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Contractor CV Blog

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Job search can be a difficult process, even for a serial contractor to constantly be interviewing. Having been in your shoes, I can certainly understand it can be a frustrating process applying

for roles you know you could easily do. It is difficult to get the immediate feedback and there’s always the awkward phone call where you are trying to convince both yourself and the

consultant on the phone that you are right for this position. In a quieter half of the year to what the Industry and the candidates might be used to when it

comes to recruitment. It’s worth noting that the clients are a lot more selective when it comes to their hiring, as such, so are the recruiters when it comes to shortlisting and presenting

candidates. I see it from both perspectives, and there are few things you can do to make sure you are

doing all the right things to get yourself back into a suitable position as soon as possible. Your CV:

Your CV speaks volumes about you before you even have any direct interaction with the

Recruiter or the Hiring Managers. Therefore, It is absolutely vital that you keep it concise and to the point.

As Recruitment Consultants, we spend a little longer on the CVs to understand your experience before we pick up the phone to find out more. It is important to note that Hiring

Mangers simply won’t give your CV this time. It is a well known ‘fact’ that on average a Hiring Manger spends around 6-10 seconds on reviewing a CV before an irreversible impression is

made. Advice:

DO - Keep it simple and to the point

- Describe your achievements in the role, focus on these – this is exactly what the Hiring Mangers want to see on a CV.

- Check, check and check again for any errors, formatting issues – This is a reflection of

your approach to documenting and presenting information. If this isn’t spot on – you are severely underselling yourself.

- Avoid using phrases such as “The role involves...” and certainly avoid talking about yourself in Third Person.

- Finally, if you have any questions – ask your friends, colleagues or even your recruiter

to see if there is anything they would change.


Wherever possible, we would always give you feedback on your profile and suggest ways of

making it stand out. However, at initial application phases – due to the sheer volumes of applications, I admit – it is difficult to give detail feedback on why you have not been

shortlisted for the position. More often than not, it comes down to having stronger candidates that hit the mark.

Although there is always a grey area when it comes to considering applications; it is important to note that we have a specific brief. Below are some of the criteria that apply;

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- The client outlines exactly what they are looking for - Where they are willing to compromise (The grey areas) Nice to haves and must haves.

- Finally “Are they right for the team/organisation?” – Culture fit This of course comes down to your relationship with your consultant – we’ll come back

to that. My Advice: If you are having to fill in the gaps and reach far afield to convince both yourself

and the consultant why you might be good for the role, this probably isn’t the right position for you. Wait it out, the right roles will come along.

Even better, candidates who are upfront about their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to the job brief are often the ones who see a higher hit rate on getting interviews.

Know your strengths:

Firstly, for any contracting position – the client is bringing this resource in because it is easier and they can come in and hit the ground running. With that in mind, they will be looking for

previous experience in the similar role to the one you are applying for.

Although you might have a lot of transferrable skills, If your profile does not tick this boxes – often it is difficult to pitch your details across on a role where we are already a step behind. Advice: If you are comparing your profile to the job specification and it doesn’t align by 60%-

70% at least, this will be a difficult sell, ask your consultant for advice on whether this is the

right role or not before you proceeed. Applying for Jobs:

Speaking specifically from a Projects and Change perspective, on average – I receive over

150 response for any Regulatory job advert I post. Of which, around 10% will be spot on for the position... It’s a tough market; there is a higher supply than demand for candidates right now. Hiring Managers can be very selective when it comes to progressing candidates, and as

a result – we have to be. Of course, this does mean many are left frustrated or wondering why they haven’t been shortlisted for the role.

Bearing in mind, there are several other candidates on the Market with similar skill set who would be more suited to the position.

Advice: Focus your search on roles with relevant experience to yours. This shows you as a

credible candidate. For us, if you are applying for any and every position advertised – Although your name might be out there and you might be getting a lot of calls, it might have a negative effect on your profile as the name that pops up against every job.

Be Selective:

Be selective when it comes to choosing the recruitment agencies you work with, it’s good having your CVs going across on several roles and jumping at the first one that comes might

seem financially viable – However, take into account the next role might have on positions going forward.

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A short term contract with a higher rate might sound incredibly appealing in the moment – a short gap on your CV to get into a longer term, more stable contract might just make the

difference between you and another candidate at a later stage.

The role, number of renewals and longevity within those roles are the types of qualities the Hiring Managers look for in a good CV. Given the opportunity,

- Avoid jumping ship too soon. Stay within your role for at least 12-18 months as a contractor before considering a move

- Take into account the type of organisation you step into and its impact on your career - If you have had a few short term contracts on your CV, be selective and think about the

bigger picture. Choose a role that offers you the longevity rather the higher contract rate


As much as I dislike picking the phone up to a candidate and letting them know I have no live jobs for them, I appreciate a call that comes from a candidate I know. It is important to note

that your relationship with the contact goes a long way when it comes to finding your next position.

- Stay in regular contact with your consultant, drop them an email every few weeks if you haven’t heard much from them. When something relevant comes up, you’ll be first person we think of

- Although, it isn’t always the case – make time to meet your consultant, it gives both yourself and us the chance to see who you are working with and what they are like in

person. Hopefully, that has provided you with a few tips and tricks on how you can find more success

from the jobs you’re applying to. On the Projects and Change desk, we are starting to see demand for candidates from a Front Office Regulatory Change, Compliance Change and

strong Business Analysts with Custody and Asset Servicing experience. Please get in touch if you’re interested in exploring these positions, one of our team will be happy to have a chat.