The artic monkey are the main feature of this issue they will be main key image in front cover also. The artist is shown playing an instrument this clearly represents the genre of music, he also seems very passionate this is further represented by his facial expressions having his eyes closed and holding the guitar tight. The masthead of front cover (name of magazine) is repeated in the content page this reinforces its importance and brand identity that it belongs to a particular magazine. It is also in the colour red, in comparison to the white and black other colours on the page this stands out. The colour black has connotations of unknown being secretive although it also could means having power and control, hanging on to information and things rather than giving out to others, this may be represented by the image through the members only expressing them self to each other and through their music that is why they are passionate when perform. The image also shows another member in background therefore that reinforces that the group are close with each other. the issue date is important as it proves the magazine is relevant and up to date the magazine is more likely to appeal to younger audience who prefer to be up to date. This content page conforms to typical conventions of a content page as it also has different headings for all the different topics inside the magazine, this is a convention used to appeal to the audience as it can offer different people a range of choices so that they are kept interested therefore making them curious to want to repurchase. This is a subscription and contact information it is used to appeal to the loyal target audience as it offers them a ‘save’, this can also be used for the magazine to find out more about its target audience so it makes them aware of the trends that are happening With their audience, Editors letter designed to attract the audience to the main story, gives them hint of what will be inside. The colour scheme is simple similar to the front page as emphasis should only be put in main stories and it needs to look coherent. The page numbers conform to typical content pages it is necessary as they make it easier to get to the section the reader wants to read faster as well as it less time consuming.

Analysis content pages

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Page 1: Analysis content pages

The artic monkey are the main feature of this issue they will be main key image in front cover also. The artist is shown playing an instrument this clearly represents the genre of music, he also seems very passionate this is further represented by his facial expressions having his eyes closed and holding the guitar tight.

The masthead of front cover (name of magazine) is repeated in the content page this reinforces its importance and brand identity that it belongs to a particular magazine. It is also in the colour red, in comparison to the white and black other colourson the page this stands out.

The colour black has connotations of unknown being secretive although it also could means having power and control, hanging on to information and things rather than giving out to others, this may be represented by the image through the members only expressing them self to each other and through their music that is why they are passionate when perform. The image also shows another member in background therefore that reinforces that the group are close with each other.

the issue date is important as it proves the magazine is relevant and up to date the magazine is more likely to appeal to younger audience who prefer to be up to date.

This content page conforms to typical conventions of a content pageas it also has different headings for all the different topics inside the magazine, this is a convention used to appeal to the audience as it can offer different people a range of choices so that they are kept interested therefore making them curious to want to repurchase.

This is a subscription and contact information it is used to appeal to the loyal target audience as it offers them a ‘save’, this can also be used for the magazine to find out more about its target audience so it makes them aware of the trends that are happening With their audience, this allows the magazine to stay up to date.

Editors letter designed to attract the audience to the main story, gives them hint of what will be inside.

The colour scheme is simple similar to the front page as emphasis should only be put in main stories and it needs to look coherent. The page numbers conform to typical content pages it is necessary as they make it easier to get to the section the reader wants to read faster as well as it less time consuming.

Page 2: Analysis content pages

The content colour is the same as the other main sections of information on the content page this represents their importance

The issue date and cover date shows that it is a current magazine this will appeal to its target audience, the date being the latest issue out is reinforced by ‘this week’. This will make its audience more eager to want to purchase and read as they will be the few first to find out the latest news and updates.

The main image is the main story on this issue, he is represented to be confident this is shown by his smile and direct eye contact with audience, however the glasses hide half his face this represents connotations of the colour black. The colour black connotes being secretive having your face hidden reinforces this furthermore having gloves and having dark glasses is as if he wasn’t to hide his identity this could be trying to make the audience feel fearful. This magazine is a rock magazine, the dark colours do represent the genre of music.

The magazine name is in the content page this creates brand identity, it also makes it coherent with the front cover. It shows that they are apart of one magazine.

The subscription is there to appeal to the loyal consumer, so that they feel the magazine is interested in their opinion and their current habits And likes/ dislikes.

The sub images give importance to the other articles apart from the main one it also gives the audience more hints about what the articles are going to include.The editors letter gives the reader an idea of the

view they have therefore the type of article they are likely to have written.

Page 3: Analysis content pages

‘top billin’ is where people can find out moreabout updates on music they can also download online.However billin sounds like billion this is represented by the key Image having money all over the floor. This suggest that the artistIs rich the ‘top’ further suggest he is very rich this is reinforced by Him standing on money as if it has no worth to him.

This magazine name is included this creates brand identity, although it is not emphasised through size this suggests that the rest of the information is morerelevant on this issue.

The artist facial expressions suggests he is confident this is represented by the direct eye contact, it also aims to make the reader fearful as if he will do anything to maintain his position.

‘Top’ is represented by him standing on top of money,Top could also have a hidden meaning such as him being at the top of his profession, he has accomplished his aims that is why he has the money it is a reward for his hard work. The brief case reinforces the money has been achieved through hard work.

‘billin’ could be abbreviated or slang for billion This represents the genre of music being R&B or rap.

This content page does conform to typical content page as it divides its stories into catogiries,

This content page does not conform to typical content page conventions as it does not use bold colours to highlight the main stories this suggest that the main image is the key story that is why it takes up most of the page.It also does not have ‘content’ written this could be because ‘top billin’ has reference to content but only its audience who have interest will understand.

The simple typography and the mice en scene such as clothing being simple could be representing the artist personality, even though he has got money he chooses not to show it of by material things.