Creative Works Studio | Newsletter 2014 Creative Works Studio (CWS) is part of the Inner City Health Program at St. Michael’s Hospital, and operates in partnership with Good Shepherd Non- based occupational therapy program that helps individuals living with mental health challenges or addictions to heal and cope through the power of artistic expression. accepts clients from mental health agencies across the city. In the Studio, each person is treated as an artist reach their highest potential through purposeful and inspiring creative art projects and workshops, which helps them return to an active and meaningful life within the larger community. We welcome your interest and involvement in our organization as a participant, supporter or volunteer! Mark your 2014 Calendar .........................3 What’s Art Got To Do With It? ...................4 Making Messages.....................................5 Pottery ......................................................6 Songwriting and Singing ...........................6 Art Gems Art Auction ................................7 New at CWS .............................................7 Art Shows .................................................8 Scotiabank Marathon..............................10 In Memoriam...........................................10 Art Products ............................................ 11 Donations ............................................... 11 Becoming a Member or Volunteer ..........12 Acrylic Painting by Nadine Espinoza Silkscreening Workshop - Danielle Acrylic Painting Series by Lawrence Richard Rutherford III

Creative Works Studio | Newsletter 2014creativeworks-studio.ca/site/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/CWS... · Creative Works Studio ... record as our own Creative Works Songbook. ... passer-bys

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Creative Works Studio | Newsletter 2014�������������� � ������������������������������������������� ������������!������"�"��#�

Creative Works Studio (CWS) is part of the Inner City Health Program at St. Michael’s Hospital, and operates in partnership with Good Shepherd Non-����������� ����������������� ������based occupational therapy program that helps individuals living with mental health challenges or addictions to heal and cope through the power of artistic expression.

��������������� �������������� ��accepts clients from mental health agencies across the city. In the Studio, each person is treated as an artist ����������������� �����������reach their highest potential through purposeful and inspiring creative art projects and workshops, which helps them return to an active and meaningful life within the larger community.

We welcome your interest and involvement in our organization as a participant, supporter or volunteer!

$%�$&�Mark your 2014 Calendar .........................3

What’s Art Got To Do With It? ...................4

Making Messages .....................................5

Pottery ......................................................6

Songwriting and Singing ...........................6

Art Gems Art Auction ................................7

New at CWS .............................................7

Art Shows .................................................8

Scotiabank Marathon ..............................10

In Memoriam ...........................................10

Art Products ............................................11

Donations ...............................................11

Becoming a Member or Volunteer ..........12

Acrylic Painting by Nadine Espinoza Silkscreening Workshop - Danielle

Acrylic Painting Series by Lawrence Richard Rutherford III


2 | Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014

!-�%$%��+�"(+*��./��If I had to use two words to describe what has characterized the past year at Creative Works Studio, they would be growth and courage. Both have been central themes as our membership has increased both inside our walls and outside.

���"������������� ���������#���� ��� ���� ����������� � ����#�What’s Art Got To Do With It? in 2013. Our ���� ���������������������#����� �������� �� ������� ����������� ���������� ���#������ ����� �����$���%����������������� � ���� ����� ��&�� �����'*'�+��� �����'�� ������������� ����� ���� ������ �/������� ��/ ����������$���$�% ������������������������������ ���������� #� ��� ������� &��4�������������� ��year we are looking forward to meeting more health care providers, educators, and organizations from coast-to-coast ������������������ ��������������$5%���������������������������� ������ �6���� ���7��������������%���training and education on our arts-based occupational therapy model - we’re excited to see if we can help develop similar programs in other places.

But the members of Creative Works Studio remain the stars of this show. Initially, they were nervous to come and speak at ��������� � ��&����%����������������������������� ������������������������������� ������ ���������������%��#������� ���������%���� ������ ����� ����������������� �����&��������������������#��������#���������&��8��������� ����##�9:;<������Courage����������#�������� ��������"������������������������ �������thoughtful installations, paintings, photographs, sculptures and pottery throughout, and guests remarked that it was our most moving show to date.

$5������� ��#����������% ������������ ���������� �9:;���/��&�=� ���/� �����>���� ������� ������������������%�4��� �����������#��������� ����� ��������� �������������� ������������������������ ������&�The Valedictorian. We are also excited to see our members become peer mentors as they work alongside staff to bring painting, sculpture, music and other creative instruction to the Inpatient Psychiatry Unit at St. Michael’s Hospital.

I feel proud and grateful for all the exciting work going on at Creative Works Studio and for our amazing community which includes our devoted staff, artists, volunteers, students, committee members, partners, donors and patrons who help us continue to create a culture of healing and transformation through the power of artistic expression.

With much appreciation,

������?���6����*�"��@����A Creative Lead

Acrylic Painting by Scott BennessPhotograph by Gustavo Aguirre

Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014 |���

Isabel Fryszberg '����&�'����%�=����#�'$"&�@�������� �����������

Marlena Zuber '����%�$�����"������������� �

Jennifer Carroll ��� �������%�������� �

Helen Harrison '�� �����=����/� ���&� Inner City Health Program

Edmund Wong Business Manager, Inner City Health Program

Ginny Leuty +������&�����>�

Sharon Weintraub Sharna Foundation

Myra Cridland VP & Head BMO Harris Private *� �� �&�'� ����E���������*/@�Financial Group

Stewart Hunt /� ��� ��+�������� �� '������"�����/�=��� ����#�������%������>����

Dave Cassie Vice President, Productivity � ��'����/� �� ������+&� /� ��� ��+���������������&�� ��� J���������� ����%��������K

John Davison CWS member

Josette Lamoureux ������� ��+������&�����>�

"(+*�#!,+� ./���)(3�%&(+April» Art Gems Fundraiser - April 29th at the

Berkeley Church

"�5» “What’s Art Got To Do With It?” airing on

CBC Television’s Documentary Channel at 8pm ET on May 6th (during Mental Health Week)

» Doors Open - May 24th and 25th, CWS will have work on display at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital

6���» Riverdale Art Walk - Saturday,

June 7th & Sunday, June 8th at Jimmie Simpson Park

6�75» “What’s Art Got To Do With It?” airing on

CBC Television’s Documentary Channel at 6pm ET on July 2nd

» Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibit - July 4th, 5th, and 6th at Nathan Phillips Square

!���8��» Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront

Marathon - Sunday, October 19th

Stay Tuned For:» Our Annual Art Show at Creative

Works Studio, 793 Gerrard St. East (usually in December)

» Making Us Seen - our next installation project with artist Maggie Flynn

» The Valedictorian - member ������������ ���������������������������

» “What’s Art Got To Do With It?” - more screenings

» Our 2015 Weekly Planner and Art Calendar - new journal style, available by November

Newsletter design by Sarah Vincett, bigreddesign.net


Member artist, Carmin, at The Courage Show

Sculpture by Coco WilsonSilkscreen of member artist, Rick

4 | Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014

@������� �������&�What’s Art Got To Do With It? hit the big screen � �9:;<��������#��������������members as they devotedly prepare for an annual art show. In between ��� �� ���� %����&���� �������sculptures, shooting photographs, and composing songs, they share what it is like to cope with severe and persistent mental health challenges and addictions.

� �L� �9:;<&����������������the Female Eye Festival to a packed audience, with enthusiastic viewers standing in the aisles. In October, we sold out another screening at the ��??�*���=������4�����������/����+��� �#���*���=�5�������provide opening remarks, sharing a personal story of how mental illness has affected her life and family. We

also had a screening up on the scenic RT���8�����#�?�����'� ���� �����&�generously hosted by BMO. We’ve also had smaller screenings for academic, health care and arts sector audiences.

���5��� �����%������������ �between audience members and Studio members after every screening � �������������� �� �������&�recovery and stigma. We are very 4����������%����������� ���� �����during Mental Health Week on the '*'�+��� �����'�� ��� �/���R������T��X+���


Melanie, Linda, Rick and Courtney - Photograph by Jennifer Laiwint

Post-screening Q & A at TIFF Bell Lightbox

Member artists at the Female Eye Film Festival

CWS Creative Lead and Director of “What’s Art Got To Do With It?”, Isabel Fryszberg

Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014 |���

"(*$%��"���(���Making Messages was an installation art project that was presented as a picnic celebration with a giant, paper mache banana. Members of the public were invited to join members at the ��� ����������� ���������������down, read, touch, and play with all �#����������#����� ��������� �����work was created collectively by ����������&��8��� ��� ������experiences of mental illness on an individual and a community level. ������������ ��������� &������ ���out the diversity of these experiences and the absurdity of labels.

CWS members collaborated with artist Maggie Flynn to produce this work. It was the result of many brainstorming workshops where members used a variety of artistic activities to work out what their interest and visions were. It was 4����������������� ���@�����������X4�����&����*�� �'������ �%������'������� &�� �����9:;<�� ��������Show at CWS.

Maggie and Declan building a riverJohn, Courtney and Rick

working on the banana

Rick, Courtney, Maggie, John D., Declan and the giant banana

���| Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014

Pierre painting a mug


If I could build a new worldI’d wave a new flag

No one would go hungry No one would beg

We could eat rice puddingAnd cake and ice cream

For the birth of my new world For my new social scene

If I could build a new worldLove would be a real thing

No one would be lonelyOur hearts would sing

We would dance to the BeatlesAnd all hold hands

For we would love, love , loveWith the help from our friends!

-!���+#We are proud to announce that we have a brand new Pottery Program! +�� �=���������#���� ���������artist and pottery designer - she teaches and works with our members on the wheel once a week. Shelley Yampolsky is an artist and a close friend of CWS - she volunteers once a week to teach and share her knowledge of ceramics. Members have been lining up for their turn at ������Z�������������������������������� �����#������ ��with clay in this way and they report that the process allows them to focus, relax and make something functional and beautiful in a matter of minutes. Stay tuned for some new, one-of-a-

kind mugs, plates, bowls and vessels at our next art sale!

�!%�9+$�$%�� (%&��$%�$%�Every Wednesday, a growing group of us gather to fearlessly write and sing songs, and enjoy a laugh. We cover a range of topics and have developed a repertoire of songs that we hope to record as our own Creative Works Songbook. We even came up with a name for our music collective: The Social Mystics�����������������+���"���&����������������� ��at St. Michael’s Hospital, join us as a volunteer and she has been gracing our sessions with her talent,

enthusiasm and beautiful voice! �������� ����#�������������������Fryszberg on guitar and our faithful %��� ����#����������&�=���� �McMahon-Nelson who gives tips on songwriting. We’re accompanied by Marlena on ukulele and artist member John Reid, who provides great guitar riffs. On an average Wednesday afternoon, you could hear us sing a =� ����'�� ��� �&���*������� &�or one of our originals like this one:

Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014 |���

����>��������� ����#� ������ ��auction in support of Creative Works Studio. In 2013, the event raised $127,500 and we hope to raise another $125,000 during our event on ������9q��&�9:;����

If you like amazing hors d’oeuvres and beautiful art, this event is for ���Z�@���9:;��% ��#�������:�exciting original art works in the =�%������� �������#���� �����������such as Edward Burtynsky, Kim +���� ��� ���� ��"���� ������is also work by celebrity artists � ����� ��'������������� ��>����Stroumboulopoulos. Works by CWS member artists are featured in the "�� �������� �

60% of Creative Works Studio’s annual operating costs are covered by fundraising, including all proceeds

#�������>�������#� �� �����%�����to our programming, which continues to grow with the help of this amazing � � ��������������

$����#��%������#�������������Gems team and to everyone who contributed to its success.

%�9�(��)9�» A fancy new website that we

continue to improve. http://creativeworks-studio.ca

» A Members’ Blog! Members are aiming to blog once a week to show off new work and share their experiences at the Studio with the online world. Follow them! http://cwscreativeworksstudio.blogspot.ca/

» DONATE button on our website. Making a donation is now convenient and quick - just click the big blue button in the top right corner of our site. Remember: Creative Works only works with your help!

» A mural outside the Studio. Our super talented member artist, Thomas Wilson, spent last summer making us a beautiful, colourful mural. It is on the west side of our building in the parking lot. Check it out!

» Our yearly calendars have a new look and design. Stay tuned for the 2015 weekly planner and art calendar! It will be full colour in journal format.

» A handful of new and fantastic volunteers!

» An amazing Administrative Assistant - welcome Jennifer Carroll!

Art Gems 2015���5�������E����E��?�����

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artgems.ca or call 416-575-4890

Jennifer Boyle showcasing her painting at Art Gems


Art Gems Superheroes: Shelley Yampolsky and Ginny Leuty

8 | Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014

In 2013, we participated in two very rainy summer outdoor shows and ��������#���%�� ��������"����� �+�����

������� ���@�����������X4��������������������������������������proud to not only be showing from ����� ��� �~���� ����������"7���&�but to have our Making Messages installation on display and in full effect, gathering the attention of passer-bys on Queen St. West. Everyone was invited to participate in a picnic and engage on issues ������ �� �� ���������������������

of performance and participatory style of work is new to members, and we’re thankful for our artist and collaborator, Maggie Flynn, who ������������������4��� ��was all positive except for the rain - so much rain! It even rained at ����� �$�������'�����������took place later in September. =������� ���� �������������� ��although our spirits were slightly dampened and sales slightly lower, we had a great time. Our artists are always proud to be showing their work alongside professional artists.

Participation in these events was made possible by the generosity of the Sharna Foundation and through ����>��

�������#������ ��������"����� �9:;<�����'�������@ �+����5th, we had an amazing turnout at our gallery opening party with an appearance by our honourable MPP, �������� ���$�������������members’ strong spirits, and the walls beamed proudly with fearless works.


Volunteer, Amy, at Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition

Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014 |���

“ The theme of ‘courage’ is felt by the canoeist heading directly into the storm clouds.”

“ We must have the courage to break through the bars to seek a meaningful life.”

“ Courage is being able to turn it on and off with the everyday challenges of life. I am glad that my motor has the ability to run and also cool off which leaves

me with the balance I need in my life.”

“ Living with an eating disorder is exhausting. I struggle with wanting to give up every day, but I persevere. I used to be very secretive about it, but I am not ashamed. I am a bulimic, but I am also a person of many dimensions.”

“ Courage is facing the duality of self.”

�������� �������������������������������������

John R., Isabel, Courtney, Lawrence, Sarah, Marlena, Rifka and Suzanne performing during The Courage Show’s opening party

Member artist, Linda & Steering Committee Member, Myra at The Courage Show

Kenneth Gray


10 | Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014

Photograph by Coco Wilson

� �9:;<&�"��� �� ���� �� ��/���� ��Boazak joined our marathon team as coordinators alongside Sarah Vincett, who has helped us run the marathon #���<���������������%��� ���������time and worked hard to make the marathon a huge success. We thank them very much, as well as everyone who supported us through this event. $��������T&Tq:Z

$���������������%�;q��� ���� ��������������������� �������#���members, 2 staff, 1 baby and a chicken! Kaleil Mitchell, an employee at St. Michael’s Hospital, also ran with us

again. She continues to spread the word and help us recruit. Needless to say, we had an amazing group of people, �� ����8����� ���� �������

We are now training for October 19th, 2014. Please join us! We are looking for runners, walkers, sponsors � ����� �������%�������������options to do a 5 km, half marathon ���#���������� �������� �����������very hip and free silk screened t-shirt!

In addition to being a major fundraiser �������������#������������ �������&�this marathon is closely connected

to our greater cause - helping people attain greater mental health. Exercise is a great defense against depression. � ������%���������������� �gets us outside and active, while contributing to our ability to keep painting, drawing and sculpting toward better health in the Studio.

If you’re interested, please contact [email protected] or visit www.cwsmarathon.wordpress.com

*(+�%�:$33������������� ��this newsletter, we lost a dear friend and member artist. Karen =����������������� �� �L� �����9�&�;q�T�in Newmarket and

����� �/�����9�&�9:;��� ����� ����Her beauty, vibrancy and talent will live on in our memories, as well as in paintings and collaged works that she created in our Studio.

For her obituary please see: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thestar/obituary.aspx?n=karen-����������E����;�:��R�9���������9��:*;������#


+!'�+���+($%��+Member artist, Robert Grainger, ������������ �L� �����9:;���He was at the Studio for a short time during which created this beautiful painting on the theme of courage, Marley.

Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014 | 11

)9��(+��-+!&,)��=���� ��#���� �7����#����$�����greeting cards, silk-screened tote bags, t-shirts, magnets, ceramic artwork, journals and groovy calendars. We ���������������� �������������� �����%�����������Z�����&������tuned for handsewn and silk-screened pencil cases.

$5������#���#���������&�+��� �������Z�"����������������������person at St. Michael’s Hospital.

&!%(�$!%�We accept monetary and physical gifts. Every little bit counts.

Note: We issue charitable tax receipts for monetary donations of $20 or more. In some cases, we can issue charitable tax receipts for physical/non-monetary gifts. Please inquire.

� ���������� �~���;;<R�qq '���������~���;99qR�<RR<���:::;

����������7������������ St. Michael’s Hospital (with “Creative Works Studio” in the memo)

������ ����7����� Creative Works Studio �q<�>������"���X���&����� ��&�@~�/�/�;��

Another option is to donate online! Go to our website and click on the ����+@~��X������ �� ��������������corner of our homepage. You can’t miss it!


���������������� ������ ��at these locations:

)������9��� �������q<�>������"���X���� (east of Broadview)

����"�C��7; ��E���C�>Victoria Street entrance of St. Michael’s Hospital

���5���� ��5���� ����"�C��7; �:� >��7� J7����E���&��7��HK�������#������>�#������� #���;;�<:������<:�

!,+�9$�:�3$��Large items: » musical instruments:

electric piano, ukuleles

» multi-media projector

» portable projection screen

» photocopier in good repair

» storage furniture for paper

» storage furniture with canisters on them

» point-and-shoot digital cameras

» laptops (capable of running graphics software programs such as Photoshop)

» potter’s wheel

» fax machine

Ongoing program supply needs:» art supplies

» magazines for collage projects

» canvas and stretcher bars

» silk-screening supplies

» passes to museums, galleries and events

» ttc tokens

» coffee

» healthy snacks

12 | Creative Works Studio Newsletter 2014

CREATIVE WORKS STUDIO������������������ �� ���������!������"�"��#�Tel:�������������www.creativeworks-studio.ca

C��> =LL����E���8������?L���������� �����! C��> =LL���������?L���������� �!L ������������ �����������������������������


�!�'�)!"��(�"�"'�+Follow these steps:1. Go to our website:


2. Click on “Contact”

3. Download an application.

4. Fill out the application with your therapist, doctor or social worker. You must be seeing a therapist, doctor or social worker regularly to qualify.

5. Mail your completed application to Isabel Fryszberg Creative Works Studio 793 Gerrard St. East Toronto, ON M4M 1Y5 Or scan and email the application to Isabel at: [email protected]

6. Wait to hear back from Isabel (this could take up to 6 months) - she will set up an interview with you.

Please Note:» There is a waiting list and priority

is given to patients of St. Michael’s Hospital

» You do not have to have a background in art to apply

» If you are an artist, please bring in your portfolio for the interview

» If you would like a tour, contact us to book an appointment

» If your application is accepted, we expect you to come in regularly and participate

» After a certain amount of time, you will be expected to work independently on your own projects, with the guidance of staff and volunteers


)!%�()��,�Feel free to contact us with any 7����� ������ 7������

Isabel Fryszberg, Creative Lead Responsible for program direction, development and facilitation [email protected]

Marlena Zuber, Studio Assistant Responsible for program coordination and vocational assistance [email protected]

@,%&�+��(%&�-(�+!%�@ �����������'�� ���&����� ��������'�� ���&�*/@�?� � �����>����&�������>� �>�����&�"������� ��>����&����$��>������$��� �?�� ����� &�=� ����&�'� ���� �/ �������������������� �@ �����&�*���=�5������&�"��� ��?�� ����� &�"���&�XL=*�Foundation, FK Morrow Foundation � ��@ �����������?�� ����� �

We are always looking for volunteers to:» teach workshops» give art presentations» become a board member» help with administrative work» help us with design work

(posters, newsletters, post-cards)» raise funds» run for us in the Scotiabank

Toronto Waterfront Marathon» clean and tidy the studio» shop for groceries or supplies

for the studio» stretch canvases

To become a volunteer follow these steps:1. Fill out a volunteer application form

through the St. Michael’s Hospital website: http://www.stmichaelshospital.com/volunteer/apply.php

2. If you would like to teach a workshop, please send Isabel your proposal.

3. Isabel will set up an interview with you. Please bring your CV.
