Newsletter Term 3 - Fair Play to All Page 1 Coolamon Central School Newsletter BE RESPONSIBLE BE RESPECTFUL BE READY TO LEARN WEEK 4 TERM 3 2019 FROM THE PRINCIPAL TERM THREE AUGUST 12-16 Science Week 15 Taster Day Year 7 2020 PSSA Touch Gala Day 16 Selwyn Ski Trip @ Mt Selwyn 19-27 HSC Trial Exams 20 Kinder 2020 Parent Information Night 27-28 Central Schools State Touch Football Finals @ Dubbo 28 REROC Youth Leadership Forum @ CSU 29 Army Defence Force presentation Stage 5 & 6 @ CCS Hall 30 Riverina Primary Athletics SEPT 3 Years 7-11 Parent Teacher Night 12 R U OK Day 27 Year 12 End of Year assembly @ CCS Hall FINAL DAY TERM 3 The Coolamon Up2Date Art Exhibition has been very successful this year. It is a major fundraiser for the school, with proceeds going towards the employment of our Student Wellbeing Officer, Mr Lewis Grear. I would like to thank all staff, parents and community members who volunteered their time in helping with the exhibition. Education Week is a very important event on the school calendar. It was encouraging to see the number of families who shared morning tea with their children and then visited the classrooms on Tuesday. We were very fortunate to have Kooringal High School present their outstanding musical, The Family Band, to our students on Wednesday. I would like to thank Coolamon businesses that have displayed our school activities in their shopfronts as well as all of the other local businesses that support the school throughout the year. Breaky Central has benefitted from their generosity this year, allowing breakfast to be provided to students three days per week. Our Director of Educational Leadership, Mr Troy Mott, has provided trophies to celebrate students that have shown outstanding leadership in the school. The recipients of these awards were; Lexi Lamb, Molly Sloan and Abigail Crocker. Congratulations to these students on demonstrating such strong leadership qualities throughout the year. This week is Science Week with activities and lessons celebrating the moon landing. Students and staff are excited about the upcoming Snow Excursion this Friday. One thing about this miserable cold weather is that it has ensured plenty of snow. Excursions such as these boost student wellbeing, with staff and students getting to know each other in a less formal situation. Mr John Beer Principal

Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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Page 1: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

Newsletter Term 3 - Fair Play to All Page 1

Coolamon Central School



W E E K 4 T E R M 3 2 0 1 9




12-16 Science Week

15 Taster Day Year 7


PSSA Touch Gala


16 Selwyn Ski Trip @ Mt


19-27 HSC Trial Exams

20 Kinder 2020 Parent

Information Night

27-28 Central Schools State

Touch Football Finals

@ Dubbo

28 REROC Youth

Leadership Forum @


29 Army Defence Force

presentation Stage 5

& 6 @ CCS Hall

30 Riverina Primary



3 Years 7-11 Parent

Teacher Night

12 R U OK Day

27 Year 12 End of Year

assembly @ CCS Hall


The Coolamon Up2Date Art Exhibition has been very

successful this year. It is a major fundraiser for the

school, with proceeds going towards the employment of

our Student Wellbeing Officer, Mr Lewis Grear. I would

like to thank all staff, parents and community members

who volunteered their time in helping with the exhibition.

Education Week is a very important event on the school

calendar. It was encouraging to see the number of

families who shared morning tea with their children and

then visited the classrooms on Tuesday. We were very fortunate to have

Kooringal High School present their outstanding musical, The Family

Band, to our students on Wednesday.

I would like to thank Coolamon businesses that have displayed our school

activities in their shopfronts as well as all of the other local businesses that

support the school throughout the year. Breaky Central has benefitted from

their generosity this year, allowing breakfast to be provided to students

three days per week.

Our Director of Educational Leadership,

Mr Troy Mott, has provided trophies to

celebrate students that have shown

outstanding leadership in the school.

The recipients of these awards were;

Lexi Lamb, Molly Sloan and Abigail

Crocker. Congratulations to these

students on demonstrating such strong

leadership qualities throughout the year.

This week is Science Week with activities and lessons celebrating the moon landing. Students and staff are excited about the upcoming Snow Excursion this Friday. One thing about this miserable cold weather is that it has ensured plenty of snow. Excursions such as these boost student wellbeing,

with staff and students getting to know each other in a less formal situation.

Mr John Beer


Page 2: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

Newsletter Term 3 - Fair Play to All Page 2 Newsletter Term 3 - Fair Play to All Page 2

Thank you to Hayley from the Footsteps Dance Program for teaching our students a variety of fabulous

dances throughout Week 2 which they were able to use at the Disco on Wednesday evening.

Page 3: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

Newsletter Term 3 - Fair Play to All Page 3

Erin Carthew from 3/4 Ruby received the Principal’s Award for Demonstrating integrity and outstanding application and effort towards all Key Learning Areas.

Pictured above are the class award winners from our

Week 2 Primary Assembly.

Congratulations to the following students:

K Emerald

Oliver Conolan and Josh Hewson

1/2 Garnet

Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane

1/2 Sapphire

AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton

3/4 Opal

Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn, Natalie McDonald

3/4 Ruby

Lincoln Hermann-Barnes, Georgia Watkin, Khloe Munro

5/6 Topaz

Aaron DeHaan, Keenan Crocker, Oliver Graham

5/6 Diamond

Matthew Sladden, Madeleine Holz, James Reisinger


Page 4: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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On Wednesday 31st of July, two teams from Year 5/6 travelled to Junee North Public School to complete their final debate in the Premier's Debating Challenge. Both teams had difficult topics to discuss. The Coolamon Crusaders went down in a close debate to Junee Thunder, whilst the Coolamon Central Cool Kids remain undefeated with a win against Junee Lightning. Congratulations to the following students who spoke with confidence and represented CCS with pride; Ricky-Lea Campbell, Penny Caldwell-Higman, Hannah McDonald, Lucy O'Brien, Emmerson Buchegger, Olivia Crocker, Abby Caldwell-Higman and Oliver Graham. Thanks to Miss Barker for taking us on the day.

Page 5: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

Newsletter Term 3 - Fair Play to All Page 5

On Wednesday, Isobel and I travelled down to the Sydney Opera House to attend the Festival of Instrumental Music. The Festival of Instrumental Music is an event in Sydney that brings together all of the recorders and strings players in NSW. Isobel and I were in the strings section, with Isobel on the Violin and me on the Viola. The order of the series of events were: At midday, we had a four hour rehearsal with all of the other strings players in our concert group, the Jacaranda concert. After that, we had a break for dinner and time to get to backstage. We got our own performance backstage as we were not permitted to watch the concert we were performing in. A Gypsy Jazz band called catching stars played for us. After the Jazz band’s performance, we set up our instruments, took off our jumpers and went to the back of the performance area, I will call this full backstage. Once we were there, we were led to the stage wings, then onto the stage. On the stage, once we were in our set formation to perform, the lights focused on us and they called out school by school in alphabetical order. When your school was called you had to stand up and wave. The performance was fantastic, but sadly, we could not record once we were inside the opera house so we can’t show you. Isobel and I had a brilliant time at the Opera House and are looking forward to our next performance there. Lexi Lamb

Tissue supplies are running very low in Primary. We would

very much appreciate any donations of tissue boxes to get

us through the remainder of the year. Tissues may be

dropped off at the office or to your child’s classroom

teacher. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Under 15 boys basketball

team that recently competed

at the Gala Day at the Wagga

Wagga Multi Purpose


Page 6: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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From Mrs Besgrove & Mrs Vogt Welcome back Mrs Besgrove!

The careers timetable is displayed on the door to the careers office for when you can come and see

Mrs Besgrove or Mrs Vogt to help with any career questions or applications.

More information can be found at http://countrytocanberra.com.au/leadership-competition/


1st Year Apprentice Heavy Vehicle Mechanic - Bomen, Wagga

1st Year Apprentice Welder - Wagga

1st or 2nd Year Apprentice Chef - Local Club in Wagga

1st Year Apprentice Chef

1st Year Automotive Electrician Apprenticeship

1st Year Apprentice Light Vehicle Mechanic

See Mrs Vogt or Mrs Besgrove if you need help applying for these jobs or attend one of the resume workshops at lunch time.

Page 7: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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On the 1st August Tim Powell from ‘Values for Life’, delivered a workshop about leadership. Both presentations, one for Stage 3 and one for 5 and 6 were engaging with lots of short videos discussion and activities to demonstrate the purpose of teamwork, problem solving and focusing on the influence of our own individual choices and how it impacts in the school environment and beyond. Students from Matong, Ganmain and Marrar joined the Stage 3 session where the highlight was playing “everyone’s in” and watching the students perform a role play that explored the effects of students choices, empathy and how to demonstrate kindness. Leadership skills are highly valued in the workplace so it was a wonderful opportunity for students to learn how to identify and develop these skills and hopefully continue to practise them at school, at home and in the community.

Second hand: Hafco – Metal Master – Mill/Drilling


(SIEG X3 - Mill Drill – Geared Head)

240 Volt – 600 W – 50-60Hz

Includes: Stand, Table power table feed and small vice.

Tender requirements:

Reserve $500

Please mark all tenders in a sealed envelope.

“Attention: Principal Coolamon Central School – Tender enclosed”

Tenders Close: Friday 30th August

Viewing available: please contact Kingsley Ireland 69273209

Page 8: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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On Friday 25th July some Stage 3 students were selected from Coolamon Central School to visit the local CWA. There students were treated to listening to a very special guest tell us about life in Papua New Guinea, which was the Country of Focus for 2019. Students in Year 5/6 had previously completed a PowerPoint presentation and used this as an opportunity to consolidate their learning. She told students stories about when she lived in Papua New Guinea as a nurse. She told us about her husband that worked for a logging company, raising her children and other experiences including an earthquake that made her house collapse. After the presentation we all tucked in to a wonderful afternoon tea! Thank you to the CWA for having us and for their generous donation to the school.


Penny Caldwell- Higman.

Aaron de Haan pictured with the Rubik Cube World Champion in Melbourne

during the holidays.

Stage 2 Science have been learning about solids,

liquids and gases. Last week they melted some Zooper

Doopers in the science lab.

The 2019 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge finishes this

month, students must complete their online Student Reading

Records by Friday 30th August.

Page 9: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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Education Week is a state wide annual event that celebrates

public education in NSW with an emphasis on students,

educators and the communities that support them. In

Education Week 2019 we highlighted student empowerment,

agency and ownership of their education under the theme,

‘Every student, every voice’. It is an important message that underpins NSW Education’s ambition for

every student with the public school system to be known, valued and cared for, and gives us the

opportunity to reflect on the valuable role student voice has in creating engaged citizens who will thrive

beyond the school gates.

Parents of children from Kindergarten to Year 12 must ensure their children attend school every day. On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justi-fied reasons for student absences may include:

being sick or having an infectious disease having an unavoidable medical appointment being required to attend a recognised religious holiday exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g. attending a funeral Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student’s record.

The attendance committee are continually monitoring student attendance and we encourage you to please go onto the Parent Portal and provide justifications for your childs absence.

Welcome back to Term 3. This is a busy term for our Year 12 students. In Week 5 they begin their Trial

HSC. This is an important examination period as it often is their last internal Year 12 Assessment and

is usually worth 30%. It is an important assessment in terms of ranking as well. The Trials are also a

good litmus test for the HSC exam proper as it is modelling exactly on the style, content and format. I

wish your child every success for these exams.

Please remind your children that organisation is crucial and to ensure their study program is structured,

effective and also inclusive of breaks to avoid burn out.

Once all the of the internal assessment task are complete, it will be time for our students sitting the

HSC to work together to help one another in preparation for the HSC examination proper. It is impera-

tive that the whole cohort do well and work as a team in this pursuit.

Joshua Celi

Head Teacher Wellbeing

Page 10: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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Page 11: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

Newsletter Term 3 - Fair Play to All Page 11

Family History Group

The family history group will be meeting again at the Library on Saturday, 31st August @ 10.00am. Anyone

wanting to chat about family history or researching family history is most welcome. Any questions in

regards to this group call Sharon 0432427977.

Road Safety Workshop

The Library is holding a road safety workshop on Tuesday, 27th August @ 10.00am. Glenn Sheehan our

Road and Safety Officer from the Coolamon Shire Council will be conducting the workshop. Everyone is

most welcome to attend.

Lego Club

Lego club is on every Wednesday from @ 4.00pm – 5.00pm and then on Saturday mornings from 10.30am

– 11.30am here at the Library. The aim of the Lego Club program is for children to have fun, learn to

communicate with others and to develop problem-solving skills. This is a free program and is being offered

to children from 5 years to 15 years of age.

Writing for Pleasure

Join us here at the Library for some writing workshops – “Writing for Pleasure”. The workshops will

encourage you to write, share and interact with others in a group. They will be held every Tuesday

afternoon until the 24th September from 2.00pm – 4.00pm. Our facilitator is Sally Farmer from Coolamon -

cost is Free.


Our next Story-time will be Friday, 30th August @ 10.30am – theme” Colour and Shapes”. Everyone is

most welcome to attend.

What is your name?

Sanne Pertijs

Why did you come to Australia?

Always had a love for Australia and wanted to travel.

How did the opportunity arise?

Went to an information evening held by a travel organisation

and saw the opportunity to come to Australia.

What have you done and want to do in Australia?

Spends time on the weekends going to Football and Netball

with my host family, the Cartwrights. Loves seeing Australian

sporting culture and would love to travel around Australia while

I am here.

Page 12: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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(Appear once in newsletter)

1/16 page $ 5.00

1/8 page $10.00

1/4 page $15.00

1/2 page $20.00

Full page $25.00

One off free advertisement for non-profit community event

All payments must be paid prior to placement of the advertisement

Page 13: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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Coolamon Central School

75 Methul Street Coolamon 2701 Phone: (02) 6927 3209 Fax: (02) 6927 3644 Email: [email protected] Website:




Mr John Beer

Deputy Principal:

Mr Kingsley Ireland

To keep yourself up to date

on all the great things

happening in our school

community, please like and

share our Facebook page

at ‘Coolamon Central

School’ or visit our website

at www.coolamon-


The Uniting


St Andrew’s




Turtle & Mel


Breaky Central and our School

Newsletter Proudly Sponsored by....

Page 14: Coolamon Central School Newsletter · Gracie Coleman, Alexis Copley, Charlie Cochrane 1/2 Sapphire AJ Sladden, Bryden McAllister, Cruz Deighton 3/4 Opal Kirsty Noordhuis, Emelia Quinn,

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ICAS Competitions 2019

Each year students from Years 2 to 12 are invited to enter the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS). ICAS Assessments are online* assessments, designed to recognise and reward academic excellence. The assessments are based on the curricula for the relevant year. Students are asked to demonstrate a deeper, integrated, and thorough level of learning. To ensure an engaging and beneficial experience for all students, new ICAS assessments are developed annually for each subject in every year level. *ICAS Writing is paper-based only for Papers A and B The written competitions provide opportunities for students to gain a measure of their own achievement in an external assessment situation against other students from across Australia and Asia who demonstrate a high level of ability in these disciplines. The papers are not designed on, nor designed to test, the syllabus, unlike the NAPLAN papers designed to test literacy and numeracy skills in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Every student receives a certificate and an individual student report. Entrants are encouraged to visit the

ICAS website prior to their assessment: www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/icas

Please note that as Coolamon Central School values the participation of its students in such international

competitions, the fees have been heavily subsidised to make them more financially accessible.

Please complete the participation slip for entry in one or more of these competitions. Return your slip with

full payment by Monday 19th August, 2019.



Please complete one form per student and return it to the school office with payment by Monday 19th

August, 2019.

Student’s name: (please print)__________________________ Year: _________________

Total amount enclosed: $_____________________

Competition Year Level Sitting Date Original Cost Subsidised Cost

Digital Technologies 3 – 10 Tuesday 3 September $14.50 $8

Science 2 – 12 Thursday 5 September $14.50 $8

Writing 3 - 12 Tuesday 10 September $14.50 $8

Spelling 2 - 7 Thursday 12 September $14.50 $8

English 2 - 12 Tuesday 17 September $14.50 $8

Mathematics 2 - 12 Thursday 19 September $14.50 $8

Competition Year Level Sitting Date Original Cost Subsidised Cost

Please tick

Digital Technologies 3 – 10 Tuesday 3 September $14.50 $8

Science 2 – 12 Thursday 5 September $14.50 $8

Writing 3 - 12 Tuesday 10 September $14.50 $8

Spelling 2 - 7 Thursday 12 September $14.50 $8

English 2 – 12 Tuesday 17 September $14.50 $8

Mathematics 2 - 12 Thursday 19 September $14.50 $8