O N E DQLIVAR PER Y E A * . CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' (Corrected by Oreeu * Pettibone.) WttearSdirWiiite, No. 2 Bed;,...;....... ,, .... 67 Oats .......,.........,., , 25 Rye .'. SO •ore - ." ..... . 2S Hay, No. I, bated ,. ....:.;......:.„........ ...10 50 Hay, No. S, baled ....... v............. » » Beans ..-. -.::-. 1 86 (Corrected by Oeo. Setzer.) Sags, dressed.... ...„..:... 6 00 to S 50 Veal Culver dressed ,. 7 00to 7 50 Poultry. Uye_... ;,.._...„..... , .................. * to 7 Beef.dreased .......,..,....,.,.. 5 50 to 7 (5 Lamb 10 00 Matton...............,........ 8 00 (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u Butter .. 10 to 13 Potatoes - 20 ) A. SEAL EOM8 WEDDING OCCU&BED LAST EVBHING. DBATS OF SOLOMONft.CBAFSLX Ocean*** at tae Hotae of His Son, Bon. W. Bv Chapeli, at Wa»bJn B - ton, D. O. ^ of Coram*, Midi. Tte Oily Rattonl Bart 1i tie Cevaty. »L. W. SnutotM, Frea&ent; Jons Dnsseoir, Vlce^Prea; W. A. HoeMtt*A*s, Ca*hier; ;;-> w..f\ OALUUKB, Aeet. CaeeJer. .T>IBaXrrX>BS~-KogerSae*maa, H.A. Nichols, W. D. Oarrtaon, J. Z>ii*eoll, A. Garrlaoiu V. F. Gallagher, L. W. Simmoaa, T. X. Cuter, "W. A. Roaeakraas. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Money to Loan on Good Security* M. L^anwAn, CBAS. O. BHWAM, . L. L STSWABT. M, L. StewartftCo.. BARKERS, Jhrofeo, - - - - • Miebiffln SSTABUsHttD MB. B.K.Mrun, PnyTeOer. W. H,BIGXLOW, 'BMlWItr. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT. Interest, payable annually or semi-munually; wll) accept payments on the principal at or within90day* of any latere** period; will loan la sum* of two to KJW ©a improved farms in -ShUwaeeee eonaty, and i n centrally located property lu tbe city of Owosso, [etty property must btf producing as Income], On farm pro* perty or etty property we loan not exceeding 40 per cent of actual raise. Abstract* of title and *re insurance required. Drafts draw* oa- all parts of tae world. Interest Paid on Time Deposit*. The Groom Bad Prepared the Heme— Were Mttrr!*d Thwr* »nd Were at Once at Home to #Ylea4t. A home wedding, not only in name, but in fact, occurred in this city at 7:30 o'clock last evening, at 318 Shiawassee avenue south. The contracting partita were Mr. Frank L. Johnson and Mis* Hattie Robinfton, both of this city. The groom has been quite busy tha peat few weeks in renovating the reel- deuce, repapering and painting interior, patting down carpets and plaslng the furniture, receiving * hint occasionally from the future Mrs. Johnson. At last everything waa arranged and last even- ing, in the presence of * few »^l**fy*5 and friend* of each, Rev. Northrup pro* Dooaeedthe words that united them In the Holy Bond* of Wedlock. Congratulations followed, after which the company waa served to a wedding sapper. At a late boor the guests de- parted, leaving their best wishes for the fature heppiiaeas of the newly .wedded couple. The brideia the daughter of Mr. and Sit*. Warren Robinson, while the grooin Is the junior publisher of the CORUKMA JOURNAL. Both are well known as esti- mable young people of our city and enjoy the respect of ail, who predict lor them a happy and useful future. coF.trwiu uSSmSo. I S ' F * A , * . _ Olar ooaigunloatioM T tint TnstiWy em or now fore the full or the C. U. PaaOOOK. nee. i;o. Dana, W.SI. ooMUrfMA CHAPTER, NO. -;m, *. A. Regular Convocation* first Taoreeay ta month. C. M. Fucocs, Swraajy. o. c. MOORS, H. K, 00RUKHACOC5CIL HO, »L ft.**.M, Reg- ular assemblies t*t*d Tnartdaylncao* ovwtb. C. M. FBAOOCX. kocorder,, J. D. BOTC*. T, L. M. COstJXNA COMMANDMtT, KO.fl, K- T. Stated ?O»C1A*««. second Teursear (n eitcb moats. W. A. Bi*EKKiiA'iirs, A.w. Qncan, Recorder. ' E.C. CORUNSA CHAPTER OttDKH OF KAST- ernftiar: Itaruiar tnoetlnr Arst Wedneaday of «acb month at MAMmic Hall. Xas. Lurujt PrtriBoxB W. M.; Miss RACaax. ETAKB, fiecreurr. A<lvertiseaient8 in these columns, 5c per line eacli insertion. Tbey are very productive of quick returns and can be prptitably used to fill any want. FOB SALE- For Sale:—A floe residence, barn acd two -lots. Enquire »t JOUKVAL ottce. For Salo^-Thorou^b bred Waitc plymota Kock E«s. Fifteen egg* for one dollar. Enquire of C. A. Hathaway. ' For Sal*:—Buff Plymouth Bock Kges—ftUl blood. One setting, 15 eggs, one dollar. W. A. Meifii.L*\', Corunoa. For Sale; House and three Iocs on Fraser strtet. Inquire of W. JT. Parker. dtf. For Sals; House »qd lot, No. 800, Shiawassee avtuae, »outh. Hujrta X. Nichols, Corttiioa. For Sale—Farm for sale in township of Woodhull: South H of u w « section 2», coa- taming 30 acf^tt, will be sold on terms for one- foiirtb cash, and remainder on time secured by mortgage. Wx. NRHTOX, Flint. Hieh. Or apply to Frank E. Welch, Coruoua, Agt. For Sole—At a bavjjain, one High-Grade Uilburn Mann factory Delivery Wagon. 2&-M M. CARLAND, For .Sale:—Farm of 80 acres, Improved, in a good state of cultivation, good buildings, wind- mill and water.system complete, 10 acres of wheat,}acres of corn and 8 acres of beans growing; miles north and one mile east of Byroa. Terms easy. Address, W. B. Kattison, Byron, Jlich. 83-tf BJafUaa; Bree.* Excwrsios*. Arrangement* have been completed by wbkb all who wish to attend the performance* at Ringilng Broa.' World's Oreateat Sbowa in Owoeso, Friday, June 8th can secure special excursion rate, on all line*of trarel. This will be the only point in this vicinity where the great show will exhibit during the present •eatoo, and those who fall to see It will ml* the grandest anoeeiaeet event of the year Since last raaton Rlngting Bros.' famouc exnlbltion has been doubled In also and la now beyond all question or rtoubt the largest and beat combined circus, menagerie and hippo* drome in the United State*. The per- formance !a given by orer two hundred high-salaried special itts, In three rings, on two stages, in mid-air, and on a nii^c quarter-mile hippodrome track. The trained animal festures, wblub are alone worth many times the price of admission to see, Include three troupes f of, wonder- ful educated elephants. Locknart'a play- acting elephants, March*nd*s pugullstlc pachyderms and Souder/s elephant bras* band, aud O'Brien's sixty-one borae act, in which three-score handsome equines perform ia one ring, at one time, under the direction of one man. The grand free nreet parade, which takes place at 10 o'clock on the morn lug of the exhi- bition, is the most magnineent display «verseen. Don't miss it. A telegram was received bere Sunday announcing the death of Mr, Solomon S.Cbapeil. which occurred Saturday night at the home of bis son, Hon. and Mrs, Worden R. Chapeli, of Washington, D.C. Deceased has been in fall ing health for some time and bis death was not unex- pected, yet the announcement came as a shock to his many friends In this city, who had known him so well for the past twenty-five years, and where they had known him only to honor and respect Mr. Chapeli was born at Avon, Liv- ingstoa county, X. Y., Feb. 16, 1818, came to Michigan In 1837 and located at Dexter, Washtenaw county. He was married on March 1st, 1842, to Miss Harriet Levins Pbeipe, who died in January, 1892. In 1856 he moved to Ingham county, where he resided until 1875, when he removed to Cortana. For the last three years past he had made bis home with his son, Hon. W. R. Chapelt, of Washington, D. C. He was the father of four children, Henry C , of Stock-bridge, and Worden Ri of Washington, and Mrs. Jared C. Thomas and Ada. The latter two being deceased. The remains were brought from Wash- ington, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Chapeli, and arrived In this city Tuesday morning. They were taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thomas, where the funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. H. C. North- rop, officiating. Mr. S. S. Chapeli was & man of noble character, his word as good as his bond, an affectionate father, kind husband, and a helpful and considerate neighbor, and bis death is mourned as the loss of a good man, by whose life the world was ma^e better. Funeral services were held at his home ia Washington, Sunday afternoon, attended by Michigan friends located there, and neighbor*, conducted by the pastor of the church wiser* the late Mr. Chapeli frequently attended services. II EH FH llffll BAKK CEBT1FICATES DBAWDfO TEBEST ABE TAXABLE 1W- Col. Geo. D. Moreau Cornea trader That Bead, His C. 8. Boads, However. AM Exempt from Taxation. MISCELLANEOUS. Money to Loan;-~Money to loan on desire- able property.—ARTHttK Youxo, Cornnna. Girls Wanted:—At the Grand Central Hotel, Corunna. Good wages >o good girls. Apply immediately. "' Wsnte«l:—General purpose horse, harness hght wagon, aud a two seated carriage, In qttire, 308 Saginaw St., 0*ow». js-tf Te*«a\er»; Assoc!**!**, The meeting of the County Teaclterti' Association held in Coranua, May 19, was considered by those who attended as one of Joe very best and most profit- able meetings of that organixati soever belt?. One of the narked signs of interest was the exceptionally good attendance at the forenoon session. The Junior class \>l the Corunna bigb school served chicken pie dinner to one hundred teachers. The dinner hour closed with interesting and lively toasts by Supf. Collins, Comr. Bristol, Prin. Stedman. and Supt Loom is. The topics on the program were very ably and profitally bsndled, and each was followed by lively discussions In which the district teachers played a very prominent and capable part. The program closed by an excellent address by Supt. G. W. Loomis, of ML Pleasant, on tbe subject, J'Tbe Personal Qualifications of tbe Teacher." Business Locals* All trimmed bats at Hicks'sister* will t>e sold for just H regular price. Hungarian and Millet Seed for sa'e by M. Carland, Old Stand. Field Peas for sale st M. Carland's old stand. Be sure and get Rape Seed for pastur- iBg for Hogs and Sheep. For sale at M. Garland's Old Stand. All faa^laaibera will be redwoed In price at Hlofcs'Waters WUI Be Opened in June. The Owosso A Cornnna Electric Ry. Co. informs tbe public that Csledonis Park will not be closed this rear. On the contrary it has been thoroughly cleaned and was never in better condi- tion than it is now. The public is most heartily iuvited at any and all times to nse tbe same, al* though the formal opening will not occur until June. Clr*«it Conn. Court covened Monday, with Judgo Smith on tbe bench. The famous Walt* will contest was called and a jury se- cured and will probably take all of tbe week to hear. Metiee. Notice is hereby given that all per- sons are prohibited from stalling tsbek la MM roadway. All stoc^ sofe«odw4D to taxes to tbe pound. DAVID DSLL, Caty ManlktL at««a*H»t Day fctfak_ Tbe program which has been arranged by the O. A, R Pcitand Woman'sRtlief Cor~*for Memorial Day exercises is as follows: LINK or MARCH. The line of march will start fr ,JO the school honse at »:» A. H., sharp, and mireh to the eemrtery. •• •• Officer of the Day, Wot. K. Cummin. Leader Drum Corps, Olies C. Docket*. H.C. Wallace Poet, 2fo. 140,0.A. E. Woman's Belief Corps la carriage*.. School Children. Membeta of Common Council in carriages. Members of School Board in carriages. Citiscns in carriage*. PBOGEAM. Music QuAJtrms Prayer. RsT.McBinDx Memorial Service for Unknown Dead..._W. B.C. M"**« -= —•• Centos Taio Oration by Ho*. JKBOXS W. TcMSsa, poet and literatur, of Owosso, Michigan. Mttsic........... ..;............... „...;.;„;..... QuABTSTi^ Bemar«-a... r |»BT. H.C. NoitTHmir Bceitation._... ....,;... Miss FIOH*>CK UVMLSY Memorial Serriee by G. A- B., Salate the Dead. Hymn-"My Country TU of t»«e.*» Benediction. .„.. _.. Pos* CHATLAU Rer. FA» Fc*w and march bade to Poet mom intt«t*aa>* Order, The Memorial services will be held at the £&ptUt ufcureb, Sooday, May STlh, l«», a* JO« A. M, The following, is the order of exercises: Do*olgy .....,.. .,...„._CHOIE Invocation PASTO* Reading—FirstsTerses of « Psalm. Staging—"Forward, Ye Soldiers." Reading Scriptures BBV, MCBKXDK Singing—"My Coantry, Tis of Thee." Prayer REV. NOWTHBCP CollectioB and AuuouMements. Singing—"We ShaH GatSer Over Jordan." Sermon... ,^ RBY. CunLR Singing—Battle Hymn of the Republic. Benediction —, CHAFLAIX OF POST Death or C. A. Oorrakce, Mr. Charles A. Dorrsoce, an old and respected resident of Vernon village, died very suddenly Monday night from beart trouble. He was only sick for about half of an hour. Deceased was about 76 years of age and leaves one son, Victor I*, of Wyan- dotte, and a step-son, Frank E. Burt, of Vernon, with whom be has made bis home. The funeral will take place this after- noon under the auspices of tbe order of Odd Fellows, of which be was a promi- nent member. Notice of Meet!**- ef Beard of Review. Corunna, Mich., May 5,1900. Notice is hereby given that tbe Board of Review for tbe City of Corunna will meet on the 21st day of May, 1900, at Common Council Rooms in paid City of Corunna, at tbe hour of 9 o'clock in tbe forenoon on *atd day, and that said Board will be io session for six hour* during said day. That said Board will continue in ses- sion at least four days, beginning with said tlst day of May, 1900, and at much auy be arassiiy Col. <ieo. D> Moreau, a local capitalist, bond holder and landlord of several tenement booses, of this city and Owos- so, recently Wrote to Commissioner Oak- man, of Detroit, enquiring whether a poor mi pier's pension of 912 per month was exempt from taxation. Mr. Oak- man made a characteristic reply, saying that any board of review that *axed a poor soldier's pension of #12 pet month ought to be kicked. We are in doubt whether "Bob* is coming out to do the kicking or whether be will delegate that exbileratlng duty to the Colonel; or whether it is to be a genuine physical kick or the usual mental kick expressed by the vocal organs, put up by those who dislike to pay their taxes. II it be tbe former,, we would suggest that "Bob" come himself; if the iattor, we believe the Colonel wiH do It justice. However, in justice to Mr. Oakman, we wOl state that we believe that he did not understand tbe facts In the ease, Mr. Korean, an esteemed Citizen and veteran of the war of 61-4», Is tbe owner, besides government bond*,of two hooves In this city aa as many more In Owosao, and ha* a #1,000 certificate of deposit in the first national bank io this city. The latter be ctatmed ought not to be accessed because it was savlags from pension money drawn from the United Stales government Supr. C. D. Smith did not agree with him and so placed n on the assessiaent roll. A recent letter from Mr. Oakman claims it should beaeseaaed as well a* does the deputy auditor gen- eral to whom Cltv Atty- Park-sr wrote for an opinion, which is m follow*: Msy 17th, 1900. W. J. PARKEB, City Attorney, Carunna, Mteh. DEAR SIS—Tour letter of the 10th last., re **ived, in wblt^ you ask If f 1,000 la the bank evidenced by oertlflcate of deposit and owmed by an old sold lev which was originally rectved by him from the govei-nment ai pension mouey, is subject to taxation. I desire to call your attention to subdivision 4 of see- tlon 0 of the general tax law. This sec- tion designates the personal property exemptions en*l *ui»di*S*!on 4 provides that pensions receivable from tbe Cnited State* shall be exempt from taxation. Pensions actually received and which have been mingled witk other personal property in possession of the pensioner, are not exempt from taxation. The only exemption lu the law betag pensions receivable. Under tbe facts submitted by yon I am clearly of the opinion that this money would be subject to aesess- oaent. as a persona] property credit This, in my opinion, would «l*o ue true of pensions received, where the money, had been converted to the use of the pen- sioner an J.cutject to his control, as the saute under such circumstances, would not be a pension reeel vable from the goy-', erumenL I know of no late case in this state in which this question bas been adjudicated, but the above has been tbe uniform ruling of tbis department and tbe auditor general's department under the present tax law. You also state that a certain party bought a number of shares of bank stock and gave a mortgage back for tbe pur- chase price, that he is assessed for tbe bank stock, and you ask it he is entitled to nave tbe mortgage on tbe stock set off against the tax on tbe stock. In reply thereto I would say, that debts, whether evidenced by a mortgage, note or otherwise under the general tax law of tbis state, can only be deducted from perrons] property credits. Shares of stock in a bank are assessed at their true cash value after deducting tbe real es- tates assessed to the bank, and are i n no way a credit from which debtc may be deducted under the general tax law of tbis state. Respectfully your?, HENRY E. CHASE, Deputy Attorney General. Probate Court. Otto Kreil rendered to the court his final account as administrator of tbe estate of Charles P. Weeden, deceased, and was discharged. Crawford E. Fuller was appointed ad- miuiitrator of tbe estate of Random S. Fuller; L. Cooper and F. itf. Rush,ap- praisers. Claims will be beard before court. Tbe last will and testament of John C. Scbulze, deceased, was admitted to pro- bate; Wilbelm F. Schulze, executor of the Will; W. H. Hunt and J. Lawler, appraisers. Claims will be heard before court. Final account allowed in tbe estate of William A. Cook, deceased. Decree made assigning the residue of the es- tate to the heirs at law. Order made allowing tbe administrat- or of tbe estate of Louisa Mere!!, de- ceased, to re-sell real opiate, the former sale having bees revoked. Report of sale made in the estate of AUea Beard, deceased. Herbert Mau<Qia,a minor, was adopt- ed by Mm Florence Sample. Kama changed to Herbert Sample. Final bearing In tbe estate of Visas! Mitan, deceased. Petition made by tbe administrator of the estate for the as- signment of tbe residue of tbe estate; bearing, June 18th, Tbe last will and testament of Samuel B. Plddingtoo, deceased, and of Ferdl- nand pietriek, deceased, filed for pro- bate. The matters win be beard oa June llta and Jtme 18tn respectively. KATHEttlXE JL KELSET, Probate Register. High Sebool LyeeauL, The last lyceum or the-high school for the present school year occurred last Friday evening and was one of tbe oeat of the year, The most Interesting part of the pro- gram was tbe discussion of the resolu- tion, "Resolved that England is a F i l i n g Nation," > Frank McBride and Mable I^awcock taking the affirmative and Frank Royce and Jessie Legg the nega- tive. The judges decided tbe question in favor of the affirmative. After an instrumental solo, rendered by Mary Joy, a review of tbe Courtship of Miles Staudieh was given by Mable Wallace, followed by Ethel McKay with u On the Wrong Train." A duett by Florence Lindsey and Zaida Rose was followed by Irene Hume with a recitation entitled, "How He Saved SL MichaeL" After giving many fine quo- tations by Carrie McBrlde, Will O'Setl gave a reading entitled, Tbe First Rung of tbe Ladder. After a solo by Irene Hume and a reci- tation, "The Owi Critic," by Grace Galloway, the school paper was lead by Mary Joy. Tbe critic's report closed ttemioa. •. Wfey Do Tea WeAt? , It is a fact that in the smaller towns are "would-be" business men who enter the town, rent a store room, put in a stock slid then—well, sit there and wait for trade to come to thean. They don't believe In advertislag—for the reason ttty don*t know anything about IL r^rbap* they will have the printer "strike off * lew slxteentb-«beets, cod maybe they will run a small u etT In the local paps* «•«« or twice. And then they ewnatder thsmaelve* advertise!*. Klne time* out oftentheir builnest is a failure. They exist only a* long as tbiir capital holds ouL Or perhaps they do catch Just enough stray trad* to maxa tbem » bare living, and they are contented. Look at « « S^weasrul merchants. They never rote by any such method, the large, prosperous buiiae** bouses of America, and in small town* proportionately, are those whose promoter* were believers J n printer's ink and knew bow to use it- Exchange. I>*a«li e«* Baaeltea Pleavoer. Amanda, widow of tbe late Jacob M. Brown, of Haxelton, died May 13, at the bOQieof her son, Eugene, after, s short iHnea* of paralysis. Mrs. Brown waa born in the staic 0' N*w York ia August, 18x7, and ahe and j *lon to Maskegon on Memorial Day. —-The Duraud band has been-reorgan- —Mrs. Chalmer BUhlmer is expected home tomorrow. —William Betterly, of Byron, was is the city Tuesday. —Justice Hutchings, of Bancroft, was in the city Monday. —Judge Kanouse, of Llvtngstoa county, hi tbe city this week. —Dept, U.S. MarstnlFrank Westeott transacted business here Tuesday. —Mrs. IL EL Royce I* the guest of her son, BagUter of Deeds Royce this week. —Henry Chapeli, of Stockbridge, waa. heie Tuesday on account of the death of bis father. » —Mrs. Emily Rrh gave a tea party Monday afternoon in honon of Mrs. K. ( T. Ooff, of Detroit —Corunna Cowmandery will confer the order of the Red Cross On two can* dldates this evening. —Rev. and Mrs. J. Fisber are in De- . trolt this week attending the National Baptist Anniversaries. —Mis* Marion Mill* and Mr. Emery Lake, of Wbittier, Cal„are the guests of Mr: and Mrs. Henry Mills, of this city. —Mr. and Mrs. Levi McCarn, of Haxelton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Meo, Prands ; of tbis cltv, Monday and Tuesday.' —The G rand Trunk will give an eicuiv her late husband were among the first settler* to locate in Haxelton township, more than fifty yean ago. Mr. Brown bought a wild tract of land In that town^ ship which they converted into a beauts ful farm and wherefor year* they resided and were among the towuship's most esteemed and honored residents. The deceased was a mo$t estimable woman, loved and respected by all of her many neighbors and friends. Soiee years ago tbe family moved west anA Mr. Brown died in Minneapolis abosst eight years ago. Besides the son above mentioned, Mrs. Brown Is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Orlando Carpenter, and a son. Almond. CUyCWX Bob Struck It. Capt "Fighting Bob* Evans, dressed in a plain suit of clothes, went to cburcb a recent Sunday and seated himself in a vacant pew, about midway up tbe aisle. Soon after a lady and gentleman came in and seated themselves in the same pew. Tbe gentleman stood it as long as he could and then passed over bis lard, which read as follows: "I paytSr&OO annually for this pew!* Bob glanced at it and handed it hack with this written on tbeback-AYou psytood—dmuchr K. T. Excursion to Mt, Pleasemt. Sunday May 27, tbe Ann Arbor Rail- road will run a special train to ML Pleasant for accommodation tbos« who desire to here tbe Rev. Addis Albro, who will on that date deliver the As- cension Day Sermon in the ML Pleasant Methodist Episcopal Church. Special train will leave Corunna at 737 a. m. Fare for round trip $1.00. Returning train will leaves ML Pleasant 5:30 p. m. Freak L. Johnaea,Cornnna... .Attie Bebiaaoa, Coranea. William BcAvoy, Mew Haven. , Mew Havea. St Jti Tjmw*ST» C. CoiUaa, Falrneld^.. ...„1 l_4s> •aa'raa, Walilai* -,...^.... ^...... 11 BoweU Wants a Park. Howell Republican:—Recently Corun- na voted to bond tbe city for |5,000 to improve McCurdy'g park, the recent gift of Mr. McCurdy, Wonder why some wealthy citizen who wishes to perpetu- ate his name to coming generations does not buy tbe land where the old foundry stands and donate it to tbe city for a public park. The foundry square could Train leaves Cortffln* at 5:46 a. m. Fare for rouad trip, $2.45. —Mr. Curtis J. Gale, of this city, who has been ill for so long a time, continues to fail daily and it Is feared that he will not live the week ouL —Special invitation Is extended to the children to bring flowers to the G. A.R. ball on the afternoon of May 29th. By order of the Committee. —Corunnk Commandery received an invitation to attend Ascension Day ex- ercises at Mt Pleasant next Sunday but was courteously declined. —W. E. Jacobs received a letter this week from bis son, Mark, who is serving Uncle Sam near Manilla. He writes that he was never in better health. —Tbe Grand Trunk will give an ex- cursion to Grand Rapids, Lansing and Battle Creek on Sunday, leaving Corun- na at 9:32 Fare for round trip, ¢1.00. —Remember the Myrtel Iellessen Cooks entertainment to be given at tbe Presbyterian church Friday evening, June 1st. Benefit ct tbe Presbyterian church. —There is a lot of latent musical talent in our city that only awaits some one to set the musical ball rolling. Corunna should have a band and can have it if the proper person would take hold of tbe matter. —Advertised letters at the Corunna postoffice, for tbe week ending May 23J, 1900: Ida Reynolds, Leona Pease, C. H. Meyers, Jacob Roswell. Earl Thlel, M. T. Wabl, M. A. Sawtelle, J. W. Taylor, be cleaned at comparatively little cosL U, P. Wolaver. —Jay Campbell waa the first one to Saitday Ksearston to Rraaktort. Frankfort-on-tbe-Lake la be arrested for violating the city ordi- , t . a . . Q ^J**" 01 1 nance prohibiting tbe riding of bicjcles pUce to spend Sunday. Special train i ^ ^ ^ ^ H e w t 4 ^^ ^ei* June 3rd leaves Corunna x 4d» a. ; on side walk a. x He was taken «_ - *w . . **«. « "^ Jwtice Peacock who found bim guilty Fare for the round trip »200. Seven ^ ^,^,^ ,«4»^ hour* at Crystal Lake, six boors at «. ^ ,„ Frankfort --Bemember the 14c supper at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo, Brands, 116 Oliver street, oast, served by tbe Baptist Young People on Friday evening, May Kth, froes 6 JO OH S o'clock. Everyone U weJcoasw, Come and bring year fri**da,»ud parteJte ef 1 henihwue aup- perferUM J. C. Kennedy, Roanoke, Tenm, says, U I cannot say to much for DeWltt'a Witch Hasel SaV/e. One box of it cored what the doctors called an Incurable ulcer on any Jew." Cures piles and all akin disease*. Look out for worthies* imitation*. F* M* KUbewr*. mnml aMemnai iaa^ys*A^--<^a^aeaaiaia^m^ »s.(ILi~ mamammmme

CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u

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Page 1: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u


T B S MCABetBTaV (Corrected by Oreeu Pettibone)

WttearSdirWiiite No 2 Bed 67 Oats 25 Rye SO bullore - 2S Hay No I bated bdquo 10 50 Hay No S baled v raquo raquo Beans - - - 1 86

(Corrected by Oeo Setzer) Sags dressed bdquo 6 00 to S 50 Veal Culver dressed 7 00to 7 50 Poultry Uye_ _bdquo to 7 Beefdreased 5 50 to 7 (5 Lamb 10 00 Matton 8 00

(Corrected by J CQuayle) Eggs io end u Butter 10 to 13 Potatoes - 20




Ocean at tae Hotae of His Son Bon W Bv Chapeli at WaraquobJnB-

ton D O ^

of Coram Midi Tte Oily Rattonl Bart

1i tie Cevaty raquoL W SnutotM Freaampent Jons Dnsseoir

Vlce^Prea W A HoeMttAs Cahier -gt wf O A L U U K B Aeet CaeeJer

TgtIBaXrrXgtBS~-KogerSaemaa HA Nichols W D Oarrtaon J Zgtiieoll A Garrlaoiu V F Gallagher L W Simmoaa T X Cuter


Money to Loan on Good Security


M L Stewart ft Co BARKERS

Jhrofeo - - - - bull Miebiffln SSTABUsHttD MB

B K M r u n PnyTeOer W HBIGXLOW B M l W I t r

MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT Interest payable annually or semi-munually wll) accept payments on the principal at or

bull within90day of any latere period will loan la sum of two to KJW copya improved farms in -ShUwaeeee eonaty and i n centrally located property lu tbe city of Owosso [etty property must btf producing a s Income] On farm pro perty or etty property we loan not exceeding 40 per cent of actual raise Abstract of title and re insurance required Drafts draw oa- all parts of tae world

Interest Paid on Time Deposit

The Groom Bad Prepared the Hememdash Were Mttrrd Thwr raquond Were a t

Once at Home to Ylea4t

A home wedding not only in name but in fact occurred in this city at 730 oclock last evening at 318 Shiawassee avenue south The contracting partita were Mr Frank L Johnson and Mis Hattie Robinfton both of this city

The groom has been quite busy tha peat few weeks in renovating the reel-deuce repapering and painting interior patting down carpets and plaslng the furniture receiving hint occasionally from the future Mrs Johnson At last everything waa arranged and last evenshying in the presence of few raquo lfy5 and friend of each Rev Northrup pro Dooaeedthe words that united them In the Holy Bond of Wedlock

Congratulations followed after which the company waa served to a wedding sapper At a late boor the guests deshyparted leaving their best wishes for the fature heppiiaeas of the newly wedded couple

The brideia the daughter of Mr and Sit Warren Robinson while the grooin Is the junior publisher of the CORUKMA JOURNAL Both are well known as estishymable young people of our city and enjoy the respect of ail who predict lor them a happy and useful future

coFtrwiu uSSmSo I S F A _ Olar ooaigunloatioMT tint TnstiWy em or now fore the full or the C U PaaOOOK

bull nee io Dana


ooMUrfMA CHAPTER NO -m A Regular Convocation first Taoreeay ta month C M Fucocs Swraajy o c MOORS H K

00RUKHACOC5CIL HO raquoL ftM Regshyular assemblies ttd Tnartdaylncao ovwtb C M FBAOOCX kocorder J D BOTC


COstJXNA COMMANDMtT KOfl K- T Stated OraquoC1Alaquolaquo second Teursear (n eitcb moats W A BiEKKiiAiirs Aw Qncan

Recorder EC

CORUNSA CHAPTER OttDKH OF KAST-ernftiar Itaruiar tnoetlnr Arst Wedneaday of laquoacb month at MAMmic Hall Xas Lurujt PrtriBoxB W M Miss RACaax ETAKB fiecreurr

Altlvertiseaient8 in these columns 5c per line eacli insertion Tbey are very productive of quick returns and can be prptitably used to fill any want


For SalemdashA floe residence barn acd two -lots Enquire raquot JOUKVAL ottce

For Salo^-Thorou^b bred Waitc plymota Kock E laquo s Fifteen egg for one dollar Enquire of C A Hathaway

For SalmdashBuff Plymouth Bock KgesmdashftUl blood One setting 15 eggs one dollar W A MeifiiL Corunoa

For Sale House and three Iocs on Fraser strtet Inquire of W JT Parker dtf

For Sals House raquoqd lot No 800 Shiawassee avtuae raquoouth Hujrta X Nichols Corttiioa

For SalemdashFarm for sale in township of Woodhull South H of u w laquo section 2raquo coa-taming 30 acf^tt will be sold on terms for one-foiirtb cash and remainder on time secured by mortgage Wx NRHTOX Flint Hieh

Or apply to Frank E Welch Coruoua Agt

For SolemdashAt a bavjjain one High-Grade Uilburn Mann factory Delivery Wagon


For SalemdashFarm of 80 acres Improved in a good state of cultivation good buildings windshymill and watersystem complete 10 acres of wheatacres of corn and 8 acres of beans growing 1frac12 miles north and one mile east of Byroa Terms easy Address W B Kattison Byron Jlich 83-tf

BJafUaa Bree Excwrsios

Arrangement have been completed by wbkb all who wish to attend the performance at Ringilng Broa Worlds Oreateat Sbowa in Owoeso Friday June 8th can secure special excursion rate on all lineof trarel This will be the only point in this vicinity where the great show will exhibit during the present bulleatoo and those who fall to see It will ml the grandest anoeeiaeet event of the year Since last raaton Rlngting Bros famouc exnlbltion has been doubled In also and la now beyond all question or rtoubt the largest and beat combined circus menagerie and hippo drome in the United State The pershyformance a given by orer two hundred high-salaried special itts In three rings on two stages in mid-air and on a nii^c quarter-mile hippodrome track The trained animal festures wblub are alone worth many times the price of admission to see Include three troupes fof wondershyful educated elephants Locknarta playshyacting elephants Marchnds pugullstlc pachyderms and Souders elephant bras band aud OBriens sixty-one borae act in which three-score handsome equines perform ia one ring at one time under the direction of one man The grand free nreet parade which takes place at 10 oclock on the morn lug of the exhishybition is the most magnineent display laquoverseen Dont miss it

A telegram was received bere Sunday announcing the death of Mr Solomon SCbapeil which occurred Saturday night at the home of bis son Hon and Mrs Worden R Chapeli of Washington DC

Deceased has been in fall ing health for some time and bis death was not unexshypected yet the announcement came as a shock to his many friends In this city who had known him so well for the past twenty-five years and where they had known him only to honor and respect

Mr Chapeli was born at Avon Liv-ingstoa county X Y Feb 16 1818 came to Michigan In 1837 and located at Dexter Washtenaw county He was married on March 1st 1842 to Miss Harriet Levins Pbeipe who died in January 1892 In 1856 he moved to Ingham county where he resided until 1875 when he removed to Cortana For the last three years past he had made bis home with his son Hon W R Chapelt of Washington D C

He was the father of four children Henry C of Stock-bridge and Worden R i of Washington and Mrs Jared C Thomas and Ada The latter two being deceased

The remains were brought from Washshyington accompanied by Mr and Mrs W R Chapeli and arrived In this city Tuesday morning They were taken to the home of Mr and Mrs J C Thomas where the funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon Rev H C Northshyrop officiating

Mr S S Chapeli was amp man of noble character his word as good as his bond an affectionate father kind husband and a helpful and considerate neighbor and bis death is mourned as the loss of a good man by whose life the world was ma^e better

Funeral services were held at his home ia Washington Sunday afternoon attended by Michigan friends located there and neighbor conducted by the pastor of the church wiser the late Mr Chapeli frequently attended services



Col Geo D Moreau Cornea trader That Bead His C 8 Boads However

A M Exempt from Taxation


Money to Loan-~Money to loan on desire-able propertymdashARTHttK Youxo Cornnna

Girls WantedmdashAt the Grand Central Hotel Corunna Good wages gto good girls Apply immediately

WsntelaquolmdashGeneral purpose horse harness hght wagon aud a two seated carriage In qttire 308 Saginaw St 0owraquo js-tf

Telaquoaerraquo Assoc

The meeting of the County Teaclterti Association held in Coranua May 19 was considered by those who attended as one of Joe very best and most profitshyable meetings of that organixati soever belt

One of the narked signs of interest was the exceptionally good attendance at the forenoon session The Junior class gtl the Corunna bigb school served chicken pie dinner to one hundred teachers The dinner hour closed with interesting and lively toasts by Supf Collins Comr Bristol Prin Stedman and Supt Loom is

The topics on the program were very ably and profitally bsndled and each was followed by lively discussions In which the district teachers played a very prominent and capable part

The program closed by an excellent address by Supt G W Loomis of ML Pleasant on tbe subject JTbe Personal Qualifications of tbe Teacher

Business Locals

All trimmed bats at Hickssister will tgte sold for just H regular price

Hungarian and Millet Seed for sae by M Carland Old Stand

Field Peas for sale st M Carlands old stand

Be sure and get Rape Seed for pastur-iBg for Hogs and Sheep For sale at M Garlands Old Stand

All faa^laaibera will be redwoed In price at HlofcsWaters

WUI Be Opened in June

The Owosso A Cornnna Electric Ry Co informs tbe public that Csledonis Park will not be closed this rear On the contrary it has been thoroughly cleaned and was never in better condishytion than it is now

The public is most heartily iuvited at any and all times to nse tbe same al though the formal opening will not occur until June

Clrlaquoit Conn Court covened Monday with Judgo

Smith on tbe bench The famous Walt will contest was called and a jury seshycured and will probably take all of tbe week to hear


Notice is hereby given that all pershysons are prohibited from stalling tsbek la MM roadway All stoc^ sofelaquoodw4D to taxes to tbe pound


atlaquolaquoaHraquot Day fctfak_ Tbe program which has been arranged

by the O A R Pcitand WomansRtlief Cor~for Memorial Day exercises is as follows

LINK o r MARCH The line of march will start fr JO the school

honse at raquoraquo A H sharp and mireh to the eemrtery bullbull bullbull

Officer of the Day Wot K Cummin Leader Drum Corps Olies C Docket HC Wallace Poet 2fo 1400A E Womans Belief Corps la carriage School Children Membeta of Common Council in carriages Members of School Board in carriages Citiscns in carriage

PBOGEAM Music QuAJtrms Prayer RsTMcBinDx Memorial Service for Unknown Dead_W BC Mlaquo -= mdashbullbull Centos Taio Oration by Ho JKBOXS W TcMSsa poet and

literatur of Owosso Michigan Mttsic bdquobdquo QuABTSTi^ Bemarlaquo-a r|raquoBT HC NoitTHmir Bceitation_ Miss FIOHgtCK UVMLSY Memorial Serriee by G A- B Salate the Dead Hymn-My Country TU of traquolaquoeraquo Benediction bdquo _ Pos CHATLAU Rer F A raquo Fcw and march bade to Poet mom in ttlaquo taagt

Order The Memorial services will be held at the

poundampptUt ufcureb Sooday May STlh llaquoraquo a JOlaquo A M The following is the order of exercises Doolgy bdquo_CHOIE Invocation bdquo PASTO ReadingmdashFirstsTerses of laquo Psalm StagingmdashForward Ye Soldiers Reading Scriptures BBV MCBKXDK SingingmdashMy Coantry Tis of Thee Prayer REV NOWTHBCP CollectioB and AuuouMements SingingmdashWe ShaH GatSer Over Jordan Sermon ^ RBY C u n L R SingingmdashBattle Hymn of the Republic Benediction mdash CHAFLAIX OF POST

Death or C A Oorrakce

Mr Charles A Dorrsoce an old and respected resident of Vernon village died very suddenly Monday night from beart trouble He was only sick for about half of an hour

Deceased was about 76 years of age and leaves one son Victor I of Wyanshydotte and a step-son Frank E Burt of Vernon with whom be has made bis home

The funeral will take place this aftershynoon under the auspices of tbe order of Odd Fellows of which be was a promishynent member

Notice of Meet- e f Beard of Review

Corunna Mich May 51900 Notice is hereby given that tbe Board

of Review for tbe City of Corunna will meet on the 21st day of May 1900 at Common Council Rooms in paid City of Corunna at tbe hour of 9 oclock in tbe forenoon on atd day and that said Board will be io session for six hour during said day

That said Board will continue in sesshysion at least four days beginning with said tlst day of May 1900 and at much

auy be arassiiy traquo

Col ltieo Dgt Moreau a local capitalist bond holder and landlord of several tenement booses of this city and Owosshyso recently Wrote to Commissioner Oak-man of Detroit enquiring whether a poor mi piers pension of 912 per month was exempt from taxation Mr Oak-man made a characteristic reply saying that any board of review that axed a poor soldiers pension of 12 pet month ought to be kicked We are in doubt whether Bob is coming out to do the kicking or whether be will delegate that exbileratlng duty to the Colonel or whether it is to be a genuine physical kick or the usual mental kick expressed by the vocal organs put up by those who dislike to pay their taxes II it be tbe former we would suggest that Bob come himself if the iattor we believe the Colonel wiH do It justice

However in justice to Mr Oakman we wOl state that we believe that he did not understand tbe facts In the ease Mr Korean an esteemed Citizen and veteran of the war of 61-4raquo Is tbe owner besides government bondof two hooves In this city aa as many more In Owosao and ha a 1000 certificate of deposit in the first national bank io this city The latter be ctatmed ought not to be accessed because it was savlags from pension money drawn from the United Stales government Supr C D Smith did not agree with him and so placed n on the assessiaent roll A recent letter from Mr Oakman claims it should beaeseaaed as well a does the deputy auditor genshyeral to whom Cltv Atty- Park-sr wrote for an opinion which is m follow

Msy 17th 1900 W J PARKEB City Attorney

Carunna Mteh DEAR SISmdashTour letter of the 10th

last re ived in wblt^ you ask If f 1000 la the bank evidenced by oertlflcate of deposit and owmed by an old sold lev which was originally rectved by him from the govei-nment ai pension mouey is subject to taxation I desire to call your attention to subdivision 4 of see-tlon 0 of the general tax law This secshytion designates the personal property exemptions enl uiraquodiSon 4 provides that pensions receivable from tbe Cnited State shall be exempt from taxation Pensions actually received and which have been mingled witk other personal property in possession of the pensioner are not exempt from taxation The only exemption lu the law betag pensions receivable Under tbe facts submitted by yon I am clearly of the opinion that this money would be subject to aesess-oaent as a persona] property credit This in my opinion would laquolo ue true of pensions received where the money had been converted to the use of the penshysioner an Jcutject to his control as the saute under such circumstances would not be a pension reeel vable from the goy- erumenL I know of no late case in this state in which this question bas been adjudicated but the above has been tbe uniform ruling of tbis department and tbe auditor generals department under the present tax law

You also state that a certain party bought a number of shares of bank stock and gave a mortgage back for tbe purshychase price that he is assessed for tbe bank stock and you ask it he is entitled to nave tbe mortgage on tbe stock set off against the tax on tbe stock In reply thereto I would say that debts whether evidenced by a mortgage note or otherwise under the general tax law of tbis state can only be deducted from perrons] property credits Shares of stock in a bank are assessed at their true cash value after deducting tbe real esshytates assessed to the bank and are i n no way a credit from which debtc may be deducted under the general tax law of tbis state Respectfully your

HENRY E CHASE Deputy Attorney General

Probate Court

Otto Kreil rendered to the court his final account as administrator of tbe estate of Charles P Weeden deceased and was discharged

Crawford E Fuller was appointed ad-miuiitrator of tbe estate of Random S Fuller L Cooper and F itf Rushapshypraisers Claims will be beard before court

Tbe last will and testament of John C Scbulze deceased was admitted to proshybate Wilbelm F Schulze executor of the Will W H Hunt and J Lawler appraisers Claims will be heard before court

Final account allowed in tbe estate of William A Cook deceased Decree made assigning the residue of the esshytate to the heirs at law

Order made allowing tbe administratshyor of tbe estate of Louisa Mere deshyceased to re-sell real opiate the former sale having bees revoked

Report of sale made in the estate of AUea Beard deceased

Herbert MaultQiaa minor was adoptshyed by Mm Florence Sample Kama changed to Herbert Sample

Final bearing In tbe estate of Visas Mitan deceased Petition made by tbe administrator of the estate for the asshysignment of tbe residue of tbe estate bearing June 18th

Tbe last will and testament of Samuel B Plddingtoo deceased and of Ferdl-nand pietriek deceased filed for proshybate The matters win be beard oa June l l ta and Jtme 18tn respectively


Probate Register

High Sebool LyeeauL

The last lyceum or the-high school for the present school year occurred last Friday evening and was one of tbe oeat of the year

The most Interesting part of the proshygram was tbe discussion of the resolushytion Resolved that England is a Fi l ing Nationgt Frank McBride and Mable I^awcock taking the affirmative and Frank Royce and Jessie Legg the negashytive The judges decided tbe question in favor of the affirmative

After an instrumental solo rendered by Mary Joy a review of tbe Courtship of Miles Staudieh was given by Mable Wallace followed by Ethel McKay with uOn the Wrong Train

A duett by Florence Lindsey and Zaida Rose was followed by Irene Hume with a recitation entitled How He Saved SL MichaeL After giving many fine quoshytations by Carrie McBrlde Will OSetl gave a reading entitled Tbe First Rung of tbe Ladder

After a solo by Irene Hume and a recishytation The Owi Critic by Grace Galloway the school paper was lead by Mary Joy Tbe critics report closed t t e m i o a


Wfey Do Tea WeAt

It is a fact that in the smaller towns are would-be business men who enter the town rent a store room put in a stock slid thenmdashwell sit there and wait for trade to come to thean They dont believe In advertislagmdashfor the reason ttty dont know anything about IL r^rbap they will have the printer strike o f f lew slxteentb-laquobeets cod maybe they will run a small uetT In the local paps laquobulllaquolaquo or twice And then they ewnatder thsmaelve advertise

Klne time out of ten their builnest is a failure They exist only a long as tbiir capital holds ouL Or perhaps they do catch Just enough stray trad to maxa tbem raquo bare living and they are contented Look at laquo laquo S^weasrul merchants They never rote by any such method the large prosperous buiiae bouses of America and in small town proportionately are those whose promoter were believers J n printers ink and knew bow to use i t -Exchange

Igtalaquoli elaquo bull Baaeltea Pleavoer Amanda widow of tbe late Jacob M

Brown of Haxelton died May 13 at the bOQieof her son Eugene after s short iHnea of paralysis

Mrs Brown waa born in the staic 0 Nw York ia August 18x7 and ahe and j lon to Maskegon on Memorial Day

mdash-The Duraud band has been-reorgan-

mdashMrs Chalmer BUhlmer is expected home tomorrow

mdashWilliam Betterly of Byron was i s the city Tuesday

mdashJustice Hutchings of Bancroft was in the city Monday

mdashJudge Kanouse of Llvtngstoa county hi tbe city this week

mdashDept US MarstnlFrank Westeott transacted business here Tuesday

mdashMrs IL EL Royce I the guest of her son BagUter of Deeds Royce this week

mdashHenry Chapeli of Stockbridge waa heie Tuesday on account of the death of bis father raquo

mdashMrs Emily Rrh gave a tea party Monday afternoon in honon of Mrs K (

T Ooff of Detroit mdashCorunna Cowmandery will confer

the order of the Red Cross On two can dldates this evening

mdashRev and Mrs J Fisber are in De- trolt this week attending the National Baptist Anniversaries

mdashMis Marion Mill and Mr Emery Lake of Wbittier Calbdquoare the guests of Mr and Mrs Henry Mills of this city

mdashMr and Mrs Levi McCarn of Haxelton were the guests of Mr and Mrs Meo Prands of tbis cltv Monday and Tuesday

mdashThe G rand Trunk will give an eicuiv

her late husband were among the first settler to locate in Haxelton township more than fifty yean ago Mr Brown bought a wild tract of land In that town^ ship which they converted into a beauts ful farm and wherefor year they resided and were among the towuships most esteemed and honored residents The deceased was a mo$t estimable woman loved and respected by all of her many neighbors and friends Soiee years ago tbe family moved west anA Mr Brown died in Minneapolis abosst eight years ago Besides the son above mentioned Mrs Brown Is survived by a daughter Mrs Orlando Carpenter and a son Almond


Bob Struck It

Capt Fighting Bob Evans dressed in a plain suit of clothes went to cburcb a recent Sunday and seated himself in a vacant pew about midway up tbe aisle Soon after a lady and gentleman came in and seated themselves in the same pew Tbe gentleman stood it as long as he could and then passed over bis lard which read as follows I paytSrampOO annually for this pew Bob glanced at it and handed it hack with this written on tbeback-AYou psytoodmdashdmuchr

K T Excursion to Mt Pleasemt Sunday May 27 tbe Ann Arbor Railshy

road will run a special train to ML Pleasant for accommodation tboslaquo who desire to here tbe Rev Addis Albro who will on that date deliver the Asshycension Day Sermon in the ML Pleasant Methodist Episcopal Church Special train will leave Corunna at 737 a m Fare for round trip $100 Returning train will leaves ML Pleasant 530 p m

Freak L JohnaeaCornnna Attie Bebiaaoa Coranea

William BcAvoy Mew Haven Mew Havea

St Jti

TjmwSTraquo C CoiUaa Falrneld^ bdquo 1 l_4sgt bullaaraa Walilai -^^11

BoweU Wants a Park

Howell RepublicanmdashRecently Corunshyna voted to bond tbe city for |5000 to improve McCurdyg park the recent gift of Mr McCurdy Wonder why some wealthy citizen who wishes to perpetushyate his name to coming generations does not buy tbe land where the old foundry stands and donate it to tbe city for a public park The foundry square could

Train leaves Cortffln at 546 a m Fare for rouad trip $245

mdashMr Curtis J Gale of this city who has been ill for so long a time continues to fail daily and it Is feared that he will not live the week ouL

mdashSpecial invitation Is extended to the children to bring flowers to the G AR ball on the afternoon of May 29th By order of the Committee

mdashCorunnk Commandery received an invitation to attend Ascension Day exshyercises at Mt Pleasant next Sunday but was courteously declined

mdashW E Jacobs received a letter this week from bis son Mark who is serving Uncle Sam near Manilla He writes that he was never in better health

mdashTbe Grand Trunk will give an exshycursion to Grand Rapids Lansing and Battle Creek on Sunday leaving Corunshyna at 932 Fare for round trip cent100

mdashRemember the Myrtel Iellessen Cooks entertainment to be given at tbe Presbyterian church Friday evening June 1st Benefit ct tbe Presbyterian church

mdashThere is a lot of latent musical talent in our city that only awaits some one to set the musical ball rolling Corunna should have a band and can have it if the proper person would take hold of tbe matter

mdashAdvertised letters at the Corunna postoffice for tbe week ending May 23J 1900 Ida Reynolds Leona Pease C H Meyers Jacob Roswell Earl Thlel M T Wabl M A Sawtelle J W Taylor

be cleaned at comparatively little cosL U P Wolaver mdashJay Campbell waa the first one to

Saitday Ksearston to Rraaktort Frankfort-on-tbe-Lake la be arrested for violating the city ordi-

t a Q ^J011 nance prohibiting tbe riding of bicjcles pUce to spend Sunday Special train i ^ ^ ^ ^ H e w t 4 ^ ^ ^ei June 3rd leaves Corunna x 4draquo a

on side walk a x He was taken laquo_ - w raquo laquo laquo ^ Jwtice Peacock who found bim guilty Fare for the round trip raquo200 Seven ^ ^ ^ ^ laquo 4 raquo ^ hour at Crystal Lake six boors at laquo ^ bdquo Frankfort --Bemember the 14c supper at the

home of Mr aud Mrs Geo Brands 116 Oliver street oast served by tbe Baptist Young People on Friday evening May Kth f roes 6 JO OH S oclock Everyone U weJcoasw Come and bring year fridaraquoud parteJte ef 1 henihwue aup-perferUM

J C Kennedy Roanoke Tenm says UI cannot say to much for DeWltta Witch Hasel SaVe One box of it cored what the doctors called an Incurable ulcer on any Jew Cures piles and all akin disease Look out for worthies imitation F M KUbewr

mnml aMemnai iaa^ysA^--lt^a^aeaaiaia^m^ raquos(ILi~ mamammmme

gt v H ^ laquo bull


bullc 1



J -bullpound

or- TV




UtVtpftttrftttd on OAgua^Cv^ 1 ^ |^oaM^elaquo that f wlaquolaquo aeartng might dty the nucats 40|piiub^N|pP JB i a g ^ f c e r s j the JpoundQ cltfa vonld ^as in commandmdasha fine you^g fllljfw jforni pound T acute jegle flth each other We soon made him jampuwiaj$iu situation and were a a4taf t bull




Thtill ValleyOct 1 1941mdashThe Fifth Bengal and the Thirty-third Queens passed through this morning on their way to the front Had tiffin with the Behgnlese Latest news from home that two attempts had been made on the Queens life by semi-maniacs named FTancU and Bean

H promises to be a hard winter The anow lice has descended a thousand feet upon the peaks but the poase will be opea lor week to come and even if they were blocked we have established so many depots in the country that PoUock and Nott will have no difficulty hi holding their owl They ahall not steel with the fate of Elphloitone artay One sucn tragedy is enough for a century

Elliott of the Artillery and I art answerable for the safety of the eom-bullttnleatione for bull distance of twenty smfles or more from the mouth of the bullalley to the aide of the wooden hrfdge oraquolaquof the Lotar Goodenaugh of the Rlfiea is responsible on the otter side and Lieotenant-Coloiiel Sidney Hershybert of the Engineers ha a general acpervialon over both ae UowL Oar force is not strong enough far the work which has to be done I have a comshypany and a half of oar own regiment and a squadron of Sowars who are of bullo use at all among the rocks Elliott has three guns bat several of his men ere down with the cholera and I doubt if he cs3 enough to serve more than two (Note Capsicum for cholera-tried it)

On the other hand each convoy is fall-lipped with a mane of angled hair and most Satanic sheer No news of the devil to look at hawk-nosed laquoBlaquoay provided with some guard of

its own though it is often absurdly in-efflcleut These Valleys and ravines which branch opt of the main pass are alive with Afreedees and Pathahs who are kee robbers a well as religious fanatics 1 wonder they dont swoop down on some of our caravans They could pit nder them and get back to their mountain fastnesses before we could interfere or overtake them Nothing but fear will restrain them If I had my way I would hang one at the mouth of every ravine as a warning to the gang They are personifications 4o-day from the front

October 2mdashI must really ask Herbert for another company at the very least I am convinced that the communicashytions would be cut off if any serious attack were made upon us Now this morning two urgent messages were sent me from two different points mors than sixteen miles apart to say that there were signs of a descent of the tribes Elliott with one gun and the Sowars went to the farther ravine while I with the Infantryigt hurried to the ether but we found it was a false alarm I saw no signs of the hillmen land though we were greeted by a sputshyter of jcwil bullets wo were unable to capture any of the rascals Woe betide ^hem jf they fall into my hands I Wojld give them as short a shift as ever a Highland cateran got from a Glasgow judge These continued alarms may mean nothing or they may be an indication that the hillmen are assemshybling and have some plan in view

We have had no news from the front for some time but to-day a convoy of wounded came through with the inshytelligence that Nott had taken Ghuznes I hope he warmed up any of the black rascals that fell into his hands No word of Pollock An elephant battery came up from the Punjaub looking In a very good condition There were several convalescents with it going up to rejoin their regiments Knew none of them except Mostyn of the Hussars and young Blakesley who was my fag at Charterhouse and whom I have never seen since Punch and cigars al fresco up to eleven oclock Letters toshyday from Willis amp Co about their little bill forwarded on from Delhi Thought a campaign freed a man from these anshynoyances Wills says in his note that since his written applications have been in vain he must call upon me in person If he calls upon me cow he will assuredly be the boldest and most persevering of tailors A line from Calcutta Daisy and another from Hob-house to say that Matilda comes in for all the money under the wilL I am glad of it

October 3mdash-Glorious news from the front to-day Barclay of the Madras Cavalry galloped through with disshypatches Pollock entered Cabul tri-

on the 16th of last month still Lady Sale has been

ir and brought iafe into the Brit camp together with the other hostage Te Deum laudamusT This should end the whole wretched buatneasmdashthis and the sack of the city I hope Pollock wont be squeamish or truckle to the hysterical party at home The town should be laid la ashes and the intta sown with bullalt Above all the EssldeHey and the

So shall

gkuant fellow enow that hVa country men could avenge if they could not save him

It Is hard when others are gaining glory and experience to be stuck in this miserable valley I have been out of it completely bar a few petty skirshymishes However we may see some service yet A jemidar of ours brought in a hillmanto-day who says that the tribes are massing in the Terada rashyvine ten miles to the north of us and intend attacking the next convoy We cant rely on information of this sort but there may prove to be some truth in It Proposed to shoot our informshyant so as to prevent his playing the double traitor and reporting our proshyceedings Elliott demurred If yon are making war yon should throw no chance away I hate half-and-half measures The Children of Israel seem to have been the only people who ever carried war to its logical conclushysionmdashexcept Cromwell la Irelandmdash made a compromise at last by which the man is to be detained as a prisonshyer and executed if his information proves to be false I only hope we get a fair chance of showing what we can do No doubt these fellorrs at the front will have C Ba and knightshyhoods showering venon them thick and fast while we poor devils who have had most of the responsibility and siiXieiy will be parsed over completeshyly Elliott haa a whitlow The last rotvoy left us a ku re packet of sauces

bullbut a they forgot to leave anything lo est with them we have handed them ever to the Sowars who drink them cut of their pannikins as if they were liquor Wejieaf that another large convoy may be expecied from the plains In the course of a day or two Took nine to four on Cleopatra fcr the Calcutta Cup

October 4mdashThe hillmen really mean brsines this time I think We have had two of om spies come in this morning with the same account about the gathering In the Terada quarter That old rascal Zemaun Is at the head of It and I have recommended the Govern teent to present him with a telshyescope in return for his neutrality Tliere will be no Zemaun to present it to if I can but lay hands upon him We expect the convoy to-morrow mornirg and need anticipate no atshytack until it comes up for theee felshylows fiRht for plunder not for glory though to do them justice they have plenty of pluck when they get startshyed 1 have devised an excellent plan and it has Elliotts hearty support By Jove if we can only manage It it Will iKgt as pretty a ruse as ever I heard of Our intention is to give out that we are going down the valley to meet the convoy and to block the mouth of a j pass from which we profess to expect an attack Very good We shall bullmake a might march to-night and re^ch their camp Once there I shall conshyceal my tiro hundred men in tae wagshyons and travel up with the convoy again Our friends the enemy having fcrd that we intended to goSouth and seeing the caravan going north without us will naturally swoop down upon it under the impression that wo are twenty miles away We shall teach jSeira a l e ^ n that they WOJSlt2 as soon think of stopping a thundershybolt as of interfering again with one of Her Britannic Majestys provision trains I am all on thorns to be off

Elliott has rigged up two of his guns so ingeniously that they look more like costermongers barrows thin anything else To see artillety ready for action in the convoy might arouse suspicion The artillerymen will te in the wagons next the guns all ready to uhlimber and open fire Infantry in front and rear Have told our confishydential and discreet Sepoy servants the plan which we do not Intend to adopt N BmdashIf you wish a thing to be noised over a whole province alshyways whisper it under a vow of seshycrecy to your confidential native sershyvant

I 8 45 p mmdashJust starting for tbeccn-J voy May luck go with us j October 5mdashSeven oclock in the j evening lo triumphe Crown us j with laurelmdashElliott and myself Who i can compare with ua as vermin killers j I have only just got back tired and ^eary stained with blood aud dust | but I have SRt down before either j washing or changing to have the satisshy

faction of seeing our deeds set forth in black and whitemdashif only in my prishyvate log for no eye but my owo I shall describe it all fully as a prepashyration fcr our official account which roust be drawn up when Elliott gets back Billy Dawson used to say that there were three degrees of comparishysonmdasha pre aricatjon a lie and an offishycial account We at least cannot exshyaggerate our success for It would be impossible to add anything to it

We set out then as per programme aad came upon the camp near the bead aftbo ralley They had two weak companies of the 64th with them who faight no doubt have held their own with warning but an unexpected rush of wild hills is a very difficult thin to stand ajprtas With our rateforce-

nothfog between them and victory they left the shelter or the rocks and came rushing down a furious howling throng with the green banner of the Prophet in their vac Nov was our chance and gloriously we utilized irgt From every cranny and slit of (be wagons came a blaze of fire every shot fcf which-told- among the close-packed mob Two or three score rolled traquoVer like rabbits and the rest reeled for a moment and then with their chiefs at their head came on again in a magnifishycent rush It walaquo useless however for undisciplined men to attempt to face such a well-directed fire The leaders were bowled over and the others sifter hesitating for few moments turned and road for the rocks It was our turn now to assume the offensive The guns were unlimt-ered and grape poured into them while our H^ie inshyfantry force advanced at the double shooting and stabbing all whom they overtook Never have-I known tblaquo tide of battle to turn so rapidly and so decisively The sullen retreat beshycame a flight and the Sight a panic-stricken rout until there was nothing left Of the tribesmen except a scattershyed demoralised rabble Eying wildly to their native fastness for shelter anil bullprotection bull

1 was by no means inclined to let thcin off cheaplj xtaw that I had fhem in my power On tiu contrary I detershymined to teach them such a lesson that the sight of amp single scarlet uniform would iu future be a passport in itshyself We followed hard upon the track of the fugitives and entered the Terada defile at theirvery heels bullbullHavlni-de-tnched ChaEuberlain and Elliott with a ccr-j^any on either side to protect my wings I poshed on with my Sepoys and a handful of artillerymen giving them no time to rally or to recover themselves We were so handicapped however by our stiff European unishyforms and by- our want of practice in climbing that we should have been unable to overtake any of the mounshytaineers had it not been for a fortunshyate accident There is a smaller rashyvine which opens into the main pass and in their hurry and confusion some c the fugitives rushed down this 1 saw sixty or seventy of them turn down but I should have passed them by and continued In pursuit of the main body had not one of my scouts come rushing up to inform me that the smaller ravine was a cul-de-sac and that the Afreedeos who had gone up it had no possible means of getting out again except by cutting their way through our ranks Here was an opshyportunity of striking terror into the tribes Leaving Chamberlain and Elshyliott to continue the pursuit of the main body I wheeled my Sepoys into the narrow pass and proceeded slowly down it in extended order covering the whole ground from cliff to cliff Not a jackal could have passed us unshyseen The rebels were caught like rats in a trap

The defile in which we found ourshyselves was the most gloomy and mashyjestic that I have ever seen On eithshyer side naked precipices rose sheer up for a thousand feet or more convergshying upon each other so as to leave a very narrow slit of daylight above us which was farther reduced by the feathery fringe of palm trees and aloes which hung over each lip of the chasm The cliffs were not more than a couple of hundred yards apart at the entrance but as we advanced they grew nearer and nearer until a half company In close o-dlaquor could hardly march abreast A sort of twilight reigned in this strange valley and the dim uncertain light made the great basalt rocks loom up vagte and fantasshytic There was no path and the ground was most uhaveu but I pushed on briskly cautioning my follows to have their Angers on thalr ttttawa

by daybreak though his wagons were so full that we were compelled to leave eeveraTlons of fodder behind ffi order to make room for my Sepoys ani for the artillery About five oclock we in-spanned to use an Africanism and by six we were well on ow way with our escort-aa straasfljai amppd uneonceire-1 as pjsalbiBlaquofa|( heljolfss looking a oara-van as ever invited attack

I could see that It was to be no false alarm this time and i^at the tribes really pgtSABt business From my pest of observation under the canvas screen of one of the wagons I couldmake out turbfthed heads popping up to have a look at us from among the rocks and an occasional scout hurrying northshyward with the news of our-approach It was not however until we came abreast of the Terada Pass a gloomy defile bounded byjgjgantic cliffs that the Afreedees began to show in force though they had ambushed themselves so cleverly that had we not been keenshyly on the lookout for them we might have walked right into the trap As it was the convo lalted upon which the hillmenseeing that they were observshyed opened a heavy but ill-directed fire upon us I had asked Chamberlain to throw-out Ms men in skirmishing orshyder and give them directions to retreat slowly upon the wagons so AS to draw the Afreedees oh T h e rose succeeded to perfection As the redcoats steadishyly retired keeping behind cover as much as possible^ the enemy followed them up with yells of extrtatfon springlBg from rock to rock waving their Jsndis in the- air and hewliug like a pack of demons With their black contorted mocking faces their fierce gestures and their fluttering gar-mentst they would have made a stufv for any painter who wished to port Miltons conception of the army of tie damned From every side they pressshyed In undi seeing as thej thought 1 the hillmen were taking heart and

t wjcanfeIn^fjBt oftlfe place at pfftTbf owlders fehlaquoaped

up at the very end of the pass and among these our fugitives were skulk-in erillfely ffembralized^appaTeStly and incapable of resistance They were useless as prisoners tsd it was out of the question to let them go so thene was no choice bLjta polish- them off Waving my sword I was leading my men on whett we had a most dra-matic iatemiptioft of a sort which 1 have aeB once or twice on the hoards of Drui-y Lane btU never in real life

In the side of ths cliff close to the pile of stones where the hillman were making their last stand there was a cave which looked more like the lair of sohie wild beaampt than a human habishytation Out of this dark archway there suddenly emerged an old cpanmdashsuch a very Very old man that all the other veterans whom I have seen were as chickens compared to him His hair and beard were boLh as Trhitft as snow and each reached more than half way to his waist His face was wrinkled and brown and bony a cross between a monkey and a mummy and so thin and emaciated were his shriveled limbs that rou would hardly have given him credit for having say vitality left wet it not for his eyes which glittered and sparkled with excitement tike two diashymonds in a setting of mahogany This apparition came rushing out of the cave and throwing himself between the fugitives and our fellows motionshyed us hack with aa Imperious a sweep of the hand as ever an emperor used to his slaves

Men of blood he cried in amp voice of thender speaking excellent English toomdashthis is a piac for prayer and meditation hot for murder Desist lest the wrath of the gods fall upon you

Stand aside old man T shonted You will meet with a hurt if yon dont gel out of the way 1 could see that

Success O p e r a raquo liHraquolaquoPltraquoraquoraquo

Itte second soccessrul operation of skin grafting by uaing the shift or in net film o| ewjy^ laid egg amplaquo accomplished at tho Indianapolis city hospital by Dr W V Morgan and other physicians

The subject was Scott Smith a colshyored man who was horribly burned about the face neck and shoulders by the hursttns of a Jaafe The rav surface could ^ notbo cured by ordishynary means ant after several physishycians had applied reatoraUves in vain Smith was removed totbehospital

Dr Morgan secured some newly-laid eggs and the skin or film was applied and it was only a short time before the good results were apparent In ten days the film of the eg^ was united securely to the flesh and the wounds were perfectly healed

Ah intersting part ofthe operation tion from a scientific point of view is what is to be the color of the resulting cuticle A microscople examination shows that the skin of the egg is now a part of the skin of Smiths body but it remains white while the other skin is black

The blood circulates through ft as through other parts but it Is yet an open Question whether the yigmwt whiah colors the negros skin will eashyter tao sew shin and also-eoicc H So far there la so evidence that this will he the result for i t has remained as white as it was when first applied

Smith is in mortal terror for fear that feathers wlD grow out of his face and neck where the egg film wan apshyplied Some joking remark made by the physicians during the course of the operation caused the patient to conceive such a thins poasibl and for several days he had to be watched closely to prevent him from reinov-ingthe filmmdashNew York Tribune


that some of my Sspoys were flinching as if they did not relish this new eneshymy Clearly I must act promptly if I vis^c-d to complete our success i dashed forward at the head of the wnite artillerymen gthe had stuck to

me Tlie old fellow rushad at us with bis arms out as if to Stop us but it waa no time to sllek at trinei BO ] passed my sword through his body ai the same moment that one of the gunshyners brought his carbine down upou his head He dropped instantly and the billroen at the sight of his fall set up the most unearthly howl of horror and consternation The Sepoys who had been inclined tobang back 1 ime on again the moment he was dl9- posed of and U did not take cs long to- coRsninmate owe victory Hardly a man of the enemy ftot out of the defile alive What could Hannibal or Caesar hare done more Our own loss in the whole antnir lias been inMjs jjftcaHtmdash thrcs killed and about-fifteen wounded Cat their banner a green wsp cf a thing with a sentence of the Koran engraved upon It

I looked after tbi action for the OE] chap but his body had disappeared though how or whither 1 have no csn-eepUon His blcod b$ upon his own head He would be alive now if he had catinterfered as the constables eay at hociti with au cfilcer in the execution of his duty The scouts teii me that his name was Ghoolah Bhah and that he was one of the highest and holiest of the Buddhists He had great fame in the district as a prophet and tvorkev of miraclesmdashhence the hubbub when he was cut down They tell me that he was living in this very cave wfcieh Tamerlane passed this way n 139 with a lot more bosh of the sort I went into the cave and now any man could live in it a week is a mystery to me for it was little more than four feet high and aa damp and dismal a grotto as ever was seen A wooden settle and a rough table werethe sole furniture with a lot of parchment scrolls covered with hieroshyglyphics Well he has gone wher n will learn that the gospel of peace and good-will is superior to all his Pagan lore Peace go with him

[TO BE COSTIraquoT)gt]


Ask Your Neighbor to take the Journal

bullKm laquoBrnHlaquo WITH K M n u t ( L i OtAi M M T link tbeoo s w

tlidcrVttSikat^^O lit tot w sm

5sfifeaaBiKiaaaaaraquoii at raquo point ajsehjaraquo laquolaquot of eonwsr toseotiotts cent4 f i n d 8 tlaquoigthltrfltlraliiolaquobOTetiealtriigt-

Tbwie^ASHdaf B oa talaquo JC UX pound M of Me 7 excepts a iw traquortlaquolaquo lt J 3 c a u lev owner 1256 chu tbeaee A6 deg K-t3 -hun tlunelaquo S S5laquo i|laquos E 221 clvraquo theoee 6 gti Jelaquo pound4S6chnamp t-tvenee S 18 degE1^4 chnraquo thence s SWderW 5M feraquolaquo t^enlaquolaquo raquo 60frac14 dlaquoff V iS2l cbo thenee 8 laquoSH deg W 410 ltraquo tUeraquogti-a 8 8t delaquo W raquo4S chna theraquoclaquo 8 ampK V 3-frac34 fhiilaquo to wampt lloe e(abrye describedtraquoraquod at a point 2igt chraquoiiw north of thlaquo souihweat corner wf said description Leugtn of drain op above An-scriptlon is52j8gtbraquong bdquo bdquo

TboBce S cent7frac34 tee W on the W i4laquoltNE H of sec exceptSa in N Kcorner G Broadliitlfre Est 17S chns tttlaquonce 3 5T deamp W t laquo otrns to E and W quarterraquooe a t raquo point amp cbn west of the souttieampt corner of said degtxnpuon Length ot drain on aboTe description is 41raquo laquobullgt raquo ins

Thence 6 5 delaquo W on the W ot S E M of see 7 A J and M Green owner 221 -enna thence S 74 dejr W 416 cLns thence S 8raquoH der W 307 cans thence went b i eiray taeocfv S 84 ltlt W t56 enna to N raquond S quarter Hne at a point 316 chain south 6( the center ot aaid section Lenrth ot drain on above description ipound 17 IS

Tiienee 8 U dear W ov the N 8 frac14 of S W H of bullKW 7 B J Holmes owner 4M chns thenc-e N SW eg T 17raquo ehns taeuce N 61frac34 deg W 554 chas to R and W quarter line at a point 940 chna east of tfc norfliweat corceT of raquoM 4raquo-seriptkm Length of drain on abore descrip-

I tion in 1301 chaUus ThenceNOlXdegWonthat p t o K 6 f N W

fri )iof raquoee7 Irinsr raquoouta of nigra way Stisan Hoitnea owser ampamp eJtns then N 74frac34 de W 414 ehna thence N 77frac34 dec W 1raquo raquoa gt bull line of above deecribed land atapoint5Tchnraquo oortB of the soadtwest ooraer of raquoraquoW deserip-tiott ampfBClt of drfctn os atovc description is

T h a n M WK dec Wlaquo thraquoW otXW fri H Of see 7 A L Chaae owner iraquoU cjaasg laquolaquoamplaquolaquo Smlaquott W IMS ehna to telaquoniHHgt Jampimtoat-b laquo laquo t i tbe west iiM of the said toi0ampiM$ of HaaeUon at a point 1446 ehus ooi bull quarter polaquot to raquoelaquof Length of

As Success Returned the Sorrows of His Ufe Came

Aaron Burr was sixty years old when he resolved once more to battle with fortune writes William Perrine of The Mysteries Of the Century la the April Ladies Home Journal

Going quietly into New York he opened an Gibe for the practice of law and In a fortnight had earned tivO thousand dollars is tees But hardly had he written to his daughter about hi luck when there came from South Carolina the news that her beautiful boy who had been the idol of the ambitious statesman was dead But there was in reserve for Burr a still heavier blow Toward the doae ot the rear 1812 Theodosia ARstOft made preparattons to visit her father in New York Pasaag was engaged on the schooner The Patriot foa Theodosia her phyaloiaii aad her maid and tho youag wosaaa wan radishyant with tho expectatioa of meetiag her rather within the next five or alt days The Patriot sailed front Charlesshyton out Into the ocean on Christmas week andnota vtiufe of her was ever again seen and it Is surmisedmdash but nothing Is known as to her f a t e -that she founded off the coast of Hat-teras Day after day and long after all hope had been abandoned there might have been seen on the battery at New Tork the lonely and unhappy father peering far down the bay as If he were scanning the sea for a sail Of his agony Aaron Burr gave the world but little vfsw be had schooled himself in the habit of never exhibit iiig his emotions but In one-of his letters he declared that he felt as if he had been severed from the human

raquo 19 _

description u a B f t t t e v^ Total tenamptfe of draii poundff2affilaquoa Said a laquo f a J raquo t o l m B 111 i t S J ^ l ^

acd u to be eet wl4 on the Jff6rron tfce lower ead to sraaestaaeKK laquo8 laquoWaac of iiactahsta and 5 ft wtae aw the hseson fnok pwAelttake Ma raquo raquo mnOieetmh Mo 4frac34 plwsae Itwka raquolaquoMalaquoeelaquotf raquo 5 raquo e s s n laquo 4 4 ft wide o s the botees from laquowe laquotalraquo No 41 ptssaOHakja to KTMIC staae JCo86 p h n t w i k k s adfaCaitee of W-Wrfu^r andSftwleeow facottow from gtmi4e raquoatae K m pJw MS MraquoH to tomiaaa a distance of 9445 can

Talaquo sttea a w toatow |H Sraquoel eefctoeaeh foot rise The ton i s tobett feet wide or less to se 4ltiujMiLjeaTy ate teptt at eeraquo jrrade stake The diBtcnstonalaquo(aalddzmiAAreiobe in aceoreaaee with the grade table and profile bere-witA retomed and made a pari of tue raquonr-Teytelaquoaraquofda

The rich of mrnj to uqtAmt aatrte of land 10efeetwMeMfeeioeM^ afSe -of ampeabolaquoe deoertbed roote WWea 6 toe cefitnr Hnlaquo of aaM drain

^TTTered f eb S and laquo lfSt by order of Can W Parker euroolaquofitjr Draia Cosaraquoiraquoswraquoaer of Sitiawaaaee Goaat^ Behiga laquo

S u t s s F JossnV^we^or Said Job will be let br Bieeitows ^he section

at tUe outlet of the said drain wfll be let first aAd the rlaquolaquoaiBinc section in their order up fitream in accordance with the diajjraai no-OQ file with the other paper pertainis to said drain ht the ofllce of the Connty Drain Cun-mbatoneT of the said county laquof 84gtiawasraquoeer to wftich rrferenee way be had by ail parties in-tereated aiilaquo btds will be nade and received

T Qflood Jostled of the Peace OfOrby bullliia makes the following statement I can certify that One Mioute (insh CHW will do all that is claimed for It My wife could hot get ber breath sod the first dose of it reshylieved her It has also benefited my whole family It acts immediately and cures coughs coUla eroup grippe broochitiji asthms and ail throat and lung troubles F M KUbourn

TryGraANO Try copyraia-O

Ask your grocer to-day to show you a package of Groin-O the new food drink that takes the plsoe of coffee The children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as the adult All who try it like it Grain-O has that rich seal brown cf Mocha or Java but it is made from pure grains and the most delicate stomach recvivs it without distress ^ the price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

NJUCC of Drwia Let tine Contra Hortom and H o l a e DraJa

Kotice is hereby given that I Chas W Parker County Drain Commissioner of the County of $htawagtee nd State of Michigan wil) on the 4th day of June A D 1900 at the wnool house on the south wet corner of a w laquoec 5 in the township of Hazelton in said county of Shiawassee at tea oclock in the forenoon of that day proceed to receive bid for the construction of a certain Drain known and designated as The Hortoo and Holmes Drain located and etfiabliahed in the town-ahip of Ilazelton In tgta4d county of Shiawassee and described as followa to-wit

Commencing in the North Creek Drain at a point 4Jpoundgt cbainti north and 9 links weat of the center of section 5 T 8 N B 4 pound county of Shia-wassee and state of Michigan From thence S a degrees W ou the S V H of N W frl H of sec 5 W O Bailey owner 421 chain thence N 88frac34 deg W 1376 chains thence 8 41K deg W 18 linki to the south line of above described land at a poiat 1SM chains west of the southshyeast corner of aaid description Length of drain on above description is 18 )i chains

Thence S 41H deg W on the pound tf of S W t of section 6 Leroy Chapin Est tM chains thence S O dec W tpound6 chains to west line of abor 2 deshyscribed land at a point Sts chains south of the northwest corner of aatd description Leacth of drain ou aoov deaertpttoa is llSt chaina

Thence s S dec W o n t f e e t ^ o f W M o t S V H toe 6 except M a off west aMe A J Ami tm and wife owners EOUaka theaee M Ct de W WIS chaiaa to west line of above de-scrPlaquo-o laltM) at a poiat laquo8Pekains aolaquoth of the norths Ht corner of said description Length of drain oraquo above deaeription is k28 chains

Then e X m amprg W laquo a laquo h e laquo 3 0 a o f E 4 o f W Of 8 w H of aec S Heary Araquoraquoraquodon raquond wife owners Mt eaailaquo-i to east line of above de sevibe toad at a pviat ampM chaiaa seats of the bullorttweat coowvo raquoa44 weaeripitoa

W Meftfftoft Kawe O Wbaer swaer la t fchas to lime bgtweea seetisw ft and bull at a poiat 1114 ehaiaa aoatb of toe evarto post te

accordtncV CCTCtracts will be asad wjtb toe lowed respMMdble Vidoieir ailnc a-enlaquoate se-CTnlty for the perfovmaaeeof tb wortt to a soa taeamp aapound Ugtere te be fiurM by toe reserving to-njselftbe rlgv to nleetjtoraasal) bids The date for the completion of sneb contract and of paymeut taereior mball aad wiH be the torsts-aanwneed at iae time and pUee of totMatr-

jtottce is farther hereby f t w dtot at tt ttoto and placw sf said tetttoc or at raquoeraquo raquotar Uaw aod paet tbtfinfUr to wfefca I toe CanMty Praia tXiwhiitutoiT_ stowriiM_gtar

n f i t laaos sassprtoai wtttta tae Bortoa aad SoIavM Drain Sweetol asaitosatotit raquotraquo-trtet aad toe apfiontoaatetato thereof will be awarded by aw ana wui be svejeet traquo rtrUm for oa ay tnm ala oeetoek l laquoae foreaosn vmtU nvlaquo Wetoeh la fcae aftoraraquogta

The fwiiawtac is a ltineriMlolaquo of tae aeverai tracts or parcel of laad eoostitntinir taw Mpeeial Aswamaent District of said drain via r

TOWMaHtr OF SASIpoundTOraquo AT LAXOK T laquo

E Hof s w Hsees bull Kof w s w ^ e s e e p t raquo off w aide sec Z W SB a of eH of w ^ i i w gti sec i W of H bull w j sec E H o f s e v i s e e S E i of ^ raquo ea see laquo W at w H se see 6 KMof swfri )4elaquoe E raquo laquo s w VseeS

E 90 a n sw ^ bull a B te a of e 0 a laquo Sf a w MS KefrtMeeeS 8 iv a of e 3$ a e 73 a of Kw tH MseeC a 7 mom the south cud of the wi of thv e W a

ne fri U sec S Ns M of nw laquo x 8 Nwj iof iiw Si teeg B ne sen 7 except 5 a is ne corner raquo a in ne corner of laquoH of ue M sec W H ne a sec 7 except 2 a is nw eor S a in nw corner of w H ae see 7 That part of eH of ne bull of ow trM sec 7

tmrfh of the higfcwaj- That p of w of euro nw frt Jisee 7 nortb of-

the highway B10 a of the wlaquo4 of n w fri see 7 lying n of

the highway That part of the w ft of nw fri pound4T raquolaquo7 lyinc

south of the high way Tbst part of e of a w fri laquoraquo ac T south of

the highway S K a w HsecS Nw i n ^ laquo e plusmn laquo K e ) i a e ^ s e c 7 WH laquo14 seer N e M o f s w f r i ^ s e e r aeiiofswfrl)laquoacr7^ Nwliofwfrt5tsee7 8w X of a w fri see Ne ii ef hw fri laquo see 14 N amp w pt nw fri K see 18 S raquo w K nw fri laquo4 see 18 Se H nwfrlaec w N pt w pt sw fri a see tg flJraquoHsecS All in Town 8 K S 4 East HaxletoR


S 60aof e laquo ne X sec laquo T g N B Se X Hof thee H s e iaee 13 W of the eH se see 13 W ot ae H sec IS Ne ^ se a e K see 13 E4wKuegtgtisee lS EH lie ^ see IS 8 25 a of e w ne H aec l i WWofwHfteSrfsecl i All in Towag North Ranee 3E Kew Haven

Now therefore all unknown aad non resishydent persons owners aad persons interested in the above described landa and yon The Heirs Of Leroy Chapin Est A J Amldou Mrs A J Amidon Ueury Anidon Mrs Henry Amldon Hate Feoaer Mrs JB A Ooward B M Ormsby W A Johusoix Ettie Johnson George WbUe G Welaquoraquon J shoeraaker Jefea Claquonicv Jasieraquo ConleyOeorgeChUdsD F F a n s worth James Cantley Grant Sanborn Heirs of George Broad bridge Est L Sanborn J Farrer A L Chase Susan Holmes w Hart J Del ion AJ Green R J Holmes W E Jacobs t^orge H Hermar A B Cooklin E M Marble A F North J F Jacobs W G Bailey raquo Houghshyton N White W Randall T Kenney M and J BittelJ Forest Perry Geo Urch John Kim w H Post are hereby notified that at the time and place afot-esaid or at such other time snd place thereafter to which said hearshying may be adjourned 1 shall proceed to reshyceive bids for the construction of said Horton atd Holmes Drain in thgt manner hereinbe-fore mated and also that at t-uch time of letting from nine oclock in the forenoon until five oclock In the afternoon the assessment-for benefits and the lands comprised within the Horton and Holmes drain special assessment districts will te subject to review

And you and each of yon owners and pershysons interested in the aforesaid lands are hereby cited to appear at the time and place of such letting aforesaid and be beard with respeet to such special assasscsents aad your interests in relation taareto If you so desire

C B A B U W PABXKS County Draia Commissioner of Shiawassee County Michigan

Dated Owosao Mich May Otk A D 1940 CONTSACTOampS TAKE NOTICE

A deposit of 110 cash will be required of per sobs bidding on work who are unable to fnrraquo-bOi appvored security at tae tfaa of letting All persons slcning boadoraquoi asiety oo esatract wiU be required to swear that they arc worta two hundrtd osllai-wtowatocwaiberea property

exempt frost exseutton uadar the law of te atato befhr Draia r imml i i ln i walac-

mm am




We take pleasure in announcing to the people

of Shiawassee County that our store is full and new goods coming

in daily We placed our orders early and therefore bought at the lowest prices Our motto is Once a cusshytomer always a cusshytomer1 - Now is the time to get spring goods See our line and be satisfied this is the place to trade

We have Everything- the

- bull

emBsssB mm-

Xatest in

mWtm bullWP


Woodard North amp Jennings FURMTUftE AND UNDERTAKING


Tfce Work Betaf Bese by Ota Lav-makers at Fifty-Sixth Sedshy

a t e te Washington

raquov MNAftY IMHE BfllY PWCtfMWS

S c u t e r n a s r a Ik HnVal Araquoraquorsoriaraquo tlom natal Qtkcr sttUnmdash1raquo t h e Henwe raquo Ajwe4snwt m tste Cmmttmti+m bulla Ptmmmmi C e w e r raquo i a the C+m-rI laquo f Tras ta

Washington M a j J5mdashThe senate y e s t e r d a y passed the naval appropriashytion and - f r e e homes bill and reshyceived a favorable -report-on the Ni-a m g u a n canal bilL Senator J o n e s (Ark) introduced a bill t o prevent and punish blackl ist ing by railroad s teeping ear express s teamboat teleshygraph and te lephone companies e raquo -g s g e d in i n W s t a t commerce and also t o provide eevvfl remedy In damage for blackl ist ing

Washington May 1mdashThe s e n a t e bullyesterday devoted the t ime t o conshy

sideration of the bill providing for bullcivil service In tblaquo eonntrya n ew Is l s n d possession The res ignat ion of Mr Clark of Montana wan received

Waahington May 17-raquoBill were passed In the senate yesteirday t o give exrxolftlers preference in civil service appo in tments grant ing a pension of $100 per month t o the w idow of Gen Lntvton and for the erect Jon of a pubshylic building at East St Louis 111 The commit t ee on Jntrioceanic canals reshyported recommending the Nicarngiian route The administrat ion of affairs in Cab by agent s of the United S ta te s was discussed

Washington May ISmdashThe pos ofshyfice appropriation bill was considered in the senate yesterday and a resolushyt ion w a s adopted for information as t o Jiow m a n y Fil ipinos have been ki l led and wounded s ince the beginshyn i n g of host i l i t ies and ajso h o w m a n y have been capJured and are now i n out possession

Washington May 1mdash-Nearly the en-t i m e t ime in t h e senate yesterday w a s devoted t o t h e pneumatic tube sys t em serv ice in the post office appropriation Dill The war department reported t h a t Cuban revenae receipts are nearshyl y t w i c e the islands expenditures

Washington May 21mdashThe post ofshyfice appropriation bill w a s further disshyc u s s e d in the senate on Saturday and he -conference report on the fortifishyc a t i o n bill w a s agTeed to

H a m s

Washington May 16mdashThe las t of t h e general appropriation bil lsmdashthe mi l i tary academy bil lmdashwas sent t o t h e senate yesterday by the house An amendment to the federal constishyt u t i o n which p o t s the control of the t r u s t s in the hands of congress w a s

j reported a s fo l lows Section A- AS sower centered by this

article shall extend to the several states the territories the Insfariet copy Columbia and alt territory under the raquoovrlaquoJaraquoty and subject to the jurtedtcttoe laquof the Uamptteci States

S e c 2-Congress shall haTe power te define regulate control prohibit or dlsgt wrtve trusts monopolies or combinations whether earfstto tn the form of a cor- poratkm or otherwise The- s s r a t l states may 08110laquoraquo to exercise sweh power la any manner not In eonfltet with the law or the United States

Sec Cologne shall have power to enforce the prowtstons of this article by appropriate JBgisfatton

Washington May 17mdashThe Alaska code bill was considered in t h e h o u s e yesterday and t h e senate bill t o incorshyporate the Americas National Bed Cross was passed

Washington May 19mdashIn t h e hotwe yes t erday a special river and harbor biK carrying $400000 for surveys and emergency work w a s passed and t h e Alaskan code bill w a s further conshysidered

Washington May 19--The house deshyvoted the t ime yes terday t o the conshysideration of war c la ims bills and fa v o r a N y acted upon a bil o approshypriate $200000 to pay ex-confederate bulloblters for horses and-ether property taken from them in violation of th t erms of laquoraquo Jmrrender

Washington V n y StmdashIn tbf h o W on Saturday a resolut ion w a s adoptee accept ing the s t a t u e o f Gen Q r a n 4 presented by the Grand Army of t h laquo Republic to tite na t ion and it w a s unveiled In t h e g r e a t rotunda of t h o Capitol

C k r b t t i H raquo U t a l o n d o u May 18mdashThe Peking corshy

respondent of the Time says The anti-foreign movement headed by the Uosers has at ta ined alarming proshyportions There has been a serious anti-Christian outbreak near f a o - T i n g -Fu province of Pe-Chi-Ll Seventy-three native Christians were murshydered including w o m e n and children Many were horned alive

I W l l laquo w i H t M B s r a t s I Pit tsburgh Fa May 17 mdash F i r e Wednesday afternoon destroyed the

grand army home for soldiers widshyows a t Hawkins Stat ion on the Pennshysylvania railroad near here The 40 inmates rang ing in ae from M to 95 years escaped wi thout Injury One old lady Mrs Tenor aged raquo5 years m a y die from the shock Loss 120000 cause of Are unknown deg

Drat r wye lraquoy f 8 laquo e Hartford City Ind May raquo mdash T h e

strawboard and paper box factory of the U t i l i t y P a p e r company covering five acres w a s burned Friday n ight Loss over $100000 The 153 horseshypower gas engine exploded and spread the flames rapidly

Sdreateeat D r laquo w raquo e i Windau Bussin May 16mdashThe Norshy

wegian bark Johannes CaptamAnder-son from Tonsberg Norway May 3 for Canada has been wrecked off t h e island of Oesei in t h e BsUic Of her crew of 29 only twelve were saved

C4laquolaquo llaquo tlaquo la

XA t ^ a r r c n d e r

Washington May l6-^The preaiden Tuesday sent -to the senate a le t ter f r o m Gen Otis transmit t ing a translashyt i on of a le t ter wri t ten by Agninaampo t o m friend in Manila warning h i m to leave that city Aguinaldos l e t ter i s dated Mulolos January 171899 and ia addressed to Senor Boni to Legardo In it Aguinaldo says I beg j-ou to leave Manila tth your

family and to come Nere to Maloloa but not because I wish to trighten you I merely wiffh to warn you for your satshyisfaction although H is not yet the day or gtJie week

In his communicat ion of transmit-tai Gen Otis says

The letter is forwarded to meet sttll further the absurd charge that the Amershyican authorities In Manila lnaukurated -the war

Gen Otis also s tate that th is letshyter i s one of a number writ ten by Aguinaldo t o his friends in Manila warning tbem t o leave the c i ty for their safety He adds that many famshyi l ies left the city in consequence of th i s warning

Manila May 19mdashA proclamation purport ing to have been i ssued by Aguinaldo and dated May 4 from Folikgt island one of the Philippine group east of Lozon i s c irculat ing in Manillaquo It s a j s the commiss ion apshypointed by President McKinley was apshypointed wi thout the authorizat ion of congress and that hence i t cannot treat officially It urges the Fil ipinos not t o s n i r f nder their arms a t the instigashyt i on of t h e commiss ion

Mlaquoi ln May ampmdashIn various fights t h e AmerieafUs have ki l led 364 Filipinos

M a n i K May V - F raquo e hundred in-snrgent s half of w h o m were armed wi th rrftea am^laquo4laquod_80 s c o u t a o f the Fort i e th vofenteer ISiawtry fai Vtfe h i l l s near Aqnaaan in t k e part of Mindanao T h e rooted the natives k i l l ing raquo1 American casual t ies Tvere t w o and three wonnded


IniannAtion That the Long Siege fill Jtoea Abandoned 1raquo Re

ceived in London


Aareeesscnt tn pm L I t a l i a Street R a l l w n r Trafclc laquo bull Kt

bull Btvai Renc^edU

St Louis May 18mdashNegotiations to se t t l e the s tr ike c a m e t o an abrupt end at t h e conference Thursday afternoon between t h e Transit company the s tr ikers and the commit tee of business men I t now seems a fight t o a tlnish as ne i ther party t o t h e s tr ike wil l re cede from the vital point involved in reference t o the dischnrge of thesont-union men who took $felaquo phtces of t h e strikers The men demand that the^ he re instated fn the ir former plaeea atld the lkmwnon vttpUryea be g iven a hack i ea on the w a i t Hat TMa pyopoaitioa) the company refuaaa t o con-laquoidiu

S t Louis May 1raquomdashKiotinf broke out afresh in~very portion of the c i t y yesshyterday and the police records show t h a t many persons were hurt two of t h e m fatally as a result of the strugshyg le between the s tr ik ing street rnilway employes and their employers The number of wounded during the day is seven

St Louis May SImdashJudge Elmer B Adams qf the United States circuit court enjoined the s tr ik ing street rai lway men from in any w a y intershyfer ing w i t h the operation of the mail cars on the l ines operated b y the trans i t company


tfce A l H i n U n w ^ t T e t A b u ---bull 4siea t h e Mem

N e w York May 13-mdashA dispatch from Washington to the World ays Inshyt i m a t e friends of Mrs Dewey assert t h a t she has mater ia l ly changed her pol i t ica l views since s h e and the adshymiral s tarted on their wes tern and southern trip Since her return she has said she hopes t h a t her husband wil l reconsider h i s intent ion t o enter public Hfe

i would not have him president she said Thursday t o an int imate friend even if it were in my power I feel that the s train would prove disshyastrous to his heal th and it would cershytainly interfere wi th t h e happiness which w are now enjoying

The admiral however does not seem t o agree with h i s wi fe entirely Prepshyarat ions for st irring events are in progshyress a t Beanvoir I t i s expected that news of importance wi l l soon be anshynouncedmdasheither h i s withdrawal from the candidacy or the s ta tement of the political creed by which he i opes to win converts gt his cause

K e a t a e k y Ropah l l eaaa Lonisviiie Ky May ISmdashThe repnb-

l ican s tate convention met here Thursday afternoon and after a sesshys ion of nine hours w i t h two hours inshytermission elected four delegates to t h e national convention four alter nates and t w o presidential e lectors indorsed the administration of Presishydent McKinley condemned the state of affairs in Kentucky as chargeable t o the democratic party and instructshyed i t s delegates to vote for McKinley for president and W O Bradley of Kentucky for vice president

TW D r o w n e d Princeton N J May 21mdashTwo memshy

bers of the Princeton sophomore cJ^ea Hay of_Nutley N J and Augur of Bvanaton UL were drowned -Sunday afternoon whi le t r y i n g to shoot t h e rapids In a canoe in Kings ton dam

Vha bull e t n o A l s t a Chicago May 21mdashThe sessions of

t h e general conferenoe last week were main ly devoted to bal lot ing for bhaV opa t m t no choice waa made

tteeeptlomoft the Vlaquow im London copylaquobull e a a i o M Scene raquox WildetEraquothraquoraquoraquollaquo aslaquo-^treat Crowds Kill the Air w i t h CfceerwmdashKraa-er Said to Hay Prlaquotraquoolaquolaquod r e a c t TersM

Mafeking the Boer laagers arono^d t h a t p lace were vigorously borabnrded b y t h e Bri t i sh relief eojinmn i M that the burghers were p r n c l l c a l r coin palled t o abandon the s iegei 7 -

London May 1raquomdashThe eTfajraquoraquoch gja-ffonncing the reUet of bull MarflMng- waa posted o n t e i d e t W r n a p a i a ^ ^ s l e a ^ ^ t h e n e w - rmpidjgp- apread A larga c r o w d ^ ^ ^ t c laquo L a raquo d ^ laquo i thja^Mmr alj

l laquo r d M i ^ o r A J Sewt^tt^ ftn- Ida of cdRce^ah^onnced t i e

n e w s t o the crowd outs ide The laquopf peiajAe oataide t h e mansion toon g r e w o anch tibmtYaaampm

tha t the pohce were compel led t o divert a l l traffic omnibuses e t e t h r o u g h t h e side s treets T h e cheer-i n g w a s inceasan

bull laquo i M l a laquo a tnsnaifwnte^w MidDightmdashThe Bcenes in the s tree t s

of mercsntUe London usual ly qutte deserted a t this hour are a lmost In describable Bands banners and flags appear t o have sprung suddenly from the earth Every other vehicle i s dee-orated w i t h flags Brass band are parading and lending crowds w h o aing songs Coiomb nre ia bail burned in every dlrcatfon A F l e e t s treet taw Strand wnd Pail t h e pubUe baiidlnaja are funmina auadtlw whole of the Went end aifve w i t h enthnsiasni A t t i e war omce Immense erowda lt)nfckly gatajgt maanV laquor s H t m d i H doubt laquo a t h r o w n on thw aeauraey jpt the new there u the greates t anxie ty fe l t t o g e t ofhciai confirmation from Lard fioberta

liItammsnT f bull raquo r o n e London May SimdashDisplayed in the

most conspicitous s tyle in the Daily Express is the dominant war news of the morning We have the best reashyson for s ta t ing that in the last 84 hours a te legram has been received at the foreign office addressed personshyal ly t o the prime minister from Presshyident Kruger proposing terms of peace The exact terms of the messhysage cannot be stated but we believe it i s couched in an exceedingly humshyble strain

Agents o n salary of $1500 per week and expenses the greatest agent seller ever produced every stock and poultry raiaer bcya H on s i g h t rfustlera wanted Reference Addreas w i t h stamp American Manufaotnriraquog Co Terre Hante Ind


FOR S C H O O L YEAR raquo 9 0 9 1 9 0 0 PLACES AND PATES

UntU urther notice tho examinations will beheldssfotiowa

Corunna begioninjr the last Thursday of March ^

IDurand bca-tnalnfir the third Tharsday of June

Corunna beirinulnc tbo third Thursday of August

owoflso bevionina the third Thursday of October

SCHKUULfc Ail examinations will commence at 801 in standard time Applicants will write upon orthofrrapliy penmaR^hlp0 teoffraphy and general history the flrsl half draquoj arith-metie US history and traquoory aud raquort tbe second half day readirK algebra clvi govfcrn-mlaquoit and physiotOj^ the third half day and gram mar school law botany and rgthy$ica Ojec-ond grade) the fourth half day Third day (for flmt rrade applicant only phyai^a and geometry

IheatoTe schedule will be strictly foiluwed

For thlrrt fmde no less thn 70 per cent-will be ac^pted in munmar arithmetic history civil ffovercmeflt georraphy and reading and not leas than laquo5 wr cent In any other branch for second yrade not less than 75 per cent id the branches before named aod not less than 70 per cert in any other branch for flrtit jrrade not less than to percent in branch ee befote named rand not lesa than 8tgt per cent in any other biancb

Appgttlaquoactraquo ftp ftrst n-leoomi gramptea who pass 14 part of the btancftes BUT rewrite at the nest exaAhtetfon ta thoee retaainins-

rtaiifaaln two eouMeutive exau they msa laatite to aU toancfees i AaaBoantt far thtrt grade who fatl tn part ol tag httncanapiut rewrneaa ail branches exshycept those urwMsft thy reacive at toast eighty

be carried uafH the next exasttoarJoo hah Before aeaiUtone mil be granted to mopfi


Pretoria May 19mdashIt was officially annouueed Friday tha t w h e n the laagers a n d forts around Maf eking had been severely b o m b a r d e d the s iege w a s abandoned a Brit ish force from t h e south taking poampsesaion of t h e place

It i s reported that 5000 Brit ish troops have surrounded Chrlstiania and the landrost ami o ther officials have been taken prisoners

Uraquor a H e a v y F i r e London May 10mdashProm the menshy

tion of the laager i in the Pretoria d ispatch i t i s understood here that prior t o the raising of t h e s i e g e M h ^ ^ S ^ i ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ S X S ^

cants for third J who have sraquover tauybt they immt ftuaraquota^tjraquoavicejtcor araavfeg

T^eehSaV^rHts Method of TeaCag Wmtlaquoi 8ehlaquool lUnapesuHN or eoow other work OB teaoamt or eons SMVK and they HwttosvgtlaquolajKiltrie4 tneaweivea wim thejrfNMiiilvimetittes of the fttate Maoaai aedCoarwof tttwly The feaeaofee work hi mtmtmmrfim oi4ev te sea the sabieet of theory awl aTtof teaehtiiv 8oeh talaquordarsdlaquo Mfjjeaa met ahio H laquo m i H reontrad kjgtawle4avoltMklaquorgtt htw the snato M ether a^ftteasts for certWeaM

atteaanaeear nasvadniaaeneo at the teach-elaquof matJttlaquonlaquo taeteauhatD ansoctetions Iwldbi the coatt^enrteaAe year next pre eeaemf the examiaattw TTTI be tahea fato wrtetaceoasa toaTnlaquo^r c^rtmsatM of mej grade

UL JtUSTULOasKBlaquoajelaquocrlaquof 8choblaquo

For 15 years We are preshypared to Dye for you We do Dry Cleaning and Scourshying Also Clothing of alt kinds made to look like new

Any work given pound E Richards of City Steaai Laundry will receive our prompt attention

Dyeing amp Cleaning Works iA M-GHXIS Proprietor


Time Table Gran) Trrak Railway System

Arrival sind Departure of Trains

AraquoTB0Cingt Detroit ExpreM daily except Sunday 9Vt 1 stail Train daily ezeftpt^nnday Ill] ETralBf Exprt^a except Sunday laquo11 fiaatera Express dily -999pat

WSSTBOrjJTD ChllaquolaquolaquoD Xxpress^laily except Sunday lO^Haaa Mail wad Express daay except 22psa OdEaptdExpress dally laquobull bulllaquo 7Wjraquo rraquoaraquo Weateip d By bull 7 laquo am

SteeBfas and Parlor Our Serytes -bull WKiT BOUND

bull9M p tt train ertttaedta a zgtnraampd for Lets hxpreas east mamp Pacific exfrees wlaquost

M^t a m train has parlor car traquo Grand KnaMs extra chMijft 29 ecnta

bullJMp ta train has parlor car to Grand Ump-Ida ^xtra eharglaquo 25e


aft a n tnSshaanarior ear to Detroit Satan ehararezaeepts FuJbsan sartor laquobulllt trott to Toronto eonaeetMr bull n h utmrnf tea oar for the east and Hew Torkt atagt snots at Dtmtod with C Q + A f laquo i W snePt Huron awdCnlnaaunnd with tjbt 1Mraquo torSaatssnrand Bay cm

a j l pis train has partorearaa natrolV Ibnwn

STATE o r MKlaquoJJaJiCOUJfTYdy s o u WAS8EE8tS bullbullbull

At aemtas laquo f the Probate Court for said county held at the Probate oSlee ia tblaquo City

of OeraMk on IKaaday the ta day of April io the year 00c ttHMuaod ampinlaquo bandred

nreiwnt Mlaquovtbw BBJA Jtviye of Probate l a the laquoaailaquor of laeeatate ofKdward Martay

raquocdjlaquonjgtb Murray Minora on reading and tiHnjj the petition $T Thoataa Murray a s (rlaquoar-

diaa praylAg for liaeanea to U real eataUi of raquoalC taiadra at prTvate sale for purpose in

May next at tea oclock la Uw forcBoan at aaid

Probate oftct be aaalgned tar hearUMT aaid petttloB

Aad It is farther ordered that a cony of thin order be published three successive weekraquo pte-bullilte te sftM dap of beartar i s Ibc Oonmu Jovmat a aewvpaper printed and clrculaUug


Waaotatftoa K a y lamdashAll railroads i freed to a r a s e mt o n e fara for

t a raaiad trifvfor tba

Clew Clarlc e f M a U a Revraquokew th- Apsvointsaemt of C lark aa Sa-

Atar a i l Seaaca 9elaquoelaquoar

B n t t e Mont May 1laquomdashGov Smith on Friday s e n t dispatches from here to Senator yjf A Clark Senator Chandler chairman of t h e oommittee on privi leges and elect ions and Senshyator F r j e president of the senate s a y i n g he had disregarded and reshyvoked the action of Lieut Gov Spr iggs in naming Mr Clark to sucshyceed t o the vacancy cansed by hia own resignation^ and s a y i n g he had named Martin Maginnis of Helena to fill t h e vacancy The governor gives as h i s reasons h i s opinion that the appointment of Mr Clark by the lieushytenant governor waa tainted by c o l shylus ion and fraud The dispatches are practica ly the same t h a t of Mr Clark reading

I have this day disregarded and revoked your appointment as United Stater senator made by GOV Spriasa on the 15th Inst as beinx tainted with coUuaton and fraud and have this day appointed IXon Martin Ma-slunl United States senator to nil tho vacancy caused by your resignation

P laeed 1raquo J a i l Havana May 17mdashWarrants were isshy

sued for the arrest of E P Thompshyson the Havana postmaster W H fteeves deputy auditor of the island and Edward Mayo and J o r g e Mascaro Cuban clerks in the s tempdepartment and all were lodged in the Vivampc the tombs of Havana This was done unshyder the advice of the postal inspectors from Washington

The Preateyterinna St Louis May 18mdashThe Presbyterishy

an general assembly the lawmaking body of that church oegan i ts one hundred and twelfth annual meeting In t h i s c i ty yesterday Bev Charles A Diekcy D D of Philadelphia beshyi n g elected moderator Rev William A Echols of Middle port 0 dropped dead during the Opening session

Bears t h e Keeerd N e w York May IdmdashImmigration at

t h e Barge oie has reached the high water mark this week During that t ime 1W0 immigrants have arrived a t th i s p o r t

VWetery P o s t i w y e d gty raquolr Kenoahn Wia^ May 16mdashThe plant

bull f the Kockford fcoaeery works waa do-atroyed by i r e Tuiaday amtaiUng a lose od f74sW bdquo bdquo

raquoaid yetitWa roraHoaed It U ordered that the 38th day of

ia aaid eoaamptr at __ MATTHEW BUSH

of Probate By KATfram B XataaT

Jwdgvoi r Probate BegUter

DatrewW Turowto tMBakx rwfladeJsswa and Hew Tlaquo Or ana m at Duraad wtthC bull traquo T

8gt M Wv fwrSSaaw and BayOHr q P m n o M U Cipr Biaasl




tooMaeNatttfal iocttstodo

STATE o r XICHIG AX County of Sfciawaa-see SA

Ataaeaaioaot the Probate Ooart for said Colaquoa|y held at the Probate Oslca ia the Cltr at Canaaa an PrMay the ttik day at April in theyaarooe Utclaquolaquoaad aiae haadred

Presewt Matthew Bush Jndtr ef Probata In the asauer of the esrtate of Joaeph W

Teraea deceased On reading ami mioa-tbe petitloa daly reriO^d

of Sarah E Yerkes praying amongst other thlngw for the probate of the isatraaltent BOW filed ia thia Court purporting to Us the last will aad testament of said deceased

Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday the 26th day of Maj next at ten oclock in the forenoon be aaaigried for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deshyceased and aU other person interested in aaid estate are required to appear ai laquo 3eampraquoss of said Court then to be hotden raquot the Probate Office in thampcity of Comnna and show cause if any there be why the prayer oz the petition er should not be granted

And it ia rorkber ordered that aaid petishytioner (fire notice to the persona interested ia said estate at bull the pendancy of said petishytion and the JieatiLg thenf by eausiag a copy of this order to be pmbliahed in the (kkranna Jonrnal a newspaper printed and circulate in said county of Shiawassee three succeaalre weekaprevions to said day of bearing

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of Probate

TIMETABLE In laquofct Nor 1laquo 18raquo

Trtim leave Coramta NORTH

1148 A K

71raquo P M



aotrrM raquoU1 AM

047 P M


Dr Ballgt Antiparasitic Compound prevents and cures Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever Price 25 cts For sale by all druggist D K A R B A L L 47tf Corunna Mich


$570 ONE WAY


TO CHICAGO Taw S S ATLANTA on tills route is en eefattr aqnipped to t bull

winter travel Cabin and 8tatarooaaa are sterna nlaquoraquo eo afacUlc Micnead and havagt aUoo3venkDOMtlaquomtro)toasakatimvajclaquoamfoita^

Liraquoilaquo CoOsftwt 22^ (vte 0laquo O H M Kraquo tM the bay at Or Hmm laquo M 0 p Ma ts4 Arrive tJHrOAQO wiOw bullbull JS I owewM^ RiepMM^

M W raquo S ^ W gt H raquo gt ^ raquo ^ r f laquo bull raquo P raquo W ^ t f l ^ V l P raquo ^ ^ raquo mdash W ^ raquo W M W V raquo l f c W ^


V j

There are Many Reasons Why

We are doing such an enormous Carpet business this Spring but chiefly because our selections are brand new are the brightest and clearest because they are in every way reliable and because our prices are the very lowest

Our great Carpet selling has left us with many

short Jengths of Axminsters Velvets and Wilton Velshyvets Brussels and Ingrains and to close them out quickly we have inaugurated

raquo I H I C M gt I M M gt raquo I N raquo l t m W H H l M raquo m t l l l l t l H H M M

IC S ALLISON amp SON j 117 Hori WasfcUfto Stitet Owosso nicblgu i

A Clearing Sale of Short Length]

at great reductions from regular prices If you can find pattern and colors to sui| 70^11 also find a subshystantial saving in pricemdashjust as good too for small rooms and halls aiid stairs as if cut from big rolls

If youre interested in these goods come quickmdash

theyll all have new owners in a few days

Osbum amp Sons Owosso ^wwwvw^raquowwwltiw^ltlti^w^ffltM^^lt^rt^^wi)ltyw^gtwltwgtwraquo^ltMiwwwwi


WZLCH JQjtanOX Prepriatora

PvbUsfecd cvcrr Tfeorsday moruiag t Co rwa the county seat of Shiawassee couflty Devoted to the iDteresis of the Republican Party aad tit collection of feseral jud local new

T i t n ILOOper year in adf-anee Subscribers who wish to stop the paper

should ootlfy tut direct and not teare It to tbe poetmiBtcr to do He sometime forgeta- Alshyways tee that your subscription l paid up to the date you request uraquo to stop tbe paper

Tbt quantity and quality of tbe advertising appearing in t i e JOPBJUL is ablaquondraquont tesii-ssoay to its value as u advertising medium Sates wade known at tfae office

Items of nelaquo are always acceptable lie-bull e i h e r that what interests you will ltrraerally Interest other and that it wiil be gladly reshyceived by us

Combinations li large number of cxcelleot combinations

we have to offer enable oar readers to obtain aterge amount of good reading at very Uttte eoat They are as followe Mew YorfcTrfbuB and this paper tl-25 Detroit Twice--Week Journal and this JJ50 Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper 145 Tfrteraquolaquo-Week Free Press andl this paper J JO aBrtiigna Fawner and this paper bull 14raquo


The people of Kentucky still think that tbe selection of a Governor is their business and not one of the functions of the legislature

Canadian or an Englishman The adshymiral in reply spoke more plainly on a much disputed point than eylaquor beforemdash tlic amount of moral support he received from tie British officers in Manila bay when (here with only his oi igiaal fle t and in anticipation of an attack by tbe Spanish ltR-arstiiplaquo under command of Camera He tald

Of all the evidences of good will shown ii e since my arriva in New York

In 1896 the Populists were solid for Bryan Now they are divided and the larger half is assembling at Cincinnati to get out of tbe Democratic traces for good

Bepublh ailaquo are a unit as to their nashytional candidate and their state platshyform are substantially all alike It is plainly a year of complete Republican harmony

The American laquoyftem of education which is soon to be established in the Philippines will hare a great influence In giving thraquo islands balance and in pre- paring them for the measor of self-) government which tbe United States is anxious to g h e tbera when they sbowj they are prepared for if The American ( school is going to revolutionize matters in Porto Rico too as will quickly be seen Here will be some triumphs of peace which wU3 be as not Able m any which the United States baa won In war

A delegation of Canadians called ou Admiral Dewey In Chicago and invited bisa to visit Port Stampney Ontn In July Tne invitation wa bull Igned by Sir Wife frtd Laorler and Sir Charles Tapper nsaong others and stated that tbe weicst of the invitation could bard) bo greater if the admiral were himself a j

BLUES Ever hire Aero

Then wecnt tell you any-

thing about them You

know bow dart everything looks

and bow yoa are aboat ready to give up Someshyhow you cant throw off the terrible depression

Are things really so blue Isnt it yournerves after all Thats where

^ the trouble is Your neires are being poisoned from the impurities in your blood

sanapariiia purifies the blood and gives power and stability to the nerves It makes health and strength activshyity and cheerfulness

This is what Ayers wOl do for you Its the oldest Ssrsapartlla in the land the kind that was old before other Sarsa-parillas were known

This also accounts for sectV tfae spying One bottle of A yers is worth three bonJes of me ordinary kind

last October none has touched me more deeply than this We are of the came blood There is but a slight difference between us and I want to say that the one man who stood at my back during those trying days at Manila was au Englishman But for bis support and the moral courage he Inspired me with I dons know what would have happen-ed I refer to Sir Charles Seymour

it has been supposed that Chichester was the naval official that stood by Dewey but the name or the personality does not matter What is of conseshyquence of real importance is that these words of commendation come from the highest authority on the long disputed point of how much support Dewey had from the British commander in Mcolla bay They p(o on record as final The admiral himself defines that support as being so great that he does not know what might have happened had be been without it The American people canshynot forget this and they would be in-grates if they did

The Canadian invitation though graceful and very welcome was a small matter compared to the reply it drew trom th admiral T

H a y of OTila raquo W I I I ComdashAy Any one desiring a map of Shiawassee

county to date may-obtain one by sendshying 12 cents to tbe Corunna Journal Corunna Mich

This man is made from a new cat obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it conshytains overy wagon road rail road rivshyer post-office village city and school-boose in tbe county The scfcsol disshytricts are numbered the boundry Hoes of each township are distinctly outlined and the location of the county farm is given



mdashFred Miller of Venice was in the c i ty McQiiaj -bullbull

mdashC W Sbtposan of Venice was tbe city Friday

mdashMr J E Cariand visited her sister in Pootiao last week

mdashMr aud Mrs Jobs T McCardy spent Sunday its Detroit

mdashAid Erwin Kveleth It In Caampadn eatimaUag stacdisg tisbsr

mdashTi 4ttgt of July will be approprishyately celebrated at Cheaanlag

mdash Mr and Mrs John Jarvisof Durand called on friends here last Thursday

-Mrs E T GofT of Detroit is the guelaquot of Mrs Hugh Wlffler this week

r -Earl Jarvis of Draquoirand attended tSe high school eotertainment here last week

mdashJE Cariand amp Co J C Qua Tie and W A Knijtet amp Co have change of ads this week bull

mdashCharles Lawrence czpostmaster of Owosso lia been glinted a patent Ou a mail pouch device

mdashLester Roberts has purcbas^l the Clow farm south of Bancroft and taken polaquosraquosion of the same

mdashJud^e Xewton was here oh btisiness Saturday His friends were pleased to see him looking so well

mdashWord cornea that Mrs Jos Serr who underwent an operation In Chicago is getting along nicely

mdashDeputy Marshal C W Abels off Lansing was here last week looking after alleged countefeiters

mdashC H Downer accused of bigamy has been bound over to tbe circuit court for trial by Justice McBride I

mdashMrs J N In^reoll received a prize of a lot 20 by SO ft at Lawndale New Jersey near Cape May Mid Atlantic City The prize was oflered by the ladles Hotae Hagazitie

mdashRev Cramblet will deliver the memorial sermon next Sunday morning at tbe Baptist church The M E and Presbyterian church will take up their morning appointments It is expected that G A- Rand W R C will attend in a body

mdashThe miners employed by the Coshyrunna Coal Co quit work one da last week claiming the companys scales were not correct A state inspector was called hero and found them perfect In every particular The miners at once resumed their work

mdashThrough the kindness of Mr C S Wilkinson of this^city we have been permitted to look over late Manila to papers They were sent by bis sou who is serviiig Uncle San in the island of Luzon A letter from him Thursday says be is well and en Joys the work

mdashPree Farmenter Seci Patcbel and Director Moore cf tbe Sbiawaseee Mo taal nlaquoW their montalyteortinf Friday The time was mostly devoted to settling with township agents Geo A Hun-toon has been appointed agent for MJd-dlebury township which Is a good ae-lectiott bull - bull

- S t Johns Republican Oscar Earl of Corunna has bought tbe Interest of Wm Marttn in the Farmers hotel and the new ftrm Is Zaefaarias ft Earl Mr Earli an expeiienced bote man and the new firm will keep up the high standard matatainerV by the Farmers hotel In the past

mdashBancroft Commercial Mrs Joseph Britten of Conway was frightfully burned about the face and chest last week by an explosion of a can of boiling Mjffee It is not yet certain just bow serious her injuries are hot fears for the recovery of her sight are entertained The lady is a sister of Mrs W Godfrey

mdashEav and Mrt H GV Northrop were called to St Clair last week to attend the funeral of their esteemed friend Mrs Justin B Whiting They speak In tbe higbeat terms of the deceased who Was a member of the M ft church of which Mr Northrup was formerly the pastor Bey Nortbrup preacheJ the funeral sermon

After suffering from pilrs for fifteen years I was cured by ulng two boxes of DeVVitVe Witcb Haxel Salve writes W J Baxter North Brook N C It heals everything Beware of counterfeit- F M Kilboum

The eldest and most effective method 0( purifying the blood ami invigorating tbe system is to teke DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels F M Kilbouru



mdashI D II Ralph of Philadelphia is in tbe twin cities for a few days looking after street railway matters

mdashTbe school board has appointed B R Marshall school librarian A large number of new books has been added to the library

mdashMrs I L Chapman who has been visiting her brother Wm Lindsey of this city returned to her home in Ohio the first of the week

mdashThe W C T U wili meet on Frishyday afternoon at three oclock with Mrs Dr Jone Special bbsioess all memshyber J urged to be present

mdashM isses Eva LawrJe and Carrie Fisher J both of Byron have been tendered their

BchHrtg 8ea Phosphorescence peases Alt Description 1 have often beard of the wondershy

ful phosphorescence of southern seas remarked a traveler from the north to a Washington Star reporter and I have seen pretty fair samples of It in the Atlantic between New York and English porta but I did not know it prevailed to any extent in northern wacers until during the last summer In August last I was on board the revenue cutter VcCullough in the Bering sea about 63 degrees north latitude bound north when one night about ten oclock I happened to go ou deck and I was almost frightened by the sight of te aa The wind was blowing sharp enough to raise the whitecaps and the whole aea looked as if it were lighted from its depths by a million arc lights throwing their whitest rays upward and under the flying foam The hollow of the waves were dark but every creat that broke showered and sparkled as if it were filled with light From the sides of the ship great rolls of broken white liKht fell awsv and ahe left a

brdSLd pathway of eilvery foam aa rar back an the eye could reacjb

But about this hour waa the roost striking display Here it was as if the ship was plowing through a sea of white light and ft the water was thrown back from her prow it fell In glittering piles of light upon the dark surface beyond and was driven fair down blow lighting the depths as if all the electricity of the ocean were shooting its sparkles through the waves and turning itself Into Intxamer-able incandescenls that flashed a Secshyond and then shut out forever I stood on the forecastle deck looking down into the brilliant white turmoil of the waters until I began to feel as If we were afloat upon some silver sea and a really uncanny feeling took possesshysion of me The white skip waa lightshyed by the phosphoreacence of the washyters so that as high up as the deck there was a pale weird white that made one feel as if the Flying Dutchshyman were abroad upon the sea and had passed by us The masts towered In ashy gray above the decks and every rope and line Btood out distinct-1gt in the light but cast no shadow It was all as ghostly aa If we had gone up against the real thing and it was a positive relief to get back into the ward room where there was someshything more human I dont know how long it lasted bat when I went to bed at 11 oclock I could still see the silver shining through the air port in my state room


South Africa Penaeanen the One in tite World

The Sooth African Republics logical collection and garden are the finest andr largest raquo the world Tbe gardens Which ate in the Lebom region are guarded by a whole tribe) of Kaffirs and contain every species of wild iUkhnal to be found in Sooth Africa The alaquo0UgtsicaI ceUection at Bronx Park New Xor to fc remarkashybly fine one The gardens cover 300 acre and one of ito atost important features 1raquo the as rural environments provided for the animals

The animals of South Amerien for Instance are girea the free range of large iceosuree ^ifaining miniarnre mountains rivers and forests while the tigers ad lions live in sandy stretchen jungles snd so en The Tel-krwstpne National Park of the United States with its area of 3JS75 sqoampre miles forms a aoo logical preserve for almost every speeds of animal found in that part of tho world The London Zoological Gardens contains nearly 3000 animals tbo e at Berlin about 1500 and the JardiU de Piantes Parshyis about 1000 aniiuals

longevity of WlutM Some light was iJtrowri a few years

ago upon the subject of the vitality of whales by finding one of these ani mais In Bering sni in 1800 with a toggle harpoon licad In its body bearing the mar- of the American whaler Montexumn That vessel was engaged in whaling lrraquo Bering sen aboutten years t ut not later than 1854 She was afterward sold to the government and v s sunk in Charter-ton haibor during the civil War to serve as an obstnotion Hence It traquo eittlmated the wb-le must have ear ried the harpoon tot less than thirty six yenrs Iu contK tion with this fact William H Dail i lyes laquon account in the National Geographic Magazine of a discussion with Capt E P Hereu-deen of the United States National Museum of eases gtgtf whales that have been supposed to have made their way from Greeiikvudv waters to Bering strait and to havf been identified by the harpoocsvthey carried While It Is very likely that the whale really makes the passage sn uncertainty must always be allowed for ships were often changing ownership and their tools were sold and put on board of other vessels and harpoon irons were sometimes given or tradshyed to Esquiuraus It therefore becomes possible that the animel was sttnek with a secortd-lt-md ironmdashPopular Science Monthly

0 laquo c of the JRpard of Pmrk Cosnsiitsionent of taeCttjofCdrttBA _

Tbe Board of Park Conntesiosers siting-under tasimetioiks of the Common Council of said cltv hereby give notielaquo toraquogtt tfay will up-to raquond foolndinir the bourof lOoclock A of the 28th day of May 1laquoraquo receive sealed bide forn^ojrmiiiBraquolithlaquoUborndfMraquoishtraquof sit the mraquote4ril raquoecesary in constmcting drtvlaquo wsysacd waiks mnamp la fuUy Improvln poundaa-tifylu and completing Hng-h SlcCnrdy Park in the City of Conutns raquolaquoeordlnlaquo to the plan raquonU speelncraquotions thereof as prepared hy Raekbam A Dilgier which (danraquo and speciflca-tions are now on flic with the clerk in allaquo board at his office in tnte city arid are open to the liuipeetion of alt bidders All bids ampgtlaquolaquo be enclosed in a sesied wrapper endorsed ou tbe ouUtlde Bids for improving Htigto MeCurdy Psrk sabfteiToed yeiiu vhsnAOieor tbe bidder ard muat be placed with the clerk of tne Board of Park Cottunisaioners and with each bid f 100 in cash shall also be handed to said elerli The money dfipoaited by xnsuccessful bidders will be returned to them upon the rejection oi tbeir bid - gt bull bull bull bull bull bull

The person or persons who bidsare accepted will be required to enter Into a contract to be approved by the proper authorities of said city for the falthinl performance of the work and lurnishingof the maUralete accordiog to the plans and specitlcatioaa above mentioned and WIU sJlaquougt be Wrtuire to furnish a gooi and scf-nclentbondinthe snni of li00000 to be apshyproved by the authorities mw-resaid for tne full performance of such contract In cafjie such successful bidder or bidders shall neglect or refuse to furnish such bond within the time required by said bord in that event the ttOo00 so deposited shall be forfeited to and become the property of the City of Corunna The successful bidder shall be required to use home labor w far as the same can be satisshyfactorily used

The Board of Park Commissioners hereby reshyserves the right to re)ect any and all bids

Dated Mav 14th rWO By order of the Board of Park Commissioners

W F GALLAGHXH Clerk Kotle nt KeettotT of B o a r s of Boview

4 PUMuaKt as gttasgtKraquo ampTTW

Most remedies have something unshypleasant to the teste and in oonsequence rnanv people especially children dread tbt dose and put o f entirely or delay the taking of tfae medietas that can 4ogt ttaeafooa Not so with Dr Cakrweffs Syrup Pepsinmdasheverybody UScesits taste and when taken it win care eonstipa-tioa and ill kind of stooacb teonbles I i 10n Wc and 100 sizes at 7 M KB-bourn

The ragpickers a Paris to the nnm ber ofsomethihs like 40000 who have made their living by picking over rub bish put out from houses are greatly agitated over new boxes which are to be used to hold the rubbish and which cannot be opened except- by the caftmen who cany it away

Dear Ants Glasses Now and then sn honest fellow comes

alone with a handsome pair of glasses lit his pocket He tells yon that bis dear aunt bought them just before she died that she paid 1650 for them that he is wriy hard ap and must havetnoney and ir yon canuse them at raquo00 take them He cannot starve and if you wont pay 600 jcfvoblm 9500 -4jOO--amp0O~any-tblng to keep son ami bod together Sometimes it is bis mother or graod-mother that Is dead pometimes be foond teem on a streetor picked them np on a train Its all the samemdashhe must have mosey and Its a big efeaaeo for yon If yon eootd see how many purchasers bring these glasses to BW raquo aos whether they am werth 1600 or only 1100 yon would be svrprlaed that so many poop conld be hvBsbugged I bare known these rellows slaquoQ forty and flfty In a day Seventeen cents snob Is an tbey cost Barnnsa used to say Tno Amen-cn People like to be Hwraquo4mggedn I do not believe that Deal witfiynar es-tablisned dsnlors and yon will behooeM-ly dealt by ^ ^


TF there is aoythin^ you x wish to buy or if you have anything you wish to dispose of the very cheap-

1 visit to the

quickest way is a


There where much

is no other place you dm profit so


The greatest of he crown jewels of Hussia is the OrMT tbe biggest dla wond in Europe nhicli weighs 193 carats It was pun-iaseil for pound00000 and an annuity ot t4r0O0 pounds by Count OrlorT wlio pe euti-d it to the Empress Cat Tin bull

other losses as here Every day we surprise some one with the good things we are able to offer you lor so very little money

R McBride 328 Shiawassee Ave Corunna Michigan

Furnished Rooms to rent by the day

gt gt gt gtgtraquoraquoraquogtraquoraquoraquoraquoraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtraquogtJ

positions as teachers iu tlgte Owosso scnools tbe coming j ear

mdashThe BI C base ball club won a hotly contested ffraquolaquono last Saturday from tbe Cw laquoeo hijth school nine The score sto(d 10 to 0 in favor of Corunna

mdashCrant Agnew left Friday for Clil cago to a cept a position with the Met-ropoliiat Eevato Co o that city Grants uany friends here wish him SUCt

Lots of Good Things to Offer But as the Junior Editor is too busy to set type this week come in and

let us tell you about themmdashnot about the weddinggt but about our good bargains

mdashCbtltParrirh die at his home In Vernon lait week Tucsd i v after a lingshyering lllnes of censumpflow Funeral aervicea were hell Friday Kcv Tensori officiating

C QUAYLE The Origifii3il C a s h Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and FraserSt CX3RUNNA MJCH

lt laquo lt ltltltcltlaquoltltltclaquoxltltx



Warm Weather Has Come

And with it the desire of the Summer

Girl to Dreamps for tomfort We can help

you We have lots of Pretty Thin Goods

in all colors and kinds to make Shirt Waists

Skirts Dtc Beautiful Waists made to fit

you Gome and see them


COMMON Gormen BOOMS ( Coram Mie_ May 211900 f

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Ooooctl called to order b the Mayor The following members were present Mayor Bosenkans Aldershyman Clatterbnek Eveleth Jacobs McMullen aud Tramble

Hinates of meetings held Hay Ttb and llth -were read and approved

At bairns and accounts were then read and refered to committee on claims and accounts

Report of committee on claims and accounts

CONTINGENT FUXD Car-inaa Indepwadeat to printing Fr^d Peacock eieceomaolssioner Cftrinna J^irnn-l winttn^ W F Gallagher elec conualssJoBermdash

STBEET FUND Jim Wilson 9 days work mdash X-ni BerryraquodaySbra work i Peter Bustardraquo days lfraquo work Tom Bastard 1-3 Says work

cent17 00 2 0 9

13 laquo0 3ltW

txm 10 13 5 S3

75 1 7 4 00 raquo 0 0

8 laquo i

Jim Wood S- days work F Slandersdays9boors wf tbwaaw DanMasy Shovus with team Wn Kltw l d a y and tbonrs Tyler KOase day-~raquo Hartshnra tooISftsewerpipe J Brook - S o u s M M lims ana cement ira M u w 4 laquo ft of oak


OWwKtW The Committee on sidewalk made

the following report which was accepshyted by uauoimoas vote


Yoat committee en Street and Sideshywalks oeg leave to make the following report We have inspected the walks in the several wards and recommend that hew walks be built in the differshyent wards which will be described in a resolution which will follow this reshyport

Signed by the whole committee J C TkUMBLB ) G E C H J T T E B B U C K [ C o m E R W I W E V B U B T H )

A l d e r m a n T r u m b l e made the fullowr log reso lut ion and moved i t s adopt ion

R e s o l v e d T h a t new wa lks be bu i l t a long and in front of t h e fol lowing deshyscribed property to-witi A n d thatrthe S t r e e t Commiss ioner be and i s hereby ins truc ted t o not i fy t h e owners of said property t o bui ld t h e s a m e w i t h i n t w e n t y days or t h e S t r e e t Commisshys ion wi l l bu i ld t h e s a m e and t h e exshypense wil l be charged aga ins t and beshyc o m e a l i en aga ins t said property and t h a t a l l w a l k s bui It by t h e S t r e e t Com-miss ioner a n d i f not paid for w i t h n 30 d^vr a f t e r comple t ion ^will be

charged s i x per cent in t eres t on t h e expense of sa id walk


Fred Gould east margin s 25 feet of n 3 5 of lot amp bk 10 foot

Adam Cerr east margin n 21 feet of lo t 12 b k l l

Jerry Col l ins e s ta te eas t marg in s 25 f e e t of l o t 9 bk 11

Bacon e s t a t e e a s t marg in Jot 8 and n one-hal f of l o t 9 bk 11

H W Sanford eas t margin of lo t 5 block 11

S S Chapel l eas t margin of s 18 f t o f j o t i bk 11

if D F o s t e r eas t margin a 12 f t of s 2 l o t 4 bk 11

W m E ly e a s t margin n 2-5 of l o t 4 block 11

J B Leland eas t margin lots 10 11 arid 13 block 22 b f ee t

Levi Morrice e s ta te lo t s 7 8 and 9 block 22 5 feet

J E S loan lo t s 3 and 4 b k e k 33 5 feet

E l l Mart in l o t s 1 and 2 block 33 5 feet

H u g h M Nicho l s l o t 1 block 38 5

feet G r a n t e s t a t e lots 4 and 5 block 38

5 feet Green amp P e t t i b o n e l o t 12 block 38

4 f ee t s o u t h marg in W S J o n e s l o t s 7 10 11 block 38

four fee t s o u t h H u g h Parker l o t 8 block 38 W D McLaughl in l o t 9 block 28


J rgt Leland north margin lots 1-2 block 41 4 feek

John M Eitcb south margin lots 11 and 12 block raquo 4 foot

W J Parker north margin tots 1 2 and 3 block 15 4 fe^1

Mrs Minnie Cafley corth margin

lot 4 block 16 4 foot Hugh McCtttdy norrh margin lot 3

block 164 feet Wm Lindstey north margin lots 4

5 and 6 block 164 feet G- W Easier sooth margin lots 58raquo 9 and 12 block 12 four feet


Sheppatd east margin lots 5 and 6 Garys add 4 feet

George Evans east margin lot 4 bk 14 4 feet

Mrs Bunker east margin lots 2 and 3 block 144 feet

Mrs Igtwyer east margin of e one half of lotl block 14 4 foot

The bond given by W A Knight as City Treasurer waamp read and moshytion made and supported that said pond be accepted and approved and placed on file which was carried ty unanimons vote

A quit claim deed given by Matthew Bush and wife was presented and also one from Hugh McCurdy and wife deeding a strip of land twenty-five feet wide off west side of grantors land and adjoinii Hugh McCurdy Park

Motion was made and supported that said deeds be accepted and placed op record that said deeds be accepted aiid placed on record

Motion waa made and supported that the City Marshal be appointed pound-master which motioo was carshyried bp unanimousvote

Motion was made by Alderman Evt-letb and sud ported that i^ew state Telephone be placed in the City Hall Motion was carried by unanimous vote

Alderman Trumble moved that the Street Commissioner be and is heredy is instructed to open up and grade Emma Avenue

Motion made that council adjoarr until May 2U 1000

Upon motion council adjourned A H T i i y i i C YoUNO

City Clerk


D a n a a a a e s Star f Hta CaaaeatSe w l l a B c l l a l a ot m Ra i l road

to Caba a s F a l s e

Detroit May 2 1 - T h e whole s tory i s a dastardly lie and you cannot deshynounce i t i n any too unmeasured term said ex-Secretary of War Alshyger Saturday n ight w h e n told tha t John Harrington late superintendent of -construction of the government railroad in Cuba asserted that he was interested in construct ion o f the above named road Continuing he said

No senator or any other person ever spoke to we about being interested in the construction companies which built that road I have never invested or had investshyed for me one dollar in any property in Cuba and neither I nor any of the friends around me have ever made a hundredth part oi n mill out of the island In any way Further than that I have consistently reshyfused since I resumed as secretary 6t war to take part in any investments in Cuban property I was asked to go into the railshyroad now being built on the island and reshyfused I have also been asked to go into timber land purchases and purchases of tobacco or sugar lands These things I have refused to considerVand I never exshypect to have any investments there alshythough the field is promising I should not like to have anybody think that I had used information gained as secretary of war lor my own private gain as some might if I should Invest money in Cuba even now


State Araquoelatm t A s k t h e l a t a r t raquo Oxwatt BCasiy Prtvf-

Mmm to Wlaquoaraquoeraquo


B a n a w a r Tra in Crasfeea l a t a i e s a s a i N t s i H O B U ttat Stov

a s I t B i t s H U B e


Detroit May 19mdashThe Michigan Equal Suffrage assoc iat ion e lected aa president Mrs E m i l y B Ketchum of Grand Rapids vice president Mrs Clara B Arthur Detro i t recording aecrttary Mias Ed i th Hall F lat Boek treaenrer Mrs Martha E Root B a y City auditor Mr Frances Ostrand-er E a s t S a g i v a w Mrs Margaret Huckins w e s t B a y City niemfcer nashyt ional execut ive board Mrs Lenor Sharker BIiasr Sagina7 The legis lashyt ive commit tee w a s directed t o memoshyrial ize the leg is lature to provide presshyidential suffrage t o the women of Michigan and prepare t o urge before every session unt i l passed a bil l t o exshyempt all w o m e n from the payment of t a x e s of every kind o n which the law does not qual i fy t h e m a s men are qualified to vote for officers w h o levy col lect or expend funds raised by tax shyation

May Wm aCaawiaat Chicago May 21 mdash flazen S P in -

gree governor o f Michigan was a t the Auditorium hote l last week B e ^$13^ bull

If the republican of Mjc iUran nominate D M FVrry for governor I shall become an iadepeadent candidate Mr Ferry openshyly declares that be favorsjh taxation of rmAroatf property OR the basis of its ear rt-toss instead of its value There lepW-laquoMaraquo9 worth of raUroad property in Mlch^ Jgift i have fought the Ferry idea for years I was elected in opposition to

I will finish

Buchanan May 217--A curious wreck occurred a t three oclock Sunday morning on a spur of t a e Michigan Central railway which extends from t h e main l ine a lmost t w o miles down ti heavy grade to a dam across the St Joseph river A heavy freight that was backed upon t h e siding broke in to three sections and ran away The conductor on the rear sect ion jumped escaping wi th s l ight injury a l though the train had at ta ined great speed The middle section ran into the rear sect ion and shoved i t S0O feet beshyyond t h e endvof the l i n e a l though t h e track w a s three f e e t lower than the surface of the surrounding ground The caboose then crashed into and deshymolished the house occupied by Wilshyl iam Morris and h i s three children s topping just a s i t reached the parshyents bed All occupants of the house escaped without injury N e s t t o the caboose were three big furiiiture cars

Aa la te trcs t laa B n d e i of Iniorsa-ttvsi GRthered from Msay Llaquo^

e a l l t l e s l a Mlehiaran


9 h e L a r g e s t P a r t o f t h e T o i S f a a e r H a s B e e n D laquo laquo t r raquo y e a gt raquo

IAMW 9 5 0 0 0 0 raquo


Menominee May 17mdashHeavy ra ins putOut t h e fire a t Fisher which h a d spread to t h e w e s t side of the track and theatened t h e destruct ion of t h e m a i n portion o f the town The loss i s e s t imated at $500000 insurance only $100000 The sawmi l l and shingle planing-mill lumber and cedar yard dry shed ki lns sehooihouse hosshyp i ta l and e ight dwe l l ings are deshystroyed The mi l l s were o w n e d by S M Fisher of Chicago president o f t h e Wisconsin amp Mich igan l o a d Men are a t work clearing a w a y t h e debris preshyparatory t o rebui lding C H Worcesshyt e r amp Co o w n the t imber land They los t 10000000 fee t o f lumber 1000-00 sh ing les and a large quant i ty o i cedar p r o d u c t


The Charlotte Foundry company moving i t s plant to- Ypsilanti

The anti-saloon league i s working laquoraquo deg up local option nentimeampt in Hills- sure dale county

fcaton county pioneers Will hold the ir annual reunion and picnic at Charlotte on June 12

Wheat in Michigan has shown an [improvement during the last week

but is still very poor The two-year-old gton of Orla Shreve

living near Columbiaville choked to death on a piece of apple

Whea^ and- oa t s look fairly good throughout northern Michigan since the late rains and warm weather^

The total assessment of Grand Hap-ids has been raised from $27000000 to cent40000000 and the tax rate has been reduced t o 1frac14 p e r c e n t

The Grand Rapids Belding amp Sag-i c a w railroad i s t o be purchased by t h e Pere Marquette andvmJide a pershymanent part of the ir sys tem

Huckleberries and other frui ts i n nor thern Michigan have not been i r -jured b y the heavy frosts of the past t w o weeks and a large crop i s exshypected

Great preparations are being made a t Bat t l e Creek for the annual encampshym e n t of t h e Michigan division of the


Plant to Sell Oxygen Liquefied Car bottle Acid and Maybe Nitrogen

Prof itaoul Pictot of Geneva Switshyzerland has i n v e n t s a process for the separation of the oxygen and nitro-

the air at atmospheric pre

The process is one that i s about to be introduced in this city on a comshymercial scale and i plant is now near-ing completion

Professor Pictets process consists in the initial produfction of a certain quantity of liquid air which i s stored in tubes Then through this is forced UEucr a pressure of only about one atmosphere or 15 pounds to the inch a stream of atmospheric air This i s cooled in the liquid air but as It rises in a chamber beyond the gases of which i t is composed separate themshyselves by gravity aud run off in separshyate tubes

The ogygen being slightly the heavshyier flows out through the lower tubes while the nitrogen goes off above in addition to these gases the air conshytains as an impurity carbonic acid gas a n d t h i s It i s asserted leaves the machine i s a liquid form being reshyduced to that form by the low temper ature

The two products by which a direct commercial use are expected to be found are the oxygen and the liquid carbonic acid gas The latter already has a Axed place in the market and

Sons of Veteran which will be held large quantities of it are saved in well a t Cognac Lake June 19 t o 42 equipped breweries where it is pro-

W H Meecham of Bat t l e Creek a duced in great hulk through the fer-civil engineer i a t h e employ of t h e meriting of the beer It i s pumped Grand Trunk railroad fell under a fre ight train a t Davison and received injuries which caused h i s death

The suramer m e e t i n g of t h e State Horticultural soc ie ty i s t o be held a t N e w a y g o on June 26 and 27 and the

Into s tee l tools under a pressure that Uquines i t It i s worth 7 frac12 cents a pound

T h e great market which Professor Pictet expects to find for the oxygea b to support Combustion a t high tera-

fruit growers of N e w a y g o cotmty are peratureaOn^ furnaees where coal la already making preparations for t h e I burned m burning fuel with the oxy event

I t s laveafot - a Mleala Mmw Clalsaa It Cam Salaquoraquot F o a r H a a d r e d

Ttates a sfflaate

Escanabo May 1raquo mdash Capt Jaclk CConnel l whose home i s a t Bapid River th i s county baa invented w h a t h e c la ims i s the grea te s t rapid-ftring rifle of the age T h e gun i s a b o u t t h e size of t h e ordinary h u n t i n g rifle y e t O^OiiM^ll- has Sred 120 shot s in 1 t

seconds and 400 s h o t s in a minute T w e n t y cartr idges held by their base l a c l ips sl ide t h r o u g h t h e breach of t h e g u n and these m a y be fired in o a e j

Active prepsxatkms are shready n progress t o enterta in the old solshyd iers a t the annual reunion of t h e Northern Michigan 8oHierV and Sailors association a t Standisb i n Augus t

The village council at Newberry has refused to renew the contract wi th the company which owns t h e waterworks there and i t ia probable that a municshyipal plant may he installed t o f a m i s h the vinagers wi th water

At torney General Oven Is in Washshyington t o a r g ^ an apoeal from t h e auditor t o the comptro l ler of t h e treasury department concerning the rejection of cer ta in port ions of t h e first inatathnent of Michigans war claim filed a year or more ago

There ae 100 n e w bui ldings now in cont inuous s tream T w e n t y consecu- course of erection a Onaway and as t w e shot s can h e fired by ten pul ls many mora will he buil t before the of t h e tr igger or all raquo may be fired close of this seacon The Outlook e s -

it and th people stood by me I wlaquol finish w i t h l i ghtn ing rapidity by s imply p e c t tha t t h e ^ frac34 V wil l the nght and I think the people will cod- lt pu l l ing the t r igger one and holding reached by the population of 2ne vll-

It back

B e a d s F e r Sraquo3

The iiadersiffniMj F inance Committee act ing nailer the ins t ruc t ions of the Common Council of the city of C o n m n a SCii-hi^sn herlaquoby gi-va notice tktat theywiU n p to and including the b o a r of ten oclock a m of tue 7th day of June 1900 receive wled bids tor the purchase or Ave ihousami dollars of bonds of the city of C j runn t t ielt igan t o be issuetJ for the pu--ftos of improving t i n puplic pa rk of said ciiv kacwn Araquo -HupL j icCordy Prk Said 1 o da t b e dated Ju ly first 1900 to run for flftn years from said da te and to d raw tuUrelaquot raquo i the rraquoflaquo ot four per cent per annum

AH bids m u s t be inclosed ui a sealed wrap-pisr endorse- on t he outside BiJu fot- Public Bonds subMrribed with the name of the bidshyder and m u s t be placed with A C Young- clerk brtagt2 c i ty of Coranna W iti each bid a certified c o e t k for flOOSA payable to A C Young city clerk must be deposited with said cierk araquo s o er ideacc ofgood faitta

The ch^ck so deposited will tw e umed to the unsQcceasfut bidder

T h e F inance Committee re laquo res the r ight to bullreject any and alt bids

Da t d Mcv3d 19C0 Wm E JACOB WA Mi Mi LI KS

Finance Committee oi the Common Council of the city of Corunna Mich

tinue to back nie op- However I do hot believe that sir Ferry will be nominated John c Steams present secretary at stata will probably be the man

W i l l Ctet It Maaey Ann Arbor M s y 21 mdash In the cirshy

cuit court a decree w a s issued admitshyt i n g t o probate the v^ill of the ate Adah Z Treadwell one of t h e proshyvisions of which devised to the unishyversity the sum of cent2000 for a free bed at the hospital De Forest Treat the relative w h o opposed the terms of the will was heard as were o ther witnesses The university will now get its money

Ra i l road T a x a t i o n i n c r e a s e d LansiBg May 19mdashItailroadi Commisshy

sioner Chase S Osbofn has filed wi th a s possible the auditor general the annual cornel c e m r a a e Meet putat ion of railroad taxes which must - u bull r laquo T u bdquo ^_ be paid by the railroad companies o n I Coldwater May 1 9 - T h e twenty -

or before July 1 The list hovvs a big i laquo ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ $ i ^ ^ i n c r c ^ over the taxe8 of 1S99 ^ITen f - j f j w a s e m thi^cityv Wednesday t h e total taxes were $i0S7aiGS9 the i F o r t y members of the bat tery were amount of t a x e s levied for this year being $1240^452^ The per cent of in shycrease is J 069

W i l l Casapi a t L a k e Ctaajaae Bat t l e Creek May 21-rThe Sons of

Veterans Michigan division encampshym e n t wil l be held ml Lake Goguae June 18 to 22 Capt Carl A Wagner says that he wrote to t h e quartermasshyter general of the s t a t for the1 loan of 60 rifles and equipments for use of company L during the encampment and received a reply from Quartermasshyter Genral Atkinson that it could probably Ire done with the consent of Gov Pingrcc in case the nat ional guard receive their arms^anu equipshyment by that t ime It is the expectashyt ion to make th is a school of instrucshytion in drill a n d camp work as much




C h e a p B a t e s Sys lesa

V U G r a a d Truuk s^ailway t Various P o l a t s i a



Dewey at Detroit June Stb and Jgtthmdash One nire for rouud trip tickets sold for evening trains of the Sch and mortiing trains of the 0th valid to return the Olb inclusive

G A R Encampment s t Gra-id Rsp-ids June 7th sud S t h - O n e fare for the round trip tickets sold for trains of June (ith 7tli and 8ih valid to return up to the Oth inclusive

K O T M Mleliigaii Great Csmp laquot Grand Kapld June 12th to ICthmdashOre fare for rout-d trip ticket sold for trains of l l t b and 12b valid to return up to lGcli iitclusive

Itepublican Ntitioigtil Convention s t Philadelphia June 19ilraquomdashOne fare for round trip ticket sold for trains of June 14th 15tb 10th K i h and IStli valid to let urn u p to 2Gth iucluraquoive

For t ickets sud informttlon apply to ail ageuto of Grand Trunk Hallway Sysshytem and connect ing tine

gtVS M u w r Millutim Pa u e l the life of bis little girl by g iv ing her One Minute Cough ture wbett thlt4 was bulllying from croup It is the 0laquoUy harmshyless remedy that gives immediate reshysult It quickly cures coughs cold bronchi grippe Ssthma and all tNroal s o d lung troubles F M Kliboura

bullbull bull bull pound l laquo e t GSaeers v Grand Tbtpids May 19mdashThe Michishy

gan Commercial Travelers associa

tion elected the fol lowing officers Frishyday afternoon Senior grand Counselshylor N J Moore Jackson junior H A Barlett F l in t secretary Amos Kendall Hil lsdale treasurer W S West Jackson representative to sn preme council Frank Day Jackson and J A Murray Detroit

W l a w w C i v e a laquo40OO Negaunee May SI mdash The T C amp

N W Railway company made a setshyt lement wi th the widow of 55 O fireen who w a s one of the vict ims of the Ford river coll ision in March last paying her $4000 as a rel inquishment oi all claims aga ins t the company This is the largest sum paid any of the c la imants

Mar Mraquove to Michiaran St Joseph May 19mdashNine representashy

tive Dunkards from Indiana Il l inois and Ohio are here t o inspect farming lands wi th the idea of colonizing 11000 oi their sect in this v idn i ty They deshyclare t lmi ise ives much pleased wi th this location

L o s e T h e i r ffeta Grand Haven May 19mdashDeputy Game

Warden Rrewster has pulled up a lot yt nets which he found in Grand river and destroyed them They were valshyued at $200 and belonged to Grand Haven fishermen

WMI Stan at Nile Nile May 21 mdash Preparations are

now in progress for the reception of Admiral Dewey w h o will be in Niles for a short t ime on bis way to Three Oaks the first week in June

R a r a l F r e e De l ivery Washington D C May 19mdashKural

frfe delivery ii be established June 4 at Monroe WUliam Loose has been Appointed currier

present and af ter a business m e e t i n g enjdyed a tr ip raquobout the c i ty v is i t ing factories s t a t e public schools and public buildings v AV banquet and camp-fire was held a t the Arl ington hote l at n ight Toasts were respondshyed to and a fine t ime was had by the veterans bull

mge before the end of the year The franchise for the Batt le Creek-

Coldwater electrle railroad through all the townships between the t w o c i t ies have been seeurrlaquolaquo raquoMlaquo laquo i i i - i^st remainn before Work will be started is t o secure t h e r ight of way through Union City and i n t o the terminal points

David Comwel l and Milton D Owen of Allegan have been granted a franshychise for an electric s treet railway t o be constructed northward from Alle-ltjan along t h e Monterey road and in Monterey and Salem tna point of juncshytion with an electric road which will be built from Grand^ Rapids t o Holland this summer

The at torney for Former Superinshytendent A O Hyde of Calhoun counshyty have made a motion for the quashing of the information against Mr Hyde on the false pretense charge If it i s denied a continuance will be asked unti l the September t erm of court The same procedure wil l be taken when the embezzleshyment case i s called

gen of the air there must be admitted to the furnace about three t imes the bulk of oxygen or nitrogen and tbia absorbs a large quantity of the beak If an excess of air goes into the fa nace th i l a l s o takes up and wastes beat By admitting oxygen these looses can be saved

The nitrogen it i s asserted can be used for the production of nitric acid and Professor Pictet says that by a process of his invention h e caa comshybine it Into ammonia directly by exshyposing hydrogen and nitrogen to the electric arc under certain conditions If th i s be true Professor Pictet h a t solved a problem of wonderful value which has defied the researehes of t s laquo ab les t chemists of the worldmdashNew Tori Wnk

I t s a l w a y s damp places that mush rooms jfcuw isnt it paiiair

Yes mv boy-Is tha i the reason they look like

umbrellas p a p a V


A f t i i d Yoat l t Wed Al legan May 19mdashJustice Hicks

performed a very peculiar marriage The inspector found that the trouble is all caused by the cutworm which

OasMffe k y C a i w a r o i i Xiles May 19mdashProf R H Pet t i t

of the Michigan s ta te agricultural col lege experiment stat ion has visshyited a number of t h e farms in th is vicinity and insjgtected the fruit trees that have been injured by insects

here The contract ing parties were W H S Banks of Lee township a veteran of t h e war of the rebell ion and an officer aged 82 years whi le t h e bride is but 18 They were marshyried about a year ago in a small town in Wisconsin but as her parents had no t given their consent an at torney advised that t h e y be remarried

J o t a t h e R e v a b l i c a a s

Detroit May 19mdashJudge Allan B Morse of Ionia former democratic judgo of the supreme court of Mich

has been playing havoc with a numshyber of trees The w o r m s have in a few cases destroyed the peach buds but the loss in his opinion will not be great and the worst danger is over

fixcaaloa S e a a a O p e n s

St Joseph May 21 mdash The Sunday steamboat excurs ion season opened with a large crowd from Chicago County Clerk Xeedham announced revival in the marriage business at Michigans Gretna Green Three

fgan and R A Montgomery of COtrples were wedded Sunday and the Lansing brother of the late Judge M yJiit for the last three months num-V Montgomery of the District of ^ r s m 0 l e than 100 couples from Chi-Columbia bench have abandoned their 0agO anlti points outside of Berrien posit ion as gold democrats and an- c o ^ i n t ry Names of GO couples were nounced themselves a s republicans suppressed through and t h o u g h schoo l L a a d s tor Sale

Biar Steamatraquo l e s s e n e d Lansing May 16mdash About 11500 acres Detroit May 20mdashThe Pit tsburgh of reappraised primary school land will

Steamship companys steel steamer | be restored to the market June 28 by Harvard the largest vessel ever built being oifered for sale at public auct ion on the Detroit river was launched at the state land office This land is Saturday afternoon from the Wyan- appraised at from 50 cents to $5 per dote yards of the Detroit ship-build- j acre and is located in the counties of ing company The Harvard is 473 feet Dickinson Allegan Kent Manislee long 28 feet molded depth and M Montmorency Kalamazoo Muskegon feet beam Her carrying capacity is Ottawa Parry t a k e and Mason

8000 tons W a a t s Athle t ic Saspcaaetf Dies o t P a r u i y s u Ann Arbor May 21 mdash Commander

Niles May 18 mdash Mrs Margaret 14 R Pealer of the Michigan G A Rbdquo Tlosfeld an old resident of this c i ty has issued a wri t ten request to the residing in the German se t t l ement | presidents and facult ies of the several w i s found dead in bed the cause of inst i tut ions of learning in Michigan her death being paralysis She was He asks that the athlet ic and sport ing bull years bid and the mother of 11 i-Jiibs be kept home on Memorial day


WRAPPERS at 79c and 100in neat attractive patterns good goods and made right

SHIRT bull WA13frac34frac34 for 50c 75c 3100 aud $125 V-

DRESS SKIRTS i b r 30c roc and SO for summer wear

Lawns and Dress Goods Laces Insertions and Embroidery for summer apparel

Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles for your windows

Indies Taffeta and Silk Gloves and Mitts at 15c 20c and 25c

Come and see us for what you eat w laquo r or use

children three of viom survive her and are res idents of th i s bdquo t y

so as not t o detract from the mlicancc o l Decoration day


Oli yes Spring is here and so is our large and complete stock of

Boots and Shoes for the ring nnd Suttimer


Sp TAX MM] BLACK in eudlcss varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan orJllaquock LADIES BALS frbm $150 to $375 Ladies OXFOKDS Tan or Black fvorn gl(A- te ^200 For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dontfail 10 gtee the DOUGLAS $3 50 in any shade They are excellent They are as bullgood as the usual $450 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in endshyless varieties

Yours for good goods at reasonable prices




ARTHUR YOUNG He represents thq strongest and

most reliable companies Parties desiring to sell or rent property

will do well to place the same with him Good farm mortgages bought and laquo0kj

A good 120 acre ampiGi for gale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for )

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia

Digests what you eat I t artificially digests the foodand alas

Nature in strengthening ao3 reconshystructing tbe exhausted -digestive orshygan I t i s the latest discovered digest ant and tonic N o otTaer preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanentiy cores dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea Sick HeadacfceGastralgiaCramplaquo and all other resulttof imperfecfcdJgestlon Price 50c sodSt Iise ahcooiitatoa Stolaquo smallstoeBeoltaUalxmtd7q^pelraquoBMiUedftlaquoc

Prepared by pound C DaWITT A CO Chicago For Sale bv F M K1LBOUKN

To Cure Cfoagfe In One B a y To Cure a Cold i n Cue D a y To Our Sore Throat In On Xkftf raquo 0 Oar Roaieeaesn i n One B a y

Take Cleveland lng Heater 93 cents If it fails to cm we w amp cheerfully refuad y o w money (matafeefree )

at C i t Peacocks

Doe ClaquoTlaquolaquo AgrM WUh I o n

If not dr ink Grahgt-0mdashmade from pure grain A lady writes Tbe first time1 made Grain O I did not like it t u t after using It for one week Botfcing would induce me to go baek to coffee It nourishes and feeds the syetem The children can drink it freely with great benefit Get a package to-day from your grocer 15c and 25c Be sure it is ftampde by tbe Genesee Pure Food Co Le Boy 27 YM as there are imitations 00 the market

Fewer Lynching Probably ninety-nine newspaper

readers out of every hundred if asked for their impressions at the end of 1S93- would have said that they supshyposed there had been more- cases of lynching hi this country hut year than In any previous twelvemonth It is therefore a pleasant surprise to find that the statistician of the Chicago Tribune who has kept track of the figures for many years can report that the record was fealty the smallest since 1885 There is no explanation of the apparent mystery which is not geaeraly thought of Public sentiment against lynching has been growing steadily throughout the country and especially in the south where tho practice has been most common The result i s that the press gives much greater pubttetty to report of all such outrages now than formerly and 1GT cases dating 1639 consequently atshytracted more attention than wosd vwivlaquo i s nwuf oftlaquosa years ago Y Bvcning P o s t

A Peculiar A arrange lake exist in the center

of Sulphur Island off Hew Zealand It is SO acres in extent about 12 feet in depth and 15 feet above the level of the sea The moat remarkable characshyteristic at this lake is thai the waiter contain vast quantities of hydrochlorshyic and sulphuric acids hissing and bubbling at a tepperatcre of 110 deshygrees FahrenheitbullbullbullThe dark green-colshyored water looks particularly uninvitshying Dense cloud of sulphuric fumes constantly roll off this boiling caldroo and care has to tie exercised in apshyproaching this lake to avoid the risk of suffocation On the opposite side of the lake may be seen the tremendous blow-hole1which when in full blast present aa awe-inspiring s ight The roar of the steam as it rushes forth lu-to the air is deafening and often huge bowidere and stones are hurled out to a height of several hundred feet by -tbe various internal forces cf nature A boat can be blanched on the lake and if proper care he observed the very edges of the blow-holes may be safely explored Some Idea of the strength of the acid-saturated water of this lake may be gathered from tbe fact that a boat almost dropped to pieces after all the passengers had been landed as the rivets had corrodshyed under tbe influence of tbe adds

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it IS

being done neatly try us for better still


Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water CeJor

ami Sepia Work

Framing Don

on Short


PlatiBO-types The very latest things in our line are

the Piatino-iypes we arc now patting out Nothing else t^aais ihera We make them We make them in all styles Also Gloss Finish and Platino Work Satisfaction Guaranteed

Agriculture 1 should single out the reaping mashy

chine as tbe greatest human achieve luent in the departraeht of agriculture Not only is it a great boon in itself but it marks tbe initiative in a great movementmdashtbe substitution of meshychanical for muscularv forcemdashwhich modern agricultural needs have made imperative For thousands of years the agricultural Implement of hushymanity gt regained what they were In the infancy of the race Tbe sparle and tbe hoe the sickle and the scythe of our grandfather were identical with those wielded by the first barshybarian who emerged from the prehisshytoric ages into recorded time It was not till far into the middle of the nine-teenth century that the sickle and the scythe were replaced by the reaping ujachJne

Theres no place like tbe Journal for Neat P r i n t i n g raquo raquo raquo

P ^ - -

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W Exchange St

A ampaigki f tlM Grip Tlaquot4iamplaquo Mgtmenee IJL Nov 14 1888 I wraquos

ronbled with a disagreeable baling in bullny ftomavh -aused by dvapepsla and one do-e of Dr CsldweJVs Mvrup Pepsiti relieved me I will never he without it as-It Is tbe beat remedy for constipation ar t indigestion I have ever used P R Clartu TrtvcUug Salesasaa ftraquor Pearson A Weytel Importers of Ooenneware


The Story of a Clever Prisoners Plan for Escape

Green Casey a convict at San Quen-tin has won the admiration of all his fellow-convicts at the prison for the novel contrivance he has invented in order to make hLi escape from the prison walls some time ampm and through Sheriff Iangdon cf Santa Clara county the story has leaked o u t bull

Casey was a Mad of trusty around the prison ground and wailti n-ork-ing iu one of the giounde in the vicinity of the prison he took it into his he1 that he would like to escape and wes beginciJis to tax his mindas to tho most advantageous way to snit his purpose As lie v as stroiln^ around oil the green grass which grows la abunlt3an(e around the prison an idea struck him that if hft could imitate the grass by some meana he could elude the watchful sentries an J make good his escape

Through tlio aid of his convict friends he procured Rome piecesof burlap and with tho aid of sonic iope made them into a l e n s coat that would cover him completely when lyiiit oil the grass He then secured soma wheat from the prison stable and sowed it on the flrst layer of his coat He cast it down carelessly at one end of the prison grounds and watered It dailygt In a few weeks the grass grew UP through the sack coat and before a great while the piece of burlap was conformed into a grassy lawn

He was now rea^dy to carry out his plans and patiently awaited an opshyportunity At last he succeeded m getting his new contrivance across to the northwest of the prison and in a few minutes was under his grassy cent

Slowly he crept along with the cleverness of a worm and from all appearance success- would crown his efforts But his progress waa too rapid and very soon he heard footshysteps coming In his direction The moving grass plot which was slowly making its way up the hillside soon came to a sudden standstill a s tho eye of a guard had noticed the grass moving and came to investgate the phenomenon A kick in tbe ribs ap prised Casey that his plan had been discovered Tbe guard took Casey and a red shirt now covers his breast mdashSan Francisco CalL

EVEN SUPPOSE Even suppose Chat I could forget What you were ( should know you

yet Even suppose (and my hope is this) inai oameu m ltke Clueo raquoA a

those quisite bliss

Your Nface has lct through cloudless yeata -

The lines of trouble the stain of tears I shajl see it thep as 1 see it yet Even suppose that I could forget

know I claimed you ones you are still my

bullbullown- bull A kiss perhaps that I left on your

cheeks Where al is spirit all kissea speak Dead or living I live youyet Even suppose that I could forget mdash E M Hewitt in t h e Pall Mall Magazine

TIE l i l K

ness Hev yer sot any fine wlra netting he askod Yes sir he answered euroagertys anything yer want In tbet iine

Welllemmfi slaquoe it He lboed it over critically X guess Ill tek all yer g o t Its jest erbbut enough fer what I want TJie peddler was alshymost carried off his feet with surshyprise Why yer aint goin ter biild fences be jer Never youmind Thets my busines h When yer come round in the fall f i r pay yer and then praps Ill tell yer

The peddlers ftce shaded perceptshyibly with d^appointment and he 106k-

K ^ mdash t ^ i u laquo A^iH w n u i lt ed about the fann anxiously- Oh Ev t yone knew A ^ i U Wilkias a laquo d o n t y o u W O r r y T e r n git yer pay the village of Trescott hut not o n e ^ i ^ ^ I cant pay^er tfll I git 3laquo in ten by that classic surname to alt my crop But its a sure thing_ And who wished coal carted or rubbish bull th^neddler immediately motmteJ his

Wxlions and that part of the town frac34frac34frac34frac34 Q^aiaj gamp^tmsed his wife ship where he resided was called 1 ^New 0frac14 woman fm goin ter bo Quilleyville If anyone desired to uretty busy fer a htte over the maun-define any part of the earths surface I ^ d o raquo t +amp fleJ

~ ^ r V ^ ^ ^ - f^P5 -ntaer children no-nn raean- I aint an being particularly unsavory or like a ^ o | n aaythfnv wi-ong Only I wast that future state t^ which the Calvin-1 ter kind o sprie yer with AJsHie istic creed eonsighs sinful humanity I way-Im Kotn ter ceviae ter raise that it was customary to refer to QuIBey-ithar mortgage An111 promise tef


Prancfi and Chinese Lead the Nations ef the World In TMe

Among -Westerns- -themdashFrench- aart among Ortentale the Chinese are ihe most stay-at-homlaquo nations ef the world lrVeochmn are met with in all parts of tbe world hot tnete thought are always tnming toward the happy days when they can one shore return to I Bce France and breathe the air of it boulevard The Prehctinan neyer willfully exnatrtates himself for life The Cblnaman on the other hand I3 a siny at-houie by religion Illaquo thinks that bis hope of salvtttoii deshypends upon ending hh days in the Ceshylestial Empire and he is careful to provide that if he dies in a foreign land bis coflln with his remains shall be sent back to China The frightful over-popuhitiott of the Chinese Enijike has driven Chinamen into all quarter Of the world especiaily to Australia but they always hope to return to their own ud Tbe Hindu Wlaquoes lt-laquoIJSbulllaquo If he leaves bis native cotmiry buthe is a member of a religion rather than of a race and as a set-laquoff the Mohani- medaiis who form a very large pro-portioa of the Indian Empire are the most persistent pilgrims on the face of the earth

em the moneyyer put Inter tlaquoA thar place t o aU of this QuiUey made no reapenraquoraquo But it must be admitted he thougit a good deal He marched up over the barren moua-lala side and noafr carefully several things One was that 1raquo the aftershynoon a breese genlaquorally swept up over the mountain aeddng the fool exshypanse of the Omnecticut beyond The hot air soughi the cooler surface ef the stream this breeze carried

Bven suppose I aifght choose to be wlthit certain other things which en-Friend of an angel it seems to me tlaquoed largely into W w ^ S S Hearts choice is once though the tlons He also ewmined a little more

fleamph forset | closely the old has n bull- Notkhowii^whyIahbuianb0OMyourL-^neltla7 a n itinerant tin peddler bullbullbullbull yet j cahie along in whom Quilley at once Even suppose thai 1 could forget took an uncommon interest He

I abandoned the whittling and the eounr What will it be ihat wiU make ypui y paper and cante at oace to busi

The Papal Elections The succesaiou of the Roman Ponshy

tiffs rests on the word of God other lines of pr ineesmay fail their line shall last until the end of the wtrld Still although there will always be a series of legitimate successors In the Papacy themanccr of succession has varied being ieft-to human prhdeibee wbidi acoommodaies itself to times and places yet ever under an overrulshying Providence that directs to its own ends no less the vices than the virshytues of ngten

In the Pope the world receives a vishycar of Christ n successor of S t Peter and an infuliii-e judge in the matter of faith and jsonls The Papacy was always conferred regularly by way of electionmdasht om the chief of the Apostles ebose-i by our Lord himshyself to Leo XIII cow reigning who was elected gty the Cardinals of the Holy ltoman Church on the 20th of Februarj 187S Between these there have been 2gt1 Pogtesif we follow tbe number givenby t i e official Gerarchia Cattolica whicli Is published annualshylymdash Mouslgnor Sefoa in Frank Lesshylies Popular Mouthiy

vine Here dwelt several fanaiHea of Witkinses of which Quilley was the distinguished chief happy and surshyprisingly healthy in spite of their great disregard of all sanitary prinshyciples and familiarity with goats and pigs

When one early spring morning Qtiilleys horse died with a proper deference to its own age QaiUeyvflle was thrown into Sackcloth and ashes although there had always been a plenty of the hutot commodity tying fn unsightly heaps in various parts of the province The proprietor of the late horse buried him with honors took a chair front the kitchen and going out into the spring sunshine tilted it against the side of the house and began to whittle There he stayshyed all day never heeding the call to dinner As sometimes happens in CBKlaquo vi rgtmnL iAiVamprtT QsUtey had from time to tlase e m lag the pant bull years made aampall depoelta in the Am-monooauc River savtags a nV Even in his sorest straits b t laquo5l never touch that saoney if one bull esraquo into the bank It stayed there He was thinking of that now tt asftouated to sometfng near IW9 Hhiwtte came ont and gathered up the days whit-tiings in a banket Quilley rose and shook himself Well oi woman he said Ive kinder concluded ter buy a farm out yonder on ther maun-tia Kinder guess you an ther young uns ll like it better an5 me too fer all that

His wife made no response aot beshycause sKe could not talk for she spent hours with the neighbors In animated discourse and knew all that went on in the Trescott homes from the lowshyest to the highest But she looked upon her man as did the Pagans upon the responses of the oracles aa beyord the pale of human gratitude or disapprobation

Tbe next morning the sun peeped over the summit of the mountain with rayraquo Trf April brightness and promise and Quilleyvilie Was up to meet its first glance with It mingled sounds of human and brute creation Quilley strode forth after breaktas- toward the mountain It was on the bordershyland of the White mountains and on many of the lesser summits and moun-taia sides arfgterched to-day the desoshylate remnants of a former yeomanry hardier than that of to-day who had fed and clothed themselves by erops

The Legal Way Before I agree to undertake your

defense said the eminent criminal lawyer who had been called in you will have to be perfectly frank with me and tell me tint whole truth Did you embexale the twenty thousand dollars you arc accused of baring takshyen bull

Yes sir repliCl the accused man Ill not attempt to conceal the fact from you I stole every cent of it

How much of it have yon still Its all gene but about ten dollars Young man sad tbe eminent lawshy

yerbuttoning his gloves youd betshyter plead guilty nd throw yourself on tbe mercy of tl e court

111 de it if yon cay laquo0 sir What are yen going to cuarge me for the advice

Ten dollarsmdashc hicago Tribune

A jBeoihbay die) ftsbermanmdashAh Ak-ctaim te bavt the rhortijrt ansae da record There Is 00 afcevevietiee aboet it either

show yer a crop that c a n t be beat throughout the h8 o ther Granite

As usuaL Quinsys word was law Only once wpraquo his order dteoheyesa hii the least degree and he fortunately never knew of that One day Uttte Quilley bullbullamp nnablo to reelat crawled oyerthe 1nfampltr of the mouBtain and looked What he taw onry incrcssed his mystificatlGa A large round cage had been constructed ont of the wire netting wIJraquo a door large enongh to admit a man In one jtfftee while fee tag the wind Was an extended opening resembling the nariag end of a taega-phone only several tCoies larger ft was in the morning and tluHley Sr^ seemed to he ahovefang n cmnntftv of some dark suhataace fate the adjoinshying ham One other feature added to the mystery Bae morning Quilley proceeded over the brow of Che bill w i n a Quart of nraquootaaea a s his only hureengt Mrtu Wltktas wondered but asked no quwttonn Bst the state and town treaeaisjs were probably tbe most surprised men wultraquo the recret was let o u t Mrs WKkiae was of eonrae deHghted and Che people of Treaeott alluded with conscious pride to the inventive genJns of their towta-ataa AquIUa Wflkliw who was really the only one hy the townshipwho had succeeded in making an abandonea farm pay But after alL the town treasurer had the worst shock-mdashN B Homestead

Was Bothered with Shouters For ten years Horace Sheley of In

dependence Mo was so hard of hear ing that his intimate friends used to say he was as deaf as a post But he was not quite that deaf He could hear If the wordswere shouted in his ear and that was the way people talkshyed to him Three months ago Mr Sheley went to an aurls tcnd now he can hear aa wen as he ever could Many of his aequaintanoes do not know that be has regained his hearshying and when they meet him they shoot In his ear a s they were acshycustomed to do in the ten years of his deafness tt i s embarrassing to Mr Sheley and annoying- Last week Mr- Sheley was in Kaae City and met his n e ^ e w James Noland on the street They shook hands and then Mr Nolan grasped the lapel of his

would-^trumpet the sound well and shouted at the top of his voice H o w are you Uncle Horace and then he drew in a long breath Just as he used to do and shouted I havent seen you for a coons age Why dont you come around and see us

Uncle Horace flinched away from his nephew and said

Dont yell so Jlmmie or youHl deafen me I can hear as well as you canmdashKansas City Times

__ w uncles coat with his Ilaquoft hand stood w r ^ ^ l r o m a ^ o h g W ^ V a n ^ boulders There ae few signs of hu-1 ^J^^t^ f^hoUow degi man life in these places now All bullbull^J u to hla^face so it that remams are a few tumbled-down farm-houses with their empty barns and out-buMdings It is the material substance of the abandoned farm era- bullbull

But Quilley had set his heart on one of these farms and was going to look over the old Wilcox place unshyinhabited for 20 years and then call on its owner Whtn he returned that night he was the owner of several acres of mountain side a goodly part Of it being composed of ledges and cliffs sloping toward the Connecticut river and its fertile i e U s but stopshyping at the borderland of the really valuable soil When he went to the bank the next day he also visited the registry of deeds He had spent $300 on his farm with an added mortgage of $200 leaving the residue of his litshytle fortune tor the purchase of tools seeds and another horse He postshyponed the purchase of a cow until he had something to feed her on the outshylook jfor pasturage being extremely dubious as all the acreage available for that purpose had grown up to bushes In less than a week Quilleyshyvilie was deserted and the passerby would have noted that whatever was left behind was offered for sale

Quilley found his new life much more easy than his former had been and he discovered much to his satisshyfaction that Mrs Wilkins was en-ambled to prove more literally her bullproper a vocation as a helpmate to him He wisely pat no hindrance in her way and as she had been a farmshyers daughter she was able to give him considerable enlightment He lacked that impulse to work which had been a great spur to activity when he had worked for ethers Aa

Why He rgtldnk Want Th Jm Unconscious humor is not a rare

thing in commerce and the corshyrespondence of a business house is frequently enlivened by absurdities Here are two communications found last week in the mail written on a postal card and the Correspondent evidently concluded that as he had contributed one cent towards the govshyernments revenues he might as well make the government earn Its money This communication read

Dear Sirs Please send mo twenshyty boxes Of Bathis plugs and hurry shipment P SmdashPlease cancel the abbve as my wife has just found sixshyteen boxes in the cellar

It is possible that the manwho wrote that was not such aa unconshyscious Joker after all but there is no mistaking the solemn earnestness of the following from an Arkansas town also written on a postal card Ikey has been ded too year BO you

need not rite to hist any more mdashN Y Sun I k e y s wife

Object t e the Method The flow of an oil well in southern

California bullwen tncreened hy the re-the warm days toward the last of JaU| ^ bullf11 tttJM bull fU of came he began to think a good deal bull ^ bull bull 5 raquo bull pound ^ 0 4 lW-larly about that mortgage Certain of his traquoWraquoeogt--8aa Frenesjao Examiner former friends wie knew soasothi^1 -__ bdquo 77mdash anient farming had told him that the bullbullnawtlssi ef VaCwe sea Wilcox plaee wne better auftsd to Scene day seen enierprtstng nub raUtnc greashesners than mortgagee1 rasher wiB tswae a Teat pocket edition Jhe want staee In ther tewsu^qt Car ef tte nteeycJonedJa BrltaaicamdashPhlaquoa-


11 -^


Dr Talmampfe lifts the Curtain from

The Olorlee f t r a r a aw ltt CoHppeklaquolaquouiilaquolaquo 4 tli JTSatte

MiBd-jyrlaquo w i l l B raquo bull rwrUaw Ter

[Copyright 1800 by Loci Klopsen j Washington May IX

In thisdiscourse DrTahtiage lifts the curtain from eternal felicities and in au unusual way treats of the Heavenshyly world Text L Corinthians 29 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath pre pared for them that love Him

The city of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity Indeed for splendor the world holds no such wonshyder to-day It stood on an isthmus washed by two seas the one sea bringshying the commerce of Europe the other sea bring-in] the commerce of Asia From her wharfs in the construction of which whole kingdoms had beeL V sorbed war galleys with three bank of oavs pushed out and confounded the navy yard of nil the world Huge-handed machinery sneh as modem in- prssas and samphire a mountain of

O B carta she wan a lifelong invalid See her step now and hear her voice uaampf Caiehu if yotz can one breath of that celestial air Health in all the anisesmdash- health of vision health of spirits immortal health No racking tough no sharp pleurisies no consum- g fevers no exhausting pains no hosshypitals of vioanded men Health swingshying in ibeMr health flowing in all the streams health blooming on the banks No headaches no aid^nches no backshyaches That child that died in the agonies of croup hear her voice now ringing in the anthem That old man that ^ent bowed down with the infirmshyities of Age sec him walk how Wilis the step of an immortal athletemdashfoi-cver young again That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air reshysuscitated her forever For everlastshying years to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue Eye hath not seen it ear hath not heard i t

I remark further that we can in this worldget no just idea of the splendors of Heaven John tries to describe them He sttfs ^the 12 gates are 12 pearls and that the foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of preshycious etones As wye stand looking through the telescope of St John We see a blaze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sardonyx and chryso-

vention cannot equal ISfted ships from the tea on one side and transported them on trucks across the isthmus and set them down in the sea on tb other side

The revenue officers of the effy went down through the ofire groves that lined the bench tbebSeet a tariff tram all nations The mirth of aU people sported in her isthmian games and the beauty of nil lands-sat in her theaters walked her praquortic$$a laquoi|fcrw Uself on the altar of hlaquoar stu$enampu dissipashytion Celujna-ind statue and temple bewiidered the tehdtte- There were white marble fountains into which from apertures c t the side there rushed water everywhere known for health-giving qualities Around these basins twisted into wreaths of stone there were aTl the beauties o f sculpture and architecture while standing as if to guard the costly display was a statue of Hercules of burnished Corinthian bras Va$es of terra cotta adorned the eeaieteriesof the deadmdashrvases so costly that Julius Caesar was not satisshyfied until he had captured tnetn for Koine ArttJed official the Claquormtbarii paced raquop and down to see that no stone was defaced no pedestal overthrown no has relief touched From the edge of the city a hii arose with it magshynificent burden of columns towers and temples (i000 slaves waiting at one shrine) and a citadel to thoroughly impregnable that Gibraltar is a heap of sand compared with it Atuid all that strength wed magnificence Corinth stood and defied the world

Oh it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that Paul uttered this text They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in ail the World1 they had heard songs floating from morning porshyticoes and melting in evening groves they had passed their whole lives among pictures and sculpture and architecture and Corinthian bras which had been molded and shaped unshytil there was no chariot wheel in which it had not eped and no tower in which it had not glittered and no gateway that it had not adorned Ah it was a bold thing for Paul to stand there amid all that and say All this is nothing

These sounds that come from the temshyple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmonies of which 7 speak These waters rushing in the basin of Pyreoe are not pure The statues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite Your citadel of Jkroeorfpihu^ is not strong compared with that which I ofshyfer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen poundat Von Corinthians think this is a splendid city Yon think you have heard all sweet sounds and seen all beautiful sights but I tell you eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered Into the heart of man the things whieh God hath prepared for them that love Him - bull bull

You see my teXt sets forth the idea that however exalted bur ideas of Heaven they come far shore of the reality Some wise men have been calshyculating how many furlongs long and wide is the new Jerusalem and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth how long the earth will probably stand and then they come to this estimate That aftshyer all the nations have been gathered to Heaven there will be room for each soul a room 1$ feet long and 15 feet wide It would not be large enough for you It would not be large enough for me I am glad to know Jhat no hushyman estimate is sufficient to take the dimensions Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor arithmeticians calcushylated

I first remark that we can get no idea of the health of Heaven When you were a child and you went out in the morning how you bounded along the road or streetmdashyou had never felt sorshyrow or sickness Perhaps later you felt a glow in your cheek and a spring in your step and an exuberance of spirshyits and a clearness of eye that made you thank God you were permitted to live The nerves were harp strings and the sunlight was a doxology and the rustling leaves were the rustling of the robes of a great crowd rising up to praise the Lord You thought that you knew what i t was to be well but there is no perfect health on earth The disease of past generations came iown to us The air that now float upon the earth are not like those which floated above Paradise They ere charged with impurities and distemshypers The moat elastic and robust health of earth compared with that which those experience before whom the laquo(lt have been opened U nothing

light a cataract of color a sea of glass and a city like the son Jobn4raquods us look again and we see thronesmdash throne of the patriarchs thrones of the angels thrones of the apostles throne of the martyrs throne of Jesusmdashthrone of God And we turn round to see the glory and it is throne thrones thrones

John bids us look again and see the great procession of the redeemed passshying- v J e a ofc- a white horsey leads the inarch^ and a 8 the armies -of Heaven fdftOTf otf white horses In-finite cavalcade passing passing emshypires pressing into line ages following

what Heaven is It is the grave neremdash It is darkness heremdashbut there is mershyrymaking yonder Methinks when a soul arrives some angel take it around to show it the wonders of that blesecd place The usher angel says to the newly arrived These are the marshytyrs that perished at Piedmont these were torn to pieces at the inquisition this is the throne of the threat Jehoshyvah this is Jesus I am going to see Jesus said a dying boy I am going to see Jesus The missionary said You are sure you will see Him Oh yes thats what 1 want to go to Heaven for But said the mraquoionary supshypose Jesus should go away from Heavenmdashwhat then I should folgt low hiai said the dying boy But if Jesus went down to hellmdashwhat then The dying boy thoughtfor a moment and then said Where Jesus is there can be no heU Oh to stand in His presence That will be Herven Oh to put our hand in that hand which wa wounded for us onthe crossmdashto go around amid the groups of the reshydeemed and shake hands with the prophets and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear beloved ones That will be the great reunion We cannot imagine it now Our loved ones seem so far away When we are in trouble and lonesome they dont seem togt come to u We go on to the banks of the Jordan and call across to them but they do not seem to hear We say Is i t well with the ehild is it wdJ with the loved ones and we listen to hear if any voice come back over the waters Kbne none

Unbelief says They are deed and they are annihilated but blessed be God w e haven Bible that tells us differshyent We open it and we find they are neither dead nor annihflatedr-~that theynever were o much alive as now mdashthat they are only waiting for our coming and that we shall join them on the other side of the river Oh giori-ora reunion we cannot grasp it now

What a place of explanation it will ages Dispensation tramping after 1 raquo I see every day profound mysteries dispensation Glory In the traek of glory Europe Asia Africa North anampJSouihAmerica presiding into lines Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulshyder Generations^before the flood folshylowing generations after the flood and a r Jesus rides at the head of that great host and waves his sword in signal of victory ait crowns are lifted and all ensigns swung out and all chimes rung and al halleluiahs chantshyed and some cry Glory to God most high and sopael Hosanna to the son of David and some Worthy is the Lamb that was slainmdashtill all exshyclamations of endearment and homshyage in the vocabulary of Heaven are exhausted ami there comes up surge after laquourge of Amen Amen and Amen Eye hath not seen it ear hath not beard ft 8k im from the summer waters the brightest sparkle and yon will get no idea of the sheen of the everlasting sea Pile up the splendor of earthly cities and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount t o the city of God Ever house is a palace Every s tep is laquo triumph Every covering of the head a coronation Every meal is a banquet Every stroke from the tower is a wedding bell Every day Is a Jubilee every hour a rapture and every moment an ecstasy Kye hath not seen it ear hath not heard it

I remark further we can get no idea of the reunions of Heaven If you have evrr been across the seas and met|afriend or even an acquaintshyance in some strange land yovj re-member how your blood thrilled and how glad you were to set him What will be our joy after we have passed the seas of death to meet in the bright city of the Lord those from whom we have long been bullseparated After we harve been away froth our friends ten or fifteen years and we fotne upon them we see how differently they look Their hair has turned and wrinkles have come in their faces and we say How you have changed But oh when we stand before the throne all cares gone from the face all marks of sorrow disappeared and feeling the joy of that blessed land methinks we will say to each other with an exultashytion we cannot now imagine How you havechanged In this world we only meet to part It is good-by good-by Farewells floating in the air We hear it at the rail car window and at t s steamboat wharfmdashgood-by Children lisp it and old age answers it Sometimes we say it in a light waymdashgood-by mdash and sometimes with anguish in which the soul breaks downmdashgood-by Ah that is the word that ends the thanksgivshying banquet that is the word that comes in to close the Christmas chant Good-by good-by But not so in Heavshyen Welcomes in the air welcomes at the gates welcomes at the house of many mansions but not good-by That group is constantly being augshymented They are going out from our circles of earth to join itmdashlittle voices j to join the anthem little hands t o take bold in the great home circle little feet to dance in the eternal glee little crowns to be cast down before

but sicknea ard tossefattea Jokraquo a the grave and t t o t laquolaquolaquo1 fttnstfbiir b e f t w ^ k e ~

of Prbvidettee There is no qnestioh we ask ofteaer than Why There are hundreds of graves in Greenwood and Laurel Mil that need to be explained Hospitals for the blind and lame asylums for the idiotie and jnsanc- almshouses for the destitute and a yiorld of pain and misfortune that deshymand more than human solution God will clear it all up In the light that pours from the throne no dark myr tery can live Things now utterly in^ scrntable will be illumined as plainly as though the answer was writteja on the Jasper wall or sounded in the tern pie anthem Bartimeus will thank God that he was blind and Joseph that he was cast into the pit and Daniel that he denned with the Hon and Patil that he was humpbacked and David that he was driven from Jerusalem and that invalid that for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow an4 that widow that she had such hard work to earn bread for her chUdrex The song will raquo all the grander for earths weeping eyes and aching headi bulllid exhausted bands and scourged backs and martyred agonies llut we ran get no idea of that ahthew here We appreciate the power of secular music but do we appreciate the power of sacred song There is nothing more iasplriutf to me thana whole congregashytion lifted on the wave of holy melody When we sing some of those dear old psalms and tunes they rouse all the memories of the past Why some of them were cradle songs in our father house They arc all sparkling with the morning dew of a thousand Christian Sabbaths They were sung by brothshyers and sistei sgone now by yoites that were aged and broken in the music voices hone the less sweetbecause they did tremble and break

When I heaT these old songs sung 11 seems as if all the old country meeting houses joined in the^chorus and city ehurch and saiiors beluel and western cabjns until the whole continent lifts the doxology and the scepters of eter-

Vniiy beat-time in the music Away then with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions Of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is marching on to victory When generals come back from victorious wars do we ^ot cheer them and shout Huzaa huaM And when Jesus passes along in the conquest of the earth shall we not have for Him one loud j ringing c h e e r ^

All hail tihe powe|S|Juasm name Let angels prniwWS tslL

Bring forth the l|bpt stttdem And crown Him Lord of att

But my friends if mnsic on earth is so sweet what will it bebullraquoin Heaven-They all know the tune there All the best singers of all the ages will join it mdashchoirs of white-robed children choirs of patriarchs choirs of apostles Mornshying stars clapping therr cymbals Harpers with their hasps Great anshythems of God roltjhn Toll onmdashother empires joining tfce harmony tillthe thrones are all fttlf and the nation all saved An then shall touch anthem chorus join chortts^end all the sweet sounds of earth and Heaven be poured into the ear of Christ David of the harp will be there Gabriel of thetrum


YARD Maw 1laquo Iowa U s e s a Compound that

Makes Hta Hon Lay Double fsVe fraquoua Nnatbcr Summer

and Wlater S e c r e t of His Saccens

Peopla in the neighborhood of Cres ton Iowa are amazed at the number of vg^ that this man drives to market Wttb Wheu asked what was the cause of his hen being so prolific be stated it was all in a certain compound he was using that keeps his hens in good conshydition and famished them with the proper stuBnlus hgt egg production Atneriean Poultry Mixture U the name of it and is made by American Wg Co Terre Haute Ind Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying cashypacity n the egg lie his profits This mixture is guaranteed to increase the prodaetioa of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded It will do more than throe tunc as much as the same amount of any other compound It is eoncen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience hi the poultry business There is absolutely no doubt as to what it wjH do and yon are inshyvited to try H at the expense of the company Send cent100 for a sample packshyage and if it daesnt do the work yea get yoar money back This is fair and hi nsade to induce practical nontoynien to give H a trial I t is also a sure preshyventive of sach diseases aa the t emble cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thcronghly scientific preparshyation

The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money If your druggist dont sell American Poni-)tfyAraquo)ctn^^V1raquoeliind- the age In that case^ Order direct from American Manufacturing Co Terre Haute Ind

^ Car HeraquolaquoelaquoaeR 1frac34 One WasJt To Cure Ckm^tipatiou in One Waei To Com Indigestion i n One Weak To Purify the Blood in One Weak

Take Clevelands Celery Contpoasd Tea 25c bullbdquo If it fails to enre^ jrm cheex reftrod your money (Trial sac free)

at C- M Peacocta

the feet of Jesus Our friends are in j p e t w S U ^ t h c r e gt Germany redeemed two groups--a group this side of the river and a group on the other side of the river Now there goes one from this to that and another from this to that and soon we will all be gone over How many of your loved ones have already entered upon that blessed place If I should take paper and pencil do yon think I could put them all down Ah my friends the waves of Jordan roar so hoarsely we cannot herr the joy on the other side when the group is augmented j

A little co ld s mother had died and they comforted her They said Your mother has gone to Heaven Don cry And the next day they went to the graveyard and they laid the body of the mother down into the ground and the little girl came up to the verge

^ tkfe Heawan W a raquo i d t t

will pour its rich bass voice into the song and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices I wish in our closing hymn to-day we might catch an echo that slips from the gates Who knows but that when the heavenshyly door opens to-day to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we eatch it Oh that as the song drops down from Heaven it might meet half way a song coming up from earth

They rise for the doxology all the multitude of the blest Let us arise with them and so at this hour the)oy of the church on earth and the joy ef the church in Heaven will minge their chalice and the dark apparel of our mourning win seem to whiten into the spotless raiment of the skies 4od cues that gtarouffh the meaey of out

STATU OF MICHIGAN Coraquoflrj-or SMawas-seclaquolaquo

At bullbull sewiuB of tfee Probst Const tot saM county acid at lb Probst Onve In i se ctty of ConmiMt on MoiHUjr the fh laquom ltf Avrti in t t e veer one nKMMaod nfaw Saserrd

JPrestltot Uiite B^ufc Jndjto or Fmbste In the aistter of the estate ef AlfrJl P

Bmtyrbj ampietmt J laquoB reading- and Sling tilaquo plit-n of AiftTfl A Suivrrby prajinir tbbraquo Cratt fo d^terrolnr hlaquo are tbe hrtr nt law of twraquoi(] naid dwmnett altt rattt^d to tatit said bull^ttate Sjut iH is ordeNl Tbt ibft 7ih day gtf Mraquogt

next nt Vit oclock io the torlaquoaoltii at laquotil Piobitte Offlce be raquolaquoifulaquo4l for bearing raquoraquoU petition

Aud it is further ordered thai A copy of ttoU onlor lgttraquo pubtilaquoJifsi thrw trtK-o-raquoJve wlaquokraquo prcviotm to Raid day of bearit-jr ID the Coruitna JfMtmn1 raquo nrmrtpaper pHuted aUd elixrultin io Haiu County of thiawaraquoyr

MA1TIIEW BUSH Judse of Irwbat

KTHKCIKE E KEMKV PrOliat1 11laquo -trlnttr

OOoa^DflChalt T i b i a l

phrsMsB is^oa laquo14 sad Ladles Ceafs saWas taHti aathessre tfceasdy isssaae wiisrai moduly

meflisfasksoirn PSasJfU 3ratsalaquoMS Slaquosd a^sgsipoja^far g y j j g g ^ y M

EoOtt^^2copy3Wodwrdav^Dotlaquo^ Kt

PRpBATE ORDERmdashSLateof Michiytna ltMB-y of SUIiraquoraquossrf raquois

At a WHsion of the Probate Court flaquor said rwlaquontvv liid al Ibe Probate oflfee in thraquo-Ity of (kgtriraquouampa 011 the 4th day of April io ihevoAT one tbousam aiiw tuudrlaquohl

Pielaquoni- Maub^w BUAIJ JiMjie of Probate Ju the laquoaa tier ot the estftMt of Urban (tatting

CDaniW Oortjup- AH asc-Ulary alt7mhgtigtttrator having rendctvd to this Conrt bin final aFt-atiiit

It isi ordered that the Tito day it1 o-xt at ten oViock iA lb forenoon raquot win Probate OtRce be appointed for examiampingsnd MlWKiDji said account

And it is further ordqtvd tbatacopy copyf this ordr or pttbitabed three successive weeks pre-viou to laquoM day of hearing ia the Corvuuia Jonrnai a newspaper printed aud crcolatin in aaid conaty of Sbi^wa^ftee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate

R E l T i i p We the undefMgnf d ilruggiei offer

bullx reward of J) cents to aov person who purchs^t of gtifraquo raquowraquoraquo 25 cent lioxes of lUiXterR iiaiirirake Bitters Tabiets if lit fails to cure cpiu^tination biliousnev^ laquoick-hesdlaquoebc jaii dh-e lolaquoraquo of ap|elite sour Vtomsoh dyspepsia liver coin-pisint or any of the diseases for wtiMi it i recohiinended Pru-e 25 t+nt for either tabletor liquid Wo will also refund the money on one psoknlaquoe of either if it fairaquo to givefcitiffactioh


^ H U M P H R E Y S

centsftama Laalaquo FevcVsftlla wver g ^ l g W A r a a LaaiBPSW lajwrfcs

C C i g O R S TBaOAT laquoatalaquoT KstasXSC bullcusttinaweasper S^IWOMMS Bow Gfaa (KEgt


6 6 Prevsatt UTOCABItlAGB g^|aUn(Eyen



and Proetration from Overshywork or other causes

Mtunphraya Homeopathic ftpeotflo No Bcopy in ulaquo o v w 4 0 yaara Uu onty

aajMiaiiiiagtiaraquoilisiaaf bull lis pi iraquoraquobullbull


Stryzn and Defeat The Oemocrats of ail sections ex

tgtect that BiT-an will succeed In nonv isatins hlmseU for the Presidency say3 an exchange but some of them tiink that other hands should be giyen a part in framing the platform Throughout the north there is a genshyeral desire that the silver issue shculd be dropped and a strong stand made against expansion known by Demoshycrats as imperialism Unless these are conceded there is likely to be a sharp fight in the convention for some other nominee But in the south the party is red hot for free silver and exshypansion The prosperity that has corce^tQ the north is slower in reachshying the south and more money is wanted They ere not particular as to the kind of money they get any old dollar will do for them provided It doea not bear the Confederate stamp They are for expansion beshycause they believe that our Sag in the Philippineswill give to the Amerishycans an open gateway to a great marshyket for southern cotton Says the Atlanta Constitution on these points Weve got to put enough silver in the platform to save the southern states and again If we should declare against expansion and fall to renew the demand for free coinage we would lose several of the southern states

It is so firmly settled that the nomshyination will be given to Bryat that all other questions in regards to the canshyvass sink out of sight The candishydate for the head of the ticket is the only issue that can be agreed upon The party in this accepts defeat as a foreordained fact a proclamation of surrender In advance It has nothing to offer the people as a substitute for the prosperity that has come to them tt acts as though well aware that it is useless to fight this grand fact with such side issues as the sort of money with which the people shall be paid so long as there is enough of it or conshycerning what shall be done with Porto PJco and the Philippines now ihampt we have Eot them under our flag The questions concerning the government of these islands are easy of solution but the people know the imminent peril In which their own prosperity vould he placed under a party that had always failed a a business pro-nsoter -whether S under Van Buren Pierce and Buchanan or the two terms of Cleveland Many of then remember the business reverse that came to them and the country genshyerally when they exchanged the Me-Klnley for the Wilson tariff and also vhat followed tile substitution for the latter of the Iliasley tariff Pratec tton and the gold standard they have proved goes enough for them and they are not going to take say more risks least of ail from a Democracy mixed with Populism and dominated by a half-doxen silver kings In adshyhering to Bryan the party confesses that it has s o hope

1 CORRESPONDENCE J V M I ^ ^ 11 mdash I 1raquo

Item of latent hem Some of Ou Suaro irtffing Twwiu

rgtnniimniiirini Iliinbull-mdash - - ~i ywtMu ialaquor fraquoraquoa^P^ j^^laquo^^^


Frxa Vernoa Arg-uu Mlsi Elfcie Ilord spent Saturday and

8 n lay with her parents in Byron Mrs MRose of Chicago visitedat

Geo larks the latter part of hi-t laquoltlt Mr and Mra Duukle returucd Tuea-

dy eyaaibg from a weeks visit io Ohio

A ten raquond half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs -Fred Saxton on Sunday laet

Mrs W Carey and two little daugh-terf of -Tiaverse Cityare visiting JUra Nettie Gos4 this week

Supervisor H S Myres bss been in town a couple of tiaye rna^ioc the asshysessments for the coming year

S T I^eonard who has been assisting at the cheese factory since its opening returned to Chspin Saturday where he will remain for a few weeks

Cecil McLaughlin and Milaquos Grace Howard of Yeroon and Miss Jennie Perry of Durand attended the Grand Commandery Knights Templar drill s t Ann Arbor last Tuesday

During the thoader storm last Satshyurday night lightning struck tbe -resishydence of Mrs 31 D Khode and damshyaged the roof tore off some of the sidshying wet into the kitchen and stirred up the kitchen utensils and left by way of the well which was so stiried up it has not been fit to ae el nee The inshysurance company adjusted the toss at $4020mdashAt about the same time the bam of Frank Patchel living east of the village was struck and a valuable horse killed In neither case were the buildhigs et on fire

The Dark Spot The onty dark spot on this record

of the nation progres is our failure U the carrying trade upon the high seas This reeoiv toust and will be improved Pblftitai consideration com-pels a solntibn of the shipping quesshytion Our people our law makers our President appreciate that our


Wherever properly introduced Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin slaquo a cure for ltconstlpattOBYhmet with phenornrnal rale Jinny dniggigts trannot say enough in praise of its merit as well as its great popularity wiib the people ltgt 10c trial size and alatt in 50c and $l0ft laquozes at K M Kilbouru

bull -WttlalsT From the Perry Journal

Harvey Roberts g able to be on our gttteet once more

Schuyler S l i d i n g of Lanfla^ was home over Suridsy

Gt) Colby and L J Bradec are la Byron on Buaiiiess

Mrs Mraquortha Johns^ Kalamaxoo to spend thesummer with1

her niece

Henry Dunning was confioed to hi home the nt week ott accotict of neushyralgia of the face

31 IM Grace Green was botne over Sunday Sue returned to her Work at WIIHanirtonTuelaquodsV

H K W allat-e apdwife and Geo Mc industrial independence Will not be established our geoxraphicai possibil- Furlsud wiTe and eon f-pent the day in ities will not be realized our national] illaquogtiettlgtark Stinday aspirations will not be satisfied until bdquobdquo v r^ - bdquo W l t t ^bullbullraquo Mrs N ftemtnijer and Mr Will we will recordas signal successes in v ^ the most organised line of modern a c- C l U k n i S ^-^11^1 Mr- h p K e 6 f O w o s tivity internaUpnal navigation as la deg Jlaquoe^y^ of this week agriculture macuactures and trans-] portatlon within our own confines

Thus spoke Secretary Gage ia a receut address before va casaiiiercial body in Chicago In the ceatre of A picture of progress and prosperity alshymost fabulous and iacredtole in charshyacter is to be found one bad blemish that of the decadence of the American merchant marine frca earrgttngt S2 per cent of American commerce in 1800 to carry less than 9 per cent in


Mr 3J A Kern ot Morrice visited her daughterMr P Hslsted iu the villitftethe Ursst of the week

Mr aul Mrs L $ Clark were called to Veriion on account of illness of Mr Ciarksbrotherllenry Clark

Lei-lie IJIwrent-e returned home from Boutueau li^iv tie latter part of lass week in a most critical condition At last reports he was a little improved

1900 It b this way th^ crab pro-j Jt Is earnestly hoped be will Fpetriily gressesmdashbackward to the matter of marine politics and practices it would seem that we are a nation of crabs or as the current slang of the day would put it a community of lobsters We have done worse than st^nd still and do nothing we have retrograded and lost ground Pbr lack of effective laws to protect the shippiug industry equally with other American indusshytrieswe have allowed almost the enshytire volume of our earring trade to pass Into the hands of foreigners and tt Is foreign not American ships that now transport 92 per cent of our overshysea freights It JR Indeed a dark spot on an otherwise bright and splendid picture of national advanceshyment Congress h 38 the power to wfpe off this blemish and the people expect that it will be done without delay

The Conventions The politicians in the national capshy

ital are interested in the general movement going oh oyer the counshytry for early Congressional convenshytions and prompt action by the leadshyers of all parties to bring the issues of the Presidential campaign squarely before the people in the early sumshymer The national conventions have all been called the Populists to wake their nominations early in May the Republicans In June and the Demo-crats early in July It was a noteshyworthy fact In connection with the meeting of the Democratic National Committee that while the issue of the campaign were generally canshyvassed absolutely no reference w u made in all the diseuesioa to the suh-)ect of free silver coinage It appear to be the settled policy of the Demoshycrat to make thate campajga this year on the silver qpestlea oaly hgt rooaUtlas where n g j i r o T has lest ngt tie of its svjsuttsstedtod to derate itBeelal atteatfe l t p p y a t k m i l utfseildea to xneslaquog^BWfilaquoi la

- XOKR1CR ^ -Frota MorrW CUpper

Will Priest of Owosso was io town Wednestlay

C Gold wood went to Belle vue Saturshyday to remain a few days

C W Jennings of Owosso was in town Wednesday on bu3ncs

D T Birch went to Battle Creek Tuestlay for several days stay

Mrs GiSee Grant U entertaining her mother Mrs Brown of Laneing

John ilimpie who moved to Beilevue laet fall baa returned to Morrice

Dell Atkins of tensing was in town over Sunday visiting his pr rents

Hemon Preston lost a good horse Wednesday from dropsy of the heart

Mrs Eliza Kenyon who bas been visiting hero for several weeks left Monday evenng for her houce at Oneida N Y

Scott Carl is elected delegate to the grand lodge of Maccabees which is to convene in Grand Rapids beginning June 12

v VEX1CBV VenLee Mich May 18

Dex Bowdn raised a barn Wednesshyday

John Chase Is the possessor of a new

buKxJ Mike Luchenbil and family vielied at

B Anthonys Sunday Will Musty aad wife are the proud

parents of a baby boy born last Satur day

Saiden Mossy had the misfortune to lose las oaly oow by haoging herself wUle staked out to fraja

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr

Page 2: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u

gt v H ^ laquo bull


bullc 1



J -bullpound

or- TV




UtVtpftttrftttd on OAgua^Cv^ 1 ^ |^oaM^elaquo that f wlaquolaquo aeartng might dty the nucats 40|piiub^N|pP JB i a g ^ f c e r s j the JpoundQ cltfa vonld ^as in commandmdasha fine you^g fllljfw jforni pound T acute jegle flth each other We soon made him jampuwiaj$iu situation and were a a4taf t bull




Thtill ValleyOct 1 1941mdashThe Fifth Bengal and the Thirty-third Queens passed through this morning on their way to the front Had tiffin with the Behgnlese Latest news from home that two attempts had been made on the Queens life by semi-maniacs named FTancU and Bean

H promises to be a hard winter The anow lice has descended a thousand feet upon the peaks but the poase will be opea lor week to come and even if they were blocked we have established so many depots in the country that PoUock and Nott will have no difficulty hi holding their owl They ahall not steel with the fate of Elphloitone artay One sucn tragedy is enough for a century

Elliott of the Artillery and I art answerable for the safety of the eom-bullttnleatione for bull distance of twenty smfles or more from the mouth of the bullalley to the aide of the wooden hrfdge oraquolaquof the Lotar Goodenaugh of the Rlfiea is responsible on the otter side and Lieotenant-Coloiiel Sidney Hershybert of the Engineers ha a general acpervialon over both ae UowL Oar force is not strong enough far the work which has to be done I have a comshypany and a half of oar own regiment and a squadron of Sowars who are of bullo use at all among the rocks Elliott has three guns bat several of his men ere down with the cholera and I doubt if he cs3 enough to serve more than two (Note Capsicum for cholera-tried it)

On the other hand each convoy is fall-lipped with a mane of angled hair and most Satanic sheer No news of the devil to look at hawk-nosed laquoBlaquoay provided with some guard of

its own though it is often absurdly in-efflcleut These Valleys and ravines which branch opt of the main pass are alive with Afreedees and Pathahs who are kee robbers a well as religious fanatics 1 wonder they dont swoop down on some of our caravans They could pit nder them and get back to their mountain fastnesses before we could interfere or overtake them Nothing but fear will restrain them If I had my way I would hang one at the mouth of every ravine as a warning to the gang They are personifications 4o-day from the front

October 2mdashI must really ask Herbert for another company at the very least I am convinced that the communicashytions would be cut off if any serious attack were made upon us Now this morning two urgent messages were sent me from two different points mors than sixteen miles apart to say that there were signs of a descent of the tribes Elliott with one gun and the Sowars went to the farther ravine while I with the Infantryigt hurried to the ether but we found it was a false alarm I saw no signs of the hillmen land though we were greeted by a sputshyter of jcwil bullets wo were unable to capture any of the rascals Woe betide ^hem jf they fall into my hands I Wojld give them as short a shift as ever a Highland cateran got from a Glasgow judge These continued alarms may mean nothing or they may be an indication that the hillmen are assemshybling and have some plan in view

We have had no news from the front for some time but to-day a convoy of wounded came through with the inshytelligence that Nott had taken Ghuznes I hope he warmed up any of the black rascals that fell into his hands No word of Pollock An elephant battery came up from the Punjaub looking In a very good condition There were several convalescents with it going up to rejoin their regiments Knew none of them except Mostyn of the Hussars and young Blakesley who was my fag at Charterhouse and whom I have never seen since Punch and cigars al fresco up to eleven oclock Letters toshyday from Willis amp Co about their little bill forwarded on from Delhi Thought a campaign freed a man from these anshynoyances Wills says in his note that since his written applications have been in vain he must call upon me in person If he calls upon me cow he will assuredly be the boldest and most persevering of tailors A line from Calcutta Daisy and another from Hob-house to say that Matilda comes in for all the money under the wilL I am glad of it

October 3mdash-Glorious news from the front to-day Barclay of the Madras Cavalry galloped through with disshypatches Pollock entered Cabul tri-

on the 16th of last month still Lady Sale has been

ir and brought iafe into the Brit camp together with the other hostage Te Deum laudamusT This should end the whole wretched buatneasmdashthis and the sack of the city I hope Pollock wont be squeamish or truckle to the hysterical party at home The town should be laid la ashes and the intta sown with bullalt Above all the EssldeHey and the

So shall

gkuant fellow enow that hVa country men could avenge if they could not save him

It Is hard when others are gaining glory and experience to be stuck in this miserable valley I have been out of it completely bar a few petty skirshymishes However we may see some service yet A jemidar of ours brought in a hillmanto-day who says that the tribes are massing in the Terada rashyvine ten miles to the north of us and intend attacking the next convoy We cant rely on information of this sort but there may prove to be some truth in It Proposed to shoot our informshyant so as to prevent his playing the double traitor and reporting our proshyceedings Elliott demurred If yon are making war yon should throw no chance away I hate half-and-half measures The Children of Israel seem to have been the only people who ever carried war to its logical conclushysionmdashexcept Cromwell la Irelandmdash made a compromise at last by which the man is to be detained as a prisonshyer and executed if his information proves to be false I only hope we get a fair chance of showing what we can do No doubt these fellorrs at the front will have C Ba and knightshyhoods showering venon them thick and fast while we poor devils who have had most of the responsibility and siiXieiy will be parsed over completeshyly Elliott haa a whitlow The last rotvoy left us a ku re packet of sauces

bullbut a they forgot to leave anything lo est with them we have handed them ever to the Sowars who drink them cut of their pannikins as if they were liquor Wejieaf that another large convoy may be expecied from the plains In the course of a day or two Took nine to four on Cleopatra fcr the Calcutta Cup

October 4mdashThe hillmen really mean brsines this time I think We have had two of om spies come in this morning with the same account about the gathering In the Terada quarter That old rascal Zemaun Is at the head of It and I have recommended the Govern teent to present him with a telshyescope in return for his neutrality Tliere will be no Zemaun to present it to if I can but lay hands upon him We expect the convoy to-morrow mornirg and need anticipate no atshytack until it comes up for theee felshylows fiRht for plunder not for glory though to do them justice they have plenty of pluck when they get startshyed 1 have devised an excellent plan and it has Elliotts hearty support By Jove if we can only manage It it Will iKgt as pretty a ruse as ever I heard of Our intention is to give out that we are going down the valley to meet the convoy and to block the mouth of a j pass from which we profess to expect an attack Very good We shall bullmake a might march to-night and re^ch their camp Once there I shall conshyceal my tiro hundred men in tae wagshyons and travel up with the convoy again Our friends the enemy having fcrd that we intended to goSouth and seeing the caravan going north without us will naturally swoop down upon it under the impression that wo are twenty miles away We shall teach jSeira a l e ^ n that they WOJSlt2 as soon think of stopping a thundershybolt as of interfering again with one of Her Britannic Majestys provision trains I am all on thorns to be off

Elliott has rigged up two of his guns so ingeniously that they look more like costermongers barrows thin anything else To see artillety ready for action in the convoy might arouse suspicion The artillerymen will te in the wagons next the guns all ready to uhlimber and open fire Infantry in front and rear Have told our confishydential and discreet Sepoy servants the plan which we do not Intend to adopt N BmdashIf you wish a thing to be noised over a whole province alshyways whisper it under a vow of seshycrecy to your confidential native sershyvant

I 8 45 p mmdashJust starting for tbeccn-J voy May luck go with us j October 5mdashSeven oclock in the j evening lo triumphe Crown us j with laurelmdashElliott and myself Who i can compare with ua as vermin killers j I have only just got back tired and ^eary stained with blood aud dust | but I have SRt down before either j washing or changing to have the satisshy

faction of seeing our deeds set forth in black and whitemdashif only in my prishyvate log for no eye but my owo I shall describe it all fully as a prepashyration fcr our official account which roust be drawn up when Elliott gets back Billy Dawson used to say that there were three degrees of comparishysonmdasha pre aricatjon a lie and an offishycial account We at least cannot exshyaggerate our success for It would be impossible to add anything to it

We set out then as per programme aad came upon the camp near the bead aftbo ralley They had two weak companies of the 64th with them who faight no doubt have held their own with warning but an unexpected rush of wild hills is a very difficult thin to stand ajprtas With our rateforce-

nothfog between them and victory they left the shelter or the rocks and came rushing down a furious howling throng with the green banner of the Prophet in their vac Nov was our chance and gloriously we utilized irgt From every cranny and slit of (be wagons came a blaze of fire every shot fcf which-told- among the close-packed mob Two or three score rolled traquoVer like rabbits and the rest reeled for a moment and then with their chiefs at their head came on again in a magnifishycent rush It walaquo useless however for undisciplined men to attempt to face such a well-directed fire The leaders were bowled over and the others sifter hesitating for few moments turned and road for the rocks It was our turn now to assume the offensive The guns were unlimt-ered and grape poured into them while our H^ie inshyfantry force advanced at the double shooting and stabbing all whom they overtook Never have-I known tblaquo tide of battle to turn so rapidly and so decisively The sullen retreat beshycame a flight and the Sight a panic-stricken rout until there was nothing left Of the tribesmen except a scattershyed demoralised rabble Eying wildly to their native fastness for shelter anil bullprotection bull

1 was by no means inclined to let thcin off cheaplj xtaw that I had fhem in my power On tiu contrary I detershymined to teach them such a lesson that the sight of amp single scarlet uniform would iu future be a passport in itshyself We followed hard upon the track of the fugitives and entered the Terada defile at theirvery heels bullbullHavlni-de-tnched ChaEuberlain and Elliott with a ccr-j^any on either side to protect my wings I poshed on with my Sepoys and a handful of artillerymen giving them no time to rally or to recover themselves We were so handicapped however by our stiff European unishyforms and by- our want of practice in climbing that we should have been unable to overtake any of the mounshytaineers had it not been for a fortunshyate accident There is a smaller rashyvine which opens into the main pass and in their hurry and confusion some c the fugitives rushed down this 1 saw sixty or seventy of them turn down but I should have passed them by and continued In pursuit of the main body had not one of my scouts come rushing up to inform me that the smaller ravine was a cul-de-sac and that the Afreedeos who had gone up it had no possible means of getting out again except by cutting their way through our ranks Here was an opshyportunity of striking terror into the tribes Leaving Chamberlain and Elshyliott to continue the pursuit of the main body I wheeled my Sepoys into the narrow pass and proceeded slowly down it in extended order covering the whole ground from cliff to cliff Not a jackal could have passed us unshyseen The rebels were caught like rats in a trap

The defile in which we found ourshyselves was the most gloomy and mashyjestic that I have ever seen On eithshyer side naked precipices rose sheer up for a thousand feet or more convergshying upon each other so as to leave a very narrow slit of daylight above us which was farther reduced by the feathery fringe of palm trees and aloes which hung over each lip of the chasm The cliffs were not more than a couple of hundred yards apart at the entrance but as we advanced they grew nearer and nearer until a half company In close o-dlaquor could hardly march abreast A sort of twilight reigned in this strange valley and the dim uncertain light made the great basalt rocks loom up vagte and fantasshytic There was no path and the ground was most uhaveu but I pushed on briskly cautioning my follows to have their Angers on thalr ttttawa

by daybreak though his wagons were so full that we were compelled to leave eeveraTlons of fodder behind ffi order to make room for my Sepoys ani for the artillery About five oclock we in-spanned to use an Africanism and by six we were well on ow way with our escort-aa straasfljai amppd uneonceire-1 as pjsalbiBlaquofa|( heljolfss looking a oara-van as ever invited attack

I could see that It was to be no false alarm this time and i^at the tribes really pgtSABt business From my pest of observation under the canvas screen of one of the wagons I couldmake out turbfthed heads popping up to have a look at us from among the rocks and an occasional scout hurrying northshyward with the news of our-approach It was not however until we came abreast of the Terada Pass a gloomy defile bounded byjgjgantic cliffs that the Afreedees began to show in force though they had ambushed themselves so cleverly that had we not been keenshyly on the lookout for them we might have walked right into the trap As it was the convo lalted upon which the hillmenseeing that they were observshyed opened a heavy but ill-directed fire upon us I had asked Chamberlain to throw-out Ms men in skirmishing orshyder and give them directions to retreat slowly upon the wagons so AS to draw the Afreedees oh T h e rose succeeded to perfection As the redcoats steadishyly retired keeping behind cover as much as possible^ the enemy followed them up with yells of extrtatfon springlBg from rock to rock waving their Jsndis in the- air and hewliug like a pack of demons With their black contorted mocking faces their fierce gestures and their fluttering gar-mentst they would have made a stufv for any painter who wished to port Miltons conception of the army of tie damned From every side they pressshyed In undi seeing as thej thought 1 the hillmen were taking heart and

t wjcanfeIn^fjBt oftlfe place at pfftTbf owlders fehlaquoaped

up at the very end of the pass and among these our fugitives were skulk-in erillfely ffembralized^appaTeStly and incapable of resistance They were useless as prisoners tsd it was out of the question to let them go so thene was no choice bLjta polish- them off Waving my sword I was leading my men on whett we had a most dra-matic iatemiptioft of a sort which 1 have aeB once or twice on the hoards of Drui-y Lane btU never in real life

In the side of ths cliff close to the pile of stones where the hillman were making their last stand there was a cave which looked more like the lair of sohie wild beaampt than a human habishytation Out of this dark archway there suddenly emerged an old cpanmdashsuch a very Very old man that all the other veterans whom I have seen were as chickens compared to him His hair and beard were boLh as Trhitft as snow and each reached more than half way to his waist His face was wrinkled and brown and bony a cross between a monkey and a mummy and so thin and emaciated were his shriveled limbs that rou would hardly have given him credit for having say vitality left wet it not for his eyes which glittered and sparkled with excitement tike two diashymonds in a setting of mahogany This apparition came rushing out of the cave and throwing himself between the fugitives and our fellows motionshyed us hack with aa Imperious a sweep of the hand as ever an emperor used to his slaves

Men of blood he cried in amp voice of thender speaking excellent English toomdashthis is a piac for prayer and meditation hot for murder Desist lest the wrath of the gods fall upon you

Stand aside old man T shonted You will meet with a hurt if yon dont gel out of the way 1 could see that

Success O p e r a raquo liHraquolaquoPltraquoraquoraquo

Itte second soccessrul operation of skin grafting by uaing the shift or in net film o| ewjy^ laid egg amplaquo accomplished at tho Indianapolis city hospital by Dr W V Morgan and other physicians

The subject was Scott Smith a colshyored man who was horribly burned about the face neck and shoulders by the hursttns of a Jaafe The rav surface could ^ notbo cured by ordishynary means ant after several physishycians had applied reatoraUves in vain Smith was removed totbehospital

Dr Morgan secured some newly-laid eggs and the skin or film was applied and it was only a short time before the good results were apparent In ten days the film of the eg^ was united securely to the flesh and the wounds were perfectly healed

Ah intersting part ofthe operation tion from a scientific point of view is what is to be the color of the resulting cuticle A microscople examination shows that the skin of the egg is now a part of the skin of Smiths body but it remains white while the other skin is black

The blood circulates through ft as through other parts but it Is yet an open Question whether the yigmwt whiah colors the negros skin will eashyter tao sew shin and also-eoicc H So far there la so evidence that this will he the result for i t has remained as white as it was when first applied

Smith is in mortal terror for fear that feathers wlD grow out of his face and neck where the egg film wan apshyplied Some joking remark made by the physicians during the course of the operation caused the patient to conceive such a thins poasibl and for several days he had to be watched closely to prevent him from reinov-ingthe filmmdashNew York Tribune


that some of my Sspoys were flinching as if they did not relish this new eneshymy Clearly I must act promptly if I vis^c-d to complete our success i dashed forward at the head of the wnite artillerymen gthe had stuck to

me Tlie old fellow rushad at us with bis arms out as if to Stop us but it waa no time to sllek at trinei BO ] passed my sword through his body ai the same moment that one of the gunshyners brought his carbine down upou his head He dropped instantly and the billroen at the sight of his fall set up the most unearthly howl of horror and consternation The Sepoys who had been inclined tobang back 1 ime on again the moment he was dl9- posed of and U did not take cs long to- coRsninmate owe victory Hardly a man of the enemy ftot out of the defile alive What could Hannibal or Caesar hare done more Our own loss in the whole antnir lias been inMjs jjftcaHtmdash thrcs killed and about-fifteen wounded Cat their banner a green wsp cf a thing with a sentence of the Koran engraved upon It

I looked after tbi action for the OE] chap but his body had disappeared though how or whither 1 have no csn-eepUon His blcod b$ upon his own head He would be alive now if he had catinterfered as the constables eay at hociti with au cfilcer in the execution of his duty The scouts teii me that his name was Ghoolah Bhah and that he was one of the highest and holiest of the Buddhists He had great fame in the district as a prophet and tvorkev of miraclesmdashhence the hubbub when he was cut down They tell me that he was living in this very cave wfcieh Tamerlane passed this way n 139 with a lot more bosh of the sort I went into the cave and now any man could live in it a week is a mystery to me for it was little more than four feet high and aa damp and dismal a grotto as ever was seen A wooden settle and a rough table werethe sole furniture with a lot of parchment scrolls covered with hieroshyglyphics Well he has gone wher n will learn that the gospel of peace and good-will is superior to all his Pagan lore Peace go with him

[TO BE COSTIraquoT)gt]


Ask Your Neighbor to take the Journal

bullKm laquoBrnHlaquo WITH K M n u t ( L i OtAi M M T link tbeoo s w

tlidcrVttSikat^^O lit tot w sm

5sfifeaaBiKiaaaaaraquoii at raquo point ajsehjaraquo laquolaquot of eonwsr toseotiotts cent4 f i n d 8 tlaquoigthltrfltlraliiolaquobOTetiealtriigt-

Tbwie^ASHdaf B oa talaquo JC UX pound M of Me 7 excepts a iw traquortlaquolaquo lt J 3 c a u lev owner 1256 chu tbeaee A6 deg K-t3 -hun tlunelaquo S S5laquo i|laquos E 221 clvraquo theoee 6 gti Jelaquo pound4S6chnamp t-tvenee S 18 degE1^4 chnraquo thence s SWderW 5M feraquolaquo t^enlaquolaquo raquo 60frac14 dlaquoff V iS2l cbo thenee 8 laquoSH deg W 410 ltraquo tUeraquogti-a 8 8t delaquo W raquo4S chna theraquoclaquo 8 ampK V 3-frac34 fhiilaquo to wampt lloe e(abrye describedtraquoraquod at a point 2igt chraquoiiw north of thlaquo souihweat corner wf said description Leugtn of drain op above An-scriptlon is52j8gtbraquong bdquo bdquo

TboBce S cent7frac34 tee W on the W i4laquoltNE H of sec exceptSa in N Kcorner G Broadliitlfre Est 17S chns tttlaquonce 3 5T deamp W t laquo otrns to E and W quarterraquooe a t raquo point amp cbn west of the souttieampt corner of said degtxnpuon Length ot drain on aboTe description is 41raquo laquobullgt raquo ins

Thence 6 5 delaquo W on the W ot S E M of see 7 A J and M Green owner 221 -enna thence S 74 dejr W 416 cLns thence S 8raquoH der W 307 cans thence went b i eiray taeocfv S 84 ltlt W t56 enna to N raquond S quarter Hne at a point 316 chain south 6( the center ot aaid section Lenrth ot drain on above description ipound 17 IS

Tiienee 8 U dear W ov the N 8 frac14 of S W H of bullKW 7 B J Holmes owner 4M chns thenc-e N SW eg T 17raquo ehns taeuce N 61frac34 deg W 554 chas to R and W quarter line at a point 940 chna east of tfc norfliweat corceT of raquoM 4raquo-seriptkm Length of drain on abore descrip-

I tion in 1301 chaUus ThenceNOlXdegWonthat p t o K 6 f N W

fri )iof raquoee7 Irinsr raquoouta of nigra way Stisan Hoitnea owser ampamp eJtns then N 74frac34 de W 414 ehna thence N 77frac34 dec W 1raquo raquoa gt bull line of above deecribed land atapoint5Tchnraquo oortB of the soadtwest ooraer of raquoraquoW deserip-tiott ampfBClt of drfctn os atovc description is

T h a n M WK dec Wlaquo thraquoW otXW fri H Of see 7 A L Chaae owner iraquoU cjaasg laquolaquoamplaquolaquo Smlaquott W IMS ehna to telaquoniHHgt Jampimtoat-b laquo laquo t i tbe west iiM of the said toi0ampiM$ of HaaeUon at a point 1446 ehus ooi bull quarter polaquot to raquoelaquof Length of

As Success Returned the Sorrows of His Ufe Came

Aaron Burr was sixty years old when he resolved once more to battle with fortune writes William Perrine of The Mysteries Of the Century la the April Ladies Home Journal

Going quietly into New York he opened an Gibe for the practice of law and In a fortnight had earned tivO thousand dollars is tees But hardly had he written to his daughter about hi luck when there came from South Carolina the news that her beautiful boy who had been the idol of the ambitious statesman was dead But there was in reserve for Burr a still heavier blow Toward the doae ot the rear 1812 Theodosia ARstOft made preparattons to visit her father in New York Pasaag was engaged on the schooner The Patriot foa Theodosia her phyaloiaii aad her maid and tho youag wosaaa wan radishyant with tho expectatioa of meetiag her rather within the next five or alt days The Patriot sailed front Charlesshyton out Into the ocean on Christmas week andnota vtiufe of her was ever again seen and it Is surmisedmdash but nothing Is known as to her f a t e -that she founded off the coast of Hat-teras Day after day and long after all hope had been abandoned there might have been seen on the battery at New Tork the lonely and unhappy father peering far down the bay as If he were scanning the sea for a sail Of his agony Aaron Burr gave the world but little vfsw be had schooled himself in the habit of never exhibit iiig his emotions but In one-of his letters he declared that he felt as if he had been severed from the human

raquo 19 _

description u a B f t t t e v^ Total tenamptfe of draii poundff2affilaquoa Said a laquo f a J raquo t o l m B 111 i t S J ^ l ^

acd u to be eet wl4 on the Jff6rron tfce lower ead to sraaestaaeKK laquo8 laquoWaac of iiactahsta and 5 ft wtae aw the hseson fnok pwAelttake Ma raquo raquo mnOieetmh Mo 4frac34 plwsae Itwka raquolaquoMalaquoeelaquotf raquo 5 raquo e s s n laquo 4 4 ft wide o s the botees from laquowe laquotalraquo No 41 ptssaOHakja to KTMIC staae JCo86 p h n t w i k k s adfaCaitee of W-Wrfu^r andSftwleeow facottow from gtmi4e raquoatae K m pJw MS MraquoH to tomiaaa a distance of 9445 can

Talaquo sttea a w toatow |H Sraquoel eefctoeaeh foot rise The ton i s tobett feet wide or less to se 4ltiujMiLjeaTy ate teptt at eeraquo jrrade stake The diBtcnstonalaquo(aalddzmiAAreiobe in aceoreaaee with the grade table and profile bere-witA retomed and made a pari of tue raquonr-Teytelaquoaraquofda

The rich of mrnj to uqtAmt aatrte of land 10efeetwMeMfeeioeM^ afSe -of ampeabolaquoe deoertbed roote WWea 6 toe cefitnr Hnlaquo of aaM drain

^TTTered f eb S and laquo lfSt by order of Can W Parker euroolaquofitjr Draia Cosaraquoiraquoswraquoaer of Sitiawaaaee Goaat^ Behiga laquo

S u t s s F JossnV^we^or Said Job will be let br Bieeitows ^he section

at tUe outlet of the said drain wfll be let first aAd the rlaquolaquoaiBinc section in their order up fitream in accordance with the diajjraai no-OQ file with the other paper pertainis to said drain ht the ofllce of the Connty Drain Cun-mbatoneT of the said county laquof 84gtiawasraquoeer to wftich rrferenee way be had by ail parties in-tereated aiilaquo btds will be nade and received

T Qflood Jostled of the Peace OfOrby bullliia makes the following statement I can certify that One Mioute (insh CHW will do all that is claimed for It My wife could hot get ber breath sod the first dose of it reshylieved her It has also benefited my whole family It acts immediately and cures coughs coUla eroup grippe broochitiji asthms and ail throat and lung troubles F M KUbourn

TryGraANO Try copyraia-O

Ask your grocer to-day to show you a package of Groin-O the new food drink that takes the plsoe of coffee The children may driuk it without inshyjury as well as the adult All who try it like it Grain-O has that rich seal brown cf Mocha or Java but it is made from pure grains and the most delicate stomach recvivs it without distress ^ the price of coffee 15c and 25c per package Sold by all grocers

NJUCC of Drwia Let tine Contra Hortom and H o l a e DraJa

Kotice is hereby given that I Chas W Parker County Drain Commissioner of the County of $htawagtee nd State of Michigan wil) on the 4th day of June A D 1900 at the wnool house on the south wet corner of a w laquoec 5 in the township of Hazelton in said county of Shiawassee at tea oclock in the forenoon of that day proceed to receive bid for the construction of a certain Drain known and designated as The Hortoo and Holmes Drain located and etfiabliahed in the town-ahip of Ilazelton In tgta4d county of Shiawassee and described as followa to-wit

Commencing in the North Creek Drain at a point 4Jpoundgt cbainti north and 9 links weat of the center of section 5 T 8 N B 4 pound county of Shia-wassee and state of Michigan From thence S a degrees W ou the S V H of N W frl H of sec 5 W O Bailey owner 421 chain thence N 88frac34 deg W 1376 chains thence 8 41K deg W 18 linki to the south line of above described land at a poiat 1SM chains west of the southshyeast corner of aaid description Length of drain on above description is 18 )i chains

Thence S 41H deg W on the pound tf of S W t of section 6 Leroy Chapin Est tM chains thence S O dec W tpound6 chains to west line of abor 2 deshyscribed land at a point Sts chains south of the northwest corner of aatd description Leacth of drain ou aoov deaertpttoa is llSt chaina

Thence s S dec W o n t f e e t ^ o f W M o t S V H toe 6 except M a off west aMe A J Ami tm and wife owners EOUaka theaee M Ct de W WIS chaiaa to west line of above de-scrPlaquo-o laltM) at a poiat laquo8Pekains aolaquoth of the norths Ht corner of said description Length of drain oraquo above deaeription is k28 chains

Then e X m amprg W laquo a laquo h e laquo 3 0 a o f E 4 o f W Of 8 w H of aec S Heary Araquoraquoraquodon raquond wife owners Mt eaailaquo-i to east line of above de sevibe toad at a pviat ampM chaiaa seats of the bullorttweat coowvo raquoa44 weaeripitoa

W Meftfftoft Kawe O Wbaer swaer la t fchas to lime bgtweea seetisw ft and bull at a poiat 1114 ehaiaa aoatb of toe evarto post te

accordtncV CCTCtracts will be asad wjtb toe lowed respMMdble Vidoieir ailnc a-enlaquoate se-CTnlty for the perfovmaaeeof tb wortt to a soa taeamp aapound Ugtere te be fiurM by toe reserving to-njselftbe rlgv to nleetjtoraasal) bids The date for the completion of sneb contract and of paymeut taereior mball aad wiH be the torsts-aanwneed at iae time and pUee of totMatr-

jtottce is farther hereby f t w dtot at tt ttoto and placw sf said tetttoc or at raquoeraquo raquotar Uaw aod paet tbtfinfUr to wfefca I toe CanMty Praia tXiwhiitutoiT_ stowriiM_gtar

n f i t laaos sassprtoai wtttta tae Bortoa aad SoIavM Drain Sweetol asaitosatotit raquotraquo-trtet aad toe apfiontoaatetato thereof will be awarded by aw ana wui be svejeet traquo rtrUm for oa ay tnm ala oeetoek l laquoae foreaosn vmtU nvlaquo Wetoeh la fcae aftoraraquogta

The fwiiawtac is a ltineriMlolaquo of tae aeverai tracts or parcel of laad eoostitntinir taw Mpeeial Aswamaent District of said drain via r

TOWMaHtr OF SASIpoundTOraquo AT LAXOK T laquo

E Hof s w Hsees bull Kof w s w ^ e s e e p t raquo off w aide sec Z W SB a of eH of w ^ i i w gti sec i W of H bull w j sec E H o f s e v i s e e S E i of ^ raquo ea see laquo W at w H se see 6 KMof swfri )4elaquoe E raquo laquo s w VseeS

E 90 a n sw ^ bull a B te a of e 0 a laquo Sf a w MS KefrtMeeeS 8 iv a of e 3$ a e 73 a of Kw tH MseeC a 7 mom the south cud of the wi of thv e W a

ne fri U sec S Ns M of nw laquo x 8 Nwj iof iiw Si teeg B ne sen 7 except 5 a is ne corner raquo a in ne corner of laquoH of ue M sec W H ne a sec 7 except 2 a is nw eor S a in nw corner of w H ae see 7 That part of eH of ne bull of ow trM sec 7

tmrfh of the higfcwaj- That p of w of euro nw frt Jisee 7 nortb of-

the highway B10 a of the wlaquo4 of n w fri see 7 lying n of

the highway That part of the w ft of nw fri pound4T raquolaquo7 lyinc

south of the high way Tbst part of e of a w fri laquoraquo ac T south of

the highway S K a w HsecS Nw i n ^ laquo e plusmn laquo K e ) i a e ^ s e c 7 WH laquo14 seer N e M o f s w f r i ^ s e e r aeiiofswfrl)laquoacr7^ Nwliofwfrt5tsee7 8w X of a w fri see Ne ii ef hw fri laquo see 14 N amp w pt nw fri K see 18 S raquo w K nw fri laquo4 see 18 Se H nwfrlaec w N pt w pt sw fri a see tg flJraquoHsecS All in Town 8 K S 4 East HaxletoR


S 60aof e laquo ne X sec laquo T g N B Se X Hof thee H s e iaee 13 W of the eH se see 13 W ot ae H sec IS Ne ^ se a e K see 13 E4wKuegtgtisee lS EH lie ^ see IS 8 25 a of e w ne H aec l i WWofwHfteSrfsecl i All in Towag North Ranee 3E Kew Haven

Now therefore all unknown aad non resishydent persons owners aad persons interested in the above described landa and yon The Heirs Of Leroy Chapin Est A J Amldou Mrs A J Amidon Ueury Anidon Mrs Henry Amldon Hate Feoaer Mrs JB A Ooward B M Ormsby W A Johusoix Ettie Johnson George WbUe G Welaquoraquon J shoeraaker Jefea Claquonicv Jasieraquo ConleyOeorgeChUdsD F F a n s worth James Cantley Grant Sanborn Heirs of George Broad bridge Est L Sanborn J Farrer A L Chase Susan Holmes w Hart J Del ion AJ Green R J Holmes W E Jacobs t^orge H Hermar A B Cooklin E M Marble A F North J F Jacobs W G Bailey raquo Houghshyton N White W Randall T Kenney M and J BittelJ Forest Perry Geo Urch John Kim w H Post are hereby notified that at the time and place afot-esaid or at such other time snd place thereafter to which said hearshying may be adjourned 1 shall proceed to reshyceive bids for the construction of said Horton atd Holmes Drain in thgt manner hereinbe-fore mated and also that at t-uch time of letting from nine oclock in the forenoon until five oclock In the afternoon the assessment-for benefits and the lands comprised within the Horton and Holmes drain special assessment districts will te subject to review

And you and each of yon owners and pershysons interested in the aforesaid lands are hereby cited to appear at the time and place of such letting aforesaid and be beard with respeet to such special assasscsents aad your interests in relation taareto If you so desire

C B A B U W PABXKS County Draia Commissioner of Shiawassee County Michigan

Dated Owosao Mich May Otk A D 1940 CONTSACTOampS TAKE NOTICE

A deposit of 110 cash will be required of per sobs bidding on work who are unable to fnrraquo-bOi appvored security at tae tfaa of letting All persons slcning boadoraquoi asiety oo esatract wiU be required to swear that they arc worta two hundrtd osllai-wtowatocwaiberea property

exempt frost exseutton uadar the law of te atato befhr Draia r imml i i ln i walac-

mm am




We take pleasure in announcing to the people

of Shiawassee County that our store is full and new goods coming

in daily We placed our orders early and therefore bought at the lowest prices Our motto is Once a cusshytomer always a cusshytomer1 - Now is the time to get spring goods See our line and be satisfied this is the place to trade

We have Everything- the

- bull

emBsssB mm-

Xatest in

mWtm bullWP


Woodard North amp Jennings FURMTUftE AND UNDERTAKING


Tfce Work Betaf Bese by Ota Lav-makers at Fifty-Sixth Sedshy

a t e te Washington

raquov MNAftY IMHE BfllY PWCtfMWS

S c u t e r n a s r a Ik HnVal Araquoraquorsoriaraquo tlom natal Qtkcr sttUnmdash1raquo t h e Henwe raquo Ajwe4snwt m tste Cmmttmti+m bulla Ptmmmmi C e w e r raquo i a the C+m-rI laquo f Tras ta

Washington M a j J5mdashThe senate y e s t e r d a y passed the naval appropriashytion and - f r e e homes bill and reshyceived a favorable -report-on the Ni-a m g u a n canal bilL Senator J o n e s (Ark) introduced a bill t o prevent and punish blackl ist ing by railroad s teeping ear express s teamboat teleshygraph and te lephone companies e raquo -g s g e d in i n W s t a t commerce and also t o provide eevvfl remedy In damage for blackl ist ing

Washington May 1mdashThe s e n a t e bullyesterday devoted the t ime t o conshy

sideration of the bill providing for bullcivil service In tblaquo eonntrya n ew Is l s n d possession The res ignat ion of Mr Clark of Montana wan received

Waahington May 17-raquoBill were passed In the senate yesteirday t o give exrxolftlers preference in civil service appo in tments grant ing a pension of $100 per month t o the w idow of Gen Lntvton and for the erect Jon of a pubshylic building at East St Louis 111 The commit t ee on Jntrioceanic canals reshyported recommending the Nicarngiian route The administrat ion of affairs in Cab by agent s of the United S ta te s was discussed

Washington May ISmdashThe pos ofshyfice appropriation bill was considered in the senate yesterday and a resolushyt ion w a s adopted for information as t o Jiow m a n y Fil ipinos have been ki l led and wounded s ince the beginshyn i n g of host i l i t ies and ajso h o w m a n y have been capJured and are now i n out possession

Washington May 1mdash-Nearly the en-t i m e t ime in t h e senate yesterday w a s devoted t o t h e pneumatic tube sys t em serv ice in the post office appropriation Dill The war department reported t h a t Cuban revenae receipts are nearshyl y t w i c e the islands expenditures

Washington May 21mdashThe post ofshyfice appropriation bill w a s further disshyc u s s e d in the senate on Saturday and he -conference report on the fortifishyc a t i o n bill w a s agTeed to

H a m s

Washington May 16mdashThe las t of t h e general appropriation bil lsmdashthe mi l i tary academy bil lmdashwas sent t o t h e senate yesterday by the house An amendment to the federal constishyt u t i o n which p o t s the control of the t r u s t s in the hands of congress w a s

j reported a s fo l lows Section A- AS sower centered by this

article shall extend to the several states the territories the Insfariet copy Columbia and alt territory under the raquoovrlaquoJaraquoty and subject to the jurtedtcttoe laquof the Uamptteci States

S e c 2-Congress shall haTe power te define regulate control prohibit or dlsgt wrtve trusts monopolies or combinations whether earfstto tn the form of a cor- poratkm or otherwise The- s s r a t l states may 08110laquoraquo to exercise sweh power la any manner not In eonfltet with the law or the United States

Sec Cologne shall have power to enforce the prowtstons of this article by appropriate JBgisfatton

Washington May 17mdashThe Alaska code bill was considered in t h e h o u s e yesterday and t h e senate bill t o incorshyporate the Americas National Bed Cross was passed

Washington May 19mdashIn t h e hotwe yes t erday a special river and harbor biK carrying $400000 for surveys and emergency work w a s passed and t h e Alaskan code bill w a s further conshysidered

Washington May 19--The house deshyvoted the t ime yes terday t o the conshysideration of war c la ims bills and fa v o r a N y acted upon a bil o approshypriate $200000 to pay ex-confederate bulloblters for horses and-ether property taken from them in violation of th t erms of laquoraquo Jmrrender

Washington V n y StmdashIn tbf h o W on Saturday a resolut ion w a s adoptee accept ing the s t a t u e o f Gen Q r a n 4 presented by the Grand Army of t h laquo Republic to tite na t ion and it w a s unveiled In t h e g r e a t rotunda of t h o Capitol

C k r b t t i H raquo U t a l o n d o u May 18mdashThe Peking corshy

respondent of the Time says The anti-foreign movement headed by the Uosers has at ta ined alarming proshyportions There has been a serious anti-Christian outbreak near f a o - T i n g -Fu province of Pe-Chi-Ll Seventy-three native Christians were murshydered including w o m e n and children Many were horned alive

I W l l laquo w i H t M B s r a t s I Pit tsburgh Fa May 17 mdash F i r e Wednesday afternoon destroyed the

grand army home for soldiers widshyows a t Hawkins Stat ion on the Pennshysylvania railroad near here The 40 inmates rang ing in ae from M to 95 years escaped wi thout Injury One old lady Mrs Tenor aged raquo5 years m a y die from the shock Loss 120000 cause of Are unknown deg

Drat r wye lraquoy f 8 laquo e Hartford City Ind May raquo mdash T h e

strawboard and paper box factory of the U t i l i t y P a p e r company covering five acres w a s burned Friday n ight Loss over $100000 The 153 horseshypower gas engine exploded and spread the flames rapidly

Sdreateeat D r laquo w raquo e i Windau Bussin May 16mdashThe Norshy

wegian bark Johannes CaptamAnder-son from Tonsberg Norway May 3 for Canada has been wrecked off t h e island of Oesei in t h e BsUic Of her crew of 29 only twelve were saved

C4laquolaquo llaquo tlaquo la

XA t ^ a r r c n d e r

Washington May l6-^The preaiden Tuesday sent -to the senate a le t ter f r o m Gen Otis transmit t ing a translashyt i on of a le t ter wri t ten by Agninaampo t o m friend in Manila warning h i m to leave that city Aguinaldos l e t ter i s dated Mulolos January 171899 and ia addressed to Senor Boni to Legardo In it Aguinaldo says I beg j-ou to leave Manila tth your

family and to come Nere to Maloloa but not because I wish to trighten you I merely wiffh to warn you for your satshyisfaction although H is not yet the day or gtJie week

In his communicat ion of transmit-tai Gen Otis says

The letter is forwarded to meet sttll further the absurd charge that the Amershyican authorities In Manila lnaukurated -the war

Gen Otis also s tate that th is letshyter i s one of a number writ ten by Aguinaldo t o his friends in Manila warning tbem t o leave the c i ty for their safety He adds that many famshyi l ies left the city in consequence of th i s warning

Manila May 19mdashA proclamation purport ing to have been i ssued by Aguinaldo and dated May 4 from Folikgt island one of the Philippine group east of Lozon i s c irculat ing in Manillaquo It s a j s the commiss ion apshypointed by President McKinley was apshypointed wi thout the authorizat ion of congress and that hence i t cannot treat officially It urges the Fil ipinos not t o s n i r f nder their arms a t the instigashyt i on of t h e commiss ion

Mlaquoi ln May ampmdashIn various fights t h e AmerieafUs have ki l led 364 Filipinos

M a n i K May V - F raquo e hundred in-snrgent s half of w h o m were armed wi th rrftea am^laquo4laquod_80 s c o u t a o f the Fort i e th vofenteer ISiawtry fai Vtfe h i l l s near Aqnaaan in t k e part of Mindanao T h e rooted the natives k i l l ing raquo1 American casual t ies Tvere t w o and three wonnded


IniannAtion That the Long Siege fill Jtoea Abandoned 1raquo Re

ceived in London


Aareeesscnt tn pm L I t a l i a Street R a l l w n r Trafclc laquo bull Kt

bull Btvai Renc^edU

St Louis May 18mdashNegotiations to se t t l e the s tr ike c a m e t o an abrupt end at t h e conference Thursday afternoon between t h e Transit company the s tr ikers and the commit tee of business men I t now seems a fight t o a tlnish as ne i ther party t o t h e s tr ike wil l re cede from the vital point involved in reference t o the dischnrge of thesont-union men who took $felaquo phtces of t h e strikers The men demand that the^ he re instated fn the ir former plaeea atld the lkmwnon vttpUryea be g iven a hack i ea on the w a i t Hat TMa pyopoaitioa) the company refuaaa t o con-laquoidiu

S t Louis May 1raquomdashKiotinf broke out afresh in~very portion of the c i t y yesshyterday and the police records show t h a t many persons were hurt two of t h e m fatally as a result of the strugshyg le between the s tr ik ing street rnilway employes and their employers The number of wounded during the day is seven

St Louis May SImdashJudge Elmer B Adams qf the United States circuit court enjoined the s tr ik ing street rai lway men from in any w a y intershyfer ing w i t h the operation of the mail cars on the l ines operated b y the trans i t company


tfce A l H i n U n w ^ t T e t A b u ---bull 4siea t h e Mem

N e w York May 13-mdashA dispatch from Washington to the World ays Inshyt i m a t e friends of Mrs Dewey assert t h a t she has mater ia l ly changed her pol i t ica l views since s h e and the adshymiral s tarted on their wes tern and southern trip Since her return she has said she hopes t h a t her husband wil l reconsider h i s intent ion t o enter public Hfe

i would not have him president she said Thursday t o an int imate friend even if it were in my power I feel that the s train would prove disshyastrous to his heal th and it would cershytainly interfere wi th t h e happiness which w are now enjoying

The admiral however does not seem t o agree with h i s wi fe entirely Prepshyarat ions for st irring events are in progshyress a t Beanvoir I t i s expected that news of importance wi l l soon be anshynouncedmdasheither h i s withdrawal from the candidacy or the s ta tement of the political creed by which he i opes to win converts gt his cause

K e a t a e k y Ropah l l eaaa Lonisviiie Ky May ISmdashThe repnb-

l ican s tate convention met here Thursday afternoon and after a sesshys ion of nine hours w i t h two hours inshytermission elected four delegates to t h e national convention four alter nates and t w o presidential e lectors indorsed the administration of Presishydent McKinley condemned the state of affairs in Kentucky as chargeable t o the democratic party and instructshyed i t s delegates to vote for McKinley for president and W O Bradley of Kentucky for vice president

TW D r o w n e d Princeton N J May 21mdashTwo memshy

bers of the Princeton sophomore cJ^ea Hay of_Nutley N J and Augur of Bvanaton UL were drowned -Sunday afternoon whi le t r y i n g to shoot t h e rapids In a canoe in Kings ton dam

Vha bull e t n o A l s t a Chicago May 21mdashThe sessions of

t h e general conferenoe last week were main ly devoted to bal lot ing for bhaV opa t m t no choice waa made

tteeeptlomoft the Vlaquow im London copylaquobull e a a i o M Scene raquox WildetEraquothraquoraquoraquollaquo aslaquo-^treat Crowds Kill the Air w i t h CfceerwmdashKraa-er Said to Hay Prlaquotraquoolaquolaquod r e a c t TersM

Mafeking the Boer laagers arono^d t h a t p lace were vigorously borabnrded b y t h e Bri t i sh relief eojinmn i M that the burghers were p r n c l l c a l r coin palled t o abandon the s iegei 7 -

London May 1raquomdashThe eTfajraquoraquoch gja-ffonncing the reUet of bull MarflMng- waa posted o n t e i d e t W r n a p a i a ^ ^ s l e a ^ ^ t h e n e w - rmpidjgp- apread A larga c r o w d ^ ^ ^ t c laquo L a raquo d ^ laquo i thja^Mmr alj

l laquo r d M i ^ o r A J Sewt^tt^ ftn- Ida of cdRce^ah^onnced t i e

n e w s t o the crowd outs ide The laquopf peiajAe oataide t h e mansion toon g r e w o anch tibmtYaaampm

tha t the pohce were compel led t o divert a l l traffic omnibuses e t e t h r o u g h t h e side s treets T h e cheer-i n g w a s inceasan

bull laquo i M l a laquo a tnsnaifwnte^w MidDightmdashThe Bcenes in the s tree t s

of mercsntUe London usual ly qutte deserted a t this hour are a lmost In describable Bands banners and flags appear t o have sprung suddenly from the earth Every other vehicle i s dee-orated w i t h flags Brass band are parading and lending crowds w h o aing songs Coiomb nre ia bail burned in every dlrcatfon A F l e e t s treet taw Strand wnd Pail t h e pubUe baiidlnaja are funmina auadtlw whole of the Went end aifve w i t h enthnsiasni A t t i e war omce Immense erowda lt)nfckly gatajgt maanV laquor s H t m d i H doubt laquo a t h r o w n on thw aeauraey jpt the new there u the greates t anxie ty fe l t t o g e t ofhciai confirmation from Lard fioberta

liItammsnT f bull raquo r o n e London May SimdashDisplayed in the

most conspicitous s tyle in the Daily Express is the dominant war news of the morning We have the best reashyson for s ta t ing that in the last 84 hours a te legram has been received at the foreign office addressed personshyal ly t o the prime minister from Presshyident Kruger proposing terms of peace The exact terms of the messhysage cannot be stated but we believe it i s couched in an exceedingly humshyble strain

Agents o n salary of $1500 per week and expenses the greatest agent seller ever produced every stock and poultry raiaer bcya H on s i g h t rfustlera wanted Reference Addreas w i t h stamp American Manufaotnriraquog Co Terre Hante Ind


FOR S C H O O L YEAR raquo 9 0 9 1 9 0 0 PLACES AND PATES

UntU urther notice tho examinations will beheldssfotiowa

Corunna begioninjr the last Thursday of March ^

IDurand bca-tnalnfir the third Tharsday of June

Corunna beirinulnc tbo third Thursday of August

owoflso bevionina the third Thursday of October

SCHKUULfc Ail examinations will commence at 801 in standard time Applicants will write upon orthofrrapliy penmaR^hlp0 teoffraphy and general history the flrsl half draquoj arith-metie US history and traquoory aud raquort tbe second half day readirK algebra clvi govfcrn-mlaquoit and physiotOj^ the third half day and gram mar school law botany and rgthy$ica Ojec-ond grade) the fourth half day Third day (for flmt rrade applicant only phyai^a and geometry

IheatoTe schedule will be strictly foiluwed

For thlrrt fmde no less thn 70 per cent-will be ac^pted in munmar arithmetic history civil ffovercmeflt georraphy and reading and not leas than laquo5 wr cent In any other branch for second yrade not less than 75 per cent id the branches before named aod not less than 70 per cert in any other branch for flrtit jrrade not less than to percent in branch ee befote named rand not lesa than 8tgt per cent in any other biancb

Appgttlaquoactraquo ftp ftrst n-leoomi gramptea who pass 14 part of the btancftes BUT rewrite at the nest exaAhtetfon ta thoee retaainins-

rtaiifaaln two eouMeutive exau they msa laatite to aU toancfees i AaaBoantt far thtrt grade who fatl tn part ol tag httncanapiut rewrneaa ail branches exshycept those urwMsft thy reacive at toast eighty

be carried uafH the next exasttoarJoo hah Before aeaiUtone mil be granted to mopfi


Pretoria May 19mdashIt was officially annouueed Friday tha t w h e n the laagers a n d forts around Maf eking had been severely b o m b a r d e d the s iege w a s abandoned a Brit ish force from t h e south taking poampsesaion of t h e place

It i s reported that 5000 Brit ish troops have surrounded Chrlstiania and the landrost ami o ther officials have been taken prisoners

Uraquor a H e a v y F i r e London May 10mdashProm the menshy

tion of the laager i in the Pretoria d ispatch i t i s understood here that prior t o the raising of t h e s i e g e M h ^ ^ S ^ i ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ S X S ^

cants for third J who have sraquover tauybt they immt ftuaraquota^tjraquoavicejtcor araavfeg

T^eehSaV^rHts Method of TeaCag Wmtlaquoi 8ehlaquool lUnapesuHN or eoow other work OB teaoamt or eons SMVK and they HwttosvgtlaquolajKiltrie4 tneaweivea wim thejrfNMiiilvimetittes of the fttate Maoaai aedCoarwof tttwly The feaeaofee work hi mtmtmmrfim oi4ev te sea the sabieet of theory awl aTtof teaehtiiv 8oeh talaquordarsdlaquo Mfjjeaa met ahio H laquo m i H reontrad kjgtawle4avoltMklaquorgtt htw the snato M ether a^ftteasts for certWeaM

atteaanaeear nasvadniaaeneo at the teach-elaquof matJttlaquonlaquo taeteauhatD ansoctetions Iwldbi the coatt^enrteaAe year next pre eeaemf the examiaattw TTTI be tahea fato wrtetaceoasa toaTnlaquo^r c^rtmsatM of mej grade

UL JtUSTULOasKBlaquoajelaquocrlaquof 8choblaquo

For 15 years We are preshypared to Dye for you We do Dry Cleaning and Scourshying Also Clothing of alt kinds made to look like new

Any work given pound E Richards of City Steaai Laundry will receive our prompt attention

Dyeing amp Cleaning Works iA M-GHXIS Proprietor


Time Table Gran) Trrak Railway System

Arrival sind Departure of Trains

AraquoTB0Cingt Detroit ExpreM daily except Sunday 9Vt 1 stail Train daily ezeftpt^nnday Ill] ETralBf Exprt^a except Sunday laquo11 fiaatera Express dily -999pat

WSSTBOrjJTD ChllaquolaquolaquoD Xxpress^laily except Sunday lO^Haaa Mail wad Express daay except 22psa OdEaptdExpress dally laquobull bulllaquo 7Wjraquo rraquoaraquo Weateip d By bull 7 laquo am

SteeBfas and Parlor Our Serytes -bull WKiT BOUND

bull9M p tt train ertttaedta a zgtnraampd for Lets hxpreas east mamp Pacific exfrees wlaquost

M^t a m train has parlor car traquo Grand KnaMs extra chMijft 29 ecnta

bullJMp ta train has parlor car to Grand Ump-Ida ^xtra eharglaquo 25e


aft a n tnSshaanarior ear to Detroit Satan ehararezaeepts FuJbsan sartor laquobulllt trott to Toronto eonaeetMr bull n h utmrnf tea oar for the east and Hew Torkt atagt snots at Dtmtod with C Q + A f laquo i W snePt Huron awdCnlnaaunnd with tjbt 1Mraquo torSaatssnrand Bay cm

a j l pis train has partorearaa natrolV Ibnwn

STATE o r MKlaquoJJaJiCOUJfTYdy s o u WAS8EE8tS bullbullbull

At aemtas laquo f the Probate Court for said county held at the Probate oSlee ia tblaquo City

of OeraMk on IKaaday the ta day of April io the year 00c ttHMuaod ampinlaquo bandred

nreiwnt Mlaquovtbw BBJA Jtviye of Probate l a the laquoaailaquor of laeeatate ofKdward Martay

raquocdjlaquonjgtb Murray Minora on reading and tiHnjj the petition $T Thoataa Murray a s (rlaquoar-

diaa praylAg for liaeanea to U real eataUi of raquoalC taiadra at prTvate sale for purpose in

May next at tea oclock la Uw forcBoan at aaid

Probate oftct be aaalgned tar hearUMT aaid petttloB

Aad It is farther ordered that a cony of thin order be published three successive weekraquo pte-bullilte te sftM dap of beartar i s Ibc Oonmu Jovmat a aewvpaper printed and clrculaUug


Waaotatftoa K a y lamdashAll railroads i freed to a r a s e mt o n e fara for

t a raaiad trifvfor tba

Clew Clarlc e f M a U a Revraquokew th- Apsvointsaemt of C lark aa Sa-

Atar a i l Seaaca 9elaquoelaquoar

B n t t e Mont May 1laquomdashGov Smith on Friday s e n t dispatches from here to Senator yjf A Clark Senator Chandler chairman of t h e oommittee on privi leges and elect ions and Senshyator F r j e president of the senate s a y i n g he had disregarded and reshyvoked the action of Lieut Gov Spr iggs in naming Mr Clark to sucshyceed t o the vacancy cansed by hia own resignation^ and s a y i n g he had named Martin Maginnis of Helena to fill t h e vacancy The governor gives as h i s reasons h i s opinion that the appointment of Mr Clark by the lieushytenant governor waa tainted by c o l shylus ion and fraud The dispatches are practica ly the same t h a t of Mr Clark reading

I have this day disregarded and revoked your appointment as United Stater senator made by GOV Spriasa on the 15th Inst as beinx tainted with coUuaton and fraud and have this day appointed IXon Martin Ma-slunl United States senator to nil tho vacancy caused by your resignation

P laeed 1raquo J a i l Havana May 17mdashWarrants were isshy

sued for the arrest of E P Thompshyson the Havana postmaster W H fteeves deputy auditor of the island and Edward Mayo and J o r g e Mascaro Cuban clerks in the s tempdepartment and all were lodged in the Vivampc the tombs of Havana This was done unshyder the advice of the postal inspectors from Washington

The Preateyterinna St Louis May 18mdashThe Presbyterishy

an general assembly the lawmaking body of that church oegan i ts one hundred and twelfth annual meeting In t h i s c i ty yesterday Bev Charles A Diekcy D D of Philadelphia beshyi n g elected moderator Rev William A Echols of Middle port 0 dropped dead during the Opening session

Bears t h e Keeerd N e w York May IdmdashImmigration at

t h e Barge oie has reached the high water mark this week During that t ime 1W0 immigrants have arrived a t th i s p o r t

VWetery P o s t i w y e d gty raquolr Kenoahn Wia^ May 16mdashThe plant

bull f the Kockford fcoaeery works waa do-atroyed by i r e Tuiaday amtaiUng a lose od f74sW bdquo bdquo

raquoaid yetitWa roraHoaed It U ordered that the 38th day of

ia aaid eoaamptr at __ MATTHEW BUSH

of Probate By KATfram B XataaT

Jwdgvoi r Probate BegUter

DatrewW Turowto tMBakx rwfladeJsswa and Hew Tlaquo Or ana m at Duraad wtthC bull traquo T

8gt M Wv fwrSSaaw and BayOHr q P m n o M U Cipr Biaasl




tooMaeNatttfal iocttstodo

STATE o r XICHIG AX County of Sfciawaa-see SA

Ataaeaaioaot the Probate Ooart for said Colaquoa|y held at the Probate Oslca ia the Cltr at Canaaa an PrMay the ttik day at April in theyaarooe Utclaquolaquoaad aiae haadred

Presewt Matthew Bush Jndtr ef Probata In the asauer of the esrtate of Joaeph W

Teraea deceased On reading ami mioa-tbe petitloa daly reriO^d

of Sarah E Yerkes praying amongst other thlngw for the probate of the isatraaltent BOW filed ia thia Court purporting to Us the last will aad testament of said deceased

Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday the 26th day of Maj next at ten oclock in the forenoon be aaaigried for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deshyceased and aU other person interested in aaid estate are required to appear ai laquo 3eampraquoss of said Court then to be hotden raquot the Probate Office in thampcity of Comnna and show cause if any there be why the prayer oz the petition er should not be granted

And it ia rorkber ordered that aaid petishytioner (fire notice to the persona interested ia said estate at bull the pendancy of said petishytion and the JieatiLg thenf by eausiag a copy of this order to be pmbliahed in the (kkranna Jonrnal a newspaper printed and circulate in said county of Shiawassee three succeaalre weekaprevions to said day of bearing

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of Probate

TIMETABLE In laquofct Nor 1laquo 18raquo

Trtim leave Coramta NORTH

1148 A K

71raquo P M



aotrrM raquoU1 AM

047 P M


Dr Ballgt Antiparasitic Compound prevents and cures Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever Price 25 cts For sale by all druggist D K A R B A L L 47tf Corunna Mich


$570 ONE WAY


TO CHICAGO Taw S S ATLANTA on tills route is en eefattr aqnipped to t bull

winter travel Cabin and 8tatarooaaa are sterna nlaquoraquo eo afacUlc Micnead and havagt aUoo3venkDOMtlaquomtro)toasakatimvajclaquoamfoita^

Liraquoilaquo CoOsftwt 22^ (vte 0laquo O H M Kraquo tM the bay at Or Hmm laquo M 0 p Ma ts4 Arrive tJHrOAQO wiOw bullbull JS I owewM^ RiepMM^

M W raquo S ^ W gt H raquo gt ^ raquo ^ r f laquo bull raquo P raquo W ^ t f l ^ V l P raquo ^ ^ raquo mdash W ^ raquo W M W V raquo l f c W ^


V j

There are Many Reasons Why

We are doing such an enormous Carpet business this Spring but chiefly because our selections are brand new are the brightest and clearest because they are in every way reliable and because our prices are the very lowest

Our great Carpet selling has left us with many

short Jengths of Axminsters Velvets and Wilton Velshyvets Brussels and Ingrains and to close them out quickly we have inaugurated

raquo I H I C M gt I M M gt raquo I N raquo l t m W H H l M raquo m t l l l l t l H H M M

IC S ALLISON amp SON j 117 Hori WasfcUfto Stitet Owosso nicblgu i

A Clearing Sale of Short Length]

at great reductions from regular prices If you can find pattern and colors to sui| 70^11 also find a subshystantial saving in pricemdashjust as good too for small rooms and halls aiid stairs as if cut from big rolls

If youre interested in these goods come quickmdash

theyll all have new owners in a few days

Osbum amp Sons Owosso ^wwwvw^raquowwwltiw^ltlti^w^ffltM^^lt^rt^^wi)ltyw^gtwltwgtwraquo^ltMiwwwwi


WZLCH JQjtanOX Prepriatora

PvbUsfecd cvcrr Tfeorsday moruiag t Co rwa the county seat of Shiawassee couflty Devoted to the iDteresis of the Republican Party aad tit collection of feseral jud local new

T i t n ILOOper year in adf-anee Subscribers who wish to stop the paper

should ootlfy tut direct and not teare It to tbe poetmiBtcr to do He sometime forgeta- Alshyways tee that your subscription l paid up to the date you request uraquo to stop tbe paper

Tbt quantity and quality of tbe advertising appearing in t i e JOPBJUL is ablaquondraquont tesii-ssoay to its value as u advertising medium Sates wade known at tfae office

Items of nelaquo are always acceptable lie-bull e i h e r that what interests you will ltrraerally Interest other and that it wiil be gladly reshyceived by us

Combinations li large number of cxcelleot combinations

we have to offer enable oar readers to obtain aterge amount of good reading at very Uttte eoat They are as followe Mew YorfcTrfbuB and this paper tl-25 Detroit Twice--Week Journal and this JJ50 Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper 145 Tfrteraquolaquo-Week Free Press andl this paper J JO aBrtiigna Fawner and this paper bull 14raquo


The people of Kentucky still think that tbe selection of a Governor is their business and not one of the functions of the legislature

Canadian or an Englishman The adshymiral in reply spoke more plainly on a much disputed point than eylaquor beforemdash tlic amount of moral support he received from tie British officers in Manila bay when (here with only his oi igiaal fle t and in anticipation of an attack by tbe Spanish ltR-arstiiplaquo under command of Camera He tald

Of all the evidences of good will shown ii e since my arriva in New York

In 1896 the Populists were solid for Bryan Now they are divided and the larger half is assembling at Cincinnati to get out of tbe Democratic traces for good

Bepublh ailaquo are a unit as to their nashytional candidate and their state platshyform are substantially all alike It is plainly a year of complete Republican harmony

The American laquoyftem of education which is soon to be established in the Philippines will hare a great influence In giving thraquo islands balance and in pre- paring them for the measor of self-) government which tbe United States is anxious to g h e tbera when they sbowj they are prepared for if The American ( school is going to revolutionize matters in Porto Rico too as will quickly be seen Here will be some triumphs of peace which wU3 be as not Able m any which the United States baa won In war

A delegation of Canadians called ou Admiral Dewey In Chicago and invited bisa to visit Port Stampney Ontn In July Tne invitation wa bull Igned by Sir Wife frtd Laorler and Sir Charles Tapper nsaong others and stated that tbe weicst of the invitation could bard) bo greater if the admiral were himself a j

BLUES Ever hire Aero

Then wecnt tell you any-

thing about them You

know bow dart everything looks

and bow yoa are aboat ready to give up Someshyhow you cant throw off the terrible depression

Are things really so blue Isnt it yournerves after all Thats where

^ the trouble is Your neires are being poisoned from the impurities in your blood

sanapariiia purifies the blood and gives power and stability to the nerves It makes health and strength activshyity and cheerfulness

This is what Ayers wOl do for you Its the oldest Ssrsapartlla in the land the kind that was old before other Sarsa-parillas were known

This also accounts for sectV tfae spying One bottle of A yers is worth three bonJes of me ordinary kind

last October none has touched me more deeply than this We are of the came blood There is but a slight difference between us and I want to say that the one man who stood at my back during those trying days at Manila was au Englishman But for bis support and the moral courage he Inspired me with I dons know what would have happen-ed I refer to Sir Charles Seymour

it has been supposed that Chichester was the naval official that stood by Dewey but the name or the personality does not matter What is of conseshyquence of real importance is that these words of commendation come from the highest authority on the long disputed point of how much support Dewey had from the British commander in Mcolla bay They p(o on record as final The admiral himself defines that support as being so great that he does not know what might have happened had be been without it The American people canshynot forget this and they would be in-grates if they did

The Canadian invitation though graceful and very welcome was a small matter compared to the reply it drew trom th admiral T

H a y of OTila raquo W I I I ComdashAy Any one desiring a map of Shiawassee

county to date may-obtain one by sendshying 12 cents to tbe Corunna Journal Corunna Mich

This man is made from a new cat obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it conshytains overy wagon road rail road rivshyer post-office village city and school-boose in tbe county The scfcsol disshytricts are numbered the boundry Hoes of each township are distinctly outlined and the location of the county farm is given



mdashFred Miller of Venice was in the c i ty McQiiaj -bullbull

mdashC W Sbtposan of Venice was tbe city Friday

mdashMr J E Cariand visited her sister in Pootiao last week

mdashMr aud Mrs Jobs T McCardy spent Sunday its Detroit

mdashAid Erwin Kveleth It In Caampadn eatimaUag stacdisg tisbsr

mdashTi 4ttgt of July will be approprishyately celebrated at Cheaanlag

mdash Mr and Mrs John Jarvisof Durand called on friends here last Thursday

-Mrs E T GofT of Detroit is the guelaquot of Mrs Hugh Wlffler this week

r -Earl Jarvis of Draquoirand attended tSe high school eotertainment here last week

mdashJE Cariand amp Co J C Qua Tie and W A Knijtet amp Co have change of ads this week bull

mdashCharles Lawrence czpostmaster of Owosso lia been glinted a patent Ou a mail pouch device

mdashLester Roberts has purcbas^l the Clow farm south of Bancroft and taken polaquosraquosion of the same

mdashJud^e Xewton was here oh btisiness Saturday His friends were pleased to see him looking so well

mdashWord cornea that Mrs Jos Serr who underwent an operation In Chicago is getting along nicely

mdashDeputy Marshal C W Abels off Lansing was here last week looking after alleged countefeiters

mdashC H Downer accused of bigamy has been bound over to tbe circuit court for trial by Justice McBride I

mdashMrs J N In^reoll received a prize of a lot 20 by SO ft at Lawndale New Jersey near Cape May Mid Atlantic City The prize was oflered by the ladles Hotae Hagazitie

mdashRev Cramblet will deliver the memorial sermon next Sunday morning at tbe Baptist church The M E and Presbyterian church will take up their morning appointments It is expected that G A- Rand W R C will attend in a body

mdashThe miners employed by the Coshyrunna Coal Co quit work one da last week claiming the companys scales were not correct A state inspector was called hero and found them perfect In every particular The miners at once resumed their work

mdashThrough the kindness of Mr C S Wilkinson of this^city we have been permitted to look over late Manila to papers They were sent by bis sou who is serviiig Uncle San in the island of Luzon A letter from him Thursday says be is well and en Joys the work

mdashPree Farmenter Seci Patcbel and Director Moore cf tbe Sbiawaseee Mo taal nlaquoW their montalyteortinf Friday The time was mostly devoted to settling with township agents Geo A Hun-toon has been appointed agent for MJd-dlebury township which Is a good ae-lectiott bull - bull

- S t Johns Republican Oscar Earl of Corunna has bought tbe Interest of Wm Marttn in the Farmers hotel and the new ftrm Is Zaefaarias ft Earl Mr Earli an expeiienced bote man and the new firm will keep up the high standard matatainerV by the Farmers hotel In the past

mdashBancroft Commercial Mrs Joseph Britten of Conway was frightfully burned about the face and chest last week by an explosion of a can of boiling Mjffee It is not yet certain just bow serious her injuries are hot fears for the recovery of her sight are entertained The lady is a sister of Mrs W Godfrey

mdashEav and Mrt H GV Northrop were called to St Clair last week to attend the funeral of their esteemed friend Mrs Justin B Whiting They speak In tbe higbeat terms of the deceased who Was a member of the M ft church of which Mr Northrup was formerly the pastor Bey Nortbrup preacheJ the funeral sermon

After suffering from pilrs for fifteen years I was cured by ulng two boxes of DeVVitVe Witcb Haxel Salve writes W J Baxter North Brook N C It heals everything Beware of counterfeit- F M Kilboum

The eldest and most effective method 0( purifying the blood ami invigorating tbe system is to teke DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels F M Kilbouru



mdashI D II Ralph of Philadelphia is in tbe twin cities for a few days looking after street railway matters

mdashTbe school board has appointed B R Marshall school librarian A large number of new books has been added to the library

mdashMrs I L Chapman who has been visiting her brother Wm Lindsey of this city returned to her home in Ohio the first of the week

mdashThe W C T U wili meet on Frishyday afternoon at three oclock with Mrs Dr Jone Special bbsioess all memshyber J urged to be present

mdashM isses Eva LawrJe and Carrie Fisher J both of Byron have been tendered their

BchHrtg 8ea Phosphorescence peases Alt Description 1 have often beard of the wondershy

ful phosphorescence of southern seas remarked a traveler from the north to a Washington Star reporter and I have seen pretty fair samples of It in the Atlantic between New York and English porta but I did not know it prevailed to any extent in northern wacers until during the last summer In August last I was on board the revenue cutter VcCullough in the Bering sea about 63 degrees north latitude bound north when one night about ten oclock I happened to go ou deck and I was almost frightened by the sight of te aa The wind was blowing sharp enough to raise the whitecaps and the whole aea looked as if it were lighted from its depths by a million arc lights throwing their whitest rays upward and under the flying foam The hollow of the waves were dark but every creat that broke showered and sparkled as if it were filled with light From the sides of the ship great rolls of broken white liKht fell awsv and ahe left a

brdSLd pathway of eilvery foam aa rar back an the eye could reacjb

But about this hour waa the roost striking display Here it was as if the ship was plowing through a sea of white light and ft the water was thrown back from her prow it fell In glittering piles of light upon the dark surface beyond and was driven fair down blow lighting the depths as if all the electricity of the ocean were shooting its sparkles through the waves and turning itself Into Intxamer-able incandescenls that flashed a Secshyond and then shut out forever I stood on the forecastle deck looking down into the brilliant white turmoil of the waters until I began to feel as If we were afloat upon some silver sea and a really uncanny feeling took possesshysion of me The white skip waa lightshyed by the phosphoreacence of the washyters so that as high up as the deck there was a pale weird white that made one feel as if the Flying Dutchshyman were abroad upon the sea and had passed by us The masts towered In ashy gray above the decks and every rope and line Btood out distinct-1gt in the light but cast no shadow It was all as ghostly aa If we had gone up against the real thing and it was a positive relief to get back into the ward room where there was someshything more human I dont know how long it lasted bat when I went to bed at 11 oclock I could still see the silver shining through the air port in my state room


South Africa Penaeanen the One in tite World

The Sooth African Republics logical collection and garden are the finest andr largest raquo the world Tbe gardens Which ate in the Lebom region are guarded by a whole tribe) of Kaffirs and contain every species of wild iUkhnal to be found in Sooth Africa The alaquo0UgtsicaI ceUection at Bronx Park New Xor to fc remarkashybly fine one The gardens cover 300 acre and one of ito atost important features 1raquo the as rural environments provided for the animals

The animals of South Amerien for Instance are girea the free range of large iceosuree ^ifaining miniarnre mountains rivers and forests while the tigers ad lions live in sandy stretchen jungles snd so en The Tel-krwstpne National Park of the United States with its area of 3JS75 sqoampre miles forms a aoo logical preserve for almost every speeds of animal found in that part of tho world The London Zoological Gardens contains nearly 3000 animals tbo e at Berlin about 1500 and the JardiU de Piantes Parshyis about 1000 aniiuals

longevity of WlutM Some light was iJtrowri a few years

ago upon the subject of the vitality of whales by finding one of these ani mais In Bering sni in 1800 with a toggle harpoon licad In its body bearing the mar- of the American whaler Montexumn That vessel was engaged in whaling lrraquo Bering sen aboutten years t ut not later than 1854 She was afterward sold to the government and v s sunk in Charter-ton haibor during the civil War to serve as an obstnotion Hence It traquo eittlmated the wb-le must have ear ried the harpoon tot less than thirty six yenrs Iu contK tion with this fact William H Dail i lyes laquon account in the National Geographic Magazine of a discussion with Capt E P Hereu-deen of the United States National Museum of eases gtgtf whales that have been supposed to have made their way from Greeiikvudv waters to Bering strait and to havf been identified by the harpoocsvthey carried While It Is very likely that the whale really makes the passage sn uncertainty must always be allowed for ships were often changing ownership and their tools were sold and put on board of other vessels and harpoon irons were sometimes given or tradshyed to Esquiuraus It therefore becomes possible that the animel was sttnek with a secortd-lt-md ironmdashPopular Science Monthly

0 laquo c of the JRpard of Pmrk Cosnsiitsionent of taeCttjofCdrttBA _

Tbe Board of Park Conntesiosers siting-under tasimetioiks of the Common Council of said cltv hereby give notielaquo toraquogtt tfay will up-to raquond foolndinir the bourof lOoclock A of the 28th day of May 1laquoraquo receive sealed bide forn^ojrmiiiBraquolithlaquoUborndfMraquoishtraquof sit the mraquote4ril raquoecesary in constmcting drtvlaquo wsysacd waiks mnamp la fuUy Improvln poundaa-tifylu and completing Hng-h SlcCnrdy Park in the City of Conutns raquolaquoeordlnlaquo to the plan raquonU speelncraquotions thereof as prepared hy Raekbam A Dilgier which (danraquo and speciflca-tions are now on flic with the clerk in allaquo board at his office in tnte city arid are open to the liuipeetion of alt bidders All bids ampgtlaquolaquo be enclosed in a sesied wrapper endorsed ou tbe ouUtlde Bids for improving Htigto MeCurdy Psrk sabfteiToed yeiiu vhsnAOieor tbe bidder ard muat be placed with the clerk of tne Board of Park Cottunisaioners and with each bid f 100 in cash shall also be handed to said elerli The money dfipoaited by xnsuccessful bidders will be returned to them upon the rejection oi tbeir bid - gt bull bull bull bull bull bull

The person or persons who bidsare accepted will be required to enter Into a contract to be approved by the proper authorities of said city for the falthinl performance of the work and lurnishingof the maUralete accordiog to the plans and specitlcatioaa above mentioned and WIU sJlaquougt be Wrtuire to furnish a gooi and scf-nclentbondinthe snni of li00000 to be apshyproved by the authorities mw-resaid for tne full performance of such contract In cafjie such successful bidder or bidders shall neglect or refuse to furnish such bond within the time required by said bord in that event the ttOo00 so deposited shall be forfeited to and become the property of the City of Corunna The successful bidder shall be required to use home labor w far as the same can be satisshyfactorily used

The Board of Park Commissioners hereby reshyserves the right to re)ect any and all bids

Dated Mav 14th rWO By order of the Board of Park Commissioners

W F GALLAGHXH Clerk Kotle nt KeettotT of B o a r s of Boview

4 PUMuaKt as gttasgtKraquo ampTTW

Most remedies have something unshypleasant to the teste and in oonsequence rnanv people especially children dread tbt dose and put o f entirely or delay the taking of tfae medietas that can 4ogt ttaeafooa Not so with Dr Cakrweffs Syrup Pepsinmdasheverybody UScesits taste and when taken it win care eonstipa-tioa and ill kind of stooacb teonbles I i 10n Wc and 100 sizes at 7 M KB-bourn

The ragpickers a Paris to the nnm ber ofsomethihs like 40000 who have made their living by picking over rub bish put out from houses are greatly agitated over new boxes which are to be used to hold the rubbish and which cannot be opened except- by the caftmen who cany it away

Dear Ants Glasses Now and then sn honest fellow comes

alone with a handsome pair of glasses lit his pocket He tells yon that bis dear aunt bought them just before she died that she paid 1650 for them that he is wriy hard ap and must havetnoney and ir yon canuse them at raquo00 take them He cannot starve and if you wont pay 600 jcfvoblm 9500 -4jOO--amp0O~any-tblng to keep son ami bod together Sometimes it is bis mother or graod-mother that Is dead pometimes be foond teem on a streetor picked them np on a train Its all the samemdashhe must have mosey and Its a big efeaaeo for yon If yon eootd see how many purchasers bring these glasses to BW raquo aos whether they am werth 1600 or only 1100 yon would be svrprlaed that so many poop conld be hvBsbugged I bare known these rellows slaquoQ forty and flfty In a day Seventeen cents snob Is an tbey cost Barnnsa used to say Tno Amen-cn People like to be Hwraquo4mggedn I do not believe that Deal witfiynar es-tablisned dsnlors and yon will behooeM-ly dealt by ^ ^


TF there is aoythin^ you x wish to buy or if you have anything you wish to dispose of the very cheap-

1 visit to the

quickest way is a


There where much

is no other place you dm profit so


The greatest of he crown jewels of Hussia is the OrMT tbe biggest dla wond in Europe nhicli weighs 193 carats It was pun-iaseil for pound00000 and an annuity ot t4r0O0 pounds by Count OrlorT wlio pe euti-d it to the Empress Cat Tin bull

other losses as here Every day we surprise some one with the good things we are able to offer you lor so very little money

R McBride 328 Shiawassee Ave Corunna Michigan

Furnished Rooms to rent by the day

gt gt gt gtgtraquoraquoraquogtraquoraquoraquoraquoraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtraquogtJ

positions as teachers iu tlgte Owosso scnools tbe coming j ear

mdashThe BI C base ball club won a hotly contested ffraquolaquono last Saturday from tbe Cw laquoeo hijth school nine The score sto(d 10 to 0 in favor of Corunna

mdashCrant Agnew left Friday for Clil cago to a cept a position with the Met-ropoliiat Eevato Co o that city Grants uany friends here wish him SUCt

Lots of Good Things to Offer But as the Junior Editor is too busy to set type this week come in and

let us tell you about themmdashnot about the weddinggt but about our good bargains

mdashCbtltParrirh die at his home In Vernon lait week Tucsd i v after a lingshyering lllnes of censumpflow Funeral aervicea were hell Friday Kcv Tensori officiating

C QUAYLE The Origifii3il C a s h Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and FraserSt CX3RUNNA MJCH

lt laquo lt ltltltcltlaquoltltltclaquoxltltx



Warm Weather Has Come

And with it the desire of the Summer

Girl to Dreamps for tomfort We can help

you We have lots of Pretty Thin Goods

in all colors and kinds to make Shirt Waists

Skirts Dtc Beautiful Waists made to fit

you Gome and see them


COMMON Gormen BOOMS ( Coram Mie_ May 211900 f

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Ooooctl called to order b the Mayor The following members were present Mayor Bosenkans Aldershyman Clatterbnek Eveleth Jacobs McMullen aud Tramble

Hinates of meetings held Hay Ttb and llth -were read and approved

At bairns and accounts were then read and refered to committee on claims and accounts

Report of committee on claims and accounts

CONTINGENT FUXD Car-inaa Indepwadeat to printing Fr^d Peacock eieceomaolssioner Cftrinna J^irnn-l winttn^ W F Gallagher elec conualssJoBermdash

STBEET FUND Jim Wilson 9 days work mdash X-ni BerryraquodaySbra work i Peter Bustardraquo days lfraquo work Tom Bastard 1-3 Says work

cent17 00 2 0 9

13 laquo0 3ltW

txm 10 13 5 S3

75 1 7 4 00 raquo 0 0

8 laquo i

Jim Wood S- days work F Slandersdays9boors wf tbwaaw DanMasy Shovus with team Wn Kltw l d a y and tbonrs Tyler KOase day-~raquo Hartshnra tooISftsewerpipe J Brook - S o u s M M lims ana cement ira M u w 4 laquo ft of oak


OWwKtW The Committee on sidewalk made

the following report which was accepshyted by uauoimoas vote


Yoat committee en Street and Sideshywalks oeg leave to make the following report We have inspected the walks in the several wards and recommend that hew walks be built in the differshyent wards which will be described in a resolution which will follow this reshyport

Signed by the whole committee J C TkUMBLB ) G E C H J T T E B B U C K [ C o m E R W I W E V B U B T H )

A l d e r m a n T r u m b l e made the fullowr log reso lut ion and moved i t s adopt ion

R e s o l v e d T h a t new wa lks be bu i l t a long and in front of t h e fol lowing deshyscribed property to-witi A n d thatrthe S t r e e t Commiss ioner be and i s hereby ins truc ted t o not i fy t h e owners of said property t o bui ld t h e s a m e w i t h i n t w e n t y days or t h e S t r e e t Commisshys ion wi l l bu i ld t h e s a m e and t h e exshypense wil l be charged aga ins t and beshyc o m e a l i en aga ins t said property and t h a t a l l w a l k s bui It by t h e S t r e e t Com-miss ioner a n d i f not paid for w i t h n 30 d^vr a f t e r comple t ion ^will be

charged s i x per cent in t eres t on t h e expense of sa id walk


Fred Gould east margin s 25 feet of n 3 5 of lot amp bk 10 foot

Adam Cerr east margin n 21 feet of lo t 12 b k l l

Jerry Col l ins e s ta te eas t marg in s 25 f e e t of l o t 9 bk 11

Bacon e s t a t e e a s t marg in Jot 8 and n one-hal f of l o t 9 bk 11

H W Sanford eas t margin of lo t 5 block 11

S S Chapel l eas t margin of s 18 f t o f j o t i bk 11

if D F o s t e r eas t margin a 12 f t of s 2 l o t 4 bk 11

W m E ly e a s t margin n 2-5 of l o t 4 block 11

J B Leland eas t margin lots 10 11 arid 13 block 22 b f ee t

Levi Morrice e s ta te lo t s 7 8 and 9 block 22 5 feet

J E S loan lo t s 3 and 4 b k e k 33 5 feet

E l l Mart in l o t s 1 and 2 block 33 5 feet

H u g h M Nicho l s l o t 1 block 38 5

feet G r a n t e s t a t e lots 4 and 5 block 38

5 feet Green amp P e t t i b o n e l o t 12 block 38

4 f ee t s o u t h marg in W S J o n e s l o t s 7 10 11 block 38

four fee t s o u t h H u g h Parker l o t 8 block 38 W D McLaughl in l o t 9 block 28


J rgt Leland north margin lots 1-2 block 41 4 feek

John M Eitcb south margin lots 11 and 12 block raquo 4 foot

W J Parker north margin tots 1 2 and 3 block 15 4 fe^1

Mrs Minnie Cafley corth margin

lot 4 block 16 4 foot Hugh McCtttdy norrh margin lot 3

block 164 feet Wm Lindstey north margin lots 4

5 and 6 block 164 feet G- W Easier sooth margin lots 58raquo 9 and 12 block 12 four feet


Sheppatd east margin lots 5 and 6 Garys add 4 feet

George Evans east margin lot 4 bk 14 4 feet

Mrs Bunker east margin lots 2 and 3 block 144 feet

Mrs Igtwyer east margin of e one half of lotl block 14 4 foot

The bond given by W A Knight as City Treasurer waamp read and moshytion made and supported that said pond be accepted and approved and placed on file which was carried ty unanimons vote

A quit claim deed given by Matthew Bush and wife was presented and also one from Hugh McCurdy and wife deeding a strip of land twenty-five feet wide off west side of grantors land and adjoinii Hugh McCurdy Park

Motion was made and supported that said deeds be accepted and placed op record that said deeds be accepted aiid placed on record

Motion waa made and supported that the City Marshal be appointed pound-master which motioo was carshyried bp unanimousvote

Motion was made by Alderman Evt-letb and sud ported that i^ew state Telephone be placed in the City Hall Motion was carried by unanimous vote

Alderman Trumble moved that the Street Commissioner be and is heredy is instructed to open up and grade Emma Avenue

Motion made that council adjoarr until May 2U 1000

Upon motion council adjourned A H T i i y i i C YoUNO

City Clerk


D a n a a a a e s Star f Hta CaaaeatSe w l l a B c l l a l a ot m Ra i l road

to Caba a s F a l s e

Detroit May 2 1 - T h e whole s tory i s a dastardly lie and you cannot deshynounce i t i n any too unmeasured term said ex-Secretary of War Alshyger Saturday n ight w h e n told tha t John Harrington late superintendent of -construction of the government railroad in Cuba asserted that he was interested in construct ion o f the above named road Continuing he said

No senator or any other person ever spoke to we about being interested in the construction companies which built that road I have never invested or had investshyed for me one dollar in any property in Cuba and neither I nor any of the friends around me have ever made a hundredth part oi n mill out of the island In any way Further than that I have consistently reshyfused since I resumed as secretary 6t war to take part in any investments in Cuban property I was asked to go into the railshyroad now being built on the island and reshyfused I have also been asked to go into timber land purchases and purchases of tobacco or sugar lands These things I have refused to considerVand I never exshypect to have any investments there alshythough the field is promising I should not like to have anybody think that I had used information gained as secretary of war lor my own private gain as some might if I should Invest money in Cuba even now


State Araquoelatm t A s k t h e l a t a r t raquo Oxwatt BCasiy Prtvf-

Mmm to Wlaquoaraquoeraquo


B a n a w a r Tra in Crasfeea l a t a i e s a s a i N t s i H O B U ttat Stov

a s I t B i t s H U B e


Detroit May 19mdashThe Michigan Equal Suffrage assoc iat ion e lected aa president Mrs E m i l y B Ketchum of Grand Rapids vice president Mrs Clara B Arthur Detro i t recording aecrttary Mias Ed i th Hall F lat Boek treaenrer Mrs Martha E Root B a y City auditor Mr Frances Ostrand-er E a s t S a g i v a w Mrs Margaret Huckins w e s t B a y City niemfcer nashyt ional execut ive board Mrs Lenor Sharker BIiasr Sagina7 The legis lashyt ive commit tee w a s directed t o memoshyrial ize the leg is lature to provide presshyidential suffrage t o the women of Michigan and prepare t o urge before every session unt i l passed a bil l t o exshyempt all w o m e n from the payment of t a x e s of every kind o n which the law does not qual i fy t h e m a s men are qualified to vote for officers w h o levy col lect or expend funds raised by tax shyation

May Wm aCaawiaat Chicago May 21 mdash flazen S P in -

gree governor o f Michigan was a t the Auditorium hote l last week B e ^$13^ bull

If the republican of Mjc iUran nominate D M FVrry for governor I shall become an iadepeadent candidate Mr Ferry openshyly declares that be favorsjh taxation of rmAroatf property OR the basis of its ear rt-toss instead of its value There lepW-laquoMaraquo9 worth of raUroad property in Mlch^ Jgift i have fought the Ferry idea for years I was elected in opposition to

I will finish

Buchanan May 217--A curious wreck occurred a t three oclock Sunday morning on a spur of t a e Michigan Central railway which extends from t h e main l ine a lmost t w o miles down ti heavy grade to a dam across the St Joseph river A heavy freight that was backed upon t h e siding broke in to three sections and ran away The conductor on the rear sect ion jumped escaping wi th s l ight injury a l though the train had at ta ined great speed The middle section ran into the rear sect ion and shoved i t S0O feet beshyyond t h e endvof the l i n e a l though t h e track w a s three f e e t lower than the surface of the surrounding ground The caboose then crashed into and deshymolished the house occupied by Wilshyl iam Morris and h i s three children s topping just a s i t reached the parshyents bed All occupants of the house escaped without injury N e s t t o the caboose were three big furiiiture cars

Aa la te trcs t laa B n d e i of Iniorsa-ttvsi GRthered from Msay Llaquo^

e a l l t l e s l a Mlehiaran


9 h e L a r g e s t P a r t o f t h e T o i S f a a e r H a s B e e n D laquo laquo t r raquo y e a gt raquo

IAMW 9 5 0 0 0 0 raquo


Menominee May 17mdashHeavy ra ins putOut t h e fire a t Fisher which h a d spread to t h e w e s t side of the track and theatened t h e destruct ion of t h e m a i n portion o f the town The loss i s e s t imated at $500000 insurance only $100000 The sawmi l l and shingle planing-mill lumber and cedar yard dry shed ki lns sehooihouse hosshyp i ta l and e ight dwe l l ings are deshystroyed The mi l l s were o w n e d by S M Fisher of Chicago president o f t h e Wisconsin amp Mich igan l o a d Men are a t work clearing a w a y t h e debris preshyparatory t o rebui lding C H Worcesshyt e r amp Co o w n the t imber land They los t 10000000 fee t o f lumber 1000-00 sh ing les and a large quant i ty o i cedar p r o d u c t


The Charlotte Foundry company moving i t s plant to- Ypsilanti

The anti-saloon league i s working laquoraquo deg up local option nentimeampt in Hills- sure dale county

fcaton county pioneers Will hold the ir annual reunion and picnic at Charlotte on June 12

Wheat in Michigan has shown an [improvement during the last week

but is still very poor The two-year-old gton of Orla Shreve

living near Columbiaville choked to death on a piece of apple

Whea^ and- oa t s look fairly good throughout northern Michigan since the late rains and warm weather^

The total assessment of Grand Hap-ids has been raised from $27000000 to cent40000000 and the tax rate has been reduced t o 1frac14 p e r c e n t

The Grand Rapids Belding amp Sag-i c a w railroad i s t o be purchased by t h e Pere Marquette andvmJide a pershymanent part of the ir sys tem

Huckleberries and other frui ts i n nor thern Michigan have not been i r -jured b y the heavy frosts of the past t w o weeks and a large crop i s exshypected

Great preparations are being made a t Bat t l e Creek for the annual encampshym e n t of t h e Michigan division of the


Plant to Sell Oxygen Liquefied Car bottle Acid and Maybe Nitrogen

Prof itaoul Pictot of Geneva Switshyzerland has i n v e n t s a process for the separation of the oxygen and nitro-

the air at atmospheric pre

The process is one that i s about to be introduced in this city on a comshymercial scale and i plant is now near-ing completion

Professor Pictets process consists in the initial produfction of a certain quantity of liquid air which i s stored in tubes Then through this is forced UEucr a pressure of only about one atmosphere or 15 pounds to the inch a stream of atmospheric air This i s cooled in the liquid air but as It rises in a chamber beyond the gases of which i t is composed separate themshyselves by gravity aud run off in separshyate tubes

The ogygen being slightly the heavshyier flows out through the lower tubes while the nitrogen goes off above in addition to these gases the air conshytains as an impurity carbonic acid gas a n d t h i s It i s asserted leaves the machine i s a liquid form being reshyduced to that form by the low temper ature

The two products by which a direct commercial use are expected to be found are the oxygen and the liquid carbonic acid gas The latter already has a Axed place in the market and

Sons of Veteran which will be held large quantities of it are saved in well a t Cognac Lake June 19 t o 42 equipped breweries where it is pro-

W H Meecham of Bat t l e Creek a duced in great hulk through the fer-civil engineer i a t h e employ of t h e meriting of the beer It i s pumped Grand Trunk railroad fell under a fre ight train a t Davison and received injuries which caused h i s death

The suramer m e e t i n g of t h e State Horticultural soc ie ty i s t o be held a t N e w a y g o on June 26 and 27 and the

Into s tee l tools under a pressure that Uquines i t It i s worth 7 frac12 cents a pound

T h e great market which Professor Pictet expects to find for the oxygea b to support Combustion a t high tera-

fruit growers of N e w a y g o cotmty are peratureaOn^ furnaees where coal la already making preparations for t h e I burned m burning fuel with the oxy event

I t s laveafot - a Mleala Mmw Clalsaa It Cam Salaquoraquot F o a r H a a d r e d

Ttates a sfflaate

Escanabo May 1raquo mdash Capt Jaclk CConnel l whose home i s a t Bapid River th i s county baa invented w h a t h e c la ims i s the grea te s t rapid-ftring rifle of the age T h e gun i s a b o u t t h e size of t h e ordinary h u n t i n g rifle y e t O^OiiM^ll- has Sred 120 shot s in 1 t

seconds and 400 s h o t s in a minute T w e n t y cartr idges held by their base l a c l ips sl ide t h r o u g h t h e breach of t h e g u n and these m a y be fired in o a e j

Active prepsxatkms are shready n progress t o enterta in the old solshyd iers a t the annual reunion of t h e Northern Michigan 8oHierV and Sailors association a t Standisb i n Augus t

The village council at Newberry has refused to renew the contract wi th the company which owns t h e waterworks there and i t ia probable that a municshyipal plant may he installed t o f a m i s h the vinagers wi th water

At torney General Oven Is in Washshyington t o a r g ^ an apoeal from t h e auditor t o the comptro l ler of t h e treasury department concerning the rejection of cer ta in port ions of t h e first inatathnent of Michigans war claim filed a year or more ago

There ae 100 n e w bui ldings now in cont inuous s tream T w e n t y consecu- course of erection a Onaway and as t w e shot s can h e fired by ten pul ls many mora will he buil t before the of t h e tr igger or all raquo may be fired close of this seacon The Outlook e s -

it and th people stood by me I wlaquol finish w i t h l i ghtn ing rapidity by s imply p e c t tha t t h e ^ frac34 V wil l the nght and I think the people will cod- lt pu l l ing the t r igger one and holding reached by the population of 2ne vll-

It back

B e a d s F e r Sraquo3

The iiadersiffniMj F inance Committee act ing nailer the ins t ruc t ions of the Common Council of the city of C o n m n a SCii-hi^sn herlaquoby gi-va notice tktat theywiU n p to and including the b o a r of ten oclock a m of tue 7th day of June 1900 receive wled bids tor the purchase or Ave ihousami dollars of bonds of the city of C j runn t t ielt igan t o be issuetJ for the pu--ftos of improving t i n puplic pa rk of said ciiv kacwn Araquo -HupL j icCordy Prk Said 1 o da t b e dated Ju ly first 1900 to run for flftn years from said da te and to d raw tuUrelaquot raquo i the rraquoflaquo ot four per cent per annum

AH bids m u s t be inclosed ui a sealed wrap-pisr endorse- on t he outside BiJu fot- Public Bonds subMrribed with the name of the bidshyder and m u s t be placed with A C Young- clerk brtagt2 c i ty of Coranna W iti each bid a certified c o e t k for flOOSA payable to A C Young city clerk must be deposited with said cierk araquo s o er ideacc ofgood faitta

The ch^ck so deposited will tw e umed to the unsQcceasfut bidder

T h e F inance Committee re laquo res the r ight to bullreject any and alt bids

Da t d Mcv3d 19C0 Wm E JACOB WA Mi Mi LI KS

Finance Committee oi the Common Council of the city of Corunna Mich

tinue to back nie op- However I do hot believe that sir Ferry will be nominated John c Steams present secretary at stata will probably be the man

W i l l Ctet It Maaey Ann Arbor M s y 21 mdash In the cirshy

cuit court a decree w a s issued admitshyt i n g t o probate the v^ill of the ate Adah Z Treadwell one of t h e proshyvisions of which devised to the unishyversity the sum of cent2000 for a free bed at the hospital De Forest Treat the relative w h o opposed the terms of the will was heard as were o ther witnesses The university will now get its money

Ra i l road T a x a t i o n i n c r e a s e d LansiBg May 19mdashItailroadi Commisshy

sioner Chase S Osbofn has filed wi th a s possible the auditor general the annual cornel c e m r a a e Meet putat ion of railroad taxes which must - u bull r laquo T u bdquo ^_ be paid by the railroad companies o n I Coldwater May 1 9 - T h e twenty -

or before July 1 The list hovvs a big i laquo ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ $ i ^ ^ i n c r c ^ over the taxe8 of 1S99 ^ITen f - j f j w a s e m thi^cityv Wednesday t h e total taxes were $i0S7aiGS9 the i F o r t y members of the bat tery were amount of t a x e s levied for this year being $1240^452^ The per cent of in shycrease is J 069

W i l l Casapi a t L a k e Ctaajaae Bat t l e Creek May 21-rThe Sons of

Veterans Michigan division encampshym e n t wil l be held ml Lake Goguae June 18 to 22 Capt Carl A Wagner says that he wrote to t h e quartermasshyter general of the s t a t for the1 loan of 60 rifles and equipments for use of company L during the encampment and received a reply from Quartermasshyter Genral Atkinson that it could probably Ire done with the consent of Gov Pingrcc in case the nat ional guard receive their arms^anu equipshyment by that t ime It is the expectashyt ion to make th is a school of instrucshytion in drill a n d camp work as much




C h e a p B a t e s Sys lesa

V U G r a a d Truuk s^ailway t Various P o l a t s i a



Dewey at Detroit June Stb and Jgtthmdash One nire for rouud trip tickets sold for evening trains of the Sch and mortiing trains of the 0th valid to return the Olb inclusive

G A R Encampment s t Gra-id Rsp-ids June 7th sud S t h - O n e fare for the round trip tickets sold for trains of June (ith 7tli and 8ih valid to return up to the Oth inclusive

K O T M Mleliigaii Great Csmp laquot Grand Kapld June 12th to ICthmdashOre fare for rout-d trip ticket sold for trains of l l t b and 12b valid to return up to lGcli iitclusive

Itepublican Ntitioigtil Convention s t Philadelphia June 19ilraquomdashOne fare for round trip ticket sold for trains of June 14th 15tb 10th K i h and IStli valid to let urn u p to 2Gth iucluraquoive

For t ickets sud informttlon apply to ail ageuto of Grand Trunk Hallway Sysshytem and connect ing tine

gtVS M u w r Millutim Pa u e l the life of bis little girl by g iv ing her One Minute Cough ture wbett thlt4 was bulllying from croup It is the 0laquoUy harmshyless remedy that gives immediate reshysult It quickly cures coughs cold bronchi grippe Ssthma and all tNroal s o d lung troubles F M Kliboura

bullbull bull bull pound l laquo e t GSaeers v Grand Tbtpids May 19mdashThe Michishy

gan Commercial Travelers associa

tion elected the fol lowing officers Frishyday afternoon Senior grand Counselshylor N J Moore Jackson junior H A Barlett F l in t secretary Amos Kendall Hil lsdale treasurer W S West Jackson representative to sn preme council Frank Day Jackson and J A Murray Detroit

W l a w w C i v e a laquo40OO Negaunee May SI mdash The T C amp

N W Railway company made a setshyt lement wi th the widow of 55 O fireen who w a s one of the vict ims of the Ford river coll ision in March last paying her $4000 as a rel inquishment oi all claims aga ins t the company This is the largest sum paid any of the c la imants

Mar Mraquove to Michiaran St Joseph May 19mdashNine representashy

tive Dunkards from Indiana Il l inois and Ohio are here t o inspect farming lands wi th the idea of colonizing 11000 oi their sect in this v idn i ty They deshyclare t lmi ise ives much pleased wi th this location

L o s e T h e i r ffeta Grand Haven May 19mdashDeputy Game

Warden Rrewster has pulled up a lot yt nets which he found in Grand river and destroyed them They were valshyued at $200 and belonged to Grand Haven fishermen

WMI Stan at Nile Nile May 21 mdash Preparations are

now in progress for the reception of Admiral Dewey w h o will be in Niles for a short t ime on bis way to Three Oaks the first week in June

R a r a l F r e e De l ivery Washington D C May 19mdashKural

frfe delivery ii be established June 4 at Monroe WUliam Loose has been Appointed currier

present and af ter a business m e e t i n g enjdyed a tr ip raquobout the c i ty v is i t ing factories s t a t e public schools and public buildings v AV banquet and camp-fire was held a t the Arl ington hote l at n ight Toasts were respondshyed to and a fine t ime was had by the veterans bull

mge before the end of the year The franchise for the Batt le Creek-

Coldwater electrle railroad through all the townships between the t w o c i t ies have been seeurrlaquolaquo raquoMlaquo laquo i i i - i^st remainn before Work will be started is t o secure t h e r ight of way through Union City and i n t o the terminal points

David Comwel l and Milton D Owen of Allegan have been granted a franshychise for an electric s treet railway t o be constructed northward from Alle-ltjan along t h e Monterey road and in Monterey and Salem tna point of juncshytion with an electric road which will be built from Grand^ Rapids t o Holland this summer

The at torney for Former Superinshytendent A O Hyde of Calhoun counshyty have made a motion for the quashing of the information against Mr Hyde on the false pretense charge If it i s denied a continuance will be asked unti l the September t erm of court The same procedure wil l be taken when the embezzleshyment case i s called

gen of the air there must be admitted to the furnace about three t imes the bulk of oxygen or nitrogen and tbia absorbs a large quantity of the beak If an excess of air goes into the fa nace th i l a l s o takes up and wastes beat By admitting oxygen these looses can be saved

The nitrogen it i s asserted can be used for the production of nitric acid and Professor Pictet says that by a process of his invention h e caa comshybine it Into ammonia directly by exshyposing hydrogen and nitrogen to the electric arc under certain conditions If th i s be true Professor Pictet h a t solved a problem of wonderful value which has defied the researehes of t s laquo ab les t chemists of the worldmdashNew Tori Wnk

I t s a l w a y s damp places that mush rooms jfcuw isnt it paiiair

Yes mv boy-Is tha i the reason they look like

umbrellas p a p a V


A f t i i d Yoat l t Wed Al legan May 19mdashJustice Hicks

performed a very peculiar marriage The inspector found that the trouble is all caused by the cutworm which

OasMffe k y C a i w a r o i i Xiles May 19mdashProf R H Pet t i t

of the Michigan s ta te agricultural col lege experiment stat ion has visshyited a number of t h e farms in th is vicinity and insjgtected the fruit trees that have been injured by insects

here The contract ing parties were W H S Banks of Lee township a veteran of t h e war of the rebell ion and an officer aged 82 years whi le t h e bride is but 18 They were marshyried about a year ago in a small town in Wisconsin but as her parents had no t given their consent an at torney advised that t h e y be remarried

J o t a t h e R e v a b l i c a a s

Detroit May 19mdashJudge Allan B Morse of Ionia former democratic judgo of the supreme court of Mich

has been playing havoc with a numshyber of trees The w o r m s have in a few cases destroyed the peach buds but the loss in his opinion will not be great and the worst danger is over

fixcaaloa S e a a a O p e n s

St Joseph May 21 mdash The Sunday steamboat excurs ion season opened with a large crowd from Chicago County Clerk Xeedham announced revival in the marriage business at Michigans Gretna Green Three

fgan and R A Montgomery of COtrples were wedded Sunday and the Lansing brother of the late Judge M yJiit for the last three months num-V Montgomery of the District of ^ r s m 0 l e than 100 couples from Chi-Columbia bench have abandoned their 0agO anlti points outside of Berrien posit ion as gold democrats and an- c o ^ i n t ry Names of GO couples were nounced themselves a s republicans suppressed through and t h o u g h schoo l L a a d s tor Sale

Biar Steamatraquo l e s s e n e d Lansing May 16mdash About 11500 acres Detroit May 20mdashThe Pit tsburgh of reappraised primary school land will

Steamship companys steel steamer | be restored to the market June 28 by Harvard the largest vessel ever built being oifered for sale at public auct ion on the Detroit river was launched at the state land office This land is Saturday afternoon from the Wyan- appraised at from 50 cents to $5 per dote yards of the Detroit ship-build- j acre and is located in the counties of ing company The Harvard is 473 feet Dickinson Allegan Kent Manislee long 28 feet molded depth and M Montmorency Kalamazoo Muskegon feet beam Her carrying capacity is Ottawa Parry t a k e and Mason

8000 tons W a a t s Athle t ic Saspcaaetf Dies o t P a r u i y s u Ann Arbor May 21 mdash Commander

Niles May 18 mdash Mrs Margaret 14 R Pealer of the Michigan G A Rbdquo Tlosfeld an old resident of this c i ty has issued a wri t ten request to the residing in the German se t t l ement | presidents and facult ies of the several w i s found dead in bed the cause of inst i tut ions of learning in Michigan her death being paralysis She was He asks that the athlet ic and sport ing bull years bid and the mother of 11 i-Jiibs be kept home on Memorial day


WRAPPERS at 79c and 100in neat attractive patterns good goods and made right

SHIRT bull WA13frac34frac34 for 50c 75c 3100 aud $125 V-

DRESS SKIRTS i b r 30c roc and SO for summer wear

Lawns and Dress Goods Laces Insertions and Embroidery for summer apparel

Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles for your windows

Indies Taffeta and Silk Gloves and Mitts at 15c 20c and 25c

Come and see us for what you eat w laquo r or use

children three of viom survive her and are res idents of th i s bdquo t y

so as not t o detract from the mlicancc o l Decoration day


Oli yes Spring is here and so is our large and complete stock of

Boots and Shoes for the ring nnd Suttimer


Sp TAX MM] BLACK in eudlcss varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan orJllaquock LADIES BALS frbm $150 to $375 Ladies OXFOKDS Tan or Black fvorn gl(A- te ^200 For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dontfail 10 gtee the DOUGLAS $3 50 in any shade They are excellent They are as bullgood as the usual $450 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in endshyless varieties

Yours for good goods at reasonable prices




ARTHUR YOUNG He represents thq strongest and

most reliable companies Parties desiring to sell or rent property

will do well to place the same with him Good farm mortgages bought and laquo0kj

A good 120 acre ampiGi for gale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for )

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia

Digests what you eat I t artificially digests the foodand alas

Nature in strengthening ao3 reconshystructing tbe exhausted -digestive orshygan I t i s the latest discovered digest ant and tonic N o otTaer preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanentiy cores dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea Sick HeadacfceGastralgiaCramplaquo and all other resulttof imperfecfcdJgestlon Price 50c sodSt Iise ahcooiitatoa Stolaquo smallstoeBeoltaUalxmtd7q^pelraquoBMiUedftlaquoc

Prepared by pound C DaWITT A CO Chicago For Sale bv F M K1LBOUKN

To Cure Cfoagfe In One B a y To Cure a Cold i n Cue D a y To Our Sore Throat In On Xkftf raquo 0 Oar Roaieeaesn i n One B a y

Take Cleveland lng Heater 93 cents If it fails to cm we w amp cheerfully refuad y o w money (matafeefree )

at C i t Peacocks

Doe ClaquoTlaquolaquo AgrM WUh I o n

If not dr ink Grahgt-0mdashmade from pure grain A lady writes Tbe first time1 made Grain O I did not like it t u t after using It for one week Botfcing would induce me to go baek to coffee It nourishes and feeds the syetem The children can drink it freely with great benefit Get a package to-day from your grocer 15c and 25c Be sure it is ftampde by tbe Genesee Pure Food Co Le Boy 27 YM as there are imitations 00 the market

Fewer Lynching Probably ninety-nine newspaper

readers out of every hundred if asked for their impressions at the end of 1S93- would have said that they supshyposed there had been more- cases of lynching hi this country hut year than In any previous twelvemonth It is therefore a pleasant surprise to find that the statistician of the Chicago Tribune who has kept track of the figures for many years can report that the record was fealty the smallest since 1885 There is no explanation of the apparent mystery which is not geaeraly thought of Public sentiment against lynching has been growing steadily throughout the country and especially in the south where tho practice has been most common The result i s that the press gives much greater pubttetty to report of all such outrages now than formerly and 1GT cases dating 1639 consequently atshytracted more attention than wosd vwivlaquo i s nwuf oftlaquosa years ago Y Bvcning P o s t

A Peculiar A arrange lake exist in the center

of Sulphur Island off Hew Zealand It is SO acres in extent about 12 feet in depth and 15 feet above the level of the sea The moat remarkable characshyteristic at this lake is thai the waiter contain vast quantities of hydrochlorshyic and sulphuric acids hissing and bubbling at a tepperatcre of 110 deshygrees FahrenheitbullbullbullThe dark green-colshyored water looks particularly uninvitshying Dense cloud of sulphuric fumes constantly roll off this boiling caldroo and care has to tie exercised in apshyproaching this lake to avoid the risk of suffocation On the opposite side of the lake may be seen the tremendous blow-hole1which when in full blast present aa awe-inspiring s ight The roar of the steam as it rushes forth lu-to the air is deafening and often huge bowidere and stones are hurled out to a height of several hundred feet by -tbe various internal forces cf nature A boat can be blanched on the lake and if proper care he observed the very edges of the blow-holes may be safely explored Some Idea of the strength of the acid-saturated water of this lake may be gathered from tbe fact that a boat almost dropped to pieces after all the passengers had been landed as the rivets had corrodshyed under tbe influence of tbe adds

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it IS

being done neatly try us for better still


Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water CeJor

ami Sepia Work

Framing Don

on Short


PlatiBO-types The very latest things in our line are

the Piatino-iypes we arc now patting out Nothing else t^aais ihera We make them We make them in all styles Also Gloss Finish and Platino Work Satisfaction Guaranteed

Agriculture 1 should single out the reaping mashy

chine as tbe greatest human achieve luent in the departraeht of agriculture Not only is it a great boon in itself but it marks tbe initiative in a great movementmdashtbe substitution of meshychanical for muscularv forcemdashwhich modern agricultural needs have made imperative For thousands of years the agricultural Implement of hushymanity gt regained what they were In the infancy of the race Tbe sparle and tbe hoe the sickle and the scythe of our grandfather were identical with those wielded by the first barshybarian who emerged from the prehisshytoric ages into recorded time It was not till far into the middle of the nine-teenth century that the sickle and the scythe were replaced by the reaping ujachJne

Theres no place like tbe Journal for Neat P r i n t i n g raquo raquo raquo

P ^ - -

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W Exchange St

A ampaigki f tlM Grip Tlaquot4iamplaquo Mgtmenee IJL Nov 14 1888 I wraquos

ronbled with a disagreeable baling in bullny ftomavh -aused by dvapepsla and one do-e of Dr CsldweJVs Mvrup Pepsiti relieved me I will never he without it as-It Is tbe beat remedy for constipation ar t indigestion I have ever used P R Clartu TrtvcUug Salesasaa ftraquor Pearson A Weytel Importers of Ooenneware


The Story of a Clever Prisoners Plan for Escape

Green Casey a convict at San Quen-tin has won the admiration of all his fellow-convicts at the prison for the novel contrivance he has invented in order to make hLi escape from the prison walls some time ampm and through Sheriff Iangdon cf Santa Clara county the story has leaked o u t bull

Casey was a Mad of trusty around the prison ground and wailti n-ork-ing iu one of the giounde in the vicinity of the prison he took it into his he1 that he would like to escape and wes beginciJis to tax his mindas to tho most advantageous way to snit his purpose As lie v as stroiln^ around oil the green grass which grows la abunlt3an(e around the prison an idea struck him that if hft could imitate the grass by some meana he could elude the watchful sentries an J make good his escape

Through tlio aid of his convict friends he procured Rome piecesof burlap and with tho aid of sonic iope made them into a l e n s coat that would cover him completely when lyiiit oil the grass He then secured soma wheat from the prison stable and sowed it on the flrst layer of his coat He cast it down carelessly at one end of the prison grounds and watered It dailygt In a few weeks the grass grew UP through the sack coat and before a great while the piece of burlap was conformed into a grassy lawn

He was now rea^dy to carry out his plans and patiently awaited an opshyportunity At last he succeeded m getting his new contrivance across to the northwest of the prison and in a few minutes was under his grassy cent

Slowly he crept along with the cleverness of a worm and from all appearance success- would crown his efforts But his progress waa too rapid and very soon he heard footshysteps coming In his direction The moving grass plot which was slowly making its way up the hillside soon came to a sudden standstill a s tho eye of a guard had noticed the grass moving and came to investgate the phenomenon A kick in tbe ribs ap prised Casey that his plan had been discovered Tbe guard took Casey and a red shirt now covers his breast mdashSan Francisco CalL

EVEN SUPPOSE Even suppose Chat I could forget What you were ( should know you

yet Even suppose (and my hope is this) inai oameu m ltke Clueo raquoA a

those quisite bliss

Your Nface has lct through cloudless yeata -

The lines of trouble the stain of tears I shajl see it thep as 1 see it yet Even suppose that I could forget

know I claimed you ones you are still my

bullbullown- bull A kiss perhaps that I left on your

cheeks Where al is spirit all kissea speak Dead or living I live youyet Even suppose that I could forget mdash E M Hewitt in t h e Pall Mall Magazine

TIE l i l K

ness Hev yer sot any fine wlra netting he askod Yes sir he answered euroagertys anything yer want In tbet iine

Welllemmfi slaquoe it He lboed it over critically X guess Ill tek all yer g o t Its jest erbbut enough fer what I want TJie peddler was alshymost carried off his feet with surshyprise Why yer aint goin ter biild fences be jer Never youmind Thets my busines h When yer come round in the fall f i r pay yer and then praps Ill tell yer

The peddlers ftce shaded perceptshyibly with d^appointment and he 106k-

K ^ mdash t ^ i u laquo A^iH w n u i lt ed about the fann anxiously- Oh Ev t yone knew A ^ i U Wilkias a laquo d o n t y o u W O r r y T e r n git yer pay the village of Trescott hut not o n e ^ i ^ ^ I cant pay^er tfll I git 3laquo in ten by that classic surname to alt my crop But its a sure thing_ And who wished coal carted or rubbish bull th^neddler immediately motmteJ his

Wxlions and that part of the town frac34frac34frac34frac34 Q^aiaj gamp^tmsed his wife ship where he resided was called 1 ^New 0frac14 woman fm goin ter bo Quilleyville If anyone desired to uretty busy fer a htte over the maun-define any part of the earths surface I ^ d o raquo t +amp fleJ

~ ^ r V ^ ^ ^ - f^P5 -ntaer children no-nn raean- I aint an being particularly unsavory or like a ^ o | n aaythfnv wi-ong Only I wast that future state t^ which the Calvin-1 ter kind o sprie yer with AJsHie istic creed eonsighs sinful humanity I way-Im Kotn ter ceviae ter raise that it was customary to refer to QuIBey-ithar mortgage An111 promise tef


Prancfi and Chinese Lead the Nations ef the World In TMe

Among -Westerns- -themdashFrench- aart among Ortentale the Chinese are ihe most stay-at-homlaquo nations ef the world lrVeochmn are met with in all parts of tbe world hot tnete thought are always tnming toward the happy days when they can one shore return to I Bce France and breathe the air of it boulevard The Prehctinan neyer willfully exnatrtates himself for life The Cblnaman on the other hand I3 a siny at-houie by religion Illaquo thinks that bis hope of salvtttoii deshypends upon ending hh days in the Ceshylestial Empire and he is careful to provide that if he dies in a foreign land bis coflln with his remains shall be sent back to China The frightful over-popuhitiott of the Chinese Enijike has driven Chinamen into all quarter Of the world especiaily to Australia but they always hope to return to their own ud Tbe Hindu Wlaquoes lt-laquoIJSbulllaquo If he leaves bis native cotmiry buthe is a member of a religion rather than of a race and as a set-laquoff the Mohani- medaiis who form a very large pro-portioa of the Indian Empire are the most persistent pilgrims on the face of the earth

em the moneyyer put Inter tlaquoA thar place t o aU of this QuiUey made no reapenraquoraquo But it must be admitted he thougit a good deal He marched up over the barren moua-lala side and noafr carefully several things One was that 1raquo the aftershynoon a breese genlaquorally swept up over the mountain aeddng the fool exshypanse of the Omnecticut beyond The hot air soughi the cooler surface ef the stream this breeze carried

Bven suppose I aifght choose to be wlthit certain other things which en-Friend of an angel it seems to me tlaquoed largely into W w ^ S S Hearts choice is once though the tlons He also ewmined a little more

fleamph forset | closely the old has n bull- Notkhowii^whyIahbuianb0OMyourL-^neltla7 a n itinerant tin peddler bullbullbullbull yet j cahie along in whom Quilley at once Even suppose thai 1 could forget took an uncommon interest He

I abandoned the whittling and the eounr What will it be ihat wiU make ypui y paper and cante at oace to busi

The Papal Elections The succesaiou of the Roman Ponshy

tiffs rests on the word of God other lines of pr ineesmay fail their line shall last until the end of the wtrld Still although there will always be a series of legitimate successors In the Papacy themanccr of succession has varied being ieft-to human prhdeibee wbidi acoommodaies itself to times and places yet ever under an overrulshying Providence that directs to its own ends no less the vices than the virshytues of ngten

In the Pope the world receives a vishycar of Christ n successor of S t Peter and an infuliii-e judge in the matter of faith and jsonls The Papacy was always conferred regularly by way of electionmdasht om the chief of the Apostles ebose-i by our Lord himshyself to Leo XIII cow reigning who was elected gty the Cardinals of the Holy ltoman Church on the 20th of Februarj 187S Between these there have been 2gt1 Pogtesif we follow tbe number givenby t i e official Gerarchia Cattolica whicli Is published annualshylymdash Mouslgnor Sefoa in Frank Lesshylies Popular Mouthiy

vine Here dwelt several fanaiHea of Witkinses of which Quilley was the distinguished chief happy and surshyprisingly healthy in spite of their great disregard of all sanitary prinshyciples and familiarity with goats and pigs

When one early spring morning Qtiilleys horse died with a proper deference to its own age QaiUeyvflle was thrown into Sackcloth and ashes although there had always been a plenty of the hutot commodity tying fn unsightly heaps in various parts of the province The proprietor of the late horse buried him with honors took a chair front the kitchen and going out into the spring sunshine tilted it against the side of the house and began to whittle There he stayshyed all day never heeding the call to dinner As sometimes happens in CBKlaquo vi rgtmnL iAiVamprtT QsUtey had from time to tlase e m lag the pant bull years made aampall depoelta in the Am-monooauc River savtags a nV Even in his sorest straits b t laquo5l never touch that saoney if one bull esraquo into the bank It stayed there He was thinking of that now tt asftouated to sometfng near IW9 Hhiwtte came ont and gathered up the days whit-tiings in a banket Quilley rose and shook himself Well oi woman he said Ive kinder concluded ter buy a farm out yonder on ther maun-tia Kinder guess you an ther young uns ll like it better an5 me too fer all that

His wife made no response aot beshycause sKe could not talk for she spent hours with the neighbors In animated discourse and knew all that went on in the Trescott homes from the lowshyest to the highest But she looked upon her man as did the Pagans upon the responses of the oracles aa beyord the pale of human gratitude or disapprobation

Tbe next morning the sun peeped over the summit of the mountain with rayraquo Trf April brightness and promise and Quilleyvilie Was up to meet its first glance with It mingled sounds of human and brute creation Quilley strode forth after breaktas- toward the mountain It was on the bordershyland of the White mountains and on many of the lesser summits and moun-taia sides arfgterched to-day the desoshylate remnants of a former yeomanry hardier than that of to-day who had fed and clothed themselves by erops

The Legal Way Before I agree to undertake your

defense said the eminent criminal lawyer who had been called in you will have to be perfectly frank with me and tell me tint whole truth Did you embexale the twenty thousand dollars you arc accused of baring takshyen bull

Yes sir repliCl the accused man Ill not attempt to conceal the fact from you I stole every cent of it

How much of it have yon still Its all gene but about ten dollars Young man sad tbe eminent lawshy

yerbuttoning his gloves youd betshyter plead guilty nd throw yourself on tbe mercy of tl e court

111 de it if yon cay laquo0 sir What are yen going to cuarge me for the advice

Ten dollarsmdashc hicago Tribune

A jBeoihbay die) ftsbermanmdashAh Ak-ctaim te bavt the rhortijrt ansae da record There Is 00 afcevevietiee aboet it either

show yer a crop that c a n t be beat throughout the h8 o ther Granite

As usuaL Quinsys word was law Only once wpraquo his order dteoheyesa hii the least degree and he fortunately never knew of that One day Uttte Quilley bullbullamp nnablo to reelat crawled oyerthe 1nfampltr of the mouBtain and looked What he taw onry incrcssed his mystificatlGa A large round cage had been constructed ont of the wire netting wIJraquo a door large enongh to admit a man In one jtfftee while fee tag the wind Was an extended opening resembling the nariag end of a taega-phone only several tCoies larger ft was in the morning and tluHley Sr^ seemed to he ahovefang n cmnntftv of some dark suhataace fate the adjoinshying ham One other feature added to the mystery Bae morning Quilley proceeded over the brow of Che bill w i n a Quart of nraquootaaea a s his only hureengt Mrtu Wltktas wondered but asked no quwttonn Bst the state and town treaeaisjs were probably tbe most surprised men wultraquo the recret was let o u t Mrs WKkiae was of eonrae deHghted and Che people of Treaeott alluded with conscious pride to the inventive genJns of their towta-ataa AquIUa Wflkliw who was really the only one hy the townshipwho had succeeded in making an abandonea farm pay But after alL the town treasurer had the worst shock-mdashN B Homestead

Was Bothered with Shouters For ten years Horace Sheley of In

dependence Mo was so hard of hear ing that his intimate friends used to say he was as deaf as a post But he was not quite that deaf He could hear If the wordswere shouted in his ear and that was the way people talkshyed to him Three months ago Mr Sheley went to an aurls tcnd now he can hear aa wen as he ever could Many of his aequaintanoes do not know that be has regained his hearshying and when they meet him they shoot In his ear a s they were acshycustomed to do in the ten years of his deafness tt i s embarrassing to Mr Sheley and annoying- Last week Mr- Sheley was in Kaae City and met his n e ^ e w James Noland on the street They shook hands and then Mr Nolan grasped the lapel of his

would-^trumpet the sound well and shouted at the top of his voice H o w are you Uncle Horace and then he drew in a long breath Just as he used to do and shouted I havent seen you for a coons age Why dont you come around and see us

Uncle Horace flinched away from his nephew and said

Dont yell so Jlmmie or youHl deafen me I can hear as well as you canmdashKansas City Times

__ w uncles coat with his Ilaquoft hand stood w r ^ ^ l r o m a ^ o h g W ^ V a n ^ boulders There ae few signs of hu-1 ^J^^t^ f^hoUow degi man life in these places now All bullbull^J u to hla^face so it that remams are a few tumbled-down farm-houses with their empty barns and out-buMdings It is the material substance of the abandoned farm era- bullbull

But Quilley had set his heart on one of these farms and was going to look over the old Wilcox place unshyinhabited for 20 years and then call on its owner Whtn he returned that night he was the owner of several acres of mountain side a goodly part Of it being composed of ledges and cliffs sloping toward the Connecticut river and its fertile i e U s but stopshyping at the borderland of the really valuable soil When he went to the bank the next day he also visited the registry of deeds He had spent $300 on his farm with an added mortgage of $200 leaving the residue of his litshytle fortune tor the purchase of tools seeds and another horse He postshyponed the purchase of a cow until he had something to feed her on the outshylook jfor pasturage being extremely dubious as all the acreage available for that purpose had grown up to bushes In less than a week Quilleyshyvilie was deserted and the passerby would have noted that whatever was left behind was offered for sale

Quilley found his new life much more easy than his former had been and he discovered much to his satisshyfaction that Mrs Wilkins was en-ambled to prove more literally her bullproper a vocation as a helpmate to him He wisely pat no hindrance in her way and as she had been a farmshyers daughter she was able to give him considerable enlightment He lacked that impulse to work which had been a great spur to activity when he had worked for ethers Aa

Why He rgtldnk Want Th Jm Unconscious humor is not a rare

thing in commerce and the corshyrespondence of a business house is frequently enlivened by absurdities Here are two communications found last week in the mail written on a postal card and the Correspondent evidently concluded that as he had contributed one cent towards the govshyernments revenues he might as well make the government earn Its money This communication read

Dear Sirs Please send mo twenshyty boxes Of Bathis plugs and hurry shipment P SmdashPlease cancel the abbve as my wife has just found sixshyteen boxes in the cellar

It is possible that the manwho wrote that was not such aa unconshyscious Joker after all but there is no mistaking the solemn earnestness of the following from an Arkansas town also written on a postal card Ikey has been ded too year BO you

need not rite to hist any more mdashN Y Sun I k e y s wife

Object t e the Method The flow of an oil well in southern

California bullwen tncreened hy the re-the warm days toward the last of JaU| ^ bullf11 tttJM bull fU of came he began to think a good deal bull ^ bull bull 5 raquo bull pound ^ 0 4 lW-larly about that mortgage Certain of his traquoWraquoeogt--8aa Frenesjao Examiner former friends wie knew soasothi^1 -__ bdquo 77mdash anient farming had told him that the bullbullnawtlssi ef VaCwe sea Wilcox plaee wne better auftsd to Scene day seen enierprtstng nub raUtnc greashesners than mortgagee1 rasher wiB tswae a Teat pocket edition Jhe want staee In ther tewsu^qt Car ef tte nteeycJonedJa BrltaaicamdashPhlaquoa-


11 -^


Dr Talmampfe lifts the Curtain from

The Olorlee f t r a r a aw ltt CoHppeklaquolaquouiilaquolaquo 4 tli JTSatte

MiBd-jyrlaquo w i l l B raquo bull rwrUaw Ter

[Copyright 1800 by Loci Klopsen j Washington May IX

In thisdiscourse DrTahtiage lifts the curtain from eternal felicities and in au unusual way treats of the Heavenshyly world Text L Corinthians 29 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath pre pared for them that love Him

The city of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity Indeed for splendor the world holds no such wonshyder to-day It stood on an isthmus washed by two seas the one sea bringshying the commerce of Europe the other sea bring-in] the commerce of Asia From her wharfs in the construction of which whole kingdoms had beeL V sorbed war galleys with three bank of oavs pushed out and confounded the navy yard of nil the world Huge-handed machinery sneh as modem in- prssas and samphire a mountain of

O B carta she wan a lifelong invalid See her step now and hear her voice uaampf Caiehu if yotz can one breath of that celestial air Health in all the anisesmdash- health of vision health of spirits immortal health No racking tough no sharp pleurisies no consum- g fevers no exhausting pains no hosshypitals of vioanded men Health swingshying in ibeMr health flowing in all the streams health blooming on the banks No headaches no aid^nches no backshyaches That child that died in the agonies of croup hear her voice now ringing in the anthem That old man that ^ent bowed down with the infirmshyities of Age sec him walk how Wilis the step of an immortal athletemdashfoi-cver young again That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air reshysuscitated her forever For everlastshying years to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue Eye hath not seen it ear hath not heard i t

I remark further that we can in this worldget no just idea of the splendors of Heaven John tries to describe them He sttfs ^the 12 gates are 12 pearls and that the foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of preshycious etones As wye stand looking through the telescope of St John We see a blaze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sardonyx and chryso-

vention cannot equal ISfted ships from the tea on one side and transported them on trucks across the isthmus and set them down in the sea on tb other side

The revenue officers of the effy went down through the ofire groves that lined the bench tbebSeet a tariff tram all nations The mirth of aU people sported in her isthmian games and the beauty of nil lands-sat in her theaters walked her praquortic$$a laquoi|fcrw Uself on the altar of hlaquoar stu$enampu dissipashytion Celujna-ind statue and temple bewiidered the tehdtte- There were white marble fountains into which from apertures c t the side there rushed water everywhere known for health-giving qualities Around these basins twisted into wreaths of stone there were aTl the beauties o f sculpture and architecture while standing as if to guard the costly display was a statue of Hercules of burnished Corinthian bras Va$es of terra cotta adorned the eeaieteriesof the deadmdashrvases so costly that Julius Caesar was not satisshyfied until he had captured tnetn for Koine ArttJed official the Claquormtbarii paced raquop and down to see that no stone was defaced no pedestal overthrown no has relief touched From the edge of the city a hii arose with it magshynificent burden of columns towers and temples (i000 slaves waiting at one shrine) and a citadel to thoroughly impregnable that Gibraltar is a heap of sand compared with it Atuid all that strength wed magnificence Corinth stood and defied the world

Oh it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that Paul uttered this text They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in ail the World1 they had heard songs floating from morning porshyticoes and melting in evening groves they had passed their whole lives among pictures and sculpture and architecture and Corinthian bras which had been molded and shaped unshytil there was no chariot wheel in which it had not eped and no tower in which it had not glittered and no gateway that it had not adorned Ah it was a bold thing for Paul to stand there amid all that and say All this is nothing

These sounds that come from the temshyple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmonies of which 7 speak These waters rushing in the basin of Pyreoe are not pure The statues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite Your citadel of Jkroeorfpihu^ is not strong compared with that which I ofshyfer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen poundat Von Corinthians think this is a splendid city Yon think you have heard all sweet sounds and seen all beautiful sights but I tell you eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered Into the heart of man the things whieh God hath prepared for them that love Him - bull bull

You see my teXt sets forth the idea that however exalted bur ideas of Heaven they come far shore of the reality Some wise men have been calshyculating how many furlongs long and wide is the new Jerusalem and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth how long the earth will probably stand and then they come to this estimate That aftshyer all the nations have been gathered to Heaven there will be room for each soul a room 1$ feet long and 15 feet wide It would not be large enough for you It would not be large enough for me I am glad to know Jhat no hushyman estimate is sufficient to take the dimensions Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor arithmeticians calcushylated

I first remark that we can get no idea of the health of Heaven When you were a child and you went out in the morning how you bounded along the road or streetmdashyou had never felt sorshyrow or sickness Perhaps later you felt a glow in your cheek and a spring in your step and an exuberance of spirshyits and a clearness of eye that made you thank God you were permitted to live The nerves were harp strings and the sunlight was a doxology and the rustling leaves were the rustling of the robes of a great crowd rising up to praise the Lord You thought that you knew what i t was to be well but there is no perfect health on earth The disease of past generations came iown to us The air that now float upon the earth are not like those which floated above Paradise They ere charged with impurities and distemshypers The moat elastic and robust health of earth compared with that which those experience before whom the laquo(lt have been opened U nothing

light a cataract of color a sea of glass and a city like the son Jobn4raquods us look again and we see thronesmdash throne of the patriarchs thrones of the angels thrones of the apostles throne of the martyrs throne of Jesusmdashthrone of God And we turn round to see the glory and it is throne thrones thrones

John bids us look again and see the great procession of the redeemed passshying- v J e a ofc- a white horsey leads the inarch^ and a 8 the armies -of Heaven fdftOTf otf white horses In-finite cavalcade passing passing emshypires pressing into line ages following

what Heaven is It is the grave neremdash It is darkness heremdashbut there is mershyrymaking yonder Methinks when a soul arrives some angel take it around to show it the wonders of that blesecd place The usher angel says to the newly arrived These are the marshytyrs that perished at Piedmont these were torn to pieces at the inquisition this is the throne of the threat Jehoshyvah this is Jesus I am going to see Jesus said a dying boy I am going to see Jesus The missionary said You are sure you will see Him Oh yes thats what 1 want to go to Heaven for But said the mraquoionary supshypose Jesus should go away from Heavenmdashwhat then I should folgt low hiai said the dying boy But if Jesus went down to hellmdashwhat then The dying boy thoughtfor a moment and then said Where Jesus is there can be no heU Oh to stand in His presence That will be Herven Oh to put our hand in that hand which wa wounded for us onthe crossmdashto go around amid the groups of the reshydeemed and shake hands with the prophets and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear beloved ones That will be the great reunion We cannot imagine it now Our loved ones seem so far away When we are in trouble and lonesome they dont seem togt come to u We go on to the banks of the Jordan and call across to them but they do not seem to hear We say Is i t well with the ehild is it wdJ with the loved ones and we listen to hear if any voice come back over the waters Kbne none

Unbelief says They are deed and they are annihilated but blessed be God w e haven Bible that tells us differshyent We open it and we find they are neither dead nor annihflatedr-~that theynever were o much alive as now mdashthat they are only waiting for our coming and that we shall join them on the other side of the river Oh giori-ora reunion we cannot grasp it now

What a place of explanation it will ages Dispensation tramping after 1 raquo I see every day profound mysteries dispensation Glory In the traek of glory Europe Asia Africa North anampJSouihAmerica presiding into lines Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulshyder Generations^before the flood folshylowing generations after the flood and a r Jesus rides at the head of that great host and waves his sword in signal of victory ait crowns are lifted and all ensigns swung out and all chimes rung and al halleluiahs chantshyed and some cry Glory to God most high and sopael Hosanna to the son of David and some Worthy is the Lamb that was slainmdashtill all exshyclamations of endearment and homshyage in the vocabulary of Heaven are exhausted ami there comes up surge after laquourge of Amen Amen and Amen Eye hath not seen it ear hath not beard ft 8k im from the summer waters the brightest sparkle and yon will get no idea of the sheen of the everlasting sea Pile up the splendor of earthly cities and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount t o the city of God Ever house is a palace Every s tep is laquo triumph Every covering of the head a coronation Every meal is a banquet Every stroke from the tower is a wedding bell Every day Is a Jubilee every hour a rapture and every moment an ecstasy Kye hath not seen it ear hath not heard it

I remark further we can get no idea of the reunions of Heaven If you have evrr been across the seas and met|afriend or even an acquaintshyance in some strange land yovj re-member how your blood thrilled and how glad you were to set him What will be our joy after we have passed the seas of death to meet in the bright city of the Lord those from whom we have long been bullseparated After we harve been away froth our friends ten or fifteen years and we fotne upon them we see how differently they look Their hair has turned and wrinkles have come in their faces and we say How you have changed But oh when we stand before the throne all cares gone from the face all marks of sorrow disappeared and feeling the joy of that blessed land methinks we will say to each other with an exultashytion we cannot now imagine How you havechanged In this world we only meet to part It is good-by good-by Farewells floating in the air We hear it at the rail car window and at t s steamboat wharfmdashgood-by Children lisp it and old age answers it Sometimes we say it in a light waymdashgood-by mdash and sometimes with anguish in which the soul breaks downmdashgood-by Ah that is the word that ends the thanksgivshying banquet that is the word that comes in to close the Christmas chant Good-by good-by But not so in Heavshyen Welcomes in the air welcomes at the gates welcomes at the house of many mansions but not good-by That group is constantly being augshymented They are going out from our circles of earth to join itmdashlittle voices j to join the anthem little hands t o take bold in the great home circle little feet to dance in the eternal glee little crowns to be cast down before

but sicknea ard tossefattea Jokraquo a the grave and t t o t laquolaquolaquo1 fttnstfbiir b e f t w ^ k e ~

of Prbvidettee There is no qnestioh we ask ofteaer than Why There are hundreds of graves in Greenwood and Laurel Mil that need to be explained Hospitals for the blind and lame asylums for the idiotie and jnsanc- almshouses for the destitute and a yiorld of pain and misfortune that deshymand more than human solution God will clear it all up In the light that pours from the throne no dark myr tery can live Things now utterly in^ scrntable will be illumined as plainly as though the answer was writteja on the Jasper wall or sounded in the tern pie anthem Bartimeus will thank God that he was blind and Joseph that he was cast into the pit and Daniel that he denned with the Hon and Patil that he was humpbacked and David that he was driven from Jerusalem and that invalid that for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow an4 that widow that she had such hard work to earn bread for her chUdrex The song will raquo all the grander for earths weeping eyes and aching headi bulllid exhausted bands and scourged backs and martyred agonies llut we ran get no idea of that ahthew here We appreciate the power of secular music but do we appreciate the power of sacred song There is nothing more iasplriutf to me thana whole congregashytion lifted on the wave of holy melody When we sing some of those dear old psalms and tunes they rouse all the memories of the past Why some of them were cradle songs in our father house They arc all sparkling with the morning dew of a thousand Christian Sabbaths They were sung by brothshyers and sistei sgone now by yoites that were aged and broken in the music voices hone the less sweetbecause they did tremble and break

When I heaT these old songs sung 11 seems as if all the old country meeting houses joined in the^chorus and city ehurch and saiiors beluel and western cabjns until the whole continent lifts the doxology and the scepters of eter-

Vniiy beat-time in the music Away then with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions Of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is marching on to victory When generals come back from victorious wars do we ^ot cheer them and shout Huzaa huaM And when Jesus passes along in the conquest of the earth shall we not have for Him one loud j ringing c h e e r ^

All hail tihe powe|S|Juasm name Let angels prniwWS tslL

Bring forth the l|bpt stttdem And crown Him Lord of att

But my friends if mnsic on earth is so sweet what will it bebullraquoin Heaven-They all know the tune there All the best singers of all the ages will join it mdashchoirs of white-robed children choirs of patriarchs choirs of apostles Mornshying stars clapping therr cymbals Harpers with their hasps Great anshythems of God roltjhn Toll onmdashother empires joining tfce harmony tillthe thrones are all fttlf and the nation all saved An then shall touch anthem chorus join chortts^end all the sweet sounds of earth and Heaven be poured into the ear of Christ David of the harp will be there Gabriel of thetrum


YARD Maw 1laquo Iowa U s e s a Compound that

Makes Hta Hon Lay Double fsVe fraquoua Nnatbcr Summer

and Wlater S e c r e t of His Saccens

Peopla in the neighborhood of Cres ton Iowa are amazed at the number of vg^ that this man drives to market Wttb Wheu asked what was the cause of his hen being so prolific be stated it was all in a certain compound he was using that keeps his hens in good conshydition and famished them with the proper stuBnlus hgt egg production Atneriean Poultry Mixture U the name of it and is made by American Wg Co Terre Haute Ind Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying cashypacity n the egg lie his profits This mixture is guaranteed to increase the prodaetioa of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded It will do more than throe tunc as much as the same amount of any other compound It is eoncen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience hi the poultry business There is absolutely no doubt as to what it wjH do and yon are inshyvited to try H at the expense of the company Send cent100 for a sample packshyage and if it daesnt do the work yea get yoar money back This is fair and hi nsade to induce practical nontoynien to give H a trial I t is also a sure preshyventive of sach diseases aa the t emble cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thcronghly scientific preparshyation

The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money If your druggist dont sell American Poni-)tfyAraquo)ctn^^V1raquoeliind- the age In that case^ Order direct from American Manufacturing Co Terre Haute Ind

^ Car HeraquolaquoelaquoaeR 1frac34 One WasJt To Cure Ckm^tipatiou in One Waei To Com Indigestion i n One Weak To Purify the Blood in One Weak

Take Clevelands Celery Contpoasd Tea 25c bullbdquo If it fails to enre^ jrm cheex reftrod your money (Trial sac free)

at C- M Peacocta

the feet of Jesus Our friends are in j p e t w S U ^ t h c r e gt Germany redeemed two groups--a group this side of the river and a group on the other side of the river Now there goes one from this to that and another from this to that and soon we will all be gone over How many of your loved ones have already entered upon that blessed place If I should take paper and pencil do yon think I could put them all down Ah my friends the waves of Jordan roar so hoarsely we cannot herr the joy on the other side when the group is augmented j

A little co ld s mother had died and they comforted her They said Your mother has gone to Heaven Don cry And the next day they went to the graveyard and they laid the body of the mother down into the ground and the little girl came up to the verge

^ tkfe Heawan W a raquo i d t t

will pour its rich bass voice into the song and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices I wish in our closing hymn to-day we might catch an echo that slips from the gates Who knows but that when the heavenshyly door opens to-day to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we eatch it Oh that as the song drops down from Heaven it might meet half way a song coming up from earth

They rise for the doxology all the multitude of the blest Let us arise with them and so at this hour the)oy of the church on earth and the joy ef the church in Heaven will minge their chalice and the dark apparel of our mourning win seem to whiten into the spotless raiment of the skies 4od cues that gtarouffh the meaey of out

STATU OF MICHIGAN Coraquoflrj-or SMawas-seclaquolaquo

At bullbull sewiuB of tfee Probst Const tot saM county acid at lb Probst Onve In i se ctty of ConmiMt on MoiHUjr the fh laquom ltf Avrti in t t e veer one nKMMaod nfaw Saserrd

JPrestltot Uiite B^ufc Jndjto or Fmbste In the aistter of the estate ef AlfrJl P

Bmtyrbj ampietmt J laquoB reading- and Sling tilaquo plit-n of AiftTfl A Suivrrby prajinir tbbraquo Cratt fo d^terrolnr hlaquo are tbe hrtr nt law of twraquoi(] naid dwmnett altt rattt^d to tatit said bull^ttate Sjut iH is ordeNl Tbt ibft 7ih day gtf Mraquogt

next nt Vit oclock io the torlaquoaoltii at laquotil Piobitte Offlce be raquolaquoifulaquo4l for bearing raquoraquoU petition

Aud it is further ordered thai A copy of ttoU onlor lgttraquo pubtilaquoJifsi thrw trtK-o-raquoJve wlaquokraquo prcviotm to Raid day of bearit-jr ID the Coruitna JfMtmn1 raquo nrmrtpaper pHuted aUd elixrultin io Haiu County of thiawaraquoyr

MA1TIIEW BUSH Judse of Irwbat

KTHKCIKE E KEMKV PrOliat1 11laquo -trlnttr

OOoa^DflChalt T i b i a l

phrsMsB is^oa laquo14 sad Ladles Ceafs saWas taHti aathessre tfceasdy isssaae wiisrai moduly

meflisfasksoirn PSasJfU 3ratsalaquoMS Slaquosd a^sgsipoja^far g y j j g g ^ y M

EoOtt^^2copy3Wodwrdav^Dotlaquo^ Kt

PRpBATE ORDERmdashSLateof Michiytna ltMB-y of SUIiraquoraquossrf raquois

At a WHsion of the Probate Court flaquor said rwlaquontvv liid al Ibe Probate oflfee in thraquo-Ity of (kgtriraquouampa 011 the 4th day of April io ihevoAT one tbousam aiiw tuudrlaquohl

Pielaquoni- Maub^w BUAIJ JiMjie of Probate Ju the laquoaa tier ot the estftMt of Urban (tatting

CDaniW Oortjup- AH asc-Ulary alt7mhgtigtttrator having rendctvd to this Conrt bin final aFt-atiiit

It isi ordered that the Tito day it1 o-xt at ten oViock iA lb forenoon raquot win Probate OtRce be appointed for examiampingsnd MlWKiDji said account

And it is further ordqtvd tbatacopy copyf this ordr or pttbitabed three successive weeks pre-viou to laquoM day of hearing ia the Corvuuia Jonrnai a newspaper printed aud crcolatin in aaid conaty of Sbi^wa^ftee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate

R E l T i i p We the undefMgnf d ilruggiei offer

bullx reward of J) cents to aov person who purchs^t of gtifraquo raquowraquoraquo 25 cent lioxes of lUiXterR iiaiirirake Bitters Tabiets if lit fails to cure cpiu^tination biliousnev^ laquoick-hesdlaquoebc jaii dh-e lolaquoraquo of ap|elite sour Vtomsoh dyspepsia liver coin-pisint or any of the diseases for wtiMi it i recohiinended Pru-e 25 t+nt for either tabletor liquid Wo will also refund the money on one psoknlaquoe of either if it fairaquo to givefcitiffactioh


^ H U M P H R E Y S

centsftama Laalaquo FevcVsftlla wver g ^ l g W A r a a LaaiBPSW lajwrfcs

C C i g O R S TBaOAT laquoatalaquoT KstasXSC bullcusttinaweasper S^IWOMMS Bow Gfaa (KEgt


6 6 Prevsatt UTOCABItlAGB g^|aUn(Eyen



and Proetration from Overshywork or other causes

Mtunphraya Homeopathic ftpeotflo No Bcopy in ulaquo o v w 4 0 yaara Uu onty

aajMiaiiiiagtiaraquoilisiaaf bull lis pi iraquoraquobullbull


Stryzn and Defeat The Oemocrats of ail sections ex

tgtect that BiT-an will succeed In nonv isatins hlmseU for the Presidency say3 an exchange but some of them tiink that other hands should be giyen a part in framing the platform Throughout the north there is a genshyeral desire that the silver issue shculd be dropped and a strong stand made against expansion known by Demoshycrats as imperialism Unless these are conceded there is likely to be a sharp fight in the convention for some other nominee But in the south the party is red hot for free silver and exshypansion The prosperity that has corce^tQ the north is slower in reachshying the south and more money is wanted They ere not particular as to the kind of money they get any old dollar will do for them provided It doea not bear the Confederate stamp They are for expansion beshycause they believe that our Sag in the Philippineswill give to the Amerishycans an open gateway to a great marshyket for southern cotton Says the Atlanta Constitution on these points Weve got to put enough silver in the platform to save the southern states and again If we should declare against expansion and fall to renew the demand for free coinage we would lose several of the southern states

It is so firmly settled that the nomshyination will be given to Bryat that all other questions in regards to the canshyvass sink out of sight The candishydate for the head of the ticket is the only issue that can be agreed upon The party in this accepts defeat as a foreordained fact a proclamation of surrender In advance It has nothing to offer the people as a substitute for the prosperity that has come to them tt acts as though well aware that it is useless to fight this grand fact with such side issues as the sort of money with which the people shall be paid so long as there is enough of it or conshycerning what shall be done with Porto PJco and the Philippines now ihampt we have Eot them under our flag The questions concerning the government of these islands are easy of solution but the people know the imminent peril In which their own prosperity vould he placed under a party that had always failed a a business pro-nsoter -whether S under Van Buren Pierce and Buchanan or the two terms of Cleveland Many of then remember the business reverse that came to them and the country genshyerally when they exchanged the Me-Klnley for the Wilson tariff and also vhat followed tile substitution for the latter of the Iliasley tariff Pratec tton and the gold standard they have proved goes enough for them and they are not going to take say more risks least of ail from a Democracy mixed with Populism and dominated by a half-doxen silver kings In adshyhering to Bryan the party confesses that it has s o hope

1 CORRESPONDENCE J V M I ^ ^ 11 mdash I 1raquo

Item of latent hem Some of Ou Suaro irtffing Twwiu

rgtnniimniiirini Iliinbull-mdash - - ~i ywtMu ialaquor fraquoraquoa^P^ j^^laquo^^^


Frxa Vernoa Arg-uu Mlsi Elfcie Ilord spent Saturday and

8 n lay with her parents in Byron Mrs MRose of Chicago visitedat

Geo larks the latter part of hi-t laquoltlt Mr and Mra Duukle returucd Tuea-

dy eyaaibg from a weeks visit io Ohio

A ten raquond half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs -Fred Saxton on Sunday laet

Mrs W Carey and two little daugh-terf of -Tiaverse Cityare visiting JUra Nettie Gos4 this week

Supervisor H S Myres bss been in town a couple of tiaye rna^ioc the asshysessments for the coming year

S T I^eonard who has been assisting at the cheese factory since its opening returned to Chspin Saturday where he will remain for a few weeks

Cecil McLaughlin and Milaquos Grace Howard of Yeroon and Miss Jennie Perry of Durand attended the Grand Commandery Knights Templar drill s t Ann Arbor last Tuesday

During the thoader storm last Satshyurday night lightning struck tbe -resishydence of Mrs 31 D Khode and damshyaged the roof tore off some of the sidshying wet into the kitchen and stirred up the kitchen utensils and left by way of the well which was so stiried up it has not been fit to ae el nee The inshysurance company adjusted the toss at $4020mdashAt about the same time the bam of Frank Patchel living east of the village was struck and a valuable horse killed In neither case were the buildhigs et on fire

The Dark Spot The onty dark spot on this record

of the nation progres is our failure U the carrying trade upon the high seas This reeoiv toust and will be improved Pblftitai consideration com-pels a solntibn of the shipping quesshytion Our people our law makers our President appreciate that our


Wherever properly introduced Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin slaquo a cure for ltconstlpattOBYhmet with phenornrnal rale Jinny dniggigts trannot say enough in praise of its merit as well as its great popularity wiib the people ltgt 10c trial size and alatt in 50c and $l0ft laquozes at K M Kilbouru

bull -WttlalsT From the Perry Journal

Harvey Roberts g able to be on our gttteet once more

Schuyler S l i d i n g of Lanfla^ was home over Suridsy

Gt) Colby and L J Bradec are la Byron on Buaiiiess

Mrs Mraquortha Johns^ Kalamaxoo to spend thesummer with1

her niece

Henry Dunning was confioed to hi home the nt week ott accotict of neushyralgia of the face

31 IM Grace Green was botne over Sunday Sue returned to her Work at WIIHanirtonTuelaquodsV

H K W allat-e apdwife and Geo Mc industrial independence Will not be established our geoxraphicai possibil- Furlsud wiTe and eon f-pent the day in ities will not be realized our national] illaquogtiettlgtark Stinday aspirations will not be satisfied until bdquobdquo v r^ - bdquo W l t t ^bullbullraquo Mrs N ftemtnijer and Mr Will we will recordas signal successes in v ^ the most organised line of modern a c- C l U k n i S ^-^11^1 Mr- h p K e 6 f O w o s tivity internaUpnal navigation as la deg Jlaquoe^y^ of this week agriculture macuactures and trans-] portatlon within our own confines

Thus spoke Secretary Gage ia a receut address before va casaiiiercial body in Chicago In the ceatre of A picture of progress and prosperity alshymost fabulous and iacredtole in charshyacter is to be found one bad blemish that of the decadence of the American merchant marine frca earrgttngt S2 per cent of American commerce in 1800 to carry less than 9 per cent in


Mr 3J A Kern ot Morrice visited her daughterMr P Hslsted iu the villitftethe Ursst of the week

Mr aul Mrs L $ Clark were called to Veriion on account of illness of Mr Ciarksbrotherllenry Clark

Lei-lie IJIwrent-e returned home from Boutueau li^iv tie latter part of lass week in a most critical condition At last reports he was a little improved

1900 It b this way th^ crab pro-j Jt Is earnestly hoped be will Fpetriily gressesmdashbackward to the matter of marine politics and practices it would seem that we are a nation of crabs or as the current slang of the day would put it a community of lobsters We have done worse than st^nd still and do nothing we have retrograded and lost ground Pbr lack of effective laws to protect the shippiug industry equally with other American indusshytrieswe have allowed almost the enshytire volume of our earring trade to pass Into the hands of foreigners and tt Is foreign not American ships that now transport 92 per cent of our overshysea freights It JR Indeed a dark spot on an otherwise bright and splendid picture of national advanceshyment Congress h 38 the power to wfpe off this blemish and the people expect that it will be done without delay

The Conventions The politicians in the national capshy

ital are interested in the general movement going oh oyer the counshytry for early Congressional convenshytions and prompt action by the leadshyers of all parties to bring the issues of the Presidential campaign squarely before the people in the early sumshymer The national conventions have all been called the Populists to wake their nominations early in May the Republicans In June and the Demo-crats early in July It was a noteshyworthy fact In connection with the meeting of the Democratic National Committee that while the issue of the campaign were generally canshyvassed absolutely no reference w u made in all the diseuesioa to the suh-)ect of free silver coinage It appear to be the settled policy of the Demoshycrat to make thate campajga this year on the silver qpestlea oaly hgt rooaUtlas where n g j i r o T has lest ngt tie of its svjsuttsstedtod to derate itBeelal atteatfe l t p p y a t k m i l utfseildea to xneslaquog^BWfilaquoi la

- XOKR1CR ^ -Frota MorrW CUpper

Will Priest of Owosso was io town Wednestlay

C Gold wood went to Belle vue Saturshyday to remain a few days

C W Jennings of Owosso was in town Wednesday on bu3ncs

D T Birch went to Battle Creek Tuestlay for several days stay

Mrs GiSee Grant U entertaining her mother Mrs Brown of Laneing

John ilimpie who moved to Beilevue laet fall baa returned to Morrice

Dell Atkins of tensing was in town over Sunday visiting his pr rents

Hemon Preston lost a good horse Wednesday from dropsy of the heart

Mrs Eliza Kenyon who bas been visiting hero for several weeks left Monday evenng for her houce at Oneida N Y

Scott Carl is elected delegate to the grand lodge of Maccabees which is to convene in Grand Rapids beginning June 12

v VEX1CBV VenLee Mich May 18

Dex Bowdn raised a barn Wednesshyday

John Chase Is the possessor of a new

buKxJ Mike Luchenbil and family vielied at

B Anthonys Sunday Will Musty aad wife are the proud

parents of a baby boy born last Satur day

Saiden Mossy had the misfortune to lose las oaly oow by haoging herself wUle staked out to fraja

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr

Page 3: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u

mm am




We take pleasure in announcing to the people

of Shiawassee County that our store is full and new goods coming

in daily We placed our orders early and therefore bought at the lowest prices Our motto is Once a cusshytomer always a cusshytomer1 - Now is the time to get spring goods See our line and be satisfied this is the place to trade

We have Everything- the

- bull

emBsssB mm-

Xatest in

mWtm bullWP


Woodard North amp Jennings FURMTUftE AND UNDERTAKING


Tfce Work Betaf Bese by Ota Lav-makers at Fifty-Sixth Sedshy

a t e te Washington

raquov MNAftY IMHE BfllY PWCtfMWS

S c u t e r n a s r a Ik HnVal Araquoraquorsoriaraquo tlom natal Qtkcr sttUnmdash1raquo t h e Henwe raquo Ajwe4snwt m tste Cmmttmti+m bulla Ptmmmmi C e w e r raquo i a the C+m-rI laquo f Tras ta

Washington M a j J5mdashThe senate y e s t e r d a y passed the naval appropriashytion and - f r e e homes bill and reshyceived a favorable -report-on the Ni-a m g u a n canal bilL Senator J o n e s (Ark) introduced a bill t o prevent and punish blackl ist ing by railroad s teeping ear express s teamboat teleshygraph and te lephone companies e raquo -g s g e d in i n W s t a t commerce and also t o provide eevvfl remedy In damage for blackl ist ing

Washington May 1mdashThe s e n a t e bullyesterday devoted the t ime t o conshy

sideration of the bill providing for bullcivil service In tblaquo eonntrya n ew Is l s n d possession The res ignat ion of Mr Clark of Montana wan received

Waahington May 17-raquoBill were passed In the senate yesteirday t o give exrxolftlers preference in civil service appo in tments grant ing a pension of $100 per month t o the w idow of Gen Lntvton and for the erect Jon of a pubshylic building at East St Louis 111 The commit t ee on Jntrioceanic canals reshyported recommending the Nicarngiian route The administrat ion of affairs in Cab by agent s of the United S ta te s was discussed

Washington May ISmdashThe pos ofshyfice appropriation bill was considered in the senate yesterday and a resolushyt ion w a s adopted for information as t o Jiow m a n y Fil ipinos have been ki l led and wounded s ince the beginshyn i n g of host i l i t ies and ajso h o w m a n y have been capJured and are now i n out possession

Washington May 1mdash-Nearly the en-t i m e t ime in t h e senate yesterday w a s devoted t o t h e pneumatic tube sys t em serv ice in the post office appropriation Dill The war department reported t h a t Cuban revenae receipts are nearshyl y t w i c e the islands expenditures

Washington May 21mdashThe post ofshyfice appropriation bill w a s further disshyc u s s e d in the senate on Saturday and he -conference report on the fortifishyc a t i o n bill w a s agTeed to

H a m s

Washington May 16mdashThe las t of t h e general appropriation bil lsmdashthe mi l i tary academy bil lmdashwas sent t o t h e senate yesterday by the house An amendment to the federal constishyt u t i o n which p o t s the control of the t r u s t s in the hands of congress w a s

j reported a s fo l lows Section A- AS sower centered by this

article shall extend to the several states the territories the Insfariet copy Columbia and alt territory under the raquoovrlaquoJaraquoty and subject to the jurtedtcttoe laquof the Uamptteci States

S e c 2-Congress shall haTe power te define regulate control prohibit or dlsgt wrtve trusts monopolies or combinations whether earfstto tn the form of a cor- poratkm or otherwise The- s s r a t l states may 08110laquoraquo to exercise sweh power la any manner not In eonfltet with the law or the United States

Sec Cologne shall have power to enforce the prowtstons of this article by appropriate JBgisfatton

Washington May 17mdashThe Alaska code bill was considered in t h e h o u s e yesterday and t h e senate bill t o incorshyporate the Americas National Bed Cross was passed

Washington May 19mdashIn t h e hotwe yes t erday a special river and harbor biK carrying $400000 for surveys and emergency work w a s passed and t h e Alaskan code bill w a s further conshysidered

Washington May 19--The house deshyvoted the t ime yes terday t o the conshysideration of war c la ims bills and fa v o r a N y acted upon a bil o approshypriate $200000 to pay ex-confederate bulloblters for horses and-ether property taken from them in violation of th t erms of laquoraquo Jmrrender

Washington V n y StmdashIn tbf h o W on Saturday a resolut ion w a s adoptee accept ing the s t a t u e o f Gen Q r a n 4 presented by the Grand Army of t h laquo Republic to tite na t ion and it w a s unveiled In t h e g r e a t rotunda of t h o Capitol

C k r b t t i H raquo U t a l o n d o u May 18mdashThe Peking corshy

respondent of the Time says The anti-foreign movement headed by the Uosers has at ta ined alarming proshyportions There has been a serious anti-Christian outbreak near f a o - T i n g -Fu province of Pe-Chi-Ll Seventy-three native Christians were murshydered including w o m e n and children Many were horned alive

I W l l laquo w i H t M B s r a t s I Pit tsburgh Fa May 17 mdash F i r e Wednesday afternoon destroyed the

grand army home for soldiers widshyows a t Hawkins Stat ion on the Pennshysylvania railroad near here The 40 inmates rang ing in ae from M to 95 years escaped wi thout Injury One old lady Mrs Tenor aged raquo5 years m a y die from the shock Loss 120000 cause of Are unknown deg

Drat r wye lraquoy f 8 laquo e Hartford City Ind May raquo mdash T h e

strawboard and paper box factory of the U t i l i t y P a p e r company covering five acres w a s burned Friday n ight Loss over $100000 The 153 horseshypower gas engine exploded and spread the flames rapidly

Sdreateeat D r laquo w raquo e i Windau Bussin May 16mdashThe Norshy

wegian bark Johannes CaptamAnder-son from Tonsberg Norway May 3 for Canada has been wrecked off t h e island of Oesei in t h e BsUic Of her crew of 29 only twelve were saved

C4laquolaquo llaquo tlaquo la

XA t ^ a r r c n d e r

Washington May l6-^The preaiden Tuesday sent -to the senate a le t ter f r o m Gen Otis transmit t ing a translashyt i on of a le t ter wri t ten by Agninaampo t o m friend in Manila warning h i m to leave that city Aguinaldos l e t ter i s dated Mulolos January 171899 and ia addressed to Senor Boni to Legardo In it Aguinaldo says I beg j-ou to leave Manila tth your

family and to come Nere to Maloloa but not because I wish to trighten you I merely wiffh to warn you for your satshyisfaction although H is not yet the day or gtJie week

In his communicat ion of transmit-tai Gen Otis says

The letter is forwarded to meet sttll further the absurd charge that the Amershyican authorities In Manila lnaukurated -the war

Gen Otis also s tate that th is letshyter i s one of a number writ ten by Aguinaldo t o his friends in Manila warning tbem t o leave the c i ty for their safety He adds that many famshyi l ies left the city in consequence of th i s warning

Manila May 19mdashA proclamation purport ing to have been i ssued by Aguinaldo and dated May 4 from Folikgt island one of the Philippine group east of Lozon i s c irculat ing in Manillaquo It s a j s the commiss ion apshypointed by President McKinley was apshypointed wi thout the authorizat ion of congress and that hence i t cannot treat officially It urges the Fil ipinos not t o s n i r f nder their arms a t the instigashyt i on of t h e commiss ion

Mlaquoi ln May ampmdashIn various fights t h e AmerieafUs have ki l led 364 Filipinos

M a n i K May V - F raquo e hundred in-snrgent s half of w h o m were armed wi th rrftea am^laquo4laquod_80 s c o u t a o f the Fort i e th vofenteer ISiawtry fai Vtfe h i l l s near Aqnaaan in t k e part of Mindanao T h e rooted the natives k i l l ing raquo1 American casual t ies Tvere t w o and three wonnded


IniannAtion That the Long Siege fill Jtoea Abandoned 1raquo Re

ceived in London


Aareeesscnt tn pm L I t a l i a Street R a l l w n r Trafclc laquo bull Kt

bull Btvai Renc^edU

St Louis May 18mdashNegotiations to se t t l e the s tr ike c a m e t o an abrupt end at t h e conference Thursday afternoon between t h e Transit company the s tr ikers and the commit tee of business men I t now seems a fight t o a tlnish as ne i ther party t o t h e s tr ike wil l re cede from the vital point involved in reference t o the dischnrge of thesont-union men who took $felaquo phtces of t h e strikers The men demand that the^ he re instated fn the ir former plaeea atld the lkmwnon vttpUryea be g iven a hack i ea on the w a i t Hat TMa pyopoaitioa) the company refuaaa t o con-laquoidiu

S t Louis May 1raquomdashKiotinf broke out afresh in~very portion of the c i t y yesshyterday and the police records show t h a t many persons were hurt two of t h e m fatally as a result of the strugshyg le between the s tr ik ing street rnilway employes and their employers The number of wounded during the day is seven

St Louis May SImdashJudge Elmer B Adams qf the United States circuit court enjoined the s tr ik ing street rai lway men from in any w a y intershyfer ing w i t h the operation of the mail cars on the l ines operated b y the trans i t company


tfce A l H i n U n w ^ t T e t A b u ---bull 4siea t h e Mem

N e w York May 13-mdashA dispatch from Washington to the World ays Inshyt i m a t e friends of Mrs Dewey assert t h a t she has mater ia l ly changed her pol i t ica l views since s h e and the adshymiral s tarted on their wes tern and southern trip Since her return she has said she hopes t h a t her husband wil l reconsider h i s intent ion t o enter public Hfe

i would not have him president she said Thursday t o an int imate friend even if it were in my power I feel that the s train would prove disshyastrous to his heal th and it would cershytainly interfere wi th t h e happiness which w are now enjoying

The admiral however does not seem t o agree with h i s wi fe entirely Prepshyarat ions for st irring events are in progshyress a t Beanvoir I t i s expected that news of importance wi l l soon be anshynouncedmdasheither h i s withdrawal from the candidacy or the s ta tement of the political creed by which he i opes to win converts gt his cause

K e a t a e k y Ropah l l eaaa Lonisviiie Ky May ISmdashThe repnb-

l ican s tate convention met here Thursday afternoon and after a sesshys ion of nine hours w i t h two hours inshytermission elected four delegates to t h e national convention four alter nates and t w o presidential e lectors indorsed the administration of Presishydent McKinley condemned the state of affairs in Kentucky as chargeable t o the democratic party and instructshyed i t s delegates to vote for McKinley for president and W O Bradley of Kentucky for vice president

TW D r o w n e d Princeton N J May 21mdashTwo memshy

bers of the Princeton sophomore cJ^ea Hay of_Nutley N J and Augur of Bvanaton UL were drowned -Sunday afternoon whi le t r y i n g to shoot t h e rapids In a canoe in Kings ton dam

Vha bull e t n o A l s t a Chicago May 21mdashThe sessions of

t h e general conferenoe last week were main ly devoted to bal lot ing for bhaV opa t m t no choice waa made

tteeeptlomoft the Vlaquow im London copylaquobull e a a i o M Scene raquox WildetEraquothraquoraquoraquollaquo aslaquo-^treat Crowds Kill the Air w i t h CfceerwmdashKraa-er Said to Hay Prlaquotraquoolaquolaquod r e a c t TersM

Mafeking the Boer laagers arono^d t h a t p lace were vigorously borabnrded b y t h e Bri t i sh relief eojinmn i M that the burghers were p r n c l l c a l r coin palled t o abandon the s iegei 7 -

London May 1raquomdashThe eTfajraquoraquoch gja-ffonncing the reUet of bull MarflMng- waa posted o n t e i d e t W r n a p a i a ^ ^ s l e a ^ ^ t h e n e w - rmpidjgp- apread A larga c r o w d ^ ^ ^ t c laquo L a raquo d ^ laquo i thja^Mmr alj

l laquo r d M i ^ o r A J Sewt^tt^ ftn- Ida of cdRce^ah^onnced t i e

n e w s t o the crowd outs ide The laquopf peiajAe oataide t h e mansion toon g r e w o anch tibmtYaaampm

tha t the pohce were compel led t o divert a l l traffic omnibuses e t e t h r o u g h t h e side s treets T h e cheer-i n g w a s inceasan

bull laquo i M l a laquo a tnsnaifwnte^w MidDightmdashThe Bcenes in the s tree t s

of mercsntUe London usual ly qutte deserted a t this hour are a lmost In describable Bands banners and flags appear t o have sprung suddenly from the earth Every other vehicle i s dee-orated w i t h flags Brass band are parading and lending crowds w h o aing songs Coiomb nre ia bail burned in every dlrcatfon A F l e e t s treet taw Strand wnd Pail t h e pubUe baiidlnaja are funmina auadtlw whole of the Went end aifve w i t h enthnsiasni A t t i e war omce Immense erowda lt)nfckly gatajgt maanV laquor s H t m d i H doubt laquo a t h r o w n on thw aeauraey jpt the new there u the greates t anxie ty fe l t t o g e t ofhciai confirmation from Lard fioberta

liItammsnT f bull raquo r o n e London May SimdashDisplayed in the

most conspicitous s tyle in the Daily Express is the dominant war news of the morning We have the best reashyson for s ta t ing that in the last 84 hours a te legram has been received at the foreign office addressed personshyal ly t o the prime minister from Presshyident Kruger proposing terms of peace The exact terms of the messhysage cannot be stated but we believe it i s couched in an exceedingly humshyble strain

Agents o n salary of $1500 per week and expenses the greatest agent seller ever produced every stock and poultry raiaer bcya H on s i g h t rfustlera wanted Reference Addreas w i t h stamp American Manufaotnriraquog Co Terre Hante Ind


FOR S C H O O L YEAR raquo 9 0 9 1 9 0 0 PLACES AND PATES

UntU urther notice tho examinations will beheldssfotiowa

Corunna begioninjr the last Thursday of March ^

IDurand bca-tnalnfir the third Tharsday of June

Corunna beirinulnc tbo third Thursday of August

owoflso bevionina the third Thursday of October

SCHKUULfc Ail examinations will commence at 801 in standard time Applicants will write upon orthofrrapliy penmaR^hlp0 teoffraphy and general history the flrsl half draquoj arith-metie US history and traquoory aud raquort tbe second half day readirK algebra clvi govfcrn-mlaquoit and physiotOj^ the third half day and gram mar school law botany and rgthy$ica Ojec-ond grade) the fourth half day Third day (for flmt rrade applicant only phyai^a and geometry

IheatoTe schedule will be strictly foiluwed

For thlrrt fmde no less thn 70 per cent-will be ac^pted in munmar arithmetic history civil ffovercmeflt georraphy and reading and not leas than laquo5 wr cent In any other branch for second yrade not less than 75 per cent id the branches before named aod not less than 70 per cert in any other branch for flrtit jrrade not less than to percent in branch ee befote named rand not lesa than 8tgt per cent in any other biancb

Appgttlaquoactraquo ftp ftrst n-leoomi gramptea who pass 14 part of the btancftes BUT rewrite at the nest exaAhtetfon ta thoee retaainins-

rtaiifaaln two eouMeutive exau they msa laatite to aU toancfees i AaaBoantt far thtrt grade who fatl tn part ol tag httncanapiut rewrneaa ail branches exshycept those urwMsft thy reacive at toast eighty

be carried uafH the next exasttoarJoo hah Before aeaiUtone mil be granted to mopfi


Pretoria May 19mdashIt was officially annouueed Friday tha t w h e n the laagers a n d forts around Maf eking had been severely b o m b a r d e d the s iege w a s abandoned a Brit ish force from t h e south taking poampsesaion of t h e place

It i s reported that 5000 Brit ish troops have surrounded Chrlstiania and the landrost ami o ther officials have been taken prisoners

Uraquor a H e a v y F i r e London May 10mdashProm the menshy

tion of the laager i in the Pretoria d ispatch i t i s understood here that prior t o the raising of t h e s i e g e M h ^ ^ S ^ i ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ S X S ^

cants for third J who have sraquover tauybt they immt ftuaraquota^tjraquoavicejtcor araavfeg

T^eehSaV^rHts Method of TeaCag Wmtlaquoi 8ehlaquool lUnapesuHN or eoow other work OB teaoamt or eons SMVK and they HwttosvgtlaquolajKiltrie4 tneaweivea wim thejrfNMiiilvimetittes of the fttate Maoaai aedCoarwof tttwly The feaeaofee work hi mtmtmmrfim oi4ev te sea the sabieet of theory awl aTtof teaehtiiv 8oeh talaquordarsdlaquo Mfjjeaa met ahio H laquo m i H reontrad kjgtawle4avoltMklaquorgtt htw the snato M ether a^ftteasts for certWeaM

atteaanaeear nasvadniaaeneo at the teach-elaquof matJttlaquonlaquo taeteauhatD ansoctetions Iwldbi the coatt^enrteaAe year next pre eeaemf the examiaattw TTTI be tahea fato wrtetaceoasa toaTnlaquo^r c^rtmsatM of mej grade

UL JtUSTULOasKBlaquoajelaquocrlaquof 8choblaquo

For 15 years We are preshypared to Dye for you We do Dry Cleaning and Scourshying Also Clothing of alt kinds made to look like new

Any work given pound E Richards of City Steaai Laundry will receive our prompt attention

Dyeing amp Cleaning Works iA M-GHXIS Proprietor


Time Table Gran) Trrak Railway System

Arrival sind Departure of Trains

AraquoTB0Cingt Detroit ExpreM daily except Sunday 9Vt 1 stail Train daily ezeftpt^nnday Ill] ETralBf Exprt^a except Sunday laquo11 fiaatera Express dily -999pat

WSSTBOrjJTD ChllaquolaquolaquoD Xxpress^laily except Sunday lO^Haaa Mail wad Express daay except 22psa OdEaptdExpress dally laquobull bulllaquo 7Wjraquo rraquoaraquo Weateip d By bull 7 laquo am

SteeBfas and Parlor Our Serytes -bull WKiT BOUND

bull9M p tt train ertttaedta a zgtnraampd for Lets hxpreas east mamp Pacific exfrees wlaquost

M^t a m train has parlor car traquo Grand KnaMs extra chMijft 29 ecnta

bullJMp ta train has parlor car to Grand Ump-Ida ^xtra eharglaquo 25e


aft a n tnSshaanarior ear to Detroit Satan ehararezaeepts FuJbsan sartor laquobulllt trott to Toronto eonaeetMr bull n h utmrnf tea oar for the east and Hew Torkt atagt snots at Dtmtod with C Q + A f laquo i W snePt Huron awdCnlnaaunnd with tjbt 1Mraquo torSaatssnrand Bay cm

a j l pis train has partorearaa natrolV Ibnwn

STATE o r MKlaquoJJaJiCOUJfTYdy s o u WAS8EE8tS bullbullbull

At aemtas laquo f the Probate Court for said county held at the Probate oSlee ia tblaquo City

of OeraMk on IKaaday the ta day of April io the year 00c ttHMuaod ampinlaquo bandred

nreiwnt Mlaquovtbw BBJA Jtviye of Probate l a the laquoaailaquor of laeeatate ofKdward Martay

raquocdjlaquonjgtb Murray Minora on reading and tiHnjj the petition $T Thoataa Murray a s (rlaquoar-

diaa praylAg for liaeanea to U real eataUi of raquoalC taiadra at prTvate sale for purpose in

May next at tea oclock la Uw forcBoan at aaid

Probate oftct be aaalgned tar hearUMT aaid petttloB

Aad It is farther ordered that a cony of thin order be published three successive weekraquo pte-bullilte te sftM dap of beartar i s Ibc Oonmu Jovmat a aewvpaper printed and clrculaUug


Waaotatftoa K a y lamdashAll railroads i freed to a r a s e mt o n e fara for

t a raaiad trifvfor tba

Clew Clarlc e f M a U a Revraquokew th- Apsvointsaemt of C lark aa Sa-

Atar a i l Seaaca 9elaquoelaquoar

B n t t e Mont May 1laquomdashGov Smith on Friday s e n t dispatches from here to Senator yjf A Clark Senator Chandler chairman of t h e oommittee on privi leges and elect ions and Senshyator F r j e president of the senate s a y i n g he had disregarded and reshyvoked the action of Lieut Gov Spr iggs in naming Mr Clark to sucshyceed t o the vacancy cansed by hia own resignation^ and s a y i n g he had named Martin Maginnis of Helena to fill t h e vacancy The governor gives as h i s reasons h i s opinion that the appointment of Mr Clark by the lieushytenant governor waa tainted by c o l shylus ion and fraud The dispatches are practica ly the same t h a t of Mr Clark reading

I have this day disregarded and revoked your appointment as United Stater senator made by GOV Spriasa on the 15th Inst as beinx tainted with coUuaton and fraud and have this day appointed IXon Martin Ma-slunl United States senator to nil tho vacancy caused by your resignation

P laeed 1raquo J a i l Havana May 17mdashWarrants were isshy

sued for the arrest of E P Thompshyson the Havana postmaster W H fteeves deputy auditor of the island and Edward Mayo and J o r g e Mascaro Cuban clerks in the s tempdepartment and all were lodged in the Vivampc the tombs of Havana This was done unshyder the advice of the postal inspectors from Washington

The Preateyterinna St Louis May 18mdashThe Presbyterishy

an general assembly the lawmaking body of that church oegan i ts one hundred and twelfth annual meeting In t h i s c i ty yesterday Bev Charles A Diekcy D D of Philadelphia beshyi n g elected moderator Rev William A Echols of Middle port 0 dropped dead during the Opening session

Bears t h e Keeerd N e w York May IdmdashImmigration at

t h e Barge oie has reached the high water mark this week During that t ime 1W0 immigrants have arrived a t th i s p o r t

VWetery P o s t i w y e d gty raquolr Kenoahn Wia^ May 16mdashThe plant

bull f the Kockford fcoaeery works waa do-atroyed by i r e Tuiaday amtaiUng a lose od f74sW bdquo bdquo

raquoaid yetitWa roraHoaed It U ordered that the 38th day of

ia aaid eoaamptr at __ MATTHEW BUSH

of Probate By KATfram B XataaT

Jwdgvoi r Probate BegUter

DatrewW Turowto tMBakx rwfladeJsswa and Hew Tlaquo Or ana m at Duraad wtthC bull traquo T

8gt M Wv fwrSSaaw and BayOHr q P m n o M U Cipr Biaasl




tooMaeNatttfal iocttstodo

STATE o r XICHIG AX County of Sfciawaa-see SA

Ataaeaaioaot the Probate Ooart for said Colaquoa|y held at the Probate Oslca ia the Cltr at Canaaa an PrMay the ttik day at April in theyaarooe Utclaquolaquoaad aiae haadred

Presewt Matthew Bush Jndtr ef Probata In the asauer of the esrtate of Joaeph W

Teraea deceased On reading ami mioa-tbe petitloa daly reriO^d

of Sarah E Yerkes praying amongst other thlngw for the probate of the isatraaltent BOW filed ia thia Court purporting to Us the last will aad testament of said deceased

Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday the 26th day of Maj next at ten oclock in the forenoon be aaaigried for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deshyceased and aU other person interested in aaid estate are required to appear ai laquo 3eampraquoss of said Court then to be hotden raquot the Probate Office in thampcity of Comnna and show cause if any there be why the prayer oz the petition er should not be granted

And it ia rorkber ordered that aaid petishytioner (fire notice to the persona interested ia said estate at bull the pendancy of said petishytion and the JieatiLg thenf by eausiag a copy of this order to be pmbliahed in the (kkranna Jonrnal a newspaper printed and circulate in said county of Shiawassee three succeaalre weekaprevions to said day of bearing

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of Probate

TIMETABLE In laquofct Nor 1laquo 18raquo

Trtim leave Coramta NORTH

1148 A K

71raquo P M



aotrrM raquoU1 AM

047 P M


Dr Ballgt Antiparasitic Compound prevents and cures Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever Price 25 cts For sale by all druggist D K A R B A L L 47tf Corunna Mich


$570 ONE WAY


TO CHICAGO Taw S S ATLANTA on tills route is en eefattr aqnipped to t bull

winter travel Cabin and 8tatarooaaa are sterna nlaquoraquo eo afacUlc Micnead and havagt aUoo3venkDOMtlaquomtro)toasakatimvajclaquoamfoita^

Liraquoilaquo CoOsftwt 22^ (vte 0laquo O H M Kraquo tM the bay at Or Hmm laquo M 0 p Ma ts4 Arrive tJHrOAQO wiOw bullbull JS I owewM^ RiepMM^

M W raquo S ^ W gt H raquo gt ^ raquo ^ r f laquo bull raquo P raquo W ^ t f l ^ V l P raquo ^ ^ raquo mdash W ^ raquo W M W V raquo l f c W ^


V j

There are Many Reasons Why

We are doing such an enormous Carpet business this Spring but chiefly because our selections are brand new are the brightest and clearest because they are in every way reliable and because our prices are the very lowest

Our great Carpet selling has left us with many

short Jengths of Axminsters Velvets and Wilton Velshyvets Brussels and Ingrains and to close them out quickly we have inaugurated

raquo I H I C M gt I M M gt raquo I N raquo l t m W H H l M raquo m t l l l l t l H H M M

IC S ALLISON amp SON j 117 Hori WasfcUfto Stitet Owosso nicblgu i

A Clearing Sale of Short Length]

at great reductions from regular prices If you can find pattern and colors to sui| 70^11 also find a subshystantial saving in pricemdashjust as good too for small rooms and halls aiid stairs as if cut from big rolls

If youre interested in these goods come quickmdash

theyll all have new owners in a few days

Osbum amp Sons Owosso ^wwwvw^raquowwwltiw^ltlti^w^ffltM^^lt^rt^^wi)ltyw^gtwltwgtwraquo^ltMiwwwwi


WZLCH JQjtanOX Prepriatora

PvbUsfecd cvcrr Tfeorsday moruiag t Co rwa the county seat of Shiawassee couflty Devoted to the iDteresis of the Republican Party aad tit collection of feseral jud local new

T i t n ILOOper year in adf-anee Subscribers who wish to stop the paper

should ootlfy tut direct and not teare It to tbe poetmiBtcr to do He sometime forgeta- Alshyways tee that your subscription l paid up to the date you request uraquo to stop tbe paper

Tbt quantity and quality of tbe advertising appearing in t i e JOPBJUL is ablaquondraquont tesii-ssoay to its value as u advertising medium Sates wade known at tfae office

Items of nelaquo are always acceptable lie-bull e i h e r that what interests you will ltrraerally Interest other and that it wiil be gladly reshyceived by us

Combinations li large number of cxcelleot combinations

we have to offer enable oar readers to obtain aterge amount of good reading at very Uttte eoat They are as followe Mew YorfcTrfbuB and this paper tl-25 Detroit Twice--Week Journal and this JJ50 Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper 145 Tfrteraquolaquo-Week Free Press andl this paper J JO aBrtiigna Fawner and this paper bull 14raquo


The people of Kentucky still think that tbe selection of a Governor is their business and not one of the functions of the legislature

Canadian or an Englishman The adshymiral in reply spoke more plainly on a much disputed point than eylaquor beforemdash tlic amount of moral support he received from tie British officers in Manila bay when (here with only his oi igiaal fle t and in anticipation of an attack by tbe Spanish ltR-arstiiplaquo under command of Camera He tald

Of all the evidences of good will shown ii e since my arriva in New York

In 1896 the Populists were solid for Bryan Now they are divided and the larger half is assembling at Cincinnati to get out of tbe Democratic traces for good

Bepublh ailaquo are a unit as to their nashytional candidate and their state platshyform are substantially all alike It is plainly a year of complete Republican harmony

The American laquoyftem of education which is soon to be established in the Philippines will hare a great influence In giving thraquo islands balance and in pre- paring them for the measor of self-) government which tbe United States is anxious to g h e tbera when they sbowj they are prepared for if The American ( school is going to revolutionize matters in Porto Rico too as will quickly be seen Here will be some triumphs of peace which wU3 be as not Able m any which the United States baa won In war

A delegation of Canadians called ou Admiral Dewey In Chicago and invited bisa to visit Port Stampney Ontn In July Tne invitation wa bull Igned by Sir Wife frtd Laorler and Sir Charles Tapper nsaong others and stated that tbe weicst of the invitation could bard) bo greater if the admiral were himself a j

BLUES Ever hire Aero

Then wecnt tell you any-

thing about them You

know bow dart everything looks

and bow yoa are aboat ready to give up Someshyhow you cant throw off the terrible depression

Are things really so blue Isnt it yournerves after all Thats where

^ the trouble is Your neires are being poisoned from the impurities in your blood

sanapariiia purifies the blood and gives power and stability to the nerves It makes health and strength activshyity and cheerfulness

This is what Ayers wOl do for you Its the oldest Ssrsapartlla in the land the kind that was old before other Sarsa-parillas were known

This also accounts for sectV tfae spying One bottle of A yers is worth three bonJes of me ordinary kind

last October none has touched me more deeply than this We are of the came blood There is but a slight difference between us and I want to say that the one man who stood at my back during those trying days at Manila was au Englishman But for bis support and the moral courage he Inspired me with I dons know what would have happen-ed I refer to Sir Charles Seymour

it has been supposed that Chichester was the naval official that stood by Dewey but the name or the personality does not matter What is of conseshyquence of real importance is that these words of commendation come from the highest authority on the long disputed point of how much support Dewey had from the British commander in Mcolla bay They p(o on record as final The admiral himself defines that support as being so great that he does not know what might have happened had be been without it The American people canshynot forget this and they would be in-grates if they did

The Canadian invitation though graceful and very welcome was a small matter compared to the reply it drew trom th admiral T

H a y of OTila raquo W I I I ComdashAy Any one desiring a map of Shiawassee

county to date may-obtain one by sendshying 12 cents to tbe Corunna Journal Corunna Mich

This man is made from a new cat obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it conshytains overy wagon road rail road rivshyer post-office village city and school-boose in tbe county The scfcsol disshytricts are numbered the boundry Hoes of each township are distinctly outlined and the location of the county farm is given



mdashFred Miller of Venice was in the c i ty McQiiaj -bullbull

mdashC W Sbtposan of Venice was tbe city Friday

mdashMr J E Cariand visited her sister in Pootiao last week

mdashMr aud Mrs Jobs T McCardy spent Sunday its Detroit

mdashAid Erwin Kveleth It In Caampadn eatimaUag stacdisg tisbsr

mdashTi 4ttgt of July will be approprishyately celebrated at Cheaanlag

mdash Mr and Mrs John Jarvisof Durand called on friends here last Thursday

-Mrs E T GofT of Detroit is the guelaquot of Mrs Hugh Wlffler this week

r -Earl Jarvis of Draquoirand attended tSe high school eotertainment here last week

mdashJE Cariand amp Co J C Qua Tie and W A Knijtet amp Co have change of ads this week bull

mdashCharles Lawrence czpostmaster of Owosso lia been glinted a patent Ou a mail pouch device

mdashLester Roberts has purcbas^l the Clow farm south of Bancroft and taken polaquosraquosion of the same

mdashJud^e Xewton was here oh btisiness Saturday His friends were pleased to see him looking so well

mdashWord cornea that Mrs Jos Serr who underwent an operation In Chicago is getting along nicely

mdashDeputy Marshal C W Abels off Lansing was here last week looking after alleged countefeiters

mdashC H Downer accused of bigamy has been bound over to tbe circuit court for trial by Justice McBride I

mdashMrs J N In^reoll received a prize of a lot 20 by SO ft at Lawndale New Jersey near Cape May Mid Atlantic City The prize was oflered by the ladles Hotae Hagazitie

mdashRev Cramblet will deliver the memorial sermon next Sunday morning at tbe Baptist church The M E and Presbyterian church will take up their morning appointments It is expected that G A- Rand W R C will attend in a body

mdashThe miners employed by the Coshyrunna Coal Co quit work one da last week claiming the companys scales were not correct A state inspector was called hero and found them perfect In every particular The miners at once resumed their work

mdashThrough the kindness of Mr C S Wilkinson of this^city we have been permitted to look over late Manila to papers They were sent by bis sou who is serviiig Uncle San in the island of Luzon A letter from him Thursday says be is well and en Joys the work

mdashPree Farmenter Seci Patcbel and Director Moore cf tbe Sbiawaseee Mo taal nlaquoW their montalyteortinf Friday The time was mostly devoted to settling with township agents Geo A Hun-toon has been appointed agent for MJd-dlebury township which Is a good ae-lectiott bull - bull

- S t Johns Republican Oscar Earl of Corunna has bought tbe Interest of Wm Marttn in the Farmers hotel and the new ftrm Is Zaefaarias ft Earl Mr Earli an expeiienced bote man and the new firm will keep up the high standard matatainerV by the Farmers hotel In the past

mdashBancroft Commercial Mrs Joseph Britten of Conway was frightfully burned about the face and chest last week by an explosion of a can of boiling Mjffee It is not yet certain just bow serious her injuries are hot fears for the recovery of her sight are entertained The lady is a sister of Mrs W Godfrey

mdashEav and Mrt H GV Northrop were called to St Clair last week to attend the funeral of their esteemed friend Mrs Justin B Whiting They speak In tbe higbeat terms of the deceased who Was a member of the M ft church of which Mr Northrup was formerly the pastor Bey Nortbrup preacheJ the funeral sermon

After suffering from pilrs for fifteen years I was cured by ulng two boxes of DeVVitVe Witcb Haxel Salve writes W J Baxter North Brook N C It heals everything Beware of counterfeit- F M Kilboum

The eldest and most effective method 0( purifying the blood ami invigorating tbe system is to teke DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels F M Kilbouru



mdashI D II Ralph of Philadelphia is in tbe twin cities for a few days looking after street railway matters

mdashTbe school board has appointed B R Marshall school librarian A large number of new books has been added to the library

mdashMrs I L Chapman who has been visiting her brother Wm Lindsey of this city returned to her home in Ohio the first of the week

mdashThe W C T U wili meet on Frishyday afternoon at three oclock with Mrs Dr Jone Special bbsioess all memshyber J urged to be present

mdashM isses Eva LawrJe and Carrie Fisher J both of Byron have been tendered their

BchHrtg 8ea Phosphorescence peases Alt Description 1 have often beard of the wondershy

ful phosphorescence of southern seas remarked a traveler from the north to a Washington Star reporter and I have seen pretty fair samples of It in the Atlantic between New York and English porta but I did not know it prevailed to any extent in northern wacers until during the last summer In August last I was on board the revenue cutter VcCullough in the Bering sea about 63 degrees north latitude bound north when one night about ten oclock I happened to go ou deck and I was almost frightened by the sight of te aa The wind was blowing sharp enough to raise the whitecaps and the whole aea looked as if it were lighted from its depths by a million arc lights throwing their whitest rays upward and under the flying foam The hollow of the waves were dark but every creat that broke showered and sparkled as if it were filled with light From the sides of the ship great rolls of broken white liKht fell awsv and ahe left a

brdSLd pathway of eilvery foam aa rar back an the eye could reacjb

But about this hour waa the roost striking display Here it was as if the ship was plowing through a sea of white light and ft the water was thrown back from her prow it fell In glittering piles of light upon the dark surface beyond and was driven fair down blow lighting the depths as if all the electricity of the ocean were shooting its sparkles through the waves and turning itself Into Intxamer-able incandescenls that flashed a Secshyond and then shut out forever I stood on the forecastle deck looking down into the brilliant white turmoil of the waters until I began to feel as If we were afloat upon some silver sea and a really uncanny feeling took possesshysion of me The white skip waa lightshyed by the phosphoreacence of the washyters so that as high up as the deck there was a pale weird white that made one feel as if the Flying Dutchshyman were abroad upon the sea and had passed by us The masts towered In ashy gray above the decks and every rope and line Btood out distinct-1gt in the light but cast no shadow It was all as ghostly aa If we had gone up against the real thing and it was a positive relief to get back into the ward room where there was someshything more human I dont know how long it lasted bat when I went to bed at 11 oclock I could still see the silver shining through the air port in my state room


South Africa Penaeanen the One in tite World

The Sooth African Republics logical collection and garden are the finest andr largest raquo the world Tbe gardens Which ate in the Lebom region are guarded by a whole tribe) of Kaffirs and contain every species of wild iUkhnal to be found in Sooth Africa The alaquo0UgtsicaI ceUection at Bronx Park New Xor to fc remarkashybly fine one The gardens cover 300 acre and one of ito atost important features 1raquo the as rural environments provided for the animals

The animals of South Amerien for Instance are girea the free range of large iceosuree ^ifaining miniarnre mountains rivers and forests while the tigers ad lions live in sandy stretchen jungles snd so en The Tel-krwstpne National Park of the United States with its area of 3JS75 sqoampre miles forms a aoo logical preserve for almost every speeds of animal found in that part of tho world The London Zoological Gardens contains nearly 3000 animals tbo e at Berlin about 1500 and the JardiU de Piantes Parshyis about 1000 aniiuals

longevity of WlutM Some light was iJtrowri a few years

ago upon the subject of the vitality of whales by finding one of these ani mais In Bering sni in 1800 with a toggle harpoon licad In its body bearing the mar- of the American whaler Montexumn That vessel was engaged in whaling lrraquo Bering sen aboutten years t ut not later than 1854 She was afterward sold to the government and v s sunk in Charter-ton haibor during the civil War to serve as an obstnotion Hence It traquo eittlmated the wb-le must have ear ried the harpoon tot less than thirty six yenrs Iu contK tion with this fact William H Dail i lyes laquon account in the National Geographic Magazine of a discussion with Capt E P Hereu-deen of the United States National Museum of eases gtgtf whales that have been supposed to have made their way from Greeiikvudv waters to Bering strait and to havf been identified by the harpoocsvthey carried While It Is very likely that the whale really makes the passage sn uncertainty must always be allowed for ships were often changing ownership and their tools were sold and put on board of other vessels and harpoon irons were sometimes given or tradshyed to Esquiuraus It therefore becomes possible that the animel was sttnek with a secortd-lt-md ironmdashPopular Science Monthly

0 laquo c of the JRpard of Pmrk Cosnsiitsionent of taeCttjofCdrttBA _

Tbe Board of Park Conntesiosers siting-under tasimetioiks of the Common Council of said cltv hereby give notielaquo toraquogtt tfay will up-to raquond foolndinir the bourof lOoclock A of the 28th day of May 1laquoraquo receive sealed bide forn^ojrmiiiBraquolithlaquoUborndfMraquoishtraquof sit the mraquote4ril raquoecesary in constmcting drtvlaquo wsysacd waiks mnamp la fuUy Improvln poundaa-tifylu and completing Hng-h SlcCnrdy Park in the City of Conutns raquolaquoeordlnlaquo to the plan raquonU speelncraquotions thereof as prepared hy Raekbam A Dilgier which (danraquo and speciflca-tions are now on flic with the clerk in allaquo board at his office in tnte city arid are open to the liuipeetion of alt bidders All bids ampgtlaquolaquo be enclosed in a sesied wrapper endorsed ou tbe ouUtlde Bids for improving Htigto MeCurdy Psrk sabfteiToed yeiiu vhsnAOieor tbe bidder ard muat be placed with the clerk of tne Board of Park Cottunisaioners and with each bid f 100 in cash shall also be handed to said elerli The money dfipoaited by xnsuccessful bidders will be returned to them upon the rejection oi tbeir bid - gt bull bull bull bull bull bull

The person or persons who bidsare accepted will be required to enter Into a contract to be approved by the proper authorities of said city for the falthinl performance of the work and lurnishingof the maUralete accordiog to the plans and specitlcatioaa above mentioned and WIU sJlaquougt be Wrtuire to furnish a gooi and scf-nclentbondinthe snni of li00000 to be apshyproved by the authorities mw-resaid for tne full performance of such contract In cafjie such successful bidder or bidders shall neglect or refuse to furnish such bond within the time required by said bord in that event the ttOo00 so deposited shall be forfeited to and become the property of the City of Corunna The successful bidder shall be required to use home labor w far as the same can be satisshyfactorily used

The Board of Park Commissioners hereby reshyserves the right to re)ect any and all bids

Dated Mav 14th rWO By order of the Board of Park Commissioners

W F GALLAGHXH Clerk Kotle nt KeettotT of B o a r s of Boview

4 PUMuaKt as gttasgtKraquo ampTTW

Most remedies have something unshypleasant to the teste and in oonsequence rnanv people especially children dread tbt dose and put o f entirely or delay the taking of tfae medietas that can 4ogt ttaeafooa Not so with Dr Cakrweffs Syrup Pepsinmdasheverybody UScesits taste and when taken it win care eonstipa-tioa and ill kind of stooacb teonbles I i 10n Wc and 100 sizes at 7 M KB-bourn

The ragpickers a Paris to the nnm ber ofsomethihs like 40000 who have made their living by picking over rub bish put out from houses are greatly agitated over new boxes which are to be used to hold the rubbish and which cannot be opened except- by the caftmen who cany it away

Dear Ants Glasses Now and then sn honest fellow comes

alone with a handsome pair of glasses lit his pocket He tells yon that bis dear aunt bought them just before she died that she paid 1650 for them that he is wriy hard ap and must havetnoney and ir yon canuse them at raquo00 take them He cannot starve and if you wont pay 600 jcfvoblm 9500 -4jOO--amp0O~any-tblng to keep son ami bod together Sometimes it is bis mother or graod-mother that Is dead pometimes be foond teem on a streetor picked them np on a train Its all the samemdashhe must have mosey and Its a big efeaaeo for yon If yon eootd see how many purchasers bring these glasses to BW raquo aos whether they am werth 1600 or only 1100 yon would be svrprlaed that so many poop conld be hvBsbugged I bare known these rellows slaquoQ forty and flfty In a day Seventeen cents snob Is an tbey cost Barnnsa used to say Tno Amen-cn People like to be Hwraquo4mggedn I do not believe that Deal witfiynar es-tablisned dsnlors and yon will behooeM-ly dealt by ^ ^


TF there is aoythin^ you x wish to buy or if you have anything you wish to dispose of the very cheap-

1 visit to the

quickest way is a


There where much

is no other place you dm profit so


The greatest of he crown jewels of Hussia is the OrMT tbe biggest dla wond in Europe nhicli weighs 193 carats It was pun-iaseil for pound00000 and an annuity ot t4r0O0 pounds by Count OrlorT wlio pe euti-d it to the Empress Cat Tin bull

other losses as here Every day we surprise some one with the good things we are able to offer you lor so very little money

R McBride 328 Shiawassee Ave Corunna Michigan

Furnished Rooms to rent by the day

gt gt gt gtgtraquoraquoraquogtraquoraquoraquoraquoraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtraquogtJ

positions as teachers iu tlgte Owosso scnools tbe coming j ear

mdashThe BI C base ball club won a hotly contested ffraquolaquono last Saturday from tbe Cw laquoeo hijth school nine The score sto(d 10 to 0 in favor of Corunna

mdashCrant Agnew left Friday for Clil cago to a cept a position with the Met-ropoliiat Eevato Co o that city Grants uany friends here wish him SUCt

Lots of Good Things to Offer But as the Junior Editor is too busy to set type this week come in and

let us tell you about themmdashnot about the weddinggt but about our good bargains

mdashCbtltParrirh die at his home In Vernon lait week Tucsd i v after a lingshyering lllnes of censumpflow Funeral aervicea were hell Friday Kcv Tensori officiating

C QUAYLE The Origifii3il C a s h Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and FraserSt CX3RUNNA MJCH

lt laquo lt ltltltcltlaquoltltltclaquoxltltx



Warm Weather Has Come

And with it the desire of the Summer

Girl to Dreamps for tomfort We can help

you We have lots of Pretty Thin Goods

in all colors and kinds to make Shirt Waists

Skirts Dtc Beautiful Waists made to fit

you Gome and see them


COMMON Gormen BOOMS ( Coram Mie_ May 211900 f

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Ooooctl called to order b the Mayor The following members were present Mayor Bosenkans Aldershyman Clatterbnek Eveleth Jacobs McMullen aud Tramble

Hinates of meetings held Hay Ttb and llth -were read and approved

At bairns and accounts were then read and refered to committee on claims and accounts

Report of committee on claims and accounts

CONTINGENT FUXD Car-inaa Indepwadeat to printing Fr^d Peacock eieceomaolssioner Cftrinna J^irnn-l winttn^ W F Gallagher elec conualssJoBermdash

STBEET FUND Jim Wilson 9 days work mdash X-ni BerryraquodaySbra work i Peter Bustardraquo days lfraquo work Tom Bastard 1-3 Says work

cent17 00 2 0 9

13 laquo0 3ltW

txm 10 13 5 S3

75 1 7 4 00 raquo 0 0

8 laquo i

Jim Wood S- days work F Slandersdays9boors wf tbwaaw DanMasy Shovus with team Wn Kltw l d a y and tbonrs Tyler KOase day-~raquo Hartshnra tooISftsewerpipe J Brook - S o u s M M lims ana cement ira M u w 4 laquo ft of oak


OWwKtW The Committee on sidewalk made

the following report which was accepshyted by uauoimoas vote


Yoat committee en Street and Sideshywalks oeg leave to make the following report We have inspected the walks in the several wards and recommend that hew walks be built in the differshyent wards which will be described in a resolution which will follow this reshyport

Signed by the whole committee J C TkUMBLB ) G E C H J T T E B B U C K [ C o m E R W I W E V B U B T H )

A l d e r m a n T r u m b l e made the fullowr log reso lut ion and moved i t s adopt ion

R e s o l v e d T h a t new wa lks be bu i l t a long and in front of t h e fol lowing deshyscribed property to-witi A n d thatrthe S t r e e t Commiss ioner be and i s hereby ins truc ted t o not i fy t h e owners of said property t o bui ld t h e s a m e w i t h i n t w e n t y days or t h e S t r e e t Commisshys ion wi l l bu i ld t h e s a m e and t h e exshypense wil l be charged aga ins t and beshyc o m e a l i en aga ins t said property and t h a t a l l w a l k s bui It by t h e S t r e e t Com-miss ioner a n d i f not paid for w i t h n 30 d^vr a f t e r comple t ion ^will be

charged s i x per cent in t eres t on t h e expense of sa id walk


Fred Gould east margin s 25 feet of n 3 5 of lot amp bk 10 foot

Adam Cerr east margin n 21 feet of lo t 12 b k l l

Jerry Col l ins e s ta te eas t marg in s 25 f e e t of l o t 9 bk 11

Bacon e s t a t e e a s t marg in Jot 8 and n one-hal f of l o t 9 bk 11

H W Sanford eas t margin of lo t 5 block 11

S S Chapel l eas t margin of s 18 f t o f j o t i bk 11

if D F o s t e r eas t margin a 12 f t of s 2 l o t 4 bk 11

W m E ly e a s t margin n 2-5 of l o t 4 block 11

J B Leland eas t margin lots 10 11 arid 13 block 22 b f ee t

Levi Morrice e s ta te lo t s 7 8 and 9 block 22 5 feet

J E S loan lo t s 3 and 4 b k e k 33 5 feet

E l l Mart in l o t s 1 and 2 block 33 5 feet

H u g h M Nicho l s l o t 1 block 38 5

feet G r a n t e s t a t e lots 4 and 5 block 38

5 feet Green amp P e t t i b o n e l o t 12 block 38

4 f ee t s o u t h marg in W S J o n e s l o t s 7 10 11 block 38

four fee t s o u t h H u g h Parker l o t 8 block 38 W D McLaughl in l o t 9 block 28


J rgt Leland north margin lots 1-2 block 41 4 feek

John M Eitcb south margin lots 11 and 12 block raquo 4 foot

W J Parker north margin tots 1 2 and 3 block 15 4 fe^1

Mrs Minnie Cafley corth margin

lot 4 block 16 4 foot Hugh McCtttdy norrh margin lot 3

block 164 feet Wm Lindstey north margin lots 4

5 and 6 block 164 feet G- W Easier sooth margin lots 58raquo 9 and 12 block 12 four feet


Sheppatd east margin lots 5 and 6 Garys add 4 feet

George Evans east margin lot 4 bk 14 4 feet

Mrs Bunker east margin lots 2 and 3 block 144 feet

Mrs Igtwyer east margin of e one half of lotl block 14 4 foot

The bond given by W A Knight as City Treasurer waamp read and moshytion made and supported that said pond be accepted and approved and placed on file which was carried ty unanimons vote

A quit claim deed given by Matthew Bush and wife was presented and also one from Hugh McCurdy and wife deeding a strip of land twenty-five feet wide off west side of grantors land and adjoinii Hugh McCurdy Park

Motion was made and supported that said deeds be accepted and placed op record that said deeds be accepted aiid placed on record

Motion waa made and supported that the City Marshal be appointed pound-master which motioo was carshyried bp unanimousvote

Motion was made by Alderman Evt-letb and sud ported that i^ew state Telephone be placed in the City Hall Motion was carried by unanimous vote

Alderman Trumble moved that the Street Commissioner be and is heredy is instructed to open up and grade Emma Avenue

Motion made that council adjoarr until May 2U 1000

Upon motion council adjourned A H T i i y i i C YoUNO

City Clerk


D a n a a a a e s Star f Hta CaaaeatSe w l l a B c l l a l a ot m Ra i l road

to Caba a s F a l s e

Detroit May 2 1 - T h e whole s tory i s a dastardly lie and you cannot deshynounce i t i n any too unmeasured term said ex-Secretary of War Alshyger Saturday n ight w h e n told tha t John Harrington late superintendent of -construction of the government railroad in Cuba asserted that he was interested in construct ion o f the above named road Continuing he said

No senator or any other person ever spoke to we about being interested in the construction companies which built that road I have never invested or had investshyed for me one dollar in any property in Cuba and neither I nor any of the friends around me have ever made a hundredth part oi n mill out of the island In any way Further than that I have consistently reshyfused since I resumed as secretary 6t war to take part in any investments in Cuban property I was asked to go into the railshyroad now being built on the island and reshyfused I have also been asked to go into timber land purchases and purchases of tobacco or sugar lands These things I have refused to considerVand I never exshypect to have any investments there alshythough the field is promising I should not like to have anybody think that I had used information gained as secretary of war lor my own private gain as some might if I should Invest money in Cuba even now


State Araquoelatm t A s k t h e l a t a r t raquo Oxwatt BCasiy Prtvf-

Mmm to Wlaquoaraquoeraquo


B a n a w a r Tra in Crasfeea l a t a i e s a s a i N t s i H O B U ttat Stov

a s I t B i t s H U B e


Detroit May 19mdashThe Michigan Equal Suffrage assoc iat ion e lected aa president Mrs E m i l y B Ketchum of Grand Rapids vice president Mrs Clara B Arthur Detro i t recording aecrttary Mias Ed i th Hall F lat Boek treaenrer Mrs Martha E Root B a y City auditor Mr Frances Ostrand-er E a s t S a g i v a w Mrs Margaret Huckins w e s t B a y City niemfcer nashyt ional execut ive board Mrs Lenor Sharker BIiasr Sagina7 The legis lashyt ive commit tee w a s directed t o memoshyrial ize the leg is lature to provide presshyidential suffrage t o the women of Michigan and prepare t o urge before every session unt i l passed a bil l t o exshyempt all w o m e n from the payment of t a x e s of every kind o n which the law does not qual i fy t h e m a s men are qualified to vote for officers w h o levy col lect or expend funds raised by tax shyation

May Wm aCaawiaat Chicago May 21 mdash flazen S P in -

gree governor o f Michigan was a t the Auditorium hote l last week B e ^$13^ bull

If the republican of Mjc iUran nominate D M FVrry for governor I shall become an iadepeadent candidate Mr Ferry openshyly declares that be favorsjh taxation of rmAroatf property OR the basis of its ear rt-toss instead of its value There lepW-laquoMaraquo9 worth of raUroad property in Mlch^ Jgift i have fought the Ferry idea for years I was elected in opposition to

I will finish

Buchanan May 217--A curious wreck occurred a t three oclock Sunday morning on a spur of t a e Michigan Central railway which extends from t h e main l ine a lmost t w o miles down ti heavy grade to a dam across the St Joseph river A heavy freight that was backed upon t h e siding broke in to three sections and ran away The conductor on the rear sect ion jumped escaping wi th s l ight injury a l though the train had at ta ined great speed The middle section ran into the rear sect ion and shoved i t S0O feet beshyyond t h e endvof the l i n e a l though t h e track w a s three f e e t lower than the surface of the surrounding ground The caboose then crashed into and deshymolished the house occupied by Wilshyl iam Morris and h i s three children s topping just a s i t reached the parshyents bed All occupants of the house escaped without injury N e s t t o the caboose were three big furiiiture cars

Aa la te trcs t laa B n d e i of Iniorsa-ttvsi GRthered from Msay Llaquo^

e a l l t l e s l a Mlehiaran


9 h e L a r g e s t P a r t o f t h e T o i S f a a e r H a s B e e n D laquo laquo t r raquo y e a gt raquo

IAMW 9 5 0 0 0 0 raquo


Menominee May 17mdashHeavy ra ins putOut t h e fire a t Fisher which h a d spread to t h e w e s t side of the track and theatened t h e destruct ion of t h e m a i n portion o f the town The loss i s e s t imated at $500000 insurance only $100000 The sawmi l l and shingle planing-mill lumber and cedar yard dry shed ki lns sehooihouse hosshyp i ta l and e ight dwe l l ings are deshystroyed The mi l l s were o w n e d by S M Fisher of Chicago president o f t h e Wisconsin amp Mich igan l o a d Men are a t work clearing a w a y t h e debris preshyparatory t o rebui lding C H Worcesshyt e r amp Co o w n the t imber land They los t 10000000 fee t o f lumber 1000-00 sh ing les and a large quant i ty o i cedar p r o d u c t


The Charlotte Foundry company moving i t s plant to- Ypsilanti

The anti-saloon league i s working laquoraquo deg up local option nentimeampt in Hills- sure dale county

fcaton county pioneers Will hold the ir annual reunion and picnic at Charlotte on June 12

Wheat in Michigan has shown an [improvement during the last week

but is still very poor The two-year-old gton of Orla Shreve

living near Columbiaville choked to death on a piece of apple

Whea^ and- oa t s look fairly good throughout northern Michigan since the late rains and warm weather^

The total assessment of Grand Hap-ids has been raised from $27000000 to cent40000000 and the tax rate has been reduced t o 1frac14 p e r c e n t

The Grand Rapids Belding amp Sag-i c a w railroad i s t o be purchased by t h e Pere Marquette andvmJide a pershymanent part of the ir sys tem

Huckleberries and other frui ts i n nor thern Michigan have not been i r -jured b y the heavy frosts of the past t w o weeks and a large crop i s exshypected

Great preparations are being made a t Bat t l e Creek for the annual encampshym e n t of t h e Michigan division of the


Plant to Sell Oxygen Liquefied Car bottle Acid and Maybe Nitrogen

Prof itaoul Pictot of Geneva Switshyzerland has i n v e n t s a process for the separation of the oxygen and nitro-

the air at atmospheric pre

The process is one that i s about to be introduced in this city on a comshymercial scale and i plant is now near-ing completion

Professor Pictets process consists in the initial produfction of a certain quantity of liquid air which i s stored in tubes Then through this is forced UEucr a pressure of only about one atmosphere or 15 pounds to the inch a stream of atmospheric air This i s cooled in the liquid air but as It rises in a chamber beyond the gases of which i t is composed separate themshyselves by gravity aud run off in separshyate tubes

The ogygen being slightly the heavshyier flows out through the lower tubes while the nitrogen goes off above in addition to these gases the air conshytains as an impurity carbonic acid gas a n d t h i s It i s asserted leaves the machine i s a liquid form being reshyduced to that form by the low temper ature

The two products by which a direct commercial use are expected to be found are the oxygen and the liquid carbonic acid gas The latter already has a Axed place in the market and

Sons of Veteran which will be held large quantities of it are saved in well a t Cognac Lake June 19 t o 42 equipped breweries where it is pro-

W H Meecham of Bat t l e Creek a duced in great hulk through the fer-civil engineer i a t h e employ of t h e meriting of the beer It i s pumped Grand Trunk railroad fell under a fre ight train a t Davison and received injuries which caused h i s death

The suramer m e e t i n g of t h e State Horticultural soc ie ty i s t o be held a t N e w a y g o on June 26 and 27 and the

Into s tee l tools under a pressure that Uquines i t It i s worth 7 frac12 cents a pound

T h e great market which Professor Pictet expects to find for the oxygea b to support Combustion a t high tera-

fruit growers of N e w a y g o cotmty are peratureaOn^ furnaees where coal la already making preparations for t h e I burned m burning fuel with the oxy event

I t s laveafot - a Mleala Mmw Clalsaa It Cam Salaquoraquot F o a r H a a d r e d

Ttates a sfflaate

Escanabo May 1raquo mdash Capt Jaclk CConnel l whose home i s a t Bapid River th i s county baa invented w h a t h e c la ims i s the grea te s t rapid-ftring rifle of the age T h e gun i s a b o u t t h e size of t h e ordinary h u n t i n g rifle y e t O^OiiM^ll- has Sred 120 shot s in 1 t

seconds and 400 s h o t s in a minute T w e n t y cartr idges held by their base l a c l ips sl ide t h r o u g h t h e breach of t h e g u n and these m a y be fired in o a e j

Active prepsxatkms are shready n progress t o enterta in the old solshyd iers a t the annual reunion of t h e Northern Michigan 8oHierV and Sailors association a t Standisb i n Augus t

The village council at Newberry has refused to renew the contract wi th the company which owns t h e waterworks there and i t ia probable that a municshyipal plant may he installed t o f a m i s h the vinagers wi th water

At torney General Oven Is in Washshyington t o a r g ^ an apoeal from t h e auditor t o the comptro l ler of t h e treasury department concerning the rejection of cer ta in port ions of t h e first inatathnent of Michigans war claim filed a year or more ago

There ae 100 n e w bui ldings now in cont inuous s tream T w e n t y consecu- course of erection a Onaway and as t w e shot s can h e fired by ten pul ls many mora will he buil t before the of t h e tr igger or all raquo may be fired close of this seacon The Outlook e s -

it and th people stood by me I wlaquol finish w i t h l i ghtn ing rapidity by s imply p e c t tha t t h e ^ frac34 V wil l the nght and I think the people will cod- lt pu l l ing the t r igger one and holding reached by the population of 2ne vll-

It back

B e a d s F e r Sraquo3

The iiadersiffniMj F inance Committee act ing nailer the ins t ruc t ions of the Common Council of the city of C o n m n a SCii-hi^sn herlaquoby gi-va notice tktat theywiU n p to and including the b o a r of ten oclock a m of tue 7th day of June 1900 receive wled bids tor the purchase or Ave ihousami dollars of bonds of the city of C j runn t t ielt igan t o be issuetJ for the pu--ftos of improving t i n puplic pa rk of said ciiv kacwn Araquo -HupL j icCordy Prk Said 1 o da t b e dated Ju ly first 1900 to run for flftn years from said da te and to d raw tuUrelaquot raquo i the rraquoflaquo ot four per cent per annum

AH bids m u s t be inclosed ui a sealed wrap-pisr endorse- on t he outside BiJu fot- Public Bonds subMrribed with the name of the bidshyder and m u s t be placed with A C Young- clerk brtagt2 c i ty of Coranna W iti each bid a certified c o e t k for flOOSA payable to A C Young city clerk must be deposited with said cierk araquo s o er ideacc ofgood faitta

The ch^ck so deposited will tw e umed to the unsQcceasfut bidder

T h e F inance Committee re laquo res the r ight to bullreject any and alt bids

Da t d Mcv3d 19C0 Wm E JACOB WA Mi Mi LI KS

Finance Committee oi the Common Council of the city of Corunna Mich

tinue to back nie op- However I do hot believe that sir Ferry will be nominated John c Steams present secretary at stata will probably be the man

W i l l Ctet It Maaey Ann Arbor M s y 21 mdash In the cirshy

cuit court a decree w a s issued admitshyt i n g t o probate the v^ill of the ate Adah Z Treadwell one of t h e proshyvisions of which devised to the unishyversity the sum of cent2000 for a free bed at the hospital De Forest Treat the relative w h o opposed the terms of the will was heard as were o ther witnesses The university will now get its money

Ra i l road T a x a t i o n i n c r e a s e d LansiBg May 19mdashItailroadi Commisshy

sioner Chase S Osbofn has filed wi th a s possible the auditor general the annual cornel c e m r a a e Meet putat ion of railroad taxes which must - u bull r laquo T u bdquo ^_ be paid by the railroad companies o n I Coldwater May 1 9 - T h e twenty -

or before July 1 The list hovvs a big i laquo ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ $ i ^ ^ i n c r c ^ over the taxe8 of 1S99 ^ITen f - j f j w a s e m thi^cityv Wednesday t h e total taxes were $i0S7aiGS9 the i F o r t y members of the bat tery were amount of t a x e s levied for this year being $1240^452^ The per cent of in shycrease is J 069

W i l l Casapi a t L a k e Ctaajaae Bat t l e Creek May 21-rThe Sons of

Veterans Michigan division encampshym e n t wil l be held ml Lake Goguae June 18 to 22 Capt Carl A Wagner says that he wrote to t h e quartermasshyter general of the s t a t for the1 loan of 60 rifles and equipments for use of company L during the encampment and received a reply from Quartermasshyter Genral Atkinson that it could probably Ire done with the consent of Gov Pingrcc in case the nat ional guard receive their arms^anu equipshyment by that t ime It is the expectashyt ion to make th is a school of instrucshytion in drill a n d camp work as much




C h e a p B a t e s Sys lesa

V U G r a a d Truuk s^ailway t Various P o l a t s i a



Dewey at Detroit June Stb and Jgtthmdash One nire for rouud trip tickets sold for evening trains of the Sch and mortiing trains of the 0th valid to return the Olb inclusive

G A R Encampment s t Gra-id Rsp-ids June 7th sud S t h - O n e fare for the round trip tickets sold for trains of June (ith 7tli and 8ih valid to return up to the Oth inclusive

K O T M Mleliigaii Great Csmp laquot Grand Kapld June 12th to ICthmdashOre fare for rout-d trip ticket sold for trains of l l t b and 12b valid to return up to lGcli iitclusive

Itepublican Ntitioigtil Convention s t Philadelphia June 19ilraquomdashOne fare for round trip ticket sold for trains of June 14th 15tb 10th K i h and IStli valid to let urn u p to 2Gth iucluraquoive

For t ickets sud informttlon apply to ail ageuto of Grand Trunk Hallway Sysshytem and connect ing tine

gtVS M u w r Millutim Pa u e l the life of bis little girl by g iv ing her One Minute Cough ture wbett thlt4 was bulllying from croup It is the 0laquoUy harmshyless remedy that gives immediate reshysult It quickly cures coughs cold bronchi grippe Ssthma and all tNroal s o d lung troubles F M Kliboura

bullbull bull bull pound l laquo e t GSaeers v Grand Tbtpids May 19mdashThe Michishy

gan Commercial Travelers associa

tion elected the fol lowing officers Frishyday afternoon Senior grand Counselshylor N J Moore Jackson junior H A Barlett F l in t secretary Amos Kendall Hil lsdale treasurer W S West Jackson representative to sn preme council Frank Day Jackson and J A Murray Detroit

W l a w w C i v e a laquo40OO Negaunee May SI mdash The T C amp

N W Railway company made a setshyt lement wi th the widow of 55 O fireen who w a s one of the vict ims of the Ford river coll ision in March last paying her $4000 as a rel inquishment oi all claims aga ins t the company This is the largest sum paid any of the c la imants

Mar Mraquove to Michiaran St Joseph May 19mdashNine representashy

tive Dunkards from Indiana Il l inois and Ohio are here t o inspect farming lands wi th the idea of colonizing 11000 oi their sect in this v idn i ty They deshyclare t lmi ise ives much pleased wi th this location

L o s e T h e i r ffeta Grand Haven May 19mdashDeputy Game

Warden Rrewster has pulled up a lot yt nets which he found in Grand river and destroyed them They were valshyued at $200 and belonged to Grand Haven fishermen

WMI Stan at Nile Nile May 21 mdash Preparations are

now in progress for the reception of Admiral Dewey w h o will be in Niles for a short t ime on bis way to Three Oaks the first week in June

R a r a l F r e e De l ivery Washington D C May 19mdashKural

frfe delivery ii be established June 4 at Monroe WUliam Loose has been Appointed currier

present and af ter a business m e e t i n g enjdyed a tr ip raquobout the c i ty v is i t ing factories s t a t e public schools and public buildings v AV banquet and camp-fire was held a t the Arl ington hote l at n ight Toasts were respondshyed to and a fine t ime was had by the veterans bull

mge before the end of the year The franchise for the Batt le Creek-

Coldwater electrle railroad through all the townships between the t w o c i t ies have been seeurrlaquolaquo raquoMlaquo laquo i i i - i^st remainn before Work will be started is t o secure t h e r ight of way through Union City and i n t o the terminal points

David Comwel l and Milton D Owen of Allegan have been granted a franshychise for an electric s treet railway t o be constructed northward from Alle-ltjan along t h e Monterey road and in Monterey and Salem tna point of juncshytion with an electric road which will be built from Grand^ Rapids t o Holland this summer

The at torney for Former Superinshytendent A O Hyde of Calhoun counshyty have made a motion for the quashing of the information against Mr Hyde on the false pretense charge If it i s denied a continuance will be asked unti l the September t erm of court The same procedure wil l be taken when the embezzleshyment case i s called

gen of the air there must be admitted to the furnace about three t imes the bulk of oxygen or nitrogen and tbia absorbs a large quantity of the beak If an excess of air goes into the fa nace th i l a l s o takes up and wastes beat By admitting oxygen these looses can be saved

The nitrogen it i s asserted can be used for the production of nitric acid and Professor Pictet says that by a process of his invention h e caa comshybine it Into ammonia directly by exshyposing hydrogen and nitrogen to the electric arc under certain conditions If th i s be true Professor Pictet h a t solved a problem of wonderful value which has defied the researehes of t s laquo ab les t chemists of the worldmdashNew Tori Wnk

I t s a l w a y s damp places that mush rooms jfcuw isnt it paiiair

Yes mv boy-Is tha i the reason they look like

umbrellas p a p a V


A f t i i d Yoat l t Wed Al legan May 19mdashJustice Hicks

performed a very peculiar marriage The inspector found that the trouble is all caused by the cutworm which

OasMffe k y C a i w a r o i i Xiles May 19mdashProf R H Pet t i t

of the Michigan s ta te agricultural col lege experiment stat ion has visshyited a number of t h e farms in th is vicinity and insjgtected the fruit trees that have been injured by insects

here The contract ing parties were W H S Banks of Lee township a veteran of t h e war of the rebell ion and an officer aged 82 years whi le t h e bride is but 18 They were marshyried about a year ago in a small town in Wisconsin but as her parents had no t given their consent an at torney advised that t h e y be remarried

J o t a t h e R e v a b l i c a a s

Detroit May 19mdashJudge Allan B Morse of Ionia former democratic judgo of the supreme court of Mich

has been playing havoc with a numshyber of trees The w o r m s have in a few cases destroyed the peach buds but the loss in his opinion will not be great and the worst danger is over

fixcaaloa S e a a a O p e n s

St Joseph May 21 mdash The Sunday steamboat excurs ion season opened with a large crowd from Chicago County Clerk Xeedham announced revival in the marriage business at Michigans Gretna Green Three

fgan and R A Montgomery of COtrples were wedded Sunday and the Lansing brother of the late Judge M yJiit for the last three months num-V Montgomery of the District of ^ r s m 0 l e than 100 couples from Chi-Columbia bench have abandoned their 0agO anlti points outside of Berrien posit ion as gold democrats and an- c o ^ i n t ry Names of GO couples were nounced themselves a s republicans suppressed through and t h o u g h schoo l L a a d s tor Sale

Biar Steamatraquo l e s s e n e d Lansing May 16mdash About 11500 acres Detroit May 20mdashThe Pit tsburgh of reappraised primary school land will

Steamship companys steel steamer | be restored to the market June 28 by Harvard the largest vessel ever built being oifered for sale at public auct ion on the Detroit river was launched at the state land office This land is Saturday afternoon from the Wyan- appraised at from 50 cents to $5 per dote yards of the Detroit ship-build- j acre and is located in the counties of ing company The Harvard is 473 feet Dickinson Allegan Kent Manislee long 28 feet molded depth and M Montmorency Kalamazoo Muskegon feet beam Her carrying capacity is Ottawa Parry t a k e and Mason

8000 tons W a a t s Athle t ic Saspcaaetf Dies o t P a r u i y s u Ann Arbor May 21 mdash Commander

Niles May 18 mdash Mrs Margaret 14 R Pealer of the Michigan G A Rbdquo Tlosfeld an old resident of this c i ty has issued a wri t ten request to the residing in the German se t t l ement | presidents and facult ies of the several w i s found dead in bed the cause of inst i tut ions of learning in Michigan her death being paralysis She was He asks that the athlet ic and sport ing bull years bid and the mother of 11 i-Jiibs be kept home on Memorial day


WRAPPERS at 79c and 100in neat attractive patterns good goods and made right

SHIRT bull WA13frac34frac34 for 50c 75c 3100 aud $125 V-

DRESS SKIRTS i b r 30c roc and SO for summer wear

Lawns and Dress Goods Laces Insertions and Embroidery for summer apparel

Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles for your windows

Indies Taffeta and Silk Gloves and Mitts at 15c 20c and 25c

Come and see us for what you eat w laquo r or use

children three of viom survive her and are res idents of th i s bdquo t y

so as not t o detract from the mlicancc o l Decoration day


Oli yes Spring is here and so is our large and complete stock of

Boots and Shoes for the ring nnd Suttimer


Sp TAX MM] BLACK in eudlcss varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan orJllaquock LADIES BALS frbm $150 to $375 Ladies OXFOKDS Tan or Black fvorn gl(A- te ^200 For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dontfail 10 gtee the DOUGLAS $3 50 in any shade They are excellent They are as bullgood as the usual $450 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in endshyless varieties

Yours for good goods at reasonable prices




ARTHUR YOUNG He represents thq strongest and

most reliable companies Parties desiring to sell or rent property

will do well to place the same with him Good farm mortgages bought and laquo0kj

A good 120 acre ampiGi for gale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for )

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia

Digests what you eat I t artificially digests the foodand alas

Nature in strengthening ao3 reconshystructing tbe exhausted -digestive orshygan I t i s the latest discovered digest ant and tonic N o otTaer preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanentiy cores dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea Sick HeadacfceGastralgiaCramplaquo and all other resulttof imperfecfcdJgestlon Price 50c sodSt Iise ahcooiitatoa Stolaquo smallstoeBeoltaUalxmtd7q^pelraquoBMiUedftlaquoc

Prepared by pound C DaWITT A CO Chicago For Sale bv F M K1LBOUKN

To Cure Cfoagfe In One B a y To Cure a Cold i n Cue D a y To Our Sore Throat In On Xkftf raquo 0 Oar Roaieeaesn i n One B a y

Take Cleveland lng Heater 93 cents If it fails to cm we w amp cheerfully refuad y o w money (matafeefree )

at C i t Peacocks

Doe ClaquoTlaquolaquo AgrM WUh I o n

If not dr ink Grahgt-0mdashmade from pure grain A lady writes Tbe first time1 made Grain O I did not like it t u t after using It for one week Botfcing would induce me to go baek to coffee It nourishes and feeds the syetem The children can drink it freely with great benefit Get a package to-day from your grocer 15c and 25c Be sure it is ftampde by tbe Genesee Pure Food Co Le Boy 27 YM as there are imitations 00 the market

Fewer Lynching Probably ninety-nine newspaper

readers out of every hundred if asked for their impressions at the end of 1S93- would have said that they supshyposed there had been more- cases of lynching hi this country hut year than In any previous twelvemonth It is therefore a pleasant surprise to find that the statistician of the Chicago Tribune who has kept track of the figures for many years can report that the record was fealty the smallest since 1885 There is no explanation of the apparent mystery which is not geaeraly thought of Public sentiment against lynching has been growing steadily throughout the country and especially in the south where tho practice has been most common The result i s that the press gives much greater pubttetty to report of all such outrages now than formerly and 1GT cases dating 1639 consequently atshytracted more attention than wosd vwivlaquo i s nwuf oftlaquosa years ago Y Bvcning P o s t

A Peculiar A arrange lake exist in the center

of Sulphur Island off Hew Zealand It is SO acres in extent about 12 feet in depth and 15 feet above the level of the sea The moat remarkable characshyteristic at this lake is thai the waiter contain vast quantities of hydrochlorshyic and sulphuric acids hissing and bubbling at a tepperatcre of 110 deshygrees FahrenheitbullbullbullThe dark green-colshyored water looks particularly uninvitshying Dense cloud of sulphuric fumes constantly roll off this boiling caldroo and care has to tie exercised in apshyproaching this lake to avoid the risk of suffocation On the opposite side of the lake may be seen the tremendous blow-hole1which when in full blast present aa awe-inspiring s ight The roar of the steam as it rushes forth lu-to the air is deafening and often huge bowidere and stones are hurled out to a height of several hundred feet by -tbe various internal forces cf nature A boat can be blanched on the lake and if proper care he observed the very edges of the blow-holes may be safely explored Some Idea of the strength of the acid-saturated water of this lake may be gathered from tbe fact that a boat almost dropped to pieces after all the passengers had been landed as the rivets had corrodshyed under tbe influence of tbe adds

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it IS

being done neatly try us for better still


Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water CeJor

ami Sepia Work

Framing Don

on Short


PlatiBO-types The very latest things in our line are

the Piatino-iypes we arc now patting out Nothing else t^aais ihera We make them We make them in all styles Also Gloss Finish and Platino Work Satisfaction Guaranteed

Agriculture 1 should single out the reaping mashy

chine as tbe greatest human achieve luent in the departraeht of agriculture Not only is it a great boon in itself but it marks tbe initiative in a great movementmdashtbe substitution of meshychanical for muscularv forcemdashwhich modern agricultural needs have made imperative For thousands of years the agricultural Implement of hushymanity gt regained what they were In the infancy of the race Tbe sparle and tbe hoe the sickle and the scythe of our grandfather were identical with those wielded by the first barshybarian who emerged from the prehisshytoric ages into recorded time It was not till far into the middle of the nine-teenth century that the sickle and the scythe were replaced by the reaping ujachJne

Theres no place like tbe Journal for Neat P r i n t i n g raquo raquo raquo

P ^ - -

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W Exchange St

A ampaigki f tlM Grip Tlaquot4iamplaquo Mgtmenee IJL Nov 14 1888 I wraquos

ronbled with a disagreeable baling in bullny ftomavh -aused by dvapepsla and one do-e of Dr CsldweJVs Mvrup Pepsiti relieved me I will never he without it as-It Is tbe beat remedy for constipation ar t indigestion I have ever used P R Clartu TrtvcUug Salesasaa ftraquor Pearson A Weytel Importers of Ooenneware


The Story of a Clever Prisoners Plan for Escape

Green Casey a convict at San Quen-tin has won the admiration of all his fellow-convicts at the prison for the novel contrivance he has invented in order to make hLi escape from the prison walls some time ampm and through Sheriff Iangdon cf Santa Clara county the story has leaked o u t bull

Casey was a Mad of trusty around the prison ground and wailti n-ork-ing iu one of the giounde in the vicinity of the prison he took it into his he1 that he would like to escape and wes beginciJis to tax his mindas to tho most advantageous way to snit his purpose As lie v as stroiln^ around oil the green grass which grows la abunlt3an(e around the prison an idea struck him that if hft could imitate the grass by some meana he could elude the watchful sentries an J make good his escape

Through tlio aid of his convict friends he procured Rome piecesof burlap and with tho aid of sonic iope made them into a l e n s coat that would cover him completely when lyiiit oil the grass He then secured soma wheat from the prison stable and sowed it on the flrst layer of his coat He cast it down carelessly at one end of the prison grounds and watered It dailygt In a few weeks the grass grew UP through the sack coat and before a great while the piece of burlap was conformed into a grassy lawn

He was now rea^dy to carry out his plans and patiently awaited an opshyportunity At last he succeeded m getting his new contrivance across to the northwest of the prison and in a few minutes was under his grassy cent

Slowly he crept along with the cleverness of a worm and from all appearance success- would crown his efforts But his progress waa too rapid and very soon he heard footshysteps coming In his direction The moving grass plot which was slowly making its way up the hillside soon came to a sudden standstill a s tho eye of a guard had noticed the grass moving and came to investgate the phenomenon A kick in tbe ribs ap prised Casey that his plan had been discovered Tbe guard took Casey and a red shirt now covers his breast mdashSan Francisco CalL

EVEN SUPPOSE Even suppose Chat I could forget What you were ( should know you

yet Even suppose (and my hope is this) inai oameu m ltke Clueo raquoA a

those quisite bliss

Your Nface has lct through cloudless yeata -

The lines of trouble the stain of tears I shajl see it thep as 1 see it yet Even suppose that I could forget

know I claimed you ones you are still my

bullbullown- bull A kiss perhaps that I left on your

cheeks Where al is spirit all kissea speak Dead or living I live youyet Even suppose that I could forget mdash E M Hewitt in t h e Pall Mall Magazine

TIE l i l K

ness Hev yer sot any fine wlra netting he askod Yes sir he answered euroagertys anything yer want In tbet iine

Welllemmfi slaquoe it He lboed it over critically X guess Ill tek all yer g o t Its jest erbbut enough fer what I want TJie peddler was alshymost carried off his feet with surshyprise Why yer aint goin ter biild fences be jer Never youmind Thets my busines h When yer come round in the fall f i r pay yer and then praps Ill tell yer

The peddlers ftce shaded perceptshyibly with d^appointment and he 106k-

K ^ mdash t ^ i u laquo A^iH w n u i lt ed about the fann anxiously- Oh Ev t yone knew A ^ i U Wilkias a laquo d o n t y o u W O r r y T e r n git yer pay the village of Trescott hut not o n e ^ i ^ ^ I cant pay^er tfll I git 3laquo in ten by that classic surname to alt my crop But its a sure thing_ And who wished coal carted or rubbish bull th^neddler immediately motmteJ his

Wxlions and that part of the town frac34frac34frac34frac34 Q^aiaj gamp^tmsed his wife ship where he resided was called 1 ^New 0frac14 woman fm goin ter bo Quilleyville If anyone desired to uretty busy fer a htte over the maun-define any part of the earths surface I ^ d o raquo t +amp fleJ

~ ^ r V ^ ^ ^ - f^P5 -ntaer children no-nn raean- I aint an being particularly unsavory or like a ^ o | n aaythfnv wi-ong Only I wast that future state t^ which the Calvin-1 ter kind o sprie yer with AJsHie istic creed eonsighs sinful humanity I way-Im Kotn ter ceviae ter raise that it was customary to refer to QuIBey-ithar mortgage An111 promise tef


Prancfi and Chinese Lead the Nations ef the World In TMe

Among -Westerns- -themdashFrench- aart among Ortentale the Chinese are ihe most stay-at-homlaquo nations ef the world lrVeochmn are met with in all parts of tbe world hot tnete thought are always tnming toward the happy days when they can one shore return to I Bce France and breathe the air of it boulevard The Prehctinan neyer willfully exnatrtates himself for life The Cblnaman on the other hand I3 a siny at-houie by religion Illaquo thinks that bis hope of salvtttoii deshypends upon ending hh days in the Ceshylestial Empire and he is careful to provide that if he dies in a foreign land bis coflln with his remains shall be sent back to China The frightful over-popuhitiott of the Chinese Enijike has driven Chinamen into all quarter Of the world especiaily to Australia but they always hope to return to their own ud Tbe Hindu Wlaquoes lt-laquoIJSbulllaquo If he leaves bis native cotmiry buthe is a member of a religion rather than of a race and as a set-laquoff the Mohani- medaiis who form a very large pro-portioa of the Indian Empire are the most persistent pilgrims on the face of the earth

em the moneyyer put Inter tlaquoA thar place t o aU of this QuiUey made no reapenraquoraquo But it must be admitted he thougit a good deal He marched up over the barren moua-lala side and noafr carefully several things One was that 1raquo the aftershynoon a breese genlaquorally swept up over the mountain aeddng the fool exshypanse of the Omnecticut beyond The hot air soughi the cooler surface ef the stream this breeze carried

Bven suppose I aifght choose to be wlthit certain other things which en-Friend of an angel it seems to me tlaquoed largely into W w ^ S S Hearts choice is once though the tlons He also ewmined a little more

fleamph forset | closely the old has n bull- Notkhowii^whyIahbuianb0OMyourL-^neltla7 a n itinerant tin peddler bullbullbullbull yet j cahie along in whom Quilley at once Even suppose thai 1 could forget took an uncommon interest He

I abandoned the whittling and the eounr What will it be ihat wiU make ypui y paper and cante at oace to busi

The Papal Elections The succesaiou of the Roman Ponshy

tiffs rests on the word of God other lines of pr ineesmay fail their line shall last until the end of the wtrld Still although there will always be a series of legitimate successors In the Papacy themanccr of succession has varied being ieft-to human prhdeibee wbidi acoommodaies itself to times and places yet ever under an overrulshying Providence that directs to its own ends no less the vices than the virshytues of ngten

In the Pope the world receives a vishycar of Christ n successor of S t Peter and an infuliii-e judge in the matter of faith and jsonls The Papacy was always conferred regularly by way of electionmdasht om the chief of the Apostles ebose-i by our Lord himshyself to Leo XIII cow reigning who was elected gty the Cardinals of the Holy ltoman Church on the 20th of Februarj 187S Between these there have been 2gt1 Pogtesif we follow tbe number givenby t i e official Gerarchia Cattolica whicli Is published annualshylymdash Mouslgnor Sefoa in Frank Lesshylies Popular Mouthiy

vine Here dwelt several fanaiHea of Witkinses of which Quilley was the distinguished chief happy and surshyprisingly healthy in spite of their great disregard of all sanitary prinshyciples and familiarity with goats and pigs

When one early spring morning Qtiilleys horse died with a proper deference to its own age QaiUeyvflle was thrown into Sackcloth and ashes although there had always been a plenty of the hutot commodity tying fn unsightly heaps in various parts of the province The proprietor of the late horse buried him with honors took a chair front the kitchen and going out into the spring sunshine tilted it against the side of the house and began to whittle There he stayshyed all day never heeding the call to dinner As sometimes happens in CBKlaquo vi rgtmnL iAiVamprtT QsUtey had from time to tlase e m lag the pant bull years made aampall depoelta in the Am-monooauc River savtags a nV Even in his sorest straits b t laquo5l never touch that saoney if one bull esraquo into the bank It stayed there He was thinking of that now tt asftouated to sometfng near IW9 Hhiwtte came ont and gathered up the days whit-tiings in a banket Quilley rose and shook himself Well oi woman he said Ive kinder concluded ter buy a farm out yonder on ther maun-tia Kinder guess you an ther young uns ll like it better an5 me too fer all that

His wife made no response aot beshycause sKe could not talk for she spent hours with the neighbors In animated discourse and knew all that went on in the Trescott homes from the lowshyest to the highest But she looked upon her man as did the Pagans upon the responses of the oracles aa beyord the pale of human gratitude or disapprobation

Tbe next morning the sun peeped over the summit of the mountain with rayraquo Trf April brightness and promise and Quilleyvilie Was up to meet its first glance with It mingled sounds of human and brute creation Quilley strode forth after breaktas- toward the mountain It was on the bordershyland of the White mountains and on many of the lesser summits and moun-taia sides arfgterched to-day the desoshylate remnants of a former yeomanry hardier than that of to-day who had fed and clothed themselves by erops

The Legal Way Before I agree to undertake your

defense said the eminent criminal lawyer who had been called in you will have to be perfectly frank with me and tell me tint whole truth Did you embexale the twenty thousand dollars you arc accused of baring takshyen bull

Yes sir repliCl the accused man Ill not attempt to conceal the fact from you I stole every cent of it

How much of it have yon still Its all gene but about ten dollars Young man sad tbe eminent lawshy

yerbuttoning his gloves youd betshyter plead guilty nd throw yourself on tbe mercy of tl e court

111 de it if yon cay laquo0 sir What are yen going to cuarge me for the advice

Ten dollarsmdashc hicago Tribune

A jBeoihbay die) ftsbermanmdashAh Ak-ctaim te bavt the rhortijrt ansae da record There Is 00 afcevevietiee aboet it either

show yer a crop that c a n t be beat throughout the h8 o ther Granite

As usuaL Quinsys word was law Only once wpraquo his order dteoheyesa hii the least degree and he fortunately never knew of that One day Uttte Quilley bullbullamp nnablo to reelat crawled oyerthe 1nfampltr of the mouBtain and looked What he taw onry incrcssed his mystificatlGa A large round cage had been constructed ont of the wire netting wIJraquo a door large enongh to admit a man In one jtfftee while fee tag the wind Was an extended opening resembling the nariag end of a taega-phone only several tCoies larger ft was in the morning and tluHley Sr^ seemed to he ahovefang n cmnntftv of some dark suhataace fate the adjoinshying ham One other feature added to the mystery Bae morning Quilley proceeded over the brow of Che bill w i n a Quart of nraquootaaea a s his only hureengt Mrtu Wltktas wondered but asked no quwttonn Bst the state and town treaeaisjs were probably tbe most surprised men wultraquo the recret was let o u t Mrs WKkiae was of eonrae deHghted and Che people of Treaeott alluded with conscious pride to the inventive genJns of their towta-ataa AquIUa Wflkliw who was really the only one hy the townshipwho had succeeded in making an abandonea farm pay But after alL the town treasurer had the worst shock-mdashN B Homestead

Was Bothered with Shouters For ten years Horace Sheley of In

dependence Mo was so hard of hear ing that his intimate friends used to say he was as deaf as a post But he was not quite that deaf He could hear If the wordswere shouted in his ear and that was the way people talkshyed to him Three months ago Mr Sheley went to an aurls tcnd now he can hear aa wen as he ever could Many of his aequaintanoes do not know that be has regained his hearshying and when they meet him they shoot In his ear a s they were acshycustomed to do in the ten years of his deafness tt i s embarrassing to Mr Sheley and annoying- Last week Mr- Sheley was in Kaae City and met his n e ^ e w James Noland on the street They shook hands and then Mr Nolan grasped the lapel of his

would-^trumpet the sound well and shouted at the top of his voice H o w are you Uncle Horace and then he drew in a long breath Just as he used to do and shouted I havent seen you for a coons age Why dont you come around and see us

Uncle Horace flinched away from his nephew and said

Dont yell so Jlmmie or youHl deafen me I can hear as well as you canmdashKansas City Times

__ w uncles coat with his Ilaquoft hand stood w r ^ ^ l r o m a ^ o h g W ^ V a n ^ boulders There ae few signs of hu-1 ^J^^t^ f^hoUow degi man life in these places now All bullbull^J u to hla^face so it that remams are a few tumbled-down farm-houses with their empty barns and out-buMdings It is the material substance of the abandoned farm era- bullbull

But Quilley had set his heart on one of these farms and was going to look over the old Wilcox place unshyinhabited for 20 years and then call on its owner Whtn he returned that night he was the owner of several acres of mountain side a goodly part Of it being composed of ledges and cliffs sloping toward the Connecticut river and its fertile i e U s but stopshyping at the borderland of the really valuable soil When he went to the bank the next day he also visited the registry of deeds He had spent $300 on his farm with an added mortgage of $200 leaving the residue of his litshytle fortune tor the purchase of tools seeds and another horse He postshyponed the purchase of a cow until he had something to feed her on the outshylook jfor pasturage being extremely dubious as all the acreage available for that purpose had grown up to bushes In less than a week Quilleyshyvilie was deserted and the passerby would have noted that whatever was left behind was offered for sale

Quilley found his new life much more easy than his former had been and he discovered much to his satisshyfaction that Mrs Wilkins was en-ambled to prove more literally her bullproper a vocation as a helpmate to him He wisely pat no hindrance in her way and as she had been a farmshyers daughter she was able to give him considerable enlightment He lacked that impulse to work which had been a great spur to activity when he had worked for ethers Aa

Why He rgtldnk Want Th Jm Unconscious humor is not a rare

thing in commerce and the corshyrespondence of a business house is frequently enlivened by absurdities Here are two communications found last week in the mail written on a postal card and the Correspondent evidently concluded that as he had contributed one cent towards the govshyernments revenues he might as well make the government earn Its money This communication read

Dear Sirs Please send mo twenshyty boxes Of Bathis plugs and hurry shipment P SmdashPlease cancel the abbve as my wife has just found sixshyteen boxes in the cellar

It is possible that the manwho wrote that was not such aa unconshyscious Joker after all but there is no mistaking the solemn earnestness of the following from an Arkansas town also written on a postal card Ikey has been ded too year BO you

need not rite to hist any more mdashN Y Sun I k e y s wife

Object t e the Method The flow of an oil well in southern

California bullwen tncreened hy the re-the warm days toward the last of JaU| ^ bullf11 tttJM bull fU of came he began to think a good deal bull ^ bull bull 5 raquo bull pound ^ 0 4 lW-larly about that mortgage Certain of his traquoWraquoeogt--8aa Frenesjao Examiner former friends wie knew soasothi^1 -__ bdquo 77mdash anient farming had told him that the bullbullnawtlssi ef VaCwe sea Wilcox plaee wne better auftsd to Scene day seen enierprtstng nub raUtnc greashesners than mortgagee1 rasher wiB tswae a Teat pocket edition Jhe want staee In ther tewsu^qt Car ef tte nteeycJonedJa BrltaaicamdashPhlaquoa-


11 -^


Dr Talmampfe lifts the Curtain from

The Olorlee f t r a r a aw ltt CoHppeklaquolaquouiilaquolaquo 4 tli JTSatte

MiBd-jyrlaquo w i l l B raquo bull rwrUaw Ter

[Copyright 1800 by Loci Klopsen j Washington May IX

In thisdiscourse DrTahtiage lifts the curtain from eternal felicities and in au unusual way treats of the Heavenshyly world Text L Corinthians 29 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath pre pared for them that love Him

The city of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity Indeed for splendor the world holds no such wonshyder to-day It stood on an isthmus washed by two seas the one sea bringshying the commerce of Europe the other sea bring-in] the commerce of Asia From her wharfs in the construction of which whole kingdoms had beeL V sorbed war galleys with three bank of oavs pushed out and confounded the navy yard of nil the world Huge-handed machinery sneh as modem in- prssas and samphire a mountain of

O B carta she wan a lifelong invalid See her step now and hear her voice uaampf Caiehu if yotz can one breath of that celestial air Health in all the anisesmdash- health of vision health of spirits immortal health No racking tough no sharp pleurisies no consum- g fevers no exhausting pains no hosshypitals of vioanded men Health swingshying in ibeMr health flowing in all the streams health blooming on the banks No headaches no aid^nches no backshyaches That child that died in the agonies of croup hear her voice now ringing in the anthem That old man that ^ent bowed down with the infirmshyities of Age sec him walk how Wilis the step of an immortal athletemdashfoi-cver young again That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air reshysuscitated her forever For everlastshying years to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue Eye hath not seen it ear hath not heard i t

I remark further that we can in this worldget no just idea of the splendors of Heaven John tries to describe them He sttfs ^the 12 gates are 12 pearls and that the foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of preshycious etones As wye stand looking through the telescope of St John We see a blaze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sardonyx and chryso-

vention cannot equal ISfted ships from the tea on one side and transported them on trucks across the isthmus and set them down in the sea on tb other side

The revenue officers of the effy went down through the ofire groves that lined the bench tbebSeet a tariff tram all nations The mirth of aU people sported in her isthmian games and the beauty of nil lands-sat in her theaters walked her praquortic$$a laquoi|fcrw Uself on the altar of hlaquoar stu$enampu dissipashytion Celujna-ind statue and temple bewiidered the tehdtte- There were white marble fountains into which from apertures c t the side there rushed water everywhere known for health-giving qualities Around these basins twisted into wreaths of stone there were aTl the beauties o f sculpture and architecture while standing as if to guard the costly display was a statue of Hercules of burnished Corinthian bras Va$es of terra cotta adorned the eeaieteriesof the deadmdashrvases so costly that Julius Caesar was not satisshyfied until he had captured tnetn for Koine ArttJed official the Claquormtbarii paced raquop and down to see that no stone was defaced no pedestal overthrown no has relief touched From the edge of the city a hii arose with it magshynificent burden of columns towers and temples (i000 slaves waiting at one shrine) and a citadel to thoroughly impregnable that Gibraltar is a heap of sand compared with it Atuid all that strength wed magnificence Corinth stood and defied the world

Oh it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that Paul uttered this text They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in ail the World1 they had heard songs floating from morning porshyticoes and melting in evening groves they had passed their whole lives among pictures and sculpture and architecture and Corinthian bras which had been molded and shaped unshytil there was no chariot wheel in which it had not eped and no tower in which it had not glittered and no gateway that it had not adorned Ah it was a bold thing for Paul to stand there amid all that and say All this is nothing

These sounds that come from the temshyple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmonies of which 7 speak These waters rushing in the basin of Pyreoe are not pure The statues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite Your citadel of Jkroeorfpihu^ is not strong compared with that which I ofshyfer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen poundat Von Corinthians think this is a splendid city Yon think you have heard all sweet sounds and seen all beautiful sights but I tell you eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered Into the heart of man the things whieh God hath prepared for them that love Him - bull bull

You see my teXt sets forth the idea that however exalted bur ideas of Heaven they come far shore of the reality Some wise men have been calshyculating how many furlongs long and wide is the new Jerusalem and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth how long the earth will probably stand and then they come to this estimate That aftshyer all the nations have been gathered to Heaven there will be room for each soul a room 1$ feet long and 15 feet wide It would not be large enough for you It would not be large enough for me I am glad to know Jhat no hushyman estimate is sufficient to take the dimensions Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor arithmeticians calcushylated

I first remark that we can get no idea of the health of Heaven When you were a child and you went out in the morning how you bounded along the road or streetmdashyou had never felt sorshyrow or sickness Perhaps later you felt a glow in your cheek and a spring in your step and an exuberance of spirshyits and a clearness of eye that made you thank God you were permitted to live The nerves were harp strings and the sunlight was a doxology and the rustling leaves were the rustling of the robes of a great crowd rising up to praise the Lord You thought that you knew what i t was to be well but there is no perfect health on earth The disease of past generations came iown to us The air that now float upon the earth are not like those which floated above Paradise They ere charged with impurities and distemshypers The moat elastic and robust health of earth compared with that which those experience before whom the laquo(lt have been opened U nothing

light a cataract of color a sea of glass and a city like the son Jobn4raquods us look again and we see thronesmdash throne of the patriarchs thrones of the angels thrones of the apostles throne of the martyrs throne of Jesusmdashthrone of God And we turn round to see the glory and it is throne thrones thrones

John bids us look again and see the great procession of the redeemed passshying- v J e a ofc- a white horsey leads the inarch^ and a 8 the armies -of Heaven fdftOTf otf white horses In-finite cavalcade passing passing emshypires pressing into line ages following

what Heaven is It is the grave neremdash It is darkness heremdashbut there is mershyrymaking yonder Methinks when a soul arrives some angel take it around to show it the wonders of that blesecd place The usher angel says to the newly arrived These are the marshytyrs that perished at Piedmont these were torn to pieces at the inquisition this is the throne of the threat Jehoshyvah this is Jesus I am going to see Jesus said a dying boy I am going to see Jesus The missionary said You are sure you will see Him Oh yes thats what 1 want to go to Heaven for But said the mraquoionary supshypose Jesus should go away from Heavenmdashwhat then I should folgt low hiai said the dying boy But if Jesus went down to hellmdashwhat then The dying boy thoughtfor a moment and then said Where Jesus is there can be no heU Oh to stand in His presence That will be Herven Oh to put our hand in that hand which wa wounded for us onthe crossmdashto go around amid the groups of the reshydeemed and shake hands with the prophets and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear beloved ones That will be the great reunion We cannot imagine it now Our loved ones seem so far away When we are in trouble and lonesome they dont seem togt come to u We go on to the banks of the Jordan and call across to them but they do not seem to hear We say Is i t well with the ehild is it wdJ with the loved ones and we listen to hear if any voice come back over the waters Kbne none

Unbelief says They are deed and they are annihilated but blessed be God w e haven Bible that tells us differshyent We open it and we find they are neither dead nor annihflatedr-~that theynever were o much alive as now mdashthat they are only waiting for our coming and that we shall join them on the other side of the river Oh giori-ora reunion we cannot grasp it now

What a place of explanation it will ages Dispensation tramping after 1 raquo I see every day profound mysteries dispensation Glory In the traek of glory Europe Asia Africa North anampJSouihAmerica presiding into lines Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulshyder Generations^before the flood folshylowing generations after the flood and a r Jesus rides at the head of that great host and waves his sword in signal of victory ait crowns are lifted and all ensigns swung out and all chimes rung and al halleluiahs chantshyed and some cry Glory to God most high and sopael Hosanna to the son of David and some Worthy is the Lamb that was slainmdashtill all exshyclamations of endearment and homshyage in the vocabulary of Heaven are exhausted ami there comes up surge after laquourge of Amen Amen and Amen Eye hath not seen it ear hath not beard ft 8k im from the summer waters the brightest sparkle and yon will get no idea of the sheen of the everlasting sea Pile up the splendor of earthly cities and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount t o the city of God Ever house is a palace Every s tep is laquo triumph Every covering of the head a coronation Every meal is a banquet Every stroke from the tower is a wedding bell Every day Is a Jubilee every hour a rapture and every moment an ecstasy Kye hath not seen it ear hath not heard it

I remark further we can get no idea of the reunions of Heaven If you have evrr been across the seas and met|afriend or even an acquaintshyance in some strange land yovj re-member how your blood thrilled and how glad you were to set him What will be our joy after we have passed the seas of death to meet in the bright city of the Lord those from whom we have long been bullseparated After we harve been away froth our friends ten or fifteen years and we fotne upon them we see how differently they look Their hair has turned and wrinkles have come in their faces and we say How you have changed But oh when we stand before the throne all cares gone from the face all marks of sorrow disappeared and feeling the joy of that blessed land methinks we will say to each other with an exultashytion we cannot now imagine How you havechanged In this world we only meet to part It is good-by good-by Farewells floating in the air We hear it at the rail car window and at t s steamboat wharfmdashgood-by Children lisp it and old age answers it Sometimes we say it in a light waymdashgood-by mdash and sometimes with anguish in which the soul breaks downmdashgood-by Ah that is the word that ends the thanksgivshying banquet that is the word that comes in to close the Christmas chant Good-by good-by But not so in Heavshyen Welcomes in the air welcomes at the gates welcomes at the house of many mansions but not good-by That group is constantly being augshymented They are going out from our circles of earth to join itmdashlittle voices j to join the anthem little hands t o take bold in the great home circle little feet to dance in the eternal glee little crowns to be cast down before

but sicknea ard tossefattea Jokraquo a the grave and t t o t laquolaquolaquo1 fttnstfbiir b e f t w ^ k e ~

of Prbvidettee There is no qnestioh we ask ofteaer than Why There are hundreds of graves in Greenwood and Laurel Mil that need to be explained Hospitals for the blind and lame asylums for the idiotie and jnsanc- almshouses for the destitute and a yiorld of pain and misfortune that deshymand more than human solution God will clear it all up In the light that pours from the throne no dark myr tery can live Things now utterly in^ scrntable will be illumined as plainly as though the answer was writteja on the Jasper wall or sounded in the tern pie anthem Bartimeus will thank God that he was blind and Joseph that he was cast into the pit and Daniel that he denned with the Hon and Patil that he was humpbacked and David that he was driven from Jerusalem and that invalid that for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow an4 that widow that she had such hard work to earn bread for her chUdrex The song will raquo all the grander for earths weeping eyes and aching headi bulllid exhausted bands and scourged backs and martyred agonies llut we ran get no idea of that ahthew here We appreciate the power of secular music but do we appreciate the power of sacred song There is nothing more iasplriutf to me thana whole congregashytion lifted on the wave of holy melody When we sing some of those dear old psalms and tunes they rouse all the memories of the past Why some of them were cradle songs in our father house They arc all sparkling with the morning dew of a thousand Christian Sabbaths They were sung by brothshyers and sistei sgone now by yoites that were aged and broken in the music voices hone the less sweetbecause they did tremble and break

When I heaT these old songs sung 11 seems as if all the old country meeting houses joined in the^chorus and city ehurch and saiiors beluel and western cabjns until the whole continent lifts the doxology and the scepters of eter-

Vniiy beat-time in the music Away then with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions Of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is marching on to victory When generals come back from victorious wars do we ^ot cheer them and shout Huzaa huaM And when Jesus passes along in the conquest of the earth shall we not have for Him one loud j ringing c h e e r ^

All hail tihe powe|S|Juasm name Let angels prniwWS tslL

Bring forth the l|bpt stttdem And crown Him Lord of att

But my friends if mnsic on earth is so sweet what will it bebullraquoin Heaven-They all know the tune there All the best singers of all the ages will join it mdashchoirs of white-robed children choirs of patriarchs choirs of apostles Mornshying stars clapping therr cymbals Harpers with their hasps Great anshythems of God roltjhn Toll onmdashother empires joining tfce harmony tillthe thrones are all fttlf and the nation all saved An then shall touch anthem chorus join chortts^end all the sweet sounds of earth and Heaven be poured into the ear of Christ David of the harp will be there Gabriel of thetrum


YARD Maw 1laquo Iowa U s e s a Compound that

Makes Hta Hon Lay Double fsVe fraquoua Nnatbcr Summer

and Wlater S e c r e t of His Saccens

Peopla in the neighborhood of Cres ton Iowa are amazed at the number of vg^ that this man drives to market Wttb Wheu asked what was the cause of his hen being so prolific be stated it was all in a certain compound he was using that keeps his hens in good conshydition and famished them with the proper stuBnlus hgt egg production Atneriean Poultry Mixture U the name of it and is made by American Wg Co Terre Haute Ind Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying cashypacity n the egg lie his profits This mixture is guaranteed to increase the prodaetioa of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded It will do more than throe tunc as much as the same amount of any other compound It is eoncen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience hi the poultry business There is absolutely no doubt as to what it wjH do and yon are inshyvited to try H at the expense of the company Send cent100 for a sample packshyage and if it daesnt do the work yea get yoar money back This is fair and hi nsade to induce practical nontoynien to give H a trial I t is also a sure preshyventive of sach diseases aa the t emble cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thcronghly scientific preparshyation

The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money If your druggist dont sell American Poni-)tfyAraquo)ctn^^V1raquoeliind- the age In that case^ Order direct from American Manufacturing Co Terre Haute Ind

^ Car HeraquolaquoelaquoaeR 1frac34 One WasJt To Cure Ckm^tipatiou in One Waei To Com Indigestion i n One Weak To Purify the Blood in One Weak

Take Clevelands Celery Contpoasd Tea 25c bullbdquo If it fails to enre^ jrm cheex reftrod your money (Trial sac free)

at C- M Peacocta

the feet of Jesus Our friends are in j p e t w S U ^ t h c r e gt Germany redeemed two groups--a group this side of the river and a group on the other side of the river Now there goes one from this to that and another from this to that and soon we will all be gone over How many of your loved ones have already entered upon that blessed place If I should take paper and pencil do yon think I could put them all down Ah my friends the waves of Jordan roar so hoarsely we cannot herr the joy on the other side when the group is augmented j

A little co ld s mother had died and they comforted her They said Your mother has gone to Heaven Don cry And the next day they went to the graveyard and they laid the body of the mother down into the ground and the little girl came up to the verge

^ tkfe Heawan W a raquo i d t t

will pour its rich bass voice into the song and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices I wish in our closing hymn to-day we might catch an echo that slips from the gates Who knows but that when the heavenshyly door opens to-day to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we eatch it Oh that as the song drops down from Heaven it might meet half way a song coming up from earth

They rise for the doxology all the multitude of the blest Let us arise with them and so at this hour the)oy of the church on earth and the joy ef the church in Heaven will minge their chalice and the dark apparel of our mourning win seem to whiten into the spotless raiment of the skies 4od cues that gtarouffh the meaey of out

STATU OF MICHIGAN Coraquoflrj-or SMawas-seclaquolaquo

At bullbull sewiuB of tfee Probst Const tot saM county acid at lb Probst Onve In i se ctty of ConmiMt on MoiHUjr the fh laquom ltf Avrti in t t e veer one nKMMaod nfaw Saserrd

JPrestltot Uiite B^ufc Jndjto or Fmbste In the aistter of the estate ef AlfrJl P

Bmtyrbj ampietmt J laquoB reading- and Sling tilaquo plit-n of AiftTfl A Suivrrby prajinir tbbraquo Cratt fo d^terrolnr hlaquo are tbe hrtr nt law of twraquoi(] naid dwmnett altt rattt^d to tatit said bull^ttate Sjut iH is ordeNl Tbt ibft 7ih day gtf Mraquogt

next nt Vit oclock io the torlaquoaoltii at laquotil Piobitte Offlce be raquolaquoifulaquo4l for bearing raquoraquoU petition

Aud it is further ordered thai A copy of ttoU onlor lgttraquo pubtilaquoJifsi thrw trtK-o-raquoJve wlaquokraquo prcviotm to Raid day of bearit-jr ID the Coruitna JfMtmn1 raquo nrmrtpaper pHuted aUd elixrultin io Haiu County of thiawaraquoyr

MA1TIIEW BUSH Judse of Irwbat

KTHKCIKE E KEMKV PrOliat1 11laquo -trlnttr

OOoa^DflChalt T i b i a l

phrsMsB is^oa laquo14 sad Ladles Ceafs saWas taHti aathessre tfceasdy isssaae wiisrai moduly

meflisfasksoirn PSasJfU 3ratsalaquoMS Slaquosd a^sgsipoja^far g y j j g g ^ y M

EoOtt^^2copy3Wodwrdav^Dotlaquo^ Kt

PRpBATE ORDERmdashSLateof Michiytna ltMB-y of SUIiraquoraquossrf raquois

At a WHsion of the Probate Court flaquor said rwlaquontvv liid al Ibe Probate oflfee in thraquo-Ity of (kgtriraquouampa 011 the 4th day of April io ihevoAT one tbousam aiiw tuudrlaquohl

Pielaquoni- Maub^w BUAIJ JiMjie of Probate Ju the laquoaa tier ot the estftMt of Urban (tatting

CDaniW Oortjup- AH asc-Ulary alt7mhgtigtttrator having rendctvd to this Conrt bin final aFt-atiiit

It isi ordered that the Tito day it1 o-xt at ten oViock iA lb forenoon raquot win Probate OtRce be appointed for examiampingsnd MlWKiDji said account

And it is further ordqtvd tbatacopy copyf this ordr or pttbitabed three successive weeks pre-viou to laquoM day of hearing ia the Corvuuia Jonrnai a newspaper printed aud crcolatin in aaid conaty of Sbi^wa^ftee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate

R E l T i i p We the undefMgnf d ilruggiei offer

bullx reward of J) cents to aov person who purchs^t of gtifraquo raquowraquoraquo 25 cent lioxes of lUiXterR iiaiirirake Bitters Tabiets if lit fails to cure cpiu^tination biliousnev^ laquoick-hesdlaquoebc jaii dh-e lolaquoraquo of ap|elite sour Vtomsoh dyspepsia liver coin-pisint or any of the diseases for wtiMi it i recohiinended Pru-e 25 t+nt for either tabletor liquid Wo will also refund the money on one psoknlaquoe of either if it fairaquo to givefcitiffactioh


^ H U M P H R E Y S

centsftama Laalaquo FevcVsftlla wver g ^ l g W A r a a LaaiBPSW lajwrfcs

C C i g O R S TBaOAT laquoatalaquoT KstasXSC bullcusttinaweasper S^IWOMMS Bow Gfaa (KEgt


6 6 Prevsatt UTOCABItlAGB g^|aUn(Eyen



and Proetration from Overshywork or other causes

Mtunphraya Homeopathic ftpeotflo No Bcopy in ulaquo o v w 4 0 yaara Uu onty

aajMiaiiiiagtiaraquoilisiaaf bull lis pi iraquoraquobullbull


Stryzn and Defeat The Oemocrats of ail sections ex

tgtect that BiT-an will succeed In nonv isatins hlmseU for the Presidency say3 an exchange but some of them tiink that other hands should be giyen a part in framing the platform Throughout the north there is a genshyeral desire that the silver issue shculd be dropped and a strong stand made against expansion known by Demoshycrats as imperialism Unless these are conceded there is likely to be a sharp fight in the convention for some other nominee But in the south the party is red hot for free silver and exshypansion The prosperity that has corce^tQ the north is slower in reachshying the south and more money is wanted They ere not particular as to the kind of money they get any old dollar will do for them provided It doea not bear the Confederate stamp They are for expansion beshycause they believe that our Sag in the Philippineswill give to the Amerishycans an open gateway to a great marshyket for southern cotton Says the Atlanta Constitution on these points Weve got to put enough silver in the platform to save the southern states and again If we should declare against expansion and fall to renew the demand for free coinage we would lose several of the southern states

It is so firmly settled that the nomshyination will be given to Bryat that all other questions in regards to the canshyvass sink out of sight The candishydate for the head of the ticket is the only issue that can be agreed upon The party in this accepts defeat as a foreordained fact a proclamation of surrender In advance It has nothing to offer the people as a substitute for the prosperity that has come to them tt acts as though well aware that it is useless to fight this grand fact with such side issues as the sort of money with which the people shall be paid so long as there is enough of it or conshycerning what shall be done with Porto PJco and the Philippines now ihampt we have Eot them under our flag The questions concerning the government of these islands are easy of solution but the people know the imminent peril In which their own prosperity vould he placed under a party that had always failed a a business pro-nsoter -whether S under Van Buren Pierce and Buchanan or the two terms of Cleveland Many of then remember the business reverse that came to them and the country genshyerally when they exchanged the Me-Klnley for the Wilson tariff and also vhat followed tile substitution for the latter of the Iliasley tariff Pratec tton and the gold standard they have proved goes enough for them and they are not going to take say more risks least of ail from a Democracy mixed with Populism and dominated by a half-doxen silver kings In adshyhering to Bryan the party confesses that it has s o hope

1 CORRESPONDENCE J V M I ^ ^ 11 mdash I 1raquo

Item of latent hem Some of Ou Suaro irtffing Twwiu

rgtnniimniiirini Iliinbull-mdash - - ~i ywtMu ialaquor fraquoraquoa^P^ j^^laquo^^^


Frxa Vernoa Arg-uu Mlsi Elfcie Ilord spent Saturday and

8 n lay with her parents in Byron Mrs MRose of Chicago visitedat

Geo larks the latter part of hi-t laquoltlt Mr and Mra Duukle returucd Tuea-

dy eyaaibg from a weeks visit io Ohio

A ten raquond half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs -Fred Saxton on Sunday laet

Mrs W Carey and two little daugh-terf of -Tiaverse Cityare visiting JUra Nettie Gos4 this week

Supervisor H S Myres bss been in town a couple of tiaye rna^ioc the asshysessments for the coming year

S T I^eonard who has been assisting at the cheese factory since its opening returned to Chspin Saturday where he will remain for a few weeks

Cecil McLaughlin and Milaquos Grace Howard of Yeroon and Miss Jennie Perry of Durand attended the Grand Commandery Knights Templar drill s t Ann Arbor last Tuesday

During the thoader storm last Satshyurday night lightning struck tbe -resishydence of Mrs 31 D Khode and damshyaged the roof tore off some of the sidshying wet into the kitchen and stirred up the kitchen utensils and left by way of the well which was so stiried up it has not been fit to ae el nee The inshysurance company adjusted the toss at $4020mdashAt about the same time the bam of Frank Patchel living east of the village was struck and a valuable horse killed In neither case were the buildhigs et on fire

The Dark Spot The onty dark spot on this record

of the nation progres is our failure U the carrying trade upon the high seas This reeoiv toust and will be improved Pblftitai consideration com-pels a solntibn of the shipping quesshytion Our people our law makers our President appreciate that our


Wherever properly introduced Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin slaquo a cure for ltconstlpattOBYhmet with phenornrnal rale Jinny dniggigts trannot say enough in praise of its merit as well as its great popularity wiib the people ltgt 10c trial size and alatt in 50c and $l0ft laquozes at K M Kilbouru

bull -WttlalsT From the Perry Journal

Harvey Roberts g able to be on our gttteet once more

Schuyler S l i d i n g of Lanfla^ was home over Suridsy

Gt) Colby and L J Bradec are la Byron on Buaiiiess

Mrs Mraquortha Johns^ Kalamaxoo to spend thesummer with1

her niece

Henry Dunning was confioed to hi home the nt week ott accotict of neushyralgia of the face

31 IM Grace Green was botne over Sunday Sue returned to her Work at WIIHanirtonTuelaquodsV

H K W allat-e apdwife and Geo Mc industrial independence Will not be established our geoxraphicai possibil- Furlsud wiTe and eon f-pent the day in ities will not be realized our national] illaquogtiettlgtark Stinday aspirations will not be satisfied until bdquobdquo v r^ - bdquo W l t t ^bullbullraquo Mrs N ftemtnijer and Mr Will we will recordas signal successes in v ^ the most organised line of modern a c- C l U k n i S ^-^11^1 Mr- h p K e 6 f O w o s tivity internaUpnal navigation as la deg Jlaquoe^y^ of this week agriculture macuactures and trans-] portatlon within our own confines

Thus spoke Secretary Gage ia a receut address before va casaiiiercial body in Chicago In the ceatre of A picture of progress and prosperity alshymost fabulous and iacredtole in charshyacter is to be found one bad blemish that of the decadence of the American merchant marine frca earrgttngt S2 per cent of American commerce in 1800 to carry less than 9 per cent in


Mr 3J A Kern ot Morrice visited her daughterMr P Hslsted iu the villitftethe Ursst of the week

Mr aul Mrs L $ Clark were called to Veriion on account of illness of Mr Ciarksbrotherllenry Clark

Lei-lie IJIwrent-e returned home from Boutueau li^iv tie latter part of lass week in a most critical condition At last reports he was a little improved

1900 It b this way th^ crab pro-j Jt Is earnestly hoped be will Fpetriily gressesmdashbackward to the matter of marine politics and practices it would seem that we are a nation of crabs or as the current slang of the day would put it a community of lobsters We have done worse than st^nd still and do nothing we have retrograded and lost ground Pbr lack of effective laws to protect the shippiug industry equally with other American indusshytrieswe have allowed almost the enshytire volume of our earring trade to pass Into the hands of foreigners and tt Is foreign not American ships that now transport 92 per cent of our overshysea freights It JR Indeed a dark spot on an otherwise bright and splendid picture of national advanceshyment Congress h 38 the power to wfpe off this blemish and the people expect that it will be done without delay

The Conventions The politicians in the national capshy

ital are interested in the general movement going oh oyer the counshytry for early Congressional convenshytions and prompt action by the leadshyers of all parties to bring the issues of the Presidential campaign squarely before the people in the early sumshymer The national conventions have all been called the Populists to wake their nominations early in May the Republicans In June and the Demo-crats early in July It was a noteshyworthy fact In connection with the meeting of the Democratic National Committee that while the issue of the campaign were generally canshyvassed absolutely no reference w u made in all the diseuesioa to the suh-)ect of free silver coinage It appear to be the settled policy of the Demoshycrat to make thate campajga this year on the silver qpestlea oaly hgt rooaUtlas where n g j i r o T has lest ngt tie of its svjsuttsstedtod to derate itBeelal atteatfe l t p p y a t k m i l utfseildea to xneslaquog^BWfilaquoi la

- XOKR1CR ^ -Frota MorrW CUpper

Will Priest of Owosso was io town Wednestlay

C Gold wood went to Belle vue Saturshyday to remain a few days

C W Jennings of Owosso was in town Wednesday on bu3ncs

D T Birch went to Battle Creek Tuestlay for several days stay

Mrs GiSee Grant U entertaining her mother Mrs Brown of Laneing

John ilimpie who moved to Beilevue laet fall baa returned to Morrice

Dell Atkins of tensing was in town over Sunday visiting his pr rents

Hemon Preston lost a good horse Wednesday from dropsy of the heart

Mrs Eliza Kenyon who bas been visiting hero for several weeks left Monday evenng for her houce at Oneida N Y

Scott Carl is elected delegate to the grand lodge of Maccabees which is to convene in Grand Rapids beginning June 12

v VEX1CBV VenLee Mich May 18

Dex Bowdn raised a barn Wednesshyday

John Chase Is the possessor of a new

buKxJ Mike Luchenbil and family vielied at

B Anthonys Sunday Will Musty aad wife are the proud

parents of a baby boy born last Satur day

Saiden Mossy had the misfortune to lose las oaly oow by haoging herself wUle staked out to fraja

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr

Page 4: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u

M W raquo S ^ W gt H raquo gt ^ raquo ^ r f laquo bull raquo P raquo W ^ t f l ^ V l P raquo ^ ^ raquo mdash W ^ raquo W M W V raquo l f c W ^


V j

There are Many Reasons Why

We are doing such an enormous Carpet business this Spring but chiefly because our selections are brand new are the brightest and clearest because they are in every way reliable and because our prices are the very lowest

Our great Carpet selling has left us with many

short Jengths of Axminsters Velvets and Wilton Velshyvets Brussels and Ingrains and to close them out quickly we have inaugurated

raquo I H I C M gt I M M gt raquo I N raquo l t m W H H l M raquo m t l l l l t l H H M M

IC S ALLISON amp SON j 117 Hori WasfcUfto Stitet Owosso nicblgu i

A Clearing Sale of Short Length]

at great reductions from regular prices If you can find pattern and colors to sui| 70^11 also find a subshystantial saving in pricemdashjust as good too for small rooms and halls aiid stairs as if cut from big rolls

If youre interested in these goods come quickmdash

theyll all have new owners in a few days

Osbum amp Sons Owosso ^wwwvw^raquowwwltiw^ltlti^w^ffltM^^lt^rt^^wi)ltyw^gtwltwgtwraquo^ltMiwwwwi


WZLCH JQjtanOX Prepriatora

PvbUsfecd cvcrr Tfeorsday moruiag t Co rwa the county seat of Shiawassee couflty Devoted to the iDteresis of the Republican Party aad tit collection of feseral jud local new

T i t n ILOOper year in adf-anee Subscribers who wish to stop the paper

should ootlfy tut direct and not teare It to tbe poetmiBtcr to do He sometime forgeta- Alshyways tee that your subscription l paid up to the date you request uraquo to stop tbe paper

Tbt quantity and quality of tbe advertising appearing in t i e JOPBJUL is ablaquondraquont tesii-ssoay to its value as u advertising medium Sates wade known at tfae office

Items of nelaquo are always acceptable lie-bull e i h e r that what interests you will ltrraerally Interest other and that it wiil be gladly reshyceived by us

Combinations li large number of cxcelleot combinations

we have to offer enable oar readers to obtain aterge amount of good reading at very Uttte eoat They are as followe Mew YorfcTrfbuB and this paper tl-25 Detroit Twice--Week Journal and this JJ50 Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper 145 Tfrteraquolaquo-Week Free Press andl this paper J JO aBrtiigna Fawner and this paper bull 14raquo


The people of Kentucky still think that tbe selection of a Governor is their business and not one of the functions of the legislature

Canadian or an Englishman The adshymiral in reply spoke more plainly on a much disputed point than eylaquor beforemdash tlic amount of moral support he received from tie British officers in Manila bay when (here with only his oi igiaal fle t and in anticipation of an attack by tbe Spanish ltR-arstiiplaquo under command of Camera He tald

Of all the evidences of good will shown ii e since my arriva in New York

In 1896 the Populists were solid for Bryan Now they are divided and the larger half is assembling at Cincinnati to get out of tbe Democratic traces for good

Bepublh ailaquo are a unit as to their nashytional candidate and their state platshyform are substantially all alike It is plainly a year of complete Republican harmony

The American laquoyftem of education which is soon to be established in the Philippines will hare a great influence In giving thraquo islands balance and in pre- paring them for the measor of self-) government which tbe United States is anxious to g h e tbera when they sbowj they are prepared for if The American ( school is going to revolutionize matters in Porto Rico too as will quickly be seen Here will be some triumphs of peace which wU3 be as not Able m any which the United States baa won In war

A delegation of Canadians called ou Admiral Dewey In Chicago and invited bisa to visit Port Stampney Ontn In July Tne invitation wa bull Igned by Sir Wife frtd Laorler and Sir Charles Tapper nsaong others and stated that tbe weicst of the invitation could bard) bo greater if the admiral were himself a j

BLUES Ever hire Aero

Then wecnt tell you any-

thing about them You

know bow dart everything looks

and bow yoa are aboat ready to give up Someshyhow you cant throw off the terrible depression

Are things really so blue Isnt it yournerves after all Thats where

^ the trouble is Your neires are being poisoned from the impurities in your blood

sanapariiia purifies the blood and gives power and stability to the nerves It makes health and strength activshyity and cheerfulness

This is what Ayers wOl do for you Its the oldest Ssrsapartlla in the land the kind that was old before other Sarsa-parillas were known

This also accounts for sectV tfae spying One bottle of A yers is worth three bonJes of me ordinary kind

last October none has touched me more deeply than this We are of the came blood There is but a slight difference between us and I want to say that the one man who stood at my back during those trying days at Manila was au Englishman But for bis support and the moral courage he Inspired me with I dons know what would have happen-ed I refer to Sir Charles Seymour

it has been supposed that Chichester was the naval official that stood by Dewey but the name or the personality does not matter What is of conseshyquence of real importance is that these words of commendation come from the highest authority on the long disputed point of how much support Dewey had from the British commander in Mcolla bay They p(o on record as final The admiral himself defines that support as being so great that he does not know what might have happened had be been without it The American people canshynot forget this and they would be in-grates if they did

The Canadian invitation though graceful and very welcome was a small matter compared to the reply it drew trom th admiral T

H a y of OTila raquo W I I I ComdashAy Any one desiring a map of Shiawassee

county to date may-obtain one by sendshying 12 cents to tbe Corunna Journal Corunna Mich

This man is made from a new cat obshytained since Jan 1 1900 and it conshytains overy wagon road rail road rivshyer post-office village city and school-boose in tbe county The scfcsol disshytricts are numbered the boundry Hoes of each township are distinctly outlined and the location of the county farm is given



mdashFred Miller of Venice was in the c i ty McQiiaj -bullbull

mdashC W Sbtposan of Venice was tbe city Friday

mdashMr J E Cariand visited her sister in Pootiao last week

mdashMr aud Mrs Jobs T McCardy spent Sunday its Detroit

mdashAid Erwin Kveleth It In Caampadn eatimaUag stacdisg tisbsr

mdashTi 4ttgt of July will be approprishyately celebrated at Cheaanlag

mdash Mr and Mrs John Jarvisof Durand called on friends here last Thursday

-Mrs E T GofT of Detroit is the guelaquot of Mrs Hugh Wlffler this week

r -Earl Jarvis of Draquoirand attended tSe high school eotertainment here last week

mdashJE Cariand amp Co J C Qua Tie and W A Knijtet amp Co have change of ads this week bull

mdashCharles Lawrence czpostmaster of Owosso lia been glinted a patent Ou a mail pouch device

mdashLester Roberts has purcbas^l the Clow farm south of Bancroft and taken polaquosraquosion of the same

mdashJud^e Xewton was here oh btisiness Saturday His friends were pleased to see him looking so well

mdashWord cornea that Mrs Jos Serr who underwent an operation In Chicago is getting along nicely

mdashDeputy Marshal C W Abels off Lansing was here last week looking after alleged countefeiters

mdashC H Downer accused of bigamy has been bound over to tbe circuit court for trial by Justice McBride I

mdashMrs J N In^reoll received a prize of a lot 20 by SO ft at Lawndale New Jersey near Cape May Mid Atlantic City The prize was oflered by the ladles Hotae Hagazitie

mdashRev Cramblet will deliver the memorial sermon next Sunday morning at tbe Baptist church The M E and Presbyterian church will take up their morning appointments It is expected that G A- Rand W R C will attend in a body

mdashThe miners employed by the Coshyrunna Coal Co quit work one da last week claiming the companys scales were not correct A state inspector was called hero and found them perfect In every particular The miners at once resumed their work

mdashThrough the kindness of Mr C S Wilkinson of this^city we have been permitted to look over late Manila to papers They were sent by bis sou who is serviiig Uncle San in the island of Luzon A letter from him Thursday says be is well and en Joys the work

mdashPree Farmenter Seci Patcbel and Director Moore cf tbe Sbiawaseee Mo taal nlaquoW their montalyteortinf Friday The time was mostly devoted to settling with township agents Geo A Hun-toon has been appointed agent for MJd-dlebury township which Is a good ae-lectiott bull - bull

- S t Johns Republican Oscar Earl of Corunna has bought tbe Interest of Wm Marttn in the Farmers hotel and the new ftrm Is Zaefaarias ft Earl Mr Earli an expeiienced bote man and the new firm will keep up the high standard matatainerV by the Farmers hotel In the past

mdashBancroft Commercial Mrs Joseph Britten of Conway was frightfully burned about the face and chest last week by an explosion of a can of boiling Mjffee It is not yet certain just bow serious her injuries are hot fears for the recovery of her sight are entertained The lady is a sister of Mrs W Godfrey

mdashEav and Mrt H GV Northrop were called to St Clair last week to attend the funeral of their esteemed friend Mrs Justin B Whiting They speak In tbe higbeat terms of the deceased who Was a member of the M ft church of which Mr Northrup was formerly the pastor Bey Nortbrup preacheJ the funeral sermon

After suffering from pilrs for fifteen years I was cured by ulng two boxes of DeVVitVe Witcb Haxel Salve writes W J Baxter North Brook N C It heals everything Beware of counterfeit- F M Kilboum

The eldest and most effective method 0( purifying the blood ami invigorating tbe system is to teke DeWitts Little Early Risers the famous little pills for cleansing the liver and bowels F M Kilbouru



mdashI D II Ralph of Philadelphia is in tbe twin cities for a few days looking after street railway matters

mdashTbe school board has appointed B R Marshall school librarian A large number of new books has been added to the library

mdashMrs I L Chapman who has been visiting her brother Wm Lindsey of this city returned to her home in Ohio the first of the week

mdashThe W C T U wili meet on Frishyday afternoon at three oclock with Mrs Dr Jone Special bbsioess all memshyber J urged to be present

mdashM isses Eva LawrJe and Carrie Fisher J both of Byron have been tendered their

BchHrtg 8ea Phosphorescence peases Alt Description 1 have often beard of the wondershy

ful phosphorescence of southern seas remarked a traveler from the north to a Washington Star reporter and I have seen pretty fair samples of It in the Atlantic between New York and English porta but I did not know it prevailed to any extent in northern wacers until during the last summer In August last I was on board the revenue cutter VcCullough in the Bering sea about 63 degrees north latitude bound north when one night about ten oclock I happened to go ou deck and I was almost frightened by the sight of te aa The wind was blowing sharp enough to raise the whitecaps and the whole aea looked as if it were lighted from its depths by a million arc lights throwing their whitest rays upward and under the flying foam The hollow of the waves were dark but every creat that broke showered and sparkled as if it were filled with light From the sides of the ship great rolls of broken white liKht fell awsv and ahe left a

brdSLd pathway of eilvery foam aa rar back an the eye could reacjb

But about this hour waa the roost striking display Here it was as if the ship was plowing through a sea of white light and ft the water was thrown back from her prow it fell In glittering piles of light upon the dark surface beyond and was driven fair down blow lighting the depths as if all the electricity of the ocean were shooting its sparkles through the waves and turning itself Into Intxamer-able incandescenls that flashed a Secshyond and then shut out forever I stood on the forecastle deck looking down into the brilliant white turmoil of the waters until I began to feel as If we were afloat upon some silver sea and a really uncanny feeling took possesshysion of me The white skip waa lightshyed by the phosphoreacence of the washyters so that as high up as the deck there was a pale weird white that made one feel as if the Flying Dutchshyman were abroad upon the sea and had passed by us The masts towered In ashy gray above the decks and every rope and line Btood out distinct-1gt in the light but cast no shadow It was all as ghostly aa If we had gone up against the real thing and it was a positive relief to get back into the ward room where there was someshything more human I dont know how long it lasted bat when I went to bed at 11 oclock I could still see the silver shining through the air port in my state room


South Africa Penaeanen the One in tite World

The Sooth African Republics logical collection and garden are the finest andr largest raquo the world Tbe gardens Which ate in the Lebom region are guarded by a whole tribe) of Kaffirs and contain every species of wild iUkhnal to be found in Sooth Africa The alaquo0UgtsicaI ceUection at Bronx Park New Xor to fc remarkashybly fine one The gardens cover 300 acre and one of ito atost important features 1raquo the as rural environments provided for the animals

The animals of South Amerien for Instance are girea the free range of large iceosuree ^ifaining miniarnre mountains rivers and forests while the tigers ad lions live in sandy stretchen jungles snd so en The Tel-krwstpne National Park of the United States with its area of 3JS75 sqoampre miles forms a aoo logical preserve for almost every speeds of animal found in that part of tho world The London Zoological Gardens contains nearly 3000 animals tbo e at Berlin about 1500 and the JardiU de Piantes Parshyis about 1000 aniiuals

longevity of WlutM Some light was iJtrowri a few years

ago upon the subject of the vitality of whales by finding one of these ani mais In Bering sni in 1800 with a toggle harpoon licad In its body bearing the mar- of the American whaler Montexumn That vessel was engaged in whaling lrraquo Bering sen aboutten years t ut not later than 1854 She was afterward sold to the government and v s sunk in Charter-ton haibor during the civil War to serve as an obstnotion Hence It traquo eittlmated the wb-le must have ear ried the harpoon tot less than thirty six yenrs Iu contK tion with this fact William H Dail i lyes laquon account in the National Geographic Magazine of a discussion with Capt E P Hereu-deen of the United States National Museum of eases gtgtf whales that have been supposed to have made their way from Greeiikvudv waters to Bering strait and to havf been identified by the harpoocsvthey carried While It Is very likely that the whale really makes the passage sn uncertainty must always be allowed for ships were often changing ownership and their tools were sold and put on board of other vessels and harpoon irons were sometimes given or tradshyed to Esquiuraus It therefore becomes possible that the animel was sttnek with a secortd-lt-md ironmdashPopular Science Monthly

0 laquo c of the JRpard of Pmrk Cosnsiitsionent of taeCttjofCdrttBA _

Tbe Board of Park Conntesiosers siting-under tasimetioiks of the Common Council of said cltv hereby give notielaquo toraquogtt tfay will up-to raquond foolndinir the bourof lOoclock A of the 28th day of May 1laquoraquo receive sealed bide forn^ojrmiiiBraquolithlaquoUborndfMraquoishtraquof sit the mraquote4ril raquoecesary in constmcting drtvlaquo wsysacd waiks mnamp la fuUy Improvln poundaa-tifylu and completing Hng-h SlcCnrdy Park in the City of Conutns raquolaquoeordlnlaquo to the plan raquonU speelncraquotions thereof as prepared hy Raekbam A Dilgier which (danraquo and speciflca-tions are now on flic with the clerk in allaquo board at his office in tnte city arid are open to the liuipeetion of alt bidders All bids ampgtlaquolaquo be enclosed in a sesied wrapper endorsed ou tbe ouUtlde Bids for improving Htigto MeCurdy Psrk sabfteiToed yeiiu vhsnAOieor tbe bidder ard muat be placed with the clerk of tne Board of Park Cottunisaioners and with each bid f 100 in cash shall also be handed to said elerli The money dfipoaited by xnsuccessful bidders will be returned to them upon the rejection oi tbeir bid - gt bull bull bull bull bull bull

The person or persons who bidsare accepted will be required to enter Into a contract to be approved by the proper authorities of said city for the falthinl performance of the work and lurnishingof the maUralete accordiog to the plans and specitlcatioaa above mentioned and WIU sJlaquougt be Wrtuire to furnish a gooi and scf-nclentbondinthe snni of li00000 to be apshyproved by the authorities mw-resaid for tne full performance of such contract In cafjie such successful bidder or bidders shall neglect or refuse to furnish such bond within the time required by said bord in that event the ttOo00 so deposited shall be forfeited to and become the property of the City of Corunna The successful bidder shall be required to use home labor w far as the same can be satisshyfactorily used

The Board of Park Commissioners hereby reshyserves the right to re)ect any and all bids

Dated Mav 14th rWO By order of the Board of Park Commissioners

W F GALLAGHXH Clerk Kotle nt KeettotT of B o a r s of Boview

4 PUMuaKt as gttasgtKraquo ampTTW

Most remedies have something unshypleasant to the teste and in oonsequence rnanv people especially children dread tbt dose and put o f entirely or delay the taking of tfae medietas that can 4ogt ttaeafooa Not so with Dr Cakrweffs Syrup Pepsinmdasheverybody UScesits taste and when taken it win care eonstipa-tioa and ill kind of stooacb teonbles I i 10n Wc and 100 sizes at 7 M KB-bourn

The ragpickers a Paris to the nnm ber ofsomethihs like 40000 who have made their living by picking over rub bish put out from houses are greatly agitated over new boxes which are to be used to hold the rubbish and which cannot be opened except- by the caftmen who cany it away

Dear Ants Glasses Now and then sn honest fellow comes

alone with a handsome pair of glasses lit his pocket He tells yon that bis dear aunt bought them just before she died that she paid 1650 for them that he is wriy hard ap and must havetnoney and ir yon canuse them at raquo00 take them He cannot starve and if you wont pay 600 jcfvoblm 9500 -4jOO--amp0O~any-tblng to keep son ami bod together Sometimes it is bis mother or graod-mother that Is dead pometimes be foond teem on a streetor picked them np on a train Its all the samemdashhe must have mosey and Its a big efeaaeo for yon If yon eootd see how many purchasers bring these glasses to BW raquo aos whether they am werth 1600 or only 1100 yon would be svrprlaed that so many poop conld be hvBsbugged I bare known these rellows slaquoQ forty and flfty In a day Seventeen cents snob Is an tbey cost Barnnsa used to say Tno Amen-cn People like to be Hwraquo4mggedn I do not believe that Deal witfiynar es-tablisned dsnlors and yon will behooeM-ly dealt by ^ ^


TF there is aoythin^ you x wish to buy or if you have anything you wish to dispose of the very cheap-

1 visit to the

quickest way is a


There where much

is no other place you dm profit so


The greatest of he crown jewels of Hussia is the OrMT tbe biggest dla wond in Europe nhicli weighs 193 carats It was pun-iaseil for pound00000 and an annuity ot t4r0O0 pounds by Count OrlorT wlio pe euti-d it to the Empress Cat Tin bull

other losses as here Every day we surprise some one with the good things we are able to offer you lor so very little money

R McBride 328 Shiawassee Ave Corunna Michigan

Furnished Rooms to rent by the day

gt gt gt gtgtraquoraquoraquogtraquoraquoraquoraquoraquoraquogtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtraquogtJ

positions as teachers iu tlgte Owosso scnools tbe coming j ear

mdashThe BI C base ball club won a hotly contested ffraquolaquono last Saturday from tbe Cw laquoeo hijth school nine The score sto(d 10 to 0 in favor of Corunna

mdashCrant Agnew left Friday for Clil cago to a cept a position with the Met-ropoliiat Eevato Co o that city Grants uany friends here wish him SUCt

Lots of Good Things to Offer But as the Junior Editor is too busy to set type this week come in and

let us tell you about themmdashnot about the weddinggt but about our good bargains

mdashCbtltParrirh die at his home In Vernon lait week Tucsd i v after a lingshyering lllnes of censumpflow Funeral aervicea were hell Friday Kcv Tensori officiating

C QUAYLE The Origifii3il C a s h Grocer

235 Cor Shia Ave and FraserSt CX3RUNNA MJCH

lt laquo lt ltltltcltlaquoltltltclaquoxltltx



Warm Weather Has Come

And with it the desire of the Summer

Girl to Dreamps for tomfort We can help

you We have lots of Pretty Thin Goods

in all colors and kinds to make Shirt Waists

Skirts Dtc Beautiful Waists made to fit

you Gome and see them


COMMON Gormen BOOMS ( Coram Mie_ May 211900 f

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Ooooctl called to order b the Mayor The following members were present Mayor Bosenkans Aldershyman Clatterbnek Eveleth Jacobs McMullen aud Tramble

Hinates of meetings held Hay Ttb and llth -were read and approved

At bairns and accounts were then read and refered to committee on claims and accounts

Report of committee on claims and accounts

CONTINGENT FUXD Car-inaa Indepwadeat to printing Fr^d Peacock eieceomaolssioner Cftrinna J^irnn-l winttn^ W F Gallagher elec conualssJoBermdash

STBEET FUND Jim Wilson 9 days work mdash X-ni BerryraquodaySbra work i Peter Bustardraquo days lfraquo work Tom Bastard 1-3 Says work

cent17 00 2 0 9

13 laquo0 3ltW

txm 10 13 5 S3

75 1 7 4 00 raquo 0 0

8 laquo i

Jim Wood S- days work F Slandersdays9boors wf tbwaaw DanMasy Shovus with team Wn Kltw l d a y and tbonrs Tyler KOase day-~raquo Hartshnra tooISftsewerpipe J Brook - S o u s M M lims ana cement ira M u w 4 laquo ft of oak


OWwKtW The Committee on sidewalk made

the following report which was accepshyted by uauoimoas vote


Yoat committee en Street and Sideshywalks oeg leave to make the following report We have inspected the walks in the several wards and recommend that hew walks be built in the differshyent wards which will be described in a resolution which will follow this reshyport

Signed by the whole committee J C TkUMBLB ) G E C H J T T E B B U C K [ C o m E R W I W E V B U B T H )

A l d e r m a n T r u m b l e made the fullowr log reso lut ion and moved i t s adopt ion

R e s o l v e d T h a t new wa lks be bu i l t a long and in front of t h e fol lowing deshyscribed property to-witi A n d thatrthe S t r e e t Commiss ioner be and i s hereby ins truc ted t o not i fy t h e owners of said property t o bui ld t h e s a m e w i t h i n t w e n t y days or t h e S t r e e t Commisshys ion wi l l bu i ld t h e s a m e and t h e exshypense wil l be charged aga ins t and beshyc o m e a l i en aga ins t said property and t h a t a l l w a l k s bui It by t h e S t r e e t Com-miss ioner a n d i f not paid for w i t h n 30 d^vr a f t e r comple t ion ^will be

charged s i x per cent in t eres t on t h e expense of sa id walk


Fred Gould east margin s 25 feet of n 3 5 of lot amp bk 10 foot

Adam Cerr east margin n 21 feet of lo t 12 b k l l

Jerry Col l ins e s ta te eas t marg in s 25 f e e t of l o t 9 bk 11

Bacon e s t a t e e a s t marg in Jot 8 and n one-hal f of l o t 9 bk 11

H W Sanford eas t margin of lo t 5 block 11

S S Chapel l eas t margin of s 18 f t o f j o t i bk 11

if D F o s t e r eas t margin a 12 f t of s 2 l o t 4 bk 11

W m E ly e a s t margin n 2-5 of l o t 4 block 11

J B Leland eas t margin lots 10 11 arid 13 block 22 b f ee t

Levi Morrice e s ta te lo t s 7 8 and 9 block 22 5 feet

J E S loan lo t s 3 and 4 b k e k 33 5 feet

E l l Mart in l o t s 1 and 2 block 33 5 feet

H u g h M Nicho l s l o t 1 block 38 5

feet G r a n t e s t a t e lots 4 and 5 block 38

5 feet Green amp P e t t i b o n e l o t 12 block 38

4 f ee t s o u t h marg in W S J o n e s l o t s 7 10 11 block 38

four fee t s o u t h H u g h Parker l o t 8 block 38 W D McLaughl in l o t 9 block 28


J rgt Leland north margin lots 1-2 block 41 4 feek

John M Eitcb south margin lots 11 and 12 block raquo 4 foot

W J Parker north margin tots 1 2 and 3 block 15 4 fe^1

Mrs Minnie Cafley corth margin

lot 4 block 16 4 foot Hugh McCtttdy norrh margin lot 3

block 164 feet Wm Lindstey north margin lots 4

5 and 6 block 164 feet G- W Easier sooth margin lots 58raquo 9 and 12 block 12 four feet


Sheppatd east margin lots 5 and 6 Garys add 4 feet

George Evans east margin lot 4 bk 14 4 feet

Mrs Bunker east margin lots 2 and 3 block 144 feet

Mrs Igtwyer east margin of e one half of lotl block 14 4 foot

The bond given by W A Knight as City Treasurer waamp read and moshytion made and supported that said pond be accepted and approved and placed on file which was carried ty unanimons vote

A quit claim deed given by Matthew Bush and wife was presented and also one from Hugh McCurdy and wife deeding a strip of land twenty-five feet wide off west side of grantors land and adjoinii Hugh McCurdy Park

Motion was made and supported that said deeds be accepted and placed op record that said deeds be accepted aiid placed on record

Motion waa made and supported that the City Marshal be appointed pound-master which motioo was carshyried bp unanimousvote

Motion was made by Alderman Evt-letb and sud ported that i^ew state Telephone be placed in the City Hall Motion was carried by unanimous vote

Alderman Trumble moved that the Street Commissioner be and is heredy is instructed to open up and grade Emma Avenue

Motion made that council adjoarr until May 2U 1000

Upon motion council adjourned A H T i i y i i C YoUNO

City Clerk


D a n a a a a e s Star f Hta CaaaeatSe w l l a B c l l a l a ot m Ra i l road

to Caba a s F a l s e

Detroit May 2 1 - T h e whole s tory i s a dastardly lie and you cannot deshynounce i t i n any too unmeasured term said ex-Secretary of War Alshyger Saturday n ight w h e n told tha t John Harrington late superintendent of -construction of the government railroad in Cuba asserted that he was interested in construct ion o f the above named road Continuing he said

No senator or any other person ever spoke to we about being interested in the construction companies which built that road I have never invested or had investshyed for me one dollar in any property in Cuba and neither I nor any of the friends around me have ever made a hundredth part oi n mill out of the island In any way Further than that I have consistently reshyfused since I resumed as secretary 6t war to take part in any investments in Cuban property I was asked to go into the railshyroad now being built on the island and reshyfused I have also been asked to go into timber land purchases and purchases of tobacco or sugar lands These things I have refused to considerVand I never exshypect to have any investments there alshythough the field is promising I should not like to have anybody think that I had used information gained as secretary of war lor my own private gain as some might if I should Invest money in Cuba even now


State Araquoelatm t A s k t h e l a t a r t raquo Oxwatt BCasiy Prtvf-

Mmm to Wlaquoaraquoeraquo


B a n a w a r Tra in Crasfeea l a t a i e s a s a i N t s i H O B U ttat Stov

a s I t B i t s H U B e


Detroit May 19mdashThe Michigan Equal Suffrage assoc iat ion e lected aa president Mrs E m i l y B Ketchum of Grand Rapids vice president Mrs Clara B Arthur Detro i t recording aecrttary Mias Ed i th Hall F lat Boek treaenrer Mrs Martha E Root B a y City auditor Mr Frances Ostrand-er E a s t S a g i v a w Mrs Margaret Huckins w e s t B a y City niemfcer nashyt ional execut ive board Mrs Lenor Sharker BIiasr Sagina7 The legis lashyt ive commit tee w a s directed t o memoshyrial ize the leg is lature to provide presshyidential suffrage t o the women of Michigan and prepare t o urge before every session unt i l passed a bil l t o exshyempt all w o m e n from the payment of t a x e s of every kind o n which the law does not qual i fy t h e m a s men are qualified to vote for officers w h o levy col lect or expend funds raised by tax shyation

May Wm aCaawiaat Chicago May 21 mdash flazen S P in -

gree governor o f Michigan was a t the Auditorium hote l last week B e ^$13^ bull

If the republican of Mjc iUran nominate D M FVrry for governor I shall become an iadepeadent candidate Mr Ferry openshyly declares that be favorsjh taxation of rmAroatf property OR the basis of its ear rt-toss instead of its value There lepW-laquoMaraquo9 worth of raUroad property in Mlch^ Jgift i have fought the Ferry idea for years I was elected in opposition to

I will finish

Buchanan May 217--A curious wreck occurred a t three oclock Sunday morning on a spur of t a e Michigan Central railway which extends from t h e main l ine a lmost t w o miles down ti heavy grade to a dam across the St Joseph river A heavy freight that was backed upon t h e siding broke in to three sections and ran away The conductor on the rear sect ion jumped escaping wi th s l ight injury a l though the train had at ta ined great speed The middle section ran into the rear sect ion and shoved i t S0O feet beshyyond t h e endvof the l i n e a l though t h e track w a s three f e e t lower than the surface of the surrounding ground The caboose then crashed into and deshymolished the house occupied by Wilshyl iam Morris and h i s three children s topping just a s i t reached the parshyents bed All occupants of the house escaped without injury N e s t t o the caboose were three big furiiiture cars

Aa la te trcs t laa B n d e i of Iniorsa-ttvsi GRthered from Msay Llaquo^

e a l l t l e s l a Mlehiaran


9 h e L a r g e s t P a r t o f t h e T o i S f a a e r H a s B e e n D laquo laquo t r raquo y e a gt raquo

IAMW 9 5 0 0 0 0 raquo


Menominee May 17mdashHeavy ra ins putOut t h e fire a t Fisher which h a d spread to t h e w e s t side of the track and theatened t h e destruct ion of t h e m a i n portion o f the town The loss i s e s t imated at $500000 insurance only $100000 The sawmi l l and shingle planing-mill lumber and cedar yard dry shed ki lns sehooihouse hosshyp i ta l and e ight dwe l l ings are deshystroyed The mi l l s were o w n e d by S M Fisher of Chicago president o f t h e Wisconsin amp Mich igan l o a d Men are a t work clearing a w a y t h e debris preshyparatory t o rebui lding C H Worcesshyt e r amp Co o w n the t imber land They los t 10000000 fee t o f lumber 1000-00 sh ing les and a large quant i ty o i cedar p r o d u c t


The Charlotte Foundry company moving i t s plant to- Ypsilanti

The anti-saloon league i s working laquoraquo deg up local option nentimeampt in Hills- sure dale county

fcaton county pioneers Will hold the ir annual reunion and picnic at Charlotte on June 12

Wheat in Michigan has shown an [improvement during the last week

but is still very poor The two-year-old gton of Orla Shreve

living near Columbiaville choked to death on a piece of apple

Whea^ and- oa t s look fairly good throughout northern Michigan since the late rains and warm weather^

The total assessment of Grand Hap-ids has been raised from $27000000 to cent40000000 and the tax rate has been reduced t o 1frac14 p e r c e n t

The Grand Rapids Belding amp Sag-i c a w railroad i s t o be purchased by t h e Pere Marquette andvmJide a pershymanent part of the ir sys tem

Huckleberries and other frui ts i n nor thern Michigan have not been i r -jured b y the heavy frosts of the past t w o weeks and a large crop i s exshypected

Great preparations are being made a t Bat t l e Creek for the annual encampshym e n t of t h e Michigan division of the


Plant to Sell Oxygen Liquefied Car bottle Acid and Maybe Nitrogen

Prof itaoul Pictot of Geneva Switshyzerland has i n v e n t s a process for the separation of the oxygen and nitro-

the air at atmospheric pre

The process is one that i s about to be introduced in this city on a comshymercial scale and i plant is now near-ing completion

Professor Pictets process consists in the initial produfction of a certain quantity of liquid air which i s stored in tubes Then through this is forced UEucr a pressure of only about one atmosphere or 15 pounds to the inch a stream of atmospheric air This i s cooled in the liquid air but as It rises in a chamber beyond the gases of which i t is composed separate themshyselves by gravity aud run off in separshyate tubes

The ogygen being slightly the heavshyier flows out through the lower tubes while the nitrogen goes off above in addition to these gases the air conshytains as an impurity carbonic acid gas a n d t h i s It i s asserted leaves the machine i s a liquid form being reshyduced to that form by the low temper ature

The two products by which a direct commercial use are expected to be found are the oxygen and the liquid carbonic acid gas The latter already has a Axed place in the market and

Sons of Veteran which will be held large quantities of it are saved in well a t Cognac Lake June 19 t o 42 equipped breweries where it is pro-

W H Meecham of Bat t l e Creek a duced in great hulk through the fer-civil engineer i a t h e employ of t h e meriting of the beer It i s pumped Grand Trunk railroad fell under a fre ight train a t Davison and received injuries which caused h i s death

The suramer m e e t i n g of t h e State Horticultural soc ie ty i s t o be held a t N e w a y g o on June 26 and 27 and the

Into s tee l tools under a pressure that Uquines i t It i s worth 7 frac12 cents a pound

T h e great market which Professor Pictet expects to find for the oxygea b to support Combustion a t high tera-

fruit growers of N e w a y g o cotmty are peratureaOn^ furnaees where coal la already making preparations for t h e I burned m burning fuel with the oxy event

I t s laveafot - a Mleala Mmw Clalsaa It Cam Salaquoraquot F o a r H a a d r e d

Ttates a sfflaate

Escanabo May 1raquo mdash Capt Jaclk CConnel l whose home i s a t Bapid River th i s county baa invented w h a t h e c la ims i s the grea te s t rapid-ftring rifle of the age T h e gun i s a b o u t t h e size of t h e ordinary h u n t i n g rifle y e t O^OiiM^ll- has Sred 120 shot s in 1 t

seconds and 400 s h o t s in a minute T w e n t y cartr idges held by their base l a c l ips sl ide t h r o u g h t h e breach of t h e g u n and these m a y be fired in o a e j

Active prepsxatkms are shready n progress t o enterta in the old solshyd iers a t the annual reunion of t h e Northern Michigan 8oHierV and Sailors association a t Standisb i n Augus t

The village council at Newberry has refused to renew the contract wi th the company which owns t h e waterworks there and i t ia probable that a municshyipal plant may he installed t o f a m i s h the vinagers wi th water

At torney General Oven Is in Washshyington t o a r g ^ an apoeal from t h e auditor t o the comptro l ler of t h e treasury department concerning the rejection of cer ta in port ions of t h e first inatathnent of Michigans war claim filed a year or more ago

There ae 100 n e w bui ldings now in cont inuous s tream T w e n t y consecu- course of erection a Onaway and as t w e shot s can h e fired by ten pul ls many mora will he buil t before the of t h e tr igger or all raquo may be fired close of this seacon The Outlook e s -

it and th people stood by me I wlaquol finish w i t h l i ghtn ing rapidity by s imply p e c t tha t t h e ^ frac34 V wil l the nght and I think the people will cod- lt pu l l ing the t r igger one and holding reached by the population of 2ne vll-

It back

B e a d s F e r Sraquo3

The iiadersiffniMj F inance Committee act ing nailer the ins t ruc t ions of the Common Council of the city of C o n m n a SCii-hi^sn herlaquoby gi-va notice tktat theywiU n p to and including the b o a r of ten oclock a m of tue 7th day of June 1900 receive wled bids tor the purchase or Ave ihousami dollars of bonds of the city of C j runn t t ielt igan t o be issuetJ for the pu--ftos of improving t i n puplic pa rk of said ciiv kacwn Araquo -HupL j icCordy Prk Said 1 o da t b e dated Ju ly first 1900 to run for flftn years from said da te and to d raw tuUrelaquot raquo i the rraquoflaquo ot four per cent per annum

AH bids m u s t be inclosed ui a sealed wrap-pisr endorse- on t he outside BiJu fot- Public Bonds subMrribed with the name of the bidshyder and m u s t be placed with A C Young- clerk brtagt2 c i ty of Coranna W iti each bid a certified c o e t k for flOOSA payable to A C Young city clerk must be deposited with said cierk araquo s o er ideacc ofgood faitta

The ch^ck so deposited will tw e umed to the unsQcceasfut bidder

T h e F inance Committee re laquo res the r ight to bullreject any and alt bids

Da t d Mcv3d 19C0 Wm E JACOB WA Mi Mi LI KS

Finance Committee oi the Common Council of the city of Corunna Mich

tinue to back nie op- However I do hot believe that sir Ferry will be nominated John c Steams present secretary at stata will probably be the man

W i l l Ctet It Maaey Ann Arbor M s y 21 mdash In the cirshy

cuit court a decree w a s issued admitshyt i n g t o probate the v^ill of the ate Adah Z Treadwell one of t h e proshyvisions of which devised to the unishyversity the sum of cent2000 for a free bed at the hospital De Forest Treat the relative w h o opposed the terms of the will was heard as were o ther witnesses The university will now get its money

Ra i l road T a x a t i o n i n c r e a s e d LansiBg May 19mdashItailroadi Commisshy

sioner Chase S Osbofn has filed wi th a s possible the auditor general the annual cornel c e m r a a e Meet putat ion of railroad taxes which must - u bull r laquo T u bdquo ^_ be paid by the railroad companies o n I Coldwater May 1 9 - T h e twenty -

or before July 1 The list hovvs a big i laquo ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ $ i ^ ^ i n c r c ^ over the taxe8 of 1S99 ^ITen f - j f j w a s e m thi^cityv Wednesday t h e total taxes were $i0S7aiGS9 the i F o r t y members of the bat tery were amount of t a x e s levied for this year being $1240^452^ The per cent of in shycrease is J 069

W i l l Casapi a t L a k e Ctaajaae Bat t l e Creek May 21-rThe Sons of

Veterans Michigan division encampshym e n t wil l be held ml Lake Goguae June 18 to 22 Capt Carl A Wagner says that he wrote to t h e quartermasshyter general of the s t a t for the1 loan of 60 rifles and equipments for use of company L during the encampment and received a reply from Quartermasshyter Genral Atkinson that it could probably Ire done with the consent of Gov Pingrcc in case the nat ional guard receive their arms^anu equipshyment by that t ime It is the expectashyt ion to make th is a school of instrucshytion in drill a n d camp work as much




C h e a p B a t e s Sys lesa

V U G r a a d Truuk s^ailway t Various P o l a t s i a



Dewey at Detroit June Stb and Jgtthmdash One nire for rouud trip tickets sold for evening trains of the Sch and mortiing trains of the 0th valid to return the Olb inclusive

G A R Encampment s t Gra-id Rsp-ids June 7th sud S t h - O n e fare for the round trip tickets sold for trains of June (ith 7tli and 8ih valid to return up to the Oth inclusive

K O T M Mleliigaii Great Csmp laquot Grand Kapld June 12th to ICthmdashOre fare for rout-d trip ticket sold for trains of l l t b and 12b valid to return up to lGcli iitclusive

Itepublican Ntitioigtil Convention s t Philadelphia June 19ilraquomdashOne fare for round trip ticket sold for trains of June 14th 15tb 10th K i h and IStli valid to let urn u p to 2Gth iucluraquoive

For t ickets sud informttlon apply to ail ageuto of Grand Trunk Hallway Sysshytem and connect ing tine

gtVS M u w r Millutim Pa u e l the life of bis little girl by g iv ing her One Minute Cough ture wbett thlt4 was bulllying from croup It is the 0laquoUy harmshyless remedy that gives immediate reshysult It quickly cures coughs cold bronchi grippe Ssthma and all tNroal s o d lung troubles F M Kliboura

bullbull bull bull pound l laquo e t GSaeers v Grand Tbtpids May 19mdashThe Michishy

gan Commercial Travelers associa

tion elected the fol lowing officers Frishyday afternoon Senior grand Counselshylor N J Moore Jackson junior H A Barlett F l in t secretary Amos Kendall Hil lsdale treasurer W S West Jackson representative to sn preme council Frank Day Jackson and J A Murray Detroit

W l a w w C i v e a laquo40OO Negaunee May SI mdash The T C amp

N W Railway company made a setshyt lement wi th the widow of 55 O fireen who w a s one of the vict ims of the Ford river coll ision in March last paying her $4000 as a rel inquishment oi all claims aga ins t the company This is the largest sum paid any of the c la imants

Mar Mraquove to Michiaran St Joseph May 19mdashNine representashy

tive Dunkards from Indiana Il l inois and Ohio are here t o inspect farming lands wi th the idea of colonizing 11000 oi their sect in this v idn i ty They deshyclare t lmi ise ives much pleased wi th this location

L o s e T h e i r ffeta Grand Haven May 19mdashDeputy Game

Warden Rrewster has pulled up a lot yt nets which he found in Grand river and destroyed them They were valshyued at $200 and belonged to Grand Haven fishermen

WMI Stan at Nile Nile May 21 mdash Preparations are

now in progress for the reception of Admiral Dewey w h o will be in Niles for a short t ime on bis way to Three Oaks the first week in June

R a r a l F r e e De l ivery Washington D C May 19mdashKural

frfe delivery ii be established June 4 at Monroe WUliam Loose has been Appointed currier

present and af ter a business m e e t i n g enjdyed a tr ip raquobout the c i ty v is i t ing factories s t a t e public schools and public buildings v AV banquet and camp-fire was held a t the Arl ington hote l at n ight Toasts were respondshyed to and a fine t ime was had by the veterans bull

mge before the end of the year The franchise for the Batt le Creek-

Coldwater electrle railroad through all the townships between the t w o c i t ies have been seeurrlaquolaquo raquoMlaquo laquo i i i - i^st remainn before Work will be started is t o secure t h e r ight of way through Union City and i n t o the terminal points

David Comwel l and Milton D Owen of Allegan have been granted a franshychise for an electric s treet railway t o be constructed northward from Alle-ltjan along t h e Monterey road and in Monterey and Salem tna point of juncshytion with an electric road which will be built from Grand^ Rapids t o Holland this summer

The at torney for Former Superinshytendent A O Hyde of Calhoun counshyty have made a motion for the quashing of the information against Mr Hyde on the false pretense charge If it i s denied a continuance will be asked unti l the September t erm of court The same procedure wil l be taken when the embezzleshyment case i s called

gen of the air there must be admitted to the furnace about three t imes the bulk of oxygen or nitrogen and tbia absorbs a large quantity of the beak If an excess of air goes into the fa nace th i l a l s o takes up and wastes beat By admitting oxygen these looses can be saved

The nitrogen it i s asserted can be used for the production of nitric acid and Professor Pictet says that by a process of his invention h e caa comshybine it Into ammonia directly by exshyposing hydrogen and nitrogen to the electric arc under certain conditions If th i s be true Professor Pictet h a t solved a problem of wonderful value which has defied the researehes of t s laquo ab les t chemists of the worldmdashNew Tori Wnk

I t s a l w a y s damp places that mush rooms jfcuw isnt it paiiair

Yes mv boy-Is tha i the reason they look like

umbrellas p a p a V


A f t i i d Yoat l t Wed Al legan May 19mdashJustice Hicks

performed a very peculiar marriage The inspector found that the trouble is all caused by the cutworm which

OasMffe k y C a i w a r o i i Xiles May 19mdashProf R H Pet t i t

of the Michigan s ta te agricultural col lege experiment stat ion has visshyited a number of t h e farms in th is vicinity and insjgtected the fruit trees that have been injured by insects

here The contract ing parties were W H S Banks of Lee township a veteran of t h e war of the rebell ion and an officer aged 82 years whi le t h e bride is but 18 They were marshyried about a year ago in a small town in Wisconsin but as her parents had no t given their consent an at torney advised that t h e y be remarried

J o t a t h e R e v a b l i c a a s

Detroit May 19mdashJudge Allan B Morse of Ionia former democratic judgo of the supreme court of Mich

has been playing havoc with a numshyber of trees The w o r m s have in a few cases destroyed the peach buds but the loss in his opinion will not be great and the worst danger is over

fixcaaloa S e a a a O p e n s

St Joseph May 21 mdash The Sunday steamboat excurs ion season opened with a large crowd from Chicago County Clerk Xeedham announced revival in the marriage business at Michigans Gretna Green Three

fgan and R A Montgomery of COtrples were wedded Sunday and the Lansing brother of the late Judge M yJiit for the last three months num-V Montgomery of the District of ^ r s m 0 l e than 100 couples from Chi-Columbia bench have abandoned their 0agO anlti points outside of Berrien posit ion as gold democrats and an- c o ^ i n t ry Names of GO couples were nounced themselves a s republicans suppressed through and t h o u g h schoo l L a a d s tor Sale

Biar Steamatraquo l e s s e n e d Lansing May 16mdash About 11500 acres Detroit May 20mdashThe Pit tsburgh of reappraised primary school land will

Steamship companys steel steamer | be restored to the market June 28 by Harvard the largest vessel ever built being oifered for sale at public auct ion on the Detroit river was launched at the state land office This land is Saturday afternoon from the Wyan- appraised at from 50 cents to $5 per dote yards of the Detroit ship-build- j acre and is located in the counties of ing company The Harvard is 473 feet Dickinson Allegan Kent Manislee long 28 feet molded depth and M Montmorency Kalamazoo Muskegon feet beam Her carrying capacity is Ottawa Parry t a k e and Mason

8000 tons W a a t s Athle t ic Saspcaaetf Dies o t P a r u i y s u Ann Arbor May 21 mdash Commander

Niles May 18 mdash Mrs Margaret 14 R Pealer of the Michigan G A Rbdquo Tlosfeld an old resident of this c i ty has issued a wri t ten request to the residing in the German se t t l ement | presidents and facult ies of the several w i s found dead in bed the cause of inst i tut ions of learning in Michigan her death being paralysis She was He asks that the athlet ic and sport ing bull years bid and the mother of 11 i-Jiibs be kept home on Memorial day


WRAPPERS at 79c and 100in neat attractive patterns good goods and made right

SHIRT bull WA13frac34frac34 for 50c 75c 3100 aud $125 V-

DRESS SKIRTS i b r 30c roc and SO for summer wear

Lawns and Dress Goods Laces Insertions and Embroidery for summer apparel

Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles for your windows

Indies Taffeta and Silk Gloves and Mitts at 15c 20c and 25c

Come and see us for what you eat w laquo r or use

children three of viom survive her and are res idents of th i s bdquo t y

so as not t o detract from the mlicancc o l Decoration day


Oli yes Spring is here and so is our large and complete stock of

Boots and Shoes for the ring nnd Suttimer


Sp TAX MM] BLACK in eudlcss varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan orJllaquock LADIES BALS frbm $150 to $375 Ladies OXFOKDS Tan or Black fvorn gl(A- te ^200 For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dontfail 10 gtee the DOUGLAS $3 50 in any shade They are excellent They are as bullgood as the usual $450 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in endshyless varieties

Yours for good goods at reasonable prices




ARTHUR YOUNG He represents thq strongest and

most reliable companies Parties desiring to sell or rent property

will do well to place the same with him Good farm mortgages bought and laquo0kj

A good 120 acre ampiGi for gale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for )

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia

Digests what you eat I t artificially digests the foodand alas

Nature in strengthening ao3 reconshystructing tbe exhausted -digestive orshygan I t i s the latest discovered digest ant and tonic N o otTaer preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanentiy cores dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea Sick HeadacfceGastralgiaCramplaquo and all other resulttof imperfecfcdJgestlon Price 50c sodSt Iise ahcooiitatoa Stolaquo smallstoeBeoltaUalxmtd7q^pelraquoBMiUedftlaquoc

Prepared by pound C DaWITT A CO Chicago For Sale bv F M K1LBOUKN

To Cure Cfoagfe In One B a y To Cure a Cold i n Cue D a y To Our Sore Throat In On Xkftf raquo 0 Oar Roaieeaesn i n One B a y

Take Cleveland lng Heater 93 cents If it fails to cm we w amp cheerfully refuad y o w money (matafeefree )

at C i t Peacocks

Doe ClaquoTlaquolaquo AgrM WUh I o n

If not dr ink Grahgt-0mdashmade from pure grain A lady writes Tbe first time1 made Grain O I did not like it t u t after using It for one week Botfcing would induce me to go baek to coffee It nourishes and feeds the syetem The children can drink it freely with great benefit Get a package to-day from your grocer 15c and 25c Be sure it is ftampde by tbe Genesee Pure Food Co Le Boy 27 YM as there are imitations 00 the market

Fewer Lynching Probably ninety-nine newspaper

readers out of every hundred if asked for their impressions at the end of 1S93- would have said that they supshyposed there had been more- cases of lynching hi this country hut year than In any previous twelvemonth It is therefore a pleasant surprise to find that the statistician of the Chicago Tribune who has kept track of the figures for many years can report that the record was fealty the smallest since 1885 There is no explanation of the apparent mystery which is not geaeraly thought of Public sentiment against lynching has been growing steadily throughout the country and especially in the south where tho practice has been most common The result i s that the press gives much greater pubttetty to report of all such outrages now than formerly and 1GT cases dating 1639 consequently atshytracted more attention than wosd vwivlaquo i s nwuf oftlaquosa years ago Y Bvcning P o s t

A Peculiar A arrange lake exist in the center

of Sulphur Island off Hew Zealand It is SO acres in extent about 12 feet in depth and 15 feet above the level of the sea The moat remarkable characshyteristic at this lake is thai the waiter contain vast quantities of hydrochlorshyic and sulphuric acids hissing and bubbling at a tepperatcre of 110 deshygrees FahrenheitbullbullbullThe dark green-colshyored water looks particularly uninvitshying Dense cloud of sulphuric fumes constantly roll off this boiling caldroo and care has to tie exercised in apshyproaching this lake to avoid the risk of suffocation On the opposite side of the lake may be seen the tremendous blow-hole1which when in full blast present aa awe-inspiring s ight The roar of the steam as it rushes forth lu-to the air is deafening and often huge bowidere and stones are hurled out to a height of several hundred feet by -tbe various internal forces cf nature A boat can be blanched on the lake and if proper care he observed the very edges of the blow-holes may be safely explored Some Idea of the strength of the acid-saturated water of this lake may be gathered from tbe fact that a boat almost dropped to pieces after all the passengers had been landed as the rivets had corrodshyed under tbe influence of tbe adds

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it IS

being done neatly try us for better still


Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water CeJor

ami Sepia Work

Framing Don

on Short


PlatiBO-types The very latest things in our line are

the Piatino-iypes we arc now patting out Nothing else t^aais ihera We make them We make them in all styles Also Gloss Finish and Platino Work Satisfaction Guaranteed

Agriculture 1 should single out the reaping mashy

chine as tbe greatest human achieve luent in the departraeht of agriculture Not only is it a great boon in itself but it marks tbe initiative in a great movementmdashtbe substitution of meshychanical for muscularv forcemdashwhich modern agricultural needs have made imperative For thousands of years the agricultural Implement of hushymanity gt regained what they were In the infancy of the race Tbe sparle and tbe hoe the sickle and the scythe of our grandfather were identical with those wielded by the first barshybarian who emerged from the prehisshytoric ages into recorded time It was not till far into the middle of the nine-teenth century that the sickle and the scythe were replaced by the reaping ujachJne

Theres no place like tbe Journal for Neat P r i n t i n g raquo raquo raquo

P ^ - -

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W Exchange St

A ampaigki f tlM Grip Tlaquot4iamplaquo Mgtmenee IJL Nov 14 1888 I wraquos

ronbled with a disagreeable baling in bullny ftomavh -aused by dvapepsla and one do-e of Dr CsldweJVs Mvrup Pepsiti relieved me I will never he without it as-It Is tbe beat remedy for constipation ar t indigestion I have ever used P R Clartu TrtvcUug Salesasaa ftraquor Pearson A Weytel Importers of Ooenneware


The Story of a Clever Prisoners Plan for Escape

Green Casey a convict at San Quen-tin has won the admiration of all his fellow-convicts at the prison for the novel contrivance he has invented in order to make hLi escape from the prison walls some time ampm and through Sheriff Iangdon cf Santa Clara county the story has leaked o u t bull

Casey was a Mad of trusty around the prison ground and wailti n-ork-ing iu one of the giounde in the vicinity of the prison he took it into his he1 that he would like to escape and wes beginciJis to tax his mindas to tho most advantageous way to snit his purpose As lie v as stroiln^ around oil the green grass which grows la abunlt3an(e around the prison an idea struck him that if hft could imitate the grass by some meana he could elude the watchful sentries an J make good his escape

Through tlio aid of his convict friends he procured Rome piecesof burlap and with tho aid of sonic iope made them into a l e n s coat that would cover him completely when lyiiit oil the grass He then secured soma wheat from the prison stable and sowed it on the flrst layer of his coat He cast it down carelessly at one end of the prison grounds and watered It dailygt In a few weeks the grass grew UP through the sack coat and before a great while the piece of burlap was conformed into a grassy lawn

He was now rea^dy to carry out his plans and patiently awaited an opshyportunity At last he succeeded m getting his new contrivance across to the northwest of the prison and in a few minutes was under his grassy cent

Slowly he crept along with the cleverness of a worm and from all appearance success- would crown his efforts But his progress waa too rapid and very soon he heard footshysteps coming In his direction The moving grass plot which was slowly making its way up the hillside soon came to a sudden standstill a s tho eye of a guard had noticed the grass moving and came to investgate the phenomenon A kick in tbe ribs ap prised Casey that his plan had been discovered Tbe guard took Casey and a red shirt now covers his breast mdashSan Francisco CalL

EVEN SUPPOSE Even suppose Chat I could forget What you were ( should know you

yet Even suppose (and my hope is this) inai oameu m ltke Clueo raquoA a

those quisite bliss

Your Nface has lct through cloudless yeata -

The lines of trouble the stain of tears I shajl see it thep as 1 see it yet Even suppose that I could forget

know I claimed you ones you are still my

bullbullown- bull A kiss perhaps that I left on your

cheeks Where al is spirit all kissea speak Dead or living I live youyet Even suppose that I could forget mdash E M Hewitt in t h e Pall Mall Magazine

TIE l i l K

ness Hev yer sot any fine wlra netting he askod Yes sir he answered euroagertys anything yer want In tbet iine

Welllemmfi slaquoe it He lboed it over critically X guess Ill tek all yer g o t Its jest erbbut enough fer what I want TJie peddler was alshymost carried off his feet with surshyprise Why yer aint goin ter biild fences be jer Never youmind Thets my busines h When yer come round in the fall f i r pay yer and then praps Ill tell yer

The peddlers ftce shaded perceptshyibly with d^appointment and he 106k-

K ^ mdash t ^ i u laquo A^iH w n u i lt ed about the fann anxiously- Oh Ev t yone knew A ^ i U Wilkias a laquo d o n t y o u W O r r y T e r n git yer pay the village of Trescott hut not o n e ^ i ^ ^ I cant pay^er tfll I git 3laquo in ten by that classic surname to alt my crop But its a sure thing_ And who wished coal carted or rubbish bull th^neddler immediately motmteJ his

Wxlions and that part of the town frac34frac34frac34frac34 Q^aiaj gamp^tmsed his wife ship where he resided was called 1 ^New 0frac14 woman fm goin ter bo Quilleyville If anyone desired to uretty busy fer a htte over the maun-define any part of the earths surface I ^ d o raquo t +amp fleJ

~ ^ r V ^ ^ ^ - f^P5 -ntaer children no-nn raean- I aint an being particularly unsavory or like a ^ o | n aaythfnv wi-ong Only I wast that future state t^ which the Calvin-1 ter kind o sprie yer with AJsHie istic creed eonsighs sinful humanity I way-Im Kotn ter ceviae ter raise that it was customary to refer to QuIBey-ithar mortgage An111 promise tef


Prancfi and Chinese Lead the Nations ef the World In TMe

Among -Westerns- -themdashFrench- aart among Ortentale the Chinese are ihe most stay-at-homlaquo nations ef the world lrVeochmn are met with in all parts of tbe world hot tnete thought are always tnming toward the happy days when they can one shore return to I Bce France and breathe the air of it boulevard The Prehctinan neyer willfully exnatrtates himself for life The Cblnaman on the other hand I3 a siny at-houie by religion Illaquo thinks that bis hope of salvtttoii deshypends upon ending hh days in the Ceshylestial Empire and he is careful to provide that if he dies in a foreign land bis coflln with his remains shall be sent back to China The frightful over-popuhitiott of the Chinese Enijike has driven Chinamen into all quarter Of the world especiaily to Australia but they always hope to return to their own ud Tbe Hindu Wlaquoes lt-laquoIJSbulllaquo If he leaves bis native cotmiry buthe is a member of a religion rather than of a race and as a set-laquoff the Mohani- medaiis who form a very large pro-portioa of the Indian Empire are the most persistent pilgrims on the face of the earth

em the moneyyer put Inter tlaquoA thar place t o aU of this QuiUey made no reapenraquoraquo But it must be admitted he thougit a good deal He marched up over the barren moua-lala side and noafr carefully several things One was that 1raquo the aftershynoon a breese genlaquorally swept up over the mountain aeddng the fool exshypanse of the Omnecticut beyond The hot air soughi the cooler surface ef the stream this breeze carried

Bven suppose I aifght choose to be wlthit certain other things which en-Friend of an angel it seems to me tlaquoed largely into W w ^ S S Hearts choice is once though the tlons He also ewmined a little more

fleamph forset | closely the old has n bull- Notkhowii^whyIahbuianb0OMyourL-^neltla7 a n itinerant tin peddler bullbullbullbull yet j cahie along in whom Quilley at once Even suppose thai 1 could forget took an uncommon interest He

I abandoned the whittling and the eounr What will it be ihat wiU make ypui y paper and cante at oace to busi

The Papal Elections The succesaiou of the Roman Ponshy

tiffs rests on the word of God other lines of pr ineesmay fail their line shall last until the end of the wtrld Still although there will always be a series of legitimate successors In the Papacy themanccr of succession has varied being ieft-to human prhdeibee wbidi acoommodaies itself to times and places yet ever under an overrulshying Providence that directs to its own ends no less the vices than the virshytues of ngten

In the Pope the world receives a vishycar of Christ n successor of S t Peter and an infuliii-e judge in the matter of faith and jsonls The Papacy was always conferred regularly by way of electionmdasht om the chief of the Apostles ebose-i by our Lord himshyself to Leo XIII cow reigning who was elected gty the Cardinals of the Holy ltoman Church on the 20th of Februarj 187S Between these there have been 2gt1 Pogtesif we follow tbe number givenby t i e official Gerarchia Cattolica whicli Is published annualshylymdash Mouslgnor Sefoa in Frank Lesshylies Popular Mouthiy

vine Here dwelt several fanaiHea of Witkinses of which Quilley was the distinguished chief happy and surshyprisingly healthy in spite of their great disregard of all sanitary prinshyciples and familiarity with goats and pigs

When one early spring morning Qtiilleys horse died with a proper deference to its own age QaiUeyvflle was thrown into Sackcloth and ashes although there had always been a plenty of the hutot commodity tying fn unsightly heaps in various parts of the province The proprietor of the late horse buried him with honors took a chair front the kitchen and going out into the spring sunshine tilted it against the side of the house and began to whittle There he stayshyed all day never heeding the call to dinner As sometimes happens in CBKlaquo vi rgtmnL iAiVamprtT QsUtey had from time to tlase e m lag the pant bull years made aampall depoelta in the Am-monooauc River savtags a nV Even in his sorest straits b t laquo5l never touch that saoney if one bull esraquo into the bank It stayed there He was thinking of that now tt asftouated to sometfng near IW9 Hhiwtte came ont and gathered up the days whit-tiings in a banket Quilley rose and shook himself Well oi woman he said Ive kinder concluded ter buy a farm out yonder on ther maun-tia Kinder guess you an ther young uns ll like it better an5 me too fer all that

His wife made no response aot beshycause sKe could not talk for she spent hours with the neighbors In animated discourse and knew all that went on in the Trescott homes from the lowshyest to the highest But she looked upon her man as did the Pagans upon the responses of the oracles aa beyord the pale of human gratitude or disapprobation

Tbe next morning the sun peeped over the summit of the mountain with rayraquo Trf April brightness and promise and Quilleyvilie Was up to meet its first glance with It mingled sounds of human and brute creation Quilley strode forth after breaktas- toward the mountain It was on the bordershyland of the White mountains and on many of the lesser summits and moun-taia sides arfgterched to-day the desoshylate remnants of a former yeomanry hardier than that of to-day who had fed and clothed themselves by erops

The Legal Way Before I agree to undertake your

defense said the eminent criminal lawyer who had been called in you will have to be perfectly frank with me and tell me tint whole truth Did you embexale the twenty thousand dollars you arc accused of baring takshyen bull

Yes sir repliCl the accused man Ill not attempt to conceal the fact from you I stole every cent of it

How much of it have yon still Its all gene but about ten dollars Young man sad tbe eminent lawshy

yerbuttoning his gloves youd betshyter plead guilty nd throw yourself on tbe mercy of tl e court

111 de it if yon cay laquo0 sir What are yen going to cuarge me for the advice

Ten dollarsmdashc hicago Tribune

A jBeoihbay die) ftsbermanmdashAh Ak-ctaim te bavt the rhortijrt ansae da record There Is 00 afcevevietiee aboet it either

show yer a crop that c a n t be beat throughout the h8 o ther Granite

As usuaL Quinsys word was law Only once wpraquo his order dteoheyesa hii the least degree and he fortunately never knew of that One day Uttte Quilley bullbullamp nnablo to reelat crawled oyerthe 1nfampltr of the mouBtain and looked What he taw onry incrcssed his mystificatlGa A large round cage had been constructed ont of the wire netting wIJraquo a door large enongh to admit a man In one jtfftee while fee tag the wind Was an extended opening resembling the nariag end of a taega-phone only several tCoies larger ft was in the morning and tluHley Sr^ seemed to he ahovefang n cmnntftv of some dark suhataace fate the adjoinshying ham One other feature added to the mystery Bae morning Quilley proceeded over the brow of Che bill w i n a Quart of nraquootaaea a s his only hureengt Mrtu Wltktas wondered but asked no quwttonn Bst the state and town treaeaisjs were probably tbe most surprised men wultraquo the recret was let o u t Mrs WKkiae was of eonrae deHghted and Che people of Treaeott alluded with conscious pride to the inventive genJns of their towta-ataa AquIUa Wflkliw who was really the only one hy the townshipwho had succeeded in making an abandonea farm pay But after alL the town treasurer had the worst shock-mdashN B Homestead

Was Bothered with Shouters For ten years Horace Sheley of In

dependence Mo was so hard of hear ing that his intimate friends used to say he was as deaf as a post But he was not quite that deaf He could hear If the wordswere shouted in his ear and that was the way people talkshyed to him Three months ago Mr Sheley went to an aurls tcnd now he can hear aa wen as he ever could Many of his aequaintanoes do not know that be has regained his hearshying and when they meet him they shoot In his ear a s they were acshycustomed to do in the ten years of his deafness tt i s embarrassing to Mr Sheley and annoying- Last week Mr- Sheley was in Kaae City and met his n e ^ e w James Noland on the street They shook hands and then Mr Nolan grasped the lapel of his

would-^trumpet the sound well and shouted at the top of his voice H o w are you Uncle Horace and then he drew in a long breath Just as he used to do and shouted I havent seen you for a coons age Why dont you come around and see us

Uncle Horace flinched away from his nephew and said

Dont yell so Jlmmie or youHl deafen me I can hear as well as you canmdashKansas City Times

__ w uncles coat with his Ilaquoft hand stood w r ^ ^ l r o m a ^ o h g W ^ V a n ^ boulders There ae few signs of hu-1 ^J^^t^ f^hoUow degi man life in these places now All bullbull^J u to hla^face so it that remams are a few tumbled-down farm-houses with their empty barns and out-buMdings It is the material substance of the abandoned farm era- bullbull

But Quilley had set his heart on one of these farms and was going to look over the old Wilcox place unshyinhabited for 20 years and then call on its owner Whtn he returned that night he was the owner of several acres of mountain side a goodly part Of it being composed of ledges and cliffs sloping toward the Connecticut river and its fertile i e U s but stopshyping at the borderland of the really valuable soil When he went to the bank the next day he also visited the registry of deeds He had spent $300 on his farm with an added mortgage of $200 leaving the residue of his litshytle fortune tor the purchase of tools seeds and another horse He postshyponed the purchase of a cow until he had something to feed her on the outshylook jfor pasturage being extremely dubious as all the acreage available for that purpose had grown up to bushes In less than a week Quilleyshyvilie was deserted and the passerby would have noted that whatever was left behind was offered for sale

Quilley found his new life much more easy than his former had been and he discovered much to his satisshyfaction that Mrs Wilkins was en-ambled to prove more literally her bullproper a vocation as a helpmate to him He wisely pat no hindrance in her way and as she had been a farmshyers daughter she was able to give him considerable enlightment He lacked that impulse to work which had been a great spur to activity when he had worked for ethers Aa

Why He rgtldnk Want Th Jm Unconscious humor is not a rare

thing in commerce and the corshyrespondence of a business house is frequently enlivened by absurdities Here are two communications found last week in the mail written on a postal card and the Correspondent evidently concluded that as he had contributed one cent towards the govshyernments revenues he might as well make the government earn Its money This communication read

Dear Sirs Please send mo twenshyty boxes Of Bathis plugs and hurry shipment P SmdashPlease cancel the abbve as my wife has just found sixshyteen boxes in the cellar

It is possible that the manwho wrote that was not such aa unconshyscious Joker after all but there is no mistaking the solemn earnestness of the following from an Arkansas town also written on a postal card Ikey has been ded too year BO you

need not rite to hist any more mdashN Y Sun I k e y s wife

Object t e the Method The flow of an oil well in southern

California bullwen tncreened hy the re-the warm days toward the last of JaU| ^ bullf11 tttJM bull fU of came he began to think a good deal bull ^ bull bull 5 raquo bull pound ^ 0 4 lW-larly about that mortgage Certain of his traquoWraquoeogt--8aa Frenesjao Examiner former friends wie knew soasothi^1 -__ bdquo 77mdash anient farming had told him that the bullbullnawtlssi ef VaCwe sea Wilcox plaee wne better auftsd to Scene day seen enierprtstng nub raUtnc greashesners than mortgagee1 rasher wiB tswae a Teat pocket edition Jhe want staee In ther tewsu^qt Car ef tte nteeycJonedJa BrltaaicamdashPhlaquoa-


11 -^


Dr Talmampfe lifts the Curtain from

The Olorlee f t r a r a aw ltt CoHppeklaquolaquouiilaquolaquo 4 tli JTSatte

MiBd-jyrlaquo w i l l B raquo bull rwrUaw Ter

[Copyright 1800 by Loci Klopsen j Washington May IX

In thisdiscourse DrTahtiage lifts the curtain from eternal felicities and in au unusual way treats of the Heavenshyly world Text L Corinthians 29 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath pre pared for them that love Him

The city of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity Indeed for splendor the world holds no such wonshyder to-day It stood on an isthmus washed by two seas the one sea bringshying the commerce of Europe the other sea bring-in] the commerce of Asia From her wharfs in the construction of which whole kingdoms had beeL V sorbed war galleys with three bank of oavs pushed out and confounded the navy yard of nil the world Huge-handed machinery sneh as modem in- prssas and samphire a mountain of

O B carta she wan a lifelong invalid See her step now and hear her voice uaampf Caiehu if yotz can one breath of that celestial air Health in all the anisesmdash- health of vision health of spirits immortal health No racking tough no sharp pleurisies no consum- g fevers no exhausting pains no hosshypitals of vioanded men Health swingshying in ibeMr health flowing in all the streams health blooming on the banks No headaches no aid^nches no backshyaches That child that died in the agonies of croup hear her voice now ringing in the anthem That old man that ^ent bowed down with the infirmshyities of Age sec him walk how Wilis the step of an immortal athletemdashfoi-cver young again That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air reshysuscitated her forever For everlastshying years to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue Eye hath not seen it ear hath not heard i t

I remark further that we can in this worldget no just idea of the splendors of Heaven John tries to describe them He sttfs ^the 12 gates are 12 pearls and that the foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of preshycious etones As wye stand looking through the telescope of St John We see a blaze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sardonyx and chryso-

vention cannot equal ISfted ships from the tea on one side and transported them on trucks across the isthmus and set them down in the sea on tb other side

The revenue officers of the effy went down through the ofire groves that lined the bench tbebSeet a tariff tram all nations The mirth of aU people sported in her isthmian games and the beauty of nil lands-sat in her theaters walked her praquortic$$a laquoi|fcrw Uself on the altar of hlaquoar stu$enampu dissipashytion Celujna-ind statue and temple bewiidered the tehdtte- There were white marble fountains into which from apertures c t the side there rushed water everywhere known for health-giving qualities Around these basins twisted into wreaths of stone there were aTl the beauties o f sculpture and architecture while standing as if to guard the costly display was a statue of Hercules of burnished Corinthian bras Va$es of terra cotta adorned the eeaieteriesof the deadmdashrvases so costly that Julius Caesar was not satisshyfied until he had captured tnetn for Koine ArttJed official the Claquormtbarii paced raquop and down to see that no stone was defaced no pedestal overthrown no has relief touched From the edge of the city a hii arose with it magshynificent burden of columns towers and temples (i000 slaves waiting at one shrine) and a citadel to thoroughly impregnable that Gibraltar is a heap of sand compared with it Atuid all that strength wed magnificence Corinth stood and defied the world

Oh it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that Paul uttered this text They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in ail the World1 they had heard songs floating from morning porshyticoes and melting in evening groves they had passed their whole lives among pictures and sculpture and architecture and Corinthian bras which had been molded and shaped unshytil there was no chariot wheel in which it had not eped and no tower in which it had not glittered and no gateway that it had not adorned Ah it was a bold thing for Paul to stand there amid all that and say All this is nothing

These sounds that come from the temshyple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmonies of which 7 speak These waters rushing in the basin of Pyreoe are not pure The statues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite Your citadel of Jkroeorfpihu^ is not strong compared with that which I ofshyfer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen poundat Von Corinthians think this is a splendid city Yon think you have heard all sweet sounds and seen all beautiful sights but I tell you eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered Into the heart of man the things whieh God hath prepared for them that love Him - bull bull

You see my teXt sets forth the idea that however exalted bur ideas of Heaven they come far shore of the reality Some wise men have been calshyculating how many furlongs long and wide is the new Jerusalem and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth how long the earth will probably stand and then they come to this estimate That aftshyer all the nations have been gathered to Heaven there will be room for each soul a room 1$ feet long and 15 feet wide It would not be large enough for you It would not be large enough for me I am glad to know Jhat no hushyman estimate is sufficient to take the dimensions Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor arithmeticians calcushylated

I first remark that we can get no idea of the health of Heaven When you were a child and you went out in the morning how you bounded along the road or streetmdashyou had never felt sorshyrow or sickness Perhaps later you felt a glow in your cheek and a spring in your step and an exuberance of spirshyits and a clearness of eye that made you thank God you were permitted to live The nerves were harp strings and the sunlight was a doxology and the rustling leaves were the rustling of the robes of a great crowd rising up to praise the Lord You thought that you knew what i t was to be well but there is no perfect health on earth The disease of past generations came iown to us The air that now float upon the earth are not like those which floated above Paradise They ere charged with impurities and distemshypers The moat elastic and robust health of earth compared with that which those experience before whom the laquo(lt have been opened U nothing

light a cataract of color a sea of glass and a city like the son Jobn4raquods us look again and we see thronesmdash throne of the patriarchs thrones of the angels thrones of the apostles throne of the martyrs throne of Jesusmdashthrone of God And we turn round to see the glory and it is throne thrones thrones

John bids us look again and see the great procession of the redeemed passshying- v J e a ofc- a white horsey leads the inarch^ and a 8 the armies -of Heaven fdftOTf otf white horses In-finite cavalcade passing passing emshypires pressing into line ages following

what Heaven is It is the grave neremdash It is darkness heremdashbut there is mershyrymaking yonder Methinks when a soul arrives some angel take it around to show it the wonders of that blesecd place The usher angel says to the newly arrived These are the marshytyrs that perished at Piedmont these were torn to pieces at the inquisition this is the throne of the threat Jehoshyvah this is Jesus I am going to see Jesus said a dying boy I am going to see Jesus The missionary said You are sure you will see Him Oh yes thats what 1 want to go to Heaven for But said the mraquoionary supshypose Jesus should go away from Heavenmdashwhat then I should folgt low hiai said the dying boy But if Jesus went down to hellmdashwhat then The dying boy thoughtfor a moment and then said Where Jesus is there can be no heU Oh to stand in His presence That will be Herven Oh to put our hand in that hand which wa wounded for us onthe crossmdashto go around amid the groups of the reshydeemed and shake hands with the prophets and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear beloved ones That will be the great reunion We cannot imagine it now Our loved ones seem so far away When we are in trouble and lonesome they dont seem togt come to u We go on to the banks of the Jordan and call across to them but they do not seem to hear We say Is i t well with the ehild is it wdJ with the loved ones and we listen to hear if any voice come back over the waters Kbne none

Unbelief says They are deed and they are annihilated but blessed be God w e haven Bible that tells us differshyent We open it and we find they are neither dead nor annihflatedr-~that theynever were o much alive as now mdashthat they are only waiting for our coming and that we shall join them on the other side of the river Oh giori-ora reunion we cannot grasp it now

What a place of explanation it will ages Dispensation tramping after 1 raquo I see every day profound mysteries dispensation Glory In the traek of glory Europe Asia Africa North anampJSouihAmerica presiding into lines Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulshyder Generations^before the flood folshylowing generations after the flood and a r Jesus rides at the head of that great host and waves his sword in signal of victory ait crowns are lifted and all ensigns swung out and all chimes rung and al halleluiahs chantshyed and some cry Glory to God most high and sopael Hosanna to the son of David and some Worthy is the Lamb that was slainmdashtill all exshyclamations of endearment and homshyage in the vocabulary of Heaven are exhausted ami there comes up surge after laquourge of Amen Amen and Amen Eye hath not seen it ear hath not beard ft 8k im from the summer waters the brightest sparkle and yon will get no idea of the sheen of the everlasting sea Pile up the splendor of earthly cities and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount t o the city of God Ever house is a palace Every s tep is laquo triumph Every covering of the head a coronation Every meal is a banquet Every stroke from the tower is a wedding bell Every day Is a Jubilee every hour a rapture and every moment an ecstasy Kye hath not seen it ear hath not heard it

I remark further we can get no idea of the reunions of Heaven If you have evrr been across the seas and met|afriend or even an acquaintshyance in some strange land yovj re-member how your blood thrilled and how glad you were to set him What will be our joy after we have passed the seas of death to meet in the bright city of the Lord those from whom we have long been bullseparated After we harve been away froth our friends ten or fifteen years and we fotne upon them we see how differently they look Their hair has turned and wrinkles have come in their faces and we say How you have changed But oh when we stand before the throne all cares gone from the face all marks of sorrow disappeared and feeling the joy of that blessed land methinks we will say to each other with an exultashytion we cannot now imagine How you havechanged In this world we only meet to part It is good-by good-by Farewells floating in the air We hear it at the rail car window and at t s steamboat wharfmdashgood-by Children lisp it and old age answers it Sometimes we say it in a light waymdashgood-by mdash and sometimes with anguish in which the soul breaks downmdashgood-by Ah that is the word that ends the thanksgivshying banquet that is the word that comes in to close the Christmas chant Good-by good-by But not so in Heavshyen Welcomes in the air welcomes at the gates welcomes at the house of many mansions but not good-by That group is constantly being augshymented They are going out from our circles of earth to join itmdashlittle voices j to join the anthem little hands t o take bold in the great home circle little feet to dance in the eternal glee little crowns to be cast down before

but sicknea ard tossefattea Jokraquo a the grave and t t o t laquolaquolaquo1 fttnstfbiir b e f t w ^ k e ~

of Prbvidettee There is no qnestioh we ask ofteaer than Why There are hundreds of graves in Greenwood and Laurel Mil that need to be explained Hospitals for the blind and lame asylums for the idiotie and jnsanc- almshouses for the destitute and a yiorld of pain and misfortune that deshymand more than human solution God will clear it all up In the light that pours from the throne no dark myr tery can live Things now utterly in^ scrntable will be illumined as plainly as though the answer was writteja on the Jasper wall or sounded in the tern pie anthem Bartimeus will thank God that he was blind and Joseph that he was cast into the pit and Daniel that he denned with the Hon and Patil that he was humpbacked and David that he was driven from Jerusalem and that invalid that for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow an4 that widow that she had such hard work to earn bread for her chUdrex The song will raquo all the grander for earths weeping eyes and aching headi bulllid exhausted bands and scourged backs and martyred agonies llut we ran get no idea of that ahthew here We appreciate the power of secular music but do we appreciate the power of sacred song There is nothing more iasplriutf to me thana whole congregashytion lifted on the wave of holy melody When we sing some of those dear old psalms and tunes they rouse all the memories of the past Why some of them were cradle songs in our father house They arc all sparkling with the morning dew of a thousand Christian Sabbaths They were sung by brothshyers and sistei sgone now by yoites that were aged and broken in the music voices hone the less sweetbecause they did tremble and break

When I heaT these old songs sung 11 seems as if all the old country meeting houses joined in the^chorus and city ehurch and saiiors beluel and western cabjns until the whole continent lifts the doxology and the scepters of eter-

Vniiy beat-time in the music Away then with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions Of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is marching on to victory When generals come back from victorious wars do we ^ot cheer them and shout Huzaa huaM And when Jesus passes along in the conquest of the earth shall we not have for Him one loud j ringing c h e e r ^

All hail tihe powe|S|Juasm name Let angels prniwWS tslL

Bring forth the l|bpt stttdem And crown Him Lord of att

But my friends if mnsic on earth is so sweet what will it bebullraquoin Heaven-They all know the tune there All the best singers of all the ages will join it mdashchoirs of white-robed children choirs of patriarchs choirs of apostles Mornshying stars clapping therr cymbals Harpers with their hasps Great anshythems of God roltjhn Toll onmdashother empires joining tfce harmony tillthe thrones are all fttlf and the nation all saved An then shall touch anthem chorus join chortts^end all the sweet sounds of earth and Heaven be poured into the ear of Christ David of the harp will be there Gabriel of thetrum


YARD Maw 1laquo Iowa U s e s a Compound that

Makes Hta Hon Lay Double fsVe fraquoua Nnatbcr Summer

and Wlater S e c r e t of His Saccens

Peopla in the neighborhood of Cres ton Iowa are amazed at the number of vg^ that this man drives to market Wttb Wheu asked what was the cause of his hen being so prolific be stated it was all in a certain compound he was using that keeps his hens in good conshydition and famished them with the proper stuBnlus hgt egg production Atneriean Poultry Mixture U the name of it and is made by American Wg Co Terre Haute Ind Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying cashypacity n the egg lie his profits This mixture is guaranteed to increase the prodaetioa of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded It will do more than throe tunc as much as the same amount of any other compound It is eoncen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience hi the poultry business There is absolutely no doubt as to what it wjH do and yon are inshyvited to try H at the expense of the company Send cent100 for a sample packshyage and if it daesnt do the work yea get yoar money back This is fair and hi nsade to induce practical nontoynien to give H a trial I t is also a sure preshyventive of sach diseases aa the t emble cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thcronghly scientific preparshyation

The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money If your druggist dont sell American Poni-)tfyAraquo)ctn^^V1raquoeliind- the age In that case^ Order direct from American Manufacturing Co Terre Haute Ind

^ Car HeraquolaquoelaquoaeR 1frac34 One WasJt To Cure Ckm^tipatiou in One Waei To Com Indigestion i n One Weak To Purify the Blood in One Weak

Take Clevelands Celery Contpoasd Tea 25c bullbdquo If it fails to enre^ jrm cheex reftrod your money (Trial sac free)

at C- M Peacocta

the feet of Jesus Our friends are in j p e t w S U ^ t h c r e gt Germany redeemed two groups--a group this side of the river and a group on the other side of the river Now there goes one from this to that and another from this to that and soon we will all be gone over How many of your loved ones have already entered upon that blessed place If I should take paper and pencil do yon think I could put them all down Ah my friends the waves of Jordan roar so hoarsely we cannot herr the joy on the other side when the group is augmented j

A little co ld s mother had died and they comforted her They said Your mother has gone to Heaven Don cry And the next day they went to the graveyard and they laid the body of the mother down into the ground and the little girl came up to the verge

^ tkfe Heawan W a raquo i d t t

will pour its rich bass voice into the song and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices I wish in our closing hymn to-day we might catch an echo that slips from the gates Who knows but that when the heavenshyly door opens to-day to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we eatch it Oh that as the song drops down from Heaven it might meet half way a song coming up from earth

They rise for the doxology all the multitude of the blest Let us arise with them and so at this hour the)oy of the church on earth and the joy ef the church in Heaven will minge their chalice and the dark apparel of our mourning win seem to whiten into the spotless raiment of the skies 4od cues that gtarouffh the meaey of out

STATU OF MICHIGAN Coraquoflrj-or SMawas-seclaquolaquo

At bullbull sewiuB of tfee Probst Const tot saM county acid at lb Probst Onve In i se ctty of ConmiMt on MoiHUjr the fh laquom ltf Avrti in t t e veer one nKMMaod nfaw Saserrd

JPrestltot Uiite B^ufc Jndjto or Fmbste In the aistter of the estate ef AlfrJl P

Bmtyrbj ampietmt J laquoB reading- and Sling tilaquo plit-n of AiftTfl A Suivrrby prajinir tbbraquo Cratt fo d^terrolnr hlaquo are tbe hrtr nt law of twraquoi(] naid dwmnett altt rattt^d to tatit said bull^ttate Sjut iH is ordeNl Tbt ibft 7ih day gtf Mraquogt

next nt Vit oclock io the torlaquoaoltii at laquotil Piobitte Offlce be raquolaquoifulaquo4l for bearing raquoraquoU petition

Aud it is further ordered thai A copy of ttoU onlor lgttraquo pubtilaquoJifsi thrw trtK-o-raquoJve wlaquokraquo prcviotm to Raid day of bearit-jr ID the Coruitna JfMtmn1 raquo nrmrtpaper pHuted aUd elixrultin io Haiu County of thiawaraquoyr

MA1TIIEW BUSH Judse of Irwbat

KTHKCIKE E KEMKV PrOliat1 11laquo -trlnttr

OOoa^DflChalt T i b i a l

phrsMsB is^oa laquo14 sad Ladles Ceafs saWas taHti aathessre tfceasdy isssaae wiisrai moduly

meflisfasksoirn PSasJfU 3ratsalaquoMS Slaquosd a^sgsipoja^far g y j j g g ^ y M

EoOtt^^2copy3Wodwrdav^Dotlaquo^ Kt

PRpBATE ORDERmdashSLateof Michiytna ltMB-y of SUIiraquoraquossrf raquois

At a WHsion of the Probate Court flaquor said rwlaquontvv liid al Ibe Probate oflfee in thraquo-Ity of (kgtriraquouampa 011 the 4th day of April io ihevoAT one tbousam aiiw tuudrlaquohl

Pielaquoni- Maub^w BUAIJ JiMjie of Probate Ju the laquoaa tier ot the estftMt of Urban (tatting

CDaniW Oortjup- AH asc-Ulary alt7mhgtigtttrator having rendctvd to this Conrt bin final aFt-atiiit

It isi ordered that the Tito day it1 o-xt at ten oViock iA lb forenoon raquot win Probate OtRce be appointed for examiampingsnd MlWKiDji said account

And it is further ordqtvd tbatacopy copyf this ordr or pttbitabed three successive weeks pre-viou to laquoM day of hearing ia the Corvuuia Jonrnai a newspaper printed aud crcolatin in aaid conaty of Sbi^wa^ftee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate

R E l T i i p We the undefMgnf d ilruggiei offer

bullx reward of J) cents to aov person who purchs^t of gtifraquo raquowraquoraquo 25 cent lioxes of lUiXterR iiaiirirake Bitters Tabiets if lit fails to cure cpiu^tination biliousnev^ laquoick-hesdlaquoebc jaii dh-e lolaquoraquo of ap|elite sour Vtomsoh dyspepsia liver coin-pisint or any of the diseases for wtiMi it i recohiinended Pru-e 25 t+nt for either tabletor liquid Wo will also refund the money on one psoknlaquoe of either if it fairaquo to givefcitiffactioh


^ H U M P H R E Y S

centsftama Laalaquo FevcVsftlla wver g ^ l g W A r a a LaaiBPSW lajwrfcs

C C i g O R S TBaOAT laquoatalaquoT KstasXSC bullcusttinaweasper S^IWOMMS Bow Gfaa (KEgt


6 6 Prevsatt UTOCABItlAGB g^|aUn(Eyen



and Proetration from Overshywork or other causes

Mtunphraya Homeopathic ftpeotflo No Bcopy in ulaquo o v w 4 0 yaara Uu onty

aajMiaiiiiagtiaraquoilisiaaf bull lis pi iraquoraquobullbull


Stryzn and Defeat The Oemocrats of ail sections ex

tgtect that BiT-an will succeed In nonv isatins hlmseU for the Presidency say3 an exchange but some of them tiink that other hands should be giyen a part in framing the platform Throughout the north there is a genshyeral desire that the silver issue shculd be dropped and a strong stand made against expansion known by Demoshycrats as imperialism Unless these are conceded there is likely to be a sharp fight in the convention for some other nominee But in the south the party is red hot for free silver and exshypansion The prosperity that has corce^tQ the north is slower in reachshying the south and more money is wanted They ere not particular as to the kind of money they get any old dollar will do for them provided It doea not bear the Confederate stamp They are for expansion beshycause they believe that our Sag in the Philippineswill give to the Amerishycans an open gateway to a great marshyket for southern cotton Says the Atlanta Constitution on these points Weve got to put enough silver in the platform to save the southern states and again If we should declare against expansion and fall to renew the demand for free coinage we would lose several of the southern states

It is so firmly settled that the nomshyination will be given to Bryat that all other questions in regards to the canshyvass sink out of sight The candishydate for the head of the ticket is the only issue that can be agreed upon The party in this accepts defeat as a foreordained fact a proclamation of surrender In advance It has nothing to offer the people as a substitute for the prosperity that has come to them tt acts as though well aware that it is useless to fight this grand fact with such side issues as the sort of money with which the people shall be paid so long as there is enough of it or conshycerning what shall be done with Porto PJco and the Philippines now ihampt we have Eot them under our flag The questions concerning the government of these islands are easy of solution but the people know the imminent peril In which their own prosperity vould he placed under a party that had always failed a a business pro-nsoter -whether S under Van Buren Pierce and Buchanan or the two terms of Cleveland Many of then remember the business reverse that came to them and the country genshyerally when they exchanged the Me-Klnley for the Wilson tariff and also vhat followed tile substitution for the latter of the Iliasley tariff Pratec tton and the gold standard they have proved goes enough for them and they are not going to take say more risks least of ail from a Democracy mixed with Populism and dominated by a half-doxen silver kings In adshyhering to Bryan the party confesses that it has s o hope

1 CORRESPONDENCE J V M I ^ ^ 11 mdash I 1raquo

Item of latent hem Some of Ou Suaro irtffing Twwiu

rgtnniimniiirini Iliinbull-mdash - - ~i ywtMu ialaquor fraquoraquoa^P^ j^^laquo^^^


Frxa Vernoa Arg-uu Mlsi Elfcie Ilord spent Saturday and

8 n lay with her parents in Byron Mrs MRose of Chicago visitedat

Geo larks the latter part of hi-t laquoltlt Mr and Mra Duukle returucd Tuea-

dy eyaaibg from a weeks visit io Ohio

A ten raquond half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs -Fred Saxton on Sunday laet

Mrs W Carey and two little daugh-terf of -Tiaverse Cityare visiting JUra Nettie Gos4 this week

Supervisor H S Myres bss been in town a couple of tiaye rna^ioc the asshysessments for the coming year

S T I^eonard who has been assisting at the cheese factory since its opening returned to Chspin Saturday where he will remain for a few weeks

Cecil McLaughlin and Milaquos Grace Howard of Yeroon and Miss Jennie Perry of Durand attended the Grand Commandery Knights Templar drill s t Ann Arbor last Tuesday

During the thoader storm last Satshyurday night lightning struck tbe -resishydence of Mrs 31 D Khode and damshyaged the roof tore off some of the sidshying wet into the kitchen and stirred up the kitchen utensils and left by way of the well which was so stiried up it has not been fit to ae el nee The inshysurance company adjusted the toss at $4020mdashAt about the same time the bam of Frank Patchel living east of the village was struck and a valuable horse killed In neither case were the buildhigs et on fire

The Dark Spot The onty dark spot on this record

of the nation progres is our failure U the carrying trade upon the high seas This reeoiv toust and will be improved Pblftitai consideration com-pels a solntibn of the shipping quesshytion Our people our law makers our President appreciate that our


Wherever properly introduced Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin slaquo a cure for ltconstlpattOBYhmet with phenornrnal rale Jinny dniggigts trannot say enough in praise of its merit as well as its great popularity wiib the people ltgt 10c trial size and alatt in 50c and $l0ft laquozes at K M Kilbouru

bull -WttlalsT From the Perry Journal

Harvey Roberts g able to be on our gttteet once more

Schuyler S l i d i n g of Lanfla^ was home over Suridsy

Gt) Colby and L J Bradec are la Byron on Buaiiiess

Mrs Mraquortha Johns^ Kalamaxoo to spend thesummer with1

her niece

Henry Dunning was confioed to hi home the nt week ott accotict of neushyralgia of the face

31 IM Grace Green was botne over Sunday Sue returned to her Work at WIIHanirtonTuelaquodsV

H K W allat-e apdwife and Geo Mc industrial independence Will not be established our geoxraphicai possibil- Furlsud wiTe and eon f-pent the day in ities will not be realized our national] illaquogtiettlgtark Stinday aspirations will not be satisfied until bdquobdquo v r^ - bdquo W l t t ^bullbullraquo Mrs N ftemtnijer and Mr Will we will recordas signal successes in v ^ the most organised line of modern a c- C l U k n i S ^-^11^1 Mr- h p K e 6 f O w o s tivity internaUpnal navigation as la deg Jlaquoe^y^ of this week agriculture macuactures and trans-] portatlon within our own confines

Thus spoke Secretary Gage ia a receut address before va casaiiiercial body in Chicago In the ceatre of A picture of progress and prosperity alshymost fabulous and iacredtole in charshyacter is to be found one bad blemish that of the decadence of the American merchant marine frca earrgttngt S2 per cent of American commerce in 1800 to carry less than 9 per cent in


Mr 3J A Kern ot Morrice visited her daughterMr P Hslsted iu the villitftethe Ursst of the week

Mr aul Mrs L $ Clark were called to Veriion on account of illness of Mr Ciarksbrotherllenry Clark

Lei-lie IJIwrent-e returned home from Boutueau li^iv tie latter part of lass week in a most critical condition At last reports he was a little improved

1900 It b this way th^ crab pro-j Jt Is earnestly hoped be will Fpetriily gressesmdashbackward to the matter of marine politics and practices it would seem that we are a nation of crabs or as the current slang of the day would put it a community of lobsters We have done worse than st^nd still and do nothing we have retrograded and lost ground Pbr lack of effective laws to protect the shippiug industry equally with other American indusshytrieswe have allowed almost the enshytire volume of our earring trade to pass Into the hands of foreigners and tt Is foreign not American ships that now transport 92 per cent of our overshysea freights It JR Indeed a dark spot on an otherwise bright and splendid picture of national advanceshyment Congress h 38 the power to wfpe off this blemish and the people expect that it will be done without delay

The Conventions The politicians in the national capshy

ital are interested in the general movement going oh oyer the counshytry for early Congressional convenshytions and prompt action by the leadshyers of all parties to bring the issues of the Presidential campaign squarely before the people in the early sumshymer The national conventions have all been called the Populists to wake their nominations early in May the Republicans In June and the Demo-crats early in July It was a noteshyworthy fact In connection with the meeting of the Democratic National Committee that while the issue of the campaign were generally canshyvassed absolutely no reference w u made in all the diseuesioa to the suh-)ect of free silver coinage It appear to be the settled policy of the Demoshycrat to make thate campajga this year on the silver qpestlea oaly hgt rooaUtlas where n g j i r o T has lest ngt tie of its svjsuttsstedtod to derate itBeelal atteatfe l t p p y a t k m i l utfseildea to xneslaquog^BWfilaquoi la

- XOKR1CR ^ -Frota MorrW CUpper

Will Priest of Owosso was io town Wednestlay

C Gold wood went to Belle vue Saturshyday to remain a few days

C W Jennings of Owosso was in town Wednesday on bu3ncs

D T Birch went to Battle Creek Tuestlay for several days stay

Mrs GiSee Grant U entertaining her mother Mrs Brown of Laneing

John ilimpie who moved to Beilevue laet fall baa returned to Morrice

Dell Atkins of tensing was in town over Sunday visiting his pr rents

Hemon Preston lost a good horse Wednesday from dropsy of the heart

Mrs Eliza Kenyon who bas been visiting hero for several weeks left Monday evenng for her houce at Oneida N Y

Scott Carl is elected delegate to the grand lodge of Maccabees which is to convene in Grand Rapids beginning June 12

v VEX1CBV VenLee Mich May 18

Dex Bowdn raised a barn Wednesshyday

John Chase Is the possessor of a new

buKxJ Mike Luchenbil and family vielied at

B Anthonys Sunday Will Musty aad wife are the proud

parents of a baby boy born last Satur day

Saiden Mossy had the misfortune to lose las oaly oow by haoging herself wUle staked out to fraja

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr

Page 5: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u


Warm Weather Has Come

And with it the desire of the Summer

Girl to Dreamps for tomfort We can help

you We have lots of Pretty Thin Goods

in all colors and kinds to make Shirt Waists

Skirts Dtc Beautiful Waists made to fit

you Gome and see them


COMMON Gormen BOOMS ( Coram Mie_ May 211900 f

At the regular meeting of the Comshymon Ooooctl called to order b the Mayor The following members were present Mayor Bosenkans Aldershyman Clatterbnek Eveleth Jacobs McMullen aud Tramble

Hinates of meetings held Hay Ttb and llth -were read and approved

At bairns and accounts were then read and refered to committee on claims and accounts

Report of committee on claims and accounts

CONTINGENT FUXD Car-inaa Indepwadeat to printing Fr^d Peacock eieceomaolssioner Cftrinna J^irnn-l winttn^ W F Gallagher elec conualssJoBermdash

STBEET FUND Jim Wilson 9 days work mdash X-ni BerryraquodaySbra work i Peter Bustardraquo days lfraquo work Tom Bastard 1-3 Says work

cent17 00 2 0 9

13 laquo0 3ltW

txm 10 13 5 S3

75 1 7 4 00 raquo 0 0

8 laquo i

Jim Wood S- days work F Slandersdays9boors wf tbwaaw DanMasy Shovus with team Wn Kltw l d a y and tbonrs Tyler KOase day-~raquo Hartshnra tooISftsewerpipe J Brook - S o u s M M lims ana cement ira M u w 4 laquo ft of oak


OWwKtW The Committee on sidewalk made

the following report which was accepshyted by uauoimoas vote


Yoat committee en Street and Sideshywalks oeg leave to make the following report We have inspected the walks in the several wards and recommend that hew walks be built in the differshyent wards which will be described in a resolution which will follow this reshyport

Signed by the whole committee J C TkUMBLB ) G E C H J T T E B B U C K [ C o m E R W I W E V B U B T H )

A l d e r m a n T r u m b l e made the fullowr log reso lut ion and moved i t s adopt ion

R e s o l v e d T h a t new wa lks be bu i l t a long and in front of t h e fol lowing deshyscribed property to-witi A n d thatrthe S t r e e t Commiss ioner be and i s hereby ins truc ted t o not i fy t h e owners of said property t o bui ld t h e s a m e w i t h i n t w e n t y days or t h e S t r e e t Commisshys ion wi l l bu i ld t h e s a m e and t h e exshypense wil l be charged aga ins t and beshyc o m e a l i en aga ins t said property and t h a t a l l w a l k s bui It by t h e S t r e e t Com-miss ioner a n d i f not paid for w i t h n 30 d^vr a f t e r comple t ion ^will be

charged s i x per cent in t eres t on t h e expense of sa id walk


Fred Gould east margin s 25 feet of n 3 5 of lot amp bk 10 foot

Adam Cerr east margin n 21 feet of lo t 12 b k l l

Jerry Col l ins e s ta te eas t marg in s 25 f e e t of l o t 9 bk 11

Bacon e s t a t e e a s t marg in Jot 8 and n one-hal f of l o t 9 bk 11

H W Sanford eas t margin of lo t 5 block 11

S S Chapel l eas t margin of s 18 f t o f j o t i bk 11

if D F o s t e r eas t margin a 12 f t of s 2 l o t 4 bk 11

W m E ly e a s t margin n 2-5 of l o t 4 block 11

J B Leland eas t margin lots 10 11 arid 13 block 22 b f ee t

Levi Morrice e s ta te lo t s 7 8 and 9 block 22 5 feet

J E S loan lo t s 3 and 4 b k e k 33 5 feet

E l l Mart in l o t s 1 and 2 block 33 5 feet

H u g h M Nicho l s l o t 1 block 38 5

feet G r a n t e s t a t e lots 4 and 5 block 38

5 feet Green amp P e t t i b o n e l o t 12 block 38

4 f ee t s o u t h marg in W S J o n e s l o t s 7 10 11 block 38

four fee t s o u t h H u g h Parker l o t 8 block 38 W D McLaughl in l o t 9 block 28


J rgt Leland north margin lots 1-2 block 41 4 feek

John M Eitcb south margin lots 11 and 12 block raquo 4 foot

W J Parker north margin tots 1 2 and 3 block 15 4 fe^1

Mrs Minnie Cafley corth margin

lot 4 block 16 4 foot Hugh McCtttdy norrh margin lot 3

block 164 feet Wm Lindstey north margin lots 4

5 and 6 block 164 feet G- W Easier sooth margin lots 58raquo 9 and 12 block 12 four feet


Sheppatd east margin lots 5 and 6 Garys add 4 feet

George Evans east margin lot 4 bk 14 4 feet

Mrs Bunker east margin lots 2 and 3 block 144 feet

Mrs Igtwyer east margin of e one half of lotl block 14 4 foot

The bond given by W A Knight as City Treasurer waamp read and moshytion made and supported that said pond be accepted and approved and placed on file which was carried ty unanimons vote

A quit claim deed given by Matthew Bush and wife was presented and also one from Hugh McCurdy and wife deeding a strip of land twenty-five feet wide off west side of grantors land and adjoinii Hugh McCurdy Park

Motion was made and supported that said deeds be accepted and placed op record that said deeds be accepted aiid placed on record

Motion waa made and supported that the City Marshal be appointed pound-master which motioo was carshyried bp unanimousvote

Motion was made by Alderman Evt-letb and sud ported that i^ew state Telephone be placed in the City Hall Motion was carried by unanimous vote

Alderman Trumble moved that the Street Commissioner be and is heredy is instructed to open up and grade Emma Avenue

Motion made that council adjoarr until May 2U 1000

Upon motion council adjourned A H T i i y i i C YoUNO

City Clerk


D a n a a a a e s Star f Hta CaaaeatSe w l l a B c l l a l a ot m Ra i l road

to Caba a s F a l s e

Detroit May 2 1 - T h e whole s tory i s a dastardly lie and you cannot deshynounce i t i n any too unmeasured term said ex-Secretary of War Alshyger Saturday n ight w h e n told tha t John Harrington late superintendent of -construction of the government railroad in Cuba asserted that he was interested in construct ion o f the above named road Continuing he said

No senator or any other person ever spoke to we about being interested in the construction companies which built that road I have never invested or had investshyed for me one dollar in any property in Cuba and neither I nor any of the friends around me have ever made a hundredth part oi n mill out of the island In any way Further than that I have consistently reshyfused since I resumed as secretary 6t war to take part in any investments in Cuban property I was asked to go into the railshyroad now being built on the island and reshyfused I have also been asked to go into timber land purchases and purchases of tobacco or sugar lands These things I have refused to considerVand I never exshypect to have any investments there alshythough the field is promising I should not like to have anybody think that I had used information gained as secretary of war lor my own private gain as some might if I should Invest money in Cuba even now


State Araquoelatm t A s k t h e l a t a r t raquo Oxwatt BCasiy Prtvf-

Mmm to Wlaquoaraquoeraquo


B a n a w a r Tra in Crasfeea l a t a i e s a s a i N t s i H O B U ttat Stov

a s I t B i t s H U B e


Detroit May 19mdashThe Michigan Equal Suffrage assoc iat ion e lected aa president Mrs E m i l y B Ketchum of Grand Rapids vice president Mrs Clara B Arthur Detro i t recording aecrttary Mias Ed i th Hall F lat Boek treaenrer Mrs Martha E Root B a y City auditor Mr Frances Ostrand-er E a s t S a g i v a w Mrs Margaret Huckins w e s t B a y City niemfcer nashyt ional execut ive board Mrs Lenor Sharker BIiasr Sagina7 The legis lashyt ive commit tee w a s directed t o memoshyrial ize the leg is lature to provide presshyidential suffrage t o the women of Michigan and prepare t o urge before every session unt i l passed a bil l t o exshyempt all w o m e n from the payment of t a x e s of every kind o n which the law does not qual i fy t h e m a s men are qualified to vote for officers w h o levy col lect or expend funds raised by tax shyation

May Wm aCaawiaat Chicago May 21 mdash flazen S P in -

gree governor o f Michigan was a t the Auditorium hote l last week B e ^$13^ bull

If the republican of Mjc iUran nominate D M FVrry for governor I shall become an iadepeadent candidate Mr Ferry openshyly declares that be favorsjh taxation of rmAroatf property OR the basis of its ear rt-toss instead of its value There lepW-laquoMaraquo9 worth of raUroad property in Mlch^ Jgift i have fought the Ferry idea for years I was elected in opposition to

I will finish

Buchanan May 217--A curious wreck occurred a t three oclock Sunday morning on a spur of t a e Michigan Central railway which extends from t h e main l ine a lmost t w o miles down ti heavy grade to a dam across the St Joseph river A heavy freight that was backed upon t h e siding broke in to three sections and ran away The conductor on the rear sect ion jumped escaping wi th s l ight injury a l though the train had at ta ined great speed The middle section ran into the rear sect ion and shoved i t S0O feet beshyyond t h e endvof the l i n e a l though t h e track w a s three f e e t lower than the surface of the surrounding ground The caboose then crashed into and deshymolished the house occupied by Wilshyl iam Morris and h i s three children s topping just a s i t reached the parshyents bed All occupants of the house escaped without injury N e s t t o the caboose were three big furiiiture cars

Aa la te trcs t laa B n d e i of Iniorsa-ttvsi GRthered from Msay Llaquo^

e a l l t l e s l a Mlehiaran


9 h e L a r g e s t P a r t o f t h e T o i S f a a e r H a s B e e n D laquo laquo t r raquo y e a gt raquo

IAMW 9 5 0 0 0 0 raquo


Menominee May 17mdashHeavy ra ins putOut t h e fire a t Fisher which h a d spread to t h e w e s t side of the track and theatened t h e destruct ion of t h e m a i n portion o f the town The loss i s e s t imated at $500000 insurance only $100000 The sawmi l l and shingle planing-mill lumber and cedar yard dry shed ki lns sehooihouse hosshyp i ta l and e ight dwe l l ings are deshystroyed The mi l l s were o w n e d by S M Fisher of Chicago president o f t h e Wisconsin amp Mich igan l o a d Men are a t work clearing a w a y t h e debris preshyparatory t o rebui lding C H Worcesshyt e r amp Co o w n the t imber land They los t 10000000 fee t o f lumber 1000-00 sh ing les and a large quant i ty o i cedar p r o d u c t


The Charlotte Foundry company moving i t s plant to- Ypsilanti

The anti-saloon league i s working laquoraquo deg up local option nentimeampt in Hills- sure dale county

fcaton county pioneers Will hold the ir annual reunion and picnic at Charlotte on June 12

Wheat in Michigan has shown an [improvement during the last week

but is still very poor The two-year-old gton of Orla Shreve

living near Columbiaville choked to death on a piece of apple

Whea^ and- oa t s look fairly good throughout northern Michigan since the late rains and warm weather^

The total assessment of Grand Hap-ids has been raised from $27000000 to cent40000000 and the tax rate has been reduced t o 1frac14 p e r c e n t

The Grand Rapids Belding amp Sag-i c a w railroad i s t o be purchased by t h e Pere Marquette andvmJide a pershymanent part of the ir sys tem

Huckleberries and other frui ts i n nor thern Michigan have not been i r -jured b y the heavy frosts of the past t w o weeks and a large crop i s exshypected

Great preparations are being made a t Bat t l e Creek for the annual encampshym e n t of t h e Michigan division of the


Plant to Sell Oxygen Liquefied Car bottle Acid and Maybe Nitrogen

Prof itaoul Pictot of Geneva Switshyzerland has i n v e n t s a process for the separation of the oxygen and nitro-

the air at atmospheric pre

The process is one that i s about to be introduced in this city on a comshymercial scale and i plant is now near-ing completion

Professor Pictets process consists in the initial produfction of a certain quantity of liquid air which i s stored in tubes Then through this is forced UEucr a pressure of only about one atmosphere or 15 pounds to the inch a stream of atmospheric air This i s cooled in the liquid air but as It rises in a chamber beyond the gases of which i t is composed separate themshyselves by gravity aud run off in separshyate tubes

The ogygen being slightly the heavshyier flows out through the lower tubes while the nitrogen goes off above in addition to these gases the air conshytains as an impurity carbonic acid gas a n d t h i s It i s asserted leaves the machine i s a liquid form being reshyduced to that form by the low temper ature

The two products by which a direct commercial use are expected to be found are the oxygen and the liquid carbonic acid gas The latter already has a Axed place in the market and

Sons of Veteran which will be held large quantities of it are saved in well a t Cognac Lake June 19 t o 42 equipped breweries where it is pro-

W H Meecham of Bat t l e Creek a duced in great hulk through the fer-civil engineer i a t h e employ of t h e meriting of the beer It i s pumped Grand Trunk railroad fell under a fre ight train a t Davison and received injuries which caused h i s death

The suramer m e e t i n g of t h e State Horticultural soc ie ty i s t o be held a t N e w a y g o on June 26 and 27 and the

Into s tee l tools under a pressure that Uquines i t It i s worth 7 frac12 cents a pound

T h e great market which Professor Pictet expects to find for the oxygea b to support Combustion a t high tera-

fruit growers of N e w a y g o cotmty are peratureaOn^ furnaees where coal la already making preparations for t h e I burned m burning fuel with the oxy event

I t s laveafot - a Mleala Mmw Clalsaa It Cam Salaquoraquot F o a r H a a d r e d

Ttates a sfflaate

Escanabo May 1raquo mdash Capt Jaclk CConnel l whose home i s a t Bapid River th i s county baa invented w h a t h e c la ims i s the grea te s t rapid-ftring rifle of the age T h e gun i s a b o u t t h e size of t h e ordinary h u n t i n g rifle y e t O^OiiM^ll- has Sred 120 shot s in 1 t

seconds and 400 s h o t s in a minute T w e n t y cartr idges held by their base l a c l ips sl ide t h r o u g h t h e breach of t h e g u n and these m a y be fired in o a e j

Active prepsxatkms are shready n progress t o enterta in the old solshyd iers a t the annual reunion of t h e Northern Michigan 8oHierV and Sailors association a t Standisb i n Augus t

The village council at Newberry has refused to renew the contract wi th the company which owns t h e waterworks there and i t ia probable that a municshyipal plant may he installed t o f a m i s h the vinagers wi th water

At torney General Oven Is in Washshyington t o a r g ^ an apoeal from t h e auditor t o the comptro l ler of t h e treasury department concerning the rejection of cer ta in port ions of t h e first inatathnent of Michigans war claim filed a year or more ago

There ae 100 n e w bui ldings now in cont inuous s tream T w e n t y consecu- course of erection a Onaway and as t w e shot s can h e fired by ten pul ls many mora will he buil t before the of t h e tr igger or all raquo may be fired close of this seacon The Outlook e s -

it and th people stood by me I wlaquol finish w i t h l i ghtn ing rapidity by s imply p e c t tha t t h e ^ frac34 V wil l the nght and I think the people will cod- lt pu l l ing the t r igger one and holding reached by the population of 2ne vll-

It back

B e a d s F e r Sraquo3

The iiadersiffniMj F inance Committee act ing nailer the ins t ruc t ions of the Common Council of the city of C o n m n a SCii-hi^sn herlaquoby gi-va notice tktat theywiU n p to and including the b o a r of ten oclock a m of tue 7th day of June 1900 receive wled bids tor the purchase or Ave ihousami dollars of bonds of the city of C j runn t t ielt igan t o be issuetJ for the pu--ftos of improving t i n puplic pa rk of said ciiv kacwn Araquo -HupL j icCordy Prk Said 1 o da t b e dated Ju ly first 1900 to run for flftn years from said da te and to d raw tuUrelaquot raquo i the rraquoflaquo ot four per cent per annum

AH bids m u s t be inclosed ui a sealed wrap-pisr endorse- on t he outside BiJu fot- Public Bonds subMrribed with the name of the bidshyder and m u s t be placed with A C Young- clerk brtagt2 c i ty of Coranna W iti each bid a certified c o e t k for flOOSA payable to A C Young city clerk must be deposited with said cierk araquo s o er ideacc ofgood faitta

The ch^ck so deposited will tw e umed to the unsQcceasfut bidder

T h e F inance Committee re laquo res the r ight to bullreject any and alt bids

Da t d Mcv3d 19C0 Wm E JACOB WA Mi Mi LI KS

Finance Committee oi the Common Council of the city of Corunna Mich

tinue to back nie op- However I do hot believe that sir Ferry will be nominated John c Steams present secretary at stata will probably be the man

W i l l Ctet It Maaey Ann Arbor M s y 21 mdash In the cirshy

cuit court a decree w a s issued admitshyt i n g t o probate the v^ill of the ate Adah Z Treadwell one of t h e proshyvisions of which devised to the unishyversity the sum of cent2000 for a free bed at the hospital De Forest Treat the relative w h o opposed the terms of the will was heard as were o ther witnesses The university will now get its money

Ra i l road T a x a t i o n i n c r e a s e d LansiBg May 19mdashItailroadi Commisshy

sioner Chase S Osbofn has filed wi th a s possible the auditor general the annual cornel c e m r a a e Meet putat ion of railroad taxes which must - u bull r laquo T u bdquo ^_ be paid by the railroad companies o n I Coldwater May 1 9 - T h e twenty -

or before July 1 The list hovvs a big i laquo ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ $ i ^ ^ i n c r c ^ over the taxe8 of 1S99 ^ITen f - j f j w a s e m thi^cityv Wednesday t h e total taxes were $i0S7aiGS9 the i F o r t y members of the bat tery were amount of t a x e s levied for this year being $1240^452^ The per cent of in shycrease is J 069

W i l l Casapi a t L a k e Ctaajaae Bat t l e Creek May 21-rThe Sons of

Veterans Michigan division encampshym e n t wil l be held ml Lake Goguae June 18 to 22 Capt Carl A Wagner says that he wrote to t h e quartermasshyter general of the s t a t for the1 loan of 60 rifles and equipments for use of company L during the encampment and received a reply from Quartermasshyter Genral Atkinson that it could probably Ire done with the consent of Gov Pingrcc in case the nat ional guard receive their arms^anu equipshyment by that t ime It is the expectashyt ion to make th is a school of instrucshytion in drill a n d camp work as much




C h e a p B a t e s Sys lesa

V U G r a a d Truuk s^ailway t Various P o l a t s i a



Dewey at Detroit June Stb and Jgtthmdash One nire for rouud trip tickets sold for evening trains of the Sch and mortiing trains of the 0th valid to return the Olb inclusive

G A R Encampment s t Gra-id Rsp-ids June 7th sud S t h - O n e fare for the round trip tickets sold for trains of June (ith 7tli and 8ih valid to return up to the Oth inclusive

K O T M Mleliigaii Great Csmp laquot Grand Kapld June 12th to ICthmdashOre fare for rout-d trip ticket sold for trains of l l t b and 12b valid to return up to lGcli iitclusive

Itepublican Ntitioigtil Convention s t Philadelphia June 19ilraquomdashOne fare for round trip ticket sold for trains of June 14th 15tb 10th K i h and IStli valid to let urn u p to 2Gth iucluraquoive

For t ickets sud informttlon apply to ail ageuto of Grand Trunk Hallway Sysshytem and connect ing tine

gtVS M u w r Millutim Pa u e l the life of bis little girl by g iv ing her One Minute Cough ture wbett thlt4 was bulllying from croup It is the 0laquoUy harmshyless remedy that gives immediate reshysult It quickly cures coughs cold bronchi grippe Ssthma and all tNroal s o d lung troubles F M Kliboura

bullbull bull bull pound l laquo e t GSaeers v Grand Tbtpids May 19mdashThe Michishy

gan Commercial Travelers associa

tion elected the fol lowing officers Frishyday afternoon Senior grand Counselshylor N J Moore Jackson junior H A Barlett F l in t secretary Amos Kendall Hil lsdale treasurer W S West Jackson representative to sn preme council Frank Day Jackson and J A Murray Detroit

W l a w w C i v e a laquo40OO Negaunee May SI mdash The T C amp

N W Railway company made a setshyt lement wi th the widow of 55 O fireen who w a s one of the vict ims of the Ford river coll ision in March last paying her $4000 as a rel inquishment oi all claims aga ins t the company This is the largest sum paid any of the c la imants

Mar Mraquove to Michiaran St Joseph May 19mdashNine representashy

tive Dunkards from Indiana Il l inois and Ohio are here t o inspect farming lands wi th the idea of colonizing 11000 oi their sect in this v idn i ty They deshyclare t lmi ise ives much pleased wi th this location

L o s e T h e i r ffeta Grand Haven May 19mdashDeputy Game

Warden Rrewster has pulled up a lot yt nets which he found in Grand river and destroyed them They were valshyued at $200 and belonged to Grand Haven fishermen

WMI Stan at Nile Nile May 21 mdash Preparations are

now in progress for the reception of Admiral Dewey w h o will be in Niles for a short t ime on bis way to Three Oaks the first week in June

R a r a l F r e e De l ivery Washington D C May 19mdashKural

frfe delivery ii be established June 4 at Monroe WUliam Loose has been Appointed currier

present and af ter a business m e e t i n g enjdyed a tr ip raquobout the c i ty v is i t ing factories s t a t e public schools and public buildings v AV banquet and camp-fire was held a t the Arl ington hote l at n ight Toasts were respondshyed to and a fine t ime was had by the veterans bull

mge before the end of the year The franchise for the Batt le Creek-

Coldwater electrle railroad through all the townships between the t w o c i t ies have been seeurrlaquolaquo raquoMlaquo laquo i i i - i^st remainn before Work will be started is t o secure t h e r ight of way through Union City and i n t o the terminal points

David Comwel l and Milton D Owen of Allegan have been granted a franshychise for an electric s treet railway t o be constructed northward from Alle-ltjan along t h e Monterey road and in Monterey and Salem tna point of juncshytion with an electric road which will be built from Grand^ Rapids t o Holland this summer

The at torney for Former Superinshytendent A O Hyde of Calhoun counshyty have made a motion for the quashing of the information against Mr Hyde on the false pretense charge If it i s denied a continuance will be asked unti l the September t erm of court The same procedure wil l be taken when the embezzleshyment case i s called

gen of the air there must be admitted to the furnace about three t imes the bulk of oxygen or nitrogen and tbia absorbs a large quantity of the beak If an excess of air goes into the fa nace th i l a l s o takes up and wastes beat By admitting oxygen these looses can be saved

The nitrogen it i s asserted can be used for the production of nitric acid and Professor Pictet says that by a process of his invention h e caa comshybine it Into ammonia directly by exshyposing hydrogen and nitrogen to the electric arc under certain conditions If th i s be true Professor Pictet h a t solved a problem of wonderful value which has defied the researehes of t s laquo ab les t chemists of the worldmdashNew Tori Wnk

I t s a l w a y s damp places that mush rooms jfcuw isnt it paiiair

Yes mv boy-Is tha i the reason they look like

umbrellas p a p a V


A f t i i d Yoat l t Wed Al legan May 19mdashJustice Hicks

performed a very peculiar marriage The inspector found that the trouble is all caused by the cutworm which

OasMffe k y C a i w a r o i i Xiles May 19mdashProf R H Pet t i t

of the Michigan s ta te agricultural col lege experiment stat ion has visshyited a number of t h e farms in th is vicinity and insjgtected the fruit trees that have been injured by insects

here The contract ing parties were W H S Banks of Lee township a veteran of t h e war of the rebell ion and an officer aged 82 years whi le t h e bride is but 18 They were marshyried about a year ago in a small town in Wisconsin but as her parents had no t given their consent an at torney advised that t h e y be remarried

J o t a t h e R e v a b l i c a a s

Detroit May 19mdashJudge Allan B Morse of Ionia former democratic judgo of the supreme court of Mich

has been playing havoc with a numshyber of trees The w o r m s have in a few cases destroyed the peach buds but the loss in his opinion will not be great and the worst danger is over

fixcaaloa S e a a a O p e n s

St Joseph May 21 mdash The Sunday steamboat excurs ion season opened with a large crowd from Chicago County Clerk Xeedham announced revival in the marriage business at Michigans Gretna Green Three

fgan and R A Montgomery of COtrples were wedded Sunday and the Lansing brother of the late Judge M yJiit for the last three months num-V Montgomery of the District of ^ r s m 0 l e than 100 couples from Chi-Columbia bench have abandoned their 0agO anlti points outside of Berrien posit ion as gold democrats and an- c o ^ i n t ry Names of GO couples were nounced themselves a s republicans suppressed through and t h o u g h schoo l L a a d s tor Sale

Biar Steamatraquo l e s s e n e d Lansing May 16mdash About 11500 acres Detroit May 20mdashThe Pit tsburgh of reappraised primary school land will

Steamship companys steel steamer | be restored to the market June 28 by Harvard the largest vessel ever built being oifered for sale at public auct ion on the Detroit river was launched at the state land office This land is Saturday afternoon from the Wyan- appraised at from 50 cents to $5 per dote yards of the Detroit ship-build- j acre and is located in the counties of ing company The Harvard is 473 feet Dickinson Allegan Kent Manislee long 28 feet molded depth and M Montmorency Kalamazoo Muskegon feet beam Her carrying capacity is Ottawa Parry t a k e and Mason

8000 tons W a a t s Athle t ic Saspcaaetf Dies o t P a r u i y s u Ann Arbor May 21 mdash Commander

Niles May 18 mdash Mrs Margaret 14 R Pealer of the Michigan G A Rbdquo Tlosfeld an old resident of this c i ty has issued a wri t ten request to the residing in the German se t t l ement | presidents and facult ies of the several w i s found dead in bed the cause of inst i tut ions of learning in Michigan her death being paralysis She was He asks that the athlet ic and sport ing bull years bid and the mother of 11 i-Jiibs be kept home on Memorial day


WRAPPERS at 79c and 100in neat attractive patterns good goods and made right

SHIRT bull WA13frac34frac34 for 50c 75c 3100 aud $125 V-

DRESS SKIRTS i b r 30c roc and SO for summer wear

Lawns and Dress Goods Laces Insertions and Embroidery for summer apparel

Lace Curtains and Curtain Poles for your windows

Indies Taffeta and Silk Gloves and Mitts at 15c 20c and 25c

Come and see us for what you eat w laquo r or use

children three of viom survive her and are res idents of th i s bdquo t y

so as not t o detract from the mlicancc o l Decoration day


Oli yes Spring is here and so is our large and complete stock of

Boots and Shoes for the ring nnd Suttimer


Sp TAX MM] BLACK in eudlcss varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan orJllaquock LADIES BALS frbm $150 to $375 Ladies OXFOKDS Tan or Black fvorn gl(A- te ^200 For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dontfail 10 gtee the DOUGLAS $3 50 in any shade They are excellent They are as bullgood as the usual $450 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in endshyless varieties

Yours for good goods at reasonable prices




ARTHUR YOUNG He represents thq strongest and

most reliable companies Parties desiring to sell or rent property

will do well to place the same with him Good farm mortgages bought and laquo0kj

A good 120 acre ampiGi for gale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for )

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia

Digests what you eat I t artificially digests the foodand alas

Nature in strengthening ao3 reconshystructing tbe exhausted -digestive orshygan I t i s the latest discovered digest ant and tonic N o otTaer preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanentiy cores dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea Sick HeadacfceGastralgiaCramplaquo and all other resulttof imperfecfcdJgestlon Price 50c sodSt Iise ahcooiitatoa Stolaquo smallstoeBeoltaUalxmtd7q^pelraquoBMiUedftlaquoc

Prepared by pound C DaWITT A CO Chicago For Sale bv F M K1LBOUKN

To Cure Cfoagfe In One B a y To Cure a Cold i n Cue D a y To Our Sore Throat In On Xkftf raquo 0 Oar Roaieeaesn i n One B a y

Take Cleveland lng Heater 93 cents If it fails to cm we w amp cheerfully refuad y o w money (matafeefree )

at C i t Peacocks

Doe ClaquoTlaquolaquo AgrM WUh I o n

If not dr ink Grahgt-0mdashmade from pure grain A lady writes Tbe first time1 made Grain O I did not like it t u t after using It for one week Botfcing would induce me to go baek to coffee It nourishes and feeds the syetem The children can drink it freely with great benefit Get a package to-day from your grocer 15c and 25c Be sure it is ftampde by tbe Genesee Pure Food Co Le Boy 27 YM as there are imitations 00 the market

Fewer Lynching Probably ninety-nine newspaper

readers out of every hundred if asked for their impressions at the end of 1S93- would have said that they supshyposed there had been more- cases of lynching hi this country hut year than In any previous twelvemonth It is therefore a pleasant surprise to find that the statistician of the Chicago Tribune who has kept track of the figures for many years can report that the record was fealty the smallest since 1885 There is no explanation of the apparent mystery which is not geaeraly thought of Public sentiment against lynching has been growing steadily throughout the country and especially in the south where tho practice has been most common The result i s that the press gives much greater pubttetty to report of all such outrages now than formerly and 1GT cases dating 1639 consequently atshytracted more attention than wosd vwivlaquo i s nwuf oftlaquosa years ago Y Bvcning P o s t

A Peculiar A arrange lake exist in the center

of Sulphur Island off Hew Zealand It is SO acres in extent about 12 feet in depth and 15 feet above the level of the sea The moat remarkable characshyteristic at this lake is thai the waiter contain vast quantities of hydrochlorshyic and sulphuric acids hissing and bubbling at a tepperatcre of 110 deshygrees FahrenheitbullbullbullThe dark green-colshyored water looks particularly uninvitshying Dense cloud of sulphuric fumes constantly roll off this boiling caldroo and care has to tie exercised in apshyproaching this lake to avoid the risk of suffocation On the opposite side of the lake may be seen the tremendous blow-hole1which when in full blast present aa awe-inspiring s ight The roar of the steam as it rushes forth lu-to the air is deafening and often huge bowidere and stones are hurled out to a height of several hundred feet by -tbe various internal forces cf nature A boat can be blanched on the lake and if proper care he observed the very edges of the blow-holes may be safely explored Some Idea of the strength of the acid-saturated water of this lake may be gathered from tbe fact that a boat almost dropped to pieces after all the passengers had been landed as the rivets had corrodshyed under tbe influence of tbe adds

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it IS

being done neatly try us for better still


Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water CeJor

ami Sepia Work

Framing Don

on Short


PlatiBO-types The very latest things in our line are

the Piatino-iypes we arc now patting out Nothing else t^aais ihera We make them We make them in all styles Also Gloss Finish and Platino Work Satisfaction Guaranteed

Agriculture 1 should single out the reaping mashy

chine as tbe greatest human achieve luent in the departraeht of agriculture Not only is it a great boon in itself but it marks tbe initiative in a great movementmdashtbe substitution of meshychanical for muscularv forcemdashwhich modern agricultural needs have made imperative For thousands of years the agricultural Implement of hushymanity gt regained what they were In the infancy of the race Tbe sparle and tbe hoe the sickle and the scythe of our grandfather were identical with those wielded by the first barshybarian who emerged from the prehisshytoric ages into recorded time It was not till far into the middle of the nine-teenth century that the sickle and the scythe were replaced by the reaping ujachJne

Theres no place like tbe Journal for Neat P r i n t i n g raquo raquo raquo

P ^ - -

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W Exchange St

A ampaigki f tlM Grip Tlaquot4iamplaquo Mgtmenee IJL Nov 14 1888 I wraquos

ronbled with a disagreeable baling in bullny ftomavh -aused by dvapepsla and one do-e of Dr CsldweJVs Mvrup Pepsiti relieved me I will never he without it as-It Is tbe beat remedy for constipation ar t indigestion I have ever used P R Clartu TrtvcUug Salesasaa ftraquor Pearson A Weytel Importers of Ooenneware


The Story of a Clever Prisoners Plan for Escape

Green Casey a convict at San Quen-tin has won the admiration of all his fellow-convicts at the prison for the novel contrivance he has invented in order to make hLi escape from the prison walls some time ampm and through Sheriff Iangdon cf Santa Clara county the story has leaked o u t bull

Casey was a Mad of trusty around the prison ground and wailti n-ork-ing iu one of the giounde in the vicinity of the prison he took it into his he1 that he would like to escape and wes beginciJis to tax his mindas to tho most advantageous way to snit his purpose As lie v as stroiln^ around oil the green grass which grows la abunlt3an(e around the prison an idea struck him that if hft could imitate the grass by some meana he could elude the watchful sentries an J make good his escape

Through tlio aid of his convict friends he procured Rome piecesof burlap and with tho aid of sonic iope made them into a l e n s coat that would cover him completely when lyiiit oil the grass He then secured soma wheat from the prison stable and sowed it on the flrst layer of his coat He cast it down carelessly at one end of the prison grounds and watered It dailygt In a few weeks the grass grew UP through the sack coat and before a great while the piece of burlap was conformed into a grassy lawn

He was now rea^dy to carry out his plans and patiently awaited an opshyportunity At last he succeeded m getting his new contrivance across to the northwest of the prison and in a few minutes was under his grassy cent

Slowly he crept along with the cleverness of a worm and from all appearance success- would crown his efforts But his progress waa too rapid and very soon he heard footshysteps coming In his direction The moving grass plot which was slowly making its way up the hillside soon came to a sudden standstill a s tho eye of a guard had noticed the grass moving and came to investgate the phenomenon A kick in tbe ribs ap prised Casey that his plan had been discovered Tbe guard took Casey and a red shirt now covers his breast mdashSan Francisco CalL

EVEN SUPPOSE Even suppose Chat I could forget What you were ( should know you

yet Even suppose (and my hope is this) inai oameu m ltke Clueo raquoA a

those quisite bliss

Your Nface has lct through cloudless yeata -

The lines of trouble the stain of tears I shajl see it thep as 1 see it yet Even suppose that I could forget

know I claimed you ones you are still my

bullbullown- bull A kiss perhaps that I left on your

cheeks Where al is spirit all kissea speak Dead or living I live youyet Even suppose that I could forget mdash E M Hewitt in t h e Pall Mall Magazine

TIE l i l K

ness Hev yer sot any fine wlra netting he askod Yes sir he answered euroagertys anything yer want In tbet iine

Welllemmfi slaquoe it He lboed it over critically X guess Ill tek all yer g o t Its jest erbbut enough fer what I want TJie peddler was alshymost carried off his feet with surshyprise Why yer aint goin ter biild fences be jer Never youmind Thets my busines h When yer come round in the fall f i r pay yer and then praps Ill tell yer

The peddlers ftce shaded perceptshyibly with d^appointment and he 106k-

K ^ mdash t ^ i u laquo A^iH w n u i lt ed about the fann anxiously- Oh Ev t yone knew A ^ i U Wilkias a laquo d o n t y o u W O r r y T e r n git yer pay the village of Trescott hut not o n e ^ i ^ ^ I cant pay^er tfll I git 3laquo in ten by that classic surname to alt my crop But its a sure thing_ And who wished coal carted or rubbish bull th^neddler immediately motmteJ his

Wxlions and that part of the town frac34frac34frac34frac34 Q^aiaj gamp^tmsed his wife ship where he resided was called 1 ^New 0frac14 woman fm goin ter bo Quilleyville If anyone desired to uretty busy fer a htte over the maun-define any part of the earths surface I ^ d o raquo t +amp fleJ

~ ^ r V ^ ^ ^ - f^P5 -ntaer children no-nn raean- I aint an being particularly unsavory or like a ^ o | n aaythfnv wi-ong Only I wast that future state t^ which the Calvin-1 ter kind o sprie yer with AJsHie istic creed eonsighs sinful humanity I way-Im Kotn ter ceviae ter raise that it was customary to refer to QuIBey-ithar mortgage An111 promise tef


Prancfi and Chinese Lead the Nations ef the World In TMe

Among -Westerns- -themdashFrench- aart among Ortentale the Chinese are ihe most stay-at-homlaquo nations ef the world lrVeochmn are met with in all parts of tbe world hot tnete thought are always tnming toward the happy days when they can one shore return to I Bce France and breathe the air of it boulevard The Prehctinan neyer willfully exnatrtates himself for life The Cblnaman on the other hand I3 a siny at-houie by religion Illaquo thinks that bis hope of salvtttoii deshypends upon ending hh days in the Ceshylestial Empire and he is careful to provide that if he dies in a foreign land bis coflln with his remains shall be sent back to China The frightful over-popuhitiott of the Chinese Enijike has driven Chinamen into all quarter Of the world especiaily to Australia but they always hope to return to their own ud Tbe Hindu Wlaquoes lt-laquoIJSbulllaquo If he leaves bis native cotmiry buthe is a member of a religion rather than of a race and as a set-laquoff the Mohani- medaiis who form a very large pro-portioa of the Indian Empire are the most persistent pilgrims on the face of the earth

em the moneyyer put Inter tlaquoA thar place t o aU of this QuiUey made no reapenraquoraquo But it must be admitted he thougit a good deal He marched up over the barren moua-lala side and noafr carefully several things One was that 1raquo the aftershynoon a breese genlaquorally swept up over the mountain aeddng the fool exshypanse of the Omnecticut beyond The hot air soughi the cooler surface ef the stream this breeze carried

Bven suppose I aifght choose to be wlthit certain other things which en-Friend of an angel it seems to me tlaquoed largely into W w ^ S S Hearts choice is once though the tlons He also ewmined a little more

fleamph forset | closely the old has n bull- Notkhowii^whyIahbuianb0OMyourL-^neltla7 a n itinerant tin peddler bullbullbullbull yet j cahie along in whom Quilley at once Even suppose thai 1 could forget took an uncommon interest He

I abandoned the whittling and the eounr What will it be ihat wiU make ypui y paper and cante at oace to busi

The Papal Elections The succesaiou of the Roman Ponshy

tiffs rests on the word of God other lines of pr ineesmay fail their line shall last until the end of the wtrld Still although there will always be a series of legitimate successors In the Papacy themanccr of succession has varied being ieft-to human prhdeibee wbidi acoommodaies itself to times and places yet ever under an overrulshying Providence that directs to its own ends no less the vices than the virshytues of ngten

In the Pope the world receives a vishycar of Christ n successor of S t Peter and an infuliii-e judge in the matter of faith and jsonls The Papacy was always conferred regularly by way of electionmdasht om the chief of the Apostles ebose-i by our Lord himshyself to Leo XIII cow reigning who was elected gty the Cardinals of the Holy ltoman Church on the 20th of Februarj 187S Between these there have been 2gt1 Pogtesif we follow tbe number givenby t i e official Gerarchia Cattolica whicli Is published annualshylymdash Mouslgnor Sefoa in Frank Lesshylies Popular Mouthiy

vine Here dwelt several fanaiHea of Witkinses of which Quilley was the distinguished chief happy and surshyprisingly healthy in spite of their great disregard of all sanitary prinshyciples and familiarity with goats and pigs

When one early spring morning Qtiilleys horse died with a proper deference to its own age QaiUeyvflle was thrown into Sackcloth and ashes although there had always been a plenty of the hutot commodity tying fn unsightly heaps in various parts of the province The proprietor of the late horse buried him with honors took a chair front the kitchen and going out into the spring sunshine tilted it against the side of the house and began to whittle There he stayshyed all day never heeding the call to dinner As sometimes happens in CBKlaquo vi rgtmnL iAiVamprtT QsUtey had from time to tlase e m lag the pant bull years made aampall depoelta in the Am-monooauc River savtags a nV Even in his sorest straits b t laquo5l never touch that saoney if one bull esraquo into the bank It stayed there He was thinking of that now tt asftouated to sometfng near IW9 Hhiwtte came ont and gathered up the days whit-tiings in a banket Quilley rose and shook himself Well oi woman he said Ive kinder concluded ter buy a farm out yonder on ther maun-tia Kinder guess you an ther young uns ll like it better an5 me too fer all that

His wife made no response aot beshycause sKe could not talk for she spent hours with the neighbors In animated discourse and knew all that went on in the Trescott homes from the lowshyest to the highest But she looked upon her man as did the Pagans upon the responses of the oracles aa beyord the pale of human gratitude or disapprobation

Tbe next morning the sun peeped over the summit of the mountain with rayraquo Trf April brightness and promise and Quilleyvilie Was up to meet its first glance with It mingled sounds of human and brute creation Quilley strode forth after breaktas- toward the mountain It was on the bordershyland of the White mountains and on many of the lesser summits and moun-taia sides arfgterched to-day the desoshylate remnants of a former yeomanry hardier than that of to-day who had fed and clothed themselves by erops

The Legal Way Before I agree to undertake your

defense said the eminent criminal lawyer who had been called in you will have to be perfectly frank with me and tell me tint whole truth Did you embexale the twenty thousand dollars you arc accused of baring takshyen bull

Yes sir repliCl the accused man Ill not attempt to conceal the fact from you I stole every cent of it

How much of it have yon still Its all gene but about ten dollars Young man sad tbe eminent lawshy

yerbuttoning his gloves youd betshyter plead guilty nd throw yourself on tbe mercy of tl e court

111 de it if yon cay laquo0 sir What are yen going to cuarge me for the advice

Ten dollarsmdashc hicago Tribune

A jBeoihbay die) ftsbermanmdashAh Ak-ctaim te bavt the rhortijrt ansae da record There Is 00 afcevevietiee aboet it either

show yer a crop that c a n t be beat throughout the h8 o ther Granite

As usuaL Quinsys word was law Only once wpraquo his order dteoheyesa hii the least degree and he fortunately never knew of that One day Uttte Quilley bullbullamp nnablo to reelat crawled oyerthe 1nfampltr of the mouBtain and looked What he taw onry incrcssed his mystificatlGa A large round cage had been constructed ont of the wire netting wIJraquo a door large enongh to admit a man In one jtfftee while fee tag the wind Was an extended opening resembling the nariag end of a taega-phone only several tCoies larger ft was in the morning and tluHley Sr^ seemed to he ahovefang n cmnntftv of some dark suhataace fate the adjoinshying ham One other feature added to the mystery Bae morning Quilley proceeded over the brow of Che bill w i n a Quart of nraquootaaea a s his only hureengt Mrtu Wltktas wondered but asked no quwttonn Bst the state and town treaeaisjs were probably tbe most surprised men wultraquo the recret was let o u t Mrs WKkiae was of eonrae deHghted and Che people of Treaeott alluded with conscious pride to the inventive genJns of their towta-ataa AquIUa Wflkliw who was really the only one hy the townshipwho had succeeded in making an abandonea farm pay But after alL the town treasurer had the worst shock-mdashN B Homestead

Was Bothered with Shouters For ten years Horace Sheley of In

dependence Mo was so hard of hear ing that his intimate friends used to say he was as deaf as a post But he was not quite that deaf He could hear If the wordswere shouted in his ear and that was the way people talkshyed to him Three months ago Mr Sheley went to an aurls tcnd now he can hear aa wen as he ever could Many of his aequaintanoes do not know that be has regained his hearshying and when they meet him they shoot In his ear a s they were acshycustomed to do in the ten years of his deafness tt i s embarrassing to Mr Sheley and annoying- Last week Mr- Sheley was in Kaae City and met his n e ^ e w James Noland on the street They shook hands and then Mr Nolan grasped the lapel of his

would-^trumpet the sound well and shouted at the top of his voice H o w are you Uncle Horace and then he drew in a long breath Just as he used to do and shouted I havent seen you for a coons age Why dont you come around and see us

Uncle Horace flinched away from his nephew and said

Dont yell so Jlmmie or youHl deafen me I can hear as well as you canmdashKansas City Times

__ w uncles coat with his Ilaquoft hand stood w r ^ ^ l r o m a ^ o h g W ^ V a n ^ boulders There ae few signs of hu-1 ^J^^t^ f^hoUow degi man life in these places now All bullbull^J u to hla^face so it that remams are a few tumbled-down farm-houses with their empty barns and out-buMdings It is the material substance of the abandoned farm era- bullbull

But Quilley had set his heart on one of these farms and was going to look over the old Wilcox place unshyinhabited for 20 years and then call on its owner Whtn he returned that night he was the owner of several acres of mountain side a goodly part Of it being composed of ledges and cliffs sloping toward the Connecticut river and its fertile i e U s but stopshyping at the borderland of the really valuable soil When he went to the bank the next day he also visited the registry of deeds He had spent $300 on his farm with an added mortgage of $200 leaving the residue of his litshytle fortune tor the purchase of tools seeds and another horse He postshyponed the purchase of a cow until he had something to feed her on the outshylook jfor pasturage being extremely dubious as all the acreage available for that purpose had grown up to bushes In less than a week Quilleyshyvilie was deserted and the passerby would have noted that whatever was left behind was offered for sale

Quilley found his new life much more easy than his former had been and he discovered much to his satisshyfaction that Mrs Wilkins was en-ambled to prove more literally her bullproper a vocation as a helpmate to him He wisely pat no hindrance in her way and as she had been a farmshyers daughter she was able to give him considerable enlightment He lacked that impulse to work which had been a great spur to activity when he had worked for ethers Aa

Why He rgtldnk Want Th Jm Unconscious humor is not a rare

thing in commerce and the corshyrespondence of a business house is frequently enlivened by absurdities Here are two communications found last week in the mail written on a postal card and the Correspondent evidently concluded that as he had contributed one cent towards the govshyernments revenues he might as well make the government earn Its money This communication read

Dear Sirs Please send mo twenshyty boxes Of Bathis plugs and hurry shipment P SmdashPlease cancel the abbve as my wife has just found sixshyteen boxes in the cellar

It is possible that the manwho wrote that was not such aa unconshyscious Joker after all but there is no mistaking the solemn earnestness of the following from an Arkansas town also written on a postal card Ikey has been ded too year BO you

need not rite to hist any more mdashN Y Sun I k e y s wife

Object t e the Method The flow of an oil well in southern

California bullwen tncreened hy the re-the warm days toward the last of JaU| ^ bullf11 tttJM bull fU of came he began to think a good deal bull ^ bull bull 5 raquo bull pound ^ 0 4 lW-larly about that mortgage Certain of his traquoWraquoeogt--8aa Frenesjao Examiner former friends wie knew soasothi^1 -__ bdquo 77mdash anient farming had told him that the bullbullnawtlssi ef VaCwe sea Wilcox plaee wne better auftsd to Scene day seen enierprtstng nub raUtnc greashesners than mortgagee1 rasher wiB tswae a Teat pocket edition Jhe want staee In ther tewsu^qt Car ef tte nteeycJonedJa BrltaaicamdashPhlaquoa-


11 -^


Dr Talmampfe lifts the Curtain from

The Olorlee f t r a r a aw ltt CoHppeklaquolaquouiilaquolaquo 4 tli JTSatte

MiBd-jyrlaquo w i l l B raquo bull rwrUaw Ter

[Copyright 1800 by Loci Klopsen j Washington May IX

In thisdiscourse DrTahtiage lifts the curtain from eternal felicities and in au unusual way treats of the Heavenshyly world Text L Corinthians 29 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath pre pared for them that love Him

The city of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity Indeed for splendor the world holds no such wonshyder to-day It stood on an isthmus washed by two seas the one sea bringshying the commerce of Europe the other sea bring-in] the commerce of Asia From her wharfs in the construction of which whole kingdoms had beeL V sorbed war galleys with three bank of oavs pushed out and confounded the navy yard of nil the world Huge-handed machinery sneh as modem in- prssas and samphire a mountain of

O B carta she wan a lifelong invalid See her step now and hear her voice uaampf Caiehu if yotz can one breath of that celestial air Health in all the anisesmdash- health of vision health of spirits immortal health No racking tough no sharp pleurisies no consum- g fevers no exhausting pains no hosshypitals of vioanded men Health swingshying in ibeMr health flowing in all the streams health blooming on the banks No headaches no aid^nches no backshyaches That child that died in the agonies of croup hear her voice now ringing in the anthem That old man that ^ent bowed down with the infirmshyities of Age sec him walk how Wilis the step of an immortal athletemdashfoi-cver young again That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air reshysuscitated her forever For everlastshying years to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue Eye hath not seen it ear hath not heard i t

I remark further that we can in this worldget no just idea of the splendors of Heaven John tries to describe them He sttfs ^the 12 gates are 12 pearls and that the foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of preshycious etones As wye stand looking through the telescope of St John We see a blaze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sardonyx and chryso-

vention cannot equal ISfted ships from the tea on one side and transported them on trucks across the isthmus and set them down in the sea on tb other side

The revenue officers of the effy went down through the ofire groves that lined the bench tbebSeet a tariff tram all nations The mirth of aU people sported in her isthmian games and the beauty of nil lands-sat in her theaters walked her praquortic$$a laquoi|fcrw Uself on the altar of hlaquoar stu$enampu dissipashytion Celujna-ind statue and temple bewiidered the tehdtte- There were white marble fountains into which from apertures c t the side there rushed water everywhere known for health-giving qualities Around these basins twisted into wreaths of stone there were aTl the beauties o f sculpture and architecture while standing as if to guard the costly display was a statue of Hercules of burnished Corinthian bras Va$es of terra cotta adorned the eeaieteriesof the deadmdashrvases so costly that Julius Caesar was not satisshyfied until he had captured tnetn for Koine ArttJed official the Claquormtbarii paced raquop and down to see that no stone was defaced no pedestal overthrown no has relief touched From the edge of the city a hii arose with it magshynificent burden of columns towers and temples (i000 slaves waiting at one shrine) and a citadel to thoroughly impregnable that Gibraltar is a heap of sand compared with it Atuid all that strength wed magnificence Corinth stood and defied the world

Oh it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that Paul uttered this text They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in ail the World1 they had heard songs floating from morning porshyticoes and melting in evening groves they had passed their whole lives among pictures and sculpture and architecture and Corinthian bras which had been molded and shaped unshytil there was no chariot wheel in which it had not eped and no tower in which it had not glittered and no gateway that it had not adorned Ah it was a bold thing for Paul to stand there amid all that and say All this is nothing

These sounds that come from the temshyple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmonies of which 7 speak These waters rushing in the basin of Pyreoe are not pure The statues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite Your citadel of Jkroeorfpihu^ is not strong compared with that which I ofshyfer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen poundat Von Corinthians think this is a splendid city Yon think you have heard all sweet sounds and seen all beautiful sights but I tell you eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered Into the heart of man the things whieh God hath prepared for them that love Him - bull bull

You see my teXt sets forth the idea that however exalted bur ideas of Heaven they come far shore of the reality Some wise men have been calshyculating how many furlongs long and wide is the new Jerusalem and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth how long the earth will probably stand and then they come to this estimate That aftshyer all the nations have been gathered to Heaven there will be room for each soul a room 1$ feet long and 15 feet wide It would not be large enough for you It would not be large enough for me I am glad to know Jhat no hushyman estimate is sufficient to take the dimensions Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor arithmeticians calcushylated

I first remark that we can get no idea of the health of Heaven When you were a child and you went out in the morning how you bounded along the road or streetmdashyou had never felt sorshyrow or sickness Perhaps later you felt a glow in your cheek and a spring in your step and an exuberance of spirshyits and a clearness of eye that made you thank God you were permitted to live The nerves were harp strings and the sunlight was a doxology and the rustling leaves were the rustling of the robes of a great crowd rising up to praise the Lord You thought that you knew what i t was to be well but there is no perfect health on earth The disease of past generations came iown to us The air that now float upon the earth are not like those which floated above Paradise They ere charged with impurities and distemshypers The moat elastic and robust health of earth compared with that which those experience before whom the laquo(lt have been opened U nothing

light a cataract of color a sea of glass and a city like the son Jobn4raquods us look again and we see thronesmdash throne of the patriarchs thrones of the angels thrones of the apostles throne of the martyrs throne of Jesusmdashthrone of God And we turn round to see the glory and it is throne thrones thrones

John bids us look again and see the great procession of the redeemed passshying- v J e a ofc- a white horsey leads the inarch^ and a 8 the armies -of Heaven fdftOTf otf white horses In-finite cavalcade passing passing emshypires pressing into line ages following

what Heaven is It is the grave neremdash It is darkness heremdashbut there is mershyrymaking yonder Methinks when a soul arrives some angel take it around to show it the wonders of that blesecd place The usher angel says to the newly arrived These are the marshytyrs that perished at Piedmont these were torn to pieces at the inquisition this is the throne of the threat Jehoshyvah this is Jesus I am going to see Jesus said a dying boy I am going to see Jesus The missionary said You are sure you will see Him Oh yes thats what 1 want to go to Heaven for But said the mraquoionary supshypose Jesus should go away from Heavenmdashwhat then I should folgt low hiai said the dying boy But if Jesus went down to hellmdashwhat then The dying boy thoughtfor a moment and then said Where Jesus is there can be no heU Oh to stand in His presence That will be Herven Oh to put our hand in that hand which wa wounded for us onthe crossmdashto go around amid the groups of the reshydeemed and shake hands with the prophets and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear beloved ones That will be the great reunion We cannot imagine it now Our loved ones seem so far away When we are in trouble and lonesome they dont seem togt come to u We go on to the banks of the Jordan and call across to them but they do not seem to hear We say Is i t well with the ehild is it wdJ with the loved ones and we listen to hear if any voice come back over the waters Kbne none

Unbelief says They are deed and they are annihilated but blessed be God w e haven Bible that tells us differshyent We open it and we find they are neither dead nor annihflatedr-~that theynever were o much alive as now mdashthat they are only waiting for our coming and that we shall join them on the other side of the river Oh giori-ora reunion we cannot grasp it now

What a place of explanation it will ages Dispensation tramping after 1 raquo I see every day profound mysteries dispensation Glory In the traek of glory Europe Asia Africa North anampJSouihAmerica presiding into lines Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulshyder Generations^before the flood folshylowing generations after the flood and a r Jesus rides at the head of that great host and waves his sword in signal of victory ait crowns are lifted and all ensigns swung out and all chimes rung and al halleluiahs chantshyed and some cry Glory to God most high and sopael Hosanna to the son of David and some Worthy is the Lamb that was slainmdashtill all exshyclamations of endearment and homshyage in the vocabulary of Heaven are exhausted ami there comes up surge after laquourge of Amen Amen and Amen Eye hath not seen it ear hath not beard ft 8k im from the summer waters the brightest sparkle and yon will get no idea of the sheen of the everlasting sea Pile up the splendor of earthly cities and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount t o the city of God Ever house is a palace Every s tep is laquo triumph Every covering of the head a coronation Every meal is a banquet Every stroke from the tower is a wedding bell Every day Is a Jubilee every hour a rapture and every moment an ecstasy Kye hath not seen it ear hath not heard it

I remark further we can get no idea of the reunions of Heaven If you have evrr been across the seas and met|afriend or even an acquaintshyance in some strange land yovj re-member how your blood thrilled and how glad you were to set him What will be our joy after we have passed the seas of death to meet in the bright city of the Lord those from whom we have long been bullseparated After we harve been away froth our friends ten or fifteen years and we fotne upon them we see how differently they look Their hair has turned and wrinkles have come in their faces and we say How you have changed But oh when we stand before the throne all cares gone from the face all marks of sorrow disappeared and feeling the joy of that blessed land methinks we will say to each other with an exultashytion we cannot now imagine How you havechanged In this world we only meet to part It is good-by good-by Farewells floating in the air We hear it at the rail car window and at t s steamboat wharfmdashgood-by Children lisp it and old age answers it Sometimes we say it in a light waymdashgood-by mdash and sometimes with anguish in which the soul breaks downmdashgood-by Ah that is the word that ends the thanksgivshying banquet that is the word that comes in to close the Christmas chant Good-by good-by But not so in Heavshyen Welcomes in the air welcomes at the gates welcomes at the house of many mansions but not good-by That group is constantly being augshymented They are going out from our circles of earth to join itmdashlittle voices j to join the anthem little hands t o take bold in the great home circle little feet to dance in the eternal glee little crowns to be cast down before

but sicknea ard tossefattea Jokraquo a the grave and t t o t laquolaquolaquo1 fttnstfbiir b e f t w ^ k e ~

of Prbvidettee There is no qnestioh we ask ofteaer than Why There are hundreds of graves in Greenwood and Laurel Mil that need to be explained Hospitals for the blind and lame asylums for the idiotie and jnsanc- almshouses for the destitute and a yiorld of pain and misfortune that deshymand more than human solution God will clear it all up In the light that pours from the throne no dark myr tery can live Things now utterly in^ scrntable will be illumined as plainly as though the answer was writteja on the Jasper wall or sounded in the tern pie anthem Bartimeus will thank God that he was blind and Joseph that he was cast into the pit and Daniel that he denned with the Hon and Patil that he was humpbacked and David that he was driven from Jerusalem and that invalid that for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow an4 that widow that she had such hard work to earn bread for her chUdrex The song will raquo all the grander for earths weeping eyes and aching headi bulllid exhausted bands and scourged backs and martyred agonies llut we ran get no idea of that ahthew here We appreciate the power of secular music but do we appreciate the power of sacred song There is nothing more iasplriutf to me thana whole congregashytion lifted on the wave of holy melody When we sing some of those dear old psalms and tunes they rouse all the memories of the past Why some of them were cradle songs in our father house They arc all sparkling with the morning dew of a thousand Christian Sabbaths They were sung by brothshyers and sistei sgone now by yoites that were aged and broken in the music voices hone the less sweetbecause they did tremble and break

When I heaT these old songs sung 11 seems as if all the old country meeting houses joined in the^chorus and city ehurch and saiiors beluel and western cabjns until the whole continent lifts the doxology and the scepters of eter-

Vniiy beat-time in the music Away then with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions Of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is marching on to victory When generals come back from victorious wars do we ^ot cheer them and shout Huzaa huaM And when Jesus passes along in the conquest of the earth shall we not have for Him one loud j ringing c h e e r ^

All hail tihe powe|S|Juasm name Let angels prniwWS tslL

Bring forth the l|bpt stttdem And crown Him Lord of att

But my friends if mnsic on earth is so sweet what will it bebullraquoin Heaven-They all know the tune there All the best singers of all the ages will join it mdashchoirs of white-robed children choirs of patriarchs choirs of apostles Mornshying stars clapping therr cymbals Harpers with their hasps Great anshythems of God roltjhn Toll onmdashother empires joining tfce harmony tillthe thrones are all fttlf and the nation all saved An then shall touch anthem chorus join chortts^end all the sweet sounds of earth and Heaven be poured into the ear of Christ David of the harp will be there Gabriel of thetrum


YARD Maw 1laquo Iowa U s e s a Compound that

Makes Hta Hon Lay Double fsVe fraquoua Nnatbcr Summer

and Wlater S e c r e t of His Saccens

Peopla in the neighborhood of Cres ton Iowa are amazed at the number of vg^ that this man drives to market Wttb Wheu asked what was the cause of his hen being so prolific be stated it was all in a certain compound he was using that keeps his hens in good conshydition and famished them with the proper stuBnlus hgt egg production Atneriean Poultry Mixture U the name of it and is made by American Wg Co Terre Haute Ind Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying cashypacity n the egg lie his profits This mixture is guaranteed to increase the prodaetioa of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded It will do more than throe tunc as much as the same amount of any other compound It is eoncen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience hi the poultry business There is absolutely no doubt as to what it wjH do and yon are inshyvited to try H at the expense of the company Send cent100 for a sample packshyage and if it daesnt do the work yea get yoar money back This is fair and hi nsade to induce practical nontoynien to give H a trial I t is also a sure preshyventive of sach diseases aa the t emble cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thcronghly scientific preparshyation

The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money If your druggist dont sell American Poni-)tfyAraquo)ctn^^V1raquoeliind- the age In that case^ Order direct from American Manufacturing Co Terre Haute Ind

^ Car HeraquolaquoelaquoaeR 1frac34 One WasJt To Cure Ckm^tipatiou in One Waei To Com Indigestion i n One Weak To Purify the Blood in One Weak

Take Clevelands Celery Contpoasd Tea 25c bullbdquo If it fails to enre^ jrm cheex reftrod your money (Trial sac free)

at C- M Peacocta

the feet of Jesus Our friends are in j p e t w S U ^ t h c r e gt Germany redeemed two groups--a group this side of the river and a group on the other side of the river Now there goes one from this to that and another from this to that and soon we will all be gone over How many of your loved ones have already entered upon that blessed place If I should take paper and pencil do yon think I could put them all down Ah my friends the waves of Jordan roar so hoarsely we cannot herr the joy on the other side when the group is augmented j

A little co ld s mother had died and they comforted her They said Your mother has gone to Heaven Don cry And the next day they went to the graveyard and they laid the body of the mother down into the ground and the little girl came up to the verge

^ tkfe Heawan W a raquo i d t t

will pour its rich bass voice into the song and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices I wish in our closing hymn to-day we might catch an echo that slips from the gates Who knows but that when the heavenshyly door opens to-day to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we eatch it Oh that as the song drops down from Heaven it might meet half way a song coming up from earth

They rise for the doxology all the multitude of the blest Let us arise with them and so at this hour the)oy of the church on earth and the joy ef the church in Heaven will minge their chalice and the dark apparel of our mourning win seem to whiten into the spotless raiment of the skies 4od cues that gtarouffh the meaey of out

STATU OF MICHIGAN Coraquoflrj-or SMawas-seclaquolaquo

At bullbull sewiuB of tfee Probst Const tot saM county acid at lb Probst Onve In i se ctty of ConmiMt on MoiHUjr the fh laquom ltf Avrti in t t e veer one nKMMaod nfaw Saserrd

JPrestltot Uiite B^ufc Jndjto or Fmbste In the aistter of the estate ef AlfrJl P

Bmtyrbj ampietmt J laquoB reading- and Sling tilaquo plit-n of AiftTfl A Suivrrby prajinir tbbraquo Cratt fo d^terrolnr hlaquo are tbe hrtr nt law of twraquoi(] naid dwmnett altt rattt^d to tatit said bull^ttate Sjut iH is ordeNl Tbt ibft 7ih day gtf Mraquogt

next nt Vit oclock io the torlaquoaoltii at laquotil Piobitte Offlce be raquolaquoifulaquo4l for bearing raquoraquoU petition

Aud it is further ordered thai A copy of ttoU onlor lgttraquo pubtilaquoJifsi thrw trtK-o-raquoJve wlaquokraquo prcviotm to Raid day of bearit-jr ID the Coruitna JfMtmn1 raquo nrmrtpaper pHuted aUd elixrultin io Haiu County of thiawaraquoyr

MA1TIIEW BUSH Judse of Irwbat

KTHKCIKE E KEMKV PrOliat1 11laquo -trlnttr

OOoa^DflChalt T i b i a l

phrsMsB is^oa laquo14 sad Ladles Ceafs saWas taHti aathessre tfceasdy isssaae wiisrai moduly

meflisfasksoirn PSasJfU 3ratsalaquoMS Slaquosd a^sgsipoja^far g y j j g g ^ y M

EoOtt^^2copy3Wodwrdav^Dotlaquo^ Kt

PRpBATE ORDERmdashSLateof Michiytna ltMB-y of SUIiraquoraquossrf raquois

At a WHsion of the Probate Court flaquor said rwlaquontvv liid al Ibe Probate oflfee in thraquo-Ity of (kgtriraquouampa 011 the 4th day of April io ihevoAT one tbousam aiiw tuudrlaquohl

Pielaquoni- Maub^w BUAIJ JiMjie of Probate Ju the laquoaa tier ot the estftMt of Urban (tatting

CDaniW Oortjup- AH asc-Ulary alt7mhgtigtttrator having rendctvd to this Conrt bin final aFt-atiiit

It isi ordered that the Tito day it1 o-xt at ten oViock iA lb forenoon raquot win Probate OtRce be appointed for examiampingsnd MlWKiDji said account

And it is further ordqtvd tbatacopy copyf this ordr or pttbitabed three successive weeks pre-viou to laquoM day of hearing ia the Corvuuia Jonrnai a newspaper printed aud crcolatin in aaid conaty of Sbi^wa^ftee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate

R E l T i i p We the undefMgnf d ilruggiei offer

bullx reward of J) cents to aov person who purchs^t of gtifraquo raquowraquoraquo 25 cent lioxes of lUiXterR iiaiirirake Bitters Tabiets if lit fails to cure cpiu^tination biliousnev^ laquoick-hesdlaquoebc jaii dh-e lolaquoraquo of ap|elite sour Vtomsoh dyspepsia liver coin-pisint or any of the diseases for wtiMi it i recohiinended Pru-e 25 t+nt for either tabletor liquid Wo will also refund the money on one psoknlaquoe of either if it fairaquo to givefcitiffactioh


^ H U M P H R E Y S

centsftama Laalaquo FevcVsftlla wver g ^ l g W A r a a LaaiBPSW lajwrfcs

C C i g O R S TBaOAT laquoatalaquoT KstasXSC bullcusttinaweasper S^IWOMMS Bow Gfaa (KEgt


6 6 Prevsatt UTOCABItlAGB g^|aUn(Eyen



and Proetration from Overshywork or other causes

Mtunphraya Homeopathic ftpeotflo No Bcopy in ulaquo o v w 4 0 yaara Uu onty

aajMiaiiiiagtiaraquoilisiaaf bull lis pi iraquoraquobullbull


Stryzn and Defeat The Oemocrats of ail sections ex

tgtect that BiT-an will succeed In nonv isatins hlmseU for the Presidency say3 an exchange but some of them tiink that other hands should be giyen a part in framing the platform Throughout the north there is a genshyeral desire that the silver issue shculd be dropped and a strong stand made against expansion known by Demoshycrats as imperialism Unless these are conceded there is likely to be a sharp fight in the convention for some other nominee But in the south the party is red hot for free silver and exshypansion The prosperity that has corce^tQ the north is slower in reachshying the south and more money is wanted They ere not particular as to the kind of money they get any old dollar will do for them provided It doea not bear the Confederate stamp They are for expansion beshycause they believe that our Sag in the Philippineswill give to the Amerishycans an open gateway to a great marshyket for southern cotton Says the Atlanta Constitution on these points Weve got to put enough silver in the platform to save the southern states and again If we should declare against expansion and fall to renew the demand for free coinage we would lose several of the southern states

It is so firmly settled that the nomshyination will be given to Bryat that all other questions in regards to the canshyvass sink out of sight The candishydate for the head of the ticket is the only issue that can be agreed upon The party in this accepts defeat as a foreordained fact a proclamation of surrender In advance It has nothing to offer the people as a substitute for the prosperity that has come to them tt acts as though well aware that it is useless to fight this grand fact with such side issues as the sort of money with which the people shall be paid so long as there is enough of it or conshycerning what shall be done with Porto PJco and the Philippines now ihampt we have Eot them under our flag The questions concerning the government of these islands are easy of solution but the people know the imminent peril In which their own prosperity vould he placed under a party that had always failed a a business pro-nsoter -whether S under Van Buren Pierce and Buchanan or the two terms of Cleveland Many of then remember the business reverse that came to them and the country genshyerally when they exchanged the Me-Klnley for the Wilson tariff and also vhat followed tile substitution for the latter of the Iliasley tariff Pratec tton and the gold standard they have proved goes enough for them and they are not going to take say more risks least of ail from a Democracy mixed with Populism and dominated by a half-doxen silver kings In adshyhering to Bryan the party confesses that it has s o hope

1 CORRESPONDENCE J V M I ^ ^ 11 mdash I 1raquo

Item of latent hem Some of Ou Suaro irtffing Twwiu

rgtnniimniiirini Iliinbull-mdash - - ~i ywtMu ialaquor fraquoraquoa^P^ j^^laquo^^^


Frxa Vernoa Arg-uu Mlsi Elfcie Ilord spent Saturday and

8 n lay with her parents in Byron Mrs MRose of Chicago visitedat

Geo larks the latter part of hi-t laquoltlt Mr and Mra Duukle returucd Tuea-

dy eyaaibg from a weeks visit io Ohio

A ten raquond half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs -Fred Saxton on Sunday laet

Mrs W Carey and two little daugh-terf of -Tiaverse Cityare visiting JUra Nettie Gos4 this week

Supervisor H S Myres bss been in town a couple of tiaye rna^ioc the asshysessments for the coming year

S T I^eonard who has been assisting at the cheese factory since its opening returned to Chspin Saturday where he will remain for a few weeks

Cecil McLaughlin and Milaquos Grace Howard of Yeroon and Miss Jennie Perry of Durand attended the Grand Commandery Knights Templar drill s t Ann Arbor last Tuesday

During the thoader storm last Satshyurday night lightning struck tbe -resishydence of Mrs 31 D Khode and damshyaged the roof tore off some of the sidshying wet into the kitchen and stirred up the kitchen utensils and left by way of the well which was so stiried up it has not been fit to ae el nee The inshysurance company adjusted the toss at $4020mdashAt about the same time the bam of Frank Patchel living east of the village was struck and a valuable horse killed In neither case were the buildhigs et on fire

The Dark Spot The onty dark spot on this record

of the nation progres is our failure U the carrying trade upon the high seas This reeoiv toust and will be improved Pblftitai consideration com-pels a solntibn of the shipping quesshytion Our people our law makers our President appreciate that our


Wherever properly introduced Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin slaquo a cure for ltconstlpattOBYhmet with phenornrnal rale Jinny dniggigts trannot say enough in praise of its merit as well as its great popularity wiib the people ltgt 10c trial size and alatt in 50c and $l0ft laquozes at K M Kilbouru

bull -WttlalsT From the Perry Journal

Harvey Roberts g able to be on our gttteet once more

Schuyler S l i d i n g of Lanfla^ was home over Suridsy

Gt) Colby and L J Bradec are la Byron on Buaiiiess

Mrs Mraquortha Johns^ Kalamaxoo to spend thesummer with1

her niece

Henry Dunning was confioed to hi home the nt week ott accotict of neushyralgia of the face

31 IM Grace Green was botne over Sunday Sue returned to her Work at WIIHanirtonTuelaquodsV

H K W allat-e apdwife and Geo Mc industrial independence Will not be established our geoxraphicai possibil- Furlsud wiTe and eon f-pent the day in ities will not be realized our national] illaquogtiettlgtark Stinday aspirations will not be satisfied until bdquobdquo v r^ - bdquo W l t t ^bullbullraquo Mrs N ftemtnijer and Mr Will we will recordas signal successes in v ^ the most organised line of modern a c- C l U k n i S ^-^11^1 Mr- h p K e 6 f O w o s tivity internaUpnal navigation as la deg Jlaquoe^y^ of this week agriculture macuactures and trans-] portatlon within our own confines

Thus spoke Secretary Gage ia a receut address before va casaiiiercial body in Chicago In the ceatre of A picture of progress and prosperity alshymost fabulous and iacredtole in charshyacter is to be found one bad blemish that of the decadence of the American merchant marine frca earrgttngt S2 per cent of American commerce in 1800 to carry less than 9 per cent in


Mr 3J A Kern ot Morrice visited her daughterMr P Hslsted iu the villitftethe Ursst of the week

Mr aul Mrs L $ Clark were called to Veriion on account of illness of Mr Ciarksbrotherllenry Clark

Lei-lie IJIwrent-e returned home from Boutueau li^iv tie latter part of lass week in a most critical condition At last reports he was a little improved

1900 It b this way th^ crab pro-j Jt Is earnestly hoped be will Fpetriily gressesmdashbackward to the matter of marine politics and practices it would seem that we are a nation of crabs or as the current slang of the day would put it a community of lobsters We have done worse than st^nd still and do nothing we have retrograded and lost ground Pbr lack of effective laws to protect the shippiug industry equally with other American indusshytrieswe have allowed almost the enshytire volume of our earring trade to pass Into the hands of foreigners and tt Is foreign not American ships that now transport 92 per cent of our overshysea freights It JR Indeed a dark spot on an otherwise bright and splendid picture of national advanceshyment Congress h 38 the power to wfpe off this blemish and the people expect that it will be done without delay

The Conventions The politicians in the national capshy

ital are interested in the general movement going oh oyer the counshytry for early Congressional convenshytions and prompt action by the leadshyers of all parties to bring the issues of the Presidential campaign squarely before the people in the early sumshymer The national conventions have all been called the Populists to wake their nominations early in May the Republicans In June and the Demo-crats early in July It was a noteshyworthy fact In connection with the meeting of the Democratic National Committee that while the issue of the campaign were generally canshyvassed absolutely no reference w u made in all the diseuesioa to the suh-)ect of free silver coinage It appear to be the settled policy of the Demoshycrat to make thate campajga this year on the silver qpestlea oaly hgt rooaUtlas where n g j i r o T has lest ngt tie of its svjsuttsstedtod to derate itBeelal atteatfe l t p p y a t k m i l utfseildea to xneslaquog^BWfilaquoi la

- XOKR1CR ^ -Frota MorrW CUpper

Will Priest of Owosso was io town Wednestlay

C Gold wood went to Belle vue Saturshyday to remain a few days

C W Jennings of Owosso was in town Wednesday on bu3ncs

D T Birch went to Battle Creek Tuestlay for several days stay

Mrs GiSee Grant U entertaining her mother Mrs Brown of Laneing

John ilimpie who moved to Beilevue laet fall baa returned to Morrice

Dell Atkins of tensing was in town over Sunday visiting his pr rents

Hemon Preston lost a good horse Wednesday from dropsy of the heart

Mrs Eliza Kenyon who bas been visiting hero for several weeks left Monday evenng for her houce at Oneida N Y

Scott Carl is elected delegate to the grand lodge of Maccabees which is to convene in Grand Rapids beginning June 12

v VEX1CBV VenLee Mich May 18

Dex Bowdn raised a barn Wednesshyday

John Chase Is the possessor of a new

buKxJ Mike Luchenbil and family vielied at

B Anthonys Sunday Will Musty aad wife are the proud

parents of a baby boy born last Satur day

Saiden Mossy had the misfortune to lose las oaly oow by haoging herself wUle staked out to fraja

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr

Page 6: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u

Oli yes Spring is here and so is our large and complete stock of

Boots and Shoes for the ring nnd Suttimer


Sp TAX MM] BLACK in eudlcss varieties High and low cuts in endless styles Very dressy Tan orJllaquock LADIES BALS frbm $150 to $375 Ladies OXFOKDS Tan or Black fvorn gl(A- te ^200 For gentlemen we have DRESS SHOES from $150 to 400 per pair Dontfail 10 gtee the DOUGLAS $3 50 in any shade They are excellent They are as bullgood as the usual $450 of other makes Boys Youths Misses and Childrens Shoes in endshyless varieties

Yours for good goods at reasonable prices




ARTHUR YOUNG He represents thq strongest and

most reliable companies Parties desiring to sell or rent property

will do well to place the same with him Good farm mortgages bought and laquo0kj

A good 120 acre ampiGi for gale at a barshygain If sold at oncemdashSuitable for )

stock purposes

Kodol Dyspepsia

Digests what you eat I t artificially digests the foodand alas

Nature in strengthening ao3 reconshystructing tbe exhausted -digestive orshygan I t i s the latest discovered digest ant and tonic N o otTaer preparation can approach i t in efficiency I t inshystantly relieves and permanentiy cores dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea Sick HeadacfceGastralgiaCramplaquo and all other resulttof imperfecfcdJgestlon Price 50c sodSt Iise ahcooiitatoa Stolaquo smallstoeBeoltaUalxmtd7q^pelraquoBMiUedftlaquoc

Prepared by pound C DaWITT A CO Chicago For Sale bv F M K1LBOUKN

To Cure Cfoagfe In One B a y To Cure a Cold i n Cue D a y To Our Sore Throat In On Xkftf raquo 0 Oar Roaieeaesn i n One B a y

Take Cleveland lng Heater 93 cents If it fails to cm we w amp cheerfully refuad y o w money (matafeefree )

at C i t Peacocks

Doe ClaquoTlaquolaquo AgrM WUh I o n

If not dr ink Grahgt-0mdashmade from pure grain A lady writes Tbe first time1 made Grain O I did not like it t u t after using It for one week Botfcing would induce me to go baek to coffee It nourishes and feeds the syetem The children can drink it freely with great benefit Get a package to-day from your grocer 15c and 25c Be sure it is ftampde by tbe Genesee Pure Food Co Le Boy 27 YM as there are imitations 00 the market

Fewer Lynching Probably ninety-nine newspaper

readers out of every hundred if asked for their impressions at the end of 1S93- would have said that they supshyposed there had been more- cases of lynching hi this country hut year than In any previous twelvemonth It is therefore a pleasant surprise to find that the statistician of the Chicago Tribune who has kept track of the figures for many years can report that the record was fealty the smallest since 1885 There is no explanation of the apparent mystery which is not geaeraly thought of Public sentiment against lynching has been growing steadily throughout the country and especially in the south where tho practice has been most common The result i s that the press gives much greater pubttetty to report of all such outrages now than formerly and 1GT cases dating 1639 consequently atshytracted more attention than wosd vwivlaquo i s nwuf oftlaquosa years ago Y Bvcning P o s t

A Peculiar A arrange lake exist in the center

of Sulphur Island off Hew Zealand It is SO acres in extent about 12 feet in depth and 15 feet above the level of the sea The moat remarkable characshyteristic at this lake is thai the waiter contain vast quantities of hydrochlorshyic and sulphuric acids hissing and bubbling at a tepperatcre of 110 deshygrees FahrenheitbullbullbullThe dark green-colshyored water looks particularly uninvitshying Dense cloud of sulphuric fumes constantly roll off this boiling caldroo and care has to tie exercised in apshyproaching this lake to avoid the risk of suffocation On the opposite side of the lake may be seen the tremendous blow-hole1which when in full blast present aa awe-inspiring s ight The roar of the steam as it rushes forth lu-to the air is deafening and often huge bowidere and stones are hurled out to a height of several hundred feet by -tbe various internal forces cf nature A boat can be blanched on the lake and if proper care he observed the very edges of the blow-holes may be safely explored Some Idea of the strength of the acid-saturated water of this lake may be gathered from tbe fact that a boat almost dropped to pieces after all the passengers had been landed as the rivets had corrodshyed under tbe influence of tbe adds

If the office that docs your printing doesnt

do it neatly try the JOURNAL If it IS

being done neatly try us for better still


Kodaks Cameras

and Amateur Supplies

Enlarged Pictures Crayon

India Ink Water CeJor

ami Sepia Work

Framing Don

on Short


PlatiBO-types The very latest things in our line are

the Piatino-iypes we arc now patting out Nothing else t^aais ihera We make them We make them in all styles Also Gloss Finish and Platino Work Satisfaction Guaranteed

Agriculture 1 should single out the reaping mashy

chine as tbe greatest human achieve luent in the departraeht of agriculture Not only is it a great boon in itself but it marks tbe initiative in a great movementmdashtbe substitution of meshychanical for muscularv forcemdashwhich modern agricultural needs have made imperative For thousands of years the agricultural Implement of hushymanity gt regained what they were In the infancy of the race Tbe sparle and tbe hoe the sickle and the scythe of our grandfather were identical with those wielded by the first barshybarian who emerged from the prehisshytoric ages into recorded time It was not till far into the middle of the nine-teenth century that the sickle and the scythe were replaced by the reaping ujachJne

Theres no place like tbe Journal for Neat P r i n t i n g raquo raquo raquo

P ^ - -

MILLERS STUDIO 110 W Exchange St

A ampaigki f tlM Grip Tlaquot4iamplaquo Mgtmenee IJL Nov 14 1888 I wraquos

ronbled with a disagreeable baling in bullny ftomavh -aused by dvapepsla and one do-e of Dr CsldweJVs Mvrup Pepsiti relieved me I will never he without it as-It Is tbe beat remedy for constipation ar t indigestion I have ever used P R Clartu TrtvcUug Salesasaa ftraquor Pearson A Weytel Importers of Ooenneware


The Story of a Clever Prisoners Plan for Escape

Green Casey a convict at San Quen-tin has won the admiration of all his fellow-convicts at the prison for the novel contrivance he has invented in order to make hLi escape from the prison walls some time ampm and through Sheriff Iangdon cf Santa Clara county the story has leaked o u t bull

Casey was a Mad of trusty around the prison ground and wailti n-ork-ing iu one of the giounde in the vicinity of the prison he took it into his he1 that he would like to escape and wes beginciJis to tax his mindas to tho most advantageous way to snit his purpose As lie v as stroiln^ around oil the green grass which grows la abunlt3an(e around the prison an idea struck him that if hft could imitate the grass by some meana he could elude the watchful sentries an J make good his escape

Through tlio aid of his convict friends he procured Rome piecesof burlap and with tho aid of sonic iope made them into a l e n s coat that would cover him completely when lyiiit oil the grass He then secured soma wheat from the prison stable and sowed it on the flrst layer of his coat He cast it down carelessly at one end of the prison grounds and watered It dailygt In a few weeks the grass grew UP through the sack coat and before a great while the piece of burlap was conformed into a grassy lawn

He was now rea^dy to carry out his plans and patiently awaited an opshyportunity At last he succeeded m getting his new contrivance across to the northwest of the prison and in a few minutes was under his grassy cent

Slowly he crept along with the cleverness of a worm and from all appearance success- would crown his efforts But his progress waa too rapid and very soon he heard footshysteps coming In his direction The moving grass plot which was slowly making its way up the hillside soon came to a sudden standstill a s tho eye of a guard had noticed the grass moving and came to investgate the phenomenon A kick in tbe ribs ap prised Casey that his plan had been discovered Tbe guard took Casey and a red shirt now covers his breast mdashSan Francisco CalL

EVEN SUPPOSE Even suppose Chat I could forget What you were ( should know you

yet Even suppose (and my hope is this) inai oameu m ltke Clueo raquoA a

those quisite bliss

Your Nface has lct through cloudless yeata -

The lines of trouble the stain of tears I shajl see it thep as 1 see it yet Even suppose that I could forget

know I claimed you ones you are still my

bullbullown- bull A kiss perhaps that I left on your

cheeks Where al is spirit all kissea speak Dead or living I live youyet Even suppose that I could forget mdash E M Hewitt in t h e Pall Mall Magazine

TIE l i l K

ness Hev yer sot any fine wlra netting he askod Yes sir he answered euroagertys anything yer want In tbet iine

Welllemmfi slaquoe it He lboed it over critically X guess Ill tek all yer g o t Its jest erbbut enough fer what I want TJie peddler was alshymost carried off his feet with surshyprise Why yer aint goin ter biild fences be jer Never youmind Thets my busines h When yer come round in the fall f i r pay yer and then praps Ill tell yer

The peddlers ftce shaded perceptshyibly with d^appointment and he 106k-

K ^ mdash t ^ i u laquo A^iH w n u i lt ed about the fann anxiously- Oh Ev t yone knew A ^ i U Wilkias a laquo d o n t y o u W O r r y T e r n git yer pay the village of Trescott hut not o n e ^ i ^ ^ I cant pay^er tfll I git 3laquo in ten by that classic surname to alt my crop But its a sure thing_ And who wished coal carted or rubbish bull th^neddler immediately motmteJ his

Wxlions and that part of the town frac34frac34frac34frac34 Q^aiaj gamp^tmsed his wife ship where he resided was called 1 ^New 0frac14 woman fm goin ter bo Quilleyville If anyone desired to uretty busy fer a htte over the maun-define any part of the earths surface I ^ d o raquo t +amp fleJ

~ ^ r V ^ ^ ^ - f^P5 -ntaer children no-nn raean- I aint an being particularly unsavory or like a ^ o | n aaythfnv wi-ong Only I wast that future state t^ which the Calvin-1 ter kind o sprie yer with AJsHie istic creed eonsighs sinful humanity I way-Im Kotn ter ceviae ter raise that it was customary to refer to QuIBey-ithar mortgage An111 promise tef


Prancfi and Chinese Lead the Nations ef the World In TMe

Among -Westerns- -themdashFrench- aart among Ortentale the Chinese are ihe most stay-at-homlaquo nations ef the world lrVeochmn are met with in all parts of tbe world hot tnete thought are always tnming toward the happy days when they can one shore return to I Bce France and breathe the air of it boulevard The Prehctinan neyer willfully exnatrtates himself for life The Cblnaman on the other hand I3 a siny at-houie by religion Illaquo thinks that bis hope of salvtttoii deshypends upon ending hh days in the Ceshylestial Empire and he is careful to provide that if he dies in a foreign land bis coflln with his remains shall be sent back to China The frightful over-popuhitiott of the Chinese Enijike has driven Chinamen into all quarter Of the world especiaily to Australia but they always hope to return to their own ud Tbe Hindu Wlaquoes lt-laquoIJSbulllaquo If he leaves bis native cotmiry buthe is a member of a religion rather than of a race and as a set-laquoff the Mohani- medaiis who form a very large pro-portioa of the Indian Empire are the most persistent pilgrims on the face of the earth

em the moneyyer put Inter tlaquoA thar place t o aU of this QuiUey made no reapenraquoraquo But it must be admitted he thougit a good deal He marched up over the barren moua-lala side and noafr carefully several things One was that 1raquo the aftershynoon a breese genlaquorally swept up over the mountain aeddng the fool exshypanse of the Omnecticut beyond The hot air soughi the cooler surface ef the stream this breeze carried

Bven suppose I aifght choose to be wlthit certain other things which en-Friend of an angel it seems to me tlaquoed largely into W w ^ S S Hearts choice is once though the tlons He also ewmined a little more

fleamph forset | closely the old has n bull- Notkhowii^whyIahbuianb0OMyourL-^neltla7 a n itinerant tin peddler bullbullbullbull yet j cahie along in whom Quilley at once Even suppose thai 1 could forget took an uncommon interest He

I abandoned the whittling and the eounr What will it be ihat wiU make ypui y paper and cante at oace to busi

The Papal Elections The succesaiou of the Roman Ponshy

tiffs rests on the word of God other lines of pr ineesmay fail their line shall last until the end of the wtrld Still although there will always be a series of legitimate successors In the Papacy themanccr of succession has varied being ieft-to human prhdeibee wbidi acoommodaies itself to times and places yet ever under an overrulshying Providence that directs to its own ends no less the vices than the virshytues of ngten

In the Pope the world receives a vishycar of Christ n successor of S t Peter and an infuliii-e judge in the matter of faith and jsonls The Papacy was always conferred regularly by way of electionmdasht om the chief of the Apostles ebose-i by our Lord himshyself to Leo XIII cow reigning who was elected gty the Cardinals of the Holy ltoman Church on the 20th of Februarj 187S Between these there have been 2gt1 Pogtesif we follow tbe number givenby t i e official Gerarchia Cattolica whicli Is published annualshylymdash Mouslgnor Sefoa in Frank Lesshylies Popular Mouthiy

vine Here dwelt several fanaiHea of Witkinses of which Quilley was the distinguished chief happy and surshyprisingly healthy in spite of their great disregard of all sanitary prinshyciples and familiarity with goats and pigs

When one early spring morning Qtiilleys horse died with a proper deference to its own age QaiUeyvflle was thrown into Sackcloth and ashes although there had always been a plenty of the hutot commodity tying fn unsightly heaps in various parts of the province The proprietor of the late horse buried him with honors took a chair front the kitchen and going out into the spring sunshine tilted it against the side of the house and began to whittle There he stayshyed all day never heeding the call to dinner As sometimes happens in CBKlaquo vi rgtmnL iAiVamprtT QsUtey had from time to tlase e m lag the pant bull years made aampall depoelta in the Am-monooauc River savtags a nV Even in his sorest straits b t laquo5l never touch that saoney if one bull esraquo into the bank It stayed there He was thinking of that now tt asftouated to sometfng near IW9 Hhiwtte came ont and gathered up the days whit-tiings in a banket Quilley rose and shook himself Well oi woman he said Ive kinder concluded ter buy a farm out yonder on ther maun-tia Kinder guess you an ther young uns ll like it better an5 me too fer all that

His wife made no response aot beshycause sKe could not talk for she spent hours with the neighbors In animated discourse and knew all that went on in the Trescott homes from the lowshyest to the highest But she looked upon her man as did the Pagans upon the responses of the oracles aa beyord the pale of human gratitude or disapprobation

Tbe next morning the sun peeped over the summit of the mountain with rayraquo Trf April brightness and promise and Quilleyvilie Was up to meet its first glance with It mingled sounds of human and brute creation Quilley strode forth after breaktas- toward the mountain It was on the bordershyland of the White mountains and on many of the lesser summits and moun-taia sides arfgterched to-day the desoshylate remnants of a former yeomanry hardier than that of to-day who had fed and clothed themselves by erops

The Legal Way Before I agree to undertake your

defense said the eminent criminal lawyer who had been called in you will have to be perfectly frank with me and tell me tint whole truth Did you embexale the twenty thousand dollars you arc accused of baring takshyen bull

Yes sir repliCl the accused man Ill not attempt to conceal the fact from you I stole every cent of it

How much of it have yon still Its all gene but about ten dollars Young man sad tbe eminent lawshy

yerbuttoning his gloves youd betshyter plead guilty nd throw yourself on tbe mercy of tl e court

111 de it if yon cay laquo0 sir What are yen going to cuarge me for the advice

Ten dollarsmdashc hicago Tribune

A jBeoihbay die) ftsbermanmdashAh Ak-ctaim te bavt the rhortijrt ansae da record There Is 00 afcevevietiee aboet it either

show yer a crop that c a n t be beat throughout the h8 o ther Granite

As usuaL Quinsys word was law Only once wpraquo his order dteoheyesa hii the least degree and he fortunately never knew of that One day Uttte Quilley bullbullamp nnablo to reelat crawled oyerthe 1nfampltr of the mouBtain and looked What he taw onry incrcssed his mystificatlGa A large round cage had been constructed ont of the wire netting wIJraquo a door large enongh to admit a man In one jtfftee while fee tag the wind Was an extended opening resembling the nariag end of a taega-phone only several tCoies larger ft was in the morning and tluHley Sr^ seemed to he ahovefang n cmnntftv of some dark suhataace fate the adjoinshying ham One other feature added to the mystery Bae morning Quilley proceeded over the brow of Che bill w i n a Quart of nraquootaaea a s his only hureengt Mrtu Wltktas wondered but asked no quwttonn Bst the state and town treaeaisjs were probably tbe most surprised men wultraquo the recret was let o u t Mrs WKkiae was of eonrae deHghted and Che people of Treaeott alluded with conscious pride to the inventive genJns of their towta-ataa AquIUa Wflkliw who was really the only one hy the townshipwho had succeeded in making an abandonea farm pay But after alL the town treasurer had the worst shock-mdashN B Homestead

Was Bothered with Shouters For ten years Horace Sheley of In

dependence Mo was so hard of hear ing that his intimate friends used to say he was as deaf as a post But he was not quite that deaf He could hear If the wordswere shouted in his ear and that was the way people talkshyed to him Three months ago Mr Sheley went to an aurls tcnd now he can hear aa wen as he ever could Many of his aequaintanoes do not know that be has regained his hearshying and when they meet him they shoot In his ear a s they were acshycustomed to do in the ten years of his deafness tt i s embarrassing to Mr Sheley and annoying- Last week Mr- Sheley was in Kaae City and met his n e ^ e w James Noland on the street They shook hands and then Mr Nolan grasped the lapel of his

would-^trumpet the sound well and shouted at the top of his voice H o w are you Uncle Horace and then he drew in a long breath Just as he used to do and shouted I havent seen you for a coons age Why dont you come around and see us

Uncle Horace flinched away from his nephew and said

Dont yell so Jlmmie or youHl deafen me I can hear as well as you canmdashKansas City Times

__ w uncles coat with his Ilaquoft hand stood w r ^ ^ l r o m a ^ o h g W ^ V a n ^ boulders There ae few signs of hu-1 ^J^^t^ f^hoUow degi man life in these places now All bullbull^J u to hla^face so it that remams are a few tumbled-down farm-houses with their empty barns and out-buMdings It is the material substance of the abandoned farm era- bullbull

But Quilley had set his heart on one of these farms and was going to look over the old Wilcox place unshyinhabited for 20 years and then call on its owner Whtn he returned that night he was the owner of several acres of mountain side a goodly part Of it being composed of ledges and cliffs sloping toward the Connecticut river and its fertile i e U s but stopshyping at the borderland of the really valuable soil When he went to the bank the next day he also visited the registry of deeds He had spent $300 on his farm with an added mortgage of $200 leaving the residue of his litshytle fortune tor the purchase of tools seeds and another horse He postshyponed the purchase of a cow until he had something to feed her on the outshylook jfor pasturage being extremely dubious as all the acreage available for that purpose had grown up to bushes In less than a week Quilleyshyvilie was deserted and the passerby would have noted that whatever was left behind was offered for sale

Quilley found his new life much more easy than his former had been and he discovered much to his satisshyfaction that Mrs Wilkins was en-ambled to prove more literally her bullproper a vocation as a helpmate to him He wisely pat no hindrance in her way and as she had been a farmshyers daughter she was able to give him considerable enlightment He lacked that impulse to work which had been a great spur to activity when he had worked for ethers Aa

Why He rgtldnk Want Th Jm Unconscious humor is not a rare

thing in commerce and the corshyrespondence of a business house is frequently enlivened by absurdities Here are two communications found last week in the mail written on a postal card and the Correspondent evidently concluded that as he had contributed one cent towards the govshyernments revenues he might as well make the government earn Its money This communication read

Dear Sirs Please send mo twenshyty boxes Of Bathis plugs and hurry shipment P SmdashPlease cancel the abbve as my wife has just found sixshyteen boxes in the cellar

It is possible that the manwho wrote that was not such aa unconshyscious Joker after all but there is no mistaking the solemn earnestness of the following from an Arkansas town also written on a postal card Ikey has been ded too year BO you

need not rite to hist any more mdashN Y Sun I k e y s wife

Object t e the Method The flow of an oil well in southern

California bullwen tncreened hy the re-the warm days toward the last of JaU| ^ bullf11 tttJM bull fU of came he began to think a good deal bull ^ bull bull 5 raquo bull pound ^ 0 4 lW-larly about that mortgage Certain of his traquoWraquoeogt--8aa Frenesjao Examiner former friends wie knew soasothi^1 -__ bdquo 77mdash anient farming had told him that the bullbullnawtlssi ef VaCwe sea Wilcox plaee wne better auftsd to Scene day seen enierprtstng nub raUtnc greashesners than mortgagee1 rasher wiB tswae a Teat pocket edition Jhe want staee In ther tewsu^qt Car ef tte nteeycJonedJa BrltaaicamdashPhlaquoa-


11 -^


Dr Talmampfe lifts the Curtain from

The Olorlee f t r a r a aw ltt CoHppeklaquolaquouiilaquolaquo 4 tli JTSatte

MiBd-jyrlaquo w i l l B raquo bull rwrUaw Ter

[Copyright 1800 by Loci Klopsen j Washington May IX

In thisdiscourse DrTahtiage lifts the curtain from eternal felicities and in au unusual way treats of the Heavenshyly world Text L Corinthians 29 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath pre pared for them that love Him

The city of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity Indeed for splendor the world holds no such wonshyder to-day It stood on an isthmus washed by two seas the one sea bringshying the commerce of Europe the other sea bring-in] the commerce of Asia From her wharfs in the construction of which whole kingdoms had beeL V sorbed war galleys with three bank of oavs pushed out and confounded the navy yard of nil the world Huge-handed machinery sneh as modem in- prssas and samphire a mountain of

O B carta she wan a lifelong invalid See her step now and hear her voice uaampf Caiehu if yotz can one breath of that celestial air Health in all the anisesmdash- health of vision health of spirits immortal health No racking tough no sharp pleurisies no consum- g fevers no exhausting pains no hosshypitals of vioanded men Health swingshying in ibeMr health flowing in all the streams health blooming on the banks No headaches no aid^nches no backshyaches That child that died in the agonies of croup hear her voice now ringing in the anthem That old man that ^ent bowed down with the infirmshyities of Age sec him walk how Wilis the step of an immortal athletemdashfoi-cver young again That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air reshysuscitated her forever For everlastshying years to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue Eye hath not seen it ear hath not heard i t

I remark further that we can in this worldget no just idea of the splendors of Heaven John tries to describe them He sttfs ^the 12 gates are 12 pearls and that the foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of preshycious etones As wye stand looking through the telescope of St John We see a blaze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sardonyx and chryso-

vention cannot equal ISfted ships from the tea on one side and transported them on trucks across the isthmus and set them down in the sea on tb other side

The revenue officers of the effy went down through the ofire groves that lined the bench tbebSeet a tariff tram all nations The mirth of aU people sported in her isthmian games and the beauty of nil lands-sat in her theaters walked her praquortic$$a laquoi|fcrw Uself on the altar of hlaquoar stu$enampu dissipashytion Celujna-ind statue and temple bewiidered the tehdtte- There were white marble fountains into which from apertures c t the side there rushed water everywhere known for health-giving qualities Around these basins twisted into wreaths of stone there were aTl the beauties o f sculpture and architecture while standing as if to guard the costly display was a statue of Hercules of burnished Corinthian bras Va$es of terra cotta adorned the eeaieteriesof the deadmdashrvases so costly that Julius Caesar was not satisshyfied until he had captured tnetn for Koine ArttJed official the Claquormtbarii paced raquop and down to see that no stone was defaced no pedestal overthrown no has relief touched From the edge of the city a hii arose with it magshynificent burden of columns towers and temples (i000 slaves waiting at one shrine) and a citadel to thoroughly impregnable that Gibraltar is a heap of sand compared with it Atuid all that strength wed magnificence Corinth stood and defied the world

Oh it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that Paul uttered this text They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in ail the World1 they had heard songs floating from morning porshyticoes and melting in evening groves they had passed their whole lives among pictures and sculpture and architecture and Corinthian bras which had been molded and shaped unshytil there was no chariot wheel in which it had not eped and no tower in which it had not glittered and no gateway that it had not adorned Ah it was a bold thing for Paul to stand there amid all that and say All this is nothing

These sounds that come from the temshyple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmonies of which 7 speak These waters rushing in the basin of Pyreoe are not pure The statues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite Your citadel of Jkroeorfpihu^ is not strong compared with that which I ofshyfer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen poundat Von Corinthians think this is a splendid city Yon think you have heard all sweet sounds and seen all beautiful sights but I tell you eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered Into the heart of man the things whieh God hath prepared for them that love Him - bull bull

You see my teXt sets forth the idea that however exalted bur ideas of Heaven they come far shore of the reality Some wise men have been calshyculating how many furlongs long and wide is the new Jerusalem and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth how long the earth will probably stand and then they come to this estimate That aftshyer all the nations have been gathered to Heaven there will be room for each soul a room 1$ feet long and 15 feet wide It would not be large enough for you It would not be large enough for me I am glad to know Jhat no hushyman estimate is sufficient to take the dimensions Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor arithmeticians calcushylated

I first remark that we can get no idea of the health of Heaven When you were a child and you went out in the morning how you bounded along the road or streetmdashyou had never felt sorshyrow or sickness Perhaps later you felt a glow in your cheek and a spring in your step and an exuberance of spirshyits and a clearness of eye that made you thank God you were permitted to live The nerves were harp strings and the sunlight was a doxology and the rustling leaves were the rustling of the robes of a great crowd rising up to praise the Lord You thought that you knew what i t was to be well but there is no perfect health on earth The disease of past generations came iown to us The air that now float upon the earth are not like those which floated above Paradise They ere charged with impurities and distemshypers The moat elastic and robust health of earth compared with that which those experience before whom the laquo(lt have been opened U nothing

light a cataract of color a sea of glass and a city like the son Jobn4raquods us look again and we see thronesmdash throne of the patriarchs thrones of the angels thrones of the apostles throne of the martyrs throne of Jesusmdashthrone of God And we turn round to see the glory and it is throne thrones thrones

John bids us look again and see the great procession of the redeemed passshying- v J e a ofc- a white horsey leads the inarch^ and a 8 the armies -of Heaven fdftOTf otf white horses In-finite cavalcade passing passing emshypires pressing into line ages following

what Heaven is It is the grave neremdash It is darkness heremdashbut there is mershyrymaking yonder Methinks when a soul arrives some angel take it around to show it the wonders of that blesecd place The usher angel says to the newly arrived These are the marshytyrs that perished at Piedmont these were torn to pieces at the inquisition this is the throne of the threat Jehoshyvah this is Jesus I am going to see Jesus said a dying boy I am going to see Jesus The missionary said You are sure you will see Him Oh yes thats what 1 want to go to Heaven for But said the mraquoionary supshypose Jesus should go away from Heavenmdashwhat then I should folgt low hiai said the dying boy But if Jesus went down to hellmdashwhat then The dying boy thoughtfor a moment and then said Where Jesus is there can be no heU Oh to stand in His presence That will be Herven Oh to put our hand in that hand which wa wounded for us onthe crossmdashto go around amid the groups of the reshydeemed and shake hands with the prophets and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear beloved ones That will be the great reunion We cannot imagine it now Our loved ones seem so far away When we are in trouble and lonesome they dont seem togt come to u We go on to the banks of the Jordan and call across to them but they do not seem to hear We say Is i t well with the ehild is it wdJ with the loved ones and we listen to hear if any voice come back over the waters Kbne none

Unbelief says They are deed and they are annihilated but blessed be God w e haven Bible that tells us differshyent We open it and we find they are neither dead nor annihflatedr-~that theynever were o much alive as now mdashthat they are only waiting for our coming and that we shall join them on the other side of the river Oh giori-ora reunion we cannot grasp it now

What a place of explanation it will ages Dispensation tramping after 1 raquo I see every day profound mysteries dispensation Glory In the traek of glory Europe Asia Africa North anampJSouihAmerica presiding into lines Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulshyder Generations^before the flood folshylowing generations after the flood and a r Jesus rides at the head of that great host and waves his sword in signal of victory ait crowns are lifted and all ensigns swung out and all chimes rung and al halleluiahs chantshyed and some cry Glory to God most high and sopael Hosanna to the son of David and some Worthy is the Lamb that was slainmdashtill all exshyclamations of endearment and homshyage in the vocabulary of Heaven are exhausted ami there comes up surge after laquourge of Amen Amen and Amen Eye hath not seen it ear hath not beard ft 8k im from the summer waters the brightest sparkle and yon will get no idea of the sheen of the everlasting sea Pile up the splendor of earthly cities and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount t o the city of God Ever house is a palace Every s tep is laquo triumph Every covering of the head a coronation Every meal is a banquet Every stroke from the tower is a wedding bell Every day Is a Jubilee every hour a rapture and every moment an ecstasy Kye hath not seen it ear hath not heard it

I remark further we can get no idea of the reunions of Heaven If you have evrr been across the seas and met|afriend or even an acquaintshyance in some strange land yovj re-member how your blood thrilled and how glad you were to set him What will be our joy after we have passed the seas of death to meet in the bright city of the Lord those from whom we have long been bullseparated After we harve been away froth our friends ten or fifteen years and we fotne upon them we see how differently they look Their hair has turned and wrinkles have come in their faces and we say How you have changed But oh when we stand before the throne all cares gone from the face all marks of sorrow disappeared and feeling the joy of that blessed land methinks we will say to each other with an exultashytion we cannot now imagine How you havechanged In this world we only meet to part It is good-by good-by Farewells floating in the air We hear it at the rail car window and at t s steamboat wharfmdashgood-by Children lisp it and old age answers it Sometimes we say it in a light waymdashgood-by mdash and sometimes with anguish in which the soul breaks downmdashgood-by Ah that is the word that ends the thanksgivshying banquet that is the word that comes in to close the Christmas chant Good-by good-by But not so in Heavshyen Welcomes in the air welcomes at the gates welcomes at the house of many mansions but not good-by That group is constantly being augshymented They are going out from our circles of earth to join itmdashlittle voices j to join the anthem little hands t o take bold in the great home circle little feet to dance in the eternal glee little crowns to be cast down before

but sicknea ard tossefattea Jokraquo a the grave and t t o t laquolaquolaquo1 fttnstfbiir b e f t w ^ k e ~

of Prbvidettee There is no qnestioh we ask ofteaer than Why There are hundreds of graves in Greenwood and Laurel Mil that need to be explained Hospitals for the blind and lame asylums for the idiotie and jnsanc- almshouses for the destitute and a yiorld of pain and misfortune that deshymand more than human solution God will clear it all up In the light that pours from the throne no dark myr tery can live Things now utterly in^ scrntable will be illumined as plainly as though the answer was writteja on the Jasper wall or sounded in the tern pie anthem Bartimeus will thank God that he was blind and Joseph that he was cast into the pit and Daniel that he denned with the Hon and Patil that he was humpbacked and David that he was driven from Jerusalem and that invalid that for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow an4 that widow that she had such hard work to earn bread for her chUdrex The song will raquo all the grander for earths weeping eyes and aching headi bulllid exhausted bands and scourged backs and martyred agonies llut we ran get no idea of that ahthew here We appreciate the power of secular music but do we appreciate the power of sacred song There is nothing more iasplriutf to me thana whole congregashytion lifted on the wave of holy melody When we sing some of those dear old psalms and tunes they rouse all the memories of the past Why some of them were cradle songs in our father house They arc all sparkling with the morning dew of a thousand Christian Sabbaths They were sung by brothshyers and sistei sgone now by yoites that were aged and broken in the music voices hone the less sweetbecause they did tremble and break

When I heaT these old songs sung 11 seems as if all the old country meeting houses joined in the^chorus and city ehurch and saiiors beluel and western cabjns until the whole continent lifts the doxology and the scepters of eter-

Vniiy beat-time in the music Away then with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions Of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is marching on to victory When generals come back from victorious wars do we ^ot cheer them and shout Huzaa huaM And when Jesus passes along in the conquest of the earth shall we not have for Him one loud j ringing c h e e r ^

All hail tihe powe|S|Juasm name Let angels prniwWS tslL

Bring forth the l|bpt stttdem And crown Him Lord of att

But my friends if mnsic on earth is so sweet what will it bebullraquoin Heaven-They all know the tune there All the best singers of all the ages will join it mdashchoirs of white-robed children choirs of patriarchs choirs of apostles Mornshying stars clapping therr cymbals Harpers with their hasps Great anshythems of God roltjhn Toll onmdashother empires joining tfce harmony tillthe thrones are all fttlf and the nation all saved An then shall touch anthem chorus join chortts^end all the sweet sounds of earth and Heaven be poured into the ear of Christ David of the harp will be there Gabriel of thetrum


YARD Maw 1laquo Iowa U s e s a Compound that

Makes Hta Hon Lay Double fsVe fraquoua Nnatbcr Summer

and Wlater S e c r e t of His Saccens

Peopla in the neighborhood of Cres ton Iowa are amazed at the number of vg^ that this man drives to market Wttb Wheu asked what was the cause of his hen being so prolific be stated it was all in a certain compound he was using that keeps his hens in good conshydition and famished them with the proper stuBnlus hgt egg production Atneriean Poultry Mixture U the name of it and is made by American Wg Co Terre Haute Ind Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying cashypacity n the egg lie his profits This mixture is guaranteed to increase the prodaetioa of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded It will do more than throe tunc as much as the same amount of any other compound It is eoncen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience hi the poultry business There is absolutely no doubt as to what it wjH do and yon are inshyvited to try H at the expense of the company Send cent100 for a sample packshyage and if it daesnt do the work yea get yoar money back This is fair and hi nsade to induce practical nontoynien to give H a trial I t is also a sure preshyventive of sach diseases aa the t emble cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thcronghly scientific preparshyation

The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money If your druggist dont sell American Poni-)tfyAraquo)ctn^^V1raquoeliind- the age In that case^ Order direct from American Manufacturing Co Terre Haute Ind

^ Car HeraquolaquoelaquoaeR 1frac34 One WasJt To Cure Ckm^tipatiou in One Waei To Com Indigestion i n One Weak To Purify the Blood in One Weak

Take Clevelands Celery Contpoasd Tea 25c bullbdquo If it fails to enre^ jrm cheex reftrod your money (Trial sac free)

at C- M Peacocta

the feet of Jesus Our friends are in j p e t w S U ^ t h c r e gt Germany redeemed two groups--a group this side of the river and a group on the other side of the river Now there goes one from this to that and another from this to that and soon we will all be gone over How many of your loved ones have already entered upon that blessed place If I should take paper and pencil do yon think I could put them all down Ah my friends the waves of Jordan roar so hoarsely we cannot herr the joy on the other side when the group is augmented j

A little co ld s mother had died and they comforted her They said Your mother has gone to Heaven Don cry And the next day they went to the graveyard and they laid the body of the mother down into the ground and the little girl came up to the verge

^ tkfe Heawan W a raquo i d t t

will pour its rich bass voice into the song and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices I wish in our closing hymn to-day we might catch an echo that slips from the gates Who knows but that when the heavenshyly door opens to-day to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we eatch it Oh that as the song drops down from Heaven it might meet half way a song coming up from earth

They rise for the doxology all the multitude of the blest Let us arise with them and so at this hour the)oy of the church on earth and the joy ef the church in Heaven will minge their chalice and the dark apparel of our mourning win seem to whiten into the spotless raiment of the skies 4od cues that gtarouffh the meaey of out

STATU OF MICHIGAN Coraquoflrj-or SMawas-seclaquolaquo

At bullbull sewiuB of tfee Probst Const tot saM county acid at lb Probst Onve In i se ctty of ConmiMt on MoiHUjr the fh laquom ltf Avrti in t t e veer one nKMMaod nfaw Saserrd

JPrestltot Uiite B^ufc Jndjto or Fmbste In the aistter of the estate ef AlfrJl P

Bmtyrbj ampietmt J laquoB reading- and Sling tilaquo plit-n of AiftTfl A Suivrrby prajinir tbbraquo Cratt fo d^terrolnr hlaquo are tbe hrtr nt law of twraquoi(] naid dwmnett altt rattt^d to tatit said bull^ttate Sjut iH is ordeNl Tbt ibft 7ih day gtf Mraquogt

next nt Vit oclock io the torlaquoaoltii at laquotil Piobitte Offlce be raquolaquoifulaquo4l for bearing raquoraquoU petition

Aud it is further ordered thai A copy of ttoU onlor lgttraquo pubtilaquoJifsi thrw trtK-o-raquoJve wlaquokraquo prcviotm to Raid day of bearit-jr ID the Coruitna JfMtmn1 raquo nrmrtpaper pHuted aUd elixrultin io Haiu County of thiawaraquoyr

MA1TIIEW BUSH Judse of Irwbat

KTHKCIKE E KEMKV PrOliat1 11laquo -trlnttr

OOoa^DflChalt T i b i a l

phrsMsB is^oa laquo14 sad Ladles Ceafs saWas taHti aathessre tfceasdy isssaae wiisrai moduly

meflisfasksoirn PSasJfU 3ratsalaquoMS Slaquosd a^sgsipoja^far g y j j g g ^ y M

EoOtt^^2copy3Wodwrdav^Dotlaquo^ Kt

PRpBATE ORDERmdashSLateof Michiytna ltMB-y of SUIiraquoraquossrf raquois

At a WHsion of the Probate Court flaquor said rwlaquontvv liid al Ibe Probate oflfee in thraquo-Ity of (kgtriraquouampa 011 the 4th day of April io ihevoAT one tbousam aiiw tuudrlaquohl

Pielaquoni- Maub^w BUAIJ JiMjie of Probate Ju the laquoaa tier ot the estftMt of Urban (tatting

CDaniW Oortjup- AH asc-Ulary alt7mhgtigtttrator having rendctvd to this Conrt bin final aFt-atiiit

It isi ordered that the Tito day it1 o-xt at ten oViock iA lb forenoon raquot win Probate OtRce be appointed for examiampingsnd MlWKiDji said account

And it is further ordqtvd tbatacopy copyf this ordr or pttbitabed three successive weeks pre-viou to laquoM day of hearing ia the Corvuuia Jonrnai a newspaper printed aud crcolatin in aaid conaty of Sbi^wa^ftee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate

R E l T i i p We the undefMgnf d ilruggiei offer

bullx reward of J) cents to aov person who purchs^t of gtifraquo raquowraquoraquo 25 cent lioxes of lUiXterR iiaiirirake Bitters Tabiets if lit fails to cure cpiu^tination biliousnev^ laquoick-hesdlaquoebc jaii dh-e lolaquoraquo of ap|elite sour Vtomsoh dyspepsia liver coin-pisint or any of the diseases for wtiMi it i recohiinended Pru-e 25 t+nt for either tabletor liquid Wo will also refund the money on one psoknlaquoe of either if it fairaquo to givefcitiffactioh


^ H U M P H R E Y S

centsftama Laalaquo FevcVsftlla wver g ^ l g W A r a a LaaiBPSW lajwrfcs

C C i g O R S TBaOAT laquoatalaquoT KstasXSC bullcusttinaweasper S^IWOMMS Bow Gfaa (KEgt


6 6 Prevsatt UTOCABItlAGB g^|aUn(Eyen



and Proetration from Overshywork or other causes

Mtunphraya Homeopathic ftpeotflo No Bcopy in ulaquo o v w 4 0 yaara Uu onty

aajMiaiiiiagtiaraquoilisiaaf bull lis pi iraquoraquobullbull


Stryzn and Defeat The Oemocrats of ail sections ex

tgtect that BiT-an will succeed In nonv isatins hlmseU for the Presidency say3 an exchange but some of them tiink that other hands should be giyen a part in framing the platform Throughout the north there is a genshyeral desire that the silver issue shculd be dropped and a strong stand made against expansion known by Demoshycrats as imperialism Unless these are conceded there is likely to be a sharp fight in the convention for some other nominee But in the south the party is red hot for free silver and exshypansion The prosperity that has corce^tQ the north is slower in reachshying the south and more money is wanted They ere not particular as to the kind of money they get any old dollar will do for them provided It doea not bear the Confederate stamp They are for expansion beshycause they believe that our Sag in the Philippineswill give to the Amerishycans an open gateway to a great marshyket for southern cotton Says the Atlanta Constitution on these points Weve got to put enough silver in the platform to save the southern states and again If we should declare against expansion and fall to renew the demand for free coinage we would lose several of the southern states

It is so firmly settled that the nomshyination will be given to Bryat that all other questions in regards to the canshyvass sink out of sight The candishydate for the head of the ticket is the only issue that can be agreed upon The party in this accepts defeat as a foreordained fact a proclamation of surrender In advance It has nothing to offer the people as a substitute for the prosperity that has come to them tt acts as though well aware that it is useless to fight this grand fact with such side issues as the sort of money with which the people shall be paid so long as there is enough of it or conshycerning what shall be done with Porto PJco and the Philippines now ihampt we have Eot them under our flag The questions concerning the government of these islands are easy of solution but the people know the imminent peril In which their own prosperity vould he placed under a party that had always failed a a business pro-nsoter -whether S under Van Buren Pierce and Buchanan or the two terms of Cleveland Many of then remember the business reverse that came to them and the country genshyerally when they exchanged the Me-Klnley for the Wilson tariff and also vhat followed tile substitution for the latter of the Iliasley tariff Pratec tton and the gold standard they have proved goes enough for them and they are not going to take say more risks least of ail from a Democracy mixed with Populism and dominated by a half-doxen silver kings In adshyhering to Bryan the party confesses that it has s o hope

1 CORRESPONDENCE J V M I ^ ^ 11 mdash I 1raquo

Item of latent hem Some of Ou Suaro irtffing Twwiu

rgtnniimniiirini Iliinbull-mdash - - ~i ywtMu ialaquor fraquoraquoa^P^ j^^laquo^^^


Frxa Vernoa Arg-uu Mlsi Elfcie Ilord spent Saturday and

8 n lay with her parents in Byron Mrs MRose of Chicago visitedat

Geo larks the latter part of hi-t laquoltlt Mr and Mra Duukle returucd Tuea-

dy eyaaibg from a weeks visit io Ohio

A ten raquond half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs -Fred Saxton on Sunday laet

Mrs W Carey and two little daugh-terf of -Tiaverse Cityare visiting JUra Nettie Gos4 this week

Supervisor H S Myres bss been in town a couple of tiaye rna^ioc the asshysessments for the coming year

S T I^eonard who has been assisting at the cheese factory since its opening returned to Chspin Saturday where he will remain for a few weeks

Cecil McLaughlin and Milaquos Grace Howard of Yeroon and Miss Jennie Perry of Durand attended the Grand Commandery Knights Templar drill s t Ann Arbor last Tuesday

During the thoader storm last Satshyurday night lightning struck tbe -resishydence of Mrs 31 D Khode and damshyaged the roof tore off some of the sidshying wet into the kitchen and stirred up the kitchen utensils and left by way of the well which was so stiried up it has not been fit to ae el nee The inshysurance company adjusted the toss at $4020mdashAt about the same time the bam of Frank Patchel living east of the village was struck and a valuable horse killed In neither case were the buildhigs et on fire

The Dark Spot The onty dark spot on this record

of the nation progres is our failure U the carrying trade upon the high seas This reeoiv toust and will be improved Pblftitai consideration com-pels a solntibn of the shipping quesshytion Our people our law makers our President appreciate that our


Wherever properly introduced Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin slaquo a cure for ltconstlpattOBYhmet with phenornrnal rale Jinny dniggigts trannot say enough in praise of its merit as well as its great popularity wiib the people ltgt 10c trial size and alatt in 50c and $l0ft laquozes at K M Kilbouru

bull -WttlalsT From the Perry Journal

Harvey Roberts g able to be on our gttteet once more

Schuyler S l i d i n g of Lanfla^ was home over Suridsy

Gt) Colby and L J Bradec are la Byron on Buaiiiess

Mrs Mraquortha Johns^ Kalamaxoo to spend thesummer with1

her niece

Henry Dunning was confioed to hi home the nt week ott accotict of neushyralgia of the face

31 IM Grace Green was botne over Sunday Sue returned to her Work at WIIHanirtonTuelaquodsV

H K W allat-e apdwife and Geo Mc industrial independence Will not be established our geoxraphicai possibil- Furlsud wiTe and eon f-pent the day in ities will not be realized our national] illaquogtiettlgtark Stinday aspirations will not be satisfied until bdquobdquo v r^ - bdquo W l t t ^bullbullraquo Mrs N ftemtnijer and Mr Will we will recordas signal successes in v ^ the most organised line of modern a c- C l U k n i S ^-^11^1 Mr- h p K e 6 f O w o s tivity internaUpnal navigation as la deg Jlaquoe^y^ of this week agriculture macuactures and trans-] portatlon within our own confines

Thus spoke Secretary Gage ia a receut address before va casaiiiercial body in Chicago In the ceatre of A picture of progress and prosperity alshymost fabulous and iacredtole in charshyacter is to be found one bad blemish that of the decadence of the American merchant marine frca earrgttngt S2 per cent of American commerce in 1800 to carry less than 9 per cent in


Mr 3J A Kern ot Morrice visited her daughterMr P Hslsted iu the villitftethe Ursst of the week

Mr aul Mrs L $ Clark were called to Veriion on account of illness of Mr Ciarksbrotherllenry Clark

Lei-lie IJIwrent-e returned home from Boutueau li^iv tie latter part of lass week in a most critical condition At last reports he was a little improved

1900 It b this way th^ crab pro-j Jt Is earnestly hoped be will Fpetriily gressesmdashbackward to the matter of marine politics and practices it would seem that we are a nation of crabs or as the current slang of the day would put it a community of lobsters We have done worse than st^nd still and do nothing we have retrograded and lost ground Pbr lack of effective laws to protect the shippiug industry equally with other American indusshytrieswe have allowed almost the enshytire volume of our earring trade to pass Into the hands of foreigners and tt Is foreign not American ships that now transport 92 per cent of our overshysea freights It JR Indeed a dark spot on an otherwise bright and splendid picture of national advanceshyment Congress h 38 the power to wfpe off this blemish and the people expect that it will be done without delay

The Conventions The politicians in the national capshy

ital are interested in the general movement going oh oyer the counshytry for early Congressional convenshytions and prompt action by the leadshyers of all parties to bring the issues of the Presidential campaign squarely before the people in the early sumshymer The national conventions have all been called the Populists to wake their nominations early in May the Republicans In June and the Demo-crats early in July It was a noteshyworthy fact In connection with the meeting of the Democratic National Committee that while the issue of the campaign were generally canshyvassed absolutely no reference w u made in all the diseuesioa to the suh-)ect of free silver coinage It appear to be the settled policy of the Demoshycrat to make thate campajga this year on the silver qpestlea oaly hgt rooaUtlas where n g j i r o T has lest ngt tie of its svjsuttsstedtod to derate itBeelal atteatfe l t p p y a t k m i l utfseildea to xneslaquog^BWfilaquoi la

- XOKR1CR ^ -Frota MorrW CUpper

Will Priest of Owosso was io town Wednestlay

C Gold wood went to Belle vue Saturshyday to remain a few days

C W Jennings of Owosso was in town Wednesday on bu3ncs

D T Birch went to Battle Creek Tuestlay for several days stay

Mrs GiSee Grant U entertaining her mother Mrs Brown of Laneing

John ilimpie who moved to Beilevue laet fall baa returned to Morrice

Dell Atkins of tensing was in town over Sunday visiting his pr rents

Hemon Preston lost a good horse Wednesday from dropsy of the heart

Mrs Eliza Kenyon who bas been visiting hero for several weeks left Monday evenng for her houce at Oneida N Y

Scott Carl is elected delegate to the grand lodge of Maccabees which is to convene in Grand Rapids beginning June 12

v VEX1CBV VenLee Mich May 18

Dex Bowdn raised a barn Wednesshyday

John Chase Is the possessor of a new

buKxJ Mike Luchenbil and family vielied at

B Anthonys Sunday Will Musty aad wife are the proud

parents of a baby boy born last Satur day

Saiden Mossy had the misfortune to lose las oaly oow by haoging herself wUle staked out to fraja

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr

Page 7: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u

11 -^


Dr Talmampfe lifts the Curtain from

The Olorlee f t r a r a aw ltt CoHppeklaquolaquouiilaquolaquo 4 tli JTSatte

MiBd-jyrlaquo w i l l B raquo bull rwrUaw Ter

[Copyright 1800 by Loci Klopsen j Washington May IX

In thisdiscourse DrTahtiage lifts the curtain from eternal felicities and in au unusual way treats of the Heavenshyly world Text L Corinthians 29 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath pre pared for them that love Him

The city of Corinth has been called the Paris of antiquity Indeed for splendor the world holds no such wonshyder to-day It stood on an isthmus washed by two seas the one sea bringshying the commerce of Europe the other sea bring-in] the commerce of Asia From her wharfs in the construction of which whole kingdoms had beeL V sorbed war galleys with three bank of oavs pushed out and confounded the navy yard of nil the world Huge-handed machinery sneh as modem in- prssas and samphire a mountain of

O B carta she wan a lifelong invalid See her step now and hear her voice uaampf Caiehu if yotz can one breath of that celestial air Health in all the anisesmdash- health of vision health of spirits immortal health No racking tough no sharp pleurisies no consum- g fevers no exhausting pains no hosshypitals of vioanded men Health swingshying in ibeMr health flowing in all the streams health blooming on the banks No headaches no aid^nches no backshyaches That child that died in the agonies of croup hear her voice now ringing in the anthem That old man that ^ent bowed down with the infirmshyities of Age sec him walk how Wilis the step of an immortal athletemdashfoi-cver young again That night when the needlewoman fainted away in the garret a wave of the heavenly air reshysuscitated her forever For everlastshying years to have neither ache nor pain nor weakness nor fatigue Eye hath not seen it ear hath not heard i t

I remark further that we can in this worldget no just idea of the splendors of Heaven John tries to describe them He sttfs ^the 12 gates are 12 pearls and that the foundations of the wall are garnished with all manner of preshycious etones As wye stand looking through the telescope of St John We see a blaze of amethyst and pearl and emerald and sardonyx and chryso-

vention cannot equal ISfted ships from the tea on one side and transported them on trucks across the isthmus and set them down in the sea on tb other side

The revenue officers of the effy went down through the ofire groves that lined the bench tbebSeet a tariff tram all nations The mirth of aU people sported in her isthmian games and the beauty of nil lands-sat in her theaters walked her praquortic$$a laquoi|fcrw Uself on the altar of hlaquoar stu$enampu dissipashytion Celujna-ind statue and temple bewiidered the tehdtte- There were white marble fountains into which from apertures c t the side there rushed water everywhere known for health-giving qualities Around these basins twisted into wreaths of stone there were aTl the beauties o f sculpture and architecture while standing as if to guard the costly display was a statue of Hercules of burnished Corinthian bras Va$es of terra cotta adorned the eeaieteriesof the deadmdashrvases so costly that Julius Caesar was not satisshyfied until he had captured tnetn for Koine ArttJed official the Claquormtbarii paced raquop and down to see that no stone was defaced no pedestal overthrown no has relief touched From the edge of the city a hii arose with it magshynificent burden of columns towers and temples (i000 slaves waiting at one shrine) and a citadel to thoroughly impregnable that Gibraltar is a heap of sand compared with it Atuid all that strength wed magnificence Corinth stood and defied the world

Oh it was not to rustics who had never seen anything grand that Paul uttered this text They had heard the best music that had come from the best instrument in ail the World1 they had heard songs floating from morning porshyticoes and melting in evening groves they had passed their whole lives among pictures and sculpture and architecture and Corinthian bras which had been molded and shaped unshytil there was no chariot wheel in which it had not eped and no tower in which it had not glittered and no gateway that it had not adorned Ah it was a bold thing for Paul to stand there amid all that and say All this is nothing

These sounds that come from the temshyple of Neptune are not music compared with the harmonies of which 7 speak These waters rushing in the basin of Pyreoe are not pure The statues of Bacchus and Mercury are not exquisite Your citadel of Jkroeorfpihu^ is not strong compared with that which I ofshyfer to the poorest slave that puts down his burden at that brazen poundat Von Corinthians think this is a splendid city Yon think you have heard all sweet sounds and seen all beautiful sights but I tell you eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered Into the heart of man the things whieh God hath prepared for them that love Him - bull bull

You see my teXt sets forth the idea that however exalted bur ideas of Heaven they come far shore of the reality Some wise men have been calshyculating how many furlongs long and wide is the new Jerusalem and they have calculated how many inhabitants there are on the earth how long the earth will probably stand and then they come to this estimate That aftshyer all the nations have been gathered to Heaven there will be room for each soul a room 1$ feet long and 15 feet wide It would not be large enough for you It would not be large enough for me I am glad to know Jhat no hushyman estimate is sufficient to take the dimensions Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor arithmeticians calcushylated

I first remark that we can get no idea of the health of Heaven When you were a child and you went out in the morning how you bounded along the road or streetmdashyou had never felt sorshyrow or sickness Perhaps later you felt a glow in your cheek and a spring in your step and an exuberance of spirshyits and a clearness of eye that made you thank God you were permitted to live The nerves were harp strings and the sunlight was a doxology and the rustling leaves were the rustling of the robes of a great crowd rising up to praise the Lord You thought that you knew what i t was to be well but there is no perfect health on earth The disease of past generations came iown to us The air that now float upon the earth are not like those which floated above Paradise They ere charged with impurities and distemshypers The moat elastic and robust health of earth compared with that which those experience before whom the laquo(lt have been opened U nothing

light a cataract of color a sea of glass and a city like the son Jobn4raquods us look again and we see thronesmdash throne of the patriarchs thrones of the angels thrones of the apostles throne of the martyrs throne of Jesusmdashthrone of God And we turn round to see the glory and it is throne thrones thrones

John bids us look again and see the great procession of the redeemed passshying- v J e a ofc- a white horsey leads the inarch^ and a 8 the armies -of Heaven fdftOTf otf white horses In-finite cavalcade passing passing emshypires pressing into line ages following

what Heaven is It is the grave neremdash It is darkness heremdashbut there is mershyrymaking yonder Methinks when a soul arrives some angel take it around to show it the wonders of that blesecd place The usher angel says to the newly arrived These are the marshytyrs that perished at Piedmont these were torn to pieces at the inquisition this is the throne of the threat Jehoshyvah this is Jesus I am going to see Jesus said a dying boy I am going to see Jesus The missionary said You are sure you will see Him Oh yes thats what 1 want to go to Heaven for But said the mraquoionary supshypose Jesus should go away from Heavenmdashwhat then I should folgt low hiai said the dying boy But if Jesus went down to hellmdashwhat then The dying boy thoughtfor a moment and then said Where Jesus is there can be no heU Oh to stand in His presence That will be Herven Oh to put our hand in that hand which wa wounded for us onthe crossmdashto go around amid the groups of the reshydeemed and shake hands with the prophets and apostles and martyrs and with our own dear beloved ones That will be the great reunion We cannot imagine it now Our loved ones seem so far away When we are in trouble and lonesome they dont seem togt come to u We go on to the banks of the Jordan and call across to them but they do not seem to hear We say Is i t well with the ehild is it wdJ with the loved ones and we listen to hear if any voice come back over the waters Kbne none

Unbelief says They are deed and they are annihilated but blessed be God w e haven Bible that tells us differshyent We open it and we find they are neither dead nor annihflatedr-~that theynever were o much alive as now mdashthat they are only waiting for our coming and that we shall join them on the other side of the river Oh giori-ora reunion we cannot grasp it now

What a place of explanation it will ages Dispensation tramping after 1 raquo I see every day profound mysteries dispensation Glory In the traek of glory Europe Asia Africa North anampJSouihAmerica presiding into lines Islands of the sea shoulder to shoulshyder Generations^before the flood folshylowing generations after the flood and a r Jesus rides at the head of that great host and waves his sword in signal of victory ait crowns are lifted and all ensigns swung out and all chimes rung and al halleluiahs chantshyed and some cry Glory to God most high and sopael Hosanna to the son of David and some Worthy is the Lamb that was slainmdashtill all exshyclamations of endearment and homshyage in the vocabulary of Heaven are exhausted ami there comes up surge after laquourge of Amen Amen and Amen Eye hath not seen it ear hath not beard ft 8k im from the summer waters the brightest sparkle and yon will get no idea of the sheen of the everlasting sea Pile up the splendor of earthly cities and they would not make a stepping stone by which you might mount t o the city of God Ever house is a palace Every s tep is laquo triumph Every covering of the head a coronation Every meal is a banquet Every stroke from the tower is a wedding bell Every day Is a Jubilee every hour a rapture and every moment an ecstasy Kye hath not seen it ear hath not heard it

I remark further we can get no idea of the reunions of Heaven If you have evrr been across the seas and met|afriend or even an acquaintshyance in some strange land yovj re-member how your blood thrilled and how glad you were to set him What will be our joy after we have passed the seas of death to meet in the bright city of the Lord those from whom we have long been bullseparated After we harve been away froth our friends ten or fifteen years and we fotne upon them we see how differently they look Their hair has turned and wrinkles have come in their faces and we say How you have changed But oh when we stand before the throne all cares gone from the face all marks of sorrow disappeared and feeling the joy of that blessed land methinks we will say to each other with an exultashytion we cannot now imagine How you havechanged In this world we only meet to part It is good-by good-by Farewells floating in the air We hear it at the rail car window and at t s steamboat wharfmdashgood-by Children lisp it and old age answers it Sometimes we say it in a light waymdashgood-by mdash and sometimes with anguish in which the soul breaks downmdashgood-by Ah that is the word that ends the thanksgivshying banquet that is the word that comes in to close the Christmas chant Good-by good-by But not so in Heavshyen Welcomes in the air welcomes at the gates welcomes at the house of many mansions but not good-by That group is constantly being augshymented They are going out from our circles of earth to join itmdashlittle voices j to join the anthem little hands t o take bold in the great home circle little feet to dance in the eternal glee little crowns to be cast down before

but sicknea ard tossefattea Jokraquo a the grave and t t o t laquolaquolaquo1 fttnstfbiir b e f t w ^ k e ~

of Prbvidettee There is no qnestioh we ask ofteaer than Why There are hundreds of graves in Greenwood and Laurel Mil that need to be explained Hospitals for the blind and lame asylums for the idiotie and jnsanc- almshouses for the destitute and a yiorld of pain and misfortune that deshymand more than human solution God will clear it all up In the light that pours from the throne no dark myr tery can live Things now utterly in^ scrntable will be illumined as plainly as though the answer was writteja on the Jasper wall or sounded in the tern pie anthem Bartimeus will thank God that he was blind and Joseph that he was cast into the pit and Daniel that he denned with the Hon and Patil that he was humpbacked and David that he was driven from Jerusalem and that invalid that for 20 years he could not lift his head from the pillow an4 that widow that she had such hard work to earn bread for her chUdrex The song will raquo all the grander for earths weeping eyes and aching headi bulllid exhausted bands and scourged backs and martyred agonies llut we ran get no idea of that ahthew here We appreciate the power of secular music but do we appreciate the power of sacred song There is nothing more iasplriutf to me thana whole congregashytion lifted on the wave of holy melody When we sing some of those dear old psalms and tunes they rouse all the memories of the past Why some of them were cradle songs in our father house They arc all sparkling with the morning dew of a thousand Christian Sabbaths They were sung by brothshyers and sistei sgone now by yoites that were aged and broken in the music voices hone the less sweetbecause they did tremble and break

When I heaT these old songs sung 11 seems as if all the old country meeting houses joined in the^chorus and city ehurch and saiiors beluel and western cabjns until the whole continent lifts the doxology and the scepters of eter-

Vniiy beat-time in the music Away then with your starveling tunes that chill the devotions Of the sanctuary and make the people sit silent when Jesus is marching on to victory When generals come back from victorious wars do we ^ot cheer them and shout Huzaa huaM And when Jesus passes along in the conquest of the earth shall we not have for Him one loud j ringing c h e e r ^

All hail tihe powe|S|Juasm name Let angels prniwWS tslL

Bring forth the l|bpt stttdem And crown Him Lord of att

But my friends if mnsic on earth is so sweet what will it bebullraquoin Heaven-They all know the tune there All the best singers of all the ages will join it mdashchoirs of white-robed children choirs of patriarchs choirs of apostles Mornshying stars clapping therr cymbals Harpers with their hasps Great anshythems of God roltjhn Toll onmdashother empires joining tfce harmony tillthe thrones are all fttlf and the nation all saved An then shall touch anthem chorus join chortts^end all the sweet sounds of earth and Heaven be poured into the ear of Christ David of the harp will be there Gabriel of thetrum


YARD Maw 1laquo Iowa U s e s a Compound that

Makes Hta Hon Lay Double fsVe fraquoua Nnatbcr Summer

and Wlater S e c r e t of His Saccens

Peopla in the neighborhood of Cres ton Iowa are amazed at the number of vg^ that this man drives to market Wttb Wheu asked what was the cause of his hen being so prolific be stated it was all in a certain compound he was using that keeps his hens in good conshydition and famished them with the proper stuBnlus hgt egg production Atneriean Poultry Mixture U the name of it and is made by American Wg Co Terre Haute Ind Every man in the poultry business is interested in the health of his hens and their laying cashypacity n the egg lie his profits This mixture is guaranteed to increase the prodaetioa of eggs 100 per cent or money refunded It will do more than throe tunc as much as the same amount of any other compound It is eoncen trated in form and the result of years of practical experience hi the poultry business There is absolutely no doubt as to what it wjH do and yon are inshyvited to try H at the expense of the company Send cent100 for a sample packshyage and if it daesnt do the work yea get yoar money back This is fair and hi nsade to induce practical nontoynien to give H a trial I t is also a sure preshyventive of sach diseases aa the t emble cholera and roup which create such havoc in all parts of the country It acts directly on the craw and gizzard and is a thcronghly scientific preparshyation

The manufacturers guarantee every package or refund purchase money If your druggist dont sell American Poni-)tfyAraquo)ctn^^V1raquoeliind- the age In that case^ Order direct from American Manufacturing Co Terre Haute Ind

^ Car HeraquolaquoelaquoaeR 1frac34 One WasJt To Cure Ckm^tipatiou in One Waei To Com Indigestion i n One Weak To Purify the Blood in One Weak

Take Clevelands Celery Contpoasd Tea 25c bullbdquo If it fails to enre^ jrm cheex reftrod your money (Trial sac free)

at C- M Peacocta

the feet of Jesus Our friends are in j p e t w S U ^ t h c r e gt Germany redeemed two groups--a group this side of the river and a group on the other side of the river Now there goes one from this to that and another from this to that and soon we will all be gone over How many of your loved ones have already entered upon that blessed place If I should take paper and pencil do yon think I could put them all down Ah my friends the waves of Jordan roar so hoarsely we cannot herr the joy on the other side when the group is augmented j

A little co ld s mother had died and they comforted her They said Your mother has gone to Heaven Don cry And the next day they went to the graveyard and they laid the body of the mother down into the ground and the little girl came up to the verge

^ tkfe Heawan W a raquo i d t t

will pour its rich bass voice into the song and Africa will add to the music with her matchless voices I wish in our closing hymn to-day we might catch an echo that slips from the gates Who knows but that when the heavenshyly door opens to-day to let some soul through there may come forth the strain of the jubilant voices until we eatch it Oh that as the song drops down from Heaven it might meet half way a song coming up from earth

They rise for the doxology all the multitude of the blest Let us arise with them and so at this hour the)oy of the church on earth and the joy ef the church in Heaven will minge their chalice and the dark apparel of our mourning win seem to whiten into the spotless raiment of the skies 4od cues that gtarouffh the meaey of out

STATU OF MICHIGAN Coraquoflrj-or SMawas-seclaquolaquo

At bullbull sewiuB of tfee Probst Const tot saM county acid at lb Probst Onve In i se ctty of ConmiMt on MoiHUjr the fh laquom ltf Avrti in t t e veer one nKMMaod nfaw Saserrd

JPrestltot Uiite B^ufc Jndjto or Fmbste In the aistter of the estate ef AlfrJl P

Bmtyrbj ampietmt J laquoB reading- and Sling tilaquo plit-n of AiftTfl A Suivrrby prajinir tbbraquo Cratt fo d^terrolnr hlaquo are tbe hrtr nt law of twraquoi(] naid dwmnett altt rattt^d to tatit said bull^ttate Sjut iH is ordeNl Tbt ibft 7ih day gtf Mraquogt

next nt Vit oclock io the torlaquoaoltii at laquotil Piobitte Offlce be raquolaquoifulaquo4l for bearing raquoraquoU petition

Aud it is further ordered thai A copy of ttoU onlor lgttraquo pubtilaquoJifsi thrw trtK-o-raquoJve wlaquokraquo prcviotm to Raid day of bearit-jr ID the Coruitna JfMtmn1 raquo nrmrtpaper pHuted aUd elixrultin io Haiu County of thiawaraquoyr

MA1TIIEW BUSH Judse of Irwbat

KTHKCIKE E KEMKV PrOliat1 11laquo -trlnttr

OOoa^DflChalt T i b i a l

phrsMsB is^oa laquo14 sad Ladles Ceafs saWas taHti aathessre tfceasdy isssaae wiisrai moduly

meflisfasksoirn PSasJfU 3ratsalaquoMS Slaquosd a^sgsipoja^far g y j j g g ^ y M

EoOtt^^2copy3Wodwrdav^Dotlaquo^ Kt

PRpBATE ORDERmdashSLateof Michiytna ltMB-y of SUIiraquoraquossrf raquois

At a WHsion of the Probate Court flaquor said rwlaquontvv liid al Ibe Probate oflfee in thraquo-Ity of (kgtriraquouampa 011 the 4th day of April io ihevoAT one tbousam aiiw tuudrlaquohl

Pielaquoni- Maub^w BUAIJ JiMjie of Probate Ju the laquoaa tier ot the estftMt of Urban (tatting

CDaniW Oortjup- AH asc-Ulary alt7mhgtigtttrator having rendctvd to this Conrt bin final aFt-atiiit

It isi ordered that the Tito day it1 o-xt at ten oViock iA lb forenoon raquot win Probate OtRce be appointed for examiampingsnd MlWKiDji said account

And it is further ordqtvd tbatacopy copyf this ordr or pttbitabed three successive weeks pre-viou to laquoM day of hearing ia the Corvuuia Jonrnai a newspaper printed aud crcolatin in aaid conaty of Sbi^wa^ftee

MATTHEW BUSH Judge of probate

R E l T i i p We the undefMgnf d ilruggiei offer

bullx reward of J) cents to aov person who purchs^t of gtifraquo raquowraquoraquo 25 cent lioxes of lUiXterR iiaiirirake Bitters Tabiets if lit fails to cure cpiu^tination biliousnev^ laquoick-hesdlaquoebc jaii dh-e lolaquoraquo of ap|elite sour Vtomsoh dyspepsia liver coin-pisint or any of the diseases for wtiMi it i recohiinended Pru-e 25 t+nt for either tabletor liquid Wo will also refund the money on one psoknlaquoe of either if it fairaquo to givefcitiffactioh


^ H U M P H R E Y S

centsftama Laalaquo FevcVsftlla wver g ^ l g W A r a a LaaiBPSW lajwrfcs

C C i g O R S TBaOAT laquoatalaquoT KstasXSC bullcusttinaweasper S^IWOMMS Bow Gfaa (KEgt


6 6 Prevsatt UTOCABItlAGB g^|aUn(Eyen



and Proetration from Overshywork or other causes

Mtunphraya Homeopathic ftpeotflo No Bcopy in ulaquo o v w 4 0 yaara Uu onty

aajMiaiiiiagtiaraquoilisiaaf bull lis pi iraquoraquobullbull


Stryzn and Defeat The Oemocrats of ail sections ex

tgtect that BiT-an will succeed In nonv isatins hlmseU for the Presidency say3 an exchange but some of them tiink that other hands should be giyen a part in framing the platform Throughout the north there is a genshyeral desire that the silver issue shculd be dropped and a strong stand made against expansion known by Demoshycrats as imperialism Unless these are conceded there is likely to be a sharp fight in the convention for some other nominee But in the south the party is red hot for free silver and exshypansion The prosperity that has corce^tQ the north is slower in reachshying the south and more money is wanted They ere not particular as to the kind of money they get any old dollar will do for them provided It doea not bear the Confederate stamp They are for expansion beshycause they believe that our Sag in the Philippineswill give to the Amerishycans an open gateway to a great marshyket for southern cotton Says the Atlanta Constitution on these points Weve got to put enough silver in the platform to save the southern states and again If we should declare against expansion and fall to renew the demand for free coinage we would lose several of the southern states

It is so firmly settled that the nomshyination will be given to Bryat that all other questions in regards to the canshyvass sink out of sight The candishydate for the head of the ticket is the only issue that can be agreed upon The party in this accepts defeat as a foreordained fact a proclamation of surrender In advance It has nothing to offer the people as a substitute for the prosperity that has come to them tt acts as though well aware that it is useless to fight this grand fact with such side issues as the sort of money with which the people shall be paid so long as there is enough of it or conshycerning what shall be done with Porto PJco and the Philippines now ihampt we have Eot them under our flag The questions concerning the government of these islands are easy of solution but the people know the imminent peril In which their own prosperity vould he placed under a party that had always failed a a business pro-nsoter -whether S under Van Buren Pierce and Buchanan or the two terms of Cleveland Many of then remember the business reverse that came to them and the country genshyerally when they exchanged the Me-Klnley for the Wilson tariff and also vhat followed tile substitution for the latter of the Iliasley tariff Pratec tton and the gold standard they have proved goes enough for them and they are not going to take say more risks least of ail from a Democracy mixed with Populism and dominated by a half-doxen silver kings In adshyhering to Bryan the party confesses that it has s o hope

1 CORRESPONDENCE J V M I ^ ^ 11 mdash I 1raquo

Item of latent hem Some of Ou Suaro irtffing Twwiu

rgtnniimniiirini Iliinbull-mdash - - ~i ywtMu ialaquor fraquoraquoa^P^ j^^laquo^^^


Frxa Vernoa Arg-uu Mlsi Elfcie Ilord spent Saturday and

8 n lay with her parents in Byron Mrs MRose of Chicago visitedat

Geo larks the latter part of hi-t laquoltlt Mr and Mra Duukle returucd Tuea-

dy eyaaibg from a weeks visit io Ohio

A ten raquond half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs -Fred Saxton on Sunday laet

Mrs W Carey and two little daugh-terf of -Tiaverse Cityare visiting JUra Nettie Gos4 this week

Supervisor H S Myres bss been in town a couple of tiaye rna^ioc the asshysessments for the coming year

S T I^eonard who has been assisting at the cheese factory since its opening returned to Chspin Saturday where he will remain for a few weeks

Cecil McLaughlin and Milaquos Grace Howard of Yeroon and Miss Jennie Perry of Durand attended the Grand Commandery Knights Templar drill s t Ann Arbor last Tuesday

During the thoader storm last Satshyurday night lightning struck tbe -resishydence of Mrs 31 D Khode and damshyaged the roof tore off some of the sidshying wet into the kitchen and stirred up the kitchen utensils and left by way of the well which was so stiried up it has not been fit to ae el nee The inshysurance company adjusted the toss at $4020mdashAt about the same time the bam of Frank Patchel living east of the village was struck and a valuable horse killed In neither case were the buildhigs et on fire

The Dark Spot The onty dark spot on this record

of the nation progres is our failure U the carrying trade upon the high seas This reeoiv toust and will be improved Pblftitai consideration com-pels a solntibn of the shipping quesshytion Our people our law makers our President appreciate that our


Wherever properly introduced Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin slaquo a cure for ltconstlpattOBYhmet with phenornrnal rale Jinny dniggigts trannot say enough in praise of its merit as well as its great popularity wiib the people ltgt 10c trial size and alatt in 50c and $l0ft laquozes at K M Kilbouru

bull -WttlalsT From the Perry Journal

Harvey Roberts g able to be on our gttteet once more

Schuyler S l i d i n g of Lanfla^ was home over Suridsy

Gt) Colby and L J Bradec are la Byron on Buaiiiess

Mrs Mraquortha Johns^ Kalamaxoo to spend thesummer with1

her niece

Henry Dunning was confioed to hi home the nt week ott accotict of neushyralgia of the face

31 IM Grace Green was botne over Sunday Sue returned to her Work at WIIHanirtonTuelaquodsV

H K W allat-e apdwife and Geo Mc industrial independence Will not be established our geoxraphicai possibil- Furlsud wiTe and eon f-pent the day in ities will not be realized our national] illaquogtiettlgtark Stinday aspirations will not be satisfied until bdquobdquo v r^ - bdquo W l t t ^bullbullraquo Mrs N ftemtnijer and Mr Will we will recordas signal successes in v ^ the most organised line of modern a c- C l U k n i S ^-^11^1 Mr- h p K e 6 f O w o s tivity internaUpnal navigation as la deg Jlaquoe^y^ of this week agriculture macuactures and trans-] portatlon within our own confines

Thus spoke Secretary Gage ia a receut address before va casaiiiercial body in Chicago In the ceatre of A picture of progress and prosperity alshymost fabulous and iacredtole in charshyacter is to be found one bad blemish that of the decadence of the American merchant marine frca earrgttngt S2 per cent of American commerce in 1800 to carry less than 9 per cent in


Mr 3J A Kern ot Morrice visited her daughterMr P Hslsted iu the villitftethe Ursst of the week

Mr aul Mrs L $ Clark were called to Veriion on account of illness of Mr Ciarksbrotherllenry Clark

Lei-lie IJIwrent-e returned home from Boutueau li^iv tie latter part of lass week in a most critical condition At last reports he was a little improved

1900 It b this way th^ crab pro-j Jt Is earnestly hoped be will Fpetriily gressesmdashbackward to the matter of marine politics and practices it would seem that we are a nation of crabs or as the current slang of the day would put it a community of lobsters We have done worse than st^nd still and do nothing we have retrograded and lost ground Pbr lack of effective laws to protect the shippiug industry equally with other American indusshytrieswe have allowed almost the enshytire volume of our earring trade to pass Into the hands of foreigners and tt Is foreign not American ships that now transport 92 per cent of our overshysea freights It JR Indeed a dark spot on an otherwise bright and splendid picture of national advanceshyment Congress h 38 the power to wfpe off this blemish and the people expect that it will be done without delay

The Conventions The politicians in the national capshy

ital are interested in the general movement going oh oyer the counshytry for early Congressional convenshytions and prompt action by the leadshyers of all parties to bring the issues of the Presidential campaign squarely before the people in the early sumshymer The national conventions have all been called the Populists to wake their nominations early in May the Republicans In June and the Demo-crats early in July It was a noteshyworthy fact In connection with the meeting of the Democratic National Committee that while the issue of the campaign were generally canshyvassed absolutely no reference w u made in all the diseuesioa to the suh-)ect of free silver coinage It appear to be the settled policy of the Demoshycrat to make thate campajga this year on the silver qpestlea oaly hgt rooaUtlas where n g j i r o T has lest ngt tie of its svjsuttsstedtod to derate itBeelal atteatfe l t p p y a t k m i l utfseildea to xneslaquog^BWfilaquoi la

- XOKR1CR ^ -Frota MorrW CUpper

Will Priest of Owosso was io town Wednestlay

C Gold wood went to Belle vue Saturshyday to remain a few days

C W Jennings of Owosso was in town Wednesday on bu3ncs

D T Birch went to Battle Creek Tuestlay for several days stay

Mrs GiSee Grant U entertaining her mother Mrs Brown of Laneing

John ilimpie who moved to Beilevue laet fall baa returned to Morrice

Dell Atkins of tensing was in town over Sunday visiting his pr rents

Hemon Preston lost a good horse Wednesday from dropsy of the heart

Mrs Eliza Kenyon who bas been visiting hero for several weeks left Monday evenng for her houce at Oneida N Y

Scott Carl is elected delegate to the grand lodge of Maccabees which is to convene in Grand Rapids beginning June 12

v VEX1CBV VenLee Mich May 18

Dex Bowdn raised a barn Wednesshyday

John Chase Is the possessor of a new

buKxJ Mike Luchenbil and family vielied at

B Anthonys Sunday Will Musty aad wife are the proud

parents of a baby boy born last Satur day

Saiden Mossy had the misfortune to lose las oaly oow by haoging herself wUle staked out to fraja

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr

Page 8: CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 II EH FH llffll · CORUNNA, MICH., MAY 24, 1900. VOLUME XX, No. 24 TBS MCABetBTaV'' ... (Corrected by J. C.Quayle.) Eggs. io end u

RoftL Bs^ing Powder

hdkirom pun bull v- -

Safeguards the food against

Alton banagpowdlt mensm to health o

BOWM twain Mweaioa w venue


Itemi of latent from Some of Oar Sartotmding Town



ByrMi Mich JCraquoy 22

Chrw THHe visited at Salineover Sunshyday

M Tgt Comstock is at Lennox this

J Frank Barnes was in Corunna on Monday

Jas Neal and John Allen were at Corunna Tuesday

The FVamp AM lodge is making prc-pratioH to go to Vernon May gtfraquo

A T William has returced after spendshying several days with friends at Utioa

Mrs B F Miller has returned after spending several days with friends near Howeii

Kollte Lord Harry Crosby and Lonis Beater were borne from Owosso oyer Sunday

Mrs John Davidsonhas returned after spending several weeks with friends at Drayton Plain

Mr and Mrs Wro Wadley Mr and Mrs J B Herrtngtoti Mr ami Mr C E Welch F tgt Stoweli Miss Cora Say-age and Miss Mary Bratlaquo were among the ex curs3oners last Sunday

1 iMt T laquo M 4 a y laquo-tifcf ttmy

to begin taking Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsi is for that Indigestion If you didnt you better ask F M Kllbourn at hi Drug Slore TJgtey will tell you lust whats what for they are rcii(b)eaudon (be aqusrv

L-injrsburp Mich k a y Stt ]SXraquo

X N Phillips attended the funeral of S S Oirtpcll at Corunna on Tuesday

Lorain l i b e r t y and wife of Cheboyshygan called on old friends here Monday

Lee iCgglestonand Eimer Marshall of Coriinntv rode up hereon their wheels and epetit the day Tuesday

K K Burke a former r^ident of this plate died of Bruits disease at bis home isi Lansing Friday The remains were brought here for burial and the funeral was conducted by the Elks of Lansing lodge 40 in number TheOdd Follows also took part Mr Burke wtf-also a member of the Knights of the Grip The deceased was 54 years of age and leaves a wife and two sons and many relatives and friends to mourn bis loss

4gtraquok Grove KMriulaquotlaquo Clob

The regular monthly ineetiisg blch was an interesting bullQue was held at the home of Mr and Mrs James MuBruJe on Thursday evening May 17th Our host stud hostess spared no pains in making the meettig a success and bad every thing in apple pie order for the enter raioment of their guests

TbR president and vice president beshying ab-seut ex-Presidant J B Eveleth was called to the chair and presided with his usual esse

The meeting was ottered attwopro with singing by the Club and prayer by Sirs Parsons Following the secret^s report was that that of our free rural mail eoujinktee and Director G W Winnie reported regarding tire purchase of binder twine Next came a very inshyteresting reading entitled -Rifts in the Clouds^ by Mrs D fL Morrsa and an instrumental solo by Miss Hal He Morris

The state question Michigan Legisshylatures tlieLaet and the Next wa then taken up and discussed by J F Bi lb inter A Straucu W Cole A W rig-ley and IX H Morris The prevailing opinion being that the acts of the last legislature was in the main disappointshying Wrigley and Cole spoke highly in favor of direct legislation I t was thought that the next legislature 1raquo in the bands of the people who can If they will make it aacta as they want

Jn answer to the question -HwCkn the Farmers Gain a Greater Control Ovar the Legislature Mr G MY Win nie said By combining and Jetting tn members know that we are alive and looking after our interest and by vo-ln fortboeeonlywho are ptodged to workand vate ter^r interest7

Another song by the Club end tfaea Mrs JB Eve4Qgt gave u some excel-

lentthoughts ob the topic The Duty Of People ia the Home Love the childshyren make the borne pleasant be nnsel-ttsh treat your neighbors kindly and In short follow the Golden Rule

This being the semi-annual meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Pret A Wrlgely Vice Prea f f Cole Sec- Miss Hallle Morris Treaa- Mrs 2C Wilson Chap Mrs A Wrigley

The program committee reported these topics for discussion at the aejtt meet ing Free Barel Mail versus One-cent Postage What Shall We Teach Gvr Girls and What Shall We Teach Oar Boys and Ctn Farming Be Made at Attractive as Other Callings In Life If So How

After another eoog we sat down to a bountiful spread which had been preshypared by our hostess and which everyshyone enjoyed Wlaquo then adjourned to meet at the noma of our newly-elected President and Mrs A Wrigley on June 21raquotraquo at one oclock p m


bullDeWjltsLsttle Early fillers are the finest pills I ever usedmdashD J Moore Millhrook Ala Tbey quickly care all liver am bowel troubles F M Kil-bourii

i c t fclaquoraquoI Etatlaquo Transfers

TL Pai rish to J Vincent s i w se r sec 3 Vernon $400

Mrs i t Piir to IL Dowson s i It 4-5-6 bk 11 Duraiid cent1500

N Williams to H Wctherby ltJ2bk 24 ancllt 10 bk 25 Corunna $4000

W Valentine to M Snelrus It 58 bk 16 Wofraquodlawn Pk Owosso$100

C Gale to W and P Close pt ne i sec 23 IUirns8200

C Hunt to J Klmmell It 1 bk4 Brands add Durand $850

Durand Land Co to J Atherton lt9-10 bk 23 Durand $125

F Tilden toGGoss Its 8-9 bk 2 Ver oon $ioaa

M BtiDjc to H Jacobs pt oe i sec 5 Bennington $1825

J Ferguson to J Kimmell I t l sub bk 2(gtDu rant $1000

Durand Land Co to G Coldwell it8 sub bk 2fl Durand $159

H WilCsatoJ Kosslt2bk Stwarfs add Owosso $700 i

J Atherton to H Harrington ptlt 3 ltbk 23 Durand $500

J Mc Grasto to M Blank se I nw i Mc 35 Bennington $1100

II Scliidt to C Currier ptnw i sec 35 Otvosso $875

P Werilman to F Gremoald sec 23-Owosso laquo1200

W Ski Ion to F McCartney n i s e i sec 28 Rtiftli r2700

II McOltirdy to Wajriner It 1 bk 13 Corunna $50

T Fforsman to G Duremick pt It 13 bk 33 Owasso $1000

R Bristol to C DeHart Us 1-2 and 3 bk 1 Vernon $425

O O r o w b F Sonysle It 9-8 bk 5 Vernon cent350

L McBain to 0 Perue ei w sw i sec Kew naveo laquo1200

How He Secured Transportation to Jacksonville

The following amusing atory 1laquo told at the expense of Colonel B W Wren manager of the traffic department of the big Plant system by a__well-known newspaper man of ISew Or-leans

fiSome years ago I was broke in Kew York he says and hearing that B W Wren passenger traffic manager of the Plant system wits in town I called on him and asked for a pass to Jacksonville It was a pretty eheeky request considering that Wren didnt know me from Adam and he Very properly turned me down Howshyever I bad to have that pass so I kept on tackling him each time preshysenting some new reason why the road should carry me to Jacksonville The last time I called the clerk would not let me in and handed me one of tcy cards on which Colonel Wrenn had written Keep this fellow out If he bothers me any more 111 go 01frac34^^ That gave me an idea and I made a bee line for Sir Plant office Mr Want I said bullI want a pass to Jackshysonville Fhu Tne old geutleman looked at me In amaaement On what groandal he a^ked In exchange for treating Colonel Wren for threatened mental trouble I replied Mr Plants fare clouded What kind o f t game fa this air be demanded sternly XToiooei Wreaa b perfectly aaae air and I woat permitmdash Padoo me 1 interrt^ted t o t Coloael Wrenn a at this moment apprehensive of maaey and beficTe ftrady that it rente enshytirely with m to avert the attack I have his written eiatesaent to that efshyfect ia my pocket Let me aee it Mr Plant fairly ehriekeA I handed him the card and got ready to ran As be read the iascriptioa his face relaxed Bis piercing gray eyea began to twinkie Fisafiy he lay back tn his chair and roared with faagnter Here Mr Smith he called to a clerk givlaquo this yonsg man traaapertarkm to JadcsosviUe and charge it tn medical treatment for Colonel Wren mdashNew Orleans Tiroes-Democrat

Ptmimx done by the

Jooroal is always neat

ifowt tat We offer one hundred dollars reward

for any case of catarrh thtt cannot be cured by Ualiy catarrh cure

F J Cheney A Co Props T61laquolo 0 We the undersigned have known F J -

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all twsiness transactions and financially able to carry out any Obligation made bv their flrm bull - - ^ - - - bullbull -West amp Truax wholesale druggists Toledo O

Waldiog Kfnnah A Marvin wholesale druggist Toledo 0 HaiFs Catarrh Cure is taken inierually

acting directly upon the blood and mushycous surfaces of the system Price 75c per boate Sold by all druggist Tesshytimonials free

Halia Family Pijls are the best

iiave you seen those shoes for 50 cents and Minors Monogram shoes for ladies at CollinsShoe Store

At Close Range One of tLolaquoe qnlck and happy reshy

torts that spring readily to the yan-kee tongue was made by the young DetroSter who recently gave a most entertaining Hectare npoa bh fmpree-fekms of Greece

He came back from abroad on an English veeaei Being genial and of aa iavestigating tarn of mind he was soon on term of intimacy with aQ raquohe officer Because of the ware in wblfh Britain and this country are ie-aperttvely engaged and divided opinshyions as to the merits of these controv-endes earaestt not good-natured dbgt cnraquoltiooe weee of daily occurrence

One afternoon moat of tbe officers were present and debate was running high with thlaquo young DetroUer as the Only champion of Amcri^ He bad his Ixick to the wall atid kept his 15 ad like a veteran lie parried and thrust with such rapidity that his OMsallauts were sole puazltd as to thf best mode of attack

Finally tlie bigengineer made this thrust Well it begins to look to me as though there was no way bat for England to go at it and lick your bloomin country

What agniu ciaie quick aa a flash and with laughing sarcasm

It took a full minute to digest the two words Thee there waa a hearty roar of English hilarity and they patshyted the Detroiter aJmirtngly on the back

In fighting andtalking these yank-ees are ngly custoiaers commented the engineermdashDetroit bTee Press

D e e o r a laquo K D]r B s t n

The Ann Arbor Railroad will sell exshycursion tickets on May 29th and 30th limited to return to May 31st to a I points within 150 miles of starting point at fare and one-third for round trip


Docs the Thrive Bab

If not something must be lt I wrong with its food If the gt mothers mQk doesnt nour- ] gt ish it she needs SCOTTS lt

EMULSJON K supplies the j [ elements of tat required for lt the baby If baby K not rtourished fay its artificial lt food then it requires

Scotts Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three

^or four times a day in its a gt bottle will have the desired ltgt [effect It seems to have a maftical effect upon babies lt gt and children At-fifty-cent lt [ bottle win prove the troth ]

o of our statements ShcaU to ittm to


NewspaperCensorship It is not surprise pound that all the news

from South Africa is colored to favor the British No paier ia permitted to express pro-Boer Ideas The following clipping from the f Jueenstdwn Represhysentative illttstrates the British policy

Wo are in receipt of the following from the intelligente officer 1 am dishyrected to inform yyu that press censhysorship has been ordered i must therefore request tlat you will be good enough to submit to me the proof copy of your pupa- and all leaflets ampcr whatsoever you intend publishshying before being if sued for approbashytion If therefore there is delay in the issue of tbe papr our readers will know the reason way

Theres no place tit the JOURNAL to tboec who

want their PRINTING done neatly and quickly

8 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 frac34 ^ Kfe 1 ^

Summer Suggestions Now that the warm weather is with UA everyone is desiring something cool ami dainty in Summer Apparel When down town step in and let me show you the new summer goods in

Cordilacs Dimities ladia Linens Zepher Ginghams All Over and ValcQcicnne Laces

I have the very latest in SUMMER UNDERWEAR direct from the Tritton Knitting Mills Ladies7 Vests at 1 2 ^ 18c and 20e LadiesTrilby Drawers 30c

Ladies and Gents Hose 7cr 10c 16c 18c and 25c

3 0 7 N Shiemwtaaisaee A v e gt C o r u n n a


Caught Uspping Speaking about i ational banks and

the security of investments it is to be noticed that some presumably very sound institutions fet caught napping occasionally For instance among the Items of unsecured loans to tbe Third Avenue Railroad Company we notice The National Bank of the Republic S3QOlt000 National Bank of Commerce $300000 Park Bank $500000 First National Bank of Brooklyn $300000 First National $150000 Metropolitan Trust Company $300000 United States Trust $300000 Curtis amp Motshyley who appear iu over 30 loans $1-745000 L T Hoyt $450000 Russell Sage $400000--Pmvidence Telegram

The Res Credit The Issue of a J per cent bond

which already con wands a premium places the credit of the United State government very high if not first among tbe nations of the earth It is true that these boampda are to be taken in exchange for bonds at a higher rate and compensation ia to be made for tbe difference as represented by the market premium and it is also true that the refunding la undertakes io provide a basis fox bank circulation Bvt all allowance saade It is demonshystrated that we can borrow money at tbe lowest rates sad that It the t e accredit

gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt gt gt raquo raquo gt gt gt raquo gt gt gt raquo raquo

We save Bicycles of all trades sad prices sad all Wbeels are Fally Gaaraateelv

At Green amp Pettibooes You will find a full line of Agricul-tuarl Implements and Farmers Tools Builders Hardware Tinshyware and the New Opal Cooking Dishes stoves and Rangesmdashin fact anything you may want in the Hardware Line

We also have in a fine line of New Buggies right from the facshytories which are unusually beautishyful in design and finish this year

We make a specialty of Eave Trough Jobs art Tin Work at the Lowest Prices consistant with good material and work

Green amp Pettibotie lt lt lt lt lt lt ltltltltltltcltcltr