MANRESA REVUE JANUARY 2016 Volume 106 Issue 1 FROM THE GRAND KNIGHTS DESK Brother Knights and Sister Columbiettes, I trust all of you have recovered from the holiday hustle and bustle and have been settling back into your normal routines. Its always nice to spend time with family and friends. The New Year is traditionally a time to take stock of where you have been and where you want to be in the future. As I look back on my first 6 months as Grand Knight, I see where I tried to continue the good plans and programs of my predeces- sors, and tried to put my own personal stamp on things. We had our first Joint Installation of Officers along with our Sister Columbiettes. We had a memorable PGK Dinner for our PGK Jim Neese with a sizeable turnout and most of the Islands current GKs in attendance. Manresa had its most successful Food Drive to date, and we were able to raise over $7,000.00 for the Special Olympics Polar Plunge, all the while having fun. We have a robust and healthy Council with active members, special thanks to PGKs Bob Bauer, Jim Neese, and Chancellor James DeFrancesco for coordinating our membership drives to bring new members and fresh ideas to our Council. We have an active and growing group of Columbiettes who partner with us on a regular basis in any number of ways. We were again able to contribute substantial amounts to our 3 local Catholic Elementary schools, and we can continue our High School Scholarship program. PGK Bob Bau- er spearheaded our Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest which exposes elementary school students to the importance of giving back to their community. All in all, the state of Manresa Council is an overwhelmingly positive one with a bright future ahead. These things are possible when you have a Council with an active membership who step up when needed. I promise going forward that I and your Officers will always keep the best interests of the Council in mind in our decisions. Dues notices have gone out; please pay your dues promptly. Postage and stationery are a significant cost, and any money spent for mailings is less that is available for charity. Wishing you all health and happi- ness in the New Year. Vivat Jesus, Jim Gonzalez, GK COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015-2016 District Deputy: Chip Mclean Chaplain: Rev. Pancrose Kalist Grand Knight: James Gonzalez Deputy Grand Knight: Eddie Thatcher Chancellor: James DeFrancesco Warden: Robert Dugan Recording Secretary: Angelo Fusaro Treasurer: Chris Marzullo Right to Life Chairman: John Donovan Guard: Greg Baxter Guard: Ray Wasson Guard: James Campbell Guard: John Zingales Financial Secretary: Robert Moumblow Trustee: James Neese, PGK Trustee: Frank Alessio, PGK Trustee: Robert Bauer, PGK Lecturer: Johnny Czirr Advocate: Daniel Ajello Youth Director: Mike McHugh, PGK C&B Chairman: Donald Thatcher Membership Director: Robert Bauer, PGK Retention Director: Peter J. Sacco Scholarship Chairman: Anthony Buzanca Scouting Director: Bill Muller Admissions Chairman: Frank Alessio, PGK Catholic Activities: Nicholas Macula Council Activities: Alphonse Berardis, PGK Collation Director: William Gialella Community Activities: Timothy Marshall Public Relations: Timothy Marshall Editor: Mark Curi Field Agent: John A. Carone, F.I.C.F CONTACT US Manresa Council [email protected] James Gonzalez Grand Knight (917) 440-3010 [email protected] Robert Bauer, Membership Director (917) 648-2135 [email protected] Mark Curi, Manresa Revue Editor (718) 887-5333 [email protected] Manresa Council 2147 Website www.manresa2147.org Manresa Council 2147 on Facebook www.facebook.com/manresa2147 K of C Supreme www.kofc.org NY State Council www.newyorkknights.com Staten Island Chapter www.statenislandchapter.com Team Manresa 2016 Polar Plunge

COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015 2016 FROM THE GRAND ...uknight.org/Councils/Manresa Revue January 2016_FINAL.pdfMcCue, Christine Viso, Brother Bill Smith, Brother Jack Driscoll, Dolores Sclafani,

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Page 1: COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015 2016 FROM THE GRAND ...uknight.org/Councils/Manresa Revue January 2016_FINAL.pdfMcCue, Christine Viso, Brother Bill Smith, Brother Jack Driscoll, Dolores Sclafani,

MANRESA REVUE JANUARY 2016 Volume 106 Issue 1


Brother Knights and Sister Columbiettes,

I trust all of you have recovered from the holiday hustle and bustle and have been settling back into your normal routines. It’s always nice to spend time with family and friends. The New Year is traditionally a time to take stock of where you have been and where you want to be in the future. As I look back on my first 6 months as Grand Knight, I see where I tried to continue the good plans and programs of my predeces-sors, and tried to put my own personal stamp on things.

We had our first Joint Installation of Officers along with our Sister Columbiettes. We had a memorable PGK Dinner for our PGK Jim Neese with a sizeable turnout and most of the Island’s current GKs in attendance. Manresa had its most successful Food Drive to date, and we were able to raise over $7,000.00 for the Special Olympics Polar Plunge, all the while having fun. We have a robust and healthy Council with active members, special thanks to PGKs Bob Bauer, Jim Neese, and Chancellor James DeFrancesco for coordinating our membership drives to bring new members and fresh ideas to our Council. We have an active and growing group of Columbiettes who partner with us on a regular basis in any number of ways. We were again able to contribute substantial amounts to our 3 local Catholic Elementary schools, and we can continue our High School Scholarship program. PGK Bob Bau-er spearheaded our Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest which exposes elementary school students to the importance of giving back to their community.

All in all, the state of Manresa Council is an overwhelmingly positive one with a bright future ahead. These things are possible when you have a Council with an active membership who step up when needed. I promise going forward that I and your Officers will always keep the best interests of the Council in mind in our decisions.

Dues notices have gone out; please pay your dues promptly. Postage and stationery are a significant cost, and any money spent for mailings is less that is available for charity. Wishing you all health and happi-ness in the New Year.

Vivat Jesus,

Jim Gonzalez, GK

COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015-2016 District Deputy: Chip Mclean Chaplain: Rev. Pancrose Kalist Grand Knight: James Gonzalez Deputy Grand Knight: Eddie Thatcher Chancellor: James DeFrancesco Warden: Robert Dugan Recording Secretary: Angelo Fusaro Treasurer: Chris Marzullo Right to Life Chairman: John Donovan Guard: Greg Baxter Guard: Ray Wasson Guard: James Campbell Guard: John Zingales Financial Secretary: Robert Moumblow Trustee: James Neese, PGK Trustee: Frank Alessio, PGK Trustee: Robert Bauer, PGK Lecturer: Johnny Czirr Advocate: Daniel Ajello Youth Director: Mike McHugh, PGK C&B Chairman: Donald Thatcher Membership Director: Robert Bauer, PGK Retention Director: Peter J. Sacco Scholarship Chairman: Anthony Buzanca Scouting Director: Bill Muller Admissions Chairman: Frank Alessio, PGK Catholic Activities: Nicholas Macula Council Activities: Alphonse Berardis, PGK Collation Director: William Gialella Community Activities: Timothy Marshall Public Relations: Timothy Marshall Editor: Mark Curi Field Agent: John A. Carone, F.I.C.F


Manresa Council [email protected]

James Gonzalez Grand Knight (917) 440-3010

[email protected]

Robert Bauer, Membership Director (917) 648-2135

[email protected]

Mark Curi, Manresa Revue Editor (718) 887-5333

[email protected]

Manresa Council 2147 Website www.manresa2147.org

Manresa Council 2147 on Facebook www.facebook.com/manresa2147

K of C Supreme


NY State Council www.newyorkknights.com

Staten Island Chapter

www.statenislandchapter.com Team Manresa 2016 Polar Plunge

Page 2: COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015 2016 FROM THE GRAND ...uknight.org/Councils/Manresa Revue January 2016_FINAL.pdfMcCue, Christine Viso, Brother Bill Smith, Brother Jack Driscoll, Dolores Sclafani,

2016 INSURANCE CHECK-UP Where did 2015 go? It seems like it was summer yesterday and Easter was last week.

I hope you and your family had a great finish to 2015. Now, the first quarter of 2016 is flying by.

Hopefully, you’ve established a few goals for this year. I’ve learned a great tip regarding resolutions. First, write them down. It’s not too late if you haven’t already done this. Commit your goals to paper and post it someplace you will see it often. Writing down a goal is the first step towards achieving it. It may not make sense at first, but I’m sure you have heard stories of the success this simple task can bring. Whether your goal is to exercise more, give more to charity, read more or watch less television, you’re more likely to accomplish it if you write it down.

Second, resolve to have an expert look at your finances. I recommend that you have a team of experts help you, and I would love to be the first you sit with. Let’s schedule some time to meet together, and I, your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, will provide an “insurance check-up” (at no cost!) that will evaluate any gaps in your family’s life insurance protection. Now might be the perfect time to fill those gaps, not later. Keep in mind that unlike many other products, you don’t just need money to obtain life insurance; you also need good health, and no one knows when your health could change.

Did I mention my check-up is free of charge? When was the last time you received something for free that could provide value to you and your family for generations? Call me today.

John A. Carone, FICF● (718) 331-0112●[email protected]


Dear Sister Columbiettes, Happy 2016 to all! I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year celebrations – it’s hard to believe that it’s all behind us already. But it’s exciting to be looking ahead to a new year filled with possibilities and opportunities. By now I hope you have all received your Dues Notices. Please try your best to either mail in your checks or pay them at our next meeting. It’s important that we get our dues collected in a timely manner because of upcoming bills that have to be paid to Supreme, NYS and Chapter Columbiettes. I appreciate your efforts! Our Annual Nite at the Races is set for Saturday, March 19. Doors will open at 7:30PM and races will start at 8PM. This is one of our biggest events and always sells out quickly, so reserve your table early! Admission will be $25 per person and includes Beer, Wine, Soda, Heroes and MORE! All payments MUST be paid in advance by March 4, 2016. Please contact Margaret Whyte (917) 836-3997 or email: [email protected] OR Christina Vitolo (917) 864-0702 or email: [email protected] for reservations ASAP! Please see the attached flyer for ad-ditional details. The next big event on our calendar is the Annual Spring Tea, which will be on Sunday, April 10 at Msgr. Farrell HS, from 12noon – 3pm. As you know this is also a very popular and successful event, so PLEASE make your reservations early! Contact Nancy Curtin ([email protected]) or Janet Cuomo ([email protected]). I look forward to seeing many of you at our next meeting on Wednesday, January 13. As always we will start promptly at 8PM, if you plan to pay your dues that night, please arrive by 7:30. Warm regards, Cathy Gonzalez President 917-224-9055 [email protected]

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This year over 500 children from Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Christopher’s created Keep Christ in Christmas theme posters as part of our Council’s annual poster contest. Congratulations to all the children who participated. All of their posters were wonderful! Each child who participated will be receiving a Certificate of Participation. In addition, the winning poster from each class will be receiving an engraved medal. The three age group winners will have an opportunity to name a charity to which Manresa Council will donate $150 in the name of the winning child. The age group winners will also be forwarded on for judging in the Knights of Columbus International contest the winner of which will be announced in March 2016. Congratulations to our three age group winners: Kimberly Mariana Granda from St. Christopher’s – age group 11-14 Matthew Cinelli from Our Lady Queen of Peace – age group 8-10 Christopher DeFranco, from Our Lady Queen of Peace – age group 5-7 With all the wonderful posters we received it was difficult to pick a winner but as you can see from the pictures of their posters, these children’s posters really stood out in all three judging categories: Presentation of Theme, Artistic Merit and Overall Impact. I am proud to send their posters on for further judging and I wish them luck in the state, national and international competitions. Special thanks to our judging panel for this project: Jim and Connie DeFrancesco and Lucy Bauer. Robert Bauer Chairman, Keep Christ in Christmas


Please keep the following members and friends in your prayers:

Anne Pizzuto, Lucille Bauer, Brother Jim McCue, Christine Viso, Brother Bill Smith,

Brother Jack Driscoll, Dolores Sclafani, Brother Tim Marshall, and Richard Grogan

Saturday, January 30th 2016

@ St. Charles Gym from 11:00am—1:00pm

Both Volunteers and Participants needed!

All children ages 9-14 are eligible to participate

Volunteers to arrive no later than 10:15am to sign kids up

Contact Geoff Thatcher for further details

Kimberly Mariana Granda Christopher DeFranco Matthew Cinelli

Page 4: COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015 2016 FROM THE GRAND ...uknight.org/Councils/Manresa Revue January 2016_FINAL.pdfMcCue, Christine Viso, Brother Bill Smith, Brother Jack Driscoll, Dolores Sclafani,

Happy Birthday Louis Bernabe

Richard Ciaravino

Fred Cipriani

Richard Clark

Frank Cummings

Matthew Czirr

Anthony Del Maestro

Donato Dipaolo

John Driscoll

Danny Edling

Ronald Farina

Joseph Funk

Peter Gill

James Gonzalez, GK

Dennis Gunn

Gene Hourican

Joseph Marro

Michael McHugh

John McCahey

Anthony Mizzi-Gili

Thomas Monaghan

Anthony Morisano

Michael Muench

Charles Murphy

Charles Murphy

Michael Murphy

Daniel Murphy

Joseph Piraino

Andrew Porazzo

Peter Sacco

Anthony Sclafani

Frank Scorsese

David Spoto

Thomas G Sproules

UPCOMING CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wednesday, January 13th — Columbiettes Meeting, 8pm Thursday, January 14th — Council Meeting, 8:15pm Saturday, January 16th — Pro Life Prayer Service, 10:30 am @ St. Peter’s Cemetery Sunday, January 17th — Right to Life Mass, 10:15am @ St. Patrick’s Cathedral Thursday, January 21st — Board of Directors Meeting, 8pm Thursday, January 28th — First Degree Exemplification / Council Meeting, 8:15pm Saturday, January 30th — Council Free Throw Challenge, 10am @ St. Charles Gym


I have some exciting news to share with you. Manre-sa Council now has an interactive web page. The web address is: manresa2147.org

Some of the features are photo galleries, video capa-bility, calendar notices, email capability, member di-rectory, officer’s directory, and event listing with con-tact information, a link to Amazon.com, a Manresa Revue library and many more features.

I urge each member to visit the site. There is also a link solely for members where you can email other members, update your own contact information and contact your Officers. Please feel free to visit the site and let us know what you think. I think it is a huge step in getting information out to all of our members efficiently and in a cost effective manner. All Council events, parties, etc. will be listed on the site.

A special thanks to our Chairman for Social Media Mark Curi. His hard work was instrumental in getting

this off the ground. We have tried for years here at Manresa to develop a web space and it’s finally happened!

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Page 7: COUNCIL OFFICERS 2015 2016 FROM THE GRAND ...uknight.org/Councils/Manresa Revue January 2016_FINAL.pdfMcCue, Christine Viso, Brother Bill Smith, Brother Jack Driscoll, Dolores Sclafani,