M f k ' 9 I % 4 Father & Daughter Discuss Community Problems Friends Honored Mrs. Emma Callahan Mrs Naadra Archibald, owner director of the Main Day Care ('enter, 2142 Male Ml., at Humboldt fkw; . dieruaaea with her father, columnist Mark O'Riley aortal, economic and other related problems facing the Ruffaio Black community Mr O'Riley operates E A M Variety Hhnp. Broadway and Adams Mt.. and haa been a with the Huffalo Criterion for n d ) It Mra Archibald mark* tbe third generate— O'Riley's ia Buffalo Her grandfather operated I repair shop In Buffalo aearfy atsty years ape af dm This arena teak pier* at e Brit M ai Party gives by Demean W R k a V ( aBohaa Mr . la tbe backyard af ibeir baaadfal borne * 42 Jaboaoa Nt — Labor Day in her af Me wife Mra Fawns V ( alia has Sbe ia a boaotirtaa. a w a rw ti and rburrb worker Many Mends turned out te help bet celebrate A Shown in Ihe photo from left ere I h e on < allahan that* non. Rev William Callahan. Jr Rev Joseph Ifavla. and Rev Henry Hall Rev li»*i* t» pastor of Trinity Baptist < hurch. 41 Spruce Nt . when tbe t allahan a are member*, and Rev Hall, la an associate minister there Criterion I’bido WNY’* l-ujie-c A Only Acosdfced Mmonrv N oofsper — Iraninng Paid WgNifiuMr ( inujatao 1923 1979 CMTBUON PRESS And sta th. No 1 WNY Cmtral Citm Our office baa been open every week of every year store our riM w ce serving our communities' g BUFFALO H RITERION You’ve Jast gotte alga up for a cop* of The Huffalo Criterion every week - for only VOL S3 - No 37 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12-18, 1979 1 5 c NATIONAL 20. Upstate New York's oldest and largest minor Hi preen — the only W N Y minority paper that I* registered as a bona fide newspaper under tbe Merck .1, 1879 Act of fnngrena regulating H f Confab To Address Urban Ministry Hundreds Expected From Across The Nation 5 Selected To Serve On Drug Abuse Task Force 3-Day Confab To Deal With Needs Of Blacks & Other Minorities The Agony and Cre ed Urban/ Metropoii Inn Ministry,” will be explored in a national conference hosted by tha American Baptist Church aa of the Niagara frontier IABCNPI at the Buffalo Convention ('enter. Sept 14 lo 28th Hundreds of represents Uvea from across the nation will meat to dlarusa the raiationahipe at urban minister* who must inter act with diverse group# of i i M ft E with iterance a 12 will noon luncheon with the keynote atkfraoa bv Congressman Walter E Fauntroy (D- DC), a mimrter who waa Iks Aral parson to rupre- sant tha Oiatrirt of Colum bia. In tha House of lapraeentativee In 100 A dose associate with Dr Martin Luther King. Fauatroi wae active in the dvti right* movement he coordinated the 1986 Sahae-to-Montgomery Marrh and ia a member of ■everal congreeamnal com Erwin Johnson, of the Ruffaio kp Urban An Program at the Ate—rakv of New Y^rk at Buffalo will •ddraaa the afternoon sea dan on Sept 24th He. •«> 8—rrihe TheSocial «nd Cultural Dvnamtr* of a Metropolitan A Rea M At 7 20 p m Dr, Thomas Kilgore. Jr., pas tor of the second Baptist Church in Los Angela* and pest president of the American Bantu* Church es of the U s A , and the Progressive National Rap Ust Convention, will be guest preacher at awor ship ceremony in Nt John’s Baptist Church The Sept 26th session will open at 9 a m., irith a panel presentation titled. Can We Transcend I sols linn in tha Urban/Metro politan Church'* The afternoon will la devoted to workshops Dr David Bartlett, pas Uir of Hyde Park Baptist Church, Chicago, ami an aaanriate lecturer on the New Testament at the University of Chicago Di vinity School, will diaruas The Biblical Foundations of Metropolitan Ministry'* as speaker at a 8 30 p m lianquet Distinguished author. Dr Emmett V Johnson, director of Evangelism for ABCUSA, will disruss ‘‘Holistic Evangelism tn the Metropolitan Context" at 11 a m . on Sept 26th. The conference will ad journ at 12 noon. More information about the conference can be obtained from tbe Rev William D Scott, execu live minister of the Ameri can Baptist Churches of tbe Niagara Frontier. 1271 Delaware Ave , at 716/ 882 9207 | Erie County Edward J Rutkowaki has Ma/ian Beet, a Captain m the Buffalo Police Dept and four Lav*. Buffalo area re*fleets to the county a newly created 28 member teak force which swill begin (harimg a rounty wide offensive against drug abuse The Kaat Buffalo rest dents who were appointed are Helen R Arnold New York State Employ ment Service. 2090 N f'tllmore Ave Melvin K Brown. Director. Buffalo Division for Drue Abase Services. 1140 Delaware Ave . DeWltt Lee. Kaeru live Director of Bridge Abbot , 77 Clarence Ave , and Annette Peoples. Di rector of St Augustine s ('enter Family Foster Cere. 48 (Hrarn Place. Tbe task force grew out of the July litn Drug Abuae Awareness Day. sponsored by County F.ae rutive Rutkowaki and Lag islators Mar* Lou Rain (R WiUiamsvUlet and Roger 1 Blackwell ID , Buffalo I Representatives from a wide croes-section of the community. in the fields of education, mental health, criminal justice and con cerned citizens who have expertise with drug abuse problems, make up tbe task force County Executive Rut- kowski said. ' The Drug Abuse Task Force, is charged with reviewing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School Receives ES S A Funds YW IN Marlin Luther ??8- - Community NRgM haa been awarded te apnnanr aa ESS A Bdre protect for *y-6ve pnmarv grade in team practical effective parent eg Pare*! partw-ipanl-. •forfod will he parent, of ir1 grade* Early *FWwrwm Kinder gar ’"T **1 ((Tad* (m . program ertivilw* ■PJJtefele -nil allow (<>* ^®R88too* h-r parent >n runntng N»pr -e- 1UIV J979.Mli WjWwtthjy instructional r y * *- "Wting* will he two sessions srhedul ed for the principal and or invited lecturer Tbe program will include n one hour session of classroom observance and two hours of in service project sea- smn* The two sessions will encompass a three hour Mock of time between 4 a «n., and 12 noon In-service project dates are Sept 26 Food for Thought Tbe Importance of f rood Nutrition . Ort 3 |. Immunization and Your ( hiM Nov 28. Parent Informatern How Com munity Agencies Are Run to Serve You and Your Child. Dec 18. Physical and Psythntogiral Devel opment of Your Child. W Iw b L (—to* Pres* daw mt TV* InaiHuto tor People Enterprise* 984 Jeffe— Ave . haa an ( AFT AIN MARK»N BANK the nature and e stent of substance in Erie County and recommending a plan for addressing the nrob Iimri The pAufi nhmihl include specific racnm mandat ion a regarding long range preventer and education*1 need* m a by two prv •rk day by scholar* from tbe Under the of Urban (W e* arrival and Pro gieaa , tike conference jwimpaaite will dtaruss Mr Rutkowaki said that representatives from the Erie County Youth Board pnfectea and Department of Detention and Criminal Justice Plan rung Coordinator will Tbe guest arholars local participant* wiK also present thaar idaaa ahn*a dwwrtoms that nead to be adopted for Tba gnaat | of their presentation Jan 30. Home Self: Parent Attitudes and Pupil Achievement; Feb 21. Parent and Behavior Mod ification. Mar 26 Practi- cal Skills in Effective Discipline . Apiil 30. The Primary School Curricu lum (Early Push. Kinder garten and Grade Onel, May 28. The Primary School Curriculum (Early Push. Kindergarten and Gade Onel and June TR. Tbe Primary School Curri rulum IEarly Push Km dergarlen and Grade One); and June 18. The Primary SrboM Curricu lum (Early Push Kinder garten and Grade Onel Information packets em- The apointee* serve without com pen sat and are not subject to conftr matson of tha-Erie County Legislature King Solomon 4k To Hoot Youth Revival A youth revival will be held at the King Solomon Holiness Church. 92 Monroe September 17-21. 8:00 p m with Rev Harris of Lo* Angeles. Calif.. conducting the services each evening. nha.'uzing each monthly theme will be prepared for each parent enrol lee These packet* will contain articles, bibliographies of suggested reading, helpful hint*, etc. This parent project is sorgho*- attempt Jr- bring tbe school and community parents together;in order to uncover ways to better educate the children Dr John Ross Dixon is Principal of Dr Martin Lutheie Jung Community -School and Ike date* of appear October 4. Harold Cruse from the University of Michigan An Arbor Michigan In dividuaham and tbe Open Society in America Impli atoms for Afro-American REform Strategies in the 19ft0s.” Also to speak on Oct 4th. aril! be Dr Marguerite Barnett, from the School of Politic*) Science Howard University. Wash . D C. Her topic will be "New D m cti— a m Hiack N a n 1* and Fubk Robey (h'totww 6. lh Hu-hard Meiatef trom tbe Univwra any id Michigan Flint FhiH Michigan who will apeak aai Recent Trends Hi Northern Uritan Poll Ore Tbe bnpla atMm* to* Black PobtMa' Straw- gvn» and Dr Robert C Johnson from the Inali tuts of Black Studies. Nt L oum Mi sjleaking tin Viemce Technology ami Black Community Devel '■patent altons Km Future Development and NurvrvaJ id Black People in America and Abroad " On the final day of the 1 csi ferem 9 on Ort nth lb f rank Brown, from the Universe* of Burial- will speak on Two New Mijrn Conrerns of Urban Com munitie* Population* Shift* and Adjuacfcration Under Administrative Rule and Coilertive Bar gaining,” and Ronald Edmonds, Senior Aaets tent to th# Chancellor for Instruction. Board of M u cation of the City of New York, will speak on "Court Ordered Ileaegregation As An Instrument m Instnu tional Reform. Limitations and Possibilities Tbe conference wil! be held in the main suditori um of tbe Erie County Public Library. Lafayette Square, in downtown Buf faio. from 9 a m . to 3 30 p m Admission is free For additional inform a tion. call the Institute for People Enterprises at 863-2717 William A. Bulow Appointed AA/EO For NFTA t 'heater R Hardt 1 'hairman ol the Niagara FronUei Transport a tom Authority, ha* an nounced tbe appointment ol W’ilbani A Bulow. to the position of Actum At hrmative Actum Equal t tpiMMtuniiv fA A /B O l oft umt fnr the Authority Mt Bulow reiilme* Joe W Moore who I*• signed his pnettum effective tug 31, to take a similar (tost in private industry in EY lauderdale. Florida Mr Miuirt- joined the Authority in June of 1972, as an liffice Assistant in the Executive Office, anti later server! aa a legal Assistant, under the Au ihonty * General Counsel In mid 1977, Mr Miuire was namerl to the Affii (native A-1 ion/Equal Op (sirtunitv department e* an AA/EO Npecialist In Decemlier of that rear, he was appointed Ailing AA/ EO Manager and in April of 1978, he was appointed as AA/EO Manager bv Chairman llardt. a poei tom he held until hia resignation. Mr Bulow haa been with the Authority in the rapacity of AA/BO *js-( laiist since February of 1978 H« spend eight year* in the U S Army at several different com mands. serving in clerical and personnel position* with record-keeping and supervisory responsihili ties lot Iu4h military tml civilian |Kirwmnel Hi Inst military assignment 1961 1962. wa* a* admin 1*t 1 stive offirer for the \ III Army t'onis in Smg.-n Mouth Vietnam. wh<--* h- held the rank ol 1st Lo u tenant After leaving Ihe Arm> Mr Bulow held a series ol IMisiUona where he gained h wealth nf experience in business administration and in dealing with the public From I97tl to 1976, he held posts as sdtmmntiu tive -dfu er. acting prop* I cisHdtnator and mfotnia turn offfa-er with lh* State University (rmstnutum Fund, al the Amherst ( smpus of the BUNYAH His last |NisiUon prior to joining the NET'A, waa as district sale* repr- eril* tive for the New York law Irtttery In nuire menl years, Mr Bulow, who rn -ln ij his B A from North Carolina Central Dn»*er sfty, ha* lieen engaged as a part time Instructor al Erie ( (immunity Cnftegv where he leeches -ourse* in introductory «* ml. gv and psychology as w> I! as several courses in the Supervision Ds-vr-iocm x-o- Sane* of tbe arhool « evening divisum Mr Bulow end lu* wif- M s/ell reside in Boris* with their two children The Real Jimmy Carter Just Stood Up’ Declares Cummings Washington. D. C. — President Jimmy Carter has told black American* that in the political world in which he operate*, hlack* are *eparaW- and unequal''. according to James C- Cumming* Jr . < >■ airmen nf the National Black Republican Council Carter did this by or chestrating the resignation of United Slates Ambass ador Andrew Young * Speaking from his office here in the Nation's capitol. Cummings declar • ed. "the real Jimmy Carter just stood up The gnn ha* gotten thin and Mack* should at last see him a* just another poiiti cian who aUmdons Marks when its to his ad van tage” . Jimmy Carter is playing hard hall politics and he has announced that aspirs tom* of Mack* will not hear on hi* strategy the Republican (hairman challenged Wmnmg the nomiiiiiinti only thing that oHmtn with ( mner." Hlark* are being weigh ed agamrt every other element of Ihe eW torste and to the extent that he can get sway with taking action* which hurt Mark* hut please other group* he feel* he need* ( after will hurt Mac k *. ('ummmg* asserted President Csrter 1* taking Mark* for gxaoi ed . the RepuM Iron k'fot f t MUNtfM ftk' Ib'fft Yt ‘ thirt n*^ muttcT whM In nn*\ Ih* IVmoi rMh Poftb !•’ M o t ’ IlIHN' <%h*f iiO« h fo*v * V*4t »|MM\ t S .* l‘*k'

Confab To Address Urban Ministry - NYS Historic …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071129/1979-09-12/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · -e- 1UIV J979.Mli WjWwtthjy instructional ry**- "Wting* will

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M f

k '9 I


Fa th e r & Daughter Discuss Com m unity Problem s Friends Honored Mrs. Emma CallahanMrs Naadra Archibald, owner director of the

Main Day Care ('enter, 2142 M ale Ml., at Humboldt f k w ; . dieruaaea with her father, colum nist Mark O 'R ile y aortal, econom ic and other related problem s facing the Ruffaio Black community

Mr O'Riley operates E A M Variety Hhnp.

B roadw ay and A dam s Mt.. and haa b een awith the Huffalo Criterion for n d ) I t

Mra A rch ibald m ark* tbe third g ene rate— O 'R iley's ia B u ffalo Her grand f ath er o p erated I repair shop In Buffalo aearfy atsty years ape

af dm

This arena teak pier* at e Brit M a i Party g iv e s by Demean W R k a V ( aBohaa Mr . la tbe backyard af ibeir b aaadfa l borne * 42 Jab o aoa Nt — Labor Day in her af Me wife Mra F awns V ( alia h as Sbe ia a boaotir ta a . a w a r w t i and rburrb worker

Many M en d s turned out te help bet ce leb rate A

Shown in Ihe photo from left ere I h e on < allahan that* non. Rev W illiam Callahan. Jr Rev Josep h Ifavla. and Rev Henry Hall Rev li»*i* t» pastor of Trinity Baptist < hurch. 41 Spruce Nt . w hen tbe t allahan a are m em ber*, and Rev Hall, la an associate m inister there Criterion I’bido

WNY’* l-ujie-c A Only Acosdfced Mmonrv Noofsper — Iraninng Paid WgNifiuMr ( inujatao


A n d s t a t h . N o 1 W N Y C m t r a l C i t m

Our office baa been open every week of every year store our r iM w c e serving our com m unities'


Y ou’ve Jast gotte alga up for a cop* o f The Huffalo Criterion every w eek - for only

VOL S3 - No 37 W E D N E SD A Y . SEPTEM BER 12-18, 1979

1 5 cNATIONAL 20.

U pstate N ew York's o ldest and largest minor Hi preen — the only W N Y minority paper that I* registered a s a bona fide new spaper under tbe M erck .1, 1879 Act o f fnngrena regulating

H f

Confab To Address Urban MinistryHundreds Expected

From AcrossThe Nation

5 Selected ToServe On Drug

Abuse Task Force

3-Day Confab To Deal With Needs Of Blacks & Other Minorities

The Agony and Cre­ed Urban/ Metropoii

Inn M inistry,” will be explored in a national conference hosted by tha American Baptist Church aa of the Niagara frontier IABCNPI at the Buffalo Convention ('enter. Sept 14 lo 28th

Hundreds of represents Uvea from across the nation will m eat to dlarusa the raiationahipe at urban minister* who m ust inter act with diverse group# ofi iM ft


iterancea 12


luncheon with the keynote atkfraoa bv C ongressm an Walter E Faun troy (D- DC), a mimrter who waa Iks Aral parson to rupre- sant tha Oiatrirt o f Colum­bia. In tha H ouse of lapraeentativee In 100

A d ose associate with Dr Martin Luther King. Fauatroi wae active in the dvti right* m ovem ent — he coordinated the 1986 Sahae-to-Montgomery Marrh and ia a m em ber of ■everal congreeamnal com

Erwin Johnson, of the Ruffaio kp Urban An Program at the

Ate—rakv of New Y rk at Buffalo will•ddraaa the afternoon sea dan on Sept 24th H e .•«> 8—rrihe The Social«nd Cultural Dvnamtr* of a Metropolitan A Rea M

At 7 20 p m Dr,

Thom as K ilgore. Jr., pas tor o f the secon d Baptist Church in Los Angela* and pest president of theAmerican Bantu* Church­e s o f the U s A , and the Progressive National Rap Ust C onvention, will begu est preacher at a wor­ship cerem ony in NtJohn’s Baptist Church

The Sept 26th session will open at 9 a m ., irith a panel presentation titled.

Can W e Transcend I sols linn in tha U rban/M etro politan Church'* The afternoon will l a devoted to workshops

Dr David Bartlett, pas Uir of Hyde Park Baptist Church, C hicago, ami an aaanriate lecturer on the New T estam ent at the U niversity of C hicago Di­vinity School, will diaruas

The Biblical Foundations of M etropolitan Ministry'* as speaker at a 8 30 p m lianquet

D istinguished author. Dr Em m ett V Johnson, director of E vangelism for ABCUSA, will d isruss ‘‘Holistic E vangelism tn the M etropolitan C ontext" at 11 a m . on Sept 26th. The conference will ad ­journ at 12 noon.

More inform ation about the conference can be obtained from tbe Rev W illiam D Scott, execu live m inister o f the A m eri­can Baptist C hurches of tbe Niagara Frontier. 1271 D elaw are A ve , at 7 16 / 882 9207

| Erie County Edward J Rutkowaki hasM a/ian B eet, a Captain mthe Buffalo Police Dept and four Lav*. Buffalo area r e * fle e ts to the county a newly created 28 m em ber teak force which swill begin (harim g a rounty w ide offensive against drug abuse

The Kaat Buffalo rest dents who were appointed are H elen R Arnold New York State Employm ent Service. 2090 N f'tllmore Ave M elvin K Brown. D irector. Buffalo Division for D rue A base Services. 1140 Delaware Ave . DeW ltt Lee. Kaeru liv e Director o f Bridge Abbot , 77 C larence A ve , and A nnette People s . D i­rector of St A ugustine s ('enter Family Foster C ere. 48 (Hrarn Place.

T be task force grew out o f th e July l i t n Drug Abuae A w areness D ay. sponsored by County F.ae ru tive Rutkowaki and Lag islators Mar* Lou Rain (R W iUiamsvUlet and Roger 1 Blackwell ID , Buffalo I

R epresentatives from a w ide croes-section o f the com m unity . in the fie ld s o f education , m ental health, crim inal justice and co n ­cerned citizens who have exp ertise with drug abuse problem s, m ake up tbe task force

C ounty E xecutive Rut- kowski said . ' The Drug A buse Task Force, is charged with review ing

D r . M artin Lu th e r K in g , J r . School Receives E S S A Funds

YW IN Marlin Luther ??8- - CommunityNRgM haa been awarded

te apnnanr aa ESS A Bdre protect for *y-6ve pnmarv grade

in team practical effective parent

e g Pare*! partw-ipanl-. •forfod will he parent, of

ir1 grade* Early * FWwrwm Kinder gar

’"T**1 ((Tad* (m .program ertivilw*

■ P JJtefe le -nil allow (<>* ^®R88too* h-r parent >n

runntng N»pr-e - 1UIV J979.Mli

WjWwtthjy instructional r y * *- "W ting* will he

two session s srhedul

ed for the principal and or invited lecturer Tbe program will include n one hour session of classroom observance and tw o hours of in service project sea- smn* The tw o session s will encom pass a three hour Mock of tim e betw een 4 a «n., and 12 noon

In-service project dates are Sept 26 Food for Thought Tbe Importance of f rood Nutrition . Ort 3 | . Immunization and Your ( hiM Nov 28. Parent Informatern How C om ­munity A gencies Are Run to Serve You and Your C hild. Dec 18. Physical and Psythntogiral Devel­opment of Your Child.

W I w b L ( — to* Pres* d a w mt TV* InaiHuto tor People Enterprise* 984 Jeffe— Ave . haa an


the nature and e sten t of substance in Erie County and recom m ending a plan for addressin g th e nrob Iimri The pAufi nhmihl include specific racnm m andat ion a regardinglong range p r e v e n te r and education*1 need* m a

by two prv • r k day by

scholar* from tbe Under the

of Urban ( W e * arrival and Pro

g ieaa , tike conference jw im p a a ite will dtaruss

Mr Rutkowaki said thatrepresenta tiv es from the Erie County Youth Board pnfectea and D epartm ent of D etention and Criminal Justice Plan rung Coordinator will

Tbe gu est arholars local participant* wiK also present thaar idaaa ahn*a

dwwrtoms that nead to b e adopted for

Tba gnaat |of their presentation

Jan 30. H om e Self: Parent A ttitudes and Pupil A chievem ent; Feb 21. Parent and Behavior M od­ification. Mar 26 Practi- cal Skills in Effective D iscipline . A piil 30. The Primary School Curricu­lum (Early Push. Kinder garten and Grade O nel, May 28. The Primary School Curriculum (Early Push. Kindergarten and Gade O nel and Jun e TR. Tbe Primary School Curri rulum I Early Push Km dergarlen and Grade One); and June 18. The Primary SrboM Curricu­lum (Early Push K inder­garten and Grade Onel

Information packets em-

The apointee* serve w ithout com pen sat andare not subject to conftr matson of tha-E rie County L egislature

K i n g S o l o m o n4k

T o H o o t Y o u t h

R e v i v a l

A youth revival will be held at th e K ing Solom on H oliness Church. 92 M onroe Septem ber 17-21. 8:00 p m with Rev Harris o f Lo* A n g e le s . C alif.. conducting the serv ices each ev en in g .

nha.'uzing each m onthly th em e will b e prepared for each parent enrol lee T h ese packet* will contain articles, b ib liographies of su ggested reading, helpful hint*, e tc .

This parent project is sorgho*- attem pt Jr- bring tbe school and com m unity parents togeth er;in order to uncover w ays to better educate the children

Dr John Ross Dixon is Principal o f Dr Martin Lutheie Jung Com m unity -School

and Ike date* o f appear

October 4.Harold C ruse from the U niversity o f M ichigan An Arbor M ichigan In dividuaham and tbe Open Society in Am erica Impli

atom s for Afro-Am erican REform S trateg ies in the 1 9 ft0 s .”

Also to speak on Oct 4 th . aril! be Dr M arguerite Barnett, from th e School of Politic*) Scien ce Howard U niversity . W ash . D C. Her topic w ill b e "N ew

D m c ti— a m Hiack N a n 1* and F u b k Robey

(h'totww 6. lh Hu-hard M eiatef trom tbe Univwraany id M ichigan Flint FhiH M ichigan who will ap eak aai R ecent Trends Hi Northern Uritan Poll Ore Tbe bnpla atMm* to* Black PobtMa' Straw- gvn» and Dr Robert C Johnson from th e Inali tu ts of Black Stu d ies. Nt Loum Mi sjleaking tin

V iem ce Technology ami Black C om m unity D evel '■patent altons KmFuture D evelopm ent and NurvrvaJ id Black People in Am erica and Abroad "

On th e final day of the 1 c s i ferem 9 on Ort nth lb f rank B row n, from the U niverse* of Burial- will speak on Two New M ijrn C onrerns of Urban Com m unitie* Population*Shift* and Adjuacfcration Under A dm inistrativeRule and C oilertive Bar­g a in in g ,” and Ronald E dm ond s, Senior Aaets tent to th# Chancellor for Instruction. Board of M u cation o f th e City of New York, will speak on "Court O rdered Ileaegregation As An Instrum ent m Instnu tional R eform . Limitations and P ossib ilities

Tbe con feren ce wil! be held in th e main suditori um of tb e Erie County Public Library. Lafayette Square, in dow ntow n Buf faio. from 9 a m . to 3 30 p m A dm ission is free

For additional inform a tion. call th e Institute for P eople E nterprises at 863-2717

William A. BulowAppointed AA/EO

For NFTAt 'heater R Hardt

1 'hairman o l the Niagara FronUei Transport a tom Authority, ha* an nounced tbe appointm ent ol W’ilbani A B u low . to the position o f Actum At hrm ative Actum Equal t tpiMMtuniiv fA A /B O l oft umt fnr th e Authority Mt Bulow reiilm e* Joe W M oore w ho I *• sign ed h is pnettum effec tiv e t u g 31, to take a sim ilar (tost in private industry in EY la u d erd a le . Florida

Mr Miuirt- joined the Authority in June of 1972, as an lif f ic e A ssistant in th e E xecutive O ffice, anti later server! aa a le g a l A ssistan t, under the Au ih on ty * G eneral C ounsel In m id 1977, Mr Miuire was namerl to th e Affii (native A-1 ion /E q u a l Op (sirtunitv departm ent e* an A A /E O Npecialist In D ecem lier o f that rear, he w as appointed A ilin g A A / EO M anager and in April of 1978, he w as appointed as A A /E O M anager bv C hairm an llard t. a poei tom he held until hia resig n a tio n .

Mr Bulow haa been with th e Authority in the rapacity o f A A /B O *js-( laiist sin ce February of 1978 H« spend eight year* in the U S Army at several d ifferent com ­m an ds. serv ing in clerical and p ersonnel position* with record-keep ing and supervisory responsih ili

tie s lot Iu4h military tm l civilian |Kirwmnel Hi Inst military assignm ent 1961 1962. wa* a* admin 1 *t 1 stive offirer for the \ III Army t'o n is in Smg.-n Mouth V ietnam . wh<--* h- held the rank ol 1st Lo u tenant

After leaving Ihe Arm> Mr Bulow held a ser ies ol IMisiUona w here he gained h w ealth nf exp erience in b u sin ess adm inistration and in dealing with the public

From I97tl to 1976, he held p osts as sdtm m ntiu tive -dfu er. acting prop* I cisHdtnator and m fotnia turn offfa-er with lh * State University (rm stn u tu m Fund, al the Amherst ( sm p u s o f the BUNYAH His last |NisiUon prior to join ing the NET'A, waa as district sale* repr- eril* tive for the New York law Irtttery

In nuire m e n l years, Mr Bulow, who r n - l n i j his B A from North Carolina Central Dn»*er sfty, ha* lieen en g a g ed as a part tim e Instructor al Erie ( (im m unity Cnftegv w here he le e c h e s -ourse* in introductory « * ml. gv and psychology as w> I! as several cou rses in the Supervision Ds-vr-iocm x-o- Sane* of tb e arhool « even in g divisum

Mr Bulow end lu* wif- M s/e ll reside in Boris* with their tw o children

T he Real Jimmy Carter Just Stood Up’ Declares Cummings

— W ashington. D. C . — P resident Jim m y Carter has told black American* that in th e political world in which he operate*, hlack* are *eparaW- and unequal''. according to Ja m es C- C um m ing* Jr . < >■ airm en nf th e National Black Republican Council

Carter did th is by or­chestrating the resignation of U nited S la tes A m bass­ador Andrew Y oung *

Speaking from his office here in the N ation's cap ito l. C um m ings declar •

ed . " th e real Jim m y Carter just stood up The g n n ha* gotten thin and Mack* should at last se e him a* just another poiiti cian w ho aU m dons Marks when its to h is ad van ta g e ” .

Jim m y Carter is p laying hard hall politics and he has announced that aspirs tom * of Mack* will not hear on hi* strategy the R epublican (h a irm an ch a llen ged W m nm g th e n om iiiiiin ti j«

only th ing that oHmtn

with ( mner."Hlark* are b ein g w eigh

ed agam rt every other elem en t o f Ihe e W to r s te and to th e ex ten t that he can g e t sw ay w ith taking action* which hurt Mark* hut p lease other group* he feel* he need* ( after will hurt Mac k *. ( 'um m m g*asserted

President C srter 1* taking Mark* for gxaoi ed . th e RepuM Iron k'fotf t MUNtfM ftk' Ib'fft Yt ‘ thirt n* muttcT whM In nn*\ Ih* IV m oi rMh Poftb !•’

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