C O N G R E G A T I O N S H A A R E E M E T H September 2020 The Bulletin Tekiah Shevarim Teruah Tekiah Gedolah 5 7 8 1 2 0 2 0 Physically Distant, Spiritually Connected The sounds of the shofar call us each year, near and far, to connect with one another in compassion, gratitude and hope. This year we enter our New Year physically separated but still together. We may be anxious, fearful, lonely, grieving and sad. Yet, our Jewish experience teaches optimism and hope. We know that things will get better. We draw strength from our history, values and dreams. We invite you to gather with us virtually this year. May our prayers and new ways of hearing the sound of the shofar welcome a New Year filled with safety, security, health, justice and peace. Shanah Tovah! Happy New Year!

CONGREGATION SHAARE EMETH The Bulletin · 2020. 8. 31. · CONGREGATION SHAARE EMETH September 2020 The Bulletin Tekiah Shevarim Teruah Tekiah Gedolah 5 • 7 • 8 • 1 2 • 0

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September 2020The Bulletin

T e k i a h S h e v a r i m T e r u a h T e k i a h G e d o l a h

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Physically Distant,Spiritually Connected

The sounds of the shofar call us each year, near and far, to

connect with one another in compassion, gratitude and hope.

This year we enter our New Year physically separated but still together.

We may be anxious, fearful, lonely, grieving and sad. Yet, our Jewish

experience teaches optimism and hope. We know that things will get

better. We draw strength from our history, values and dreams.

We invite you to gather with us virtually this year.

May our prayers and new ways of hearing the sound of the shofar

welcome a New Year filled with safety, security, health, justice and peace.

Shanah Tovah! Happy New Year!

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Worship SchedulePlease note that all worship services continue to be available exclusively online via live streaming from our website, www.sestl.org

You can join us from home via computer, tablet or smartphone at www.sestl.org/livestream

To learn how to join us for Saturday morning Torah Study via computer or phone, please visit www.sestl.org/virtual or call 314-569-0010.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service-Simchat Shabbat (live streamed only) September Birthday Blessings

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 9 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Emily Rosen, daughter of Marissa and Howard Rosen, becomes a Bat Mitzvah 9:30 a.m. Torah Study (Hannah and Peninah) and Kaddish (via Zoom/phone) 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Jackson Imber, son of Melanie and Stuart Imber, becomes a Bar Mitzvah

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service (live streamed only) Honoringour2020ConfirmationClass

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 9:30 a.m. Torah Study (Hagar and Ishmael) and Kaddish (via Zoom/phone) 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Elle Kerner, daughter of Betsy and Ben Kerner, becomes a Bat Mitzvah

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Erev Rosh Hashanah (live streamed only, see p. 9)

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 Rosh Hashanah (live streamed only, see p. 9)

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 6 p.m. Shabbat Shuvah - Kabbalat Shabbat Service (live streamed only)

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 9:30 a.m. Torah Study and Kaddish (via Zoom/phone)

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Erev Yom Kippur (live streamed only, see p. 10)

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Yom Kippur (live streamed only, see p. 11)

Annual Memorial Service at New Mt. Sinai CemeteryWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 6 PM ON ZOOM AND FACEBOOK LIVE (Broadcast on the New Mount Sinai Facebook Page)

This year we will present a Virtual Memorial Service, created by and featuring Cantor Seth Warner. Due to the constraints of masks and social distancing, the participation of singers and instrumentalists is undecided at this time.

As always, we will present a moving ceremony to honor our loved ones, with a special mention of those we lost over the last year.

For further information please contact New Mount Sinai Cemetery at 314-353-2540 or [email protected]

Donald Meissner, Executive Director

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Making Our Choices

Among the most famous, inspiring, and troubling words of the High Holy Day liturgy are the closing words of the prayer known as “Unetaneh Tokef,” that reminds

us that “Repentance, Prayer and Righteous Deeds can temper the severity of the decree.” Great debate and theological angst have accompanied the words of the prayer that precedes this comfortingconclusion.Afterall,whilesomefindpowerandmeaning in the premise that we are each judged at the High

Holidays and literally either written in the Book of Life for another year or condemned to a death that we somehow “deserve,” others, myself included, reject such theological literalismandinsteadstruggletofindsymbolicormetaphoricwaysoffittingtheseancient words into our worldview.

Personally, I cannot fathom believing in a God that would condemn human beings to suffering, pain or horrible death. Believing in science and the lessons of observation of nature, I choose to believe that each of us, like the entire universe, is created with fundamental freedom at our core. We are free to live our lives as best we are able, choosing the lives we will live. We also live in a world where others have the same core freedom, accompanied by the obligation to choose carefully and wisely. For we live in a universe that also has “freedom” of sorts, a universe in which the forces of nature are free to satisfy our needs and wants or to frustrate them, a universe in which illness and natural disaster happen, just as human creation and destruction, war and peace, kindness and hatred happen.

The High Holidays are a time to remind ourselves, though, that we have the power to make our own choices. We cannot determine our fate, but as the prayer teaches, we can temper the ultimate outcome if we choose to reflect on the meaning of our lives and engage in regular reflection and personal improvement. This is repentance. We can learn about ourselves and our faith by participating in regular spiritual practice. This is prayer. And we can make a profound difference by acting with kindness, generosity and an impulse towards righteous deeds and justice for all.

Now more than ever, we need all three. May we engage in repentance, join in prayer, and engage in righteous deeds as this new year begins and throughout the coming months, for the sake of all who dwell on Earth.

Amy and I, along with Abby, Ethan and Michelle, wish you a year of blessing, safety and security, joy and hope. L’shanah Tovah u’metukah - May it be a good and sweet year!

James M. Bennett, Rabbi [email protected]

Counting Our Blessings

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From the PresidentDear Congregants,

One of my favorite pastimes of the High Holiday season is to arrive as early as possible

for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. I’m not exactly looking for a good parking spot, although that is a nice outcome; rather, I arrive early to greet congregants and schmooze

with old friends. In my household growing up, not being an hour and a half early to anything and everything meant you were late. I did not necessarily appreciate this as a child, but looking back it is very clear that this family tradition helped create many cherished memories. There is a sense of comfort knowing that in my synagogue, a place I consider my second home, I can sit down, look to my left or my right, and see exactly who I’d expect to see. This year, I will be doing so virtually, knowing that you are all out there with me!

In July, I had the opportunity to attend our virtual Tisha B’av service. This beautiful service included music, poetry, readings, and breakout rooms of smaller groups giving us the opportunity to study various passages with a clergy member. I’m grateful to have had this opportunity, to listen to how others are feeling, how others are mourning individually and as a kehillah, as we continue navigating a world overshadowed by a pandemic. I was also reminded that this holiday marks the low point of our Jewish calendar and that right around the corner is Rosh Hashanah. A new year. The hope of so many things. This year, more than ever, I feel that overwhelming sense of hope.

Since my last bulletin article, countless numbers of staff, leadership, volunteers, and medical personnel within our

community have continued to work tirelessly to care for our community. Their commitment to keeping our kehillah strong is inspiring and I thank all of them - all of you - for your selfless service. Thank you to all of you who continue your philanthropic support for our congregation. You are needed now more than ever. I would welcome all who are able to join to do so at our various Ner Tamid levels or our Emet Society. I recognize this is a terribly unstable time full of uncertainty, but we will emerge from it with an even greater appreciation for our strength and ability to thrive as a community.

In the fall, our religious school will begin the year online. We are incredibly lucky to have such an outstanding religious school team who have put together amazing programming to keep our children engaged and learning. They have spent an immense amount of time planning and I look forward to seeing our youngest members reaping the rewards of their hard work. Thank you, team!

5781 has yet to be written. I can only look at this upcoming year with excitement, with promise, charging forward. There is so much we will accomplish together, whether virtually or physically. Thank you for your patience and for entrusting your clergy and the Board of Trustees with the wellbeing of Shaare Emeth. We cannot wait to be together again in a safe environment, congregating physically together.

Stacey and I, along with our children Gabriel, Vivian and Benjamin, wish you all a very happy, healthy, and fulfilling new year.

L’shanah Tovah, Josh Wallach, President

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Covid-19 Update

We continue to serve our members and the community throughoutthisdifficulttime.Ourbuildingisclosedto large gatherings through December 31, 2020,

but our clergy and staff are here for you as we continue to offer weekly Shabbat services and a wide variety of virtual learning opportunities online. Prioritizing the Jewish values of Pikuach Nefesh (safeguarding life), Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh Bazeh (demonstrating responsibility for one another) and Chesed (profound love and kindness), we put the safety and health of all of our members first. We know that many of you are struggling physically and spiritually during this difficult time. We are here for you. We ask those who are able to remain philanthropic to

the best of your ability, and to strive to fulfill your financial commitments to the congregation. We continue to maintain our building, pay our staff, and have incurred many additional expenses during the pandemic. If you are able, we also ask for your support through the Seeds Campaign. As always, we are here for you, and invite your questions, suggestions and comments. Stay well and please reach out to us if you or your family needs additional support.

Josh Wallach, President Jim Bennett, Rabbi Rosalie Stein, Executive Director

invites you to celebrate with us at theJ Street St. Louis Annual Benefitand Presentation of the Rodef Shalom AwardWednesday, October 7th at 7:00pm central


Senior Rabbi of Congregation Shaare Emeth, James Bennett

Featuring a Conversation between:

Former US Senator Claire McCaskill J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami

This event will be hosted online, via Zoom. To purchase tickets or to become an event sponsor, please visit jstreet.org/stlouisbenefit.

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The Month of Elul Continues – Preparing for the Days of Awe

To sign up for any of these classes visit sestl.org or contact Stacy at [email protected] or 314-569-0010

Word for Word: 29 Words, Reflections and Questions to Prepare Us for the Days of Awe Receive this daily email - Each day during the month of Elul you will receive an email expounding on one word, idea or practice that can assist you in your spiritual preparations for the High Holy Days. Read the email, spend time with the reflection questions and discover how you might grow in awareness, gratitude and love as we head into the new year. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.

Elul Torah Study–Hannah and Peninah WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 10 A.M. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 9:30 A.M.

Join Rabbi Rachel Bearman to explore the special stories from the Torah that are traditionally heard during the High Holiday.

Elul Torah Study–Hagar and Ishmael


Join Rabbi Rachel Bearman to explore the special stories from the Torah that are traditionally heard during the High Holiday.

Elul Meditation SeriesTUESDAYS, SEPTEMBER 1, 8 AND 15, 11:30 A.M. - 12 P.M. THURSDAYS, SEPTEMBER 3, 10 AND 17, 5 -5:30 P.M.

Join Rabbi Andrea Goldstein for one or both of these unique weekly Mindfulness Meditation sits. Incorporating lessons from the weekly Torah portion, as well as stories, rituals and symbols of the season, Rabbi Goldstein leads participants in practices that open our hearts and minds to the possibility of continual growth and change. No meditation experience necessary. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.

Beginning Again: A Zoom Writing Workshop Adventure WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 7 - 8 P.M.

Writing can offer a healthy outlet to reflect on ourselves and on our world. Join with writer and teacher Debra Solomon Baker as we use the themes of the new year as inspiration for some written words. All are welcome, even those who think, “I am not a writer.” Who knows? This might even be the start of a meaningful practice in the new year. There will be an opportunity, though never a requirement, to share with other participants.

Debra Solomon Baker teaches reading and writing to teenagers in the Clayton School District and is a mom to Max and Sarah, both college students. A trained and published writer, Debra carries a notebook through life, scribbling down small moments before they drift away. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis

Praying with ConfidenceWEDNESDAYS, SEPTEMBER 2 AND 9, 7 - 8:30 P.M.

Subie Banaszynski, our Interfaith Outreach Coordinator, and Rabbi Bennett will lead a Zoom conversation for all those who may feel unfamiliar or unaccustomed to praying during the Jewish High Holidays. Join in one or both of these sessions to ask questions, learn about the themes of these powerful days in the Jewish calendar. No previous experience necessary! Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis

Elul Opportunities

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Creating Sacred Space at HomeWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 7:30 - 8:30 P.M.

Transform a place in your home into a mikdash me’at, a small sanctuary, for the upcoming High Holy Days. Join local artist Abby Bennett, along with Rabbi Andrea Goldstein, for an opportunity to think through ways of creating sacred space at home. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis

Creating Sacred Space at Home for FamiliesSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 4 - 4:45 P.M.

Join artists and art instructors Abby Bennett and Jenn Sagett, along with Rabbi Rachel Bearman, for an engaging hands-on workshop where your children will be able to help transform a place in your home into a mikdash me’at, a small sanctuary, for the upcoming High Holy Days. This program is appropriate for families with children ages 4-10. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis

Become a Master (Shofar) Blaster with Betsy Cytron WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 7 - 8 P.M.

Learn to blow the shofar on Zoom, from the comfort of your own home. (You might want to let your neighbors know first!) Betsy will teach shofar blowing skills as well as the traditional sounds for the High Holidays. Bring your own shofar!

Poetry of These Holy DaysWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 7:30 - 8 P.M.

The High Holidays are ripe with themes of repentance, renewal, forgiveness and hope. Grab some tea or a glass of wine and join Scott Berzon for a poetry reading that will illuminate many of these themes in beautiful and surprising ways.

Scott Berzon holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Michigan and has taught poetry and fiction courses in Ann Arbor and St. Louis. He is also the Business Operations Director of Congregation Shaare Emeth. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis

L’Dor v’Dor: Cooking From One Generation To the Next! Three Unique Opportunities All About Apples!SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 9:30 - 10:30 A.M.

Join our own Lynn Elliot as she leads a cooking class geared towards preschool and younger elementary children. Dipping, coring, mashing, and of course eating will be involved in this fun Shabbat Morning program.

Travados: Sephardic Moon Cookies for Rosh Hashanah SEPTEMBER 8, 7 - 8:15 P.M.

Join our own Jill Solomon as she shares her recipe for these delicious cookies passed down from her paternal grandmother from a Sephardic synagogue in Montgomery, Alabama. The clergy and directors at Shaare Emeth will all attest to how amazing these cookies are (Jill makes them for us each year for Rosh Hashanah!)

The Challah-Day Before the HolidaySEPTEMBER 13, 3 - 4:15 P.M.

Join our own Jenny Shrensker, a master teacher, for a fun afternoon baking challah for the holidays. Jenny, the granddaughter of Leonard Petrofsky, co-owner of Petrofsky’s bakery, learned the secrets of delicious challah from her grandfather and will share it with all of us. Fun and delicious for all ages - children are especially welcome.


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A GUIDE TO YOUR VIRTUAL HIGH HOLIDAYS 2020/5781In our ongoing commitment

to the core values of pikuach

nefesh and chesed, protecting

human life and caring for every

person with compassion, all

High Holiday worship and

programming will only be

offered in a virtual format

this year. While we wish we

could be together safely, we

believe that public health and

welfare are higher values,

and we have worked to

develop opportunities for each

member of our community to

find personal and communal

meaning and strength in these

unique Days of Awe.

Will I Need a High Holiday Prayer Book?Our High Holiday services this year will be fully accessible without a printed prayer book. You can watch, listen and join with us virtually. You can read along with some of the texts displayed onscreen and you will also have an opportunity to follow along with many readings and songs that will be accessible online to use or print at home. For those who request, we will mail a copy to your home. For more information call Stacy Jespersen at the Temple office or email [email protected].

Selichot Shining Light in the DarknessSaturday, September 12, 8 p.m.

Selichot, our beautiful candle-lit service filled with music, poetry, story and prayer, sets the stage for a High Holy Day season unlike any we’ve experienced before. Beginning with Havdalah, this service allows us to set aside time for reflection and uplift as we prepare to enter the holiest days of our year. If you are able, please have a candle and matches close by during the service, as we plan to “share the light” of renewal and hope together.

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For more information or to sign up, go to our High Holiday portal,

which you can find at


or contact Stacy at

[email protected] or


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Rosh Hashanah Welcoming the New YearRosh Hashanah Evening Service Friday, September 18, 6 p.m.Live streamed from the Stiffman Sanctuary, join the Shaare Emeth Rabbis, Cantor and Lucy Greenbaum as they help us gather virtually to welcome the New Year, celebrate and reflect in music, prayer and meditation. Rabbi Goldstein will share a Rosh Hashanah sermon.

Shana Tova Yoga – Greeting the New Year with StrengthSaturday, September 19 recording available beginning at 8 a.m.Dani Glassman (RYT-500 Yoga Instructor and Wellness Professional) helps us welcome the new year with poses and movements embodying the themes of Rosh Hashanah: hope, renewal and the return to our truest selves. Watch and participate on Rosh Hashanah or any time throughout the High Holy Days. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.

Boker Tov Rosh Hashanah Children’s ServiceSaturday, September 19, recording available beginning at 9 a.m.This year’s Boker Tov Rosh Hashanah Service will be a high-energy, engaging and fun High Holy Day experience for families with very young children. We may not be able to be with Mitzvah Moose in person, but we’re still going to sing, pray, and celebrate as we head INTO THE NEW YEAR! The service will be led by the Shaare Emeth clergy and directors and will feature a special “skit” for Rosh Hashanah: “Into the New Year.”

Rosh Hashanah Morning Service Saturday, September 19, 10 a.m.Live streamed from the Stiffman Sanctuary, led by the Shaare Emeth Rabbis, Cantor and Lucy Greenbaum, we will focus on finding inspiration and hope as we enter the New Year with so much unknown. Rabbi Bennett will share a Rosh Hashanah sermon.

Rosh Hashanah Torah ReadingSaturday, September 19, 11:30 a.m.Following services, you are invited to join us live or recorded for a Zoom Torah reading for the morning of Rosh Hashanah. Listen and watch as the Torah portion is read and explained, and as members of our community participate in the aliyot and other special blessings. Rosh Hashanah Family Service

Rosh Hashanah Family ServiceSaturday, September 19, 1:30 p.m.Join with other families with elementary and middle school children for an age-appropriate, joyous family service to celebrate Rosh Hashanah together. Led by Rabbi Educator Lori Levine and Rabbi Rachel Bearman, we will explore the meaning, prayers, music and lessons of Rosh Hashanah in a moving and meaningful family worship experience. Rabbi Levine will share a Rosh Hashanah message.

Prayer Lab Returns (for Second Day Rosh Hashanah)

Sunday, September 20 recording available beginning at 8 a.m.Our Prayer Lab leaders and singers have reunited (in a safe, socially distanced way) to craft a spiritual, hopeful, music-filled service with the theme Renew: The Old Will Be New and the New Will Be Holy. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.


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Tashlich Do-it-yourself Tashlich for those of every age

Tashlich means “casting off” and involves going to a body of water to symbolically cast away our sins. Our Shaare Emeth tradition is to perform this meaningful act on Rosh Hashanah afternoon. Due to COVID, we are offering a ‘do it yourself’ version this year. Email Debbie Bram at [email protected] or leave a message at 314-692-5308 to order your free DIY Tashlich Kit mailed to your home, containing poetry, prayers and prompts to guide you through Tashlich, along with a creative way to “cast your sins or shortcomings upon the water.” You can also find a short Tashlich service online at sestl.org/highholidays.

THE TEN DAYS OF REPENTANCEShabbat Shuvah Service Friday, September 25, 6 p.m.

A reflective Shabbat service focusing on the meaning of repentance and return. Rabbi Rachel Bearman will speak.

Salachti – A Forgiveness Meditation for Shabbat ShuvahSaturday, September 26 recording available beginning at 8 a.m.Salachti means “I have forgiven,” and is part of the High Holy Day liturgy. In this guided meditation, Rabbi Andrea Goldstein leads us through a series of heart-opening practices focusing on forgiveness of self, as well as forgiveness of others. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.

Yom Kippur The Day of AtonementErev Yom Kippur / Kol Nidre Evening ServiceSunday, September 27, 7:30 p.m.Live streamed from the Stiffman Sanctuary, join the Shaare Emeth Rabbis, Cantor and Lucy Greenbaum as they help us gather virtually to hear the sounds of Kol Nidre, focusing on repentance, return and change through music, prayer and meditation. Rabbi Bennett will share a Yom Kippur sermon.

Yoga for Yom KippurMonday, September 28 recording available beginning at 8 a.m.Once again, Dani Glassman (RYT-500 Yoga Instructor and Wellness Professional) leads us in a series of gentle movements allowing us to experience the embodiments of open-heartedness and forgiveness that are necessary qualities to inhabit on this holiest of days. Watch and participate any time throughout the day. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.

Boker Tov Yom Kippur Children’s ServiceMonday, September 28, recording available beginning at 9 a.m.This year’s Boker Tov Yom Kippur Service will be an engaging and age-appropriate High Holy Day experience for families with very young children. We may not be able to be with Mitzvah Moose in person, but we’re still going to sing, pray, and celebrate as we learn about and observe Yom Kippur together. The service will be led by the Shaare Emeth clergy and directors and will feature a special story for Yom Kippur.

For more information or to sign up, go to our High Holiday portal, which you can find at www.sestl.org/highholidays or contact Stacy at [email protected] or 314-569-0010.

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Yom Kippur Morning Service Monday, September 28, 10 a.m.Live Streamed from the Stiffman Sanctuary, led by the Shaare Emeth Rabbis, Cantor and Lucy Greenbaum, we will focus on humility, fragility and reflection and the traditional themes of Yom Kippur. Rabbi Bearman will share a Yom Kippur sermon.

Yom Kippur Torah Reading Monday, September 28, 11:30 a.m.Following services, you are invited to join us live or recorded for a Zoom Torah reading for the morning of Yom Kippur. Listen and watch as the Torah portion is read and explained, and as members of our community participate in the aliyot and other special blessings.

Mi Shebeirach Moments – A Service of Healing and Wholeness for Yom KippurMonday, September 28 recording available beginning at noonMuch of this past year was marked by uncertainty, challenge, isolation and loss. Embarking on the year ahead, we set aside time to pray for healing for our loved ones and the world and to acknowledge a greater wholeness that unites us all. Rabbi Andrea Goldstein and Lucy Greenbaum lead a service of healing filled with poetry, prayer and music to restore and rejuvenate our souls. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.

Face to Face – Reconnecting our CommunityMonday, September 28, 12:30 p.m.

Join Rabbis Bennett and Goldstein for a Zoom discussion about Teshuvah/Return as we begin to return, reconnect and recreate community in the coming new year.

The Year in Review Monday, September 28, 1:30 p.m.

Join Rabbi Jeffrey Stiffman for a Zoom discussion of current events during the past year and their meaning for us and the Jewish community.

Returning to Forgiveness: A Yom Kippur Writing Workshop

Monday, September 28, 1:30 p.m.As we know, writing can offer a healthy outlet to reflect on ourselves and on our world. Join Debra Solomon Baker, high school reading and writing teacher and trained and published writer as we use the themes of Yom Kippur as inspiration for some written words. All are welcome, even those who think, “I am not a writer.” Who knows? This might even be the start of a meaningful practice in the new year. There will be an opportunity, though never a requirement, to share with other participants. Sponsored by the Jewish Mindfulness Center of St. Louis.

Yom Kippur Family ServiceMonday, September 28, 1:30 p.m.Join with other families with elementary and middle school children for an age-appropriate and meaningful family service for the day of Yom Kippur. Led by Rabbi Educator Lori Levine and Rabbi Rachel Bearman, we will explore the meaning, prayers, music and lessons of Yom Kippur in a compelling family worship experience. Rabbi Levine will share a Yom Kippur message.

Yom Kippur Afternoon Service Monday, September 28, 3 p.m.Led by members of the Shaare Emeth Temple Youth Group (SETYG) for the entire congregation, this creative service will explore the themes of Yom Kippur through creative music, prayer, readings and lessons from Torah. Always one of the highlights of our High Holidays.

Yom Kippur Yizkor/Memorial and Neilah/Concluding Services Monday, September 28, 4:30 p.m.This moving service of Yizkor Neshamot will explore the power of memory and loss, compassion and blessing, led by the Rabbis, Cantor and Lucy Greenbaum. Rabbi Goldstein will share a Yizkor message.

We then conclude our Day of Atonement with the service of Neilah, as the symbolic gates begin to close and we look forward to beginning again with hope.

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How Do I Do Tzedakah for the High Holidays this Year?HELP OUR LOCAL FOOD PANTRIES High Holiday Food Drive Due to COVID-19, the needs of the food pantries in St. Louis have increased by at least 40%. You can make a difference in two different ways:

Send a check. The Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry and the St. Louis Foodbank are most in need of monetary donations. Please mail your check directly to the food banks listed below or go to the links provided to make a direct donation.

Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry 10601 Baur Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63132 https://jfcs-stl.org/product/giving-donations/

St. Louis Area Foodbank70 Corporate Woods DriveSt. Louis, MO 63044https://stlfoodbank.org/

Donate food. Shaare Emeth will also collect nutritious canned or non-perishable foods for the St. Louis Area Foodbank and Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry. You can drive by and drop off your food outside the Shaare Emeth South Lobby at these designated times:

Sunday September 20, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday September 21, 5-7 p.m. Tuesday September 22, 3-5 p.m.

Support the Oak Hill Elementary SchoolOak Hill Elementary is a South City school in an immigrant community. Due to COVID-19, Oak Hill Principal Dr. Tina Hamilton has asked our congregation to donate script cards for food and supplies for specific needy families. Please make contributions through Venmo @ShaareEmeth or by sending a check made payable to Congregation Shaare Emeth. Please write in the memo of the check or in Venmo: Oak Hill Elementary School. We will purchase the script cards and get them to the school. Any amount is welcome.

SukkotOrder Your Own Lulav and Etrog Sukkot celebrates the fall harvest for seven days. We observe Sukkot by sitting and dining in handmade shelters or huts, shaking the lulav and etrog and by giving thanks to God for the earth’s ability to provide us with food. We invite you to fulfill the mitzvot of Sukkot with your own lulav and etrog! Order yours by September10 for $36 by emailing or sending a note and check to Debbie Bram, 11645 Ladue Road, St. Louis, MO 63141, or [email protected]

Checks should be made out to “Congregation Shaare Emeth” and the envelope should say “attention Debbie Bram.” When your lulav arrives we’ll set up your contactless pick-up at Shaare Emeth.

Simchat Torah Watch for more information about our virtual Simchat Torah celebration.

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Shirlee Green Preschool, the small school for young children at Shaare EmethCongregation,hasofficially

been re-opened for just over a month, and it has been a beautiful whirlwind of days. COVIDhaswaxedandwanedandwaxedagain. Schools have tentatively welcomed learners back to their halls and have sent

them online for a bit longer. And the rain has continued to pour during our sticky summer days. Through it all, the parents and fans of Shirlee Green Preschool have been consummate cheerleaders as we worked to open our doors for the upcoming school year. Their support has bolstered the rich programming and curriculum development currently underway. With all of our passion and all of our expertise, we are eager to celebrate the gift of thoughtful, timely, values-driven learning to the children of Shirlee Green Preschool.

Ready to welcome young learners to their newest school year, we are excited to initiate Parent Teacher Teams to preschool. Each team, which began in August, allows parents an up-close look at their child’s preschool journey. Parent Teacher Teams will continue to work collaboratively throughout their child’s early years with parents and teachers creating action plans for achievement, mutual commitments to support and guide their child’s social and moral development, and developing plans together of how to reach powerful, long-lasting goals for their children in their early years and beyond.

The focus on concerted cultivation of the early years learning community will have lasting benefits for each child and the communities each child lives in. How do we turn parent aspirations for their child’s future into attainment? How do parents build upon the skills and experiences of preschool? With parents and teachers skillfully collaborating on each child’s unique journey, the community at Shirlee Green Preschool has become a school of conviction. The rights of children will be honored. And the rights of parents to be their child’s first and most important teacher will be celebrated and buoyed every step of the way.

Brandi Cartwright, Director of Early Childhood Education and Shirlee Green Preschool [email protected]

Shirlee Green Preschool is seeking passionate, dedicated, adventurous educators for the upcoming school year.

With the school year just around the corner, we are accepting applications from teachers and those who enjoy working with and inspiring young children.

Part-time and full-time positions are available. Teachers at Shirlee Green Preschool enjoy working with young children in an innovative place of learning and enjoy teaching in early childhood classrooms and outdoors on our beautiful Nature Explore playscape.

Education/Experience Preferred

• Education and experience equivalent to a degree in education, especially early childhood education

• Must be 18 years old and a high school graduate or equivalent


• Specific knowledge and experience working with young children

• Prior experience working in an educational setting

• Must be proficient with computers, including Microsoft Office Suite

• Strong oral and written communication skills

Teachers at Shirlee Green Preschool celebrate the young years of a child’s life by creating invigorating learning experiences for young children. We answer the call to keep the magic alive for young children while preparing them for the academic rigor of their older years.

Shirlee Green Preschool is an equal opportunity employer and will consider all applicants for all positions equally without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, gender condition, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.

To apply, please submit your cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Please indicate in the subject line of your email “EC Teacher Intent”.

Shirlee Green Preschool

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Jewish EducationDear Families,

What a summer this has been! We have striven to balance moments of joy and silver linings with

times of loss and sadness. For our children, thistimeofCOVID-19hasbeenoneofthefirstdramatic,historicglobaleventstheyhavepersonally experienced in their relatively

short lifetimes. We are only beginning to understand the profound impact this time will have on the development of our children and teens. Constant change, lack of choices, and anxiety have been frustrating and hard for all of us, and my heart has broken for all of the children and families I work with in our community.

I have learned the importance of acknowledging just how much we do not know. As our Education Team and I have planned for the year ahead creating a new online-only religious school program, uncertainty has become a constant topic of discussion. The only thing we do know is that there is truly no end in sight. We know that this pandemic will eventually end, but how and what the end will look like is truly unknown. This pandemic echoes a similar journey in our Torah reading cycle, taking our ancestors on a transformative path as well. We read these stories every year, but their lessons resonate in new ways in 2020. Here are a few lessons that can help us create lives of meaning for ourselves and our children in this new reality:

• The Holiness Code in Leviticus teaches us that how we choose to treat one another matters. We should strive to treat one another with respect putting the collective over the individual.

These values can guide decisions we make about the places we go, the safety measures we choose to follow and more.

• Like Moses, Miriam and the Israelites, we inevitably mess up. We complain, we use harsh words, we react with anger when things feel unfair. Be willing to admit when you are wrong and change your mindset to grow and flourish.

• When Miriam and Aaron died in the wilderness, the people made time to grieve. Allow yourself the space to grieve and mourn, to let tears fall when they come. We need healthy outlets for our feelings, to model that for our children.

• In Deuteronomy, Moses calls the Israelites to have faith and believe in God and the teachings of our tradition, even when it might be easier to give up. By sticking with us and dreaming of what is possible instead of focusing on the negative, you can be a part of creating solutions and helping move forward.

I am so grateful for this community and the amazing ways we have come together in a challenging time. I know that as we move into the future together, our values and the teachings of our rich tradition will guide us. I look forward to sharing our plans for our educational programs, creating new and engaging ways for us to continue to grow, connect and learn together. As our prayerbook Mishkan T’filah teaches us, “There is no way to get from here to there, except by joining hands and marching together.”

Rabbi Lori Levine, Rabbi Educator [email protected]

Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 7 p.m.Chazak Chazak v’nit Chazeik Be strong, be strong, and we will strengthen one another.

This year we will gather virtually

as a community and celebrate our

congregation as we do every year at

our Heart & Soul celebration.

The Harris Frank Community Service Award will be awarded to Patty Croughan

The L’dor Va’dor Award will be awarded to Gail and Charles Eisenkramer & Family

Co-ChairsJackie and Ken Kleban

Susan and Alan Witte

CommitteeAmy Bennett

Teri Brandvein

Dick Brickson

Ronnie Brockman

Richard Cohen

Ron Cytron

Ann Mayer Eisen

Sharee Feldman

Sherri Goldman

Marsha Grazman

Debbie Lefton

Bill Livingston

Fran Mannis

Sue Matlof

Sherri Newstead

Brenda Pereles

Anna Poger

Eunice Reichman

John Reichman

Larry Rothman

Marsha Rothman

Johanna Schillinger

Ann Sheinbein

Become a Heart & Soul Celebration sponsor. For information on becoming a sponsor of this important event, please contact Rosalie Stein at [email protected] or 314-569-0010.

a Virtual Celebration

Our Celebration Committee is working

to create a special virtual celebration

like no other that will include food, laughs,

inspiring moments and a few surprises!

Saturday, November 7, 2020 at 7 p.m.Chazak Chazak v’nit Chazeik Be strong, be strong, and we will strengthen one another.

This year we will gather virtually

as a community and celebrate our

congregation as we do every year at

our Heart & Soul celebration.

The Harris Frank Community Service Award will be awarded to Patty Croughan

The L’dor Va’dor Award will be awarded to Gail and Charles Eisenkramer & Family

Co-ChairsJackie and Ken Kleban

Susan and Alan Witte

CommitteeAmy Bennett

Teri Brandvein

Dick Brickson

Ronnie Brockman

Richard Cohen

Ron Cytron

Ann Mayer Eisen

Sharee Feldman

Sherri Goldman

Marsha Grazman

Debbie Lefton

Bill Livingston

Fran Mannis

Sue Matlof

Sherri Newstead

Brenda Pereles

Anna Poger

Eunice Reichman

John Reichman

Larry Rothman

Marsha Rothman

Johanna Schillinger

Ann Sheinbein

Become a Heart & Soul Celebration sponsor. For information on becoming a sponsor of this important event, please contact Rosalie Stein at [email protected] or 314-569-0010.

a Virtual Celebration

Our Celebration Committee is working

to create a special virtual celebration

like no other that will include food, laughs,

inspiring moments and a few surprises!

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Virtual Religous School for FALL 2020

As you have already heard, we are offering an online-only religious school program, through at least the end of Fall 2020. We have developed this new curriculum in

consultationwiththeShaareEmethCOVID-19Taskforce,madeup of Temple physicians, leaders and staff, as well as the Board of Trustees. We wish we could be in person with all of you this year, but we believe this decision is in the best interest of our religious school community and aligns with our congregation’s decision to keep the building closed for all group gatherings in the months ahead. We will constantly evaluate our progress and make any changes to school programming as appropriate, with the input of our faculty, families and temple leadership.

We believe that online learning and online community are different but worthy options. We have spent countless hours learning about what it means to teach effectively online, intentionally training our faculty, reworking our curriculum and researching what we need to do to create great, engaging experiences for our learners. We are excited about the opportunity to bring Jewish learning into your homes and your lives in new ways, and we are committed to investing significant energy and resources to make it worthwhile.

Our goal is that every learner will continue their Jewish learning journey with confidence. The Jewish people and Judaism have experienced significant change, upheaval, and challenges over the past 500 years. We have faced tough moments and adapted and found new ways to keep the flame alive. This year is no different. Jewish community, stories, values and prayers are great sources of sustenance and wisdom in uncertain times for learners of all ages. By continuing in our religious school with this new learning model, our learners will have consistent opportunities to explore their heritage and make meaningful spiritual connections. We hope you’ll jump in and embrace this new moment with us and of course give us feedback so we know how we are doing!

What Will Our Religious School Programming Look Like?  • Programs will run on the same days as our traditional

program: Sunday mornings for our elementary, middle, and high school programs; Tuesday and Wednesday Midweek for our 3rd-6th graders.

• Weekly scheduled sessions will include a healthy mix of community time and individual grade-level classes.

• Participants will join all classes and programming from home live on Zoom. We will provide materials and support.

• New, online special programs for holidays, grade-level milestones, and “just for fun” community moments will continue to be special experiences online!


A Taste of Religious School: Join us for a week of “taster” experiences for our online religious school program. Check it out with your child(ren), meet the faculty and participate in some interactive online learning opportunities in order to help you decide what this experience will be like.


Opening Week: Our Opening Sessions will focus on building community, creating group norms, learning more about each class’ plans for the year and preparing for the fall holidays.

Sign Up Today: Religious School Registration is Still Open!Registration is through ShulCloud, our new data management system. All of your forms, contact information and billing are streamlined in one place. Make sure your member account is set up so registering will be easier than ever this year! Access the ShulCloud Home Page from our Shaare Emeth website by clicking on the “Member Login” link in the upper right corner. The registration deadline is September 9, 2020, the final date to register to qualify for our early bird tuition incentive.

Please contact Tammy Beaird ([email protected]) in the Religious School Office at 314-569-1273 for any questions or support regarding setting up registration.

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In spite of the pandemic, Camp Emeth had a fantastic summer. After planning, replanning and replanning again, we enjoyed a successful summer of both virtual and in-person camping


Our virtual experience of Camp-in-a-Bag consisted of meeting with a small group of campers one hour a day, Monday through Thursday,

for six weeks. Each weekend, a bag full of supplies and goodies was delivered to each camper, so they were ready for the planned activities all week long. They participated in sports, art, science, shiur, Israel, music and special activities. Each Friday, our entire community celebrated Shabbat together online.

Our in-person experience, Camp Emeth 2.0, lasted for four weeks and provided much needed socialization and fun for 30 campers, grades kindergarten through 5th grade. While camp looked a little bit different this summer, the heart of Camp Emeth was still there. Campers enjoyed familiar activities such as art, shiur, Israel, sports, water fun, music and many fun activities planned by their counselors. The weather was very hot on most days, but we still spent the majority of time outdoors. Both campers and staff were diligent about mask wearing and adopting all of our safety protocols. Everyone adapted to make this summer a special and memorable one for the campers.

I cannot thank our wonderful staff enough for stepping up at this time and working so hard to provide this opportunity for our camp community. I’d like to recognize each member of our outstanding team. We couldn’t do it without them.

OUR SENIOR STAFF Mark Cohen - Assistant Director Kevin Lee - Program Director Meghan Platke - Camp Manager

OUR SPECIALISTS Helena Cooper - Inclusion Specialist Lucy Greenbaum - Music Specialist Lauren Mishkin - Art Specialist Amalia Newman - Shiur/Israel Specialist Alexandra Signore - Water Specialist Michael Siler - Sports Specialist

OUR COUNSELORS Danny Baris Emma Cohen Alex Drier Bella Koski Lucas Lydon Ally Oglander Megan Rubenstein Joey Sokolik Emma Trog Andrew Walton

While these times are anything but normal, we were happy to create a sense of “normalcy” and connection for a brief moment in time.

We look forward to 2021 when we can hopefully all be together again.

Beth Kodner Director, Camp Emeth

Camp Emeth

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Simplify EverythingGet your team from “do do” to “done done”

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Jewish Q&A

For Those Who Might Be Curious: Guest authors answer questions about Judaism, Jewish practices and Jewish thought. If you have a question, contact Subie Banaszynski, Interfaith Coordinator, at [email protected].

Why is the Jewish New Year in the Fall?Subie Banaszynski responds:“When is Rosh Hashanah this year?” The best reply is “the 1st of Tishri,” the Hebrew date rather than the secular one! Jewish holidays follow the lunar year rather than the Gregorian solar calendar we are accustomed to.

The Torah and the Mishnah (book of oral law) describe four new years. The first begins on the first of Nisan, or Passover. “...This month shall mark for you the beginning of the months; it shall be the first of the months of the year for you (Exodus 12:1-2).” Nissan, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, celebrates the creation of the Jewish people as a nation as we became free from Egypt.

The first of Tishri, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, is Rosh Hashanah - the head of the year. The words Rosh Hashanah are not actually found in the Torah, but we read: “... In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe complete rest, a sacred occasion commemorated with loud blasts. You shall not work at your occupations; and you shall bring an offering by fire to the Lord” (Lev. 23:23-25). Rosh Hashanah - our civil and religious year.

So which month is the new year? Some commentators argue that Nisan was the first month. Others believe Tishri to be the anniversary of the birth of Adam and all of humanity. Judaism acknowledges the importance of the Jewish people and our history (Nisan) and the value of all people (Tishri). Tishri may have won because it coincides with the fall harvest and the sound of the shofar.

If you are still curious, the third new year is the first of Elul (the sixth month), the tithing of cattle for charity. And the fourth, the fifteenth of Shevat (the eleventh month), is the new year of Trees - the minor holiday of Tu B’shevat.Whenever you celebrate it - Shanah Tovah! Happy New Year!

For Those Who Might Be Curious…

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Tzedek EventsThe Jewish Food Pantry Needs Our Help

You can help the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry during the Coronavirus Pandemic

by donating money or donating food. Below are some suggestions for food items the pantry needs for the month of September:

1. Canned Chili, Beef Stew and Protein-Rich Foods

2. Kosher Non-Perishable Food 3. Canned Tuna Fish and Canned Chicken 4. Peanut Butter and Jelly 5. Canned Vegetables (corn, green beans,

peas, carrots) 6. Canned Fruits 7. Dry Spaghetti, Tomato Sauce and OtherCannedPastas

8. Personal care items such as: Hand Soap, Hand Sanitizer, Toothpaste and Dental Floss

Currently, the need is great so please help in any way you can. Thank you.

For further information, please contact Louise Levine, 314-368-5902.

Every Voice, Every Vote Drive-Thru Notary

A team of 10 volunteer notaries masked up and took on the responsibility to make sure that anyone with an absentee or mail-in ballot could have it notarized for the August 4th election. Thank you to Amy Cooper, Patty Croughan, Mike

Fields, Rachel Goltzman, Renea Koski, Amy Lampert, Sue Matlof, Joe Pereles, Sharon Remis and Andy Rimmel, who all stepped up to help make this program a success. AspecialthankyoualsotoRobertColton,DirectorofBuildingOperationsandhiscustodial team for setting up the tables, chairs, fans and the very heavy portable sink for washing hands every day that the notary was in session.

Even though it is September we are already gearing up for the November 3rd elections. You can request an absentee ballot now by going to: http://bitly.com/stl-absentee.

You can also join our notary team by becoming a notary now. Go to www.missourinotary.com.

Questions? Contact Sue Matlof at 314-378-3616 or [email protected].

Watch for details about our Drive-Thru Notary station for the November elections in our weekly Tzedek emails.

Sue Matlof and Sharon Remis washing their hands at our Drive-Thru Notary.

Amy Cooper and Rachel Goltzman notarizing two absentee ballots safely.

Joe Pereles waiting for the next customer.

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Temple Joy

Mazel tov to these members…Sheryl and Doug Weber on the engagement of their son Bradley to Leslie Senzer. Also congratulations to grandparents Esther and Al Appelbaum and the late Joyce and Harold Weber.

Al Appelbaum on his special birthday.

Ben Weiss and Dr. Britta Han on their engagement. Proud parents are Jane Roodman Weiss and John Weiss.

Dan and Libby Steiner on the birth of their son, Baker Hall Steiner. Also congratulations to grandparents Ron and Cindy Steiner.

To share your simcha, visit www.sestl.org/simcha or call Stacy Jespersen in the Shaare Emeth office, 314-569-0010.

SimchasWe’d like to welcome these new members to Congregation Shaare Emeth:

Staci and Joey GerchenHerbert GoldmanJessica Rodriguez and Ryan WellmakerKelli and Samuel Wise

New Members

In the Temple FamilyWe express condolences to Shaare Emeth members on the death of their loved ones, our members. We

express sympathy to Shaare Emeth members who have had a death in their extended family.

SympathyBetsy Kelly on the death of her mother, Mildred Stern

Stacy (Gregg) Pepper on the death of her uncle, Errol Frank

Barbara Spector on the death of her brother-in-law, Jeffrey Spector

Robin (Dennis) Roach on the death of her father, Herbert Glazer

CondolencesBernice Bierman Great aunt of Dan (Dana) Weinstein and Boyd Weinstein

Dr. Harry Glassman Grandfather of Natalie (Mitchell) Kalmar

Esther Lyss-Greenstein Wife of Harvey Greenstein

Lilli Prelutsky

Rosalie Sterneck

Ethel Warshafsky Mother of Myra (Dr. Stephen) Radinsky and Janice (Dr. Gary) Sherman

Shirley Wexler Mother of Barb (Fred) Nelson

Stanley Zerman Husband of Adele Bogard and father of Mark (Debra) Zerman.

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SEPTEMBER 4Adolph AdlerBernice AntonAlbert ArkyWilliam AshHarriet BarenfeldCharles BiermanJeanne BiermanJanice BiernbaumMinerva BirenbaumLouis R. BlankeBarry BlockLinda BlockLeonard BrickerArnold BrownHulda BurgheimSam Cerf, Jr.Pauline ChaleffJohn CohenKate CohenBetty CopilevitzMorris DavisHarry A. DawidoffYaffa DayanSharon DruckBertha EpsteinMildred ErrantTheresa FaberAnn FaginEthel FeigenbaumBernard FischlowitzEdward FoxRudolph FoxDavid FramerMorris N. FranklinDavid FrelichArthur FreundHattie FreundStephen FreundSophia FriedmanWilliam Friedman, PhDShirley GaghyanBernard GersJoseph GlaserSophia GluckAlvin GoldfarbMax GordonIsadore GozS. I. HarwoodWilliam HeymanDina HeyumSylvia HopperSarah HorwichFannie JaffeAbraham KarlinElsie KonradGustave Kraus

Claire LandauLillie LazarusMorris MandelRosalind MarglousJack MontellMartha MorrisonMeyer MorrosMartha NiemanElse NodelPaul PortnoyAlbert PrelutskyDiana RaderRebeccah RaderSam RaderRose RennardIrene SaengerRose SamsonWilliam SchwartzLeo ShapiroAnne SherRose SmithRosa StampferBertha SteinerJennye SteinerFlorence SteinhauerElsa StraussHenriette StraussDoris TaryleJacob TaubmanRose TaubmanMorris TuckerBelle TureenAbe WeissDr. Bruce WhiteSam Zimmerman

SEPTEMBER 11Ruth AlfendMyra AronsonSylvia BearmanAnne BraslerJosephine CasselGertrude ChelistDenise CohenLawrence CohenFred DeutschSarah Mary EllisJacob Louis EpsteinMollie EvzikovAnna FigusRosemary FlanceCharles FrancisAbraham FrankDaniel FriedmanDavid FriedmanHarry GelbJean Gers

Edith GoldNathan GreenbergFrieda GrossmanNathan HarrisRebecca HarrisonIrvin HianAlex HochmanEdna KaminskyMark KaplanPhyllis KaplanMay KarshJack KatzJosephine KawinIrvin KoplarLillian LandauGloria LevinBonnie LinkemerCarrie LochnerAlfred MankofskyRuth MannCaroline MathesStephen MiddlemanStella MissnerGus MosingerLouis PassenMax PosnanskyEdward RoseArlene RudmanAbe SchneiderMilton SchwartzAbraham Jacob ShucartEly SigoloffLaura SilversteinMiriam SmithAnnie SrencoBunny TabachnickDolly UhrmacherIsador WeissSalem WeissRose Zerman

SEPTEMBER 18Sydney AsherSam BeckRecha BendixSamuel BensingerAnn BrandDr. Alvin BrownJulius BrunswickHarriet ChaitkinMichael ChorlinsBen CohenGladys CrownEdythe DrebinNathan EssmanMary FeldbergHarvey Feldman

Samuel FermanAaron Carson FinkEva FleischerSophie FrankCelia M. FranklinSue GallopDr. David GeigermanAgnes GillMilton GlaserMildred GlucksmanBernard GoldsteinAdeline GreenbergNathan HarrisSidney HarrisDr. Solon HarrisHarry JamiesonSamuel KappMendel KrislavskyDorothy KronemerLouis KuttnerIrwin LappemanIda LebowitzFaye LernerElise LevineBernard LevinsohnHarry LevinsonNathan LevyJerome Levy, M.D.Goldie LippeAaron LipschitzHannah LochnerHarry H. LoebnerEdward H. MarkmanAngela Matlof-JonesJoyce MayerJulia MayerRabbi Julian MillerStillman MostovoyMary MovshinRuth Lewk MyersFrank NovosonMax PaskalSimon PattizAdolph PopperJoseph PopperGladys RatnerFannie RickensohlClara RobbinsSidney RoodmanEllen RosenElmer RosenS. Eugene RosenbloomLillie RubinsteinEddy SamuelsFrances SchaefferSam SchaefferLouis S. Schulkin

Edward SchwartzEdward SchwarzkopfJulius SherBernard SichelJuliette SieversOtto SteinPaula SteingerSarah Yawitz TobiasRonald UnellIsadore VerschleiserEdith WakefieldRose WallersteinIrving WarnerCipora WeismanEdith WeissmanDaisy Wohl

SEPTEMBER 25Laura AaronHattie AbramsonFay BenickMaurice BiedermanMildred BlochDaniel BogardMax BuksteinNathan ClassMeyer CohenEthel CohnSylvia CornClara CytronFrieda DavidsonNolan DeWoskinSonia DubmanMorris EdelmanCharles FeitJason FeitBernard FermanAnna FerschtmanBertha FleischmannHelen GardnerFred GarfieldSamuel GeffenJack GersteinJulius GinsbergDr. E. Glenn GlassmanElaine GlassmanLillian GlucksmanIsrael GodinerJeanette GoldfarbJoseph GoldmanLillian GoldmanStanley GoldsteinMildred Lubin GreenJennie GrossmanBarbara GullerAlfred HaffnerMinnie Hartman


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RABBIS’ SPECIAL FUNDIN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Bennett to thank him for the beautiful service for Betty Abrams Karen Abrams Engman Rabbi Bennett for their Granddaughter Hailey Rey Meuth’s Baby Naming Julie & Jim Winkle Rabbi Bennett, Rabbi Goldstein, Rabbi Levine, Cantor Warner and Lucy Greenbaum for all the meaningful weeks of online services Phylis Kahn Rabbi Bennett and Rabbi Stiffman for your service and consolations following the passing of Betty Abrams James H. Abrams

Rabbi Goldstein for her beautiful sermon and special kindness Sharon & Richard Cohen Rabbi Goldstein during these uncertain times for her community offerings Laurie Nest IN HONOR OF:Robert Fagin for his 65th Birthday Bruce Klein Jay Goldstein on his Special 75th Birthday

Joyce & Larry Kolker; Judy & Jerry Kreisman; Rita & Barry Worth

Eunice & John Reichman on the marriage of their Granddaughter Dani Sheri & Fred Seigel

Rabbi Jeffrey & Dr. Arlene Stiffman on their 60th Wedding Anniversary Sherri & Rick GoldmanSue & Alan Wallach on the birth of their newest Granddaughter Lillian Anita Barb & Joe Kennington IN MEMORY OF: Edwin M. Berdy Carol Berdy Evelyn R. Eisenkramer Gail & Charles Eisenkramer Sally Friedman Rabbi William Cutter Gilbert Gans Jody & Mickey WaldmanLily Gordon Roberta Stolz Irene Greenspoon Jodi & Michael Kaplan

The tributes listed here are those made for $10 or more and processed June 29- July 30th, 2020. A tribute gift made in another’s name is a lovely way to honor a friend for a recent simcha (joyous occasion), to honor the memory of a deceased loved one on their yahrzeit (anniversary of death), or to show appreciation for someone. To make a tribute donation, please visit www.sestl.org/give/. Hardcopy forms are available in the Shaare Emeth main office and at the South Lobby reception desk or can be printed.

Robert HolzmanBillie IkenBess KamilBen KolkerFrank KoltunLillian KoslowLinda KrasnerMyra KravitzJulia LangRose LazarMary LehrGussie LevyMeyer LevyEdward LoewElla LoitersteinDr. Stanley LyssJennie MarglousCharles J. MarmorSol MathesDonna MeyersDr. Isadore MiddlemanBelle MigdenAlan MillnerHoward T. NeidenbergNina PollackSamuel PolskiSaul PrywitchStella RichDr. Harry Rosenbaum

Ben RosenstrohBarnett RubinsteinLouis SalzbergNancy SatzNorma SchumanSylvia SchwanderCarl SchwartzSamuel SiegelmanMary SitemanI. Louis SteinCharlotte SteinerSelma SteinerEdward SteinmanReva SterneckIrwin StraussMichael TaffelBette TaxmanCamille TaylorSigma VictorFanny WantuckJacob WisemanBen M. WishnuffMichael WorthFrances YavitzEva Zinner

OCTOBER 2Shirley AnselPaul Barron

Daniel BeckerPriva BergGerald BermanGretchen BraufmanFlorence ChaitAvis CohenRobert CohnSylvia DanskerSarah DeWoskinLouis DruckAndrew EiglesBen FademRawin FischerHerman FlounGreta ForsmanMiriam FranklinMorris FriedmanHarold GeffenJennie GersDorothy GilnerAnne GlaserAdolph GluckEdward GoldmanEly GoldwasserBessie GolubTed GreenbergDooley GrossWilliam GutmanHelen Heisler

Byrnece JaffeMarcella Kohn KahnMarie KamenetzkyHarry KauferMarilyn KaufmanRabbi Julius KermanDavid KommRalph KoppelRose KrasnerMinette LabaThea LawtonJerome LernerRose LevyRoselee LipschitzLouis MarcusMary MargoliesRudy MayerSaville MayerRachel MedveFlorence MehlmanGertrude NeumanRosabelle OksnerMorris OppenheimerPearl OvchinskyOscar PearlBeth RadinskyHarry RaiffieAdolph RedererKenneth E. Rhodes

Sophye J. RichterBernard RitterShirley RosenthalRose RudolphRuth SafronElaine SamsonHarry SchneiderLoraine SchnidmanDaniel SechesMarcella SegallPaul SeligsohnRuth ShermanJacob ShieberMargot SilbersteinAlexander S. SingerMarcella SpectorHerman SteinbergJoseph StutsonFannie SudinMary TofleKatie TzinbergSorlee WagmanBarney WallsteinLouis WeinerRose WeissHenry WishnuffJane Wohl


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TributesDr. Daniel Kaufer

Rita & Barry Worth; Esther & Joel Weltman

Louis Kootman Jerry KootmanMollie Kootman Jerry Kootman Sandra E. Kraus Roberta Kraus Wyde Karl Liberman Stacy & Mike Singer Arthur Poger Frances Poger Jack Poger Frances Poger Rita Rennard Gail & Charles Eisenkramer; Rita & Barry Worth Anna Rose Seligman

Lester Seligman; Rhonda Seligman

Dorothy Steinberg Sharon & Irvin Steinberg Daniel Stolz Roberta Stolz Ethel Warshafsky Janice & Lew Sanders

CANTOR’S SPECIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Sheri & Fred Seigel on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Sue Ellen & Larry Maneson IN MEMORY OF: Dr. Daniel Kaufer Sue Ellen & Larry Maneson Jacob Schachter

Arlene Goodman and Family; Stephanie & Will Schachter and Family

Rita Rennard Ann & Ashley Loiterstein

BEMA FLOWERS IN MEMORY OF: Ida Litvag Litvag and Dyson Families Norman Roth

Stephanie Turner & Will Schachter

AL AND EVA FLEISCHER HEALING FUNDIN HONOR OF: Dick Fine thinking of him and wishing him all the best Peggy & Alan Schaffer IN MEMORY OF: Edith Landau Garden Linda & Stuart Lubitz





B’NAI EL TZEDAKAH FUNDIN HONOR OF: Nancy & Harvey Lehrer on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Ricki & Neil Marglous IN MEMORY OF: ֹֹֹGary Davis Jacqueline RudolphRita Rennard Jacqueline Rudolph Soozie Waxman Jacqueline Rudolph


BROCKMAN-SIEGELMAN GEMILUT HASADIM FUND IN MEMORY OF: Helen & Oscar Brockman, Evelyn & Sidney Goldberg, Wilma & Caroline Siegelman & George Siegelman Ronnie & Allen BrockmanDr. Daniel Kaufer Ronnie & Allen BrockmanRita Rennard Eunice & John Reichman

Soozie Waxman Kenneth Schwartz Lillian Zablin Ronnie & Alan Brockman

BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUNDIN MEMORY OF: Harry E. Robin Gail & Robert MielzinerShirley Sparks Perry Sparks


LIBRARY FUNDIN MEMORY OF: Rose Kleiner Lorie Kleiner Eckert

DONNA MEYERS CHILDREN’S BOOK NOOK FUND IN MEMORY OF: Bernie Feinstein Roberta Feinstein and Family HARVEY & LEANNE SCHNEIDER INTERFAITH FORUM FUND IN MEMORY OF: Nancy S. Weinreich Jill Weinreich & Steve Weinreich

IDA & HARRIS KRAMER SOCIAL ACTION FUND IN HONOR OF: Eunice & John Reichman on their Granddaughter Dani’s marriage to Josh Jackie & Marty Lipsitz IN MEMORY OF: Irvin Glazer Ron Glazer Beth Huppin Roberta Kraus Wyde Dr. Daniel Kaufer Marilyn & Gary Ratkin


LISA’S STAR FUND FOR CAMP EMETHIN MEMORY OF: Jerry Brown Marsha & Larry Rothman Leon Getzlow Marsha & Larry Rothman Diane Weiss Marsha & Larry Rothman RABBI JEFFREY B. STIFFMAN LECTURE FUND IN HONOR OF: Gail & Charles Eisenkramer on your Granddaughters Engagement Ellen Bluestone IN MEMORY OF: Jeannette. Bleiweiss Diana Barnholtz and Family Daniel Bluestone Ellen Bluestone Donald Brasloff Margie Kulstein Fanny Fein Ellen BluestoneRobert Frey Delores Fry Rita Rennard Gail Lewis

JOAN AND HARRY SELTZER FAMILY FUND FOR IMPROVING WOMEN’S LIVES IN HONOR OF: Joey Hoffman on his Birthday Joan SeltzerKevin Seltzer on his Birthday Joan SeltzerMark Schupp on his Birthday Joan Seltzer

MANN FAMILY HUNGER FUNDIN MEMORY OF: Donald Brasloff Harry, Wende & Molly Stern Harriet Harris Marci & Jim Hennessy

MICAH DAVIS MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Nancy & Harvey Lehrer on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Phyllis & Steve KamenetzkyJosh Wallach on becoming President of Shaare Emeth Susie & Leon Kravetz

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Sue & Alan Wallach on the birth of their Granddaughter Lillian Susie & Leon Kravetz

IN MEMORY OF: Micah Davis Norm DavisDr. Daniel Kaufer Pam & Norm DavisFrances Lerner Susie & Leon Kravetz

MICHAEL MATLOF FUND FOR HOMEBOUND SERVICES A DONATION: To Support Friday night Shabbat Services online Rochelle Karty IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Bennett, Rabbi Goldstein, Rabbi Bearman, Cantor Warner and Lucy Greenbaum for all they are doing during these challenging times and for enriching our lives Rochelle Karty IN HONOR OF: Eunice & John Reichman on the marriage of your Granddaughter Dani to Josh Barb & Rich Kramer IN MEMORY OF: Dr. Daniel Kaufer Carole & Jay GoldsteinNancy Weinreich Susan Rich

NANCY LEVIN PRESCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: The special birthday of Nancy Levin’s Granddaughter, Nancy Coleman Adrienne Levin Coleman

OPERATIONS ENHANCEMENT FUND IN HONOR OF: Esther & Al Appelbaum on the engagement of their Grandson Bradley to Leslie Elaine & Jordan Rudolph Patty Croughan on the birth of her Grandson Brenda & Joe Pereles Jackie & Ken Kleban on the birth of their Granddaughter Lila Tomich Sherri & Rick Goldman IN MEMORY OF: Ted Baumgarten Linda EdelmanIrene Greenspoon Susan Barad Mavis Nierman Sharee & Mark Feldman Hyman P. Rosenberg Diane & Toby Gerber and Family Aileen Shapiro Brenda & Joe Pereles Marvin Steinberg Sharon & Irv Steinberg Ethel Warshafsky Sharon & Richard CohenLouis Zager Suzanne & Bill Bierman

ROBERT J. SIEGEL SETYG PROGRAM FUNDIN MEMORY OF: Lawrence Herman Marc Siegel Faye & Robert Siegel Marc Siegel

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUNDIN APPRECIATION OF: Jerri Livingston for her wonderful Hebrew tutoring Jackie & Marty Lipsitz

IN MEMORY OF: Juanita Ruth Engel Carol Lewis Ann R. Lewis Carol Lewis Leon Herbert Lewis Carol Lewis

SAM & GOLDYE ROSEN MUSIC FUND IN HONOR OF: Nancy & Harvey Lehrer on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Wilma & Harvey Gerstein IN MEMORY OF: Tilford Hearsh Bonnie & Steve Rosen John Hirsch Bonnie & Steve Rosen Marvin Muchnick Bonnie & Steve Rosen Shirley Rosenthal Irene Fox SHIRLEE GREEN PRESCHOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Henry Crown Allison MarksCarol Goldfarb Barb & Meryle RosenfeldFrances Lerner Barb & Meryle Rosenfeld Mavis Nierman Sharee & Mark Feldman


SISTERHOOD WOMEN’S PROGRAMMING FUNDIN HONOR OF: Eunice & John Reichman on the marriage of Dani & Josh Jerri & Bill Livingston

DR. STANLEY B. LYSS ADULT EDUCATION FUND IN HONOR OF: Mr. & Mrs. Norman Becker on the marriage of Ariela & Jeff Jackie & Alan Kofsky IN MEMORY OF: Shirley Goldman

Jackie & Alan Kofsky; Toddy Goldman

Tilford Hearsh Lynn & Dr. Carl LyssBetty Rudolph Lynn & Dr. Carl Lyss

WILLIAM SELTZER OLDER ADULT FUND IN HONOR OF: Nancy & Harvey Lehrer on their 50th Wedding Anniversary Cathy & Randy Arst KATHY & MARTY ZIGLER FUND FOR THE ENRICHMENT OF PRESCHOOL TEACHERS IN HONOR OF: Alara Rosenfeld on her 1st Birthday Barb & Meryle Rosenfeld

Listings, June 29- July 30th, 2020Every effort has been made to include accurate, up-to-date information on these listings. To report an error or omission, please call the Shaare Emeth office at 314-569-0010.

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The Bulletin is published monthly by Congregation Shaare Emeth. For more information, please call the Temple office at 314.569.0010

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Board OfficersPRESIDENT Josh Wallach FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Bill Remis VICE PRESIDENTS Randy Brodsky Richard Cohen Dana DeBlasi Erin Schreiber Michael Sherberg SECRETARY Rachel Pereles TREASURER Mark Gubernik ASSOCIATE TREASURER Bob SparksMEMBER-AT-LARGE LisaSuffian IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Mike Lefton


Help Us Plant Our Seeds

Recently, our Shirlee Green Preschool children and volunteers planted seeds for our Mitzvah Garden. These seedlings will grow into vegetables which will be donated to the Harvey Kornblum Food Pantry to help ensure the strength of our community by providing for those in need. You too can “plant seeds” with us by actively giving to our campaign. Your philanthropy will help Shaare Emeth grow by providing essential items to aid in keeping our community safe and healthy throughout and after this time of crisis.

Thank you so much for your philanthropy and support. Together, we will ensure our community remains strong and true to the values we all hold together.

Venmo Us: @ShaareEmeth Give Online at www.sestl.org/plantourseeds

Plant Our SeedsC A M P A I G N

Help ensure Shaare Emeth’s current health and future growth

Congregation Shaare Emeth