Corporate Identity Guidelines One Trust, One Identity, One Reputation Version 2 23 Feb 2016

Corporate Identity Guidelines - pat.nhs.uk Office and Media Centre/Corporate Identity... · 1.2 The overall approach for the Trust’s corporate identity is to support the Trust’s

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Page 1: Corporate Identity Guidelines - pat.nhs.uk Office and Media Centre/Corporate Identity... · 1.2 The overall approach for the Trust’s corporate identity is to support the Trust’s

Corporate Identity Guidelines One Trust, One Identity, One Reputation

Version 2 23 Feb 2016

Page 2: Corporate Identity Guidelines - pat.nhs.uk Office and Media Centre/Corporate Identity... · 1.2 The overall approach for the Trust’s corporate identity is to support the Trust’s


1 Introduction1.1 This paper sets out the Trust’s approach to standardising the Trust’s corporate identity for the period 2015/16 to 2018/19 and provides guidance to

staff about the Trust’s corporate identity i.e. “house style”.

1.2 The overall approach for the Trust’s corporate identity is to support the Trust’s mission, vision and values.

Our mission is:“To provide the very best care for each patient on every occasion”

Our vision is to be: “A leading provider of joined up healthcare that will support every person who needs our services, whether in or out of hospital to achieve their

fullest health potential.” The Trust’s brand supports the overall NHS brand.

Our Values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to our patients, their families, the public and each other as colleagues.

Our vision is driven by three key Trust values. We are: Quality Driven, Responsible, Compassionate.


We promise:

• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds national standards.

• To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge.

• To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions.

• To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the best care both in and out of hospital.

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We promise:

• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and results.

• To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the Trust’s reputation.

• To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things that go wrong.

• To acknowledge and celebrate success.

• To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.


We promise:

• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive, friendly attitude.

• To act with integrity and respect at all times.

• To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be approachable, sensitive and considerate.

• To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

1.3 The Chartered Institute of Marketing defines a brand as ‘a distinguishing name and/or symbol (such as a logo, trademark or package design), which is intended to identify the goods and services of either one seller or a group of sellers, and to differentiate those goods or services from those of competitors’.

1.4 The corporate identity/brand supports the implementation of the Trust’s Marketing Strategy 2015/16 to 2018/19 developed as part of the Integrated Business Plan in support of our application for Foundation Trust status.

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2 National Context2.1 Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations, as the context of NHS work

has developed with the introduction of a managed healthcare market with drivers around choice, greater plurality of provision including the introduction of Any Qualified Provider (AQP), increasing number of partnerships between the NHS and Local Authority, private, charity or community voluntary sectors, Payment by Results, Foundation Trust status, the personalisation agenda (individual budgets) and clearer demand management policies.

2.2 Despite the recent recognition of the importance of corporate identity, the single corporate identity for the NHS was only introduced in 1999, addressing the previous 600 plus logos within the NHS, all competing with each other to catch the attention of the public and confusing that same public about which services were NHS services and which were from the private, charity or community voluntary sector. The current version of the branding guidelines was published in December 2008 (last updated May 2010) and has not yet been superseded.

2.3 The aim of the NHS brand is to:

• ease public access and increase understanding of the full range of NHS supported services • do more with the NHS brand to inform lifestyle and treatment choices and promote health • support NHS organisations and partners to express the brand properly

2.4 The NHS brand is recognised spontaneously by over 95% of people and carries high levels of trust and credibility. It is essential therefore that the brand is used correctly as it helps to reassure people that services are part of the NHS family and are delivered in line with NHS values.

2.5 In addition, the use of a single clear brand for the NHS is estimated to have saved millions of pounds.

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2.6 Materials using the NHS logo, including those of aspirant Foundation Trusts, are required to follow the NHS communication principles of being:-

• clear and professional: demonstrating pride and authority in what we do • cost effective: showing that budgets have been used wisely • straightforward: avoiding gimmicks and over complicated design or wording • modern: portraying the NHS in a way that is up to date • accessible: understood by the target audience and easily obtainable and available in other languages, symbols or formats • honest: avoiding misleading information or false promises • respectful: showing respect for our audience, avoiding unfair stereotypes, acknowledging the different needs of individuals and populations.

2.7 For Foundation Trusts, the approved NHS logotype is provided by the Department of Health Branding Unit immediately prior to authorisation, on notification direct from Monitor that authorisation has been approved.

2.8 As a Foundation Trust our contracts with commissioners will be legally binding and include a clause in relation to abiding by the NHS brand guidelines. In the period up to authorisation the Trust will adopt the clause voluntarily.

2.9 The transition to the new corporate identity was undertaken in quarter two of 2014 but is recognised to require additional support regarding full implementation. Corporate identity is applied to:

• stationery • name badges • signage • websites • patient, carer and public information • marketing materials

2.10 Failure to follow the guidelines on the use of logotype on any of the above will require the withdrawal of materials, which may be both costly and embarrassing for the organisation, particularly if the media become involved.

2.11 However issues remain with a small number of departments continuing to develop their own brands out with national/local guidelines, a position which the Trust is keen to avoid.

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3 Local Context “Our Trust, Our Identity, Our Reputation”3.1 The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust delivers a range of hospital, specialist and community services to an ethnically diverse

population of 820,000 in the north of Greater Manchester.

3.2 The Trust’s corporate identity is a fresh, modern, business focussed approach which supports the vision of the Trust to become a leading provider of joined up healthcare that will support every person who needs our services, whether in or out of hospital to achieve their fullest health potential, as agreed by the Board of Directors in June 2014.

3.3 Initially developed in September 2014 the Trust’s brand has been incrementally adopted for addressing the range of designs, colours and logos operating within the Trust and provides a professional and consistent look to all our communications.

3.4 As the Trust brand incorporates the overall NHS brand, more items are addressed within the overall NHS Brand Guidelines, than included here. If the item you wish to brand is not included within this document please refer to the main NHS guidance, and the Trust’s Communications Department.

3.5 No Trust service, department or team should create or use their own brand identity, sub-brand or logo.

4 Organisational Benefits4.1 The development of a strong brand will:

• Support patient choice• Build confidence• Enhance customer loyalty• Clearly differentiate the Trust from its competitors• Enable the Trust to extend its portfolio of services in accordance with the Marketing Strategy• Improve recruitment and retention• Add value• Reduce costs by the elimination of duplication

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5 Organisational Risks5.1 Failure to develop a strong brand will: • Reduce the likelihood that service users, carers and commissioners will choose our services over those of competitors • Reduce income • Reduce confidence • Increase the possibility of damage to the Trust’s image and reputation • Impact negatively on recruitment and retention • Support expenditure on duplication, which should be used to provide improved patient care

6 Strategic Approach6.1 The Trust’s approach is to develop, build and enhance its brand through the introduction and support of its corporate identity, within

NHS Brand Guidelines and in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Promotion of NHS Funded Services.

7 Conclusion7.1 In fully utilising our corporate identity the Trust will meet both the requirements of the NHS and support its own development as a

leading provider of joined up healthcare that will support every person who needs our services, whether in or out of hospital to achieve their fullest health potential.

Review date: May 2017References • Department of Health Branding Team ‘NHS Brand Guidelines – NHS Foundation Trusts’ December 2008 (updated May 2010) • Department of Health ‘Code of practice for the Promotion of NHS Funded Services’ 2008 • Department of Health ‘Toolkit for producing patient information’ 2003 • Mencap ‘Make it Clear’ 2008 • The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust ‘Marketing Strategy’ 2015 • Piercy ‘Market Led Strategic Change’ Elsevier 3rd Edition 2005 • Sensory Trust ‘Accessible Information – clear and large print’ • Social Care Institute for Excellence ‘How to produce information in an accessible way’ 2005

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Annex 1 Corporate Identity Guidelines

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Contents1. Trust Name ..........................................................................................................................................................................................p11

2. Trust Logotype.................................................................................................................................................................................... p12

3. Minimum Clear Zone ...........................................................................................................................................................................p13

4. Partner Logos ......................................................................................................................................................................................p14

5. Strap Line & ‘swoosh’ graphic ............................................................................................................................................................ p15

6. Photographs ........................................................................................................................................................................................p17

7. Typeface ..............................................................................................................................................................................................p19

8. Font Size ..............................................................................................................................................................................................p21

9. Paper Colour .......................................................................................................................................................................................p22

10. Colour References...............................................................................................................................................................................p24

11. Letterhead ...........................................................................................................................................................................................p25

12. Compliments Slips ..............................................................................................................................................................................p27

13. Banners ...............................................................................................................................................................................................p28

14. Email ....................................................................................................................................................................................................p29

15. Business Cards ...................................................................................................................................................................................p30

16. Appointment Cards .............................................................................................................................................................................p31

17. Patient and Carer Information/Service Leaflets...................................................................................................................................p32

18. Alternative Formats and Languages ...................................................................................................................................................p34

19. Newsletters and Magazines ................................................................................................................................................................p35

20. Posters ................................................................................................................................................................................................p36

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21. Marketing Literature ............................................................................................................................................................................p37

22. Any Qualified Provider (AQP) Marketing Literature .............................................................................................................................p38

23. Promotional Items ................................................................................................................................................................................p40

24. Certificates ..........................................................................................................................................................................................p41

25. Formal Reports – Annual Reports, Accounts etc ................................................................................................................................p42

26. Folders ................................................................................................................................................................................................p43

27. Power Point Presentations ...................................................................................................................................................................p44

28. CDs .....................................................................................................................................................................................................p46

29. Websites ..............................................................................................................................................................................................p47

30. Social Media sites ...............................................................................................................................................................................p49

31. Name Badges .....................................................................................................................................................................................p50

32. Lanyards..............................................................................................................................................................................................p51

33. Recruitment Advertising ......................................................................................................................................................................p52

34. Signage & Temporary Signage ...........................................................................................................................................................p54

35. Doormats .............................................................................................................................................................................................p56

36. Multi-media & video production ..........................................................................................................................................................p57

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1 Trust Name1.1 The Trust’s name should always be written as The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

1.2 In accordance with NHS brand guidelines the Trust’s name should always be written in full with no use of acronyms or abbreviations, however the Trust’s name may be abbreviated as PAT for use in internal documents only.

1.3 The Trust’s name was originally developed at inception in 2002, but as the range of services continues to grow beyond hospital settings into the community, a more adaptable name will be required. This will be addressed as part of the consultation in the period up to authorisation as a Foundation Trust, when it will be changed. The name may only be abbreviated to PAT for use in internal documents only. The abbreviation PAHT or PAHNHST should not be used.

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2 Trust Logotype2.1 The Trust logo should always be written as:

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

2.2 The logo follows the NHS Brand Guidelines and must not be altered in size, layout, proportion or colour.

2.3 The logo may only be used in the following colour ways:

2.4 Full colour, used on a white background only

2.5 Black and white

2.5 White text, used against a Trust approved dark colour background

2.5 To ensure you are using the correct, high resolution logo please contact the Trust’s Communications Department or download the template from the Trust’s intranet site

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

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3 Minimum Clear Zone3.1 The visual presentation of the Trust logo will be adversely affected by

overcrowding, with competing text or graphics.

3.2 Use of the minimum clear zone helps to ensure readability and improve impact. The minimum clear zone height is determined by the height of the NHS “lozenge”.

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust




3.3 The only exception is on letterhead or business cards, where Trust address details are necessarily closer to the logo or if an approved partner logo is being used.

3.4 To ensure you are using the correct spacing please contact the Trust’s Communications Department or download the template from the Trust’s intranet site.

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4 Partner Logos4.1 Permission to use partner logos including those below for use with the Trust logo must be granted by the Trust Communication Department.

4.2 Other partner logos may only be used with approval by the Trust Communication Department.

4.3 To ensure you are using an approved partner logo, please contact the Trust’s Communications Department.

4.4 Where a new organisation is formed i.e. under a joint venture between the Trust and at least one other organisation a new logo may be designed but may only be used with approval. Please contact the Trust’s Communications Department.

4.5 When multiple NHS organisations are working in partnership, the NHS lozenge logo should be used solely and will replace individual NHS organisational logos. See NHS lozenge logo below:

4.6 A high resolution version of partner logos and Trust logo should be used. Contact the Trust Communication Department.

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

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5 Strap Line and graphic

5.1 The following strap line should be used once on all Trust communications:








5.2 The strapline should be used in the top left hand corner.

5.3 No other straplines or graphics may be used.

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5.4 The ‘swoosh’ graphic should be used on all Trust communications and consists of a large blue arc and two thinner lines which arc around to complement the movement.

5.5 The ‘swoosh’ should be used at the bottom of the page.

5.6 The ‘swoosh’ can also be used to frame photography.

CompassionateWe promise


• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive, friendly attitude.

• To act with integrity and respect at all times.

• To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differencies and be

approachable, sensitive and considerate.

• To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and

their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust





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6 Photographs6.1 Photographs and illustrations are powerful and emotive tools that can express values and identity as strongly as colours and typefaces.

6.2 Photographs can only be used from:

• The NHS Photo Library (preferred) www.nhs.uk/photolibrary• The Communications Department library

6.3.1 Photographs should not be downloaded from the Trust’s intranet for alternative uses.

6.3.2 Photographs should not be downloaded from the Internet for alternative uses.

6.4 Photographs or illustrations to avoid include:

• Clip art or cartoons when used as part of agreed easy-read software• Photographs or illustrations which reinforce unhelpful stereotypes • Photographs or illustrations which do not show a diverse range of individuals of all age ranges, abilities and ethnic backgrounds • Photographs or illustrations which are unclear, too small or badly reproduced (particularly an issue if images are photocopied many times)• Photographs which are sexually explicit or may be interpreted as such

6.5 In considering which photographs or illustrations to use consideration should be given to:-

• Message being conveyed• Target audience

Requirement for local photo or illustration as opposed to NHS Photo Library. If a local photo is to be used, consideration must be given to implications of staff member leaving, service user/carer withdrawing consent, impact of serious untoward incident related to individual/area shown etc. Local photos should only be used for items such as the Annual Report, press releases etc.

6.6 Photographs involving Trust service users or carers require written consent. This should be documented in relevant clinical notes and a copy sent to the Communications Department.

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6.7 Photographs involving children require written parental consent.

6.8 When taking photographs please do so in conjunction with the Trust’s media policy. This can be found on the intranet.

6.9 All photographs or illustrations must demonstrate professionalism, respect and care.

6.10 To ensure you are using appropriate photographs and illustrations, please contact the Trust’s Communications Department or the Medical Illustration Department.

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7 Typeface7.1 Typeface is an important component of the NHS identity and must be clean, clear and easy to read.

7.2 Arial should be used by all staff for all letters, emails, memos, reports and documents.

7.3 The primary NHS typeface is Frutiger and should be used on all professionally printed NHS communications and material.

Arial RegularABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Arial ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Frutiger 45Light:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Frutiger 46Light Italic:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Frutiger 55Roman:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Arial BoldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Arial Bold ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Frutiger 56Italic:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Frutiger 65Bold:ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

Frutiger 66Bold ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWVXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@£$%^&*()_+

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Frutiger is not a font found as standard on computers so for all other communications, Arial should always be used.

Trust publications aimed at specific audiences i.e. young people, individuals with disabilities etc.may use alternative typefaces with the agreement of the Trust Communication Department. Alternative typefaces must conform to NHS brand guidelines and principles of clarity and accessibility and engage and inspire the target audience.

Trust publications which are to be translated into different languages may require alternative fonts. In such circumstances specialist advice will be obtained via the Trust Communication Department.

To ensure you are using the correct typeface, please contact the Trust’s Communication Department.

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8 Font Size8.1 Font size is an important component in ensuring clarity of message. The font size for use in all communications is 11 pt.

8.2 Font size should be consistent throughout documents, the only exception being diagrams and charts, however font must remain legible.

8.3 Larger font i.e. 16pt or larger should be used for communications with individuals with a visual impairment (RNIB), learning disability (Mencap) etc.

8.4 Consideration should also be given to using larger paper size i.e. A3 rather than A4.

8.5 Large print documents can be downloaded from the Trust’s website but in general will not be produced in hard copy due to the low volumes of individual publications requested in this format.

8.6 All text should be left aligned for ease of reading.

8.7 No internal or external document, letter, email, or report should be centrally justified.

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9 Paper Colour9.1 Paper colour or background is a key component of clarity. White paper should be used for the majority of communications, with black text.

9.2 Yellow paper, with black text should be used for communications with some individuals with a visual impairment.

9.3 Coloured backgrounds, with white or black text may be used in specific communications e.g. newsletters, but the text must be clearly legible.



in The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

Quality-drivenWe promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards. • To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge. • To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions. • To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results. • To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the

Trust’s reputation. • To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things

that go wrong. • To acknowledge and celebrate success. • To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive, friendly

attitude. • To act with integrity and respect at all times. • To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be

approachable, sensitive and considerate. • To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and

their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our ValuesOur values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:



Our Values

We promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards.• To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge.• To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions.• To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results.• To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the Trust’s

reputation.• To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things that

go wrong.• To acknowledge and celebrate success.• To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive,

friendly attitude.

• To act with integrity and respect at all times.

• To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be approachable, sensitive and considerate.

• To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust






Our Values

We promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards.• To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge.• To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions.• To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results.• To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the Trust’s

reputation.• To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things that

go wrong.• To acknowledge and celebrate success.• To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive,

friendly attitude.

• To act with integrity and respect at all times.

• To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be approachable, sensitive and considerate.

• To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust






Our Values

We promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards.• To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge.• To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions.• To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results.• To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the Trust’s

reputation.• To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things that

go wrong.• To acknowledge and celebrate success.• To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive,

friendly attitude.

• To act with integrity and respect at all times.

• To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be approachable, sensitive and considerate.

• To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust





White 25% tint of Pantone Process Blue 100% tint of Pantone Process Blue 100% tint of Pantone 2685

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9.1 Other coloured text may be used in specific communications e.g. newsletters, but the text must be clearly legible.

Good examples

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

Bad examples

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

Branding has become increasingly important to both the NHS as a whole and individual organisations

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10 Colour References10.1 Colour is a key component of both the NHS and

Trust brand.

The Trust colour palette consists of three main colours from the NHS colour palette. The following colours may be used:-

10.9 Please note that individual printers will vary the above colours, consideration should therefore be given to professionally printing documents for external use where strict adherence to the brand colour palette is essential. For advice please contact the Trust Communications Department.

10.3 Black

10.2 White

10.3 NHS Blue


C 0% M 0% Y 0% K0%

R255 G255 B255


C 0% M 0% Y 0% K100%

R0 G0 B0

NHS Blue, Pantone 300

C 100% M 43% Y 0% K0%

R0 G114 B198

10.6 Pantone Purple 2685

10.5 Pantone Process Blue

10.7 Trust Process Blue 50%

10.8 Trust Process Blue 25%

Pantone Process Blue

C 100% M 13% Y 1% K2%

R0 G145 B201

Pantone Purple 2685

C 94% M 100% Y 0% K0%

R86 G0 B140

Trust Process Blue 50%

C 50% M 22% Y 0% K 0%

R 138 G 178 B 223

Trust Process Blue 50%

C 25% M 11% Y 0% K 0%

R 200 G 216 B 240

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11 Letterhead11.1 Letterhead should be available in A4 and A5 sizes as standard, size selected dependent on the content.

11.2 Letterhead may be downloaded from the Trust’s intranet site (Templates) to enable personalisation of address etc. If usage is high and details consistent letterhead paper should be ordered from the Trust’s Supplies Department.

11.3 Only the Trust logo, strapline, swoosh and required address details, are permitted. Partner and other logos or trademarks, other than those included in Section 4, may not be added.

11.4 If a specific initiative or programme is involved, the name of the initiative may appear as the first line of the address in NHS blue.

11.5 The details of the Chair and Chief Executive should appear beneath the swoosh.

11.6 Black and white versions of the letterhead may be used.

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A4 continuation sheet




The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust






A4 letterhead full colour example

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust




Trust HeadquartersNorth Manchester General Hospital

Delaunays RoadManchester

M8 5RB

Switchboard:Tel: 0161 624 0420






8mmChairman, Mr John Jesky Chief Executive, Dr Gillian Fairfield Chairman, Mr John Jesky Chief Executive, Dr Gillian Fairfield

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12 Compliments Slips12.1 Compliments slips may be downloaded from the Trust’s intranet site (Templates) to enable personalisation of address etc.

If usage is high and details consistent Compliments slips can be ordered from the Supplies Department.

12.2 Only the Trust logo, strapline, swoosh and address details are permitted. Partner and other logos or trademarks, other than those included in Section 4, may not be added.

12.3 If a specific initiative or programme is involved, the name of the initiative may appear as the first line of the address in NHS blue.

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust




Trust HeadquartersNorth Manchester General Hospital

Delaunays RoadManchester

M8 5RB

Switchboard:Tel: 0161 624 0420

With Compliments

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust




Xxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxTrust Headquarters

North Manchester General Hospital Delaunays Road

ManchesterM8 5RB

Switchboard:Tel: 0161 624 0420

With Compliments

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13 Banners13.1 Standard pop or roll up banners are available for loan from the Communications Department.

13.2 Banners should include:

• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Pride in Pennine strap line in top left hand corner• Agreed Partner logo in bottom left hand corner• Swoosh at base• Content of banner clearly set out with plenty of white space to aid reading• Tint colour blocks to add interest• Text justified to left• Photographs from NHS Library or Communications Department if necessary

to aid understanding• Date of banner at base

13.3 Because of the cost of production banners should only be produced where long term or flexible use is planned. For advice please contact the Communications Department.



in The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust





Quality-drivenWe promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards. • To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge. • To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions. • To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results. • To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the

Trust’s reputation. • To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things

that go wrong. • To acknowledge and celebrate success. • To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive, friendly

attitude. • To act with integrity and respect at all times. • To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be

approachable, sensitive and considerate. • To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and

their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and thepromise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:

Our Values



in The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust





Quality-drivenWe promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards. • To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge. • To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions. • To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results. • To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the

Trust’s reputation. • To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things

that go wrong. • To acknowledge and celebrate success. • To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive, friendly

attitude. • To act with integrity and respect at all times. • To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be

approachable, sensitive and considerate. • To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and

their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and thepromise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:

Our Values

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14 Email14.1 Email is the primary method of communication across the Trust.

14.2 Emails should be composed on a plain white background, design templates may not be added.

14.3 Typeface should be Arial.

14.4 Font size should be 11 or larger i.e. 16 if recipients have a visual impairment, learning disability etc.

14.5 Email signatures and contact details should be used to conclude all communications and include the following:

• Name in bold• Relevant qualifications if desired• Job title• Department• Trust name in NHS blue• Address• Telephone number• Mobile number (if available)• Email address• Trust website address• Trust twitter address

Mary Johnson RGN

Divisional Nurse Manager


The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Rochdale Infirmary

Tel: 0161 223 2323

Mobile: 0774 5755 777

email: [email protected]

web: www.pat.nhs.uk

twitter: @pennineacutenhs




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15 Business Cards15.1 The following examples show agreed formats for business cards, which should be ordered from

the Trust’s Supplies Department:-

Standard business card design Pride in Pennine business card design

Alternative business card design to aid visually impaired people with bigger point size text and using sides of the card

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

Mary Johnson RGNDivisional Nurse Manager

Tel: 0161 000 0000Internal Ext: 0000Mobile: 0000 0000 000Out of hours: 0000 000 0000 email: [email protected] web: www.pat.nhs.uk

Communication TeamThe Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Trust HQNorth Manchester General Hospital

Delaunays RoadCrumpsall

ManchesterM8 5RB

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

Mary Johnson RGNDivisional Nurse Manager




Mary Johnson RGNDivisional Nurse Manager

Tel: 0161 000 0000Internal Ext: 0000Mobile: 0000 0000 000Out of hours: 0000 000 0000 email: [email protected] web: www.pat.nhs.uk

Tel: 0161 000 0000Internal Ext: 0000Mobile: 0000 0000 000Out of hours: 0000 000 0000 email: [email protected] web: www.pat.nhs.uk

Communication TeamThe Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Trust HQNorth Manchester General Hospital

Delaunays RoadCrumpsall

ManchesterM8 5RB

Communication TeamThe Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Trust HQNorth Manchester General Hospital

Delaunays RoadCrumpsall

ManchesterM8 5RB

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16 Appointment Cards16.1 Standard appointment cards for use in clinics are available

from the Supplies Department.-

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust


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17 Patient Information/Service Leaflets17.1 All patient information/service leaflets to be developed in partnership between services and the

Patient Information Centre in line with the Trust’s Patient Information Policy.

17.2 All patient information/service leaflets should follow the same design principles, which include:-

• White front cover• White back cover• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Pride in Pennine strapline in top left hand corner• Agreed Partner logo in bottom left hand corner• Swoosh at base of front cover• Swoosh at base of back page• Trust band across the centre• Service name clearly marked on the front in within the band• Leaflet title under the name• Agreed photo relevant to service • Content of leaflet clearly set out with plenty of white space to aid reading• Text justified to left• Pages numbered• Photographs from NHS library or Communications Department if necessary

to aid understanding• Agreed list of formats on the back page• Reference Number on the back page• Date of review in swoosh (white text) on the back page• Any crystal mark or other quality marks on the back page


Typewritten Text
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light blue
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17.3 Appropriate photographs and illustrations may be used in leaflets to aid understanding and in line with the Trust’s Patient Information Policy.

17.4 Literature should also be produced in easy read versions to aid understanding for key patient groups i.e. learning disability. Advice on producing easy read information is available via the Communications Department.

17.5 All promotional material should fit with the Code of Practice for the Promotion of NHS Funded Services 2008.

Menis eos anditis magnimaximus es eliquam aut volupta tisime velent lam hitaqui dit re dolum aut labo. Nitis aut porupta temporporere eossunt iundus sunt.

Nos aut ommolo ipsunt, conse et laboritati velitibus, que vitia aut qui occulpario vendit incienis experem eius

Ugiatisque nonsequunt atem cum iliquiat.

Alit omnitatis cullum acimini magnist, il ium harum vel eium et qui qui simporpos esequo quunt accullande liae verovid mo estrumq uiamet lant repudam ea si volupis duci cum estis ut imporpore nobitiur rem ea aut que expliande ma quatia sit exped maior reptat dipsum eventia et quatur?

Ugiatisque nonsequunt atem cum iliquiat.

Am volum invero volupti nctibus inci volorias ea non rem auteni omnimillis et laci dolendae omnis expliae volum nossequi optis doloreh endae. Et volorum re vendi voloreperit rest alit pe sunt volut maiostrum quid molupis nullaccabo. Cullor mos nostius aut harum

Ugiatisque nonsequunt atem cum iliquiat.

Alit omnitatis cullum acimini magnist, il ium harum vel eium et qui qui simporpos esequo quunt accullande liae verovid mo estrumq uiamet lant repudam ea si volupis duci cum estis ut imporpore nobitiur rem ea aut que expliande ma quatia sit exped maior reptat dipsum eventia et quatur?


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18 Alternative Formats and Languages18.1 Information designed for use by service users, carers and the public can be made available in the

following formats and languages:

• Large Print• Braille• Audio• British Sign Language (BSL)• Easy read• Other common languages

18.2 Materials will be made available in the above formats on request only, with the exception of materials specifically for use with certain patient groups i.e. materials for use for people with a Learning Disability will automatically be prepared in easy read, such as Photosymbols; large print for the visually impaired.

18.3 Information regarding the above will be clearly printed on the back page of all service user, carer and public information leaflets.

18.4 To ensure you are using appropriate formats and languages please contact the Communications Department.

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19 Newsletters and Magazines19.1 All newsletters should follow the same design principles, which include:

• PAT blue (Pantone Process Blue), NHS Blue (Pantone 300) or whitefront cover

• PAT blue, NHS Blue or white back cover• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Pride in Pennine strap line in top left hand corner• Agreed Partner logo in bottom left hand corner• Swoosh at base of front cover• Swoosh at base of internal and back pages• Newsletter name clearly marked on the front• Content of newsletter clearly set out with plenty of white space

to aid reading• Tint colour blocks to add interest• Text justified to left• Pages numbered• Photographs from NHS Library or Communications Department if

necessary to aid understanding• Date of newsletter• Number of newsletter

19.2 Newsletters should be sufficiently different from each other to avoid confusion.

19.3 The first edition should be approved by the Communications Department, and all subsequent editions should follow the same format/template.

Newsletter: Various Themes Date: XX/XX/XX

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Our Values

We promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards.• To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge.• To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions.• To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results.• To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the Trust’s

reputation.• To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things that

go wrong.• To acknowledge and celebrate success.• To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive,

friendly attitude.

• To act with integrity and respect at all times.

• To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be approachable, sensitive and considerate.

• To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust





20 Posters20.1 All posters should follow the same design principles, which include:

• White background• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Pride in Pennine strap line in top left hand corner• Agreed Partner logo in bottom left hand corner• Swoosh at base of poster• Service name clearly marked• Arial font throughout with a minimum size 18 pt• Content of poster clearly set out with plenty of white space

to aid reading• Tint colour blocks to add interest• Text justified to left• Photographs from NHS Library or Communications Department if

necessary to aid understanding• Date of poster in swoosh (white text)

20.2 Presentation slides should only be used as posters in limited circumstances.

20.3 Presentation posters should be approved by the Communications Department.

20.4 Presentation posters for marketing purposes will be designed by the Marketing Team based on detailed information provided by the Service.


Our Values

We promise:• To provide excellent quality safe, evidence-based patient care that exceeds

national standards.• To push the boundaries of care delivery and efficiency by adopting best

practice and building on our clinical and technical knowledge.• To individually be the best we can in our actions and interactions.• To work as one team with both our colleagues and partners to deliver the

best care both in and out of hospital.

ResponsibleWe promise:• To be honest, open and transparent in all our commitments, actions and

results.• To be personally accountable for the things we do, our services and the Trust’s

reputation.• To be alert to the potential for errors and always strive to correct things that

go wrong.• To acknowledge and celebrate success.• To be resourceful and open to new, innovative, evidence-based ideas.

CompassionateWe promise:• To treat you with empathy, professionalism and a positive,

friendly attitude.

• To act with integrity and respect at all times.

• To listen to you, understand your perspective, value differences and be approachable, sensitive and considerate.

• To organise our services around the individual needs of our patients and their carers, creating the best patient experience possible.

Our values guide every action we take. They determine how we work and the promise we make to patients, their carers, the public and colleagues. We are:

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust





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21 Marketing Literature21.1 Marketing literature is aimed at commissioners and referrers to services,

with a view to increasing Trust business and as such it is essential that it promotes our services positively and accurately.

21.2 All service information packs should include the following:

• Information about inpatient / outpatient / community provision• How and who to refer into the service• Biographies of key members of staff• A team profile and their key skills - any awards won• Patient stories – try and obtain three positive stories about

experiences of the services. Please do not use the patient’s real name• Service location and how to get there• Any additional information available such as patient outcome data,

journal extracts, newsletters etc. These items will need to be checkedby the Marketing Team for content to ensure that they are appropriate,up to date and referenced

21.3 Any photos used within marketing literature need to be reflective of service users, staff and the population. No actual photographs of service users should be used and only staff where necessary. All other images will be sourced from the NHS Photo library.

21.4 If applicable, a virtual tour will be completed following completion of the service information. The Marketing Team will work with the Communications Department to organise when and how this will take place, along with an accompanying script.

21.5 Generic e-mail addresses (e.g. [email protected]) for services can be arranged through the IT Helpdesk.

21.6 Printing of generic business cards for insertion into the Service Information Pack folders can be arranged through Supplies.

21.7 Contents of all marketing literature must be evidenced and comply with Code of Practice for the Promotion of NHS Funded Services 2008.

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22 Any Qualified Provider (AQP) Marketing Literature22.1 Tailored marketing literature aimed at service users, with a view to increasing Trust business through promoting choice must

promote our services positively and accurately.

22.2 All AQP service information packs should include the following:

22.3 About the Trust

What does the Trust do?• What range of services is offered by the Trust• How does the Trust perform, for example:• Does it hold unconditional CQC registration/Chief Inspector of Hospitals rating (e.g. good, outstanding)• Membership of NHS litigation scheme• Level of accreditation held• Awards won (e.g. Investors in People, Christie Quality Mark)

22.4 About the service

• Details of facilities, including:• Location details with directions and parking information e.g. City centre location providing proximity to social and cultural activities

to aid recovery orHospital location providing proximity and close links into acute services

• Transport options for patients and visitors• Arrangements for parking and any charges• Arrangements for visitors – visiting hours, possibility of overnight accommodation etc.• Options for refreshments• Provision for smoking

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22.5 What treatments are offered:• Admissions criteria• Brief synopsis of conditions treated• Details of interventions offered• Outline of the clinical pathway from a patient perspective – what can patients expect from their ‘journey’ through a service• Profile of the MDT to provide evidence of the breadth and depth of expertise offered by services• Details of the ‘aftercare/follow up’ support available – on completion of treatment, how and by whom patients continually supported• Access to other sources of support (e.g. volunteer support, patient groups available to join)

22.6 Quality Assurance• Details of any accreditations in place• Clinical outcomes from services• Performance v KPIs (e.g. response/waiting times, duration of care)• Benchmarking data – need to think carefully about what is presented and how – need to summarise raw data to present services in a

positive and accurate light

22.7 Patient Opinion• Outcomes data from a patient perspective using feedback from media such as feedback questionnaires etc. (needs to include

reference to sample size and date of undertaking)• Testimonials from patients who have successfully accessed the service and can describe their positive experiences

22.8 Any photos used within marketing literature need to be reflective of service users, staff and the population. No actual photographs of service users should be used and only staff where necessary. All other images will be sourced from the NHS Photo library.

22.9 If applicable, a virtual tour will be completed following completion of the service information. The Marketing Team will work with the Communications Department to organise when and how this will take place, along with an accompanying script.

22.10 All AQP materials will be made available for download on the Trust website in both A5 and A4 format for ease of printing by stakeholders such as GPs.

22.11 Contents of all marketing literature must be evidenced and comply with Code of Practice for the Promotion of NHS Funded Services 2008.

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23 Promotional Items23.1 The use of promotional items is intended to support marketing communications and activities.

23.2 Promotional items should be discussed with the Communications Department and Marketing Team.

23.3 In selecting promotional items, full account is taken of the NHS Code of Practice for the Promotion of NHS Funded Services 2008 (maximum value £6 per item).

23.4 Marketing expenditure, including promotional items, is outlined in the Trust’s Annual Report and therefore must be proportionate.

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24 Certificates24.1 All certificates should follow the same design principles, which include:-

• White background• A4 size• Portrait or landscape• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Pride in Pennine strap line top left hand corner• Swoosh at base of certificate• Service name clearly marked• Content of certificate clearly set out with plenty of white space to aid reading• Tint colour blocks to add interest• Text centred• Photographs from NHS Library or Communications Department if necessary• Date of award

Certificate of Achievement

Text to go here

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25 Formal Reports - Annual Reports, Accounts etc.25.1 Formal reports should follow the same design principles:-

• White front cover• White back cover• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Pride in Pennine strap line top left hand corner• Swoosh at base of front, internal and back pages• Coloured band – colour to change each year,

within Trust range• Report name clearly marked on the front within

the coloured band• Content of report clearly set out with plenty of

white space to aid reading• Tint colour blocks to add interest if desired• Text justified to left• Pages numbered• Photographs from NHS Library or Communications

Department if necessary to aid understanding• Agreed list of languages for translation on the

back page• Date of report

25.2 Reports should be sufficiently different from each other to avoid confusion.

The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS TrustName of report to go here

The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS TrustName of Report

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26 Folders26.1 Folders should follow the same design principles:

26.2 • For patients and carers:• White with PAT purple band front cover• White with PAT purple band back cover• Title of folder in white within PAT purple band• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Swoosh at base of front cover, on shaped internal leaf, internal and back pages• Pride in Pennine strap line on front cover and internal shaped leaf• Trust website address on back cover

26.3 • White front cover with PAT blue band• White back cover with PAT blue band• Title of folder in white within blue band• Trust logo in top right hand corner• Pride in Pennine strap line on front cover and internal shaped leaf• Swoosh at base of front cover, on shaped internal leaf, internal and back pages• Trust website address on back cover

26.4 Photographs should be included where appropriate with advice provided by the Communications Department.

Brand Guidelines Filed ItemsDate XX/XX/XX

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27 Power Point Presentations27.1 Power point templates are available from the Trust’s intranet


27.2 Introductory slides should use the following template:-


27.3 Follow on slides should use the following template:-


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27.3.2 If a photograph, graph or similar is to be inserted into a follow up slide, and due to its size a template cannot be used, a plain white background may be used.

27.4 Arial typeface should be used on all presentations.

27.5 Titles should be in Arial font size 40.

27.6 Sub headings should be Arial font size 32.

27.7 Bullet points should be Arial font size 18, with a maximum of 8 per page.

27.8 No text should appear in the swoosh.

27.9 Presentation slides should only be used as posters in limited circumstances.

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28 CDs and DVDs28.1 Pre-printed CDs and DVDs are available for presenting electronic material.

28.2 CDs and DVDs should be housed in clear plastic sleeves.

Date XX/XX/XXDVD InfoContent

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29 Websites29.1 The Trust operates a single website www.pat.nhs.uk which is managed by the Communications Department.

No Trust service should set up separate websites. Please contact the Communications Department for advice on contributing to the Trust’s website and partnership websites.

29.2 Guidance for the design of new or refreshment of existing websites is set out in the NHS Brand Guidelines for Foundation Trusts websites.

http://www.nhsidentity.nhs.uk/all-guidelines/guidelines/nhs-foundation- trusts/websites

29.3 All NHS websites should carry the NHS logo on the top right hand of every page, with the Trust logo on the top left of the page.

29.4 The name of the site www.names.nhs.uk must be registered.

29.5 The primary typeface for websites is Arial/Helvetica as these fonts can easily be read on screen.

Ariala b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

29.5.1 Frutiger and Garamond fonts should be used for graphics only.

29.5.2 Font size should be easily changed to suit the reader.

29.6 NHS websites should only use the NHS web colour palette, with no use of tints.

29.6.1 Backgrounds should be white and text black.

29.6.2 Navigation areas should be white or NHS blue.

29.6.3 Primary colours should be used in conjunction with corporate colours to highlight key pieces of information

29.6.4 Secondary colours should only be used to complement corresponding primary colours.

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29.6.5 The colour palette should not be used to create textures, patterns or images.

29.7 Content management of the Trust’s website is undertaken by the Communications Department with contributions provided from Divisions/Corporate Services , in accordance with the Trust’s Communications Strategy 2015

29.8 The Communications Department will also seek, or direct the query, to gain necessary advice on issues including:

• copyright• data protection• privacy• disability discrimination

29.9 Websites should be freely linked to other NHS, Department of Health or other government sites including local authority, academic and non commercial sites.

29.10.1 The Trust’s logo must not be used by an external organisation as a link without the prior consent of the Communications Department.

29.10.2 The NHS logo may not be used by an external organisation as a link without the prior consent of the NHS Branding Team.

29.11 The Trust subscribes to Browsealoud to increase accessibility for all visitors i.e. the website is speech enabled, which allows visitors to have the content read to them as reading large amounts of text on screen can be difficult for people with literacy problems and visual impairments.

29.12 Commercial advertising on the Trust website must not be included without approval from the Board of Directors.

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30 Social media sites Social media30.1 The purpose of the Trust’s social media channels is to promote news and information, events and the good work of the Trust to

staff, the media, external stakeholders and the wider public. Having a corporately branded social media online presence, for example using YouTube and Twitter, allows the Trust to engage with audiences and link with external partner agencies using these channels, communicate with immediacy and join in with conversations.

30.2 Staff should not create any departmental or service specific social media sites or Apps or use any Trust images or branding on any non-Trust websites or digital communication platforms without the permission of the Trust’s Head of Communication.

30.3 Staff should not use their own personal social media channels such as FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or YouTube to broadcast confidential, sensitive or inappropriate information about patients, visitors, staff or the organisation and its partners, and no content posted on any website, online discussion forums or social media networking sites, blogs or “apps” must bring the Trust into disrepute. Doing so could result in disciplinary action being taken against the employee.

30.4 Staff should refer to the Trust’s Media Policy (EDH038) and also Section 17 Social Networking of the Trust’s Information Governance Policy (EDI001) for further details.

30.5 If staff would like to promote a message, share a document, video or photograph using the Trust’s established social media platforms they should approach the Communication Department in the first instance who will be more than happy to discuss their requirements and can advise on the best approach.

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31 Name Badges 31.1 All Trust staff, contractors and volunteers should wear name badges issued by the Estates and Facilities Department.

31.2 Name badges should follow the following principles:-

• Trust logotype in the top right hand corner• Agreed partner logos included in Section 4 may be added• Text should be in Frutiger Roman or Frutiger Bold in NHS blue, black or white• Digital photograph• Staff names should use Frutiger Bold, black, font size 14pt• Job titles should be Frutiger Roman, black, font size 12pt

Mrs A N OtherJob Title


Card no. XXXX

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Pride in Pennine Quality-Driven Responsible Compassionate

Pride in Pennine Quality-Driven Responsible Compassionate

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust

Pride in Pennine Quality-Driven Responsible Compassionate

Pride in Pennine Quality-Driven Responsible Compassionate

32 Lanyards 32.1 The Trust has a single lanyard system for name badges which contains the ‘Pride in Pennine’ strap line.

32.2 Lanyards for specific campaigns, or other organisations, charities or businesses should not be worn.

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33 Recruitment Advertising 33.1 All PAT recruitment adverts are advertised on NHS Jobs,

and the design and type (font/colour) specifications are dictated by NHS Jobs. The adverts do not contain the logo of PAT; they contain the logo, design, and font standards of NHS Jobs.

33.2 On occasion departments may need to place adverts in recruitment journals such as the Health Service Journal, British medical Journal etc.

33.3 Recruitment adverts should follow the same design principles, which include:

• All adverts must carry the Trust logo in the top righthand corner

• Agreed Partner logo in the top left hand corner• Horizontal band in PAT purple (or black for black and

white adverts) containing the job title and description.• The swoosh graphic should appear at the bottom of

the advert.• Recognised marks such as “Positive about Disability”

etc, should be placed beneath the swoosh graphic• All body text should be left aligned• Font as below for specific sections

33.5 Job Title Typeface: Frutiger Bold Colour: White Font: 15pt

33.6 Job Details

Typeface: Frutiger Bold

Colour: White

Font: 12pt Leading: 15pt

33.7 Body Text

Typeface: Frutiger Roman or Light

Font: 8pt

Leading: 10pt

33.8 Application and Contact Details

Typeface: Frutiger Bold

Font: 8pt

Leading: 10pt

33.9 Accountability Information

Typeface: Frutiger Roman

Font: 6pt or 7.5pt

33.4 The recommended minimum type specifications for your advertisement text are as follows:

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33.10 Content should include:

• Standard paragraph re Trust – population, geography, budget, staffing etc.*• Standard paragraph re specific Division/Directorate *• Variable element specific to job

33.11* Standard information is available from the Trust’s intranet site (Templates)

33.12 Advice on content is available from the Trust’s Recruitment Team

Job VacancyDate XX/XX/XX

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asHil ideliquiae. Et laborum quate

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34 Signage 34.1 Signage is important because it tells people where they are and how to get where they want to go.

34.2 Signage is the responsibility of the Trust’s Estates Department and should follow the National NHS design principles, which include:-

• Front of house signage must carry the NHS logo or the Trust logo in the top right hand corner• Depending on the nature of the service, the Trust name can be omitted• Signage should use NHS blue and black• For generic signs the panel should be white• Text on glass should be white• If the sign is directional or contains text other than

the Trust name, the top should be white, with thedirections or other message in white text on anNHS blue background

• Colour coded panels should come from theNHS colour palette

• NHS blue in paint is BSI 18E53 or RAL 5017• For further details please refer to the national

estates guidance• Signage may only be ordered by the estates department

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34.3 Temporary signage should use the Trust power point template and follow the same rules in terms of font and text size (see section 27)

Title page example

The Pennine Acute HospitalsNHS Trust




Title heading hereSub heading here

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35 Doormats 35.1 Standard doormats for Main Entrances are available from the Facilities Department

35.2 A variety of size doormats are available from the Facilities Department

These two images need to be:

• Trust dark blue background• Both logos must be white at top• The text ‘Welcome’ and ‘Pennine Welcomes you’

needs to be in black bold/solid font• No swoosh at bottom




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36 Multi-media & Video production 36.1 Requests and advice about multi-media and video production should be directed to the Trust

Communication Department.

36.2 Trust Services, Departments or Teams should not produce or edit their own video or multi-media product about Trust staff or services and that uses the Trust logo or corporate identity without advice and permission from the Trust Communication Department or Marketing team.