COUNCILLORS FOR BARROW NAME Phone No. EMAIL Cllr Richard Ford 811897 [email protected] Cllr Graham Judge CHAIRMAN 810994 [email protected] Cllr Zigurds Kronbergs 811752 [email protected] Cllr John Pearson VICE CHAIRMAN 811259 [email protected] Cllr Philip Ratcliffe 811874 [email protected] Cllr Martin Sanders 811137 [email protected] Cllr Peter Wesley 394493 [email protected] Cllr Mike Wilcock 810424 [email protected] COUNCILLORS FOR DENHAM Cllr David Cousins 811754 [email protected] Cllr David Holmes 810653 [email protected] PARISH CLERK Mrs Kat Bowe 14 Brittons Road, Barrow, IP29 5AF 811027 07917 509009 [email protected] Website barrowcumdenhampc.com COUNTY COUNCILLOR Cllr Karen Soons 07864 601887 [email protected] BOROUGH COUNCILLOR Cllr Ian Houlder 810074 [email protected] POLICE INFORMATION Suffolk Police 01473 613500 NEWSLINK Keeping you in touch with Barrow cum Denham Summer 2017 The Parish Council are grateful for the support of CDC Truck Accesso- ries Ltd and Pigeon Investment Management Ltd for sponsoring this publication.

COUNCILLORS FOR BARROW NEWSLINK · If you would like to volunteer your services please contact us via the helpline number. If you’d like our assistance, ring the helpline number

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Page 1: COUNCILLORS FOR BARROW NEWSLINK · If you would like to volunteer your services please contact us via the helpline number. If you’d like our assistance, ring the helpline number


NAME Phone No.


Cllr Richard Ford 811897 [email protected]

Cllr Graham Judge CHAIRMAN


[email protected]

Cllr Zigurds Kronbergs 811752 [email protected]

Cllr John Pearson VICE CHAIRMAN

811259 [email protected]

Cllr Philip Ratcliffe 811874 [email protected]

Cllr Martin Sanders 811137 [email protected]

Cllr Peter Wesley 394493 [email protected]

Cllr Mike Wilcock 810424 [email protected]


Cllr David Cousins 811754 [email protected]

Cllr David Holmes 810653 [email protected]


Mrs Kat Bowe 14 Brittons Road, Barrow, IP29 5AF

811027 07917 509009

[email protected]




Cllr Karen Soons 07864 601887

[email protected]


Cllr Ian Houlder 810074 [email protected]


Suffolk Police 01473 613500

NEWSLINK Keeping you in touch with Barrow cum


Summer 2017

The Parish Council are grateful for the support of CDC Truck Accesso-ries Ltd and Pigeon Investment Management Ltd for sponsoring this


Page 2: COUNCILLORS FOR BARROW NEWSLINK · If you would like to volunteer your services please contact us via the helpline number. If you’d like our assistance, ring the helpline number


The council has received a letter of resignation from Councillor Alistair Ponder who has taken up a new job and will be moving away from the village. A formal ‘notice’ advertising the vacancy will be posted on the Parish Notice Boards in the next few days. Assuming that there is no appetite from parishioners for a by-election, it will be for the Parish Council to make an appointment to fill this casual vacancy. If being a Parish Councillor is of interest to you, and you want to know more about what the role entails, please feel free to give me a call on 810994, or email me at [email protected] Speeding

One of the continuing issues that the Parish Council has to deal with, is the continuing problem of ‘Speeding’ within Barrow and Denham. This generates a high number of complaints to the Parish Council and, at our request, Suffolk Highways conducted speed surveys along both Barrow Hill, and Bury Road; two of the main areas of concern. We also have issues along Colethorpe Lane with many drivers ignoring both the 40mph and the 30mph restrictions.

The results of the surveys demonstrated that over 50% of drivers are exceeding the 30mph speed limit along both these stretches of road. For example, the point along Bury Road where the survey was carried out, is a half a mile from the start of the 30mph limit. This means that over 50% of drivers are breaking the law well after they enter the 30 mph zone coming from Bury. The statistics for Barrow Hill show a similar percentage of unlawful driving.

The council has met with officers from the County Council Highways department to discuss additional traffic calming measures, to include more and better signage, further speed restrictions on the road from Hargrave, and the possible installation of ‘build-outs’, similar to those in Westley, along both Bury Road, and Barrow Hill, and we have committed to making funds available from our own resources in order to expedite matters. The next step is for the County Highways department to provide our new County Councillor, Karen Soons, with an estimate to undertake designs for the work required to slow vehicles down. If Councillor Soons accepts the estimate then Highways can issue an order to commence the designs. You can be assured that the Parish Council will be lobbying very hard for the estimate to be accepted.

Telephone Mast

The council held a public consultation meeting in March to discuss an application for a ‘telephone mast’ to be erected behind the telephone exchange in Bury Road. Despite objections from a number of residents, together with a petition challenging the suitability of the site, the Borough Council has now considered the matter and concluded that, “prior approval of the work will NOT be required”. Apparently, mobile phone operators have certain development rights which means that they only have to seek agreement that a particular site is suitable. Therefore, it is probable that the installation of the mast will go ahead at some point.

Graham Judge Chairman Barrow cum Denham Parish Council

The Church

The official opening of the Town Estate Room is exciting news for the village. In the build up to Bishop Mike’s visit to dedicate the room for use as a Community Centre, I discovered some confusion about the ownership of the building. Although a rector established the building as a school in the 1850s, the room is owned and maintained by a charity originally known as The Town Estate but recently renamed the Town Estate Room.

The church, like other organisations in the village, hires the room for church events. If the church is providing an event for the well bring of all the villagers without religious overtones, it does not pay for the hire. An example of this is the Men’s Breakfast that will be held the first Saturday of every month. Once volunteers are found to help, a Ladies’ Breakfast will be held on the third Saturday of every month. Church events planned for the autumn are a Little Saints’ Praise and Play, that will be held weekly on Wednesday morning 9:15 am -10:30 am and an afterschool club in partnership with the primary school to begin in the autumn on a Wednesday afternoon. Another event planned and run by the church and open to everyone in the village will be a monthly Sunday afternoon tea. The start date of this occasion is yet to be determined.

In the near future there will be a notice board at the Town Estate Room where you can see everything on offer. The room is also available for private hire for people who want a smaller venue. The Revd Dr Barbara Sherlock

It’s never too late to change direction, by gaining new skills, meeting new people,

taking up a new pastime or to get involved in new social activities.

West Suffolk College Adult, Community & Leisure Courses are coming to Barrow

soon and we want to know what courses you and your community would like to be

available in your village.

Whether it is for fun, social interaction, business or career enhancement we are

sure we will have something to interest you.

We will be holding an Open Morning at Barrow Town Estate Rooms on

Tuesday 27 June between 10am – 1pm. Please take the time to drop in, enjoy a cup

of coffee and have a chat with our friendly staff and find out what we can offer you.

Please contact us on 01284 716297 if you would like more information.

Page 3: COUNCILLORS FOR BARROW NEWSLINK · If you would like to volunteer your services please contact us via the helpline number. If you’d like our assistance, ring the helpline number

Village Craft - Wednesday

14th and 28th June

An informal gathering of


Every OTHER Wednesday

morning 10am to 12pm.

In the newly refurbished

Town Estate rooms.

Bring your knitting,

crochet, embroidery,

painting or other portable

handcraft projects and

enjoy the company of other

creative amateurs, share

your knowledge, your joy

and enthusiasm, with

likeminded souls.

Cost £3 per person to cover

room hire and refreshments.

For further information

contact Kirstie Ford, 01284



Submissions for the next issue should be

emailed to the Parish Clerk by Monday

28th August, for delivery week commenc-

ing 11th September.

Barrow Book Exchange at Two!

As the BBE approaches its second birthday in

July, there is much to celebrate. Book lovers

have continued to thin down their collections,

donating a wide-ranging selection of fiction

and non-fiction to the old telephone kiosk on

Britton’s Road.

Thank you to everyone for remembering the

following points:

Only exchange a maximum of FIVE books per


More than FIVE books? Please take these to

the charity shops in Bury St Edmunds or

Cambridge (eg. RSPCA; OXFAM; AMNESTY


There has been a steady churning of books in

the past quarter and fewer people have

“dumped” boxes and bags of books for us to

redistribute. This has made it easier to keep

the shelves looking reasonably neat and well

ordered. On that point further thanks to all of

those BBE users who take a pride in checking

the shelves and repositioning the books.

The BBE continues to be a treasure trove for

children’s books. The stock, though, does

tend to flow outwards more than it flows in, so

we would ask all children, parents and grand-

parents to please remember to EXCHANGE

children’s reads when they visit the BBE. It

would be great if we could increase the selec-

tion of children’s books in readiness for the

summer holidays.

On Saturday 15th July we will be celebrating

the BBE’s second birthday with a stall at the

Barrow Village Fete. There will be an exhibi-

tion of Book Treasures from the BBE, and a

fundraiser (to help cover costs of stall and

upkeep of kiosk). This will also be a good

opportunity for you to give us feedback and

suggestions for the way ahead.

We look forward to celebrating the BBE’s

second birthday and meeting anyone and

everyone who has helped make this commu-

nity project a success.

Barrow Book Exchange Team

Community award

Congratulations to all the nominees for this years community award:

Revd. Dr Barbara Sherlock Sue Houlder

Sylvia Edinburgh Jean Edinburgh

The winner was Sue Houlder for her many years of dedication to the


Barrow & Denham

Good Neighbours Scheme

The Good Neighbours provide occasional services, such as lifts to the West Suffolk Hospital, the surgery, the post office, hairdresser, etc, minor DIY jobs/repairs, or help to fill in forms, to people in need in our community. All these services are totally free, but when a lift is involved, then 40p per mile (present rate) is charged to cover the driver’s costs. We also hold regular coffee mornings so that both helpers and users can meet for a chat. Please volunteer to help – especially for jobs during the day or to hold the phone. If you would like to volunteer your services please contact us via the helpline number. If you’d like our assistance, ring the helpline number and leave a message – the phone-holder will get back to you to take details and arrange the assistance. Please allow at least 3 days notice. Keep this number handy:

Good Neighbours HELPLINE

07930 328930

Barrow Beer Festival 2017

As Spring gives way to Summer, we all know that one no-sooner blinks and it is Autumn.

It is traditional to dreamily dwell on romantic autumnal images of golden leaves, conkers and bonfires but over recent years in Barrow and Denham such stereotypical clichés have been replaced by a more tangible and attainable desire for beer, for we proudly honour the annual Barrow Beer Festival.

The Beer Festival will take place this year on Saturday 7th October in the

Barrow Village Hall and the day’s events will take a strikingly similar course as previous years with great beer, food and music.

Be sure to put the date in your diary and if you’re lucky you might get to meet Vladimir Putin on his birthday. No promises though, we’re still trying to organise this bit.

As usual, all proceeds of the Beer Festival will go to the Village Hall’s maintenance funds.

We are always looking for help on the day and if anyone wishes to offer their services could you please contact Richard Ford on 02184 811897 or email [email protected] or Mike Bannister 01284 811570 or email [email protected]

Page 4: COUNCILLORS FOR BARROW NEWSLINK · If you would like to volunteer your services please contact us via the helpline number. If you’d like our assistance, ring the helpline number


The WI meets on the first Tuesday of every month at the Village Hall at 7.30. Most evenings we have a speaker, followed by tea/coffee and some rather lush home-made refreshments. Often in January and July we will meet for a meal or an outing. We also organise a few social events throughout the year – maybe a day out or a theatre trip. As part of the wider Suffolk West Group, we have access to many varied activities – crafts, talks, sporting activities, days out and much more. If you would like to come along one Tuesday you will receive a warm wel-come. Or ring Angela Christopher, 01284 811127 for more details.

Open House

Open House is a drop-in event for people coping with a life limiting illness,

their carers and anyone who has been bereaved. It is run by hospice staff and

volunteers who offer emotional and practical support. The sessions can act

as an introduction to other hospice services, provide opportunity for peer

support in your local area and provide a helping hand at a time of need.

Barrow Open House will start on Monday 17th July and run from 2-4pm

every 3rd Monday of the month at The Town Estate Room. There is no need

to book, just turn up.

If you would like further information contact the Independent Living team at

St Nicholas Hospice on 01284 702525


The Barrow Garden Club meet mostly on the second Friday of the month at Barrow Village Hall at 7.30pm. We have a varied line-up of speakers followed by tea and cake and gardening banter. We have several evening outings coming up and don’t meet in August, but regroup in September. Friday 14th July 2017 – Visit to Dip on the Hill @ Ousden (meet at the Village Hall for 6.30pm) Friday 8th September 2017 – Gardens of Cambridge University talk in village hall by Rodney Tibbs If you require any further infor-

mation please contact Kirstie Ford,

01284 811897. Happy Growing!






Barrow Cricket Club – Ickworth Park Cricket Festival

Saturday 1st July will see the inaugural Ickworth Park Cricket Festival, to be held, strangely enough, at the Ickworth Park Cricket Ground in the grounds of Ickworth Park.

The one-day festival will take the form of a four team tournament where your heroes from Barrow CC will pit their not inconsiderable wits against Horringer CC, Whepstead CC and an invitation team of ruffians and scallywags crudely assembled by Dominic “Jailbird” Bidwell, going by the name of Barrow Buccaneers.

Teams will play each other in a 10 over format throughout the day, culminating in a final match where the glorious victors will take home a marvellous trophy.

Obviously a feast of top quality sporting endeavour will be available to the massed crowds throughout the day but the spectacle does not end there. At approximately 4.00pm Lord Frederick, Marquess of Bristol, will kindly perform the draw in our Grand Raffle promising some quite splendid prizes to those shrewd folk who have invested in tickets. Tickets will be available to purchase throughout the day.

There will be food, refreshments, a bar and a safe area for the children to run around and enjoy themselves with some organised activities at times through the day.

I strongly suggest you cancel your Sky Sports subscription and get yourselves down to Ickworth Park on Saturday 1st July to watch the fun. The 1st match will start at 10.30 so please come down at any time.

All funds raised by the festival on the day will be shared between the Ickworth Park Cricket Group (to maintain and improve the facilities and amenities) and the Ickworth Church Conservation Trust.

We look forward to seeing you there and anyone requiring further information or wishing to invest in raffle tickets should please contact either Richard Ford on 01284 811897 or email [email protected] or Ralph Rawlings on 01284 811844 or email [email protected].

Barrow & District Local History Society

The Society meets in Barrow Village Hall on the second Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise stated) at 7:30 pm. Visitors will always receive a warm welcome £3 per meeting. Annual subscription £10, due in September.

Throughout the year we have very interesting speakers on a large range of topics, outing/s, August Social and Christmas lunch. There are also opportunities to attend various ‘Local History days’ and lectures in Suffolk. We also have, an ever increasing, library of books of local interest at each meeting, which members are welcome to borrow.

Programme 11th July Stowmarket’s Gun-cotton Explosion --- Sue & Steve Williams 8th August. Members Social 2 pm. at 25 Johnson Road 12th Sept. Short AGM followed by Old Cupola – The High House of an Apothecary – Dr. Pat Murrell 10th Oct Country Cures and Superstitions – Andrew Sankey