Learn why marrying your Content Creation and Social Syndication strategies will result in your most productive, cost efficient, marketing channel. Content Marketing Social Media + 101 Chalk it up! eBook: Relaborate Content Marketing Simplified 10/4/2012 “Think of Social Media as a fishing pole and Content Marke9ng as bate without one or the other your going to have trouble catching many fish.” –Michael Neu, Head of Product for Relaborate

Content + social

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Learn why marrying your Content Creation and Social Syndication strategies will result in your most productive, cost efficient, marketing channel. �

Content Marketing Social Media

+ 101

Chalk it up!


Relaborate Content Marketing Simplified




Intro: The marketing landscape has shifted dramatically in recent years. While the end marketing goal of filling the sales funnel has remained the same, the best strategies for accomplishing that goal have evolved. ��Companies that have continued to focus their marketing spend on Outbound Marketing tactics; TV commercials, print adds, and cold calling, have realized that the cost per conversion channels have risen over time. ��Companies who have transitioned to comprehensive Inbound Marketing strategies (social media, content marketing, and SEO) have witnessed their marketing costs decrease, while their reach, leads, and conversion rates skyrocket. �

Solid understanding of content marketing �

Solid understanding of social media syndication �

Best practices for both�

Strong grasp of how the two influence your company's SEO�

And learning how marrying the two strategies together will be your most effective, cost efficient marketing strategy with a myriad of ancillary benefits that follow.�

The Goals of this eBook:

Content Marketing

What is Content �Marketing?�

�Benefits of

Content Marketing �

�Content Marketing Hurdles �

�Search Engines

Love Content Marketing �

�Content Marketing �

Tips and Tricks �



The creation and dissemination of valuable, relevant, impactful information with the intention of attracting, engaging and acquiring potential consumer bases. Content Marketing is the driving force behind successful inbound marking, SEO, social media, brand loyalty, lead generation and customer action. ��Be the Instead of chasing after consumers, attempting to sell your services or products, you are producing relevant information that attracts targeted consumers to you. This empowers potential customers to make knowledgeable purchase decisions while simultaneously builds trust and respect for your brand as a thought leader in your perspective industry. �

The Facts

Blogs on company sites result in 55% more visitors.

Companies with blogs receive 97% more inbound links.

of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads.

of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on its site. Blogs give sites 434% more indexed pages.





Content marketing:



The creation and dissemination of valuable, relevant, impactful information with the intention of attracting, engaging and acquiring potential consumer bases. Content Marketing is the driving force behind successful inbound marking, SEO, social media, brand loyalty, lead generation and customer action. ��Be the Instead of chasing after consumers, attempting to sell your services or products, you are producing relevant information that attracts targeted consumers to you. This empowers potential customers to make knowledgeable purchase decisions while simultaneously builds trust and respect for your brand as a thought leader in your perspective industry. �

The Facts

Blogs on company sites result in 55% more visitors.

Companies with blogs receive 97% more inbound links.

of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads.

of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on its site. Blogs give sites 434% more indexed pages.





Content marketing:



The growth in mobile, search engines, and social media have vastly altered how people consume and filter their options prior to making purchase decisions. People in 2011 consumed an average of 10.4 different sources on information before making a purchase decision. This is a giant leap form the 5.4 sources of information people viewed before making decisions in 2010. The funnel has fragmenting into various touch points that affect the users purchase decisions.

Funnel Fragmentation

Good content marketing is knowing: •  What topics your company should write about.�•  Who in your network is most qualified speak on each topic.�•  What types of content are appropriate for each topic.�•  Where your audience expects to find the content. �•  How can you expand the reach and value of each piece of

content. �

‘s are a Changing

Social is Overlapping and Intertwined: Because content marketing is the creation of valuable information with the intent of attracting targeted leads, by definition social media is an actual type of content marketing. Social media also acts a catalyst for topic ideation and a syndication tool for other forms of content. For these reasons companies tend to treat social media as its own entity. For the sake of this eBook and your own marketing efforts I challenge you to think of social media as both a type content marketing and a catalyst to amplify your other content creation efforts. �

Because consumers are influenced by more sources of info during their purchase decision than ever before the need for a solid content marketing strategy has become paramount. Good content should be repurposed into different forms and syndicated across the appropriate channels in order to meet consumers at as many of these touch points as possible.%

Referral Traffic: Creating and stimulating conversations in your industry will lead to other sources linking and referring to your content. ��Boost SEO: Search engines reward fresh relevant content. Individual pieces of content will rank for a variety of keywords while your entire web presence will gain relevance in the eyes of search engines overtime.�

Reputation and Sentiment Management: When consumers read your material and find value in it without you pushing your products or services on to the consumer, you build a reputation with that consumer and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. You gain credibility and trust with brand loyalty soon to follow. �

Low Costs: Costs per conversion for inbound is 1/3 the cost per conversion for outbound marketing.��Strengthen Partnerships: Highlighting partners and bringing on reputable guests broadens your audience and adds extra value to the companies you partner with.�

Fill the Sales Funnel: Delivering high-quality, valuable content to prospective consumers drives profitable customer action. �

Benefits of Content marketing

Supply Your Social feed: What good is a strong social following if the majority of the links and post you are providing direct traffic away from your site?�

(Highly Targeted -Leads from Inbound Marketing are 5x more likely to convert to a sale than out bound marketing tactics)�

What to write: When met with the task of composing company content sometimes even the most experienced members simply don’t know what to write. A good way to draw up ideas is by reading articles that are already being shared in your industry and assessing what valuable insights you can you add to the conversations already taking place. Also take note of frequently asked questions and misconceptions in your industry. � Time from Executives: Executives usually have the expertise to carry the voice of their brand but are to busy to spend half a day working on a blog post.� Consistency: Producing content on a consistent basis is vital to building and maintaining an audience. Doing so is difficult. Create an editorial calendar and build up a stock pile of content so the process isn’t rushed and you can survive even the most hectic work months. � Syndication Efforts: You can be the best writer in your industry but if you don’t put your material in places where it can be easily found and shared then your efforts will be in vain. (A big reason why content marketing and social media go together like fresh baked cookies and a glass of milk.)�


Content marketing Hurdles

Producing valuable content consistently can be difficult for any company. It requires a high level of focus, participation, and dedication.

To truly understand the value of Content Marketing you first need a little background in Search Engine Optimization.�

SEO 101: %

Search: If a consumer needs a product or service they use a search engine to find what they are looking for. ��Social: Social media has knocked down the walls of consumer and corporate engagement and exponentially amplified the concept of “word of mouth”. ��Mobile: The rapped growth in mobile, has taken these searches and points of engagement and made them instantaneous and continuous. ��Content: These three monumental factors have created the perfect storm for Content Marketing to emerge as a primary marketing need for companies. ��

Age of Information:

& reward sites that produce fresh, relevant content.

billion searches are made on Google each day.�

of people rely on Search Engines as the primary source to learn about products and services they need and want.��of clicks are from organic not paid search.��of queries don’t have paid results at all.�

The Facts

Search engines Fresh Content

Keywords: The words users type into Google and Bing when making a search query.��Search Engine Page Results (SERPS): Once a search is made a SERP is the page of results that appear. They are usually made up of two types; Paid Results and Organic Results. ��Paid Results: The top 3 results (pink background) and the right sidebar are paid ads purchased by companies on Google AdWords. (Content marketing has no effect on these results)��Organic Results: Search Engines take the keywords that users type into the search bar and run them through a complicated algorithm. Organic results are the results that these search engines display in the order that they believe are most relevant based on your keyword search. �






Search Engine Algorithms take into consideration\

How relevant is the content in the page. How reputable is the website. (your site builds credibility over time) How often are variations the keywords found on the page. How well do the keywords match the page title. How recent was the page created. How many people have linked to the page. Who has linked to your page. Ex: If CNN links to your blog post that carries more weight than if Joe Shmo links to your post. How long does the average person stay on your page.

A solid Content Marketing strategy leveraged by a comprehensive Social Media strategy is THE BEST way for your company’s website to rise in organic search engine result rankings and rank for the widest variety of keyword terms. After looking at some of the factors in the algorithm its clear why.�

What Factors


SERP Rankings Rising in SERP’s is a long tail process, but is well worth the effort. Consider the volume of searches in your industry in a year and the margins of single sale for your company. Even moving up even a single position can equate to a huge increase in revenue. �

Adobe Social | adobe.com www.adobe.com/ The first End-to-End Social Marketing

Social Listening Tools www.slideshare.net/rosiesiman/social-listening-tools-10616610 Feb%16,%2012%–Like this presentation? Subscribe to Rosie’s T3 – The…

50 Free Social Media Tools You Can’t Live Without Thenextweb.com/Socialmedia/…./50-mostly-free-social-media-tools Mar%18,%2012%–Specific listening tools. Each of the major social med...

10 Social Media Listening Tools You Haven’t Heard About www.business2comunity.com/social…/10-social-media-listen-repor.. Jun%7,%2012%–It’s time for another round-up of interesting players in the.

Social media listening tool comparison –Smart Insights… www.mashable.com/comparing-top-social-media-listening-tools-10410 Dec%3,%2011%–Which social listening tools are right for my company. I...

The Art of Social Listening: 7 Tools to Improve this task … socialmediatoday.com/…/art-social-listening-7-tools/…10021032100… Mar%5,%2012%–Think you cant afford a good social media management…

No-Cost Social Media Listening Tools | Geekwire www.geekwire.com/…/no-cost-listening-tools/…/10612032100… May%11,%2012%–Social media listening tools that will improve your...

Socialmedia-listening - Tools socialmedia-listeing.wikispaces.com/Tools Jan,%29%2012%–Social media listening tools that will improve your...

Listening Tools for Social Media Monitoring – Janet Fouts Janetfouts.com/listen/ July%20,%2012%–A list of social media monitoring tools I’ve tried myself…










1 �

2 �

3 �

4 �

5 �

6 �

7 �

8 �

Tips and Tricks Editorial Calendar: Input important dates, events, and releases into your calendar build a schedule around those dates. ��Stock Pile: Build up a stock pile of content that has been approved for publish, that way if your company runs into a busy week your blog doesn’t suffer. ��Collaborate: Often times the experienced thought leaders inside companies are to busy to write the company content. Having a young capable writer collaborate with that executive to produce and syndicate the content allows your company to maintain a voice that reflects the intelligence and experience inside the company.��Make it a priority: To see results with an inbound strategy, you will need to jump in with both feet. Managing your company blog, and social accounts requires planning, collaboration and dedication. ��Timing: Publish your blog content in the morning. 7am is the optimal time to post because other writers can reference your article in their own work, and your post will still be fresh for the 9am spike in reading audience. ��Frequency: Sites that produce more than one article a day receive more inbound links than sites that don’t. For some companies one a day might not be possible so aim for three a week. �

Social Media

The Value of a “Like” or “Follow”�

�Facebook Done

Right ��

Twitter Done Right ��

Google+ Done Right ��

LinkedIn Done Right �




Jay z%Beyoncé

David%Victoria +


+ Michelle

Solid Content%Social Syndication


Power Couples

Of 2013

Social Media has emerged as a monumental force in the marketing world. An estimated 80% of all small to medium size companies have a social media presence. SMB’s are estimated to spend around 3.9 billion in social media marketing in 2013. This trend isn’t just a flash in the pan. � Reasons for Spend on Social 1.  Consumers spend their time on social media platforms. �2.  Consumers value the opinions of their peers.�3.  The reach of messaging on social platforms in unprecedented.�4.  Social Media allows consumers to interact directly with companies.�5.  Consumer info is abundant allowing companies to precisely target

their customer base.�

The BIG question: What is the ROI of a “Like” on Facebook or a “Follow” on Twitter?

Depending on how you are leveraging your channels the answer to that question can be quite different. ��•  If your company is using their social channels to engage with your clients and spread your web content then the value of growing your social following is immense. ��•  If your company is only using their social channels to link to other articles in your industry and reply to disgruntled customers then the girth of your social audience doesn’t hold nearly as much value. �

Understand each channel is When used correctly, social media can be an extremely powerful asset, to the branding, community management, and outreach of any company. If you can understand a few key concepts surrounding the major social platforms then all of your companies’ engagement moving forward can be deliberate and impactful. �

Social Media:

? ? ? ? ?


Behind the Scene There is a reason why people spend more time on Facebook than any other sight on the internet. Making their user experience as fun and engaging as possible is a BIG reason why. ��The newsfeed is where consumers spend 46% of their time on Facebook and where almost 80% of all information on Facebook is consumed. In order to make users newsfeed experience as pleasant as possible Facebook created an algorithm called Edge Rank. �

of all US Internet visits in April 2012 were to facebook.com. billion visits a week. Facebook averaged more than 229 million US visits a day for the year-to-date. is the average visit time on Facebook. most searched term on the internet is Facebook. 0f Facebook users never revisit fan and company pages after “liking” them.

The Facts



20 min



Edge Rank is an algorithmic filter that works to put the most interesting info in each users newsfeed. Considering 96% of Facebook users never revisit fan and company pages after “liking” them; showing up in as many newsfeeds as possible is VERY important. �How it works:

Edge Rank

Page Rank Increase: If you post to your companies wall and that post receives a lot of “likes” “shares” and “comments” then your edge rank will increase, and the next time your company posts something it will show up in more initial users newsfeeds.� Page Rank Decrease: If you post something to your company’s wall and it receives hardly any “likes” “shares” or “comments” then your company’s edge rank will drop and the next time you post from your company’s page the post will show up in even fewer initial newsfeeds. � Individual Content: If a particular post receives high engagement then that individual post will have a longer life and show up in more news feeds. If a piece of content doesn’t receive engagement after being posted then its life span will be short and will not show up in as many newsfeeds.� Individual Connections: Users newsfeeds are populated by info from users and companies they have interacted with in the past. The more frequent and recent the interactions the higher the chance that your post will show up in that particular newsfeed.��Influencer Focus: Receiving engagement from users with a high edge rank is more beneficial because more users “care” about those users interactions. Interactions made by that high profile user naturally shows up in more users news feeds than a user with a lower edge rank.�

Follow these tricks Develop authentic voice: Be personable, and open. Facebook users want to engage with humans not robots.� Kick start your posts: Have advocates of your page (friends or employees that are not admins) engage with ALL of your posts to gain early traction.� Do your research: Become aware of other companies successful campaigns, contests, apps, and post types, then asses whether they would work with your brand. (check out mashable.com and geekwire.com for new examples)�%

If its dry, it wont fly: Only post to your company page if your content is interesting enough to draw engagement. (A low engagement post can hurt your edge rank.)��Engage, engage, engage: Ask questions, listen, and be responsive. Every two way conversation is a golden opportunity to deepen relationships, build loyalty, and boost edge rank.�

Timing and frequency matter: The best time to post to Facebook is in the mornings and late evenings. The optimal amount for company pages to post is once every two days. � Learn from insights: Facebook.com/insights can be your best friend. Compare ongoing, posts, pages, campaigns, and apps. See what is working and what is not. Set goals and find advocates.�

Share don’t sell: Highlight your company culture and syndicate blog posts that bring value to your audience. Having rewards for customers that engage with your brand is good, trying to hard-sell customers is bad. �


The Facts

million registered users on Twitter.

billion Tweets flying across the Twittersphere every day.

of users say they follow a brand on twitter for special offers/deals.

of users are likely to recommend a brand they follow to others.

of the 100 fortune global companies post daily news and updates.

of users are more likely to purchase from a brand they follow.

What Makes users Retweet







How users Access



Twitter.com�Mobile App �3rd Party Site �

How Users Decide Who to Follow




Suggested by Friends�

Online Search�Suggested by

Twitter �Promotions�

Follow these tricks

A different beast:�Twitter and Facebook are much different platforms and should be treated as such. Twitter has no algorithm that filters your posts from your audience. If you tweet it, it will show up in your all of you followers twitter feeds. So throw caution to the wind. ��Only 1 twitter risk: If you use Twitter to constantly sell your brand without providing much value to you audience then some of your followers might un-follow your company. Besides that if you have something of value to share, then tweet, tweet, tweet away. Follow to get followed: Use followerwonk.com, its free. Find influencers in your industry follow them. Engage with them. Half will follow you back. In a month you can unfollow some of the ones who don’t. � Reciprocity is the recipe: Retweet and reply to influencers tweets and in time they will likely do the same for you. People take pride in their tweets so showing some twitter love goes a long way.� Hash tag # A great way to get more visibility is to use hash tags. Find out which ones are being used in your industry and apply when applicable. �%Twitter tools: You can use third party twitter sites like tweetdeck.com and hootsuite.com let you organize the handles you follow into categories, while bit.ly.com allows you to shorten your links to give you more room to write something twitteriffic.��


The Facts

of top 100 brands have a presence

Million users and counting

of users log on to Google + on a daily basis

of users engage on a weekly basis

Tips and Tricks





Reason to Consider: Google+ might not be as robust as other social media platforms, but there are still a few reasons to strongly consider Google + for your business. �

Google indexes your site more quickly boosting SEO.�

Integration with all of Google’s other tools make for a personalized engagement. �

Search results are effected by your friends on Google + �

Share others content: Identify influencers and share their content. If there are topics you can expand upon, do so in the form of a blog post, make sure to reference the influencers, and the content with them. They will most likely share your post as well. � Add formating to your posts: Spend the time to format your posts, with bold, italics and underscores when appropriate to make your posts stand out. �%Post your content: Posting company content on Google+ is highly under utilized. Your audience is targeted and qualified. �


The Facts

of Fortune 500 companies have an executive with a LinkedIn account million plus companies have LinkedIn Company Pages. of members say linkedIn helps them develop relationships and grow new business. million unique publishers actively using the LinkedIn Share button on their sites millon business leads were generated in 2011 via Linked In members use Linked in to keep on business news or research companies %







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Tips and Tricks

Treat connections like relationships: Make an effort to build a relationship with influencers and companies before trying to make the LinkedIn connection. If you are trying to use someone for their name they will most likely see right threw that. � Update often: Encourage your peers and your company page to update their profiles each time something significant happens inside the company. It is a great way to attract talent to your organization and targeted leads.�%Get a short URL: Go to gplus.to to get a nickname. A short and sweet URL will be easy to remember and share. �

The Marriage


Goals of Social and Content are one in the same�

Social needs Content �

Content Needs Social�

�Conclusion �



Goals for SM and CM


Brand Awareness: Social Media aims to spread awareness through “word of mouth”, Content Marketing spreads brand awareness through sharing and search. � Brand Loyalty: Social builds relationship through engagement, content builds respect through thought leadership and providing added value.� Search Visibility: Search engines reward fresh valuable content. Search engines deem content valuable if it receives a high volume of visits, and is linked to and shared often (Social Media’s bread and butter).� Reputation Management: Both social and content are outward facing. Consumers form opinions about your brand based on both. � Enhance PR: Companies that are mentioned by reputable sources do so by creating content of their own, highlighting other thought leaders, and by staying involved in the conversations happening in their industry. � Facilitate Customer Service: Social Media deals directly with consumers while a portion of the content that your company creates should be answering commonly asked questions to prevent future confusion. � Building Community: “Follows” and “Likes” lay the ground work for syndicating valuable content to a growing audience on a consistent basis. � Lead Generation/Drive Sales: Although neither strategies are direct this is the end goal for both strategies and is the ultimate result of accomplishing all other goals.

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Content needs Social


Giving your content legs: If you write a stellar piece of content but no one knows it exists than what is the point? Syndicating your content across your social channels puts your content in front of an audience. If that audience reads the article and finds enough value in it to share it with their audience, then the article can begin to spread through the social web. ���������Mean while search engines are tracking your content and indexing how long users are staying on your content, and how many people are sharing your link. Because your content is being passed along social channels it is also climbing in SERP rankings. Now users that are searching on keywords used in your piece of content are stumbling across your article and reading it. A percentage of your audience that found your content on a search engines will then share your link with their social audience amplifying your message in a viral nature.�

Let Social fuel your content: Staying engaged with you consumer base on social channels, taking notice of frequently asked questions, and the topics that are trending in your industry can always spark content creation ideas. �

Social needs Content


- Mike Volpe, CMO of HubSpot �

“Without content a social media campaign is hollow.” �

Social with a purpose: Growing your community for your social channels should only be one of eight goals surrounding your social media efforts. Content syndication and calls to action give your social channels purpose.� Don’t Echo Conversations, Expand Them: Sharing and retweeting articles written by other sources in your industry: �•  Helps grow your community. �•  Drives traffic to the authors site.�•  Establishes your social channel's as a hub for information in your

industry. �Expanding on a topic with a piece of content of your own that references and links to the original article that you can then tweet out: �•  Helps grow your community. �•  Drives traffic to your site and the original author’s site.�•  Establishes your social pages as a hub for information in your

industry. �•  Showcases your companies experience and wisdom �•  Boost your sites SEO �•  Builds relationships with industry influencers. �

Let Content DRIVE your engagement: Consumers rarely engage with or share companies’ posts on social platforms unless the companies' posts provide either, money saving opportunities (coupons and contests), �or links to content that deliver value. �

Take-A Ways Be the magnet: In todays age of information you will have a much easier time attracting qualified leads by increasing your web search and social visibility rather than trying to chase after consumers and attempting to sell them on your product or service. Allow those who are interested to find you. �

Search Engines Love Fresh Content: Creating a stream of fresh relevant content is the best way to improve in SERP rankings and to rank for the widest variety of keywords searches.

Understanding Social: Knowing the nuances of each social platform helps you improve your presence and save time.�

Social Milestones vs. Social Goals: Your goal for social media isn’t to receive “Likes” and “Follows” it is a milestone in the larger focus of generating leads and building brand loyalty.�

Social and Content Need Each Other: Like Batman and Robin, peanut-butter and jelly, brown sugar and oatmeal, without the other the two are incomplete. For either to reach their full potential both strategies need to feed of each other.�

You Have to Give Love to Receive Love: Whether it is in your social media engagement, or content creation, giving recognition to thought leaders is always a good use of time.�

Get Organized: Your company will never be content marketing mavens unless you fully commit, create a calendar around company events and releases, assign an internal advocate who is held accountable for driving the process, stockpile posts, and collaborate. �


90%�Web Traffic�

Outbound/ Paid Inbound/ Earned

$40b $5b Spend Spend

Bibliography "The Anatomy of Content Marketing." Content Plus- Infographic. Content Plus, n.d. Web.

26 Aug. 2012. <http://www.contentplus.co.uk/marketing-resources/infographics/anatomy-of-content-marketing>.��Bennett, Shea. "Twitter Facts And Figures [INFOGRAPHIC]." AllTwitter. Media Bistro, 15 Aug. 2011. Web. 24 Aug. 2012. <http://www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/twitter-facts-figures_b12674>.��Byers, Rebecca. "The Twitter 2012 Infographic Has the Freshest Stats on the Service." TrendHunter.com. N.p., 24 Feb. 2012. Web. 28 Aug. 2012. <http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/twitter-2012-infographic>.��Darrell, Richard. "Twitter 2012: The Projected Stats & Facts [Infographic]." Bit Rebels. N.p., Mar. 2012. Web. 19 July 2012. <http://www.bitrebels.com/social/twitter-2012-the-projected-stats-facts-infographic/>.��Edelen, Candyce. "B2B Sales and Marketing Effectiveness for the Capital Markets." B2B Sales and Marketing Effectiveness for the Capital Markets. DemandGenReport, 11 June 2012. Web. 12 Sept. 2012. <http://www.propelgrowth.com/tag/mike-volpe/>.��Fiorelli, Gianluca. "The Daily SEO Blog." SEOmoz. MOZcon, 24 July 2012. Web. 19 Aug. 2012. <http://www.seomoz.org/blog/the-state-of-content-marketing>.��Fishkin, Rand. "The Daily SEO Blog." SEOmoz. N.p., 20 Aug. 2012. Web. 4 Sept. 2012. <http://www.seomoz.org/blog/announcing-the-2012-seo-industry-survey>. ��McGee, Matt. "Organic Click-Thru Rates Tumbling; Only 52% Click On Page One, Study Suggests." Search Engine Land. N.p., 18 Oct. 2011. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. http://searchengineland.com/organic-click-thru-rates-tumbling-study-97338. ��Pulizzi, Joe. "Why Content Marketing (as a Term) Is All the Rage." Why Content Marketing (as a Term) Is All the Rage. Content Marketing Institute, 1 Mar. 2012. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. <http://blog.junta42.com/2012/03/content-marketing-term/>.��Vidyarthi, Neil. "Who’s Actually Using Google Plus?" Who's Actually Using Google Plus? Socialtimes, 5 Nov. 2011. Web. 5 Sept. 2012. <http://socialtimes.com/whos-actually-using-google-plus-infographic_b86048>.��Zarrella, Dan. "The Science of Social Timing Part 1: Social Networks." The Science of Social Timing. Kissmetrics, Hubspot, 16 June 2011. Web. 26 Sept. 2012. <http://blog.kissmetrics.com/science-of-social-timing-1/>. �









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