2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow A How-to-Use Guide Creative Solutions to Challenging Situations:

Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

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Page 1: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

2© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

A How-to-Use Guide

Creative Solutionsto Challenging Situations:

Page 2: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

1© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

Crea�ve Solu�ons to Challenging Situa�ons

A How-to-Use Guide

Congratulations on purchasing this DVD/workbook combo! You’ve made a good decision. We’vecreated this guide to better assist you in understanding and navigating challenging situations thatoccur. You can use this workbook on your own or with a group of care partners.

Below are two different ways to use the DVD/workbook:

If your preference is to follow the workbook from beginning to end, follow Outline 1.

If your preference is to follow the DVD from beginning to end, follow Outline 2.

Workbook Pages Topic DVD Chapters/Time Stamps

1-9 Introduc�on Introduc�on and Chapter 10:00 – 8:31

10-13 Unmet Needs Chapter 543:14 – 50:38

14-15 Communica�on and I’m Sorry Phrases No DVD Content

16-18 Personality Traits Chapter 28:31 – 29:22

19-21 GEMS® States No DVD Content

22-29 Six Pieces of the Puzzleand Circadian Rhythms

Chapter 6 50:38 – 1:03:00 andChapter 3 29:22 – 38:44

30-31 ME Sheet No DVD Content

32-33 Reframing Your Challenge No DVD Content

34-35 Take Care of You No DVD Content

Mul�ple Intelligences Chapter 4 38:44 – 43:14

Page 3: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

2© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

Outline 1 – Using Workbook to Guide Order

Introduc�on - DVD Time Stamp (0:00 – 2:39); Workbook pages: 0 - 2Watch DVD Introduc�on: From the DVD menu, click on Play All to start from the very beginning. Then,click Pause when the Le�ng Go sec�on comes on the screen (Time Stamp 2:39).

Read workbook page in inside cover en�tled, A Note from Teepa, and consider the ques�ons in theshaded box at the bo�om of the page. Then, con�nue on to read through page 2. Answer the reflec�onques�on on the bo�om of page 2: How are you coping with these changes?

Mul�ple Intelligences - DVD Time Stamp (38:44 – 43:14); Workbook pages: Not applicable

Chapter 4 of the DVD covers learning styles. There aren’t any workbook pages that correspond to thissec�on. You might want to watch this sec�on of the DVD prior to ge�ng started on this program, as itmay cause you to prepare yourself differently based on the way you learn best.

Le�ng Go - DVD Time Stamp (2:39 – 8:31); Workbook pages: 3 - 9Read page 3, then watch DVD Chapter 1: Le�ng Go (Time Stamp (2:39 – 8:31)).Pause at end of DVD chapter. In this chapter, you are introduced to a new technique: Hand-Under-Hand® – a tool to comfort and connect. Try it out at your next opportunity. No�ce how it is differentfrom a tradi�onal handshake or handhold.

Consider the following:Look in the mirror and ask yourself, "What if I could let go of what was and accept what is?”

Read pages 4-7 and complete the exercises within those pages. Take a pause between each one. Theseexercises are meant to help you look in the mirror – to help you consider what is happening to you asyou are par�cipa�ng in this journey with your loved one. Take your �me, and really think through onechange you might make as a result of your self-discovery.

Then, complete pages 8-9. If it helps you to simplify, try to pick a single situa�on or change in behaviorthat you are currently finding challenging, and use these two pages to work through it.

Unmet Needs - DVD Time Stamp (43:14 – 50:38); Workbook pages: 10 - 14

Read page 10. Then watch DVD Chapter 5 (Time Stamp (43:14 to 50:38)). To get to this easily, go back tothe main DVD menu and select Chapter 5, or use your cursor to advance the DVD to that sec�on.

Read page 11 and consider the ques�ons on the top half of the page. Does this shed any light on whyyour loved one may be behaving in a par�cular way?

Con�nue on to pages 12-13. Think first about how you express your unmet needs, then do the same foryour loved one.

Page 4: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

3© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

Outline 1 – Using Workbook to Guide Order

Are you seeing any connec�on between the person living with demen�a’s distress and possible unmetneeds? Any thoughts on how the need could be resolved? If you have some ideas, try them out andno�ce the result.

Turn to pages 14 and 15. Consider how communica�on skills impact the ability of the person living withdemen�a to be able to tell you about his/her unmet needs. As the brain changes with demen�a, sodoes the ability to communicate. And that requires changes on the part of those suppor�ng a personliving with demen�a, as well. Answer the ques�ons on the bo�om of page 14, and consider how usingthe five I’m Sorry phrases (as described on the top of page 15) may help when challenges occur.

Complete the ques�ons on page 15 to further analyze how your person living with demen�a’scommunica�on skills are changing, and how you might need to change in order to respond effec�vely.

Personality Traits - DVD Time Stamp (8:31 – 29:22); Workbook pages: 16 - 18

Watch DVD Chapter 2, beginning at (Time Stamp 8:31) and ending at (Time Stamp 29:22). Turn to pages16-18 in your workbook and follow along with the DVD. Consider pausing at the end of each sec�on toanswer the ques�ons that pertain to each personality trait.

At the conclusion of this sec�on, consider how differences in personality traits may impact your successin suppor�ng your person living with demen�a. Addi�onally, how about others in the circle of care?How do different personality traits help or hinder the coordina�on of care among those in the circle ofcare with which you are involved? How might this explain some of your challenges in care coordina�on?Can you think of any changes you might make now that you recognize these differences in personalitytraits?

The Living GEMS® - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 19 - 21

Turn to pages 19-21 in your workbook. Read the introduc�on on page 19.

Since there is no DVD content to correspond with this sec�on, you may want to access the free GEMSvideo clip online at TeepaSnow.com (h�ps://teepasnow.com/resources/about-demen�a/). Just scrolldown un�l you see the Teepa’s GEMS video.

As you read through the GEMS state descrip�ons, check off what you are seeing in your person livingwith demen�a. How might you use this informa�on to best respond to him/her? Note that theDemen�a Caregiver Guide, which is available in the store on the teepasnow.com website(h�ps://teepasnow.com/product/demen�a-caregiver-guide/) is an excellent resource for understandinghow to best respond based on GEMS state.

Page 5: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

4© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

Outline 1 – Using Workbook to Guide Order

Six Pieces of the Puzzle - DVD Time Stamp (50:38 – 1:03:00); Workbook pages: 22 – 29Read page 22 in the workbook and consider the ques�ons on the bo�om of that page. You might thinkof a specific challenge to use as a basis for answering the ques�ons, or you might consider the broaderchallenge of being a care partner to help you frame your thinking.

Watch DVD Chapter 6 (Time Stamp (50:38 to 1:03:00)) which takes you to the end of the DVD. Formaximum effect, pause the DVD at the end of each Puzzle Piece and do the workbook ac�vi�es for eachpiece as it is presented.

Circadian Rhythms - DVD Time Stamp (29:22 – 38:44); Workbook pages: 28 - 29Because the understanding of Circadian Rhythms (which are included as a part of Puzzle Piece #6) is soimportant, there is a separate DVD Chapter dedicated to this topic. To watch, go to Chapter 3 (TimeStamp (29:22 - 38.44)) and complete the ques�ons on workbook page 29.

The ME Sheet - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 30 - 31There is no DVD content for this resource on pages 30 and 31. It is a tool to help you capture importantinforma�on about your person living with demen�a. Consider how this informa�on might set the stagefor success for anyone who par�cipates in a support role. How might you adjust your support based onthis informa�on? How about others? Who should have this informa�on?

Reframing Your Challenge - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 32 - 33Pages 32 and 33 are intended to help you develop an ac�on plan a�er having par�cipated in thiseduca�onal program. Take some �me to reflect on all that you have learned and select an area/challenge on which you want to explore further. How will you take what you have learned and put it touse?

Complete the ques�ons on pages 32 and 33, and consider sharing it with someone.

Taking Care of You - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 34 - 35Pages 34 and 35 encourage you to consider how you might take care of yourself in this very importantand challenging role as a care partner to a person living with demen�a. Read through these ideas andconsider other ways to help you de-stress. In order to be able to best support others, you MUST takecare of yourself.

What steps will you take to take care of you?

Page 6: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

5© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

Outline 2 - Using DVD to Guide Order

Introduc�on - DVD Time Stamp (0:00 – 2:39); Workbook pages: 0 - 2Watch DVD Introduc�on: From the DVD menu, click on Play All to start from the very beginning. Then,click Pause when the Le�ng Go sec�on comes on the screen (Time Stamp 2:39).

Read workbook page in inside cover en�tled, A Note from Teepa, and consider the ques�ons in theshaded box at the bo�om of the page. Then, con�nue on to read through page 2. Answer the reflec�onques�on on the bo�om of page 2: How are you coping with these changes?

Chapter 1: Le�ng Go - DVD Time Stamp (2:39 – 8:31); Workbook pages: 3 - 9Read page 3, then watch DVD Chapter 1: Le�ng Go (Time Stamp (2:39 – 8:31)).Pause at the end of the DVD chapter. In this chapter, you are introduced to a new technique: Hand-Under-Hand® – a tool to comfort and connect. Try it out at your next opportunity. No�ce how it isdifferent from a tradi�onal handshake or handhold.

Consider the following:Look in the mirror and ask yourself, "What if I could let go of what was and accept what is?”

Read pages 4-7 and complete the exercises within those pages. Take a pause between each one. Theseexercises are meant to help you look in the mirror – to help you consider what is happening to you asyou are par�cipa�ng in this journey with your loved one. Take your �me, and really think through onechange you might make as a result of your self-discovery.

Then, complete pages 8-9. If it helps you to simplify, try to pick a single situa�on or change in behaviorthat you are currently finding challenging, and use these two pages to work through it.

Chapter 2: Personality Traits - DVD Time Stamp (8:31 – 29:22); Workbook pages: 16 - 18

Watch DVD Chapter 2, beginning at (Time Stamp 8:31) and ending at (Time Stamp 29:22). Turn to pages16-18 in your workbook and follow along with the DVD. Consider pausing at the end of each sec�on toanswer the ques�ons that pertain to each personality trait.

At the conclusion of this sec�on, consider how differences in personality traits may impact our successin suppor�ng our persons living with demen�a. Addi�onally, how about others in the circle of care?How do different personality traits help or hinder the coordina�on of care among those in the circle ofcare with which you are involved? How might this explain some of your challenges in care coordina�on?Can you think of any changes you might make now that you recognize these differences in personalitytraits?

Chapter 3: Circadian Rhythms - DVD Time Stamp (29:22 – 38:44); Workbook pages: 28 - 29Because the understanding of Circadian Rhythms (which are included as a part of Puzzle Piece #6) is soimportant, there is a separate DVD Chapter dedicated to this topic. To watch, go to Chapter 3 (TimeStamp (29:22 – 38:44)) and complete the ques�ons on workbook page 29.

Page 7: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

6© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

Outline 2 - Using DVD to Guide Order

Chapter 4: Mul�ple Intelligences - DVD Time Stamp (38:44 – 43:14); Workbook pages: Not applicable

Chapter 4 of the DVD covers learning styles. There aren’t any workbook pages that correspond to thissec�on. You might want to watch this sec�on of the DVD prior to ge�ng started on this program, as itmay cause you to prepare yourself differently based on the way you learn best.

Chapter 5: Unmet Needs - DVD Time Stamp (43:14 – 50:38); Workbook pages: 10 - 14

Read page 10. Then watch DVD Chapter 5 (Time Stamp (43:14 to 50:38)). To get to this easily, go back tothe main DVD menu and select Chapter 5, or use your cursor to advance the DVD to that sec�on.

Read page 11 and consider the ques�ons on the top half of the page. Does this shed any light on whyyour loved one may be behaving in a par�cular way?

Con�nue on to pages 12-13. Think first about how you express your unmet needs, then do the same foryour loved one.

Are you seeing any connec�on between the person living with demen�a’s distress and possible unmetneeds? Any thoughts on how the need could be resolved? If you have some ideas, try them out andno�ce the result.

Turn to pages 14 and 15. Consider how communica�on skills impact the ability of the person living withdemen�a to be able to tell you about his/her unmet needs. As the brain changes with demen�a, sodoes the ability to communicate. And that requires changes on the part of those suppor�ng a personliving with demen�a, as well. Answer the ques�ons on the bo�om of page 14, and consider how usingthe five I’m Sorry phrases (as described on the top of page 15) may help when challenges occur.

Complete the ques�ons on page 15 to further analyze how your person living with demen�a’scommunica�on skills are changing, and how you might need to change in order to respond effec�vely.

Chapter 6: Six Pieces of the Puzzle - DVD Time Stamp (50:38 – 1:03:00); Workbook pages: 22 – 29Read page 22 in the workbook and consider the ques�ons on the bo�om of that page. You might thinkof a specific challenge to use as a basis for answering the ques�ons, or you might consider the broaderchallenge of being a care partner to help you frame your thinking.

Watch DVD Chapter 6 (Time Stamp (50:38 to 1:03:00)) which takes you to the end of the DVD. Formaximum effect, pause the DVD at the end of each Puzzle Piece and do the workbook ac�vi�es for eachpiece as it is presented.

Page 8: Creative Solutions Handout - Positive Approach to Care · 2020-07-13 · 2 © 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow AHow-to-UseGuide CreativeSolutions toChallengingSituations:

7© 2019 Positive Approach, LLC and Teepa Snow

Outline 2 - Using DVD to Guide Order

The Living GEMS® - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 19 - 21

Turn to pages 19-21 in your workbook. Read the introduc�on on page 19.

Since there is no DVD content to correspond with this sec�on, you may want to access the free GEMSvideo clip online at TeepaSnow.com (h�ps://teepasnow.com/resources/about-demen�a/). Just scrolldown un�l you see the Teepa’s GEMS video.

As you read through the GEMS state descrip�ons, check off what you are seeing in your person livingwith demen�a. How might you use this informa�on to best respond to him/her? Note that theDemen�a Caregiver Guide, which is available in the store on the teepasnow.com website(h�ps://teepasnow.com/product/demen�a-caregiver-guide/) is an excellent resource for understandinghow to best respond based on GEMS state.

The ME Sheet - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 30 - 31There is no DVD content for this resource on pages 30 and 31. It is a tool to help you capture importantinforma�on about your person living with demen�a. Consider how this informa�on might set the stagefor success for anyone who par�cipates in a support role. How might you adjust your support based onthis informa�on? How about others? Who should have this informa�on?

Reframing Your Challenge - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 32 - 33Pages 32 and 33 are intended to help you develop an ac�on plan a�er having par�cipated in thiseduca�onal program. Take some �me to reflect on all that you have learned and select an area/challenge on which you want to explore further. How will you take what you have learned and put it touse?

Complete the ques�ons on pages 32 and 33, and consider sharing it with someone.

Taking Care of You - DVD Time Stamp (Not Applicable); Workbook pages: 34 - 35Pages 34 and 35 encourage you to consider how you might take care of yourself in this very importantand challenging role as a care partner to a person living with demen�a. Read through these ideas andconsider other ways to help you de-stress. In order to be able to best support others, you MUST takecare of yourself.

What steps will you take to take care of you?