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Sponsor: Moeller 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Capital Cost Methodology

76 Xcel Energy-


SUBJECT : Capitalization Policy Overview

EFFECTIVE DATE : JUNE 1 , 2001 ( Updated 04 / 11 / 16 )

Table of Contents

Background 1 Policy 2

Strategy 2 Property Descriptions 4 Future Modifications 6

Accounting 6 Forecasting 6 Investigative Work 7 Special Tracking Requirements 9 Capitalizinq Minor Items 9 Capitalized Emerqencv Spare Parts 10 Responsibilities 11

Definition of Terms 11 References 13


" Each utility shall maintain a written property units listing for use in accounting for additions and retirements of electric plant and apply the listing consistently ." From the Code of Federal Regulations, Subchapter C -Accounts, Federal Power Act, Part 101 - Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to the Provisions of the Federal Power Act, Electric Plant Instruction 10., Additions and Retirements of Electric Plant, Subpart A, (emphasis added).

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With Order 598, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) removed the long contested property unit listing in Part 116 and allowed the utility company to define the units that were appropriate for their business. The main criteria, however, was that the policy be in written form and that it be applied consistently. This change was affective for the gas utility as well and can be found in Part 201 i Instruction 10. The FERC eliminated Part 216 as well with Order 598.

Xcel Energy, at the date of its creation, had written policies from NSP and NCE. The NSP policy was applicable to NSP(MN) and NSP(WI). The NCE policy was originally utilized for PSCo. After the merger to create NCE, it was utilized for SPS and Cheyenne Light and Power. After the merger, the opportunity existed to revisit the capitalization policies in order to achieve unity among the five operating companies and to incorporate any new directions set through process design by the Business Area Teams. The responsibility to maintain the corporate policy was assigned to the corporate Controller and in doing so was assigned to the Capital Asset Accounting department (CAA). Ultimately, the business units are responsible for correct application of the policy and how they manage their capital and operating dollars. CAA's involvement is to assure consistent application of the policy and to assist the business unit with correctly identifying where the dollars belong.


Unlike other policies, this document is the front end to the main source document which contains the capitalization rules for each property description. It describes the strategy behind deciding to make an item capital, explains the format for the property descriptions, outlines the process for making modifications to this policy, and defines how this policy intertwines with the creation of funding projects and work orders. In order to follow the nomenclature of the document and if one is unfamiliar with the property accounting terminology, the "Definition of Terms" section should be reviewed before continuing.


The capital versus operating decision is a highly contentious one because of the potential size of the dollars for the corporation as a whole. Even so, it should be based on accounting and financial principles that are basic to the strategic direction of the individual business unit and not on the ongoing or current earnings per share results. Accounting rules define capital where an item lasts longer than a year and improves or Iengthens the expected useful life of the overall unit from original expectations. Both conditions, not just one, should be met.

Lasting longer than a year is nebulous because some scheduled maintenance outages are not done annually but can be every two to three years. By saying

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"lasts longer than a year" implies that replacing anything every scheduled outage is appropriately capital. This is not the intent of the general statement. The statement is referring to items that are not expended or used up in the course of operating the plant. A new Statement of Position (SOP), "Accounting for Certain Costs and Activities Related to Property, Plant, and Equipment", currently in draft, addresses the issue of major maintenance projects including overhauls and refurbishments as being expense even though some items may last longer than one year. It is easy to determine if an item lasts longer than a year and to exclude those items that are considered routine or planned maintenance, but not as easy to determine if the item improves the expected useful life of the unit.

The process begins with a definition of the capitalization unit and then an approximation of the expected useful period. Anything less than a capitalization unit or not included as a capitalization unit is a minor item. Although the process should not be made more difficult than is necessary, a business unit must choose its capitalization units wisely. The resulting document is in essence a living document in that it is constantly changing. It should be a useable and comprehensive document, but not one that is so in depth as to be impossible to use. For example, a turbine generator unit might have an expected life of 40 years. If the entire generator is the capitalization unit, any subsequent addition must improve or Iengthen that time period to be considered capital. If the work maintains expected usefulness, is required to attain expected usefulness, or assures that the original life expectation will be attained, then the work is operating and maintenance (0&M).

However, the turbine generator is a large asset comprised of many parts. The asset could be subdivided further to account for some larger components that may not last the ful140 years but the replacements are not expected to be routine replacements. Either choice of capitalization unit designation is correct. The capitalization unit should not be comprised of items that are expected to be routinely replaced and are usually defined by the manufacturer as such. The expectation of a capital component that will be expended in the course of utilization, such as turbine oil, should not be designated as a capitalization unit. Thus, the choice of the unit is important because large unit size definition will push more dollars to operating during its usefulness, whereas smaller unit definitions will push the dollars to capital.

Therein lies the quandary. To summarize, it is generally recommended that if the subsequent work to be performed on a unit is unusual or not normally expected in the operation of the unit, replacement should be defined as a reconstruction or replacement for capitalization purposes. Conversely, if the work is expected or required in the normal operation of the unit, then the work should be defined as maintenance. Plant and business unit income statements take both operating and capital impacts into the financial analysis to determine the true impact each

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plant or business unit contributes to the bottom line. Whereas in the past, just the operating side was managed by the plant or business unit.

This brings the discussion around to the financial side of the determination and the subsequent effects of the capital choice. Obviously, the current period expenses are lowered during the construction because the costs are recorded on the balance sheet. However, the carrying costs associated with the asset must be considered. All but a few capital assets are the basis that states utilize to assess property tax. Even though it is based on a net plant basis, that net plant basis is never allowed to decrease all the way to zero. Therefore, the asset incurs an ongoing property tax expense, a reduction to income.

Another tax consideration is the effect on income taxes. An operating expense is deducted for tax purposes in the year spent. A unit placed in the capital accounts is slowly depreciated as a reduction to taxable income over very long lives for most utility property. Generation, transmission, and distribution reduce the tax burden over 15 to 20 years, whereas general property reduces the tax burden over 5 to 7 years.

Another consideration is that the asset has an expected return on as well as of the cost as defined by the state jurisdictions. If rate cases are filed routinely, this may not be an issue. But, the regulator has the purview to deny a return from the customer in the current rates or to "freeze" rates. Either way, the use of the regulatory reason for defining a unit as a capitalization unit should be done with caution. Regulatory safeguards are not reasons for choosing capitalization units that may not be an appropriate business decision. Capitalizing oil, on subsequent replacement is a prime example because it is expended in the operation of the plant. The asset really should be judged on its revenue producing ability. While this is not always applicable when discussing general property, the judgement is sound for most of the asset decisions.

Property Descriptions

The detailed property descriptions for this policy are numerous and some are quite lengthy. The descriptions have been provided in an electronic format through the intranet, separate from this document. The directory can be found in "Our Company," "Financial Management,"" Capital Asset Accounting," "Capitalization Policy." Each description may contain what is usually referred to as minor items to the capital unit. These items usually are capitalized on initial installation but are subsequently replaced on maintenance.

Also on the Capitalization Policy page you will find the Minimum Dollar Guideline General Rules. Dollar guidelines are based on material cost for all business units

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other than I/T. Dollar guidelines for IT are based on total direct cost before overheads, AFUDC, and other indirects.

The description section lists the common breakdown of a property, some of which may be capitalization units and others minor items. This distinction is not evident in this section, but is made clear in a later one. This list is not intended to be all encompassing but to cover the major components of the description. The next section, "Other Costs Included", lists non-material or non-direct costs that are typically associated with a capital project. Again it is not expected to cover every instance and conversely may include items that are not always charged to the project. For instance, construction overheads are a common listing. These may not be added if the project is of short duration, say less than 30 days. Legal fees are never listed, but may be an overhead to the capital project if licensing is involved.

The main section for any description is the "Capital Installation and Retirement" section. This section has three subsections. The first is for construction of a unit that did not previously exist and as such, no removal or retirement is mentioned. The second subsection is for the retirement without replacement of a unit. The third section is for the reconstruction work. The work of replacing a unit already in-service with another capitalization unit of the same functionality. This last section assumes that there is a retirement and an installation occurring.

This entire section needs to be as detail as possible, so that there is not confusion around the meaning. For instance, "replace a section of pipe" could mean many different things, anywhere from several inches to feet to a whole run. Thus, section would need to be defined. Words like "complete set, complete row, in its entirety, greater than 200 horsepower, 500 feet, etc" help delineate the meaning.

The "Maintenance" section is as important as the previous as it defines when the work is routine and expensed in the current year. Again, this section should be as detail as possible to eliminate as much doubt as possible. Typical verbs in this section are "rebuild, replace, repair, overhaul, inspect, study, etc."

The remaining sections offer additional information that assists the Capital Asset Accounting department in recording, tracking, and eventually retiring the asset. The retirement pricing method is usually either "specific", "curve", "FIFO", or "amortization". These terms are describing the method used to remove the asset. The following is a brief overview of what these terms mean:

• Specific - The retirement is linked to the actual installation cost. • Curve - Iowa Curves (industry standard life curves) are used to predict

the age and associated installation cost for the retirement.

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• FIFO - Is the "first in, first out" method of retiring the oldest property no matter what the actual installation date was.

• Amortization - No retirement is estimated with the cessation of use for an asset and a retirement is booked when both the book and tax depreciation is complete.

Future Modifications

Usually the process to make future modifications to a policy are not included in the policy, but the process surrounding the choice to make modifications is specific in this case and thus included. The general rule is that the modifications are made on a going forward basis and are not done because an entity is faced, within the current period, with an adverse income statement impact. In other words, changing the policy is unethical in order to shift operating expense to capital because earnings or bonuses are not what were expected.

However, business does change and subdividing a current capitalization unit is appropriate if done when not faced with an urgent income statement fix. New units or categories are added all the time and the line between one property unit may blur with another. These are reasons for change. The change is coordinated by Capital Asset Accounting to assure that the changes are inline with accounting rules. But the majority of the analysis is done by the business unit personnel. The actual implementation is tied to the next budget cycle and projects that are significantly underway when the policy changes follow the current or former policy. Projects in the planning or engineering phase are adapted to the new policy.

There may be gray area in the current policy and deciding on a modification to unit definitions can be a significant undertaking. Small changes to clarify the meaning can occur throughout the application and new items can be added at any time. Most gray area centers around the intent written into the description as it applies to the current project. If the application or intent is unclear, contact Capital Asset Accounting for assistance and interpretation. Internal use software, almost always, needs interpretation of how the current project should be dealt with within the description. The policy is not changed because there is gray area in applying the policy, it is changed when the business application of the policy changes, such as dollar guidelines. (Because of the complexity of the subject, internal use software is a policy in the more formal definition, but the concept is still the same.)


Although this policy does not deal with the detail accounting surrounding a construction project, there are several policy items that need to be addressed. These topics are the

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forecasting, investigative work, specific tracking requirements, capitalization of minor items, and responsibilities.


For accounting purposes, a project begins with the budgeting or forecasting of a project in the general Iedger system. The process may involve entering the project into a planning system specific for a business unit that is directly linked with the general Iedger. For the sake of this discussion, the term forecasting will be used to refer to either the budgeting or the forecasting process. Refer to the Definition of Terms section for a distinction in these terms.

Before the project is accepted into the capital budget or forecast, the project is validated for capital appropriateness according to the Capitalization Policy. The validation is done by CAA for all projects before a work order or funding project is finalized in the general Iedger system, SAP This is a check to assure that the project meets the capitalization rules. Many times this is done systematically by a communication link between the general Iedger and the fixed asset system. The process of validating the funding projects prior to completion of the budget or any subsequent release of a forecast assures that the information provided for plant related expense forecasting is consistent with the Capitalization Policy. It also assures that the information being presented to the Board of Directors on capital budget is just that. Approval by the Board of a project thought to be capital but subsequently adjusted to be operating does not make the operating costs capital. It is the responsibility of the business unit financial areas to assure that the Capitalization Policy is being closely adhered to in the forecasting process.

A work order is necessary in order for actual charges to begin accumulating construction charges in work in progress. The work order is requested through the general Iedger system and is available for use once the fixed asset system establishes the work order with its header information. Header information includes such things as the assignment of the ultimate account and the appropriate overheads. If a project, once validated, is for the future and actual costs will not be accumulated for a period of time, then the funding project is not assigned a work order.

Investigative Work

There are instances where it is uncertain if a capital project is necessary. Analysis or investigation must be done to determine if the work is necessary. This investigative work is operating until the point that a capital job is deemed necessary. Costs occurring after this trigger point may qualify for capital treatment, but all costs prior may not. The capital work begins when the decision to do a project is made and the necessary approvals have been obtained. The

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new SOP draft clearly identifies phases to a capital project and the investigative work is included in what the document defines as the "Preliminary Stage". The table below outlines the four phases. The term "property, plant, and equipment" is referenced by the acronym "PP&E"

Preliminary Pre-acquisition Acquisition or In-service Stage Stage Construction Stage Stage

Time line Prior to time Acquisition of Acquisition has Subsequent to when specific PP&E is occurred or when PP&E is acquisition of probable but has construction has substantially specific PP&E not yet occurred. commenced but complete and becomes PP&E is not yet ready for its probable. substantially intended use.

complete and ready for its intended use.

Sample Consideration Surveying, Acquisition, Replacements, Activities of alternatives, zoning, construction, or additions to

feasibility engineering installation of PP&E; existing PP&E, studies, studies, design engineering work, repairs and activities layouts, traffic design work maintenance occurring prior studies (these all to decision to may also occur in select specific preliminary PP&E stage)

Accounting for Expense Capitalize certain Capitalize certain Capitalize costs directly costs directly costs directly related replacements identifiable with related this stage to this stage and additions; specific PP&E expense

repairs and maintenance

The type of work that fits this category are typically called inspections (prior to construction work), studies, investigations, testing (prior to construction or after completion of construction where the project has been turned over from the construction manager to the operations manager), upgrades (not directly associated with any capitalization units), or any routine work that would typically be associated with maintenance.

Licensing, certificate of need work, permitting, etc, usually occur after management decisions have been given for a project. However, there are projects where the pre-construction work is anticipated to occur over a very long period and the management decision is deferred until the project has passed certain hurdles. In this case the costs are operating and could be reversed to capital if a capital project results. This is most often seen in nuclear re-licensing projects.

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In the forecasting process, studies or investigative work are operating but one could budget capital work that is expected. If a project is forecast to occur as a result and subsequently the investigative work does not produce the expected capital work but does produce necessary operating work, the operating costs cannot be done under the capital project just because it was forecast that way. The capital project is underrun and operating is overrun in this example.

Special Tracking Requirements

Many forecasted projects may span multiple FERC accounts and thus be given multiple work orders. The projects may use one funding project number under certain circumstances. It is easier to discuss the circumstances where a separate funding project may be required. The following are the general rules:

• Distinct tax recovery, such as street lighting uses a 7 year recovery and distribution uses a 20 year recovery.

• Tax deductibility versus tax depreciable, certain book capital items for repair in generating plants can qualify for tax deduction rather than a 15 to 20 tax depreciation.

• Special rate treatment, gas surcharge expansion areas need to be segregated from other areas rather than just a state jurisdictional separation.

e Differing book and tax treatment, such as saver switches and tax capitalized leases.

• Distinct book depreciation recovery, generating sites or units must be forecast separately.

• Business Unit need for segregated information, business unit need to track a specific asset or project.

Circumstances where one funding project number may be used to simplify the forecasting process are as follows:

• Centralized project tracking, such as a business unit that undertakes a project that affects all its generating sites in a region may budget one project but has, up front, determined an allocation to all the effected generating sites.

• Internal Use Software for multiple entities, these projects are tracked at the Service Company level with predetermined allocations that spread the costs to the associated legal entities. See "Capital Asset Accounting Policy: Service Company Assets".

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Capitalizinq Minor Items

As stated above, if the item being installed is a capitalization unit, it can be capitalized along with its associated costs. The usual associated costs are direct labor and various overheads. But sometimes the associated costs are items that fall below the capitalization unit criteria. For example, on installation of a new turbine, the turbine oil that is first added to the unit is capitalized. All subsequent oil changes are maintenance. The minor item can be capitalized with an associated unit if it is directly linked to the capital unit . For example , transmission fluid is not capitalized if a new air conditioning unit is added to a vehicle.

The existence of a defined capital project or capitalization unit within a larger scope of work does not give license to set costs that are outside the scope of the project to capital. For example, a capital project occurring during a plant outage should not have all the costs for that outage to capital. Items that are normally charged to operating and maintenance should continue to be charged as such. The labor and materials charged to capital actually become the exception rather than the rule. An example, replacing a single run of pipe (which meets capitalization policy rules) does not then give license to replace fittings and hangers along separate piping system sections that are not being replaced but are connected to the pipe being replaced.

There are times where a minor item is replaced that adds functionality to the capitalization unit that did not exist before and is of such a dollar magnitude that the material cost of the minor item is greater than 30% of the capitalization unit. If both these conditions are true, then capitalization may occur. In most cases the 30% portion applies, but the functionality existed before. Thus, the item is expensed. The classic example is with software, where a new module is being added. In this example, the existing software is a payroll system and the new module is a benefits reporting and enrollment package equal to the material cost of the payroll system. Since the functionality did not exist and the cost was greater than 30% of the original material cost, it was capitalized as part of the original payroll system.

Another example where insulators were added to distribution poles already in-service. Since the insulators did not exist on the pole, the addition would satisfy the new functionality rule. But, the material cost of the insulators added to a single pole was not greater than 30% of the material cost of the pole. Thus, the insulators were maintenance. The insulators still would be maintenance if the two conditions were reversed where the cost was greater than 30% but the functionality existed on the pole. However, if insulators were part of the dressed pole at the time it was originally installed, it would have been capitalized as a minor item at that time.

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Lastly, there are times that a minor item is of such high cost that the Company decides it would like capitalization treatment. In this case, filings can be made with the associated regulating entities to request a special exception to the Capitalization Policy. This is rare and is not guaranteed. The minor item will be treated as expense until the filing is complete and assurance has been granted for the policy exception. These filings are coordinated by CAA.

Capitalized Emergency Spare Parts

Although this topic is included as a separate property description, it is mentioned here because of the confusion and potential misuse that surrounds this description. Generally, spare parts are the inventory that a plant maintains, usually as recommended by the manufacturer. As these parts are put into use in the facility, the item is either expensed or capitalized at that time depending on the capitalization policy. These items should not be capitalized even if bought as part of the initial stocking that occurs with new facilities. The only spare parts that are capitalized are those that meet &!l ten criteria that are listed in the definition section. Additionally, the plant manager needs to review the form and indicate approval in an email to CAA by "forwarding" the original email with the attachment. CAA will also sign this form indicating that the part has been verified for designation and the form will be "forwarded" back to the originator for retention. CAA will maintain a copy for auditing purposes. This form is often reviewed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) because the rules to capitalize spares for book purposes are the same as those used by the IRS. Intentional misrepresentation to the IRS can lead to penalties and prosecution with potential jail time for company officials.


• Capital Asset Accounting: This department is responsible for the coordination, communication, and auditing to assure that the business unit personnel understand and can appropriately apply the policy. It can offer training on the policy as well as clarification of its application. The department, either through its personnel or its system, is responsible for the validation of capital funding projects and work orders. Once the budgeted or forecasted capital expenditures are entered, CAA is responsible for the calculation of associated plant related expense items such as plant balances, book and tax depreciation, deferred taxes, and other plant related balances.

• Other Departments: The other departments are any department that supplies, creates, or reviews the capital expenditures either in forecast mode or in association with actuals. The business unit financial areas or engineering areas are typical sources of information for any new additions or modifications to the policy. The source departments are responsible to

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understand and to adhere to the policy as it is contained on the intranet at all times.

• Internal Auditing: Plant and corporate records will be subject to internal and external audits which check compliance with corporate accounting guidelines and capitalization criteria.

Definition of Terms

Budget - The budget refers to the once a year forecasting process that determines the official, Board of Directors approved project list for the next calendar year. It includes a forecast of the projects currently in construction or to be constructed in the current year.

Capitalization unit - The smallest unit that must comprise the material component of a project in order for the work to be authorized as a capital project. Anything smaller is a minor item and usually considered maintenance when not directly linked with a capitalization unit.

Depreciation - For book purposes , depreciation is the allocation of the capitalized asset to the income statement over the useful life of the asset. It is known as the "return of' the asset. Generally, the straight line methods are utilized and the useful lives are approved by the various state and Federal commissions. For tax purposes, the depreciation is predetermined by the Tax Code. The method currently is an accelerated method over pre-described time periods.

Capitalized Emergency Spare Parts - A part or equipment held in reserve , which is essential to the continued operations of a facility. Its absence when required for use may significantly impact the operational effectiveness of the facility. If you have equipment that qualifies for capitalized emergency spare parts, you must complete the Capitalized Emergency Spare Parts Designation Form and return it to Capital Asset Accounting.

A Capitalized Emergency Spare Part is for specific capital equipment, major units of property not minor units. The equipment must meet all of the following conditions in order to be considered a spare part.

• Necessary to avoid substantial operating time loss caused by emergency shutdown due to particular machine or equipment failure (unit would be offline for an extended period of time without this spare)

• Failure without a ready replacement would cause a substantial shutdown or a vital part of the business would suffer from prolonged delays due to shutdown

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• Directly related to the particular machinery or piece of equipment it serves

• Life expectancy of eight (8) years or more (from purchase to disposal), or replacement of equipment due to condition based criteria

• Unit material cost of at least $50,000 • Located at or near the site or it can be delivered quickly to the site

• Equipment is a capital unit of property by itself • Not subject to normal periodic replacement, which infers a minor

unit of property (i.e. oil, filters, or pulverizer balls) • Must be special ordered to unit specifications from the manufacturer • Not acquired in quantity (generally only one on hand for each piece

of machlnery or equipment)

Expected Useful Life - Period of time over which an item of PP & E is expected to provide economic benefits to an entity. In the determination of expected useful life, it is presumed that an entity will perform normal, ongoing or periodic maintenance activities on that PP&E.

Forecast - The forecast is any changes to capital expenditures that is done after the budget process is complete. It may include more years into the future than the budget. Once approved, any changes to projects are considered to be a forecast and usually are compared to the approved budget.

Funding Project - The 35 character name that is assigned to each project that is to be forecast. The name has some intelligence to it, such as for generation, it must be evident to which generating site the funding project relates.

Minimum Dollar Guideline - Dollar guidelines are based on material cost for all business units other than IfT. Dollar guidelines for IT are based on total direct cost before overheads, AFUDC, and other indirects. There are two rules underlying the basic capitalization test, the material unit must be a capitalization unit and the direct costs must be equal to or greater than the minimum dollar guideline. The amounts are determined by the financial areas within a business unit and may cause an item that qualifies as a capitalization unit to be operating or maintenance because it is small in dollar value.

Minor Item - Any item that does not qualify for capitalization and generally is a unit smaller than a capitalization unit. A minor item is usually considered maintenance when not directly linked with a capitalization unit. There are some instances where capitalization is allowed when not directly linked to a capitalization unit and these are discussed above.

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Net plant - The original cost of the asset less its current balance in accumulated depreciation. Represents the amount remaining to be recovered in future depreciation.

Original Construction - The installation of a capital unit where the unit offers functionality to the business for the first time or offers new functionality in an existing location. A simple example is the construction of a new generating facility.

0&/W - Operating and maintenance is normal, planned, expected, or routine work performed on an item to keep it operating efficiently and is necessary in order to achieve expected useful life.

Planned Major Maintenance Activities - Also referred to as " overhauls ," " turnarounds ," and "refurbishments." These and other routine activities that an entity considers necessary to perform on a recurring basis to maintain PP&E in operating condition. Examples include shutting down a generating unit at regular intervals to overhaul the equipment, or taking an airplane engine out of service at regular intervals to perform an overhaul. These functions are usually expense except for the portion directly associated with a capitalization unit.

Plant Related Expense Forecasting - The calculation of the associated costs that occur as a result of a construction expenditure forecast and includes construction work in progress balances, plant balances, annual plant activity, accumulated depreciation, depreciation expense, removal cost, salvage, tax depreciation, tax expense, other special tax deductions, gains and losses, accumulated deferred tax balances, annual deferred taxes, and investment tax credit.

Propedy unit - One or several capitalization units. This term is analogous to a system or functionality. An example of a property unit that is comprised of several capitalization units is a substation. A one-to-one relationship exists for conductor.

Rate Base - The basis upon which a regulated utility earns its rate of return for its invested capital. For the purpose of this policy, it consists of plant in-service less accumulated book depreciation less accumulated deferred taxes. The rate of return on the asset is known as the "return on" the asset.

Rebuild - To take an existing unit or item and replace or retool a majority of the unit. This is capital only when the unit being rebuilt is a capitalization unit.

Reconstruction / Replacement - The replacement of a unit of property that was previous installed such that the new unit replaces the established functionality of the replaced unit to either the same intent or some modification of the current intent. For example, replacing a distribution pole in an existing line or rewinding a power transformer in an existing substation to a higher capacity.

Repair - To fix a unit or a part of a unit that is no longer functioning properly. This is usually maintenance unless a capitalization unit is being replaced, then that portion may be capital.

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Retirement unit - Equal to or a sum of several capitalization units . It is the lowest level that is maintained once the property is placed in-service and utilized by CAA to do retirement pricing.


Capital Asset Policv, Xcel Energy Intranet Site, Policies & Procedures, Corporate Policies, Accounting & Financial Policies, approved by Wayne Brunetti and Jim Mcintyre on October 2,2000. http://xpressnet/CorpP&P/2/22.asp Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18- Conservation of Power and Water Resources, Subchapter C - Accounts, Federal Power Act, Part 101 - Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Public Utilities and Licensees Subject to the Provisions of the Federal Power Act, Electric Plant Instruction 10- Additions and Retirements of Electric Plant, Subpart A. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources, Subchapter C - Accounts, Federal Power Act, Part 201 - Uniform System of Accounts Prescribed for Natural Gas Companies Subject to the Provisions of the Natural Gas Act, Gas Plant Instruction 10 -Additions and Retirements of Gas Plant, Subpart A. FERC Order 598, Accounting for Certain Costs and Activities Related to Property, Plant, and Equipment, Exposure Draft, Proposed Statement of Position (SOP), Accounting Standards Executive Committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, April 25, 2001.

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Southwestern Public Service Company

Nuclear Capital Costs Projects

Schedule H-5.2a is not applicable to Southwestern Public Service Company ("SPS") because SPS does not own or operate nuclear facilities.

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Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

All Plant Summary

Oct 2019 through Oct 2019 through Line Plant Sept 2020 Ratebase Dec 2020 Ratebase No. Name Additions in Dollars Additions in Dollars

1 Carlsbad $ -$ 2 Celanese -3 Corporate -4 Cunningham 14,163,472 18,852,315 5 Denver City -6 General Manager -7 Hale 821,994 9,032,293 8 Harrington 11,079,618 13,394,425 9 Jones 2,061,372 21,144,303 10 Maddox 1,086,612 3,821,154 11 Moore County -12 Nichols 7,032,496 8,019,019 13 Plant X 3,579,190 6,720,168 14 Quay County 21,257 21,257 15 Riverview 16 Sagamore 77,031 804,267,366 17 Tolk 6,409,886 35,682,609 18 Tucumcari -

19 Total: $ 46,332,927 $ 920,954,909 Note: This schedule contains estimates for the period of October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020, referred to as the "Update Period." As discussed by Southwestern Public Service Comany ("SPS") witness William A. Grant, SPS will file actual costs for the Update Period, including an updated version of this schedule, no later than the 45th day after the date of the initial filing of this rate case, as required by PURA § 36.112.


1 - Page 454 of 565 005009

Schedule H-5.2b Page 1 of 11

Sponsor: Lytal 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Cost, Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

Plant Name: Cunningham

Line Parent Project No. Number

1 NA 2 A.0001545 129 3 A.0001545 131 4 A.0001545.130 5 A.0001545.282 6 A.0001545.500 7 A.0001545.123 8 A.0001545.112 9 A.0001545.104 10 A.0001545.269 11 A 0001545.500 12 A 0001545 110 12 A 0001545,085 12 A.0001545 260 12 A 0001545.501 12 A.0001545.089 13 A.0001545 307


Child Project Number

N/A A 0001545 129 001 002 A.0001545.131.001.001 A.0001545.130 A.0001545.282 A.0001545.500 A.0001545.123 001 002 A.0001545.112.001 002 A.0001545.104 001.002 A.0001545 269 A.0001545.500.001.023 A.0001545.110 A 0001545.085 A 0001545 260 001.002 A 0001545 501 001.013 A 0001545 089 001.002 A 0001545 307

CHC Total

Title and Description

Cunningham < $100,000 CHC4C-Rewind Generator CHC2C Rpt Boiler Tube CHC4C-Rpl Combustor Components -231 CHC34C CT Control Upgrade CHC Emergent Fund -Steam prod CHC3C-Rewind Generator CHC4C-UPG CEMSs Foxboro Sys CHC2C-Upg CEMs Foxboro Sys CHCDC-Rpl Fuel Gas Press Cntrl Vlv CHC2C BFP Element CHC3C-Upg CEMs Foxboro Sys CHCOC-Rpr Water Well Mtr 2019 CHCOC-Arc flash relay, 480 buss G CHC3C Generator Bellows Mod CHCOC-Rep Water Wells 2020 CHC4C-Inst Onln Vib Mntr Sys

October 2019 October 2019 through through

September 2020 December 2020 Completion Ratebase Ratebase

Classification Date Additions Additions Benefit Note 1 Actual in Dollars in Dollars Analysis

N/A N/A 731,243 828,281 7 Oct-2020 8,151,542 8,151,542 Yes 7 Oct-2020 3,961,586 3,961,586 No 7 Jan-2021 - 2,419,370 Not Required 7 Feb-2021 - 1,105,310 No 7 Dec-2025 - 466,424 Not Required 7 Aug-2019 262,212 262,212 Yes 3 Aug-2020 250,839 250,839 Yes 3 Feb-2020 240,737 240,737 Yes 7 Dec-2020 - 192,900 Yes 7 Dec-2020 188,158 188,158 NO 3 Oct-2020 - 170,300 Yes 7 Oct-2020 - 134,165 Yes 7 Aug-2020 130,066 130,066 Not Required 7 Oct-2020 128,034 128,034 No 7 Sep-2020 119,055 119,055 Yes 7 Jan-2021 - 103,336 No

Total: $ 14,163,472 $ 18,852,315

Note 1: Classification Categories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other


1 - Page 455 of 565 005010

Schedule H-5.2b

Page 2 of 11 Sponsor: Lytal

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

PLANT NAME: Hale County Oct 2019 through Oct 2019 through Sept 2020 Dec 2020

Completion Ratebase Ratebase Line Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification Date Additions Additions Benefit No. Number Number Description Note 1 Actual in Dollars in Dollars Analysis

1 NA NA Hale County < $100,000 NA N/A - 19,976 2 A 0001577.001 A 0001577.001 SPS Wind -Hale County 5 Dec-2020 - 5,859,984 Yes 3 A.0001577.001 A.0001577.001.001 002 SPS Wind -Hale County 5 Dec-2020 2,330,340 Yes 4 A.0001577.002 A.0001577.002.001 004 Hale- Land Purchase for OH Bus 5 Jul-2020 821,994 821,994 Yes

5 HALE Total Total: $ 821,994 $ 9,032,293

Note 1: Classification Categories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other


1 - Page 456 of 565 005011

Schedule H-5.2b Page 3 of 1 1

Sponsor: Lytal 2021 TX

Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

October 2019 October 2019 Plant Name: Harrington through through

September 2020 December 2020 Completion Ratebase Ratebase

Line Parent Project No. Number

1 N/A 2 A 0001550 421 3 A 0001550 346 4 A 000'550 500 5 A 000- 550 389 6 A 000 550 406 7 A 000· 550 187 8 A 000' 550 186 9 A 000- 550 392 10 A 000'550 345 11 A 000' 550 472 12 A 000' 550 470 13 A 000- 550 471 14 A 000r 550 235 15 A 000'550 500 16 A 000'550 500 17 A 000 550 407 18 A 000-550 396 19 A 000·550 500 20 A 000' 550 388 21 A 0001550 208

Child Project Number

N/A A 0001550 421 001 001 A 0001550 346 001 002 A 0001550 500 A 0001550 389 A 0001550 406 001 002 A 0001550 187 001 002 A 0001550 186 001 002 A 0001550 392 001 002 A 0001550.345.001 002 A 0001550 472 001 002 A 0001550 470 001 002 A 0001550 471 001 002 A 0001550 235 001 002 A 0001550 500 001 079 A 0001550 500 001 077 A 0001550.407.001 002 A 0001550 396 A 0001550 500 001,059 A 0001550 388 001 002 A 0001550 208 001 002

Title and Description

Harrington < $100,000 HAR2C Gen Stator Rewind HAR2C-H2 Rpl Foxboro FBMs HAR Emergent Fund -Steam prod HAROC-Basement Wmterization HAR2C-Rpl Steam Cooled Spacer Tubes HAR2C-H2 Rpl #5 LP FWH HAR2C-H2 Rpl #6 LP FWH HAR2C-H2 Rpl Burners HAR3C-Mill B Major Overhaul HAR2C-Rpl EHC Pump Sys HAR2C-Rpl CT Riser Inlet Vlvs HAR2C-Rpl CT MCCs on F-Bus HAR2C-H2 Rebag Partial 2020 HAR2C Rpl GSU 230kV Bushings HAR2C Rpl ID Fan Disch Dampers HAR2C-Inst Mainl Switch on MV Bkrs HAROC-Install CEMS Compressor HAR2C-Rebuild 2C SBAC Blower HAR2C-Rpl Gen Hydrogen Purity Monlt HAR3C Partial Rebag

Classification Note 1 N/A 7 3 7 7 7

7 7 7 7 7 7 3 7 7 7 3 7 7 3

Date Additions Actual in Dollars

N/A 1,427,869 Aug-2020 2,923,890 Oct-2020 1,814,085 Dec-2025 -Jan-2021 -Aug-2020 639,585 Aug-2020 556,164 Aug-2020 555,714 Aug-2020 522,817 Dec-2020 514,400 Aug-2020 323,405 Jul-2020 297,460

Aug-2020 268,787 Aug-2020 250,224 Aug-2020 217,597 Aug-2020 216,948 Aug-2020 193,366 Feb-2021 Mar-2020 122,375 Aug-2020 121,082 Jan-2020 113,851

Additions Benefit in Dollars Analysis

1,591,506 2,923,890 Yes 1,814,085 Yes 1,257,163 Not Required

711,746 Yes 639,585 Yes 556,164 Yes 555,714 Yes 522,817 Yes 514,400 Yes 323,405 Yes 297,460 Yes 268,787 Yes 250,224 Yes 217,597 No 216,948 No 193,366 No 182,261 Yes 122,375 No 121,082 Yes 113,851 Yes

22 HAR Total Total: $ 11,079,618 $ 13,394,425

Note 1: Classification Categories [1 ] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified In 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other


1 - Page 457 of 565 005012

Schedule H-5.2b

Page 4 of 11 Sponsor: Lytal

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

Plant Name: Jones

Line Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification Completion


October 2019 October 2019 through through

September 2020 December 2020 Ratebase Ratebase Additions Additions Benefit

No. Number 1 N/A 2 A 0001586.020 3 A.0001586.299 4 A 0001586.017 5 A 0001586 308 6 A.0001586 501 7 A 0001586.263 8 A.0001586.500 9 A 0001586.500

10 A 0001586.296 11 A.0001586.286 12 A.0001586.302 13 A 0001586.015


Number N/A

A.0001586.020 A.0001586.299 A.0001586.017 A.0001586 308 001 002 A.0001586 501 A.0001586.263 001.002 A.0001586.500 001.028 A.0001586.500 A.0001586 296 A 0001586.286 001.002 A.0001586 302.001.002 A.0001586.015.001.002

JON Total

Description Note 1 Actual in Dollars in Dollars Analysis Jones < $100,000 N/A NA 323,578 714,239 JON3C Jones 3&4 Hot Gas Path Replac 7 Jan-2021 - 12,075,514 Yes JON0C-Effluent Water Optimization 7 Feb-2021 - 3,856,180 Yes JONOC NOX Controls Enhancement 3 Dec-2020 - 1,673,356 No JON4C-Exhaust Stack Silencer Baffle 7 Jun-2020 693,252 693,252 Yes JON Emergent Fund -Other prod 7 Jan-2026 - 659,217 Not Required JONOC-Rpl Oil Cir Breaker JK10 7 Feb-2020 412,627 412,627 Yes JONOC-Inst In-Line BoostPmp 7 Mar-2020 291,722 291,722 No JON Emergent Fund -Steam prod 7 Dec-2025 - 282,774 Not Required JONOC-Replace Section 13 Pivot 7 Jan-2021 - 145,229 No JON2C-Inst Onln Vib Mntr Sys 7 Aug-2020 124,799 124,799 No JON1C-Rpl#9 Fan Shroud 7 Dec-2020 115,377 115,377 Yes JONOC-ICCP Replacement-Jones RR 7 Jan-2020 100,018 100,018 No

Total: $ 2,061,372 $ 21,144,303

Note 1: Classification Categories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other

to 8

C/D -i t ><BF Fig(N g M tA

0 F 2, MR=


1 - Page 458 of 565 005013

Schedule H-5.2b

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30, 2021)

October 2019 October 2019 Plant Name: Maddox through through

September 2020 December 2020 Completion Ratebase Ratebase

Line Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification Date Additions Additions Benefit No. Number 1 N/A 2 A 0001529 089 3 A 0001529 084 4 A 0001529 068 5 A.0001529 095 6 A.0001529.082 7 A.0001529 056 8 A.0001529.500 9 A.0001529.083

Number N/A

A 0001529.089 A.0001529,084 A 0001529 068 A 0001529 095.001.002 A.0001529 082 001.002 A 0001529 056 A 0001529 500 A 0001529.083.001.002

Description Maddox < $100,000 MAD1C-Rpl SH Term Tubes MAD1C-Rpl #2 HP FWH MAD1C-Upg DCS Opr Stn-19969 MADOC-Rpl Overhead Crane - NEW MAD3C-Rpl U940 Gen Breaker MAD1C-Upg CEMs Foxboro Sys MAD Emergent Fund -Steam prod MADOC-Rpl Waterwells 2020

Note 1 Actual in Dollars N/A N/A 164,464 7 Dec-2020 -7 Jan-2021 -7 Jan-2021 -7 Dec-2020 475,677 7 Feb-2020 316.709 3 Dec-2020 -7 Dec-2025 -7 Aug-2020 129,762

in Dollars 199,999

1,119,851 649,136 523,038 475,677 316,709 225,905 181,077 129,762


Yes Yes

Not Required Yes

Not Required Yes

Not Required Yes

10 MAD Total Total: $ 1,086,612 $ 3,821,154

Note 1: Classification Categories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other

7 QE 7 P¢ 3 e % % R O 4 2; g Rt-


1 - Page 459 of 565 005014

Schedule H-5.2b

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

October 2019 October 2019 Plant Name: Nichols through through

September 2020 December 2020 Completion Ratebase Ratebase

Line Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification Date Additions Additions Benefit No. Number 1 N/A 2 A 0001560.094 3 A 0001560 124 4 A 0001560 500 5 A 0001560 128 6 A.0001560.500 7 A.0001560.136 8 A 0001560.500 9 A 0001560.133 10 A 0001560,127 11 A.0001560.500 12 A 0001560.500 13 A 0001560 131 14 A 0001560 132 15 A 0001560 500

Number N/A

A.0001560 094 001 002 A.0001560 124 001 002 A.0001560.500 A.0001560 128 001 002 A.0001560.500.001.046 A.0001560.136 A.0001560.500.001.051 A.0001560 133.001.003 A 0001560 127 A 0001560.500 001 043 A 0001560 500 001 049 A 0001560 131 001 002 A 0001560 132 001 002 A 0001560.500 001 040

Description Nichols < $100,000 NIC3C-Rpl CT Structure Ph2 NIC3C-Rpl Condenser Inlet Circ Pipe NIC Emergent Fund -Steam prod NIC3C-Rpl CW Risers at CT NIC1C Rpl L4 Turb Blades NIC1C-Rpl Ul Volt Reg NICOC Rpl Spnnkler Pivot S7 NIC3C Rpl FWH Level Transmitters NIC3C-Rpl Boiler Bldg Elevator NIC2C Rpl HS Air Comp NIC3C S Cim Wtr Pmp Mtr Rwnd NIC3C-Rpl MS Vent Valve NIC3C-N3 Rpl UPS Inverter NIC1C-Rpl Gov Vlv Rexa Drive

Note 1 Actual in Dollars N/A N/A 809,837

7 Feb-2020 4,232,762 7 Feb-2020 395,220 7 Jan-2026 -7 Feb-2020 339,149 7 Apr-2020 274,216 7 Deo·2020 3 Oct-2020 207,605 7 Dec-2019 192,858 7 Jan-2021 -7 Aug-2020 126,902 7 May-2020 119,049 7 Mar-2020 118,759 7 Jan-2020 111,655 7 Oct-2020 104,485

in Dollars 1,022,352 4,232,762 395,220 342,655 339,149 274,216 271,143 207,605 192,858 160,210 126,902 119,049 118,759 111,655 104,485


Yes Yes

Not Required Yes No Yes NO Yes No NO NO Yes Yes NO

16 NIC Total Total: $ 7,032,496 $ 8,019,019

Npte 1: Classification Categories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) M] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other

8 to

Nl F Pcl CA 09

O ·· -]

2€ b


1 - Page 460 of 565 005015

Schedule H-5.2b

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

Plant Name: Plant X

Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification

October 2019 October 2019 through through

September 2020 December 2020 Completion Ratebase Ratebase

Date Additions Additions Benefit Line No. Number

1 N/A 2 A 0001534.500 3 A.0001534.500 4 A.0001534.209 5 A.0001534 187 6 A.0001534 204 7 A 0001534 200

Number N/A

A.0001534.500 001 024 A 0001534.500 A.0001534.209 A 0001534 187 001 002 A.0001534.204 A.0001534 200 001 002

Description Plant X < $100,000 PLX1-Rpl Ul battery house roof PLX Emergent Fund -Steam prod PLX3C Rpl East Waterwall Tubes PLX4C-Generator Rewedge PLXOC-Floating pump w piping for pi PLX4C-X4 East BFP element rebuild

Note 1 Actual in Dollars in Dol N/A N/A 235,231 4:

7 0 2,458,540 2,4{ 7 Dec-2025 - 1,3{ 7 Oct-2020 - 86 7 Jan-2020 718,361 71 7 Jan-2021 - 71 7 Jan-2020 167,057 le

lars Analysis 54,578 B,540 No )5,839 Not Required :7,516 No 8,361 Yes 8,277 Yes ;7,057 Yes

8 PLX Total Total: $ 3,579,190 $ 6,720,168

Note 1: Classification Categories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other


1 - Page 461 of 565 005016

Schedule H-5.2b Page 8 of 11

Sponsor: Lytal 2021 TX

Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Projects for the Year Ended September 30,2020

October 2019 October 2019 Plant Name: Quay County through through

September 202C December 2020 Completion Ratebase Ratebase

Line Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification Date Additions Additions Benefit No. Number Number Description Note 1 Actual in Dollars in Dollars Analysis

1 N/A N/A Quay County < $100,000 N/A N/A $ 21,257 $ 21,257 2

3 QUA Total Total: $ 21,257 $ 21,257

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs Proiecls for the Year Ended September 30,2020

PLANT NAME: Sagamore Oct 2019 through Oct 2019 through Sept 2020 Dec 2020

Completion Ratebase Ratebase Line Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification Date Additions Additions Benefit No. Number Number Description Note 1 Actual in Dollars in Dollars Analysis

1 N/A N/A Sagamore < $100,000 NA NA 77,031 77,031 2 A 0001563.001 A.0001563 001 SPS Wind - Sagamore 5 Dec-2022 804,023,366 Yes 3 A.0001563 015 A 0001563.015 Sagamore-Land & Land Rights 5 Mar-2021 - 166,969 Yes

4 SAG Total 77,031 $ 804,267,366 Total: $

Note 1: Classification Cateaories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other


1 - Page 463 of 565 005018

Schedule H-5.2b

Page 10 of 11 Sponsor: Lytal

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Pioduction Plant Capital Costs Project, for the Year Ended September 30,2020

October 2019 October 2019 Plant Name Tolk through through

September 2020 December 2020 Completion Ratebase Ratebase

Line Parent Project Child Project Title and Classification Date Additions Additions Benefit No Number Number Description Notel Actual in Dollars in Dollars Analysis 1 N/A 2 A 0001598 001 3 A.0001598 002 4 A 0001555 300 5 A 0001555 433 6 A 0001555 500 7 A 0001555 104 8 A 0001555 221 9 A 0001555 226 10 A 0001555 500 11 A 0001555 258 12 A 0001555 379 13 A 0001555 428 14 A 0001555 217 15 A 0001555 224 16 A 0001555 421 17 A 0001555 148 18 A 0001555 413 19 A 0001555 194 20 A 0001555 422 21 A 0001555 429 22 A 0001555 136 23 A 0001555 420 24 A 0001555 245 25 A 0001555 588 26 A 0001555 414 27 A 0001555 299


N/A A 0001598.001 A.0001598.002 A 0001555 300 A.0001555 433 001 002 A 0001555 500 A 0001555 104 001 002 A 0001555 221 001 002 A 0001555 226 001 002 A 0001555 500 001 038 A 0001555 258 A 0001555 379 A 0001555 428 A 0001555 217 001 002 A 0001555 224 A 0001555 421 A 0001555 148 A 0001555 413 001 002 A 0001555 194 A 0001555 422 A 0001555 429 A 0001555 136 A 0001555 420 001 002 A 0001555 245 A 0001555 588 A 0001555 414 001 002 A 0001555 299 001 002

TOL Total

Tolk < $100,000 N/A TOL1C-Synchronous Condenser 7 TOL2C-Synchronous Condenser 7 TOL2C-Prch & Install New GSU XFMR 7 TOL1C-Rpl RH Loops 7 TOL Emergent Fund -Steam pad 7 TOLOC-Rpl RR Ties PH 5 of 5 7 TOL1C-Rpr Mill D GearBx & Jrnl 7 TOL2C-Rpl Mill E Gearbx & Jour 7 TOLIC-Rpl Mill C Shaft 7 TOL2C-Rbld T2 Mill B Gearbox 7 TOL2C-T2 Burners 2020 7 TOL2C-Rpl TK32 oil circuit breaker 7 TOLOC-Rail Ballast & Alignmnt 7 TOL2C-Rpr M,IIF GearBx & Journ 7 TOL1C-Rpl TK02 oil circuit breaker 7 TOLOC-Rpl Water Treatment Bldg 7 TOLOC-Rpl Tl<09 oil circuit breaker 7 TOL2C-Replace SSC Chain 7 TOL1C-Rpl UPS Inverters 7 TOL2C-Rpl UPS Inverters 7 TOL2C-Rpl Diesel Gen Controls 7 TOL1C-A B xfmr Xwinding bushtngs 7 TOLOC-Rpl Water Well Pmp 2020 7 TOLOC- install Gas Chromatograph 7 TOLOC-Startup A-B Transformer DGA 7 TOLOC-ICCP Replacement-Tolk 7

N/A 583,222 704,214 Jan-2021 - 10,421,155 Yes Mar-2021 - 9,281,809 Yes Feb-2021 - 3,873,343 No Aug-2020 1,516,956 1,516,956 No Dec-2025 1,363,404 Not Required Feb-2020 900,495 900,495 Yes Mar-2020 799,148 799,148 Yes Dec-2019 764,420 764,420 Yes Feb-2020 722,887 722,887 No Mar-2021 - 702,059 Yes Jan-2021 - 653,178 Yes Jan-2021 - 523,090 Yes Feb-2020 446,278 446,278 Yes Oct-2020 387,424 Yes Jan-2021 - 384,001 Yes Oct-2020 - 336,643 Yes Dec-2020 305,101 305,101 Yes Jan-2021 - 260,408 Yes Dec-2020 259,799 Yes Jan-2021 - 220,537 Yes Dec-2020 - 202,564 Yes Aug-2020 165,255 165,255 Yes Jan-2021 - 159,651 Yes Oct-2020 - 122,665 No Oct-2020 104,072 104,072 No Jan-2020 102,052 102,052 No

Total: $ 6,409,886 $ 35,682,609

Note 1: Classification Categories [1] Immediate Personnel Safety Requirement [2] Regulatory Safety of Operations Requirement [3] Regulatory Commitment (Not classified in 2 above) [4] Plant Efficiency Improvement [5] New Building [6] Productivity Improvement [7] Reliability [8] Economic [9] Habitability [10] Other


1 - Page 464 of 565 005019

Schedule H-5.2b

Page I 1 of 11

Sponsor: Lytal 2021 TX

Rate Case

Schedule H-5.3a Page 1 of 1

Sponsor: Grant 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Nuclear Capital Expenditures (Historical, Present, Projected)

Schedule H-5.3a is not applicable to Southwestern Public Service Company ("SPS") because SPS does not own or operate nuclear facilities.

SCH1 - Page 465 of 565 005020

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fosqi] Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorieal, Present, Projected)

8 9 10 (280,558) (293) 13 Plant Name: Carlsbnd Unit: 5

I IistoricaI Ilistorical Ilistorica I Historical Ilisto, icil Year Present Year Projected Year Ihojected Year Proieeted Year Line No. Project Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 1 0 1 2 3 Total

1 A 0001520 011 CCT5C-CGT Complete Deino-21293 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 198.384 $ - $ -$ -$ - $ 198.384

2 N/A Othei Capital Projects

3 Totals S-5 -S - ~ -$ 198,384 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 198,384

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fmsil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistoricnl, Present, Projected)

I'lnnt N}ime: Ci,nninghnm Unit: 0

Line Project No. N i,mbrr

1 A 0001545 500 2 A 0001545 301 3 A 0001545 068 4 A 0001545 064 5 A 0001545 302 6 A 0001545 258 7 A 0001545 073 8 A 0001545 269 9 A 0001545 271 10 A 0001545 253 11 A 0001545 282 12 A 0001545 092 11 A 0001545091 14 A 0001545 090 15 A 000 I 545 046 16 A 0001545085 17 A 0001545260 18 A 0001545 089 19 A 0001545 065 20 A0D0I545 140

2 t N/a


Project Title C'HC Emergent Fund -Steam prod CHCOC-Rpl WW Pipeline 9-10 CHCOC-Rpl Water Well line CHCOC-Waierwcll Pinp Mtr Rpl CHCOC-Rpl WW Pipeline 8-16 CHCOC-Replace Batteries CHCOC-Rp] Waterwell Pmp Mtr CHCOC-lip] Fuel Gas Press Crtrl Vlv CI lCOC-Biowdown Line CHCOC-Rpl WW Line 14-15-2] 352 CHCMC CT Control Upgrade CHCOC-Rei) Water Wells Mti 2023 C}1C0C-Rep Water Wells 2022 CHCOC-Rep Water Wells 2021 Cl ICOC-Refurb Plant Bathroom ('}1('OC-Rpr Water Well Mtr 2019 CHCOC-Arc flash ielay, 480 buss G CHCOC-Rep Water Wells 2020 CHC(C-Rpl WW Pump Meters CHCOC-Rpl N Ilouse Air Comp -24171

Other Capital PioJC:ts


]Iistorical Year 5 11[storicnl Year 4


- 274,087 - 272,044

114,141 -

302,141 97,186

416,282 $ 643,318

Historical Year 3




$ 342,457

Histo,ica] Yenr 2 -





$ 595,810

Historical Year 1

$ 100,504



80,834 107,439 23,897


$ 385,929

Present Year 0 $ 777,416




39,775 105,125 121,775


$ I,643,993

Projected Yearl $ 1,900,004





$ 2,512,303

Projeded Year 2 Pio,ected Yenl 3 Total $ 700,000 $ 699,996 $ 4,177,

- 385,000 $ 385, - - $ 274, - - $ 272, - - $ 257,

129,669 254, - $ 225,

- - $ 204, - $ 191, - $ 179, - S 174,

- 170,004 $ 170, 165,000 - $ 165,

- - $ 160, - - $ 152, - - $ 147,

- $ 129. - $ 121,

- - $ 114, 110,DOM $ 110,

$ 53,150 $ 1,087,

$ $

$ 1,047,819 $ 1,365,004 $ 8,952,


1 - Page 467 of 565 005022

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 2 of40 O





•t,-. '.

1 U


Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Cunningham Unit: I

Line project Year l Year 2 Year 3 Total

Iistorical Historical 1]istorical 1] is tori cal Historical Present Projected Projected P rojected No. Ntimber Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 0 Year 1

1 N/A Other Capital Projects $ 77,735 $ 101,218 $ 44,408 $ 20,123 $ (6,435) $ 914 $ - $ $ - $ 237,963

2 Totals $ 77,735 $ 101,218 $ 44,408 $ 20,123 $ (6,435) $ 914 $ -$ -$ -$ 237,963

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Cogtx (]Iistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Cunninghani Unit: 2

Line Project Ilistorica] ]1ictorical I]istoi·ical Ilistorical Ilistorica] Present Year Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year l 0 Year l Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001545 131 CHC'2C Rpl Boiler Tube $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,139,853 $ -$ -$ -$ 5,139, 2 A 0001545 500 001 009 CHC2C-HRI ] Piping Abate&Rems - - 847,568 - - - - $ 847, 3 A 0001545 043 Cll(2(-Rpl CT Dccking - - - 6,562 743,506 - - $ 750, 4 A 0001545 020 CHCZC-Rpl CT Riscr pipe 605.470 - - - - - - $ 605, 5 A 0001545 122 CI-]C2C-Upg DCS Hardware - - 118,511 317,453 (14,434) - - -$ 421, 6 A 0001545 035 CI-K'2C-Rpl BFP Discharge vlvq - - 146,167 209,256 - - - $ 355, 7 A 0001545 031 CI-1C2C-Rpl BFP Fluid Dnvcs - - 46,599 267,085 - - - -$ 313, 8 A 0001545 137 CI IC2-Rewedge Gen Statoi -24168 - - - - - 305,000 $ 305, 9 A 0001545 012 C] 1(2C-Rpl Econ inlet header 275,054 - - - - $ 275, 10 A 0001545 104 CHC2C-Upg CEMs Foxboro Sys - - - 237,741 6, I]4 - - - $ 243, 11 A 0001545 118 CI-IC2C-E Rbld Turb Cntrl Vlv - - 156,087 - - - - $ 156, 12 A 0001545 156 CHC2C-Rpl CT GB & Fans Phase5 151,833 - - - - - -$ 151, 13 A 0001545 115 CHC2C-Rpl CT Bus Duel 128,626 - - - -$ 128, 14 A 0001545 254 Clz[C2C-Rpl Bumcl Titls-21235 119,023 - - - - $ 119, 15 A 0001545 255 CHC2C-Rpl CT Suction Screens-21237 - - ]09,515 - - - - $ 109, 16 A 0001545 138 CHC2C-Upg Fox CPs & Softwaic -23954 - - - - 107,000 $ 107, 17 A 0001545 500 CHC Emeigent Fund -Steam piod - - 57,322 329,597 - - - $ 386,


18 N/A Other Capital Prolccts 230,222 65,256 21,381 219,889 160,190 127,336 118,050 77,088 - $ 1,019.411 $

'9 Totals S 1,391,204 $ 65,256 $ 488,746 $ 2,{)89,789 $ 440,819 $ 5,609,462 $ 861,556 S 77,088 $ 412,000 $ 11,435,921


1 - Page 469 of 565 005024

Schedule H-5.3b Page 4 of40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (iIistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Cunningham Crl' Unit: 3

Line Project No. Number

l A 0001639 001 2 A 0001545 123 3 A 0001545 124 4 A 0001545 110 5 A 0001545 082 6 A 0001545 006 7 A 0001545 121 8 A 0001545 282 9 A 0001545 501

Ilistorica] 1]istori Proiect Title Year 5 Year

CHC)C-Majoi-Upg all hot path $ - $ 3,796, CHC)C-Rewind Generntoi CHC3C-Rpl Compressor -CHC3C-Upg CEMs Foxboro Sys -CHC3C-Rpl Exlist Banks -CHC3C-Rpl 1GV, CBPV. Moog Act - 28, CHCJC-E Rp] Rwl Cmpisr Blds CHC34C CT Conliol Upgrade -CHC Emeigenl Fund -Othei prod -

ml Historical Ilistoricnl Ilistorical Present Year Projected Projected Projected 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

978 $ 5,288,957 $ - $ (299.644) $ - $ -$ -$ -$ 8,786,291 - - 386,927 5,098,585 200,965 - - -$ 5,686,477

- 732,951 1,376,166 (31,523) - - $ 2,077,594 - 173,066 - - -$ 173,066 - - 222,536 464,929 $ 687,465

8 I 1 121,730 - - -$ 150,541 - 132,351 - - -$ 132,351

- - - 935,819 - -$ 935,819 15,354 204,781 - - -$ 220,135


10 N/A Other Capital Ptojects - - 177,026 116,656 34,964 83,485 - 52,850 300 $ 465.280 -

11 Totals $ - S 3,825,789 $ 5,720,064 $ 1,236,534 S 6,225,425 $ 1,566,593 $ - $ 275,386 $ 465,229 $ 19,315,019


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Schedule H-5.3b

Page 5 of40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Line Project No. Number

1 A 0001545 129 2 A 0001545 130 3 A 0001545 112 4 A 0001545 111 5 A 0001545 307

6 N/A


Plant Name:

ll,storical Ilistorica 1 Project '1'itle Year 5 Year 4

CHC4C-Rewind Geneialor $ - $ CHC4C-Rpl Coinbuslor Components -; -C]1(4C-Upg CEMSs Foxboio Sys - -C]1C4C-Rpl Station Batt Cl-IC4C-Inst Onln Vib Mnti Sys -

Other Capital Prolccts - 10,387

Totals S - $ 10,387

Cunningham CT Unit: 4

Histoiica] liistorical Ilistorical Present Year Projected Projected Projected Year 3 Year 2 Yearl 0 Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Total

$ - $ -$ -$ 4,030,556 $ -$ -$ -$ 4,030,556 1.296 2,615,861 - -$ 2,617,157

- - 252,019 - -$ 252,019 - 1,651 81,373 129,000 - - $ 2]2,024

- - - 103,268 - -$ 103,268 -

(348) 108,694 95,983 12,341 - 52,354 796 $ 280,208 -

$ (348) S 108,694 $ 98,930 $ 7,095,419 $ 129,000 $ 52,354 $ 796 $ 7,495,232


1 - Page 471 of 565 005026

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 6 of 40 Sponsor: Lytal

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Gaines Unit: 0

Line Project 1Iistorical Ilistorica 1 Historical Ilistorical Ilistorieal Present Year Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 ¥ ear 2 Year 1 0 Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Tota 1

1 A 000]621 002 GMSOC-Gaines Cty Land Acq $ 4,058,052 $ 1,004 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ $ -$ -$ 4,059,056 2 A 0001621 004 GCTOC-Interconnect $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,128,127 $ -$ -$ -$ 2,128,127


3 N/A Other Capital Proiects 2,101,854 (4,204,655) 806,681 (3,500) (35,644) 134 - -$ (1,335,130)

4 Totals $ 6,159,906 $ (4,203,651) $ 806,681 S (3,500) $ (35,644) $ 2,128,262 S - $ -$ -$ 4,852,053

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (lliwtorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Gen Mgr, l'X/NM and Corporate Unit: 0

l, tne Pioject Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

tlistorical Ilistorical 1listorica 1 iltstoi·kai Ilistoricnl Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0

1 A 0003000 689 001 001 GMSOC-TX Lab Instruments $ - $ 96,168 $ 120,151 $ 216,508 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ - $ 432,827 2 A 0003000 691 001 001 GMSOC-TRaC Tools - 63,316 88,403 48,856 - - -$ 200.574 3 A 0006056 051 GMSOC-Pur Vehicles SPS 2015 165,581 8,387 - - -$ 173,968 4 A 0003000 692 001 001 GMSOC-MMR Insti uinents 11,121 73,720 36,750 - - -$ 121,590


5 N/A Othei Capital Proiects 305,426 199,937 83,098 71.492 - - - - $ 659,953

6 '1'otals $ 471,006 $ 378,928 $ 365,372 $ 373,606 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,588,912

8 , C/D

Fgo g 7 00 n t- 0

N E.8


1 - Page 473 of 565 005028

Schedule H-5.3b

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fos,iil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorica], Present, Projected)

Line Project No. Number

1 A 0001577 001 2 A 0001577 005 3 A 0001577 004 4 A 0001577 502 5 A 0001577 002 6 A 0001577 503 7 A 0001577 504 8 A 0001577501 9 A 0001577506 10 A 0001577016

11 N/A


1Iistoricol Project 7'itle Year 5

SPS Wind -Halc Counly $ Hale-Sub Seivmg Genciation l-]ale-Xmsn Seivmg Geneiation HLW-Gcatbox Replace -Hale-Land & Land Rights -HLW-Generator Replace -HLW-Tiansfoimcr Replace -HALE Emcigent Fund-Otliet Ptod HLW-2021 PCMM -l-ILWO OTS - Secui ily Monitot and Log -

Other Capital Projects

]otlls $ -

Plant Name: IIale

Historical Historical Ilistorical Year Year 4 Year 3 2

$ - $ 7,586,505 $ 543,005,980 - - 13,462,825 - - 10.940,790

- - 118,061

$ - $ 7,586,505 S 567,527,656

1Iistorical Present Year Yearl 0

$ 96.446.982 $ 389.838 $

(63,108) 821,994

- 29,712


69.547 75,925

$ 96,453,421 $ 1,372,845 $


Piojected Projected Projected Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

- $ - $ - $ 647,429,305 - - $ 13.462,825

- $ 10,940,790 225,001 600,000 900,000 $ l,725,001

- - $ 876,947 129,997 320.004 320,004 $ 770,005

- 200,004 300,000 $ 500,004 177,384 139,596 116,292 $ 462,984 300,000 - - $ 300,000 48,000 - -$ 103,376


- $ 145,472 $.

880,382 $ 1,259,604 $ 1,636,296 $ 676,716,709


1 - Page 474 of 565 005029

Schedule H-5.3b Page 9 of 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Pro iected)

Plant Name: ]]arrington Unit: 0

Line Project Ilistorical Ilistoricnl Ilistorical Historical IIistorica 1 Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Yeai 5 Year 4 Yea] 3 YeaH 2 Yearl Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001550 419 11AR0C-NAQCC $ -$ -$ - $ -$ - $ 61,972 $ - $ - $ 25.844,672 $ 25.906,644 2 A 0001550500 HAR Emergent Fund -Steam prod - - - 150,376 1,083,349 2,006,084 1,400,000 I,899,996 $ 6,539,805 3 A 0001550 503 HAROC-Rpl Rcsv Cool Wa{ Sys-23918 - - - 1,015,115 - -$ 1,015,115 4 A 0001550 243 HAROC-Rpl Control Sys Simulti 769,259 - - - - $ 769,259 5 A 0001550 120 HAROC-]JO RR Dramage Const, iici 335,471 415,066 - - - - -$ 750,537 6 A 0001550 118 HAROC-I IO Relinc Pond #16 - 717,900 - - - - - $ 717,900 7 A 0001550 389 HAROC-Basement Winterization - - - - 709,724 - - - $ 709,724 8 A 0001550 373 HAROC-Rp]Fire ]-lydrants & Valves - - 603,518 90 - - - $ 603,608 9 A 0001550 244 HAROC-l<pl SBAC Contlols - - 187,866 257,438 38,315 - - - $ 483,619 10 A 0001550 371 1!AROC-Rpl Coal Pile Retaimng Wall - - - - - - 477,984 $ 477,984 tl A 0001605 001 HAROC- ACi - Meicuiy Reduction 460,322 - - - - -$ 460,322 12 A 0001550021 ]]AROC-Rpl Paving l>hase 5/6 - - - 375,555 - - - - $ 375,555 13 A 0001550018 11AR0C-Rpl Paving Phaqe 4/6 - - - 374,751 - - - $ 374,751 14 A 0001550 l 19 001 001 HAROC-Rpl Boiler Recover'y HE 363,506 8,430 - - - $ 371,936 15 A 0003000 668 001 00] HAROC-P„ichase Plant Tools - 78,982 171,374 116,521 - - -$ 366,877 16 A 0001550399 HAROC-Basement Wmtenzatiom Ph 3 - - - 364,948 - $ 364,948 17 A 0001550397 IlAROC-Basement Wmtenzation Ph 2 - - - - 354,938 - - $ 354,938 18 A 0001550 034 ] ]AROC-Rpl Paving Phase 6/6 - - - 252,748 - - - - $ 252,748 19 A 000]550014 HAROC-Rpl Pavmg Phase 3/6 245,412 - - - - -$ 245,412 20 A 0001550398 HAROC-]nst Aii Monitoring Sys - - - - - - 225,180 400 - $ 225,780 21 A 0001550 340 HAROC-E Rpl liu Well Div V]vs - 78,597 ]27,880 - - - „ - S 206,477 22 A 0001550 396 HAROC-histall CEMS Compressor - - - - 182,007 - - $ I 82,007 23 A 0001550 500 001 024 HAROC-CESP BFP Element - - - 167,395 - - - $ ]67,395 24 A 0001550 435 HAROC-Wli Diainage SpiinklPiv 91,334 68,011 - - - - $ 159,345 25 A 0001550 500 001 031 ]]AROC-Swing gates and laddci . - 134,016 - - - $ 134,016 26 A 0001550 374 1-]AROC-Rpl Main Electric Fire Pump - - - - - - 130,347 $ 130,347 27 A 0001550 363 I]AROC-Inst DCS Mgm-Aim Shclv 110,797 - - - - -$ 110,797 28 A 0001550 080 IlAROC-HO RR Diainage linprt Phl - - - 102,823 (1,724) - - - $ 101,099

$. 29 N/A Other Capital Pro.iects 261,756 (193,009) 385,962 288,362 (21) - - -$ 743,051

$. 30 Totals $ 1,868,599 $ 1,173,978 $ 1,642,341 $ 1,592,035 $ 1,269,762 $ 2,035,418 $ 3,601,517 $ 1,765,348 $28,352,999 $ 43,301,995


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Schedule H-5.3b Page 10 n


Southwestern Public Serviie Company

Fossil Prodtiction Plant Capital Costs (ltlstorlca], Present, Project¢d)

Line P:o,ect No N„mber

l A 0001550 142 2 A 0001550427 3 A 0001550 214 4 A 0001550 ]77 5 AO()01550()50 6 A 0001550231 7 A0001550376 8 A 000]550 036 9 A 0001550 364 10 A 0001550 315 Il A 0001550 101 12 A 000]550400 13 A 0001550 248 14 A 0(}01550 468 15 A{)001550 262 16 At)001550493 17 A 0001550 109 18 A 000]550393 19 A 0001550 390 20 A 000155()391 21 A 0001550 031 22 A 0001550 249 23 A 0001550 447 24 A 00(11550446 25 A 0001550 209 26 A 00(j]550 307 27 A 0001550 189 28 AD001550250 29 A ()001550467 30 A 0001550251 31 A 0001550 444 32 A 0001550 488 33 A 0001550 500 001 023 34 A 0001550 181 35 A 000]550 491 36 A 0001550 175 37 A 0001550 492 38 A Doo)1550 252 39 ADOC)1550445 40 A Do01550 387 41 A DO01550 188 42 A 0001550335 43 A Doo]550 254 44 A 0001550 114 45 ADOC)1550485 46 ADOO!550 255 47 A DOO I 550 442 48 A 0001550500

49 N/A


Plant Name. Harrington Uimt. 1

lhsto,ical Year 1/,sto, kai ihstor,cal Ilistoricnl /I,storncal Present Projected Projected Projected Pi oiect Title 5 Yeni 4 Year 3 Yeai 2 Yearl Year 0 Year l Year 2 Yeai 3 Total

IIARtC-Coohng Toi cr Structure $ 2 302 487 $ 3 981.822 $ 2 450 876 $ 0 $ - S - $ -$ -$ - $ 8 735.185 ] ]AR 1 C -Rp ] HR]-] Pip ing &1 Ianger 285,313 2.82&.356 4,100 - - - % 3.]17769 HARIC-Rewind E\eller Rotor 163,657 1,800,259 4,220 - - - - $ 1 968,136 1!AR1('-HI Replace APH Baskets 365.918 I,234,242 1]07 - - - $ 1 601,267 HAR 1 C-Hl Rpl Fo>boro FBMs - - 740,{}10 670,856 - - - $ 1 410,866 IlAR] C-lnst ESP Thorn Iniecuon ] 131444 92 - - - - $ ] ]31.536 IIAklC-Rpl DA Heater Vesscl - - ]32 363 920 941 - - - $ 1053.304 }iARIC-Rp] 'I'url) Cont S~s&Soft 87,797 951,118 8,[)58 - - - $ l.046,973 HAR ]C-Hl CT I·irc Damage CC]lq 931,465 6,446 - - - $ 937,910 1!AR1C - ACI - Mercury Reducto 880,244 - - - - -$ 880,244 I IAR IC-Hl CT R]ser Pipes 783.957 - - - -$ 783,957 HAR]C-Rpl Steam Coolcd Spaeer Tubes - - - - 706.405 - $ 706,405 HARIC-Rbld Drag Cham CONV - - - - 703 637 1.500 $ 705 137 HARIC-Rpl HV Gcn Bushings - - 343 340 222 923 - - - $ 566,263 HARIC-SBAC ]B Mp Rebld 2017 - - 464,465 73,753 (229) - - -$ 537,989 HARIC-Rpl Bumcrs Ph2 -23059 - - - - - - 529,(H)0 - $ 529,000 HARJC-H 1 Rpl Condenscr Circ Pi 3.261 524 945 - - - $ 528.206 HAR] C-]-]2 Rpl Bumcrs PI-12 - - - 508 488 $ 508 488 HARIC-HI Rpl Bumcrs - - - - 508 488 - $ 508,488 HAR 1 (4]3 Rpl Bumcrs - - - - 508,488 - - $ 508,488 HARIC-Hi Rpl CTMCC s 88,083 4]0,319 7,266 - - - -% 505,668 1 IAR 1C-Rp i C I' NI echanical, Phl 164,282 329,128 - - - - $ 493,410 HARIC-Rp] ESP Wires Ph lofl - - - 487.979 - - -$ 487 979 I]ARIC- C I' Fan Stacks - - 426 706 55 753 - - - $ 482 459 I IAR IC-}I I ESP Rpl Rappers - 476,447 1,398 - - - $ 477,845 HAR 1C-HI Upgrd DCS Opr stn - - 268,379 ]68,839 - - - $ 437,217 HAR1C-Rpi Stack 1.andlngs - 406,827 - - - - $ 406,827 HARIC-Rpl CT Niechanicals 1112 - - 396, 124 55 - - -$ 396,179

HAR]C-Rp I EHC Pump S>s - - 384.120 - - - $ 384,120 HAR 1C-Rpl CT Mcchamcals Ph3 - - - 365 566 - - - $ 365 566 HAR1C- ESP Re-build 10 TR-sets - - 34.385 264 071 - - - $ 298,456 i IAR1 C-Hl Generator Reucdge - - - 293.947 - $ 293,947 HAR1C-SUBFP Motor Re„ind - - 241,414 - - -$ 241,414 l IAR IC-Rpl Hl Mill A Exhauster 180.463 - - - $ 180 463 HAR ] C-Inst Mamt S„ itch MV Bkis -24 - - - - 1 K I).000 - $ ]80.000 HARIC-m Upgrade C[Ms Fokboro 171.588 5.523 - - - - $ ]77,112 HARIC-Rp] Digital Vlv Controllcrs - - - - - ]69 134 - $ ]69,134 HAR1C-Rpl Drag Chaln 2019 - - - 168,638 - - - $ 168,618 i IARIC-Rpl Station Batteries - - - - - 8,165 157,585 - * 165,750 HAR1C-Rpl Gen l-hdrogen Purit, Momt - - 19 648 142.113 - - -$ 161,761 HARIC-ESP Upgrd MicroVoltg Cnt - ]42.886 2.700 - - - $ 145.586 l IAR1 C-E Rbls Fh ash Vac Pmps - 129,543 306 - - . -$ 129,849 ]-]ARIC-Rpl ]D Fans Intel Exp Jn - ]26,584 - - -$ 126,584 1-IAR1C-HI Rpl Lab An,al) mrs 201 - 122,730 - - -$ 122,730 1 IAR1C-H ] 1],stl Sootbl,i r Iso] Vlvs - - - - 1 N) 0)0 - $ 110,000 HAR ] C-Rpl Invcrtcr 97 962 3 151 - - $ 101.113 HARIC-ESPRe-bmld -IR-sets Phl - - 100.307 - - -$ 100.307 HAR Emergent Fund -Steam prod - - - 50&812 451,390 - - -$ 960,203


Other Capila] Projects 233,384 244,52(J 166.961 327,112 103,810 32,587 34,250 122,740 60,996 $ 1,326,360

Total& $ 6,805,662 $ 14,262,486 $ 3,739,859 $ 3,003,234 S 4,464,247 $ 483,978 $ 550,903 $ 3,480,936 S 570,984 S 37,362,289


1 - Page 476 of 565 005031

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 11 of 40

Sponsor: Lytal 2021 TX

Rate Case

So„tlnvectern Public Service Compnny

Fossil Production Plant Cap,t al Coqt s (Hist o,ical, P eqent, Projected)

Plant Name ll,irnnglin Uml· 2

I,inc Pro/lit li,ulnritil ]1i,1(irtia] Ii],tlricil] mtorn.il ]IlNti}rical Pre'ent Piejetled Pro,ecte(I Pro,ecled No. Number 14(ueet Title Year 5 Year4 Year3 Year 2 Yeai 1 Year() Year l Year 2 jear3 Total

I AOD{}1550 14( liAR2C-H2 Coolmg Toner Slructu f 4 219.294 $ 2 894 979 9 1193 $ - $ - $ - 9 - $ - % - $ 7 115.465 2 AO{)01550 421 liAR2CGe„StalorRe„t,KI - - 181,953 3,11(I,070 - - - $ 3,561,021 1 A (](H}1550 44(. lIA]12C-RPL Boiler Corncrl ubes - 620 068 2.0%7 190 * - - - - - 9 2.7(}7 458 4 A 00{)]550 2 !3 liARZC.Re„,nd Gene„tor I,020.912 I,671303 - - - - - S 2,694,415 5 A 0001550 454 ]1AR2C-Rpl l[Rl] Piping & I Iangcrq 479 421 2 {)6,687 - - - - 9 2.541 107 6 A 0001550 481 }IAR 2:412 Generalor Rotor Reumd - - - - - 2.354.222 9 2 354.222 7 Aoooll 5() 34{ HAR2£412 Rpl Foxboro FBMs - - - 557 228 1 286.149 - - - $ 1 847 576 8 A 0001550 50t }IAR Emcrgcm Fund -Stcamprod - - - 224, I44 1,159,637 - - -$ i,SR3,781 9 A 0(}01550 2 It IIAR2C-Replace APH Baskctq - 6 89 R 17 779 211 - - $ 1.469 050 10 A (1001550 45 l HARZC-Rpl #2 HP FWH - - - - 133 000 I.247.000 $ l.380 000 It A 0001510 21[ }IAR2C-H2 Mill C Mir M,rOvcrha 1 112 2]R 19 102 - $ 1,191.320 12 A 0001550 185 11 AR2C-H2 Rpl#3 lip FW 236 723 719 872 - - - - $ 976 594 ]1 A 0001550 19f }IAR2 C-1 12 M]ll B Maior Mmor Oil - 194117 73] 820 - - - - S 926 157 14 A 0001550 011. I]AR2C-Rpl rwbmc Cont Svs&Sof - 467 029 428 788 - - - - S 895.118 M A 0001550025 I]AR2 C-H2 Rpl CTMCC q - - - - 824,671 $ 824.671 16 A 0001550 272 I]AR2C-Rpl Drng Clmln CONV - - - - - 745 OR] $ 745 081 17 A 00(}1550 IRC I]ARZC.112 Rpl#6 LPFWH - - - 142,915 556,218 - - - $ 699.151 IK A(1()01550 18; HAR 2C-H2 Rpl #5 LPFWII - - - - 140 715 558 N - - - 1: 691.884 19 A 0001550 40( HARfC-Rpl Steam Cooled Spacer Tnbeq - - - 20.751 652,382 - - - $ 671,131 20 A 0001550 091 HAR2 C- 2 Rpl Distnb,it,on Valv - I 918 616 604 - - - - $ 618.542 21 A 0001550 192 I]AR2 C-1]2 Rpl Burncrs - - - 17,720 562,661 - - - $ 580381 22 A 0()()1550 00( 1!AR2C-H2 hila!1 Agli Silo Elev - - - 570 046 - - - - $ 970 046 23 A 0001550 10P HAR2C-I]2 Upgrd DCS Oprs[n - 7 {)96 524.958 - (5.574) - - . . $ 526.481 24 A 0001590 49 HAR2C- Rp]CT Fan Smck, - - 460,741 26 6*9 - - - $ 487.38(i 25 A 0001550 277 I]ARZC-SBAC 2CMi,Rcbld 2016 IOO.571 329.395 - - - - - - - $ 429,968 26 AC)00155049; HAR2C-lnq[]nstnmicn[Ai,Comp-242 - - - - 153496 9 151.496 27 A 0001550 47( HAR2C-Rpt CT Ri,er Intel Vhs - - IKO 452 164 624 - - - $ 145 076 28 A 0001550 ]71 ]IAR2(412 Rpl Stack Landing, 144 611 - - - - - $ 344.611 29 A 000]550 451 HARUC- Rpl Bghsc Doors 128 170 - " ~ - $ 117 106 9 116 10 A 0001550472 IIAR2C-Rpl EHC Pi,mp Sjq - - - 49 211 280,026 - - - t 329 257 31 A 0001550 26P HAR2(-Rp] C r Mcchanicals 319 975 - - - $ 319 975 32 A 000] 550 495 HAR 2 C-Rp] Gcn Bkr FKOS -21929 . - - - - - 102.700 t q()2,700 31 A 0001550 21' HAR2 C-H2 Rebag Parnal 2020 - - - - 286 325 - - -9 2 KO,325 14 A 0001550 471 HAR2 C-Rpl CT M( Cs on F-B us - - - 12,152 260,161 - - - $ 272.311 35 A 0001550 452 HAR2C-Rp] Bghsc Inlel E~p Jnti - 415 267 893 - - - - $ 268 308 16 A 0001550 26. HAR2C-Rpl Circ Pi,irp Suclion ]]o -

235 780 . . . . $ 215 798 - 26 119 221,211 - - - - $ 247,351

37 A 0001550 021' HAR2£-Rpl CTAcid Tank -18 AOD<)]550213 HAR2C-H2 Rebag Pad,nl 2022 - - - - 84,500 $ 214,500 19 A(}00155023[ HAR2C-112 Rebdg Parlmt 2021 - - - - - 231 000 - -$ 211 000 40 A 0001550 201 ILAR2C-Rcbag Pamal 2019 - - - ]54,355 69.746 - - - - $ 224.100 41 A 0001510 17( HAR2C-H2 Upgrade C[Ms Forboro 221138 93 . . . . $ 221 231 42 A 0001550 16£ HAR2C-fi2 Rcbag Parl[8120]5 210 67] - - - - - - - $ 210.671 43 A(10{)1<io l.tl 1]AR2C-ERp] CM]ll·xhlanBrg - IK8121 4 M - - $ 192 424 44 A 0001550 401 HAR 2C-Iiwl Maint Snilcb on MV Bkrs - - - 18.838 17] 323 - - - $ 190.161 45 A 0001550 4911 ]]AR2C-Rpl Digital Vh Conlrollcrq - - - - - 172.665 $ I 72 665 46 A 0001550 4*; HARZC-112 RI)] MBFP Discharge Vh - - - - - - 150 000 $ [50.000 47 A 0001550 'tlf HARZC-Rpl Ct, r Motor Wiring 146 445 - - - - - $ 146 445 48 A 0()0 155(} 09( HARZC-H2 Blr Blo„donn Scparato ]41 179 - - . - - - - 9 143 179 49 A 0001510 1811 HARZC-Rpl Gcn Hvdrogcn Punt) Monit - - - 97,928 21,157 - - -$ 119,185 50 A 0(M)1550 271 1]AR2 C-Rpl Im crier 61 947 55 153 . - . - f ]19.100 51 A 0001550 027 HARZC-E ZC SBAC Molor Rewind - 118 122 - - - - - . $ 118,122 52 A (H){) I 550 322 HAR2C-Rpl Cond n,be Install - 118069 - - - - -9 ]18069


51 N/A Other Capit.il Proictls 115 296 196,087 341 99{) 247 162 42038 233.122 - - 197602 $ 1595 497 -

54 Toll,]N S 7,'1(),040 $ 9,098.137 i 9,194.15H S 1,668,284 N 1,976.933 19,573,507 $ 231,{)(H) $ 367,500 $6,347,437 $ 45,926,995


1 - Page 477 of 565 005032

Schedule H-5.3b Page 12 of 40

Sponsor: Lytal 2021 TX

Rate Case

Snut Ini e/c rn Pub Iic 9 n ie ti,m/mm

hi'/I Prutltltl,n PI,Int Clpitll Col• (1 Illorlcal Pre./, I'ro,e'trd)

Pll,nt Nnmr 11.mi,gll V"I, 3

I.Ulr l'tll/t !~,qti•ne/ *I,Iirl Ilnt.„1'ai II,~Ior,~nl Ill/,ir,in] ]'1 C•ellt I'r,iuu/d I'r/~/d 1,iiiu/it1d .mbc. Frnjrd Iille 'ear S % ®.r 4 ' ..r 3 'cnr2 'k car 1 'e.r. \carl % eai 2 'enr3 I „tn]

A 55105 ARK.Rpl Boilurl conomvir $ - $ 367 892 E 4787 789 b 97(>4 S - S - S - S S 9 16S 446 A '1 55 j ·17.1 AR/C-Rp]Coo],ng Ion//maurc - - - - - - 4 1/779 4 173 779 Al) 55141[1 Akk-Rpllmkd C,i# lin.t - - - - - 1011678 270081 - 3 101 759 A 11 55 1023 AR 3C-RL,%,nd 113 ti,ncr„tu, 2] 79,820 56 478 - - , - - „ - 2 236 298 A 'I 53'211 AKI-Rpl API l Batts 1 749 224 - - - 1749 224 A)) 551457 AR3(- Rp! C 1 11/ Wlilcr ])uk I 552 ')40 ]76 IU4 ] 729 044 A QJ 55)215 AR,C-Rewind I xc:tcr Rotor 1 6682:5 559 ~ - - - - - 1668 844 A ) ) 55 J 175 Alll-Rpl C I Ijoliom Slrudum „ - 1 405 610 6 699 - 1 412 110 A U 55 )456 Allt.- Rpl l] ran ded 675125 110590 - 985 715 A )1 ..I] AR te. [LS l Jpgr,de . . - - . - 944 297 . - 9.14 297 A l) 551 09 AR 3(.-I In 1Jpgrd I)U i),ij % n 776 90 1 1 286 - 778189 Al)) 55/62 AK.-1'.i.*oi,LrR,Ntr l'i 761 809 2 /9 763.819 A.))) 551477 Akll-Rp] Ill'IP 1 i,ibmi Lib,du·; - - - - - Hj 155 722.500 - - 732655

I A)) 55 J 122 Akll-RpICI 1),/Lliminnlo„ 7[JS.105 58 U - - - - - 705,685 i A)) 55/12 AI<ll-Ri.ISIum,Coolc,ISI~ccf libel - - - /5482 - - 695 482 , A)) 59)500 AR ] mcrgcnl lund -Steam piod ¥96 922 277 N „ . 674056 ' A))- 55)299 Alll-SBAC Jo, M,Ret1d 2016 - 55 704 476 328 512 011

All 55 ) 145 Alll -Mill ]3 Mai,ir Owh ul 59 035 29517 31810 407 W - - - IO 250 A. 551()17 AR3[-tJNCondcn Iubc Clcanbv 509 787 78 / - . - - - - 51759? /L)1 55 I()13 AR K-ln.IA '11 1 /bl.*pn Ii,19 486 457 9841 - - - - 487442 A)) 55}289 Akll-Rpl 1)d]/]on I'lpe 2/2 ]45078 314,802 - - - ~ - - 459 tXO A ))) 55 I 285 AR ll.R pill M„ hamals] 'h2 262 975 1&7 595 - - - 450,570

I A)) 55 ) 194 A]Cll/),cihm,l Xlnck I kvi®r - - - - 4 16456 - - - - 446456 I A)J- 551288 AR il·Rpt 1)ena®n P/ I '2 2005 412 562 - 414 567 ; A ) J 55 ~458 AIC - Rpl I~gh~ Dooi~ - . 426024 729 - 426 751

Aj) M ]60 Aklt·Cnal Mill tt Marni Oil 418597 7t5 - - . . . . . .;!9 312 ' A))55 1429 A/C-Rpl MB[ P I lem~nt 2015 265 8%7 ]U 709 0 - - - t')9516 t A 11 55) ]27 AR-C-Itt Rpl 111, Llet- ~93 M ' A UJ 551065 AKiC.II3 Rpl timdLn,x[ C N, I>, 1*5 946 - - - - - - - 185 9,16 I A m 551479 AR-C -Rpl I.JIC Pump k - 166 472 I 1 663 - - - 378,135

Ai ) 55)066 AR-C .I[3 Rplbl[[)e~ipe,1*nll'i 355 090 5 - - - - - - - 155 095 ! Ar) 551 504 AK- C-Ini ],Nnime„1 /ur Com -2429 - - - - - 19 496 - . 151496 L Al ) 5 S ) 169 AK-C-Rpl t,Tc l'ump bucl,(in ] ]o m478 - - - - - - - m478 I A)) 55) 121 AR-C.1111~i.1 SI~k].,ndm/ 312 837 l]4 . - - . - - - 112 9/ i A)) 551455 ARC.ACW Ih/ I·,xaial,gLr~ - - - Ui 751 1209 - - . . '2 t 96' , A,) 55;5,1 AR C. 41 (i-n Inr i kf,5 -2M)28 - - - - - - 102 800 - - 102 800 ' A,) 55 H67 ARII [3 Kill y wi~ 1),ilin Intern 277 865 - - - - - - ·· 277 865 t A,J 55}]68 AR C- [3Rpll,SUO,ICookrq: 275498 1 965 - - - - 277 #M ' A))J 55 I 5000()1 02 AR -C- tri Btzl,w Ii,!el !)i,cl ! w Jn~ · - 266,811 - - - - - 2(,b 81 t

A ) ) 55}J 11 AR C- [3 Rebng I'nrlml 20 i 5 258 ]]4 A)) 551211 AR-C-lwnd 1 11) ]·on Molor 235 780 2 1]b - - - . . . . 218097 A) 58284 AM L-:pl/[M,Lhanica[sl'h[ - 208 987 27057 - - - - - - 216045 A) 55}82 AR C-BRMCBI,C,r,]Nimp 257 M (4] [JU) - - - - - ~ ]16 291

I A) 5512 to AR-C- It Rcbag rartin]202, . . . - - . - - 202000 02 Of)() i Ar- 551219 AR-(.- I) Rcbag l'arlml 2022 - - - - - - - 195 000 - 95 M)0 ; A' 55I217 AUCX- [3 Rebap Pama]2021 - - - - - - 192 000 - 92 Of)" ' A 1 551162 AK C-Joa]Mi]IC I·.~I,nustci I·.9 1%1172 . . . . . :4.372 t A) - 55) 1*6 AR C -tpll.ui 11,/iog.n Pi, h M„ml - - - 4 514 [75.500 - - Ko.0]4 ; A) 55 J 151 A}t-C- It Rel.ag I'ndial 201* - - 376 160 1/0 . - 77 700

A) 55 ) 50() U[Jl 02 AR C-BI) S]lAC Molor Rewind 170 520 - - - 70 520 A ) . 551229 AR C-ti,!t,Tc Rlin Pipe hp J 161 144 5 762 - - - - - - - 67 ]05 A) 55)116 AR C. [te]M~ImmoroiJpgndo ]645]8 - - - 6,15)8

I A' 55 } 500 001 01 AR C-.] Nlicl'umi.M„Rcumd - - - ]52560 - - 52560 I A,J 551476 AR3(-lp]C [ Acid lank - - - - - - 152 136 ~ - 52 136

A))1 551294 NOC- {P[ ]IlvL,tci - ]17 599 34 7~7 - - - - - - 52 H5 , A 1- 1 551 l M AR 30 · [ 1 Rt t,ag I 'nA,al 2017 - 89070 62 298 - - - - - - 5].167 ' A 1 ) 55l 0K3 AK ll. Il Rpl ].nb A]ial >„[. 20[ . - - 149713 - . . 497]3 I A) 155) 134 AK,C.tpIC ID ],ump ]xp loinlq 141675 - - - „ - £1] 675 1 A ) ) 551208 ARIC. Il Rcbag l'arlial 2019 . . . - 111 457 6 226 . . . 39 68 ' I A)) Si) )44 AR 3(> t i Ri b,g }'arlia) 20 1 6 321244 . .

22 875 27 244

A ) 1 SN 5(100(11 00 AR,C-{plcc117 & 11 ti Mcch - - 122 875 -62 A,1 551 182 AR)-]DRplll Pumphou,elrnof - - - 122646 - - - - n Mf 63 Al 1 643 0(11 ARK-ACi.Mc]*m'Kcduclion 1!9114 . - - - - - - - ]!91 ]•1 64 A )) j 55 I 290 A}UC-Rpl 1)rag C]in,n - - - . . - 117 t/l) - - 17 I)1)/ 65 A)J) 55 14K6 A]OGi[3[n~IS{iulblurbol VIvs - - - ~ - - 115000 - - 15 000 66 Aln 55 J 224 A}i~C-Ki>!SI[ Sp.' Vol,i' tl29[2 - - - - - - - - ]29]2



2t 2 2


21 2'


4( 4 4

4 4C 4 41 4! 5(



5W 5' 6[

67 *A (>lher Cap,1.,I Pri')(et' 7&8261 164 926 2 ~ 1 548 549125 12351 (I S 06[) 426266 75(1 2 ISR ]67

6X //.Ib $ H,907,59[) $ 1,5115,918 % 1.696.571 S 13,820.443 $ 1.1192,622 $ 690,856 S 11150#I S 469,831 S SSS,496 S U,82S,964


1 - Page 478 of 565 005033

Schedule H-5.3b

Page I 3 of 40 Sponsor: Lytal

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Nnme· Jones Unit: 0

Line Project Ilistorical IIistorical IIistoi·ical Hi,torical I]istorical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001586 299 JONOC-Efflucnt Water Optimization $ - $ -$ -$ -$ - $4,229,098 $ 800 $ - $ - $ 4,220, 2 A 0001586 500 JON Emergent Fund -Steam piod - - - 536,120 524,091 1,100,003 1,000,000 999,996 $ 4,160, 3 A 0001586 017 JON0C NOX Controls Enhancement - - - 2,022 1,666,866 - - -$ 1,668, 4 A 0001586 179 JONOC-Rehnc #3 Blowdown Pond - - - - 1,169,380 - - $ 1,169, 5 A 0001586 501 ION Emergent Fund -Otherprod - - - - 943,154 - - $ 943, 6 A 0001586 089 JONC-Inst CT Blwd line to pond 531,524 - - $ 531, 7 A 0001586 500 001 011 JONOC-Sinait Pig Test - - 472,254 - - - - $ 472, 8 A 0001586 263 JONOC-Rpl Oil Cite Bteakei .IK10-210 - - - 26,118 338,855 55,529 - - -$ 420, 9 A 0001586 073 JONOC-lnqt Backflow Prvt on I-IT - - 13,223 158,017 22,777 - - -$ 194, 10 A 0001586 085 JONOGNew Office Bid Relrofit 156,714 5,140 - - - $ ]61, 11 A 0001586 296 JONOC-Replace Section 13 Pivot - - - - 156,425 - - - $ 156, 12 A 0001586 099 JONOC-Rp] Rcactoi Sump Pumps 64,613 74,645 - - - $ 139, 13 A 0001586 095 ]ONGC-Rp] S Inst air comp - - - - 137,324 - $ 137, !4 A 0001586 185 JON0C-Rep] Aftertrcater Acid 1 126,644 9,272 - - - -$ 135, 15 A 0001586 015 .ION0C-1CCP Replacement-Jones RR - - - 100,132 - - - $ 100,

$ 16 N/A Other Capital Projects 206,116 159,816 190,350 192,384 72,119 303,355 98,505 78,583 55,212 $

$ 17 Totals $ 958,968 $ 366,245 $ 212,845 $ 848,774 $ 1,072,026 $7,878,518 $ 2,368,688 $ 1,215,907 $ 1,055,208 $


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Schedule H-5.3b


/. Page 14 of40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Jones Unit: 1

L/]ie Project Ilistorical 1Iistorical Historical Ilistorical tlistorical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Proiect Title Year 5 Year 4 Yeat 3 Year 2 Yearl Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001586 15€ JON1C-CT Rbld Cells 1,2,3 $ 1,013,642 $ 3,287,839 $ 936,796 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ - $ 5,238,2 2 A 0001586 262 JONIC-Cite Watei Stiuct Linei-19992 2,702,895 241,194 - - - -$ 2,944,C 3 A 0001586 08] JONIC-Rp] Seamed HRH Piping - - 2,159,205 27,956 - - - $ 2,]87,1 4 A 0001586 312 JONIC-Coiner Tube Replacement -2404 - - - 367.796 1,560,211 - - $ 1,928,C 5 A 0001586 12¢ JONJC-Rewind Exctter Rotor - - - 219,569 1,319,425 - -$ 1,538,§ 6 A 0001586 035 JONIC-Rpl no l HPSI FWH - - - - 1,448,500 $ 1,448,5 7 A 0001586 125 JONtC-Rpl Rosemount l 151 XMTRS - - 822,710 11,127 104 - - - $ 833,9 8 A 0001586 049 JONZC-Rp] Cold Side APH Basket - 97,800 654,364 21,022 - - - - $ 773,1 9 A 0001586 00S JONtC-Upg Foxboio FBMs - 3,030 676,565 (122) - - -$ 679,4 10 A 0001586 253 JONJC-BFP Etein Comp Rpl-21019 - - 180,027 298,757 - - -$ 478,9 tl A 0001586 105 JON 1 C-Rpl Elvtr and Elvtt Cnlr 426,688 - - - - -$ 426,6 12 A 0001586 075 JONIC-Rpl CTMech Draft Ph ]I 2,213 385,365 - - - -$ 387,5 13 A 0001586 142 JON1C-Rp] Oil Cite Biki IKOO - - 368,948 434 4,446 - - -$ 373,8 14 A 0001586 31] JONIC-lgniler Flame Detectoi Upg -2 - - - - 364,000 - - $ 364,C 15 A 0001586284 .ION1C-Rpl CTMakeiip Piping - - - 141,174 193,626 - - -$ 334,8 16 A 0001586 083 JONIC-Rpl CWP Pmp Dischrg pipe - - - - 324,364 - - $ 324,3 17 A 0001586 282 JONIC-Rpl CT I'ltfrm 10&11 - - - - - 318,094 - -$ 318,C 18 A 0001586 094 JONIC-Rpl Iimeig Diesel Gen 193,373 101,874 - - - - -$ 295,2 19 A 0001586 303 JONIC-Rpl Noimal Souicc Bieakels - - - - 272,500 - - $ 272,5 20 A 0001586 264 JONIC-CEM's Upgrade-19976 - - 208,207 - - - -$ 208,2 21 A 0001586 25C JON1C-Rpl W BFP E]einei]t 165.727 21,505 - - - - -$ 187,2 22 A 0001586 055 JONIC-Abale & Remsulate DA - - 173,636 4.434 - - -$ 178,C 23 A 0001586 302 JON1C-Rpl #9 Fan Shioud - - - 149,504 - - - $ 149,5 24 A 0001586 141 JONIC-Rpl lPs with DVC - - 134,643 2,932 (314) - - -$ 137,2 25 A 0001586 088 ION1C-Rpl Station Battery ]04,262 - - - - - $ 104,2 26 A 0001586 261 JON 1C-Replace CP's-19974 97,474 2,962 - - -$ 100,4

$ $

27 N/a Other Capital Projects (7,836) 136,621 95,901 58,411 - 71,743 163,000 99,592 8,000 $ $

28 Totals $ 1,898,070 $ 4,034,032 $ 9,003,164 $ 1,018,489 $ 197,863 $ 808,612 $ 4,321,594 $ 99,592 $ 1,456,500 $


1 - Page 480 of 565 005035

Schedule H-5.3b

oo-#~!-hoe-Oi-#N Cwo


Page 15 of 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Pi oduction Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Line Project No. N,imber

1 A 0001586006 2 A 0001586318 3 A 0001586 074 4 A 0001586044 5 A 0001586269 6 A 0001586 125 7 A 0001586058 8 A 0001586289 9 A 0001586 067 10 A 0001586310 11 A 0001586 268 12 A 0001586 500 13 A 0001586 026 14 A 0001586316 15 A 0001586 112 16 A 0001586 324 17 A 0001586317 18 A 0001586093 19 A 0001586287 20 A 0001586 157 21 A 0001586065 22 A 0001586270 23 A 0001586 304 24 A 0001586011 25 A 0001586012 26 A 0001586265 27 A 0001586285 28 A 0001586014 29 A 0001586 003 30 A 0001586 500 OI 31 A 0001586271 32 A 000]586 500 OI 33 A 0001586286 34 A 0001586 128 35 A 0001586 138

36 N/a


Plant Name: Jones Unit: 2

tlisterica] tlistorica[ 1 listerica I 1 listorical Hictoi·icai Present Projectml Projected Projected Project Ti,le Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

JON2C-E CT Rebuild $ - $ 3,108,644 $ 2,232,116 $ - $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 5,340. ION2C-Corner Tube Replacement -2404 - - - 3,109 2,086,578 - - $ 2,089, JON2C-Rpl Seamcd HRH Pipmg - - - 331,060 1,624.440 - - - -$ 1,955, ION2 C-Rp] Turbine 11iromc Vlv 808,77] 41,012 - - - - $ 849, JON2C-SH Headei Sealbox Rpl-21240 139,795 691,553 - - - $ 831, JON2C-Rewind Excitet Rotoi - 150,896 562.095 - - - - $ 712. ION2C-Automate Electi ical Bid 677.835 1,870 - - - »$ 679, ION2C-Rpl Ll Gen End Tuib Bids - - 74,899 569.534 - - -$ 644, ION2£-Upg Foxboro FBMs - - 362,048 273.876 - - - - $ 635, JON2C-DA Heater Replacement - - - - 54,000 577,437 - $ 631, jON2C-3051 Tiansm Rpl Ph 2-20818 - - 127.139 485.414 - - $ 612, ION Emergent Fund -Steain prod - - - 549,681 541 - - $ 550, JON2C-Rpl Cold Side API I Basket 542,85] 894 - - - $ 543. JONX-Upg DCS Opcratoi Stations-23 - - - - 231,346 248,633 - $ 479, JON2C-Rpl Elvi and Elvlr Cntrl 117.962 325.377 - - - - -$ 443, JON2C- Rpl CT Acid Tank -24466 - - - - 399,996 - $ 399, ION2C-lgniter Flame Delctr Upg-241 - - - - 364,000 - $ 364, JON2C-Rpl Einerg Diesel Gen 356,343 6.276 - - - -$ 362. JON2C-Rpl CT Makeup Piping - - - 144.267 194,944 - - - - $ 339, ION2C-Circ Water Stiuct bner - - - - 336,400 $ 336, ION2C-Rpl Rosemoun! 1151 XMTRS 290,206 (1.326) - - - -$ 288, IONZC-Rpl Oil Cnc Break JK45-19705 - - 141,353 137,696 - - - $ 279, JON2C-Rpl Normal Source Bieakcrs - - - - 272,500 - $ 272, ION2C-Replace CT Distnbution 230,550 3,074 - - - - -$ 233, JONZC-Repl API I Expansion Joint 228.256 5,232 - - - - -$ 233, JON2C-CEM's Upgrade-19975 - - 217,260 920 - - - $ 218, JON2C-Rpl Circ Pump Sue Hood - - 44,469 144,552 - - -$ ]89, JON22-E Rpl Mech Diaft 3&8 - 88,633 94,006 28 - - -$ 182, JON2C-E CT Mech Draft 4,6,11 - 180.885 - - - - $ 180.

It JON2C-Rwd Noi-mal Src Xfi·mr - 139,191 - - - - - $ 139, JON2C-Rpl CP's-19973 79,613 55,901 - - - -$ 135,

)( JON2C-Rpl Economizet Exp Jnts - - 123,718 6.260 - - -$ 129. JONZC-inst Onln Vib Mntr Sys - - - 69,559 49,750 - -$ 119, ION2C-Rpl Turb Vib Monitoring 144,413 (35,14]) - - - - $ 109, JON2C-Rpl ]Ps with DVC 87.875 20,842 - - -$ 808,

!2 Other Capital Pi meets 85.505 134,801 166,864 167,693 46,153 - 25,664 4,033 48.528 $ »6'PM

$ Xi rotals $ 3,482,692 $ 3,948,104 $ 2,637,545 $ 2,125,971 $ 5,406,319 $ 53,400 $ 2,797,584 $ 1,466,603 $ 384,928 $ 2:~0*


1 - Page 481 of 565 005036

Schedule H-5.3b I /~

.# ~



n o

o o o

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, Bae 96 of 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Cgpitnl Costs (llistorica], Present, Projected)

Line Project No. Number

1 A 0001586 020 2 A 0001586 019 3 A 0001586 291 4 A 0001586 501

5 N/A


Plant Name: Jones Unit: 3

1listorica I Historical Historical Historical Historical Precent Projected Projected Projected Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Total

JON3C Jones 3&4 l-lot Gas Path Repla $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 530,872 $ 12,298,573 $ - $ - $ - $ 12,829,445 JON3C-Ri)1 Exhaust Baffles - - - 50,500 524,500 $ 575,000 JON3C-Rpl Exh Expansion Joint - - 263,838 - - - - $ 263,838 JON Emergent Fiind -Other prod - - - 122,620 - - - $ 122,620

$ Other Capital Piolects - - 10,254 51.90] ],000 - - $ 63,155

Totals $ -$ -$ - $ 274,092 $ 530,872 $ 12,473,094 $ 1,000 $ 50,500 $ 524,500 $ 13,854,058 SCH

1 - Page 482 of 565 005037

Schedule H-5.3b


n. 1

7 r,f /iA

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Jones Unit: 4

Line Project ]Iistorical I]istorica 1 1]istorical Historical Historical ],resent Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Yenr 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year t Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001586 293 JON4C-Rpl Hot Path $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,495,566 $ 11,626,899 $ - $ 14,122,465 2 A 0001586 322 .ION4C-Rpl Evap Media -23938 - - - 3,000 247,000 $ 250,000 3 A 0001609 002 JON#C-Jones 4 Xmsn Const (171,177) - 3,064 - - - $ (168,113) 4 A 0001586 308 JON4C-Exhaust Stack Silencer Baffte - - - 98,044 720,234 - - $ 818,278 5 A 0001586 294 JON4C-Rp! Exh Expansion Joint - - - 239,132 - - - $ 239,]32 6 A 0001586501 001 004 JON4C-Rpl Turning Gear Gearbox - - - 146,727 - - - -$ 146,727

$ 7 N/a Othet Capital Pioiects - - - 3,537 52,139 - - $

8 Totals (171,177) - 3,064 385,859 101,581 772,373 2,495,566 11,629,899 247,000 15,464,164


1 - Page 483 of 565 005038

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 18 of 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Line Project No. Number

1 A 0001529 500 2 A 0001529 001 3 A 0001529 095 4 A 0001529 085 5 A 0001529 05 j 6 A 0001529 096 7 A 0001529 099 8 A 0001529 098 9 A 0001529083 10 A 0001529 023 11 A 0003000 674 00] 00

Plant Name: Maddox Unit: 0

Ilistorical Historical Historical Ilistorical Historical Present Projected Projected Projected I'roject l'itle Year 5 Year 4 Yeai 3 Year 2 Year 1 Yeni- 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

MAD Emetgenl Fund -Sleam prod $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 49,188 $ 122,362 $ 664.200 $ 679,884 $ 500,004 $ 2,015,i MADOC-lnsta]I lnside Ftiemain 18,518 557,212 146,678 - - - - -$ 722,, MADOC-Rpl Oveihead Crane - NEW - - - 708,732 - - - $ 708, MADOC-Refurbish Plant Bathrooms - - - 197,933 - - $ 1972 MADOC-Rpl Wateiwells - - - - - 160,000 - $ 160,1 MADOC-Rpl WW Coiitrois -23960 - - - 152,520 - - $ 152, MADOC-Rpl 1A Inst Air Comp -24]T - - - - 150,000 $ 150, MADOC-Rpl l B Inst Ati Comp -2417( - - - - 150,000 $ 150,I MADOC-Rpl Waterwells 2020 - - - 139,808 - - $ 139,; MADOC-Rpl Potable I120 tank - 131,766 - - - $ 131, MAE)OC-Maddox Tools - 23,592 27,118 61,144 - - -$ 111,

$ 12 N/A Othet Capilal Ptolects 100,356 83,141 1,079 80,254 - 90,397 176,859 - -$

$ 13 Totals $ 118,874 $ 795,711 $ 175,775 $ 141,397 $ 49,188 $ 1,061,299 $ 1,191,512 $ 839,884 $ 800,004 $


1 - Page 484 of 565 005039

Schedule H-5.3b




4, Page 19 of 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Maddox Unit: 1

Line Project l Iistorical 1]istorical Ilistorica] Ilistorical ]]istol·ical Present Fi·oiected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Vear 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001529 089 MADIC-Rpl Sl] Tenn Tubes $ -$ - $ - $ - $ t,219,434 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,219,434 2 A 0001529 027 MADIC-Rpl Cooling Twi P3 925,676 - - - - -$ 925,676 3 A 0001529 084 MAD1C-Rpl #2 HP FWH - - - 58,251 747,041 5,000 - - $ 810,291 4 A 0001529 004 MADIC-E Rpl Spihcat and HRH - 792,906 9,278 - - - - $ 802,184 5 A 0001529 073 M A D 1 C - E G e n Rotor Rewind - 723,223 (203) - - - - -$ 723,020 6 A 0001529 500 001010 MAD1C-Rpl HR]-i Termina] Tubes - - 638,328 - - - -$ 638,328 7 A 0001529 067 MADZC-Rpl #l HP FWH-20820 - - 71,112 530,976 841 - - -$ 602,929 8 A 0001529 005 MAI)]C-Rpl CT Fans & Geaiboxes - - 308,889 251,401 - - -$ 560,290 9 A 0001529 068 MAD1C-Upg DCS Opt Stn-19969 518,503 1,500 - - $ 520,003 10 A 000 ] 529 024 MADIC-Rpl CS APH Basket&,Seals - - 1,179 469,856 1,307 - - - - $ 472,342 11 A 0001529 032 MADIC-Rpl MI Elevator - - 94,736 293,373 11,163 - - - -$ 399,272 12 A 0001529081 MAD 1 C-Rpl Ct Fan MCC Bieakcrs - - - 396,806 - - - $ 396,806 13 A 0001529 026 MAD]C-Rcwedge Geneiato] - 390,696 4,691 - - - - -$ 395,386 M A 0001529 057 MADIC-Rp] An Prehtt Exp Joint - - 336,321 605 - - - $ 336,925 15 A 0001529 500 MAD Emergent Fund -Steam prod - - - 196,477 59,489 - - $ 255,965 16 A 0001529 104 MADIC-Upgrade FCP270s -23967 - - - 245,000 - $ 245,000 17 A 0001529056 MADIC-Upg CEMs Foxboio Sys - - - 225,743 - -$ 225,743 18 A 0001529 007 MADIC-Rpl CT Dtsti ibution Vlvs - 173,455 3,578 - - - $ 177,033 19 A 0001529 037 MAD1C-Rpl CT Wti ing - 139,411 (138) - - - $ 139,272 20 A 0001529 053 MADIC-Rpl Circ Exp.Joints -- - - 135,8]8 - $ 135,818


21 N/a Othei Capital Piolccts - 199,176 149,309 65,905 17,7]5 45,312 41,400 107,150 - $ 625,967 -

22 Totals $ 925,676 $ 2,418,866 $ 333,542 $ 2,643,648 $ 934,565 $ 2,815,521 $ 47,900 $ 487,968 $ - $ 10,607,685

tu 8 »-3 ·MD -¤ >< B AD FRQ DC A ZE#


1 - Page 485 of 565 005040

Schedule H-5.3b

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Maddox C'1' Unit: 2

Line Project liisto rical 1 listo rival 1listorical Ilistot·ici, 1 Historical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Total

] A 0001529 106 MAD2C-Hot Gas Path -24305 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 213,325 $ 4,088,356 $ - $ - $ 4,301,681 2 A 0001529 092 MAD2C-RPL OCB Gen Breaker 52(J $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 11,792 $ 552,391 $ 6,700 $ - $ 570,883


3 N/A Other Capital Projects 17,247 21,343 108,895 134,578 106 40,523 - 53,150 - $ 375,843

4 Totals $ 17,247 $ 21,343 $ 108,895 $ 134,578 $ 106 $ 265,641 $ 4,640,747 $ 59,850 $ - $ 5,248,407

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Cosls (Ilislorical, Present, Projected)

Line ])roiect No. Number

1 A 0001529 094 2 A 0001529 082 3 A 0001529 066 4 A 0001529 080 5 A 0001529 018

6 N/a


Plant Name: Maddox CT Unit: 3

Historical ]Ii,torical Ilistorical Iligtorical Ilisto rica] Present Projected Projected Projected Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Yearl Year 0 Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Total

MADJC-Install BlackStart $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 449,328 $ 17,799,996 $ 18,249,324 MAD3C-Rpl U940 Gen Breakcr - - ]4,418 334,594 - - - -$ 349,011 MAD3C-Rpl M3 Fire Suppression-21344 - - 20,944 (20,944) - - - $ (0) MAD3C-Rpl Exhaust Stack - - 190,432 - - - - $ 190,432 MAD3C-Rpl Lube Oil Cooler - 164,870 ],466 - - - $ 166,336



Other Capital Projects - - - - $ --

Totals $ - $ 164,870 $ 1,466 $ 225,793 $ 313,650 $ - $ -$ 449,328 $ 17,799,996 $ 18,955,103


1 - Page 487 of 565 005042

Schedule H-5.3b

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (His toi·ieal, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Moore County Unit: 0

Line Project Historical Historical Historical Historical Historical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

I A 000]506 002 MORDC-Demo Moore County $ -$ -1 - $ 524,549 $ -$ - $ -$ $ -$ 524,549 -

2 N/a Other Capital Proiects - - - - - - $

3 Totals $ - ~ - ~ - ~ (524,549) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 524,549

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Moore County IJ n it: 3

Line Project Historical Historical Historical Historical Ilistorical Present Projecled Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

I A 0001506 002 MOR0C-Demo Moore County $ $ - $ $ - $ 4,088,373 $ 1,563,879 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,652,252

2 N/a Other Capital Projects - - - - $

3 Totals $ -$ -5 - ~ - $ 4,088,373 $ 1,563,879 $ -$ -$ -$ 5,652,252

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (]Iistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Nichols Unit: 0

Line Project Ihstorical Historical Ilistorical tlistorical Ilistorical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Pt oject Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Ye:u 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001560 126 NICOC-HW Rd WW Trtment linprov $ - $ - $ 344,666 $ 215,669 $ 948,515 $ 550.009 $ 3,702,252 $3,788,057 $ - $ 9,549,168 2 A 0001560 010 NICOC-Rpl Demineralizer 521,978 3,624,042 190,376 - - -$ 4,336,396 3 A 0001560 500 NIC Emei gent Fund -Steampiod - - 58,310 776,284 1,699,998 699,996 699,996 $ 3,934,584 4 A 0001553 002 NICOC-NO Lime Pond Consuuctlo - 1,393,843 483 - - - - -$ 1,394,326 5 A 0001560 145 NICOC-Rehne Pond 21 -23919 - - - 938.237 $ 938,237 6 A 0001560 144 NICK-Rpl N]CtoHAR Potbl Wtr Line - - - - - 650,004 - - $ 650,004 7 A 0001560 117 NlCOC-Rpl Roof-Turb High - - - 630,173 - - - $ 630,173 8 A 0001560 118 NICOC-Rpl Roof-Turb Low - - 440 469 - - - - $ 440,469 9 A 0001560 090 N]COC-Rpl Wti Tteatment Coniro 148,566 260,959 819 - - - $ 410,344 10 A 000]560 500 001 008 NICOC-Replace Aux Boiler - - 332,875 4.755 - - -$ 337,630 ll A 0001560 089 NlCOC-Rpl #5 AftiTmnnt pl-i Acl - - - ]0.000 266,838 $ 276,838 12 A 0001560 115 NICOC-Install Deinin Wtr Supply - - - 66,813 195,261 - - - $ 262,074 13 A 0001560 134 NICOC-Install Sprlnklei Pivot - - - - - 233,000 - $ 233,000 14 A 0001560012 NICOC-Rpl l&2 React Sump Pmps - 145,483 11,252 - - - -$ 156,736


15 N/a Otliet Capital Projects 207,843 ] 12,038 68,44·2 325,053 - 63,001 - -$ 776,376 -

15 Totals $ 878,386 $ 5,536,365 $ 948,913 $ 1,682,933 $ 1,202,087 $ 1,389,294 $ 6,052,254 $4,731,053 $ 1,905,071 $ 24,326,356


1 - Page 490 of 565 005045

Schedule H-5.3b

Paee 25 of 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Proiec ted)

Plant Name: Nichols Unit: 1

1~ine Project Historical Historical ]Iistoricnl 1Iistorical Historical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Yearl Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Yea r 3 Total

1 A 0001560 500 NIC Emergent Fund -Steam prod $ - $ - $ - $ 611,813 $ 386,055 $ -$ -$ - $ 997,8 2 A 0001560 136 NIC!C-Rp]U! Volt Reg - - - 5,189 268,950 - - -$ 274,1 -3 A 0001560 109 NlCIC-Rpl CI' Suction Vaiilt Roof - - 208,055 13,666 - - - -$ 221,7 4 A 0001560 500 001 009 NlCIC-Rp] APH Hot Gas Exp Jnts - - 121,883 277 - - - -$ 122,1

5 N/a Other Capital Projects 58,840 102,794 76,332 47,826 26,137 1,000 52,089 - $

6 Totals $ 58,840 $ 102,794 $ 406,269 $ 61,770 $ 617,002 $ 681,142 $ 1,000 $ 52,089 $ - $ 1,980,906


1 - Page 491 of 565 005046

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 26 of40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (]listorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Nichols Unit: 2

Line Ploject ]Iistoncal 1]istoi·ical }listoi ical ]]istm·ical Iiistorica] Present Projected Projected Piojectcd No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 2 Year l Year 0 Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Total Year 3

1 A 0001560 103 N1C2C-LP Tuibme Blade Rpl $ 1,995,154 $ 22,474 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2,017: 2 A 0001560 121 N1C2C-Rp] Blowdown Piping - - - 5,897 777,762 - - -$ 783. 3 A 0001560 500 NIC Emergent Fund -Steam prod - - - - 275,933 192,272 - ·- $ 468. 4 A 0001560 004 N]C2C-Rpl ]-]PlP 1st CNTRL S rG BLDS 362,315 - - - -$ 362. 5 A 0001560 107 NIC2C-Rpl Voltage Regulator 63,423 286,939 - - - - $ 350. 6 A 0001560 500 001 004 N1C2C-BFP Element Refulb - - 280,569 305 - - - - $ 280. 7 A 0001560035 Nl(2C-Rp] Cr Acid Tank - - 200,024 28,023 - - - -$ 228. 8 A 0001560 041 NIC2C-Rpl Bailey Burner Tilts 88,248 66,102 - - - $ 154, 9 A 0001560 106 NIC2C-Rpl Hot Side APH Exp Jnl 104,593 - - - - - -$ 104.

$ $

10 N/a Other Capital Projects 95,68] 39,506 110,197 23,994 - 30,000 -$

11 Totals $ 2,242,506 $ 881,929 $ 590,789 $ 58,219 $ I,053,695 $ 192,272 $ 30,000 $ - $ - $


1 - Page 492 of 565 005047

Schedule H-5.3b




CO Pate 27 of 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Line Project No. Number

1 A 0001560 072 2 A 0001560 094 3 A 0001560 156 4 A 0001560 129 5 A 0001560 153 6 A 0001560 064 7 A 0001560 150 8 A 0001560 147 9 A 0001560 151 10 A 0001560 101 11 A 0001560 149 12 A 0001560 124 13 A 0001560 123 14 A 0001560 148 ]5 A 0001560 128 16 A 0001560 077 17 A 0001560 500 18 A 0001560 059 19 A 0001560 141 20 A 0001560 152 21 A 0001560 099 22 A 0001560 133 23 A 0001560 500 001 006 24 A 0001560 127 25 A 0001560 142 26 A 0001560 131 27 A 0001560 057 28 A 0001560 138 29 A 0001560 079 30 A 0001560 132 31 A 0001560 075

Plant Name: Nichols Unit: 3

Ilistorical Historical Ilistorical ] listorical IIistorical Present Projected Projected l'i·ojected Project 'rille Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 l'otal

NIC3C-Rewind Generator Stalor $ -$ -$ - $ -$ -$ - $ 534,750 $ 5,882,250 $ - $ 6,417,000 NIC3C-CT Sti ucliu e Umt.3 - - 379,835 3,712,133 525,399 - - -$ 4,617,368 NIC3C Repl Seemed HE Piping - 1630 - - - - - 925,000 I,693,000 - $ 2,618,000 N[CJC-Rewind Generator Roe - - - - 156,721 1,703,619 - $ 1,860,340 NIOC-Rpl RH Panels -24143 - - - - 309,000 1,499,000 $ 1,808,000 NICJC-N3 Rpl CT Plenum Stt uciu 1,553 1,663,007 - - - -$ 1,664,560 NIC3C-Rpl SH Out Headet Tubes -241 - - - 109,000 796,000 - $ 905,000 NIC3C-Rpl Cond Tiibe Clean Sys-241 - - - - - 858,000 - - $ 858,000 NICJC-Rp] FW]-] No4 -24]45 - - - ]10,500 677,000 - $ 787,500 Nle3 C-NJ Rpl Foxboioi FBM's - - - 268,000 487,000 - $ 755,000 NIOC-lipl Boilei Headei Casing -241 - - - - 503,048 13,000 - $ 516,048 NIOC-Rpl Condcnser Wet Circ Pipe - - - 493,360 1,447 - -$ 494,807 NIOC-Cl Mechanicals Phase 1 - - 476,617 - - - $ 476,617 NIC3C-Rpl Cl' Swilchgear -24197 - - - 425,004 - - $ 425,004 N1C3C-Iii)1 CW Risers at CT - - - 395,902 1,463 - -$ 397,365 NIOC-Rp] Stgl&9 Bkts I-]Pll' iti 320,476 - - - - - -$ 320,476 NIC Emeigent Fund -Steam plod - - - 68,818 175,871 - -$ 244,689 NIOC-Rpl Preheater Cold Baske 244,231 - - - - - - $ 244,231 NIOC-Replace Boilei Ignitois - - - - 97,916 137,081 - $ 234,997 N1C3C-BFP Mti Soft Start Relay -239 - - - - 234,996 - $ 234,996 NIC3C-N3 CEM's Upgrade - - - 231,445 - - - $ 231,445 NIC3C-Rp] FW]-] Lv] Tiansmitters - - - 16],098 35,425 - -$ 196,524 NIC3C-Rpl CI Cell 2 Mechanicals - - 170,561 - - - $ 170,561 N1C3C-Rp] Boilei Bldg Elevatoi - - - 160,000 - - $ 160,000 Nl(3C-Rpl Conlio] l'ransinitteis - - - - 48,016 102,81] - $ ]50,827 N]C3C-Rpl MS Vent Valve - - - 132,241 - - - $ 132,241 N1C3C-E Rpl Cell 1 Fan Meih - 120,848 10,403 - - -$ 131,252 NlC)C-Install FD Fan VFDAC - - - 116,401 6,000 4,175 - - $ 126,576 NiC3C-Rp] Lab Analyzers - - 116,636 - - - $ i 16,636 NIC3C-N3 Rp] UPS tnvcnei - - - 113,101 912 - - -$ 114,013 NIC3C-Rp] Condensei Exp Joints 105,085 - - - - -$ 105,085



32 N/a Other Capital Projects 180,040 22,779 95,703 42,709 136,727 194,605 18,900 80,500 - $ ~71,963 bo

26 l'Otali $ 851,384 $ 1,806,635 $ 276,668 $ 1,015,797 $ 5,561,226 $ 1,101,124 $ 4,059,030 $ 12,116,257 $ 1,499,0{)0 $ 28,*G200 >-< M Ji ppuj rj O AD : tu E .. 00 A t- O


1 - Page 493 of 565 005048

Ielx f40

Schedule H-5.3b

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Plant X Unit: 0

Line PrOJect Ilisto]·ical Ilistorical Iliwtorica 1 1]istorical Ilistorical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project 'ritle Year 5 Yem 4 Year 3 Year 2 ¥eai 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

I A 0001534 500 PLX Emergent Fund -Steam prod $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 59,298 $ 576,270 $ 899,745 $ 500.004 $ 500,004 $ 2,535, 2 A 0001534 040 001 00] PLXOC-Rpll-icadcrGasimelnsd 1.900,983 39,641 - - - - -$ 1,940, 3 A 0001514 086 PLXOC-Rpl CT Fill - 577.608 377.)59 - - - - -$ 954, 4 A.0001534 157 PLXOC-Rpl 50T-5T l'url) Crane-20816 712,686 - - - - $ 712,

6 A 0001534 ~53 1~~~~a~no~fp~i~ivpcrw~r~p~ogof°r pi 439,350 - - - -$ 439.

710.882 - - -$ 710,

7 A 0001534 063 PLXOC-Boiler Road Paving - 403.102 - - - - $ 403, 8 A 0001534 156 I>LXOC-Potable Water-20415 - - - - 300,925 $ 300, 9 A 0001534168 PLXOC-Rmv air washcr and ductwork-2 - - 295,765 - - $ 295, 10 A 0001534 087 PLXOC-Rpl CT 4 Cell Mech PH 1 - 252,706 12,227 - - - -$ 264, 11 A 0001534058 PLXOC - Rpl CT Mech PH 1 254,333 - - - -$ 254, 12 A 000]534039 PLXOC-Rpr Road Ent Paving 205,943 678 - - - - $ 206, 13 A 0001534 154 PLXOC-Rpl Gen Blt Failuic Relay-210 - - 5,543 158,412 - - -$ 163, ]4 A 000 1534 172 PLXOC-Rpl Lab Analyzers - - 138,944 2,438 - - -$ 141, 15 A 0001534 192 PLXOC-Suinp plpmg to pond in tunnel - - - 134.400 - - - - $ 134, 16 A 0001534 171 PI.XOC-Roof Diams Headei - - 51,324 57,999 - - -$ 109,


17 N/a Other Capital Projects 325,908 93,407 31,695 123,445 19,532 255,497 650 - -$ 850,134 $

18 Totals $ 3,126,517 $ 964,039 $ 420,981 $ ],031,941 $ 835,182 $ 1,542,649 S 1,196,160 $ 500,004 $ 800,929 $ 10,418,402


1 - Page 494 of 565 005049

Schedule H-5.3b Pape 29 o

f 40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (llistorical, l'resent, Projected)

Plant Name: Plant X tjnit: 1

Line Project Historical 1 Iistorical ] listorical Historical IlistoricaI Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001534 500 PLX Emergent Fund -Steam prod $ -$ - $ - $ - $ 31,561 $ 501,269 $ -$ -$ -$ 532,830 2 A 0001534 027 PLXIC-Rp] Emer Diesel Gen $ 288,710 $ -$ - $ -$ $ - $ $ -$ - $ 288,710 3 A 000 I 534 152 PLXIC-Refurbish East Circ Pump $ 67,990 $ l l,674 $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ 79,664


4 N/a Otlier Capital Projects 11,422 48,146 1,426 15,402 (303) - - -$ 76,093

5 Totals $ 368,122 $ 59,819 $ 1,426 $ 15,402 $ 31,258 $ 501,269 $ -$ -$ -$ 977,297

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Plant X Unit: 2

Line Project Year 2 Yea r 1 Year 1 Year 3 Total

Ilistorical Historie ;, 1 1listorical Ilistorica 1 Historical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project ~['itle Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 0 Year 2

A 0001534 071 PLX2C-Rpl 02 Analyzer Sys $ 62,917 $ 98,374 $ - $ - $ -$ -I; $ -$ -$ 161,291

2 N/a Other Capital Projects 46,184 139,926 47,658 48,962 329 - - -$ 283,058

3 Totals $ 109,101 $ 238,299 $ 47,658 $ 48,962 $ 329 $ -$ -$ -$ - $ 444,349

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Ilistorieal, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Plant X Unit: 3

Line Project Year 1 Year 0 Yearl Year 2 Year 3

liistorica 1 IIistorica 1 Historical Ilistorica] 11 istorica I Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Total

l A 0001534209 Pl.X]C Rpl East Waterwal]Tubes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,506,894 $ (679,378) $ -$ -$ -$ 827,516

3 N/a Other Capital Proiects 18,770 106,850 24,912 147,246 16,806 566 - - - $ 315,149

4 Totals $ 18,770 $ 106,850 $ 24,912 S 147,246 $ 1,523,700 S (678,812) $ -$ - $ - $ 1,142,665

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historica], Present, Projected)

Line Project No. Number

1 A 0001534 158 2 A 0001534 500 3 A 0001534 099 4 A 0001534 187 5 A 0001534 164 6 A 0001534 051 7 A 0001534 098 8 A 0001534 007 9 A 0001534 100 10 A 0001534 101 11 A 0001534 208 12 A 0001534207 13 A 0001534 165 14 A 0001534200 15 A 0001534 083 16 A 0001534 197

17 N/a


Plant Name: Plant X Unit: 4

Historical Historical 1 listorical I Iisto }leal Historical Pi·esent Projected Projected Projected project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Yem 2 Year l Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

PLX4C-Rpl HE teamed Piping-20747 $ - $ - $ - $ 638,956 $ 2,566,984 $ - $ -$ -$ - $ 3,205, PLX Emergent Fund -Slearn prod - - - 2,316,087 842,024 - - $ 3,158, PLX4C-Rpl CT Fill &DE Phase 3 - - 893,420 1,196 - - -$ 894, PLX4C-Geneiatoi Rewedge - - - 24,690 808,224 3,452 - - - $ 836, PLX#C-Upg DCS Opr Stn and CP-19956 556,087 - - - - $ 556, PLX4C-Repl Economizer Header - - 3,853 511,415 - - - $ 5]5, PLX4C-Rpl CT Fill & DE PH 2 - 449,020 - - - - -$ 449, PLX4C-Rpl CT Fill 435,525 - - - - -$ 435, PLX4C-Rpl CT Mech PH3 - 399,439 16,061 - - - - $ 415, PLX4C-Rpl C 1' Mech Ph 2 - 362,816 956 - - - - $ 363, PLX4C-OIl BMS Upgrade - - - 55,582 214,000 - - $ 269, PLX4C-BMS Upgrade - - - 96,062 157,370 - -$ 253, PLX4C-CEMS Upgiadc-17059 - - - 202.443 - - $ 202, PLX4C-X4 E.ast BFI> element rebuild - - - 187,265 - - - $ 187, PLX4C-Rpl SH Spray Vlvs - 121,975 476 - - - $ 122, PLX4C-Repl C'I' noithstaiiway - - - 108,611 - - - - $ 108,

$ $

Other Capital Pioleets 165.501 191,863 151 217,643 202,767 28,391 323.100 100,285 - $ 1,229, $

Totals $ 601,026 $ 1,125,675 $ 1,294,443 $ 902,399 S 7,257,440 $ 1,025,511 $ 896,913 S 100,285 $ - $ 13,203,


1 - Page 498 of 565 005053

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 33 of40

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Quay County Unit: 0

Line Project Historical ]Iistorical Ilistorical ]listorical Historical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Yearl Year 0 Year I Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 N/A Other Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 19,829 $ -$ -$ -$ 19,829

2 Totals - ~ ~ - 19,829 - - 19,829

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Quay County Unit: 1

Project Historical Historical Historical 11istorical Historical Present Projected Projected Projected Line No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year l Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 N/A Other Capital Projects $ - $ - $ - $ 19,659 $ 67,554 $ -$ -$ -$ -$ 87,212

2 Totals ~ - 19,659 67,554 - - 87,212

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Historical, Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Qiray Cot,nly Unit: 2

Line Project Historical Ilisto rica] liistorical 1 listoricn I tlistorical Present Projected Projected Projected No. Number Project Title Year S Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Yea r 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

I A 0001554 003 OUA2C-Rpl Emergency Diesel Generato $ - $ - $ 179,345 $ 37,861 $ -$-$ -$ -$ - $ 217,206

2 N/A Other Capital Proiects

3 Totals $ -$ -$ 179,345 $ 37,861 $ - $ - $ -$ -$ - $ 217,206

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Ilistorica], Present, Projected)

Plant Name: Sagamore 0 lJ nit:

Line Project IIistorica! Histoi ical Ilistorical ] listorica 1 ]]istorica] Year Present Projected Proiected Projected No. Number Project Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

1 A 0001563 001 SPS Wind - Sagamoie $ - $ - $ 4,386,567 $ 1,052,786 $ 230,881,142 $ 531,679,094 $ 9,234,456 $ -$ -$ 777,234,044 2 A 0001563 501 SAGM Emergent Fund-Other - - - 604,488 509,532 422,196 $ 1,536,216 3 A 0001563 502 SWF-Gearbox Replace - - - - - 450,000 $ 450,000 4 A 0001563 503 SWF-Generatot Replace - - - - - 405,000 $ 405,000 5 A 0001563 504 SWF-liansfoiniei Replace - - - - - 140,004 $ 140,004 6 A 0001563 015 Sagamoie-Land & Land laghts - - - 244,000 - - - $ 244.000

$ 7 N/A Othei Capital Proiects - - - 48,000 - - $

8 Totals $ - $ - $ 4,386,567 $ 1,052,786 $ 230,881,142 $ 531,923,093 $ 9,886,944 $ 509,532 $ 1,417,200 $ 780,057,264


1 - Page 502 of 565 005057

Schedule H-5.3b D

an- V

l nf A


Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Production Plant Capital Costs (Ilistorical, Present, Projected)

Line Project No. Nitmber

1 A 0001555 500 2 A 0001555 031 3 A 0001555 278 4 A 0001555 113 5 A 0001555 276 6 A 0001555 093 7 A 0001555 030 8 A 0001555 317 9 A 0001555 104 10 A 0001555 204 11 A 0001555 304 12 A 0001555 114 13 A 0001555 042 14 A 0001555 071 15 A 0001555 305 16 A 00015555000( 17 A 0001555 068 18 A 0001555217 19 A 0001555 351 20 A 0001555 320 21 A 0001555 211 22 A 0001555 148 23 A 0001642 001 24 A 0001555 069 25 A 0001555 591 26 A 0001555 252 27 A 0001555 413 28 A 0001555415 29 A 0001555 315 30 A 0001555 314 31 A 0001555 120 32 A 0001555 248 13 A 0001555 246 34 A 0001555 247 35 A 0001555 245 36 A 0001555 058 37 A 0001555 500 OI 38 A 0001555 060 39 A 0001555 212 40 A 0001555 133 41 A 0003000 684 ol 42 A 0001555 588 43 A 000]555 057 44 A 0001555 299 45 A 0001555 414

46 N/a


Plant Name: l'olk Unit: 0

I]isto, ica! 1 list oneal ]]istor,cal }listorical ".toric'l Preient Projected Pro,erted I'ro,ected Pr{Uect Title Year 5 Year 4 Year 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

rOL Emergent l·und -Steam prod S -$ -$ -$ -$ 322,682 $ 1,658,418 $ 3,503,587 $ 1,400,004 S 1,400,004 $ 8,284,695 TOLOC-TolkX Water Well Ph 8 - - - 364,231 4,212,97] (3,595) - - $ 4,573,607 TOLOC-Drill 11orizonlal WaterWeil - 276,060 2,608,384 91,024 - - $ 2,975,467 TOLOC-Rpl RR Ties PH 3 of 5 17,068 568,108 653,176 - - - -$ 1,238,352 TOI.OC-Dev Barrctt I]20 Righls l 199.210 4,690 - - - $ 1,203,900 TOLOC-Rpl RR Ties PH 4 of 5 - - 533,883 616,210 - - -$ 1,150,093 TOLOC-TolkX Water Well Ph 7 - 681,507 449,021 4,195 - - - - $ 1,134,722 TOLOC-Build Evap Pond l 5 1,056,752 15,709 - - - - - $ 1,072,461 TOLOC-Rpl RR Ties Pll 5 of5 - - - 1,028,337 (],500) - -$ 1,026,837 TOLOC-Rpl RRT]es Dump Loop)Pl 12 984,262 31,246 - - - $ 1,015,507 1 OLOC- Inst Watef Well Ph 11 - - - - 69,000 923,500 $ 992,500 TOLOC-Rpl RR Ties PH 2 of 5 799,524 I40,038 - - - - $ 939,562 TOLOC-1 olkX Water Well Ph 9 - - - - 619,000 - - $ 619,000 ]Ol,OC-W SBAC Overliau! 2018 - - 43,285 552,345 - -$ 595,629 TOLOC·-Inst Walei Well Ph 10 - - - 530,500 - $ 530,500

9 TO].OC-S SBAC OVH 20]7-22573 - - 523,554 - - - $ 523,554 TOLOC-W SBAC Overhaul 2015 493,873 14,065 - - - - -$ 507,938 IO].OC-Rail Ballast & Ahgnmnt - - - 505,459 - - - $ 505,459 [ OLOC-Rpl control room bldg roof - - 489,763 - - - $ 489,763 I OLOC-ins Pig Launi.h-Rec Eqpt 4]0,615 9,447 - - - - -$ 420,062 TOLOC-S SBAC Ove,haul - - - - 420,000 - - $ 420,000 TOI.0C-Rp[ Water Treatment Bldg - - - 401,019 - - -$ 401,019 TOLoC-ACI Mercury Reduction 391,723 - - - - $ 391,723 1 OLOC-N SBAC Overhaul 2016 - 375,124 14,643 - - -$ 389,766 TOLOC-S SBAC - - - 385,000 - $ 185,000 TOI-OC-Rpl Receiving Wll Roof - - - 336.461 - - - - $ 336,461 TOLOC-Rpl IK09 oil circuit breaker - - - 4,512 331,262 - -$ 335,774 rOI.OC-Inst Secondary RO Feed Supply - - - 256,826 - - - $ 256,826 TOLOC-Inst MgO FeederReact 1 &2 47,225 189,550 - - - $ 236,775 rOLOC-Inst EhncdEvapSyyWWP13 232,600 2,680 - - -$ 235,280 TOLOC-Inst Perimel FencePonds - - 229,285 - - - S 229,285 TOLOC-Rpl Water Well Pmp 2023 - - - - - 190,000 $ 190,000 TOLOC-Rpl Water Well Pmp 2021 - - 190,000 - - 9 190,000 TOLOC-Rpl Water Well Pmp 2022 - - - - 190,000 190,000 TO] OC-Rpl Water Well Imp 2020 - - - - 188,611 - - $ 188,611 't'OLOC-Rpl Water Well Pmp 2016 149,137 - - - - -$ 149,137

l l'OLOC-Inst SwingGatcs&Ladderurot - - 148,849 - - - $ 148,849 l'OLOC-Rpl Water Well 1>mp 2018 - - - ]43,842 1,714 - - -$ 14586 TOLOC-Rpl Water Well Pmp 2019 - - - ] 39,3644 - - - $ 13904 l'OLOC-Rpl Co-poly Skid and Pip 129,468 - - - -$ 129298

2 TOLOC- folk Tool Blanket - - 21,277 97,614 - - - $ 118* TOLOC- install Gas Chroinatogiaph - - - 40,748 14,100 61,263 - - $ ] /6*j 1 l'OLOC-Rp] Water Well Pmp 2017 - - I 15,322 (0) - - -$ 115*2

TOLOC-ICCP Replacement-Tolk - - - - 102,130 - - - $ 102930 TOLOC-Starlup A-B Tiansfoimel DGA - - - 4,468 97,454 - -$ 10132

S: 22 -Other Capital Projects 438,753 253,270 ]25,715 201,260 357 98,430 313,272 - 114,091 $ ],565,148


Totals $ 6,184,005 $ 2,159,590 $ 5,449,571 $ 2,970,177 $ 6,888,439 $ 3.088,188 $ 5,045,859 $ 2,574,504 $ 2,647,595 $ 37,008,027


1 - Page 503 of 565 005058

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 38 of 40 Sponsor: Lytal

Smithi, e,krn Public Sen,ce Comi,anv

F,is~i] Pioiluction Plant Cli)•¢'ICI.i'(11'ti,i ~ 1, Pi.Ilt, Proiec/'d)

Linr rroje it Numlirr

A 0001 '98 001 A 00(J]555441 A 0001598 0 2 A (Jt,01555 357 A 000155: 011 A 000155 54 1 A 00(J 1 955 o l 2 A{J(H,1555 (JXK A 0001553 500 A 0001555 */(K)1 {~2 A 0()0]555218 A (RHI 155 i 257 A 00111555221 A 00(,1555 264 A 0(]0]555 223 A 0001555 597 A 00t I 1555 047 A 0001555219 A 000]555043 A 0(KJ 1555211 A 0001555292 Aol)D]555 t) 14 AO~]555090 A 000]555 500 001 02( A 00{ 555 t Ilt, A 000]559209 A{)001555 035 A{)00)555 049 A 000]55542] A 000]555 029 A 0001551 366 A()001555422 A{)001555426 A *]555 285 A 000]555 077 A 000155S 202 A (K)01555 306 A (JO[,1555 274 A (1{]O]555 lg9 A 0(101555 261 AoOOI 555 5000(i 01; A (K)01555 595 A 0001 55: 28* A 0001555420 A 0001555 254 A (1(]01555 500 001 Ill A 0001555 097 A 1001555 594 A 0001555083 A 0001555 596 A000]555272 A 0001555 500()01 % A 0001555 500001 M A (,(RJ]555 239 A 000155524] A 0001555 1 % A 0()(]1555 199 A 0{)01555 500 001 0](




12 /3

1 / 15 10 17 18 19 20 2l 22 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 U 32 33 34 35 16 17 38 19 40 4 42 43 14 'ls 46 47 48 49 5() 51 32 53 54 55 56 57 5R



Plant Nnme Ikilk Unit 1

]]]stornH] 11=to™al I~i~Ior-,c,il H,itori'.1 Hi,toric~1 Preirnt Proje/ed Projr'Ietl Projected Projed r,tle ¥rnr•i Yenr 4 Yeir 3 Yenr 2 Yea, 1 Yearl) Year 1 Yeir 2 Yenr J rot.i

H)].1(..-buichrnnou, Lnndin.Lr $ $ - $ 1' 250 $ 407.113 $ 2,62©52 $ 6,92]627 $ - S - $ $ 9,970.262 K)1 IC-Genltolorlauind -21949 . - - 47911¢7 2.87!.909 $ 1,151,296 [OI.2C-Svlkhronous Condeme, - - 2 144 603 910 t~ - - t 3 074 601 1(JI.IC-N„//kliloik Modl[]Ldlll.]l - - - - 577 5(KJ l 57250[) $ 2 150 0(Ki ] O] 1 C-]tpl Bu] 1 Ni>~e 1918116 £1 - - - - -S ]918119 [OI iC-Rpl R]] Loop. - - 98.528 1,794 6,50 - - - $ 1 891179 1(W-!C-Rpl Rll i'cnd.m[. 1 861 .198 - - - - - $ ],861,108

355 294 1{)LiC-Rplll„ghou.0 Bng.2(}18 - - ] ll0659 1 50(J ]I ]8] - - - $ 1478631 j(/LJ,mugcnll//d.Sleamrmd - - . - 1(/3515 122 WU . . -$ ]465897 K)1 1C-]<N Mm] Man,Vn Shall . . . i NH.538 - - . - S ],330,518 I O]. I C -Rpr Mill I A Ge.jrb\annd h 1 122620 15 - ·„ - - - S ],322 615 IO]1C-UpgIXCSOprS(]1& Cntrll'ro~ - - 699705 361621 628 - - - $ 1 061 954 I{A.1C-Rpr Milll) Giar!3, & jrn] - - - 209 887 688 030 45 766 - . - $ 9468 I I{)1.1 C-RbldMill ] CicarBA&lrnk 280,]40 660,673 . (0) - - . & 9*),811 1{)1.IC-Rpr MillC Ge.IB\& !,nlg - - 411,140 494,739 S 925,879 [OLIC-Rpl Co.'11'lpe &1:Ibo,% - - 411 663 4(15 1(]l] (]9 985) 42 47() - - . $ 859 248 iOI.K.Rep]Ci I)]i , 8(I2 53 4 $ 802 531 i{)] IC-Rpr M:111 $ Geaz]%\ & linl - 794 261 K.128 (802) - . - - & RDI,5*9 10!.]C-Rpl Bwmer Axemhh¢% - 295,828 118,489 (9,648) 24 W)7 - ~ - $ 648,765 toI.le-Rpt Bnghouse liag. 2019 - - - 18(i 181 251 (I]7 - ~ - - % 63] 201 I{ )I.l C-I:·· ] ] 1 Mill Rp] Ma in V„Slt ]]0 306 51]816 441 - - - - $ 622 565 !{jl.IC -Rpl el Mcch Ph 2 625611 (55 098) - - - - S 570.534 IOI.]C-RpIBnghouqe]Sag, 2017 - - '12,142 232272 (896) - - - - S 563.518 [OL] C-Rpl Cl Parli/mi, W.ills - - M 248 - - - - $ 544,248 101.] C-Ri.I lold A[>1] Baskd 486606 - - - - - - $ 486 606 1( )I l C-I,nt i,Ii,nt OS Protect - - - - 21·1 581 256 UO $ 471 011 ·IO].IC -Ri,l Cl Mech l'h l 444,020 ]8,188 - - - - - S 462,208 10].IC-1]/ Iul,ineOSPwled - - - 434000 - - S 434,000 10].it-Rpll KO2(i:I uru,itlire,!k„ - - 12835 389 ](IZ - - - t 401 937 ID] 1(-Rpl Burnirlgmtor, - - - - - i 16·1,927 %64 927 101.lC-ll #11·W}] uhc. - - ]3270 1 1 R 9(m 1 949 - - - - $ 134,127 10].ll-Rp] Ul'S I],rrlers - - - 126,909 - - - $ 326,909 IO].IC-Rewulge<ienual. Sldlor . - - 2[! [JDO % 281 (K)(J l ULI t- 1>Kpl AC W Pire 262 744 160 - . - - S 263 I{)4 rc )1.1 C - ]n, t PA ]·.m „1,( nl ] 'ky 254,186 - - - $ 254,186 10].ll-Rpl Mnin Circi.Ip loinl~ 247,360 - - - - - $ 247 360 1()].!C-Cl:MS ll],grn<k - - 21,>2(JK - - - -$ 2]9208 1(,].1(-RpIC~,~~uolmg IibB]dg 210654 - - - - -$ 2](]654 ] O].1 C-Ijp grad4 I„b Sainpk S„ 66 727 HR m - - - - . $ 205 200 I )] le-Rbld Mill j) t,rmd Sed - - - - 200 000 - $ 200000 IOI.[(-Rp] Ml)1#l 1' 1)iqh.ugeVA „ - - - -9 194 162 - 2407 lf>k.755 ] 84 801 10].IC-C'o,hiw [o.u [ivra# - - 6! 946 !22 862 ]O] ZC-[·.-Rtui,0 S Circi,15!ing W[r]~Iip 182621 - - - - $ 182 624 101.IC-All xfinrX nilx][iwbu•h:Rg; - - - 14,]95 155.467 - - - $ 169 662 M.IC-Rpl SSC Cham 2018 - - - 165,183 393 618 - - - $ 166 194 IOI.]C-Rplljoxler tb[ev.ilor - - !23 ]22 32 822 - - . . 9 155 943 IO IC-Rp] JI)]3](1']:)c]~~cnt - - - - ]St,000 - $ 150 000 1 Cll,1 C- Inn ( )nlii„ V ih Mnlr S; , - 6(I,6 I i 71,726 2 349 - - - - $ 1/4,689 IOI,ZC-1<pll)]i:] l,Ln lontrol. 126.359 - 2 - - - - - $ 126 161 1(H.le-Rpl I.al, S.,mpk S,rtim - - 104 ]46 20 243 . ~ ~ -$ I 24 389 1()!,IC-RpICI.,!llowl '!r Vl' ' 12[)8]6 - - - - -% 12{)8]6 [OI.IC- Rpl Wc•t M.im Stn Sfh 120,611 (1 76#) - - - - - 5 1 UUK45 IOI,]C .Rpi}3]:i)rml: Cenler Sftv - . 81797 24 927 - - - - - $ 108,724 toi. le-Replaci ISC' l.11.,iI ]D7 443 - - - - - - i 107 443 1 Ol.]C-Rp[ [;SI J XI·MR I [V liu.!ung 107 2(W - - - - - t 107204 10 I.]C-Rl'I, Bo]1„Su]„p Iii}e B 967 51 547 (469) . - - $ li)7 045 10] IC-Rpl inpperS]np ])ich ]]ne I05,563 1137 . - - - - $ 100,701 10].IC.lad W Hlrarc Pmp Mlr - - - 105,776 - - - - -$ I05 776

Nld ( Jlhcr Capll Prolech 261978 174 720 44312 i 20519 1 54 437 635 117714 - $ 1 074 154

1'0/1, S 9,714,103 S 1493787 S 5,510,249 S 6,299,573 S 4,895,8411 $ 12,289,486 S I.681.734 S I,91)2.46H $ 4,71}o,899 S 48,-139.107


1 - Page 504 of 565 005059

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 39 of 40 Sponsor: Lytal

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Pubhc Serv,ce Company

I osqil Prodi,ction P lanl Capital Coslg (Ilistruical. Preqent, P, o,octed)

Line Piturlt No. N,ini ei

I A 00{)1598 (H)2 2 A 0001555369 3 A 000]555 500 001 02 4 A 0001555 226 5 A 000]555 269 6 A 000] 555 091 7 A 0001555 300 8 A 0001555 261 9 A 0001555 446 10 A 000]555 220 I] A 0001555 373 ]2 A 0001555 296 13 A 0{)01555 258 14 A 00()1555 021 ]5 A 0001555 222 16 At)00]555379 [7 A 0001555 372 l 8 A {)(]Ol 555 092 19 A 0001555 ]9(I 20 A 0001555 089 21 A 00()1551 033 22 A 0001555 428 21 A 0001555 232 24 A f)001555 224 25 A {HH 555 361 26 A 000]555 500 27 A 0001555 500 001 02 28 A 0()01559 194 29 A (}001555 429 30 A 0001555 307 31 A 0001555 136 32 A 0001555 370 33 A 0001555260 34 A 0001555 268 35 A (}0()1551 6()0 36 A()0015550]8 37 A 00015554]2 38 A 0()0]559 376 39 A 0001555 500 001 00, 40 A 0001555 345 41 A I)0{11555 192 42 A (1()01555 599 43 A 000]555 242 44 A 000]555 293 45 A 0001555 295 46 A 000]555 500 0{)1 00 47 A 0001555 200 48 A ()00155* 294

Plant Name 'Folk Unit. 2

II,qt~ir,c:,1 ]]ntor,eal ]]ntoricnt ill,tl,1,(,tl ll,itorical P..nt P'I,ected Prnieaed Prniccted Project I'itle Year 5 Ye„, 4 Year 3 Yei,r 2 Ye,ir 1 Yel 0 Yeai i Year 2 Y·at 3 l'i)1/i]

TOL2'-S>nehronous Condenscr F -% - % - $ 3)0,{)90 $ 2,306.418 $ 4,141,476 $ - $ - S $ 6.747,983 I-OI.2C-Noz/leblock Modification 557785 1979414 - - - - -$ 2537200 FOL2C Rewind Gcncrator Rolor - - 2,354 222 - - - - $ 2,154 222 TOL2C-Rpl Mill E Goarbx & Jo„r - - 1,056 {)84 592,660 378,365 - - - $ 2,027. l]0 fOI 2 C-Rp RHOutlctTermmal-1 bs - 76.212 l.932.69{) - - - - - $ 2,008.902 TOUC-Rpl Bat&hou,c Bags 2017 "4,257 I.357.307 - - - - % 1 471 564 TOL2C-Prch & Install New GSLJ XFMR - (6,194) I,220,273 014.481) - - - $ ],099 598 TOUC-UpgDCSOprSln& CnlrIProe - 513,616 440.603 - - - - $ 954 2]9 rOL2C-Rpl ID Fan VFDs -23950 - - - - 920.000 $ 920.000 TOL2C-Rpr MillA Gcarlk Journal (75) 830,652 - - - - - $ 830.577 TOL2C-Rp] coai clbou s mill En F - 238»() 576.t]49 - - - -$ 814,849 rOLZC-Rpl Mm Pwr rransformcr - - I 996.897 (1.521.173) 280.477 - - - $ 756.202 TOL2C-Rbld TZ Mill B Gearbm - - . . 724,480 10,000 - - $ 734 480 TOL2C - Rep] Cold APH Bslts - 265.987 449,449 - - - - $ 719 436 TOUC-Rpl M:]]C GcarBx & Journ - 106083 566 593 20.876 - - - - $ 693 552 TOI.2C-T2 Burncrq 2020 - - - 673 082 - - - $ 673 082 TOL2C-I 2 Burncrs 20]7 - ],5]9 666,132 - - - - % 667 651 1 OLZC-Rpl Baghousc Bags 2016 699.430 - - - - -$ 659,430 1 OLZC -Rpl CI Mcch PH 2 - 655,269 - - - - - 9 655 269 1 OUC-Rpl Baghoi„c Ba#2018 - - 597 211 - - - -$ 597 231

TO]2C -Rpl CI Mcch PH 3 - 234,715 139,160 - - - -y 573,874 J'OL2C-]4)1 1 K32 od circuit brcnkcr - - - ]1 740 528 939 - - - $ 54(I 678 lIOLZC-Rpl W i IPBP Pump - 122 67{) 320 856 - - - - $ 443526 I Ol.2C-Rpr Mi]IF GcarBx & Journ - - - 442,449 (73,020) - - - $ 369.429 rOL2C-Rpl cntrt sig blades 33.623 309,686 - - - -$ 343309 ]OL Emergent Fund -Steam prod - - - 70.093 225.815 - . - S 295 909 I OL20-Gcn Stator Rcwcdgc - - 293,947 - - - - $ 293 947

7 OL2C-Replace SSC Chm - 293,538 - - - $ 293,538 I'01.2C-Rpl UPS Imertcrs - - - 275 846 - - - $ 275 846 IOLZC-CEMS Upgrade - - 2 10.426, - -$ 210 426

1 OUC-Rpl Dwscl Gcn Controls - - - 206,239 - - - $ 206 239 TOLZC-RPI. Boiler Sump 1.inc O - - 105.253 97 126 i - - $ 202 380 TOI.2£-Rpl SSCCham 2017 - - 201 873 - - - - -$ 201.873 IOUC-Rbld M,]I D Gnnd Sect - - 200,000 - - $ 200 000

1 OLZC-M]l[ A Gr,ndmg Section - - - - 200,000 $ 200,0()0 l OI.2C-Rpl Blr H20 Sample S' ' 39 505 149 526 - - - - $ ]89031 I Ol,2C-Rpl Ash S,]o Scale - - - . 157,552 800 - $ 158 352 rOLZC-Rpl lab sample si stom - 26,680 119,864 - - - - $ 146,544 [ OLZC-Rculnd C CircPmp Mir-22511 - - 134 738 - - - -$ 134 738 FOLZC-]n,tai] Mercury Monitor 132,059 . - - . . $ 132 059

TOLZC-~{O,hnenb Mnlr~,~' 121,612 - - - - $ 121,612

- - 119981 - - - - $ 119,981 ['OLK -Rpl 2 C Coal M,11 Bou I 1]8 356 - - - - - $ 1]8.156 fOLZC'-Rpl 1 DBFP DischVh internals 1576 Ill,397 - - - - $ 112 973 TOL2C-E-Rpl HPBP Hdr 22271 - - 109.633 - - - -$ 109,633 rOLZC-Rcu md W C,r,Pinp Mtr-225]2 - - I 07.609 - - - - -$ ] {)7.609 rOLZC -Rpl TrippcrSmp Dsch Lino 1()5,091 1.764 - - - - $ 106.855 TOL26-E-Rpl MI)BFP Disch Vh - - 101,155 - - - - $ 101.155



49 N/a Ot]~er Capita] Proiecls 156,668 139,898 268,304 124,647 - 3,895 100.734 45,25() 34,750 S 874,146 -

50 Tot:,1% S 591,61)9 $ 4,853,675 S 10,408,189 S 6,954,907 $ 3,122,462 S 7,544,651 S 468,286 S 966,050 S 234,750 9 35,104.975


1 - Page 505 of 565 005060

Schedule H-5.3b

Page 40 of 40 Sponsor: Lytal

2021 TX Rate Case

Schedule H-6.1(all) Page 1 of 1

Sponsor: Grant 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Nuclear Unit Outage

Schedules: H-6.1 Nuclear Unit Outage

H-6.la Nuclear Unit Outage History H-6.lb Nuclear Unit Outage Data H-6.lc Nuclear Unit Outage Planning

The H-6.1 schedules are not applicable to Southwestern Public Service Company ("SPS'5) because SPS does not own or operate nuclear facilities.

SCH1 - Page 506 of 565 005061

Schedule H-6.2a Page 1 of 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

Station service startup trans former l Plant X 1 9/16/19 10/1/]9 341 25 Start up transformer low voltage issues U 1

during change of unit online/offline status

Cunningham 2 9/1 7/19 12/3/19 ],845 IO Waterwall (Furnace wa]1) Tubelealcs Loss of Drum level and pressure


Switchyard circuit breakers - (not outside 3 Maddox 3 9/]7/19 10/22/19 838 35 management control) MO

Remove and replace u940 and put up fence

4 Jones 2 9/23/19 11/14/19 1,266 98

5 Cunningham 1 9/24/19 10/16/19 541 28

Other lube oil system problems #1 Bearing vibration and temperature problems Waterwall (Furnace wall) Furnace Watemrall tube leak



6 Plant X 3 980/] 9 11/30/19 1,441 02 Station service startup transformer Substation outage requires unit be offline


7 Cunningham 3 10/1/19 10/2/19 ] 2 05 Cooling and seal air system B Rotor Air Cooler tnpped


Station service startup trans former 8 Plant X 1 lon/19 12/31/19 2,209 02 Start up transformer low voltage issues MO

dur]ng change of unit online/offline status

Deaerator (including level control) 9 Plant X 4 10/2/19 10/2/19 2 48 Unable to maintain Deaerator level, loss of Ul

condensate pump variable dnve prime

10 Hamngton 2 los/19 10/3/]9 0 20 Operator error High Drum lael trip


11 Harrington 1 10/4/19 10/4/19 887

Drums and drum internals (single drum only) West Dr) Vent on Steam drum has a split in valve causing steam leak


12 Maddox 1 10/4/19 10/17/]9 31162 Other boiler tube leaks Boiler Tube Leaks


13 Tolk 1 IO/4/19 10/4/]9 832

Generator metering devices Generator " 4" phase has possible ground, maintenance inspection -"Failed resistor on the Potential Transformer & Current Transformer caused a false grounding indication "


14 Jones 3 10/5/19 10/6/19 14 00 NOx analyzer problems NO: analyzer failed Ul

15 Harrington 2 10/6/19 10/6/19 0 47 Coal com'eyors and feeders Boiler tripped wet coat in feeders


16 Cunningham 4 !0/11/19 10/11/19 2 75 NOx analyzer problems NOX reaching limits Shutdown unit


Hydraulic system pipes and valves

17 Harrington 3 10/15/19 lo/]5/19 3 07 Unit was removed from line to make rep/rs to an Electro-Hydraulic leak on right Throttle Valves


Other boiler inspections The unit was i emoved from service to cut a

18 Harrington 2 10/16/19 10/18/19 43 33 section of water wal] tube out of service for U2 an inspection to determme actions for the 2020 planned outage

19 Maddox 2 10/17/19 10/19/19 42 48 Blade Path Temperature Spread A Blade Path Temperature problems Ul

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Schedule H-6.2a Page 2 o f 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History'

Line Unit Date Date No Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

Other oU and gas fuel supply problems 20 Cunningham 1 10/] 8/19 10/18/19 118 (see codes 0360-0410 for burner pioblems) U]

Gas Sensing Line problem

21 Cunningham ] 10/18/19 10/26/19 189 93

22 Cunningham 4 10/19/19 10/28/19 200 52

23 Nichols 2 10/21/]9 1]/1/19 28180

480-volt circuit breakers Air Preheater breaker problems

Combustion inspection (CI) Combustion Inspection

Windbox expansion joints Maintenance outage to repa. wlndbox




Boiler drum gage glasses/level indicator Unit failed a start up due to drum level

24 Harrington l 10/25/19 10/25/I 9 1110 Issues There was some connections refitted SF on the trai,smitter tubing and an Fieldbus Module replaced to resolve the issues

25 Cunningham 4 10/31/19 11/3/19 59 08 Combustion inspection (CI) MO Basket #]0 Support housing Air I=ak

Lack of fuel (coa] mines; gas lines; etc.) where the operatoi is not in control of

26 Jones 3 10/31/19 ]0/31/19 2 95 contracts; supply lines; or delivery of fuels Ul Loss Red River hne pressure to plant (Issue w,th supplier's .at,e)

Lack of fuel (coal mines; gas lines; etc.) where the operator is not in control of

27 Jones 4 !0/3 I/19 1081/19 195 contracts; supply lines; or delivery of fuels Ul Loss Red River line pressure to plant (Issue with supplids valve)

28 Jones 3 11/2/19 ]1/2/19 0 78 Gas tun bine vibration "Turb/Gen XHI , ibration" went high


29 Cunningham l 11/5/19 11/25/19 474 82 Watei-wall (Furnace wall) Boiler Tube Leak Furnace Wateruiai]


30 Harrington 3 11/6/]9 11/7/19 27 95

Maintenance personnel error Unit was tnpped when the breaker E4H was tnpped The breaker was accidently manually tripped by an electncian while trouble shooting the diesel generator breaker and relays


Boiler; miscellaneous 31 Nichols 3 ] 1/6/19 11/6/19 6 43 Nichols Unit 3 Immediate outage due to loss U ]

of boiler pilot /r

Feedwater regulating (boiler level control) valve

32 Harrington 3 11/7/19 11/8/]9 9 03 The startup fallure was caused when the unit SF could not continue the startup due to the startup feedwater valve actuator failed

33 Cunningham 4 ]1/11/19 ll/11/19 538 Turning gear and motor C Loss of Turning Gear


Lack of fuel (coal mines; gas lines; etc ) where the operator is not in control of

34 Jones 4 11/12/19 11/12/19 2 80 contracts; supply lines; or delivery of fuels Ul Red River Supphers Gas Block Vahes Did Not Open and Lost Line Pressure

35 Jones 2 11/16/19 11/19/19 74 02 Tubes Boiler Tube kak


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Schedule H-6.2a Page 3 of 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

36 Harrington 2 11/17/19 Il/18/19 19 48

Generator voltage control Unit tripped off line when the automatic voltage regulator manually tnpped the unit generator


Operator error Unit was tnpped on a start up when the

37 Harrington 2 11/18/19 IlA 8/19 0 32 operato, was removing the feedwater from Ul die startup feedwater valve to the #3 heater Unit was lost on high drum level

High p, essure heater tube leaks 38 Jonesl 11/18/19 ll/19/19 12 08 #1 High Pressure heater torsion ring head Ul


39 Tolk 2 ll/19/19 11/22/19 65 23

Feedwatei Booster Pump Maintenance outage to iepair center high pressure booster pump and cooling tower pH probe


40 Cunningham 3 11/21/19 11/21/19 127 Ignition system A Ignitor issues


Waterwall (F urnace wall) 41 Plant X 3 11/30/19 12/31/19 768 02 Unitretirementapproval requested due to Ul

discovery work on boiler

42 Cunningham 4 12/2/19 12/2/19 9 95 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Gas Turbine turning gear electncal issues


Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems 43 Cunningham 3 12/4/19 12/4/19 4 53 Work on Thermocouples and Calibrate Gas MO


Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems 44 Maddox 2 12/4/19 12/1 2/19 186 63 Generator Resistance Temperature Detector Ul


45 Cunningham 3 [2/8/19 12/8/19 947 Turning gear and motor C Turning gear wouldn't properly engage U1

46 Cunningham 3 12/8/]9 12/8/19 675 Turning geai and motor C Allow time for Unit to be on gear U1

47 Jones 2 l 2/9/19 12/12/19 76 45 Tubes Boiler Tube Leak


48 Maddox 3 t 2/9/19 12/9/19 10 80 Lube oil system - general Lube Oil Temperature too cool to start unit


49 Nichols 2 12/11/19 12/11/19 300 Turbine overspeed trip test Nichols 2 Overspeed test


50 Jones 3 12/12/19 12/14/19 41 10 Gas fuel system A Red River Gas Safety Vake Issues Ul

51 Jones 4 12/l 2/19 12/]4/19 4110 Fuel piping and valves A Red River Gas Relief Valve Issues


52 Maddox 2 12/12/19 12/12/i 9 0 83 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Unit tripped on 86(} Lockout SF

53 Maddox 2 [2/12/19 ]2/31/19 466 18 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems 860 relay locked out Unit tripped U1

Generator voltage control 54 Harrington 2 [2/14/19 ]2/14/19 525 Unit was tnpped when the Automatic U l

Voltage Regulator fa,led

55 Cunningham 2 12/15/19 12/31/19 404 48 Waterwall (Furnace .all) Tube Leaks


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Schedule H-6.2a Page 4 of 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Staited Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage CHOI rs)

Event Type

56 Plant X 4 12/15/19 12/15/19 182

Feedwater pump drive - motor East Botler Feed pump tripped due to faulty wtre, lost vacuum do to loss of cooling tower fans


57 Plant X 4 12/15/19 12/16/19 24 35

Other 4160-volt problems Upon further investigations we had a faulted Ul and grounded cable between 4X 1 5 4160V Breaker and the 4160/480v transformer

58 Plant X 4 12/17/19 12/18/19 30 65 Main transformer Inspect Ma~n Transformer


59 Cunningham 4 12/18/19 12/]8/19 367 Ignition system A SF Ignition Falled

60 Cunningham 4 12/18/19 12/18/19 1 15 Ignition system A Ignition fatled


61 Cunningham 4 /2/18/]9 Il/18/19 307 Ignition system A Ignition failed


Other miscellaneous piping system problems

62 Harrington 2 I 2/18/19 12/]9/19 18 28 Unit was removed from line to make repairs MO on a main steam sample line coming off of the mixing cliamber

Turbine ovei speed trip test 63 Nichols 3 12/]9/19 I 2/19/19 2 00 O,er speed test and calibrate Main Steam MO

Stop Valve

Other high pressure heatel- problems (see condensate system for LP and IP heater

64 Plant X 4 12/20/19 12/20/19 172 codes) U2 Unit taken offline to repair High Pressure feedwater heater safety relief valves

4160-volt circuit breakers 65 Plant X 4 12/23/19 12/31/19 209 57 Outage to repatr w~ring on the 4160 volt NIO

breakei bus

Data acquisition system problems 66 Cunningham 4 12/30/19 12/31/19 22 47 Computer S) stem frozen Unit is offline No Ul

trip or shutdown

67 Cunningham 2 1/1/20 in/20 157 75 Waterwal! (Furnace wall) Tube Leak/s carryover from 2019


68 Maddox 2 1/1/20 1/3/20 63 83 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems 860 ielay lockedout Unit won't go online U1

Station service startup transformer 69 Plant X 1 1/1/20 ln.220 515 72 Startup transformer low voltage issues NIO

dunng change of unit online/offline status

Switchyard circuit breakers - external 70 Plant X 2 lEi/20 1/21/20 491 27 Substation outage work requires umt tobi MO

ofA me

71 Plant X 3 1/1/20 3/3/20 1,488 00 Waterwall (Furnace wall) Continued event fiom last year


72 Cunningham 4 1/3/20 1/3/20 588 Lobe oil system - general U1 Repalr Oil Accumulation on Oil Tank

IP Extraction steam valves Unit was removed from service to make

73 Hanington 2 1/5/20 1/6/20 15 52 repairs to the #4 Feedwater Heater Extraction U] heater side non return valve The ~alve expenenced a failed gasket

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Schedule H-6.2a Page 5 of 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

74 Maddox 2 1/6/20 1/6/20 353 Inlet lair vanes / nozzles Adjust Inlet Guide Vanes


Waterwall (Furnace wall) Maintenance outage to get boiler tube

75 Tolk 1 1/6/20 1/6/20 797 samples, Toll management cancelled this MO outage waiting until spnng mini to take samples

76 Cunningham 4 1/8/20 l/11/20 87 25 Thrust Beating Thrust Beanng Thermocouple lealang oil


77 Harrington 3 1/8/20 1/9no 38 92

Convection pass wall (water tubes only) Unit was removed from service to make rep/rs to a water wall tube leak on the 5th floor #3 corner


Heater drain piping Unit was removed from service to make

78 Harrington 3 1/11/20 1/14/20 79 77 repairs to the high pressure heater drmns Ul pump discharge line The line failed at an elbow at the Deaerator Heater

79 Tolk 2 I/13/20 1/16/20 68 25

Bottom ash rotary (drag chain type) conveyor and motor U1 Submerged scraper conveyor deiailed - clean out/inspection/repairs

80 Cunningham 3 1/14/20 1/14/20 595 Ignition system A Repair Ignitor


81 Jones 2 1/14/20 ins/20 82 70 Tubes Boiler Tube Leak


82 Cunningham 4 I/]5/20 I/!8/20 84 12 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Torque Oil leak around tlirust bearing probe


Lack offuel (coal mines; gas lines; etc.) where the operato, is not in control of contracts, supply lines; oi delivery of fuels

83 Harrington 1 i/is/20 1/18/20 0 62 Boiler tripped on Ioss off fuel (nat gas) U1 pressure u'hen starting up the unit All three units were iii a startup that contt ibuted to this e, int Asa result the turbine/generator ended up tripping

84 Jones 3 1/18/20 1/22/20 10267 Turning gear and motor C Turning gear issues


85 Maddox 1 1/19/20 1/24/20 122 22 Boiler; miscellaneous Boiler Skin Leak


Other miscellaneous balance of plant 86 Jones 2 1/20/20 1/21/20 28 92 problems Ui

Boiler Water Chemistry Problems

87 Maddox 2 1/21/20 1/21/20 6 43 Lube oil system - general MO Lube Oil Cooler Logic Controls Change

Operating procedure error When transfen ing feedwatei from the startup

88 Harrington 1 1/22/20 1/22/20 0 45 valve to the #3 heater the drum level went U] low and trtpped the boiler The unit tripped on reverse power

89 Hamngton 1 1/22/20 1/24/20 53 13

Other feedwatei pump problems Unit was shut down to make repairs to the Matn Feed pump recirc line safety and manual block valpe


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Schedule H-6.2a Page 6 of 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

90 Maddox 2 1/22/20 1/22/20 2 22 Lube oil system - general U1 Lube Otl Cooler Logic Controls Change

91 Cunningham 4 I t26/20 1/28/20 40 00 Hydraulic oil system A U1 Hydrauhc skad in alarm Not Ready to start

92 Harrington ] l/26/20 [/26/20 0 23 Operator error Operator tripped the unit dunng a start up


93 Maddox 2 2/1/20 2/5/20 103 32 Gas turbine vibration Bealing #5 Theimocouple


94 Plant X 1 2/3/20 2/'7/20 111 98 Inspection F Turbine inspection


Other high pressure heate: problems (see condensate system for LP and IP heater codes) When transferring feedwater flow from the

95 Harrington 1 2/5/20 2/5/20 1 OO Start-Up Valve to the #3 High Pressure U1 Heater flow was stopped to the drum because the heater outlet showed open and was actually closed This resulted m a low drum Ie, el trip with contnbuted to the merse power trip of the turbine/generator

Condenser tube leaks Condensertube leak on Xi Unit Iequired to

96 Plant X 2 2/6/20 2/7/20 27 47 be offline to repair Plant Xl condenser tube U3 leak as both units share a common orculating return line

97 Tolk 1 2/8/20 2/9/20 28 58 Waterwa]! (Furnace wall) Tube leak on lower water wall


98 Maddox 1 2/13/20 2/13/20 7 60 4160-volt protection devices U1 T 1 -C FBM Modular Burnt Up Unit tripped

99 Plant X I 2/13/20 6/18/20 3,039 98

Boiler water condition (not feedwater water quality) Unable to nia,ntain pioper condensate chemistry


100 Plant X 2 2/13/20 2/25/20 276 93

Boilei water condition (not feedwater water quality) Unable to niatntain acceptatile water chemistry


101 Cunningham 3 2/18/20 2/22/20 84 75 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Generator Air Filters bad


Burner wind boxes and dam pers 102 Nichols 2 221/20 2/21 /20 735 Nichols 2 iS in unplanned forced outage to Ul

work on wind box furnace transmitter

103 Nichols 2 Dll/20 2/22/20 453

Gas burner piping and valves Nichols 2 unit is in a unp!anned forced outage due to 45]b gas regulator isues that need to be repaired


Waterw.Il (Furnace wai]) 104 Cunningham 2 2/23/20 3/6/20 300 98 Boiler Tube Leak, East side, Furnace Ul


Boiler, miscellaneous 105 Jones l 2/24/20 2/24/20 14 50 Repwrhotspot on bottom boilerdoor on Ul

West side

First superbeater 106 Nichols 3 2 / 27 / 20 2 / 28 / 20 46 00 Nichols Unit 3 will come offline to repmr U3

boiler tube leak

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Schedule H-6.2a Page 7 o f 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Houi·s)

Event Type

107 Cunningham 3 2/28/20 insno 3 85 Generator output breaker L9] 5 Low Gas Pressure


108 Cunningham 4 2/28/20 2/28/20 4 48 Generator output breaker L915 Gas Pressure Low


109 Cunningham 4 3/1/20 3/1/20 0 67 Flash back including instruments Unit Tnpped, flashback


110 Cunningham 4 3/1/20 3/l/20 6 00 Flashback including instruments F]ashback Temps 4A and 4B


]11 Jones 2 3/]/20 3/1 /20 9 45 Turbine governing system SF Intercept valve not opening

112 Maddox 2 3/1/20 3/2/20 29 48 Other miscellaneons gas turbine problem, Ul Unit Tnpped

113 Cunningham 4 3/4/20 7/2/20 2,89617 Other miscellaneous generator problems Ul 86-1,86-2 caused unit to tnp

114 Tolk 2 3/5/20 3/8/20 76 28 Platen superheater Superheat tube leak U3

115 Cunningham 3 3/7/20 3/13/20 142 27 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Arc Flash installation for breakers


Lube oil pumps A /16 Plant X 2 3/9/20 3/13/20 110 35 Repair steam leak on turbine steam di iven MO

emeigency oil pump

First superheater 117 Nichols 3 3/10/20 3/14/20 99 37 Nichols 3 is in a maintenance outage for MO

boiler tube repalr

Feedwater pump The unit was removed from service because

118 Har·rington ] 3/12/20 3mno 20315 the Main Feed pumpwouldnotisolateon U2 line to make repairs to the break down bu,hings on the pump

Bearings C 1]9 Jones ] 3/13/20 3/13/20 167 Cameofftoiniestigatethe#4 bearing UI

temperature being ernlt~c

120 Maddox 3 3/18/20 3/18/20 650 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Auxiliary Gear Oil Leak


!21 Jones l 3/20/20 3/20/20 15 83 Circulating water tempering system Circulating water line leak


122 Jones 2 3/21/20 3/28/20 168 00 Condenser tube fooling tube side Clean the condenser


Hot well level controls Unit missed on line and min load times due

123 Harrington 1 3/24/20 3/24/20 6 25 to issueswtth hot well level Having issues SF with the make up valving or piping from the storage tanks

Reheat stop valves t24 Plant X 4 3/28/20 3/28/20 9 60 Reheat valves shut do to hydraulic oil flow Ul


125 Plant X 4 3/28/20 4/l/20 104 27 Other Iubeoilsystem problem' Ul Twbine otl trip issue

126 Toik 2 3/30/20 4/1/20 45 17 First superheater Repair tube leak m reheat section of boiler


127 Jones 2 3/31/20 4/3/20 72 67 Boiler; miscellaneous Hot spot on boiler camera port


128 Plant X 4 4/1/20 4/4/20 56 98 Refractory and insulation Inspect and repair boiler hot spots


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Schedule H-6.2a Page 8 of 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

129 Maddox 2 4/5/20 4/9/20 93 02 Gas turbine vibration Vibration issues


130 Plant X 4 4/7/20 4/9/30 42 63 Reheat steam relief/safety valves Inspect reheat steam safety valve


Other stack or exhaust emissions (gas 131 Maddox 2 4/9/20 480/20 504 90 turbine) MO

Gas Turbine Stack Work

132 Jones 4 4/12/20 4/13/20 8 00 Lube oil filters Replacing Oil Filterq U1

133 Jones 2 4/16/20 4/18/20 24 50 Waterwall (Furnace wall) SF Waterwall tube leak on B comer

Economizer 134 Nichols 3 4/16/20 4/19/20 78 68 Nichols Unit 3 is in forced outage to repair Ul

boiler tube leak

135 Tolk 1 4/17/20 4/19/20 38 48 Waterwall (Furnace wall) U2 Tube leak - Wall

Lube oil pump drive 136 Tolk 2 4/17/20 4/] 7/20 610 Replace bearing Mam Turbine AC Bearing Ul

Oil Pump

137 Tolk 1 4/22/20 4/27/20 133 22 Waterwall (Furnace wall) U1 Tube leak on l l-12 floor, wall tube

Operator error Turbine tipped on high drum level Druin

t38 Harrington 1 425/20 4/25/20 073 le; el went high when operator was swapping Ul from the startup valve and the #3 heater valve

139 Jones ] 4&9/20 4/29/20 6 28 Boiler drains system Weld leak on continuous blowdown hne


Fuel conservation 140 Jones 3 4n9/20 5/2/20 58 58 Gas supply issues wlth Power Tex gas line Ul


141 Nichols 3 4/29/20 409/20 0 50 Boiler drum gage glasses/level indicator Nichols Unit 3 tripped due to high drum le,el


142 Jones 2 5/2/20 5/3/20 34 40 Waterwall (Furnace wall) Waterwall tube leak on B corner


143 Plant X 2 5/2/20 5/2/20 583 Circulating water piping Leak on Circulating Water Line


Generator current and potential 144 Maddox 2 5/5/20 5/8/20 83 90 transformers MO

Transformer and Generator Relay work

Generator current and potential 145 Maddox 3 5/5/20 5/8/20 82 90 transformers MO

Change differential relays

Partieulate stack emissions (fossil) 146 Harrington 1 5/6/20 5/16/20 220 77 Unit was removed from service to prevent a U2

Particulate Matter exceedance

]47 Plant X 4 5/6/20 5/6/20 2 35

A/lam transfor,ner During al, mspection of the maln powei Ul transformer fans, the fans tripped due to an electrical issue on the fans

148 Cunningham 3 5/10/20 5/16/20 14612 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems MO Generator Bellows Inspection and Repatrs

149 Jones 4 5/12/20 5/12/20 4 05 General unit inspection A Gas Calibration


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Schedule H-6.2a Page 9 of 14

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

150 Maddox 2 5/12/20 5/1520 7 I 62 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems 5 beanng temperature high on startup


Minor boiler overhaul (less than 720 hours) (use for non-specific overhaul only;

15i Tolk 2 5/15/20 5/22/20 163 37 see page B-1) MO Inspection of lower loops ofreheai tubes and heat exchanger cleaning

152 Harrington l 5/18/20 5/25/20 145 27

Particulate stack emissions (fossil) Unit was removed from sen'ice after particulate matter testing because the unit is en„ronmentally out of compliance


I 53 Han-ington 2 5/20/20 5/21/20 34 07

Other high pressure heater problems (see condensate system for LP and IP heater codes) IJnlt was removed from service to make repmrs to the #2 and #3 H~gh Pressure heater valves


154 Maddox 2 5n0/20 5nono 2 68 Gas turbine, ibration Disc Civil> Thermocouple Replacement


155 Maddox 1 5/21/20 5/2920 192 63 Balance of plant overhaul/outage Boiler Inspection


Waterwall (Furnace wall) 156 Tolk 1 5/25/10 5/28/20 77 25 Water walltubeleak water standing on l 2th Ul

floor buck stay on 4 corner

Condenser tube and water box cleaning 157 Jones 1 5/30/20 6/7/20 204 98 (including circulating water flow reversal) MO

Clean Condenser and Boiler Repairs

Other turbine valves (including LP steam 158 Maddox 1 5/30/20 5/30/20 327 admission valves) U

North Turbine Throttte Valve Stuck

159 Plant X 4 5/31/20 6/9/20 21532 Main transformer To repmr Main Power Transformer


Operator error 160 Hamngton 2 6/1/20 6/1/20 0 90 Manual Tip turbine on startup - Superheat U1

Steam Temperature dropped 300 degrees

161 Maddox 2 6/2/20 6/2/20 348 Lube oil system - general AC Lube Oil Motor, Inspect


162 Nichols 1 6/2/20 6/3/20 38 02

Other feedwater valves Rep.r Feedwater check vahes and condenser maintenance Prepare the unit for


summer run

/63 Maddox 2 6/6/20 6/620 105 Blade Path Temperature Spread A Blade Path Temperature


164 Maddox 1 6/10/20 6/18/20 183 85 Other hydraulic system problems Electro-Hydraulic System


Circulating water piping 165 Nichols 2 6/15/20 6/18/20 87 58 Outage to replace condenser outlet expansion MO

Joints and prepare for summer

166 Cunningham 3 6/17/20 6/17/20 3 83 Inlet air evaporative coolers B Vacuum leak U1

167 Jones 2 6/18/20 6/19/20 38 93 Waterwal] (Furnace wall) Waterwall tube leak on B corner


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Schedule H-6.2a Page 10 of 14 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date NO Name Started Com pleted

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

Circulating water pump motors 168 Jones 2 6/22/20 6/24/20 41 10 Loss of Westauxihary c,rculating pump U]


Other boiler tube leaks 169 Nichols 2 622&0 7/2/20 232 78 Forced outage due to tube leak 1n reheat Ul


Waterwall (Furnace wall) 170 Harrington 3 6/24/20 6/25/20 16 68 Unit was removed from service to make MO

repairs to an external water wall tube leak

Forced draft fan dampers 171 P]ant X 1 6/24/20 6/24/20 0 92 I_~st boiler due to high furnace pressure, Ul

issues with Forced Draft fan control

Startup feedwater pump 172 Cunningham 2 6/25/20 6/28/20 53 45 hispect North Boiler Feed Pump/Repack Ul

South Boiler Feed Pump

173 Jones 3 6/25/20 6/25/20 5 02 Exhaust Stack Stack Inspection


174 Cunningham 3 6/26/20 6/26/20 1 00 Starting system (including motor) A Move Cunningham 4 Starting Motor


175 Cunningham 2 6/28/20 6/29/20 3012 Startup feedwater pump South Boiler Feed Pump Repack Packi ng


176 Harrington 2 7/5/20 7/9/20 93 52

Waterwall (Furnace wall) Unit was iemoved from service to make repairs to a water wall tube leak on the floor slope


177 Nicho Is 3 7/6/20 7/10/20 93 30 Other boiler tube leaks Boiler tube leak unable to mmntain hotwell


178 Plant X 4 7/9/20 9/320 I,333 33

Switchyard circuit breakers -external Sw,tchymd ci,cuit breakei-external fault, causing damage to Plant X4 Generator Step-Up Transfornier


179 Jones 3 7/11/20 7/17/20 140 65 B]ade Path Tem perature Spread A Unit tripped on Blade Path spread


180 Maddox 3 7/]4/20 7/16/20 46 63 Lube oil system - general U1 Unit tripped on high oil temperature

181 Maddox 2 7/!5/20 7/21/20 135 80 Generator output breaker 520 failed to open U1

Feedwater controls (report local controls -

182 Tolk i 7/16/20 7/16/20 1 03 -feedwater pump, feedwater regulator Ul

valve; etc - w'ith component or system) Unit ti ip on high drum level excursion

Condenser tube leaks 183 'Iolk 1 7/16/20 7/18/20 35 23 Unit offline due to abnormally h,gh water Ul

chemistry issues suspect condenser tube leak

184 Hamngton 1 7/17/20 7/18/20 14 87

Deaerator (including level control) Unit was removed from service to replace a manhole cover gasket on the Deaerator Healer upper tank


185 Jones 3 7/17/20 7/17/20 1 10

Unit auxiliaries tiansformer While removing the LOTO on the SEE and SEC and unloclang the breaker the unit tripped


SCH1 - Page 516 of 565 005071

Schedule H-6.2a Page 11 of 14 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Dtiration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

Doors ]86 Nichols 3 7/17/20 7/19/30 41 00 While cycling, steam drum north door gasket Ul


Waterwall (Furnace .all) 187 Cunningham 2 7/18/20 7/29/20 264 97 Water Supply not keeping up Boiler Tube Ul

Leak Suspected

188 Jones 2 7/18/20 7/21/20 86 72 Waterwall (Furnace wall) Waterwall tube leak on B corner


Startup feedwater pump 189 Harrington ] 7/20/20 7/20/20 14 68 Unit experienced a Startup Failure due to the SF

Startup Boiler Feed pump Motor fatlure

190 Plant X 2 7/20/20 7/22/20 62 53 Economizer Unable to maintain feedwater level U2

191 Maddox 2 7/23/20 7/23/20 112 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Flame Falled to Light


Igniters Unit experienced an MFT-Flame Failure

192 Harrington 1 7/27/20 72820 0 97 Trip Unit was derated to remow the furnace Ul from coal to gas wlien Electrostatic Precipitator issues were taking place

193 Harrington 1 7/28/20

Startup feedwater pump Unit tipped on high drum level when transitioning feedwater ilow from the Startup

7/28/20 0 47 feedwater valve to the #3 heater The unit U ] was controlling the drum level with the maln feed pump because the Start-Up feed pump is not a,a,!able

Startup feedwater pump Unit tt ipped on high drum level when transitioning feedwater flow Dom the Start-194 Haritngton 1 7/28/20 7/28/20

0 25 Ul

Up feedwater valve to the #3 heater The unit was starting up with the maun feed pump because the SU feed pump was unavailable

195 Nichols 3 7/29/20 7/31/20 64 67 Control valves #1 Control valve stem broke


Boile, Inspections - problem 196 Cunningham 2 7/30/20 8/3/20 94 75 identification/investigative Ul

Boiler Furnace A Corner

197 Cunningham 3 7/31/20 781/20 4 00 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Ul Inspect Gas Metering

Control valves 198 Jones 2 781/20 7/31/20 4 20 Replace the moog vake to the Left Side SF

Governor Valve

Bearings C 199 Plant X ] 8/2/20 8/7/20 123 50 Tuibine bearng vibiabon issues on #1 Ul


200 Plant X 2 8/2/20 8/4/20 63 47 Economizer Unable to matntain feedwater ievel U2

201 Cunningham 2 8/4/20 8/6/20 50 28 Boiler: miscellaneous Boiler Furnace Skin U1

Boiler; miscellaneous 202 Cunningham 2 8/6/20 8/7/20 30 78 Water Supply Makeup not Keeping up Ul

Suspect Boiler Tube Leak

203 Cunningham 1 8/7/20 8/11/20 8197 Water-wall (Furnace wall) Boiler Tube Leak Suspected


SCH1 - Page 517 of 565 005072

Schedule H-6.2a Page 12 of 14 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

204 Cunningham 4 8/7/20 &/7/20 313 Lube oil system - general U1 Unit ti ipped on Loss of Lube Oil Pressure

Generator output bt eaker 205 Maddox 2 8/7/20 8/]1/20 87 55 Generator breaker failed to open on shut Ul


206 Harrington 3 8/9/20 8/9/20 018

Operator error Unit was removed from service to transfer turbine valve control from the pilot valve to the governor ial, es


Shaft seals D 207 Plant X 1 8/10/20 8/10/20 750 Low pressure water seals appear to be SF

lealang from the turbine

208 Plant X 1 8/11/20 8/12/20 25 28 Forced draft fans Forced Draft fan trip U1

Circulating water piping 209 Tolk 2 8/12/20 8/15/20 7] 30 Circulating water system leak on cooling tow Ul


Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems 210 Cwiningha,i, 3 8/15/20 8/15/20 3 32 Unit tripped to L.ower Explosive Limit Ul

reaching limit

211 Cunningham 3 8/16/20 8/]7/20 14 40

212 Plant X 1 8/16/20 824/20 183 75

213 Cunningham 4 8/t 8/20 8/24/20 15497

214 Cunningham 2 8/22/20 8/28/20 126 03

Fuel piping and valves A Repair Gas Leaks First supei heater Boiler tube leak Fuel filters A Unit Tnpped on Gas Low

Doors Boiler Furnace Door Repair





Burner instruments and controls (except 215 Tolk 2 82220 8/22/20 0 65 light-off) Ul

Flame fajlure trip

216 Harrington 2 8/24/20

Maintenance pet sonnel error Unit tripped after the Main Boiler Feed Pump tnpped on high vibration The 3X

8/24/20 0 85 vibration probe was out of service due to Ul high false readings because of a probe wit-3ng issue The 3X probe was inadvertently placed back 1n service causing the trip

Circulating water piping 217 Jones 1 8/27/20 88020 67 88 Repair crack in the Cooling Tower U 1

Distribution Header tn the hot water deck

Second reheater 2]8 Han·~ngton 2 8/30/20 9/4/20 105 72 Unit was removed from service to make MO

repairs to a re-heater tube leak

219 Nichols 1 880/20 8/3020 3 83

Switchyard system protection devices -external Unit tnpped due Transmission Operations storm restoration swttching in the substation


220 Maddox 3 9/1/20 9/18/20 413 53 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems NfO Check Cooling Pump and Callbrate

221 Tolk 2 9/1/20 9/4/20 67 47 First i eheater Reheat tube leak iepatrs


222 Jones 3 9/3/20 98/20 5 73 Blade Path Temperature Spread A Unit fatled the start on blade path spread


SCH1 - Page 518 of 565 005073

Schedule H-6.2a Page 13 of 14 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History'

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

233 Jones 3 9/4/20 9/4/20 365 Blade Path Temperature Spread A Unit had failed start for blade path spread


224 Cunningham 3 9/5/20 9/5/20 125 Starting system (including motor) A Breaker 3,100 T,ipped


225 Cunningham 4 9/5&0 9/520 133 Starting system (including motor·) A Breaker 3a100 tripped


Startup feedwater pump Start-up motor dri, en feedpump has a leak

226 Tolk 2 9/5/20 9/18/20 307 22 on pump barrel will not isolate before we Ul could come offline for that was forced offline for a tube leak in the division pmiel

227 Cunningham 4 9/8/20 9/8/20 837 Lube oil system - general Lube Oil Cooler Belts biose U1

Waterwa!1 (Furnace wall) 228 Jones 2 9/8/20 9/12/20 96 00 Waterwail tube leak on B comer/clean MO


229 Plant X 2 9/8/20 9/11/20 72 50 Air heater (heat pipe; plate-type) Air Preheater bearing replacement


Turbine supervisory system (use codes 4290 to 4299 for hydraulic oil)

230 Harrington 2 9/9/20 9/9/20 307 Unit had a start up fallure due to the turbine SF differential expmis,on read,ngs not being wIth in the set limits

231 Cunningham 2 9/10/20 9/15/20 1]423 Waterwall (Furnace wall) Boiler Furnace Rear Water Wall Tube Leak


232 Maddox 2 9/10/20 9/10/20 313 High pressure compressor bleed valves Bleed Vak es Won2 Open


233 Nichols 1 9/14/20 9/17/20 74 99 Other Iube oil system problems U1 Turbine #2 bearing oil seal leak

234 Maddox 2 9/16/20 9/16/20 6 25 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems MO Change Generator Air Filters

235 Harrington 2 9/17/20 9/17/10 5

Turbine supervisoiy system (use codes 4290 to 4299 for hydraulic oil) Turbine tripped when the turbine thrust reached the 30 mil trip point


236 Tolk 2 9/21/20 9n4/20 62 93 First su perheatei Division panel tube leak


237 Plant X 4 9/22/20 9/25/20 79 63 Economizei Boiler tube leak repajrs


Lube oil system - general 238 Maddox 2 9/22/20 9/24/20 60 05 5 Bearing Oil Drain Temperature High,Unit Ul


239 Cunningham 3 9/22/20 9123/20 9 88 Gas fuel system B Fix Gas Leak and Balance Shot


240 Cunningham 3 9/24/20 9/25/20 1417 Engine shafts and bearings Balance shot to correct vibration issues


241 Cuimingham 3 9/25/20 9/25/20 145 Eiciter drive - motor Startup Fmlure 24DT Volt/HZ Inv Time


242 Cunningham 3 9/25/20 100420 696 92 Other excitei problems Field Breaker failed to close


SCH1 - Page 519 of 565 005074

Schedule H-6.2a Page 14 of 14 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Forced Outage History

Line Unit Date Date No. Name Started Completed

Outage Duration Reason For Outage (Hours)

Event Type

Switchyard circuit breakers - external

243 Tolk 2 9/29/20 9/29/20 ] 9 Center busling on TK32 generator breaker, U]

has low oillevel Oncebushing isfilled wtth oil, unit can come back online

244 Nichols 3 9/29/20 10/9/20 245 38 Generator Voltage Supply System Field ground alarm came in while online


245 Nichols 1 9/30/20 10/1/20 281 Turbine governing system Turbine governor dnwes fault


SCH1 - Page 520 of 565 005075

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Planned Data

Line No. IJnit Name

Scheduled Scheduled Start End I)ate 1)ate

Scheduled Length Of

Outage (Days)

Actual Actual Start End 1)ate Date

Actual Length Of

Outage (Days)

Reason for Outage Event Type4

1 Nichols 3 9/1/2019 11/2/2019 63 9/1/19 11/3/19 62.99 Main stop valves Nichols unit 3 is iii major overhaul. PO

2 Nichols 1 9/15/2019 12/30/2019 107 9/15/19 12/31/19 108.00

Main stop valves Nichols unit 1 is in major overhaul. Turbine inspection (High Pressure, lntermediatc Pressure ,Low Pressure, Generator)


3 Joiies 4 11/3/2019 11/9/2019 7 11/3/19 11/8/19 5.91 Boroscope inspection A Borescope Inspection PO

4 Nichols 3 N/A3 N/A Generator voltage control

3 11/4/19 11/4/19 039 Unit tripped due to failure in the automatic PO voltage regulator sending signal to loekout relay.

5 Jones 3 11/10/2019 11/16/2019 7 11/10/19 11/17/19 7.00 Boroscope inspection A Borescope Inspection PO

6 Nichols 3 N/A N/A 3 11/14/19 ll/16/19 2.65 Pipe hangers; brackets; supports (general) Nichols Unit 3 is in planned outage PO

7 Jones 3 N/AZ N/A4 11/17/19 11/20/19 3.73 Boroscope inspection A Borescope Inspection. PE

8 Maddox ] 11/25/2019 12/11/2019 17 11/25/19 12/5/19 9.75 Boiler reeirculation valves Boiler Recirculation Valves. Balance of Plant


9 Maddox 1 N/A 4 N/A4 12/5/19 12/18/19 13 67 Boiler recirculation valves Planned outage extension. PE


1 - Page 521 of 565 005076

Schedule H-6.2b

Page 1 of 5 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX

Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Planned Data

Line No. Unit Name

Scheduled Scheduled Start End I)ate Date

Scheduled Length Of

Outage (Days)

Actual Actual Start End 1)ate Date

Actual Length Of

Outage (Days)

Reason for Outage Event Type4

10 Nichols 1 N/Al N/A ' 1/1/20 2/7/20 37.46

Main stop valves Nichols Unit 1 is in maior overhaul. Turbine inspection (High Pressure, Intermediate Pressure ,Low Pressure, Generator)


11 Cunningham 1 1/18/2020 2/29/2020 43 1/18/20 2/29/20 42.35 Balance of plant overhaul/outage Planned 10 week outage PO

12 Nichols 1 N/A N/A3 2/7/20 2/13/20 5.84 Main stop valves Nichols 1 planned outage PO

13 Nichols 1 N/A Main stop valves

N/As 2/14/20 2/14/20 0.07 Nichols 1 is in planned outage for "No Load" PO setting on turbine control valves.

14 Nichols 1 N/A N/A 3 2/14/20 2/24/20 9.78 Main stop valves Nichols 1 in planned outage-balance issues PO

Major overhaul (720 hrs or longer) (use for 15 Harrington 2 2/22/2020 5/10/2020 79 2/22/20 5/8/20 76.58 non-specific overhaul only; see page B-1) PO

Major Outage

16 Nichols 1 N/A 2 N/A Main stop valves

2 2/25/20 3/6/20 10.05 Nichols 1 is in planned outagc for vibration PO ISSUOS. ~

17 Jones 3 2/22/2020 2/28/2020 7 2/26/20 2/28/20 2.57 Other miscellaneous gas turbine problems Gas calibrations PO .N 0

70 3 %% O t-


1 - Page 522 of 565 005077


Schedule H-6.2b

Page 2 of 5

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Planned Data

Line No. Unit Name

Scheduled Scheduled Start End Date Date

Scheduled Length Of

Outage (Days)

Actual Actual Start End Date Date

Actual Length Of

Outage (Days)

Reason for Outage Event Type4

18 Jones 4 3/1/2020 3/30/2020 30 3/1/20 3/30/20 29.32 Exhaust Stack Repair tile silencers in the stack PO

19 Tolk 1 3/1/2020 4/7/2020 38 3/1/20 4/7/20 37.59

Major boiler overhaul (720 hours or longer) (use for non-specific overhaul only; see page B-1) Boiler Outagc - tube replacement work


20 Nichols 1 N/A 2 Main stop valves

N/A2 3/6/20 3/17/20 10.88 Nichols I is in planned outage for vibration PO issues.

21 Cunningham 2 3/14/2020 5/17/2020 65 3/13/20 5/17/20 65.26 Waterwall (Furnace wall) Outage: Boiler Tube Replacement PO

22 Nichols 1 N/A Main stop valves

N/A3 3/18/20 3/19/20 0.83 Nichols 1 is in planned outage for vibration PO ISSUCS.

23 Nichols 1 N/A N/A 3/20/20 3/24/20 3.58 Main stop valves Nichols 1 is in a planned outage extension. PO

[Main stop valves 24 Nichols 1 N/A' N/A3 3/28/20 3/31/20 3.50 Nichols 1 is in an outage extension for vibration PO


25 Plant X 2 4/12/2020 4/26/2020 15 4/12/20 4/30/20 18.67 Boiler safety valve test Inspect boiler safety valves per boiler code PO


1 - Page 523 of 565 005078

Schedule H-6.2b

Page 3 of 5 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX

Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Planned Data

Line No. Unit Name

Scheduled Scheduled Start End Date Date

Scheduled Length Of

Outage (Days)

Actual Actual Start End Date Date

Actual Length Of

Outage (Days)

Reason for Outage Event Type4

26 Jones 4 5/11/2020 5/12/2020 2 5/11/20 5/11/20 0.99 General unit inspection A Gas Calibration PO

27 Harrington 2 N/A N/A

Vibration of the turbine generator unit that cannot be attributed to a specific cause such as hearings or blades (use this code for

5/12/20 5/12/20 0.49 balance moves) PO Unit was removed from service to make a balance move on the Low Pressure turbine and cxcitcr.

28 Jones 3 5/13/2020 5/14/2020 2 5/13/20 5/13/20 0.71 General unit inspection A Gas Calibration PO

29 Cunningham 2 N/A 4 N/A 5/17/20 6/9/20 22.52 Waterwall (Furnace wall) Outage Extension: Boiler Tube Replacement PE

Minor boiler overhaul (less than 720 hours) (use for non-specific overhaul only; see page

30 Harrington 1 5/25/2020 6/1/2020 8 5/25/20 6/1/20 7.69 B-1) PO Planned Mini outage to clean the Electrostatic Precipitator


1 - Page 524 of 565 005079

Schedule H-6.2b

Page 4 of 5 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX

Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Planned Data

Line No. Unit Name

Scheduled Scheduled Start End Date 1)ate

Scheduled Length Of

Outage (Days)

Actual i~ctual Start End Date 1)ate

Actual Length Of

Outage (Days)

Reason for Outage Event

C;enerator synchronization equipment Boiler Inspection, Capital· Synchronize

31 Tolk 1 9/16/2020 11/10/2020 56 9/14/20 12/3/20 56.04 Condenscr Conversion ADDED: Swapping back PO over from Synchronize Condenser lo couple back to turbine

32 'folk 1 N/A4 N/A

Generator synchronization equipment Boiler Inspection, Capital: Synchronize

11/10/20 12/3/20 23.00 Condenscr Conversion. NOTE: Extention due to PIE COVID issues with numerous specialist workers availabilty due to possilive test of'Covid

33 Maddox 1 9/19/2020 10/31/2020 43 9/21/20 10/31/20 40.71 Balance of plant overhaul/outage Boiler and Balance of Plant PO

34 Jones 4 9/22/2020 9/23/2020 2 9/22/20 9/22/20 0.70 Fuel Gas Compressor - other Gas Chromatograph Calibration PO

Notes (1) Repair work developed alter the final Overhaul Schedule was published. Repair met the Nortli American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC") definition ofa planned oulage

(2) Testing and Balancing performed on the unit after major overhaul. (3) Overhaul schedule extended beyond original date. (4) Event Type from NERC Generating Availability Data System defined event types:

PO - Planned Outage PE - Planned Outage Extension









Schedule H-6.2b

Page 5 of 5 Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case

Schedule H-6.2c Page 1 of 4

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Outage Planning

Line NO.



1 2020 2 Harrnigton3 Mini Overhaul

3 PlantX2 Inspect boiler, igniters, valves, pumps, motors, cooling to.er

4 PlantX 1 Inspect boiler, igniters, valves, pumps, motors, cooling tower

5 Jones3 Prevent,ve Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection Capital Projects Hot Gas Path Inspection

6 Jones4 PMs, quarterly gas cahbration, Borescope Inspection Capital Projects Controls Upgrade

7 PlantX4 Boiler hot spot prevention/repairs, Capital Complete installation of X4 turbme/generatw fire protectlon system

8 Nichoisl Automabc Voltage Regulator Replacement

9 Tolkl Throttleditercept Valves, Boiler, Acidizing Capital Projects Install synchronous condenser, Replace Bumers, Baghouse Doors, Air Preheater Cold Baskets. Rebuild Mill B Gearbox

10 Cunningham4 Combustion Ii,spection

11 Cunningham3 controls upgrade

[2 2021 13 Toll:l Switch from Generator Mode to Synchronous

Condenser Mode

14 Jonesl High Pressure/[ntermediate Pressure Turbine with bore inspection, Reheat/Intercept Valves, Boiler, Acidizing Capital Projects Replace #1 Feedwater Heater, Cooling Tower Fill & Dnft Eliminators Cells 1-5

15 Jones2 Capital Projects Replace Boiler Corner Tubes

16 Maddox2 WH 501B4 MaJor

17 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

18 Cunninghaml Control Valves

19 PlantX4 High pressure and Intermediate pressure Turbine Low Pressure Turbme with borescope, Boiler, Capital PrOJects Burner Management System/O,I Burner Management System Upgrade, Inverter Replacement

20 Mchols:2 Throttte, Intercept Reheat Stop Valves, Boiler

21 Jones3 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspectio,i

22 Hamngtonl Mini Overhaul, Precipitator cleaning

23 Hamngton2 Mini Overhaul. boiler cmc pump install

SCH1 - Page 526 of 565 005081

Schedule H-6.2c Page 2 of 4

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Outage Planning

Line No.



24 Tolkl Mini Overhaul, switch from synchronous condenser to generation mode

25 Toll<2 Com erting from synchronous condenser mode to generatlon mode

26 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration

27 Cunninghan,2 Min t prior to summer run

28 Jones3 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration

29 Maddoxl MM prior to summer run

30 Nichols3 Mini prior to summer run

31 Jones3 Prevent,ve Maintenance, Gas Calibration

32 Hamngton3 High Pressure/Intermediate Pressure Turbine with bore inspection, Throttle Valves, Boiler, Acidizing, Mercury and Air Toucs Standards Capital ProJects Replace Coal Ptpe Orifices, Cooling Tower Acid Tank, Stations Batteries

33 Cunmngham2 High Pressure/Intermedlate Pressure Turbine Stop/Control Valves, Boiler

34 Tolkl Convertlng from generation mode to synchronous condenser mode

35 Jones4 Pre, entive Maintenance, Gas Calibration

36 Conmrtmg from generation mode to synchronous Tolk2 condenser mode

37 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Cailbration, Borescope Inspection

38 Qua> County Minor Combustor Inspection

39 Jones3 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

40 2022 41 Jones4 PMs, quarterly gas calibration borescope hot gas path


42 Tolkl High Pressurelfnrermediate Pressure Turbine, Governorfrhrottleaeheat Stop Valves, Generator, Boiler, Ac,dizing, Mercury and Aii Toxics Standards Capital Projects Cooling Tower Film Fill, Nozzle block Modificauon, Submerged Scraper Conveyor Trough

43 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

44 Jones3 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

45 Jones2 High Pressure/Intermediate Pressure Turbine with bore inspection, Low Pressure Turbine w,th boi e inspectlon, Throttle Valves Boiler

46 Hamngton2 Mint Overhaul

47 PlantX4 Inspect boiler, igniters, valves, pumps, motors, cooling ..er

48 Nichol,3 Mini Outage prior to summer

SCH1 - Page 527 of 565 005082

Southwestern Public Service Company

Schedule H-6.2c Page 3 of 4

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Fossil Unit Outage Planning

Lme No.



49 PlantX4 Mini Outage - Boiler Repairs

50 Harr]Iigton3 Mini Overhaul

51 Nichols2 Mini Outage -Boiler Repairs

52 Jones4 Pre~entive Maintenance, Gas Calibration

53 Jone,3 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration

54 Tolk2 Mini Overhaul

55 Jones4 Prevenuve Maintenance, Gas Calibration

56 Jones3 Preveimve Maintenance, Gas Calibration

57 Harrmgtonl Throttle Valves, Boiler Feed Pump, Generator, Boiler, Acidizmg Capital Projects Rebuild Drag Chain Conveyor, Replace Station Batteries, Electrostatic Prec'pitator Wires

58 Nichols3 Vahes, Generator, Boiler, Acidizing Capital Projects Replace Hot Reheat Pipe, Reheat dissin,ilar metal welds

59 PlantX3 Inspect boiler, igniters, ialves, pumps, motors, cooling tower

60 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

61 Jones3 Prevenuve Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

62 Jones4 Capital Projects Replace Hot Path

63 2023 64 Iones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Bo,escope


65 Jones3 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

66 Jonesl All Valves, Boiler

67 PlantX4 Inspect boiler, Igi,iters, valves, pumps, motors, cooling tower

68 Hamngto„3 Mini Overhaul

69 Totkl Mlni Overhaul

70 Harrington] Mini Overhaul

71 M]ni Overhaul Tofk2

72 Nichols3 Mini Outage prior to summer

73 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas calibration

74 Jones3 Prevent,ve Maintenance, Gas calibration

75 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas calibration

76 Jones3 Preventjve Maintenance, Gas calibration

77 Hamngton2 High Pressure/Intermediate Pressure Turbine with bo,e tnspection, Bw Pressure Turbine with bore inspection, Throttle/Reheat Stop/intercept Valves, Boiler Feed Pump, Generator, Boiler

SCH1 - Page 528 of 565 005083

Schedule H-6.2c Page 4 of 4

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Outage Planning

Line No.



78 Plant)(3 Inspect boiler, Ign,ters, valves, pumps, motors, cooling tower

79 Jones4 Preventive Maintenance, Gas Calibration, Borescope Inspection

80 Jones3 Prevent,ve Maintenance, Gas Cahbrabon, Borescope Inspection

81 Cunninghan,4 Hot Gas Path Inspection {Continued m 2024}

82 2024 83 Cunninghan,4 Hot Gas Path Inspection {Continued from 2023 }

84 PlantX4 Mini Outage -Boiler Repairs

85 Hamngtonl Mini Overhaul

86 Mini Overhaul Tolkl

87 Hamngton2 Mini Overhaul

88 Tolkl Mini Overhaul

89 Nichol,3 Mini Outage prior to summ.

90 Harrington3 Low Pressure Turbine, Valves, Generator. Boiler

91 Quay County Minor combustor inspection

92 PlantX.3 Mini Outage - Boiler Repairs

93 2025 94 Harrmgtonl Mini Overhaul

95 Tolk2 MIni Overhaul

96 Hamngton2 Mlni Oveihaul

97 Tolk 1 Mini Overhaul

98 Nichols3 Mini Outage prlor to summer

99 Hamngton3 Mln, Overhaul

100 Maddox2 Major Inspection

101 Maddoxl Generator, Boiler

]02 Cunningham3 Hot Gas Path Inspection {Continued m 2026}

]03 N,chols3 Mini Outage pnor to summer

SCH1 - Page 529 of 565 005084

Schedule H-6.3a Page 1 of 1

Sponsor: Grant 2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Nuclear Unit Incremental Outage Costs

Schedule H-6.3a is not applicable to Southwestern Public Service Company ("SPS") because SPS does not own or operate nuclear facilities.

SCH1 - Page 530 of 565 005085

Southwestern Public Service Company

Fossil Unit Incremental Outage Costs

Schedule H-6.3b Page 1 of 1

Sponsor: Low 2021 TX Rate Case

PLANT NAME Harrington





Generator Inspection and Rewtnd, Thi·ottle, Reheat Stop, and Governor Valve inspections, Tui·bme Dnren Boiler Feed Pump Inspection, Boiler Inspections and Repairs, MATS Inspections, Stack Inspection, Replace Burner·s(2 Levels), Replace #5 & #6 LP FW Healeis, Replace Steam Cooled Spacer Tubes, Sootblower Block Valves Install, Coohng Tower Risei· Inlet Valves, ID Fans Outlet Damper Replacement, Baghouse Pai·hal Rebag - 7 coinpartinents, Fly ash Vacuum Pump Rebuild, EH Pump Replacement Project, Replace Maintenaiice Switches 4160/690(v, Replace CT MCC on F- Bus, GSU 230KV Bushing Replacement/DGA Install, Foxboro FBM Mtgiation, Hydrogen Purity Monitor, Flow Accelerated Con·oston and Seamed Piping Inspections

OPERATIONS 506 Miscellaneous steam power expenses $ 1]0,258 507 Rents 11,91688 502 Steam expenses 49,325

MAINTENANCE 512 Maintenance of boiler plant l,242,130 513 Maintenance of electric plant 644,786 514 Maintenance of miscellaneous steam plant 97,173

TOTAL EXPENSES | S 2,155,589

Note: Outages under $500,000 are not reported

SCH1 - Page 531 of 565 005086

Southwestern Public Service Company

Company-Wide Staffing Plan

Pr„Jeaed ileadwunt - Workforce Ilan rhrough 2029

Line NI

Proiected Pr€U~cted Pr"i:cted Prniected P.Jccted Proiected P'»Wclcd Piojected Pro/ecled Projected P,i, ieited Location Department Headcaunt Y E Headcount YE Headioimt YE lieadtonnt YE Headiount YE He,idwunt YE Headcount YE Headcount YE Hcadioimt YE He.Micount YE He.Micount YE

2(/20 21)21 2()22 2(123 2()24 2025 2<)26 2027 2028 2029 2031)

Gcn.ral AIan.,ger ]4„uer Gen jXNM (iencral Manager Pouer Gen ] XLNM I 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 1

MMS Pc:Nonn,1 52 52 52 S l 50 49 49 44 43 40 29 C mmgbam/Ma(Iik>x lomplej


X],S P„,onncl 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Sl)S pehonnel 36 17 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 17 17 1(,nt. Xtl~/10I'

XI:S I,„.„nne] , 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Sl>9 Per'onDel ji I 134 135 ]15 13' 135 132 132 13(; 129 128 i Iarrin gt,n/Nichol, Comp ]er

XI:S Fcrfonncl 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

SI'S Pc,qonncl 10() loo 96 ') t 96 94 91 89 89 87 87 I o[1/PI.nt X .omple'

XES I'er,onnd 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Wind 1·arm~ I]ulc 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Nlgam(I: 1 I / ) 1 1 ] 1 l l ]

Total 344 38 312 339 340 336 330 323 320 314 302 12

Emp]Ivrd hi Soulhwcqlcrn Pi,b]i, Sen i.o Compani ("SPS") Coilr<il Rami (t r.ittir ~VB M'intirl.inw I>ersonn.1 Insti ~* & Coil/,1 1:d.ic]1~n.

Employed h, Xccl Enerpy' Serv:t.e Inc ("XES"~: Safety Con:uttanti Material Opuation. Cheinical l'ihno!'g:sts [·inan,]al Anal>sts (no longer l<icakd at plant aq of 21 9 due lo reorgai,ization) 1•,nlrtmml/al Speeiali' I·.ngineers C onnl, <ho w a delrci,gc (hl, toant ici pa Iedptanl rctinxnenl s



1 - Page 532 of 565 005087

Schedule H-7.1 Page 1 of 1

Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case

Southwestern Public Service Company

Production Plant/Unit Staffing Study

Summary - Southwestern Public Service Company Personnel Staffing Projection: All Headcoimts are as of Year End

Line No.

Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year Total Year End 2020 End 2021 End 2022 End 2023 End 2024 End 2025 End 2026 End 2027 End 2028 End 2029 End 2030

1 |Authorized Staffing 2 Gen Mgr 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Cunningham / Maddox 52 52 52 51 50 49 49 44 43 40 29 4 Harrington / Nichols 134 134 135 135 135 135 132 132 130 129 128 5 Jones 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 6 Tolk / Plant X 100 100 96 94 96 94 91 89 89 87 87 7 Hale Wind Farm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 Sagamore Wind Farm - 1 1 1 I 1 1 j 1 l 9 ~1'otal Authorized Sta ffing 328 329 327 324 325 321 315 308 305 299 287

10 |Projected Retirements Il Cunningham/Maddox 1 1 2 2 1 3 - - 2 - 1 12 Harrington /Nichols 5 5 5 5 2 6 4 - 4 3 1 13 Jones - - 1 i 14 Toik / Plant X 5 5 5 7 3 4 3 5 2 3 1 15 I-Iale Wind Farm -16 Sagamore Wind Farm - -17 |Total Projected Retirements 11 11 13 15 6 13 7 5 8 6 3

18 |Budgeted and Approved Advance Ilires 19 Cunningham /Maddox ] 1 1 1 1 1 I - - - 1 20 Harrington / Nichols ] 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - - 2 21 Jones -22 Tolk /Plant X -23 ]-lalc Wind Vann -24 Sagamorc Wind Farm -25 |Total Budgeted and Approved Advancelli, 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 - - 3

Note: l'his headcount only Includes operators, mechanics, electricians and management personnel Please refer to Schedulel-l-7 4 for a complete hcadcount of the facilities, including chemists, engineers, logistics, technicians, environmentalists, safety, and financial personnel

to 8

Pct 3

%% O t-


1 - Page 533 of 565 005088


Schedule H-7.2

Page 1 of 1

Southwestern Public Service Company

Personnel Assigned for Plant/llnit

Line No. Employee Category Local ion

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Primary (YE Dec 31) (YE Dec 3]) (J'E Dec 31) (YE Deal) (YE Dec 31) (YE Dec 31) (PE Sept 30) Fuel Type

1 Regular Benefit Employees Harrington Station 161 167 127 11] 107 106 101 Coal 2 Energy Supply Tolk Station 136 136 95 88 81 80 75 Coal 3 Cunningham Station 63 63 42 37 38 39 36 Gas 4 Jones Station 42 45 44 39 38 40 40 Gas 5 Maddox Station 0 0 19 18 19 17 21 Gas 6 Nichols Station 2 5 46 46 47 47 46 Gas 7 Plant X 3 7 40 38 37 36 35 Gas 8 Hale Wicl Farm 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 Wind 9 Sagamore Wind Farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Wind 10 Regular Benefit Employees Total 407 423 413 377 367 368 358 11 Regular Benefit Employees Harrington Station 8 8 8 12 11 8 8 Coal 12 Non-Energy Supply Employees Tolk Station 6 7 7 7 6 5 5 Coal 13 Cunnmghain Station 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gas 14 Jones Station 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Gas 15 Maddox Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 16 Nichols Station 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 17 Plamt X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Gas 18 l-Iale Wmd Farm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wind 19 Sagamore Wind Fatm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wind 20 Regular Benefit Employees Total 19 20 20 24 22 17 17 21 Contract Staff Harrington Station 104 105 76 78 80 78 70 Coal 22 Energy Supply Tolk Station 52 50 44 43 47 44 41 Coal 23 Cunnmgham Station 1 2 5 5 5 4 1 Gas 24 Jones Station 1 1 2 2 4 4 2 Gas 25 Maddox Stafion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gas 26 Nichols Station 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 Gas 27 Plant X 4 5 3 3 3 3 l Gas 28 Hale Wind Farni 0 0 0 0 1 23 30 Wind 29 Sagamore Wind F arm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wind 30 Total Energy Supply Contract Staff 163 163 130 131 141 156 145

Notes: Nichols Station was complexed with Harrmgton Station in 2005 Plant X Station was coinplexed with Tolk Station m 2005 Maddox Station was complexed with Cimnmgham Station m 2005 Personnel are assigned to Plant Site/Complek rather than mdivtdual iimts Includes all Energy Supply employees located at the plant(s) Incluclmg employees m aieas such as Technical Resoulces Conti act staff mcludes both staff augmcntation and outsourcmg, piofessional sclvices (phis engiiieer aiid executive level), and consulting categoiies Year End ("YE") Period End ("PE")

% r ' O Pct E %R O r-


1 - Page 534 of 565 005089


Schedule H-7.3

Page 1 of 1

Southwestern Public Service Company

Average Personnel Assigned

Energy Supply Regular Benefit Employees

Line No.

Hist Date Cunningham Harrington Jones Maddox Nichols

Station Station Station Station Station Plant X rolk


Hale Sagamore Wind Wind Total Farm Farm

Other Personnel (Primarily Interns)

1 09/30/2019 36 105 41 17 45 36 79 3 0 362 1 2 10/31/2019 36 106 40 17 46 37 79 3 0 364 1

3 11/30/2019 37 106 40 17 46 36 80 3 0 365 1 4 12/31/2019 39 106 40 17 47 36 80 3 0 368 0 5 01/31/2020 37 105 40 17 47 37 80 3 0 366 1

6 02/29/2020 37 104 40 18 47 37 77 3 0 363 2 7 03/31/2020 37 104 40 18 48 36 77 3 0 363 2 8 04/30/2020 36 103 40 20 48 36 76 3 0 362 2 9 05/31/2020 36 103 40 20 48 36 76 3 0 362 2 10 06/30/2020 36 102 40 20 48 36 76 3 0 361 2 l l 07/31/2020 36 102 40 21 46 36 76 3 0 360 2 12 08/31/2020 36 100 40 21 45 36 76 3 0 357 1 13 09/30/2020 36 101 40 21 46 35 75 3 1 358 1 14 Rate Year 36 101 40 21 46 35 75 3 1 358 1


8 0 € rN O PO 3 mR O t-


1 - Page 535 of 565 005090

osu OW

Schedule H-7.4

Page 1 of 3

Southwestern Public Service Company

Average Personnel Assigned

Non-Energy Supply Regular Benefit Employees

Line No. Ilist Date

Cunningham Harrington Jones Maddox Nichols Station Station Station Station Station Plant X l'olk


Ilalc Sag anlore Wind Wind Total Farm Farm

Other Personnel (Primarily Interns)

I 09/30/2019

2 10/31/2019

3 11/30/2019 4 12/31/2019

5 01/31/2020

6 02/29/2020

7 03/31/2020

8 04/30/2020 9 05/31/2020

10 06/30/2020

11 07/31/2020

12 08/31/2020

13 09/30/2020

14 Rate Year


1 - Page 536 of 565 005091

Schedule H-7.4 Page 2 of 3

Sponsor: Low

2021 TX Rate Case