The heading ‘INSIDE’ anchors the contents pages however this is not the classical way of portraying the page, it is more modern which could show how rock is developing. The black font draws attention towards the title and this shows that the audience should be engaged by this as it is direct address to look inside the magazine that is why it may The main image is central on the page, allowing everything to fall into place around but this give the image more attention as it could be important, the image uses bright colours allowing it to be the dominant image on the page and the reader is attracted to. The image logo is always on the right hand e on most music magazines as this ows the magazine to be more ognisable to the reader, letting m acknowledge what music magazine is if the contents page was left The colour scheme is very simple by only using red, black and white and this is very simple and contrast from the font therefore this attracts the reader. Different font sizes too therefore I will also be agazine uses three sub-headings ALRS’, ‘FEATURES’ and ‘BAND LIST’ are very bold compared to thing else on the magazine as makes the magazine more guing and allows the reader to what the magazine will hold Each headline uses black and white as this allows the reader to look for things a lot easier, it tells the reader exactly where to look and what will be revealed on that index is used to show different s and artist to see who features in magazine. Columns are used in most magazines for content pages, helps the magazine to be sectione d.

Content analysis

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The heading ‘INSIDE’ anchors the contents pages however this is not the classical way of portraying the page, it is more modern which could show how rock is developing. The black font draws attention towards the title and this shows that the audience should be engaged by this as it is direct address to look inside the magazine that is why it may not use contents. This allowed me to develop my magazine contents page of using ideas by trying to make it more modern but anchoring that it is a ‘contents page’.

The main image is central on the page, allowing everything to fall into place around but this give the image more attention as it could be important, the image uses bright colours allowing it to be the dominant image on the page and the reader is attracted to. The image leaves a mysterious mind of the reader, leading the reader wanting to find out more about the article, e.g. questioning ‘who is this?’

The logo is always on the right hand side on most music magazines as this allows the magazine to be more recognisable to the reader, letting them acknowledge what music magazine it is if the contents page was left alone therefore my logo will also be on the right hand side, next to my ‘content’.

The colour scheme is very simple by only using red, black and white and this is very simple and contrast from the font therefore this attracts the reader. Different font sizes too therefore I will also be using three simple colours, which also connotes rock as these colours do.

The magazine uses three sub-headings ‘REGUALRS’, ‘FEATURES’ and ‘BAND LIST’ which are very bold compared to everything else on the magazine as this makes the magazine more intriguing and allows the reader to know what the magazine will hold inside it and the capital letters follows the genre rock allowing to be striking from the rest of the page.

Each headline uses black and white as this allows the reader to look for things a lot easier, it tells the reader exactly where to look and what will be revealed on that page. Using large, bold text indicates where to look.

Band index is used to show different bands and artist to see who features in the magazine.

Columns are used in most magazines for content pages, helps the magazine to be sectioned.