Casula Public School Term 4—Week 10, 7 December 2015 De Meyrick Ave, CASULA NSW 2170 . 9602 2170 . [email protected] . casula-p.schools.nsw.edu.au . @CasulaPS A Nut Aware School From the Relieving Principal’s Desk Welcome to our final official newsleer for 2015. Where do I begin with all our successes and events in the past fortnight? It has been a very rewarding but busy me for students and teachers. Parent Helper Morning Tea We had a very successful thank you morning tea to acknowledge all the great support we receive from Scripture teachers, classrooms helpers, breakfast club helpers, banking mums, P&C members and Learning Links Counsellors. It was wonderful to be able to thank close to 40 people who volun- teer their me to make Casula a great place. Thank you so much we APPRECIATE you all very much. Parliament Ministers I was very privileged to aend the last parliament meeng for 2015, with our current ministers and our ‘ministers in waing for 2016’. It was a great idea by Mrs Weston to show our incoming ministers a sample of what a parliament meeng looks like. I was very impressed by all 18 ministers for 2015. I presented each of the students with a cerficate for their dedicaon and support of leadership at Casula and then introduced a new award for 2015 – my choice for ‘Minister of the Year’. This award is presented to someone who has gone above and beyond with their leadership responsibilies. This award was presented to Risha Singh for 2015. Well done Risha! Important Dates Term 4 Week 10 Monday 7 December K-2 Gymnascs Tuesday 8 December Movie Day Thursday 10 December Presentaon Day 9.30am Yrs 3-6 11.30am K-2 School Reports Go home Term 4 Week 11 Monday 14 December Yr 6 Farewell, 6pm Liverpool Catholic Club Tuesday 15 December Casula’s Got Talent Wednesday 16 December Last day for 2015 Courier SCHOOL RETURNS THURSDAY 28 JANUARY 2016

Courier - casula-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · A brilliant 2015 – Some of our achievements this year… I have been extremely proud to lead this great school in 2015. Thank you for

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Page 1: Courier - casula-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · A brilliant 2015 – Some of our achievements this year… I have been extremely proud to lead this great school in 2015. Thank you for

Casula Public School

Term 4—Week 10, 7 December 2015

De Meyrick Ave, CASULA NSW 2170 . 9602 2170 . [email protected] . casula-p.schools.nsw.edu.au . @CasulaPS

A Nut Aware School

From the Relieving Principal’s Desk

Welcome to our final official newsletter for 2015. Where do I begin with all our successes and events in the past fortnight? It has been a very rewarding but busy time for students and teachers.

Parent Helper Morning Tea We had a very successful thank you morning tea to acknowledge all the great support we receive from Scripture teachers, classrooms helpers, breakfast club helpers, banking mums, P&C members and Learning Links Counsellors. It was wonderful to be able to thank close to 40 people who volun-teer their time to make Casula a great place. Thank you so much we APPRECIATE you all very much.

Parliament Ministers I was very privileged to attend the last parliament meeting for 2015, with our current ministers and our ‘ministers in waiting for 2016’. It was a great idea by Mrs Weston to show our incoming ministers a sample of what a parliament meeting looks like. I was very impressed by all 18 ministers for 2015. I presented each of the students with a certificate for their dedication and support of leadership at Casula and then introduced a new award for 2015 – my choice for ‘Minister of the Year’. This award is presented to someone

who has gone above and beyond with their leadership responsibilities. This award was presented to Risha Singh for 2015. Well done Risha!

Important Dates

Term 4 Week 10 Monday 7 December K-2 Gymnastics

Tuesday 8 December Movie Day

Thursday 10 December Presentation Day 9.30am Yrs 3-6 11.30am K-2 School Reports Go home

Term 4 Week 11 Monday 14 December Yr 6 Farewell, 6pm Liverpool Catholic Club

Tuesday 15 December Casula’s Got Talent

Wednesday 16 December Last day for 2015



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Christmas Stall Thank you to all P&C members who gave up their time to sell gifts at the Christmas stall last week. The students love buying for their family members. I would also like to thank the P&C for their ongoing commitment and support throughout 2015. They have donated over $20,000 for iPads, a shade shelter and many more resources for the school. Thank you so much, we really appreciate it!

Sports Presentation Day Last Thursday was what I might call a ‘brilliant Casula day’. We invited a very special guest to our first ever Sports Presentation assembly. Anthony Minichiello, a past student, attended the assembly to present awards and cut the ribbon to officially name our hall – Anthony Minichiello Hall. What a delightful and humble young man he was. Even his mum came up to watch the special event and stay for morning tea. Anthony was very proud to have the hall named in his honour as he reflected on the great times he had at Casula. The Liverpool Leader attended and wrote up a report on the day. It was a beautiful assembly and our students were so enthusiastic to shake the hand of a champion athlete who is a role model for all young Australian people.

Presentation Day This Thursday is Presentation Day. Years 3-6 will begin at 9.15am followed by K-2 at 11.30am. All students are required to wear full school uniform. In the afternoon, reports for Semester 2 will be sent home. Please have a read of the re-port and praise your child (and their teacher) for the hard work they have done and the improvements made.

A brilliant 2015 – Some of our achievements this year… I have been extremely proud to lead this great school in 2015. Thank you for the ongoing support from our community. Here is a list of some proud achievements from 2015:

Two representatives for State Public Speaking State debating representatives State sports representatives Jump Start pre-Kinder program for students beginning school in 2016 Innovation Tour with local schools Three staff members gaining promotions to Assistant Principal – Mrs Valensise, Mrs Coates and Mrs Lloyd Brilliant NAPLAN results – some of our best ever, particularly in Year 5 and in writing across the school Innovative learning spaces in classrooms Playground friendly spaces, including a chicken coup, worm farm and Year 6 chill out space Community Book Exchange School Plan and vision statement ‘out there’ and being implemented every day in classrooms Sydney Opera House project Three teams winning PSSA grand finals 23 students placed in Selective High Schools and 6 students in OC class (Casula PS) for 2016 Cross Curricular Network Concert and Battle of the Arts Japanese Exchange students BYOD in Years 4-6 P&C membership numbers at an awesome 24 members by last week!

We could go on and on, but as you can see it has been a fabulous year. None of which would be possible without out-standing leadership from the executive team, hard working and committed teachers, caring administration staff and teachers aides, canteen staff, cleaning staff and YOU our school community. We want to keep going from strength to strength. This is a great school, with dedicated teachers who go above and beyond everyday.

A simplified final newsletter will be sent home next Monday.

Have a great week,

Mrs Diamond

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ة تواريخ مهمَّ

فصل 10أسبوع 4

األول كانون 7اإلثنين

K-2جمباز )تمارين رياضية(

األول كانون 8الثالثاء

يوم الفيلم السينمائي

األول كانون 10الخميس

يوم العروض

3-6ق.ظ لصفوف 9:30

K-2 11:30 ق.ظ لصفوف

تقارير المدرسة يبعثون إلى البيوت

11أسبوع 4فصل

األول كانون 14اإلثنين

K-2جمباز )تمارين رياضية(

ب.ظ 6حفلة وداع الصف السادس,

Liverpool Catholic Club

األول كانون 15الثالثاء

Casula’s Got Talent

األول كانون 16األربعاء

2015آخر يوم لسنة

كانون الثاني 28المدرسة تعود الخميس


PSSA Results — Finals

Five Summer PSSA teams qualified for the semi finals: Senior Girls Softball, Junior A Oztag, Senior A Oztag, Junior Cricket and Senior Cricket. Congratulations to our three teams who progressed to their respective grand finals. Senior Girls Softball defeated Holsworthy 11-6. Junior A Oztag were defeated by Hammondville (1-3). Senior Cricket were defeated by Holsworthy Well done to all our teams on successful seasons. Please remember to return playing jerseys to coaches next week (if applicable). Thanks - Mr King

Page 6: Courier - casula-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · A brilliant 2015 – Some of our achievements this year… I have been extremely proud to lead this great school in 2015. Thank you for


Regional Debating Trials Karina and Swara were selected to attend the SSW Regional Trials for debating. We were told both girls performed remarkably and were short listed for the Regional Team. Karina successfully gained a

place on the regional team. She attended the NSW State Debating Camp for Years 5 and 6 at Collaroy from Sunday 22nd November to Wednesday 25th November. Below is a picture of Karina in the SWS Regional Team at the State Debating Championships.

Liverpool District Debating Competition This year Casula PS competed in the Liverpool District Debating Competi-tion. After 6 debates our school was the winning school. We were pre-sented with a medal at a recent ceremony at Marsden Rd PS. Congratula-tions to the following students who competed throughout the year: Elaine, Fiona, Christina, Evan, Dayisha, Simone, Kayla, Marina, Manas, Neha, Rhiannon, Arghya, Vyom

Sydney South West Public Speaking- Liverpool District Final Four students represented our school at the Liverpool District Public Speaking Final. Ava and Karina were placed 2nd in their stages of the competition. Jessica represented Stage 1 and Khaled represented Stage 3.

Maths Olympiad During this year, two teams have competed in the Maths Olympiad. Our A team were awarded as a top 10% of all teams competing from both private and public schools across Australia and several other Asian and Pacific Nations. Some notable achievements were: Team A. Aditi, Jari and Sandil finished in equal top position with a score of 22/25. Team B. Christina finished in top position with a score of 16/25 Maths Games This year we entered a team in the inaugural Maths Games Competition. This gave students who have an emerging talent in Mathematics to compete in a supportive team environment. A notable achievement was Jessica L who finished in top position with a score of 19/20. Stage 2 State Public Speaking Natalia was the Sydney South West Regional Representative at The NSW State Final of the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition at the NSW Teachers Federation Centre in the city on Fri-day 30 October 2015. She competed against 11 of the top public speakers in the state. Natalia spoke on ‘Sport Breaks Down Barriers’. The adjudicator told Natalia her speech was great and the best of the sport speeches. Some students and teachers travelled with Natalia to the city to witness her present her speech. We are all very proud of you Natalia!

Page 7: Courier - casula-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · A brilliant 2015 – Some of our achievements this year… I have been extremely proud to lead this great school in 2015. Thank you for


Stage 3 State Public Speaking Karina was the Sydney South West Regional Representative at The NSW State Final of the Multicultural Perspectives Public Speaking Competition at The ABC Centre at Ultimo on Friday 13th November 2015. She competed against 11 of the top public speakers in the state. Karina spoke on ‘My Identity’. The adjudicator told Karina that her speech was very impressive and she finished in second place. Some students and teachers travelled with Karina to the city to wit-ness her present her speech. Congratulations Karina on an amazing effort!

Design an Ad We entered the local Design an Ad Competition. Congrat-ulations to Marco, Neha, Leo, Chandu, Avi, Thomas, Vicky, Rayburn, Naimul, Manas, Jari, An-Phuong and Abrar who entered this competition. Below are copies of some of the designs.

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Page 10: Courier - casula-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · A brilliant 2015 – Some of our achievements this year… I have been extremely proud to lead this great school in 2015. Thank you for