Department of Civil Engineering 1 SHIVAJI UNIVERSITY, KOLHAPUR BE (Civil) Syllabus Structure SEMESTER-VIII (Part II) Sr. No. Subject Teaching scheme per week Examination scheme L P T D Total Theory paper TW POE OE Total 1 Theory of Structures 3 2 --- --- 5 100 25 --- --- 125 2 Geotechnical Engineering-II 3 2 --- --- 5 100 50 --- --- 150 3 Engineering Management 4 --- --- --- 4 100 --- --- --- 100 4 Engineering Geology 3 2 --- --- 5 100 *50 --- --- 150 5 Environment Engineering-II 3 2 --- --- 5 100 25 --- 25 150 6 SDD-I --- --- --- 4 4 --- 50 --- 25 75 7 Seminar --- 2 --- --- 2 --- 50 --- --- 50 8 **Field Training --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Total 16 10 --- 4 30 500 250 --- 50 800 ‘*’ Includes 25 Marks for Oral based on Term Work. ‘**’ Field Training shall be done in the summer vacation for a period of three weeks which will be assessed at the end of VII th Semester.

Course Plan for Third Year CIVIL - Semester VI · PDF file · 2017-01-23and structural redundancy, Methods of analysis. (No numerical ... two hinged parabolic arch with supports at

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Department of

Civil Engineering



BE (Civil) Syllabus Structure


Sr. No.

Subject Teaching scheme per week Examination scheme

L P T D Total Theory paper


1 Theory of Structures 3 2 --- --- 5 100 25 --- --- 125

2 Geotechnical Engineering-II

3 2 --- --- 5 100 50 --- --- 150

3 Engineering Management

4 --- --- --- 4 100 --- --- --- 100

4 Engineering Geology 3 2 --- --- 5 100 *50 --- --- 150

5 Environment Engineering-II

3 2 --- --- 5 100 25 --- 25 150

6 SDD-I --- --- --- 4 4 --- 50 --- 25 75

7 Seminar --- 2 --- --- 2 --- 50 --- --- 50

8 **Field Training --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Total 16 10 --- 4 30 500 250 --- 50 800

‘*’ Includes 25 Marks for Oral based on Term Work.

‘**’ Field Training shall be done in the summer vacation for a period of three weeks which

will be assessed at the end of VIIth


Department of

Civil Engineering


Department of Civil Engineering

T. E. Civil

Academic Year: 2017-17, Semester II





Subject Page No.

CE307 Theory of Structures 02

CE308 Geotechnical Engineering-II 30

CE309 Engineering Management 49

CE310 Environment Engineering -II 62

CE311 Engineering Geology 71

CE312 Structural Design and Drawing I 82

CE314 Seminar 87

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Plan for Theory of structure

Course code CE 307 Course Theory of structure

Prepared by Prof.V S Patil/ R.M.Desai Semester AY 2017-18, Sem VI

Prerequisites Concept of SFD and BMD for determinate Structures.

Basic equilibrium static conditions and its applications to beams and frames

in flexure

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

CO1 Explain2 the concept of determinacy and indeterminacy.

CO2 Apply4 appropriate solution techniques to the problem.

CO3 Analyze3 indeterminate structures by using different methods.

CO4 Interpret the output of different methods

CO5 Describe3 the limitations of the methods of solution and their outcomes

CO6 Explain5 matrix method for the analysis.

Mapping of COs with POs



a b c d E F G h i j K l

CO1 3 2

CO2 3 2

CO3 3 2

CO4 3 2

CO5 3 2

CO6 3 2

1 Mild correlation 2 Moderate correlation 3 Strong


Course Contents

Unit No. Title No. of


Section I

1. A) Concept of determinacy and indeterminacy, Degrees of freedom

and structural redundancy, Methods of analysis. (No numerical).

B) Consistent deformation method: propped cantilever with uniform

section, fixed beam, portal frame.


2. Force Method: Energy Theorems- Betti’s Law, Maxwell’s

reciprocal theorem, Castiglione’s theorem and unit load method.

Statically indeterminate beam, truss (lack of fit and temperature

variation effect), two hinged parabolic arch with supports at same


(Degree of S.I. ≤ 2).


Department of

Civil Engineering


3. Force method: Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments continuous

beam, sinking of support, beam with different M.I.


Section II

4. Displacement Method:

Slope deflection equation method, Modified slope deflection

equation application to beams, sinking of supports, portal frames

without sway.

( Degree of K.I. ≤2)


5. Displacement Method:

Moment distribution method: application to beam, sinking of

supports, portal frames without and with sway. (Degree of S.I. ≤2).


6 Matrix Methods:

Flexibility coefficients, development of flexibility matrix, analysis of

beams and portals, Stiffness coefficients, development of stiffness

matrix, analysis of beams

and portals (Degree of S.I. < 2)


Reference Books:

Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition Topics

01 Matrix analysis of structures Gere & Weaver Tata McGraw-

Hill pub 07,08

02 Indeterminate structural


C.K. Wang Tata McGraw-

Hill pub 02

03 Theory of Structures S.P. - Timoshenko

& Young

Tata McGraw-

Hill pub 01

04 Theory of structures

Ramamurtham and



Publications 03,05,06

Evaluation scheme



Theory Term Work POE Total

Max. Marks 100 25 --- 125

Contact Hours/

week 3 2 -- 5

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks


01 Concept of Indeterminate structures

Consistent Deformation Method


02 Energy Theorem 16

03 Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments 17


04 Slope Deflection Method 17

05 Moment distribution Method 16

06 Flexibility Method, Stiffness Method 16

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Unitization


Unit Course Outcomes No. of Questions in



01 Concept of Indeterminate

structures, Consistent Deformation




02 Energy Theorem CO2,CO3

03 Clapeyron’s theorem of three





04 Slope Deflection Method CO2,CO3 05 Moment distribution Method CO2,CO3

02 06 Flexibility Method, Stiffness

Method CO3,CO6

Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I


No 01A) Unit Title Concept of Indeterminate structures Planned



Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 Learn the concept of indeterminacy for different indeterminate structure like

Beam, truss and frames and also Methods of analysis



Lesson schedule

Class No. Details to be covered

01 Introduction of syllabus, reference books, Question paper nature.

02 Types of supports, static conditions of equilibrium, static indeterminacy.

03 Internal indeterminacy of frames, beams, trusses. Degree of kinematic indeterminacy

(DOF), various methods of analysis

Review Questions

Q1 Write note on DOF.



Q2 “Beams are determinate internally”, explain

Q3 How you select a particular method for the analysis. Which method is

used for computer applications

Q4 What are the different methods of analysis of indeterminate structures?.

Q5 Find static and kinematic indeterminacy of following structures.

Department of

Civil Engineering



No 1B) Unit Title Consistent Deformation Method Planned



Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 Explain the compatibility equations for the analysis of propped cantilever,

fixed beams



Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

4 Propped cantilever, compatibility equation, angular and linear flexibility

5 Propped cantilever- examples on analysis of propped cantilever and to construct SFD and


6 Propped cantilever- examples on analysis of propped cantilever and to construct SFD and


7 Fixed beam, compatibility equation, , Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem, yielding of support,

sinking of support

8 Examples

Review Questions

Q1 State Maxwell theorem of reciprocal displacement.

CO2,CO3,CO4 Q2 Explain the principal behind consistent deformation method.

Q3 A propped cantilever 10 mts span is subjected to clockwise couple of 20

KN-m at pin end. Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m

Q4 A propped cantilever AB, 10 mts span, is subjected to UDL 20 KN/m over

entire span. There is a vertical gap of 10mm between the support B and

the end of the beam. Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m

Q5 A Fixed beam AB, 10 mts span, the end A is rotated by 0.002 radians. CO2,CO3,CO4

Department of

Civil Engineering


Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m



2 Unit Title Energy Theorems Planned



Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 Analyze indeterminate trusses by energy principle CO2,CO3,CO4

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

9 Concept of energy method, Castigliano’s theorem

10 Examples on analysis of continuous beams using Castigliano’s theorem ,and to construct


11 Examples on analysis of propped cantilever, fixed beams using Castigliano’s theorem,

and to construct SFD and BMD

12 Examples on analysis of portal frames using Castigliano’s theorem, and to construct BMD

13 Unit load method- application to trusses

14 Examples on analysis of indeterminate trusses by unit load method

15 Examples on analysis of Two hinge arches using Castigliano’s theorem.

16 Examples on analysis of Two hinge arches using Castigliano’s theorem.

Review Questions

Q1 A two hinge parabolic arch of span 36 m and central rise 8m,is subjected to

UDL of intensity 40 KN/m over left hand of the span of the arch. Determine

the position and magnitude of maximum bending moment. Also find radial

shear and normal thrust at quarter span point of the arch Draw BMD


O4 Q2 Find the forces in the member of the truss shown in fig. The value of AE is




03 Unit Title Clapeyron’s theorem of three





Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 Acquire knowledge of Analyze the statically indeterminate structure by

using three moment theorem.


Lesson schedule

Department of

Civil Engineering




Details to be covered

17 Clapeyron’s theorem of three moment –derivation and its application for the analysis of

continuous beams for prismatic and non prismatic sections

18 Examples on analysis of continuous beams with prismatic sections and to construct SFD

and BMD beam.

19 . Examples on analysis of continuous beams with Non prismatic sections and to construct

SFD and BMD beam

20 Examples on analysis of continuous beams with sinking of supports and to construct SFD

and BMD beam

Review Questions


A continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C,

such that AB=8m, BC=4m.It carries UDL of 3 KN/m over AB and point

load 8KN at mid span of BC. During loading support B sinks by

10mm.Analyse the beam and draw




Q2 Derive Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments.


Analysis continuous beam shown in fig below. Support B sinks by 12

mm. I=1600cm4,E=200KN/mm


Section II



04 Unit Title Slope Deflection Method Planned

Hrs. 08

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 Explain the equilibrium equations for the analysis of beams and frames

for slope deflection method


Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

21 General and modified Slope deflection equations-derivations

22 Examples on analysis of continuous beams by general and modified slope deflection

equations and to construct SFD and BMD

23 Examples on analysis of continuous beams by general and modified slope deflection

equations and to construct SFD and BMD

24 Examples on analysis of portal frames without sway by general and modified slope

deflection equations and to construct SFD and BMD

25 Examples on analysis of portal frames without sway by general and modified slope

deflection equations and to construct SFD and BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering


26 Examples on analysis of portal frames with sway by general and modified slope deflection

equations and to construct SFD and BMD

27 Sway frames

28 Sway frames

Review Questions


Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI=4000KNm2

CO2,CO3,CO4 Q2

Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD


Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI=4000KNm2

Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering




5 Unit Title Moment Distribution Method Planned



Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 Learn a Moment Distribution method for the analysis of beams and



Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

29 Basic preposition-propped cantilever, stiffness of members, Carry over theorem

30 Fixed end moments, Distribution factors, relative stiffness’s

31 Examples on analysis of continuous beams by MDM and to construct SFD and BMD

32 Examples on analysis of continuous beams with support yielding and sinking by MDM and

to construct SFD and BMD.

33 Examples on analysis of portal frames without sideway by MDM and to construct SFD and


34 Examples on analysis of portal frames without sideway by MDM and to construct SFD and


Review Questions

Q1 Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD. Under the load

support B sinks by 10mm.Take E=200×105 KN/m2 ,I=350×10




Q2 Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD


Department of

Civil Engineering



No 6A Unit Title Flexibility Method Planned Hrs. 05

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 impart knowledge on matrix method of analysis CO2,CO3,CO4,CO6

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

35 Introduction to Matrix method of analysis-Basic step to solve second order matrix,

inverse of matrix. Flexibility

36 Generation of flexible matrix to axial loading, tensional and flexural loading with

different degree of freedom

37 Examples on analysis of continuous beams by flexibility methods and to constructs SFD

and BMD

38 Examples on analysis of Portal frames without side sway by flexibility methods and to

constructs SFD and BMD

Review Questions


Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD


Q2 Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering




6B Unit Title Stiffness Method Planned Hrs. 06

Unit Outcomes

At the end of this unit the students should be able to:

UO1 impart knowledge on matrix method of analysis CO2,CO3,CO4,CO6

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

39 Introduction to Matrix method of analysis-stiffness method, generation of displacement and

force matrix, degree of freedom

40 Examples on analysis of continuous beams by stiffness method and to constructs SFD and


41 Examples on analysis of continuous beams by stiffness method and to constructs SFD and


42 Examples on analysis of portal frame without side sway by stiffness method and to

constructs SFD and BMD

Review Questions

Q1 Write properties of stiffness matrix


Q2 Prove that stiffness matrix is the inverse of flexibility matrix


Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering



Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Model Question Paper

Theory of structures

Duration: 3.00 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Day and Date :


1. All Questions are Compulsory

2. Figure to the right indicates full marks.

3. Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed


1 A Find static and kinematic indeterminacy of the structures shown below


B A propped cantilever beam AB 10 mts span is subjected to UDL of 15

KN/m throughout span and a point load of 10 KN at the centre of the

beam. Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m.


Department of

Civil Engineering


2 Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD. Under the load

support B sinks by 10mm.Take E= 200×105 KN/m

2, I=350×10

-6 m


using Three moment theorem.



A State Castiglione theorem of three moment 03

b Find the forces in the member of the truss shown in fig. The value of

AE is constant



4 Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD. Under the load

support B sinks by 10mm.Take E=200×105 KN/m

2 ,I=350×10

-6 m


using modified slope deflection method


5 Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD using moment

distribution method


Department of

Civil Engineering


6 Analyses the continuous beam ABC using flexibility method and draw

BMD. Support A is fixed, with AB=BC= 3m.It is subjected to 10 KN

at midpoint of AB and UDL of 15KN/m over BC.




Analyses the continuous beam ABCD using stiffness method and draw




List of experiments/assignments to meet the requirements of the syllabus

Assignment No. 1




Batch I

1. What are the advantages of indeterminate structures over determinate


2. Find static and kinematic indeterminacy of following structures.

Department of

Civil Engineering


3. What are the different methods of analysis of indeterminate structures?

How you select a particular method for the analysis. Which method is used

for computer applications?

Batch II 1. What are the advantages of indeterminate structures over determinate


2. Find static and kinematic indeterminacy of following structures.

Department of

Civil Engineering


3. What are the different methods of analysis of indeterminate structures?

How you select a particular method for the analysis. Which method is used

for computer applications?

Batch III 1. What are the advantages of indeterminate structures over determinate


2. Find static and kinematic indeterminacy of following structures.

Department of

Civil Engineering


3. What are the different methods of analysis of indeterminate structures?

How you select a particular method for the analysis. Which method is used

for computer applications?

Assignment No. 2



Consistent deformation Method CO2,CO3,CO4

Batch I

1. State Maxwell theorem of reciprocal displacement.

2. Explain the principal behind consistent deformation method.

3. A propped cantilever 10 mts span is subjected to clockwise couple of 20

KN-m at pin end. Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m2

4. A Fixed beam AB, 10 mts span, the end A is rotated by 0.002 radians.

Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m2

Batch II

1. State Maxwell theorem of reciprocal displacement.

2. Explain the principal behind consistent deformation method.

3. A propped cantilever 10 mts span is subjected to clockwise couple of 20

KN-m at pin end. Draw SFD and BMD.Take EI=210 KN-m2

4. A Fixed beam AB, 10 mts span, the end A is rotated by 0.002 radians.

Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m2

Batch III

1. State Maxwell theorem of reciprocal displacement.

2. Explain the principal behind consistent deformation method.

3. A propped cantilever 10 mts span is subjected to clockwise couple of 20

KN-m at pin end. Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m2

4. A Fixed beam AB, 10 mts span, the end A is rotated by 0.002 radians.

Department of

Civil Engineering


Draw SFD and BMD. Take EI=210 KN-m2

Assignment No.3



Clapeyrons three moment theorem CO2,CO3,CO4

Batch I

1. A continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C,

such that AB=8m, BC=4m.It carries UDL of 3 KN/m over AB and point

load 8KN at mid span of BC. During loading support B sinks by

10mm.Analyse the beam and draw BMD.IAB =2I,IBC= I,I =1600cm4,E=200


2. Derive Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments.

3. Analysis continuous beam shown in fig below. Support B sinks by 12 mm.

I=1600 cm4,E=200 KN/mm


Batch II 1.A continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C,

such that AB=8m, BC=4m.It carries UDL of 3 KN/m over AB and point

load 8KN at mid span of BC. During loading support B sinks by

10mm.Analyse the beam and draw BMD.IAB=2I,IBC=I,I=1600



2. Derive Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments.

3. Analysis continuous beam shown in fig below. Support B sinks by 12 mm.

I=1600cm4, E=200KN/mm2

Batch III 1. A continuous beam ABC is fixed at A and simply supported at B and C,

such that AB=8m, BC= 4m.It carries UDL of 3 KN/m over AB and point

load 8KN at mid span of BC. During loading support B sinks by

Department of

Civil Engineering


10mm.Analyse the beam and draw



2. Derive Clapeyron’s theorem of three moments.

3. Analysis continuous beam shown in fig below. Support B sinks by 12 mm.

I=1600 cm4,E=200KN/mm


Assignment No. 4



Energy Methods CO2,CO3,CO4

Batch I 1.A two hinge parabolic arch of span 36 m and central rise 8m,is subjected to

UDL of intensity 40 KN/m over left hand of the span of the arch. Determine

the position and magnitude of maximum bending moment. Also find radial

shear and normal thrust at quarter span point of the arch Draw BMD

2.Find the forces in the member of the truss shown in fig. The value of AE is


Batch II 1.A two hinge parabolic arch of span 36 m and central rise 8m,is subjected to

UDL of intensity 40 KN/m over left hand of the span of the arch. Determine

the position and magnitude of maximum bending moment. Also find radial

shear and normal thrust at quarter span point of the arch Draw BMD

2.Find the forces in the member of the truss shown in fig. The value of AE is


Department of

Civil Engineering


Batch-III 1. A two hinge parabolic arch of span 36 m and central rise 8m,is subjected

to UDL of intensity 40 KN/m over left hand of the span of the arch.

Determine the position and magnitude of maximum bending moment. Also

find radial shear and normal thrust at quarter span point of the arch Draw


2. Find the forces in the member of the truss shown in fig. The value of AE

is constant

Assignment No. 5



Slope Deflection Method CO2,CO3,CO4

Batch I

1. Derive the Slope Deflection equation for indeterminate beam.

2.Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD.Under the load support

B sinks by 10mm.Take E=200×105 KN/m

2 ,I=350×10

-6 m


3. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering


4.Analyse fixed beam shown in fig and draw BMD

Batch II

1. Derive the Slope Deflection equation for indeterminate beam.

2. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD. Under the load support

B sinks by 10mm.Take E=200×105 KN/m

2 ,I=350×10

-6 m


3. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

4.Analyse fixed beam shown in fig and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering


Batch III

1. Derive the Slope Deflection equation for indeterminate beam.

2. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD. Under the load support

B sinks by 10mm.Take E=200×105 KN/m2 ,I=350×10

-6 m


3. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

4.Analyse fixed beam shown in fig and draw BMD

Assignment No. 6



Moment Distribution Method CO2,CO3,CO4,CO6

Batch I

1. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI=4000KNm2

Department of

Civil Engineering


2. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

3. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI=4000KNm2

4. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Batch II

1. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI= 4000KN-m2

Department of

Civil Engineering


2. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

3. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI=4000KNm2

4. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Batch-III 1. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI=4000KNm2

Department of

Civil Engineering


2. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

3. Analyze the beam shown in figure and draw BMD .Support B sinks by

10mm.Take EI=4000KNm2

4. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Assignment No. 7



Flexibility Method CO2,CO3,CO4,CO6

Batch I 1.Analyses the continuous beam ABCD using flexibility method and draw


Department of

Civil Engineering


2.Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

3.Prove that stiffness matrix is the inverse of flexibility matrix

4. Develop flexibility matrix with respect to the assign coordinates shown


Batch II

1.Analyses the continuous beam ABCD using flexibility method and draw


Department of

Civil Engineering


2. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

3. Prove that stiffness matrix is the inverse of flexibility matrix

4. Develop flexibility matrix with respect to the assign coordinates shown



1.Analyses the continuous beam ABCD using flexibility method and draw


2. Analyze the portal frame shown below and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering


3. Prove that stiffness matrix is the inverse of flexibility matrix

4.Develop flexibility matrix with respect to the assign coordinates shown


Assignment No. 8



Stiffness Method CO2,CO3,CO4,CO6

Batch I

1.Analyses the continuous beam ABC using Stiffness method and draw

BMD. Support A is fixed, with AB=BC=3m.It is subjected to 10 KN at

midpoint of AB and UDL of 15KN/m over BC

2. Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD

3.Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering


Batch II

1.Analyses the continuous beam ABC using Stiffness method and draw

BMD. Support A is fixed, with AB=BC=3m.It is subjected to 10 KN at

midpoint of AB and UDL of 15KN/m over BC

2. Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD

3.Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD


1. Analyses the continuous beam ABC using Stiffness method and draw

BMD. Support A is fixed, with AB=BC=3m.It is subjected to 10 KN at

midpoint of AB and UDL of 15KN/m over BC

2. Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD

3.Analyses the fixed beam shown in fig. and draw BMD

Department of

Civil Engineering


Geotechnical Engineering II

Course Code CE 308 Course Geotechnical Engineering II

Prepared by Dr. A. D. Katdare

Mr. D. A. Gunjgi

Semester AY 2017-18, Sem II


This course require student to know about basic concept Knowledge of Basic

Civil Engineering, Knowledge of Engineering Mechanics, Knowledge of Soil

Mechanics, properties of soil, engineering properties of soil.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students should be able to:


Identify1 the investigation plan to explore the subsurface and determine

necessary soil parameters for judging its suitability for the proposed

engineering works.

CO308.2 Define

1 and calculate

3 load bearing capacity by using different classical


CO308.3 Discuss

2 different types of shallow foundations and design those. Predict the

possible settlement of foundations.

CO308.4 Classify

3 different types of piles and determine load carrying capacity of

piles acting individually and in group.

CO308.5 Explain2 well foundation, caissons, sheet piles and coffer dams.

CO308.6 Explain

2 various methods used for analysis of slopes and analyze the slope


Mapping of COs with POs


COs a b c d E f G h i j k l


CO308.2 1 1 1

CO308.3 1 2 1

CO308.4 2 2 3



1: Low correlation, 2: moderate correlation, 3: Strong correlation

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Contents

Unit No. Title No. of


Section I

1. Soil & Rock Exploration:

Necessity, Planning, No & depth of bore holes, Exploration Methods-

auger boring (hand and continuous flight augers), and wash boring,

rotary drilling. Soil sampling- disturbed and undisturbed, Rock

drilling and sampling, Mechanical properties of rock, behaviour of

rocks in uniaxial compression, tensile strength of rocks, Core barrels,

Core boxes, core recovery, RQD.


2. Bearing Capacity Evaluation:

Definitions, Modes of failure, Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory,

I.S. Code method of bearing capacity evaluation & computation (IS

6403), Effect of various factors on bearing capacity(Size & Shape,

Depth, WT, Eccentricity),Bearing capacity evaluation from Plate

load test, S.P.T. (By I.S. Code method) and pressure meter tests with

detailed procedure.


3. Shallow Foundation:

Types and their selection, minimum depth of footing, Assumptions &

limitations of rigid design analysis. Design of Isolated, combined,

strap footing (Rigid analysis), Raft foundation (elastic analysis),

floating foundations (R.C.C. Design is not expected)

Foundation Settlement:

Immediate settlement- computations from I.S. 8009- 1976 (Part I)

approach, consolidation

Settlement computations, Concept of total settlement, differential

settlement and angular distortion.


Section II

Department of

Civil Engineering


4. Pile Foundation:

Classification and their uses, single pile capacity evaluation bystatic

and dynamic methods, pile load test. Negative skin friction, Group

action piles, spacing of piles in a group, Group efficiency. Under

reamed piles – equipment, construction and precautions.


5. Well foundations, Caisson, Sheet pile, coffer dam :

Element of wells, types, methods of construction, tilt and shift,

remedial measures.

Pneumatic caissons: sinking method- Sand island method, Caisson


Types and material used for sheet piling

Common types of cofferdams, Soil pressure distribution, Braced



6. Stability of Slope:

Slope classification, slope failure, modes of failure. Infinite slope in

cohesive and cohesion less soil, Taylor’s stability number, Swedish

slip method and concept of Friction circle method, Landslides

Modern Foundation Techniques:

Stone columns, Vibroflotation, Preloading technique, Civil

engineering application of geo synthetics, geo textile & geo



Reference Books:

Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition Topics

1. Principles of Geotechnical

Engineering Braja M. Das

Taylor & Francis All

2. Soil mechanics and Foundation

engineering. V. N. S. Murthy

U. B. S.


New Delhi


3. Soil mechanics and Foundation

engineering. B. C. Punmia

A Saurabh and

Company Pvt.

Ltd., Madras


Department of

Civil Engineering


4. Soil mechanics. Terzaghi and Peak John Willey and

Sons, New- York All

5. Soil Mechanics and Foundation

Engineering K. R. Arora





Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks

I 1, 2, 3

Soil & Rock Exploration, Bearing Capacity

Evaluation, Shallow Foundation & Foundation



II 4, 5, 6

Pile Foundation, Caisson Foundation, Sheet Piles &

Cofferdams, Stability of Slopes, Modern Foundation



Course Unitization


Unit Course

Outcomes No. of Questions in



1. Soil & Rock Exploration CO308.1 3

2. Bearing Capacity

Evaluation CO308.2 3

3. Shallow Foundation CO308.3 3


4. Pile Foundation CO308.4


5. Well foundations, Caisson,

Sheet pile, coffer dam CO308.5 3

6. Stability of Slope CO308.6 3

Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

Department of

Civil Engineering


1 Soil and Rock Exploration 06

Lesson schedule


No. Details to be covered

1 Necessity of exploration, planning of exploration for the area, deciding the number,

location & depth of boreholes to be taken.

2 Study different available exploration methods such as auger boring (hand &

continuous flight augers), wash boring and their area of application.

3 Rotary drilling and its area of applications, different rotary cutters.

4 Soil sample collection (disturbed and undisturbed), properties of rock, modes of


5 Behavior of rocks in uniaxial compression, tensile strength of rocks.

6 Core barrels, core boxes, core recovery, RQD.

Review Questions

Q1 What information is gathered in general exploration of soil?

Q2 Explain the rotary drilling.

Q3 Enlist type of soil samples. (SUK, Dec 2015, 6M)

Q4 List and explain various strength properties of rock. (SUK, May 2016, 6M)

Q5 List and explain various types of boring methods used to collect soil or rock

sample. (SUK, May 2016, 6M)

Q6 Explain bore hole logging with sketch for soil and rock explorations. (SUK, Nov

2017, 6M)

Q7 Explain with neat sketch:

a. Area ratio b. outside clerence c. inside clearance (SUK, Nov. 2016, 8M)

Q8 Explain any two:

a. Rotary drilling b. RQD c. core boxes, core recovery (SUK Dec2016, 8M)

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

2 Bearing Capacity Evaluation 06

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Civil Engineering


Lesson schedule


No. Details to be covered

1 Definitions, modes of failure, bearing capacity failures.

2 Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equations with derivation.

3 I.S. Code method of bearing capacity evaluation and computation.

4 Effect of various factors on bearing capacity.

5 Plate load test, S.P.T. and pressuremeter tests with detailed procedure.

6 Numerical problems.

Review Questions

Q1 Draw a neat sketch of plate load setup and indicate the parts.

Q2 Explain Terzaghi’s method to take care of water table effect on bearing capacity.


Differentiate between general shear and local shear failure modes. What

modifications are made in bearing capacity equation when local shear failure

conditions prevails? ( SUK, May 2007, 5M)

Q4 Discuss the factors influencing bearing capacity of soil.

Q5 Give expression for IS code method of bearing capacity and explain the terms.


A plate load test was conducted with 30 cm square plate at a depth of 1.2 m below

GL, in cohesive soil with ϕ = 0. The failure was observed at a load of 36 kN.The

water table was observed at a load of 36 kN. The water table was 4.7m deep below

GL. Compute cohesion and determine ultimate bearing capacity for strip footing 1

m wide with its base located 1.2 m below GL. γ = 16.8 kN/m3 and FS = 3.0. What

would be SBC ? (SUK, May 2014, 9M)

Q7 How will you account the effect of water table on bearing capacity? Explain.

(SUK, May 2016,5M)


No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

3 Shallow Foundation & Foundation Settlement 06

Department of

Civil Engineering


Lesson schedule


No. Details to be covered

1 Shallow foundation types and their selection, minimum depth of footing,

assumptions and limitations of rigid design analysis.

2 Analysis and design of isolated, combined footings and strap footings.

3 Raft foundation (elastic analysis) and floating foundations.

4 Calculation of immediate and consolidation settlement.

5 Total and differential settlement, tolerable settlement and angular distortion.

6 Numerical problems.

Review Questions

Q1 Write the assumptions and limitations of rigid analysis of shallow foundation


Q2 Explain the various factors to be considered in deciding the location and depth of

shallow foundation.

Q3 Discuss the factors governing choice of raft foundation.

Q4 What is floating foundation? Where it is useful?

Q5 With sketches show the types of shallow foundations and their suitability. (SUK

Dec 2016, 8M)

Q6 What are causes of settlement and what are measures to reduce the settlement?

(SUK, Dec 2016, 4M)

Q7 In what all ways the structure settles, explain with sketches.

Q8 List causes of differential settlement.


Explain the terms:

i) Total settlement ii) Permissible settlement

iii) Differential settlement iv) Angular distortion ( SUK, May 2016, 8M)


A footing with width B=2m and L=3m carries a load of 900 kN. It rests on a soil

stratum whose E = 6 x 104kN/m

2 and Poison’s ratio is 0.5. Calculate immediate

settlement of footing if the influence factor is 1.52. (SUK, Dec 2016, 4M)

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Civil Engineering



A column carrying a load of 350 kN is placed on a footing of size 1.0m x 1.5m.

Depth of footing is 1 m below GL. Footing is resting an a 1.5 m thick compressible

soil layer. The properties of compressible soil are Cc = 0.15 and e0 = 0.8. The unit

weight of soil above and below footing is 18 kN/m3. Determine consolidation

settlement of soil layer by assuming 2V:1H pressure distribution. Consider mid

level pressure for analysis. (SUK, Dec 2016, 8M)


A rectangular foundation of 6.0 m x 4.0 m size carries a uniform load intensity 160

kN/m2 and is located at a depth of 1.5 m in a layer of clay having E = 4 x 10



and Poisson’s ratio as 0.38. This clay layer underlain by second layer of silty soil

having E = 7 x 104kN/m

2 and Poisson’s ratio as 0.48. A hard strata lies below the

second layer. Determine the elastic immediate settlement of the foundation. (SUK,

Nov 2017, 8M)

Section II

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

4 Pile Foundation 06

Lesson schedule


No. Details to be covered

1 Classification and their uses, single pile capacity evaluation by dynamic method.

2 Single pile capacity evaluation by static method.

3 Pile load test & negative skin friction.

4 Group action of piles, spacing of piles in a group, Group efficiency.

5 Under reamed piles – equipment, construction and precautions. Numerical


6 Numerical problems.

Review Questions

Q1 Write a note on Under-reamed pile. (SUK, May 2014, 6M)

Q2 What is group efficiency of pile group? Explain Converse – Labarre method of

evaluating it.

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Civil Engineering


Q3 Write the limitations of the use of dynamic formulae.

Q4 Explain how individual and group action. (SUK, Nov 2017, 6M)

Q5 Write a note on pile load tests


A precast consrete pile of size 45 cm x 45 cm is driven into stiff clay. The

unconfined compression strength of the clay is 200 kN/m2. Determine the length

of pile required to carry a safe working load of 400 kN with F.S. = 2.5. Take α =

0.55, Nc = 9. (SUK, May 2014, 9M)


A rectangular pile of section 0.60 m x 0.75 m and length 12 m penetrates a

deposit if clay with c = 42 kN/m2. Assuming m = 0.75, determine the magnitude

of negative skin friction. (SUK, Nov 2017, 6M)

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

5 Caisson Foundation, Sheet Piles & Coffer Dams 06

Lesson schedule


No. Details to be covered

1 Types of well foundation, elements of well foundation and methods of


2 Tilt and shifts in well foundation and remedial measures for those.

3 Pneumatic caisson, method of sinking.

4 Caisson disease and sand island method of caisson foundation.

5 Types and material used for sheet piling, Illustrative use of sheet pile walls.

6 Common types of cofferdams, Soil pressure distribution, Braced cofferdam.

Review Questions

Q1 What is coffer dam? Write the various types of cofferdam.

Q2 Draw the cross section of well foundation and name and explain the different


Q3 What is coffer dam? What are advantages of cellular cofferdam? (SUK, May

2016, 8M)

Q4 Describe the methods of rectifying the tilt in the well during sinking operation.

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Civil Engineering


(SUK, Nov 2017, 8M)

Q5 Explain with Fig. sand island method. (SUK, Nov 2017, 8M)

Q6 Explain different types of sheet pile walls and their suitability. (SUK, May

2015, 8M)

Q7 Write a note on safety precautions in pneumatic cassions. (SUK, May n2015,


Q8 Write different types and materials used for sheet pile. (SUK, Nov 2017, 8M)

Q9 What are advantages and disadvantages of cassion foundation over pile

foundation? (SUK, May 2016, 8M)

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

6 Stability of Slope & Modern Foundation Techniques 06

Lesson schedule


No. Details to be covered

1 Infinite slopes in cohesive and cohesionless soils.

2 Friction circle method and Swedish slip surface method for finite slopes.

3 Taylor’s stability analysis and landslides.

4 Numerical problems.

5 Stone columns, vibro-flotation, preloading technique.

6 Civil engineering applications of geosynthetics, jet grouting.

Review Questions

Q1 Write a note on stability of an infinite slope of c-ϕ soil in a case when i>ϕ.

Q2 Prove an expression for factor of safety of purely cohesive soil in a infinite slope.

Q3 Prove an expression for factor of safety of purely cohesive soil in a finite slope.

Q4 In Swedish circle method, explain with sketch how tangential and normal

components of weights of slice are found.

Q5 Explain friction circle method of slope stability analysis. (SUK, Nov 2017 8M,

May 16, 8M)

Q6 Name the techniques used in ground improvement techniques and explain any

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Civil Engineering


one. (SUK, Nov 2017, 8M)

Q7 Write a note on Vibrofloatation.

Q8 Name the techniques used in ground improvement and explain any one in short.

Q9 Write the use of geotextiles in civil engg projects.(SUK, Dec 2016, 8M, Dec

2015, 4M)


A slope 1 in 2 with a height of 8 m has the following properties of soil are Cu =

28 kN/m2, angle of internal friction = 10° and unit weight of soil is 18 kN/m


stability number = 0.064. Calculate factor of safety with respect to cohesion.

What will be critical height of the slope in this soil? (SUK, Nov 2017, 8M)


A 6 m deep cut is to be made in cohesive soil with slope 1 in 1. Properties of soil

are cu = 30 kN/m2, angle of internal friction = 10° and unit weight of soil is 18

kN/m3, stability number = 0.108. Find factor of safety with respect to cohesion.

What will be critical height of the slope in this soil? (SUK, May 2015, 8M)

Model Question Paper

Course Title : Geotechnical Engineering II

Duration: 3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100


All questions are compulsory.

Figures to the right indicate marks.

Assume suitable data if necessary and state the assumptions made


1 Attempt any two

a What information is gathered in general exploration of soil?

b Explain samplers used in soil exploration.

c Write short note on wash boring

2 a Write the assumptions and limitations of rigid analysis of shallow

foundation design.


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Civil Engineering


b Differentiate between general and local shear failure. 8

3 a A column carrying 250kN on a footing (1.0m x 1.0m) placed on a

compressible soil strata 1.5m thick. The properties are Cc = 0.2 and e0

= 0.7. Assuming γ = 18kN/m3 for above and below the footing

determine settlement. Assume footing at a depth of 1.0m below GL.

Assume 2V:1H pressure distribution and consider mid level pressures

for analysis.


b List the factors influencing settlement. 8

4 Solve any two

a Classification and their uses, single pile capacity evaluation by

dynamic method.


b A group of 9 piles with 3 piles in a row was driven into soft clay

extending from ground level to a greater depth. The diameter and

length of piles were 30cm and 10m respectively. The unconfined

compression strength of the clay is 70kN/m2. If the piles were placed

90cm c/c, compute the allowable load on pile group on basis of shear

failure criterion for a FOS = 2.5. Take Ns = 9 & α = 1.


c Explain pile load test in detail 9

5 a What is coffer dam? Write the various types of cofferdam. 8

b Write about various types of anchorages used in sheet pile walls. 8

8 a Write a note on sand island method of caisson construction. 6

b Explain preloading technique. 6

c An embankment of 10m height is constructed in a soil having c = 0.02

N/mm2, ϕ= 20

o and γ = 6kN/m

3. Find the factor of safety with respect

to cohesion and also the critical height of the embankment. Assume

stability number = 0.05.



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Civil Engineering


List of experiments/assignments to meet the requirements of the syllabus

Assignment No. 1

Assignment Soil and rock exploration CO308.1

All Batches

Q.1. What information is gathered in general exploration of soil?

Q.2. List methods of explorations and explain any one in detail.

Q.3. Explain various purposes for which soil exploration is carried out.

Q.4. Write notes on

i. Wash boring

ii. Types of soil samples

Q.5. Discuss the various factors on which depth of exploration depends

Q.6. What are different modes of failure of rocks? Give one example of


Q.7. Explain the rotary drilling.

Q.8. Explain auger boring (hand and continuous flight augers)

Q.9. What is RQD? Explain in detail.

Q.10. Explain the terms representative and non-representative samples

Assignment No. 2

Assignment Bearing capacity and its evaluation CO308.2

All Batches

Q.1. Draw a neat sketch of plate load setup and indicate the parts.

Q.2. Explain Terzaghi’s method to take care of water table effect on bearing


Q.3. Write a note on corrections to be applied to standard penetration number


Q.4. Differentiate between general and local shear failure.

Q.5. Give expression for IS code method of bearing capacity and explain the


Q.6. Write notes on:

i. Pressuremeter test

ii. Use of plate load test in estimating the probable settlement of


Q.7. Write the assumptions made in Terzaghi’s analysis of determination of

Department of

Civil Engineering


bearing capacity

Q.8. Discuss the factors influencing bearing capacity of soil.

Q.9. How do you consider local shear effect in bearing capacity equation.

Q.10. Using Terzaghi’s theory determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a

strip footing 1.5m wide resting on a saturated clay (Cu = 30 kN/m3, ϕu = 0 and

γsat = 20 kN/m3), at a depth of 2m below ground level. If the water table rises

by 1m, calculate the percentage reduction in the ultimate bearing capacity. For

ϕ = ϕu = 0°, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1 &Nγ = 0.

Q.11. A plate load test was conducted with a 30cm square plate at a depth of

1.2m below the GL, in a cohesive soil having ϕ = 0o, Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1.2 &Nγ =

0. The failure was observed at a load of 36kN. The water table was observed

to be at a depth of 4.7m below GL. Compute the ultimate bearing capacity for

a strip footing, 1m wide, with its base located at the same level as the test plate

and in the same soil. Take the bulk unit weight of the soil as 16.8 kN/m3. Also

calculate the safe bearing capacity of factor of safety of 3.

Q.12. What is ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing of 1.5m diameter

resting on saturated clay of c = 50 kN/m2 at the ground surface. Take ϕ = 0.

Q.13. A strip footing at a depth of 1m is required to transmit an inclusive load

of 175kN/m to a dry loose sand having the properties :γd = 17kN/m3, c = 0, ϕ

= 26o. Adopting a factor of safety against shear failure of 3, determine the

width of footing. Use Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors for ϕ = 18o, Nq = 6.2

&Nγ = 4.0.

Q.14. A square footing located at a depth 1.5m from the ground surface carries

a column load of 150kN. The soil is submerged with effective unit weight

11kN/m3 and ϕ = 30

o. Find size of footing using Terzaghi’s theory. Fs = 3.0

and Nq = 10 and Nγ = 6.0. Consider cohesion-less soil.

Assignment No. 3

Assignment Shallow foundation CO308.3

All Batches

Q.1. Explain the terms:

i. Immediate settlement

ii. Consolidation settlement

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Civil Engineering


Q.2. In consolidation settlement analysis, explain how initial pressure P0 and

increase in pressure ΔP are found (with sketch).

Q.3. List causes of differential settlement.

Q.4. In what all ways the structure settles, explain with sketches.

Q.5. List the factors influencing settlement.

Q.6. Give relation between settlement of plate and settlement of foundation.

Explain the use of expression.

Q.7. A square footing of size 1.2m x 1.2m carries a load of 300kN. Footing is

at 1m below GL but on a compressible layer of 1.5m thickness of e0 = 0.7 and

Cc = 0.2. Assume 2V : 1H pressure distribution. Take pressure at mid level of

compressible layer for the analysis. Take γ = 15kN/m3 everywhere.

Q.8. A column carrying 250kN on a footing (1.0m x 1.0m) placed on a

compressible soil strata 1.5m thick. The properties are Cc = 0.2 and e0 = 0.7.

Assuming γ = 18kN/m3 for above and below the footing determine settlement.

Assume footing at a depth of 1.0m below GL. Assume 2V:1H pressure

distribution and consider mid level pressures for analysis.

Q.9. Write the assumptions and limitations of rigid analysis of shallow

foundation design.

Q.10. Explain the various factors to be considered in deciding the location and

depth of shallow foundation.

Q.11. Discuss the factors governing choice of raft foundation

Q.12. What is floating foundation? Where it is useful?

Q.13. With sketches show the types of shallow foundations and their


Q.14. When there is need of combined footing? Explain.

Q.15. Give stepwise procedure to design combined trapezoidal footing.

Q.16. Give stepwise procedure to design strap footing.

Q.17. A trapezoidal footing is to be produced to support two square column of

30cm and 50cm sides resp. Columns are 6m apart and the SBC of the soil is

400 kN/m2. The bigger column carries 5000 kN and smaller carries 3000 kN

load. Design a suitable size of the footing so that it does not extend beyond the

faces of the columns.

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Civil Engineering


Q.18. Design a combined footing in a soil of bearing capacity 150kN/m2. The

two column loads of 750kN and 1100kN are at a distance of 5.4m. Both the

column sizes are 0.5m x 0.5m. The column with heavier load is on the

boundary of the plot.

Assignment No. 4

Assignment Pile Foundations CO308.4

All Batches

Q.1. Write a note on Under reamed pile.

Q.2. What is group efficiency of pile group? Explain Converse – Labarre

method of evaluating it.

Q.3. Write the limitations of the use of dynamic formulae.

Q.4. Explain how individual and group action of pile differs.

Q.5. What is group efficiency of pile group? Explain Feld’s method of

evaluating it.

Q.6. Write about pile load test.

Q.7. Write a note on classification of piles and their applications

Q.8. Write a note on negative skin friction

Q.9. Write a note on spacing of piles in a group.

Q.10. 200mm diameter, 8m long piles are used as foundation for a column in a

uniform deposit of medium clay (unconfined compression strength = 100

kN/m2 and adhesion factor = 0.9). There are nine piles arranged in a square

pattern of 3x3. For a group efficiency = 1.0, find the spacing between the piles

(neglect bearing).

A reinforced concrete pile weighing 30 kN (inclusive of helmet and dolly) is

driven by a drop hammer weighing 40 kN and having effective fall of 0.8m.

The average set per blow is 1.4cm. The total temporary elastic compression is

1.8cm. Assuming the coefficient of restitution as 0.25 and factor of safety of

2, determine the ultimate capacity and allowable load for the pile.

Q.12. A group of 9 piles with 3 piles in a row was driven into soft clay

extending from ground level to a greater depth. The diameter and length of

piles were 30cm and 10m respectively. The unconfined compression strength

of the clay is 70kN/m2. If the piles were placed 90cm c/c, compute the

Department of

Civil Engineering


allowable load on pile group on basis of shear failure criterion for a FOS =

2.5. Take Ns = 9 & α = 1.

Q.13. A group of 16 piles (4 in each row) was in a layered clay soil deposit.

The properties of upper 8m layer are cu = 25kN/m2, ϕ = 0, α = 1. The

properties for lower 10m layer are cu = 40kN/m2, ϕ = 0, α = 0.7. The length of

pile group is 18m. Each pile has diameter of 0.5m and c/c distance is 1m.

Estimate safe load capacity of the group with factor of safety of 2.5, Nc = 9.

Q.14. A reinforced concrete pile of size 30cm x 30cm and 10m long is driven

into coarse sand extending to a greater depth. The average total unit weight of

the soil is 18kN/m3. Determine the allowable load on the pile by static

method. The water table is close to ground surface. Take Nq = 25, ϕ = 32o, δ =

0.75 x ϕ, ks = 1.33 and FOS = 2.5..

Assignment No. 5

Assignment Well foundations, , Caisson, , Sheet pile, coffer dam CO308.5

All Batches

Q.1. What is coffer dam? Write the various types of cofferdam.

Q.2. Draw the cross section of well foundation and name and explain the

different parts.

Q.3. Write the different types of sheet pile and their suitability.

Q.4. Discuss the difficulties in well sinking and remedial measures.

Q.5. What are the advantages of cellular cofferdam over other types of coffer


Q.6. Write about various types of anchorages used in sheet pile walls.

Q.7. Write a note on sand island method of caisson construction.

Q.8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of caisson foundation over


Q.9. Write a note on pneumatic caisson and problems associated with them.

Assignment No. 6

Assignment Stability of Slope and modern foundation techniques CO308.6

All Batches Q.1. Write note on stability of an infinite slope of c-ϕ soil in a case when i> ϕ.

Q.2. Prove an expression for factor of safety of purely cohesive soil in a finite

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Civil Engineering



Q.3. In Swedish circle method, explain with sketch how tangential and normal

components of weights of slice are found.

Q.4. Explain the basic types of failure of finite slope.

Q.5. Write note on

i. Friction circle method

ii. Causes of slope failure

iii. Taylor’s Stability Number

iv. Landslides

Q.6. What do you understand by finite and infinite slopes?

Q.7. Prove an expression for factor of safety of cohesive soil in infinite slope.

Q.8. Prove an expression for factor of safety of non-cohesive soil in infinite


Q.9. A new canal is excavated to a depth of 5m below ground level, through a

soil having the characteristics : c = 14 kN/m2, ϕ = 15

o, e = 0.8 and G = 2.7.

The slope of bank is 1:1. Calculate the factor of safety w.r.t. cohesion when

the canal is suddenly and completely emptied. Take Sn = 0.083 for ϕ = 15o and

Sn = 0.122 for ϕ = 7.3o

Q.10. An embankment of 10m height is constructed in a soil having c = 0.02

N/mm2, ϕ = 20

o and γ = 6kN/m

3. Find the factor of safety with respect to

cohesion and also the critical height of the embankment. Assume stability

number = 0.05.

Q.11. Data from method of slices for a slope of soil with c = 4 t/m3, ϕ = 25


and γ = 1.9 t/m3 is given in table below. Determine factor of safety. Take

angle subtended at centre of curvature by the arc of failure as 104o and radius

of curvature R = 10m.


No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



0.55 3.0 4.65 5.8 6.15 5.35 3.3 0.2

α (o) -24 -12 -1 11 23 36 52 68

Q.12. A slope is to be constructed at an inclination of 30o with the horizontal.

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Civil Engineering


Determine the safe height of the slope at factor of safety of 1.5. The soil has

the following properties: c = 15kN/m2, Ф = 22.5

o, γ = 19kN/m

3 and Sn =


Q.13. A canal is with side slope 1:1 in a soil with cohesion = 20kN/m2, Ф =

10o, e = 0.5 and G = 2.65. Determine factor of safety when it is running full. If

canal is suddenly and completely emptied what would be factor of safety?

Take for 1:1 slope, the stability numbers as 0.17, 0.136 & 0.108 corresponding

to angle of internal friction 0o, 5

o and 10

o respectively.

Q.13. Explain stone column.

Q.14. Write a note on Vibrofloatation.

Q.15. Name the techniques used in ground improvement and explain any one

in short.

Q.16. Write the use of geotextiles in civil engg. projects.

Q.17. Explain preloading technique.

Q.18. Describe two situations where Geo-synthetics are essential and how do

they help the condition?

Q.19. Why is anchoring of foundations necessary? What are the methods used.

Q.20. Write a note on jet grouting.

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course plan for Engineering Management

Course Code CE 309 Course Engineering Management

Prepared by Mr S.B.Patil Semester AY 2017-18, Sem II

Pre-requisites This course requires the students to know about basic of mathematics,

communication skill, market knowledge, basic term used in banking.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

CO309.1 Recognition1 of the need for Management in any construction field.

CO309.2 Explain2 quantitative techniques for management.

CO309.3 Describe1 importance of Material Management.

CO309.4 Explain2 importance of Engineering Economy in construction field

CO309.5 Justify5legal aspects of management.

CO309.6 Apply3 the knowledge of value engineering and quality management

Mapping of COs with POs



a b C d e f g h i j K

CO309.1 1 1

CO309.2 2 2

CO309.3 2 1

CO309.4 3 2 1

CO309.5 3 2

CO309.6 1 2

1 Mild correlation 2 Moderate correlation 3 Strong


Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Contents


No. Title

No. of


Section I

1. a)Importance, Principles of Management (Henry Fayol)b)Functions of

Management: Planning- Importance, Nature, Process Organizing – Types,

Staffing – Importance, Process, Directing – Supervision, Co-ordination,

Communication, Motivation, Leading, Controlling – Importance, Techniques.,

c) Decision Making: Process, decision Tree (Concept Only)


2. a)Linear Programming – Simple LP model, Graphical Method, Simplex

Method (Concept Only), b)Transportation Problem, Assignment

Model.c)Sensitivity Analysis (Concept Only)


3. Objectives, Need for Inventory Control, EOQ Analysis, ABC analysis, Safety

Stock, Purchase Procedure, Stores Record 06

Section II

4. a)Importance, Time Value of Money, Equivalence, b)Economic Comparison

Methods: Present Worth Method, EUAC method, Capitalized Cost method,

Net Present Value, Rate of Return, Benefit- Cost Ratio, Payback Period

Method, and Linear Break Even Analysis.


5. a)Site Organization and Site layout

b)Legal Aspects: Workmen’s Compensation Act, Minimum Wages Act, Child

Labour Act, Building and other construction worker’s act. fatigue and creep.


6. a)Value Engineering (Concept only)

b)Work Study (Introduction)

c)Quality Management: Quality Circle, ISO 9000, Sampling and Testing


Reference books:

Sr. Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition Topics

Department of

Civil Engineering


No. covered

1. Essential of Management Koontz, Dounell

and Weigrick

- 1,3

2. Engineering Economics Layland Blank and


Tata McGraw Hill



3. Fundamentals of Engineering


Pravin Kumar Wiley India Pvt



4. Industrial Business




Laxmi Publication 1,3,5,6

5. Management and Organization Kast and Rosinweig Tata McGraw Hill



Evaluation scheme:



Theory Term Work OE Total

Max. Marks 100 - - 100


Hours/ week

4 --

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks


1 Introduction to management 20

2 Quantitative techniques 15

3 Material management 15


4 Engineering Economics 20

5 Legal Aspect 15

Department of

Civil Engineering


6 Quality management 15

Course Unitization

CO Evaluation Remark


CAT 1 1 question on unit 1 and 2 with 15 marks each



CAT 2 1 question on unit 3 and 4 with 15 marks each



CAT 3 1 question on unit 5 and 6 with 15 marks each


Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

1 Introduction to Management 05

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Introduction of management, Principles of Management.

2 Functions of Management: Planning- Nature, Process and Importance, Organizing- Types,

Organization Charts, Site Layout, Staffing

3 Directing, Co-Ordination, Communication- Nature, Process and Importance, Types

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Civil Engineering


4 Remaining functions of management-Motivation and Controlling

5 Concept of decision making process.

Review Questions

Q1 Explain in brief the principles of management given by Henry Fayol. (SUK-

NOV-2016, Q.3a)


Q2 What is decision tree? Explain with suitable example. (SUK-NOV-2016, Q.1a)

Q3 Write a short note on importance of planning function. (SUK-NOV-2016, Q.2a)

Q4 Describe the process of decision making.

Q5 Describe in brief directing function of management.

Q6 What are the types of formal organization? Explain any one

Unit No Unit title Planned Hrs.

2 Quantitative techniques 07

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Linear programming need and importance

2 Simplex method Concept only

3 Simplex method Problem

4 Graphical method Problem

5 Transportation problem

6 Assignment problem

Department of

Civil Engineering


7 sensitivity analysis

Review Questions

Q1 Give the step by step procedure to solve Linear Programming problem by

Simplex method.


Q2 Write a short note on procedure to solve assignment problem. (SUK-MAY-

2017, Q.2b)

Q3 Describe in brief the concept of motivation & communication in management

Q4 Determine the initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation

problem using North West corner rule, also state the cost.

D1 D2 D3 D4 Capacity

S1 25 23 21 24 14

S2 27 28 22 25 16

S3 24 23 26 22 5

Requirement 6 10 15 4

Q5 Explain concept of sensitivity analysis. (SUK-MAY 2017, Q.3b)

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

3 Material management 06

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Material Management- Objectives, Functions

Department of

Civil Engineering


2 Inventory Control- Necessity

3 Techniques ABC Analysis

4 EOQ Analysis.

5 Numerical problems

6 Safety Stocks , Store record method Purchase procedure

Review Questions

Q1 Explain the necessity of inventory control. How do you decide the economic

order quantity?


Q2 State & explain queue structure describing how a customer is picked up from

a queue.

Q3 State the objective of material management.(SUK-MAY 2017, Q.2c)

Q4 Write a short note on ABC analysis(SUK-MAY 2017, Q.2b)

Q5 Short note on safety stock

Q6 What are the functions of material management?(SUK-MAY 2017, Q.3b)

Q7 Explain importance of store records.

Q8 ABC Company requires 80 ton of steel every month. It cost Rs.20, 000/- per

ton. It requires rs.100 to place order once. If investment carrying cost is 10%

of average inventory investment, determine the EOQ. Also find out frequency

of placing the order


Unit No. Unit Title Planned Hrs.

Department of

Civil Engineering


4 Engineering Economics 10

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Introduction & importance of engineering. Economics.

2 Time Value of Money, Equivalence, and cash flow diagram.

3 Numerical problems of Present Worth Method

4 Numerical problems of Equivalent Annual Cost Method

5 Numerical problems of Capitalized Cost Method

6 Numerical problems of Net Present Value

7 Numerical problems of Rate of Return

8 Numerical problems of Benefit Cost Ratio

9 Numerical problems of Payback period method

10 Numerical problems of Linear Break Even Analysis

Review Questions

Q1 Explain the term equivalence and cash flow diagram


Q2 How much money would be accumulated within 8 years if an investor deposits

Rs.9,000 today at 8% compounded biannually.

Q3 Draw typical breakeven point chart and explains its importance.(SUK-MAY

2017, Q.4b)

Q4 Following data pertains to certain project. Using benefit cost ratio state

whether project should be accepted or not-:(SUK-MAY 2017, Q.5b)

Initial investment – Rs.4,50,000

Department of

Civil Engineering


Benefits in 1st year - Rs.70,000

Benefits in 2nd year - Rs.80,000

Benefits in 3rd year - Rs.1,40,000

Benefits in 4th year - Rs.1,80,000

Rate of interest - 11 %

Q5 Write a short note on capitalized cost.

Q6 Explain how will you use following methods for economics comparisons

1. Net present value

2. Payback method

Q7 What do you mean by Engineering Economics? Give its importance (SUK-

MAY 2017, Q.4b)

Q8 Define the following terms with neat sketch with reference to break even


1. Fixed cost

2. Variable cost

3. Total cost

4. Total sales.

5. Breakeven point

Q9 Using present worth method compare the following equipments and suggest

which should be purchased if rate of interest is 12%(SUK-MAY 2017, Q.4a)

Equipment A Equipment B

Initial Cost 25000 35000

Annual O&M 9000 7000

Salvage Value 2000 3500

Life (in years) 4 6

Q10 Explain various methods of economic comparisons

Department of

Civil Engineering


Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

5 Legal Aspect 04

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Importance Site Layout – Factor Affecting, importance

2 Draw Typical Layout of few Major Construction Projects

3 Child Labour Act. Workmen’s Compensation Act.

4 Minimum Wages Act. Building Act

Review Questions

Q1 Describe in brief the main provisions of child labour act. (SUK-NOV-2016,



Q2 Write a short note on minimum wages act.

Q3 State the factors affecting site layout. Draw a typical layout for the site of

construction of concrete bridge.

Q4 What do you mean about workmen’s compensation act?(SUK-NOV-2016,


Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

6 Quality management 04

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Introduction to Quality management

Department of

Civil Engineering


2 Work study application in civil engineering field

3 Value engineering Importance and need

4 Quality circle –Concept

Review Questions

Q1 Explain concept value engineering?(SUK-MAY-2017, Q.5b)


Q2 State & explain quality management

Q3 State the objective of work study(SUK-MAY-2017, Q.6c)

Q4 Explain concept of quality circle with related to civil engineering

Model Question Paper

Course Title : Engineering Management

Duration-3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100


1 All questions are compulsory

2 Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3 Wherever required neat sketches shall be drawn.


1 a) Explain principles of management 10

b) Explain Decision tree concept 05

c) Explain directing function of management 05

2 a) Explain Sensitivity Analysis 05

Department of

Civil Engineering



4 a) Explain Importance of engineering economy in civil engineering field 05

b) How much must be deposited 11% each year for 7 years, in order to accumulate

Rs 15000 after 7 years.


c) Suggest which machine should be purchased from the following data if rate of

interest is 13% ( USE PW Method)

Machine A Machine B

Initial cost Rs 25,000 /- 35,000/-

AOC 800/- 500/-

Salvage Value 2,000/- 3,500/-

Life(Years) 4 6


5 a) Explain concept of Site layout 07

b) Determine the initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation

problem using North West corner rule and LCC method, also state the cost.

D1 D2 D3 D4 Capacity

S1 25 23 21 24 14

S2 27 28 22 25 16

S3 24 23 26 22 5

Requirement 6 10 15 4


3 a) Explain the necessity of inventory control. How do you decide the economic

order quantity? OR


a) What are the functions of material management? 08

b) ABC Company requires 80 ton of steel every month. It cost Rs.20, 000/- per

ton. It requires rs.100 to place order once. If investment carrying cost is 10%

of average inventory investment, determine the EOQ. Also find out frequency

of placing the order


Department of

Civil Engineering


b) Explain main features of child labour act OR 08

b) Draw a typical site layout for dam project. 08

6 a) Explain value engineering 05

b) What is mean by quality circle ate its importance in construction field 05

c) Explain concept of work study 05

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Plan for Environment Engineering-II

Course code CE 310 Course Environment Eng.-II

Prepared by Mrs. K.A. Sutar & Miss

P.G. Nidoni

Semester AY 2017-18, Sem VI

Prerequisites This course require student to know about basic concept of Environmental

Pollution, its types, Environmental Legislation, Water harvesting methods.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

CO310.1 Explain2 sources, quantity and quality of wastewater.

CO310.2 Design5 the primary and secondary treatment unit in sewage water system.

CO310.3 Design5

low cost wastewater treatment units.

CO310.4 Evaluate

3 stream pollution and Apply

4 the knowledge of effluent standards

for wastewater disposal as per norms.

CO310.5 Explain

5 the necessity and importance of solid waste management as well as

various method of solid waste management.

CO310.6 Describe3 air pollution, its effect and controlling techniques.

CO310.7 Design5

sewerage system and treatment system for small urban area.

Mapping of COs with POs



a b c d e f g h i j k l

CO310.1 2 3 3 1

CO310.2 1 3 2

CO310.3 1 3 1 2

CO310.4 3 1 2

CO310.5 2 1 3

CO310.6 2 1 3

CO310.7 1 3 2 1

1 Mild correlation 2 Moderate correlation 3Strong correlation

Course Contents

Unit No. Title No. of


Section I


Wastewater: Components of wastewater flows, wastewater sources

and flow rate, Variations inflow rates and strength, wastewater

constituents, Characteristic of Municipal waste water, Problems on

B.O.D. calculations, Quantity of storm water, Ground water


Sewerage system: Types, Layout, Types of sewers, Collection


Department of

Civil Engineering


system, Appurtenances, Design of sanitary and storm water sewers,

Maintenance of sewerage systems Sewage and Sludge pumping,

Location, Capacity, Types of pumps, Pumping station design


Primary Treatment: Screening, comminuting, Grit removal, Oil and

Grease trap Primarysettling tank.

Secondary Treatment: Activated sludge process, Process design and

operating parameters,modification of ASP, Operational problems,

Concept of trickling filter, Secondary Settling Tank



Sludge: Characteristics, Treatment and disposal, Concept of anaerobic

digestion, types of reactors. Low cost wastewater treatment methods-

Principles of waste stabilization pond. Design and operation of

oxidation pond, aerobic & anaerobic Lagoons, Aerated Lagoon,

Oxidation ditch, Septic tank. Selection of alternative Treatment

process flow sheets, Concept of recycling and reuse of sewage.


Section II


Stream pollution: Classification, Concept of Self Purification and

DO sag curve. Streeter Phelps’sEquation.

Disposal of wastewater: methods, effluents standards for stream and

land disposal as per MPCB andCPCB standards and

legislation.Concept of environmental impact assessment



Solid waste management: Definition, types, sources, characteristics.

Functional outlines, Generation, storage, Collection, Processing

techniques. Methods of treatment of solid waste, Composting,

Incineration, Pyrolysis and Sanitary land filling.Concept of Hazardous

waste management



Air Pollution-Definition, Sources and classification of pollutants,

Effects on man material andvegetation.Introduction to Meteorological

aspects such as atmospheric stability, mixing heights, and

plumebehavior.Control of industrial air pollution-Settling Chamber,

Bag Filters, Cyclone separators, Scrubbers,Electrostatic precipitators,

Introduction to global issues-Global warming, Acid rain, Ozone

depletion, Photochemical Smog.Ambient air quality standards


Reference Books:

Sr. No. Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition Topics

1 Environmental


H.S. Peavy, &

D.R. Rowe McGraw Hill 1,2,3,5

2 Wastewater Engineering

Treatment and Reuse

Metcalf and


Tata McGraw-Hill

Edition,2003 1,2,5

3 Waste Water Supply

Engineering Dr. B. C. Punmia

Laxmi Publishers,

New Delhi,1995 Unit-1, 2,3,5,6.

4 Waste Water Supply

Engineering S. K. Garg

Khanna Publishers,

New Delhi,2012 Unit-1, 2,3,5,6.

Department of

Civil Engineering


5 Waste Water Supply

Engineering Dr. P. N. Modi

Standard Book

House, New


Unit-1, 2,3,5,6.

Evaluation scheme



Theory Term


POE OE Total

Max. Marks 100 25 --- 25 150


Hours/ week 3 2 -- -- 5

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks



Various sources,quantity and quality of wastewater.

Also, methods of wastewater collection and types of

sewerage system.


2 Design of primary and secondary treatment unit in

sewage water system. 17

3 Sludgetreatment system and low cost wastewater

treatment units. 16


4 Stream pollution and Disposal of wastewater. 17

5 Necessity and importance of solid waste management

and various method of solid waste management. 16

6 Air pollution, its effect and controlling techniques 17

Course Unitization


Unit Course


Mode of Assessment

No. Title



To explain the operation,

characteristics and parameters of

wastewater and sewers system.



Q. 1,2


To discuss the different concepts of

Primary Treatment and Secondary

Treatment. CO310.2


To explain the operation,

characteristics of Sludge treatment

system. CO310.3


Q. 1,2

II 4 To discuss the different Stream

pollution and Disposal of wastewater CO310.4

Department of

Civil Engineering



To explain an overview of different

types of Solid waste management




Q. 1,2


To discuss about air pollution, effects,

control and ambient air quality

standards. CO310.6

Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

1 Wastewater and Sewerage system 06

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Components of wastewater flows, wastewater sources and flow rate, Variations inflow

rates and strength.

2 Wastewater constituents, Characteristic of Municipal waste water such as physical,

chemical and Biological characteristics.

3 Problems on B.O.D. calculations, Quantity of storm water, Ground water infiltration.

4 Sewerage system- Types, Layout, Types of sewers, Collection system, Appurtenances.

5 Design of sanitary and storm water sewers, Maintenance of sewerage systems Sewage.

6 Sludge pumping, Location, Capacity, Types of pumps and design of pumping station.

Review Questions

Q1 Explain variation in flow rates of wastewater. (SUK 16, 5M)


Q2 Explain various sewerage systems and design. (SUK 14, 10M)

Q3 Give design criteria for sanitary sewer.

Q4 Give design criteria for storm water sewer (SUK 14, 6M)

Q5 Write a note on pumping station. (SUK 16, 6M)

Section I

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

2 Design of Primary and secondary treatment. 06

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Conceptof primary treatment , Types of screen, comminuting, Grit chamber,

2 Concept of oil and grease trap and primary settling tank. Design of primary settling


3 Concept of secondary treatment and activated sludge process.

4 Activated sludge process design and operating parameters such as MLSS, MLVSS,

Department of

Civil Engineering


F/M ratio, Sludge volume index.

5 Modification of ASP, Operational problems of ASP.

6 Concept of trickling filter and Operational problems of trickling filter.

7 Concept and design of Secondary Settling Tank.

Review Questions

Q1 Explain various primary treatment processes. (SUK 13, 6M)

CO310.2 Q2 Draw flow diagram of primary and secondary treatment process.

Q3 Give design criteria for each treatment unit.

Section I

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

3 Sludge characteristics and Low cost treatment. 06

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Characteristics of sludge. Various Treatment and disposal of sludge coming out

after primary and secondary treatment.

2 Concept of anaerobic digestion, types of reactors.

3 Low cost wastewater treatment methods-Principles of waste stabilization pond.

4 Design and operation of oxidation pond.

5 Design and operation ofaerobic & anaerobic Lagoons

6 Design and operation of oxidation ditch, Septic tank.

7 Selection of alternative Treatment process flow sheets, Concept of recycling and

reuse of sewage.

Review Questions

Q1 Explain Sludge characteristics treatment and disposal. (SUK14, 8M)


Q2 Explain concept of anaerobic digestion, types of reactors. (SUK 15,16,


Q3 Explain low cost wastewater treatment methods and principles of waste

stabilization pond. (SUK 15, 5M)

Q4 Give design criteria and operation of oxidation ditch. (SUK 15,16, 5M)

Q5 Give design criteria and operation of septic tank. (SUK14, 8M)

Section II

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

4 Stream pollution, purification and disposals of



Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Concept of Stream pollution and self-purification (SUK16, 8M)

2 Concept of DO sag curve and application of streeter Phelps’s Equation (SUK14,


3 Knowledge of disposal of waste water methods (SUK16, 5M)

Department of

Civil Engineering


4 Knowledge of effluents standards for stream and land disposal as per MPCB and

CPCB standards

Review Questions

Q1 Explain concept of stream pollution and self-purification.

CO310.4 Q2 Explain DO sag curve and derive of streeter Phelp’s Equation.

Q3 Explain methods of disposal of wastewater.

Q4 Give effluents standards for stream and land disposal as per MPCB and

CPCB standards.

Section II

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

5 Solid waste management and disposal of wastewater 06

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Definition,types,sources of solid waste.

2 Characteristics of solid waste. Functional outlines of solid waste management


3 Generation, storage, Collection, Processing techniques of solid waste management.

4 Methods of treatment of solid waste-Composting (Concept and types),


5 Concept of Pyrolysis and Sanitary land filling (various types).

6 Concept of Hazardous waste management.

Review Questions

Q1 Explain solid waste with its sources, types and processes needful.(SUK

14, 8M)

CO310.5 Q2 Explain solid waste management.

Q3 Explain various methods of SW treatment. . (SUK 16, 5M)

Q4 Explain concept of hazardous waste management with example. (SUK

16, 6M)

Section II

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

6 Air Pollution monitoring system 06

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Concept of air pollution in all aspect

2 Study of atmospheric stability in all aspect

3 Study of settling chamber, bag filters including functions, troubles etc.

4 Concept of cyclone separators, scrubbers and ESP including functions, troubles etc.

Department of

Civil Engineering


5 Study of global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion, photochemical Smog etc.

6 Concept of carbon credits, control of vehicular pollution and air quality standards

Review Questions

Q1 Explain concept of air pollution with its effects on man, material and



Q2 Explain plume behavior.

Q3 Explain structure, function and troubles of settling chamber.

Q4 Explain structure, function and troubles of bag filter. (SUK 16 6M)

Q5 Explain structure, function of cyclone separator.

Q6 Explain structure, function of ESP. (SUK 16 6M)

Q7 Explain global warming

Q8 Explain acid rain, ozone depletion and photochemical Smog

Q9 Explain concept of carbon credits and air quality standards

Model Question Paper

Course Title : Environment Engineering-II

Duration: 3Hrs. Max.

Marks: 100


1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks

3. Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed

Section-I Marks

1 a Explain with neat sketch the variation in flow and strength of

municipal waste water. 5


Draw a neat sketch of sewage pumping station and mention the

function of various components. 6


The BOD of sewage incubated for two days at 37"c is 200 mg/l. Find

the standard BOD. Assume BOD rate constant as 0.20 per day, base

10, at 200C.




Determine the diameter of combined sewer from following data.

Area to be served- 100 Hectares, popuration-50000, water supply

rate- 180 lpcd, Intensity of rainfall- 20 mm/hr, coefficient of runoff-

0.45, Maximum permissible velocity-3 m/s


2 a Give the design parameters of bar rack 4


Explain the importance of MCRT, HRT, MLVSS and F/Mratio in

activated sludge process 6

c Explain any four modifications of activated sludge process. 6

Department of

Civil Engineering



c Explain the biologicalprocess in Trickling filter. 6

3 a Explain sludge thickening methods. 5


Design an oxidation ditch for treating sewage with initial BOD5 of

300mg/l for contributing population of 50000 to give an effluent

BOD5 of 30 mg/l. sewage generation rate- 150 mg/l, F/M ratio-0. 1

MLVSS-3000 mg/l. Determine volume of ditch,Length of rotor and

power required.


c Distinguish between standard rate and high rate anaerobic digesters. 5


c Explain the principle of oxidation pond. Give the design parameters. 5

Section-II Marks


Write short notes on any three:

a) Cyclone separator

b) ESP

c) London smog

d) EIA

e) Sources of solid waste


5 Solve any two of the following :

a Which are solid waste composting methods and explain one briefly? 8

b Explain in detail a process of land filling for solid waste

management. 8

c Explain in detail the effects of air pollutants on man. 8

6 Solve any two of the following :

a Explain in detail Do sag curve and self-purification of river. 8

b State various methods of solid waste collection from the City,

Explain one of it in detail 8

c Give the Detailed process for pre and post EIA. 8

Lab Plan

List of experiments/assignments to meet the requirements of the syllabus

Part A

Title List of experiments CO310.1



For all Batches

1. Determine pH of given sample

2. Determine DO of given sample

3. Determine Alkalinity of given sample

4. Determine Chlorides content of given sample

5. Determine BOD of given sample

6. Determine BOD of given sample

Department of

Civil Engineering


7. Determine COD of given sample

Part B

Title Demonstration CO310.6

All Batches Demonstration of HVS and Auto exhaust analyzer. Visit Report writing

on HVS.

Part C

Title Design CO310.2


All Batches Design of sewerage system and wastewater treatment system units for

a small urban area.

Part D

Title Visit CO310.1



All Batches Visit to sewage treatment plant and detail report writing on treatment

plant visit.

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course plan for Engineering Geology

Course Code CE 311 Course Engineering Geology

Prepared by Mr. Ajitkumar A. Lole Date AY 2017-18, Sem II

Pre-requisites Students should have knowledge of –

1. Rocks (stones) and minerals are basic requirement to construct any type

of building.

2. Earthquake and geological structureswill affect the Civil Engineering


Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

CO311.1 Demonstrate3 the different types of minerals and rocks and their civil

Engineering significance.

CO311.2 Interpret5 the different types of structures present in the rocks and their origin.

CO311.3 Identify1 the causes and effects of earthquake and landslides.

CO311.4 Explain2 groundwater resources and requirement of good building stones.

CO311.5 Assess5 the suitability of site for construction of dams, reservoir, bridges, tunnel


CO311.6 Identify1stratigraphic sequence with the help of geological maps.

Mapping of COs with POs

POsCOs A b c d e f g h i j K

CO311.1 1 3

CO311.2 3

CO311.3 3 2 1

CO311.4 1

CO311.5 3 1

CO311.6 1

1 Mild correlation 2 Moderate correlation 3 Strong


Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Contents


No. Title

No. of


Section I

1 Introduction: Definition, scope of Engineering Geology.

Physical Geology: Interior of the Earth. Geological work of river- Erosion

and deposition processes and features, Transportation process, Civil

Engineering Significance.

Mineralogy: Physical properties of minerals.

Petrology: Igneous rocks: Origin, Structures, Classification,

Concordant and disconcordant intrusions, Civil Engineering


Secondary rocks: Formation, Classification, Structures, Civil Engineering

significance. Grain size classification of sedimentary rocks.

Metamorphic rocks: Agents and Types of Metamorphism, Structures.


2 Structural Geology: Strike and Dip, Unconformity-Types, Outliers and


Fold and Fault: Parameters, Classification, Causes, Civil Engineering


Joint: Types, Civil Engineering considerations.Drawing geological cross

sectionfrom outcrop map


3 Earthquake: Causes, Seismic waves, Seismograph, Seismogram, Scale,


Landslides: Types, Causes, Prevention of Landslides.

Ground water: Sources of groundwater, Zones of groundwater, Types of

Aquifer, Hydrological properties of aquifers, Pumping Test-methods, data

analysis and numerical.

Building Stones: Engineering properties of rocks, Requirement of good

building stone.


Section II

Department of

Civil Engineering


4 Surface and Sub-surface Investigations: Preliminary Geological

Investigations, Steps in geological investigations for project site.

Geophysical methods: Resistivity and Seismic methods -Instruments,

methodology, data analysis and numerical.

Exploratory drilling: Observations, Preservation of cores and Core logging,

Core recovery, R.Q.D., numerical.


5 Geology of Tunnel and Bridge: Difficulties during tunnelling, Influence of

geological conditions on tunnelling, Geological consideration while choosing

tunnel alignment, Tunnel in folded strata, sedimentary rocks and Deccan

traps. Dependence of types of bridges on geological conditions.


6 Geology of Dams and Reservoirs: Preliminary geological survey, Influence

of geological conditions on Location, Alignment, Design and Type of a dam,

Suitable and Unsuitable geological conditions for locating a dam site, Dams

on carbonate rocks, sedimentary rocks, folded strata and Deccan traps,

Suitable and unsuitable geological conditions for reservoir site.


Reference books:

Sr.No. Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition Topics



Engineering and General


By Prabin


S. K. Katariya and sons,



2 Groundwater Hydrology Tood D. K John Wiley& Son. New



3 A Text Book of

Engineering Geology

R. B. Gupte Pune




4 Rultey’s Elements of


By H. H. Read CBS Publishers &

Distributors, Delhi.


Department of

Civil Engineering


Evaluation scheme:



Theory Term Work OE Total

Max. Marks 100 50 -- 150


Hours/ week

3 2 -- 5

Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks


1 Physical geology, Mineralogy & Petrology 20

2 Structural Geology 13

3 Earthquake, groundwater & Building stones 13


4 Surface and Sub-surface Investigations 21

5 Geology of Tunnel and Bridge 12

6 Geology of Dams and Reservoirs 17

Course Unitization

CO Evaluation Remark


CAT 1 1 question on unit 1 and 2 with 15 marks each



CAT 2 1 question on unit 3 and 4 with 15 marks each



CAT 3 1 question on unit 5 and 6 with 15 marks each


Department of

Civil Engineering


Unit wise Lesson Plan

Section I

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

1 Physical geology, Mineralogy & Petrology 08

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

1 Definition & scope of Engineering Geology

2 Interior of the Earth & Geological work of river.

3 Physical properties of minerals

4 Igneous rocks (Origin, classification)

5 Igneous rocks (Structures & Civil Engg. Significance)

6 Sedimentary rocks (Origin, classification, structures & Civil Engg. Significance)

7 Metamorphic rocks (Origin, classification)

8 Metamorphic rocks (Structures & Civil Engg. Significance)

Review Questions

Q1 Describe in detail geological work carried out by river with reference to

i. Erosion

ii. Transportation

iii. Deposition (April – 2016 ; Q.1a; Marks – 8)


Q2 What is meant by sedimentary rocks? Give grain size classification of

sedimentary rocks. (April – 2016 ; Q.3b; Marks – 7)

Q3 What is meant by igneous rocks? Give classification of igneous rocks.

Q4 What is meant by metamorphic rocks? Write note on types of metamorphism.

Unit No Unit title Planned Hrs.

2 Structural Geology 05

Department of

Civil Engineering


Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

9 Strike and Dip.

10 Unconformity-Types, Outliers and Inliers.

11 Fold and Fault: Parameters.

12 Classification & Causes of fold, fault with their Civil Engineering significance.

13 Joint: Types, Civil Engineering considerations.

Review Questions

Q1 What are folds? Explain with neat sketches Anticlinal fold & Synclinal





Q2 What is unconformity? Write note on types of unconformity. (April – 2016 ;

Q.3b; Marks – 8)

Q3 Write note on outliers and inliers.

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

3 Earthquake, groundwater & Building stones 07

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

14 Causes of Earthquake, Seismic waves.

15 Seismograph, Seismogram, Scale, Effects.

16 Types, Causes & Prevention of Landslides.

17 Sources of groundwater, Zones of groundwater

18 Types of Aquifer, Hydrological properties of aquifers

19 Pumping Test-methods, data analysis and numerical

20 Engineering properties of rocks, Requirement of good building stone.

Department of

Civil Engineering


Review Questions

Q1 Explain the different characteristics of good building stone. CO311.3

Q2 What is groundwater? Write note on zones of groundwater.

Q3 What are various types of landslides? Describe the internal causes of


Q4 What is groundwater? Write note on sources of groundwater.


Unit No. Unit Title Planned Hrs.

4 Surface and Sub-surface Investigations 06

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

21 Introduction to Surface and Sub-surface Investigations

22 Preliminary Geological Investigations

23 Steps in geological investigations for project site.

24 Resistivity and Seismic methods -Instruments, methodology, data analysis and numerical

25 Exploratory drilling & Observations

26 Preservation of cores and Core logging, Core recovery, R.Q.D., numerical

Review Questions

Q1 Explain exploratory drilling method with respect to following points

i)Core logging ii) Water loss and water gain

iii) Rate of drilling


Q2 Write short notes on -

i) Observations during drilling (April – 2016 ; Q.5b; Marks – 7)

ii) Limitations of drilling

iii) RQD (April – 2016 ; Q.6a; Marks – 7)

iv) Turbid drill water (April – 2016 ; Q.6a; Marks – 7)

v) Graphical representation of core logging

Department of

Civil Engineering


Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

5 Geology of Tunnel and Bridge 05

Lesson schedule



Details to be covered

27 Difficulties during tunnelling.

28 Influence of geological conditions on tunnelling

29 Geological consideration while choosing tunnel alignment

30 Tunnel in folded strata, sedimentary rocks and Deccan traps.

31 Dependence of types of bridges on geological conditions

Review Questions

Q1 Describe the suitable and unsuitable geological conditions for excavation of a

tunnel through sedimentary rocks. (April – 2016 ; Q.5a; Marks – 8) CO311.5

Q2 Explain types of bridges.

Unit No Unit Title Planned Hrs.

6 Geology of Dams and Reservoirs 05

32 Preliminary geological survey for dams and reservoirs.

33 Influence of geological conditions on Location, Alignment, Design and Type of a dam

34 Suitable and Unsuitable geological conditions for locating a dam site

35 Dams on carbonate rocks, sedimentary rocks, folded strata and Deccan traps

36 Suitable and unsuitable geological conditions for reservoir site.

Q1 Explain the importance of core drilling for preliminary geological

investigation for dam site with reference to following points.

i) Core recovery.


Department of

Civil Engineering


ii) Drill water loss.

iii) Number of pieces of cores.

iv) Rate of drilling.

Q2 Write notes on

i) Overbreak

ii) Dams on carbonate rocks

iii) Siltation of reservoir


Model Question Paper

Course Title : Engineering Geology

Duration-3 Hrs. Max. Marks: 100


1. Solve any three questions from section I & any three questions from section II.

2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3. Draw sketches wherever necessary.


1 a) Explain erosional features produced by River with their civil engineering



b) Discuss the cooling of magma under Plutonic, Hypabyssal & Volcanic



2 a) What is meant by Unconformity? Explain types of Unconformity. 08


a) What is meant by fault? Explain classification of faults. 08

b) What is meant by sedimentary rock? Explain grain size classification of

sedimentary rocks.


3 Write short notes on any four of the following 20

Department of

Civil Engineering



4 Write short notes on any four of the following 20

a) RIS

b) Sources of Groundwater

c) Engineering properties of rocks

d) Porosity & Permeability

e) Core logging

5 a) Describe in detail the suitable and unsuitable geological conditions for locating

a tunnel site.



a) Describe in detail the suitable and unsuitable geological conditions for locating

a dam site.


b) Write brief account on observations during drilling 07

6 a) Explain the following

i) R. Q. D.

ii) Preservation of cores

iii) Core recovery

iv) Turbid drill water


b) Following is the data obtained during drilling a borehole along a dam


i) Top R. L. of bore: 580 m ii) Bore hole ends at R. L. 530 m

iii) Length of each piece of core recovered between R. L. 543m to R.

L. 540 m. is as follows:


a) Internal structure of the earth.

b) Dyke & Sill

c) Scope of Engineering Geology

d) Agents of Metamorphism

e) Pyroclasts

Department of

Civil Engineering


14, 13, 09, 02, 07, 12, 11, 07, 10, 11, 13, 12, 10, 14, 12, 05, 04, 15, 12, 15, 14,

15, 17, 12, 14,15. All piece lengths are in cm.

Find out:

i) Total depth of bore

ii) Total length of core recovered

iii) Core recovery

iv) RQD

v) Core loss

vi) Machine Run.

As per conclusion comment on suitability or non-suitability of sites with



List of experiments to meet the requirements of the syllabus

1 Megascopic study of Rock forming minerals CO311.1 2 Megascopic study of Ore forming minerals. CO311.1 3 Megascopic study of Igneous rocks. CO311.1 4 Megascopic study of Secondary rocks. CO311.1 5 Megascopic study of Metamorphic rocks. CO311.1 6 . Study of geological maps

a) Single horizontal series,

b) Single inclined series,

c) One horizontal and one inclined series,

d) Both series are inclined with sill and

e) Both series are inclined with dyke.


7 Study of Structural Geological models. CO311.2 8 Study tour to the places of Engineering Geological importance. CO311.5

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course plan for Structural Design and Drawing I

Course Code CE 312 Course Structural Design and Drawing I

Prepared by Mr. Desai Ravindra M. Semester AY 2017-18, Sem II

Pre-requisites This course requires the student to know about the basic concepts like analysis,

design of tension member, compression member, end connections,column,

column bases, truss, bracing, gantry girder, plate girders as components of

industrial building and civil infrastructures.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students should be able to: analyse, design industrial building and


CO312.1 Analyse4and design

5 industrial steel structurebuilding and it’s different


CO312.2 Analyse4

and design5welded plate girder, design of cross section, curtailment of

flange plates, stiffeners and connections.

CO312.3 Analyse4

and design5primary and secondary beams, column, column base and


CO312.4 Analyse4

and design5Foot Bridge: Influence lines, cross beam, main Truss,

Raker, joint details, support details.

CO312.5 Analyse4

and design5compared with the results of any standard software


Mapping of COs with POs



A b c d e f g H i j k

CO312.1 2 2 3 3

CO312.2 3 3 3 2 3

CO312.3 3 3 2 2 2

CO312.4 2 3 1 1 2

CO312.5 2 2 1 1 2

1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong


Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Contents


No. Title

No. of


Section I

1. Design of industrial building including roof truss, purlin, bracings, gantry

girder, column, column base and connections. Three full imperial size drawing



Section II

2. Design of welded plate girder, design of cross section, curtailment of flange

plates, stiffeners and connections. One full imperial size drawing sheets. 18

3. Design of building including primary and secondary beams, column, column

base and connections. One full imperial size drawing sheets. 18

4. Design of Foot Bridge: Influence lines, cross beam, main Truss, Raker, joint

details, support details 18

Reference books:



Title of Book Author Publisher/Edition Topics


6. Design of Steel Structures. Dr. N.


Oxford University

Press, New Delhi. 1,2,3

7. Limit State Design of Steel


S.K. Duggal Tata Mc-Graw Hill

India Publishing



8. Design of Steel Structures K.S. Sairam, Pearson 1,2,3,4

9. Design of steel structure by Limit

State Method as per IS: 800- 2007

Bhavikatti S. S International

Publishing House,


Evaluation scheme:



Theory Term Work OE Total

Max. Marks - 50 25 75


Hours/ week

4 --

Department of

Civil Engineering


Scheme of Marks

Section Unit No. Title Marks

I 1 Unit No 1 30


2 Unit 2

Any one Design 20 3 Unit 3

4 Unit 4

Important Question Bank for External Oral Examination

1. Explain types of trusses

2. Explain procedure for wind load calculation for the truss

3. Enlist component of truss structure with force developed

4. Explain basic terms :-Pitch, Slope, rise, Spacing of truss, span of truss.

5. What do you mean by Uniaxial and biaxial bending

6. Enlist IS Codes used for Design of steel structure

7. Explain methods of analysis of the truss

8. What are the modes of failure in tension

9. Explain Design procedure of tension member

10. Explain Design procedure of Compression member

11. Explain Design procedure of purlin

12. Explain Design procedure of Bracket

13. Explain Design procedure of Column

14. Explain Design procedure of Column bases

15. What are the types girder

16. Differentiate plate girder and gantry girder

17. What are the forces acting on gantry girder

18. What do you mean by web buckling

19. What do you mean by web crippling

20. What is laterally supported and laterally unsupported beam

21. Explain Design procedure of laterally supported beam

Department of

Civil Engineering


22. Explain Design procedure of laterally unsupported beam


Q1 The effective length of a compression member of length L held in position and restrained in

direction at one end and effectively restrained in direction but not held in position at the other

end, is

A. 0.85 L B. L C. 2L D. 8L

Q2 A beam is defined as a structural member subjected to

A. transverse loading B. axial loading C. axial and transverse


D. none of these.

Q3 In plastic analysis, the shape factor for circular sections, is

A. 1.5 B. 1.697 C. 1.6 D. none of these.

Q4 A structural member subjected to compressive stress in a direction parallel to its

longitudinal axis, is generally known as

A. Strut B. Stanchion C. Post D. All

Q5 The distance between e.g. of compression and e.g. of tension flanges of a plate girder, is

known as

A. effective depth B. overall depth C. clear depth D. none of these.

Q6 A fillet weld may be termed as

A. convex weld B. mitre weld C. concave weld D. all

Q7 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Horizontal stiffeners

may be placed

alternately on

opposite sides of the


B. Single vertical

stiffeners may

be placed

alternately on

opposite sides

of the web

C. Horizontal

stiffeners may be

placed in pairs one

on each side of the


D. all

Q8 The most economical section for a column, is

A. rectangular B. solid round C. flat strip D. tubular section

Q9 The minimum edge distance of a rivet line connecting two or more plates, is kept equal to

37 mm plus (where t is the thickness in mm of the thinner outside plate).

A. 6 t B. 2 t C. 4 t D. 8 t

Q10 Web crippling generally occurs at the point where

A. shearing force is


B. bending

moment is


C. concentrated loads


D. deflection is


Q11 The rolled steel I-sections are most commonly used as beams because these provide

A. large moment of B. greater lateral C. large moment of D. all

Department of

Civil Engineering


inertia with less

cross-sectional area

stability resistance as

compared to other


Q12 The thickness t of a single flat lacing should not be less than

A. 1/60 th length

between inner end


B. 1/30 th length

between inner

end rivets

C. 1/50 th length

between inner end


D. 1/40 th length

between inner

end rivets

Q13 The Indian standard code which deals with steel structures, is

A. IS : 800(2007) B. IS : 456(2000) C. IS : 1893(2002) D. IS : 875(1984)

Q14 Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented by using

A. vertical intermediate


B. horizontal

stiffener at

neutral axis

C. bearing stiffener D. none of the


Q15 Economical depth of a plate girder corresponds to

A. minimum


B. minimum depth C. maximum weigh D. minimum

thickness of


Q16 Bearing stiffener in a plate girder is used to

A. transfer the load

from the top flange

to the bottom one

B. prevent

buckling of


C. decrease

the effective depth

of web

D. prevent



Q17 .Minimum thickness of web in a plate girder, when the plate is accessible and also

exposed to weather, is

A. 6mm B. 8mm C. 10mm D. 5mm

Q18 The maximum slenderness ratio of a compression member carrying both dead and

superimposed load is

A. 180 B. 200 C. 250 D. 350

Q19 The maximum slenderness ratio of a steel column, the design of which is governed by wind

or seismic forces is

A. 150 B. 180 C. 250 D. 350

Q20 .Minimum spacing of vertical stiffeners is limited to

A. d/4 B. d/3 C. d/2 D. 2d/3

Q21 Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder need be provided if the depth of web exceeds

A. 501 B. 851 C. 200t D. 250t

Department of

Civil Engineering


Course plan for Seminar

Course Code CE 314 Course Seminar

Prepared by Mr Swastik S Shinde Semester AY 2017-18, Sem II

Pre-requisites This course requires the student to know about the basic concepts of Civil


Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students should be able to:

CE314.1 Collect2, analyze

3 and present data related to literature.

CE314.2 Prepare2 abstract and report.

CE314.3 Exhibit2 the talent during presentation.

CE314.4 Perform2 literature review on recent technical topics.

CE314.5 Prepare2 a comprehensive report.

CE314.6 Prepare2 a power point presentation.

Mapping of COs with POs



a b c d e f g h i j k

CE314.1 2 2 3 2 2

CE314.2 2 2

CE314.3 3

CE314.4 2

CE314.5 1

CE314.6 1 1

1 Mild correlation 2 Moderato correlation 3 Strong


Department of

Civil Engineering


Course Contents

Description No. of


The topic for the seminar may be related to Civil Engineering area and

interdisciplinary area related to Civil Engineering such as-

1. Structural Engineering

2. Concrete Technology

3. Environmental Engineering

4. Geotechnical Engineering

5. Transportation Engineering

6. Infrastructural Engineering

7. Water resources Engineering

8. Town & Country Planning

9. Construction Engineering

10. Surveying & Remote Sensing Techniques

11. Project management

12. Legal aspects in Civil Engineering

13. Earthquake Engineering

14. Disaster management

15. Advanced Geology and Remote Sensing

16. Advanced Construction Technology

17. Advanced Engineering Construction Materials

18. Advanced Engineering Construction Methods

19. Planning and Design of Special Buildings

20. Finance Management

21. Engineering Geology

Evaluation scheme:



Theory Term Work OE Total

Max. Marks - 50 50


Hours/ week

2 -- 2