Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI): The Issue of Environmental Abuse in India - A Case Study of Lote Parshuram MIDC, Chiplun, Maharashtra. Dr. Sirajuddin H. M. Chougle, Dr. Abdul Majid Ansari, Dr. Mohammed Moghees, HOD Associate Professors, Department of Commerce, Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai – 400 008

Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI): The Issue of Environmental Abuse in India - A Case Study of Lote Parshuram MIDC, Chiplun, Maharashtra. Dr. Sirajuddin

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Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI): The Issue of Environmental Abuse in India - A Case Study of Lote Parshuram MIDC, Chiplun, Maharashtra. Dr. Sirajuddin H. M. Chougle, Dr. Abdul Majid Ansari, Dr. Mohammed Moghees, HOD Associate Professors, Department of Commerce, Maharashtra College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai 400 008 Slide 2 OBJECTIVES Understand Corporate Social Responsibility with reference to environment. Highlight corporate irresponsibility towards environmental damages in India. Present the Case Study of Lote Parshuram MIDC, Chiplun, Maharashtra. Present Suggestion to control environmental damages. Slide 3 Outline Corporate Social Irresponsibility is rampant all over the world. Indian government and the corporations are equally or may be more culprits. The biggest fallout of this, is the environment as a whole. The biggest fallout of this, is the environment as a whole. Slide 4 Whether it be Bhopal Gas Tragedy, disappearance of tigers from Panna Tiger Reserve, damaging entire sea coast from Valsad to Daman with chemical, breaking the resistance in the village to sell land, if necessary murder the leaders, politicians causing damage to the sensitive ecology for personnel gain, land acquisition for SEZ and so on. Slide 5 The reason, anyone can get away either by greasing palm of the official, the police and even the judiciary or if penalized pay the penalty, which is just a fraction of what they must have gained. anyone can get away either by greasing palm of the official, the police and even the judiciary or if penalized pay the penalty, which is just a fraction of what they must have gained. Slide 6 Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI) Its the practice of not being socially responsible as a corporation. Whitewash in the name of CSR to show how businesses are meeting their obligations to society. Paid advertisement about responsibilities, are often smoke screens to hide environmental abuse. Slide 7 Environmental Damage: A Case Study of Lote Parshuram MIDC, Chiplun, Maharashtra Slide 8 The Background The setting up of an industrial zone in this eco-sensitive area has resulted in about drastic changes in the lives of the people. The major rationale behind MIDC locating here was the creek for letting out treated effluent water. The consequences are multidimensional. Slide 9 First hand Personnel Experience Interviews with affected people (over the years) Secondary material sourced from journals government reports and NGOS. NEWS Methodology Slide 10 Highlights of findings1 Quarter of the farmers in Lote village became landless. Out of 773 seeking employment only 92 people (11.9%) got jobs. Only 25 among these were permanent employees, the remaining 67 working as contract labourers. Around 200 chemical units began operations in the 1980s. By the year 2002 there were only 70 units in business, the rest having closed down. The land occupied by them now lies unused. Slide 11 Highlights of findings2 Lote and other villages worst hit by industrial pollution, the soil is no more fertile and it carries chemicals. Solid toxic sludge from industries was mixed with soil and dumped in the ghat area and toxic waste is pumped into ground water through bore wells. Cattle breeding considerably affected due to polluted water. People suffering with skin diseases, respiratory diseases and lung infections. Slide 12 Highlights of findings3 Fall in yield of paddy crops, alphonso mangoes and other fruits Contamination of river water Death of fish and other marine life Well and bore water affected Disappearance of birds, otters, dolphins and crocodiles Destruction of reeds and mangroves Peoples livelihood adversely hit Slide 13 Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel on Lote MIDC Chairman Prof. Madhav Gadgil; says, Regarding chemical industry MIDC at Lote near Chiplun,It was revealed that the CETP cannot handle the quantity of effluent it is receiving, and its functioning is highly defective. We saw large overflows of untreated effluent from the plant going into streams serving Kotavale village. With all these persistent and un-rectified problems, we were informed by an MIDC officer that they are planning to setup new Petro Chemical MIDC area nearby existing on 550Ha. The Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of India has constituted a Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) in 2010: Slide 14 Suggestions1 A committee, including representatives of the affected, to be formed and work together to check pollution. Communities need to develop their capacities and work collectively and coherently to properly document their problems and expectations. Relinquishing lands for common use and those unnecessarily acquired by the MIDC. Slide 15 Compensation for the landless who lost their livelihood due to industry the fisher folk and shepherds. Strengthening the public health delivery system by upgrading health centers, developing a well-equipped hospital capable of handling industrial emergencies; Generation of employment in industry and in activities supplying industrial needs; Suggestions2 Slide 16 A survey to be conducted by the government in association with the gram sabhas to find solutions to the problems of water for drinking and other uses like agriculture; pollution of air and water; and effects of pollution on livelihoods. NGOs such as Parivartan should play an important role as un-elected representative of people and speak on their behalf. Both in the long and short term, it will be beneficial if industry takes seriously its dual role as private capital rooted to short term profits and as social capital rooted in the long term interests of capital. Suggestions3 Slide 17 Suggestions4 the concept of industry citizenship becomes an inherent part of governance within industry. The government and its officials need to realize their role and chart a course of coexistence, beneficial both to the community and industry. To counter regional imbalances in development it is appropriate to focus development of any region on its own inherent strengths and not sacrifice these to meeting requirements of other regions. Slide 18 Conclusion According to Amartya Sen, Development is not merely growth in GDP or per capita incomes, it is A process of expanding real freedoms that people enjoy. According to Amartya Sen, Development is not merely growth in GDP or per capita incomes, it is A process of expanding real freedoms that people enjoy. Slide 19 Amartya Sen He defines these freedoms as: Access to adequate food, clean water, unpolluted air, shelter, education, healthcare, and gainful employment. And above all development should lead to an enhanced capacity to engage in social, political, and economic decision making. He defines these freedoms as: Access to adequate food, clean water, unpolluted air, shelter, education, healthcare, and gainful employment. And above all development should lead to an enhanced capacity to engage in social, political, and economic decision making. Slide 20 the fight must go on. Development should be decided upon by experts, government officials and the people of that region together. People will have to empower themselves to bring about change. It is a struggle similar to the struggle of the gas affected victims of Bhopal. At the end of the bargain they may just get peanuts. But the struggle cannot be given up, for the sake of the future generation the fight must go on. Development should be decided upon by experts, government officials and the people of that region together. People will have to empower themselves to bring about change. It is a struggle similar to the struggle of the gas affected victims of Bhopal. At the end of the bargain they may just get peanuts. But the struggle cannot be given up, for the sake of the future generation the fight must go on. Slide 21 People wish to see the natural heritage protected. Slide 22 It is they who should be empowered to do so. Slide 23