Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd [email protected] www.controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd [email protected]

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Page 1: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

An IrishSpatial Asset Management



Bernard Farrell, Control Point [email protected]


Page 2: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

“Simple access to geospatial data is the key prerequisite for an efficient and economically

prosperous society”

(Dr. Željko Bačić, head of State Geodetic Authority of Croatia)


Page 3: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

•International Initiatives•(I)SDI/INSPIRE•Principles•SAMA•Challenges•Future


•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

Page 4: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

•PSMA Australia http://www.psma.com.au/

•NORWAY DIGITAL http://www.statkart.no/Norge_digitalt/Norsk/Om_oss/



•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

Page 5: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• PSMA Australia Limited – an unlisted public company limited by shares and owned by the state, territory and Australian governments

• Established to coordinate the collection of fundamental national geospatial datasets and to facilitate access to this data

• Started out as a government consortium, formed in 1993 to create an integrated national digital base-map

• PSMA Australia Limited was incorporated in June 2001



•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

Page 6: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

Objective• The creation of a national asset of comprehensive, quality

and accessible spatial knowledge

• Brings together the supply and demand sides of the market place, which stimulates the private sector and ensures access by the public to geographical information

• PSMA Australia Limited is now a vital component of the spatial information Industry in Australia



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Page 7: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• A board of ten directors, each shareholder (government) can appoint a director

• Company run by a CEO, COO, and a small team

• Governments licence their data to the company

• PSMA Australia facilitates data integration and acts as a ‘wholesaler’to the private sector

• The company id’s datasets to be assembled, defines detailed specifications for assembly and integration of the datasets

• The assembly and maintenance of the datasets is outsourced through competitive tendering to data managers



•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

Page 8: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• Revenue is generated through data licensing of integrated national datasets and data supply agreements

• Revenue is used to maintain existing datasets and investigate and assemble new national datasets

• Government owned……but not government funded



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Page 9: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• PSMA Australia vision is based on a desire to collaborate to benefit all stakeholders

• Small team of professionals, whose major challenges revolve around relationships building and project management

• Operations are generally outsourced to the private sector

• Technical - this includes dataset assembly, software development, product distribution, dataset management, quality assurance, research and marketing

• Management - includes HR management, finance, audit, building leases, legal services and staff development



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Page 10: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

Benefits• Data quality has been improved and passed back

• Technical workshops have been undertaken and knowledge shared

• Technology diffusion has been accelerated

• Software, systems and procedures acquired as a result of creating national datasets have been made available

• Royalties have been returned

• Collaboration between states, territories and the Commonwealth has been enhanced immeasurably



•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

Page 11: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• PSMA Australia does not generally deal with end users but rather with organisations that develop products and services for end users through a process of value adding

• PSMA Australia does not receive any government funding and is required to ensure that its activities i.e. maintaining existing national datasets and investigating and developing new national datasets, are fully funded from data licensing and data supply contracts.



•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

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PSMA• This requires the organisation to define a data access and

pricing policy that sets the data price not to maximise

returns but to cover existing costs and projected future

activities whilst not imposing a barrier to access

• In reality, PSMA Australia’s core business is the management

of relationships - relationships with data custodians,

relationships with data managers, relationships with value

added resellers and relationships with stakeholders

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Page 13: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

Principles underpinning the Data Access and Pricing Policy are:

• Simplicity of concept

• Equality of access to all users

• Logical structure

• Dual pricing structure including access fees and licence fees

• Supportive of existing revenues of individual member jurisdictions

• Non-exclusivity with respect to VAR agreements

• Protection of IPR of jurisdictions, PSMA Australia and VARs



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Page 14: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• Commercial reality brought a new set of issues to resolve: licensing, pricing, restrictions, data supply, maintenance and so forth

• During the organisation’s establishment phase, these, and a host of other issues were debated vigorously. Some of these issues were:



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Page 15: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• Jurisdictional sovereignty• Costs/price• Agreement content (nine Crown Solicitors had to agree!)• Standards• Definitions• Revenue sharing• Scope of operations, etc.“It is a credit to all members that all issues were resolved

without dishonour or animosity”



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•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


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•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

NORGE DIGITALT• SOSI (Samordnet Opplegg for Stedfestet Informasjon -

Systematic Organization of Spatial Information)• Data format predominantly used for exchange of

geographical information in Norway

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Control Point Ltd Spatial Management 19

SOSI• Development began in 1977, as a project under the

Royal Norwegian Ministry of the Environment• First proposal for developing a data transfer standard

was also made in 1977• First complete version ready in 1987• 1991 first feature catalogue was introduced, and has

since then increased from just a few to 37 application domains, such as property, administrative boundaries, roads, utilities, etc.

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


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SOSI• Almost all digital

geographic information is now delivered according to this Standard which, at the same time, has heavily influenced the production environment

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future






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ProposedAcceptedAuthorization appealedAuthorized (name element)...Authorized (whole name)RejectedPrivateInternational areaHistorical



featureType : FeatureTypegeometry : GM_Object


nameInfoID : Integerlanguage : ISO639userPriority[0..1] : UserPrioritynameType : NameTypeauthority : AuthorityadministrativeArea : AdmArearegistrationDate : DatelastChanged : Date


1..* +physicalObject




placement : GM_objectadministrativeArea : AdmAreaproduct : ProductproductID[0..1] : IDregistrationDate : DatelastChanged : Date


etymology[0..1] : CharacterStringinhabitantName[0..1] : CharacterStringposessiveAdjective[0..1] : CharacterString...usageArea[0..*] : UsageArea


placeName : PlaceNameStringpronunciation[0..*] : PronunciationnativeValue : EndonymExonymplaceNameStatus : PlaceNameStatusplaceNameStatusDate [0..1] : DateuserPriority[0..1] : UserPrioritysource[0..1] : CharacterStringnote[0..1] : CharacterStringarchiveReference[0..1] : CharacterString...userComment[0..*] : CharacterStringregistrationDate : DatelastChanged : DateusagePeriod[0..1] : TM_Period




+placeName 1..*

+nameInfo 1








+onomastic 0..*

+placeName 1


note : CharacterStringarea : GM_ObjectadministrativeArea : AdmArea





Unified Model of Place Names v. ...





prefix [0..*] : CharacterStringnamebody : CharacterStringpostfix [0..*] : CharacterString


Page 21: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management 21

SOSI SOSI -- General Feature CatalogueGeneral Feature CatalogueNATRNATR NaturalNatural resourcesresources, wildlife, etc, wildlife, etc

AREALAREAL OtherOther land land useuse

BYGGBYGG BuldingsBuldings

BYGNANBYGNAN OtherOther buildingbuilding constructionsconstructions

KULTKULT ArchaeologicalArchaeological and architectural and architectural

monuments and sites and monuments and sites and

cultural environmentscultural environments

VBASVBAS RoadRoad datadata

VSITVSIT RoadRoad situationsituation

BANEBANE RailwayRailway

SAMFSAMF General transportGeneral transport

ADRADR AdressesAdresses

LUFTLUFT AirportAirport

LEDNLEDN UtilityUtility

NAVNNAVN Location Location namesnames

PLANPLAN PlanningPlanning

PROSJPROSJ ProjectingProjecting

SKOGSKOG ForestryForestry

BEITEBEITE GrazingGrazing landland

LANDLAND LandscapeLandscape

VERNVERN PreservationPreservation of of naturalnatural resourcesresources

BIOMBIOM BiologicalBiological diversitydiversity

JSPLANJSPLAN Land Land ConsolidationConsolidation PlanningPlanning

SKREDSKRED LandslideLandslide

INNLINNL IntroductionIntroduction

FMFM SurevySurevy Control Control StationsStations

TERRTERR TerrainTerrain

KYSTKYST CoastCoast and sea (S57)and sea (S57)

VANNVANN InlandInland sea, riverssea, rivers

FISKFISK FisheryFishery


DEKDEK Land Land propertyproperty

SERVSERV Land Land restrictionsrestrictions / / easementseasements

ABASABAS Administrativ and Administrativ and statisticstatistic areasareas

DMKDMK Land typesLand types

LREGLREG Agricultural Property RegisterAgricultural Property Register

JREGJREG Land inventoryLand inventory

DJDDJD SoilSoil--datadata

GEOIGEOI IntroductionIntroduction -- geologygeology

RAASTRAAST Mineral Mineral resourcesresources

BERGBERG Bedrock Bedrock geologygeology

LOESMLOESM SurficialSurficial depositsdeposits

GKJEMGKJEM GeochemicalGeochemical mappingmapping

GFYSGFYS GeophysicalGeophysical mappingmapping

GVERNGVERN GeologicalGeological conservationconservation areas areas

GROTGROT CaveCave mappingmapping (speleologi)(speleologi)

REINREIN ReindeerReindeer managementmanagement

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


Page 22: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management 22

AREALIS • National program initiated by Norwegian Ministry of

Environment. The main objective of the project was to make environmental data and land use information available at national, regional and local level

• The Arealis project achieved considerable success by organizing access to important geographic information and by using the Internet as a main channel for information and dissemination of GI data-sets

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


Page 23: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management 23

GEOVEKST• Norwegian national programme for reference data

cooperation• Geovekst is a nation-wide program for co-operation on

establishing digital geographic data in Norway. The basic concept is pooling of money and other resources in jointly executed projects for establishing, improving and maintaining large-scale digital geographic data

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


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Control Point Ltd Spatial Management 24

GEOVEKST Participants• Norwegian Mapping Authority• The Road Department• The Electricity companies• The Local Authorities• The National Telecommunication

Department• The State Agriculture Administration

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


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Control Point Ltd Spatial Management 25

GEOVEKST• The data production is generally put out on tender to

private companies• Core large-scale datasets are updated and maintained

through this process of cooperation• Each partner contributes to the projects with funding

and personnel and the resulting databases are accessible to all participants for joint use

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


Page 26: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

GEOVEKST – cost-sharing for establishment and updating of GI


Mapping Agency 24 %

Telecom 8 %

Agriculture 8 %

Energy companies 9 %

Road Admin. 14 %

Rail + Others 3 %

(adm. units, transport network, land use/ resources, transmission lines, height, conservation areas, cultural heritage sites)•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


Page 27: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management 27

Norway digital public authorities cooperate on data establishment, maintenance and flow of geographical information

National institutions

County-level organisations

Local level - municipalities

Organisations, national, regional, agreements, coordination•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


Page 28: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

Partners• Municipalities and Counties• Governmental agencies• Existing Geovekst partners• Companies (private) with national interests and

data that will contribute to the national infrastructure

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


Page 29: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

NORGE DIGITALTNorway Digital Concept• Governmental ministries and institutions cooperation• Sharing of all information between partners• Partnership based on co-financing of establishment

and updating of basic reference data• Agreement on standard formats for delivery and

access• Joint technical solutions

Page 30: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

• Open access among partnersInternal use + view services

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future


Page 31: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

INSPIRE, Geovekst, Arealis and Norway Digital

Sharing a Vision• Data should be collected once and maintained at the level

where this can be done most effectively• It should be possible to combine seamlessly spatial

information from different sources and share it between many users and application

• It should be possible for information collected at one level to be shared between all the different levels, detailed for detailed investigations, general for strategic purposes

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

Page 32: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

Individual contracts Principal agreement

Technology &framework


Financial model


Commercial business

Market activities


Each partner’sdata andservices

e t f y r t å r n s p r o s j e k t f o r g e o d a t a p å n e t t

g e o P o r t a l A k t i v i t e t 1 :

R a m m e v e r k o g i n f r a s t r u k t u r


2 0 0 5 - 0 1 - 0 7

K o m m u n e r

F y l k e r

I n t e r n e t t

K o m m u n e r

F y l k e r

I n t e r n e t t

Temastruktur Datasett Etat Status Informasjon



Artsforekomster DN

Prioriterte naturtyper DN

Vernet natur Naturvernområder DN

Verneprosess DN

Vassdrag vernet mot kraftutbygging NVE

Natur -hydrologi

Nedbørfelt NVE

Nedbørfelt - Regine NVE

Innsjø NVE

Dybdekart (raster) NVE

Elvenettverk NVE

Natur - geologi Berggrunn N50/N250 NGU

Strukturgeologi N50/N250 NGU

Jordarter - løsmasser NGU

Grus - pukk NGU

Mineralske råstoffer NGU

Grunnvannsbrønner NGU


Bonitetskart NIJOS

Jordsmonn - dyrkingsklasser NIJOS

Beitelagskart (utmarksbeite?) NIJOS

FinansdepartementetStatistisk Sentralbyrå (SSB)FiskeridepartementetFiskeridirektoratetKystdirektoratet/ KystverketForsvarsdepartementetForsvarets Militærgeografiske tjeneste (FMGT)Justis og politidepartementetPolitidirektoratetDirektoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskapHovedredningssentralenLandbruks og matdepartementetNorsk institutt for jord-og skogkartlegging (NIJOS)ReindriftsforvaltningenStatens landbruksforvaltning (SLF)MattilsynetJordskifteverketStatsskog SFMiljøverndepartementetStatens kartverk (SK)Statens forurensningstilsyn (SFT)Direktoratet for naturforvaltning (DN)Riksantikvaren (RA)Nærings- og handelsdepartementetBergvesenetNorges geologiske undersøkelser (NGU)Olje- og energidepartementetNorges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE)SamferdselsdepartementetVegdirektoratet (Statens vegvesen)AvinorJernbaneverketUtdannings- og forskningsdepartementetHelse og omsorgsdepartementetKultur og kirkedepartementet (KKD)Kommunene FylkeskommuneneModerniseringsdepartementetEnergibedriftenes landsforening (EBL)Telenor Networks as

Rules & Organisation

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

NORGE DIGITALTNorway Digital Contracts and Documentation

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• Long term standardisation in practise• Long-term collaboration• Joint SDI organisation structure at national and regional level• Respect each others core activities• Joint funding of data/management• Technology interest• Research seed money• Clear governmental policies• Positive attitude• Well prepared to meet INSPIRE obligations

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Page 34: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

•ISDI http://www.irishspatialstrategy.ie/isdi/• November 2002 the DEHLG appointed by the

government to take the lead role in developing an Irish Spatial Data Infrastructure (ISDI)

• Work Group established - initially OSi, PRAi, LGCSB, CSO, Dept of the Taoiseach and academics

• Consultation doc published May 2004• Policy and Technical Groups formed• Responsibility for guiding INSPIRE implementation



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Page 35: Control Point Ltd Spatial Management An Irish Spatial Asset Management Agency 1 Bernard Farrell, Control Point Ltd bernard@controlpoint.ie

Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

ISDI/INSPIRE• On 1 August 2010, the INSPIRE Directive transposed into

Irish law through SI No. 382 of 2010

• ISDI/INSPIRE Steering Committee was (re?)established

• Policy Implementation Framework is being prepared by the Committee, addressing key strategic and implementation issues

• ISDI/INSPIRE Technical Sub-committee providing input into the technical issues arising in the draft Implementing Rules and also preparing technical guidance for national implementation

http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/index.cfm/pageid/182/list/indicators/y/2010/sel/2•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

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• ISDE Discovery Service now hooked up to the INSPIRE Geoportal. Protected Sites Pilot project metadata and services are the first to be published.(more to follow)

• Recommendations from the pilot has led to proposal for Shared/Managed Services for publishing Irish INSPIRE theme data. DECLG /OSI early discussions to provide an INSPIRE publishing opt-in service for Irish public authorities

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Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

ISDI/INSPIRE• Technical Committee is also supporting data providers that

want to publish their INSPIRE data themselves, and will be encouraging collaboration on software solutions within ISDI

• Looking to publish INSPIRE data as Open Linked data and to align efforts with the Open Data actions in the E-Government Strategy:

• Data sets and services are being published under the terms of the Irish PSI Licence; and are looking at URI sets for spatial object and thematic identifiers for ISDI.

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• A cooperative organisation of public-sector, local and national government departments and agencies

• Furthering the acquisition/creation, management, maintenance and use of the most detailed national core reference data

• Public-sector management of the private-sector acquisition of reference data

• Relationship manager for all stakeholders – contributors, standards, public and private sector

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•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

Sharing a Vision• Data should be collected once and maintained at the level

where this can be done most effectively

• It should be possible to combine seamlessly spatial information from different sources and share it between many users and application

• It should be possible for information collected at one level to be shared between all the different levels, detailed for detailed investigations, general for strategic purposes

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•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

• National and Local Government Departments and Agencies cooperation

• Sharing of all information between partners• Partnership based on co-financing of establishment

and updating of basic/core reference data• Agreement on standard formats for delivery and

access• Joint technical solutions, including National Feature

Catalogue, Core Capture Specifications and Exchange Format

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•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

• Data access and pricing policy that sets the data price not to

maximise returns but to cover existing costs and projected

future activities whilst not imposing a barrier to access

• The creation of a national asset of comprehensive, quality

and accessible spatial knowledge

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• Formal, contractual relationships

• Public-sector Board

• Private-sector Operations

• Self-financing

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Control Point Ltd Spatial Management

Capture Once, Use many




Ireland Inc needs

As cheap as possible .........free at point of use to public sector

Public ownership ....................... Private operation

CooperativeRelationship builder

Shared Vision

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• ‘Herding cats’ - attempting to align all stakeholders

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• Engaging the ‘right’ people

• Reaching consensus

• Convincing them of the national benefits from cooperation

• Different priorities

• High level of ownership and protectiveness of data

• Differing levels of quality coverage

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• Business models

• Availability of data

• Enthusiasm

• Finance

• Personnel

• ‘Headless chicken’

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• Kate Mann, Communications Manager PSMA• A Concise History of PSMA Australia Ltd from Collaboration

to Success, 1992- 2005 © PSMA Australia Limited 2009• Secretariat, Norge Digitalt• IRLOGI• ISDI @ DECLG


• And of course, to you, for listening!

•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future

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•International Initiatives •(I)SDI/INSPIRE •Principles •SAMA •Challenges •Future