CSE241 Synthesis Overview.1 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003 CSE241A VLSI Digital Circuits Winter 2003 Recitation 3: Synthesis

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CSE241A VLSI Digital Circuits Winter 2003 Recitation 3: Synthesis. Logic Synthesis: explained. Logic synthesis: Process of transforming Hardware Description Language (HDL) code into a logic circuit HDL VDHL Verilog (we’ll only use Verilog RTL) The circuitry: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: CSE241A VLSI Digital Circuits Winter 2003 Recitation 3: Synthesis

CSE241 Synthesis Overview.1 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

CSE241AVLSI Digital Circuits

Winter 2003

Recitation 3: Synthesis

Page 2: CSE241A VLSI Digital Circuits Winter 2003 Recitation 3: Synthesis

CSE241 Synthesis Overview.2 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Logic Synthesis: explained

Logic synthesis: Process of transforming Hardware Description Language (HDL)

code into a logic circuit

HDL VDHL Verilog (we’ll only use Verilog RTL)

The circuitry: Structural-level HDL netlist Components from a technology specific library

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.3 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Logic Synthesis

Logic synthesis converts a software code into a connected set a standard cells

Real cell properties must be accounted in order to insure that the actual circuit will perform correctly: Propagation Delay through cells Connection Delay between cells Load Capacitance Drive Resistance Slew rate (10%- 90% v) Area of Cells Clock rates Setup & Hold times Power Consumption

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.4 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Ideal is converted into Real

case (Sel)

2'b00 : status <= A;

2'b01 : status <= B;

2'b10 : status <= 2'b10;

2'b11 : status <= 2'b11;








Mux4x1 1x Drive StrengthArea: 12micronsMax Transition 1.0 nsInput Pin capacitance: .0015pfOutput Pin Max Load: .45 pfCell Delay (A -> Z) with .455pf load and .5ns slew is .3ns





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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.5 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Synthesis Related File Types

Script file .scr

Verilog file .v

Synthesized Verilog file .sv

VHDL file .vhd

Synthesized VHDL files .svhd

EDIF file .edif

Synopsys database file .db

Reports .rpt

Log file(standard for most tools).log

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.6 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Synthesis Related File Types

Library File .lib

TCL script file .tcl

Ambit Library Format file .alf

Ambit Database file .adb

Magma Database file .volcano

Command file .cmd

Standard Delay Format file .sdf

Standard Parasitics Exchange

Format .spef

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.7 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Synthesis Data Flow

HDL Code

TechLibrary Constraints



Gate Level Netlist

12 3

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.8 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Step 1: Synthesis Setup

Setup accomplished through setup files and global shell variables

Synopsys (.synopsys_dc.setup & script)

Setup directories (example: Project is called Lab2) Script (/ee260b/ee260b/lab2/script) Reports (/ee260b/ee260b/lab2/reports) Libaries (/ee260b/ee260b/lab2/libraries) (local) Verilog (/ee260b/ee260b/lab2/src)

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.9 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Example of .synopsys_dc.setup

Company = “UCSD”

Designer = “Ben Cichy”

Technology = “0.13 micron”

Search_path = search_path + {“.” “./libraries/”}

Target_library = {lsi_10k.db}

Link_library = {“*” lsi_10k.db}

Symbol_library = {lsi_10k.sdb}

//work library for intermediate files

Define_design_lib work -path work

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.10 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Reading a Library

Synopsys: read_db msi_10k.db

• If the .db library file doesn’t exist then it must be created from

the .lib library file (vendor supplied)

• .lib is readable by the user , .db is internal format

• Use library compiler to create the.db. [ libcompile

msi_10k.lib -> msi_10k.db ]

• Library Compiler

- Checks the .lib for errors

- Translates to .db

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.11 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Purpose of the Library

The Library contains the cells of the technology (.18, .13u)

Cells are “Building Blocks” for the circuit Must use technology library for physical properties

Synthesis tools considers properties and function of cells The key properties:

- Cell delay- Rise/fall transitions- Capacitive load - Drive strength - Area and power

DelayTotal = DelayCell + DelayWire

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.12 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Contents of a Library

Units (V, A, pW, KOhm, nS, etc)

Default parameters Max transition Input pin cap Wireload mode Operating condition Max fanout

Nominal Parameters (PVT)

Operating Conditions Worst Case /Best Case

Scaling factors K Factors

Wireload Models Estimate for fan-in, fan-out

Look-up table templates

Cells: all properties & attributes, Delay Tables, Rise/Fall Transition Tables, Power Tables

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.13 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Wireload model

wire_load("45Kto75K") {

capacitance : 0.000070;

resistance : 0.000042;

area : 0.28;

slope : 40.258665;

fanout_length(1, 40.258865);

fanout_length(2, 80.517750);

fanout_length(3, 120.776600);

fanout_length(4, 161.045450);

fanout_length(5, 241.543200);

fanout_length(6, 322.070900);

fanout_length(7, 402.587600);


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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.14 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Reading RTL

Synthesis tool reads the RTL files.

The synthesis tool checks for Syntax errors Enters design into synopsys .db format


Synopsys: analyze –format verilog –lib work ./src/example.v

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.15 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Generic Tech Generation

Synopsys: elaborate example –arch “BEHAVIORAL” –lib work

Generates Control Data Flow Graphs (CDFGs)

Performs high level logic optimizations

Performs resource allocation Adders Multipliers Produces a table of the resources that are used

Generates a hierarchical netlist Generic” components (gtech.db) No timing or electrical properties in the design Genlib cells

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.16 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Design Error Checking

Check: Warnings and Errors in the log file

Examples of Warnings and Errors: Signals missing in sensitivity lists Shorted inputs or outputs Unused & Undriven inputs and outputs Blackboxes Dangling, undeclared and undriven wires Unsynthesizeable or ignored HDL constructs (# delay, etc.)

- Might need linting tool


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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.17 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Constrain the Design

Constraints define the parameters of the block which the synthesis tool must meet.

Constraints define the relationships between the block and the rest of the chip.

These items are defined: Clocks Arrival times Loading on the output pins Drive resistance on the input pins Timing exceptions Operating Conditions Wireload model mode

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.18 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Constraints: Commands


Input Delay

Output Delay

Output Load

Input Drive Resistance

False Paths

Multicycle Paths

Operating Conditions

Wireload Model











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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.19 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Constraints: set performance targets

Synthesized design: Bounded by constraints Input/Output, clk; all bound design

The RTL defines the functionality of design The library contains the building blocks for building the design The constraints tell the synthesis tool the timing and electrical

relationships between the block and the chip

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.20 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003



The generic netlist Mapped to the cells in the tech library a Timing is computed (with a clocked design)

Iteratively Tools restructures design until timing is met

Targets: Power Area Timing (cycle time)

Note: See Lecture 5 for more details


Synopsys: compile

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.21 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Timing Reports

Timing reports: Are created in synopsys script Generate longest paths Timing: set-up/hold-time violations

Timing not met: Reconstrain design Error in netlist Too long (depth) logic path

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.22 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Other Reports

Log file output: Command window shows errors per excuted command (gui) Log file (dc_shell) shows execution trace

Area Report Just make sure design is not too large Don’t try to overoptimize in DC

Hierarchy Report

Library Report

State Machine (FSM) report

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.23 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Final Netlist Generation


Write verilog netlist

write –format verilog –hierarchy –output example.mapped.sv

Write synopsys database file

write –hierarchy –output example.mapped.db

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.24 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Compilation Strategies

Top-Down Compilation Strategy

Method: Constraints are applied at the top level and the entire chip is synthesized.

Time-Budgeting Compilation Strategy (Bottom-Up Approach)

Method: Constrain and synthesize each sub-block. Then import results and synthesize top level.

Compile-Characterize-Write Script-Recompile Strategy (CCWSR)

Method: Apply timing constraints to top level. Let tool propagate timing constraints to lower level blocks (i.e. let the tool do a timing budget). Have tool generate a constraint script on the characterized sub-blocks. Synthesize sub-blocks then synthesize top level block.

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.25 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Top-Down Compilation Strategy


• Only top level constraints are needed.

• Better results are achieved because optimization is performed across the entire design.


• Long compile times

• A small change in the design requires that the entire design be re-synthesized

• If the design contains multiple clocks or generated clocks the tool doesn’t perform as well

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.26 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Time-Budgeting Compilation Strategy


• Easier to manage because each sub-block has it’s own constraint and synthesis scripts.

• A change in a sub-block does not necessary require that other sub-blocks be resynthesized.

• Multiple and generated clocks are more easily handled.


• Each block is individually synthesized

• May not produce optimal design. Prone to error due to manually specified time budgets.

• Very tedious and time-consuming to update and maintain multiple scripts.

• Some critical paths don’t become apparent until top level compile is performed. (unobservability of critical paths)

• A final incremental compile of entire design may be necessary in order to remove DRC errors.

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.27 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

The Automated Chip Synthesis Approach Advantages

• Less CPU memory is needed to do synthesis

• Automated Chip Synthesis (ACS) can create subblock constraint budgets based on the top-level constraints because budgeting is an integrated part of the ACS flow. It can see across the hierarchy like the top-down methodology.

• Individual scripts are created for each sub-block

Disadvantages• Tool generated constraint scripts are not very readable

• A change in a lower level sub-block requires that the entire design be re-synthesized

• May be difficult to achieve convergence between sub-blocks because of a “Ping-Pong” effect while synthesizing sub-blocks.

Synopsys ACS White Paper

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.28 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Synthesizeable Verilog Constructs

(For Verilog 1997) always endcase module repeat

and endmodule nand supply0

assign endfunction negedge supply1

begin endtask task

buf for nor tri

bufif0 function not wait

bufif1 if notif0 wand

case inout notif1 while

casex input or wire

casez integer output wor

default large parameter xnor

else macromodule posedge xor

end medium reg


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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.29 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Ignored Keywords

<delay specifications>

scalared, vectored

small, large, medium


time (some tools treat these as integers)

weak1, weak0, highz0, highz1, pull0, pull1

$keyword (some tools use these to set synthesis constraints)

wait (some tools support wait with a bounded condition)

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.30 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Unsupported Constructs

<global variables>

= = =, != =

cmos, nmos, rcmos, rnmos, pmos, rpmos





fork, join forever, while initial pullup, pulldown release repeat rtran, tran, tranif0, tranif1, rtranif0, rtranif1 table, endtable, primitive, endprimitive

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.31 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Common Synthesis Problems

Latches Unassagined statements

Setup Time Violations/ Hold Time Violations RTL, flip-flop designs

Multiple Clock domains correctly

Poor Constraints What are the specifications?

Inaccuracy of Wireload models Only real #s through place and route

Slow run-times Flat design

Achieving Timing Closure Many problems: constraints, RTL design, library, routing

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CSE241 Synthesis Overview.32 Kahng & Cichy, UCSD ©2003

Timing Closure

Timing problem: Can’t reach closure to rapidly achieve timing closure on a design is a HUGE

PROBLEM for semiconductor industry

A timing closure problem exists when all timing violations in a design cannot be eliminated despite multiple synthesis and place & route iterations

The timing closure problem occurs for a few reasons

• Poor design practices

• Inaccurate wireload models

• No placement information used during synthesis; therefore inaccurate connection delays