Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

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Page 1: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement
Page 2: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng

Copyright © 2012 by Rob King. All rights reserved.

No part of this ebook may be reproduced or redistributed in whole or in part in any way by any means currently or as yet unknown without prior written permission from the author.

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.

Rob’s Nutrition Rules

Page 3: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

1. Protein & Fats for Breakfast or Protein and Berries – Lower to no carbs in the AM.

I start my day with a lean protein source plus something else.

Usually it’s a protein shake. I use Myofusion Banana, almond milk and berries sometimes frozen strawberries and banana’s.  I add in spinach with this.  Yes I know the berries and banana’s are carbs but this is not every day.

As well it’s either full eggs, turkey bacon, mixed nuts, or steak & eggs or lean ground beef and eggs with mixed nuts.

Once again.. Lots of protein… Lower carbs.

Berries are fine. I usually have blueberries and strawberries every morning either fresh or frozen.

And 1-2 big black cups of strong coffee.

2. Before Breakfast I have 1-2 big glasses of water

I usually add Lemon (real lemons not lemon juice from a container).

No big deal but I can’t stress the importance of water, water and more water.

Try to drink 4 liters a day.

Drink lots & lots of water.

You can go a month without food and not die, but you can’t go a week without water.

3. Earn Your Carbs

Carbs aren’t they enemy, the problem is that they are everywhere and dirt cheap (and damn do they taste good).  However we all have access to way too many sugars and processed crap (cuz it’s not food).

I am not a health guy that hates bad foods, I love it as much as anyone, I just limit it.

You can have carbohydrates you just have to have them around your workout (pre and post).

As well the leaner you are the more you can have.

Want some carbs?  Go do a leg day.

As well don’t get fat,  The leaner you are the more carbs (and fruit) you can have.  So as a guy stay under 10% Body Fat for a girl stay close to 15%

Rob’s Nutrition Rules

Page 4: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

4. Eat Like a Caveman 

Grocery shopping for me is pretty simple.  Everything I buy I say

“Would or Could A Caveman Eat This?”

Then I test on food.

Eggs – Yes

Berries – Yes

Broccoli – Yes

Cheerios – NO

Get the point.

Eat basic foods that we are meant to eat.

Greens, Berries, Mixed Nuts, Meats (some lean and some not), Eggs, Veggies.

How much?

As much as you want really (except for fruit, see above your allowed this when your lean).

Eat more real foods.  I consider “Real Food” to be something that actually DOESN’T have a food label.

Broccoli, Chicken and foods like this don’t have labels. Eat organic when you can, grass fed and grass finished when you can.

But when you can chose just make the best choice with the options you have.

5. Eat “The Rainbow”

This one I totally stole from Charles Poliquin.

It’s easy, eat as much variety with colors as you can in your food. The more greens, purples, yellows, orange’s, blue’s the better. Eat as much variety as possible. The more color’s the  better.

Rob’s Nutrition Rules

Page 5: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

6. A Calorie is NOT a Calorie

If someone tells you that all calories are equal you have 2 options.

1. Hit Them

2. Hit Them Again


Seriously are we still debating about calories being equal because they are not. Points fat loss programs don’t work.

Don’t obsess about the overall calories, be more concerned with the QUALITY of the calories.

1000 calories from a good chili is far better for you than a 1000 calorie Big Mac.  Both in terms of usable calories, macrontrients, micronutrients, and on and on.

Bottom line, eat the right foods at the right times and you don’t have to worry about Calories anyways.

7. Manage Your Insulin Well

This is a huge problem for most of the population.  What scares me even more is that now KIDS are diabetic.  This is wrong, kids shouldn’t have diabetes because they shouldn’t be fed soft drinks, sugars, and crap.  It’s not their fault.

That’s a whole other blog post for another time.

The reason for the obesity epidemic is the cause of poor insulin management.  Fats and proteins don’t cause insulin levels to rise.  So you can eat more food like this and you gain less (more like no) bodyfat. Avoid SUGARS and reduce carbs.

We have way too many carbs and sugars in the North American diet.  This needs to be replaced with good proteins and good fats.

So when in doubt eat proteins and fats, add in greens and berries and your set. But AVOID the carbs with fats or proteins.  The only time you want sugars is when your body is lean enough to handle them efficiently.  That’s why carbs and sugars stay LOW until your body can deal with them and use them efficiently.  You want carbs working FOR you not AGAINST you.

There are many supplements that can add in Insulin management that I use and recommend.  ALA, Chromium, L-Carnitine, Cinnamon and more.

Rob’s Nutrition Rules

Page 6: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

8. Don’t DRINK Your Calories (but there are exceptions)

Avoid all soda’s, avoid all juices, avoid fruit juice etc. You get the point.

2 main reasons why you don’t want to drink your calories

1. It’s too easy get a ton of calories

2. Most of it comes from sugars.

So simply put don’t drink that crap.  Drink water, green tea, Coffee (black if you can).  That’s it.

As well drinks like soda (including diet) will cause dehydration.  The more you drink the thirstier you get.  It’s easier to drink 5 cans of pop than 5 glasses of water.  One will hydrate you, the other will dehydrate you big time.

So as I said above your drink choices are

Water, Green Tea, Black Coffee.

The next question I always get is… drumroll…


Your life, but to get the best gains minimize your alcohol.  I drink one drink a day, usually a red wine.  It won’t kill me, and I believe the benefits of one drink a day being good for you, on top of that red wine has many benefits.  Yes it’s a bit of sugar, but at my leanest and when I slept the best I drank a glass of red wine before bed.

 9. Use Supplements

I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research.

But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement world. It doesn’t matter if you believe they work or not, they work.

My basics are Quality Fish Oil (not Costco, Walmart crap), BCAA’s, Quality Multi Vitamin, L- Carnitine, Protein Powders, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Chromium, CoQ10, and many others.

You get the picture.

If you want to know the brands and supplements I like and use I can do it in another blog post.

Rob’s Nutrition Rules

Page 7: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

10. Try Things – Learn For Yourself

I believe that some nutritional principles can be set but I also feel that everyone is different both in the lab and in real life.

We all have busy lives, hectic jobs, lack of sleep, lack of time. So simply do the following.


Make the Right Choices

When you screw up put it behind you, and eat the right choices again.

Do things right 90% of time and you are good.

But always be sure to see what works for YOU.

At 38 and trying many different nutrition programs, diets, I know what works for ME pretty well.  From there it’s just fine tuning for me.

Get to know your body and keep a FOOD JOURNAL to track your mood, energy, recovery etc.  These things are impacted big time by Nutrition.

I ate oatmeal every morning for about 15 years.

Then I decided to cut it out (when I started to read more about Gluten).

So no oatmeal for me.

I got leaner, I feel better.

So I don’t have oatmeal anymore.

Test things on yourself, LEARN, educate yourself.

Rob’s Nutrition Rules

Page 8: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement


Bottom line enjoy good food and enjoy your LIFE.

If you want to have something that’s bad for you minimize it.

Want a burger?  Have it on Saturday as a TREAT MEAL and reward yourself for a job well done.

Yes that’s me wearing Butterfly wings trick or treating for Reese Butter Cups

Don’t be one of these people that are miserable to be around because of their lack of food choices.  Make good decisions 90% of the time and you can ENJOY your 10%.

I love chocolate and I love red wine.  Does that mean I can’t have those things?  NO.  I have them but not every single day.  I enjoy a treat night or treat meal after I have a great week with my training and nutrition.

Don’t be a crazy person that lives off egg whites and chicken.  Good healthy food is meant to be enjoyed and it’s good for you.

Rob’s Nutrition Rules

Page 9: Copyright 2012 by Rob KIng€¦ · 9. Use Supplements I am not saying what brands, what types, that is for you to research. But I strongly suggest you cover your basics in the supplement

Rob’s Nutrition RulesRob is Entrepreneur, Author, & Fitness Educator. At 38 Years Old He Has Created Numerous Successful Business's, Coached Thousands On How To Improve Their Fitness, Health & Lifestyle.

He Was Also The Creator of Ripped in 42 - 6 Week Transformation Program & Has Written Over 10 Books On Health & Fitness.

Creator Of Rippedin42, Builtin42, Transformin42 & StrongHERin42

Owner Heavyweights Supplements & Heavyweights Training Center -> Certified Personal Trainer -> Certified CPPS Level 1 Coach -> Certified Turbulence Trainer -> Training For Warriors Level I & II -> Poliquin Bio-Sig Level I