T HE C REATION R ECIPE By Harrison Klein

Creation Recipe 1

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Creative thinking

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    By Harrison Klein

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    The Creation Recipe

    Have you ever thought about the cycle of creation? Where did God - the ultimate Source, the Divine, the Great I Am - get the idea for a zebra, or a gi-raffe or a hippopotamus? How did he create such amazing creatures? Can you follow the same steps the same recipe to create the life of your dreams? The answer is absolutely, positively, YES!

    You do not live in an arbitrary Universe where random things happen. You live in a Universal energy field that responds to the directions you give it and the vibrational signals you send out. The Universe simply builds your life according to the blueprint you create on the conscious, subconscious and su-per-conscious levels.

    You are the creator of your own reality. You are solely responsible for everything that is showing up in your life. That may be a little dif-ficult to believe at first, but take a close look at your past thoughts and see the connection with your current circumstances. The truth that you created your present reality will begin to emerge.

    When you look at your current situation objectively, without emotional at-tachment, judgment or criticism, you begin to see that there is a systematic process at work, one in which our thoughts become things. Wouldnt it be nice to finally be taught the recipe of how to create what you want in your life? Before it is revealed, however, it is necessary to revisit some funda-mental truths about the universe.

    We live in an inclusion-based Universe. If you say Yes to something, it will come to you if you do not block it with negative thoughts, beliefs or emo-tions. If you say No to something, it will still come to you, but in the negative form. The Universe does not make judgments on the choices we make in our lives. It brings into physical form whatever we choose with intention, purpose, consistency and belief.

    Physical forms and objects do not have an independent existence they were a thought in someones mind that was brought into physical existence. Quantum Physics has proven this statement beyond a shadow of doubt.

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    What exists in your life right at this moment was created by a thought that formed in your mind sometime in the past. Enough energy, emotion and con-viction was attached to that thought to have it manifest into the physical world.

    The universe is held together by the Law of Cause and Effect. Most people focus on the second part of this law, when they should fo-cus all of their attention on the first part the cause. We tend to identify with the effects, the results of our thoughts, and not the thoughts themselves.

    So how do you step out of the morass of Effect and step into your own Cause? It is so simple that babies and young children do it all the time. Really watch a baby laugh or cry or be still. There is no judgment, criticism or doubt in that child. She is simply being happy, mad or observant. Not consciously, of course, but that is exactly the point. When your mind takes over your thoughts, you are not open to Source. Instead, you are trying to control the events and focusing on your actions, instead of your being.

    The two most powerful words in the universe are I AM. They put you into a state of being of existence without any doubt or uncertainty. These two words bring your focus back where it should be on the causal side of the equation! Creation flows naturally when you are in a being state of con-sciousness. Why? Because it is the first step of the Creation Recipe.

    The Creation Recipe is a series of five steps that follow each other in a natural order. Follow each step with faith, conviction and clear focus, and the universe will deliver. It may not be what you wanted exactly, but it will always be something much better. What are those five steps?

    Be Think Speak Act Receive

    The secret is this when you become your I Am, you step into Cause. Your attention, focus and thought are directed to being, not doing. Deliberate and clear statements of I Am will materialize into form in the outer world. It has to, because that is the way that God designed us and the Universe. Cause and Effect is how the Universe holds itself together. Be the Cause and the Effects will follow. It is guaranteed by God!

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    So look around you what is in your life right now that does not please you? Are there too many bills, not enough income or unhappy relationships? Do you hate your job or dream of breaking free but cannot see a way to get there? Take a moment and catalog your life into what you like and dont like. Then keep read-ing to discover how to change those things that do not express the highest version of you.

    The admonition, First, Know Thyself takes on a whole new meaning, doesnt it? By knowing yourself first and defining your true desires, you can then direct your powerful mind to those desires and create the life you envision for yourself. All you have to do is decide what you want to experience pros-perity, love, happiness, outstanding health, etc. then shift your conscious-ness to that, and do not allow yourself to entertain contrary thoughts. You will probably have to clear old, limiting beliefs and non-serving attitudes that op-pose or negate your clearly-stated desires.

    Be Think Speak Act Receive

    Did you notice where act is in this sequence? It is towards the end of the process. You have to be what you want before you can ever act on it! How do you Be something? Simple. Make a decision to become that state of be-ing. Be happy. Be wealthy. Be successful. Step into your power by becoming your State of Being.

    Decide what your I Ams are going to be from this moment on. Use visu-alization, mediation, repetition and conviction to reinforce your new I Ams in every moment you can. Become the person you want to be first in your mind. Then deliberately focus your thoughts on that higher version of you. Your words will follow your thoughts, and your actions will follow your words. Do not be attached to the outcome, because that is the effect side of the equa-tion. The universe will deliver to you the effects of your cause. It is all part of the process.

    But what is the purpose of creation? Once you understand that funda-mental question, magic the unexplainable enters your life. So here goes:

    The purpose of creation is for you to experience yourself as a larger and more expanded version of you!

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    That is why it is called The Cycle of Creation, because it is never ending. A larger and more expanded version of any-thing is different than the smaller and less expanded version that it came from. You are part of an ever-upward evolution spiraling towards the ultimate Creator the Source. God.

    Think of your life as a DNA molecule. It is an ever-upward spiral of energy. It is the blueprint for your physical self and it also serves as an example of how your Spiritual Self evolves.

    How much better could the system get, being the ultimate creator of our own reality? By Universal Law, it must manifest in our reality. The outer must reflect the inner.

    Do not interfere with the Creation Process. It is the way it is for a reason. You did not create it therefore you cannot change it. Just follow the Creation Recipe and watch for miracles!

    Make 2010 your best year ever by embracing the Creation Recipe to the fullest. Deliberate creation is the most amazing, satisfying and thrilling process you can ever learn, because that is what you are meant to do while you are here, living on this planet. Remember, when you take your place as a deliber-ate creator, we all benefit! ---------------

    Harrison Klein is the principal creator of The Masters Gathering and is a Transformational Coach teaching self-mastery and the I AM Principles. You can visit Harrison at: www.themastersgathering.com