Aroop Biswal Rowe P.6 English Writing prompt #2 Conflict happens to everyone. Conflict is a problem that individuals face and will have to overcome. I think conflict influences an individual’s action because conflict can put pressure on an individual,resulting in rushed decisions. Conflict can pressurize people and cause them to make challenging decisions.For example, last year, I was conflicted between two robotics programs, VEX and FLL. This was an important decision because whichever one I picked would be the one I would have to stay in for at least a year. Furthermore, I couldn’t pick both of them because the tournaments overlapped. I wanted to join VEX because I thought it was more challenging and enjoyable. On the other hand, all my friends were in FLL and therefore I also wanted to join FLL.Also,I was more familiar with this program. To make an informed choice, I asked my parents which choice they preferred but they said they would support the decision I made. I tried to convince my friends to join VEX, but it turned out that they were too young (This was because they were born in 2002 and I was born in 2001).As a result, I was very frustrated and torn

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Aroop BiswalRoweP.6 English Writing prompt #2

Conflict happens to everyone. Conflict is a problem that individuals face and will have to

overcome. I think conflict influences an individual’s action because conflict can put pressure on

an individual,resulting in rushed decisions.

Conflict can pressurize people and cause them to make challenging decisions.For

example, last year, I was conflicted between two robotics programs, VEX and FLL. This was an

important decision because whichever one I picked would be the one I would have to stay in for

at least a year. Furthermore, I couldn’t pick both of them because the tournaments overlapped. I

wanted to join VEX because I thought it was more challenging and enjoyable. On the other hand,

all my friends were in FLL and therefore I also wanted to join FLL.Also,I was more familiar

with this program. To make an informed choice, I asked my parents which choice they preferred

but they said they would support the decision I made. I tried to convince my friends to join VEX,

but it turned out that they were too young (This was because they were born in 2002 and I was

born in 2001).As a result, I was very frustrated and torn apart between my two choices. Another

problem was that I had to turn in the registration form in three weeks. For that reason, I was very

much stressed to make a decision. In the Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins also had to make a similar

decision between going on an exciting adventure with strangers and staying in a familiar territory

with his friends. In the end, Bilbo decides to go on the daring adventure partly because of his

ancestors who were adventurers, and partly because he wanted to prove himself to his friend

Gandalf. However, Bilbo was less respected by his peers for going on the quest because they

thought it was too undignified (J.R Tolkien, 1937).

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Aroop BiswalRoweP.6 English Writing prompt #2

Secondly, conflict can cause individuals to procrastinate and cause them to make hasty

decisions. Three days before registration, I finally decided to pick the robotics program I was

going to enroll in. Before then, I had pushed the problem away and gave no thought to it. As

I had only three more days to make a decision, I asked my friends opinion on me joining VEX.

They said that it would be alright but they would be happier if I could join FLL with them. I

struggled to make a coherent decision but to no avail. In The Hobbit, Bilbo also has to make a

similar decision on a short notice. As a result, he ends up making a hasty decision to go on an

adventure, which he later regrets. (J.R Tolkien, 1937).

When people are faced with a conflict, they look to their family and friends for guidance.

One day before the registration, I finally decided to join FLL. I had asked my friends and they

wanted me to stay in FLL and I decided I would join VEX next year when my friends were old

enough to join me. It was also easier for my family because they knew the people in my FLL

team and could arrange carpools. In retrospect, I think I made a good decision because our team

did very well. The dwarves too persuaded Bilbo to go on the journey to the mountains and

therefore like me, Bilbo was influenced by his friends to make a decision,along with his brave

ancestors who were legendary heroes (J.R Tolkien, 1937).

From this conflict, I have learned that making decisions is difficult and I have also

realized that procrastination isn’t a good idea. At first, I wanted to join a robotics program

called VEX, but later I recognized that I should stay with my friends and wait another year

before joining. If I would have been impatient, I would have joined VEX and missed spending

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Aroop BiswalRoweP.6 English Writing prompt #2time with my friends. In conclusion, conflict influences an individual’s decisions by putting

undue pressure, causing hasty decisions.