CREATIVE Portfolio Advertising Strategy and Planning BHK0027 Ana Maria Dan U1059732

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CREATIVEPortfolioAdvertising Strategy and Planning


Ana Maria Dan U1059732


Women are judged everyday, for what they wear, how they act, their shape and color, their social status just to name a few. They are never found up to par with this perfect, idealized, often-called inspirational image that the media insists of portraying as standard. More often than not, not even the models themselves look as good as the final product-they need to be enhanced using tools such as Photoshop.

Social stereotypes and media indoctrination have given women a sense of insecurity in their own image. Statistics show that 8 in 10 women are not happy with what they see in the mirror. More worrying though is the fact that the impact can be identified in girls as young as 10, 80% of them having already been on their first diet. This translates into 78% of teens not being happy with their body and 2/3 of adult women having experienced an eating disorder at some point in their life. The numbers show that this slow torture women enforce on themselves will end up killing 50 000 of them in our lifetime.

Taking a page out of the book of those that have carved away at the silhouette of today’s woman I thought of this campaign. It is meant to show not only to the media and to those that have taken it upon themselves to be judge, jury and executioner but also to those discriminated-women of all shapes, sizes and colors, that they are not simply a pretty wrapper.

The campaign is directed at two target audiences, TA1 represented by the media along with those that find themselves guilty of discriminating and judging women based on their sizing and TA2 represented by the ones discriminated themselves.

Separation of women into regular sizes and plus sizes puts a clear divide where there should be unity. This along with a multitude of other labels that are placed on women today have been shown to cause


more harm than good. It is in the end one size that defines and unites us all-our humanity. And as creations either of God or of an incredibly fortunate turn of biological events, depending on what you choose to believe in-we are all beautiful.

The campaign centers around the idea that beauty is not necessarily only a physical quality, but also one that transcends all other dimensions of life.

The TA1 campaign has renown model Ashley Graham as its poster child and ambassadress. Known for being an advocate of body positive and self-esteem campaigns Ashley is the ideal choice. She has the necessary industry contacts to get support from big fashion magazines such as VOGUE, she has worked with them previously and is wholeheartedly dedicated to the cause, as she wants to be a positive role model for her younger sisters.

The imagery for the campaign is meant to encourage the audience to realize that the difference in the size of the person/model does not detract in any way from not only her physical beauty but also that of her character. The objective is to stop the almost Pavlovian association between the word ‘beautiful’ and an image that 95% of women find impossible to achieve and raise awareness to this issue.

Three images have been created depicting Ashley at different sizes with the message “One size fits all: Beautiful no matter how big or small”. The use of lenticular printed billboard, underground and bus shelter ads placed strategically so that the audience will see them from multiple angles brings a touch of innovation- as one would say it depends from where you look at it.

The visuals are repeated on the website and in print in newspaper ads and a VOGUE article about Ashley’s

involvement in the campaign as well as on the cover.They have been kept simple as to also elevate the typography and message.

The TA2 online and TV Campaign features models in different sizes and shapes, ethnic backgrounds and ages. The objective is for the women in the target audience to realize that their diversity is not a factor that should separate but unite them. Their beauty resides in their inner strength and brings them together in a community where individuals support and elevate each other.

The offline campign however is centered around the idea that the women themselves should and can be the image of the campaign. As such the techniques and technologies used are meant to reflect the image of the consumer.

The outdoor billboards for example allow the audience to visualise themselves as part of the campaign and empathise with the models and the cause. The billboards display the visual of one of the nine models until the motion sensor detects movement at which point the surface of the billboard reflects the image of the person standing in front of it like a mirror. This effect is achieved by using Toshiba Ultra HD Mirror Displays. A sort of guerilla advertising campaign will also be set in place, targetting ladies’ public restrooms. The idea is that most women check their appearance regularly throughout the day in the mirrors of public restrooms. Adding the message of the campaign and the logo is a method of catching their attention and raising their awareness in an unexpected situation.

Another channel in which we will use a similar method is magazine advertising. Glossy magazines targeted at womenn will feature a two page mettalic foil spread with the slogan. The image of the reader will

be reflected allowing them to relate to the message, through powerful personalised imagery.

The TV ad features all nine models along with a very strong message. The copy “Remember girls, that no matter how big or small we run the world and we’re all beautiful.” is divided between close-up shots and full body shots of the model. There is also a second copy that lists the physical traits of the models and antiquated beliefs about the ideal female body and women in general. This second copy is in much smaller font to symbolize the fact that even though those characteristics might be accurate descriptions of the models they are irrelevant to their humanity and the overall purpose of the campaign.In the end the ad encourages watchers to visit the Campaign social media page and the official website where they will be encouraged to interact with women that feel the same.

The logo of the campaign, the message, the fonts and color scheme ensure that both sides of the campaign are integrated in a homogenous advertising strategy.








one size fits us allBEAUTY IS IN YOU


VISUALThe image chosen has been altered using Photoshop to show Ashley both at a smaller size, at her real size and at a larger size. The visual for the campaign is meant to encourage the audience to realize that the difference in the size of the model does not detract in any way from not only her physical beauty but also that of her character.

The visuals have been kept simple as to also elevate the typography and message.


This technology allows the audience to visualise the truth of the slogan when looking at the poster from different angles.


The ads will be placed on bus shelters and on billboards. The placement near transit routes is in the hope that the motion of the means of transport will display the full effect of the lenticular printing allowing them to see the transformation from one size to the other in a fluid manner.


The ads will also be placed in the underground, taking advantage again of the fact that people will see the transition between the three images either as they walk towards the correct station or from the subway as it leaves the station.

BILLBOARD ADSThe ads will also be placed on billboards, taking advantage of the fact that people will see the transition between the three images as they drive or walk by.



The magazine article is a part of Vogue’s reorientation towards a more positive body image direction in their content.Ashley was featured on the cover previously and is the perfect ambasadress for the cause. The article talks about her motivation for becoming the spokesperson for this cause and what is the current situation in the media with the body image issue.

B EING hailed as a role model brings with it huge responsibility, but for rising star

Ashley Graham it’s something that she can easily put into context.

“There’s pressure to it, but I’m the oldest of three girls - I’m 26 and my sisters are 21 and 22 - so I’ve always known what it’s like to be a role model,” she told us. “I always think of them first and then I apply that to the girls who look up to me.”

Graham is, of course, one of the most prominent plus-size models of her generation, famous not only for celebrating her killer curves, but also for her relaxed approach to the attention that it brings.

“Of course I get called a ‘fatty’ on Instagram and I always get comments saying ‘Why didn’t you airbrush out your cellulite before you posted that picture?’ But I don’t care. I’ve been doing this for 15 years so I just laugh at it and I’m happy with who I am,” she said, her chirpy American accent emanating confidence. “When I tell people that I work out they’re like, ‘You work out?’ But as long as you’re healthy

that’s all that matters.”

”It’s this attitude that has helped Graham secure not only multiple modelling contracts, but inspiring collaborations too - including an awareness campaign for “One Size Fits All: Beautiful”-the brand for whom Graham is already a poster girl.

Celebrating and showing off women’s curves is something that Graham clearly knows how to do well, as is making people listen to what she has to say on the subject of curvaceous models.

“If you were to ask me five years ago how fast things are happening, I’d say ‘good’, but now they’re really moving. I feel like there’s a long way to go,” she said. “You’ll know when girls have made it in the industry when there are multiple girls everywhere and not just one golden girl. But people are coming to terms with it. I think that people don’t like change - but change is happening.”

Graham’s awareness cam-paign for the discrimnation of women based on their size, together with OSFAB.co.uk launches online today.


The responsive website translates seamlessly across multiple devices offering an excellent user experience. The design is in conformity with all the other visual elements of the campaign.



These allow the audience to visualise themselves as part of the campaign and empathise with the models and the cause. The billboards display the visual of one of the nine models until the motion sensor detects movement at which point the surface of the billboard reflects the image of the person standing in front of it like a mirror. This effect is achieved by using Toshiba Ultra HD Mirror Displays.


MIRROR ADSThe idea is that most women check their appearance regularly throughout the day in the mirrors of public restrooms. Adding the message of the campaign and the logo is a method of catching their attention and raising their awareness in an unexpected situation.


The magazine ads will appear in a large variety of womens magazines. The metallic foil spread will reflect the image of the reader allowing them to better understand and relate to the message while reinforcing the value of the message as applying to them as well.


This TV ad was filmed with regular women in different shapes and sizes, to symbolise the fact that the beauty is in the diversity of their features and not in their similarities.


Social media page where consumers will be encouraged to interact with women that feel the same, creating a strong community that offers support .


These ads direct you to the website giving consumers the chance to see the video advertising . Then redirecting them towards the social media page.


The responsive website translates seamlessly across multiple devices offering an excellent user experience. The designof the ‘Your Stories” category reflects the TA2 campaign look for a homogenous experience.