenny otft-nd to b* s.*C'.ii'y tor the wh.l* atneint. I',:i0, provi.bd the other totorwtod partie* tor nith. .1 fiiudt to cairy on the cate. A Cotumittfa. wne aiHaoiuteal lf» o.»lle>et the waeeeaerj/ fund* aud dofray Ihe OailBBB expt-o**'* of tho .-.** A pctition wm then iinmeroutty li^iieJ, for tbo uae of the rount. Iin the teae ______ Att. r aliberal aubt. riptmn, th* moetiug MOafBH to inett »t the tame plaoe on Monday eveuiag next MiWYOKK (TIY LITEKAUY l NION A j-t.llie mectlng of tbe above Uateaef l.itorar- aad Di bating tSooietit* wat bold tatt eveniiuf in ltope tbapol. Ihtie wete about a hunind perton* t,re**nt At ehout 7. ...le. k. ibe 11.-0. lleiry J. Kavuiotid. PtagBM Eeltlog well and Q. W Morgan, BBBiBRea ihe i>litf..rm, aad w*ra w.th toino *p|laute Dauglat Le.hugwell ad iti ¦< I t-af meetitig tt tbii i ¦ ct Ib* TM-tire given ha* botn intufficiout. to wh'u-'k tbt imallattindanie it to be atiribu'tl l aai a merohaat l cletk, one of aolaai not retna.kabla far ntental a^tiki- tion.. Wohope toobt.iiu foroeoboaaooatattBaateaato itandirg ameng th* odua aiia.nal in.atitutioiit of tbit eoaa- Irv. Ourplan i*tlii» Tb-re »re literary an.l debttlng iu', ii Itia atgtaiaad all ov.r tbe oouutry. yet few know of tbe < ikteaBa af tho oihirt w* rucoin.nend lval l ni >ni f.r r.uartt-rlv aifitiugt. Bot »i ly iu .iiiet, but ia every tbiokly tttttei ,-atlot theeouutry ._< Ii eaat NBM BM wtll forui tle bttot of iibrari. t. by foruiiu.; -our «* af revenae vitr-rpoae-t oaeh Utat. a 8totoCaatral C-.m-mttee. aai al*'-a olnn for a Naiiuoal t'uou. The waatt of iK-iety call i, rll kl now ideat of eaiaal. oaiiia. t* *nd their inoam art 1.., n.itL' prevalent; all iwliti.al intiitutiiiua tond, to day, to iipubiit-ai.irni. ail-', "" " ¦ of a.-.'b-i.t are makiug wav t..r tboae of perwu.il prjw.»* we r itain our ('oll«Ket Bnii l nivi rtitiot, but iu BBt A'om non lOBttobl we oontider tbe tvtti tn ot e.tu.atiou far liom aoaaptela 3* . .h.mld ,.1,'ruili inttitnti..i.i at would ap.-.i to th<ll >nt "f ui*- fbaiiet ibetanieiuipeiialoaieeraat.ithiaeof Mi/A_*»J.re-i Ibe iiilaaiie eea*«aMtia»af oao'ote* it a fauit of th* tvttiu" wo paaaate. Ihe mtrtbant tavi hit. lerk, yoa n'n tt leave my ttorc or qt.it your hoohi. Tuk is what k . ilb.i .Icvotinir tbe wh"lt> lime to th* eiaployer t intereat Tbara kaatetaef antagonitm heiwoen mental o.iltar* acd attentioii to hui'ooas. a .oneot one. a* ibe matler it uidiutood, 1 ut not at itoi.glit to b- lliero ia a void1 b«i twe. a e.liii atii nal intiiiuiioue and battaaat interx'iU wliieb Wl BOald till BB| we wo. IJ ere ta platf.iiui ob wbioh lite rarv ai.d biirli.ru men mi,'lit tno.t and intenhange aaer liii A cx iiibii.ati.au ,.itbe ,b. oi.ti.nl and the praetieei i* tbe detica of tho Cnator for tho fuit davelopment of th* iadividual. Lit.rary and doha_kg in<iituliona ar* Jutt wbat at wfint, tbey w-uld i-.eupy l.i.ture haara whi.'h alae may lead to ruiu Tbe mia.lt a.f many great mon have bifii fi»n.od by lu.hmeant. 'Ihe foatibibty ofthe tehajM ii questi. ned it will take a Iorif HtMl but Yanket tnter- jrire ia (qualtoit |AppIauie ) The llon. l'.eury J. Raymond uext addravgad the raeet ing lo thi* efi(i ,, , , Ihe ol j' t, 1 under. tand, it to .rive, suoh inoreated vtgoi and ifl < «u< y lo the Eiterary A**ooiation* *lr*ady exiR- lun ** thall ei.able thi iu moat rtfeotually lt mpply lhi i lace of eduoatiou-.l laatitattaaa to tlial largo .laat who fie tbutout tiomtheexirtiiig oirnt, aud thit object mn* be dear le ail wbo have the inti roatB of iiuatity at heart. 1 bo plan propoetd I thiuk adapted to the d. aired rotalt. 1 have no d. ubt ibal tho rejrular ttaaat <>f e.udiea mxrked out in S. b olt, Aiademi.-i aml Cniveraitiet, i* thu beat tor the mind, 1 iave Bodhp- ..tion to iiperaede tbem; bot tb. re it a vatt prnporlii)ii of )»ung m<n . oinplotely that out fr. in tiiem V, hat thall d..n» f..r tlieiu ' Thev pat tLe quertit-n in n.otbci tlupa." What thall we do for ... .rn iv at I" Tbit Ii a titruitit a:it tymptom of the peoa lar uharaoteriitic of Amtri.an life. Even in Brig- lard there are AMOoiationa for meahanli and ektha; but the ditl.nn.e it tiiat there they mail be iturted by tbe a:irt.^ ra.y or the elli.aal Iaa ot pga>»_ l'alruirst. n ur Lord Kiitaell, or aomw tuih, rouat give the had the inovenn-titin-rt omnefrom above, ahile here il ii.rai't fr.mthe ..thi r quarter fiaiu where the evd exittt (ine obvii.u* mtana i* Iba i.inployuieat of I leure, wbioh it it a miitiiko to tunf* .* iua-'aqi-tte to any boiietlaiaJ reriilt f«r exainpde, lawyere aa iovo li eiary aud politioal r, wn in tbe iutervaU M pta-ftMional toil. The axn-rat ie ti, urf Uuure arii_ht. A it.l naore laenetioial retult it th* hnbit ef preu.pt aud efl.-liv* dia-u-aiiou of publio topk"*. for wLiih p.a. tiie ther* k in th.t oouutry a ipuoial and coi.Btarat uimanu. f..r alt ate eligible to uflie . of trntt our wbole lif* U a daily .yitiui af I.-titlation; the wbole ooottry it a Uouee ol DeaaaOM, where all thifig* are d. U.id l-y all tiun, every pditial nKjature, aver* ibit-wrtcb, rvtrv i.ilv.ay nc< ider,t i*di*.u***d by all citf B*_ ui.d a rtrnedy p.opoted Morchantt ou Cliang* tilk pelitici', ar.d there la no man in oar Republie but fieleei.titltd to luquiie whether or not th* prirkiple af Lbii.iu libtity wouli te *ii 1 aittri-d forafit faruiin AUb.tt. ILoudappla tt] For ll.atrev.nl th.uk the I lau liettrves entourag' n,i nf But. afn r all. th,) chlef .dvautage, at lcaat one ol th« uio-at _,*irtaiit ulibtioe. k to be lou-d in the guidan « affordad to .ur init.ellvueaiua readiag. Buokt av'tr have baOB and ..ver will be, tbt .1 it ncrone of lidittiiliBta nultur*, teachen eaa not do whkt thev t*n. Lecture* are the aoret m.de if ii-fri i. a, iihontth tbey <lo sooio good.) IoiAh areovtrat oi.: NBMBI *nd from them c»n bt ,1 more tefctaiatt*a th*n fr-rn teaouera, leeture*, obaetvaiiot., er anyiL.n, il**- In tlu. Cty wo are w*ll tui-i lieil wilh tbem- iut tlt-og k to ute tba. I *rlght. Bal he'e it the daiger, tbereia noU.iug ao aewildenng to * younifuiau i.t ta. ta -Bte a librery and eee the imi^neti J.!.; er.rnd bifor. bm, tb- coiire,,,i.nt atutraetion ha* l!. w-'r-intteoneeonhui, ai.d ..ft-n frightent hia *w*y aJtocttber. 'lhitoiffiouUy kmetby theprei.-tice_ehara.Lsr oi ilr ai-aaof deb.ii.g HaiitUn tboy Is aueutwo oa lbk iuiLt.itant diiiin. t.on tbat U.o gre*t object of r**diag i. i ot ao mui'h Uie a. .|uu-itiou ol f-rfa a. of meutaj rx.wir not to aaii.h a vatt aiiiouot of hoow aa Ibe amlily to tite knowladg*, o<R ... ¦ i. hthoiifcbttvttLo faoBliyaf anag thouglit. W*b ,;. r etad < iilhoun kttuined omiuoaoa not by bnnging out now I*. (», bot by tiu ir power af ira< .ng priuoiple* *ad re iaticLt of uting evi rj iLme. *nd pi*t;in^ it ib iu prooer po lition t ii. re tbe mind. Tbe ruauer, tlie wre*Uer, the ate ex.elmore bypracti.* lUn by role. Wt rea.1* Iaa nau'b ior amuw me.ut. b<Kjk.*, m_4ra»iii«a, uexvepaper* *...¦ wiete a great dial of taBM ou iewapapert in tln*«oun try. [Laognt.r and rpplauae.) 1 do not meau to ditpar tiii' nt-wrpaireri, tb< y ar. inval-abla to tbote wbo eovino*. read or.jihiig ba-tter b.t tatne li wattod ia raevliarf toxj many newij^ptrs. (Applanae ] De.atiug S-roietiet h»v* the __v*btage of (*D*:tig ot to read with a partleoiar pnr i <. The (.reat utiliiy «.f the*e**«o< iationt will be found ii, tb.'n induciog h*bif»oi'tl.oorbtfalnt_. ia maklaf atta feel tbeir po*ition in boekty and th. ir daty to evreiolr for Ibeir retponubil.ti.* .'.re not me.rely dne in their butineaa tt«i to tb< ir imn.edi*to . irole they enibr*i* a wido rt-age imlcding dutkt to s,* itty »t l_ra* *ud fa tbe Craator, in the imt loveaaent of th* faculilM whitb He ha* glv*a. xT'w.'laeraaB *p<Ae »«'«- at aome letxgtb He ajj levtial eompEi.-i«nta to tbe preoe.lir.ar .r*^'-^^{J{« taid, k the lirttfime we have *n.ieavor»»d to tt'.ractpuolu; aitei.tion, thkkaunion of (ouie mr., ten.er twelv* »o , Utie. of New York, aad th* eia»BioB of the OTgaal.*- I!en over th* Cnited State. i* . .obl.m* «one«pti.r-.i wtech d... hoeor to iu origiaa-or. Mr M.rgan bwate*! oanwtt ofthe t>;iaf.pr**a,nted bytheprevi.,_ai<«akara "'f1** tl at tle idea of d-K^ation da. not origii.ato wrth debatiaf Z U . tbe diaa-il lo* Of rtocratol, B*ed lt. tbt _¦_»¦ thenhand tbaottonoi iU mtouttry wert b**tyd ob th* ttt_* niincipk, whi- b he alto aaid was d_t.-ov*r*ba* lu tae ikimonontleMount At le_*;th tbe ajiplaaMi h^mattto frtqutnt that it teemed to have the enV* of caoaiag »r. II. riikiito bring hiiditconme to aelree. _ -i b i.taar. Sh for Erh.n aii.*b. b.t a ftaigieo)**' aaditanee .kiuaounee.! that b* bad jait ««*»*./.. BBBT. Mr l.rflinaaaU rtautattAi that tho ._ba«of toe sair !,i.wV:.l remaia a^r th. ¦J^JB*-*' ... He addeo-tbe iatt-tii itax* vf th* .^_J" "_ .lt ttiraetod tae .tttutrou of *\"*^mZ?£?d x_ . oi ber*. I l I* tb- .ta_t_»*t^-«*v_ bt ratteciei. 1 be audknc* tlivn dlHrar*aJ^_ bririTB-BtaittriB Twk*. a willkntrarn oititta of M n *_! Co_a. W hbaaolf ln bit bara oe Meoi*r uaoiaiag

chroniclingamerica.loc.govC^TmOtTTiirl.wUBB^_.lt^_____wta«tat_ee_eriB-WPOBTaadFALLIIVER. BtYBTATB.CaaAWaa. __^^"i^y.«-r^*£¦E "^

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govC^TmOtTTiirl.wUBB^_.lt^_____wta«tat_ee_eriB-WPOBTaadFALLIIVER. BtYBTATB.CaaAWaa. __^^"i^y.«-r^*£¦E "^

C^TmOtTTiirl.wU B-WPOBT aad FALL IIVE R.BB^_.lt^_____wta«tat_ee_eri BtY BTATB. CaaA Waa.¦E "^.<__t^P8T?Vr_. <_***_ B«Bia_ta Braytea. ke»e *a

__^^"i^y.«-r^*£ No x a-aTam.«a___?_7r _aitb leae-tog at Newparteaib '_*

1VwJkBWY kail-oaD-c or>«/'|R^v^{i_ar;^.^rt-^-tv. froa New York K 15la7 aa* ll * -

p M _,

_r^_^T_-T--iBOT RAILROAD __£___*i-fiAMI'Efi 0,n" _,. , ._._. .-, Twooaeed-ly. al

1VmK__8P -*"*r5!_x-od..l-.L L,B'4t7A M by 8r.a_d

tUtoSZ-d^ rueOt


141 L«' 1.1 LKOAH- Thia Boad, ceanecttaa wi'h tbe Canaa-

Ii.. and B-B-* atd New Vork aod F.r.- rf.i-oad., forna tha__!ri.r.taade.r-du1o. .r.ate beiweea New York City aod SI-

i_o_ Palta a'd Wtag on the brreid or.'X fe.t **"*- th* cir.ar,

!_£ eeaaeoiou. .Ld maaOBllll Ihan oo any other ta- of tr.-*.

rhtftaMBtag a ronte betweeo N.w York City, lipp-r Cxt__-

Sd tk* Wit-ero fkati 4 ntaurva-ed for keautv to. "-__**___Sea.ry. aad for the e.*a*d, afety and comfort of lh* treveli-d coav

"__ ard tfttr Der IP traina leare a rWlo-i ___a aaiTObVON'IO FXFP.I.SH TKAIN Iravea Nlaatra F.Ui at 2.30 r.18-

JSSMa-O--. tl-ffiiSrS______» l-o.ai.d New Ymk eed Frie "laoroed. eaat.

¦_^r_Wft.aj___j_^_r__,-'taMFat.t.aaili VF M ..on 0*44*1-'¦_,.___irn. _,d NUganr_OTS££! a5R.»_ '.-'- ^ w 3 "" o7V

TKo__£ r a^^ Mtamm1-* NewY.rh and._£_a«B_-t2^l*|l'"f."_V-t*Dger. ean he tickeied tbrougb to Balalo rl*r4ita ky ean-, at «he waBae-a^OOtae^^ ..,,,<_,._,,._Baperi-teodeBt'. OlTee C 4 11.11 I

latiaiit*.g«a D"- 1» I8*'- »_, .

WM W. PAl.M.VR. Af ut, No. 193 Brotdwty. Ntw-Yoik.


BAH.ROAD LINF. -Tbe R-lrta-l - aow open to ihe MiB_axii>p>__.. xtn.nir. tltne taSt I al. Yoa hourt^nger" ._ l-.v- N,-w Y,.k Bta. NEW-YORK AND BUOa 1,1 i'mN RIYr.t KAll.ROADH. at 7 e'r'nck A 1 »»'', *

B'.lMk P. M. enblng am* evenlna at Dnn.irk er ButaloBBdMaaWtt-g with I.K.Hi'NIN* E_J___B TfcAINd oa

taelAKF SHORF RA't.KOAD. aud reaca ( bieago u-«t PTealna

Mtl o'cl-tk. where teonfor-hle nigbt- .^~/*a"'_ __.?_ar.«r-d .ta.'rl.-cl eext n.oraiBg ky the CHCAUO »" *y\*BLaMi hAlbl.dAD.PorUSiTil.., Blon-iarton. Bprir.giiebi, Al_.T..Ji Si lr,_. ai tbe war by RtlLRUAO. Alatcoon. c i-,4

ST-k*-...;a*. ¦'n ta. OL.' l^l IHCA.-O aRD OALRR I RAIUBOAD for Roekford. Fie.|.ort. Oaleea and I>u'.a(ae

P.«.i,ii-.'ii illaltaab*.*lh*prl»ll*-eof yt-pptal M aat aol il

aj-akaa M a..'..' pVunr* And _3^^-^j\t_____ioaaaeieaaedtexatio- delay. oxvaeiootd by LOYA tVAT-E,

*'FerThrV-ghTitkela. or aBy further loft.rmatioa. anply at tbe Co_¦a.iv'. Oflic, No. IPULreadway. purupr ..I i)-v at tt.F.3 "*-""". JOHN V. POBTBR. (tti.-r.! Ag.at



-altMcal._^oi^0VER',, TRUScTaudBANDAME IN'STI11' v No 12 ABBit -Nerth'. B-w pat nt pr-wnbia fi-niv, bii

rw el .nc'.ieel ,-bo...d.r Br»,.- aad n'variic fafclll 4 inpo-teraaad Ba li Ib! Femile. ind c.pul. . t>-*a*. lu*'ru-cnta for Bow-L... .*a A-kl. a crooked B-aiae tn ---».kii.d nf d-'or o'ty.EatllBfe toi.die.'Departr.e h ,'l. wil.' f-.r.a.e .1

anerea-.e B*tieWBam« D- i.LOS p.-t ,.. laatltato

rTPIHNM 1 " 1AMI1.Y PILL8-A. B. fc D. 8ANDt4 ^a-uta,

ll* iai Foitoo*-

Eli;, ka l.Wkr, whathavo raa foaadl rvafoaadIP. .-ifl that will'lorce-he H't'S ar H.lrtngieiw Pronr and

41. tk ie Iv- era_ anki. »nd it .-on't atalr eiit.j -.re >b-ekla Yritl

Bur.l'edt (IRA'UYi'.a'UNili 'Nl-iliit will do It, peti-.'r.ly,m ,. .. d n t a Utt le Itt * I j er to-tle. leiit t« »IJ«i of tbaeeae'iv R O imAlUM. No 15At-.t Mr. 'lAYtS, No 1,1JrVhoBft. troek'vr; J R »P . II.DINO. No 27 Tr.rnoatiow,Btotto; H. L. ( f lilUP.HT. Na. Il'lll.t, Pitaki-gh._

HOhbLS! HOR8E8! HOt.-l-l7>!.A 4tro_g Uiuaeat -peelaliy .d.plafl ta tl.e HatoB, to ke.l aad .tr. aatba*

kitigbim blli D.lt. ibe e-.tlie wt1l knd Id IPi. KKIa-aieurhlleWhile working fclni leliv i na »l» f-a. -.. . ¦-______JN(.Kh'SBewCHAI(M »hlrb i. tb» aa._t eenata re-nedy ever

.Jared to -he ppbllc I" e-:-e tbe h-»>- * licii-diat-.y aad all raaa-

aeref eore. eonx, hrolae., a r kr., and the horee aiay be worked

aally la :.r«e be.lt ie. at ai eatb 8t> a do--i, ThU «re.t re-.i-tlTk -P_t baiaiiBaiB kaw -aa iT.ared »e. ,, ,. kleJwJeVam 61 *4rh-n* emeller B-B N B -Mr I Ua. Mirrataad Wrrt -u inred . anrae ef h-ate. and giand ... Mr >_'.*'-~-airimp-r No BBWaM-el purcbaaed aioleodld bor*a.

Bra.tli. iy .ut rai. to gire ii a inta .,..,.».... . .

tt m lei, il.e* a ohea* a. any other temedt ettered io (tie toopl*. a#


Dr Extuitaaa-My Dear Sir: When I aow th*ao«v*l p-oald nadailrte .etll eailing en ibe ,.«.rtiee Thea I ooild e-t do.bi; b t

mil the ettdenre wa ool *-at_ta. tnrt a lhaairong tnal ay t'lal 1

a.w a itb great pWaatire a.'d n.y 'atimoov. 1 he... ear-d two verjta- or «e. of he -a and e>. ply aated eo«»b -oae enred tattau dayaCeahmmeama k«p^I...t yo-* lAtoM___R£RR__There la bo rooia fer drnbt arta atrial._r

M_DICATL1» INHALATION-A NLW METH-OD A aa.at woLdeifm duiove.y ba. receeily been ¦n.-'e hy

Dr Tl KilS for the cute of Aeth-ua. CoBAu-a.tii.'O, Biouc-» ,

<_. ¦!. lola. aodallbiing ro-t-..iiita. by Medl ated lnhal.ti.m.S C-aflia- IIYHF.ANA. or INHAMNO tOEAjt V*Puaaad 4 HI UKY 8TRUP, lia aero--.i-aed tli* moat wooiler'al aar**

af Aath_iaaLdioo-..ni|.ti l in .b,- v M* aaatja n-b over auown

-aaLTirAeerr.-ilicat-a tabaPlbof jeoU ] ¦_. luhaiar to wurn.n tbe kramt *BBB tka >u-Ji wil' out the !«..." '_^__f>___^_ke.l ol tle tad] beim ..f-flputto ev>ta*f*Je tk- flnl.1.-pply ngf . iuapa eatrtanlly wilh . l.ealln. aoi. »gr-**ble'v«por -Ptaafaj^'*Tn H e i, r eei. th_ cmtaieirL-4 ln Bo tahai way told by BO\ I)kPAl'I. No 40 Coortltritat 0. H I a* ro.n-rof John-il. andBro.eiit.'veandb. Mra Haya.. Nn 171 Fol'or.-at. Br .-k yn Prlco.?,i r.ekVge N B -Ary p.raco inrloeiug 43 to «oj.i fc Paol or

_an!afc tttkin.. Ntw Yort. will recette a paekago ronli-aing a

bettle ol'Hxpitn Yator, oaa af Cnerry Bytap. and an laba'er laa

a.tt Pox. by rlj .ca, ftee to any pait ol the I'uited s-.ua ol taor

paakageafor 8'"_ ..-

THE ONLY PKIZE MEDAL for TKUSSE8taiidid io MMiSllfc'.., by t!a li.d'.itiii: Exbit-iiiaiiof

ll K,,., ... at Ihe l i-.lal Falare. for tb.ilr n-w ilADICAb l.UKETM t-S iln.i iii Ihrcghihti. SurgicalCoa-.tlee. Piof.jyonJ Ren».i Wl I'a.ker J M Caruophxa. A Cltrke Dr a

Oall.ioit I i.rlet.. p-.e t I'i 'linan. aod rthfra tlie euipkttia ibi-

SrlB nlui tor wh'i I. . tataatog haa labur-d aa-ldoteiay f.,r tw-Bty-T. y.an axd which hnl alreadt heen aatlcioiied hy -nant uf the

tifW-Yoik 8i rr- D8B Ta p-^-iliar chatacterol thia fm-* ba boeaat feith lu a ..rai le.e aad ron pial k.dt* uauu.l hy 8. N Maj.Xdea.ttaitveof et. iy t.tie'y of rup nt-. to be bid at Da YY Itt k

I'a-0|in'a. Tiil:.t.p Buil.'iirg. aud Bt No. 8| Ma den laoe New-Yoik atMreoti. Au eiteeeic lilt of namta nf m-rc*ntlle aodetPiergi-rtlirincaretthy thliTra-iav bca-'inat then ntBrre

Scigltal aud Aatao-i.ii Mrcl.kuiei ma, Int-n'nra tud idan.r.i--toreitelllieiiiTUible luppirt for latcral or bit-i.'e.l cirtitore oftbeiplar ilhe ci.re ot cirb-fiet boa-lega, aad a I oiier phvil 4ldffo.n.n tlall. itoeklii4 .nd kn- cati. for-anecal oi_a of tari-KMii'm kc Tle P; ize Mrdai a-T.rdtd (t- ..ap. .ary hai-iage..tapnbai'o ait I etr lo' re ,i, iia- Abo. aur-w au t ltn|in>ved ll|h:tt.lir ihmllir hr-rt fnt liiHat* aal i.i'.. m i .* L, « npea uoiil 9a-claatolbeevAtiug. V I Uhl fc Co.,

Not; t-h.BrlaaB, New-Vjrk.

Ccgal Notueo.

AT A BOTROOATE"" COL'WT, beld in and for thefooiiiy of New-Yoik, at the atanaa Bta OtRce ln th* City of

Ma li ., in tbe iw'uti-,h day of Iai» ruler, ta the year oaaUexaaid elgPt Lundttd aid B'lytlire* -aeat Alei an ler VVBradlcrd. Mirrogaie lo iho niatier o- tbe .' r uatiou IO Mortgar-taaae er al, the real eai.ie of ROllERT D'.itlKR. dece_-,t. Oiwaoiiig ara mltg-ih. pMittaa of Ykiili.-n kk'i.'iatn. aad loh UTbcrne, tbr Execmor. uf ihe lat aii *nd t i v-neat of iloh.'rt il o

|«e, Uteof tlip ( itvol N-t. Y-*k. deoeaaed. for auhonty to aurt-gagp le.ieor frll tbe ipa.1 ea tte of iui aa i t-cet-ed for thepayineutal bi. i bta, li lai.rdt-red that .:< petra1 ta tb* aata.* *ftha aaid Ptibrrt tntafea, leieaeeci. a; ,iear b*4br* tli - Sirrmtaia ofBe t o..ctv of N w V, x, ai hi. ur~r.e ia tba City New-Yeek. eaBhe iSihtb'd.y of P'ekuarj -.ext. tt 16 e clo t iu lh- '

riaeoa of h .1

day, tbn a_ti there loibow eaune »ht iu'.boii:t .h aid ao'. Se -.> o

Bo ibr taid Fxers'ir. ;i. .i .e.a.r. h _¦ oi a klaBateofihattid LVb--i li.ngt u. dtte.-.'l *».''.'l he nuoea .» tc

B*y bia dekto_JJ4 4v. . .1). S rr nale.

AbMi!Mb' NOT1C1 fV] reai ijp.iriuauceofaueid'-r of tke Corrt of Co-ii.-i I'i .'tfoi iiy.aa

tyof Nrw-Yotk -aie t.._ r. -ii'tdil of D«oe.n'>at. A 11W-'IDPS p Y\ aL&E-R lat- o. Boet ¦_ ! tt ol N -Voik, u**4lIa aalincdlnane all Li. natata b*i-reel *nap»ieaii4l iu law aaita equlty el w_a!i vi B-tan tiie ii.ui n t l>e l' r,f..r -. a'l Per-Iti i.d't. ld tobia by B t W v.Serwit- a

perty er eviOi i.i.. a. liupert.. Lel >. (I. .',.:i.iy oroih. w ... .... i-ic-ated to oali ob mp t'. in (.'i ta iilW.!'.ai tatofIfBi if fliia TuL iadiilllaIhi wiai i l*y. tnI- m U him or io a I .

wkh auy otbai peiKio, txxept a i"v .Idtu.1 k UYVPaI 4>. t


Bl'.sD I'l-un. lata ol tbe f-aar. ,i (.'.;., k'aT, in taa .4l*le ofhew.l.ir.y. I" . ...rl' ,iC I'ip Ctunty of_h.fr May, m the State of !--- » . e |,, , ra B(-l c» U. tbeBMdBeoa sftt* aaid UawtoCTewaaaal e-.-d n. uzhiblt U _i,aaJrr oalhor i.Inattba. th-n Ixhaaai 4, .ma_ ia aaa'iat ihe eet.teofar.it dretaa-o vti'lu .'xcaleLJer maaihe from lha third d.v ,fJanu.rv, Ifat, or they wli t* foreter har ed ftotn pru»-ce'.lng ot re-eovenxi ite ...e iape Ma. Jaa 4. V4.M'̂ iHOM. j i-OA'.sKNI) Aialniatrator.

A DMI-^tTvt-x-VTOB*'' NOTICE..Notloe ia herek-_lataBMI rr xaM havi g r'»'in«ra.ret Sxrcinri YV Hatluga,_eiv)_t late of the v "ty ot .Niagereaad B'ale ol New Ymt a k. i f S-n P ixnctaco inCAlnoniU. deoeaaeAtatihrvaiet nhiame. .'. ¦' i.totbaaadenigatd. at ihe oll. s C tlaidurr fc Fiutv... « tae Yu-g. ofLockwirt. N. Y. 0» oi belo'p the lit day r-f Yvr 1'-4x-tapo.x,-. ..oxtui Jt,,_r ,,. _.. k.i_lfcatratrit.

THOd. J. Y AIL, AdanaiatraiorBeptemlaria. 1S._ _?!.*_!IN PUKBUAKCEoi a_ordoroftlM8o*Tii(4*atoofthe

Oaaagaf R*a V . n - ta *ur»hTg.vtn toan .«-rajr>.h.v, ,ciax-a ag'ti.-l AK11II B H P. -*t" .-w-luri. de-traaed tnprenat tl-ai- . ;th vo-ir 'i> -. tTiereof to tba . n».ri.*t

at h.r NBMa.* No ¦ Man-'Sat in tha l " of New-YoiA,eaor befi re tbe tblrrt day of Aur- .i»U.Dal-d New-York, ta* 3li

aTotri.ptt-bfr.llfc}. .vJANE FbF. Adn.Blrtratrtt

IN PUBOUANt Lot an bB iirofaiaaf tbeCob-It _f Newl -ri. aoliaa _k--reby nr*a . hav.ig

elaiu. ar.Vi .'IHINaeic. a- tiaatoaod \tbe. ..

ta ile ( nyc: - I'-A* ti! lat.Da-.e K*«llB/.«:,.) .

IN 1 . Rl . -tflTH,F«j. p. rro»ate a< . _) a*.

iltS L M/f.L"*-BOL* ,...i.-

. .

P .

IN 1TR8UANCE of an order of tbe Bamnta af... ...,..y *f NawTark, Retlee l* b-reby gi»*a l* ail l II l

b,y_,;«r.".V.i- MABOARFT F "WO*.to.ttltoay_... v,, k defT-aed, I. prtaenl tb* lamt. -Hb tou.ora ttonat* M_T___* ai hi. |.|.re. No 314 Weter-ot. le tba CUy af Na».ttt. etor tlb'*»to rix.b day *f Jnly B.tl-DMeat kaw-TMk.U * Vk"¦. -* Jauuary. 1*M CUARLE8 L. BROW,jaS ltwdniTh* Eie«a**T_

IN PUEPUANCE ef aa order ol the Surrogato of tbeC*a.nia nf New V-.k Bttfcw ta herel y glren to all p-rwan* havtaf

rkx4mi, ai'.init JOIIN WILL1AM8 lat* of th. I Ity of New Yorkdrrrered. io prraeat tbo aanaa wlib vourben ihsraof to t*ie eob-

en.'.r al h.r rardeeee, No 63 Wooater at lo th. City of N.w.Vo.k on.rb.f. r. thetwebty-luat day of Aprll aext. Dated, rl,w.Yo:k ibe e'gbtreblbday of Oetaber ItSS

.... _,ertjn lawt.-.h fATHARlNE WILLIAMS. Adi-lBattratiix.

IN Pl'ESUANCE of an Ord.r of tbe Burrogat* oftbeCoBBtvof New-Yoik. Botiee kt I rrebx gi»*a to all r?"*9*

ki.lng c.ilu.. MBia*4 THOS R GARLAND. lat* ofthe C.iy of *.*.-3,4-k IHerieord) to prraent tke itJO*. wlibiiay hert aWtt*l. io

JAMK8 M FLANDRKAL'. at bi.o«.* No 11 Baa* Bbbtt. Hifa-City of New-Yoik. on or tofora th? ljtb day of M*T,a*.xt "a***

Nri Yo.k, But 17 Itio. THOS. J GARLAND, Exeeoter.Bl7 lawtoaTk _

IN PUl.M'ANCEof an order nf theSurrogate of th*

^wk'^caraft~ ^v_»p2«s#mZmSm+tZj, a th* ci.y'.f s«--.;»*. ~ZfZ.ltmjnZm%d.x of Jrrnentlt Dated, aj.-w- lork tb. "'f* *S> °'^j££It?4 F1KIII ««'''»»'*{B«',1J)fl .*?, ffiiT.LANDfcKOTT. FroetOTk 1*. 1" Bnada.y. j.i-i.womii u

IN Pl'RSl'ANCE ofan order ofthe Surronate of thaV.fnty of NrwYotk. ootbe it bereby gtteo lo all porajot hyttag(.Bntyof ^w I0.',. MpA,D late of tbe City *f Rew-Yexk,

..\Zr?toii",i tha*-_-.* wilb yoacher. tWoof.to tb. "b-i .. i.r ie.ld.te* Re to.'Woet i4th*t, ia tk* City .f New-

Yonrk,oBbrto;o7.,,,heet.«thA., of Jaiy aext-Daud <.*- York,

.^-a.^-rTi**"''7'_*."A MEAD .»to"?°_.¥N PITB8UANCE ef aa order of thf Surrogato of tbtI ( m-Lta ef New-York. Notlc* b ber-bi g<v*B to all perwM hivto, fl.iiai atalnit tbe earate of F.DMI'ND RE1LLY, bte of tke loxr..f 1'e-hltlarni. in tbe Stite ofObio, deceated. to prei-ot the eaaae

wl-b xootken tbereof tb tke tnbee.iber. at hii r-Raca. No. 1*5 aoatk-.t ln the litv of NewYirk. irB or before tkd tweotyfim day ofMrrrb uext.Tlated New-York, the 2T.h day of Angaet ItB

t, (1 i.wlmoTb* PHILANDF.R ttANFORD. Exec.tor.

SIPRFME C'OURT, City tntl Cniintv af New York.._WILLIAMP Tl'RI'lN agalnat Rl HARfJ B. H tRDf tadotl tn Suo.a.or.1 for relief -iCnna not t-rved.i-To Rl" H ARD BHAhDY. AbBC l.rrdx Jotf.h M A Ta piu, Oeorgli WoahinrtroTbixin CTiUlte H Dillart bru'lla E D ard Ml f>a Riwley. MaryL «¦ Rowlry NitbiBixl Ctarke Calba/iae W Clark*. Rn. ir AT, rpr, Tbitn-tl. Tarpin. *ii_-e! M Grean LaxireRH Or*-n.Bin.uel A Maverick, WillUm VaO 3\xck LydiaA. M Van Wyci.Gtij .lore. lle'.at- n Faiaketh A -t Ho'.ion. Joaeph B WayaiinJoaet bli <. TUm|«,o aod Mimbel M. ThomraaoB You are berebylun.ri.intd. tad req.ired tr, amwer the c-.tnntaint ln tba ae'loa.wbi.bwM tled ln tbe officB of the Tle.E of tbe f.ity aad Coxaryof New-Yoik. attb- City llall of tbe Olty ..f New-York oo iba .IthJannaiy iLet-at. and to teyye a eoi.y of yoor aniwer ta tbe aa.ri oo-a-

i.laibl w the a-l*rril.er. at hia ofli.*. No SWallat.ta th. 1 Ity ol

Nfw-Yerk. witl.tntwiaty dayi after tb* wrvbeof th-» eamoio-.i.m

.oa exflueiyeoftbae-ycf lurkMrvic*; »od il yoof.ilto aatwaf

tLr .Bid cotnplxbit wiiblB th* Um* afi.naid ihe piaintltT ia ta.t ac-

tton wl.i app.y lo tht 1'o.rt for the r.bef deaitBrl-d >. th« eo ophxiut.-Ilii-dJaiftrx 10. 14J4 T. W i'(f.-lt,jilla.twTl.-'_ PbaBLftAttaroey.

kJI I'REME COl.'RT-In tho matter i,f tbeapplica-L3 tion oftbeMayor, Ald«rmen and Comtiionaity of' ib¦¦ City otiVTwYotk niatlxetr the OPERING and KXIT.SDINi of AL-BAN3-.«T to BROADWAY, ln aaid City-Pnnoant to .4t*lofM larib r*ae rria.Ie ind pretided, tbe Mayor. Alderm-o %nd C.miaoo-il-a irf .br t itv of N».-York. I.erebv give ao'ir.e tbat they Intandloiiiilvtit'r r-bpretne i ourt ofthe State of Ne- Yori, M a -Jpr-clalI rm ef ni ( tn rt 10 be he,d al tae Ci'y of Ne- York on Siinr-

diy tlelitbdax oflrbnary, A 0 .834 a' the opeaiai '.fth* ConrtBBll dn or it uon tarreaffer rt couni-t ran be I »ard that tae

rall I.i retbfiie made by the Midn.pr.nae Conrt. bearing dtte tae

l.t>, ttay bf Jnly. A. D lf.31. aod entirb d In tbe n.atter of the ap-II rillin of tbt klaxor. Aldircaen and Co-nm ir.alty of the U'l ofN. » Vtik. re ative'to tbe opening a. d extrbrflti. of Al'.tay It rroiolir. i ra i-b at tb Tiibily-piace, lo ihe City of New-York."be elrer.dandiniiBerd. wuto ltelodethe laadi and pre-nnei heitiuxrierdatinbid. fcrthe lurpo e f opeuing an4 eiten.llBg Arbaiiy at to

I.ii.i r!» ay i Ihtt the iaid f kiort appi-int Coiumltaioueta of Eet.nxt*atd Aaaattnn»f htr. io: tbat tbeial.ie aud eitent of the Imprire-Binibertby ibteoden, in addiii..u to tb* iuapro.«m- nt bOM'er.r*o.d. .rd by the aaid r.ile ia Ibe exta-Mion of albaux-it f.o.n rri.-iitT-plarelo Bii.iflway lolh.tthe tomheila line t..«re.,f *ball he lo a

ttreifkl line fietn T.inlty-plaee fn Broadwa*. io rou'ibnation of thei. inlnily lineof tiidette.itlenfroo, Greenwl hit to r-ioity plaee.b.renfa'.e eid.:»d bv Ibeialdrnleof ta'* Coirt. aod .htf tne oor-

thnly ildetbirrof thill be ln a I.i e ruon a, rro _ Trini'y pla*eait-llly ilotgthi irnthirlv tideofilr* lx.,di aodprerniai koa. M

lrii'y B-lid'rrt. to Krovlivay mnldCiiy aa lald o it on ihemtaer xlax of iai.1 Citx, nnd»r and by airtue m v. act of tbe L-giataiu'eof tl.e inple if tht Htate of N*w York .niitled ' Ao att rtURvato ln i rexenaer.l! tonrhlng the l.jlng out ot itreeti and rua.lt io theI ity of NewVotk. and fi.r oib-t JMIfoaM " ptMed Apiil 3d, lgaa.-Di.t'd New-Yorx Jannary 13 UM

BOBBRT / UILLON. Coo-m! to the Corporalitra.

STPREME COURT. In tl.oinnttor of tho aprilioa-tion el the Miyei, A.dernien and C..ui,i,o_aity of Ihe

New V.nk .ytheCio.cn aaatdaB Ho-rd ..f aaid citt, relati.e utLe irqiilring of landa fot a uew Reiervo.r ia lha taid ci.y toiweaaBii.biiiri vwhiri and ihe ith and Vthav*, In ihe itirl ciiy TheWaTei, A'dermm BB* Commonalty of ibe City of N-w-Y.rk. b»Ibt'CrotoB Aqurdnct Peparimeot or aain city part ix-.l 'o tba .-*tai

tte entiiied A Act lo facilitate tbe acqnlaitiao ot laadi >ur a aa-

Pn.iTiir te the Cky of Rew-Tark," pabedJaae vh, l'.vi ihree-£011 b» ing rn ttnt.' hereby give notice to tbe o»»ni, '*.»..*. ptrlln a_. pnt..,! irtiit'ivelj ebtuied unto or inUriwted lu tat laodtt» i n t ti her. ittaat. Btt anrl prrnaiiara. bereiuxfter mentloned au.11-.li l.id. 'tball'ey will apply to ihe S ipreme I'ourt ofthe dtaieo*Nee V.ek al a Ge'ina' Terui of the t_.d Ooatl to be held at IheC.iy Halitjf Ihe City ef New Yo.k '.n FRlllAY, tb* l-ab day <dI-.biiiaty ICAI. atlhe opening if liie Coari ob lhat day. Br aa i »o

thmaftrraa fo>.n*al ean be hrard. for the aprwinttneat of threeIin u laaliiur.i of At praltal In tbe aboxr entitb d inat tt, to eatlioatero r.Tor ef thi- teTf ra) owoera leiaee*. partiet and penani af.ireaa.ila iut iib »<|i.liable comj.enaaiion fbr Uking all 'bo«e lao.lt >eoe

Baebta h»i*ditanaebliandpr*uil*n, fal.e kettrotl «>th and *J'h*ia^nd tbetabirdTthiva. ln t.id city, and whirh the aaii CrotonA.brdtirt PoaTf .leraatdTbable to to ica.i.ire.1 r.r tbe purpoee ofeo.,a.r.tlii.g.new Ritervolrln tbe fityef N..« York, trhlcb tndlandrttd arenitiitt. ltld out on the ii.tp or plao of aaid city aa

der ird by yirtee of ao Act, eBtitled " An Act relif.ve to Iniproy-.

SarViVit-r' C',,8f S,wY"k- t"d %li^irh7iloTriI i.nnul le th* Corporatloo aud tbe Oroton Ajaediici B >ard

Dated. New York, Jan 3,11.34._Jatolor


EaTtorlal C*rre*pondi ace ofthe N. Y. Tnb.me.Bi:nare«, India, )

Wodnos.iav, F.-b. 16, 1J-53. SAt tioon, on bfonday, I left the boipitable roof of Mr.

Owen. at Allahabad. On reaohing the Ganges, l foundthe drawbridge opon, and a f-triug of upward boundveueli paitiiig through. Tbere aore thirty-nine in all,aad eo ttewly were thoy towed agaiott tho itroam, thatfull tao houn elapscd, and I itill tat there in tho heat,eontomplating the white and glariog eand-fJat* of the

epposite ihore. There wat an end of it, at lait; myimrreev3ai puihed acrou and oter the tands, by a

arowd af eager cooliet, and havinif, attained tho hard,Biacadaudzed road, abaded by uuibra^eoai peopul andaot ra treet, I whirled away rapidly toward Bcuaroa-

My road lay along the northern bank of the G.__g84.tbrouflh a very rich and beautiful country. The broadfieldt of whoat and barky now ooming into head, woro

picttireFqucly broken by " topei" of the dark mao^oar tbo feathery tnmarind, and grovei of t*io brab palui.It wa* a land of harvett culture, with all tho graee of

.jlvaii adonimtnt whieh dittinguishei u ptik of

ploature.The road wat thronged with pilsrimi returning

frcm tbe gTeat tnela, or ftir, of Allahabad. Duringtho afttnioon I pawed many thouwtndi, wbo appexredrti be of the loweit and pooreat castet of tbe Hiudoot.

They all earried carthen jan. filled with the taeredwater of the Jtinction, (ef tho Oanget and Jutnns,.ahith thej were Uking to pour upt.n the ihrine* of

Irtentrci or Byxnath. At the iTaiiom where I changodhorie*. they rrowded aroan.l the garreo. bogging vo-

siferontly i ' O gTeat being, an aluai for Siva'i take '"

0_M balfnaked, dark eyed troy of ten yeart. accottodme ln fluent Arabic, exclaiining: "Ogroat lord. may" Peaco repof-e npoB your turhan I" with luch a graco-ful aud perkuative air, thtt he did not need to a*ktwice. But for tbe other*. it wai necesitry to be bothtdif.d and deaf. for there wat no charm in the .erpent-arired Dtttroycr to extort 3\ hat had been given in tha

tacied n_me of Petoe. Al ni^ht appmaohed, thacrowdt tLitkencd, and tho yelli of my driver op -ne 1

a w_y through their niidtt, for the rapid garree.They uioveil in a cloud of dust. of their own raiiiu.,tnd I had no ccmfort until the darknea* obliged thant

to halt by tle roadside aad around the villagci, aftor

arhleh tl.e atmotphore becatne clearer, _n 1 the roadwai ttdorably free from obitinction.The hortet. however, gavo me no paace, and every

elange, at the ri lay itationi. leemod to be for tbo

worte. After haulking at the itart, they would dath©fT in fury, unking the body of the garree iwing from.ide to tide tt every bound. till a craab of 4ome kindtppeared inevitalle. dOne of thete oareert wai thnmgba long and rrowded village, in whieh a market wat being held I did uot oount how many tiimarmv flyingvxheelt grazed the pilei of earthonware. and the heapiof gra!n and vecetablei, l.ut I know that there weretereamt af alarm, gotticiilati.'iii. fright and eonlaaionfrom eao i nd of the village tn tbe other, and how we rantho gtutitlet witbout leaving a wake of ruin behind ni,it a n.)rt« ry whi.-h I rannot explain. I gradually bo-raire loo ivearj te Botiee tbote alM'rratioin of the pro-

. foree, ar.d tinking down it,to thoteittoni of thognrrt*p, foil into a ilwp from whieh I wat awakenod it

tbediivtre raiee* I looketi out, eaw a(ii Ln- il.uri h bofore me, in tbe moonlight, anJ

iiivv h_v that tol.tn that the Ki.al wai reacbed.-. rday BieTBiBl I OaaBei upon my ciintryman,

Hr. Fitz-Edward Uall. to vvhnin I had letter*. aii.l, aeiii*tom, iuiniediatelv r»-r,iitxl ttio

..ia buragalow Mr. 11.11 wPraCttaorofbta r.'a.-e, anti aa-

I Inlia


With kk asaiataaee I kave been enabied to take a

kaaty bat very intareating eurvev of Beaarei withintke two daji to wbieh m~ atay ia limited.Beaarra, tbe Holv City of tbe Hiadoo* and ooe of

tbe moat aneient in India, liee apoa tbe aortbern banbof tbe i'aiiff-a. at tbe point where it reeeira tbe wa-'. rg oi two in all tributariea, tbe Baraa aad _raae,fn m whoae nnittd namca ia dt-rived that of the town.All juiirti. na of otber riiera with tbe (.ang-e ar- aa-

rred, but tbat ofthe Junina and the intinble 8'rie-wattre, at Alkbabad, earpaaeee all other* in bolineaa.Ni'tertbeleaa, Bemarea, from ha ing been the apotaLi re kiaLadeo, (if I am not iniataktn,) made hia but*r*r*r, or incarnaie appeaianee on tba? eaith, ia ao

pernliarly aanctil p-.l tLat aii peraona wbo lite withina circuit of bie n.ike.even the abhorred Muaaalmauacd tke lcef-« aticg Eogliih.m to Paradiae, wbethertbey wiab it or no. Aecording to the Goepel of the.IrkLmina, the city and that portion of torriaryinrluded witbin tbe aforeaaid radiui of five milea. iiaot, like aU tbe reit of tbe eartb'a bulk. balaiar>d upontbe back of tbe great Torti.iae, but npLold upon thepointa of Sbiia'i trident. In tbii k lief, _Mf boldlyafliimed tbat tboogh all otber parti of the worldtuigLt be ilaken to'piecei. no earthqnake could aflfi-cttle itkbility of Iknarei-until MM. wbeo of a aud-den, toweri and templee were thrown down, bundredaburied in tbe wrerk, and half-built quaya anl palaceeao rplit and aunken, tbat the bnaetful buildera lett offtbeir work, wbieh atanda at tbia day in the aame hide-oua atate of ruin. Thia mundane city, however, ^tbeyaay,) ia but a faint ehadow, a dim retkction of the rcall!« i.ana, whicb ii built upon a plain balf-way betweeneartl aid heatcn.The Erpliih caxtonmenta encircle the old Hindoo

citv. Owing to tbe deep, dry bede of tne ainall rivera,abicb acar tLcratbcr aiid level which it eovera, theaettlment baa mttbe bome-likc, pleaaing featuree ofotlera in Hicdoatan. Tbeie are a few bandaotne pri-»ate maniicna, a apacioua rhurcb. and the naw 8xn-ivt Cidlege, whicb ia cinpidrred the fineat moderne-.tlce in India. To tl.oae wt.o are familkr with tbelaet India C( n | any'a crTorta in thia lino, 8uch anop.n-im will not raiee very high expectationa. Tbe Coi-bfgo ia a Gctbic croea.a reiuini.rence of Oxfi.rd, andlibutilul aa it ia in maDy reapecta, we ahould prefergo-.ttbibg elae, to pmject againKt a background oflu'ti.g and tamaiinda. It ia built ofthe a..ft, roae-

ealetn d pandxtone of Chenar, and tbe delicat* beautyof ita butirfP6«-a and pinnaclea, wronght in thia ma-

tcrii.l.i-al.eug tegrtt tLat tti*> archirect had not availeiLiiLieli «f tte iicb atoree ot riaraceuic art, which theii.( K.ties ind taa bp ofthe Mogul Einperora nilord himGitbic aicLitccture doea not, aud never ean be m_dolo l;ariTi(.ni'e witb the foiuia of a tropical landacape.Thaatoaaf tl.ia CoBaaje ia ani.|ue. and haa ol laa

bei n iLe aulje ct af much criticiaui. It waa eaUbliahedbj tLe Eaat India Company aixty-three ycara ago, fortLe pr.rpopo of inetructing tbe cnildren of Itrabmina intl.4- 8ai,iciit Pbilow.ph) and Litertiturc. and aincethec. UPtiLctim of tLe new building. the. Etigliah CeilegObai been ineotporated witb it. Tbe Pr.ncipal, Dr.B-ilnntYDP, who ia pnbably tbe prjfuumket S.marntkI,( iar'liiing, 1.8« tbkm advai.tage of tbia junetion toict nn toot an experiment, which, if aiicceaelul. willi ri dure an cntire revolution in thr philnaophy of tbelirabniiiia. The nativc acholaia iu tbo Eu;:liah Colkgeare n.ade acquainted witb the inductive plnloaophy ofI'arm. while tbe atudcuta of Sanpcrit take a* a text-

k . - tl.e N'wiva ai ati nt, aa it iacalkd.of Gautama, theralobtoted -ittdaopbUeaiahar, Theieare many pointeai 1.1 |.n B4 ii in f-OBfl hro rHitetua, anl Dr. lialiantviielaa t.t. n Ud to toaibiRfi them in aueb a way aa hnall. to

plaee the atuileiif. Ytlu. commeticea with tbe re-

Lned ipeiulationof Guatania, BBsaaVa broail and finubaak ol tbe llaconian lyamRO. He i* tbua p--epared tortrriie tLe trutLa ol the pbi lical aciencea, a kaaertodkoid YtLich inuat gradurlly, but iuevitably, overthrow the.arieoase-Biautiaa «t hi* ielii;i(ia»i-ith.

Alter vii itii ig Ur. Keid, tLe Cominiepioner ofthe D;i-tiict.Hr. Hall aeeou \<n..e*l BM to the kliaaion estab-kiLBMBtei tbe EafBah cimrcb. DuBlhoaato b a.uail

vQlageefaativol iuietim.e, \thom I could not but com-

l aamoaale. ( ut ai loreier froui totoraaarao with tbeirliin d- deaaaaeed aa unclean and accuraetl, they ahow-(dli.nrii.lhti.il by a quict, paliebt deuieanor, a< iftLe) paiiiiil) Hifctaincd iheir new iaitb, iuateAid ol act-

ivel. rejoiciig in it. Tbeie was, bowevar, a riaibkiupn.nutnt in their bouiehclda- grcater cleaulincaaand 68-4 r, tnd tl.e lacea o. the woinen, I could not butnctice, iLoYacd tLat the tt-aebing* ol tbe miaaiouarieaLad Lot been loat upcu tLem. I wiab I aoahl hiveUiore laith in tLe aincirit) ol tbeae converta; b;it th"iact tlat ibire ia a pecuuiary gaiu.no in-tter b.nv

llight, in I'lt-miitig Chrntian, thtawa a doubt upon the

taiity cl lLe,r *f nituitl receneratiou. If lackiugempkja mt, tbe) are put iu tlie wa) t.lobUining it; il*dfttitiite, tttir iraato are laBoraii aud arhea gatbare ltotO Ooanmaahira, ai l.ere, tb.y are furaisbed withdadlii.'f, ru.t li.e While I ctieerlully teetit'y to thenal ua laitLaii.i'BB of tLoKe wbo lobor m th.' ciia.-,

I uupt c(n:taa tLat I la\e not )et OfitaBOiel anymulta YYl.iib fatiily ne tLat tbe va.t .xpciiditure mn.miy, t_l« nt md liic iu niieaioiiary ciiteipriaea, bnabein re-aid.

1 aaoat to-day in the atree- and templea of lianarea.Aa a (it) it pmu-nta a more picturcaque and iiupreaa-ive wlole tLan aithei Itolhi or Laehaow, tboiigh il haano auch tiacea ol aicl.itcctural apleudor aa thoae ciliea.Ibe atraeta aia aarraw a_i eraaaaa. but psved withlarge elal.a ot landatt.ne; the liouiea nre lol'ty, iub-attutial kttuctuiea cl yyocpiI, witb projeciinj. atori.-g,H..1 at eicry tuiu tLe eye rcste ujion the giided eonlcald(.ni4 6 ot a Hindoo ten.ple, or the tall minaret oi'a Ma-b( mttau B oique. It ie a tk ilderneaa of lanUatic huild-int», iu YtLich )cu are conatttutly aurpriaed by new andatrikiDgcticbinationa and pictureaque elfecta of ligbtatd aLhde. I ahould Lave been coiiteut to wanderkbcut at rnndoui in tbe kbyriutb, but my companioniuiiittd on i.oi_g atcnee to tbe (Joldeu Pagoda.or greatttn ple cl Alabwleo, aml tbitLer we BaaaaaBBgly w.-ut.

Tlenarri-YY atrraa were obatructed, iu tne viciuityol tLe ttniple, with numbera ol the aacred bulla. JJe-naie* bVAarn.8 vYith tLebe auimala. which BIOBI great a

Luifiince to tLe plaee aa tLe mendicant friars are tolu me. The) are kuowing bulk, pertcctly eonsciouaoftl eir aaerC- cburacter, aud preaume upon it to coramitall Kita ot c'epicdatiocg.- They are tbe terror of tbedtaleraiu fruiia aai rofOtahlOB, lor, llthOBgl not al-wiyb eX(HDpt.d from blt-wa, no one ean atand beforetbt'ir bniua.aiid tbege tkt. do aot acruplo to uee, ifBOaOOORTJ to eecure tbeir end. Sometimea, «n theirf(.i84.ii.g expeditiona, tbey boldly euter tbe housea,n arcb up fctan* aud take a atmll on the tlat roofa,abeie tlev n ay be seen, lookiug down with a quiet in-teieet t-n the pa8kin« cioYvda b.-l.iw. From tbeae emi-nci.ct.'a Ihojj tuke a aurvev ot the aurrounding country,ritlculate ita leacurcta, and bat ing aeleettd one ol tberiebeil -,'iti witLin tLeir circle of viaion, aOBM-iatraiglitYvaY and .et ofl in a beoliue for the plaee,wtix-h tlei' never fail to bnd. When tbe lobialaahpii-miaii g'cii tbe other fide af tbe Gangea. they marchUtiYYntotbe river bauka, aud pnveu: auy paeaeie-erfrom goicg oa board the fcrry boata until tbey are per-n ilttd to uiter. They croaa and r.-main there uutiltLe pupjliee are exhaiiated, wtea tbey loree a paiaagebat L iu tLe aame mauner. The gardena of the Eagliibrttidmta treqocntly auller from their depndationa, midtl.e ilIy O-mrtaal way af ^u-ruiLg BfBBBOl tin iu ia to

joke tleni at once, and keep t'neui at bard labor BM a

ilav or two, wbieh ao ntterly dia^uata them wtli th.-alaeo tLat tLey never teturn to it. It i* alao atlirmeJtl nt tbey carcfuily avuid the neigbborbood ot tboaebutcleT»'wbo6iippl) tbe tablea ot the Eu.liali. buiu^clotiYcd tLat aome of their brethreu diaap.K«r4kd in a

rxiioculoug ¦anoiir. after Irequenting laeb locaiitiea.We were loituuate inour kiait to the Gol.len P-uodi.

li r it waa cne ol the god'i Iciiival da)a, and the .uur:

bnd iLiinta of tle temple were tbrouged with croerdiol wiipLijerg. TLe moat of them brougbt wrea- ..-

lomera 8Ld biape Yeaaela of Ganpca water, to pourii. aa tl.e -.ahah of tbe diviuity. Tne pagoda ia builtet mi aat'dttone, wlich a.ema ta bave crown darkerai.d lider by age, and bj contraet with tbe blatingct ld ol ita ekborate gpi--. a, Laa a BFOO lerful!)' gor.fjiu*ai pemaiice. 1 ht ittle of afebitceture U eipeutially tbeaame in all Ii,u-!o.. templea. The body of tbe atructure

ia iquare and m8>piYe, tadoaaOR the ahrine ol the gai1'n m a ci rnice oi great breadtb, and afllm coveredwith iculptured oniameDt, riae< a Ull 8pire, ot para-bolic outlinea, which baa the look of being f-.rmed byan accretion ot fmaller ipirea of aimilar form. It baaa gcnerel reaemblauce to u pine-apple or rugged pine-ci ne. Wl.ei e tbe temple ia inclot-d witlm a court, aa

ir. tbia iii-tnuee. tLere are ujually a numher of aeparateeLrinea, and the cluatera of apire* and.einall. orna-

mental pinnaclea. entirely cutered with gilding, form a

pictLre ol baitaric pomp not unworthy the repuadwcalth"t.f0rmuzorolliid." The P-n*K*4)6tood withinduikT reccasta or aacctuariea, lighteil by larnpa filledwitb ei-cca-niit cil They were in charge of pneata or

neopb)tea. wbo odered ua wreatba ol jaamin«-bl4)4-om8.fihgTaiit. aud moiat with GoOfH waar. I wai aboatto accejt BBRM cf them. but Mr. Hall requeated me

not to do *o. ae tLe act wa6 one of wonhip, and wooldbe lot ked upon aa ahowing reepeet tn Mahadeyo.Tle bod) cl tfce lempk abounded with atone i_mgee

af the Ituiitim, in all af which ky wreatba af dowera.v.iile lha awrahiaaaa,BB_a and lVmale. p.ured over

tLiiii the water ol the cacred river. The worah p aaB

t.r. tnei! qotetlj ar.il decently. witb every jutwardI,,. ifci.t'it laejatrt, aai there waa nothim* ia tbe

la tfc4_!8eliw,or tbe e-rcm ciea. togi--.,. wLich


rfcip *f the Efvptiant, witb wbieb it wae no doabt ee*>val. There it a pn.f.,und philo«ophical truth hidden andertbe iiegular t. nni of thii wontip, if m.-n would divi-tttkemtelvei for a moment of a prudery witb regnrd to¦aeb tabje eti, wbieb wemt to be tbe af.preirnt tge. 80 fir from tho BWe 1 t-ein f. lio_ti,..ipteple tbey ire far leit go tl.an tbe Ch e on ILind or tbe lluneiuaen on the .1 ber. 1 .1. >.*» whv. Iean leirn, tbev a.e .initea* moral at aiiy raoe to witichtLe trrpie tun hai given an ardent toinperatoert aod a

brilliint vitality of phyiical MhI alio vitited the ternple of Unna-Pnma,.one of tbe

ttmei of the Giiide.1 Bi t'ani, the Iiniian Ceret. Ititndi in a platii.rm ef m.-tonry. torronodA**! by a

range of tmafltr ihrinea. Bundredaef vrorthiper..Daoitly ptatADti froni the turroundinu eountrr, were

nanticg with a u.iek tti-p an.un.l thr toinplo, withtheir c-eiingi in tbt ir htndi. Tho ihrine of the Oea>den wa* go crowded that I bad aome diflknlty inoltainirg a view of her dutky fitrure. Tha gay, ehoer-ful a»i*fet of tbe rotariet, with their rarlandi of flow-en iLd braien umt of water, recallod to my miud tbeHentinian Feitivali of Greeee, tnd the wordi ofScbiliVr't Iljmn flaiked into niv memery:

"Wladet tea Irtnie dle geidiBea J-ibieBT'

We alterwardi went down to the Gangei, and wan-dered il> a. pait iLattered paJacea, innken quayt, tern-plet tbrown iroat'bte, or leanintr more throateninglytban tbe beliry of rita, tl.ri.u_h a wildernest of fan-taitie ard n-a.-itireot fonna, watehing the orowdibat I ing in tbe ieekintr ttnkt, or the open waters oftheriver. Bn ad itone _baut* (flich't of stopi.) eovore.1tLe bcnk, riiing frona the river to the batot of ttatvlybuilditct, 50 or6») bet tbove. Tho GaLge* here makes Ja brrad b< nd to the north ward, and frntti thioe _hxuf«,neir tLe renter, ae aaw on either hand the horni <>ftbe creieent tbipedeity, with their iweepi of touiplei.tt-avrrt tnd miiarttt glittering in Ihe tun. A ernwd ofIvigrrivs. or river boatt wai __oofv<l all bIorbj theI11.I1, or ilowly movod, with white railt tpread. a_ainttll c rurrect. The batheri obnerved the tatne eoremo-_i<i a* I bad notieed at Allababad, and were quitodirori.ui rn th ir movementi, tlie men retaining thedicltt, ar enttfn cl.tb twitted about tho loim. TheHindtott-e rrctlly thocke.1 by the Euclith loldien.abo go naied to the einbraee* of the God leit Gungt..BOt fimu tbit eiTiMUi.tttnee mi eonnectexl with bath-ing. but at a wtnt of reapeet to the holy itream. IBatehed nay v itit t<> the citv by takng a boat aml .lowlyfioating down tl* (inngf.« in front m it, nntil it* eon-

fiin d anay ot palieei aud ghautt and gnlilcn ipirot wat

itiiilil lv datuorrot. pid upi n my niomory.Tbe n't-reiiity of reacbing Calcutta in tirae for the

Hi _(.¦ King fteamer tf the latt of thit month, obligeaae to hurry offto-night, and refu«e an invitation to a

arik'g tikerliunting in tha jun.let ofthe Vin lhyaHille.a prnpe. t whioh I caunot relinguieh witboutinite bitti r lrcrott. And now, if I get thrnu.h t">milei more of "garre dawk" witht.ut a bruite.1 heavi or

bnkm bonet, I ihall begin to fancy that I bear a

rt.ain.fd life. B T-«>-



!*l.__ld the grtat mjitfi.ation commonly calkd thoEartcrn Qnntitn lead to any potitive rotult. we may wellloi.k f< r a gf t rrtloxtrtt.rn af ihe worll, but tho ild it re-

b tin tu. h at it now it. ii wdl adorn the butfon h'det nf a

ftw t) pitirat' aid guidiira with new rbbanlt and-thatm ili te all. Bo- tvcr, be thi* at it ma«, it u tho great topioof tLe mrBHBt on l«ith tidet ef the Attantie, aul y. t tha

jr 11. | il iineicii» fguritig in it are hnt tittle kuown.oriatl er aie qnite unkn.'wn 8even yesn of foroed aoj iiirn

at tbe Cmrt of Nickolat, mnet at leatt Ithmk 10, aff .rd on.'

wl o wat witbout ambition and lckidnol forward to anyimiorfant .ani-r, the rnoani of doliiiealmg laludy and

tinibfully tbt prineipa. ahanietir* parformi'ig part* in the

jTKt diimi wh'oh now abaorbt the attention of thn what*pobtiia'w. rd Atall tvint.*, I am roi.f:d.nl tbat what Iil.all lay wili Le tht f.nit af impartial obairvabon, lip.uedb) dititui t ol tiiri- ind p'u. e, ut well tv* by the diiraattion.to ind oLhtiieed jndgmort. of one tnj.ying the hoa;-.* Jtv, btirty and fnedom of thonght and opimou of thtI'litid tatatol.

Tl.t Emjttor Ni.bula* mtirt naturally h.,ld tho firat p!*ve*in tbit Mttte of iket.het. Com<ng to tho throne ui themidit of niiliiary atdition aoeident gave him au optxaiianity tor intnirgttio itroke of poiicy, whieh impru_*od hii

iri.l.ttLtd inljevU with a ft-tiinf of awe, tho i_apre-»ion of

abih htintnii cd throuitliout all bi* tubx-equeutreiga.Hit ttti. n on ihat oc.aion wat intpired by tlin adviee ofan id Mfch Geoeral, Count Grabowtky. it itrected the

.t| 1 > in viwcoinpielily, and the inturrtxtion, whi hwaa

the rtralt of a contpiraoy, being *rn*bed there wat noahinkftb ptvmt ihe En.paror fratn impreMing npm hi* reignw.iM,Vxirtbir«ilerheihote. Int-.tad of drawing the vedof foib««J»nceand forgivtnea* over the tran*^e*iion* oftl.e ft-w ptrtent whote oonnettion with tbo mnvo

nint wu hardly kuown he aought them ouL caused tev

etnl lo bo haugtd in publio and exiied many othori to

FiLtria and tiie mmt* Ho knew no other L_k of powurtban ttrtor. no other way of rnling than by fear. rhe

drath p. lb ty had bt4 n *boli.-bed in Rumia Iin firat tl

of bk rtign wae to revive it Theee fa. U I liave nrated. aa

1 rovir g ted iliottrating the main deftnt in the eharncttrr of

Eh tolat-the w*nt of a lupcrior intellect. He hat an ir.nwill, achtratter ofttteb of bronze, of marhle andifhi*.otdendaLdiBg were tqually vigorou*, he would be traly a

gnat min. When a m«n 1 ideai are cbar and diatinot,anl raiTitd iut in bia own mind to all their doduotioniacd cinteqneneta, if ho ha* alao the itrength of wdl

aerittary for thtir t-xt-iution, we may weil uxpect greatthir gi uf Lim but Luwever endowed with itrength ef will

.td etitrgy of charactt-r. if hi* rea*oning fai'ttltiet be traal!,atd he bo itnpable tf following oat hi* ideat into their

riniottitfcanquinoet. hUactiontmntt b.ar the imprea*of inoon.pltttLttt-he oannot be truly grrat. 8uch w the

caie whh Nicbolai He detlret to r*nder Ruaiia tTeater

ard more |owirul than the his e*.tr teten, lo make htrtbeatbittriif the digiinin of Europe. tu play himtelf a

ooDipiru. tt I art iu hittory But how haa he aought to

aietniplkh thkT Havii.g itarted wioug, he ha* beon

foned, dnHig the intirt twenty uine yeart, lince betttiLded tbe kbrone, to govern by terror at home. to gainlia endi >J cbarlatmitm abroad. Thete art tht two

faitt wbiih lotni the b*t:ai of l.ia powtr in Ruraia, of

hia influtnoe every whorw el*e. And this not ia oonae

ncutnit- of any criginei inti nl on hia part, but becanie at

the oubtt be rould not take that enlarged view of thingi«hi.haou'd have ltd him naturally into the path of true

gnatnoi. Of great and magnaninoou* deu he waa inoa

t able. Ut hat had no gu;de but hit own wdl.hat itraggkd 4Dfrgv4i.*l:y ted for ihe mott part incceaafully, witb

the obtUnotiona abb b have impeded hit projrett. bat ha*

la. ked tbt nu-tal foatr nwtkiaary to foreaoo new impedlnmtt*tdtoprovideitaieaaon for ibe meand of avoidingttim Ee miht bave takea advantrge of the ttrengthai d vittliiy .f a katioa in the fud vigor of youtb. n-aderud

it t .wetlnl at l*ni« by prun»v«icg trade and indu^y, pro

mntt-d ita welfan by the eoa-trnctkin of oanak and roadi,aad fin-lly have bP'Ugbt hk 60 0am 000 of lubje.tt kata a

ncditkE-evui thoLgh the emavneipation ofalargeprjwrtion of tbtm wai 1.-fi aa a qaiition for th* fature-to bo

ttli diieatly in tbedcatir ka of tbe worid Bat he ha* Dur

ixed e-ctte r coune HU adrainiatration during the whote

iiignhaabeeavii-bntand witb no fixid prinoiple.. Tne

dtt-tr-lixtlki-n of all ckteea of totiety k to. neoeatary con

raqu*aco. A ntXA>L once pregnant with the fotni., now

,. 1 »i.-t. of datt rei) noblet, crafty and diahoneet funotion

tiitt, and a muvti-Ue pea*__ry. wbiob grtkant undor the

I ordtn of »n tetahtal le yoke, lightened but by the famtoat

jP BBRI of libirty a-.d thk ia to retnote tnd .Lloiiv- t

ihtntim aa to rather precipiute and hurry on fntore oivd

c.ivuUiont. tban *.t a* e tepport to tht erown. H:i

C_tnt-t beiog be-ly admiuuatered. anl tho revenue not

anxueting to over ll5i,(JOO,000 at tbe oottide, he t* in con-

n*nt petmniary di_6x_ltie-. Hk army alonc abaorb. frona

IfCOOiJ.coo to |r?5,ooo,w:') aaLBally, and yet tha r*nk* ar*

ntvtrfuLL Tle .am* emph.ved in ke.-p.ng an impoeingoutaide ahow are .normo-., f.r tho oyv-i of Earope mutt be

bUnded to hia real ponrty and thu* a* time goe* on. he

find* h mtell in tbe poeition of an adventiu-er who for par

pc*e*of gpeoulation ba* obtaiaexl the oredit of pvtMtmn;tentimt* bi* rcai am-nnt of availablo mean*, aad njw

gtasda on the point of btiDg nnmaaked. A bad x^nain.axd afakeraute tetTe bronght Nubolat to thia ta-TreaiityTbe tkUl ind thrtwdneoi of Kaa-ian diptemaey I tc

kti.al.dgc, fcr the d-plon-tey of aa ab*olate gnTeraaatalaiw.vi txitk. But thk very ikill token ia connrv-aon

a_ihee_or_Jon*expxne atundicf i». k a proof of myiui, mi at alove that tbe Ciax a wi_ar>*lkd to bbnd th* eye*ti tle wnrld tven at tht expent* of the bitfheat national

-it Bk (ocdn. t '.* tbat of a banhr-pt .ut.ning t.i

a l.t'k lei'ger. by oeatly pana. and extravagantbiU* F.v,ot*rL..blen_.m_at«-tbttth-.»uteo-, t__ot Ia«-I :* -unii. r m tbat. tt tb* I«-e".t alag. af **V-

i ,.,ir. it ba eoBtiaaed .0 long: oad I atn ooafilent

tle-i t aar d-ataae. whaa ahahiali ~iii afar w.ll lo

will wtrrk oat thrrr legitkaaa reew*a betora tb* eyeenf thea.'ti. it.c w. i dNit-ak* a ty be viewed aatkr two dLatinct oad difTarent

. [.. 'a A« * prvate iidivwael. it Maet k- aekiMwlealgedbatom baam '4-man; h* t* . g"»i pwnt. and what

iffaninlyitbtd "a |ttyd aob'iman,' w_b-ItbequaliBaa vij-utati.u vi .sbelongkg m the cIub. Aa a pibaoBJ.G BBd aOIW _B, ht 888 CVer |N¦ devoid of all BB<»r*JityTwinty a'.ae yeara of BB.in.r'rd powtr bav* raiaed hia prid*to ttai pit.- tkat h* caaaitkra hia_elf tafailibltr.aod aai_ym thirg eaa be aoore daageroo* t) an aach a belief. k caae

of a nan of tvrendary initlint, vM anaed witb more thanini.i aiy i *wtrand forceof will I rt-peot it, Maaoiaroiga,he ia di atifnta of all moral principk He acknowledge* no

dbOka k* knowe pothing bni hi* ewa ngklt Standin^ apbi forw thi world ae tbe champion *f the raun.vrhieal aodtt-ptr-atiie .dtar. he - ihe laat man in tk- worid to i-om

pri bi Ld tl e i im j.'.c de a of dtttv. The docti.e tbat Monan by ia tLe hai-mony of righto, dtrived frora feodalietn aad.lit d t» lhoae of a 'bird cka*. tnn et-/, maat be wboily na-

ktelaigilk foaaovcreign, who nn-lcrttandi the aystem f(OhO tol ia potiam aki e- -1...«lf at the top. let what willlebelow I'nfeaakgtxi be the dtfeiiderof order and ofthe

rigkaof prttperfy. he haa in f_-t been the infli tor of thebardt at biowi apon tk ro, daring bi* wbole reign. M tkim.bk wib Lie omy gnide. he has conhVa'ed pr-iperty rtgardb ii ef eit-.r law or right. he ha* imprisoncd. coadeaaed,and BOB-hai withoot Icgal proo.e<l_g* bia mo-xt reapectatk ard indttd r_ptciful, a-bjeete and with no raa

.on bat tbat aach waa ke will, haa dentroyed themoit amient and vectrable _-titutioiia. He reck

leaily anailrd tbe rtligioua ideaa of hia people be-rauie tL. y .ti \ teated h,m. and linally aeted the partof the viry rrvolBtkB-ta againat whom be hurled ha

aaatbt_ai-th«i-jgh far from bavinr tftoLr .in^aheartedt, unpt aod devotion. The ody other example io biatoryaf ihe eoonc he baa parantt!, iato b« feund in t!.e action ofibe l'r.B.'h National Convtntien, and yet he ia themoit implaeab'e rn. my of tbe Krcnoh Revo'ttion Thaafarbe baambd ettinly by apecial aad OBB p'i.iu.l kwe,and I p!edge nijteif to prove tbia e_e<rt'on ia a suhaequentarkie. in whkh I abajl give the Chaeea of Iba. Eaaperor.for a perind of four yeara. in cc-parison with t te njoet vio-leut detiet* of the Ereach Nttknal Convrntion -and tbeirewikirip rrtt mblance wiil he evident at a glanee Now.itia acppf^id by pome tbat thi* Lthe ma_ d -etined to aaveth*

tnoneit Lit al prm iple from i_i_pt_di..g tate. No, noth*'He ia bot tbe laat reprea.1*ative of Abaoluti-na, and. aa

im h but the n preeectative of a dying i lea. He repreaeatebat it» br-tal ard material form, for it i* already a .ulleMtLd dxad. Iiouie Napoleon BBBJ be conaid. red another rua\ten-ntattte of the iame principle, bat in fact, he ia atoerecaricatirc of tbe Itn-iian Emperor. and ,n the aimggle betattn tkne two Biic, tho idea mutt bn ithe iia laat. Nicblaa ia biutal, aoroetimiacona'aUut, nevir, raentally, abovem. dioi uly Ixiuia Napoleon ia cov. toua, iTiifty aad a

ti.'iif. tbe wbole ap'rit of devotion. nelfsarrirk-e and

ihiva'ry ha6 ducrtid their poL'uted fla_.. Thia apirit haei rolltd fcrtflf ur,d<r the banm rof I. bOOtj O/er.i >worelwcak feel.l*. ihe atrugt;**! tn, but having truth at her aide,ab* mtut eveutually i-onqn«r the two gr"«t co m 0-00Bk wb*

onfirt-iati'y pcptciethat mattral -BOR which Liberfywai.ta Caaaaa-HM, I aaid. tor Nnhoke at hia cvurtape*I.nip XIV, and upon tl.e parade ^rroucd, in the preaence oi*

bk ltd ja. boaaaaaOaam too, a».pnmca the la«onic atyleofNapolti n abile Loab BeBlkoa, in the nnivrte ..f bii littiinnalnkora to to.itate Ni.bolaa Betwetn tbe two themtrr.n bii al idt a ntut-t p. tiah I k lieve thia nioet tir n!yfirahn I aie tbe lait reli.a af mooarchy. n lueed to

notbinjnti* and aunk ia apaihy, ..lafiu,' dBBBMlvaO nnderttie iirctntioncf aTartAr^irt'"i'i,or tind'-r adalaightedadvtntnrer. loat in vice and debaachcry. 1 ean cbertah na

faitb in ihe future ..f iliat idea. AU the ormiee io th*wcr!d en' mt poat-rful e.ougb to ebirld it i .aiu.tt a aiB__lera; of Liltrt), when.auflicientlyaopported by heraiBaaiietht 11 raiie htr Bahhj btad above the ckuda, which now hidel.rr in our old Europe.Haiingktnlcd away aomewhat from my aabj.ct by the

wi»b lo give an idea of tbe influtnee which the rei.;nofNiibolaahaa bad upon Uunia. I have dwclt peibapitco l..ig upon Ihe govircigB, and not h.ng enoughaaaa the man; to atone f.-r thia I inten-1 to giveicase anetdctea ard detaile of bia private liio, aa wellaa acxce pit-turta of the prinrlpal peraonagea whomrrtacd him, in my fulare akelclea. If 1 dirTer in my

cpiniona of thia powcrlul lOfBRI IgB from thoae whotall ihtmaelvea Cor.acrvativ.a, bat who acem to me in factrevt.lntieii.ta of ibe moat dnngcroua kind, l thiok tho»

cpiniota are aell ftnndtd. rt-ating aa tbey do upon my bob>

ictal ob« rvatioi a, aa well aa upen dedutiona from theacilda hiitory durirg ihe loat t.antyfive. yeara. I am

tounc to make known at the on'mt my politi.al creed. andihi w Ihe pnblic my point of vkw, before proeceding to thepk-tihir. which I inttnd to ky before it fnr ita pt ruaal, if it

tbinka thim wortby, and alao to give my viewe of the diplo-maey of Kuapia, which ia the prini ipal aouroe, aa wtll ai themtat pettnt inaUnmpHt, of thefiictitioua powtr exeried bythat cn-pire in tbe ccrrert of occidental affairi.


A mctting ef the partics oppoied to Ihl re.inval ofbuman irmaina fn m tbe Cemet-ry, OOOBBl f l_al ht an lBeccnd av waabeld in lleimit-ge Hall, laat eveuiu/, *irSmiib Bkka pttaiding. The meelinir waa umueroualy at-ttndtd ty perat.ua of both eexcp, all of whomjaero er.raeatin their 888800.0 to tbe deaecr-ti.»n Moet nf tbe peraonaimiiiit haking the rtmnine of aome rclative or friuod in-t.rt.din tbia bi rial ground, fclt a deeu intoreat in thoiatue of tbe qneaiion, and many maniteatod their foalingaon the BBBJOOt i" a very warm and em;.liaiic m.inner.Mr I'oatta, the SecPptary, read the minutee of the laat

mcttirgwhith were epproved._r. StafTord, the tonneel f. r the (,pta)n«n'a to rem.vaL

paid hc hod aipured the counael for tbe defeu.Unta thathe mceting wi uld wflBaglj Def-n with nl! due re«P -t to

rnv extikratku that tHt-y might hnve to m ,ke. He bIkoan'un d l.im tbat ahould any of the kraataa or mintrrt-raoftl.e tburhea lut.reiUd ou tbe OMoe!M ~ide of tbiiqcrtlion wiih to make ony alatcmi nt tliey- w -hI.1 be treat

wilh ell reaitct. [Ihe audiiace aign-bci ih-ir afflrmati. n of thia aarurauce j Mr. -taff'rd i.iquired if any ofIhimwue in tl e room, but aa M one carue torwaxd heread tle followiig: ___.,.

Ktw YoxaP-'t;iaiMiCoi'4T.-8-iitb illck. againat tae Carrora-

tionof .lieR-.h.-ii-tK,-. o.-Cburcii lu h. f tat Crcil tn tkeCityof Ntw-Ytrk,.tdeiher. Sia- Pleaaa--t ie .-m

niti aud teapialat in tht. .c iou an tb« .Lir..vit. aTwhJ**i c«*aaire I et. to iBtrxed t» e iai ndaula will arply to one of the J a. aea

cf tLla C ott. in theit Ch_x'ei4 .t So tl .'kauberta in tue I eyof N.w-Ytik. optoeltethefity llail i"i tbe «7lh day of J.oaary-,«-r att. UL L'cbr. A M, that tbe urount ot tae BB-t-riaiiBg 8ia»tbii «n:oo ta iEtr»...d to 13 M or to «ch ....- a th. Ca_t mayUiimtierrr wiih ...-ci.sirireti*. ih.retor-J.n 31 1888.

RICHA-iD MOIT, Att'l fordel". No. 11 Wa 11-et N. Y.ToYV B bTiiroao, Fao, Ali'y l«i Fltf ._.llBl PWiie ta ..ke tatn e I tm rt_i_«d u Attoraet art appear

for.led.fead.iUiBlbliariion Ycaia,fcc. .Jl_ {__?_______.ToYk fi PJTirrotO. Faq Atl'y lor I'tlf ,,*'',/ ''..'Ti.Mtvu -taraaaa Cootr-s-t«h Hkk.pUiat.u ********

Cerioratu-nitibf MniiodUl F.r*rOL*i Cbuich :a tae -eatCrealtof .let: y of N.w Yetk. tha Cyi.or.ti.. *7taa fcwery FUata*Lbd.;?f,i.....l ttartk ..'.ne F.ai .re.'t af I>* ^ w-

Yoik. tb. terfoi.t'one- *a___M__h_w4__»~l^*IU, .t .f tie Fat Ciieoii of ihe City of M-wYort. the (,ar-

rorat eu of Ibe Willett.,1. Metfcoourt F.B'aau.1 Cb.jich aad taa, C <r-

uiiviMi tbe.M.Uo-tx- r.p.a-i-1 <*borch */_a.Baal C.rca.L

_r.-td in fci.roBdat Ib tte ( ily of Ne-» Yari aaftal._. _O-iaTd-taTr. aj Im. i » » '**»** Ata- .*¦*¦, ' *__'7 T";._m_ te i. eta 't tbe Trurte-e ad -ke Ploweiy V.l_ie «______.I -itT- lha:rh tL*oltb.Co;per.tb._raxpH ia tl,- eotnplatitatkaltitoa i tatikc iiiria.tr.ird *kh -¦ ilt-ioaol tat. .arial

J ":'.!«. nt t..iu _.e x^pl-Ktamk-iieai'atftaifctaadPaMaahtata _toa>aaa waa Mrvtd, wga aaiaiao-gBtlt.iBoiA'.iCt-'.tourt _. o-m-Jonof y*^*"**t,.t.r.aove the lead Iikm » kl .0" .Lg rro-Lrt t tue -JP'eaail.'.Ca.tiT ...eaaiedoBiao-. :.rtbeth*r_* *_d dtreettaa of

. teM-di'taltctatl- -erobe-.e; I -la J»._«Le t. ut clTet.1 " to tnd ke Vat clialai. io gtxift 'b* frtaada ofP. e-iLaritd there ib-trhe d. faoiuitf ca.ald.io :t la. That oa aa-

cona. of tbe Ur,e B.rLbei et the d«ed b .-..,1...M BB_ ta. c^Uioatf tke aat lu, r-uoer-g the protea of Lt reo-t- .l-*. J____f__...rVmcatof the time'wttt. t.e tuet of »«V .."^.___;.'__3rV-nal <>l aocn Crt. ihat the p«r_J»'-B oftae City loeoee o aa.i

»'.,. r ..L-.l.a lh. i.-e af eaeh reeriovai ta tl« fir.t day of »**.***atiet.-l. uol ptrtnit tb. dead ieibe r.njei -A ater ,o taee ano

Saat-al aaul ifr.r tiie fc.-et of __}"'«-____.»_"r__taYS___, Ltlc.ip.ua fr.niotlna-M d*ad are p-doy M" *«'_"*,ud tbe -_8da cf tb* dead 84* patto a. '*?"££* ^.mo_e it .oeb ruroval-ay a towy P1^* t''"'"*_DL_^^1| '^.,k. F..ce .kr*ad by tk* 4«B>au -dr-eh - ^^^piabakiy antaat to tbe '.'» .'^J" «" Vht.ht be occaxloupd ky thea,£^SS5S.tra t_S t^o-idta*.-.

!a-w^jra-- k, ta. d_«da_? h^juMtd^i 1^.'.ir c*n.a_--*.rofD^-t- ._____._ ...

_.d rtlio Boot.-A k-toa du.y 4w*aa. aejaruiy at taa' Ux*y are otf.-_._«.._nif»_' eftbe 8c<ief.pe namad a I .ecdaa'ala

___?__________ amt bave b.ard tead ihe foagoma _R4*Tit of Jaeab'__ .. ^ .uaiated aiOi ihe -altera .ad fac aratod tberaie.

ihTtiar attrraily cootur ia the c*rr*trt*ta and imu of aach______ta-ad r .loeri itdtertly .e.iete 'ae wrae to be true


-wora to t-k:t.city of JtBuirt. iU4 befcre m*J txar. &.mmlai«*«r tf Peed*

City aad Coattt, «f B*ra- »"'*« .. -.*-' C Oetoan ef tbe Cl'y of

KewYoik. kaleg ealy iwnB a-itaat he ha kno»n r4_-h .-"le.eul vear.: tna: fiom isfoncatioa helaof aali Ibcka a. B not.

i8dei«ittt'itv_:iB.a_anaoiihma4_piop-rty^ _..__A_|

8aem to Ui* Mth ity of Jar.nary 1684, P- i-tp oie

J E. CiBV, C*__-atoBPr et Deade.

Mr Buffor.i aaaaamial that ihe pr-p*rty bti^n,- Jofriabt ro tLe rtlativia of tbn.e wh.-e hone* lie m it. ra

babeeaappmm-mtd 10 bttrtol .p_^f*^*Xjlatai-rchaaadbytbe a

ftaf Ox I - l-kai bBtotamma b c * b -^ rn^"-^it,."dfor aach in(e.mtnt_e aaiial fot. f»^r«%*1 .it L.i-, i id lt waa troo no fonaal doeda b_i laealiaw tt'1 1'tit wai imili-d that when tbe re

c. V lektivT were i_crred tU-ein i-r.a aaraala, Maey, that H-*e .em-u- etaaaU

n tt ir. tbat apet Bitditt-rhea Tae »«B*tder*t*>n whirhiiib id the Trattt-c* to ctmaaenraa tht claartettteo

I f Ihe rt-main*, waa aeaaeihing like ths tora ofwlii h the tand k worih ia tho raarket Tbe Tra*ja r. d t., e< t_* to *on*e> BOlicaMo *rra_*fSBttBt witbBte trietica-antl ia oiderto do to OaTertvl to ramove

:be rtmeiDi to any Ci metery they, Ih* relativta. aiigbtte, baving tald rrlative* to dofray th* expenat af

.1 g _r. *td. pav for re hnriel, tte ar. thevy woalditifirtl.e wbite ia l viteat liill l>*n*t>r*jr, aaderaartagraad minu_-*nt over tbem -don t kaow b»w graad. taai.r<it*ii:i. i. for a .-..-.r-roini** waa indigaaady rejgettA

r-everal px-rxaoni ipok* apaa tbe eaiajocx. all of wbo*wrrmlv iijn-ixieg-d all i-ontidera-ion* of coaprottka.

klr Jtuny aafcaaaj <U' uni*taocx«* tendiag to tbow thatletital yt*r»ago tbe traMct* had punaed anderhaadr *. * to gtt the propeity Into their owa poeaaa-ioa. aadit waa wiih gwat ditht aky tbal a ttop waa pat to their proretd-Baa. 4b* wipaity th.y were na* .tmuig t-. gtt

i w. uld. wte'.i ilear.d of iti ''enou-tlttia-tc^''fttth near «<;0.000 in tht tttrket. for baildtng parpoeeeBut bo held that the natural atTeciiam were javauaiant totl. llarand cent aawttii nt, ard bope.l that e<r,otiveBktaeont woald beUkentoel.tain a pennaiKvit mj.a.tioe apaatte te ontrage* Br Jenny . remarki were wartaly ap1 ItrTLfaM Fiak read the fotlowing eoaittleieation

¦aw-Yaaa j_* ttitMT. ,Ar <.mm.Nm a-xaaled ,». tk, r;*ad. £J*f\^«fttjatayied ra lAe t mttrrj coraer x/ 9te.¦**.*». «.< * .** « / M M-

-"li haxtag k- aa .rraaeMttly Mpatrted. aad i*a*r-;bai tbo Becua-.v Railraavd Cattpiay c^atentalMe

tetwi(Unil.tMI*" ke.lcved. io.

td cera.r *f -*<-**- ae tii Fir*4-a farchaa.rgib* lura iug groub

t .igbrr ...,

tbe aiib.anr* that aoawili .Itnoat- y M tti ia prexoo tag ta*

tte drpirtrd frt. nt and r-lati... f-.x Mil| a*w«4.jeul ftitbd and aupporto: ef yaor bol,BQ ^


Mraaltr .f Board of Dlreft.ra >. a.d at Balt.-lOa.ale^fri Abrabam Irlyert and Samui-1 Lodtr thea eam*

forwird and ttaied that thev had atu u.tod a aieeting oa

tbit tameiubjxct, held at the Broadway Huute tora* aixteta or teventf en xeara ago, when a jierpetual luiuaetionon tbe procta-inga af the Tiaiteea wai inued rtieyxxauti-d to kaow if that bad btxeu avaallod. aat if not.what Buthority empoweredtho Truitnot t.i act thus la thi.mr-ttcr *


lhi quettion of finding.the requtrod evunty then **_»*

nt. *t.d Mr .lenny otft-nd to b* s.*C'.ii'y tor the wh.l*atneint. I',:i0, provi.bd the other totorwtod partie* tornith. .1 fiiudt to cairy on the cate.A Cotumittfa. wne aiHaoiuteal lf» o.»lle>et the waeeeaerj/

fund* aud dofray Ihe OailBBB expt-o**'* of tho .-.**

A pctition wm then iinmeroutty li^iieJ, for tbo uae ofthe rount. Iin the teae


Att. r aliberal aubt. riptmn, th* moetiug MOafBH to

inett »t the tame plaoe on Monday eveuiag next

MiWYOKK (TIY LITEKAUY l NIONA j-t.llie mectlng of tbe above Uateaef l.itorar- aad

Di bating tSooietit* wat bold tatt eveniiuf in ltope tbapol.Ihtie wete about a hunind perton* t,re**nt At ehout7. ...le. k. ibe 11.-0. lleiry J. Kavuiotid. PtagBM Eeltlogwell and Q. W Morgan, BBBiBRea ihe i>litf..rm, aad w*ra

w.th toino *p|laute Dauglat Le.hugwell aditi ¦< I t-af meetitig tt tbii i ¦ ct

Ib* TM-tire given ha* botn intufficiout. to wh'u-'k tbtimallattindanie it to be atiribu'tl l aai a merohaat l

cletk, one of aolaai not retna.kabla far ntental a^tiki-tion.. Wohope toobt.iiu foroeoboaaooatattBaateaatoitandirg ameng th* odua aiia.nal in.atitutioiit of tbit eoaa-

Irv. Ourplan i*tlii» Tb-re »re literary an.l debttlngiu', ii Itia atgtaiaad all ov.r tbe oouutry. yet few know oftbe < ikteaBa af tho oihirt w* rucoin.nend lval l ni >ni

f.r r.uartt-rlv aifitiugt. Bot »i ly iu .iiiet, but ia everytbiokly tttttei ,-atlot theeouutry ._< Ii eaatNBMBM wtllforui tle bttot of iibrari. t. by foruiiu.; -our «* af revenae

vitr-rpoae-t oaeh Utat. a 8totoCaatral C-.m-mttee. aaial*'-a olnn for a Naiiuoal t'uou. The waatt of iK-iety calli, rll kl now ideat of eaiaal. oaiiia. t* *nd their inoam art

1.., n.itL' prevalent; all iwliti.al intiitutiiiua tond, to day,to iipubiit-ai.irni. ail-', "" "¦ of a.-.'b-i.t are makiugwav t..r tboae of perwu.il prjw.»* we r itain our ('oll«KetBnii l nivi rtitiot, but iu BBt A'om non lOBttobl we oontidertbe tvtti tn ot e.tu.atiou a» far liom aoaaptela 3* . .h.mld,.1,'ruili inttitnti..i.i at would ap.-.i to th<ll >nt "f ui*-

fbaiiet ibetanieiuipeiialoaieeraat.ithiaeof Mi/A_*»J.re-iIbe iiilaaiie eea*«aMtia»af oao'ote* it a fauit of th*tvttiu" wo paaaate. Ihe mtrtbant tavi t» hit. lerk, yoan'n tt leave my ttorc or qt.it your hoohi. Tuk is what k. ilb.i .Icvotinir tbe wh"lt> lime to th* eiaployer t intereatTbara kaatetaef antagonitm heiwoen mental o.iltar*acd attentioii to hui'ooas.a .oneot one. a* ibe matler ituidiutood, 1 ut not at itoi.glit to b- lliero ia a void1 b«itwe. a e.liii atii nal intiiiuiioue and battaaat interx'iU wliieb

Wl BOald till BB| we wo. IJ ere ta platf.iiui ob wbioh literarv ai.d biirli.ru men mi,'lit tno.t and intenhange aaerliii A cx iiibii.ati.au ,.itbe ,b. oi.ti.nl and the praetieei i*tbe detica of tho Cnator for tho fuit davelopment of th*iadividual. Lit.rary and doha_kg in<iituliona ar* Juttwbat at wfint, tbey w-uld i-.eupy l.i.ture haara whi.'halae may lead to ruiu Tbe mia.lt a.f many great mon havebifii fi»n.od by lu.hmeant. 'Ihe foatibibty ofthe tehajMii questi. ned it will take a Iorif HtMl but Yanket tnter-

jrire ia (qualtoit |AppIauie )The llon. l'.eury J. Raymond uext addravgad the raeet

ing lo thi* efi(i, , , ,

Ihe ol j' t, 1 under. tand, it to .rive, suoh inoreated vtgoiand ifl < «u< y lo the Eiterary A**ooiation* *lr*ady exiR-lun ** thall ei.able thi iu moat rtfeotually lt mpply lhii lace of eduoatiou-.l laatitattaaa to tlial largo .laat whofie tbutout tiomtheexirtiiig oirnt, aud thit object mn*be dear le ail wbo have the inti roatB of iiuatity at heart.1 bo plan propoetd I thiuk adapted to the d. aired rotalt.1 have no d. ubt ibal tho rejrular ttaaat <>f e.udiea mxrkedout in S. b olt, Aiademi.-i aml Cniveraitiet, i* thu beat torthe mind, 1 iave Bodhp- ..tion to iiperaede tbem; bottb. re it a vatt prnporlii)ii of )»ung m<n . oinplotely thatout fr. in tiiem V, hat thall b« d..n» f..r tlieiu ' Thev pattLe quertit-n in n.otbci tlupa." What thall we do for... .rn iv at I" Tbit Ii a titruitit a:it tymptom of the peoalar uharaoteriitic of Amtri.an life. Even in Brig-lard there are AMOoiationa for meahanli andektha; but the ditl.nn.e it tiiat there they mailbe iturted by tbe a:irt.^ ra.y or the elli.aal Iaa ot pga>»_l'alruirst. n ur Lord Kiitaell, or aomw tuih, rouat give thehad the inovenn-titin-rt omnefrom above, ahile here ilii.rai't fr.mthe ..thi r quarter fiaiu where the evd exittt(ine obvii.u* mtana i* Iba i.inployuieat of I leure, wbiohit it a miitiiko to tunf* .* iua-'aqi-tte to any boiietlaiaJreriilt f«r exainpde, lawyere aa iovo li eiary aud politioalr, wn in tbe iutervaU M pta-ftMional toil. The axn-rat ieti, urf Uuure arii_ht. A it.l naore laenetioial retult it th*hnbit ef preu.pt aud efl.-liv* dia-u-aiiou of publio topk"*.for wLiih p.a. tiie ther* k in th.t oouutry a ipuoial andcoi.Btarat uimanu. f..r alt ate eligible to uflie . of trnttour wbole lif* U a daily .yitiui af I.-titlation; thewbole ooottry it a Uouee ol DeaaaOM, where all thifig*are d. U.id l-y all tiun, every pditial nKjature, aver*

ibit-wrtcb, rvtrv i.ilv.ay nc< ider,t i*di*.u***d by all citfB*_ ui.d a rtrnedy p.opoted Morchantt ou Cliang*tilk pelitici', ar.d there la no man in oar Republie butfieleei.titltd to luquiie whether or not th* prirkiple afLbii.iu libtity wouli te *ii 1 aittri-d forafit faruiinAUb.tt. ILoudappla tt] For ll.atrev.nl th.uk theI lau liettrves entourag' n,i nf But. afn r all. th,) chlef.dvautage, at lcaat one ol th« uio-at _,*irtaiit ulibtioe. kto be lou-d in the guidan « affordad to .ur init.ellvueaiuareadiag. Buokt av'tr have baOB and ..ver will be, tbt.1 it ncrone of lidittiiliBta nultur*, teachen eaa

not do whkt thev t*n. Lecture* are the aoretm.de if ii-fri i. a, iihontth tbey <lo sooio good.)IoiAh areovtrat oi.: NBMBI *nd from them c»n bt

,1 more tefctaiatt*a th*n fr-rn teaouera, leeture*,obaetvaiiot., er anyiL.n, il**- In tlu. Cty wo are w*ll

tui-i lieil wilh tbem- iut tlt-og k to ute tba. I *rlght. Balhe'e it the daiger, tbereia noU.iug ao aewildenng to *

younifuiau i.t ta. ta -Bte a librery and eee the imi^neti

J.!.; er.rnd bifor. bm, tb- coiire,,,i.nt atutraetion ha*

l!. w-'r-intteoneeonhui, ai.d ..ft-n frightent hia *w*yaJtocttber. 'lhitoiffiouUy kmetby theprei.-tice_ehara.Lsroi ilr ai-aaof deb.ii.g HaiitUn tboy Is aueutwo oa

lbk iuiLt.itant diiiin. t.on tbat U.o gre*t object of r**diagi. i ot ao mui'h Uie a. .|uu-itiou ol f-rfa a. of meutajrx.wir not to aaii.h a vatt aiiiouot of hoow

aa Ibe amlily to tite knowladg*, o<R... ¦ i. hthoiifcbttvttLo faoBliyaf anag thouglit. W*b,;. r etad < iilhoun kttuined omiuoaoa not by bnnging outnow I*. (», bot by tiu ir power af ira< .ng priuoiple* *ad re

iaticLt of uting evi rj iLme. *nd pi*t;in^ it ib iu prooer polition t ii. re tbe mind. Tbe ruauer, tlie wre*Uer, the ate

ex.elmore bypracti.* lUn by role. Wt rea.1*Iaa nau'b ior amuw me.ut. b<Kjk.*, m_4ra»iii«a, uexvepaper**...¦ wiete a great dial of taBM ou iewapapert in tln*«ountry. [Laognt.r and rpplauae.) 1 do not meau to ditpartiii' nt-wrpaireri, tb< y ar. inval-abla to tbote wbo eovino*.read or.jihiig ba-tter b.t tatne li wattod ia raevliarf toxj

many newij^ptrs. (Applanae ] De.atiug S-roietiet h»v*the __v*btage of (*D*:tig ot to read with a partleoiar pnri <. The (.reat utiliiy «.f the*e**«o< iationt will be foundii, tb.'n induciog h*bif»oi'tl.oorbtfalnt_. ia maklaf attafeel tbeir po*ition in boekty and th. ir daty to evreiolr forIbeir retponubil.ti.* .'.re not me.rely dne in their butineaatt«i to tb< ir imn.edi*to . irole they enibr*i* a wido rt-ageimlcding dutkt to s,* itty »t l_ra* *ud fa tbe Craator, in

the imt loveaaent of th* faculilM whitb He ha* glv*a.

xT'w.'laeraaB *p<Ae »«'«- at aome letxgtb He ajjlevtial eompEi.-i«nta to tbe preoe.lir.ar .r*^'-^^{J{«taid, k the lirttfime we have *n.ieavor»»d to tt'.ractpuolu;aitei.tion, thkkaunion of (ouie mr., ten.er twelv* »o

, Utie. of New York, aad th* eia»BioB of the OTgaal.*-I!en over th* Cnited State. i* . .obl.m* «one«pti.r-.i wtechd... hoeor to iu origiaa-or. Mr M.rgan bwate*! oanwttofthe t>;iaf.pr**a,nted bytheprevi.,_ai<«akara "'f1**tl at tle idea of d-K^ation da. not origii.ato wrth debatiafZU . tbe diaa-il lo* Of rtocratol, B*ed lt. tbt _¦_»¦thenhand tbaottonoi iU mtouttry wert b**tyd ob th*ttt_* niincipk, whi- b he alto aaid was d_t.-ov*r*ba* lu tae

ikimonontleMount At le_*;th tbe ajiplaaMi h^matttofrtqutnt that it teemed to have the enV* of caoaiag »r.

II. riikiito bring hiiditconme to aelree. _

-i b i.taar. Sh for Erh.n aii.*b. b.t a ftaigieo)**'aaditanee .kiuaounee.! that b* bad jait ««*»*./.. BBBT.

Mr l.rflinaaaU rtautattAi that tho ._ba«of toe sair

!,i.wV:.l remaia a^r th. ¦J^JB*-*'... He addeo-tbe iatt-tii itax* vf th* .^_J" "_.lt ttiraetod tae .tttutrou of *\"*^mZ?£?d x_

. oi ber*. I l I* tb- .ta_t_»*t^-«*v_ btratteciei.

1 be audknc* tlivn dlHrar*aJ^_bririTB-BtaittriB Twk*. a willkntrarn oititta of

M n *_! Co_a.W hbaaolf ln bit bara oe Meoi*ruaoiaiag