Crystallized Thought

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I dedicate this to my late loving mother who told me to never stop writing poetry. I miss you mom. These poems are from my I AM. I hope they give you LIGHT and entertainment. Enjoy!

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  • Crystallized Thought


    Crystallized ThoughtThe poetry of Rev. Dr. Ray C. Pasold

    Published by S.E.L.F. PublishingCopyright 2015 Ray C. Pasold All rights reserved.

    I dedicate this to my late loving mother who told me to never stop writing poetry. I miss you.

    A POET

    I speak not from mind.Yet I speak through it.

    I have no requirements.Yet I must be perfect.

    I seek not recognition.Yet I must be heard.

    I need not publication.Yet I must be read.

    For I am the heart of mankind.I am the voice of truth.

    I am the herald of righteousness.I am the purveyor of justice.

    For I am the All that speaks,The savoir-faire of the innocent.

    The expounder of wisdom's way.I am a Poet.

  • Crystallized Thought



    Edgar Allan, to you dear Poe,Who fright and horror well did know,I dedicate this dream of mine,A time our minds did intertwine!

    Once in dark and dreary night,I had a dream of gruesome fright!While I lay upon my bed,Up came the Devil's evil head!

    Pitchfork and tail he did appear,Gasping horror, I shook in fear!Said he, I've come for you this eve,You'll burn in hell, and mourn, and grieve!

    The cross was on my windowsill,The curtain covering it still!With pounding heart, I grabbed it quick,The Devil screamed, "You heretic!"Before another word he'd say,I held cross high, prayed him it slay!

    Silence, and then, a hideous cry,It seemed that Satan soon would die!Into the air he leaped and down,His pitchfork dropped upon the ground!Into the floor he disappeared,A molten spot where wood was seared!

    As I awoke with sudden start,My dream from mind soon did depart.The shaking fearfulness was gone,It's just a dream, so I was calm.

    Then suddenly, fright did attack,The horror from my dream sprang back!In morbid terror I had found,The Devil's pitchfork, on the ground!

    Before you think this can't be true,That such a dream could come to you,I ask you now, with Poe's delight,What dream is it, you'll dream tonight?

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    Love, a spirit that sings!Alive, part of all things!Vibrations, reaching out,Ending fear, removing doubt,Soothing pain, healing the hurt,Stopping the storm, granting peace.

    Fulfillment of our being!Harmonizing thought and feeling!Opening minds of hardest stone,Cloaking in warmth, those left alone,Knowing all have a worthy soul,Deserving of this precious gift, love.

    Seeing us, within each other!Touching hearts, one to another!Bringing forth, raptures unspoken,Mending souls, that once were broken,Giving life, force primordial,The Universal Spirit, Love.

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    I went to be down on bent knee,To bow my head and worship Thee.To let You know of my great love,For that which I thought was above.

    When I reached the altar stair,A voice rang out, Oh! Do beware!In shock and fear, I stopped all thought.I awaited, I knew not what.

    A gentle warmth I felt touch me,The Light that shines eternally!A brilliant flash, and I did know,Worship is not an outward show.

    Look within to understand,Reach out with a helping hand!Live love, devotion true,And you'll know God, inside of you!

    Worship is this, when you forgive,When you bestow your love, it's how you live!Then suddenly the voice did say,You are My Light, born again this day!

  • Crystallized Thought



    Life is its own Purpose.It is, and that's all it needs to Be.If you want a purpose, you must choose One.

    Choose to achieve the perfection of human Life.Choose the highest, noblest, greatest purpose there Is.Choose to be Divine Truth, living love, a Being of Light.

    Choose to be a son or daughter of the Light.Choose the Divine light of your inner Spirit, Love.Choose to walk in the true love light within you, God.

    No higher or nobler purpose Exists,Than to achieve the perfection Within,The perfect Divine Light within You.

    Choose this path, and your Light shall help BringAll of mankind to this purpose of Perfection,And with your love, the world shall Heal.

    The choice is yours, any purpose or none at All.Or the highest, noblest, greatest purpose there Is,To become Perfect, a Being of Light and Love.

    The highest power, the greatest Spirit, the Divine Light of Life,Shall guide you, comfort you, empower you, to be Perfect,Because you were created to achieve this Purpose!

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    I looked out over my lawn.

    People, clinging to their houses,Next to me, full with seeds of fear.Suddenly, remembrance strikes a cord.

    I looked out over the sand.

    The cool night rushed to meet me,The starlight blinked to greet me.Someday, monuments here.

    The smell of Heliopolis hung in my nostrils.

    Egypt, deep and wide, a part of me,I will never forget this time.Here, my beginning.

    The days of ancient Egypt!

    First awakening of truth, One God.Christ, I need you now as then.Thee and me, once again!

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    Because, you love the wordsOf My Son.

    Because, they are My wordsFor you.

    Because, you love My WordYou love Me.

    Because, you love MeI love you.

    Become My causeAnd I free you.

    My free child, My causeI bring to you.

    My perfected childBe My cause.

    And you areMy Word, My love.

    Because, I God, love you!

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    At this time of spiritual evolution,When men and women are born,Some have a preponderance of Darkness,Some have a preponderance of Light.

    There are those who Know,And those who dont Know.Those who Know are of the Dark.Those who Know are of the Light.

    Those who Know of the Dark,Use those who dont know, and enslave them.Those who Know of the Light,Teach those who dont know, and free them.

    They are bitter enemies.It is called The War of Light.The war is over, the Light has won.Remind the Darkness.

    You will KNOW the truth,And the truth will set you free!Jesus the Christ, Son of Light,Avatar Supreme.

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    And the Truth,What is it?Who has it?

    Didnt you ask,Have we truth?All have truth.

    I know it.None deny it.All have truth!

    Facts you say.I know okay?I care okay?

    Didnt you know?Christ I say.I am right.

    Religion you say.Philosophy is okay.Science is okay.

    But we are Spirit.Christ we say!We have truth.

    You know it!You know, okay?You are Spirit,

    And the Truth!

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    Who knows that God is real?The Darkness knows that appeal!The dawning of Perfect Light,Makes Believers shake in fright!

    Oh no they say, it's not just religion!

    It's not just my scripture book,Instead, it's all the lies I took!From false pastors and preachers,False orthodox religion teachers!

    Deceived liars, Spiritual thieves!

    They are unwitting Spiritual crooks,Blind guides with Angelic looks!Inside you is the God thats real,Inside you the Christ you feel!

    But you won't listen!

    Knowledge of beliefs is the beginning,Full of superstitions, false pride, and sinning!Your beliefs are incomplete, they must grow,You must become the Truth, so you can know!

    But you won't listen!

    Belief itself, not real, full of deception,Not the way to Gods intended perfection!To ignore this Truth is the sin you do,Awaken to it, Perfect Light is within you!

    But you won't listen

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    In the midst of confusion,Came a welcomed intrusion,

    Removing the illusion,Power of your thought.

    A love light transfusion,Profound Divine inclusion,

    Relinquishing all delusion,Power of your word.

    Being now, complete profusion,No more lost, nor confusion,

    Having now, the Way solution,Power of your life.

    You may ask who is this friend, That stays with you until the end, That frees your soul and makes it right?Power of Christ, Jesus Son of Light!

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    What was the meaning of the cross?Was life of the Christ a loss?Did it wash away all sin?What saving did this Jesus bring?

    Sin, the ignorance of your soul,The physical has you in control.Seeing not the truth of life,You live in torment, pain and strife.

    You do not see, you leave ignored,This truth of life, God's great reward.Eternal being! This thou art!The ocean of life you cannot depart.

    See not, hear not, feel not,The unforgivable sin you do.See not, hear not, feel not,The Spirit Law sickens you.

    Let those who have ears hear!Let those who have eyes see!Immortal Soul, ever present, ever near.Open your Heart, feel and Be.

    The mission of the great Messiah,Set the hearts of all on fire!Died on cross, came back you say?Immortality was born that day!

    You are, always have been, always will be!Look! Listen! Feel!The Now moment is all, always will be.Cast away all doubt and dare to be free!

    See the depth within your Soul!Hear the sound of God unfold!The burning fire in Love's great mantle,Look! Listen! Feel!

    You are immortal!

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    There are those few who endure pain.Those who suffer at the hands ofRelatives, friends, lovers, others.

    These are the few whose emotional painCan be said to relinquish the world's agony.They suffer, they endure, for love.

    They give and are crushed,Yet rise again and again.All for the sake of love.

    Those few belong to God.They will become,The Light of the world.


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    SACRED ETERNAL LIFE FELLOWSHIP (The Poem)To search sacredTo seek eternalTo find lifeI have fellowship

    The searcher expressesThe seeker createsThe finder givesLove is fellowship

    To express sacredTo create eternalTo give lifeI am fellowship

    Search, seek, find!Express, create, give!Sacred Eternal LifeFellowship is You!

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    It never fails to amaze me!How people depend on other people,On a boss, on their boss, and so on.

    Oh! My job is my life!They say it feeds me, clothes me, pays my bills!I am beholden to my job, my boss, their boss, and so on.

    Unwittingly they worship money and its priests, the bosses!Ah if they could only see security for eternity!Worship love and truth, our Father-God.

    Your freedom is God's gift!If the false god money enslaves you,Then do not worship it!

    The source is the same!Always all things have come from,And will continue to come from the one Source.

    God within you will teach you.God within you will show you.Turn within and give your life to God,

    The Father-God always nurtures you.To live in security,Just dare to be free of the false god money!

    True security is the knowing,True security is the understanding,Of your oneness with God, the Source.

    Do you know how secure you are?You are as secure as the freedom you have,To not worship money!

    Security is God.

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    Waiting is, when waitingIs waiting, for you.

    Waiting is!

    Being is, when beingIs being, with you.

    Being is!

    Loving is, when lovingIs loving, with you.

    Loving is!

    Feeling is, when feelingIs feeling, for you.

    Feeling is!

    Rejoicing is, when rejoicingIs rejoicing, we as one.


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    I love you.Far beyond all that is,I love you.

    I touch you,With my Spirit,My mind and body.

    I caress you,You who are me.My other half.

    I am you.I touch you.I love you.

    Far beyond all that is,God has given us this oneness.We are love.

    I love you.