DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DOMESTIC DEPENDENT ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS GEORGIA / ALABAMA DISTRICT E.A. White Elementary School Dr. Renee Mallory Continuous School Improvement Action Plan SY 2014-2015 GA/AL District CSI Action Plan 1 Version -1/27/15

Continuous School Improvement Action Plan SY 2014-2015 · Action Plan SY 2014-2015 . GA/AL District CSI Action Plan 1 Version -1/27/15. ... Identify struggling readers from BAS (1-2)

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Page 1: Continuous School Improvement Action Plan SY 2014-2015 · Action Plan SY 2014-2015 . GA/AL District CSI Action Plan 1 Version -1/27/15. ... Identify struggling readers from BAS (1-2)



E.A. White Elementary School

Dr. Renee Mallory

Continuous School Improvement

Action Plan SY 2014-2015

GA/AL District CSI Action Plan 1 Version -1/27/15

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Summary of Goals and Interventions

# Goal Name Goal Details Goal Type Total Funding

1 Reading Objectives: 8 Strategies: 7 Activities: 30

Academic achievement goal

All programs were purchased through


2 Math Objectives: 6 Strategies: 4 Activities: 12

Academic achievement goal

All programs were purchased through


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Goal 1 – READING

Goal 1 Objectives:

DoDEA Community Strategic Plan Performance Measure:

75% of DoDEA students (all students and by ethnic, racial, and special services subgroups) will score in the top two quarters and no more than 5% in the bottom quarter on the Terra Nova in reading by SY 2017-18.

All 3rd grade students will meet or exceed the end-of-year grade-level independent reading proficiency benchmark by SY 2017-18. K-3 students not meeting grade-level independent reading proficiency benchmarks will be enrolled in a reading

intervention program by SY 2016-17.


1. Students in 2nd grade will improve in reading from 88% proficient or advanced in SY 13-14 to 90% proficient or advanced in reading in SY 14-15 as measured by the BAS.

2. Students in 3rd grade will improve in reading from 86% proficient or advanced in SY 13-14 to 88% proficient or advanced in reading in SY 14-15 as measured by the BAS.

SMART Goal B (SPI): New Baseline

Collecting Baseline data in SY 14-15 to establish goals for SY 15-16.

SMART Goal C (SRI): New Baseline

Collecting baseline data in SY 14-15 to establish goals for SY 15-16 College and Career Ready Standards.

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SMART Goal D (Terra Nova – All Students)

1. Students in grades 4-5 will increase their achievement in Reading on the TN: Grade 4-Students will improve in Reading from 76% in the top two quarters in SY 13-14 to 80% in the top two quarters in Reading in SY 14-15 on the Terra Nova. Grade 5-Students will improve in Reading from 67% in the top two quarters in SY 13-14 to 75% in the top two quarters in Reading in SY 14-15 on the Terra Nova. Grade 5-No more than 5% of students will score in the bottom quarter in Reading in SY 14-15 on the Terra Nova compared to 7% in SY 13-14.

SMART Goal E (Terra Nova – OPI)

1. Eighty-three percent of students in 3rd grade will score High Mastery on the Reading TN – OPI: “Reading and

Writing Strategies” in SY 14-15, compared to 81% in SY 13-14.

2. Sixty-eight percent of students in 4th grade will score High Mastery on the Reading TN – OPI: “Reading and Writing Strategies” in SY 14-15 compared to 63% in SY 13-14.

3. Sixty percent of students in 5th grade will score High Mastery on the Reading TN – OPI: “Reading and Writing Strategies” in SY 14-15, compared to 50% in SY 13-14.

SMART Goal F (Local Assessment – Fluency): New Baseline

Collecting baseline data in SY 14-15 to set goals for SY 15-16.

SMART Goal G (Local Assessment – Reading Street): New Baseline

Collecting baseline data in SY 14-15 to set goals for SY 15-16.

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Data that supports the selection of SMART Goals Assessment Name Domain or Sub-skill Measure Yearly scores

BAS Reading Accuracy and Comprehension

Percentage At or Above Standard

SY 13-14 (% scoring at or above standard):

2nd grade – 88% 3rd grade - 86%

SPI Phonemic Awareness Points Baseline Year SY 14-15


SRI Reading Comprehension Percentage of students scoring

in Proficient and Advanced categories on Lexile

Baseline Year for New College & Career Ready Standards

SY 14-15 3-5

Terra Nova Reading Percentage in top two Quarters

SY 13-14 (% scoring in Top Two Quarters):

4th grade – 76% 5th grade – 67%

Terra Nova Reading Percentage in Bottom Quarter

SY 13-14 (% scoring in Bottom Quarter):

5th grade – 6.7%

Terra Nova

Reading OPI 3rd grade – Reading and Writing Strategies 4th grade – Reading and Writing Strategies 5th grade – Reading and Writing Strategies

Percentage in High Mastery

SY 13-14 (% of students scoring “Mastery” in OPI)

3rd grade – 81% 4th grade – 63% 5th grade --50%

Kindergarten Assessment Checklist

Reading Street Fresh Reads



Percent Correct Words Per Minute

Baseline Year SY 14-15


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Reading Street End of Year Reading Percentage correct Baseline Year SY 14-15


Goal 1: Reading

Strategy 1 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy Guided Reading K – 5 Scholastic: Research base for guided reading as an instructional approach

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Guided Reading

1. Teacher works with small group of students with similar needs.

Explicit Instruction-Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency Across a Guided Reading Lesson

Sept 2014

May 2015

Reading Street – Leveled Readers, Scholastic Readers, and Selected Novels

Classroom Teacher, Reading IS

2. The teacher provides opportunities to use graphic organizers to support basic understanding, evaluate and extend meaning, and analyze the structure of the text.

Direct Instruction and Explicit Instruction

Sept. 2014

May 2015

Various Graphic Organizers – Venn Diagrams, Flow-charts, T-Charts, and etc.

Classroom Teacher, Reading IS

3. Each student reads the text aloud in a small group setting. Fluency will be emphasized.

Explicit Instruction-The teacher introduces the

Sept. 2014

May 2015

Reading Street leveled readers, Scholastic

Classroom Teacher, Reading IS

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text before students read and does specific follow-up after students read.

Leveled Readers, and Selected Novels

4. The teacher and student revisit the text to demonstrate and use a range of comprehension strategies appropriate for grade level. Students have opportunities to word solve, summarize, predict, infer, create and critique.

Guided Practice, Independent Learning, Explicit and Direct Instruction

Sept. 2014

May 2015

Various Graphic Organizers, Reading Journals, Word Solving Strategies

Classroom Teacher, Reading


5. Teachers will focus on grade level appropriate literary elements and text structures.

Guided Practice, Independent Learning, Explicit and Direct Instruction

Sept. 2014

May 2014

Reading Streets

Classroom Teacher, Reading


6. The teacher prompts, encourages, and confirms students’ attempts at processing and understanding the text.

Explicit and Direct Instruction

Sept 2014

May 2015

Reading Street leveled readers, Scholastic Leveled Readers, and Selected Novels

Classroom Teacher, Reading


Strategy 2 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy

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Writing to Support Reading http://www.regieroutman.com/teachingessentials/writing.asp

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Writer’s Workshop

1. Teachers will use the Optimal Learning Model to introduce students to different kinds of writing (audience and purpose),

Whole Group Jan 2015

May 2015

Regie Routman – Audience and Purpose

Classroom Teacher

2. Students will be immersed in the selected purpose through reading and discussion.

Small Groups Jan 2015

May 2015

Regie Routman – Audience and Purpose

Classroom Teacher

3. Teachers will demonstrate the selected writing and then move to shared demonstration, guided practice and independent practice.

Whole Group/ Small Groups

Jan 2015

May 2015

Regie Routman – Audience and Purpose

Classroom Teacher

4. Teachers will utilize both public and private conferences to improve student performance.

Whole Group/ Small Groups/ Individual

Jan 2015

May 2015

Regie Routman – Audience and Purpose

Classroom Teacher

Strategy 3 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy Read 180 – Next Generation

4-5 Read 180 Research:


Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Read 180 – Next

Generation Reading

1. Identify struggling readers from SRI and Terra Nova results; (including students with

Assessment Aug 2014

May 2015

Read 180 – Next


Read 180 Teacher

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Intervention for Grades


disabilities and ELL students who meet the 200 Lexile or higher criteria)

2. The Read 180 teacher will implement this program with fidelity.

Whole Group Instruction, Small Group Instruction, and Independent Learning

Aug 2014

May 2015

Read 180 – Next


Read 180 Teacher

3. Targeted skill development will include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, and writing

Whole Group Instruction, Small Group Instruction, and Independent Learning

Aug 2014

May 2015

Read 180 – Next


Read 180 Teacher

4. Students will be progress monitored and exited upon meeting exit criteria

Whole Group Instruction, Small Group Instruction, and Independent Learning

Aug 2014

May 2015

Read 180 – Next


Read 180 Teacher

Strategy 4 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy Matching Readers to Text Scholastic Reading Program:


Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

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Scholastic Reading Counts

Grades K-5

1. Students will select texts appropriate to their Lexile range with teacher guidance.

Individual Aug 2014

May 2015

Texts in Media Center and Classroom


2. Students will read the selected texts.

Individual Aug 2014

May 2015

Texts in Media Center and Classroom


3. Students will take comprehension tests on the computer to determine their level of comprehension of the text read.

Individual Aug 2014

May 2015

Texts in Media Center and Classroom


Strategy 5 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy

Reading Street/ My Sidewalks K - 2

My Sidewalks Intensive Reading Intervention: http://assets.pearsonschool.com/asset_mgr/legacy/200915/MySidewalks_Research_19981_1.pdf

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

My Sidewalks Reading

Intervention for Grades


1. Identify struggling readers from BAS (1-2). For Kindergarten placement assessment is My Sidewalks.

Explicit Instruction

Sept 2014

May 2015

Reading Streets – My Sidewalks

Classroom Teacher

2. Students needing reading interventions will receive additional support using My Sidewalks Reading Intervention.

Explicit Instruction

Sept 2014

May 2015

Reading Streets – My Sidewalks

Classroom Teacher

3. Intervention will be Explicit Sept May Reading Classroom

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provided: in small group setting daily. The emphasis will be on oral language, deep meaning of vocabulary and concept development.

Instruction 2014 2015 Street – My Sidewalks


4. Students will be progress monitored using the assessments to inform instruction and to determine when to exit the student from the intervention.

Explicit Instruction

Sept 2014

May 2015

Reading Street – My Sidewalks

Classroom Teacher

Strategy 6 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy Fountas & Pinnell Leveled

Literacy Intervention (LLI) Fountas & Pinnell (Heinemann):


Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Reading Intervention for Grades


1. Identify students who fall below the standard from the BAS Reading Grade Level expectation.

Assessment Aug 2014

May 2015

Fountas & Pinnell: LLI

Reading IS

2. Reading IS teacher will implement this program with fidelity.

Small Group Instruction

Aug 2014

May 2015

Fountas & Pinnell: LLI

Reading IS

3. Targeted skill development will include phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, spelling,

Small Group Instruction

Aug 2014

May 2015

Fountas & Pinnell: LLI

Reading IS

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writing, and test prep. 4. Students will be

progress monitored and exited upon meeting exit criteria

Assessment Aug 2014

May 2015

Fountas & Pinnell: LLI

Reading IS

Strategy 7 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy Roaring Readers

K – 3 After School Program Principles of Guided Reading

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Guided Reading

1. Teacher works with small group of students with similar needs.

Explicit Instruction-Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency Across a Guided Reading Lesson

Sept 2014

May 2015

Reading Street – Leveled Readers, Scholastic Readers, and Selected Novels

After School Instructor

2. The teacher provides opportunities to use graphic organizers to support basic understanding, evaluate and extend meaning, and analyze the structure of the text.

Direct Instruction and Explicit Instruction

Sept. 2014

May 2015

Various Graphic Organizers – Venn Diagrams, Flow-charts, T-Charts, and etc.

After School Instructor

3. Each student reads the text aloud in a small group setting. Fluency will be emphasized.

Explicit Instruction-The teacher introduces the text before students read and does

Sept. 2014

May 2015

Reading Street leveled readers, Scholastic Leveled Readers, and Selected

After School Instructor

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specific follow-up after students read.


4. The teacher and student revisit the text to demonstrate and use a range of comprehension strategies appropriate for grade level. Students have opportunities to word solve, summarize, predict, infer, create and critique.

Guided Practice, Independent Learning, Explicit and Direct Instruction

Sept. 2014

May 2015

Various Graphic Organizers, Reading Journals, Word Solving Strategies

After School Instructor

5. The teacher prompts, encourages, and confirms students’ attempts at processing and understanding the text.

Explicit and Direct Instruction

Sept 2014

May 2015

Reading Street leveled readers, Scholastic Leveled Readers, and Selected Novels

After School Instructor

Goal 1: Staff Development Plan to Support SMART Goals:

Activity Name Training/Staff Development Begin Date

End Date

Resources & Allocated Time

Reading Street – Guided Reading

Training - Review of Best Practices in Guided Reading. Review and select leveled readers and best use of graphic organizers in the content areas of Science and Social Studies

Sept 2014

Oct 2014

Oct 2014

Dec 2014

Collaboration and Early Release Days

Read 180 – Next Generation

Initial Training – August 7-8, 2014 – new Read 180 Program – Next Generation

Aug 2014

Dec 2014

Sub Days, Early Release for follow-up

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Activity Name Training/Staff Development Begin Date

End Date

Resources & Allocated Time

Co-teach/Inclusion (SPED and ELL)

Training – Strategies on how to work with ELL students on various levels and consistent grading/assessment procedures Collaboration –Scheduled collaborative planning

Aug 2014

Jan 2015

Subs – PD collaboration

Writing For Audience and Purpose Book Study (Regie Routman)

Review and continue professional development– training provided by Dr. Mallory

Aug 2014

Jan 2015

Collaboration and Early Release

SRI/SPI Training Sept 3 SRI and SPI assessment and product review September – How to use results to guide instruction

Aug 2014

Oct 2014

Collaboration and Early Release

Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Training

Sept 8-11 Training conducted by Heinemann representative over how to assess, implement, & use the LLI program. Sept 17 Training conducted by DSO to answer program questions related to DoDEA.

Sept 2014

Oct 2014

Training Days provided by DoDEA

My Sidewalks Training DSO Directed Training Sept 2014

Nov 2014

Sub Day

Goal 1: Evidence (How SMART goals will be measured)

System-wide Assessment(s) Grade Levels Month(s) Administered Goal to achieve success SPI Grades K-2 August, January, & May K-2 – Baseline year

SRI Grades 3-5 August, January, & May 3rd -5th grade-Baseline year BAS Grades K-3 (K) January and May

(1-3) August and May

2nd Grade – 90% at or above standard

3rd Grade – 88% at or above standard

TN – Reading Top Two Quarters Grades 4-5: All Students February 4th Grade – 80% 5th Grade – 75%

scoring in the top two Quarters

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TN – Reading Bottom Quarter Grade 5 February 5th Grade – 5% or fewer Scoring in Bottom Quarter

TN – Reading OPI Grades 3-5 All Students February 3rd Grade Reading OPI: Reading and Writing Strategies

83% scoring high mastery 4th Grade Reading OPI:

Reading and Writing Strategies 68% scoring high mastery 5th Grade Reading OPI:

Reading and Writing Strategies 60% scoring high mastery

School Selected Assessment(s) Grade Levels Month(s) Administered Goal to achieve success

Fluency Assessments Grades K-2

Kindergarten Checklist: August & May

Reading Street Fresh Reads (1-2): August & May

K-2 Baseline year

Reading Street End of Year Assessment Grades 3-5 August & May Grades 3-5-Baseline year

Goal 2 – Mathematics

Goal 2: Objectives

DoDEA Community Strategic Plan Performance Measure:

75% of DoDEA students (overall and by ethnic, racial, and special services subgroups) will score in the top two quarters and no more than 5% in the bottom quarter on the Terra Nova in Math by SY 2017-18.

E.A. White Elementary: SMART Goal A (TN- Mathematics):

Students in grades 4-5 will increase their scores on the math section of the Terra Nova in SY 14-15: Sixty-five percent of fourth grade students will score in the top two quarters of the math section of the Terra Nova in SY 14-15, increasing from 58% in SY 13-14.

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Eighty percent of fifth grade students will score in the top two quarters of the math section of the Terra Nova in SY 14-15, increasing from 76% in SY 13-14. No more than 5% of fourth grade students will score in the bottom quarter in Math in SY 14-15, decreasing from 13% in SY 13-14. No more than 5% of fifth grade students will score in the bottom quarter in Math in SY14-15, decreasing from 7% in SY 13-14.


Students in 3rd grade will increase achievement on the Math TN – OPI: Problem Solving and Reasoning, with 88% achieving high mastery in SY 14-15, compared to 87% in SY 13-14. Students in 4th grade will increase achievement on the Math TN – OPI: Problem Solving Reasoning with 55% achieving high mastery in SY 14-15, compared with 46 % in SY 13-14. Students in 5th grade will increase achievement on the Math TN – OPI: Problem Solving Reasoning with 70% achieving high mastery in SY 14-15, compared with 67% in SY 13-14.

SMART Goal C (Local/ Susan O’Connell Problem Solving): Students in grades K-5 will increase their mastery in Problem Solving to meet or exceed expectations for SY 14-15 as compared to SY 13-14.

1. Eighty percent of students in Kindergarten will be proficient or advanced in Problem Solving in SY 14-15 as measured by the Local Problem Solving Assessment, compared with 78% in SY 13-14.

2. Fifty-five percent of students in 1st Grade will be proficient or advanced in Problem Solving in SY 14-15 as measured by the Local Problem Solving Assessment, compared with 43% in SY 13-14.

3. Seventy-five percent of students in 4th Grade will be proficient or advanced in Problem Solving in SY 14-15 as

measured by the Local Problem Solving Assessment, compared with 71% in SY 13-14.

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4. Seventy percent of students in 5th Grade will be proficient or advanced in Problem Solving in SY 14-15 as

measured by the Local Problem Solving Assessment, compared with 66% in SY 13-14.

SMART Goal D (Everyday Math Assessment): New Baseline

Collecting baseline data in SY 14-15 to establish goals for SY 15-16.

SMART Goal E (SMI): New Baseline

Collecting baseline data in SY 14-15 to establish goals for SY 15-16.

SMART Goal F (enVision): New Baseline

Collecting baseline data in SY 14-15 to establish goals for SY 15-16.

Data that supports the selection of SMART Goals Assessment Name Domain or Sub-skill Measure Yearly scores Terra Nova Math Percentage in top two Quarters SY 13-14 (% scoring in Top

Two Quarters): 4th Grade – 58% 5th Grade – 76%

Terra Nova Math Percentage in bottom Quarter SY 13-14 (% scoring in

Bottom Quarter): 4th Grade – 13% 5th Grade – 7%

Terra Nova Math – OPI Problem Solving and Reasoning

Percentage scoring in High Mastery

SY 13-14 (% scoring in High Mastery)

3rd Grade – 87% 4th Grade – 46% 5th Grade – 67%

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Problem Solving Math Assessment

Problem Solving Percentage scoring in Meeting or Exceeding Expectations

SY 13-14 (% scoring at or above standard) K – 78% 1st Grade – 43% 4th Grade – 71% 5th Grade – 66%

Everyday Math Assessment Math Percentage scoring 80% or higher

Baseline SY 14-15

SMI Math Quantiles Baseline SY 14-15

enVision Math Assessment Math Percentage scoring 80% or higher

Baseline SY 14-15

Goal 2: Name of Strategies and Description of Activities that support SMART Goals Strategy 1 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy

enVision Math - MDIS http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/pdf/intervention_reports/wwc_envisionmath_011513.pdf

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

enVision Math

for Grades 3-5

1. Teachers will use the MDIS – Math Diagnosis and Intervention System to identify students with specific skill deficits.

Assessment Sept 2014

May 2015

envision Math – MDIS

Classroom Teachers, Math


2. Classroom teachers and Math IS provide additional support in identified skill areas for struggling students.

Small Group Sept 2014

May 2015

envision Math – MDIS

Classroom Teachers, Math


Strategy 2 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy

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Concise Writing in Problem Solving for Math K - 5

Susan O’Connell: http://www.heinemann.com/products/E01105.aspx; http://www.heinemann.com/products/E00970.aspx

George Polya’s Method: http://math.berkeley.edu/~gmelvin/polya.pdf

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Susan O’Connell Problem Solving

Strategies for Grades


1. Teachers will model and provide exemplars for selected grade level appropriate problem solving strategies.

Explicit Instruction

Aug. 2014

May 2015

Susan O’Connell K-2 will use the following selected strategies: K: Draw a Diagram, Sketch, or Picture; Write an Equation; Act it Out; Choose an Operation 1st Grade: Draw a Diagram, Sketch, or Picture; Write an Equation; Construct a Model; Choose an Operation; Make a Chart, Table, or Graph 2nd Grade: Draw a Diagram, Sketch, or Picture; Write an Equation; Construct a Model; Choose an Operation; Make a Chart, Table, or Graph; Use an Organized List Grades 3-5 will teach all strategies

Classroom Teachers, Math


2. Students will practice selecting appropriate strategies and solving word problems in small groups and independently.

Guided Practice Aug 2014

May 2015

Susan O’Connell

Classroom Teachers, Math


3. Teachers will continue to Explicit Instruction

Aug May George Classroom

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model various strategies and the UPSL method (Understand, Plan, Solve, & Look Back). The Think Aloud Model will be utilized. Grade level appropriate math vocabulary usage will be stressed in the exemplars.

2014 2015 Polya’s Method

Teachers, Math IS

4. K-2 students will practice solving word problems using the problem solving method USAVES (combination of UPSL & SAVE) and various strategies. Students in grades 3-5 will solve problems using the UPSL

Small Group or Independent


Aug 2014

May 2015

George Polya’s Method

Classroom Teachers, Math


5. Students will focus on using concise language and math vocabulary as part of the written response.

Small Group or Independent


Aug 2014

May 2015

Classroom Teachers, Math


Strategy 3 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy Scoring Math Problem Solving Susan O’Connell:

http://www.heinemann.com/products/E01105.aspx; http://www.heinemann.com/products/E00970.aspx

George Polya’s Method: http://math.berkeley.edu/~gmelvin/polya.pdf

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Student Self-Check for

Grades K-5

1. Teachers will model for students how to use the problem solving rubric, the SAVE acronym, and evaluate their concise writing.

Direct Instruction

Aug 2014

May 2015

Susan O’Connell &

Polya’s Method

Classroom Teachers, Math IS

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2. Students will self-check and assess their concise writing with the SAVE and USAVES acronym

Small Group or Independent


Aug 2014

May 2015

Classroom Teachers, Math IS

3. Teachers will meet to analyze and discuss and score student work to guide instruction.

Grade Level Groups

Aug 2014

May 2015

Classroom and special area


Strategy 4 Name/Brief Title Research Cites Supporting Efficacy of Strategy Everyday Math Series http://www.everydaymath.com/research-and-success/

Activity Name

Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date

End Date

Resource Assigned

Staff Responsible

Everyday Math

for Grades 1-2

1. Teachers will use Unit Tests in Everyday Math to identify students who need intervention in specific skills. Instruction will incorporate models of proficient problem solving, verbalization of thought processes, guided practice with scaffolding, corrective feedback and frequent review.

Assessment Sept 2014

May 2015

Everyday Math

Classroom Teachers

2. Classroom teachers and Math IS provide additional support in identified skill areas for struggling students.

Small Group Sept 2014

May 2015

Everyday Math

Classroom Teachers

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Goal 2: Staff Development Plan to Support SMART Goals

Activity Name Training/Staff Development Begin Date

End Date

Resources & Allocated Time

enVision Math - MDIS 1st training - October 2014– How to use MDIS for Math IS and Core Teachers (Grades 3-5)

2nd training –December 2014 – Training on reviewing results of assessments and interventions

Aug 2014

Dec 2014

Early Release

UPSL Model by George Polya

How to use Polya’s UPSL method in teaching problem solving to the student

Oct 2014

Dec 2015

Early Release Dates, Collaboration

Susan O’Connell Training on problem solving strategies, modeling strategies, using manipulatives, and supporting

students’ efforts.

Oct 2014

Dec 2014


Using SAVE Model and Grading Student


Fidelity of Scoring Aug 2014

May 2015


Goal 2: Evidence (How SMART goals will be measured)

System-wide Assessment(s) Grade Levels Month(s) Administered Goal to achieve success TN – Math Top Two Quarters Grade 3-5 February 4th Grade – 65%

5th Grade – 80% Scoring in the Top Two

Quarters TN – Math Bottom Quarter Grade 3-5 February 4th Grade – 5%

5th Grade – 5% Scoring in the Bottom Quarter

TN – Math OPI Problem Solving and Reasoning High Mastery

Grade 3-5 February 3rd Grade – 88% 4th Grade – 55% 5th Grade – 70%

School Selected Grade Levels Month(s) Administered Goal to achieve success

GA/AL District CSI Action Plan 22 Version -1/27/15

Page 23: Continuous School Improvement Action Plan SY 2014-2015 · Action Plan SY 2014-2015 . GA/AL District CSI Action Plan 1 Version -1/27/15. ... Identify struggling readers from BAS (1-2)

Assessment(s) Everyday Math Local

Assessment K-2 K- January and May

1-2 –August and May Baseline year

enVision Math Assessment 3-5 August and May Baseline year Math Checklist K August and May Baseline year

Problem Solving K-5 August, January, and May K – 80% 1st Grade – 55% 4th Grade – 75% 5th Grade – 70%

scoring in meet or exceeds expectations

SMI 1-2 September and May Baseline year

GA/AL District CSI Action Plan 23 Version -1/27/15