big day countdown to the A CHECKLIST OF THINGS TO DO 4 WEEKS TO GO s r e t t e l , s d r o c e r l a c i d e m d n a l a t n e d s y l i m a f t c e l l o C of introduction and children’s records If renting, advise your current landlord 3 WEEKS TO GO , l i c n u o c l a c o l , r o t i c i l o s , s e v i t a l e r , s d n e i r f r u o y e s i v d A insurance companies, accountant, hire purchase companies, stores where you have accounts, your church and clubs d n a s t n e t n o c h t i w s e x o b g n i l l e b a l d n a g n i k c a p t r a t S intended location in your new home (if Allied Pickfords are not handling your packing) 2 WEEKS TO GO If moving a long distance, have your car serviced Arrange for pet transportation if necessary , s t n u o c c a e v a h u o y e r e h w ) s ( k n a b r u o y e s i v d A including credit cards 7 DAYS TO GO Notify your post offi ce to redirect your mail Arrange Electoral Roll transfer Advise the Taxation Offi ce 6 DAYS TO GO e l c i h e v r o t o m , e c n e c i l r u o y ( y r t s i g e r r o t o m e s i v d A registration etc) List essential items you will need on moving day 5 DAYS TO GO Ask your move consultant about our free utility connection service that can take care of the below. n o i t c e n n o c s i d g n i d r a g e r r e i l p p u s r u o y t c a t n o C of your phone and fi nal billing. Confi rm new number and date of connection Organise fi nal accounts for gas, water and electricity s s e r d d a w e n r u o y t a s e c i v r e s e s e h t f o y t i u n i t n o c e r u s n E 4 DAYS TO GO g n i w o m n w a l , e l p m a x e r o f , s t n e m e g n a r r a l a c o l l e c n a C g n i h s a w r u o y r e h t e h w s r e r u t c a f u n a m h t i w k c e h C machine and refrigerator motors need bolting down for transport Clean out medicine cabinet Empty rubbish bins Do fi nal clear out of garage and unwanted furniture Empty steam iron, toaster, griller etc n i f o d i r t e G ammables (throw out or give to neighbours) / Drain fuel from lawnmower and other machinery Wash and dry laundry g n i e b e r a h c i h w g n i l t n a m s i d g n i r i u q e r s m e t i y n a e r a p e r P moved, for example, trampolines, garden furniture, modular furniture etc. 1 DAY TO GO Tighten lid on all jars containing liquids Dismantle TV aerial if taking it . d o o f e v o m e r d n a r e z e e r f d n a e g d i r f t s o r f e D Wash out interior e c n a i l p p a , g e , e s u o h e h t o t g n o l e b t a h t s m e t i e t a r a p e S instruction manuals, kitchen items, including roasting dishes and baking trays THE BIG DAY You should be just about organised l l i w u o y s g n i h t l a i t n e s s e h t i w n o t r a c a g n i k c a p r e d i s n o C need when you fi rst arrive, eg, bathroom effects, toilet paper, and basic kitchenware Carry all valuables, cash and important papers with you Tighten all taps Turn off water heater and drain it Check gas, electric switches and lights Lock doors and windows and return house keys Check nothing has been left behind A FEW DON’TS , l a e r e c s a h c u s s d o o f e l b a h s i r e p e r o t s t n o D our, vegetables etc. g n i w o l l o f e h t , s d o o g d l o h e s u o h r u o y g n i r o t s f I articles are classifi ed as DANGEROUS GOODS and cannot be stored: ammunition, paint, linseed oil turpentine, kerosene, petrol, cleaning fl uids d e h s i l o p h c n e r F e r u t i n r u f r u o y e v a h t n o D just before moving, as it is extremely diffi cult to move without marking , s r e w a r d n i s d i u q i l r o s e l b a k a e r b t u p t n o D and don’t overload drawers with too much linen or clothing s t n e m u c o d l a g e l , y e n o m , y r e l l e w e j e r o t s t n o D or articles of extreme value y e h t e r e h w s t r o p s s a p r o s t e k c i t l e v a r t e v a e l t n o D might be packed

countdown d big day to the thene rdoa€¦ · We strive to continually deliver the best possible service and care to our customers so we would love to hear from you. We hold your

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Page 1: countdown d big day to the thene rdoa€¦ · We strive to continually deliver the best possible service and care to our customers so we would love to hear from you. We hold your

Upon arrival at your new home your goods will be unpacked to your instructions. Boxed items will be unpacked onto � at surfaces. If you have chosen to use our Complete Unpacking service, sit back and relax as we carefully put everything away into their new homes.

Your inventory and packing reportOnce delivery is complete you will be asked to sign and date the Inventory Report. This report will clearly state the condition of your consignment when unpacked and that all items have been delivered to your destination, to your satisfaction.

After your delivery has been completed, we will get in contact with you to get your feedback about your move and our service. We strive to continually deliver the best possible service and care to our customers so we would love to hear from you. We hold your feedback in the highest regard and thank you for taking the time to provide us with this invaluable information.

endthe roadof


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big daycountdown

to the


4 WEEKS TO GO• srettel ,sdrocer lacidem dna latned s’ylimaf tcelloC

of introduction and children’s records

• If renting, advise your current landlord

3 WEEKS TO GO• ,licnuoc lacol ,roticilos ,sevitaler ,sdneirf ruoy esivdA

insurance companies, accountant, hire purchase companies, stores where you have accounts, your church and clubs

• dna stnetnoc htiw sexob gnillebal dna gnikcap tratS intended location in your new home (if Allied Pickfords are not handling your packing)

2 WEEKS TO GO• If moving a long distance, have your car serviced

• Arrange for pet transportation if necessary

• ,stnuocca evah uoy erehw )s(knab ruoy esivdA including credit cards

7 DAYS TO GO• Notify your post of� ce to redirect your mail

• Arrange Electoral Roll transfer

• Advise the Taxation Of� ce

6 DAYS TO GO• elcihev rotom ,ecnecil ruoy( yrtsiger rotom esivdA

registration etc)

• List essential items you will need on moving day

5 DAYS TO GOAsk your move consultant about our free utilityconnection service that can take care of the below.

• noitcennocsid gnidrager reilppus ruoy tcatnoC of your phone and � nal billing. Con� rm new number and date of connection

• Organise � nal accounts for gas, water and electricity

• sserdda wen ruoy ta secivres eseht fo ytiunitnoc erusnE

4 DAYS TO GO• gniwom nwal ,elpmaxe rof ,stnemegnarra lacol lecnaC

• gnihsaw ruoy rehtehw srerutcafunam htiw kcehC machine and refrigerator motors need bolting down for transport

• Clean out medicine cabinet

• Empty rubbish bins

• Do � nal clear out of garage and unwanted furniture

• Empty steam iron, toaster, griller etc

• �ni fo dir teG ammables (throw out or give to neighbours) / Drain fuel from lawnmower and other machinery

• Wash and dry laundry

• gnieb era hcihw gniltnamsid gniriuqer smeti yna eraperP moved, for example, trampolines, garden furniture, modular furniture etc.

1 DAY TO GO• Tighten lid on all jars containing liquids

• Dismantle TV aerial if taking it

• .doof evomer dna rezeerf dna egdirf tsorfeD Wash out interior

• ecnailppa ,ge ,esuoh eht ot gnoleb taht smeti etarapeS instruction manuals, kitchen items, including roasting dishes and baking trays

THE BIG DAYYou should be just about organised

• lliw uoy sgniht laitnesse htiw notrac a gnikcap redisnoC need when you � rst arrive, eg, bathroom e�ects, toilet paper, and basic kitchenware

• Carry all valuables, cash and important papers with you

• Tighten all taps

• Turn o� water heater and drain it

• Check gas, electric switches and lights

• Lock doors and windows and return house keys

• Check nothing has been left behind

A FEW DON’TS• ,laerec sa hcus sdoof elbahsirep erots t’noD

� our, vegetables etc.

• gniwollof eht ,sdoog dlohesuoh ruoy gnirots fI articles are classi� ed as DANGEROUS GOODS and cannot be stored: ammunition, paint, linseed oil turpentine, kerosene, petrol, cleaning � uids

• dehsilop hcnerF erutinruf ruoy evah t’noD just before moving, as it is extremely dif� cult to move without marking

• ,sreward ni sdiuqil ro selbakaerb tup t’noD and don’t overload drawers with too much linen or clothing

• stnemucod lagel ,yenom ,yrellewej erots t’noD or articles of extreme value

• yeht erehw stropssap ro stekcit levart evael t’noD might be packed