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  • 7/25/2019 CTMOOC_Week_2.2


    The University of Auckland | CTMOOC_Week_2.2

    You should now know what statements and arguments are. Basically, statements are sentences that

    are either true or false. And arguments are ways of combining statements so as to make a point by

    providing premises, the reasons, intended to support a conclusion. When you encounter arguments in

    the wild, it becomes difficult to isolate the premises from the conclusion and to isolate sentences that

    are actually part of the argument.

    And that's why it's very useful for us to agree on a systematic way of presenting arguments. And we'll

    do that before we can analyse them. We call this a standard form. Before you start evaluating

    arguments, your first task will be to put them in standard form.

    The standard form of an argument is a way of presenting the argument which makes clear which

    statements are premises, how many premises there are, and which statements is the conclusion. In

    standard form, the conclusion of the argument is listed last. A standard form looks like this-- premise 1,

    premise 2, and so on for as many premises as there are-- therefore, conclusion.

    For example, here's a very simple argument presented in standard form. Premise 1-- I'm having a bad

    day today. Premise 2-- I only have bad days on Mondays. Therefore, conclusion-- today is Monday. To

    illustrate why putting an argument in standard form is useful, let's see the kind of arguments you might

    encounter in the wild-- for instance, on YouTube. For this one, we've used an actor to protect the

    identity of the or iginal.

    Hi. I'm Justin. I'm the author of the book LivingaBetterLife.And I'm here to tell you my top three

    reasons for going vegan. Animals from factory farming spend their entire lives in miserable conditions

    until the day they are slaughtered. Most won't ever feel the warmth of the sun on their backs or breathe

    fresh air until the day they're loaded onto trucks, bound for the slaughterhouses. Their suffering is


    Animals from factory farming are treated cruelly. Now, you might think that eggs are OK to eat because

    after all, you don't need to slaughter chickens to eat their eggs. Wrong. Chickens get their beaks cut off

    with a burning hot blade and with no painkillers. And half of the chickens on farms, the cockerels, are

    slaughtered. The fact is, eggs come from hens that are treated cruelly-- all that so that you can enjoy

    bacon and eggs.


  • 7/25/2019 CTMOOC_Week_2.2


  • 7/25/2019 CTMOOC_Week_2.2


    Call this the main argument. As we've seen, Justin provided reasons to believe each of the premises.

    Call those sub-arguments. Now that we've isolated the main argument, the next step would be to look

    at each sub-agreement and put them in standard form. We'll ask you to do this as an exercise.

    But I'd like to stress that it's very important for you to be able to identify the main argument when you

    face arguments in the wild. First, identify the main conclusion and the reasons that are provided to

    support it. Then work your way down to each sub-argument. When you get to analyse sub-arguments,

    you will follow the same pattern. More about this later.
