Concep Send For Infor CRM™ - Implementation Date: 26/09/2008 | 02/12/2008 | 01/06/2012 | 28/04/2015 Version: 3.0.0 for codebase v3.0.0.0 [for CC2 & SalesLogix v7.5.x] Author: Mike Spragg Contact: 0845 1368444 This document and supporting materials are confidential and proprietary to empath-e Limited. The information contained in this document may not be disclosed to any third party without the express permission of empath-e Limited empath-e is registered in England and Wales No: 04745733. Vat No. GB 901 2597 45 Registered Office: Unit 1, Freemantle Business Centre, Millbrook Road East, Southampton, SO15 1JR

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Concep Send For Infor CRM™ - Implementation

Date: 26/09/2008 | 02/12/2008 | 01/06/2012 | 28/04/2015

Version: 3.0.0 for codebase v3.0.0.0 [for CC2 & SalesLogix v7.5.x] Author: Mike Spragg

Contact: 0845 1368444

This document and supporting materials are confidential and proprietary to empath-e Limited. The information contained in this document may not be disclosed to any third party without the express permission of empath-e Limited empath-e is registered in England and Wales No: 04745733. Vat No. GB 901 2597 45 Registered Office: Unit 1, Freemantle Business Centre, Millbrook Road East, Southampton, SO15 1JR

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CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ 2

1.0 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 3

2.0 PRE-REQUISITES .............................................................................................................. 4

Installation Requirements ............................................................................................................ 4

Functional Changes ..................................................................................................................... 5

Table Changes ............................................................................................................................ 5

3.0 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 6

Infor CRM .................................................................................................................................. 6

Server Service ............................................................................................................................ 7 Server Service Configuration ..................................................................................................... 7 Starting the Service ................................................................................................................ 10

4.0 DEFINE INFOR CRM/CONCEP USERS ................................................................................ 11

APPENDIX A – CONFIGURATION FILES ........................................................................................ 12 concepConfiguration.xml ........................................................................................................ 12 log4net.config ........................................................................................................................ 12

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1.0 SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Concep Send for Infor CRM application is designed to easily integrate within Infor CRM with minimal

impact upon the existing system.

There are two parts – the Infor CRM client side, enabling you to upload campaign targets to Concep and

the Concep Send For Infor CRM (known as Concep2SLX) Server component which is a windows service that polls the Concep server and downloads user interactions/activities (URL Clicks, File Downloads,

Undeliverables etc) into Infor CRM.

The polling service (Concep2SLX.exe) can reside on any windows server – the database server or Infor CRM server for example.

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Installation Requirements

Infor CRM v7.x or v8.x plus all normal pre-requisites for Infor CRM.

Important: Backup the production system and ensure you have a working backup by restoring

this to a development database.

Ensure you have a valid Internet Connection available (especially if using VMWare in a test

environment for example), as the application works via HTTP/HHTPS, and will need access to the

Internet in order to communicate with the Concep service.

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Functional Changes

The following views have changed, or been added, within Infor CRM:

Plugin Description

Forms System: Add Edit Marketing Services User (Updated)

Forms System: Manage Marketing Services (Updated)

Forms System: Marketing Services Launch Screen (Updated)

Forms System: Add Edit Marketing Services User (Updated)

Forms Campaign: Targets (Updated)

Forms Campaign: Concep Send (New)

Forms Contact: Concep Send (New)

Table Changes The following table is added to Infor CRM and stores the responses being returned from Concep

CONCEP_ACTIONS_1 CONCEP_ACTIONS_1ID [char] (12) Unique/Primary ID CONTACTID [char] (12) The ContactID of responder CREATEUSER [char] (12) CREATEDATE [datetime] MODIFYUSER [char] (12) MODIFYDATE [datetime] CAMPAIGNID [char] (12) The CampaignID for this response RESPONSEDATE [datetime] Date of Response/Click ACTIONTYPE [varchar] (64) ActionType from XML Response ACTIONDETAIL [varchar] (2000) URL/Detail of ActionType STATUS [varchar] (8) Set by Mappings tab in Configuration MESSENGERACCOUNT [varchar] (32) (Customer Specific) CONCEPID [varchar] (16) Unique MRID coming from Concep Send

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Infor CRM

Using the Infor CRM Administrator, apply the following bundle found in the \Bundle\ folder from the provided deployment:

Concep Send Integration v7.5.4 R2.sxb apply and overlay the new forms/scripts required for

the Concep Integration

All plugins contained in the bundle will replace the existing plugins where necessary and the old plugins will be de-released and, therefore, available – should you need to revert to them at any time.

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Server Service

Copy all the files from the \Deployment\ to a folder on the server (we suggest C:\CONCEP) you plan to use as the polling server service.

Next, simply run the _installservice.bat file and this will install the server service. Note: You may need

to modify this batch file to modify the path requirements if required.

If you decide to uninstall the service – run the _uninstallservice.bat to remove the service correctly.

You are now ready to configure the system, which you should do prior to starting it.

Server Service Configuration All configurations are performed by running the application Concep2SLXConfiguration.exe

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Configuration Options

Service This tab contains the link information to Concep and parameters for service polling:

Service URL

The HTTP or HTTPS link to Concep Send Service – defaults to


But can be changed should this change in the future by Concep.

User ID The UserID (supplied by Concep) as the Admin account to login to Concep

Password The password for above account

Poll Interval Defines how often the service should contact the Concep server and establish if

any data needs adding to Infor CRM – a default of 10 mins should be sufficient

Range Overlap Defines the overlap period – we suggest 30 mins – and is used should the Concep service become unavailable. The service will poll for the end time as the current

time – with a begin time minus this overlap period.

Campaign Day Defines when to stop recording actions e.g. when set at 7 days (the default) any

campaign results that exceed this period will not be recorded.

Data Request Size Do not change

Date Page Size Do not change

SalesLogix (Infor CRM) This tab contains the connection parameters for Infor CRM:

Server Name

From the Infor CRM Data Link, enter the Infor CRM Server Name (not the physical server name)

Database Name From the Infor CRM Data Link, enter the Infor CRM Database Name (not the physical/logical database name)

Port Enter the port number that Infor CRM Server listens on (default = 1706). A value of 0 assumes the default port (1706)

User Name Enter the username (typically Admin)

Password Enter the password for the above account

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Mappings This section deals with the rules surrounding what actions to record, how many clicks to record and what status to set within the CONCEP_ACTION_1 table.

Type ID Consult with Concep on this value.

Log Status You can define whether this action type is recorded – or ignored.

Status Text For each action type, and assuming the action is logged, this status is added and

enabled you to onward process the table i.e. look for all Opt-Out actions and create a group within Infor CRM to process those.

Type Text For this action type, this text is recorded into the table (as opposed to using a

coded system)

Max Records This defines how many times the system will record this action. For example, if a user opens an email and clicks a link 20 times – it will only be recorded 3 times

(by default). You can increase or decrease this figure to suit your requirements.

Should the Concep system change in the future you can add/delete or amend the figures here, upon

advice from Concep.

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Starting the Service Once you have configured the application, you are now ready to start the service. Go into Services and

start the “empath-e : Concep2SLX” service. The service will start and, after the polling period,

immediately connect with the Concep service and begin to bring data into Infor CRM (if applicable i.e. you have sent a campaign and are logging responses) – otherwise, it will simply poll until there is data to


This completes the server side installation and configuration.

You should consult the document “ConcepSend-UserGuide.doc” for further information on how to create campaigns, deliver them to Concep and analyse results being returned by Concep Send for Infor


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4.0 DEFINE INFOR CRM/CONCEP USERS In order to be able to submit campaign targets to Concep you, as the administrator, will need to define

who can use the system.

This is managed via Tools | Manage | Marketing Services within Infor CRM. You should see the

following: -

In here, add the users required. For the Username use the credentials provided by Concep – for one user

- select the Primary option. You can assign other users to this login (Use Primary) and they will share this

account - or you can create Secondary logins for those users who have their own logins to Concep.

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APPENDIX A – CONFIGURATION FILES There are 2 files that are used to store configuration & logging data.


This stores the configuration settings from Concep2SLXConfiguration.exe. The only setting that should be modified manually is the LastPollDateTime. Should the system require “resetting” you can modify this

date/time to a prior date/time and the service will then collect from that time onward. All other files

should not be modified.


As the service polls and performs its work – it can log details into the Windows Event Log. You can modify how much information is logged by modifying the parameter “Level Value” as indicated.