Coping with global change - vulnerability and adaptation in Indian

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Coping with global changevulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

The Energy and Resources Institute

© The Energy and Resources Institute, 2003

ISBN 81-7993-022-X

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Acknowledgements iv

Preface v

Introduction 1

Background 2

Mapping adaptive capacity and vulnerability 7

Understanding vulnerability at the local scale 16

Policy observations 23

References 24


This monograph has been prepared by the following.• Suruchi Bhadwal, Preety Bhandari, Akram Javed, and

Ulka Kelkar, TERI• Karen O’Brien, Centre for International Climate and

Environmental Research – Oslo• Stephan Barg, IISD (International Institute for Sustainable


Comments and suggestions have been provided by the following.• Henry Venema, IISD• Robin Leichenko, Rutgers University

This work has been made possible by financial support from theGovernment of Canada, provided through the Canadian InternationalDevelopment Agency, and from the Government of Norway, providedthrough the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our research has alsobenefited from the valuable inputs provided by the Ministry ofAgriculture, Government of India. The publication of this monographhas been facilitated by the editing, typesetting, graphic design, andproduction supervision undertaken by TERI’s Publications Unit.

Project team• Karen O’Brien, Guro Aandahl, Lynn Nygaard, Heather Tompkins,

and Jennifer West, Centre for International Climate andEnvironmental Research – Oslo

• Robin Leichenko, Rutgers University• Preety Bhandari, Ulka Kelkar, Suruchi Bhadwal, and Akram Javed,

TERI• Stephen Barg and Henry Venema, IISD


Climate change is no longer a distant concern, but a serious threat todevelopment and poverty eradication. The TAR (Third AssessmentReport) of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)draws attention to the fact that the impacts of climate change will falldisproportionately upon developing countries and the poor personswithin all countries, thereby exacerbating inequities in health status andaccess to adequate food, clean water, and other resources. The DelhiMinisterial Declaration on Climate Change and SustainableDevelopment, adopted at CoP-8 (the eighth session of the Conferenceof the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change), also affirmed this: ‘Developing countries areparticularly vulnerable… Effective and result-based measures should besupported for the development of approaches at all levels onvulnerability and adaptation, as well as capacity-building for theintegration of adaptation concerns into sustainable developmentstrategies.’

Of particular concern in several parts of the world is the increase inamplitude and frequency of extreme events, which are very likely in thefuture as a result of climate change. IPCC’s TAR highlights the fact thatthis would involve frequent floods and landslides, which would result inloss of life and property as well as health effects such as epidemics,infectious diseases, and food poisoning. The TAR also projects ageneral drying of mid-continental areas during the summer; this wouldlead to an increase in summer droughts and could increase the risk ofwild fires. Of particular relevance to India is the fact that globalwarming will lead to increased variability in summer monsoonprecipitation. Given the fact that a large part of the rural population ofthe Indian subcontinent depends on rain-fed agriculture for itslivelihood, erratic monsoon precipitation would adversely affect thelives of perhaps the majority of the population in this region. Suchdevelopments would have serious implications for the farmingcommunity in India and its ability to adapt to the impacts of climatechange.



At the same time, we cannot fail to notice the sweeping economicchanges that our world is undergoing. Developing countries areparticularly concerned over the evolving rules of the global traderegime, and the threats that these could potentially present for thelivelihoods of small farmers, fishermen, craftsmen, and labourers. It isthe poorest – who have the least resources and the least capacity toadapt – that will be hit the hardest, whether by adverse climaticconditions or by inequitable trade rules.

This monograph presents an ongoing research project, whichattempts to study the impacts of climate change in the context ofongoing economic changes, and how these will affect the adaptivecapacity of Indian farmers. This collaborative project is being carriedout by TERI, India; the Centre for International Climate andEnvironmental Research – Oslo, Norway; and the InternationalInstitute for Sustainable Development, Canada, and will be completedin March 2004. The methodology combines vulnerability mappingwith participatory appraisals in villages, and places emphasis onunderstanding physical, socio-economic, and policy factors that canenhance or constrain coping capacity. We hope that the preliminaryfindings of this study, presented in this monograph, will underline theimportance – to scientists and policy-makers alike – of understandingthe regional and local dimensions of vulnerability, and building long-term adaptive capacity and resilience.

R K PachauriDirector-General, TERI

Coping with global change:vulnerability and adaptation

in Indian agriculture

IntroductionClimate change and globalization are two main processes of globalchange, and it is assumed that both have major impacts on Indianagriculture. Yet, their combined impacts are rarely studied in conjunction.This monograph presents the preliminary results from an innovativeresearch project, which analyses the double exposure of Indianagriculture to these two processes. Pooling the expertise of TERI (TheEnergy and Resources Institute), India; CICERO (Centre forInternational Climate and Environmental Research – Oslo), Norway; andIISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development), Canada, thiscollaborative research project is funded by the Government of Canadathrough the Canadian International Development Agency and by theGovernment of Norway through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Theproject commenced in April 2001, and will conclude in March 2004.

The study uses a framework based on the concept of ‘doubleexposure’, which relates to the dual impacts that certain regions or socialgroups will experience as a result of climate change and of changesbrought about by economic globalization (O’Brien and Leichenko 2000).The project identifiesvulnerable areas and socialgroups, and assesses the natureof that vulnerability. Data isgathered at two levels. Amacro-scale analysis at thedistrict level maps avulnerability profile for India,showing areas vulnerable toboth climate change andeconomic changes. At thevillage level, case studies focuson the social and economicimplications of double

Paddy cultivation in Orissa

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


exposure for inland and coastal agricultural areas and identify thepossible implications of some public policy measures on the adaptationresponses for the different regions. This approach recognizes that theimpacts of economic changes and climate change vary across space, andthat there are important yet complex interactions occurring at differentspatial scales.

The first stage of the project involved the development of vulnerabilityprofiles for Indian agriculture. Districts that are vulnerable to bothclimatic change and economic changes were identified. Data wasgathered on social vulnerability (percentage of landless labourers in theagricultural workforce, literacy rates), infrastructure development,biophysical conditions (soil quality, groundwater availability), climate(rainfall patterns, evapotranspiration patterns), agriculture (crops,productivity), and transportation (distance from ports). These werecombined into vulnerability indices and mapped as vulnerability profiles.

Five case studies were then carried out in regions identified as exposedor doubly exposed, in order to study the impacts of climate variabilityand economic changes on lives at the village level, the strategies used bythe villagers in coping with these changes, and the impacts of governmentpolicy on those coping strategies. At each site, surveys and interviewswere conducted with farmers and local officials. These surveys andinterviews will help to identify the policies that influence the ability offarmers to adapt to climate variability and change. The results of thesurveys will be analysed and integrated with the results of thevulnerability and policy analyses in order to develop policyrecommendations regarding adaptation to climate change.

The study will result in better knowledge regarding the vulnerableareas in India, an exploration of how some villages have coped with theseissues, and a discussion of the impacts that public policy has had on thevulnerability in the villages studied. The focus on vulnerability will assistdecision-makers in targeting policies aimed at poverty reduction inagricultural communities in India. The methodology can be extended tomany other parts of the world.

BackgroundIndian agriculture

Agriculture and allied activities constitute the single largest component ofIndia’s gross domestic product, contributing nearly 25% of the total. The


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

tremendous importance of this sector to theIndian economy can be gauged by the factthat it provides employment to two-thirds ofthe total workforce. The share of agriculturalproducts in exports is also substantial, withagriculture accounting for 15% of exportearnings. With a weight of 57% in theconsumer price index, food prices are closelylinked with inflation and any adverse shockon agriculture could have cumulative effectson the economy. Agricultural growth also hasa direct impact on poverty eradication, and isan important factor in employmentgeneration (Planning Commission 1997;2002).

Wheat accounts for one-third of the totalfood grain production in India, while riceforms 43% of the total and is cultivated in43 mha (million hectares), which is about30% of the net cultivated area. During thelast decade, food grain production registeredan annual compound growth rate of over 3%.The National Commission for IntegratedWater Resources Development has estimatedthat to meet the requirements of food grainsalone, the net sown area will have to be increased to 145 mha and thecropping intensity to 145% by 2050 (Planning Commission 1997).However, there is not much scope for increasing the area under foodgrains in the country. For instance, a lot of area under rice in Kerala hasbeen lost to cash crops like coconut and rubber. The yield of food grainsin major producing states like Punjab and Haryana has reached a plateau.Consequently, the growth of food grain output can be achieved onlythrough rapid increases in productivity. Finally, given that rain-dependentagricultural area constitutes about 60% of the net sown area of 142 mha(TERI 2003), Indian agriculture continues to be fundamentallydependent on the weather, with much of the recent high growth ratesbeing the result of a number of successive good monsoons.

Fodder collection in Jhalawar, Rajasthan

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


Impacts of climate changeIndian climate is dominated by the south-west monsoon, which bringsmost of the region’s precipitation. It is critical for the availability ofdrinking water and irrigation for agriculture. Agricultural productivity issensitive to two broad classes of climate-induced effects—(1) directeffects from changes in temperature, precipitation, or carbon dioxideconcentrations, and (2) indirect effects through changes in soil moistureand the distribution and frequency of infestation by pests and diseases.Rice and wheat yields could decline considerably with climatic changes(IPCC 1996; 2001). However, the vulnerability of agriculturalproduction to climate change depends not only on the physiologicalresponse of the affected plant, but also on the ability of the affectedsocio-economic systems of production to cope with changes in yield, aswell as with changes in the frequency of droughts or floods. Theadaptability of farmers in India is severely restricted by the heavy relianceon natural factors and the lack of complementary inputs and institutionalsupport systems.

Kumar and Parikh (1998) show that economic impacts would besignificant even after accounting for farm-level adaptation. The loss in netrevenue at the farm level is estimated to range between 9% and 25% for atemperature rise of 2 °C–3.5 °C. Sanghi, Mendelsohn, and Dinar (1998)also attempt to incorporate adaptation options while estimatingagricultural impacts. They calculate that a 2 °C rise in mean temperatureand a 7% increase in mean precipitation would reduce net revenues by12.3% for the country as a whole. Agriculture in the coastal regions ofGujarat, Maharashtra, and Karnataka is found to be the most negativelyaffected. Small losses are also indicated for the major food-grain-producing regions of Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh. Onthe other hand, West Bengal, Orissa, and Andhra Pradesh are predicted tobenefit – to a small extent – from warming.

Impacts of economic changesExtensive and dramatic changes are occurring in the Indian economy as aresult of the globalization of economic activity and the implementation ofstructural adjustment reforms. The major objectives of the reform processthat started in 1991 were to reduce the capital intensity of India’sgrowth process, lessen its reliance on the unsustainable expansion of thepublic sector, and translate the country’s relatively high investment rate intohigh and sustainable growth of output and employment (World Bank 1995).


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

Since 1991, the Indian governmenthas introduced significant unilateraltrade reforms, with both tariffs andnon-tariff barriers being reduced.The economy has been furtheropened up on the export side byreducing export incentives as wellas barriers. The complex licensingsystem that regulated trade andinvestment has been dismantled,and the foreign exchange regimehas been liberalized. Domesticpolicy reforms are beingundertaken to reduce marketimperfections, such as statemonopolies, administered prices, and subsidies (Chadha, Pohit,Deardorff, et al. 1998; Ahluwalia and Little 1998; World Bank 1995).India is also impacted by the WTO (World Trade Organization)negotiations on agriculture.

Reducing import duties on the highly protected manufacturing sectorand freeing agricultural exports would result in shifting of the terms oftrade in favour of agriculture. This should encourage higher privateinvestment and growth in the agricultural sector, thereby enhancingagricultural incomes and stimulating demand for industrial products andoff-farm activities in rural areas (Gulati 1998; Chadha, Pohit, Deardorff,et al. 1998).

Although India is gradually opening up its agriculture to world marketsand dismantling domestic controls, the main crops – rice, wheat, sugar,and oilseeds – remain subject to many barriers to internal and externaltrade, procurement policies, and implicit and explicit subsidies. Trade infood grains is still taking place as a residual between domestic demandand supply rather than as a policy instrument to integrate domesticagriculture with world agriculture to optimize the use of resources(Gulati 1998). This is because of the perceived threat to national foodsecurity. The world food grains market is narrow compared to India’sdomestic production and consumption. For instance, India produces92 MT (million tonnes) of rice whereas the size of the international ricemarket is about 12–13 MT. Though the wheat market is relatively large at110–120 MT, it is cartelized. In comparison, India produces 71 MT of

Sunflower farming in Chitradurga, Karnataka

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


wheat (Planning Commission 2002). Insuch a situation, large-scale imports offood grains can make India vulnerableto sharp increases in world prices.

Thus, while greater openness willboost efficiency and competitiveness, itwill also expose Indian agriculture toincreased price volatility. Price volatilitycreates uncertainty and risks, which canthreaten agricultural performance andimpact negatively on the well-being ofthe poor. Winners and losers couldemerge as different crops, farmers, andregions react differently to the changingincentive environment (O’Brien and

Leichenko 2003). Goldin, Knudsen, and van der Mensbrugghe (1993)point out that agricultural production in India is diversified so that somefarmers benefit from higher world prices while others, particularly ricefarmers, lose from a reduction in the world price of rice. The gainswould go to farmers and regions that are producing, or are quick toswitch to, crops that have greater comparative advantage in production(Gulati 1998).

Vulnerability to climate change in the context of economic changesIndian agriculture faces the dual challenge of feeding a billion people in achanging climatic and economic scenario. However, there is not muchscope to increase the area under food grains. Switching to other crops isalso difficult in regions like West Bengal, where three rice crops are grownin succession through the year. Agriculture is the predominant means oflivelihood for a large number of peasant cultivators and agriculturallabourers, for whom it is not easy to shift to other occupations. Due totheir low financial and technological adaptability, such groups arepotentially vulnerable to both climatic changes as well as economicchange.

Hence, it becomes important to examine the vulnerability to climatechange not in isolation but in the context of ongoing economic changes.This translates into a dynamic interpretation of vulnerability and hasimportant implications for developing adaptation strategies. These issuesare part of an evolving stream of literature on the concept of ‘double

Orange and soybean mixed cropping in Jhalawar, Rajasthan


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

exposure’ (O’Brien and Leichenko 2000). This concept recognizes thesynergies between the impacts of two long-term global processes –climate change and economic globalization – that will have differentialconsequences across regions, sectors, and social groups.

Mapping adaptive capacity and vulnerabilityClimate change vulnerability

One objective of the project was to create a climate change vulnerabilityprofile for India at the district level. We based our definition ofvulnerability on the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change’s definitionand framework, whereby vulnerability isunderstood as a function of threecomponents—exposure, sensitivity, andadaptive capacity (Box 1). Thesecomponents are in turn influenced by arange of biophysical and socio-economicfactors. To create the profiles, weassumed that exposure to climatechange will influence sensitivity – eitherpositively or negatively – and that Indianfarmers will respond to these changesprovided that they have the capacity toadapt. Vulnerability was thus seen as acomposite of adaptive capacity andclimate sensitivity, with sensitivitychanging to reflect climate changeexposure according to results fromgeneral circulation models.

A series of maps was constructedusing GIS (geographic informationsystems), taking the district as a spatialunit of analysis (Figure 1). For eachcomponent of vulnerability, a number ofindicators were compiled, normalized,scaled, weighted, and mapped. Thedetails of the methodology are describedby O’Brien, Leichenko, Kelkar, et al.(forthcoming). Here, we describe how

Box 1 Definitions of sensitivity, adaptivecapacity, and vulnerability: from theIntergovernmental Panel on ClimateChange

Sensitivity is the degree to which a system isaffected, either adversely or beneficially, by climate-related stimuli. Climate-related stimuli encompassall the elements of climate change, including meanclimate characteristics, climate variability, andfrequency and magnitude of extremes. The effectmay be direct (e.g. a change in crop yield in responseto a change in the mean, range, or variability oftemperature) or indirect (e.g. damages caused by anincrease in the frequency of coastal flooding due tosea-level rise).

Adaptive capacity is the ability of a system toadjust to climate change (including climatevariability and extremes), to moderate potentialdamages, to take advantage of opportunities, or tocope with the consequences.

Vulnerability is the degree to which a system issusceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverseeffects of climate change, including climatevariability and extremes. Vulnerability is a functionof the character, magnitude, and rate of climatechange and variation to which a system is exposedas well as the system’s sensitivity and adaptivecapacity.

Source IPCC (2001)

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


the adaptive capacity component of the vulnerability profile wasconstructed. Adaptive capacity for agriculture is considered to be anoutcome of biophysical, socio-economic, and technological factors. Thedata sources used to compile these indices include the 1991 Census ofIndia;1 the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India; the CentralGroundwater Board; and the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy.

Biophysical factors that influence agricultural production include soilconditions and groundwater availability. It is assumed that areas withmore productive soil and more groundwater available for agriculture willbe more adaptable to adverse climatic conditions. Figure 2 shows theresulting map of the biophysical factors influencing adaptive capacity,referred to here as ‘biophysical vulnerability’. This map shows that thehighest vulnerability is associated with the semi-arid districts of India andwith regions with high run-off, such as the north-eastern districts.

The social factors that influence adaptive capacity comprise indicatorsrepresenting the percentage of workers employed in agriculture, thepercentage of landless labourers in the agricultural workforce, humancapital (as represented by literacy levels), gender discrimination

Figure 1 Elements of vulnerability profiles

1 These vulnerability profiles are being updated with data from the 2001 Census of India.


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

Figure 2 Biophysical vulnerability

(as measured by excess girl child mortality), and child mortality andfertility (as measured by female literacy rates). Figure 3 depicts the socialfactors that influence adaptive capacity, referred to here as ‘socialvulnerability’. Areas with high social vulnerability include districts inPunjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar,and Uttar Pradesh. These states have relatively lower levels of socialdevelopment, with the exception of Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, andPunjab, which are relatively better developed. Social vulnerability in these

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


three states may be influenced by high levels of gender discrimination,high agricultural dependency, or a high percentage of landless labourersin the agricultural workforce. It is interesting to note that the westerncoast of India is characterized by relatively low social vulnerability.

Technological factors that influence adaptive capacity includeirrigation and infrastructure. Irrigation was measured by net irrigatedarea as a percentage of net sown area, while infrastructure was measuredby the existing Infrastructure Development Index (CMIE 2000). Thisindex includes communication infrastructure, educational institutions,

Figure 3 Social vulnerability


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

Figure 4 Technological vulnerability

energy, and facilities for transport, irrigation, banking, and health. Notethat irrigation is counted twice in the technological vulnerability index.The additional weighting emphasizes the importance of irrigation toagriculture, including the capacity to adapt to changing agricultureconditions. The resulting map (Figure 4) indicates high technologicalvulnerability in districts in western Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, centralMaharashtra, Bihar, and the north-eastern states.

The indices representing biophysical, social, and technologicalvulnerability were averaged (i.e. equally weighted) to produce a final

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


index of adaptive capacity. This composite index was mapped as shown inFigure 5. The map reveals higher degrees of adaptive capacity in districtsfalling in the Indo-Gangetic plains (except for Bihar) and lower degreesof adaptive capacity in the interior regions of the country, includingdistricts in Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, AndhraPradesh, and Karnataka (O’Brien, Leichenko, Kelkar, et al.Forthcoming).

The adaptive capacity index was included in a more comprehensiveclimate change vulnerability profile, which included a climate sensitivity

Figure 5 Adaptive capacity


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

index as defined by dryness and monsoon dependency and based on a0.5° × 0.5° gridded dataset for 1961–90 developed by the ClimaticResearch Unit of the University of East Anglia in UK (New, Hulme, andJones 1999). The sensitivity index was recalculated using the output fromthe HadRM2 downscaled general circulation model (Turnpenny, Rossley,Hulme, et al. 2002) to show potential shifts in regional climate sensitivityresulting from climate change exposure (O’Brien, Leichenko, Kelkar,et al. Forthcoming). The resulting climate vulnerability map (Figure 6)illustrates the spatial distribution of vulnerability within India. It is

Figure 6 Climate change vulnerability

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


notable that the districts with the highest climate sensitivity underexposure to climate change are not necessarily the most vulnerable, andvice versa (O’Brien, Leichenko, Kelkar, et al. Forthcoming). In otherwords, vulnerability is considered an outcome of both biophysical andsocial characteristics that influence exposure, sensitivity, and adaptivecapacity.

Globalization vulnerabilityA second objective of the project was to create a globalizationvulnerability profile for Indian agriculture. This profile considers theimport and export sensitivity of agriculture to trade liberalizationmeasures. The methodology, described in O’Brien, Leichenko, Kelkar,et al. (forthcoming), considers vulnerability to globalization as anoutcome of adaptive capacity and trade sensitivity. For adaptive capacity,the same indicators and indices used in the climate change adaptivecapacity map were considered relevant to adapting to changingproduction conditions associated with economic globalization. Importsensitivity was calculated as the productivity of a representative set ofimport-sensitive crops, weighted by the share of production of each cropin the total area of production of the import-sensitive crops, combinedwith a measure of the distance of a district to the closest internationalport. The resulting globalization vulnerability profile (Figure 7) showsdistricts that may potentially experience the negative impacts of tradeliberalization. The map is based on the degree of sensitivity and adaptivecapacity, assuming uniform exposure to liberalization policies such astariff reductions. Areas that are highly vulnerable to globalization includemuch of Rajasthan and Karnataka, and significant portions of Bihar,Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Assam. It is notable that theIndo-Gangetic plain – often referred to as the food belt of India –exhibits low vulnerability to globalization.

The two climate change and globalization vulnerability profiles werethen superimposed to identify districts that are ‘double exposed’ to bothprocesses. The resulting map (Figure 8) displays the regions of India thatare categorized as having high or highest vulnerability to both processes.In other words, these areas are likely to experience negative impacts ofboth climate change and economic globalization. The map indicates thatdistricts in western Rajasthan, southern Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

Maharashtra, northern Karnataka, northern Andhra Pradesh, andsouthern Bihar are considered double exposed. It is these areas wherepolicy changes and other interventions may be needed the most to helpfarmers negotiate climate change in the context of economic globalization(O’Brien, Leichenko, Kelkar, et al. Forthcoming).

Figure 7 Globalization vulnerability

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


Understanding vulnerability at the local scaleMethodology and site selection

To study the micro-level implications of vulnerability, case studies wereconducted across five districts, chosen on the basis of the macrovulnerability profile (Table 1).

The first case study was done in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan, whichin the macro vulnerability profile, stood out as double exposed—both toclimatic factors and to globalization. Besides this, the district is classified

Figure 8 Vulnerability to climate change and globalization


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

as drought-prone andvulnerable in the context oflow levels of irrigationcoverage, literacy, andinfrastructure development.

Anantapur district inAndhra Pradesh is anotherdrought-prone area that canbe considered double exposedto climate change andglobalization. The focus of ourcase study here was theresponse of groundnutfarmers to importcompetition.

The third case study was conducted in Chitradurga district ofKarnataka. This district was found to be singly exposed to globalizationunder the macro profile. However, its proximity to an urban centre –Bangalore – and the recent introduction of government and privateinitiatives to promote crop diversification for export markets made this aninteresting case study site.

The fourth case study area, Raipur in Chhattisgarh, lies in the rice beltof central India. The district is double exposed to climate change andeconomic globalization in the GIS-based macro profile. Farmers in this

Table 1 Socio-economic profile of case study districts (1991)

Net sown Net irrigated

Population area (as a area (as a Ratio of Relative

density percentage percentage labourers index of

Case study (persons Urbanization Literacy of total of net sown to develop-

districts per km2) (percentage) (percentage) area) area) cultivators ment

Jhalawar 154 16 33 50 21 0.30 61

Anantapur 166 23 42 42 13 1.04 92

Chitradurga 201 27 56 50 21 0.85 97

Raipur 184 20 40 44 35 0.57 65

Jagatsingpur* 496 12 58 61 06 0.56 65

* part of Cuttack district in 1991Sources GoI (1991); MoA (1994); CMIE (2000)

Crop diversification in Chitradurga district

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


dry region are also being encouraged to diversify from paddy cultivationto other crops to reduce their dependence on rain-fed agriculture in thekharif season.

Intuitively, we expected coastal districts to emerge as highly vulnerablebut the emphasis on dryness in the climate sensitivity index did notcapture the potential impacts of sea-level rise, or the higher intensity andfrequency of extreme events induced by climate change. As Figure 9indicates, the eastern coast of India is particularly vulnerable to cyclones.Therefore, we chose to carry out our final case study in the coastaldistrict of Jagatsingpur in Orissa. This district was one of the worstaffected in the supercyclone of 1999, and also experiences periodic riverfloods. Paddy cultivation is the principal occupation in this denselypopulated district with acute levels of poverty and poor infrastructuredevelopment.

The methodology for all the case studies combined a structuredquestionnaire-based household survey, with participatory rural appraisals,focused group discussions, and open-ended interviews with key persons.

Figure 9 Frequency of cyclones on the Indian coastSource IMD (1979; 1996)


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

In each village selected for thequestionnaire-based survey, atleast 30% of the population wascovered, through randomselection of households. In all,we visited 22 villages, held 27group discussions, and surveyedmore than 400 households.

In terms of informationelicited through questionnaires,certain themes were common toall the case studies, such aseconomic status, agriculturalpractices, coping mechanisms,and access to facilities andservices. However, certain otherissues specific to each districtwere also reflected in the selection of villages. For instance, the Jhalawarand Raipur case studies attempted to study the implications ofdifferential access to irrigation facilities, whereas the Chitradurga casestudy focused on the opportunities offered by crop diversification andcontract farming. In Jagatsingpur, the choice of two villages prone to riverflooding and storm surges respectively offered insights into these twodimensions of coastal vulnerability.

Preliminary findingsJhalawar district in Rajasthan is located in a semi-arid area that receivesan average of 943 mm of rainfall annually. In addition to high degrees ofclimate sensitivity, it also ranks among the districts with the lowestadaptive capacity. Over the past 10 years, many farmers in Jhalawar haveshifted from traditional crops, such as sorghum and pearl millet, tosoybean, which receives higher market prices and yields quick returnsowing to a shorter life cycle. Farmers in Jhalawar are also found to behighly vulnerable to climatic variability. Last year, Jhalawar experiencedits fourth consecutive year of drought, and crop yields have beensubstantially reduced, particularly for the majority of farmers who lackaccess to irrigation. Rain-fed agriculture is practised in village LakhakheriUmat, where 94% of the farmers have small or marginal landholdings.A review of coping mechanisms reveals that a very small group of

Household interview in Chitradurga district

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


semi/medium farmers is able to copewith adverse climatic conditionsmerely through the sale of availablestocks. On the other end of thespectrum, landless labourers canonly resort to seasonal migration dueto lack of any productive assets oravailability of alternativeemployment options in the village.Small/marginal farmers use a varietyof adaptation options such as sale ofcattle, shifts to other crops,2 labour,as well as seasonal migration. Thisrange of options, however,constitutes only temporary coping

measures. Options that enhance longer-term adaptive capacity (such asinstitutional credit, crop insurance, and use of drought-resistant varieties)are not used by farmers due to procedural complexities and stringenteligibility criteria, compounded by lack of awareness.3

In Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh, groundnut is the principalcrop but farmers are now facing a crisis due to growing importcompetition and stagnating market prices, which have coincided with amulti-year drought. Although free market economics would predict thatfarmers in Anantapur should respond to price stagnation by shifting toproduction of more profitable crops, our case study results indicate thatthere is a lack of alternative, drought-tolerant, and economically viablecrops because institutional barriers have made them unprofitable. Rain-fed crops (such as different fruit varieties), which could be economicallyviable, either require too much capital or do not have long enough shelflives to be marketable under current circumstances. Without irrigation,water harvesting systems, or alternatives to groundnut, dry land farmersin Anantapur are highly vulnerable to both climate change and tradeliberalization.

2 Crops like gram have lower water requirement but offer only subsistence yields and lack market value.3 For instance, farmers who fail to repay a bank loan are rendered ineligible to apply again.

Consequently, they prefer taking loans from private moneylenders, even at three times the interestrate.

Rain-fed farming in Lakhakheri Umat, Jhalawar


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

By contrast, the neighbouring district ofChitradurga, located in Karnataka,emerged as vulnerable to the impacts ofglobalization but not of climate change.However, farmers in this district are beingencouraged through state government andprivate initiatives to cultivate alternativecrops, such as areca nut, pomegranate,and banana. Over the last five years,export companies have increasinglyentered into buy-back contracts withfarmers for gherkin production aimed atEuropean markets, with plans to expandto other vegetables. Interestingly, due tothe economics of gherkin cultivation, it isthe small and marginal farmers with smalllandholdings and family labour that aremost able to benefit from such contractfarming. Kisan kendras (farmer centres) setup by corporates also provide scientificsoil testing services, market information,and transport facilities to cultivators ofhorticultural crops, in return for asubscription fee. While a wider range of adaptation strategies are availableto farmers in Chitradurga, as compared to Jhalawar or Anantapur, it isthe larger farmers who tend to benefit from government subsidies (fordrip irrigation, sericulture rearing houses, and other productiontechnologies), formal bank credit, crop insurance, and access to largermarkets. Smaller farmers are disadvantaged due to lack of informationand dependence on local merchants for credit. Furthermore, irrigationmay not be sustainable in the long run, particularly if water-intensivehorticultural crops are produced for international markets while wateravailability is reduced due to climate change. The risks of globalizationare also understood by farmers practising sericulture, whose numbershave come down drastically with Chinese silk flooding Indian markets inthe last three years.

The impacts of climate change on cropping patterns can be observedin Raipur, where farmers have traditionally grown a pulse crop known asteevra on residual soil moisture after the kharif season. Higher

Gherkin farmer in Chitradurga district

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


temperatures in the region in the pastfew years have made teevra cultivationimpossible, leaving many farmersdependent on a single paddy crop, andmaking them substitute home-grownteevra with market purchases. Incontrast, fragrant varieties of rice –traditionally grown in the southern partof the district – have high economicvalue but adulteration at the merchantlevel has reduced the prices for thesevarieties over the last 10 years. In a bidto increase yields, farmers have startedreplacing organic manure with chemicalfertilizers, but this has made the crop

highly vulnerable to pests and diseases. Voluntary agencies are playing animportant role in conserving indigenous varieties of seeds in the regionby setting up village-level seed banks that are also useful in the event ofdrought and crop failure. In terms of government efforts, the DabariYojana for village-level rainwater harvesting is a noteworthy initiative, butsubsidies for agricultural pump-sets under the Khet Ganga Yojana moreoften benefit larger farmers who are able to take advantage of theminimum landholding size criterion.

The vulnerability of India’s coastal areas is highlighted in Jagatsingpur,where loss of mangroves due to bioticand abiotic pressures in the past fewdecades has left the coast exposed tothe fury of cyclones and storm surges.The aftermath of the 1999supercyclone witnessed intensiverehabilitation and reconstructionefforts, not all of which have beencorrectly targeted and effectivelyapplied. For instance, three years offood-for-work programmes havesupported farmers who lost their landsand homes, but have not really builttheir capacity to adopt alternativeincome-earning opportunities.

Khet Ganga Yojana in Semhartara village, Raipur

Coastal flooding and salinization inDahibara village, Jagatsingpur


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

The proximity to Paradip port, however, has made it lucrative for somefarmers to shift to prawn cultivation for export. However, stringentquality control regulations in this sector may eventually shrink theexisting market for these farmers, who will no longer have the option ofreturning to paddy cultivation either.

Policy observationsThis section presents preliminary observations from the case studies,which feed into ongoing policy analysis by the project partners.

The case studies offered a valuable complement to the macro profileby revealing insights about the determinants of vulnerability at theindividual or communitylevels. Numerous physicaland socio-economic factorscome into play in enhancingor constraining the currentcapacity of farmers to copewith adverse changes.Prominent among thephysical factors are croppingpatterns, crop diversification,and shifts to drought-/salt-resistant varieties. The mostimportant socio-economicfactors include ownership ofassets (like land, cattle,pump-sets, and agriculturalimplements), access toservices (like banking, health, and education), and infrastructural support(like irrigation, markets, and transport/communication networks).

Policies that are designed to fortify current coping capacity also havethe power to strengthen long-term adaptive capacity. This is bestexemplified by measures such as crop insurance, seed banks, alternative(off-farm) employment options, and enhanced access to inputs andmarkets (Box 2). Another set of policy-relevant insights offered by thecase study approach relates to the understanding of how certain factorschange the vulnerability of a given community or place over time. Oneexample is that of changes in cropping patterns: the widespread switch tosoybean in Jhalawar has immediate economic benefits for farmers, but is

Group discussion with farmers in Timmanahalli village, Chitradurga

Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture


sensitive to climate change.4 Anotherexample is the strengthening of localinstitutions and higher education levels,which would have positive gender andequity impacts. Finally, case studyexamples such as private kisan kendras inChitradurga or seed banks in Raipurdemonstrate that the private sector andcivil society have key roles to play insupplementing government efforts toreduce vulnerability.

The next stage in the policy analysiswill be to examine how India’sparticipation in the WTO and theagricultural trade liberalization pressuresit faces will reinforce climatevulnerability. With possible reductionand elimination of export subsidies anddomestic support, cropping patternswould change from protected crops likerice and wheat to profitable cash crops.There would also be welfareconnotations related to the Agreementon Agriculture translated throughincome and employment effects. Thepolicy analysis will consider, for

example, the implications of agricultural trade policies proposed by theUS and European Union and the Government of India at the recentWTO ministerial conference at Cancún.

Most important, this study and this monograph hope to bringattention to the need for strengthening institutions and better integratingpolicies with the goal of building long-term adaptive capacity andresilience to climate change.

Box 2 Policy developments in the Indianagriculture sector

The National Agriculture Policy, 2000, aims to attain – overthe next two decades – a growth rate in excess of 4% perannum in the agriculture sector. This growth should beresource-efficient, equitable, demand-driven, andsustainable. The policy explicitly recognizes thatagricultural growth should cater to domestic markets andmaximize benefits from exports of agricultural products inthe face of the challenges arising from economicliberalization and globalization (MoA 2000).

The following developments in the last decade also havesignificant potential for enhancing the coping capacity ofIndian farmers.P The Rural Infrastructure Development Fund was

launched in 1995/96 and the Kisan Credit Card Schemewas introduced in 1998/99 to facilitate short-term creditto farmers.

P The National Agricultural Insurance Scheme wasintroduced in 1999/2000 to provide cover against losseson account of natural calamities. The scheme covers allfood crops, oilseeds, and annual horticulture andcommercial crops.

P A pilot scheme on seed crop insurance was launched in1999/2000 to provide cover to seed breeders/growers inthe event of failure of seed crops (TERI 2003).

4 Lal, Hassan, and Dumanski (1999) reported that yields of soybean in India would vary between –22%and 18% under different climate scenarios considering +2 °C and +4 °C change in temperature and±20% and ±40% change in precipitation. The study assumed no adaptation and included the directeffect of carbon dioxide increase.


Coping with global change: vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

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