Page 24 of 24 Contact Information: The Partnership office is open: Monday - Friday, 9:00 – 12:00pm. Tuesday 8.30 – 11.30am The office number is 01793 874221. The office e-mail is: [email protected] To publicise any News or Events in the next edition of In Partnership covering September, please send them to the office no later than 19 August. The address for correspondence is: The Partnership Office, Holy Trinity Church, Shaw Village Centre, SWINDON, SN5 5PY. The editor’s e-mail address is: [email protected] The Partnership web site is http://www.wswinlyd.org.uk Partnership Team Minister: Revd Capt Clive Deverell On extended study leave Curate on secondment: Revd Trevor Day Email: [email protected] Tel: 01793 875373 or Mobile: 07918 125826 Partnership Youth Worker: Claire Camm Email: [email protected] Tel: 07981 951381 Partnership Primary Age Schools Worker: Gayle Bryon Email: [email protected] I I n n P P a a r r t t n n e e r r s s h h i i p p J J u u l l y y / / A A u u g g u u s s t t 2 2 0 0 1 1 5 5

Contact Information: In Partnership · 2015-06-30 · Partnership Primary Age Schools Worker: Gayle Bryon Email: [email protected] In Partnership July/August 2015 . Page

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Page 1: Contact Information: In Partnership · 2015-06-30 · Partnership Primary Age Schools Worker: Gayle Bryon Email: gayleschoolswork@gmail.com In Partnership July/August 2015 . Page

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Contact Information:

The Partnership office is open: Monday - Friday, 9:00 – 12:00pm. Tuesday 8.30 – 11.30am The office number is 01793 874221. The office e-mail is: [email protected]

To publicise any News or Events in the next edition of In Partnership covering September, please send them to the office no later than 19 August.

The address for correspondence is: The Partnership Office, Holy Trinity Church, Shaw Village Centre, SWINDON, SN5 5PY.

The editor’s e-mail address is: [email protected] The Partnership web site is http://www.wswinlyd.org.uk

Partnership Team Minister: Revd Capt Clive Deverell On extended study leave Curate on secondment: Revd Trevor Day Email: [email protected] Tel: 01793 875373 or Mobile: 07918 125826 Partnership Youth Worker: Claire Camm Email: [email protected] Tel: 07981 951381 Partnership Primary Age Schools Worker: Gayle Bryon Email: [email protected]

IInn PPaarrttnneerrsshhiipp



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Do you ever feel you’re running around doing lots of things, but have a nagging feeling that you’re not achieving as much as you’d hoped, or not making such a big difference to people’s lives?

I turned up at the Mix festival last Saturday. Splendid examples of a very wide selection of our communities, all coming together to celebrate art, skill and performance. And quite a lot of people helping. I know it’s a huge amount of work to organise and run and its much appreciated. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was expecting it and looking forward to it? I know our groups of young people change fairly frequently and so will the character of the festival, but I suspect our community groups and local residents expect it to happen and we hope they look forward to it. I would imagine everyone who took part this year will be looking forward to the next one. I’m sure it’s exhausting and frustrating in the planning stages, wondering if it will work, wondering if anyone will turn up, wondering if it really is worthwhile. It takes real strength of character to persevere, to stick at something you know to be right, even when you can’t immediately see the benefits and outcomes. In fact what it takes is Christian Faithfulness.

Recently my aged Aunt, Barbara, hasn’t been well. It’s possible she may not get much better, to the extent that she may not be able to live independently any more. She’d never wanted help from anyone and had lived many miles away from the rest of her (very small) family. So its difficult for her to adjust to needing people around her, she’ll hate it. While she’s in hospital she doesn’t need our practical help apart from someone to help keep her garden in order and sort the piles of post. What she needs is people to show they care by visiting. So I drove to Hereford to collect my Mum, and back, then the next day we drove to Worthing to see my Aunt, and back, then we delivered Mum back to Hereford and drove back. If my sister wants to visit she’s got a 4 hour drive plus traffic each way. That’s the whole family. Visiting Barbara is an epic of logistics, visiting Barbara frequently is almost impossible. Last time we were with her an hour, I helped her eat a meal, she chatted a bit, then she fell asleep. 3 days of work for an hour. It’s frustrating when you can’t immediately see the benefits and outcomes. But of course its right to let an old lady see her family, and know that they love her enough to turn up. So, I’m learning slowly to keep on doing the things I know are right. Keep helping the kids to express themselves, keep visiting the elderly…you

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Please pray for:-

The families fleeing the civil war in Syria.

Partnership Schools Work. PC Meeting on 20 July.

Princess Charlotte

Hurrah! There’s now a princess For royal Will and Kate She’s tiny and defenceless Our joy is very great! We pray that Princess Charlotte Will grow up fit and strong For now, it is but our lot To pray that she lives long.

We pray she’ll be a pleasure The apple of their eye And just as great a treasure As was her grandma Di. By Nigel Beeton


28 June 2015 James William Hadland

28 June 2015 Lillie Sophie Lock


20 June 2015 Joshua Nathan Bauer & Megan Rose Evans

27 June 2015 Michael Daniel Wood & Amanda Jane Harbour


15 June 2015 Mrs Sylvia Saunders

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can write your own list. Even in the frustrating times when you can’t see it “working”, and especially when you’re tired and you don’t see the benefits. Keep on going, because sometimes it’s the Faithfulness that speaks volumes. Sometimes we don’t even get to see the outcomes.

It’s nearly the summer season. Some, who don’t need to wait for school holidays, are away or planning to be away. Nice. For those tied to schools, patience…nearly there!

Christian Faithfulness, however, never takes a break. If you have elderly relatives, even if they have hidden away, do make time to go and visit them. If you don’t have elderly relatives find one, there’s bound to be an old lady in your road who lives alone. Know of anyone who doesn’t get many visitors and would like a cup of tea, an ice-cream or a trip to the sea-side?

Have a good holiday Chris Scarisbrick

Something to smile about: emoji

Emoji has become the fastest growing language in history. That is the

verdict of a linguistics expert, who has studied the spreading

catalogue of 722 digital smiley faces and symbols. So far a staggering

eight out of ten of us have used emoji to communicate with someone.

It seems that many young people find it easier to communicate using

the smartphone icons – which include hearts and food and drink and

an array of facial emotions – rather than words. 72 percent of 18 to

25 year olds say they find it easier to put across their feelings using

emoji rather than words.

According to research by TalkTalk Mobile, the top ten most popular

symbols are: smiley face, cry with laughter, love heart, red-cheeked

face, thumbs up, tongue out face, blowing a kiss, winking face,

confused face, and ‘see no evil’ face.

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Regular activities

2nd Sunday each month

Messy Church 12 July 4 - 5:30pm @ Shaw

09 August 4 - 5:30pm (Games and activities outside St Mary’s)

Every Monday

After School Youth Group Contact Claire Camm 07981951381

3:30 – 6:00pm @ Holy Trinity Shaw

Every Tuesday

Coffee Stop 1:30 – 3:00pm @ Holy Trinity Shaw

Bell Ringing 7-9pm St Mary’s Bell Tower

Remix Youth Group

Contact Claire Camm 07981951381 6:30 – 8:45pm @ Holy Trinity Shaw

4th Tuesday each month

Lunch Bunch 28 July & 25 August

Noon @Toothill

2nd Wednesday of each month

Mothers Union Contact Doreen Henderson 07434377587

08 July & 12 August

2pm @ St Mary’s Stable Room

Every Thursday

Toothill Tinies 10-11:30am @ Toothill

3rd Friday each month

Gen2Gen Contact Claire Camm 07981951381

17 July - None in August

4:00 – 6:00pm @ Holy Trinity Shaw

Nearly omnipotent

The curate was giving his young daughter a cuddle before she went to

bed. As he picked her up and hugged her tight, she said: “Daddy,

you’re so strong! I really think you’ll be God one day!”

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URC SOUTH WESTERN SYNOD RETREAT Abbey House, Glastonbury Friday 18th – Sunday 20thth September 2015

Becoming Attentive and Aware.

Led by Rev’d Ivor Hughes £150 per person

Ivor Hughes writes, “I am reluctant to call this a ‘silent retreat’ in any sense as there will be plenty of words, either written or spoken, for you to mull over. A better description would be to call it a ‘spacious retreat.’ Of course, there will be times and places of silence too. There also will be time and space for worship, reflection and meditation.

Cost of the retreat is £150 payable in full, or as a £50 deposit with the balance payable by 7th September 2015. To book a place on the retreat please complete the attached Booking Form and return with cheque (payable to URC South Western Synod) to: Dinah Firmin, Synod Office, The Manse, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton TA2 6RU, Telephone 01823 275470 [email protected]

Closing date for bookings 17th August 2015.

Booking Form:

Name: …………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………


Telephone number…………………………………………………………………...


Church: ………………………………………………………………………………

Dietary Requirements………………………………………………………………


Please complete and return with cheque (£150 or £50 deposit with balance due by 7

th September) payable to URC South Western Synod to:

Dinah Firmin, Synod Office, The Manse, Norton Fitzwarren, Taunton TA2 6RU, Please note that cancellations after 7

th September will have to be paid for in full. The

Synod has no insurance for this and you are advised to make your own arrangements.

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22 July St Mary Magdalene patron of repentant sinners

It is easy to understand the popularity of Mary Magdalene over the centuries: she is the patron saint both of repentant sinners and of the contemplative life.

Jesus drove seven demons from Mary, who came from near Tiberias in Galilee. She became his follower to the bitter end. She followed him to Jerusalem and was present during the crucifixion, standing heart-broken at the foot of the cross. Her love for Jesus did not end there, for she went to the tomb to anoint his body on the Sunday morning.

Such faithful, humble devotion was richly repaid: it gave her a unique privilege among all mankind: she was the first person to whom the Risen Lord appeared on Easter Sunday morning. She thought he was the gardener at first.

Mary Magdalene has sometimes been identified with the woman who anointed Christ’s feet in the house of Simon (Luke 7:37). Over the centuries many artists have painted this scene. Mary Magdalene’s feast has been kept in the West since the 8th century. England has 187 ancient churches dedicated to her, as well as a College in both Oxford and Cambridge.

Heavenly scents…

There is nothing quite like the smell of freshly baked bread, it seems.

That came top in a recent poll to find Britain’s favourite smells. Other

scents in the Top Ten were: bacon frying, newly mown grass, freshly

ground coffee, cakes baking in the oven, the seaside, just laundered

clothes, a Sunday roast, fish and chips – and fresh flowers.

The Top 50 favourites also included some unusual scents, such as

paint, rain, new books, and petrol. The top worst scents were bins,

drains, body odour, garlic breath, sports changing rooms and fish. The

research by Harris, the decorating brand, also found that six in ten of

us believe that certain scents remind us of particular people or places.

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Vintage Cream Tea Afternoon

Toothill Church Saturday 18th July 2015 2-4pm

Come and enjoy a Vintage afternoon with 40s and 50s music, vintage memorabilia, and cream tea for £2. You may dress in vintage if you wish to do so or just wear a vintage hat (this is all optional).

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

For information contact Debbie on 01793 321677.

Partnership Prayer and Praise

St Mary’s Lydiard Tregoze Sunday 26 July 2015 5.00pm

The theme will be “Power of the Cross”

30 August 2015 5.00pm

The theme for August is “Following Jesus”

All are Welcome This is an opportunity to Pray and Praise together

Mothers Union Quiet Morning

St Mary’s Church Lydiard Tregoze Wednesday 12 August 2015 11.00 am

Coffee and refreshments are available.

At 2.00pm there is the Mothers Union service in St Mary’s Church. Please contact Doreen Henderson on 07434 377587 for more details.

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Super schools Opportunity for all Warmth and welcome Inspirational teachers and children Nativity stories and plays Great big God Swords, shields and statues! Easter Reflections… Engagement, enthusiasm and education

Difficult questions Sharing, singing and silence Openness Friendship Fabulous fun Adventurous assemblies

Imagination and interaction

Talking and teaching Hospitality, happiness and hope Let’s pray together that ourLet’s pray together that ourLet’s pray together that ourLet’s pray together that our seeds will grow into seeds will grow into seeds will grow into seeds will grow into sprouts…sprouts…sprouts…sprouts… PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS WORK 2014-2015

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15 July St Swithun (or Swithin) Saint for a rainy day St Swithun is apparently the saint you can blame for rainy summers. It is said that if it rains on his special day, 15 July, it will then rain for forty days after that. It all began when he was made Bishop of Winchester in 852 by King Ethelwulf of Wessex. It was an important posting: Winchester was the capital of Wessex, and during the 10 years Swithun was there, Wessex became the most important kingdom of England. During his life, instead of washing out people’s summer holidays, and damping down their spirits, Swithun seems to have done a lot of good. He was famous for his charitable gifts and for his energy in getting churches built. When he was dying in 862, he asked that he be buried in the cemetery of the Old Minster, just outside the west door. If he had been left there in peace, who knows how many rainy summers the English may have been spared over the last 1000 years. But, no, it was decided to move Swithun. By now, the 960s, Winchester had become the first monastic cathedral chapter in England, and the newly installed monks wanted Swithun in the cathedral with them. So finally, on 15 July 971, his bones were dug up and Swithun was translated into the cathedral. That same day many people claimed to have had miraculous cures. Certainly everyone got wet, for the heavens opened. The unusually heavy rain that day, and on the days following, was attributed to the power of St Swithun. Swithun was moved again in 1093, into the new Winchester cathedral. His shrine was a popular place of pilgrimage throughout the middle ages. The shrine was destroyed during the Reformation, and restored in 1962. There are 58 ancient dedications to Swithun in England.

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Bishop’s Letter Cost Analysis

Bishop Mike asks whether as Christians we should try emulate and be part of the society around us, or should we take pride in our distinctiveness?

“If the Holy Spirit was withdrawn from the church today, 95 percent of what we do would go on and no one would know the difference. If the Holy Spirit had been withdrawn from the New Testament church, 95 percent of what they did would stop, and everybody would know the difference.” So said AW Tozer. We might quibble over the numbers, but the point is well made.

I don’t know about you but I find his comment challenging. Tozer’s point is this: the temptation for the Church in any age is the temptation to worldliness; to rely on our own effort and to relegate God to the substitutes’ bench. This is a claim that is worthy of scrutiny in the Church today.

I believe that if you were to ask most Christians whether secularism should define the Church or whether the Church should seek to engage secularism, most Christians would choose the latter.

I have often said that one of the big problems for the Church is that we fear being different. The slightly uninspiring outcome is that many 21st century Christians look and behave pretty much like everyone else. In terms of aspiration, lifestyle and the deployment of real faith in God, we are too indistinct. The determined effort of the secularists to obliterate all distinction has had its impact upon the Church.

Of course, the diagnosis of the Church’s ills is oft pronounced. It’s discipleship – we need more of it! For the 40 plus years I have been a Christian it’s been identified as such and yet, despite being in full possession of the diagnosis, the change is minimal. Books, courses, teaching DVDs - they all fail to make the difference that those who write such things imagine they might.

Why is this? Well, the truth is that I have little idea, and I hesitate to offer any observations, but here’s the way my mind has been working. If we don’t understand the price that God paid for our redemption, we will struggle to see discipleship in any terms of personal cost. Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote his memorable book, “The Cost of Discipleship” in the 1940s. It’s still worth a read today. Christian ethics in the final analysis are the ethics of response: response to what God in Christ

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Swindon Women’s Aid 40th Anniversary

Charity Summer Ball

Village Urban Resort, Shaw Ridge, Swindon Saturday 22 August 2015 7.30pm – Midnight

Four course meal, welcome drink, dancing to Good Times, auction and raffle.

£40 per head Black Tie To book go to www.swindonwomensaid.org . Enquiries to Abby on 01793 864984 or email [email protected].

Overnight accommodation available at £74 per room including breakfast & use of leisure facilities. Contact 0871 222 4620 quoting SWIN220815. Offer ends 25/07/2015

Family Fun Day

Lydiard Park Sports Field Saturday 29 August 2015 12.00 – 4.00pm Sports day, Art activities, Tombola, Dog show, Refreshment stalls, Entertainment, Fun for all ages, Face painting, Free entry, Bring a picnic, Charity stalls and much more. Contact Jo Heaven on 01793 864984 or email [email protected] if you require information on stalls or other enquiries regarding this event All proceeds go to supporting Swindon Women’s Aid work with victims of Domestic Violence. (Reg Charity 268048

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Bible Society

Volunteers needed for New Wine, Shepton Mallet Saturday 25 July - Friday 31 July 2015 Sunday 2 August – Saturday 8 August 2015 New Wine is a major Christian festival which attracts over 10,000 delegates each week at Shepton Mallet and Bible Society is looking for 20 volunteers each week to help run the Bible Society Café. You’ll be serving New Wine delegates with tea, coffee and cake all in our dedicated venue – and if it is rainy and cold outside you’ll be asked for numerous hot chocolate mountains! In return for about six hours each day (split over 2 - 3 shifts), you'll get:

• A free New Wine ticket

• Three meals per day, provided by New Wine

• Opportunity to attend worship events and other seminars during down time

• Uniform provided by Bible Society

• Full training You'll need to

• be over 18

• provide your own tent or caravan - yes it's camping!

• be physically fit

• be open to using your faith in serving others

• be prepared to muck in and have fun! So, if you are interested in helping or would like further details then please speak to or email Sandy Richards 01793 418286 [email protected]

Every child should have the opportunity to experience the Bible. Help us ‘Pass It On’ in 2015 biblesociety.org.uk/PassItOn

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has done for us in the events of Calvary almost 2,000 years ago. Unless we get this, we shall never achieve distinctiveness.

It’s interesting how many Christians today and in the past have lost their lives for the sake of their faith. The problem in the Western Church is that such costly discipleship is “all out there somewhere”; the stuff of books about heroic Christian martyrs. It all seems a long way away from much of the “easy believism” of the 21st century Western Church. I think we need to wake up.

Sometimes, when I hear people talk about discipleship, it seems a bit “packaged”. As if it was something you could capture and put into a bottle and then sell to others. I suspect this is a long way away from what is in the minds of those who seek to “bottle” discipleship in courses and books, but these things can only really be, at best, part of the answer. The danger is that we tick the box of a course completed and move on. Discipleship is for life, not just for…

There is something around the idea, exemplified in the way that Jesus ministered, that is to do with teachers who are alongside their pupils and who model the discipleship they teach. It works like this. Jesus taught his disciples and then sent them out to put into practice what they had been taught. He then called them back in for a “feedback” report. Spending time with a fellow disciple who models what they teach is important. Can our lifestyles and the set-up of many churches actually deliver this? That is a very searching question, I believe, for the Church today.

I think discipleship works like this. “What you sow, you will reap.” If nothing gets intentionally planted you will only get weeds (ie “faux” growth that strangles and doesn’t liberate).

Whilst we model this low octane commitment to growth in our discipleship, we shall struggle to have any impact in the face of the tide of secular thinking that threatens to swamp our churches.

It’s time to wake up… +Mike

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Nepal Earthquake

Three months after the Nepal earthquake, the people still need your help (desperately!)

In July it will be just three months on from the massive earthquakes in Nepal. While the first earthquake's epicentre was between Kathmandu and Mount Everest, the second one struck near Kodari in Nepal. Between them, the damage done will take years to clean-up and rebuild. Here is a selection of Christian agencies who are working in Nepal to help; you may wish to consider supporting them.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) helped facilitate helicopter teams to take off or land on average every 18 minutes during daylight hours. As the weeks pass, MAF is helping move relief teams around the difficult terrain of Nepal. Details: www.maf-uk.org

Samaritan’s Purse sent 18 metric tons of food and 42 tons of relief goods such as 2,500 kitchen kits, 16,000 blankets and 148 large family tents. To help with clean water, sanitation and hygiene, thousands of jerry cans and hundreds of thousands of aquatabs were also sent to Kathmandu http://samaritans-purse.org.uk/nepal-earthquake-2015

TEAR Fund was already working with long-term partners in Nepal, and moved quickly to provide shelter, food and sanitation for the survivors. Much work needs to be done in the months ahead, again through the long-term experienced partners on the ground. Details at: www.tearfund.org/en/latest/nepal_earthquake/

The Salvation Army Salvation Army, Booth House, 1 Spring Close,Swindon, SN1 2BF Friday 14th August from 12.30 - 4.30pm

The Salvation Army's Homeless Centre, Booth House is opening their doors to anyone who would like to find out more about their work. There will be an opportunity to talk to staff and residents, sample food from The Sandwich People and also take advantage of a free safety check for your bike at recycles.

As it was150 years ago this year that the Salvation Army was founded in London by William and Catherine Booth. This could be a good time to visit. The invitation is to over 18s. We hope to see you there.

For more details please call Liz Osborne, Service Manager Tel: 01793 401830

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New URC Group Gathering Many of you will by now be aware that the Synod decided at its last meeting in March to go ahead with forming 5 Areas or Groups. (I realise the name Area will cause confusion in the United Area so any alternative name would be very welcome.) These groups will not have any legal standing like the old Districts and so will not be able to make policy decisions. However the main conclusion that came out of the Synod Review was that many churches felt isolated, they missed meeting with other churches to share stories, good practice and to be able to socialise. The new groups hope to address this. Each group will have its own Synod Pastoral Adviser (SPA), who will organise twice yearly gatherings. The idea is that these will be held alternately with the meetings of Synod and so be in the summer and winter. All the Synod staff will be available to come to the gatherings and could be used to give talk/ training on what they do. (This was another request from some churches.) Your group will include all the united Area and all the churches in Swindon and North Wilts. This is a fairly large area and so I propose that the gatherings be held in various churches with one meeting a year probably in the United Area and the other in Swindon/Wilts. To that end I have planned the first one to be in St Andrew’s Devizes on Saturday 18th July from 15.00 to 18.00. Hopefully it will include a short service, a discussion on how people see the future of the gathering, a talk with questions from the Synod Treasurer on Trustee and Treasury matters and, most important of all TEA. I also hope to include at each gathering some Good News Stories from the Churches. I know the United Area are familiar with this as it happens at their Area meeting. The exciting thing about the gatherings is that they are for EVERYONE, not just Ministers and representatives from the churches. All can come. Janet Gray URC Synod Pastoral Adviser

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Farewell Service

Rev Ward Jones has been Chair of the Bristol Methodist District for 17 years and as you know, is "sitting down" this year after 39 years in ministry. A Farewell Service for Ward and Linda is being held at Clifton Cathedral Clifton Park, Bristol BSB 3BX on Sunday, July 12th at 3.30pm.

This is a chance for people from all over the district to join together to give thanks for Ward's ministry and for his service to the Methodist Church. Those taking part will include Bishop Declan Lang and Rev Steve Wild. There is a car park at Clifton Cathedral but this will only be available for special guests who have been personally invited by Ward. Please get to Clifton in good time to find a parking space-we have been assured that parking will be available in the roads surrounding the Cathedral and that the local Residents Parking Scheme does not operate on a Sunday. Attendees are encouraged to car share. After the service, refreshments are being served in the main hall at Clifton High School in College Road which is a two minute walk from the Cathedral.

We hope that this service will be a real celebration of Ward's ministry and that as many people as possible will be able to share in the day. lf you have any queries regarding the service please contact Rev Mandy Briggs on 0117 926 4740 or via education @ newroombristol.org.uk

Bath Male Choir

Saturday 20 July 2015 Aled Jones will be singing in Bath Abbey as guest of the Bath Male Choir. The concert is being organised to support the Teacup Appeal at the wonderful Three Ways School, which provides excellent support for your people from across the area with learning difficulties and disabilities.

Tickets available from Bath Box Office on 01225 463362 Nave £35/£25m aisle, wall and stalls from £10


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Join us for Cream Tea in the Garden at

Brandy Bush, Brookfield, Highworth Saturday 4th of July. Call in anytime between 2.30pm-5pm

Tea in china cups and as many scones and cakes as you can eat! Great value for a suggested donation of £5. There will be croquet, boules, tombola, a plant sale and this year......a quiz. We will also be serving Pimms at £1 per glass if you fancy a little summer tipple. (RSVP 01793 764979)

God's Trees Trees, forests and wood in the Bible, Bible Lands and how they were used. An illustrated presentation by Professor Julian Evans OBE, President of the Institute of Chartered Foresters. Author of the much acclaimed book "God's Trees”

Community Centre@Christ Church, Cricklade Street, Old Town Sunday, 5th July 3 – 5 pm Tickets £5 to include tea and cakes

Organisers – Friends of Christ Church, Old Town and Swindon Allotments & Leisure Gardens Association For tickets and details please contact Parish Office on 522832 - email [email protected] Or Jan Flanagan (SALGA) on 523048 Please contact Angela on email [email protected]

Choral and Organ Concert

St Marks Church, Church Place, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 5EH Saturday 18 July at 7pm A mixed choir, accompanied and directed by Peter Eyles and Tim Eyles, will be performing choral works ranging from the 16th century to the 21st century. The concert will also feature solo organ pieces by J.S. Bach, F.A. Guilmant and William Mathias. Admission is free and there will be a retiring collection for St Mark's Church. There will be a cheese and wine buffet following the concert.

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Church Services in the Partnership

St Mary’s Lydiard Tregoze

Date Time Form

05 July 10:00am Morning Service

12 July 10:00am Holy Communion followed by Baptism

19 July 10:00am Family Service

26 July 10:00am Holy Communion

26 July 5:00pm Partnership Prayer and Praise @ St Mary’s

02 August 10:00am Morning Service

09 August 10:00am Holy Communion

16 August 10:00am Family Service

23 August 10:00am Holy Communion followed by Baptism

30 August 10:30am Partnership Service @ Toothill

30 August 5:00pm Partnership Prayer and Praise @ St Mary’s

Holy Trinity Shaw

Date Time Form

05 July 10:30am Holy Communion & God.com/SS

12 July 10:30am All Age Service

12 July 4:00pm Messy Church

19 July 10:30am Morning Service

26 July 10:30am Morning Service

02 August 10:30am Holy Communion

09 August 10:30am Holy Communion

09 August 4:00pm Messy Church outside St Mary’s

16 August 10:30am Songs of Praise

23 August 10:30am Morning Service

30 August 10:30am Partnership Service @ Toothill

Staying power

Hospital patients’ comment about the new minister: “He can stay

longer in an hour than most people do in a week.”

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Date Time Form

05 July 10:30am All Age Service Holy Communion


08 July

11:30am Midweek Worship

12 July 10:30am Holy Communion Morning Service

19 July 10:30am Morning Service


22 July

11:30am Midweek Worship

26 July 10:30am Morning Service

02 August 10:30am All Age Service

09 August 10:30am Holy Communion


12 August

11:30am Midweek Worship

16 August 10:30am Morning Service

23 August 10:30am Morning Service


26 August

11:30am Midweek Worship

30 August 10:30am Partnership Service @ Toothill


Date Time Form

05 July 10:00am Morning Service

12 July 10:00am Family service

19 July 10:00am Holy Communion

26 July 10:00am Swap

02 August 10:00am Family Service

09 August 10:00am Family service

16 August 10:00am Holy Communion

23 August 10:00am Family Service

30 August 10:30am Partnership Service @ Toothill