Read The Post For News Of Peopl e You Know THENE KPOST The! ewal 'k Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, January 3,1, 1952 Save Time, Money Shop In Newark First PRICE FIVE in ess, Industry, Education Leaders Meet At High School Na ys ShyL ock Junior Achieveme nt j Moveme nt Ex plained I At Lions M ee lin g Kiwa nis Pres ident I City, State Highway Departlnent Settle Matter Of ' Street Repai r PUII I'! Dis I'lI Hs ion Deals W ilh FOl'lu illg Of Clo 'e l' Ilcla lion sh ip Ile t ween Sch oo l s, IlIIln sll'Y In T hi COlllnllUlity Jo hn Ha ien Of Chr ys ler Co 1'1) . Descri bes Plan a li fac lory Agr ceme nl R eadlCd In La l l>sl Clm(<:I'('lll' l' Be l' ween CilY Ofl"i"ial" An d Slate To Lions Chief I II UOH' r R presentatives from various Newark __ _ City otTicials announced this week thm a satis factory ag l'ecment has been I' ac hed with th Sta te Highway DC' . parmen t rcgarding thc permancnt ma intenance of through stree ts in Ncwa rk . us tri cs and Nc wark sc hool otTicials OfficiaL ' Ji'eather R eport part For Next Six Wee ks Will John Halen, di .. ector of youth educa' tion fOl' Chrysler Corporation , gave I an info .. mal and interesting t alk at the I Newa .. k L ions Club this week in w hi ch Er co le CaseLL i R eceives Adv(ULcc m. e ll t to Crade of Co r/Jo ral /fIi th Vi/dn g Div. High Schoo l wh ich was held Be Cive n By Jacob MeSS n erj Jacob Messn er of Hurrington, Del., and industry of the commun. E. Shue, s upe rintendent of , he oullin d for the members the b ack. ) I Ch .. ys ler is a sponsor, I I EI'cole Coselli , son of Mr. and Mrs. I Bacilio Cosetll. 32 ' 2 North St"cet, I Newark, has bee n pl"Omotcd to th e r ank of corporal. This satis factory so lution to n prob· lem which ha s recently co used con sider aulc critici sm of th c St at > way Depa rtmen t on th e part of va rio us councilmen bccausc of the fai lu re of the statc agc ncy to accept the same rcspo nsibility with r egllrd to Newar k' s st rcets as has bee n th e case in other Dc laware communities, was reached at a conference last week bet wen J. Neide, city s uperv isor. H. C. Boden. head of the Newar k Planning Com. mission, and Richard A. Haber, chicf cngineer for the State Hi ghway De. partment. tor ling to bc he ld at th e Coll ege Inn on local industria l lead ers and orl'icial Weddcl' Bro. of thc sc hool facully dis· fate (wea ther for ecast) by Mr. Mess. and measn of ma king the ner, olTicers for the coming year will graduates more mature be ele cted, and a typical Pennsylvania capable of holding posi· Dutch dinner wiII be enjoyed by al l. Mr. Haien exp lained that it is a movement sponsored by val'ious in· dus tri es in which high sc hool st udent. are g iven the opportunity to experi· ence and so lve fo .. themselves the many He is at the present time sc r ving with the 47th Viki ng In fantry Di vision and sta tion ed at Camp Ru cker. Al a' probl e ms which are common to th e Arlln gtoh J ackson bama. executive a nd corporation of Local Kiwanis Cluh industry. Members of Present otTiccrs are: F. B. Kutz, faculty t ak ing part in the haabtmann; Dr. Calvin Offenback, suggested ways in which sc hreiver; Dr. Russell Stauffer, fuder In this movement, students are band· ed togethcl' in an actual corporation, Marks Anllivel'sary; COI'pora l Cos tti is at thi s time serv ing as a stenographer with the Head: quart rs Compa ny, 136th Infantry Regiment. G. Tagga rt Evans help. in making these marshder. Sh William O. Penrose, head of the akespeare an Play Officers In s t a II e d manufactured or service to perform they are provided w ith the necessary The Viking division wa s called into a ctive se rvicc in J an uary. 1951. Th e 47th, a former Minnesota·Korth Dkot a Na tional Guard division, now is composed of men from all sec tions of the country. Although no fin a l agreeme nt has yc t been signed, it is unde rstood that n tentative agreement was wor ked out bv the officials and a writ t ee n ag .. ce!TI n't is in process of being prepared. of 0 P S Official Lists To Be Pres e nted By rcsent atives regarding the aims and Ways W 0 men Mu s t Loc al Dralna Group possible results of such a meeting. space and equipment with which to Char te r Presented Newark operate. High Key Club By ------- Tbose representatives of local induHelp Price --- 'The Mercha nt of Venice' E rnest George in its venture and the students then actually sell shares of stock in the Th e Newa .. k Ki wanis Cl ub cele· corporation and begin manufacture of bra t ed th e second a nniver sa .. y of its the product. If the product is accepted charter ni ght , on Wednes day ni ght, by the pUblic, it is sold through a January 23, at the Charm House, Nathaniel Richards Honored At Mee ting Of Church Members Und e .. the te .. ms of the agreemen t the s tate agency w ill under take thc responsibility of kcepin g s uch main through st .. ee ts as Main, Delaware Ave nu e, S. Co ll cge Ave nu c, N . Chapel and New London Road in propc .. con . age l' of Chrys ler Newar k Tank Pl ant; W, Staunton Moy lan Speaks at Mitchell Ha ll on To Me mbers Of Local Febr uary 7, 8, 9 youth training, Chrysler Corporation; AAUW dition. s tudent sa les f orce agd complete rec· I Nottingham Road . Kiwanis wives Inscribed Bi ble Presented on the financial results for were present for the affair. To Chu rc h Elder Of A prev ious agreemcnt which had John McDowell, d il 'ec tor of pub lic r eo lations, Cluys le r Tank Pl ant; J. F. Anderson, vice·pres ident, Continental Diamond Fibre Company; R. L. DielY· enbacher, pel·. on nel direc tor, National Vu lcanized Fibr e Company; Dr. R. M. Stin e Laboratories; Ford H. Mc· ,president, New81'k Chambe l' o f e rc e; J.. E. Daughe rty, pres idcnt, Trust Company; and Edward tr easurcr, Newa rk Trust Newark's Boa rd of Educa· at the di scu ss ion McV y, presidcnt of the The Univers ity Drama Gro up will e sc 00 yeal·. Retiring president W. Harry Daw· been offered the city by the stat present "The Merchant of Venic e" by Some of th e p .. oducts manufactured son call ed the mee ting to o .. der a nd 30 Years stat d that the hi ghway dcpartmen t Wome n may greatly facilitate the Willi am Shapespeare in Mitchell Hall by these st udent corporations h ave been expressed hi s appreciation . to the would be .. espons ible only for t empo ... work of the OPS in its att e mpt to on the even ings of F ebruary 7. 8 and 9. very s uccessfully received by the pub· membe rs for the fine coope .. ation At the annual meeting of the con. ary maintenace of th e st. .. eets and did control prices in four important ways Curtain time is 8:15. lic. Mr. Ha ien gave se veral i llustrations give n him during 1951. H e presented g .. ega ti on a nd churc h co .. po .. ation of not make p .. ovision s for the reconst .. uc. accord ing to W. Staunton Moylan, act· It h bt l t t . w hich included; earrings with changperfect attendance pins to the follow· the White Clay C .. eek Presbyterian !.ion of same when neccssa .. y. ing DirectOl' of Consumer Goods Divi. as ee n a eas wo yea .. s smce, able s tones to match vari ous costumes ing: 6 yea rs, Will iam Burrell ; 2 yeal' s, . . It . d t d tI t th sion fo .. Del aware, Penn sylvania and any Shakes peare see n or. .tht I of the ladies, and a small ch ai r de. Cla .. e nce Brown, Albert Aik en, Wi!. Chul ch, hcld on Wed nesday, J anuaJ y t' S u. 71 ers ; ". ncw agr C'\)' South em New Jerscy: (1) by buy ing Newark .. ThIS JS the fi r st time signed for children watohing tel evision. liam Murray, Arlington Jackson, and 23. Nat h al1l e l RIchards and John Mur· on ly what they need; (2) by shopping h ha s At the end of the ye ar (which run s Dani el Ha rvey; I yea .. , William Skold, ' fa y we re for a thr ee·yea r decided by the hi ghway departmen t more carefu lly than ever before (3) k a eSjeat\ e.a ou g ll , t ey are from S eptcmber to June to co .. res pond ) J ames Geta z, and Thomas Frutchey.! erNm a.s Ive e ers. lt d that s uch work is necessa .. y. and by reporting to the proper sources we. nown or ' ell' en presewith tbe school year) a financia l aC'l Erncst George, committee chairman. I orl"ls .. own was re·e ec e as a Jl will be up to the st ate to d",cide j :snd a the Amcrican Association of Uni. plan.s have a tl enwte d. holders and it the company was suc. tel' to the Key Club preSident, James for a thr ee y.ear ve rsity Women in Warner Hall on DIrected by Elisabeth Ka se, the l ead· cessful in its ven tur e, a dividend is Draper. Members hip card and pin s These offlcel s weI e by the carry out th e work. his talk before thc Newar k Branch of performance the l ocal thes. accounting is furni shed to all stock· I School Key Cl ub presented the char. ' board of trustees. B.o th WIll se rve .. I Monday January 28. ing role s of Shylock and Porti a will issued. we re presented to the following ad· pa tor at the church servIce un Sunday, In its r ece nt criticism of the state for which it wa s calJed in Mr. MOYlan's topic, "Women's Role be taken by G. T aggart Evans and (Continued on Page 8) ditional members: George Batchelor, January 27.. . agency, City Council pointed out thai .. .. . .." Leah Oltey. Both of these actors are d Al S 'k Member s of th e seSSIon presented MI. It prOVIded a startmg pomt or In PrIce Control, was s uggested by I II k th . I sec retary an treasurer, von pal s. R' I d 'th B' bl ' th h '. other communities in the state were ground upo.n whi.ch futur e Mrs . Leroy Gre ttum as a topic of con· ;;::ya IS in Lee Lewis R e t ir e s I Richard Dayton , David George, Erik a inne;'ld Johll: receiving much more aid frOln the school bc built. . II: cover i ng the su bject, the speaker I Aft e r 'S e I' V I' n g 37 Jezyk, Rodney Dann and Edward n that M . r. Newark des pite the fact that there is between mdu slly and the l cern and Importance to all women . , . y. I Schaumann, John McDowell, Albert .. m thc r esen tation sl ate for street maintena n ce tban wa s discussed the long ranll e pl annmg of I oe. Ie s, . a anna, IC ae I ' I SobolewskI. . 01 e s s o, p. probably morl! iltate ..... in N_ o. 9pS In a serlou attempt to avoid I KublCO, Bruce EllIot. Ann Wooten, Da· Y A . President Dawson introduced Lt. Rlchm'ds ha s completed thirty years of -rl- h In til til r-" . .. we 8QC:tftOOD mllPt y llt .... 1re ereated during mon Turner, Parker Thomas, Frank e ar s So Carr 1 e r Gove rn\lr James Dobb, Wilmington, service as an .elder. Next mo n;h , F d A I · Worl d War It He remarked , "If the and as a ?uest. actor, Tony --- I who after brief r emarks presented to w lil hI S 70th out that the tentative agreement "ltn ppea agency (OPS) could save eac h wo man MItchell flom the " " . Mr. Dawso n a certificate of apprecia. API'.' eClatlOn was ex 1'1 essed to the reached at last week's conference is ten cents a day on her market bask et A few years ago Th e Merchant was Post OffIce Staff Will lion for service we il r endered, from commIttee, made of the sa me as those offer ed to other expense, it would save the women of the velllcle m?st often \,sed by the Give Dinner In His Claude B. He ilman, presiden t of Ki '! O[ th e varIou s OIga nJZayons o. t, e communiti es in the state. America $5,000,000 per da y ," much many compames producmg Sh.ak es. wanis Inte rnational. Mr. Dobb then churc h, under the chaIrmansh Ip of more than r equi red to OPS." peare th ro ughout the country . It JS not Honor inducted into otTice, for 1952, the fol.1 Mrs . Howard Bradl e y, whIch arranged Following Mr. Moylan's talk, coffee hard to why thIS play was lowing members: president, Arlington fo r the c?vered dIsh s upper precedmg . . . . . was served by the refr es hment com· so popular, for It IS the most human Lee L. Lewi s, who has served as a Jackson, vice pres ident, Thomas Frut. th e . me etmg. s Vls ltmg Nurse Assoc latton mittee foll owed by a busincss meeting of all the plays of the great bard. rural mail carrier w ith the Newark I . ecretary Albert Aiken' treas. MISS Hazel John st on and Mrs. J ohn 8-Year Old C hild Joins Lo c al Ma r cn Of Dhn es Campaign an appcal thi s week to by Mrs. Gretlum in th e abo It h as always good theatre an.d I?ost office s ince February I, 1915, will Murray, directo;s, Dan Tri vits were thaJ: ked for the bea uti· the for fund s WIth Whld'i sence of the pres i. dent, Mrs. Samuel a evenmg s It IS be the g uest of honor at a dinner to. iel Harvey, Willi am Gorsuch, Victor ful floral . decoratIOns on the tables. operate t hIS necessm'y communIty Handl off. Repo rts from study g roups espeCIally go?d hIgh school day mark ing his re tirement from th e Macy William Sko ld and James Getaz. Rev. BIshop stated that much ha s during the current covering housing, education, statu s of den ts to see s mce It IS so often studJed local post office. prese nt for the event. in· I been in year, W. Rhod es, p l es ldent Of l wome n, a nd ways and means were p .. there, '" . In what he desc .. ibes as "the horse cluded MI'. and Mrs. Joseph Bnng· and explessed hIS apPleClatlOn to all C h S that reo sented by the vairous chairmen. Books The box offIce 1I1 MItche ll Hall JS ' and buggy days" Mr. Lewis took over hurst and Burton Mill er of the Wi]. who have .m so many ways ampaign C a irman tat es for contrIbutIOns have . contributed by members of the branch open aft e rnoons and eve mn.gs for the the delivery of mall on RD #2 wh en mlngton Kiwanis Club; Pres . ident Pat to the of the church. $160 0 Donated To Date to membe.rs of the assocJatwn we re on sa le for fifty cents a copy at of any who deSIre to pur· there were only 50 mail boxes. Today Kennard and members Juli us Jodi. The ':I1aJor emphaSIS for. the current In Drive and pOinted out that thIS IS . the close of the meeting. chase tIckets now. Also,.the Greenwood there are approximately 339 boxes bauer and James Eder of the Elkton yea .r WIll be on .s t ewa rds. hlp and eva request made durmg.the Book Shop and Newark Depart· along the rout e. kiwanis Club; and Samuel Fair ge ilsm, Rev. BIshop saId, and the y,:a. r. 1951 MISS Ailc e ment have tI. ckets for sale. The· During his yea .. s with the Newark and Sgt. Dean Scott, former members the membe rs to work for spa" Jose ph R. Perkins, chairman of the vIsIting nurse, re ported Lo cal For d De al er a tre partIes for hIgh school post office, he ha s served under five of the Newark Club. Itual progress as well as mater Ial 1m· March of Dimes campaign, an. of 2805 Jndlvldual calls. Only may be a .... anged by contacting the postmasters: L. H. Brown, William H. provements. nounc ed this wee k that allho ugh col. individu als that are able are Ai{IS Pol i 0 Dr i V e busmess manager, Mr. J. R. Evans, C. E. Rittenhouse, J ames C. The budget for the curren t year was lections are not yet complete a total to pay for these visits. Vol un· Robinson, and F. Allyn Cooch, Jr. Blue Hen 4-H Club adopte d, and it wa s voted to allow the of about $1600 has been contributed con tributions go to make up the I D On ly three patrons who were on tbe pastor an addition al sum to help cover in the drive against polio by the citi . oth er source of reve nue. Officials of the Newark March of nterior ecorator original route served by Mr. Lewis Win s Fir e - Safety the cost of au tomob ile insurance and zens of Newark. Approximately $850 contribution automatically pro· Dimes cam paign an nou nced t his week To Address Members are still t here. Tbey are William Cros· ot her increased costs of carrying on of this total wa s realized th rough ef. a membership in the association, -t h at Fader Motor Company has agreed san, Thomas Riley, and Oliver Ra mbo. Awar(l For Program the work of the church. fort s of the Newark Boy Scouts who persons wishing to take part in to con tr ib ute to the Newark polio f und 0 M d "In 1916 I got my fi r st car," says Mr. Mrs. Flor ence Maxwell was appoint· conducted a h ouse.to·house campaign worthy se .. vice are requested to a dime for every reg is tered vi s itor. Of CIIlb n on ay Lewis, "but al ways in wi n te r I had to ed to t he office of financ ial secre ta .. y he re last week. a contribution to C. C. Hubert, 16 years and over, who vis its the show· drive a horse and wago n, sleigh, or Prese nted At Sess ion Of by , the board of truste es , and John Cont .. ibution s are still urgently need. of the group. Curren·t mem- ing of the New '52 Ford in the Ma in ri de horseback. I have known many Farm-Home Prog ram Murray will continue as church treas· ed to combat this dread di sease and are ur ged to continue the ir sup- Street showroom on Friday and Satur· "Ge tt y Ready For Spring" of my patrons ' hardships along with urer. anyone who has not made a contribu . a donation. day of this we ek. Will Be Subje ct Of their pleasures, and I have h ad many On CampUs All of the church organizations, tion and desires to do so may send it A meeting of the l eaders, committee and members of the Neigh' Girl Scout Council will be at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday , Febru· 5, in the Newark New Century Campaign officials are counting on interesting experiences wh ile carrying through their presidents and trea surers, to Edwin L. Shakespeare, local trea s. this gesture on the part of the local Demons tration the mail for Unc le Sam. The Blue Hen 4.H Cl ub of Newark were caUed upon to report on the work urer. Ford dea le.. to swell tbe donations Born here, Mr. LeWIs attend ed school was the winner of the ann ual Fire· of t he past year. Willard Johnston, Because of shortages res ulting from so far have amounted to about Mrs . Ches ter Hitz. program chair. Fader Motor Company also an' man, has announced that A .. thur Han?y, . graduated from Newark H igh School, the best progr am for the t he school. rcquirements, more train ed personnel nounced th at all regi stered vi sitors interior decorator for t he H. Fell1' 'and attended Gol dey College and pr evention of fire and mini mizat ion of are n eeded today than ever before, will be eligible for hourly drawings at berg Furnitu re Compa ny of Wilming· Pierce Business School in Philadelphia. fi re damage. Newark Ambulance particu larly in view of more wide. which a free lubrication certificate ton and Newark, will spea k to the Francis Jamison, assistant d irector of spr ea d polio epidemics. Ma r ch of will be awarded. membe rs of the Newark New Century LIB S t DI S ftC nc il awarded Starts Fun d Dr i V e Dimes scholarships, fellows hips, and Club at its meeti ng on Mo nday, Feb· oca oy CO U s note· short courses are training more pro. II D · rua ry 4, on t he su bject "Getting Ready Observe SCOIIt Week book, to Edwa l 'd E. Wilson, safet y fessionals to care for polio victims and Resident Reca s "nner For Spring." chair man of the Newark cl ub and John Family Membership Is to man scientific labo .. atories. Mr. Hanby will talk and give prac· Field assist ant safety chairman. The $3 P Y In a letter to MI'. Shakespeare thi s k U · L 19 1 -'7 tical demons tration of five c. ombin· All members of Boy Scout Troops award was made at the genera l session er ea r . vee k, Kathleen Stephens, 621 S. Acad . Honor 0 N ewar n"t n ..1.. ations of material s and colors whi:h 55, 56, Scout Ship 250, and Cub Pack of the Farm and Home Week program 'rh 'l 's week the Newark Ambulance aemn dY SMtrreS.et'T8h·oYmeaars 0SldtedpahU egnh s, terheoafrMtilry . can be used to the best advantage 1I1 55 are planning to observe Scout Su n. on Tuesday at the Univers ity of Dela· , y ears ago, Newarks Com· Ellis C. Pierson, Stanley D. Loomis, decorati.ng the . home. He. will also u se day on February 10 by attendi ng local warc. Association is making an appeal to endorsed the March of Dimes program Delawa re National Guard, was James A. O' Daniel , James A. Crothers, l ilm st ri PS to Illust,:ate talk. church services In a group. The winning program included a the r esi dents of Newark for funds in the following words: by a tes timonial dinner held Hugh W. Dowing, Louis G. Gibney, Mrs. Ralph BrOSIUS WIll act as tca The week of Fe bruary 6 to 12 has tour of the fire house, a demonstra _ with which to operate the emergency "Dea l' Mr. Shakespeare: Hotel duPont on February 7, J oh n Condren. chairman for the occasion and Mrs. been designated offlcially as Boy Scout lion of the proper use of fire extin· ."1 would like to join the march of in honor of its re turn from ser· Cooks, William K. Sargan t. Chal'les George Dutton and Mrs. Pa ul D. We ek and it will mark the 2nd bi rth· gu ishers, making a flre·safety sign d h h h on the MeXican bOI'der, according F. Ware; Mechanic, Char les W. Keith; I:0vett se rve at. th e tea. table. As· day of the Boy Scouts of America . wh ich won first pl ace at the Kent· automatic with. a of $3 W K eith, 34 Contine ntal Street, Buglers, George C. Brower, Melvin F. slstin.g WIth th.e sel vlng will be !"'Irs. Presiden t Truman will greet 12 out· Sussex Fair, and an inspection by or more, and thiS donor to fr om my bank. I am only 8 ycars old . a me mber of the outfit. Wood; Privates 1st Class, Ha .... y G. S. Winfi eld SmIth, Mrs. E. L. MattIson , standing Boy Scouts in the Wh ite FiJ'e Chi ef El mer E. Elli son of the free. ambul ance service for hImself and (wailing to be 9 in march) and I know VJJla, famous Mexican ban· Beard, David P. Birn ey, Gilbert D. Mrs. Kenncth Steers, Mrs. Ra l ph Van· Hou se during Boy Scout Week. Boy Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Com· fam Il y for th is year . . it must be awful to have polio. I am raided se veral t owns on the Chambers, Enos W. Cooner, Joshua W. noy, Mrs. Allred Ploger, and Mrs . Scout Week wiJJ be observed throu gh· pany. Of . course the ambu l ance IS a t the going to send th e slip I' ight away. I an d th e President Woodrow Davi s, Raymond C. Edmanson, John W. S. Van Asdl en. . . out the nallon by more than 2,900,000 Maurice H. Field, New Castle County se rvIc e. of anyone who needs it, but h ope th at my money w! Il help a Iitli e ca lled units of the National H. H. Hall. John L. Lore nczewski, Mrs. W. Helm: club boys and adult l eaders. Since 1910, 4·H agent, was pres ent ed with the all pa tients served that are not memo boy or girl. It is not v ery much, but , to police th e area . Os car K. Markle, George A, Parker, dent, preSIde at a busllless seSSIOn more than 19,000,000 boys and men award which the county won in the bers arc if they . arc able, J hope it docs some good. r am glad among the men of the John . N. Price" Henry N. Reed, Jo.sePh will spon. havc been members of the organization. slatc safety program. Thi s award was that I can join the March of Dimes." unit were such prominent R. RJl ey, Harold T. Sammons, Arthur SOl' a desert bridge at 1:00 p.m. in "Forward, on Liberty's Team" is the donated by General Motors Corp or· as Supply Sergea nt John W. F. Shoema ker, Lawrence L. Smart, birthday theme. ation, donor of the national farm and nishes to patients such items as h os· O' Daniel who Is now a Christopher Vandergrift. the club meellng room. New members home 4·H sa fe ty award. pital beds to be used in the h ome, John K. Speicber, Jr. Chosen t gcneral in 'the U. S. Army. Privates, Benjamin Abl eman, H erb· of 1950.-5 1 wlil make up the committee Dr. G. A. Gahe lmall Will wheelchairs, crutches, canes and other For Ho nor COllr se In Fr enc h O'Da niel after whom ert L .Andrews, Fran is B. Barr, Rich· arrangll1g affair. Mrs. R d AI St It III )lems. An oxygen t ent is part of th American Legion Post was ard L. Buckingham, Gui seppe Cocco, Bras ber WIll serve as reservation Sp ea k At Ca lvary Church everen )ller 0 zCb I equJpment and is avaiJable whenever John K. Speicher, JI'., son of Mr. William D. Cooper, John Connecki, chalrman . Dr. G. A. Gabelman of Phlladelphla, Spe aks At W esl ey ape needed. and Mrs. John K. Speicher of 270 Stanl ey Edwards, Charl es Fleming, executive secretary of the Del aware Rev. Abner Stoltzfus of Atgl en, Pa ., This constitutes the annual appeal Orchard Road, has been chose n for Roy C. Gregg, Charle H. Grove. Wi!· BmO OL UB MEETS State Bapllst Convention, will be the who has just returned from an extend by the Ambulance Association and an honors course in French at North. liam J. Greiner. Raymond S. Hayes, Members of th e Newark Bird Cl ub guest speaker at the regul ar Sunday ed trip to Europe and the holy land, the fun ds received will be u sed to fin· western Univers ity. Thc twenty.two Charles F. Jo h nson, George G. Kalmy, will meet at the home of Mrs. Paul serviccs of the Calvary Baptist Church wlil s peak at the evening services of ance the amb ulance activities. In the weeks of French wJU be given in 10 George L. Ku. hn , Arthur J . Lenze tti , 8 even i ng, :;e; :I: on Sun day, February 3, Harley E. Miller, WilHam Morz, Frank d M f U D b nue. I His subject will be "Inside Pales· t rtbute to t his worthy fund by con' vers lty. The honor section is being Olkowskj , Stanl ey Phillips Henry D. John Shoemaker, student at Crozer llne." All Interested persons are cor· tacting George Neighbors, president of plTered to 23 first·year students who Pugh, Jack Rosenfield, WilHam G. Sal· Department of Soil Conservation, will Theological Seminary will conduct the diaHy invited to at t end the service. the Aet na Hose, Hook and Ladder were chosen on the basis of their out. keld. be the spea ker of the evening. services. Sunday morning worshjp is at 10 a .m . Company. standing work during the fall term.

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Read The Post

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Of People You Know THENE KPOST The! ewal'k Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, January 3,1, 1952

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iness, Industry, Education Leaders Meet At High School

Nays ShyLock Junior Achievement j Movement Explained I At Lions Mee lin g

Kiwanis Presiden t I City, State Highway Departlnent Settle Matter Of' Street Repair

PUIII'! DisI'lI Hsion Deals W ilh FOl'lu illg Of Clo 'e l' Ilcla lionsh ip Iletween Sch ools, IlIIlnsll'Y

In T hi COlllnllUli ty

John Ha ien Of Chrysler Co 1'1). Descri bes P lan

a li fac lo r y Agr cem e nl ReadlCd In La ll>sl Clm(<:I'('lll' l'

Bel'ween Ci lY Ofl"i"ial" And Slate Ili ~hway

To Lions Chief I II UOH'r

R presentatives from various N ewark ~~------__ _ City otTicials announced this week thm a satis factory ag l'ecment has been I' ac hed with th Sta te Highway DC' . parmen t rcgarding thc permancnt ma intenance of through stree ts in Ncwark .

us trics and Ncwark schoo l otTicials OfficiaL ' Ji'eather Report part th i Si~~CCk o~~e~.e~~:in~tz~~ For Next S ix Week s Will

John H alen , di .. ector of youth educa' tion fOl' Chrysler Corporation, gave I an info .. mal and interesting talk at the I Newa .. k L ions Club this week in w hich

Ercole CaseLLi Receives Ad v(ULccm.ell t to Crade of Cor/Jo ral /fI ith Vi/dn g Div.

H igh School wh ich was held Be Civen By Jacob MeSSnerj \1'~~at\)o~:~~~I~~ b~:W~~~a~:,i:h~:gbli~ Jacob Messne r of Hurrington, Del. ,

and ind ustry of the commun. ~~ic~a~d~~~~n~o~~~ I~~~~h~~eW:;~~,~p~'~t E. Shue, superintendent of :fe~~': ~~~::~~~:o d~~n~:~~i~:s:~~~~

, he oullin d for the members the back. )

~~~~:~~e~~~lt o;~~~~::':n~f ~~e ~~';~;~~ I Ch .. ys le r is a sponsor, I

I EI'cole Coselli, son of Mr. and Mrs. I Bacilio Cose tll. 32 ' 2 North St"cet,

I Newark, has been pl"Omotcd to the rank of corporal.

This satis factory so lution to n prob· lem which has recently co used con s ide raulc criticism of th c S tat > High~ way Departmen t on th e part of va rious councilmen bccausc o f the fai lu re o f the statc agcncy to accept the sa me rcsponsibility with regllrd to Newark's st rcets as has been th e case in other Dclaware communities, w as reached at a conference last week bet wen J . ~'. Neide, city superv isor. H. C. Boden. head of the Newark Planning Com . mission, and Richard A. H aber, chic f cngineer for the State Highway De. partment.

tor O;c~ool;a~ i st~:~c~~~~oend ~~ ling to bc he ld at the Co llege Inn on

local industria l leade rs and FI~~rl~\~~~;i~~~ orl'icial Weddcl' Bro. of thc schoo l facully dis· fa te (weather forecast) by Mr. Mess.

and measn of making t he ne r , olTicers for the coming year will graduates more mature be elected, and a typical Pennsylvania capable of h olding posi· Dutch dinner wiII be enjoyed by al l.

Mr. H aien explained that it is a movement sponsored by val'ious in· dustries in which high school student. a re g iven the opportunity to experi· ence and so lve fo .. themselves the many

He is at the present time sc r ving with the 47th Viki ng Infantry Di vision and sta tioned at Camp Rucker. Ala'

problems which are common to th e Arllngtoh J ackson bama.

~~~~~~ss executive a nd corporation of Local Kiwanis Cluh industry. Members of Present otTiccrs are: F. B. Kutz,

faculty tak ing part in the haabtmann; Dr. Calvin Offenback, suggested ways in which schreiver; Dr. Russell Stauffe r, fuder

In this movement, students are band· ed togethcl' in an actual corporation, Marks Anllivel'sary;

COI'pora l Cos tti is at this time serv ing as a stenographer w ith the Head: quart rs Compa ny, 136th Infantry Reg iment.

G. Taggart Evans

help. in making these marshder. Sh William O. Penrose, head of the akespearean Play

~~~~ ~~C~i~:i~,e;~na:d ;~~~~e~~ a~~ Officer s In s t a II e d manufactured or service to perform they are provided w ith t he necessary

The Viking division was called into active servicc in J an uary. 1951. The 47th, a former Minnesota·Korth Da· kota National Guard division, now is composed of m en from all sections of the country.

Although no fin a l agreement has yct been signed, it is understood that n tentative agreement was worked out bv the officia ls and a writ teen ag .. ce!TI n't is in process of being prepared.

of Dela~a::u~;~~: b~fie~h; t~~~veerrs~~ . 0 P S Official Lists To Be Presented By rcsen tatives regarding the aims and Ways W 0 m e n Mu s t Local Dralna Group possible results of such a meeting.

space and equipm ent with which to Char ter P resented Newark operate. High Key Club By -------

Tbose representatives of loca l indus· H elp Price Con~ol ---!~~n t~~:.': ~.p;~.t~~ll~~~ :::~at::~: 'The Merchant of Venice'

ar!~~';~~~C;~:c~::;~'~:~: !~C~~i~!~: E rnest George in its venture and t he students then actually sell shares of stock in the The Newa .. k K iwanis Club cele· corporation and begin manufacture of bra ted the second annive rsa .. y of its the product. If the product is accepted charter night, on Wednesday night, by the pUblic, it is sold through a January 23, at the Charm House,

Nathaniel Richards Honored At Meeting Of Church Member s

Unde .. the te .. ms of the agreemen t the s tate agency w ill undertake thc responsibility of kcepin g such main through st .. eets as Main, Delaware Avenue, S. Co llcge Avenuc, N . Chape l and New London Road in propc .. con .

agel' of Chrysle r Newark Tank Plant; W, Sta un ton Moylan Speaks at Mitchell Ha ll on ;:~i: p~;~~~ujoh~a~~i:'~ , o~ir;~t':'.SI~~ To Members Of Loca l Februa ry 7, 8, 9 youth training, Chrysler Corporation; AAUW dition. s tudent sa les force agd complete rec· I Nottingham Road . Kiwanis wives Inscribed Bible P resen ted

~~'dS ~ePtl on the financial results for were present for the affair. To Church E lder Of A prev ious agreemcnt which had John McDowell , d il 'ector of public r eo lations, Cluys le r Tank Plant; J . F. Anderson, vice·president, Continental Diamond Fibre Company; R. L. DielY· enbach er, pel·. on nel direc tor, National V u lcanized Fibre Company; Dr. R. M .

Stine Laboratories; Ford H . Mc· ,president, New81'k Chambel' o f e rce; J.. E. Daugherty, presidcnt,

Trust Company; and Edward treasurcr, Newark Trust

Newark's Boa rd of Educa· at the discussion

McV y, presidcnt of the

The University Drama Group will e sc 00 yeal·. Retiring president W. Harry Daw· been offered the city by the stat present "The Merchant of Venice" by Some of the p .. oducts manufactured son called the meeting to o .. der and 30 Years stat d that the highway dcpartmen t

Women may greatly facilitate the William Shapespeare in Mitchell Hall by these student corporations have been expressed his appreciation .to the would be .. esponsible only for tempo ... work of the OPS in its attempt to on the even ings of February 7. 8 and 9. very successfull y r eceived by the pub· members for the fine coope .. ation At the annual meeting of the con. ary maintenace of th e st. .. eets and did control prices in four important ways Curtain time is 8:15. lic. Mr. H aien gave several illustrations given him during 1951. He presented g .. ega tion and church co .. po .. ation of not make p .. ovisions for the r econst .. uc. accord ing to W. Staunton Moylan, act· It h bt l t t . w hich included; earrings with change· perfect attendance pins to the follow· the White Clay C .. eek Presbyterian !.ion of same when neccssa .. y. ing DirectOl' of Consumer Goods Divi. as een a eas wo yea .. s smce, able s tones to match various costumes ing: 6 years, Will iam Burrell ; 2 yeal's, . . It . d t d tI t th sion fo .. Delaware, Pennsylvania and any Shakespeare ha~ b~en seen or. .tht I of the ladies, and a small chai r de. Cla .. ence Brown, Albert Aiken, Wi!. Chul ch, hc ld on Wednesday, J anuaJ y t'S u.71 e rs o~d ; ". ~ ncw agr C'\)' Southem N ew J erscy: (1) by buying Newark ca~pus .. ThIS JS the fi rst time s igned for children watohing television. liam Murray, Arlington Jackson, and 23. Nathal1lel RIchards and John Mur· :~:~ o:~ " 'ec~~~~,~u~ti oo~. \;~~=n:;":~,~rit" ~~ only what they need; (2) by shopping ~,at t~~ ~l1Iverslty ~~ama h (;~'~uP has At the end of the year (which runs Danie l H arvey; I yea .. , William Skold, ' fa y were 't·e leC\~d for a three·yea r decided by the highway departmen t more carefu lly than ever before (3) o~~ k a eSjeat\e.a ou

gll, t ey are from Septcmber to June to co .. respond ) J ames Getaz, and Thomas Frutchey. ! erNm a.s ~ Ive e ers. lt d that such work is necessa .. y.

and by reporting to the proper sources we. nown or ' ell' exc~ en presen· with tbe school year) a financia l aC'l Erncst George, committee chairman. I orl"ls .. own was re· e ec e as a Jl will be up to the s tate to d",cide

~~l a~~i~a:i~';:~e~:~e;\;V~~. ~~y~~rf,~ ~~,~::,ni~e~f t~t~~r th~a~~s~h~~a~~~~~c~~~ ~~~n;!~; ~sasm~~~e t~r ~~~t %~~t:;.r T~i~ ~~~~n~X~la:~!~~ort~:: ~;~~~~ OfH~;~ j ~';~~;~~' :snda ~~~~rt m:.~~~~.el:n \~I~~ ~\~hden M~~., c~a~:!. o~t:t:ai~h!~ ~~~e,ss~7. the Amcrican Association of Uni. plan.s have a tlenwted. holders and it the company was suc. tel' to the Key Club preSident, James for a th ree y.ear ~enod. '~~~~~b~~~~ dOfbefl~~ti~~7:~t ~~~~h· t~~ versity Women in Warner Hall on DIrected by Elisabeth Kase, the lead· cessful in its ven ture, a dividend is Draper. Membership card and pins These offlcel s weI e m~talled by the carry out th e work.

hi s talk before thc Newark Branch of c~lorful performance the local thes. accounting is furni shed to all stock· I School Key Club presented the char. ' board of trustees. B.o th WIll se rve .. I

Monday January 28. ing roles of Shylock and Portia will issued . were presented to the following ad· pa tor at the church servIce un Sunday, In its recent criticism of the state for which it was calJed in Mr. MOY lan's topic, "Women's Role be taken by G. T aggart Evans and (Continued on Page 8) ditional members: George Batchelor, January 27.. . agency, City Council pointed out thai

.. .. . .." Leah Oltey. Both of these actors are d Al S 'k Members of the seSSIon presented MI. It prOVIded a startmg pomt or In PrIce Control, was suggested by I II k th . I sec retary an treasurer, von pal s. R' I d 'th B 'bl ' th h '. other communities in the state were

ground upo.n whi.ch future M rs. Leroy Grettum as a topic of con· ;;::yaIS n~;nro~~~ in el~vh~~~e~~;t :~~~ Lee Lewis R e t ir e s I Richard Dayton, David George, Erik n~':n':r i~sc~tbed a inne;'ld \e~te~~ Johll: receiving much more aid frOln the

school ~an bc built. . II: covering t he su bject, the speaker I ~ppe;~~dl'd Sip~:hngMthhese ac~~\al ~ Aft e r 'S e I' V I' n g 37 J ezyk , Rodney Dann and Edward ~l." ~~y , .,:h~ n a~~n. ted o~ t that M. r . Newark despite the fact that there is between mduslly and the l cern and Importance to all women. , . y. I Schaumann, John McDowell, Albert . . m thc resen tation s late for street maintenance tban was

d iscussed the long ranlle p lannmg of I oe. Ie s, . ~re a anna, IC ae I ' I SobolewskI. . 01 e s s o, p. probably morl! iltate ~_ ..... in N_ o. 9pS In a serlou attem pt to avoid I KublCO, Bruce EllIot. Ann Wooten, Da· Y A . President Dawson introduced Lt. Rlchm'ds has completed thirty years of -rl- h In til til r-" .

.. we 8QC:tftOOD mllPty llt .... 1re 1lPob~ema ereated during mon Turner, Parker Thomas, Frank e ar s So Carr 1 e r Govern\lr James Dobb, Wilmington, service as a n .elder. Next mon;h lm~ft;~n ~~;':re~'m. ~er'* ,

F d A I · World War It He remarked , "If the G~ II agher,. and as a ?uest. actor, Tony --- I who after brief remarks presented to w lil o~serve hIS 70th bl~thday. out that t he tentative agreement "ltn ppea agency (OPS) could save each woman MItchell flom the ~,Imverslty. " " . Mr. Dawson a certificate of apprecia. API'.' eClatlOn was ex 1'1 essed to the reached at last week's conference is

ten cents a day on her marke t bask et A few years ago The Merchant was Post OffIce Staff Will lion for service w eil rendered, from commIttee, made u~ of represent~tlvles the same as those offe red to other expense, it would save the women of the velllcle m?st often \,sed by the Give Dinner In His Claude B. He ilman, presiden t of Ki ' ! O[ th e varIous OIga nJZayons o. t,e communities in the state. America $5,000,000 per day," much many compames producmg Sh.ak es. wanis Inte rnational. Mr. Dobb then church, under the chaIrmansh Ip of more than requi red to ~run OPS." peare th roughout the country. It JS not Honor inducted into otTice, for 1952, the fol.1 Mrs. Howard Bradley, whIch arranged

Following Mr. Moylan's talk, coffee hard to understa~d . why thIS play was lowing members: president, Arlington fo r the c?vered dIsh supper precedmg . . . . . was served by the refreshment com· so popular, for It IS the most human Lee L . Lewis, who has served as a Jackson, vice president, Thomas Frut. the .meetmg.

s Vlsltmg Nurse Assoc latton mittee foll owed by a busincss meeting of a ll the plays of the great bard. rural ma il carrier w ith the Newark I . ecretary Albert Aiken' treas. MISS Hazel Johnston and Mrs. J ohn 8-Year Old Child Joins Local Ma r cn Of Dhnes Campaign

an appcal this week to citiz~ns condu~ted by Mrs. Gretlum in the abo It has a lways ~een good theatre an.d I?ost office s ince February I, 1915, will ~I~=~' ~iIIiam Murray, directo; s, Dan Trivits w ere thaJ: ked for the beauti· the commu~lty for fund s WIth Whld'i sence of the pres i.dent, Mrs. Samuel a go~d evenmg s e~te:tamment. It IS be the g uest of honor at a dinner to. iel Harvey, William Gorsuch, Victor ful flora l . decoratIOns on the tables. operate thIS necessm'y communIty Handloff. Reports from study g roups espeCIally go?d f~l . hIgh school s~u . day mark ing his r e tirement from the Macy William Skold and James Ge taz. Rev. BIshop sta ted that much has

during the current ,ye~r. covering housing, education, status of den ts to see smce It IS so often studJed local post office. Gu~sts present for the event. in· I been acc.ompli sh~d in .th~ ~ast year, W. Rhodes, p l esldent Of

l women, a nd ways and m eans were p .. e · there, '" . In what he desc .. ibes a s "the horse cluded MI'. and Mrs. Joseph Bnng· and explessed hIS apPleClatlOn to a ll C h S

?nn~unced that r e o sented by the vairous chairmen. Books The box offIce 1I1 MItchell Hall JS 'and buggy days" Mr. Lewis took over hurst and Burton Miller of the Wi]. who have cooperat~d .m so many ways a mpaign C airman tates for contrIbutIOns have . b~en contributed by members of the branch open afte rnoons and evemn.gs for the the delivery of mall on RD #2 w hen mlngton Kiwanis Club; Pres.ident P a t to Improv~ the faclll~les of the church. $1600 Donated To Date to membe.rs of the assocJatwn were on sa le for fifty cents a copy at conven~ence of any who deSIre to pur· there were only 50 mail boxes. Today Kennard and members Julius Jodi. The ':I1aJor emphaSIS for. the current In Dri ve

and pOinted out tha t thIS IS . the close of the meeting. chase tIckets now. A lso,.the Greenwood there are approximately 339 boxes bauer and James Eder of t he Elkton yea.r WIll be on .stewards.hlp and evan· request made durmg.the ye~r. Book Shop and T~e Newark Depart· a long the route. kiwanis C lub; and Samuel Fair geilsm , Rev. BIshop saId, and ch~I'

the y,:a.r. 1951 MISS Ailce ment Sto~e have tI.ckets for sale. The· During his yea .. s with the Newark and Sgt. Dean Scott, former m embers ~enged the members to work for spa" Joseph R. Perkins, chairman of the vIsIting nurse, r eported Local For d Dealer a tre partIes for hIgh school ~tudents post office, he has served under five of the Newark Club. Itual progress as well as materIa l 1m· ~ocal March of Dimes campaign, an.

of 2805 Jndlvldual calls. Only may be a .... anged by contacting the postmasters: L . H . Brown, William H . provements. nounced this week that allhough col . individuals tha t are able are Ai{IS Pol i 0 Dr i V e busmess manager, Mr. J. R. Ern~st. Evans, C . E. Rittenhouse, J ames C. The budget for the curren t year was lections are not yet complete a total to pay for these visits. Vol un· Robinson, and F . A llyn Cooch, Jr. Blue Hen 4-H Club adopted, and it was voted to allow the of about $1600 has been contributed

con tributions go to make up the I D Only three patrons who were on t be pastor an additional sum to help cover in the drive against polio by the citi . other source of revenue. Officials of the Newark March of nterior ecorator original route served by Mr. Lewis Win s Fir e - Safety the cost of au tomobile insurance and zens of Newark. Approximately $850 contribution automatically pro· Dimes cam paign an nounced t his week To Address Members are still there. T bey are W ill iam Cros· other increased costs of carrying on of this total was realized t h rough ef. a membership in the association, -that Fader Motor Company has agreed san, T homas Riley, and Oliver Rambo. Awar(l For Program the work of the church. forts of the Newark Boy Scouts wh o

persons wishing to take par t in to con tribute to the N ewark polio fund 0 M d "In 1916 I got my fi rst car," says Mr. Mrs. F lorence Maxwell was appoint· conducted a house.to·house campaign w orthy se .. v ice are requested to a dime for every regis tered vis itor. Of CIIlb n on ay Lewis, "but a lways in wi n ter I had to ed to the office of financ ia l secreta .. y here last week. a contribution to C. C. Hubert, 16 years and over, who visits the show· drive a horse and wagon, sleigh , or Presented At Session Of by ,the board of trustees, and J ohn Cont .. ibutions are still urgently need.

of the group. Curren·t mem- ing of t he New '52 Ford in the Main ride horseback. I have known many Farm-Home Program Murray will continue as church treas· ed to combat this dread disease and ar e u rged to continue the ir sup- Street showroom on Friday and Satur· "Getty Ready For Spring" of my patrons' hardships along with urer. anyone who has not m ade a contribu. wi~h a donation. day of this week . Will Be Subject Of their pleasures, and I have h ad many On CampUs All of the church organizations, tion and desires to do so may send it

A meeting of the leaders, committee and members of the Neigh'

Girl Scout Council will be at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday , Febru· 5, in the Newark New Century

Campaign officials are counting on interesting experiences w hile carrying through their presidents and treasurers, to Edwin L. Shakespeare, local treas. this gesture on the part of the local Demonstra tion the mail for Uncle Sam. The Blue Hen 4.H Club of Newark were caUed upon to report on the work urer. Ford dea le.. to swell tbe donations Born here, Mr. LeWIs attended school was the winner of the annual Fire· of the past year. Willard Johnston, Because of shortages resulting from

~~~h so far have amounted to about Mrs. Chester Hitz. program chair. ~iilhe ~:~itea~to~.lh~~~:g:t ~~:~:~~ ~~f~t~f ~~ear!ar.,re~~nge~a!~r~h~Vh~~~ :~~~:in::~~~n~n~;e!~~gS~~~~iI:ec~t~~ ~~~~~~:~!IU~ei~;Ona~ss ~~~e ~;~~~:~~ra~ Fader Motor Company also an' man, has announced that A .. thur Han?y, .graduated from Newark H igh S chool, pr~sented the best program for the the school. rcquirements, more trained personnel

nounced that all registered visitors interior decorator for the H. Fell1' 'and attended Goldey College and pr evention of fire and minimizat ion of are n eeded today than ever before, will be eligible for hourly drawings at berg F urniture Company of Wilming· Pierce B usiness School in Philadelph ia. fi re damage. Newark Ambulance particu larly in view of more wide. which a free lubrication certificate ton and Newark, will speak to the Francis J am ison, assistan t d irector of spr ead polio epidemics. March of will be awarded. membe rs of the Newark New Century LIB S t D I S ftC ncil awarded Starts Fun d Dr i V e Dimes scholarships, fellows hips, a nd

~==....:.=-::.:..:::=:....::.:.....:.:.-=-...::..::~::..:..------------- Club at its m eeting on Monday, Feb· oca oy CO U s ~~: p~i::a~e se~r~~ry,~Uleaiher note· short courses are training more pro.

II D · rua ry 4, on the subject "Getting Read y Observe SCOIIt Week book , to Edwal'd E. Wilson , safety fe ssionals to care for polio victims and Resident Reca s "nner For Spring." chairman of the Newark club and John Fa mily Membership Is to man scientific labo .. atories. Mr. Hanby will talk and give prac· Field assist ant safety chairman. The $3 P Y In a letter to MI'. Shakespeare thi s

~ k U · L 191-'7 tical demonstration of five c.ombin· • All members of Boy Scou t Troops award w as made at the genera l session er ear .veek , Kathleen Stephens, 621 S. Acad . Honor 0 N ewar n"t n ..1.. ations of materials and colors whi:h 55, 56, Scout Ship 250, and Cub Pack of the Farm and Home Week program 'rh' l's week the Newark Ambulance aemndY SMtrreS.e t'T8h·oYmeaars 0SldtedpahUegnhs,terheoafrMtilry. can be used to the best advantage 1I1 55 are planning to observe Scout Sun. on Tuesday at the University of Dela·

, years ago, Newarks Com· Ellis C . Pierson, Stanley D . Loomis, decorati.ng the. home. H e. will also use day on February 10 by attending local warc. Association is making an appeal to endorsed the March of Dimes program Delaware National Guard, was James A. O' Daniel, James A. Crothers, lilm striPS to Illust,:ate h~s talk. church services In a group. The winning program included a the r esidents of Newark for funds in the following words: by a tes timonial dinner held Hugh W. Dowing, Louis G. Gibney, Mrs. Ralph BrOSIUS WIll act as tca The week of F ebruary 6 to 12 has tour of the fire house, a demonstra_ with which to operate the emergency "Dea l' Mr. Shakespeare:

Hotel duPont on February 7, J ohn Condren. chairman for the occasion and Mrs. been designated offlcia lly as Boy Scout lion of the proper use of fire extin· amMbeUml abnecreshthl'prou,.gnhOtUhtetheasCsoomcl.iantgl' oYneal~s' ."1 would like to join the march of in honor of its re turn from ser· Cooks, William K . Sargan t. Chal'les George ~. Dutton and Mrs. P aul D. Week and it will mark the 2nd b irth· gu ishers, making a flre·safety sign d h h h

on the MeXican bOI'der, according F. Ware; Mechanic, Charles W. Keith; I:0vett w~Jl serve at. th e tea. table. As· day of the Boy Scouts of America . wh ich won first p lace at t he Kent· automatic with. a c~n.tribution of $3 c~~~s ;~o~vnde~ ~~e;~;cwi~~ ~u;e;~~ W K eith, 34 Continental Street, Buglers, George C. Brower, Melvin F. slstin.g WIth th.e sel vlng will be !"'Irs. Presiden t Truman will greet 12 out· Sussex Fair, and an inspection by or more, and thiS e~tltlcs th~ donor to from my bank. I am only 8 ycars old

. a member of the outfit. Wood; Privates 1st Class, H a .... y G . S. Winfi eld SmIth, Mrs. E. L . MattIson , standing Boy Scouts in the White FiJ'e Chie f E lmer E. Ellison of the free. ambulance service for hImself and (wailing to be 9 in march) and I know VJJla , famous Mexican ban· Beard, David P. B irn ey, Gilbert D . Mrs. Kenncth Steers, Mrs. Ra lph Van· House during Boy Scout Week. Boy Aetna Hose, Hook and Ladder Com· fam Ily for th is year. . it must be awful to have polio. I am

raided several towns on the Chambers, Enos W. Cooner, Joshua W . noy, Mrs. Allred Ploger, and Mrs. Scout Week wiJJ be observed through· pany. Of. course the ambu lance IS a t the going to send the slip I' ight away. I and the President Woodrow Davis, Raymond C. Edmanson, John W. S. Van Asdlen. . . out the nallon by more than 2,900,000 Maurice H. Field, New Castle County servIce. of anyone who needs it, but hope that my money w!Il he lp a Iitli e ca lled units of the National H. H . Hall. John L. Lorenczewski, Mrs. ~aymo~d W. H elm: club pr~sl' boys and adult leaders. Since 1910, 4·H agent, was presented with the all pa tients served that are not memo boy or girl. It is not very much, but,

to police the area . Oscar K . Markle, George A, Parker, dent, \~11l preSIde at a busllless seSSIOn more than 19,000,000 boys and m en award which the county won in the bers arc request~d, if they . arc able, J hope it docs some good. r am g lad

among the men of the John. N. Price" Henry N. Reed, Jo.sePh pr~~ed;~~r~~~:~~g~~~'CIUb will spon. havc been members o f the organization. slatc safety program. This award was !~~~ra~~~ !~;v;~:;',t~~ ::s~~::~o~o !~~: that I can join the March of Dimes." unit were such prominent R. RJl ey, Harold T. Sammons, Arthur SOl' a desert bridge at 1:00 p.m. in "Forward, on Liberty's Team" is the donated by General Motors Corp or·

as Supply Sergeant John W . F . Shoemaker, Lawrence L . Smart, birthday theme. ation, donor of the national farm and nishes to patients such items as hos· O'Daniel who Is now a Christopher Vandergrift. the club meellng room. New members home 4·H sa fe ty award. pital beds to be used in the home, John K. Speicb e r , Jr. Chosen

t gcneral in 'the U. S . Army. Privates, Benjamin Ableman, H erb· of 1950.-51 wlil make up the committee Dr. G. A. Ga helma ll Will wheelchairs, crutches, canes and other For Hono r COllrse In F r ench O'Daniel after whom ert L .Andrews, Fran is B. Barr, Rich· arrangll1g ~e affair. Mrs. Eug~ne R d AI St It III )lems. An oxygen t ent is part of th

American Legion Post was ard L . Buckingham, Guiseppe Cocco, Brasber WIll serve as reservation S peak At Calvary Church ever en )lle r 0 zCb I equJpment and is avaiJable whenever John K. Speicher, JI'., son of Mr. William D . Cooper, John Connecki, chalrman. Dr. G. A. Gabelman of Phlladelphla, S peaks At W esley a pe needed. and Mrs. John K. Speicher of 270 Stanley Edwards, Charles Fleming, executive secretary of the Delaware Rev. Abner Stoltzfus of Atglen , Pa., T h is constitutes the annual appeal Orchard Road, has been chosen for Roy C. Gregg, Charle H . Grove. Wi!· BmO OLUB MEETS State Bapllst Convention, will be the who has just returned from an extend by the Ambulance Association and an honors course in French at North. liam J . Greiner. Raymond S . Hayes, Members of the Newark Bird Club guest speaker at the regular Sunday ed trip to Europe and the holy land, the funds received will be used to fin· western University. Thc twenty.two Charles F . Johnson, George G. Kalmy, will meet at the home of Mrs. Paul serviccs of the Calvary Baptist Church wl il speak at the evening services of ance the ambulance activities. In the weeks of French wJU be given in 10

George L . Ku.hn , Arthur J . Lenzetti , ~eb~:~~;t~, ~~ 8 ~~~eSday even ing, ~~e i:!~~~~YT;~:I:'"~~~ela:~a~:l!v~ :;e;:I: ;!~pel on Sunday, February 3, ~sv:!ei~~d,r~;~I;:st;~nct~~~~~~O~anb~o:~ ~~:k~t ~~ss~~~~ C~:du~t:~~t \~: e~~~ Harley E. Miller, WilHam Morz, Frank d M f U D b nue. I His subject will be "Inside Pales· t rtbute to this worthy fund by con' verslty. The honor section is being Olkowskj, Stanley Phillips Henry D. pa~~:~c!::rassoe~~e~ wif:~~e :;~: John Shoemaker, student a t Crozer llne." All Interested persons are cor· tacting George Neighbors, president of plTered to 23 first·year students who Pugh, Jack Rosenfield, WilHam G. Sal· Department of Soil Conservation, will Theological Seminary will conduct the diaHy invited to attend the service. the A e tna Hose, H ook and Ladder were chosen on the basis of their out. k e ld . be the speaker of t he evening. services. Sunday morning worshjp is at 10 a .m . Company. standing work during the fall term.

The Newark Post , Newark, Delaware, Thursday, January 31, 1952

Capitol Trail News N olO Fird Lieutenant

Two BLANCHE MAE EVERETT ~-X-l 0000 I , 0 0 0 I 00 0 I 00 coo coo 0 00 0 ~..x.<-<*:K*:":":KH.:~ .....

Slip Covers, Drape. and ReuphotaertDl .:. FOR QUALITY AND ECO OMY The amendment to the Constitution The United States h as over 12,000

M rjode M. Bishop, Correspondent P hone 6318

ot the United S ta tes extending the miles of seacoast and more than 18,000 voting p r ivilege to w omen became a miles of inland waterways. law in A ugust, 1920. _____ _

Estimates tr ee with or wIthout m a t eria l ::: Newark, Del., R ou te l - -Ogletown Road ::: TRY

AJias SUk'unon In D ivorce ------------- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Phone : Newark 6405 ;,:

:1: POMPEII BRAND FROZEN lfltlo the Ilassinn of the firs t month Alias Summons In Divorce STtoV J'lwD~~i~~ortfN~~D ., 1N THE SUPER IOR COlJRT OF THE John Toth I No 31 Civil

of U, new year we note that a number I STATE OF DELAWARE TN AND ' Plaintiff. Aciion . 1952. or tollc8 have be n ceieurating birth- FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY v ALI AS SUM-day anniversaJ'i . Among them : George JOrdanlt!~~~r(r. I ~gil;~ , l ~ilJ. Mary Res. T8~~~ndant. ~Wo~b~

Judy Allen, dau ghte r ot MI'. and v. I ALIAS SUM- TilE STATE OF DELAWARE.

DESTROY The amazing new Rat K iller with

WARFARI N, ready-mixed, I' ady-to­usc. One poun d $ 1. Mouse size 39c. Money-back guarantee.

HAR)) ~ARE Newa rk, D el .

I" William All en Polly Drummond I 11' ne Lucy ~~i:,~~ant. I ~g,7:,~b~ T~O'G~~y~HERIFE OF NEW CASTLE

Hill: w ho cel brated he r twelcth b irth- ~gET~M'T~Hi'fIF~ELt:tRE~V CASTLE Y~~tl4,~?g~tg~~~t8E"6?U WERE

day on Sunday, .January 27. y83UNl~OMMANDED AS YOU WERE so T3,:~~~t~~n t~~ ~~~~eaf~=~ll~gr~I~~e~,~~~~ MITH' ,Joyce Reign, daugh ter o f 1\11'. and HERETOFORE COMMANDED: of upon defendant, exclusive of the day '44 E . )\fa in St .

Mrs. Walt ,. !lei)1n, 'Rosevllle P ark, who To summon the above named delendan t of service. d fendan t shall erve upon cclebrat d her c leventh birthd ay on I ~~ ~';~;., '~ t~~~d~n~a~~c~~t.~~:e~fi~~~";f:; }~::' . E~ci . , Fg~~I:1t1J'f;I"at~~~\~~~~ :hO~oo.:'S:

onday, January 28. \ ot servlee, defendant sha ll sel've UpOIl dress is 228 Delaware Trust Blgd .. W II-

Mrs. JaJTI CS Bl'own and her huslmncl ~l~~~a~Yh~Se BgJ~i'e~Sqls ~=:~~~Zt:~ '¥;~~t ~~!~gt~:~ t. Delaware, an answer to the we"e guests o f Rev. and Mrs. J ames I Bldg .. Wilmingt on. Delaww'c, an answer 1'0 Serve upon defendant a COpy hereol H. BiAbop, Kirkwood liighway, for I 10T~~e~~~'~g~~t' de fendan t a copy hereol onl~ ~~el~':.r~~'d'f~~ I ~~nnot be served I?er-dinner on Sunday, J anuary 27, . in I and of the complaint. .onalJy, to publish this process as reqUired honor of Mrs. Brown's birthday wh ich so~fO l\~~ l~e;,~'b~~ht t~f;~~~c~:" s:~'~~~ur.~d by statute . J ames M . Maloney OCCllrT d on J an uary 29. by s tatute. Prolhonotary

t tl J M M I Dal d J anuary 28, 1952. I n". idents of this urea r egre 1C Samuel Lockerman a~;;tho;'ot!r~~ey T~f Tt~~ ~~~~n~1~~r,?e~F~:"~0-:;~ITy

closing or the )1arage and serv ice sta- Dated J anuary 28, 1952. upon you, then, in case of your tallu re, lion at th e inte rsection of Poll y Dr um- Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P . Lockerman have TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: wi thin 20 days after such service, exclusive mond Hoad and Kirkwood Hig hway. . "eceived word that their son, Samuel up~n t ~~su , s~h~~07~ ~~sese~fe~oJ':r:.7~:.~ ~,tfr~h~te:l.,e~f ~~~e'a~v~'i.~ ao;.:~: ht'..;

Mr. ,I bn 'l'rivits, former manager, lS I W. Lockerman, has b en promoted t o within 20 days af ter such service, exclusive the complain t, the case wlll be tried wlth-no w in charge of the A tlantic Gas first lieutenant. . fl~ ,~h~ t?o"!ne~f ~:;;~~e'a~gv~e~~e aOn';Je~U:~ out fUrlher notice. Ser vice a t th Log Cabtn Inn, a lso Lt, Lockerman has completed h iS the complaint, the case w !ll be tried with- anIJ ~rr~~r~als~C;:;~~~s ~o~.%tl'!r,e'd'°':; Yr~~ Locn ted on Kirkwood Highway, in training wi th the U. S: Air For~e an~ OUit ~~~~~~~l ~~~;;:;e is not made upon you 1l.'!: ~,~.~, b~lt~\':,lu~g' J~~~' t~~";;·~~r~fcr~; Lwnbrook. now holds t h ree rattngs, na vlga tOl, and U this summons Is published as re- publication of this summon., to serve on


· aJnd Mrs. '~'ri~~\~, ran~~gd~~g;::[; I,·a~:r h~~e~:~~\:S7:'1e~0~b~~~,::,~ du ty ~.::\~~~ , b{.IJ:r~u~~, ~~~~ . ~r"o~as;.,r~fcr~; ~;;~~tlt~\;~ta.;~n~~I~~f.'eg,ea~~~~ .!?n ag; e r a cannc, at c - I . .. , . pubhca lton of thts summons , to serve on tr ied without fur ther notfce.

home on K eUs Avenue, Ne',V8I'k ' With Stra tegic Au' Command a t 'Iravls plain tiff 's attorney named above an nn- J"m~~o~on~;lr'~ney DtuU I Duhan:~e l. JII> of .Tretntoon , Ai r Force Base, Ca lifol'll ia . ~~I:~ ~It~l~~t cl~~~~ntrlO~';:' . case will be J an,31:Feb.7,14.21,28 eVl' J rsey, v Is ited llS pa l en s n __ James M. Maioney _ ____ .:.....:.~ _____ =-_

Ki rk.wood Highwa~ last weekend. , Jan.31:Feb.7,14.21 ,28 Prothonotary IN THE sup~ll:o~u'Cg'3W'T l'b?I~.'~~e MlB8 Barbara Nichols of Newport , Elementary STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND

was the guest o f h er. cousin, M iss Allas Summons 1n DIvorce Minni~~R ~~o':;'e. CASTLE! ~~~irJlvll A udrey Butterworth, Ki rkwood Hlgh- Scllool News IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE . Plai n tilT. Action, 1952. w ay, on the '~eekend of J anuary 19. gW~E ~lwD~~~,l:~:iR~6M~D John Malo~;' . Ak:trtr~sSPNM-

M.r. John Wtnter and son, of Sta ten Nancy Lewis, Editor Diva H . Lee, I No. 28 Civil Defendant. DIVORCE Island New York were guests of Mr. Plalnti lT. Aclion. 1952. THE STATB OF DELAWARE. STLE and Mrs. P eter' Furness, K irkwood Mrs. Miller's s ixth grade j ourneyed Hugh W. LeV .. , l'ii~sSH.r- T~O'G~y~HERIFF OF NEW CA ' High way, last . w e~. . to the Baldw in Fabric Com pany at THE STATEDgrg~~Aw~IVORCE . y?r~~?g~~~Eb~U WEP.E

We are s till ava ilable at

allY hour of the day or

nigh t to serve you, but

due to a change in local

telephone lines our n um-

ber has been changed to

Newark 6565

WM. J. WARWICK President

Newark Funeral Home 121 W. Park Place




in Deliciou

y :~:

jjj :i:


L:.~~~~:~:.::,~ ,- ~


~NEWARU ElECTRlr~ ]'~~ ~M=~~~.~~ B~n ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~=AS~~RE ~ =~~~~f~~~~~ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ meeting tha t the P each family Will q uestlons they would hke to have HERETOFORE COMMANDED : of serv ice, delendant shall s!,rve . upon =-

FIfUa Memorl3l ,"!ndow Subscribed Elk Mills. Maryla nd, on J an uary 22. '1'0 THE SHERIFF OF NEW CASTLEi To summon the above named delendant

p resen t one of the fou r sta ined -glass a nswered . With the carefu l, considerate '1'0 summon the above named defendant Louis L. Reddin,g Esq.. Plalll tllTg" att-w indo .... s on the east side of the sanc- gu idance of Mr. Smith at Baldwin ~~ ~~~'n wJ~n~l~n~a~~.,%t:I~:egl~teheJ:; Um;::r~g'r~~seD~~~~"a";e:s :?; :';~~c~t t~r<if,.; tua.ry . The four windows on the w est Mills they w ere ab le to a nswer a ll of ~ f service. defendant shall serve upon I complaint. r s ide have a lready been subscribed. the ~ ues tions upon the ir r e turn t o ~~,IS w~os~e~3J~~ss ~~qii2;r;;~;~~~s S~~~~~ an~o ;~7;:e u~~:f~r.dant 8 COllY hereo

Rey. Bishop w ill bme llgl a~n~~vi~~o:~ sc hool. . ~~~~:~~~n , Delaware, an answer to the so~J~~ t~e;,~'b~I'.~t tli~~~~:' ':'~~uYi.:d the deSIgns to any fa y, ,Mr. H ellJ'y B radel , Elem entary To serve upon defendant a copy hereof by statute. or group of indi vid uals who m ay be SchO?1 Superv isor . and fl ~e paren ts ani} 3;e ~!'tec;,°d'::~l"~':,~not be served per- Jam~o~on~l~ey mterest~. prOVided the t ransportatton, They sonaUy, to publish this process as required Dated J anua ry 28 , 1952.

The Improvement Society meets a t were Mrs. C lem Valien t, Mrs. F rank by statute. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT : the home of Mr. and M rs. Na than ial Dian ich, Mrs. George Jarmon, Mrs. Jam:';o~on~t;>yney u~n t~!:'u, ·~::!';';',o~~ ~~s:e:;r'" o.rrer:~n~~t:, Richards on Wednesday, J an,uary 30, Leona rd Thompson ,and Mrs. H arry ?~te~J.£n~b-l;\\' ~~ DEFENDANT ' ;:-t!t r~~:;ra da~~ ~f.;~~~:~se.::..~~ , ;~C~~!\i.~ a t 8:0Q p.m. The ~rogram Will be In K rast I. U this summons 18 served personally tilT's attoiney named above an =swc~ to

Cha r;~~fmi~~V~ i!\S~::~ I\~~.e:t\~~~~~~i:i Th ell of t rue wit is tru th itse lf ~f~ny~ud.~~e:!it~~ s~~e s~:vfc~~~x~U~~ ~~ "Fu~m:~nt~n;,~ase wlll b: trIed wlth-

;~Ilrds, Miss H azel J oh nston , M iss -Ge~ r~: Mered ith. .. . g~,;t'~trc!'!ne~ ~;;~~·".~~v~e';,"ne a':,';:~~I~~ ar?J PJr~rsaJ '=~n!S ~o~.%tJ,.::Fa':. :.;.~~ Mar y R ubencame, and Mrs. J ames H ' I ~~i c~F~=~nt~n;,~se wlU be tried wlth- I ~·:m:;·~, b~IJ,ll'ntu~~ ~~;~' i:'~as:.r~fcr~~ I B ishop. , . . U personal service Is not made upon you publication of this summons, to serve on

Th t I ~illed a R~ ~ ~aIT~~ ~d~st~ ~fish~ ~U_rum~M~~~shed~~ ~~M~ aJ~mQMmed~~M-~l~!~~~!~!~!~==!~=~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~ ]iglO~S p~ct':~ ~:s~~tute sponsored by off t~e coast of Norway. £l.~\~'i-'! , b~J,t~u~, 'y':;~. &"o..;;aS:~cr~; rrr:~ ~Jto~t cr.r'ryl;'';:'\,:i1~.case will be _,

t he Willnlngton Council of Churches Jl~~~~-;:~f:r~i J~:~~~os~:~ ::ll~~~ g~?lf:i~~~onat~~r~~ ~~3"!b~~e se,:;ie 8~~ Jam::O?:on':1tal~~ ~~su~~t~d~n~~:rc~: ;;il~~n~~~~ sh ip. Presi?ent, J ack ln~keep,. h opes ~;r:~ ~1J.~~tO~:;r:l,...::,tru.\~~:ase wlll be J~a;:n.~31::.!; F~e~b'2:7,~14~.2:::1.28~_~~=:==-~-===-------:---------=====================

Rev. B ishop w ill a lso a!tend t he 499th tha t m any tn the comm unIty w ill Wish Jam.::o::OD~~;ey stated m eeting o f the N ew Castle Pres- to at tend. . J an.31:Feb.7.14.21 ,28 bytery to be h eld in ,the Dover Pres- The fi lms are detln.lte ly rel~te~ t o - -------- -----byterlan Church on Monday, F eb ru- thre.e ?f the, F e liowsb!p . CommiSSIOns,

4th. ChrIstIan F ai th CommiSSIOn, Janet Al-ar~ext Sunday at 10 a .m. the S unday len, ch~irman; Christian . Outreach Church School will hold classes for all Con:m lsslon , Ruth An.n Krl~t..o ferso~ , aaes. At the 11 a .m. church service ch alrn:an.' and Chn sllan CJttzenship Ute ~""'r wID preach on "The Better CommiSSIOn , Rebecca Wim mer, ehaLr- 1


~;- , , ' - m'n. Members ' of the youth Fellowship ----------------

~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~:t~~~i~~ ~~~rc~ ~~ FOIl Su,:d?y .evenlng, J anuary 3rd, at 7 p .. m. NEWAll7 TAXI I This 16 ill celebrat IOn of Interdenomtn- '-ational Youtb Sunday. Those w ho w ish transportation w ill m eet a t church at 6:15.

MeTins' Picture To Be Shown PHONE

th ere will be a motion p ic ture pro-On Sunday even ing F ebruary l Oth 2 3 4 2

f:~e~ ;:::~~ ~~~u~~ ~eCO~~!~~ depicting an airplane trip over the

hoIr land. the s tory of the opera tion -============= EDWARDS ROOFING CO.


Ifewadt. Delaware Phone Newark IIll



Elkton 'Maryland I ---- -----,

1\tis Amazing MUk Coo\er Coo\s all the milk to the very

\ top in every Ca" 1

'nIe ""tented ESCO "NI-AG-RA­Icy-Wall protccu )'our milk check Ioecawe il cool5 all of the milk 10

::~w ~ =.:!~ c!="'::-i: ao.-Cheele ,h ...

-Automatic Clrculator.Asltator rweep. the waler bath arowiCI CUI from neck to bottom • • •

Smooth, euy-(o<lean Interior with I the ESCO ' "Icy-Wall" mechod of ~trolJed Ice formatlOA.

exc/uslve f.o'ure. ond . 'WIth the ESeo "NI-AG-JtA.- JOU

I •• for. you, .. " '- -" t::fj'( :u-:m~ti~f~~:-lISCO' J "Neck HIgh" Water tenlet eradoo. Made 1,; .pecialltta .. ,.,: bqoe icy-cold .. aler bath aI .. a". Milk Coolen and Preaen. "dIe -- tIN .. iIJ, I.ul 01 ftO"1 •• • • • for full, dacripti ... booIdec. '

Phone or wrlie our Local BepreIeD&&U'"

H.M.EVANS,]r. 74 E. Cleveland Ave .... e Newark Z.atl After 1:30 P oM

Or C41Da.et

Newark, Delaware


I1IoDe lIN


on party-line telep~ones, too

Little courtesies, h'(e sharing the road, help to make life happier.

C.onsiderati9n for the other fellow iB the basiB of good party-line tele­phone service, too. If you are always cour. teOUB on the telephone. you're sure to find your party-line neighbors the same. Remember the three R's of party. line courtesy - Relin. quish the line as soon as poBBible when you hear others try to use it; Replace the receiver 'gently when you find the line in use; Regulate your calls 80 that otben may uae the liBe in. between.


Sale Ends Saturday, February 2 25% to 50% Off

Except on fair-traded items, make your "window wishing" come true

In celebration of our 67th year as

jewelers, we are offering to our Newark

store patrons a wide selection of extra­

ordinary values in many items .

In order to full y appreciate these

offerings, you must come in and see


Here you will find a wide variety of


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also many fine American and Swiss WATCHES

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A variety of diamond rings and births tone r ings set in natural gold, white gold, palladium and pla tinum is

being offered for ladies and gentlemen $9.95 to $2,500,00

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Now and throughout the year

shop at Bridgewater's for

better values

~JiIom fJJ. 9J~ Store Hours During Sale

Wednesday & Frlda1 9 It I

Other Days 0 to 5:30 52 E ast Main Street, Newark, Delaware

Telephone 2-7641

f e

During Sale

Friday " ~. " to 5:30

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~h:e~N~ewarkPostNewar~Dclawar~Thur~a~Janua~3L1952 Three

News of Bear of games. The February meetlng topic will be "Art ot Staying Young." Lead-

..... Le.Ue Ford, arrespondent rs appoint d are Mrs. Charles Moore Phone New Cadle 6484 and Mrs. Hudson Walker. It will be

held at the home ot Mrs. Clarence Highfie ld on February 18.

Mr. John McCoy was taken to the Mrs .. Felicia Bever!y, County Art Delaware Hospital on Wednesday after SuperVisor, show d slIdes ot art work sderlng a heart attack. At th is tlme ot various grades throughout the coun­he .. much improved. ty. Some ot the ' students were sur-

Eugene Burris Is con flned to his bed pr~e~e:.~~~et~heer~~~I:e;5 ~~othe scrteen.

with a v ry .srVl'r cold . frame dwelling, also el~ht ~~:-:t~~~ 14Ts. H. Wtlson Reynolds returned frame double tourist cabins costing

to bel' home on Tuesday from the approxim tely $16,000 was granted to DeUlware Hospital. Severyn S telma k of Bridgeport, Conn.,

.Mr. and Mrs. Evans Walkins and who recently bought the Apple Grove son o! Wilmington spent Wednesday Farm a t Bea r, Delaware. e Yening at a television party a t the R ona ld Walker, program chairman, home of M,'. nd Mrs. Paul Burge. ot Eden School, presented the tollow-

David Poore, a fou rth grade pupil ing at the assembly on Friday: "NelV of Eden School, is on an x tended words of the week scramble" led by t r ip I Flurida accompanied by his Beverly Craig and won by Wilbur pareo t ~, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Poore. Gregory. A "Milton Burrell Puppet

J . Lewis McCormick began h is sec- Show." Ba l'bara Sweetman r ead some ond lerm as master of P encader jokes and Carolea crow read fruit and Grange No. 60 when 1952 olTicers were vege tabie riddles which was won by installed on Monday night at the Clifton Carney . The choir sang, "Billy semi-monthly meting. Others sea ted Boy" and "America." in the ceremony conducted by a group Mrs. Marie Deibert of Elkton spent from Harmony Grange were: J ames L. the weekend with her sister, Mrs. J. Ford overseer; Joseph '1'. Laws, stew, L. Ford. ard; Charles Weldin, assistant steward; Mr. George and Frank Moore spent Mr~. J ohn Butier, chaplain; Delbert K. Saturday at Harrisburg, Pa. Gooden, treasurer; Mrs. Delbert K. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burris gave Gooden, secretary; Henry W. Brooks, a turkey dinner in honor of Douglas gr.tekeeper ; Mrs. Edwa rd Williams, Stanley on Sunday before his going cere.; Mrs. William T. Brooks, Po- in the Army. mona .. Mrs. J oseph T. Laws, Flora; M iss Grace Brayman and Ptc. Don­Mi,. Annabe lle Laws;' lady assistant aid McElwee were married at his steward; and J. Leslie Ford, three I home in Glasgow on Sunday after­year term on teh executlve committee. noon. Miss Beverly Haman of Bear staUing team. was maid of h onor, Joseph Frassico

Cajyin H. Ball , master ot New Cas- was best man. tJe County Pomona Grange, was a Mrs. McElwee is a daughter of Mr. guest. He spoke on the importance of and Mrs. John McCambridge of New­cooperatlon between patrons and off!- ark and was given in marriage by her cers in subordinate, county and state fathe r. Rev. G. Ash worth Burslem, granges. Severa l membe rs of Pencader pastor of P encader Presbyterian Grange attended the annual leaders' Chu rch, pertol'med the ceremony. The l'Onierence at Capital Grange in Do bride was gowned in yellow sa tin and vel' 00 Tuesday and a meetlng at Dia- carried brideroses and orchide. The mood State Grange, Stanton, on Wed- maid of honor wore green satin and n~y n ight. P encader sponsored a carried yellow roses. card party on Saturday, January 26. / A reception w as given at the home The hospitality committee will hold of the groom to about forty guests. a baryest party on Wednesday, Feb- After a trip to New York, Ptc. Mc­ruary O. Elwee will report back to Camp

Bear Home Demonstration Club Meade, Md. held Iheir January meetin gon Mon- ____________ _ day al 10:30 at the home of Mrs. H erb­e rt ]Gng. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Hud­son Walker, president, presided and appiooted the foll owing chairmen for lhe year 1952: Citizenship, Mrs. Joseph MaroDsek; family life, Mrs. Horace Eastbul'l1 ; hea lth a nd sarety, Mrs. Herbert Barnes; publici ty, Mrs. Pierce Fox; community. Mrs. J . Leslie Ford; annua l r eports, Mrs. Edwa rd Wal ker; recreation, Mrs. Chari s Moore; Scrap­book, Mrs. Frank Arthur; sunshine, Mrs. Samuel Hama n; blue cross, Mrs. Robert Goodrich. A donation or $10.00 was sent to the March of Dimes cam-


r;;;~~,~·Uhl' ~ ICE CREAM CO.

~ ICE w. ~~v; A M ~ ~ For Your I~

pa~g;,;., Castl e County Agent, Miss ~ PARTIES I Katnarine J ones, spoke on. "Inflation, ~ " What Is It ?" Ma ny subj ec ts w ere I l isted ior d,SCUSSIOn dUrlng the year • • and leaders were named for various ~

sllbJ ec~. Mrs. Charles , Moore was I ~ named chairman for a card party to I Dial 3171

~:r~:~~ '~I~~ar w~:lln~::;\~~;r~~~ ~""<,~"'<,,~,



9 solei the first week . .• Only 5 le ft!

• Three N ice Bedrooms and Bath . Living Room, Dlnlngl Alcove, Kitchen • Large Closets, Automatic Heat • All­Mclni Construction


G_ 1_ APPROVED $500 Down * $56 Month

Sample open Sunday 10 to 6 Take U. S. 1 to Wheeler Boulevard




Don't n.glect ..,..." ."""1 Don't "ong It 0.-." . . . Don't ...... It wit ..... o"'lng • _ • Don' l op ... II up •• _ Wind It '.\lulotly ••• • .,olr Its b ........ cry.tol 01 ...... __ _ Have II dean'" and 011 ... .. gula"yl IT... .,_ .... Idt ... few • checkvp ._ oblgo- , "!odoyt

/eUJeier - E.,. 1885 II E, MAIN n,

.... AD

Mill Creek Hlmdred ~~~~~c~n :a~t:ar!~ti~~eotb~~dSq~~:~y~ Hied with the large crowd which pro-I claimed the alTair a great success .

N ews ~;~~t:ra~eg~~:~~!y~ Hi:et~~~J~~tbl;S~~ Sara Pennlnrton EVIUlS, Correspondent The color /lim '''The Magic Package"

The MYAF wl11 present its nnnual comedy-drama "Here Comes Charlie" on Saturday evenlng at 8 o'clock in the T.O.O.F . Hall at Hockessin. The play will be repeated on February 9 at the Head of Christiana Presby­t dan Church and Feb. 23 at Red Lion Methodist Church .

Phone Hockessin 598 show Ing the testlng, selectlng, and

The White Oak 4-H Club wllJ mee t tonight at 8 o'clock with Miss Emllie A. P ennington at her home on Lime­stone Road for the monthly meeting. Sam Gwinn, state 4-H Club leader, will be the guest speaker.

MI-' and Mrs. Raymond Lynam and Mr. a nd Mrs. George R. Lynam arc moving this week trom their farm on Paper Mill Road to their new tarm near MacDonough . The Lynams sold theil' farm to S. Hallock duPont and 0 1'. Charles Stine.

packaging ot vegetable seeds, was p resented. W. A. Peoples Dnd Fred W. Smith were chosen delegates to the annual meeting in Springfield, Mass. J oseph Mitchell gave the r eport from the 1951 yearly sessions. Helmut Dressler, a German exchange student a t the University of Delaware, was a guest and expressed his apprecia­tion of having the opportunity ot at­tending such a meeting. Paul Mitch­ell, George Ely, Mrs. Wilson Pierson, Anthony Fen'ara, Horace Woodward and Levis Phipps tormed the commit­tee on arrangements.

The Women's Society or Christian Service will hold a mee ting tonight at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Wil­bur Hollingsworth neal' the church. Plans for the SUnUB) evening 5 rvices wilt be discussed .

Harmony School Harmony Juvenlle Grange wlll have The school was visited last week by its annual installation of olTicers to­

Mrs. Martha Barnes, attendance officer. morrow at 7 p.m. In charge of Joseph

The R v. Willa rd Robinson, pastor of Asbury Methodist Church in Wil­mington, will occupy the pulpit at thi s church next Sunday mOl'l1ing tor the II o'clock worship services, while the Rev. HOI'ney will be at Asbury Church to conduct holy communion services

An original play entitled "We Must Mitchell and his team trom the adult there.

Help" was presented last Friday to unit. Mrs. Alice B. Neide has been Paul Ayars was elected president of stress the March ot Dimes drive. The chosen as the new matron and will the MY AF Sunday night at the month­play, written by Sallie Evans, had assume her duties following her in- ly meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mary Emma Ransome as playmate, stalla tion. Nelson as hosts. Miss Catharine Demp­J oyce Cannon, the patient; Robert Mrs. Elva Trimble of Colonial sey was chosen vice president; Mrs. Cannon, the doctor; Sallie Evans, Heights, has been the guest of her Norris Greenplate secretary; Norris nurse; Maryann Springer, the m oth- son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Greenplate ,treasurer. Committees er; Faye Trimble, a patient. Mrs. John Trimble, on Mermaid Road . were selected for the year. They are,

The pupils are decorating nut cups Mrs. J ames Nowland is spending Paul Nelson Chairman, Mrs. A. Carl and napkins for the Junior Red Cross sometime with his son and daughter- Nelson, Jr., and Lindsay Greenplate, to dis tribute at Valentine's Day. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Nowland, \ orshlp; Mrs. Charles Nelson, Mrs.

Mermaid on Paper Mill Road. Harry Nelson, social activities; Gra-Harmony Grange hall was the scene Harmony Grange will hold a valen- Melvin Dempsey, Miss Anne Beyer-

of another community affair last Tues- tine program next Monday night in lein, 8ecreation. __ day when the Eastern States Farmers' charge ot Mrs. Doris Beard and Mrs. Corner Keteh Cooperative held its an nual dinner Robert Bartels. I Union Grange No. 1 will meet next and membership m eetin!! there. The I Ebeneer IUethodlst Church Wednesday evenlng when the newly dinner was served by the women of The official board cleared $457 on installed master. Robert Woodworth the grange. John A. Andrews, Jr., dl- its turkey dinner served last Satur- will name his new committees for rector of Eastern States Seed Service, day evening. The members were grat- the comlng year.

Eagle Furniture Co.

February Super Sale!

$5~~'i~1 $695 "Extra.Plump"

In white, pink or hlue Sanforized cotton coverll,


S~m'*~ PILLOWS Never before such low prices for pillows with the quality-famous Playtex labell At this low price, there's no telling how soon we'll he sold out of Playtex Super.Value Pillows! Come in DOW for these super-quality, super-comfortahle pillows, made of finest whipped foam latex. When you see them, you'll want one for everyone in your family- , for vai~e like this has never happened hefore!


February . avinge r

Every famous Playtex

S ltper/oam$· PiUow in 8tock on

8ale now. Regularly

priced ~any

d ollars morel

EAGLE FURNITURE CO., Newark, Delaware Pl ..... send me .he 1~llowing Playl.~ Superfoam PlIfo .....


" Svper.Val"." ,,'" 0 PI" 0 A llow In W)!lt. 0 5.95 Whllo 0 6.95 Sanforiud

Cation Co • .,lng IIv. 0 IIv. 0

"Gold.S.ol" PI" 0 PI" 0 ~h. 'illow " Whl .. 0 6.95 Wh it. 0 7.95 010.95 SanforiudCottOf1 II •• 0 I''''. 0 .n,.,

Co .. ,lng, Zipper

"Oold·Sta'" 'Pink 0 Pi'" 8 1.95 'InII 8n.95 Pillo_ 'n Whl .. 0 7.95 Whitt Whllo

sOn'otb:.dCotton Cov.rlng,Zlpper

Ilvt 0 live 0 Ilvo 0

"Oold·s.c.'" Ilv. 0 .'u. 0 ftr_ONtt~......, ' 1110. I" C ..... 0 1.95 Croom 0 9.95 lv.vrioul Too.Ro··o Teo-RaseD --I!I Royo".Sotin 0, •• 1'1 0 Grt,,, 0 I!l

CO't. , I~. Zlppe, .m ................ ',,-un '_I .. _ ... _"If". o c .... 1Ot

o C111C1l

o ~o ... 'ONI.-ST,.Tt __ 0-._ ,


".rmd.l. IExtr. Stand.rd Quality

Sweel Peas .a .... car .. 111-0Z " 5e Reg. price

Z c.n" 35e .r. cl n. ~ can 14c

16Y2- oz can Year a go, 43c Now 2ge

Del Monte, Dole's or Libby's

PINEAPPLE JUICE 4:~~z 25 e ~~~t ;6:


Yea:~~':,· ;~:. No.25c Year !:~1J;9~'~ No w 250

Ideal Fancy Florida

Orange Juice 46-0% .. 3 e Last Year can ~ can 33c


4b·u& egD \ 'ear a80, 21,

46'0. eaD Year al(O, S l,

Now 23c NOW2&

MARGARINE P~~~I~~e~o~:.:n YI~a2~0 N~~23C 1 •••• VfttU No_

Enriched !!.I 's Ib 34c I 2lc


Lean Smoked Picnics Grade A Sliced Bacon c~:~s~~~g

Fresh Frltits and JI egetables for Winter Jlitamins

New Low Price I Ideal Pure ~ 8·oz ~7c ~ Cone. Ol'ange .Juice iIIfIIcan· 6

~ Seabrook Farms Asparaeus Cute and Tip. 10-oz pkg 320

~ G~;p';I;'ail 4,,,Z9C

• ORANGES ~~I;~. Z doz 49c

l AP P J. E S staym~~Sv)lneu p 3 Ibe 2ge

'. Emperor Grapes 2 Ib, 29c I Temple Orane" doz 560

~ BROCCOJ.I ~ J. E T T U C E Calil. Iceberg large head 15-


FRESH CALIF. CARROTS 2 bch. 25c CRISP PASCAL CELERY .talk 15c NEW CROP FLA. CABBAGE 3 lb. 23c NEW POTATOES U, 8.1 Red BII.. 3 lb. 25c ,

.,.1 .. u .. at •• la_. 81. r."J;1911. Qu ••• ", RI ........ " •••

• ".11,; •• 1""";1:.111_'1.'.1.5."'.'9:'.

fresh lull bunch 25c

Eagle Furniture Co. 162 East Main Phone 3311 Buy Defense Bonds

Th Fourr _-= __ ~ ______ -= ______________________________ ~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~-::-~~: d . gl ._ C I and Mrs J oseph B. H a fe r an~ s ting bit oC se rv ice don e was ur1l1

viSi~i~g at Fo;'! Bragg, North Car- the war when so ma~y wo~nd.ed ~ol - I . diel's IV I'e cared for 10 AtI,ln tlc Ci ty.

ollna. -0- . Eac hweek the Soropti mists were h ost-

Word has been received of the death Dr and Mrs. H erbert Dorn are at- ess to a difTerent mother and her I on January 21 oC Mrs. Argo, wife of tending n meeting o f a U ,N

k, Commit- w~;~~ d ;~t~er i ngton in her talk I

--f'o ll ndc,IJ III;;;-r )' 2(;, 1 ~ I O, by the Idte Ever ,·tt C . J OhJl 011 g~:~~Z~~~~'t :i t~rg~. g~\,A~g~t \~~~ tee in New York~ wee. stre sed the importance ?f trade nnmes I


••••••••••••• ELECTRO LUX

(Vacuullt Cleaner)

. ale & . (, I'vic

Arthur J. Johnson An Independent Newspn per university for severa l years be Core Dr. RexCord K. Snyder oC Stanford both ill business and III ~lllb work.

Published Every Thursday by the Newark Pas , Inc. gOtng to Korea on a regu lar Army as- Univ rsity, Palo Alto, California was Being an organizat ion of bu iness ~vo- I R D 1 11-16 Thompson Lane, Newark, Delaware s ignment Since returning from K orea the weekend guest of Dr. and Mrs. men, it means much to make the 01'-.

Ph: 6·226]

Locally and Independeotly Owned and OlJel~t~ ___ they have lived in A nnapolis, Mrs. F rancis H. Squire. optimist organization stand for the same Newark, Del. - 1 I h d n quest Argo, who has many 1riends in New- -0- high quality of service as a brand name ••

t,g~ ,~,~~,~:S~~~J 2~,vd;l~~I')fh~~k"s\ ~r;:~l~ ~erOag:~e hne: ark , had been ill for some tim . She Mr. and l\l rs. J ames H utchison, Jr. s tands for qua li ty in materia ls, • • • • • • • • • • •

~ FREDERICK MITCHE~~"""""""""""" EDITOR was buried in Arlington National Cem- visited Mr. Hutchison'S siste r , l\ lrs. The average ra te pa id by the pulp -. - . - .- .- .-' ••••••••

Entered as second clo. maliN, March 10, 1910, 01 tho Postom;;;-;;l Newark, Delaware, ctcry. Samuel Wh ittake r in East O range New and con fession magazincs is from one

under the ACl 01 March 3.:..~ Miss Alice Douglass of New York J rsey, -0- to th r e cents per w ord. iii I i ~1~v~¥-b~~IPlb~~,a~f~~e ,:'~d thi~r~~\;ersJgsc~~~ti~~jle$~I .O~lO~~~ I~, !;'~NPe~DY"XNc!: City spent the past weekend with her Miss Barbara Hutchison is a ttending __: ~

Single copies 5 cenls. MaKe all checks payable to 'fhe Newark Post. moth 1', 1\11'5. Carlton E. Doug lass. the Foreign Se r vice Institute in Wash- NOTICE --_____ ....... -0- ingt on , M iss H utchison was graduated pur~~an~E7~D~~J;ronOF, t~},"~~!" City


~!~:&:~:t.: Dinn I' guests on Sunday of M r. and from Vassar a couple of yea rs ago. Charter, notice is hereby given of a THEA TR.E

1\1I's. Pusey P emberton, Elkton Road - 0- ~~abl~~ 1~~~r~~u~~I\h~tr~g~I~. "~':,le#eb"e~t incl uded: Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Benner, Mr . Edwin de Haven Steel spent 1952 In the Counc,l Chambers. at which Mrs. P ead P h ill ips, and Mr. J oseph the past weekend a t his home in F air- lime the Counc, l will conSIder for finol

Ne wa rk , Delaware, Thursday, J anuary 31, 1952 Snyder oC Philadelphia , and M iss B elle haven, Vermont. p'~,,~o5~d l~ad~~o~~'t~~IIS~~~ap';;kh~t~~~~ Ragan and Messrs. Claud e a nd F r od -0- D t ulations on Gla~~~;~e~05d.'~ong

Dean Penrose Will Address ALumni At Mjd·~/ inl C l· BanfJue t

IJeje1l:le Director Ragan of ncar N~k. .. ~1~~:~~~:J,~:~~~~~~:~J~EYi~ ~~~~2 1-31-52 ~~cr~!a3l/~f t~~w~~~mcll Mr. and Mrs, Geo.rge Phillips and ade l h ia on Thursday a nd a ttend ing

fam ily oC Claymont VISited a t the home p f C "V ' Obse rved" .......... a ••• of Mrs. Raymond Phillips of West a pel' orm ance 0 ~nus .

ha ncello r Co ll in ;; .I . Seit.z Will He Toas tmas t.er On

Delaware Avenu=-:_ Sunday. Mrs. L a ura N ichols w as ca ll ed to

Mr. R. W. H eim, Orchard Road, h as ~~~i~be~~~' 0~1~~~I~~s~~r:~~~la~d~~ Ib; returned home f rom a '.J usiness tdp turneci to Newark on Sunday. to Miami, Flor ida . -0--


Brick Ranch Homes

FOI' Only $ ] 3 ,950.00

Februa ry 16 Dr. and Mrs. C. Robert K ase have

James E. Sweetma n, sun of Mr. and returned f rom N w York w here they Mrs. J ohn Sweetm an of Newa rk is spent the w ee kend. COMFORTABLE

Dr. Will iam O. P nrose, dean of the unciergoing recru it tra ining at the schoo l of education of the University Naval Train ing Cen ter, Ba inbr idge, of Delaware, will be the speaker at Md. Mr. Sweetma n, w ho was g radu a ted L 0 c a I Sorop tiJuis ts the mid-winter banquet of the Uni _ from Newark H igh School, entered the


LIVING ve rsity of 0 laware Alumni Associa- nava l service on Decem ber 28 . A tAt I ant icC i t y lion on Sa turday, February 16, in K ent -0- • Fu ll Co ncrete Basement Ha ll on the university campus in 1\fr. and Mrs. E lg in Shaw and fam· \ Newa rk. ily of East JVla in Street have m O\'ed Attend Anniversary Dinner • O il Hea t

Chanc 1101' Collins J , Seitz, a grad- to the ir new home on N ott ingham I of New Jersey Club • Copper P ipe T hroughout ua te o f th e un iv r. ily in 1937, wi ll be Road. _ __ . Alum inu m Window Sash the toastmaste r . -0-- F our members of the Newark Sor- • Rock Wool Insula ti on

A;~~~e~a;~~l~;ei~/~~,:d~I:~in~t \~ i1~'~~ I Dr. and M~s . T homas J e fferson Wer - optimist Club, Miss Edna CampbeIl , • Elec t r ic H ot Wa te r H eater a basketball game in the Field H ouse Col. Geor , c W . DU1Ul tenbak I' a rr.' ved In New ark this w eek- Mrs. An ne L ongenback , Miss Bea trice • L arge Liv ing Room-250 sq . (t.

end ,and Will l1\'e a t 164 S . College. Hartshorr. and Mrs. Cornelia Myl rea , when the Vniv rsity of Delaware Quin- George R. Clark, pl'esident of the Avenue. Dr, Wertenba ker is to b e Vis- attended the twenty -first annive rsary • Three B edroo ms-la rge closets tet meets La fayette. I d th iling Professor of H istory a t the uni - I d in ner of the Soroptimist Club o f At- • Hard wood FloOI'S

re~~~~n ~OI~J~~t~e~ ' w~~~'~~~I U~~S tl~~ ~~(';:m~~t~( ~~~. ~:~~~~n~. Du~n ,a~; versity th is next semeste r . lan tic City a t the Strand on Sa tur day • Ceramic Tile Bath, La rge Rae d uBe ll, Robe rt C. Lev is, Leroy neal' Newark , as civil defense director -0-- . . I nigh t. Two important guests also a t- ModerI'! K itchen

B for New Castle Coun ty , ~ I rs. Euge ne Ray o f Seq ':'~18 H Ili, tending w er e M iss Lou ise H ethering- • Gr aded and Seeded Lot-~~n~~ee~~~n:a~~~, :~b~~til~nRO~';;;son: Colonel Dunn , w ho r etired f rom the Knoxv ill e, T enn., has b een VISIti ng With I ton of Pittsbur gh d irector of the North J r., G ro ver '1'. SUI'I'at t, F . Burton Col- m il itary serv ice recentl ly a (ter 34 years her fa ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. I Atlan ti c region o ( the Amer ican F ed-

during which he se rved ab road in both J ohn P earce Ca nn of Orchard Road. eration o f Sopotimisls, and M rs. Nan lin;i,:nc~~~,~;7e:~ n';;~~I~~~~t~~d~'~ t hat worl d wars, w ill assl~me .ad ive com. Mr, J oh n P earce Cann, J r . o f Rl ch- Sch lorer Smith , the organizer o f the a il reserv a lions must be made by ,manei of the coun ty s CIVil defense mond , Vi rginia , was he re t wo days Atl an tic City Club. F eb. 12. program on Ma rch I. . wh ile hi s s ister was here. The hostess club has had a wonder-

Colone l Dunn was formerly chle C -0-- CuI h istory o f service to a com mun ity ot the Delaware Mili tary District , in Mrs. J ohn Alanson P e rk ins enter- which offers much. The achievem en ts

SliIlC-SUIll f' IHlilll!el' Owued which position he was responsible for tained at tea at h er home, Belmont o( the g roup w ere cleverly port rayed

Am iesite Dri veway

Silvcrbrook Developmeul, Iue,


South College A ven ue (opposite U. of D. Agricu ltural

Expe r imenta l S tation) Sample open Daily t to 4

Cow Holds Slale Reeord the coordination o f a ll ORC, NatIOna l Hall. on Wednesday afte rnoon. in a ~eries of tab leaux presented by Guard, and ROTC act VI ties in the d ,s- -0-- the m embers. P erhaps the most inter- •••••••••••••

C. M. A. Stin and F rederic Samen- tl'lct I MI C ha rl es W. Morey has r e turned I d inger, Ncwark. Delaware, have made At the pl'esent t llne Col Dunn h as to h iS home In Ch icago a fte r VISiting \ ®--a state champion record w ith their il son serving Wi th the All' F orce In Wi th his daughtel and son-in-l aw, D r reg iste l'ed Guernsey cow. Foxden 's Be- K_orea ~ I and Mrs, Arthur ~un lap . . n ita. H er production of 11 -365 pounds ~ ~ of mil k and 572 pounds of butterfat fI b

SKOLD SERVICES ::t;~e r~c~~.~s tof~r~e~~':,~·04~~;'~r~~I!ef~ Which. like the toad. ugly and ven- <It t he Memor ia l L ib rary , IS represent- L icensed Plumbing and Aut6matic Heating

2 Shows - '7-9 p.m. Raturday ContlBuous from 2 P.M.

Suoday Mat. 2 P .M.-Evening 8 P.M.

Thurs.-Fri. .Jan. :3I-Feb. 1

MGM' S tirrin g A d velltllre

"Westward the WOluen"

Starrin g Robert Taylor , De n ise Darcel '

at.urday February 2


"Buckaroo Sheriff of Texas"

SUIl .-Mon. Feb. 3-4

................. '" Hair Cutting Sho~




D d"e In A t Sand 's Residence

West Pal·k Place


• •••••••• I I"

: Ce spools and ertk :

• TAl''1(S CLEAi\,ED I

• I • ~~~rl~~a!~:::t~:w~~~: I • I • Call

: William S. Hickman: • Phone Wes t Che ler WI, • or Wilming ton 4-2455 I •••••••••• Iii -----• ••••••• • II III

Sweet l,re. the uses o( adversi ty; 1 Miss Ruth A lford, re er ence I ranan

the s ta te o f Delaware. " Benita" was omou ·., ing the State Library A SSOCia tIOn In

m ilked 61 3 t imes wh il e on test. Wears yet a precious jewel in h is h ead. Ch icago thi s week . Water Pumps Contracting The sire of th is cow , S par Hill F ox- -W~ lI iam Shakes pear e. Mrs. H owa rd ~eston is spending Conversion Oil Burners II

~~~~~t~~~iC~~e J~;;~:~;~':tt;:g~~~~. Modern in v ntion has banished the a month with h er brothe r , D r . Walter ~ , ! Phoue

John \V. Fuller Newark 631

spin n ing-wheel. and the same law o f :a~:~~n~e~~:' h is dau ghters In Wichi ta Phone 576 , Dallas, T exas cla ims to ha ve the progress ma kes the woman of today -0-- 25 Thomson Circle Newa rk, Delaware ~ Plumbing, H ealing

most beautiful girls in the United ,a diff rent woman from her g rand- Dr. Cyru s L . Day is spend ing the "'. .... ........... Oil Burne r In lall alioD

:;'[a[es. m other.-Susan B. Anthony . \\~,,~ee~k~i~n~e~W~Y~O~rk~.§§§§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'<'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ft - - J


Tek Tooth Brush, nylon ........... _.S9c Polident, large size ..... _ .... _ ........... S9c Peb·Ammo Tooth Paste, 3 oz. 49c Lyons Tooth Poste, 2% oz . ...... 43c Colgate Dental Cream, eco'y 63c


Ipana Tooth Paste, 4.2 oz . ...... 63c , ' Kreml Kreme Dressing, 4 oz. 49c

, Lavoris, 9 oz. size ..... _ .... _ ....... _ .... 45c , Glider Brushless, 5 oz . .... _ .. _A7c

Jergens Lotion, 6112 oz . ............ 49c


e Norwich Cherry Expectorant... ... 3Sc , Sal Hepatica, 6 oz • .......... _ _ o3c I S.T. 37 Antiseptic, 5 oz . .... _ ... _S9c

, Pinex Ready Mixed, 3 oz. _ ... 59c 4.Way Cold Toblets, 36~ ... _ . ..49c

Free Parl.'illg Free Delivery

(, '\ ~ ~ ~ D ALE'S J!) S 2 ~ 111 P~~:::~:':l~;:l;~:~, •••••••• • '. III •••••••• • •• I'

IUlll1 slrial Piping and

19th ANNIVERSARY SALE For Prompt S ervice Crui L. and M. CAB

Will Be Held During Entire Month of February






FROM $2.50 EACH TO $1.20 EACH FROM $3.00 EACH TO $1.50 EACH




MERVIN S. DALE jelf.eler & . ill'er, m it"

-9 Ea I Main It'ec t wurk , Dclawm'e

Phone l\ e ll'ork

6434 ., 24 Hr. Service

I " ••••• ••• • ~ :=!

ilr~ C. Shellend! FUNERAL


Incorporated -.-254 W. Mai n tree!

Newark, Delaware

Phone 2-6131

-----~ -------- -- -- --- PI awranaX -­


~ SINCE 1911

~ Chenohl and' OId.JmobUt

"Where Friend. Meer'


Open Thurs. 'Til 9 o'Clock Ph. D el. Ity 4~3 1 (or 4568)

Ford T rnctol'll I nd

~~~~~~~~~~§§~~~§§~§§~~~~~~~§§§§§§§§§~~§§§§§§§§§§§~§g~ Dcarborn EquiprotD


I) , _____ ... rl

Social Events n a 'ed

f '\ fir) /I I


Hi n r' .H'T

r ·h. 7 .. J .

Yk ,.~ ,, ~ ; \I.-t

1" "'-<' ~IM f)."Ioi'\.';

()c' .\~ t12 ( i"*' ~."" ; .t..\

If' "If L f,"\ R .\ L

SALE (O~l '

'\'0J' \ ' It' ... .r ..;: ·. .,' .~ \ (" ~~ ~.t 0',' ?\\ r ,'. ~

~\tl~ " ,l.'·· " . " • ...:.. ," , "''''\~\U' ,"'"

: ... l ~I ~~" ... :.'.~'~,: - " _" r'" :a::.:~" 1\ Y\U\1 • ::'\:::~"l .\" \"·!;'M. ol-,o,-1h'

.... ~. tl' "' ... ... '\'- to ..::: \,I'~ .of' .... \\'~ .. '~:.l'~""''')

l~ • J' \ I""\\~h"" ',t\"'" • "" " ~'\""\ .:'"',\\.\ •• '/oU"~t I_'i''' ... , .

ou Can't atch ~ fRlGIDAIR

Refri er rlor.' Food Fr~rj .·l lIt.omfTri.c Jr o..~hjn . '1(1~hln~

Ron",e Ironer.. J)r er.t WaUl" HefTier.

K itchen (1b;net~ 8.: .~;nk .

al.e & ,~eM:ic,.


Q ~OD~S DRUG \TO~~ , ".~. 11. 4H( •• r .. .- ~.,..;.;.'J if'

," • \.'4

. ' - .. .., . . -. -'. 1

The Fou r~ ______ ~ ______________________________________ ~ __ ~~~ __ ~~~~----~~~~-::-~~:

TllE NE~1RK POST Word has been received of the deat h

on J anuary 21 or Mrs. Argo, wife of Col. Reamer W. Argo. Col. Argo was

olina. ~-

Dr. and Mrs. li erb rt Dol'll ar ~t­tendll1g a m eling of a U.N . Comnllt­tee in New York th is week.


esting bit of servIce done was during the war wh n so many wounded sol­diers w re cared for in Atlantic ity. Euc hwcek the Soroptimisls werc host­ess to a difT rent mother and her wounded son.

MIss Hetherington in her t alk stressed the importance 01 trade names both In business and in club wOI·k .

••••••••••••• ELECTROLUX

(VaCllU1II Clea"er)

nIcs & . ('rviC' .

Arthtu' J. JOI11180n Founded Jnnuar;-~Ii.~thc latc Evcrdt C. Johnson

An Independent Newspa per Published Every Thursday by the Newark Post, Inc.

14 -16 Thompson Lane, Newark, Delaware Locally and Independeotly Owned and OpCl~te_d __ _

ommandant 01 the R. O. T . C at the university for sev ral years before go ing to Kor a on a regular Army as­signment Since reiul'lling from Kor a they have lived in Annapolis. Mrs. Argo, who has many [ri nds in N w­ark, had been ill for some t unc. She wa ' buried in Arlington National C m-

01'. Rex ford K. Snydcl' of Stanfol'd Univ rsity, Palo Alto, California was the weekend gu st of 01'. and Mrs. Francis H. Squir .

Ph: 6·226] Being an organization 01 business wo- R D 1 men, it means much to make the SOl'- . optimist organization stand for the same Newark, Del.

•••••••••• •••• Lega l and D ispla y ndvcrlising I'ntcs furnished on rcqu.cst. If' M 'l1lol l.:lIl''I iHlU Cards of .:rhonks 5 cents per agate 1111 .

J . FREDERlCK MITCHELL . . . . . . . . ... .... . EDITOR


I +L!~:~~~,::ll;.: " '",ark . Delaware, T hur511ay, J anuary 31, 1052

Dean Penrose 'Vill Adtlrc s Alumni A t Mid-\VinLe .· Banquct

/) ejellse /Jirector

Chancellor Cu ll ins .I . Seitz Will He Toastma. ter On

Fehruary J (j

- 0-


MI'. and Mrs. J ames Hutchison, Jr. visited MJ'. Hutch ison's sister, Mrs. Samuel Whittaker in East Orange New

Miss Alice Douglass of New York -0-

high quality of service us a bl'and name stands for quality in materials.

The average rate paid by the pulp and con fession magazines is [rom one to three cents pel' word.

ity spent th past wee kend with her Miss Barbara Hu tchison is all nding mother, Mrs. Cariton E. Douglass. the Foreign Service l nstitute in Wash- NOTICE

-Q- ington. M iss Huichison was g raduated TO RESJDENTS OF' NEWARK City Dinner gu sIs on Sunday of MI'. and from Vassal' a couple of years ago. l;al~~~~ .• n~'OI\~C S~;tlf,I~'Cb7y °JIV!~C o[ a

Mrs. Pusey P mberton, Elkton Road -0- public hear ing at the reGular slated meet-inc luded : Mr. and Mrs. A. J . Benner, MI'. Edwin de Ha~en Stee! s:e.~t \'iig2 °fn !I~~c C3~~~I~ i1alc~ .;';~';rs~n nre\~i~l1(ti Mrs. P earl P hillips. and Mr. J oseph the past weekend at IllS home Jl1 Fall-, lim the Counci l will consider for (mal Snyder of Philadelphia, and Miss B elle haven, Vermont. p.l·l~a5~'dl~a ":~~°'1::~~~%lis~~~1~1·;;I?kl..:'; W:.~~ Ragan and Messrs. Claude and F r d ~- ulations on Glasgow Road ." Ragan of ncar Newark. MI·s. Wa ller Hulihen, M I·s. Dutton. ~~'g,I~~~ryD'orO;Wc COllncll

- 0- Mrs. R obert Price and Mrs. Willi am o[ the City o[ Newark Ph'l!' and E Holton arc having luncheon in Phil - 1-31-52

f Mrl· a~~I~~I;:;on~e:i~f~ d at\~~Shome adelphia on Thursday, a ne! attendi~g o~m:vr..s~ Raymond Phill ips of West a performance Of~'US Observed.' II •••••••• a •• • Delaware Avenu~_ Sunday. Mrs. Laura Nichols was ca lled to NE\V

MI'. R. W. Hcim, Orchard Road, has ~ha~i~~~I;~, 0~1~~~I~~~~r!~~~l a~l~i~~;: I~ returned home from a :;' usiness tri p tUl'l1ed to Newark on Sunday. to Miami. Florida. -0-

Urick UClIlch Homes

F O I' Only $ 13,950.00 Dr. and Mrs. C. Robert Kase ha ve

re turned from New York where they COMFORTABLE James E. Sweetma n, sun of MI'. and Mrs. J ohn Sweetman of Newark is

Dr. Willi am O. P nrose, dean of the undergoing recruit training at the schoo l of cdllcation o f lhe Un ivers ity Naval T ra ining Center, Bainbridge,

spent the weekend.

MODERN of Delawa l·e. will be the speaker a l Md. Mr . Sweetman, who was graduated L 0 c a I Soroptimists the mid -willI I' bn nquet of the Uni . from Newark H igh School, entered the LIVING versity of Delaware Alumn i Assoc ia - naval se rvice on December 28. At A t I a 11 tic Cit y lion on Saturday, February 16. in Kent -<>- • Full Concrete Basement /-Iall on the llnivel's ity campus in M I'. and Mrs. Elg in Shaw and fam- \ Newark. ily of East Main Street h ave moved Attend Anniversary Dinner • Oil Heat

Cha ncellol' Collins .1. Seitz, a grad- to their new home on Nottingham I of New Jersey Club • Copper Pipe Throughou t ua te of the university in 1937, wi ll be Road . ___ . Alu minum Window Sash

lhe toastmasler. - 0- Four members of the Newark SOl'- • Rock Wool Insulation AI~~~~e~a~~~~~/~/~~':~~I:I~in~t :il~'~~ I Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J e/Terson WeI'- optimist Club, Miss Edna Campbell, • E lec lr ic Hot Wate l' H ea ter

I k tb II . th F' I I H Col . Geor"e W. DUJUl tenbaker al'l'ived in Newark thIS week- Mrs. Anne Longenback, Miss Bea trice • Large Liv ing Room-250 Sq. ft. ~V I:~~ t~e ~ni~~II~~t;nof D:l a\~a:'e Q~~;~~ end ,and wi ll li ve a t 164 S . College . Hartshorr, and Mrs. Cornelia Mylrea, • Three Bedrooms-'Iarge closets

George R. Clark, president o r the Avenue. Dr. Wertenba ker is to b e Vis- a ttended the twenty-firs t anniversary te t meets Lafayette. Levy Court, has announced the ap- iling Professor of History at the uni-j dinner of the Soroptimist Club or At- • Hardwood Flool's re~~~:n ~o!~~t~e is w~~~~'~~~IU~ ~S t~~ pointmen t of Col. George W. Dunn. of versity this nex t semester. lantlc City a t the Stra nd on Saturday • Ceramic Tile Bath , L arge Rae duBe ll , Robert C. Levis, Leroy neal' Newark, as civil defense directo l' - 0- . . I night. Two important guests a lso at- Modern Kitchen B. Stee le, J·ohll E. Wil son. Jr., FI. fOI' New Castle County. Mrs. Eugene Ra y of Sequ~13 H~I1 , tending were Miss Louise H ethering- • Grad d and Seeded Lot-KenllY Tremaine, Robert P . Robinson, Colonel Dunn, who retired from the Knoxv ille, Tenn .. has been vlsltmg WIth I ton of Pittsburgh di rector of the North Amiesite Driveway Jr., Grovel' T. Surratt, F. Burton Col- military serv ice rec ntlly after 34 years hel' father a nd mother, MI'. and Mrs. Atlantic r eg ion of the American Fed-

during which h se l'ved abroad in both J ohn P earce Cann of Orcha rd R~ad. eration of Sopotimist.s, and Mrs. Nan I l~h::~:~~:?'c:~n~!~~~~~i~~d~l~ hat wodd wars, will assume n<;tive com. MI'. John P ea rce Cann, JI·. of Rich- Schlorer Smith, the ol'ganizer of the a ll reservations must be made by .mand of the county's CIVIl defense mond , Virginia. was h ere two days Atlan tic City Club. ~'eb . 12. program on March I. . while his sister was h ere. The hostess club has had a wonder-

Colone l Dunn was fonne rl y chief ful history or service to a community of the Delaware Military District, in Mrs. J ohn Alanson Perkins enter- which offers much. The achievements

S l i ll e -S alll f' lulingCl' Owned wh ich position he was responsibl: for tained at tea at her home, Belmont of the g roup were cleverly portrayed

Silvel'bl'Ook Development, Inc .


South College Avenue topposl te U. 01 D. Agricultural

Experimental Station) Sample o pe n Dnlly t to 4 Cow Holds Slale Reco.·d the coordination of a ll . ORC, Na\Jo~a l Ha ll, on Wednesday afternoon. in a i eries of tableaux present~d by

. . Guard, and ROTC actv ltl es m the d iS- -0- the members. P erhaps t he most mter- •••••••••••••


ttllili" THEATRE

2 Shows - '7-9 p.m. Raturday (JontiJIuous from 2 P .M.

Sunday Mat. 2 P .M.-Evcnln&, 8 P.M.

Thurs.-Fri. Jan. 31-Feb. 1 MCM'S S tirring Adventure

"Westward the Won1en"

Starring Robert Taylor , /JenillC /Jarcd' --- ----- -- --- ~'n ..... Saturday }' ebruary 2


"Buckaroo Sheriff of Texas"

SUIl.-Mon. Feb. 3·4

Hair Cutting Shop MEN, WOMEN A lO



Drive In Al Sand's Residence

West Park Place

•••••••••• I" Tues.-Wed. Feb_ 5-6: Cc spools and cplic :


• I • ~~~r~~a!~:::t~!v~~~: I • I • (JaIl C. ~ . A. Sll.n an~ Fr~de l'1C ~amen- tr ict. . I Mr. Charles W. Morey h as J'etu~~ed I

dlllgel, New31 k: oe l :lw a~ e. have mad~ At the p~·esent . tllne CoL Dunn h as to his home in ChIcago a fter Vlsltmg ! 0----- 1 .. William S. Hickman II a ~tate champion I eco l d w ith, thell .q son s rVlng WIth the All' F orce m with his daughter and son- II1-1aw, Dr. reg istered Guel'l1s~y cow. Foxden s Be- Korea. and Mrs. Arthur Dunlap. SI(OLD SERVICES • Phone West Chester 1451 , lllta. Her productIOn of 11 -365 pounds -- - I -<>- V"'I . t 4 ?45' of milk and 572 pounds of butterfat f d .·t. MI'ss Rutll Alford reference li bra rian • or ·,1 nung on -~ ~ I . . t R Sweet arc the uscs 0 a ve l sl y , I . , •••••••••• III IS the Illghest li eI'd lm provemen eg- . ' . I d at the Memoria l Libra ry is represent- Thurs.-Fri. Feb. 7-8 __ _ istry reco rd of a s nior 4-yea r-old in Wh ich, like the toad. ug y an ven- in ' the Sta te Library Association in Licensed Plumbing and AutOmatic Heating _ ••••• __ • II • I. the state of Delaware. "Benila" was omous,,. g, . k m ilked 613 times while on test. Wears yet a precious jewel in hi s h ead. Chicago thiS wee . Water Pumps Contracting I John 'V. Fuller

The sire .of this cow, Spar Hill I:"ox- - Wlilliam Shakespeare. Mrs. Howard J~I~eston is spending Conversio,n Oil Burners daughters III the per formance r egIster .. . a month with her brothel', Dr. Walte r PI N k 63Y of the American Guernsey Cattle Club. ~o~el'l1 1l1 VentlOn has balllshed the Whitin and hi s daughters in Wichita Phone 576 110lle ewar

spmnlllg:whee l, a nd the same law of Fall s. ~exas. Dallas, T exas claims to have the progress ma k s the woman of today -Q_ 25 Thomson Circle Newark, Delawllre ' Phunbing, Healing

most beautiful gir ls in the United la di/Terent woman from her g rand- Dr. CYl'US L. Day is spending the ••••• II Oil Bllrner Infi la llnlioD

::.rates. mother.- Susan B. Anthony. \~:e~e~k~i~n~N~e~W~Y~O~rk~. ~~~~~§~~§~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~®~. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~~-~-~]~ I


Tek Tooth Brush, nylon ........... _.Sge Polident, large size ................ _ ..... Sge Peb·Ammo Tooth Paste, 3 oz. 4ge Lyons Tooth Paste, 2% oz . .... ..43e Colgate Dental Cream, e(o'y 63c

e Jpana To~th Paste, 4.2 oz . ...... 63e I . Kreml Kreme Dressing, 4 oz. 49c

I Lavoris, 9 oz. size ................ _ .. _ .... 45c I Glider Brushless, 5 01 . .... _ .... _.41e

Jergens Lotion, 6112 01 . ............ 49(

- - -

II Norwich Cherry Expectoranl.. .... 35e

, Sal Hepatica, 6 01 . .......... _ ... _.c>3c , S.T. 31 Antiseptic,S oz . ......... _S9c

I Pinex Ready Mixed, 3 oz . ...... 59c 4-Way Cold Tablets, 36s ....... _ . ..49c

r~ HewarkPharmac'llnc. ~) 18' E. MAIN STREET PHONE {8671


Free Pnr/;'ill IJ Free Delivery

~~~~ DALE'S )9S< I

19th ANNIVERSARY SALE Will Be Helj During Entire Month of February






FROM $2.50 EACH TO $].20 EACH FROM $3.00 EACH TO $1.50 EACH




MERVIN S. DALE jPII pIer & Silvnsmitl,

59 En I Muiu ll'C'c l CWIII'k , DcluWII.'c

Intlll sl l'ial Pipiug and

Pipe \Ve)(li ng

PUlllp Install atiol1 and

Repllj,· - All Types •••• - • - - • .•• II

- •••••• - • •• II

For ProlllPt Ser vice Call

L. and M. CAB

Phone Nell'(!rk

6434 24 11r. $prvice

• II ••••• II ••• I.!!

jim C. Shel~ FUNERAL




254 W_ Main treet Newark, Dcla wart

Phone 2-6131

-= --............... U# FOLLOW u. 8. IS

TO ,


~ Cb'trolr.l and' old.mobl1'

"Where Friencl3 Meel" AND


O pen Thurs. 'Til 9 o'Clock Ph. n cl. lI.y 4131 (or ~568 1

Ford Traotors aod

~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~§.~~§~~~~§~~~§~~§§§~~~~~~~§§§§§§§§§~§g Dearborn EqulpJIltot ...... '!J ---- .. ·ILlLWWW

wa l'k Pos t, Newark, Delaware, Thu r sday, January 31, 1952 Five

Social Events e lR 'LES OF' \V,S,C,S, WILL M EET T E .- D AY

'I'h Circle GIUUPS (l C the Woman's Society of hn \ian ~l'rvice of the Newark M th"eli I Chu rch w ill be held on Tu sday ,·,,('ning, February ,~ , at 8 o'clOck as (ull"w::

E n gaged



G~~e 4~~;~I:;b ,:eae;i~~n~fu~~:d S~~I':~: Ja:~~~; :::;,~~ ab~~nca~~m~!~~~d a~O~!~~ I recently elected olTicers fol' '52, who amak er's Auditorium, F bruary 7, 1952,

I are as follow s: P resident, Nancy Thorp; I sponsol'eel by the Altar Society of S t, vice president, Vit'gin ia Abrams; see- J ohn 's Church.

. I' tary-treasurel' and I' pOI' ter, Alice The fashion show will start a t I p .m. Amoroso; health chairman, Betty A prize for each table and a door Abrams, and ju n ior lead 1', Rut h An n prize witl be awarded, Any desired Lockard. game Illay be played, The public is

Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Bare ot N ew­ark arc receiving congratulations on the birth oC a daughte r , born January 27 ,


Major and Mrs. J 011n P . Da ly and chi ldren, P a tricia and Johnnie, of Alex­andria. V irginia , visited relativ shere over the past weekend. Major Dnly is chieC Nnvigator of Air Transport om­mand, stationed at National Airport, Washington. D. C. Major Dnly is the son of Mr. and Irs. J. P . Da ly, Sr. oC 206 Sou th oll ege Avenue

Mrs. Paul D. Lov tt , 01.1 Oak Road, and 1\1rs, J . Harvey Dickcy, 240 South Coll('gc A vcnuc, an' atlcnding the Area B. onfe r £'IlCCS of the.' An\cricnn Leg ion Auxilia l'y and Thl' American Legion and AfTilial NI Groups In Charleston, West VIrg in in, this week , Plans WIll be mad!' for Girls' Stale, Child Welfa re and RehnbiliiallUn. Area B. comprises Delaware, Distl'icl of

I The meeting was ca ll ed to order by cord ia lly inv ited .

-0-Ann G. McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J ohn M . H ag rty o C Prospcct

Mrs. J ohn Mc Lean, Chestnut H il l Road , Pa rk, Pa ., has been a house guest lhis has comple ted her basic tmining at , past week of Miss Martha Foard, 100 Lackland Ai r B usc, San Antonio, Texas, West Main h'eel.

olumuiu, 1\lar,l'land. N ew ,1 (' I'sry, New YOI'k, Pennsylvania , PU"l'lo Bico, V ir­g inin und W st Virginia . the p l'esident, followed by th see- T ickets may be obtained a t the door ircle No, 1 wilh ~ll's . Oliver Koc­

Jig, Jr, as I('adt'r tnt'c ts w ith Mrs. NC1"-m an Buchanan, 1:1 Choa te Sll'e I. I and has received the rating of private -0- 1\'lrs. Edward Thompson of W:II ... I" ' ,

IIrst closs. P r iva te McLean ntered the Miss Mary Ford oC the Flower H os- Ohio, hus been visiting at till' hOllle

retary and te l'asurer 's reporl. 01' by calling M,'S, Ivan Parsons.

I da~eut~~ ;~,:n~?C~~~~t. a;~~t~n~~ra~~~ D::t;;;a~it~~;o~~~~;~: e~e a!v;~~ab~~'~~~ Circlc No.2 with Mrs, Joseph B I'yan l eader m (,,, ts with Mrs. Clemac ~

iant, 4 Jo;ast Clt've la nd Avenue. Co­a rt' JIl l'S. II. I\1cCarns and

K<.' n nard.

then took ovcr and pl'esetn ed a very actel'lloon of the pnt'ly. Please contact jnterestin g hea lth program, Weig ht Mrs. H. R. McKenry, Jr. a nd measurement was taken of each for

service, on Nov mber 26, . and w ill n ow pi ta l, West Main Stree t, has I' turnen l Of. her .s isters, Miss Lydia Fad" ,' nnd be s tatIOn ed at Lowry All' F orce Base, Crom a th ree wee k 's v is it to Jackson- MISS Wln ifl' d Fadel'. D nvel', Co lorado. ville, Florida, where she vi si ted with

"eeo rd ing ill th e h ea lth project books. TOWN-C OUNTRY HOME Captain and Mrs. Robert Shirkey and The mee ting was then adjourned by the DEMONSTRATION CLUB two childl'on , Bruce and Dixie L ee, are

her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Alber t Lee Mrs. Mary Whi e of F eri l'ralllSu "g, FI·an kli n. Md., has been vsiting he,' "U!'r, II'S. No.3 \l'ith Mrs. J ohn Reyna"d

er mcets with Mrs, Clara Truitt, Avenu e.

NO. 4 with Mrs. Willi am Car­ml'ets with Miss Edna

27 North Co llege Avenue. Lange nbach w ill ass ist as I

Willinm C. Chalmers, west De luwar'l' I motion of Arlene Bull I' and Shel va The recen tly formed Town and Coun- vis itlllg Captalll Shll'key's pare'lls, Mr Mrs H e len M Wo llaston o f South

I La ws. try Home Demonstration Club WIll an~ Mrs .. J~seph Shirkey, I:akeSI?,e I College Avenue, IS spendlllg sevar;1 Avenue.

r hold ItS first meetlllg o n Tuesday eve- Dl'lve, Chrlstlll e Manor. Captalll Shll - days a t the VlIl eta, P a lm B each, Fla,

I MARK AYARS HOST fO nlll g, F b,uary 5, at 830 o 'clock at key has Just rtulned fl'Om .Korea as the guest of M ,'s. Mary Anderson KORNER KECTH 4-H CLUB the home of Mrs Hubert Melt ath. after comple tlllg . fifty-t wo mIssIons. , of the Dl a ke, ChIcago, who JS there for

- 0 -

MI'. William Walke r will It' UVl' Frt ­day ror a cruise oC South Amc'ricn ,

" I K~l~~~ ;~;';"~:~b ~~l~; '~~ I ~f a~h~h:~~~; co~~~ct ~~e e~~eeLt~'tn , PI eSI en ,WI a t Day ton, OhIO t 1e season. 5 with JIll'S. Maurice Field us

in thc church parlor and , . 8 with Mrs, Jacob Corre ll mee ts in the Junior room.

~ ., ~ 1 'Of Mat k Aya l s a t Milford Cross Roads Tex ttle pa llltlllg WIll be demonstrated , -~- .

*' 0 1M · d t ll/captalll Shllkey WIll now be statIOned I I ",' . Pl esldent Dolol es Lloyd conducted by Mrs Maty J a ne Brooks and Mrs M I'. and MI S. Belt Ropel o f Wlllte~ • ®

Miss Eleanor Ellzabcth Havis openlllg exercIses and the busllless Helen Melrath '~~~~I~~p~~~I~~,~th~~~I1~_~~,~e a~~e::~te~., FAS HION SHO\V CLASSIFIED

ADVS. a business ses ion o f each ve group the circles will join church parlor for devotions program.

No.6 with Mrs. George Schus­leader a nd Circle No. 7 with

Mary W alker as Jeader will com­th meetings at the home of Mrs.

H. McNeal, 217 East Ma in Street, ton Md. at 2:30. Co-hostesses o f a fiernoo n will be Mrs. Ida Easl-

and Mrs. George Schuste r .

MI'. and Mrs. Nathan Da vis of P aper :et~\ :;glO'l~~wCtl~~n~i~~!SeJe~~~~~s a~~:; WOMEN'S AUXILARY MI'. and Mrs. Samuel Fadel' of Chris- and Mi ll Road a nnou nce the engagement a Valentine's pa l' ty. Two committees MEETING TUESDAY EVE, tin e Manor. CARD PARTY of theit' da ughter , Miss E leanor Eliza- t k f th I - -0-

beth Davis, to Mr. Mcnitt J oseph .~~:r~r~~ tc~'I~m~U:a i ~CIU~~s ~~~e~n:~ The Wo.men's Auxili~I'Y of the First Miss Joan Ge taz of NoUingham T hill'S. Feb. 7 .. 1. :00 P.M. Buchanan, so n of MI'. and MI·s. Norman <l inga , Wayne Spa rk s, and Alta Wa r- Presbyterta~ Church WIll hold. the F eb- Road left Monday for New York City Buchanan of Choa te Street. rington ·the party comm ittee includes rual'Y meeting, Tue~day evenmg, Feb- where she will vi sit with he r grand­

Miss. Davis is a s tUdent at the N ew- Jo Ann 'LaFonta ine, Betty Poole, and Il'ua l'Y 5, at 8 o'clock JI1 the lec ture room parents, MI'. and Mrs. James L . GetaZ' j a rk HIg h School a nd MI'. Buchanan G ene Lloyd o f the chu l·ch. Sr. is employed with the duPont consll'uc- Discu ss io~ of last year's pl'ojects was l .A . skit "The K eepe" of the .Hou.rs" - 0-

lIon p roj ec t north of Newark . held and - 4-H pins and enrollment 11'1 11 be prcsented under th e d n ectlu,l MI'. a nd Mrs. Lewis F e ll , Jr., and

cards were rece ived. of MI'~. Alex D. CaO~be· et l' 11 of the Ex- M I'. Ellis Davis of 39 \0'" C leveland Ave-\ VOMEN OF ST TI-IOMAS Mr. Maurice Fie ld, county club agent, Thel e WIll b~ . .., g_ I' nue, spent the past weekend in Lan-

Sponsored by

Alt3l' S o c i e t y

S t. J o hn 's Chm'eh in

JrI ana maker A lu litorium " . showed an educational fi lm entitled ecu tive Commltwe at 7: IG ,, ··ecee IIlg castel', Pa. , vis iting Mr. Guy Lower, SCHEDULE MEETINGS "The 4-H Club F am ily ," Afterwards the regular meetll1;!. Mrs. Fell 's brothel'.

MR , GOFF HOSTESS TO The Women oC SI. Thomas w ill the club membe rs p layed games under "SPONSORS MI'. and Mrs. ;~~ond Watkins of ' ALEM CLUB GROUP ~~I~et;~:'.y~, eetingS during the month ;.~~ti~~·e~:!~t'~ "of P a ulin e Insinga , r ec- 0, E. S. Chesapeake City were dinner guests


Admission $1.00

T ickets Ava ilable Phone Newark 0464

The Newark Post does not knowlll~ ly accept help-wanted ndvertisem nlS wh ich violate the Wage Slabilization Rt!g'u lations. For information about w age controls, in . creases permitted, 01' m inimum waRt! and overtime pay requiremen ts of the Fede ra! Vlage and Hour Law, consult the U. S. Dc. pnrtmcnt of L abor's W age and Houl" OIl'Ice in Room 222 Federal Bldg.. Wlhnin~ton , Del., lelephone 4-6131 - Ext. 233. 6-8-U-no

H e lp Wante d

SMALL GRAY CAT. APPARENTLY A pc~. Owner please call 6592. l <U-Itc The Salem Home Demonstra tion Clllb Group 4, M,·s. William Hayes, leader, A picture of the Komer K e tch Club CAThReDoIPdeA"l!~:a~e~~~I~r w ill s pon- o"nn_ISa,"ylll, dMaYI, . Oafntdhe1\i~"ssO, nOall~vdel,daFu.ghwtea't': held the IIrst meetin g of 1952 at t he wi ll mee t in th e home of Mrs. George f d .,

J I Goff Salem Hoad doing a demons tra tion o · square anc- 501' a public card and bingo party on kins of Appleton. <S home of M.rs; osep 1 , residenl ' Dutton, 183 W. Ma in Stree t, on Tues- IIlg was on eitsplay a t th e ~atlOna l 4-H Friday evening, February 8, in the __ Mrs. Wl.litam Donne~ll, p ' ttee' day. F ebruary 5 a t 2 p.m. Since their CI b Ch id n ChIcago J

presided and the followmg c~mml . I J anuary meeting was cancelled the u ong ress e I . Masol1lc Building,

chairmen were ap~oi~ted : 1· lcltl' "zfeen~:.I~ ' prog ram on Brazil, pirected by ' Mrs. Tickets may be pUI'chased III advance llF YOU LIKE TO SING MI·s. K ennard Wlgg lllS, Cam y , . Theodore L Ludlow is again sched- FEBRUARY 8, DATE OF Crom the chairman, MIS C?I1I'ad L eWIS, thel e's more enjoyment

Elwood Hanna, hea lth and s~ ~etY~~i~' llled. '. THRIFT-RUMMAGE SALE ~~orand WI ll a lso be avaIlable at the ~o;c~" t~~~~);r,W~~'d a le~~~d new songs Eugen e C oleman; con;munl y i Group 2 wil l meet at the house nf FI' iday, February 8, is the new date h t 11 b ved and a ll Mrs. Frances Pel' ry ; nahonal. ~otes ane their leader, Mrs. Cyrus L. Day, 216 101' the th rift and l'ummage sa le which Refres men s WI C SC I DELA WARE SCHOOL OF MUSIC publicity, Mrs. El'Ilest Ir~Yi~ " a,~:~~~:~ Dallam Road , at 7:30 p.m. on Tues- wilt be he ld in the show room of Fader a l e welcome • 803 N Broom St. _ _ _ Phone 2-H4~ re!,orLs, Mrs. Jm~es Ste~ o~: scrap day, Februal'y 5, to continue work ing Motor Company by Group 4 o f the BIR'l'.HDAYS OBSER VED 0=====~================== atton, MI S. Geol ge Joh s.' , on their potte ry and j ewelry p l·oJect. h h ~ ------<0>

or a.t Door Wan ted

WOMAN TO MAKE SLIP COVERS FOR p rivate home. Phone New81'k 2-7692.

MAN FOR RAWLEIGH BUSINESS IN North New Castle County . L is t o ( cus­tomers (urn ished, R awleigh 's D epl. DEA 12 SAA. Chester, Pa., 01' see Wm. J , Carrigan, 304 J ITerson A ve ., Wilmin g­ton Manor. New Castle, D el.

-----For R e nt

book, Mrs. Joseph Goff ; sunshllle, MI S, The card party thi s group is sponsor- Fi~~\I~s'~;I\e~;: ~t ~t ~'~CO:C loCk. BY FRIENDSHIP TEMPE

iam C.m'ey

. I f I' the March ing will be he ld in th e P a rish House An yone wishing to contribute articl es The F ebruary birthdays will be cel- S hop Now . . .. SClve $ $ $ in OlLr donatIOn was votee 0 at 8 p.m. on F ebl'llary 14. Ticke ts will for th e sa le a re asked to call Mrs. ebra ted at the regular meeting this Mid.Season mosl inte resting program was de- be available next wee k a nd may be Barton Mackey. Friday evening, Fe brual'y I , of Friend-

upon for the yea r. purchased from any member of the Please note this is the sam e sal e as ship Temple No. 6, Pythian Sisters. M. K atherin e J ones, H ome Dem- g roup. was schedu led for Friday, F ebruary 1. Bcg inning with thi s month, Febru-

Agent for New CasU Cou n- Groups I and 3 wi ll mee t on Tues- ar y, regular mee tings will be h eld on Ik day, F ebruary 12 at 8 p.m. and 2 p.m. the IIrst and third Fridays of each

a ;~~~ ~~n l:~~,tening ta on respectively. De ta ils of the meeting ANDREA LOUISE COLE month.

res taken on achievemen t day w ill be announced in next wee k's CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY A harvest pa rty wi ll follow the meet-H ome I mp,ovement C'mtcst Newark Post. Andrea Louise Cole of III Trye Ave- ing on February 15.

by Mi"s ':onc·s. nue celebra ted he r fifth birthday with of officers wil l be h eld EBE NEZER M. y, A, F. a pal'ly on S a turday . BIRTHS

February Ill eeting at the home PRESENT PLAY FEB. 9 Party g uests included : Nancy Vel'- M,'. and Mrs. A lfred S. Maclary of . Will iam Donnell. Sunset Lake I Members o f th e M. Y. A. F . of th e non, Susan Maclat·y , Eddie a nd Judy 19 TYI'e Avenue are receiving congrat-

I Ebenezer Methodist Chul'ch w ill p~'e,~ Elaine Taylor , P aul Wickersh am , J ane ulations on th e bit'th of a daughte r , sent the ir play. "H ere Comes Charlte McFarlin, Teddy Jones, J oe Gregg, born January 24, in the D elawa re Hos­on Sa turday evenin g, F ebruary 9, in ,Tane and J anice Steele , J ane Hartman, pital.

'S PLANS ! ~~e c~~.7~7:n:e~~!b~~~~a~f ~~~l~:.ad Geo rge Murray, J a ne Wald r idge, and MI'. and Mrs. Chester B. BouseI' a l'e January mee tin g of the Blue MI'. J oseph M. Brown, Jr., is directing Barbara Gleekman. I rece iving cong ra tulations on the bi rth

-H C lub was h eld a t the h ome of ' the play, a three act comedy, by J ay Andrea L ouise is the da ughte r of of a son, bo rn J anuary 26, in the Del -ine D. J ohnson, 27 Center Tobias, and Rev. Edwin J . H orney a nd H ' t I

Wednesday evening, J anuary 23. M,'s Norris Greenplate w ill have the MI'. and MI's. David Cole. awa re OSp l a . __

L eora Wall e r, past pres id en~ , lead·in g roles. '.:- :":":- :" :-:" :":":-:" :-:" :":-:-:- :-:-:":-:-:": •• :-: •• : .. ; •• : .. :-;- ;- : •• ; .. ; •• ; •• : •• : •• ;-: •• :- :-: •• :-:-:-:-:-:":-:-:-t:' I the new officers as Co llow~: Other mem bers of th e cas t w ill be

Edward Wilson; vice-presl- Graham L omax, Be tt y and Paul A yars, :;: YI C 't Match I ~: n Joncs; secretary and re- Miss Ca therine Dempsey, Mrs. Melv in :1,: OU an 5.


: George; treasu rer, J ohn Dempsey, Mrs. Dorothy Nelson, Norris }

Greenp late and L indsay G reenp la te. ::: .J:

Young. club's planning committee out­the year's program to include

sewing, good grooming, heallh, on the highways, Creezing, gar-

ng and cooking. Maurice Fie ld , County 4-H di scussed project books and the need fOI' each membe,' to parents and family be for e

a proj ect.

r egular s tated meeting of the S . wi ll be held in the Masonic

Thursday evening, F ebruary o'clock.

Matron , Mrs, Sara h B. HoVl­and Worthy Patron, MI'. Samuel

Diehl will preside ,

Tickets for th e F eb"ua ry 9 perCol'm ,;, FRIGIDAIRE .:' ~I~~e ~:;~in~va~:~:~el:;'O~Ocl:~~n~::'s t~! ~!~ ..", .' ~ f host church. ,;. _ _ _ .1,

The publ ic is cordially invited to :i: R efrigerators Food Frr?ezers ~. allend. • ':' A to natic Washing Machines ,

MRS. DANN TEA HOSTESS l!,.! Rang;s ' Wat:o;,e;:ters Uryers l, TO LOCAL D, A, R. K b' & S ' " " M~'~s . S~:e~o~~i~r ~ant~a Ofh;:t~s;V~~ :1: itchen e a m ets c U/ ~s ~: Satu rday afternoon, F ebruary 2, at 2 ::: Sales & Service :a:

g~l~ckR~o the Cooch's Bridge Chapte r , :~: NEWARI( ELECTRIC CO. ~: Mrs. George R. Millel', State Regent, ::: 1 73 E. M ain Phone 2-6872 i

!';:f:r:~~~n~~~h~h~~:~a~! g':u=~~e~.~~ t: .. : .. :_: .. : .. : .. : .. ;,,: .. ; .. : .. :_:,,: .. : .. :_: .. :_:_: .. :_:_: .. : .. :_: .. : .. : .. ; .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :_:_: .. : .. :_;_:_; .. :_: .. :_:_:_:_:_:-:':: to be Saturday, F ebruary 23, in the Hotel duPont. The morning session wi ll s lart a t 9:45 a.m. followed by luncheon and an a Hernoon session.

The Nationa l D, A. R. Cong ress w ill be he ld in Washing ton, D. C. du ring the week o f Ap l' il 14.




Last week a t th e P ennsylvania F arm

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No finer selection o f V alentiTl e Can.ely anywhere

Whitnlan's Chocolates ill

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Buy I s Al Rhode'

Valentine Cards You can c hoose n ow from a fi n e selection

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Yardley Bond St. Set Toilet Water-L ip S tick,

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In a ll F r agr a n ce $1.50

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( EMERSON JO~N~ON. PI(' oPPo<;,rE ~rArE T~EA7f?E, NEW

./'" .," 581 2234 0., }f'yld !PI.,

OF'F'ICE SPACE FOR RENT IN THE American L egion Bldg. A pply t.o any L cg ionai re 01' phone 2-6821. 1- 17-Uc

LARGE WOOD-WORKING BUll.DlNG. Wm. J Barnard. Phone 2-6341, 11-29_tts

2 NEW HOUSES-5MALL. WM. J. BMt. nard. Phone 2-6341. 11_15_tfe

FEBRUARY I , 1st FLOOR APT. FRONT 4 rooms & bath. adults on ly. Phon e 47511 Lol' nppointment. 1-31-llc


ATTRACTIVE FRONT BEDROOM IN re nncd home, tw in beds. 1 01' 2 g irls, Phone 3807. 1-31-110


a nd electric range at a co ns ide r able d iscount. J umes Lee Pryor, 50U Ora nge

~~;1 4~~.r:~ng ton, Del. Phon e Wi~~~~~~

TURKEYS, ANY SIZE, OVEN DRESSED. R . J , F c l stnger , n eal' Og letown. Phone 4856. 12-27-tfc

AFRICAN VIOLETS DIFFERENT VARI­eties, Sunny Corner Greenhouse . Maude Mote, 171 Aeadamy Slreet, 8-30-18tp

I LOTS IN THE WOODS NEAR COOCHS. Easy ter m s. Wm. J . Barnard . Phone 2-6341. 12-20-tfc

DELICATESSEN STORE THRIVING BUS­iness. L ong lease. owner retiri ng, rea. son nbJe pri ce. F iore Nardo, 24 Ac,ldemy Street. 1-3-tic

BABY CHICKS: WH ITE ROCK. BARR f!: D Hock Crosses, Red s, Corn ish Game. L g~ horns, Babcock Strai n . ovcnclrcsscd chickens, Wh il'la wuy egg wash e rs . 10 tons hay. Also cus tom hatching . Ches tnut H Ili Poul Lry F al'm Hatchcl'Y. Phone 2-8661, Newark . 1-31- ltp

194 1 FORD DUMP TRUCK, I \~ TON, good conditi on . Dave Lew is. Pho ne 2327 .


COOLERATOR 75_L B. CAPACITY, EX­cellent condit ion, $ 15.00. Phone 456 1.

1-31- ltc

'37 PLYMOUTH COUPE-GOOD CONDI­tion, $90 .00. Tagged to 12-31-52. Phone 6322 after 6 P.M. 1-31-Itp

10 PC. WALNUT DINING ROOM SU ITf!: $50.00. P~on e 302: :... _____ ~

Mis cellaneous

FULL.ER BRUSH AND COMPLETE COS­mehe service. Phone Newark 6484. Anthony Bone. 8-23-tfc

BUSfN ESS OPPORTtJN1TY - MODERN service s ta ti on for lease to responsIble ind ividua l. located on Pulaski Hi ghway , U. S. Rou c 40, Norlh of Elkton, Md. Slll il ll capita l necessa ry. Add ress jn­QlIirle~ to Box 60. ex t. 5, Newark "ost . Newark , Delaware. l - 17-3tc

REFINISH YOUR OWN FLOORS-EASILY done with our Hig h-Speed Floor Sander. Inex pens ive. Newark Lumber C~:'8_ttc

IIEFRIGERATOR SERVICE AND SALES since 1933. Harvey Refri geration Co .. 27 Tyre Avenue. Phone 579, R- T8-tJe

PAPER HANGING-ALL WORK GUAR, nn1ccd, G . J . Ma tthews, Chris tiana. D 1. Pho ne New CaRn e 6R5A. l _'l_ l !ll p

Cr,.'SSPOOLS, SEPTIC TANKS CLEP_NED Odorless excavating. Free estimates. R J . West. Nottingham, Pa. R D 2, Phon. Oxford 651-J-1. 7-12-tt\

CUSTOM WATERFOWL IIATCHER't G eese and Ducks. Also turkey a nd ,l!uinea accented. No minimum charge. Lewis and Be ulah Wilkins. R 0 1 , New~ nrk, Del. 1-31-1£0

PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS c~ira~~oneP~~~io'G2 . Morton, Unlvj -3~~~~

COMPANION TO GO TO FLORIDA FOn about a rnonth's r est nnd (fshlnv, car furni sh ed s hare expenses. P hone New .. ark 8025.' 1-31_11c




* PHONE 2-6221

* 122 W e t Main Street



- ,


Plieo Stillz 439' B. Rced 352 Ile<JI.,key 's Frame ... 3131 R. Jones .... . 420 Pl_bers Brooks . .. .. . 4051A. Dle le 342 SIX' The N ewark Post, N ew ark, Delaware, Thursday, January 31, 1952 ~~~ . ::::: := ~~~ill ~~ . . ...... ~~~cl~d . .. . . m ~~==========~======~~~=~~=~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~~::~~~:3~~:~~~~=~

Del1e .. ...... 5261 Dllnd ...... .. 339' A.Dunn ...... 442 1 L I Blaney Uurm Lead Yello'l" L "T'::':;U'~~" ,:;;: H;::'~:~" .... ':"~H';!',~~~'~ ." ,::: The Sports Post Ray Crawfor( eat St ' . RJac~ Lyn:~ .. ~~' 4 39\ Lync~h~~~~~ . 4711EJliott ~~1~.8 ••• 378'Sin~~~;t,: . CIUb358 MIIt'i:berts Blue THenl SOcfor2e5rls Five To Eighth Season VictOlJ, Davies . ... . . . 383'Bcdnar k 473 Crookshank .. 344IA . Thomas ... 372 Witll ota s 4821C h 463 Bryant 28710. Dutton . ... 339 What about the popular fad of select-:~ ...... . 514 \8 0C ran 493 Neave 3081M. Macleary .. 407 ing All-America teams'! Actually there H~teh:~ ........ . '177 I B~le~~ :::::::: 177 Gray . .. . .. 3601V. Mahanna .. 464 is a tremendous amount of enthusiasm

Total .... . . 1993' Total . . .... 2087 Handicap 453IHandicap. .. . 195 and Interest shown on the part of

S eas on High Regis tered In

Swarth~ore Game With

31 Points eo .... Plant Wild Cals Tolal . .. .. 2140' Total 2135 sports fans everywhere in the se lect ion

Fisher . ..... n291TlIrner 456 NeweU.es Rustic Inn of these honor lineups. Fell .. . .. . . . . 4081Laws 46l G. Woodward 445lRobinsl)n ... . 366 A Yale man, Walter Camp, conceived --- . 'rurr .. ..... . 3791Fverett .. . . 436 J . Phillips .. .. 5021FIIlmore .. 420 the All-America idea in 1889 when he Ray Crawford, the sharp·sho?tlOg \ Cronhard t .... 4951 ;\~cCormack 434 l. Hopkins .. .. 4l0lCampbell ., 334 chose this method of honoring the \ gllard from Woodbury, N.J., conl1nues Del Collo . .. . 422!Adams ... . .. . 547 A. Chuhner .. 4081Boozer ., 382 best eleven football players he had to lead the Unive rsity of Delaware

Total ... . .. 22331 Total .... 2328 C. Chalmerss . 447lSassa~an . .. 411 seen in action during the season. Camp basketball ~ea.m in the scoring colu~n . S. N. Handicap . . , 1021Handicap .... 381 continued his selections in Colhers Latest statistics released by the 1\.a-

FrIeMly Five Total .. 23141 Total ..... . 2294 magazine each y aI', except 1917, till tiona 1 Collegiate Athletic . Bureau l1~ t Gibbs ... .... . 5241 NEWARK FRIDAY NIGHT LEAGUF. the lime of his death in March 1925. crawfOl:d as 18th best scorm~ leader 10 \ Zucco .... ... 4181 At first the eastern schools monopo the nahon and 9th 10 the nahon among

~:~~le~' ........ .... ;~~I (Forfeit) TO~li~:~r~~ . ~.~i7'77 l correl~~~~ 4;1 :~~~ol;l~eg~~tsio ~~!et~~~~a~~no~~l~: th~r~~10r~?salg:~~c~~ta::m~ear!~~~:d to 1 Sheaffer .... . 485 Thrope . . .. . . . 3991McCloskey 4 2 I . ting the growth and development date: , Dale . . . . . ... . 138 Richards 222lMitchell . . . 495 ~~P:~e game in other sections of the Washington College . 20

A. I. duPont Leads Yellowjacke ts AI Elul or Fi,.. Quarter But Locals Take Commall!l Fro",

There On To Will, 8063

Newark High School's high·flying Yellowjackets won th II' eightll of the season Tuesday night when they defeated A. I. duPont HIgh .!~.' 80 to 63, but had a few anxiious moments in so doing. ~

Led by Chauncey Dean and Bill Seymour, who collected W and 15 po~ r espective ly, the losers took command at the start of the contest > I

22 to 17 a t the end of the firs t period. Ild . ® W~th Bunny Blaney and Da. t ft llll

N .k S . E \leUd lllg the way. however. the Y ewar COl es asy jackets soon seW ed in to stride ~I

V. 0 N the second stanza and oulscortd ~ lctory ver e w Tigers 27 to 18 10 lend 44 to 40 "

C 1 II . h 67 29 halfway point. Newark conlin ~ ~ ast e I g, . control the situation througbo~1 ~

second half to hang up their ei!hi

Total .. .... 22861 Reed 416lEveland. 491 t. Muhlenberg . 24 TUESDAY NIGIlT LEAGUE Dunn . . 5141HIll . . 468 coun IY. Lehigh . . . .. 25 Ja.mes Wiley

Curtb Paper Co. M. A. C. Handicap. 4441Hand lcap 417 Walter Camp was gener~~ acc~Pted Temple .. 20 James Wiley, 19 year-old athlete YeIlowjackets Win Seventh Saindon . .... . 4161Smith .. ... . 381 Total . . . .. 2472' Total 2724 as the offiCial se~~ct~r.R' e~e :m:r J ohns Hopkins 26 fro m Newark i3 a member of the Contest of Season As Smith . .. ... .. . 2281Fen'y .... 312 Five Stars Lions Club ~~~se~re~;~t G~:; :;orts~~~ters, a took Rutgers . . . .. 26 varsity swim~ing squad at the U. S. Yoder . . . .. .. 3981Gregson 384 Dennslon . .. . 471 lTomhave . 467 as hi successor for Colliers but LaSalle .. 8 Naval Academy. Blaney Gets 44

win of the season against one kIe! Blaney aga in topped the &CO I

(collecting ) 6 fi Id goals and ret!

f~ul s for a 39-point total for the~~ nmg. Dav: ~urm contribu cd 17 point

Roman . ..... 451 lCrossan, F . . . . 402 Beers .. , 4651Klsh . 412 ~~~~ had ~ompeUhon. The All-Amer- Swarthmore 31 James, who is a. member of the ---Mitchell . . . . .. 2391Blind 406 Tressler .,. 447lStewart . 549 . Bo d was established in 1924 by Drexel Tech 24 class of '54, and hiS teammates face Newark High School's bask etball Boutin .. .... . 293lHandicap .... 420 E. Sprniger . 4751Mumford 447 I~:'st/"walsh and the International Pen~ . U . 14 a year of r ebuilding at the Academy team won its seventh victory in eight HandicDP . ... 3651 Handicap .. . . 2761Handicap 252 Ne~ls Service' selections were pub- \" Ursmus :. I~ under the directio~ of Lt. Cdr. John starts last week as the Yellowjackcts

Total . . . .. . 23911 Total . . . 2305 Total. . , 2134 Total .,. 2129 I1shed fo r ,the first lime that same year St. Joseph ~ . .. 19 Higgins, fo.rmer C?hlD ?tate AII-Amer- \ swamped William Penn High of NeVI Re4 Clay #2 T. N. T. Lucky Strikes Occola Lodge #5 One year later, the Associated Press Penn. Mlhtary College .. ... _ ican, who IS servmg IllS second season I Castle, 67 .to 29, in a game played on

Naudain ... . . 401 lF ritz 520 Perk loS .• 4421Jordan .. 448 entered their honor slate and the next 51 as coach of the Navy team. the local courts Stoutland .. . . 5041Davis 429 Haw ke 433'Ever<;tt . 4461 year, 1926, the United P;ess filed their , 2 4 • Bunny Blane; registered a new sea-

Klllir .... . . .. 4321Adams . . . .. . . 491 Sassaman 420lYoder 379 Over the years, coaches have se- - -- for 20 field goals and four fouls to

~~l~h~o:~n~~nl t~ort:~, f~ua~c On ~ The loss evened the record 10 •

season at three wins and three ~ for the losers.

A. I. duPont won the prellmbw)

{~~i~~c:~r~~:"33~ontest as the7 doWllEl

The box score: A. I. dUPon.

G. Sweede, forward ...... . 0

,. } 4

Stephe1l8On . . 4921McCormick .. . 439 Logan . . ' 480lCarkm 4471 selectlOns for the first time Average per game . ., 19 Lafayette CaptaIn son high in scoring as he connected

Wilson ... .. . 5511Blind 4;4 SteeI~ .. . .. .. 407 lMcCo.rmick 491 Iected All-Amenca teams, captams of college" player for post season honors. I B sketball S tar 'h ang up a 44-point total. HancUcnp 4351Handicap !8~ Handicap ... . 2371Handlcap . . . 351 the college elevens have been polled A wonderful back named Cliff Battles S a It was an easy win for the high-

Tolal. .. . . . . 2815: Total 2 Total .... .. 2182 Total 2211 for their choices, players have picked p!ayang for West Vlrglllia Wesleyan DeSpl'te S II Size fiying Newark combine and Coach Ray Cent. Fibre Red Clay #1 Ebenezer Church Newark Auto Sales all-opponent teams, and even Joe Fan sangle-handedly held a powerful Navy rna C· . k ' b t't t d f 1 h ' lub

R. Smith .. ... 4271 Nelson, Jr.. . . 3891Strickl and 430 himself has had an opportunity t o eleven to a seorless tie with his great --- . leslll~ I ~ ~ 1 ~e t r:~r a;on:isn~ted Jacquette . , 4391 Zucco .. 4531Letner . , . 240 select his fa vorites. running, kicking, and defensive play. P ete Can 'iI , 5-6 captain of the L a[- ~~mpe tOt ';l th~n way

Webb, forward ... .. ..... ~ Dean, forward .. ....... 9 Rumford, forward ....... Q

Johnson, forward ..... Q

\ \ , •

Galyen . .. 3971 Lynch . . 4121Boli iden 363 In 1926, the Centra l Press, with our He was perfection that day, and not ayette College basketball t eam, con- e con es a . Link . . ...... 4591 (Forfeit) Major . . , 4061Gree r 408 own Wilmington sportswriters leading jllst that one day only, for that year tinues to give convincing proof .this William tool< the preliminary clash HerbenCl' . ... 4141 K. Whiteman .. 4471Wilson 490 the parade, hit upon the idea of allow- he made more long touchdown runs season that there is room for the "Iit- betweeen the jllnior varsity quintets, HancUcap . . . 3091 Handicap 2821 Mendenhall III ing the football fans to pick their own than other college back ever has in tie man" in basketball. 36-34, needing an extra period to

Seymour, center 5 Laffe rty, center 0 Andrews, guard . 2 Wa.rd, guard .,. 3

I I I I , I I I I

Weygandt, guard 0 'Herold, guard ...... 0

Total ... . .. 24351 Handicap 496 All-America team. Each newspaper in one year, with the possible exception In the concensus of coaches who down the locals. Newark K. of P . Total . ..... 23891 Total ... .. 2538 this association printed ballot blanks of Red Grange of Illinois, yet he was saw him play, Carril is one of the The box score:

Conard .. 4421Ritchie 432 Team Standings on the sports page and results were passed lip by the se lectors though his best basketba ll p layers in college ranks William Penn Edmanson . 443i'l.\. Whiteman .. 429 Won Los~ polled throllghout the country. They deeds were well publicized, because thi s season. He led his team against , G.

F . P . Tota ls ...... 24 II t

M or 4241G Lomax 352 named it the "Real " All-America team Wes leyan's rating was not high enough. such opponents as LaSalle, Sienna and Kleckner, forward 2 2 6 j';'ewark

JO~da~ .... 4351C: Lom~x 4921 ~~:~~~el: . ch~;.~i; . : : : 5 ~ and fan response was terrific. It proved However, Navy chose him on its a ll New YorK University. Hanby, forward. . . . 0 1 1 G. 1. 1

Blind .... 3651K. Whiteman .. 5




5 Richards Dairy . . . . 3 one thing conclusively; the fans were opponent team, instead of the unani- Grabbing the limelight l ast season Thol'l1ton, forward 0 o 0 Blaney, forward .. 16 , I o 0 Skinner, forward 0 I ,

Handicap 1261Handicap Newark Auto Sales 3 definitely interested in the All-America mous All-American selection, Marchy when he was one of the top perform· H. Gee, forward 0 Total . ..... 22351 Tota l 2396 Oceola Lodge #5 3 idea. Schwartz of Notre Dame. Battles later ers of the Maroon five and averaged Haines, center ... . . . .. 2

CONT. FIDRE CO. LEAGUE Five Stars .. 4 All -sectional teams are now fixtures proved his wor th by his outstanding better than 12 points a game, Can·n Megginson, center 0 ~ ~ ~~soe~ts'fof:~::~d . . . ~ : o 2 Draper, center . . , 3 I

7 Hurm, center . .. . .. .. ' 7 I ' Born Dept. Machine Shop Lions Club ... on our sports scene, each section in record in profess iona l football. The reached the peak of his collegiate Snyder, guard . , . I J . Turr .. .. .. 441 1F. Bacon .. ... 386 Llicky Slnkes 4 tllrn pushing their own candidates for selectors missed him, and a great many career this season, when he tied the Kinsella, guard .. .

S. Rash . . . ... 3401R. Foraker . . . . 407 NEW LONDON GRANGE LEAGUE ~~~i~:ea~hl~o~IC;::~nI~;'~I~~~::'S~~I:e~~ ~~~f:'~a~~sO~~hal;~~t~~~r~e:n~U;~~i~~ ;4ai~~~~~ i~d~~~d~:~:C~~it~ym~"!r~! ~~I:~a~uagr~ard .. J . Douglass . .. 3931S. Colgain. 392 Larks Wrens ond and third teams were chosen in in the final selection . Davidson, captain of last yea r's team. Quigley, guard J. Sarapulski.. 451'C. Sharp 312 Joan St. John . 3761F. Conard 448 an e/Tort to honor those eliminated Everyone can't be named; many are He performed this feat ag~inst Buck· Totals L . Fell ...... 4641 E. Crowe . . . 457 H. Lester .. 3731C. Bush .. 429 by necessity. Still there were other overlooked, many overrated. But it nell , a better than average team. Newark J. Link .. . ... 5381Blind 318 K. Rash . . .. . 47GIStearns 414 grea ts to be recognized so honorable is a pleasant time, and hero worship Only three days before h e tied the G. F . Handicap .. . . 6361Handicap . . .. 711 J ohn St. Johnl 363'L. Bramble . . . 348 mention lists were pllblished. Then the is a part of our American tradition. record, Carri l scored 31 points to lead Blaney, forward ., .. 20 4

Total ...... 32631 Total 3097 B. Mackey 482iR. Bramble ... 577 Little All-America team was estab- One final thought; w ith so many La fayette in a w in over Muhlenberg. Skinner, forward . 0 ' 0 Speelalty -Fibre Tube Handicap .. .. 15 lished to bring nationa l honors to the all· American ·teams in existence I Playing against New York University Knotts, forward ... 1 2

Bryant 356\Fisher .... .. 448 Total .. . 20851 Tota l 23 16 less publicized Satllrday h eroes play- wonder what the players selected think in Madison Square Garden, he again Kase, forward . . .. 0 1 Foraker, Sr . . . 355\Hawk ' 422 "',\rllngs Eagles ing for smaller colleges. about the choices, themselves. It was top scorer, with 17 points. Gray, forward . 2 0 Kudo .. . . .... 378:Crowe ..... 342 D .Barlow . . 3551Barker . . . . 313 The All-American idea has ga ined wOli ldn't surprise me i[ they decided Although he was a star at Bethle Lawson, forward 0 0 Lloyd . .. .... 4831Edmanson 503 J . Bush .. . . 3181Van Pelt ... .. 307 such popular appea l that pre-season tha t they weren't the best, and picked hem High School before he entered Draper, center .. .. .... . I 1 Pyle ... 4441Barrow ... 526 A. Swan .. . . 33281'0wl .. . . 430 honor teams are now published by their own team. Some day we might college, Carri1 was considered too small Hurm, center . 3 1 Murpby .. ... 4671Blind 423 S. Lester .. .. . 38313. Kalll ... .. . 404


national magaz ines. In fact, w ith these see the All-American's AlI·American (or college basketball teams by most Seydell, gllard 0 2 Handicap .... 660lHandica p . .. . 81 R. Swan . . .. 428\G. KaJb ... . 473 crystal ball predictions, a boy can get team. coaches. Sparks, guard . . , 0 0

Total ..... . 31431 Tota l 3075 Hand icap 9 a good start toward an All-America Bramble, guard .. 0 2 CHRYSLER GmLS INTER PLANT Total . . . 18351 Total ... . .. 1927 berth one yea r, by starring at the I Cleaver, guard .. . 0 0

.. , 1 10

2 Sobolewsk i, guard 0 I

; ~~~~~~' g~~~d ~ 29 Bramble, guard .. 0 I


Cleaver, guard .. . . . . .... 0 I P . Tota ls ...... .. . .. . .. . . 33 II

4~ Score By Periods A. 1. duPont .. ... . 22 18 10 Jl. i :Kewark .... . .. .. . . 17 27 15 I·

~ \ GAME DATE CHANGED 3\ The date of the basketball, 7 between University o( DelawlI! l n the West Chester State Tcachtal ~ \ been changed from February lll 2 Monday, February 11th. The gw' o be played in Carpenter Field III

67 on the campus of the Univrll'\ Delaware.

Pbl Beads Mo Parts Cardinals Robnls end of the previous season. It is also GOING FORMAL? Totals ......... 27 13 S. Janney .. .. 3011A. Bednarek . . 279 J . Zucco . . ... 41611. Redding . 334 interesting to see which press service • Score By PerIods P. Brosius .... 27711. Hurley ..... 324 E. Dnrmen . .. . 3491S. Brown. 304 or which national magazine com es out See William Penn .. 5 II 5 8-29

Happiness is spir itual, born of ~ and Love. It Is lInselfish; therel

However things may seem, no evil cannot exist alone, but requinl thing Is Sllccess, and no good thing is mankind to , share it.-Mary Sj

S. Griesl .... 2771R. Sassaman . . 384 E. Astle ., 3731J. Redding . .. 297 first with an All-Amerca team, scoop· Newark . .. ..... 14 14 18 21-£7

MURRAY'S TOGGERY H. Gray .. ... . 4041B1ind . . , 202 A. J ohnson .. . 3091D. Nichol . .. 333 ing the others, so to speak. Handicap .... 661 J. Johnson ... 3911B. Nichol 335 In the present two platoon systems,

Total ... . .. 13251 Tota l .... 1294 Handicap ... . 72 some selectors have found the answer Whls Cats The Pods Total .. 18281 Total ...... 1675 to the difficult task of narrowing down

B. Cleaves . ... 276IM. Murray.. . . 252 Orioles Blue Jays the selection~ to the eleven "best" N ,Harrison .. . 295IV. Timmons ... 260 M. St. John . . 3231A. Lenhart . .. 306 men. They Simply name twenty-two K. Siple . . ... 338

IM .. Reed ..... 340 1 Sue Lp.st.er . . . 3601M. Lenhart . .. 292 play:rs ,supposedly offenSive .and de·

F. Janney .... 277'Blind . .. . .... 235 M. Heath .... 43918. Redding ... 385 fensl,,:e stars, but mostly offenSive, thus HandIcap .. . . 52 R. Heath . . . . 48610. Stearns .... 363 escapmg the blasts of thos~ who would

Totol .. . ... 11761 Total . . . . . . 1139 P. Lester . . .. 4201M. Sanborn ... 500 :ush. to defend the~ ~artlcular favor-

148 E. Main St. Newa.rk. Del. l'hone 28'1'll


We Rent Formal Clothes For A.ll Occasions

Men's Clothing • Shoes • Haberdasqery

NEWARK GmLS MAJOR LEAGUE I Handicap .. .. 45 g;stl~I::enwere elimlllated from the Blae Bens Cont. Dla. Fibre Total . . .... 20081 Total . . . . . . 1891 One thing is certain, the team mus~

P. ~ck ..... . 335lMcFarlan . . . . . 276 First Half Final Team Standings have a good season or there is little Smith ....... 3591Harlan . .. . .. . 353 Won Lost chance that its star player will be 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~===~ Gray , ....... 3911Barrow ...... 345 . Starlings . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 39 25 named. The records bear that out. I

Catering to Men For Over 25 Years

Jackson . ..... 425ISmith .... ... 399 Eagles ..... . 38 26 Usually the selectors follow the win· BlInd . . . .. .. 364IEdmonson .. . . 466 Orioles ....... , . , . . . . .. 36 28 ners, regardless of great ability else-Handlcap .... 117'Handlcap ... . 321 Cardinals ... .. . .... . , .. 34 30 where.

Total ... ... 1991' Total .. , 2162 Blue Jays .. . .. . .. . .... 32 32 A game I saw at Annapolis in 1931 Team Standings Wrens . ... .. ..... . . .. .. . 29 35 stands out In my mind as an excellent

K. of P . ... . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. 6 0 Robins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 38 illustration of this, plus another prac·

; ~ .. TC"'::::::: :: : :: :::: ~ ~ Larks ........ 22 42 tice, that of rewarding the "major

WAI:TON WELL DRILLING, INC. Rey Clay #2 . . ... .. ... . . 3 3 Cont. Fibre ... . . . ........ 3 3 Curtis Paper . . ..... .. ... 3 3 Red Clay #1 .... , .. 2 4 Newark ........ . 5

GVlID your right to drive -

lot farm Bu rtau auto In,uran,. protect your right to drive under new ''0'. law, effectivi January 1, 1952. Get low colt, "onaness· obi, protect ion from the largest Insvrer of autos In O,lowa" .

R. S. JARMON 14 Kells Avenue

Phone 2232

'(1I!" RIIII nil Mlltunl Alilo 1m, rcOUII (0 ( n I lJ V II. \J'" ()~., 0


For Estimates Call


, ?')?

Paper Mill Road, RD 3


As yr.<J add regularly to your Savings Ac.

count in this bank, you are gaining more

than a safe reserve for future security.

Your thrilt is building your self·confi·

d ence, your happiness, and your greater

success. It pays, in many ways, to be a'

steady saver.

F armers Trust Company Ser"ing Thu Communi&)' Sinee 1856

,j'ember oj the F. D. I. C.

poId'lour Jlo.sJ

(WOteYou Buy 8!lv Car, Disrovet the

Nash Ambassador 1 Come Re how easy It Is to own. luxurious new Nash Ambassador Airflyte-the world's most modem car, with scores of wonderful. exclusive features, like the Airliner R~lining Seat, Weather Eye Conditioned Air System. Airtlytc Construction, Twin Beds. And now we can offer ,ou a truly generous trade·in allowance that will put rou right in the driver'. seat.

".,.II_IN ..... ~".,. c."., ..... Dftroll, Mia.


TV 'un. Watdl'auI Wflhman TV Teen Onll iii AlC HetwortI.'

failure.-Samuel LongfeJlow. Eddy.



Esco Freezers s tore "frozen" cnjoy the convenience of"

fresh fruits , vegetables, m ea ts, ESCO Freezer . d ~ poultry, seafood-in and out of ESCO Free7ers are 1111 e ~ season-ready for instant u e. 12, 16,20,24, 32 nnd 40~' ri Meal planning is a pleasure, Mod e ls to meet the nee ~ unexpectedguestswekome a od your famil y. Slo/' mlOdar

Dr ~ better living yours when you for free descriIJl:r'e "ttr~ tl

2-year food warranty ·- 5-year protection plan

none 01' write 01U Laeal Representative

H. M. EVANS, Jr. 74 E. ClevelaJld A; Pbolle Newark 2-8561 Newark. J)e

Alter 5:38 P oM,


G . •. ... 0 • II ,

.. , 0 • 0 ,. !I • 0 • 2 , 3 • 0 • D • 24 .1

G . .. .. 18 ,

0 3 1 :I 7 0

.. ,." ......

The Newark Post, Newark, Delawa re, Thursday, January 31, 1952

Back Again For The 69th T ime !

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6, 1952 Wpmipgton merchants. aga in offer you . pecial va lues in thIs bIg, one-day bargam event. F or rea l savings - come spepd the day. It's convenient fo r you : . . a nd so wise and thrifty, too I

You Are Cordially Invited To Attend The

First Showing of the

BIG New'52 FORD in our showroom


We will donate 10c to March of Dimes cam-paign for every regis tered visitor over 16 years of age.

A Free Lubrication Cer tificate will be awa l'c1 -ed every hour to some lucky vi sitor.

FADER MOTOR COMPANY 42 W. Main Street Newark, Del.


the bit


O{/{;-/'iqes them :111/ The '52 Ford givlS you rid ing comfort such as you have never before experienced In a cor In the low-price fleld. "" Ith front .prings tailored to the weight of o~ch model, longer rear .prlngs and d iagonally mounted shoe\!. absorbers, Ford 's Automatic Ride Contro gives you the smoothest, e asiest ride of them all - a level ride on stra ightaways, an 6ven keel on curves.

Th. '52 for" ~ 100ge, wheelbase, wider front tread and greater length. It' J big ouhide and big inside, with spacioul . eatlng for six anJ the largllst luggage locker of the m all.

With narrow", comer pnlors, p lctur. wl.-dows all around and a rea r window that', .. 8% larger you have "oil-direction" vision that odds to YOUI' en joyment and your Jafety.


Ford'~ completely new lOt -h.p. high-compression, low-friction Six, with free-turning ove rhead valves, Is the most mode rn Six in the industry. And ford 's high-compression V-S, now 110 h.p., is the most powerfUl engine in the low-pr"e fl eld. Both are avanab~e with performance -prove d Fordomat lc Drive.

80th the "ew Ford M~eoge Make r Six and the Stra ta-Star v-a have the exclusive Ford Automat ic Power Pilot. This com­pletely Integrated corburetion-Ignl"on-combustion syst e m gives you high-compression "go" on " re Qula r" gas.

Ford's new Coachcraft Bodills are longer, stronger .• . d is .. tinctl • ., In their modem be auty. lb • .,. offer new hull-tight construction which seals out dust, wooth.r and nobe. And Ford has more color and upholste ry OJ~binaHons than any other caf in its fleldl

With such modem d esign and engineering fe atures as n_ Flight-StYI. Control Panel, ne w Power- Pivot Clutdl ood Brake Pedals, new Center· FiII Fueling, a nd ne w counte rba l­a nced hood and deck nd, Ford odds up to more doUors and cents value thon any cor In its prke doni •

' ordomoHe DrtN, ~trd"""" v ita. hdcvmU ,Crt, U./ atoU­abi.) and 11,00-10 "1: 00/0'" oa C .... tomlinc • ' (du" o",iutUll oC n lra COlli, f:qWI""'I~"t, "ot~ 1Ont:. ond I, i,,. .ubI'" • eA4n,. ",it/wwt _ollM.

Come In and .u It Friday

F .C.A.




Know Your Schools New Filnl On Bank, Check P1'ocellul'es

The Newark Post. Newark . Delaware. Thursday, January 31, 1952

The earliest m en counted on the ir flng 1'8 and even on their toes which seem to account for our system of counting by fives, tens, and twenties.


Donated To cbool By. A. J . Tborourhrood

J1'. Ac.bievenlent (Continued Froln Page 1) The bell buu.ed for s nior lunch

period at noon today just as I was

By the Journalism Class Editor, A.nhur Bouldea

~~~:;~~gth~O s~~~O~cl~~~~I~:i~~i~vg~!~,~ The film libr ry at N wark High lOng- legged fellows in blue jeans School has received a ncw ftIm en titled dashed down the walk , tore across the "Pay to the Ord I' of . . . ... " which Studen~ of ~he Week -lawns, and madly catapulted hedges will be usefu l in teaching basic facts Roy Blomquist in Paul Bunyan fashion. Girl s rushed about bank checks to business students We have an up and coming accord-out stil l tying on scarves and slufTing and other groupS. The ftIm was pre- ionist in N.H.S. by the name of Roy arms into wintc r coa ts. What 1 saw senled (0 th loca l school by the N ew- Blomquist. He receives quite a bit of might properly bc label d "Frantic ark Trust Company. applause from the "udi nce each time Exodus at Lunch Time." If was, of vi~~:r t~u~~~iO~rd~:~ o~ ;~I~'~~'d i\~ he p dorms for them. Roy was born

MI'. Haien stated that the idea has become very popular in the Detroit ar a and is spreading over the coun­try. Industrial and educational leaders are hearty endorsers of the program which gives the students the urge to usc their own initiative and abilities in actua l business practice.

M mbers of the Lions Club showed grea t interest in the movement and MI'. Ha ien was asked many questions pertaining to the finer points o( the program by the audience.

lunch "uptown." ~::~~~o~~ ap~:~ra~ . t Jt"'S~~~':~'\~~ t~ ,,~ . ~ - ~~~~~.~~~:a:t~:n2:: course, th > rush of our tecn-agers to t f h . I bJi \1d in Wilmington, Del-

When ( (\nally rcached the main writc a check, exp lains various types _ cd the Richardson en trance to the high school building, o( endorsem nts, gives the r easons why Park, and Newark II decided that lunch time in the New- checks arc uscd ,and exp la ins what schools. He thinks ark Schools might be an in te resting may happen to an individual check in N.H.S. is the be. t of (Op'C fo,' study . 1 ponde led the ques- completing a payment. the two and has no suggestions for tlOn of where to start and utlmcd Accompanying the film is a Teach- any -changes to be made to make the several npproaches: students, admin- ers' Ma nual prepared by Dr. H arold school b ltCI'. istralors, and cafeter ia director, in this Clark of Teachers College, Columb,a He is taking the scientific course order. University, which gives teacher. an a nd selects shop as h is most enjoyablc

1 decided to question s veral or the ou tli?e (01' introducing the fi lm and subject. His favorite teacher is Ell s­stud nts ( had .s en fl ying uptown ~~o:,::sda~~w:rsd;~C~~~~~onpse;.~:! n;:I~ worth HotTman. Roy's hobby is boat

Walter Powell and Fred Evans were in charge of the program o( the eve­ning, and arranged with John McDow­ell, director o( public relations at the loca l tank plant, to have the speaker appear. Herman Hand lon" second vice­president, was in charge of the eve­ning's meeting in the absence of C. Harold Sheaffer , president.


dt ~~a~ ~~~.~~gp;.~c :,~~a~h~x~~:~ lowing its showing. ~~~~I~' ~1~;~~~~a:.~~s.~~hOOI he thinks

... _-_ .... -- ~- , ........... --......... ~-..

Street re,; taurants. Their flgurcS .' When I asked Roy what he thinks showed no specia l pecuniary advan- is no mon itor-type teacher 01' Janttor- about going steady, he replied "Not tage over lunch in OU I' school ca(e- ia l supervi sion, and an attempt IS made much." Roy has brown hair and brown teria. Their answers to my question to create a pi asant atmosphere for all eyes, wc ighs 142 pounds. After com­concern ing th ir reasons for rush ing during lunch hours. Rece~tly recorded pleting his high school education he to a crowded eating p lace "uptown" music has been made avaIlable dunng plans to en ter c:, lIe


nrc interesting, I believe: " Well ," said lunch periods. . - - -= one, "we have to bea t the college boys . At pl'e~ent o~r school realIZes that i( we want to get a seat and service." ItS (acllltles durmg lunch \lme are not ELK Th t

I uizzed them conccl'lling their r e(- all .that we might des ire in the cafe- ea re eren~e for the lunch away from school. tena and the play court where the , One answered, 'Oh, it' s a changC. Be- students may go to dance a fler eatlOg . ' • .'d th . ang 'ocs therc." Another lunch; however, eve ry etTort IS b elO g Healthful A&r Condd&oned Sl es, egg k there" made to make school lunches as at-stated, "You can sma e up. '. tractive, nutritious, and inexpensive Winter and Summer

When I ta lked abou t lunch tIme WIth a sossible. Lunch "utown," although Elk M 1 Ph 92 thc principa l, MI'. Kutz, he rcm~rked often ru shed and crowded, doubtl ess lon, ( . one thaI the problem o( OU I' students eat- otTers an cnticing freedom wh ich our ing lunches away from the school faculty and administration well under­grounds 's or concern to the school stand. We are concerned with good especiall y because of the automob Iles lunches, reasonable prices, and the in volved; on the other hand, he stated safety of a ll o( our students. that the school does understand and Lunch Times appreciate a teen-ager's des ire to b': Grudes 1_2_ 11 :25-12:15. free at lunch time from teachers ano Grades 3_4_ 11:30-12:00 cafeter ia supervision. Grades 5-6- 12:20-1 :00

During a brief conference with M I'. Grades 7_9_ 12.05-12:35 Henry Brader, E lementary School Grades 10_12- 12:55-1:30. Superviso r, I learned that the p roblem Cafe teria. Prices For Students or thcir students' leaving school during Sandwiches $.05-$.15 lunch time is a lmost non ex istc:'l\ Milk .06

Friday February 1

"COlne Fill the Cup~' with

JJ'l illilltn Holden , Nancy Olson

Saturday February 2 DOI.tble F eal",re

"N evada Bad Men" 11 ith

Wlri,p Wilsoll , Fussy Knight since no more than thirty students in Chocolate Milk .09 gr ades onc to six go h omc for lunch. Pie .10 Most o( these students live in 'dle . ' Ik $ 25 "P k f G I' vicin ity o( the schOOl. toial~tters, including wh,t m" 01' ' y 0 aso Ine

Cafeteria. Services Platters, including chocolate milk Alley" 1'1:~ben~;rs~a~~,e (li~~~:Sto ;00 (v~s~~ ;:;;: $.27 total. I \ t eria, during one of her very rare frep. __ ------.- -0 \ with moments. She di scussed prices, (oud., I, S_co_tt.y Beckett, Jimmie Lydon tables and chairs available, serVICe lines, and other phases so important Ogletown $14,750 \ Sunday February 3 in operating a cafeteria. Mrs. Marshall "p. k U "


indicated that she has frequently asked Frame, story and a half, SIX I Ie • p our Stud nt Council to bring student rooms; 1',2 baths; % acre; oil, hot complaints to her, to offer suggestions 'wa ter heat; li ving room 14 x 15 with for menus, and to set forth other ide"s 'with flrcp lace bracketed by book I Beverly Michaels , Hugo Haas they may have. She fee ls t hat t he s,,-,- shelves. 1------------

::"..;,~~£~~~:;;,~~":::". :::' ., W,,' .".w." A., ,,,00' I M·" ;;H~ng Ko~~~· ,., ~:yd;:,~m7:,:d~h~U~~~!blea:\~:~~:,~,~~ F"ame, three stories; eight r ooms I i,1/. T edmicolo


and bath ; lot 75 x 200; oil , hot \ tVl'tl·

The EASTWOOD SET as ad­vertised in lOOK and liFE

Engagemen t Ring $ 100.00, a lso from $175.00 to $1300.00

Bride's CIrclet $75.00

using our cafeteria services on one • day. The result of the one-day check air hea t; living room 14 x 18; was a figure between 1300 and 1400. fireplace in den. Ron.ald Reagan

~l~l~arnltr~~~~t~\,~~: ' di amond guarantecd

Mrs. Marshall went on to r emark that Rhonda Flerning if all students (1750) in our sch oo l we re to remain at schoo l for lunch on 303 West Main St reet $22,500 1 Wed.-Thurs. Feb. 6-7

rur colo r. clarity , cut ~ (" ytl~~i5 ~~}~d t r~rei~~~; t ~~,. prou:cuon. 'tIS

"TRADE ... ~RK RECi. ~. one day, the cafeteria stafl would not Frame, three stories; eight rooms be able to hand le the situation; how- and bath; lot 60 x 325; oil, h ot air "Distapt Drums" ever she believes that our ca feteria could take care of more t han we are

in T echnicolor heat; double living room approx.

14 x 30.

prices Include Federal tax lUnill cnluacd to , how delaU·

Gary COOIJer, Mari Aldon noW serv ing.

Al though there are lines during ------------------------Friday February 8

Gregg ,Jewelers l unch time in our cafeteri a, the wai t­ing period is not l ong, certainly not as long as the time requ ired to rush uptown and to be served. The cafe­teria food is nutritious, and prices are lower than restaurant prices in town. An attempt is made constantly to change m enus, incorporate Suggestions or students, and co-opera te with stu­dents and faculty in every way. There





Tuxedos, Cutaways, Full Dress, Wh.lle Formals.


Reasonable Rates

Your Arrow Store

214 West Park Place $12,750

Frame, two story; six rooms and bath; lot 50 x 150; oil, hot ail' heat; living room irregu lar 15 x 20. Approved for G. I. Buyers.

$11 ,500 Gordy Estates Take over ex isting GI Mortgage.


Tuesday and Friday


lOO~ !!;?~~ R~lm, ~5~ E. Main S~. Newark

"The Moh" and SUversmltJul

Sunbeam. Universal and 0 , E.

with Broderick Crawford

Betty Buehler

Small Electrla AppUanceti

t";8 E , MaID St. Phone Z434I

Authorized Artcarved Jewel.,

. , ••••••••••••••• II II ••••••• II.

REALESTATE IS MOVING In the last few llJeeks we have sole! the following properties 25 Benny Street 318 Delaware Circle 55 K ells Avenue Ranch H ouse Christiana Church 12 East Cleveland Avenue Home in Christiana 91 East Cleveland Avenue Home Coach 's Bridge Road · 126 East Park Place Home in Stanton ~11 Academy Street Brick h ome Captol Trail 71 5 Academy Street Farm Corner Ketch 306 East Main Slreet Home in Silv iew

Home Delaplane Manor Home Glasgow

269 East Main Street 244 Kells Avenue

In add ition to the above list we have sold in the past w eek #37 Choate Street Ranch House, Cooper F arm

SELLING IS OUR BUSINESS Here are a (ew of the good buys we still have



SLIG~;~E~~~:~e:EAR Can Grover Surratt 2269 Newark Delaware ~===========~.~®===========~ Annabella Street

¢ _________________ c;> Nine rooms, bath, full size cemented basement , new G.E. oil hot water heat-Ing plant cos~ over $2.000. Asbestos shingle roof, three car garage, corner lot, qulck posseSSIOn. No better buy in Newark, $11 ,000.

Skill- Experience


Prescription-filling dependability is our keynote! The skill and many years of experience of our professional pharmacists assure you only accurate results.

When necessary we will be glad to pick up your prcscriplion, fi il and deliver it to you .


7:>' E, MaID Dial Z900 - Ul3

Capitol Trail Lot 82 It. front on Capitol Trail with Two Trailers, one 25 (t, three rooms, all modern and nearly ne\~. Origina l cost $3500. Second good condition renting $7.00 per. wee~. If. you hke trailer life here is an opportunity to beat the high rents. WIth n,.ce mcome which w ill carry the whole investment.

Large tra Iler possession at settlement. All fo), ~nl y $6,000.

Elkton-Newark Roari Two year old Bungalow, masonry conslruction, lot 50x250 fl . Full size cemented basemen I, oil heat, beautifu l condition, possession at settlem nt. Good bu at $10.000. Elkton school bus. y

AmsLel Avenu.e Three (urn.i ~hed apartment building, oil hot water heat, two car garage, room for 10 addll10nal ga rages. A bargain for $16,000.00.

If you want to buy or seU-give us a caU.

LAWSON STARCHER Real Estate & Insurance



GIbby YOllDJ (Sal_a)

. I ••••••••••••• • m ••••••••• ••


II' • ... y to ... whet you' ... p.nding wh •• you .hop et AlP b.cau .. pri ... ... pl,l.ly m.rk.d o •• 11 11,m., II w.1I II on !h •• hoIYIl. , ~nd ~o n .. d to '.lUI" whll you' .. p.ying for .t A'PI Etch .rt,clo you buy" ,t.m".d on tho c .. h .. gi.ler . lI p you ro"ivo who. you ch.ck oul, Wh,l. hllp in chlcking

your purch .... II homll



2 6 -01 25C ~ Cans

I, '. ~~""., ~~. ~ .. \, Prices In this ad effective through Saturday, Feb. 2nd.


large 25C heads

cello, 19c carton

fO I 29C

Sljnach IEGA~~Ntp~~~:g ~,J~~~MED Broccoli NO~E:~:'~EC;:~\~HEI

';~': 19c ~;~:h 25c

SnGw Crop Lima BeansF~~~~~x '~i~ '2.~t ' Seabrook Farms P~as .. OlEN '~~' \9t Ocea:, Perch CA:~~i~NHN ~~~ 'a9t

!!.f' Seedless Raisins ' ~k~' IBc Snor~ Crop Cauliflower FIOZEN '~k;' 25c

Strawl:erries CORT;:~I~HOlf 1;,;;' 29t ~


Pork Loin Roasts LOIN END

Cuts Averaging 3 to 31h Poundl RIB END ,op.,';s

Cuts Averag ing 3 to 4 Pounds

Ib·37e Ib·2ge Loin Half, Ib, 490

Rib Half, lb. 3ge A Ie P Apple Sauce FANCY 2 16·., 21 c

A Ie P Sauer Kraut '~~~' lOc; 2 2:~~: 25c ~ ~ TENDERED SHORT SHANK


Liverwurst n~D~~~cH Sandwich S"read ~~~~ Bologna OSCA;~n~~.Y:~;;.\ONG

~;: 31c I;:; 33c

lb 59c lb 63c

Broadcast Sliced Bacon Lamb Liver Baked Loaf '~~ ~1~,~~C:~1 Sliced Cheese AM:,t,!.~~~OOI

!~g 4ge II. 63e

%-Ib 35e %-Ib 31e

Sliced Bologna osc~:~:YEI -------------------------AT THIS ATTlACTlVE PIICI YOU WIll WANT TO IUY SEVERAL 5-lb BOXES fOl YOUI DEEP FlEEZE 5~· $2.49 TEXAS SHRIMP 3~!~~5 lb. 5311

y----~. ~~:!.:~"'~ ~~.~~:~":. ~L ~~:':~.S,.: ,;1 • be. And when you no t. the lJIHra~v. pdcu marked on every can cf libby' s products ,

• (as thoy ... on Oyory illm in tho .tore)' you'll 1.0 tompted to try thom all .

TOMATO JUICE ~~~6~ 2 ~A~~ 25c 4t~; 27C


Pork & Beans DE~~B:~~WN 2 )4-.. 25c Bartl.tt Pears LIBBY'S ':~:' 21e \ Corn S~~~EY~IG~~~~ ~~~~L 2 ,':;:' 35c Fruit Cocktail LIBBY'S 2 17-., 4§e ) Sweet P!as ~~:ri~~ 2 17-.. 35c Dill Pickles LIBBY'S ",::' 3le < Peaches m:,~~sE5y~~OH~t~~'~O 29-01 29c Sliced Bep-ts LIBBY'S I I~; ' 15e)

LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 ~A~~ 23c: 2 ~A~S 49c

" ~.----../~ - -~~ FLOUR FA~~~rg:I~~TRl ~~~ 39c ~~~ 75c 2~~~ $1.75 FLOUR PI~~~U~ciLDC~:~~ZA t~~ 5011 I~~I: 95c 2:~~ $2.25 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP R~~~E~D ' 3 1~1~~_.01 3~c A & P GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS R~~~c~~D 2 I boot 2ge

IONA TOMATO JUICE R:~~~ID 2 18-01 23c 46-0. 23°

PABLUM BABY CEREAL RpE~~~:? ~~ 19c !il

: 35e

BUTTER FA~g~~~!~ERY \~i~~~d Ib 9~ c p;'iti 8ge

t~F A '/4 -LB sl'tc!: OF NUc~l AN UP


JELL-O 12PkQSs1.00


Green Giant Peas 2 1:;:: 33c Beef S' ew ~g:;:E 2;'.;~' 51 c Philips Soup ~~~',~~~ "N ':::i: 2 10 '1, ., 21c Niblet's Corn :~::" lTc 2 :::;: 35c Faust Salmon 1-0. ,.n 4tc ~-



EGGS DA~E~Z~~~ON 49c


NUCOA co~\~~~,~~GA,.~~~AGE 28C ~ lountyalist Peas 2 1,:~.: 21e Fruit Cocktail SULTANA 2~~~' 33e laro S yrup ~~~~L ~'~',;:~ 21 c ~~~ 5ge Ched-O-Bit AMU~:~1E0:O~~EN10 :;~bl SSe Mild Cheddar Cheese Ib 4ge

~-~1 . ( JELLY .i~~~, 29C

L~ Corner Main and Balnc.. StreeU