By: GreGory Butler

Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

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Page 1: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

By: GreGory Butler

Page 2: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles
Page 3: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

4-5: Line6-7: Shape8-9: Texture10-11: Balance12-13: Contrast14-15: Unity16-17: Color18-19: Value

taBle ofContents

Page 4: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

reader to see that even if the woman in the ad is having a busy, chaotic day she will get through it without having to worry about sweating, smelling or the white marks left behind due to other deodorants. By using the text and lines, the designer is implying how much the woman has going on and that this brand of woman’s deodorant will do get her through.

The ad is trying to relate to the busy life of the reader to show they can make it through their day and not worry about their deodorant not working correctly. By using lines to organize all that the woman has going on, the reader believes that she will get through it with the help of Secret.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of LINE in this design.

I feel that line was used well in this ad to give the reader that feeling of controlled chaos. By changing the style of the lines, it removes the redundancy of a boring day and spices up change from one task to the next. Keeping straight line forming rows and columns gives that organized, systematic feel.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

This Ad targets woman between twenty and 40 years old. Who are busy on the go, active throughout there day, and into the evening.

• What is the product or service being advertised?

The Product that is being advertised is Secret Outlast deodorant for women.

• LINE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply)

_x__ Create a mood

_x_ Organize other elements on the page

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses LINE.

The designer of this Ad used line in two ways. One way is to organize the text on the page. The designer used a lot of text with different fonts and sizes and divided them with different styles of lines, both vertical and horizontal. Without the advertiser’s use of lines, the reader would be lost and confused.

The second way that line is useful in this ad is by setting a mood--by keeping the lines vertical and horizontal, it gives the ad structure. The style of line changes--some lines are dotted, some are doubled, and a few are made up of diagonal hash marks. This gives the ad the feel of controlled chaos, or in other words, some sort of rhyme and reason to the jumbled tasks listed on the ad.

The designer wanted the


Page 5: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles
Page 6: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

• What is the product or service being advertised? BDS Suspension parts and lift kits are being advertised.

• SHAPE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)

__x_Shaded or colored areas are creating the predominant shape

__x_Shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest.

_x__Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept

___Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses SHAPE.

The ad uses shaded areas as a silhouette shape to show a stock jeep and what we would assume to be the owner. Below is text about the company, and under that is the silhouette of a similar jeep with modifications such as the suspension upgrades the company is promoting, lager tires, hooks on the bumpers, and lights on top of the roof. Next to the same silhouette of the owner above there are 3 female silhouettes. By keeping the original silhouette and making changes to it below draws the viewer interest and makes the concept pretty clear: if you lift your jeep, you will get more attention.

Shape was utilized this way to make it appear as though this product would change your social life and make you “cooler” or more attractive.

This was done in a simple way by using minimal amounts of text and a few silhouettes. The silhouettes of the jeep and the girls do get the point across without having to explain it.

By using the silhouettes, the designer was able to focus the attention on BDS Suspension and not any other product brands. If the designer had used a picture of an actual jeep the focus may have changed to another part of the ad. The designer didn’t want to draw the viewer away from the jeep’s suspension. For instance, the reader may have focused on the tires, the jeep itself, or the people rather than the change in stance of the jeep.

The shape of one jeep to the other shows the audience the increase in height that the BDS suspension can give the reader.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of SHAPE in this design. I believe this use of shape works well because it shows how the product affects the vehicle in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Also, it makes a statement about how it may affect other parts of the reader’s life, however unlikely that may be.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The ad is targeted to young single guys.


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Page 8: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

• What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?

The website I have chosen for texture is the Home Depot website. www.homedepot.com

• TEXTURE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply)

__X_Create a particular mood or feeling

__X_Reinforce or support the concept of the design

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses TEXTURE.

The designer of this website uses the texture of composite board similar to the texture of plywood to fill in the margins. The designer used a known texture found in the construction of new homes to promote the company who is a supplier to the construction industry.

The designer wanted to use this texture to give the feeling of a construction project. By doing this, the viewer was given the feeling that they already started to work on whatever project they had. It gives the website a rough, unfinished feeling. Also, apart from the texture on the side of the site, the main body of the website scrolls through various

ads for products. These ads use other soft, smoother textures. Hardwood flooring has a sanded and finished wood grain texture, a bedroom wall painted a soft color red with pillows and a lamp in the picture, and one ad is the last bit of fluffy pink insulation being added into an attic. These different textures combine together to show the viewer that Home Depot has whatever the viewer needs for their project at any stage.

The audience gets the rough, construction feeling. From the moment this page is opened, the viewer can tell what they will find on this site.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of TEXTURE in this design.

I believe the use of this texture works well to show what this company sells. Home depot is a company that sells construction tools and materials. Construction, whether a new build, a remodeling, or a repair generally starts with a rough framing which the finished product is built off of. The texture of the particle board signifies to the viewer the starting point of any project.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The primary viewers of this website are homeowners and contractors who build, remodel, or repair homes. Carpenters, plumbers, painters, electricians, or any do it yourself home owner.


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Page 10: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

• What is the product or service being advertised?

The product being advertised is Crest 3D White luxe

• BALANCE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)

__X_ Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious, conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc.

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses BALANCE.

Balance was used in this ad to show clean, even product. The designer is advertising a product to clean and brighten teeth. The designer achieved this balance by offsetting the weight of the product in its box with text on the opposite side of the page. Color was also used to achieve this balance by using a similar shade of purple from the box in the text. White space was used in this ad to keep the viewer focused on the product and to give a clean appearance. Teeth are straight and symmetrical for the most part. This is what the designer was trying to show with this ad by keeping the weight of the text the approximate size of the box. The designer also uses color in the ad to get the

use of the product to the viewer by keeping the text on the box of crest a crisp, clean white and uses yellow in the opposing text.

This ad shows a clean fresh product and that could improve anyone who uses its appearance. If the ad was more asymmetrical by nature, this effect would be lost.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of BALANCE in this design.

This ad is very effective at using balance through approximate symmetry. The use of the crest box on one side of the page is balanced by opposing text, taking up about the same amount of space. This gives the ad the balance the product requires.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The population this ad is targeting is woman between the ages of 20 to 50.


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Page 12: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

• What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?

The Website I found contrast on it www.revlon.com.

• CONTRAST is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)

_X_ Contrasting colors

_X_ Contrasting values

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses CONTRAST.

The Revlon website uses contrast in color by using a dark background of blue behind the bright face of actress Emma Stone and the bright white focal point attracting the viewer to the mascara. Contrast is also found around the makeup container where the designer makes it appear as if there is an explosion behind the tip of the makeup to provide a white backdrop. This allows anyone to clearly see what the makeup is without losing it in the back ground. The designer is using the actress to show the product in use. Within her face the designer uses the contrast in the make- up. Her dark eye lashes contrast

against her light complexion making them more visible. I believe the designer did this not only to win over women who like or look up to this actress but to show what the product looks like in an emphasized way.

The designer first draws attention to the product, than the viewer sees the eyes of the actress which also stand out on the page. The audience is affected by the contrast when they see how much the make-up stands out and how well it works to enhance her facial features.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of CONTRAST in this design.

The use of contrast on this website is used well. The use of a dark background and her light complexion makes it clear what the product does. The change in color around the product itself is the focal point. The viewer then knows for sure that the make-up in use is, indeed, the product.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The viewer who would see this page are woman who wear makeup.


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unity:• What is the product or service being advertised? The products being advertised are

Aussie hair products.

• UNITY is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply)

_X__Provide consistency

_X__Unify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements)

_X__Lead the viewer’s eye through the design

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses UNITY.

The designer displayed unity over two pages in this ad. The consistency that the designer used is in the use of the similar bottles of product and the color of the ad. A bold purple color was used to stand out from the otherwise dull and gray colors on the rest of the page. The designer shows the consistency of the ad by using the color purple and similar bottles on both the left side of the first page and the bottom of the second page. These techniques are also used to draw the viewer’s eye through the ad. When the page is first opened, the viewer is instantly drawn to the bright purple strip on the left. The advertisement portion of this page is about one third of the page from top to bottom. The viewer

is then drawn across to the next page which is gray with another bright purple bottle and purple banner across the bottom.

The designer’s intention was to use unity in order to display the product as the focal point of both pages.

The impact on the reader is that the product jumps out at you as you turn the page and see the similar purple strips across the length of the magazine. The bold, vibrant portrayal is intended to make the viewer consider that the product can help her with a bold look. The ad suggests the idea that the product may help the viewer stand out from the crowd. The unity throughout the two pages brings the audience’s attention to the whole product line, not just on single product.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of UNITY in this design. I believe the unity in the ad

works well. The ad draws the viewer attention to multiple products in the line. The ad makes a statement about the effects of the products and keeps a common theme across both of the pages from the top left to bottom right.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The primary audience for this ad is women who use hair products on a daily basis.

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Page 16: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

Color:• What is the name of the

company, organization or individual utilizing this website?

The website is www.cheezit.com

• COLOR is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)

__X_ Provides unity and balance

__X_ Provides structure and forms a grid in a design

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses COLOR.

The designer uses the shade of red from the cheez-it box as the primary color used on the web- page. The designer uses this color in the background of almost every section of the page, making the red on this page almost overwhelming to the viewer’s eye. The designer uses white lines to separate the different promotional information on the page.

The designer was trying to keep the web-page as similar to the product box as possible leaving the three main colors as red, white, and orange. Cheez-it’s are square crackers and not smooth or flowing by any means, so it makes sense for the designer to use straight lines and boxes rather than curved or flowing lines on

the page. The use of straight lines and crisp corners best represent the product itself.

Although the color does well to relate to the product and it quickly grabs your attention walking down the snack. It seems to be overwhelming to the viewer. The orange color, although representing a tasty treat may drive viewers away from the web page.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of COLOR in this design.

Color on the web-page works well to represent the product at a quick glance any viewer can tell exactly what product this page is for. However, the overwhelming amount of red on the page may have negative effects on the viewer pushing them to click off of it.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The primary audience for this page is adults who enjoy snacking.

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Page 18: Constructing Design: Elements and Principles

• What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website? The website is www.ford.com

• VALUE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply)

_X__Creates a mood or feeling

_X__Creates contrast

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses VALUE.

Value is used on this website predominantly in the back ground. The value is seen through the light gray sky, slightly darker mountains in the distance, and the miles of dirt between the mountains and trucks. As the viewer looks further down the page the shades of gray become darker, giving the illusion of depth. By using different shades of gray, the designer is also able to produce a feeling on the page. The designer wants to show the viewer that this series of trucks has been America’s best-seller for many years. The designer also uses depth to show that the trucks are capable. By only using values of gray, the antique feeling of black and white is achieved. The gray background gives contrast to the color in the two new trucks that are parked on the page in order to showcase the new trucks in the series. The text on the page further states the idea that the F series has been around for a very

long time.

The audience feels that the product is a long-lasting reliable vehicle. The value on the web-page shows depth and the age of this truck series, setting the mood for the meaning of the textual content.

• Please describe the effectiveness of the use of VALUE in this design.

I believe the use of value on this website is effective. The value provides an old, tough, rugged feeling, while showing the depth that provides the viewer with the an idea of the truck’s level of capability.

• Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website?

People from all walks of life and any age may look at the ford website in search of any style of new vehicles, however, this particular advertisement seems to be targeting people who are in need of a hard-working, reliable truck that can complete a number of tasks.


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