DTIC FiLE COPY DOT/FAA/RD-90/26 Literature Review on Geotextiles to Improve Pavements for General Research and Aviation Airports Development Service Washington, D.C. 20591 9 D T IC Dewey W. White, Jr. % ELECTE N ~ DEC 13 19903f iD Geotechnical Laboratory DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers 3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-6199 October 1990 Final Report This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. US Department of Transportotion Federal Aviation Administration a..,/ - •.,9

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DOT/FAA/RD-90/26 Literature Review on Geotextiles toImprove Pavements for General

Research and Aviation AirportsDevelopment ServiceWashington, D.C. 20591


D T IC Dewey W. White, Jr.

% ELECTEN ~ DEC 13 19903f

iD Geotechnical LaboratoryDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY

Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers3909 Halls Ferry Road, Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-6199

October 1990

Final Report

This document is available to the publicthrough the National Technical InformationService, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

US Departmentof Transportotion

Federal AviationAdministration

a..,/ - •.,9

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This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department ofTransportation in the interest of information exchange. The United StatesGovernment assumes no liability for the contents or use thereof.

The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers.Trade or manufacturer's names appear herein solely because they are consideredessential to the objective of this report.

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Technical Aeport Documentation Page1. Report No. 2. Government Accession i•o. 3. Recipient's Cotalog No.

DOT/FAA/RD- 90/264. Title and Subtille S. Report OateLITERATURE REVIEW ON CEOTEXTILES TO IMPROVE October 1990PAVEMENTS FOR GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORTS 6. Perfo.rmig Organisation Code

.8 Performing O,ganixoison Report No.

7. Author's)

Dewey W. White, Jr.

9. Performing Organiaoi.ors Nome and Addres 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station DTFAO1-89-Z-02029Geotechnical Laboratory 11. Contract or Grant No.

3909 Halls Ferry RoadVicksburg, MS 39-180-6199 13. Type of Report and Poeroq Covered

12. Sponso,inoAgency No e and AddressUS Department of Transportation Final ReportFederal Aviation Administration800 Independence Avenue, SW 14. Sponsoring Aen CodeWashington, DC 20591-0001 ARD-200

15. Supplementory Notet


Thir report covers a literature search and review to obtain information on geo-textile applications related to pavement construction. Applicable information fromthis study, if sufficient, would then be used to prepare guidelines on design appli-cation, material specifications, performance criteria, and construction proceduresfor improvir' subgrade support with geotextiles in general aviation airport pave-ments.

The study revealed that there are numerous design procedures available for usinggeotextiles in aggregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavement road construction.However, there is no generally accepted procedure for either type construction. Thestate-of-the-art has not advanced to the point where design procedures for usinggeotextiles in paved airport construction are available.

Construction/installation procedures are available -fYr using geotextiles ina 6 gregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavements for roads, and these may be usedas an aid in recommending procedures for airport construction.

Results of comprehensive tests by researchers indicate that geogrids have morepotential than geotextiles for reinforcement of flexible pavements. Untildesign procedures for flexible pavements for airports incorporating geotextilesare developed, current standard airport payement design p,:ocedures should con-tinue to be used, and if geotextiles are included in the structure, no struc-tural support should be attributed to geotextiles. Further research on the use

.- of geotextiles to imprnve subtrade support for general aviation airports should. be delayed until the laboratory grid study and field grid tests are completed.

17 Ky Words, - o . 18. Disteibwtlon Statemernt

Geotextile' Reinforcement , The document is available through thePavement' Subgrade ,73) National Technical Information Service,Separation, V Springfield, Virginia 22161.19. Secvriry Colasif. (of thlit eport)p 20. Security Clas,,, iof this page) 2t. No. .f Page, 22. Price

Uncl,- .-," Zi--' Unclassified 54

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The information reported herein was sponsored by the US Department ofTransportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) under Interagency Agree-ment No. DTFAOl-89-Z-02029, "Grid Reinforced Aggregate Base Courses forGeneral Aviation Airports." This report completes Phase I, Task 3, "Report onGeotextiles for Improved Subgrade Support" of the agreement. Technical Moni-tor for this study was Mr. Hisao Tomita.

Personnel of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES)Geotechnical Laboratory (GL) who were actively engaged in this study duringthe period November 1989 to March 1990 were Messrs. Steve L. Webster andDewey W. White, Jr., Pavement Systems Division (PSD), GL. This report wasprepared by Mr. White. The report was edited by Ms. Odell F. Allin, VisualProduction Center, Information Technology Laboratory (ITL). Mrs. JimmiePerry, Information Management Division, ITL, provided assistance in conductingth'q literature search.

This study was conducted under the general supervision of Dr. W. F.Marcuson III, Chief, GL, WES. Direct supervision was provided by Mr. H. H.Ulery, Jr., Chief, PSD, Dr. R. R. Rollings, former Chief, Materials Researchand Construction Technology Branch (MR&CTB) and Mr. L. N. Godwin, ActingChief, MR&CTB, PSD.

Colonel Larry B. Fulton, EN, was the Commander and Director of WES.Dr. Robert W. Whalin was the Technical Director.

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a. Full-Scale Traffic Tests 5b. Geotextile Functions 9c. Ceotextile Benefits 10d. Geotextile Properties and Criteria 11e. Geotextile Survivability 11f. Geotextile Installation Guidelines 16g. Overlaps 19h. Seams 19i. Design Guidelines and Procedures 20


a. Geosynthetic Use In Flexible Pavements 24b. Function of Geotextiles 25c. Geotextile Benefits 25d. Geotextile Properties and Criteria 26e. Geotextile Survivability 26f. Geotextile Installation Guidelines 26g. Design Guidelines and Procedures 26


a. Pertinent Items 29b. Design Guidelines and Procedures 32




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Airport pavement base courses must be composed of good quality material inorder to resist shear forces and protect the subgrade from excessive deforma-tion under aircraft wheel loads. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)Advisory Circulars which specify acceptable types of aggregate material areprovided to airport owners and operators. Such materials are rapidly beingdepleted, and in many cases, suitable aggregates must be transported consider-able distances to reach airport pavement construction sites at high costs.

Research has been accomplished on the use of aggregate filled cells toimprove the shearing resistance of base courses. Studies on the effectivenessof grid- and lattice-type reinforcement to reduce vertical deformation ofpavement structures over subgrades of various strengths have been pursued inlaboratories. However, results have not been verified under field conditions.A laboratory grid study (Phase I, Task 4) and field grid tests (Phase I,Task 5) will be conducted as part of the overall interagency agreement with aseparate report to be prepared on that work.

A less expensive alternative may be the use of geotextiles to increasesubgrade support. Design guidelines, standardized specifications, and testmethods are needed by the FAA field and design engineers to permit them tomake decisions regarding the use of geotextiles in general aviation airportpavement construction.

The objective of this study was to conduct a literature search and reviewto obtain information on geotextile applications related to pavement construc-tion. The information obtained, if sufficient, could then be used to prepareguidelines on design application, material specifications, performance crite-ria, and construction procedures for improving subgrade support with geotex-tiles in general aviation airport pavements.

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Several searches of literature databases were conducted through the USArmy Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) Information TechnologyLaboratory. These included:

a. rOMPENDEX PLUS. Engineering Information, Inc. New York, NY.

b. CONFERENCE PAPERS INDEX. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Bethesda,RD.

c. G Geosystems, Oxon, England.

d. GEOBASE. Geo Abstracts Ltd, Norwich, UK.

e. GEOREF. American Geological Institute, Alexandria, VA.

f. NTIS National Technical Information Service, US Department ofCommerce, Springfield, VA.

g. RTIS, US Department of Transportation and Transportation ResearchBoard, Washington, DC.

Other references were obtained from a search of the WES technical libraryand from written and verbal communications with people associated withgeotextiles. Two valuable sources that contained additional references andinformation on geotextile usage were the "Geotextile Engineering Manual" ( 13)

and the "1990 Specifier's Guide" issue of the Geotechnical Fabrics Report(40 ).Twenty-one firms listed in the applications section of the Specifier's Guideunder "Geotextile, Reinforcing" and "Geotextile, Separating" and one consult-ing firm listed in the "Consultant" section were contacted by writtencommunication requesting data and information on geotextile use in pavementconstruction.* Personal conversations by telephone were also made for infor-mation related to geotextile usage.*

* Appendix B.


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The results of this search revealed considerable references to publishedinformation on the use of geotextiles in aggregate surfaced pavement con-struction. However, only limited references are available to published infor-mation on geotextile usage in flexible pavement road construction, and verylittle is related to usage in airport pavement construction. This publishedinformation includes design guidelines, important properties, functions, andconstruction/installation procedures prepared by researchers, designers, andmanufactures/suppliers.

A total of 104 different reports, magazine articles, periodicals, books,and technical papers were reviewed. Responses were received from 9 of 22written communications for data/information mentioned under the section titled"Literature Review Sources". Five of the responses contained, in addition toproduct information, design guidelines and con-itruction/installation informa-tion for aggregate surfaced pavements and fls~xible pavements for roads. Onesource provided information on one of its products used in conjunction withairport pavement construction. However, no design guideline information ongeotextile use specifically for airport pavement construction was includedwith any of the responses. Further information relative to the manufacturer'sproduct in airport pavement will be given in the section entitled, "FlexiblePavements for Airports". A review of the agenda for the 4th InternationalConference on Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Products held May 28-June 1, 1990 at The Hague, the Netherlands( 18 ), revealed that papers of directinterest to this study were on geotextiles related to aggregate surfaced pave-ments. A complete bibliography is contained in Appendix A. Personal andwritten communications that were made are included in Appendix B.

Details on the composition, materials, types, and manufacturing processingfor geotextiles are not contained in this report. This information can beobtained from publications such as "Geotextile Engineering Manual,"'(13) Design-ing with Geosynthetics,"( 3 5 ) "Construction and Geotechnical Engineering UsingSynthetic Fabrics,'"(36 ) "Geotextile Design and Construction Guidelines,'"'51 ) andmanufacturers' product literature. Suggested test methods for determiningproperties and parameters for geotextile selection can be obtained from "Geo-textile Engineering Manual"'(13) and "Geotextil 2 Design and ConstructionGuidelines. ",(51)

The results of this study revealed that a complex structural situationexists when geotextiles are used in the layered system of aggregate surfacedpavements(29 ,4) and flexible pavement construction.(4) In the "AggregateSurfaced Pavements" and "Flexible Pavements for Roads" sections of thisreport, various design procedures by manufacturers, and researchers will bementioned. Design procedures for aggregate surfaced pavements cannot be usedfor flexible pavements for roads.( 5 1) The major difference being the perfor-mance requirements. Aggregate surfaced pavement design usually allows somerutting to occur over the life of the structure. However, a paving surface(concrete or asphalt) cannot be placed on a structure that yields or rutsunder load since the surfaces would crack and deteriorate after a few loadapplications. Long-term field installations are needed to further verifythese procedures and for determining the long-term effects on geotextileproperties.(2,4, 26' 29 ,34 ) Guideline specifications for various geotextileapplications and functions are needed along with a uniform set of test


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standards for verifying the specified properties. (20,30,34,35.30,4,45) FederalHighway Administration Task Force 25, which is composed of the AmericanAssociation of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Associated GeneralContractors of America, and the American Road and Transportation BuildersAssociation, is currently working on guidelines for mechanical and physicalproperties for silt fences, drainage erosion, separation, and paving fabrics.


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This study revealed that a considerable amount of research has been conductedby various individuals and groups on the use of geotextiles in road construc-tion. From this research, a number of design procedures for aggregate sur-faced pavements are available. There are several factors to be considered inselecting a particular procedure for a certain application. The factorsinclude experience of designer with geotextile use, site conditions, amount ofallowable rutting, material availability, load conditions, and expected roadservice life. Some of these procedures will be mentioped; however, detailsare not given in this report but can be found in the respective references. Abrief summary of some full-scale traffic tests conducted by Webster (54) isgiven below. Other items related to geotextile usage that are considered tobe important are also discussed.

a. Full-Scale Traffic Tests. Full-scale traffic tests on geogrid andgeotextile reinforced aggregate layers over a sand (SP) subgrade were con-ducted by Webster.( 5 4) These tests were conducted using a truck, tank, andsimulated C-130 aircraft tire traffic. The tests included a 4-in.* aggregatebase layer with and without reinforcement placed at the top of the subgrade.Reinforcement materials were as follows:

Wide Width Strength/ Grab Strength/

Elongation ElongationTest ASTM D 4595-86 ASTM D 4632-86Item Reinforcement lb/in, at 5% Strain lb/% .

I None ....2 Geotextile - 130/603 Geogrid 47.4 --

4 Geotextile -- 250/205 Geotextile -- 475/256 Geotextile -- 1,000/25

Test traffic loads were as follows:

Truck C-130 Tank

5 ton military Single tire 70 tonPayload at 20,000 lb Load at 35,000 lb --

Gross weight at 41,900 lb ....Tire pressure at 70 psi Tire pressure at 100 psi --

Traffic test results are shown in Figures 1 through 3.(54') Under truck traffic(Figure 1), only the geogrid item (Item 3) performed better than the controlitem (Item 1). For a 2-in. rut depth, the control item had 2,600 passesversus 5,200 passes for the geogrid item. Three geotextile items (Items 2,5,and 6) performed significantly worse than the control item, indicating aggre-gate slippage on the geotextiles. Under the C-130 tire traffic (Figure 2),

* A table of factors for converting non-SI units of measurement to SI

(metric) units is presented on page iii.


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0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000




0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000PASSES




Figure 1. Truck traffic


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LANE 2 - C-130 TIRE6 -- 1

0 200 400 600 800 1,000


LANE 2 • C.130 TIRE

5 *1~ ____ I _ _

_ _ I _ _ _ _ _


1I i iI i

0200 400 600 800 1,000





Figure 2. C-130 tire tr:affi~c


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0600 1,200 1,800 2,400 3,000



0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 3,000



Figur 3 3 Tak TRAFFIC


!~~~T 17 ....

0 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 3,000





Figure 3. Tank traffic

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all reinforcement items performed much worse than the control item. For a3-in. rut, the reinforcement items handled only 100 to 200 passes, and thecontrol item had 600 passes. Under tank traffic (Figure 3), performance wasmixed. The geogrid (Item 3) performed best, followed by the two strongestgeotextiles (Items 6 and 5), the control (Item 1), and then the two weakergeorextiles (Items 4 and 2). For all three types of traffic, test resultsshowed that geogrids performed better than geotextiles. Results also showedthat reinforcement material friction properties are critical to performanceand that more work needs to be done regarding placement depths of reinforce-ment materials.

b. Geotextile Functions. Geotextiles that are used in aggregate surfacedpavements on soft subgrades usually fulfill one or more of the functions ofseparation, filtration, drainage, and reinforcement. (13,29.7.51) Information onthese functions are given below.

(1) Separation,. The separation function, which is considered bymany(5. 13.41,51) to be the primary function of geotextiles in road construction,prevents contamination of the coarse aggregate by intermixing with the sub-grade soil, thus preserving the design. This intermixing occurs by either theaggregate being forced into the subgrade by the action of the applied loads orthe migration of the subgrade into the aggregate layer. The load-spreadingability of the aggregate depends on continuous contact between individualpieces of aggregate. Under applied loads such as that from vehicle wheels,the aggregate layer deforms. After a sufficient quantity of load repetitions,the surface of the layer in contact with the subgrade begins to separate,since the individual pieces of aggregate cannot resist the tt . forces. Atthe beginning, these separations are smali; however, they bec,. larger as theload repetitions continue. The subgrade enters the separationj between indi-vidual aggregate pieces and soon the pieces "float" in the subgrade. Theaggregate continuity, strength, and load spreading ability are reduced. Theintermixing of the aggregate and subgrade continues until the aggregate bear-ing capacity is reduced to that of the subgrade. As little as 10 to 20 per-cent(1'43,44,48'47) intermixing of subgrade fines can completely destroy thestrength of the aggregate layer. Thus, if bearing failure is prevented by thegeotextile, then the subgrade should be capable of carrying the design loadwithout distress or deterioration to the pavement system. However, localizedbearing failures and subsequent subgrade/aggregate intermixing are only prob-lems in weak soils (soils with California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values of less

ta 3) (13,50,51)than 3).(a °'l

(2) Filtration,. Filtration is the process of allowing water toeasily escape from the soil while retaining the soil in place, thus preventingcontamination of the aggregate layer and preserving its bearing capacity.

(3) Drainag. Drainage is the function of the geotextile whichallows the water to rapidly escape from the pavement structure. This preventswater pressuires from building up under loading conditions which could causesubgrade failure.

(4) Reinforcement. Reinforcement is strengthening of the pavementstructure by including geotextile. This reinforcement( 13

,2 1



) can beclassified as base and subgrade restraint, lateral restraint, and membrane-type support. The geotextile tends to prevent the aggregate layer from


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separating and moving at the lower surface and confines the subgrade reducingsoil movement and strain. The interlocking (friction) between theaggregate-geotext~le and soil-geotextile surfaces minimizes lateral spreadingof the aggregate and soil.

(a) Base and Subgrade Restraint. Under load, the stress conditionsin the base course are analogous to a loaded beam. Due to bending, the baseexperiences compression at the top and tension at the base. The cohesionlessmaterials that make up the base have no tensile resistance and generallydepend on the subgrade to provide lateral restraint. In weak subgrades, verylittle lateral restraint is provided. Thus, the aggregate at the bottom ofthe base tends to move apart, allowing intrusion of the soft subgrade. Ageotextile at the bottom of the base course can provide tensile reinforcementwhich restrains aggregate movement. If the tensile resistance is signifi-cantly high, the fabric may also reduce bending in the system, much like thesteel in a reinforced concrete beam. However, an extremely high-strength,high-modulus fabric with good friction or interlocking with the aggregatewould be required. Also, a strength gain from the geotextile can be obtainedonly from low-strength soils that would fail in local shear without thefabric. Thus, the fabric provides restraint through the soil-fabric stress-strain characteristics and the frictional resistance of the geotextile.

(b) Latoral Restraint. Horizontal restraint provided by a geotextilemay also resist bearing failure in the base course. If the geotextile isplaced in the road structure at a depth which interferes with the normal bear-ing failure surfaces, failure must occur along an alternate surface. Thus,the ultimate bearing capacity is increased and an increase in the elasticmodulus of the base is provided. An increase in stiffness of the base alsoreduced the magnitude of stresses transmitted to the subgrade.

(c) Membrane-Tvve SuPsort. In road construction applications forgeotextiles to exhibit reinforcement, considerable rutting (deformation) ofthe subgrade must occur. As the roadway undergoes deformation, stress per-pendicular to the plane of the geotextile is induced and the geotextile isstretched and develops in-plane tensile stress. The net effect is a change inthe magnitude of stress imposed on the subgrade, a reduction under the loadand an increase outside the load. This spreading of the stresses over alarger area improves the support properties of the pavement structure. Forthis type of reinforcement to be significant, the strength subgrade should beless than 3 CBR.(4' 6' 35 '"4) Many researchers indicate that geotextiles whichpossess high modulus will provide more load spreading ability for the same rutdepth.( 13,159,33,43)

c. Geotextile Benefits. When considered in the design of roadways oversoft subgrades, the geotextile functions mentioned above can possibly lead toseveral, cost and/or performance benefits including those mentionedbelow. (5,11,13,51)

(1) Reduction of the stress intensity on the subgrade and preventionof the subbase aggregate from penetrating into the subgrade.

(2) Prevention of subgrade fines from pumping into the subbase.


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(3) Prevention of contamination of the subbase materials which mayallow more open-graded free draining aggregate to be considered for use.

(4) Reduction of the depth of excavation required for removal ofunsuitable subgrade materials.

(5) Reduction of aggregate thickness required to stabilize the sub-grade. Aggregate reduction in the structural design may or may not beconsidered.

(6) Less subgrade disturbance during construwtion.

(7) Maintaining integrity and uniformity of the pavement if settle-ment of the subgrade occurs. Settlement of subgrade is not prevented by thegeotextile; however, its use can result in more uniform settlement.

(8) Reduction of maintenance and extended service life of pavement.

(9) Allows water to escape (drain) rapidly from the pavement struc-ture which will prevent water pressures from building up under loading condi-tions that could cause subgrade failure.

d. Geotextile Properties and Criteria. Tables 1 and 2"7,13,51) list impor-tant geotextile properties that should be considered for constructability,durability, mechanical and hydraulic criteria for separation, and reinforce-ment applications, respectively. The properties listed in those tables coverthe function of a geotextile mentioned in prior paragraphs. All of the prop-erties listed in these tables may or may not be applicable in everyapplication.

e. Geotextile Survivability, Geotextile survivability is defined as itsresistance to destruction during placement and, after installation, theability to perform the intended function throughout the design life. Therequired degree of survivability depends upon the subgrade condition, con-struction equipment, first construction lift thickness, cover material type,and construction equipment. Requirements for geotextile survivability as afunction of subgrade condition and construction equipment and a function ofcover material and construction equipment are presented in Tables 3and 4(1330.50)°, respectively.

The geotextile selection for either temporary or permanent reads is basi-cally the same. For a correctly designed road system, the stress at thegeotextile level due to aggregate weight and traffic should not be greaterthan the bearing capacity of the soil which is low (:30 psi) where geotextilesare used. The stresses applied during construction may well be in excess ofthose applied to the geotextile during the design life. Therefore, theselection of the geotextile is governed usually by stresses anticipated duringconstruction. However, in order for a geotextile to retain the desiredproperties after installation, it must be protected from construction damageauch as tearing and puncturing. '9,29) Minimum strength guidelines required forthe geotextiles co survive the most severe construction anticipated is foundin Table 5.*13,29,30,50,51) Final specification selection should be based onspecific site condition, experience, and judgment with the geotextile


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Table 1

Important Criteria and PropertiesSeparation (7,13.51)

Criteria Property


Temperature StabilityUltraviolet Light Stability

Wet and Dry StabilityFlammability

Constructability ThicknessWeight

AbsorptionPuncture ResistanceCutting Resistance


Tear Resistance

Temperature StabilityChemical Resistance

Durability Wet and Dry StabilityBiological ResistanceAbrasion Resistance

Tensile StrengthFatigue

Seam StrengthBurst Strength

Mechanical Puncture ResistanceTear Strength



Hydraulic Siphoning CapacityPumping Resistance

Intrusion Resistance


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Table 2

Imoortant Criteria and ProDerties


Criteria Property

StrengthTemperature Stability

Ultraviolet Light StabilityWetting and Drying Stability

FlammabilityConstructability Thickness

AbsorptionPuncture Resistance

Tear ResistanceCutting Resistance


Ultraviolet Light StabilityTemperature Stability

Chemical ResistanceDurability Wetting and Drying Stability

Biological Resistance

Tensile StrengthModulus StaticModulus Dynamic

Mechanical Friction/AdhesionFatigue

Creep - StaticCreep - Dynamic

Seam Strength

Hydraulic ThicknessPermeability


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Table 3

Geotextile Survivability as a Function of

Sub~rade Conditions and Construction Eouioment( 13 .30 ,50 )

Construction Equipment and 6 toSubgrade Conditions 12 in. Cover Material

Initial Lift Thickness

Low Ground Medium Ground High GroundPressure Pressure PressureEquipment Equipment Equipment

(:s4 psi) (>4 psi, :8 psi) (>8 psi)

Subgrade has been cleared of allobstacles except grass, weeds, leaves,and fine wood debris. Surface issmooth and level such that any shallowdepressions and humps do not exceed Low* Moderate High6 in. in depth and height. All largerdepressions are filled. Alternatively,a smooth working table may be placed.

Subgrade has been cleared of obstacleslarger than small- to moderate-sized treelimbs and rocks. Tree trunks should beremoved or covered with a partial workingtable. Depressions and humps should not Moderate High Very Highexceed 18 in. in depth and height.Larger depressions should be filled.

Minimal site preparation is required.Trees may be cut, be delimbed, and leftin place. Stumps should be cut toproject not more than 6 in. ± abovesubgrade. Fabric may be draped High Very High Notdirectly over the tree trunks, stumps, Recommendedlarge depressions and humps, holes,stream channels, and large boulders.


I. Recommendations are for 6 to 12 in. initial lift thickness. Forother initial lift thicknesses:

12 to 18 in.: Reduce survivability requirement 1 level18 to 24 in.: Reduce survivability requirement 2 levels

> 24 in.: Reduce survivability requirement 3 levelsSurvivability levels are, in increasing order: low, moderate, high, andvery high.

2. For special construction techniques such as prerutting, one shouldincrease fabric survivability requirement 1 level.

3. Placement of excessive initial cover material thickness may cause bearingfailure of soft subgrades.

* See Table 5.


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4.) 4.)

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W 0 ) 0 00A" ý4S?

41)o 4"~40

C 4j)0. 4) (44

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survivability verified for major projects by conducting field tests under sitespecific conditions.

f. Geotextile Installation Guidelines.(13. 51) The successful use of geo-textiles in road construction requires proper installation. Although theinstallation techniques appear fairly simple, a majority of the problems withgeotextiles in roads have occurred as the result of improper constructiontechniques. If the geotextile is ripped or punctured during constructionactivities, it will not likely perform as desired. If the geotextile isplaced with a lot of wrinkles or folds, it will not be tensioned, and there-fore will not provide any reinforcing effect. Other problems occur due toinsufficient cover over the fabric, rutting of the subgrade prior to placingthe fabric, and placing lift thicknesses such that the bearing capacity of thesoil is exceeded. The following step-by-step procedures should be followed,along with engineering monitoring of all construction activities.

(1) The site should be cleared, grubbed, and excavated to designgrade, taking care to strip all top soil, soft soils, or any other unsuitablematerials. If moderate site conditions exist, i.e., CBR greater than 1,lightweight proofrolling operations should be considered to aid in locatingunsuitable materials to be removed. Isolated pockets where overexcavation isrequired should be graded and backfilled so as to promote positive drainage.Optionally, special drain tiles with outlets installed to drain these isolatedareas could be used.

(2) During stripping operations, care should be taken not to disturbthe subgrade. This may require the use of lightweight dozers or grade-allsfor low strength, saturated noncohesive and low cohesive soils. For extremelysoft ground, such as peat bog areas, consideration should be given not tooverexcavate the surface materials such that advantage can be taken of theroot mat, if it exists. In this case, all vegetation should be cut off squareat the ground surface. Sawdust or sand can be placed over stumps or rootsthat extend above the ground surface to cushion the geotextile. The subgradepreparation must correspond to the survivability properties of the geotextile.

(3) Once the subgrade along a particular segment of the road align-ment has been prepared, the geotextile should be rolled in line with theplacement of the new road aggregate. Field operations can be expedited if thegeotextile is presewn in the factory to design widths such that it can beunrolled in one continuous sheet. The geotextile should not be dragged acrossthe subgrade. The entire roll should be placed and rolled out as smoothly aspossible. Wrinkles and folds in the geotextile should be removed bystretching and staking as required.

(4) Parallel rolls of geotextiles should be overlapped, sewn, or tiedas required. Specific requirements are given later.

(5) For curves, the geotextile should be folded or cut and overlappedin the direction of the turn. Folds in the geotextile should be stapled orpinned 5 ft on center.

(6) When the geotextile intersects an existing pavement area, thematerial should extend to the edge of the old system. For widening or


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Table 5

AASHTO-AGC-ARTBA* Joint Coml•ittoee(13,2 9 ' 30 ' 5 0 5 1 )

Minimum' Geotextile Proverties Guidelines

Required For Survivability

Required Degree Grab Strength2 Burst Trapof Fabric (minimum values) Puncture Strength3 Strength' Tear 5

uLrvivability lb lb Rai lb

Very High 270 110 430 75

High 180 75 290 50

Moderate 130 40 210 40

Low 90 30 145 30

*American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,Associated General Contractors of America and the American Road andTransportation Builders Association Interim Specifications.

'All values represent minimum average roll values. (i.e., any roll in a lotshould meet or exceed the minimum values in this table.) These valuesare normally 20 percent lower than manufacturer's reported typical values.

2ASTM D-4632, Grab Method.

3ASTM D-4833, --.

4ASTM D-3787, Diaphragm Test Method.

5ASTM D-4535, either principal direction.


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intersecting existing roads where a geotextile has been used, considerationshould be given to anchoring the geotextile at the roadway edge. Ideally, theedge of the roadway should be excavated down to the existing geotextile andthe existing geotextile sewn to the new geotextile. Overlaps, staples, andpins could also be utilized.

(7) Before covering, the condition of the geotextile should beobserved by a qualified inspector experienced in the use of these materials todetermine that no holes, rips, tears, etc., have occurred in the geotextile.If any defects are observed, the section of the geotextile containing thedefect should be repaired by placing a new layer of geotextile extendingbeyond the defect in all directions a minimum of the overlap required forparallel rolls. Alternatively, the defective section can be replaced.

(8) The subbase aggregate should be end-dumped on the geotextile fromthe edges of the geotextile or on the previously placed aggregate. For verysoft subgrades, pile heights should be limited to prevent possible subgradefailure. The maximum placement lift thickness for such soils should notexceed the design thickness of the road.

(9) The first lift of aggregate should be spread and graded down to12 in. or to the design thickness if less than 12 in. prior to compaction. Atno time should equipment be allowed on the road with less than 8 in. (6 in.for CBR ; 2) of compacted aggregate over the fabric. For extremely softsoils, lightweight construction vehicles will likely be required for access onthe first lift. Construction vehicles should be limited in size and weightsuch that rutting in the initial lift is no greater than 3 in. If rut depthsexceed 3 in., it will be necessary to decrease the size and/or weight of theconstruction vehicles or to increase the lift thickness. For example, it maybe necessary to reduce the size of the dozer required to blade out the fill orpossibly to deliver the fill in half-loaded rather than fully loaded trucks.

(10) The first lift of subbase aggregate should be compacted by"tracking" with the dozer and then compacted with a smooth-drum vibratoryroller to obtain a minimum compacted density. For very soft soils, designdensity should not be anticipated for the first lift, and in this case, com-paction requirements should be reduced. One possible recommendation would beto allow compaction of 5 percent less than the required specification density.

(11) Construction should be performed parallel to the road alignment.Turning should not be permitted on the first lift of subbase aggregate. Turn-outs may be constructed at the road edge to facilitate construction.

(12) If the geotextile is to provide some reinforcing, pretensioningof the geotextile should be considered. For pretensioning, the area should beproof-rolled by a heavily loaded rubber-tired vehicle such as a loaded dumptruck. The wheel load should be equivalent to the maximum expected for thesite. The vehicle should make at least four passes over the first lift ineach area of the site. Alternatively, once the design aggregate has beenplaced, the roadway could be used for a time prior to final surfacing suchthat prestressing the geotextile in key areas could be obtained.

(13) Any ruts that form during construction should be filled withadditional material to maintain adequate cover over the geotextile. In no


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case should ruts be bladed down as this would decrease the amount of aggregatecover between the ruts.

(14) All remaining subbase aggregate should be placed in lifts notexceeding 9 in. in loose thickness and compacted to the appropriatespecification density.

g. Overlays. (13,51) Overlaps can be used to provide continuity betweenadjacent geotextile sections through frictional resistance between the over-laps. A sufficient overlap is required to prevent soil from squeezing intothe aggregate at the geotextile joint. The amount of overlap dependsprimarily on the soil conditions and the potential for equipment to rut thesoil. If the subgrade will not rut under construction activities, only aminimum overlap sufficient to provide some pullout resistance is required. Asthe potential for rutting and squeezing of soil increases, the required over-lap increases. Since rutting potential can be related to soil strength (CBR),it can be used as a guideline for the minimum overlap required, as shown inTable 6.

Table 6

Recommended Minimum Overlap Requirements

CBR Minimum OverlaR

Greater than 2 1 - 1.5 ft1 -2 2 -3 ft0.5 - 1 3 ft or sewnLess than 0.5 SewnAll roll ends 3 ft or sewn

The geotextile can be stapled or pinned at the overlaps to maintain themduring construction activities. The 10- to 12-in.-long nails should be placedat a minimum of 50 ft on centers for parallel rolls and 5 ft on centers forroll ends.

Fabric widths should be selected such that overlaps of rarallel rollsoccui: at the center line and at the shoulder. Overlaps should not be placedalong anticipated main wheel path locations.

Overlaps at the end of rolls should be in the direction of the aggregateplacewent (previous roll on top).

h. Seams. When seams are required for separation applications, it isrecommended that the seams meet the same tensile strength requirements forsurvivability as required for the geotextil (Table 5) in the direction per-pendicular to the seam (as determined by the same testing methods). All fac-tory or field seams should be sewn with thread having the same or greaterdurability and strength as the material in the geotextile. "J-seams"


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(Figu-e 4) with interlocking stitches are recommended. Alternatively, ifsingle thread chain stitches, which can unravel, or flat-type seams are used,seams should be double-sewn with parallel stitching spaced no more than 1/4 to1/2 in. apart. Double sewing is required to provide a safety factor againstundetected missed stitches. The specified strength of the geotextiles mayhave to be based on the type of seams to be used. Additional informationanddetails on seams may be obtained from the "Geotextile Design and Con-struction Guidelines"(5) and Federal Standard 751A." 4 ')

i. Design Guidelines and Procedures. The design of aggregate surfacedpavements where geotextiles are being considered in the structure has two mainapproaches. One is that no reinforcing effect is contributed by thegeotextile. Ics function is that of separation only. The other approachtakes into consideration the reinforcing effect of the geotextile. The sepa-ration function is said to be more important in loi. embankments where smallloads are applied and rutting of 2 to 4 in. is anticipated. Where large loadsare applied on thin embankments and rut depths of 4 in. or greater may occurand for high embankments on softer subgrades, the reinforcing function isincreasingly more important to maintain stability.( 5 1) A number of design pro-cedures have been developed for using geotextiles in aggregate surfaced pave-ment construction. Some of these procedures are listed oelow; however,detailed information on each can be found in the respective references.Department of the Army Technical Manual TM 5-818-8(30) lists the design proce-dure by Steward, et al(4-) for Army use.

a. Bender and Barenberg.(8,13 ,

29' 50 )

b. Steward et al.(13,29,46,0,51)

c. Giroud and Noiray.(13, 2 3 ,2 9'

3 7,5 0 )

d. Haliburton and Barron.( 13 ,25 )

e. Monsanto.(13' 2 7 )

f. Dupont. (13,37 )

g. Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd.(13)

h. Exxon Chemical Americas. (6)

i. Mirafi, Inc. (39)

J. Phillips Fibers Corp. (17)

k. Polyfelt, Inc.(42 )

A comparison of three design procedures are given in Table 7.(10) Thistable gives a comparison ot aggregate thickness required with and without theuse of a geotextile in the design. Aggregate savings of from 20 to 45 percentwhen using a geotextile is also shown in Table 7. Work conducted byothers(3 ,14

3,47,52,55) also reveal that aggregate savings of 25 to 40 percent can

be realized by using geotextiles in aggregate surfaced pavement construction.


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(TYPE 101)"





•TYPES PER FED-STD-7 5 1 A(48)

Figure 4. Sti•ch and seasm types


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Table 7

Aggreaate Thickness (in inches) Obtained for the Considered

Design Examole with Three Different Methods(50 )

Steward,Bender Williamson, Giroud

and and andAarenberg- Mohney oLy

Rut depth 4 in. a 4 in. s 2 in. s 2 in.

Number of passes -100 100 1,000 100 1,000

Without 28-31 23 25 22 33geotextile

Low-modulus 18 18 20 15 26geotextile

Medium-modulus 16 .... 15 26geotextile

Hig1h-modulus- 15 26geotextile

Geotextile 17 18 20 15 26average

Aggregate 39-45% 220 20% 32% 210savings

Note:1. The values of the geotextile moduli used to establish this table

are: low modulus, m 1,000 lb/in.; medium modulus, - 2,000 lb/In. andhigh modulus, > 3,000 lb/in.

2. Although the method by Steward et al does not consider geotextilemodulus as a variable, this method has been established on the basisof results of field tests conducted with low-modulus geotextiles.Therefore, in this table, results of calculations made using Stewardet al method have been assigned to the line related to low-modulusgeotextiles.


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Design examples for aggregate surfaced pavement construction are given inthe "Geotextile Engineering Manual"(13) and "Geotextile Engineering WorkshopDesign Examples."(50)


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Review of the information obtained from the various sources in thisliterature search revealed that some research has been conducted on the use ofgeotextiles in flexible pavement for road construction. Much of the work hasbeen limited to small laboratory studies with little published information onfull-scale field and/or long-term investigations. There are various standarddesign procedures for flexible and rigid pavements available; however, they donut include the use of geotextiles. This study revealed that there are designguidelines and procedures available where geotextiles are considered for flex-ible pavement road construction. Some of these procedures will be mentioned;however, details are not given in this report but can be obtained from therespective references. A brief summary on the most comprehensive work to dateon geosynthetic (geogrid or geotextile) use in base courses for flexible pave-ments is given below along with other items related to geotextile usage thatare considered to be important.

a. Geosvnthetic Use In Flexible Pavements. The most comprehensive workto date on geosynthetic (geogrid or geotextile) reinforcement for base coursesfor flexible pavements was conducted by Barksdale, Brown, and Chan.('4 1 2

) Thelaboratory research was conducted at the University of Nottingham, and theanalytical studies were conducted at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Variables investigated in the laboratory study included the following:

(1) Type and Stiffness of Reinforcement (geogrids and high moduluswoven geotextiles).

(2) Reinforcement Position.

(3) Pavement Strength.

(4) Ceosynthetic Prestressing.

(5) Prerutting of the Aggregate Base both with and withoutReinforcement.

The laboratory tests consisted of a 1.0- to 1.5-in.-thick asphalt surfacingplaced over a 6- or 8-in. -thick aggregate base. The silty clay subgrade had aCBR of 2.5. A 1,500-lb moving wheel load was employed in the experiments.

(1) R The laboratory and analytical results indicated thatgeosynthetic reinforcement of an aggregate base can, under the proper condi-tions, improve pavement performance with resperc to both permanent deformationand fatigue. Specific conclusions from the study are as follows:

(a) Tyve and Stiffness of Ge synthetic. A geogrid having an openmesh has the reinforcing capability of a woven geotextile having a stiffnessapproximately two and one-half times as great as the geogrid. A geogrid per-forms differently than a geotextile. Test results indicate that the minimumstiffness to be used for aggregate reinforcement applications should be1,500 lb/in. for geogrids and 4,000 lb/in. for woven geotextiles.


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(b) Geosvnthetic Position. For light (2.5-3.5 in. thick asphalt)pavement sections constructed with low quality aggregate bases, the preferredposition for the reinforcement should be in the middle of the base, particu-larly if the subgrade has a CBR of 3 or greater. For pavements constructed onsoft subgrades, the reinforcement should be at or near the bottom of the base.The reinforcement should be at the bottom of the base to be most effective inminimizing permanent deformations in the subgrade.

(c) Improvement Levels. Light sections on weak subgrades (CBR s3)reinforced with geosynthetics can give reductions in base thickness of 10 to20 percent. For weak subgrades and/or low quality bases, total rutting in thebase and subgrade may be reduced by 20 to 40 percent.

(d) Fague. The analytical results indicated that improvements inpermanent base and subgrade deformations may be greater than the improvementin fatigue life.

(e) Prerutting and Prestressing, Both prerutting the aggregate baseand prestressing the geosynthetic can significantly reduce permanent deforma-tions within the base and subgrade. However, stress relaxation with timecould significantly reduce the effectiveness of prestressing the geosyntheticin the aggregate.

(2) Recommendations. The authors(4) recommend additional research beconducted consisting of carefully instrumented, full-scale field test sec-tions. Geogrid reinforcement is recommended as the primary reinforcementsince it was found to perform better than a much stiffer woven geotextile.

b. Function of Geotextiles. The functions of separation, filtration,drainage, and reinforcement for geotextile usage in aggregate surfaced pave-ments were mentioned and defined in the section "Aggregate Surfaced Pavements"of this report. These functions, except for the function of reinforcement,should be considered in the design and usage of geotextiles in flexible pave-ments for roads.(4"10 '1 3' 51) There is no method available for quantitativelyassessing the benefit of a geotextile in the structural support capacity of aroadway system. Paving surfaces (either concrete or asphalt) cannot be placedon pavement structures that yield or rut under load since the surfaces wouldcrack after a few load applications, thus destroying the integrity of thepavement structure.( 35) Therefore, for permanent roadway design, all struc-tural support must be carried by the pavement aggregate subgrade system exclu-sive of a geotextile fabric. The function of separation (of subgrade andaggregate) in flexible road construction is considered the same as mentionedfor aggregate surfaced pavement construction, i.e. intermixing of subgrade andaggregate presents problem only when the subgrade soil strength is less than3 CBR.( 13

,'5°51) Department of the Army Technical Manual TM 5-818-803°) mentions

that geotextiles are used for purposes other than reinforcement when placed inpermanent pavements. The other purposes listed are separation or filtration,an aid in construction, and/or maintenance reduction.

c. Geotextile Benefits. The benefits listed in the "Aggregate SurfacedPavements" section are applicable to flexible pavement for roads when geotex-tiles are used.


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d. Geotextile Properties and Criteria. The properties and criterialisted in Table 1 are applicable to flexible pavements for roads and should beconsidered when geotextiles are used.

e. Geotextile Survivability. The properties and characteristics listedunder "Geotextile Survivability" in the "Aggregate Surfaced Pavements" sectionof this report are applicable to flexible pavement for roads and should beconsidered when geotextiles are used.

f. Geotextile Installation Guidelines. The installation guidelinespresented in the "Aggregate Surfaced Pavements" section of this report areapplicable when geotextiles are used in flexible pavements for roads.

g. Design Guidelines and Procedures. Design guidelines and proceduresfor using geotextiles in flexible pavement road construction can be found inthe "Geotextile Engineering Manual"( 13) and "Geotextile Design and ConstructionGuidelines."( 51) Design examples for geotextiles used in flexible pavement forroads are also given in the "Geotextile Engineering Manual"( 13) and in"Geotextile Engineering Workshop Design Examples." 0)

In using geotextiles in the design of flexible pavement for roads, nostructural support is assumed to be provided by the geotextile, and therefore,no reduction is allowed in the aggregate thickness required for structuralsupport.(13, 51) Standard design methods are used for the overall pavementsystem. Aggregate savings can be achieved when using a geotextile through areduction in the aggregate required in the first lift referred to as the"stabilization lift." Sufficient stabilization of the subgrade(CBR < 3)(1351) is provided to allow access of normal construction equipmentfor the remaining structural lifts. The stabilization lift thickness using ageotextile is determined as that for an aggregate surfaced pavement wnich willonly be subjected to limited number of construction equipment passes.

Other design guidelines and procedures have been developed for usinggeotextiles in flexible pavement road construction. Some of these are listedbelow; however, detailed information on each can be found in the respectivereferences.

a. Phillips Fibers Corp.(47)

b. Exxon Chemical Americas.(' 8 )

c. Polyfelt, Inc. (42)

d. Law Engineering Testing Company.( 2 7 )

e. Mirafi, Inc.(24)


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In 1987 Webster( 53) worked with US Army troops of the 52nd EngineerBattalion and designed an aggregate-geotextile C-130 airfield for the Army'sPinon Canyon Maneuver Site near Trinidad, Colorado. The subgrade was a siltyclay soil with a design soaked CBR of 2.9. The design was completed using theExxon 1 computer program.( 16) This program is based on the US Army Corps ofEngineer's unsurfaced thickness criterias2 8 ) and Giroud's and Noiray'sdesign(23) for geotextile reinforcement. The final design for the 125-kipC-130 aircraft was 10 in. of crushed stone base course over a geotextile witha grab strength of 270 lb (see Table 5). The 60-ft-wide by 5,000-ft-longrunway was constructed in March of 1987. Based on its good performance, aparallel taxiway and parking aprons were added in 1989, using the same typeaggregate-geotextile design procedure.

In August 1988 Webster( 53) designed a second aggregate-geotextileC-130 runway, and the 52nd Engineer Battalion constructed tbe runway at FortCarson, Colorado. This runway "'eplaced the existing Red Devil clay airstrip.The existing airstrip could UiOL be used during wet weather and required sub-stantial maintenance due to rutting and erosion of the clay subgrade soil.The existing airstrip was reconstructed into a 60-ft-wide by 5,000-ft-lonErunway consisting of 8 in. of crushed aggregate over a geotextile meeting -hesame requirements as above. In all three construction projects, a slit-filmwoven geotextile was delivered as the lowest cost geotexL1ie mc~ting the grabstrength requirements.

No problems were encountered during construction of these airfields. Bothairfield facilities have performed as designed.


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The literature search for information, design guidelines, etc., related togeotextile applications in pavement construction for airports produced onlythree printed documents. These were "Potential Use of Geotechnical Fabric inAirfield Runway Design" by Haliburton, Lawmaster, and King,(26) "FabricStabilizes River Area for Runway Extension,"( 17) and "Design and Constructionof a Geotextile Reinforced Taxiway Embankment Over Peat" by Gale andHenderson.( 19 ) These reports are briefly summarized in the following para-graphs. Items pertinent to geotextile usage in aggregate surfaced pavementsand flexible pavements for roads believed to be important when consideringgeotextiles for use in airport pavement construction are also mentioned.

The report "Potential Use of Geotechnical Fabric in Airfield RunwayDesign,"(26) was a study conducted for the US Air Force, Bolling AFB,Washington, DC. This study included a state-of-the-art literature review pluslaboratory experimental research on the potential use of geotextile fabric inairfield runway design. The authors'( 26) general conclusion was that geotech-nical fabric, when used in pavement construction, has potential for improvingairfield runway performance for all types of runways. However, the currentstate-of-the-art was such that site-specific design criteria were not avail-able for either estimating performance improvement or quantitatively specify-ing desired fabric properties for airfield applications. Long-term laboratoryand/or field evaluation is needed for determining geotextile applicability.Long-term effects on geotextile properties including fabric type, cloggingresistance, quantitative penetration, abrasion, and fatigue resistance towithstand repeated dynamic loadings without failure need to be determined.The authors'( 26) general recommendation was additional research should beundertaken to more quantitatively define expected behavior and developrational criteria for design of runway systems using geotechnical fabrics. Aninterim recommendation was no large capital expenditures be made for geotech-nical fabric to be used in airfield runway structures, especially where long-term performance is desired and permanent wearing surface contemplated withouta satisfactory field performance test. This field performance test would beconducted under expected design loading conditions with a reasonable number ofload applications.

The article "Fabric Stabilizes River Area for Runway Extension"(17)given as "Case Histories" in the fall 1983 issue of Geotechnical FabricsReport mentions the use of a geotextile fabric in the 700-ft runway extensionat Washington National Airport. All 12-ft wide strips were field sewn into asection 700 ft long and 600 ft wide. This section was then towed into placeoffshore from the existing runway and submerged in the Potomac River. Thefabric was woven from high-tenacity polyester yarn to form a high strengthpermeable geotextile to stabilize and improve the bearing capacity of theloose mud and silt at the river bottom. The geotextile allowed a landfill tobe placed directly on top of the geotextile covered mud and silt. The runwayextension occupied approximately 7 acres of river area. Therefore, approxi-mately 7 acres of soil were removed from the eastern portion of the airportcomplex. The soil from the eastern portion which was uced as the fill mate-rial for the runway extension was taken to the area by trucks and barges,Hydraulic pumping was used to place the fill material. Conversations with


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Messrs. B. Clark and D. Jones* revealed that the runway extension was com-pleted as planned. However, the extension was added only as an emergencyoverrun and was not paved for aircraft traffic. The extension which iscovered with natural grass has been used only twice by aircraft sinceinstallation. No major aircraft, property damage, or loss of life occurredduring the overruns. There has been minor settlement around pilings that wereinstalled on the extension for attachment of airfield lighting. The pilingswere installed through the geotextile fabric.

The article by Gale and Henderson(19) is another "Case History" given inthe Summer 1984 issue of Geotechnical Fabrics Report. This project involvedextending the taxiway system 2,000 ft to one end of the main runway at theDuluth International Airport, Duluth, MN. The 2,000 ft of taxiway extensionwas over swamp deposited peat soil which ranged in depth from 8 to 10 ft. Thegrade of the swamp had to be raised from 7 to 10 ft in order to tie in withthe existing taxiway pavement. Several construction schemes were considered,however, the decision was made to place a woven geotextile, then stage loadingof fill with a final surcharge. It was critical that settlement of the peatbe kept to a minimum after placement of the pavement. To achieve this, anadditional 6 ft fill (surcharge) was placed above the proposed pavementsurface. The fill placement was completed in November 1983. Settlement mea-surements made in June 1984 ranged from 3 to 4 ft which was in the predictedrange. Gale and Henderson's article covered only the planned action for thespring of 1985. However, conversation with Messrs. Stephen Gale and KenWennberg** revealed the surcharge was removed in the spring of 1985. Finalgrade preparation and paving of the taxiway were completed during the summerof 1985. This paved taxiway has performed satisfactory without any problemsto date.

a. Pertinent Items, The functions of geotextiles presented in the"Flexible Pavements for Roads" section of this report should be evaluated whenconsidering the use of geotextiles in airport pavement construction. However,the need for the geotextile to perform as a separator may not be applicable inairport construction. As previously mentioned in the "Aggregate SurfacedPavements" and "Flexible Pavements for Roads" sections of this report, theneed for a geotextile to provide the separation function exists only when thestrength of the subgrade is less than 3 CBR. Flexible pavement design curvesin Federal Aviation Adnimnistration (FAA) Advisory Circular 150/5320-6C(49) foraircraft up to 30,000 lb gross weight (Figure 5) list the lower strength valueof the subgrade to be approximately 3.5 CBR. Similar curves for aircraft over30,000 lb gross weight (Figure 6) list the lower strength value of the sub-grade to be 3 CBR. The potential benefits of using geotextiles for aggregatesurfaced pavements and flexible pavements for roads should be investigatedwhen considering geotextiles. The geotextile properties and criteria(Table 1), survivability properties, and characteristics and installationguidelines presented in the "Aggregate Surfaced Pavements" section should be

* Personal Communications, 19 March 1990, B. Clark, Allied Fibers, New York,and 8 May 90, D. Jones, Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority,Washington, DC.

** Personal Communications, 7 May 1990, Stephan M. Gale, Project Consultant,STS Consultants, Minneapolis, MN and Ken Wennberg, Assistant Director forOperations, Duluth International Airport, Duluth, MN.


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*m W



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OSR3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 Is 20 so 40 50






3 4 1 8 9 10 ¶6 20 30 40 50


Figure 6. Flexible pavement design curves for critical areas,

single wheel gear"")


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considered if contemplating the use of geotextiles in airport pavementconstruction.

b. Design Guidelines and Procedures. The information obtained andreviewed in this literature search written by various researchers, engineers,and manufacturers/suppliers revealed that there are no design proceduresavailable which specifically incorporate geotextiles in the structure of air-port pavements. Various manufacturers/suppliers' literature mentioned thatgeotextile fabrics are applicable fir airport construction. However, nospecific information or design procedures/guidelines were given. The informa-tion on aggregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavements for roads con-tained in this report may be helpful when considering the use of geotextilesfor inclusion in the pavement structure of airports. However, standard air-port design methods and procedures such as those contained in AdvisoryCircular 150/5320-6C091, TM 5-825/2/NAVFAC DM 21.3/AFH 88-6' '), andTM 5-825-3/AFM 88-6(32) should be used without any support attributed to thegeotextile. Geotextiles may be used as an aid in the construction of thefirst lift of the structure or for drainage and/or filtration characteristics.


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This literature review revealed that there are many published and avail-able technical articles, reports, manufacturers/suppliers data coveringgeotextile usage in aggregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavement roadconstruction with little informacion available on usage in flexible pavementsfor airports.

The state-of-the-art in geotextile usage has advanced tremendously over

the last few years; however, it has not advanced to the point where there is a

generally acceptable design procedure for either aggregate surfaced pavementsor flexible pavements for roads. This study revealed that there are manyprocedures for both aggregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavements forroad construction. There were no procedures revealed in this study forgeotextile use in paved airports.

Construction/installation procedures available for using geotextiles inaggregate surfaced pavements and flexible pavement road construction may becinsidered as guideline information if geotextiles are considered for use inflexible pavements for airports.

Accepted definitive specifications for various geotextile applications(aggregate surfaced pavements, flexible pavements for roads and airports) andfunctions along with a uniform set of test standards for verifying thespecified geotextile properties are not available.

The results of the comprehensive tests conducted by Barksdale, Brown, andChan (' 12

) show that geogrids have more potential than geotextiles for rein-forcement of flexible pavements.

Standard airport design procedures should continue to be used for pavedairports, and if geotextiles are used in the structure, no structural supportshould be attributed to the geotextile. Geotextiles should be used for thefunction of separation, filtration or drainage, or a combination of thesefunctions.


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The use of current standard airport design procedures should be continuedwithout any structural support attributed to the geotextiles, if they areused, until, such time design procedures incorporating geotextiles aredeveloped. Geotextiles should be considered only for site specific situationssuch as:

a. When the subgrade strength is : 3 CBR, geotextiles should be used toaid in establishing a stable foundation layer on which to construct a pavementsystem.

b. On known problem subgrades subject to rutting even when recommendedFAA design thicknesses are used.

Further research should be delayed on the use of geotextiles to improvesubgrade support for general aviation airports until the results of the labo-ratory grid study (Phase I, Task 4) and field grid tests (Phase I, Task 5) areknown.


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1. "A Look at Soil Stabilization and Drainage." 1988 (Mar). Better Roads.Vol 58, No. 3, pp 32-34.

2. Anderson, P., and Killeavy, M. 1989. "Geotextiles and Geogrids: CostEffective Alternative Materials for Pavement Design and Construction,"Geosynthetics '89 Conference. pp 353-364, San Diego, CA.

3. Barenberg, E. J., Dowland, J. H., Jr., and Hales, J. H. 1975. "FinalReport on Evaluation of Soil-Aggregate Systems with Mirafi Fabric,"University of Illinois, Urbana, IL.

4. Barksdale, R. D., Brown, S. F., and Chan, F. 1989. "Potential Benefitsof Geosynthetics in Flexible Pavement Systems," National CooperativeHighway Research Program Report 315, Transportation Research Board,Washington, DC.

5. Barsvary, A. K., and Korgemagi, P. 1979. "The Geotechnical Use of Fil-ter Fabrics in Highway Construction," Report EM-13, Ministry of Transpor-tation and Communications, Engineering Materials Office, Ontario.

6. Bell, J. R. 1980. "Geotextile for Soil Improvement." Proceedings "American Society of Civil Engineers National Convention, pp 1-30,Portland, OR.

7. Bell, J. R., and Hicks, R. G. 1980. "Evaluation of Test Methods and UseCriteria for Geotechnical Fabrics in Highway Applications," Report No.FHWA-RD-80/021, for Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.

8. Bender, D. A., and Barenberg, E. J. 1978. "Design and Behavior of Soil-Fabric-Aggregate Systems," Transportation Research Record 671,Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

9. Bonaparte, R., Ah-Line, C., Charron, R., and Tisinger, L. 1988."Survivability and Durability of a Nonwoven Ceotextile," Proceedings ofSymposium. GT/Division. American Society of Civil Engineers NationalConvention. pp 68-91, Nashville, TN.

10. Brown, S. F., Jones, C. P. D., and Brodrick, B. V. 1982 (Sep). "Use ofNonwoven Fabrics in Permanent Road Pavements," Proceedings of theInstitution of Civil Engineers. Part 2, Vol 73, pp 541-563.

11. . 1982. "Use of Non-Woven Fabrics in Permanent Road Pave-ments," Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Part 2,Vol 73, pp 541-563.

12. Chan, F., Barksdale, R. D., and Brown, S. F. 1989. "Aggregate BaseReinforcement of Surfaced Pavements," Geotextiles and Geomembranes.Vol 8, No. 3, Elsevier Science Publishers, pp 165-189, Ltd, England.

13. Christopher, B. R., and Holtz, R. D., 1985. "Geotextile EngineeringManual," Report FHWA-TS-86/203 STS Consultants, Ltd, Northbrook, IL, forFederal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.


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14. Cook, H. J., and Kennedy, R. A. 1988. "Use of Fabric in Forest RoadConstruction," Thirty-Fourth Annual Road Builders Clinic Proceedinua .pp 37-41, Pullman, WA.

15. De Groat, M., Janse, E., Maagdenberg, T. A. C., and Van Den Berg C.1986. "Design Methods and Guidelines for Geotextile Applications in RoadConstruction," Proceedings on Third International Conference onGeotextile pp 741-746, Vienna, Austria.

16. "Exxon Geotextile Design Manual for Paved and Unpaved Roads." 1985.Prepared by 1. F. Fluet, CeoServices, Inc., Boynton Beach, FL for ExxonChemical Americas, Houston, TX.

17. "Fabric Stabilizes River Area For Runway Extension." 1983 (Fall).Geotechnical Fabrics Report. Vol 1, No. 2, p 6.

18. "Fourth International Conference on Geotextiles," Jan/Feb 1990.Geomembranes and Related Products, Geotechnical Fabrics Report. Vol 8,No. 1, pp 49-56.

19. Gale, S. M., and Henderson, J. S. 1984 (Summer). "Design andConstruction of a Geotextile Reinforced Taxiway Embankment Over Peat,"Geotechnical Fabrics Report. Vol 2, No. 1, pp 7-11.

20. Giroud, J. P. 1986 (Nov/Dec). "Geotextiles: The Road Ahead," QEngineering SuRolement. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, pp 3-5, London.

21. . 1987. "Tomorrow's Designs for Geotextile Applications,"Geotextile Testing and the Design Engineer. ASTM STP 952, pp 69-116,J. E. Fluet, Jr., Editor, American Society for Testing and Materials,Philadelphia, PA.

22. Giroud, J. P., Ah-Line, C., and Bonaparte, R. 1984. "Design of UnpavedRoads and Trafficked Areas with Geogrids," Proceedings of the Symposiumon Polymer Grid Reinforcement in Civil Engineering. pp 116-127.

23. Giroud, J. P., and Noiray, L. 1981. "Geotextile-Reinforced Unpaved RoadDesign," Journal of the Geoteghnical Engineering Division. AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers. Vol 107, No. GT9, pp 1,233-1,254.

24. "Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements Using Mirafi* WovenGeotextiles." 1982. Mirafi, Inc., Charlotte, NC (0 Mirafi is a trade-mark owned by Mirafi, Inc.).

25. Haliburton, T. A., and Barron, J. V. 1983. "Optimum Method for Designof Fabric-Reinforced Unsurfaced Roads," Transportation ResearchRecord 916, pp 26-32, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

26. Haliburton, T. A., Lawmaster, J. D., and King, J. K. 1980. "PotentialUse of Geotechnical Fabric In Airfield Runway Design," Oklahoma StateUniversity, Stillwater, Oklahoma for US Air Force, Bolling AFB,Washington, DC.


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27. Hamilton, J. H., and Pearce, R. A. 1981. "Guidelines for Design ofFlexible Pavements Using Hirafi* Woven Stabilization Fabrics," LawEngineering Testing Company, Houston, TX. (0 Mirafi is a trademarkowned by Mirafi, Inc.)

28. Hammitt, G. 1970 (Jul). "Thickness Requirement for Unsurfaced Roads andAirfield Bare Base Support," Technical Report S-70-6, US Army EngineerWaterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

29. Hausmann, M. R. 1987 (Mar). "Geotextiles for Unpaved Roads-A Review ofDesign Procedures," Geotextiles and Geomembranes. Vol 5, No. 3,pp 201-233, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Ltd, England.

30. Headquarters, Department of the Army. 1990 (Draft). "Engineering Use ofGeotextiles," TM 5-818-8, Washington, DC.

31. Headquarters, Departments of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force. 1978."Flexible Pavement Design for Airfields," TM 5-825-2/NAVFACDM 21.3/AFM 88-6, Chap. 2, Washington, DC.

32. Headquarters, Departments of the Army and the Air Force. 1988. "RigidPavements for Airfields," TM 5-825-3/AFM 88-6, Chap. 3, Washington, DC.

33. Holtz, R. D., and Harr, M. E. 1983. "Analytical and ExperimentalInvestigation of Soil Reinforcing," Report No. ESL-TR-82-31, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, IN for Tyndall AFB, FL.

34. Jorenby, B. N., and Hicks, R. G. 19',6. "Base Course ContaminationLimits," Transportation Research Record 1095, pp 86-101, TransportationResearch Board, Washington, DC.

35. Koerner, R. M. 1990. "Designing with Geosynthetics," Prentice Hall,Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

36. Koerner, R. M., and Welsh, J. P., 1980. "Construction and GeotextileEngineering Using Synthetic Fabrics," John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY.

37. 1 1980. "Construction and Geotechnical Engineering UsingSynthetic Fabrics," Supplementary Course Notes for American Society ofCivil Engineering Continuing Education Course.

38. Lawson, M. 1989 (Oct). "Geosynthetics Winning New Respect," EnmIneeringNews Record. pp 36-38.

39. "Mirafi Design Guidelines and Installation Procedures Using Mirafie 600Xand 50OX for Unpaved Road and Area Stabilization. 1989. Mirafi, Inc.,Charlotte, NC. (e Mirafi is a trademark owned by Mirafi, Inc.)

40. "1990 Specifier's Guide." 1989 (Dec). Geotechnical Fabrics Reoort.Vol 7, No. 7, Industrial Fabrics Association International, St. Paul, MN.

41. Puffer, W. G. 1987. "Nonwoven Engineering Fabrics in Road Constructionon Soft Soils," lOth Technica1 Svmposium. Advances in NonwovenTechnolosy. pp 382-392, New York, NY.


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42. "Road Construction." 1989 (Jun). Polyfelt, Inc., Evergreen, AL.

43. Robnett, Q., and Lai, J. 1982. "Effect of Fabric Properties on thePerformance and Design of Aggregate-Fabric-Soil-Systems," SecondInternational Conference on Geotextiles. Vol II, pp 381-386, Las Vegas,NV.

44. 1982. "Fabric-Reinforced Aggregate Roads-Overview,"

Transportation Research Record 875, pp 42-50, Transportation ResearchBoard, Washington, DC.

45. Sowers, G. F., Collins, S. A., and Miller, D. G., Jr. 1902. "Mechanismof Geotextile-Aggregate Support in Low-Cost Roads," Second InternationalConference on Geotextiles. Vol II, pp 381-386, Las Vegas, NV.

46. Steward, J., Williamson, R., and Mohney, J. 1977. "Guidelines for Usein Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads," Report No.FHWA-TS-78-205, US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Adminis-tration, Washington, DC.

47. "Stabilization Design Guide." 1987. Phillips Fibers Corporation.Greenville, SC.

48. Department of Defense. 1983. "Stitches, Seams, and Stitching," FederalStandard 751A with change Notice 1, Washington, DC.

49. US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. 1988."Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation," Advisory Circular, AC 150/5320-6C, Washington, DC.

50. US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. 1989."Geotextile Engineering Workshop Design Examples," Publication No. FHWA-HI-89-002 prepared by GeoServices, Inc., Boynton Beach, FL, for NationalHighway Institute, Washington, DC.

51. . 1989. "Geotextile Design and Construction Guidelines,"Publication No. FHWA-HI-90-O01 prepared by STS Consultants, Ltd,Northbrook, Ill and GeoServices, Inc., Boynton Beach, FL for NationalHighway Institute, Washington, DC.

52. Warwick, R. C. 1983. "Geotextile Trends in End Use and Development,"Third international Conference on PolyDrovylene Fibers and Textiles.pp 37/1-37/9, York, England.

53. Webster, S. L. (unpublished). "Aggregate Surfaced Airfields," US ArmyEngineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

54. . (unpublished). "Full-Scale Traffic Tests on Geogrid andGeotextile Reinforced Aggregate Layers Over a Sand (SP) Subgrade," USArmy Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.


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55. Webster, S. L., and Alford, S. J. 1978. "Investigation of ConstructionConcepts for Pavements Across Soft Grounds," Technical Report S-78-6,US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.


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Burns, C. D., Hutchinson, R. L., Ulery, H. H., Jr. Watkin3, J. E., andGrau, R. W. 1971. "Multiple-Wheel Heavy Gear Load Pavement Tests, DesignConstruction and Behavior Under Traffic," Vol II, Technical Report S-71-7, USArmy Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

"Fabric Stabilizes River Area for Runway Extension. 1983 (Fall). agchnLcal Fabrics Report. Vol 1, No. 2, p 6.

Gale, S. M., and Henderson, J. S. 1984 (Summer). "Design and Construction ofa Geotextile Reinforced Taxiway Embankment Over Peat," Geotechnical FabricsRevort. Vol 2, No. 1, pp 7-11.

Haliburton, T. A., Lawmaster, J. D., and King, J. K. 1980. "Potential Use ofGeotechnical Fabric in Airfield Runway Design," Oklahoma State University,Stillwater, OK for US Air Force, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC.

Headquarters, Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force. 1978."Flexible Pavement Design for Airfields," TM 5-825-2/NAVFAC DM 21.3/AFM 88-6,Chap. 2, Washington, DC.

Headquarters, Departments of the Army and the Air Force. 1988. "RigidPavements for Airfields," Army TM 5-825-3/AFM 88-6, Chap. 3, Washington, DC.

US Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. 1988."Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation," Advisory Circular 150/5320-6C,Washington, DC.

_ 1989. "Airport Design," Advisory Circular AC 150/5300-13,Washington, DC.

"A Look at Soil Stabilization and Drainage." 1988 (Mar). Better Roads.Vol 58, No. 3, pp 32-34.

Ausenhus, P. 1990 (Mar/Apr), "Geosynthetics in the 1990's," Geotechnii.Fabrics Report. pp 23-29.

Barsvary, A. K., and Korgemagi, P. 1979 (Oct). "The Geotechnical Use ofFilter Fabrics in Highway Construction," Report EM-13, Ministry of Transporta-tion and Communications, Engineering Materials Office, Ontario.

Bell, J. R., and Hicks, R. G. 1980 (Jun). "Evaluation of Test Methods andUse Criteria for Geotechnical Fabrics in Highway Applications," ReportNo. FHWA/RD-80/021, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.

* Some of these publications deal with Geosynthetics/Geotextile in general,and others include information on usage in paved/unpaved roadapplications.


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Bonaparte, R., Holtz, R. D., and Giroud, J. P. 1987. "Soil ReinforcementDesign Using Geotextiles and Geogrids," Geotextile Testing and the DesignEgineer, ASTM STP 952, pp 69-116, J. E. Fluet, Jr., Editor, American Societyfor Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, PA.

Brosson, I., and Eriksson, L. 1986. "Long-Term Properties of Geotextiles andTheir Function As A Separator in Road Construction," Proceedines on SecondInternational Conference on Geotextile. pp 93-98, Vienna, Austria.

Christopher, B. R., and Holtz, R. D. 1985 (Mar). "Geotextile EngineeringManual," Report FHWA-TS-86/203, STS Consultants, Ltd, Northbrook, IL, forFederal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.

Collios, A., Delmas, P., Gourc, J. P., and Giroud, J. P. 1980 (Apr)."Experiments on Soil Reinforcement with Geotextiles," Proceedings of AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers Convention. Portland, OR.

Department of Defense. 1983. "Stitches, Seams and Stitching," FederalStandard 751A with Change Notice 1, Washington, DC.

Deutschein, E. A., and Sutherland, M. R. 1987 (May). "Geotextile ReinforcedBitumen Seal on an Expansive Clay Road Pavement," Engineering ConferenceDarwin, pp 15-19, Australia.

"Exxon Geotextile Design Manual for Paved and Unpaved Roads." 1985. Preparedby J. P. Fluet, GeoServices, Inc. for Exxon Chemical Americas, Houston, TX.

"Fabrics Build Better Roads." 1979 (Oct). Better Roads. Vol 49, No. 10,pp 8-11.

Floss, R. 1985. "Geotextiles in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering;A Report on the First German Symposium on Geotextiles," Geotextiles andGeomembranes. Vol 2, No. 4, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, pp 337-355,Ltd, England.

"Fourth International Conference on Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and RelatedProducts." 1990 (Jan/Feb). Geotechnical Fabrics Revort. Vol 8, No. 1,pp 49-56.

"Geotextiles' Construction Role Grows Rapidly." 1986 (Jul). WorldConstruction. pp 41-46.

Giroud, J. P. 1986 (Nov/Dec). "Geotextiles: The Road Ahead," CivilEngineering Supolement. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, pp 3-5, England.

Headquarters, Department of the Army. 1990 (draft). "Engineering Use ofGeotextiles," TM 5-818-8, Washington, DC.

Holtz, F. D., and Harr, M. E. 1983 (Oct). "Analytical and ExperimentalInvestigation of Soil Reinforcing," Report No. ESL-TR-82-31, PurdueUniversity, West Lafayette, IN for Tyndall AFB, FL.

Koerner, R. M. 1990. "Designing with Geosynthetics," Prentice Hall,Englewood Cliffs, NJ.


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Koorner, R. M. 1985 (Mar/Apr). "Load Transfer Considerations UsingGeotextiles," Geotechnical Fabrics Retort. pp 11-14.

Koerner, R. M., and Welsh, J. P. 1980. "Construction and GeotechnicalEngineering Using Synthetic Fabrics," John Wiley and Sons, NY.

Lawson, Michael. 1989 (Oct). "Geosynthetics Winning New Respect,"Engineering News Record. pp 36-38.

Mitchel, J. K. "Soil Improvement-State-of-The-a-t Report," 1981 (Jun). SellMechanics and Foundations Engineering Tenth Intezaational Conference. Vol 4,pp 509-565.

"Polyfelt Geotextiles, Road Construction," 1989 (Jun). Polyfelt Inc,Evergreen, AL.

Ruddock, E. C., Potter, J. F., and McAvoy, A. R. 1982 (Aug). "A Full-ScaleExperiment on Granular and Bituminous Road Pavements Laid on Fabrics,"Proceedinys on Second International Conference on Geotextiles. pp 365-370,Las Vegas, NV.

Schmidt, Dick. 1985 (Sept). "Geotextiles: A Revolutionary Tool for HighwayProjects," Highwavs and Heavy.Construction. pp 30-31.

"Stabilization Design Guide." 1987. Phillip Fibers Corporation, Greenville,Sc.

Suits, L. D. 1990 (Jan/Feb). "Survivability Multiple Responsibility,"Geotechnical Fabrics Report. Vol 8, No. I., pp 62-64.

Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Council. 1988."Effects of Geosynthetics on Soil Properties and of Environment on PavementSystems," Transportation Research Record 1188, Washington, DC.

US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. 1989. "Geo-textile Design and Construction Guidelines," Pub No. FHWA-HI-90-O01, preparedby STS Consultants, Ltd, Northbrook, Ill and GeoServices, Inc, Boynton Beach,FL, for National Highway Institute, Washington, DC.

_ 1989. "Geotextile Engineering Workshop Design Examples," Pub

No. FHWA-HI-89-002 by GeoServices, Inc., Boynton Beach, FL for National High-way Institute, Washington, DC.

. 1978. "Sample Specification for Engineering Fabrics," ReportNo. FHWA-TS-78-211, Washington, DC.

Warwick, R. G. 1983 (Oct). "Geotextile Trends in End Use and Development,"Third International Conference on Polypropvlene Fibers and Textiles.

pp 37/1-37-9, York, England.

Waters, T. J. 1984. "Evaluation of Geotextiles for Drainage and Reinforce-ment Applications," Proceedings of Twelfth Australian Road Research BoardConference, Vol 12, Part 2, pp 82-92.


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Whilton, W. S., and Wrigley, N. E. 1987. "Long-Term Durability ofGeosynthetics Soil Reinforcement," Geosvnthetic '87 Conference. pp 442-455,New Orleans, LA.

Anderson, P., and Killeavy, M. 1989. "Geotextiles and Geogrids: CostEffective Alternate Materials for Pavement Design and Construction,"Geosvnthetics '89 Conference. pp 353-364, San Diego, CA.

Barksdale, R. D., Brown, S. F., and Chan, F. 1989 (Nov). "Potential Benefitsof Geosynthetics in Flexible Pavement Systems," National Corporative HighwayResearch Program Report 315, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.

Belongia, D. L. 1981 (May). "Highway Applications of Geotextiles," CivilEngineering. pp 60-61.

Brown, S. F., Jones, C. P. D., and Brodrick, B. V. 1982 (Sept). "Use of Non-Woven Fabrics in Permanent Road Pavements," Proceedings of the InstitutionrofCivil Engineers. Part 2, Vol 73, pp 541-563.

"Colorado Tests Four Ceosynthetics." 1989 (Sept). Better Roads. p 32.

"Geotextiles Aid in Road Project." 1988 (July/Aug). reotechnical FabricsReport, Vol 6, No. 4, p 23.

"Geotextile Reinforce:, Marshy Subgrade." 1988 (Mar). Better Roads., Vol 58,No. 3, p 35.

"Geotextile Solution for Highway Construction Over Peat." 1988 (Jan/Feb).Geotechnical Fabrics Report. Vol 6, No. 1, pp 21-22.

"Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements Using MirafiO Woven Geotextiles."1982. Mirafi, Inc., Charlotte, NC (6 Mirafi is a trademark owned by Mirafi,Inc.).

Halliday, A. R., and Potter, J. F. 1984. "The Performance of a FlexiblePavement Constructed on a Strong Fabric," TRRL Laboratory Report 1123,Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, Berkshire.

Hamilton, J. M., and Pearce, R. A. 1981. "Guidelines for Design of FlexiblePavements Using Mirafi2 Woven Stabilization Fabrics," Law Engineering TestingCompany, Houston, TX (OMirafi is a trademark owned by Mirafi).

Jorenby, B. N., and Hicks, R. G. 1986. "Base Course Contamination Limits,"Design and Performance of Flexible Pavements, Transportation ResearchRecord 1095, pp 86-101, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.


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Majidzadeh, K., Luther, M. S., and Skylut, H. 1982. "A Mechanistic DesignProcedure For Fabric-Reinforced Pavement Systems," Second InternationalConference on Geotextiles. Vol II, pp 529-534, Las Vegas, NV.

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Puffer, W. G. 1982. "Nonwoven Engineering Fabrics in Road Construction onSoft Soils," 10th Technical Symposium, Advances in Nonwoveri Technology.pp 382-392, NY.

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Sellmeijer, J. B., Kenter, C. J., and Van Den Berg, C. 1982. "CalculationMethod for a Fabric Reinforced Road," Second International Conference onGeoteiles. Vol II, pp 393-398, Las Vegas, NV.

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Steward, J., Williamson, R., and Mohney, J. 1977. Guidelines for Use ofFabrics in Construction and Maintenance of Low-Volume Roads," Report No.FHWA-TS-78-205, US Department of Transportation, Federal HighwayAdministration, Washington, DC.

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Mr. B. Clark*Allied Fibers Headquarters Sales and Service1400 Broa-' vNew York, t 10018

Mr. Stephan M. Gale*STS Consultants, Ltd3650 Annapolis LnMinneapolis, MN 55447 7

Mr. David Jones*Metropolitan Washington Airport AuthorityWest buildingWashinSton National AirportWashington, DC 20001

Mr. Ken Wennberg*Assistant Director fcr OperationsDuluth Airport AuthorityDuluth International AirportDuluth, MN 55811

A.C.F. Inc.**9411 Burge AvenueRichmond, VA 23237

American Sealing and Fabrics, Inc.tP.O. Box 2387Vincentown, NJ 08088

Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Company**900 Circle 75 Parkway, Suite 550Atlanta, GA 30339

Belton Industries, inc.t6613 Roswell RoadAtlanta, GA 30350

Bradley Materials Company, Inc.t101 John Sims ParkwayValparasso, FL 32580


I Written but no response.tt Consultant firm.


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Carthage Mills t1821 Summet RoadCincinnati, OH 45237

Choctaw, Inc.t1184 Tupelo StreetMemphis, TN 38108

Culverts and Industrial Supply Company tBox 1300Mills, WY 82644

Contech Construction Products, Inc.**1001 Grove StreetMiddletown, OH 45044

Delaware Valley Corporation t500 BroadwayLawerence, MA 01841

Exxon Chemical Companyl2100 Riveredge Parkway, Suite 1025Atlanta, CA 30328

GeoServices, Inc.t1200 South Federal HighwayBoynton Beach, FL 33435

Hoechst Celanese Corporation**Interstate 85 and Road 57Spartanburg, SC 29304

Mirafi, Inc.**8702 Red Oak BoulevardCharlotte, NC 28217

Pallen Enterprises, Inc.f1507 General Arts RoadConyers, CA 30207

Phillips Fibers Corporation**P.O. Box 66Greenville, SC 29602

Polyfelt, Inc.**P.O. Box 727Evergreen, AL 36401

Resicon, Inc./Resicon Containment, Inc.t28 CentralSunapee, NiL 03782

SWrittpn but no response from consultant firm.


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Reemay, Inc.**70 Old Hickory BoulevardOld Hickory, TN 37138

Spartan Technologies tP.O. Box 1658Spartanburg, SC 29304

Webtec, Inc.tP.O. Box 240302Charlotte, NC 28224

Wellman Quline, Inc.**P.O. Box 780910801 Nations Ford RoadCharlotte, NC 28241


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