CONWAY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE SHEET – 6 th June 2020 MINISTER: Rev. Paul Martin 17, Chargot Road, Llandaff, CF5 1EW Telephone e-mail 2056 2395 [email protected] CHURCH: Telephone Website 2034 2939 www.conwayroadmethodist.com BOOKINGS: [email protected] Dear Friends, I start by expressing the hope that you are all keeping well both physically and mentally. Please remember that if you are struggling, I am available to listen to you and hopefully to be of some use. The experience of pandemic goes on. Less cases are now emerging than a few weeks ago but I guess it is fair to say we are not by any means out of this experience yet. We will need to be wary for some time to come. Still on the positive side we can rejoice at the kindnesses shown by so many people. Often, we have seen the best of humanity expressed in caring, supporting and creativity. There is much to be grateful for even in a time as pressing as the present. We have been reminded of our need of each other and thank God so many people have met our needs and been there for us. We have also seen a less attractive picture in recent days across the Atlantic. The nature of the murder of George Floyd was shocking. Given American history there is no surprise at the strong emotions unleashed. We should stand alongside all those who proclaim that race is no reason to "other" people of a different racial background. We should be in solidarity with those who proclaim that whatever our ethnic background we are joined together in being the much-loved children of God. And that is something as relevant to us in Wales as it is in the USA. In times of difficulty we face a choice. Do we foster community, or do we sow hatred and divisions? It is a no brainer really. The way of Christ is to promote a society in which there is a place for all. As Charles Wesley puts it; "Love like death, has all destroyed, rendered all distinctions void; names, and sects, and parties fall: thou, O Christ, art all in all." May we as God followers embody the first choice Your friend and minister, Paul Martin


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Page 1: CONWAY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE SHEET th ......CONWAY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE SHEET – 6th June 2020 MINISTER: Rev. Paul Martin 17, Chargot Road, Llandaff, CF5 1EW Telephone


MINISTER: Rev. Paul Martin 17, Chargot Road, Llandaff, CF5 1EW

Telephone e-mail

2056 2395 [email protected]

CHURCH: Telephone Website

2034 2939 www.conwayroadmethodist.com

BOOKINGS: [email protected]

Dear Friends, I start by expressing the hope that you are all keeping well both physically and mentally. Please remember that if you are struggling, I am available to listen to you and hopefully to be of some use.

The experience of pandemic goes on. Less cases are now emerging than a few weeks ago but I guess it is fair to say we are not by any means out of this experience yet. We will need to be wary for some

time to come. Still on the positive side we can rejoice at the kindnesses shown by so many people. Often, we have seen the best of humanity expressed in caring, supporting and creativity. There is much to be grateful for even in a time as pressing as the present. We have been reminded of our need of each other and thank God so many people have met our needs and been there for us.

We have also seen a less attractive picture in recent days across the Atlantic. The nature of the murder of George Floyd was shocking. Given American history there is no surprise at the strong emotions unleashed. We should stand alongside all those who proclaim that race is no reason to "other" people of a different racial background. We should be in solidarity with those who proclaim that whatever our ethnic background we are joined together in being the much-loved children of God. And that is something as relevant to us in Wales as it is in the USA.

In times of difficulty we face a choice. Do we foster community, or do we sow hatred and divisions? It is a no brainer really. The way of Christ is to promote a society in which there is a place for all. As Charles Wesley puts it;

"Love like death, has all destroyed, rendered all distinctions void; names, and sects, and parties fall: thou, O Christ, art all in all."

May we as God followers embody the first choice Your friend and minister, Paul Martin

Page 2: CONWAY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE SHEET th ......CONWAY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE SHEET – 6th June 2020 MINISTER: Rev. Paul Martin 17, Chargot Road, Llandaff, CF5 1EW Telephone

Opportunities for Worship BBC One Trinity Sunday at 10.45am. The Reverend Canon Leigh Richardson, sub-dean and precentor, leads a service for Trinity Sunday from St. David’s Cathedral in Pembrokeshire. With hymns sung by the Songs of Praise congregation in July 2019. BBC One Sunday Morning Stories at 11.15am Unity – Kate Bottley finds out how football has drawn fans of all backgrounds together and how a community of churchgoers have taken to the streets to unite a diverse housing estate. BBC One Songs of Praise at 1.15pm Worship in the Great Outdoors - Aled Jones revisits people who find spiritual inspiration in the great outdoors, including the Yorkshire Dales, Cumbria and Perthshire. BBC Radio Wales Sunday 7.30am (repeated at 6.30pm) Celebration Led by Canon Jenny Wigley

For those of you with online access this link will give you many more options: https://www.methodist.org.uk/our-faith/worship/singing-the-faith-plus/seasons-and-themes/worship-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic/

Also, the daily blogs and Sunday Services by Paul Martin, our minister can be accessed by control and clicking the link: https://revpaulmartin.blogspot.com/

Star of the Week Kenneth John Powell (to give him his full name) Nominated by his trusty fellow

steward, Shelagh, we’d all like to thank John for ensuring that we all receive the Sunday services, thoughts for the day, circuit prayers, reflections etc. etc. etc. that have helped to keep us all going through this period of social distancing. He must have sent on hundreds of emails by now – at all times of the day and night! So many thanks to you John – we all know how much you love technology!

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STICK OR TWIST ? (by Jayne Powell)

England versus Wales – Can always be a source of memorable tales. We are the ones still in a sort of isolation, And they in parts are having a celebration. Question is do we stick at it – Or do the Welsh think England, as usual, have peaked too quick? Desperate to see our family and friends, Lockdown for Wales - seems to have no end, With offices, shops and schools still closed. We have hair that need cutting and colours to be topped up I suppose. Oh now – Wait just a minute – people are out and about! But still 2 metres away. That’s hard when loved ones haven’t been seen throughout. Small steps lead to giant leaps, taking us a little further Back to a normal way of living, sort of the way we were. Will we have changed – Shall we use our time more wisely? Probably yes and no – trying to have a life more healthy. SO ‘stick or twist’? Like in the game called Pontoon – Let’s take a small gamble – twist - and hopefully we’ll be seeing one another very soon

Carol Jones’ Cake Sale Carol will be holding a cake sale in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society in her front garden at 202 Cathedral Road on Saturday 13th June from 11.00am until 2.00pm – please do come and support her if you can.

A Message from Heather

Many thanks for all the Birthday greetings – I had a fabulous day and the weather was wonderful. Jo made some pastries on the morning of my birthday which were simply delicious and made the house smell wonderful! Many thanks particularly to all who contributed to my birthday video, it was great to see all your faces on the day! I’ll make sure there is celebration cake all round on our return to Church!

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Conway Road Methodist Church Organ 100th Anniversary

On Tuesday, 9th June the wonderful organ in Conway Road Methodist Church will be 100 years old and it is a great disappointment of the lockdown that this cannot be recognised at the time. Also, with the closure of libraries and archives, it has become impossible to complete a book on the history of the Conway Road organs which was expected to be published on that day.

This is the third organ. The first, built in 1879, is still in use in Wesley Church, Victoria Park. The second, built in 1901, burnt down in 1915 and the church had to manage without an organ until 1920 when Harrison & Harrison built the present organ.

It is without doubt one of the best organs in Cardiff and is special for a number of reasons. It is completely original and unaltered, a fact very unusual for an organ of this size, it is the largest instrument the organ builders Harrison & Harrison have ever built new in Wales and it has been played by many world-famous organists. It has never been overhauled and it is a great tribute to the standard of craftsmanship that it still works as well as it does, though now, of course, showing its age. It was awarded an Historic Organ Certificate in 2004 in recognition of its importance.

Page 5: CONWAY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE SHEET th ......CONWAY ROAD METHODIST CHURCH NOTICE SHEET – 6th June 2020 MINISTER: Rev. Paul Martin 17, Chargot Road, Llandaff, CF5 1EW Telephone

It is estimated that during its life it must have accompanied at least 50 thousand hymns with congregations of all sizes, even filling the gallery. Keep this in mind next time you sing “O for a thousand tongues to sing”, or sing the words in the last verse of “For all the saints” and imagine “… the countless host singing to Father, Son and Holy Ghost”, for this is the reason for its being.

A YouTube video has been created specially to commemorate the 100th Anniversary and you can see this by control and clicking the link below. Roger Yeo is the organist and he is playing Bach’s Cantata no. 22. https://youtu.be/18Xee2L5YRM Enjoy! This seems a good opportunity to thank Roger for his great care of our organ at Conway Road and also for his unstinting service to the Church as our organist. Come rain or shine - you can always be sure Roger will be there on a Sunday morning! Many thanks Roger! Roger has also received a lovely message from the South East Wales Organ Society (right)

Roger Yeo Quiz Spot - How well do you know your Bible?

1 Who had the fatted calf killed?

2 Who said “Here am I, send me”?

3 Who had a dream about sheaves of corn?

4 Who was lowered down a wall in a basket?

5 Who had a vision of a valley of dry bones?

6 Who replaced Judas?

7 Who said “Speak, for your servant is listening?

8 Who had smooth skin? (His brother was a hairy man)

9 Who did King Ahab call a Troublemaker?

10 Who slew a giant?

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And Answers to last week’s Hymn Quiz

Singing the

Faith Hymns &


1 There is a green hill far away 284 178

2 O worship the King 113 28

3 For all the saints 745 814

4 Morning has broken 136 635

5 Christ, whose glory fills the skies 134 457

6 There’s a light upon the mountains 188 246

7 The kingdom of God is justice and joy 255 139

8 Take my life and let it be 566 705

9 God is here; as we his people 25 653

10 Love divine, all loves excelling 503 267

Marie’s Plant Stall Although Marie’s plant stall could not operate in the usual fashion this year – some of us were still lucky enough to purchase a few items from her much reduced stock. So here is a small flavour of what Marie’s stall managed to produce against all the odds:

Conway Road Virtual Spring Fayre Update Donations have continued to come in and we have now reached an incredible:


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So, what have we all been up to during Lockdown.

John and Jayne Powell have been cycling – Jayne says they

have had some lovely ‘out of breath’ experiences!!

Ella has been busy raising money for Christian Aid. Her Mum Rachel reports: On Sunday 17th May, Ella set up a stall on our drive to raise funds for Christian Aid - the total was added to the funds raised by Llandaff City Primary. Her friend Agnes who lives a few doors away also had a stall in her front garden. Between them, the girls sold plants, cakes, old toys, crafts and raffle tickets. We invited residents from the two Groves and raised £310! There was a lovely community spirit which we are very lucky to have in abundance where we live. It was also lovely to see Reg and Joan. We’re very proud of both of the girls.

Fran has been busy in the garden – look at these beautiful peonies – a fabulous colour!

And like many of us has had a huge sort out! As Fran puts it – one full skip – 24 years of tat – three days of effort!

Catherine sent news of the National Scout & Guide Orchestra and Band who were not able to meet this year – they have put together a YouTube video which is well worth a watch – great to get all those young people playing despite the lockdown (a huge amount of work for someone!) https://youtu.be/tlMV-x5Kfrc

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Sunflower Update

The competition is definitely hotting up! Here are some of the contenders:

Cath – 1.6metres – looking good and straight

Alison – in a really pretty setting – 1.12metres

And Shelagh – no measurement but I think that’s passed the height of the fence

Disaster in the Stamper-Webster household – one of the sunflowers got blown over by the wind! But Cece has donated one of her’s to Coco so all is well. Coco 55cm and Cece 43cm – going well girls!

And From one of my favourite people of all time! Bishop Desmond Tutu