Objective: Promotion of economic growth in rural areas by strengthening commercialization of small farms in areas with recognized market potential. The project aims at tapping new market opportunities by providing technology to increase production and productivity as well as quality standards in order to obtain more income, minimize price volatility and promote sustainable use of natural resources. Donor: Italian Contribution to FAO Trust Fund for Food security and Food Safety Duration: 2004 2012 Budget: 4,000,000 USD Project Area: Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Government of Regional State of Oromia Beneficiaries: a) Farming communities who receive technical advice to improve farming practices and food crop outputs and woman within rural communities that actively participate at the project activities. Consumers who have greater availability of better quality food products in local markets. Private entrepreneurs, who are involved to provide services in marketing, input supply and agricultural product processing. Regional and district staff to develop smallscale irrigation schemes to contribute to reduction of losses in canal system, reduction in pumping cost and improved water management. Main partner: Ministry of Agriculture; Ethiopian Seed Enterprise (ESE); Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO); National Agriculture Input Authority; Oromya Credit and Savings Share Company (OCSSCO); Oromya Agriculture Rural Development Office (OARDO); Oromya Cooperatives Prmotion Office (OCPO); Oromya Irrigation Development Authority (OIDA); Water Users Association (WUA). Crop Diversification and Marketing Development Project – Special programme for Food Security, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia GTFS/ETH/067/ITA FAO Global Trust Fund for Food Security and Food Safety Italian Contribution East Africa Platform At a Glance

Crop% Diversification% and% Marketing% …...3. Capacity! building! and institutional! strengthening! component:IdentifyingsocioHeconomic(constraints(to( transform( subsistence( agriculture(

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Page 1: Crop% Diversification% and% Marketing% …...3. Capacity! building! and institutional! strengthening! component:IdentifyingsocioHeconomic(constraints(to( transform( subsistence( agriculture(

 Objective:    Promotion   of   economic   growth   in   rural   areas   by  strengthening   commercialization   of   small   farms   in  areas  with   recognized  market   potential.   The   project  aims   at   tapping   new   market   opportunities   by  providing   technology   to   increase   production   and  productivity   as   well   as   quality   standards   in   order   to   obtain   more   income,  minimize  price  volatility  and  promote  sustainable  use  of  natural  resources.      Donor:    Italian  Contribution  to  FAO  Trust  Fund  for  Food  security  and  Food  Safety    Duration:    2004  -­‐  2012    Budget:    4,000,000  USD    Project  Area:    Federal  Republic  of  Ethiopia  and  Government  of  Regional  State  of  Oromia    Beneficiaries:    

a) Farming   communities   who   receive   technical   advice   to   improve   farming  practices   and   food   crop   outputs   and   woman   within   rural   communities   that  actively   participate   at   the   project   activities.   Consumers   who   have   greater  availability   of   better   quality   food   products   in   local   markets.   Private  entrepreneurs,   who   are   involved   to   provide   services   in   marketing,   input  supply   and   agricultural   product   processing.   Regional   and   district   staff   to  develop  small-­‐scale  irrigation  schemes  to  contribute  to  reduction  of   losses  in  canal  system,  reduction  in  pumping  cost  and  improved  water  management.    Main  partner:    Ministry   of   Agriculture;   Ethiopian   Seed   Enterprise   (ESE);   Ethiopian  Agricultural   Research   Organization   (EARO);   National   Agriculture   Input  Authority;   Oromya   Credit   and   Savings   Share   Company   (OCSSCO);   Oromya  Agriculture   Rural   Development   Office   (OARDO);   Oromya   Cooperatives  Prmotion   Office   (OCPO);   Oromya   Irrigation   Development   Authority   (OIDA);  Water  Users  Association  (WUA).  


Crop   Diversification   and   Marketing   Development  Project  –  Special  programme  for  Food  Security,  Federal  Democratic  Republic  of  Ethiopia  GTFS/ETH/067/ITA  

 FAO Global Trust Fund for Food Security and Food Safety Italian Contribution East Africa Platform  

At  a


Page 2: Crop% Diversification% and% Marketing% …...3. Capacity! building! and institutional! strengthening! component:IdentifyingsocioHeconomic(constraints(to( transform( subsistence( agriculture(


3. Capacity   building   and   institutional   strengthening  component:   Identifying   socio-­‐economic   constraints   to  transform   subsistence   agriculture   into   smallholders’  commercial   agriculture,   by:   i)   looking   for   synergies  with   other   projects   to   promote   coordination   of  activities;   ii)   ensuring   the   participation   of   women,  increasing  their  participation  in  agricultural  production  and  income  generation  to   improve  family  nutrition  and  health;   iii)   establishing   quantitative   and   qualitative  baseline   information   to   increase   knowledge   and  awareness   of   the   needs   for   improving   land   tenure  security   through   detailed   annual   community   action  plans  for  each  site.    

 The  up-­scaling  phase:  Following   the  encouraging  results  achieved  by   the  project,  in   2010   the   Government   of   Italy   allocated   additional  funding   for   up-­‐scaling   the   project   core   activities,   for   the  consolidation  of  outputs  and  outcomes,  which  have  been  a  success  of  the  first  project  phase  in  Arsi  zone  and  Oromiya  region.  The  duration  of  the  up-­‐scaling  phase  is  foreseen  for  additional  two  years,  till  2012.    The   objective   for   the   up-­‐scaling   phase   is   to   continue  support   to   ongoing   activities,   but  with  more   emphasis   on  the  adoption  of  the  Value  Chain  Approach  (VCA)  for  priority  commodities  to  continue  supporting  small-­‐scale  farmers  to  enhance   their   knowledge   and   opportunities,   increase  horticultural  production  and  encourage  marketing.    The   project   will   focus   on   four   priorities   commodities:  vegetable   and   fruits   production,   farmers   based   seed  production   and   marketing,   and   diary   production   and  animal  fattening.  The   up-­‐scaling   and   consolidation   phase   has   two   main  components  that  include:      i) Promotion   and   support   to   market   oriented  

production   for   selected   value   chain  commodities   (diversified   and   intensified  production   and   enhanced   productivity   of  vegetables;   diversified   and   intensified   fruit  production;   improved   seed  production   in  quantity  and   quality   through   support   to   seed   producer  cooperatives;   enhanced   production   and  productivity   of   dairy   cattle,   and   enhanced  production  of  quality  beef  animals);    

 ii)   Support   to   promote   marketing   efficiency   and  

value   addition   (improved   quality   and  marketability   of   vegetables   and   fruit   production  through   the   strengthening   of   Water   User’   s  Associations   WUAs;   improved   seed   quality   and  marketability   through   capacitating   seed   producer  cooperative;   improved  milk   collection   in   quantity,  quality  and  marketing   through   facilitation  of  diary  cooperatives).  

The  promotion  of  a  free  market  economy  is  the  main  focus  of   the   Government   of   Ethiopia   agricultural   development  policies   and   strategies   at   promoting   Agricultural  Development-­‐Led   Industrialization   (ADLI)   and   export-­‐led  growth   as   well   as   enhanced   food   security   and   poverty  alleviation   through   the   empowerment   of   smallholder  farmers  and  increased  participation  of  the  private  sector.      Outputs  of  the  initial  phase:  During   the   initial   phase   (2004–2010)   the  GTFS/ETH/067/ITA   project   contributed   to   achieve   the  overall  goal  to  improve  food  security  of  vulnerable  groups  working  on  3  main  components:    1. Farm  technology  development  component:    

i)   Introducing   and   promoting   new   farming  technologies  and  good  agricultural  practices   in  small-­‐scale   irrigation   schemes   including   watershed  management.   In  May   2011   a   handover   ceremony  was  realized  for  different  schemes  constructed  through  the  support   of   FAO-­‐ASELLA   project;   ii)   Diversifying  production  and  commercialization  in  highland  areas  with  reliable  rainfall  and  irrigated  areas,  targeting  well  identified   niche   markets,   as   better   seeds   and   cash  crops,  vegetables  and  annual  fruits.  That  resulted  in  an  increase   of   the   range   and   volume   of   field   crops  produced   in   villages,   improving   food   security,   higher  household  incomes  and  diet  of  villagers.  

 2. Market  development  component:    

Improving  the  value  added  of  cash  crops  by:  i)  selecting  intervention   areas   close   to   the   main   consumer  markets   (Addis   Ababa   and   Nazareth);   ii)   promoting  productivity,   better   quality   and   commercialization  (Farmer-­‐based   seed   production   and   marketing   system  established,  production  and  commercialization  of  higher  value   cereals,   pulses   and   oilseeds   and   production   and  marketing   of   milk,   milk   products,   livestock,   hides   and  skins);   iii)   strengthening   the   environment   for  investments,   especially   in   irrigation:   strengthening  communication   and   cooperative   promotion   services   to  assist   small   farmers;   iv)   cooperating   with  Microfinance   Institutions   (MFIs)   to   back   small  cooperatives   and   single   farmers   and   let   them   have  access  to  credit  and  saving  services.  Good  linkages  have  been   established   with   the   regional   Oromya   Seed  Enterprise   (OSE)   and   84   farmers   of   seed   producer  cooperatives   and   this   creates   sustainability   at   the   seed  system.   Also   there   are   a   total   of   26milk   collection,  processing  and  marketing  units  in  the  project  area;  18  of  them   are   registered   as   primary   diary   cooperatives   by  the   Zone   Cooperative   Promotion   Office   and   received  legal   certificate.   Moreover   61   groups   have   been  organized   in  different  enterprises.  They  are  assisted  on  different  aspect  as  seed,  horticulture,  fattening  diary  for  business  planning,  agribusiness,  marketing  and  creation  of   required   linkages.   Finally   13   farm   business   schools  have  been  concluded  by  graduating  354  farmers.    

National  Level    

Food  Security