8/8/2019 Media Kit YP Empath http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/media-kit-yp-empath 1/12  LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry 615-415-9861 [email protected]  WeAreOneInSpirit.com Dear media person or event coordinator, Hi, I’m LavendarRose, also known as Yvonne Perry. Thank you for inquiring about having me as the keynote speaker for your event. I enjoy speaking on spiritual and mainstream topics that interest healthcare workers, hospice volunteers, caregivers, new-age churches, and groups of empathic people who feel overwhelmed by the energy of others. I would love to share information about any of the following topics:  Body-mind-spirit connection  Empathy and intuition  Grieving loss of a loved one  How to talk about impending death with patient and family  Spirit communication before and after death  Psychic children   Walk-ins and soul exchanges For more details on any of these topics that I might present in a workshop, please see my page of speaking topics in this media kit. For non-ticketed events, an honorarium plus travel and lodging expenses is much appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you and sharing with your group. Enjoying oneness, LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry 

Media Kit YP Empath

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LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry 


[email protected]


Dear media person or event coordinator,

Hi, I’m LavendarRose, also known as Yvonne Perry. Thank you for inquiring abouthaving me as the keynote speaker for your event.

I enjoy speaking on spiritual and mainstream topics that interest healthcare workers,hospice volunteers, caregivers, new-age churches, and groups of empathic people who

feel overwhelmed by the energy of others. I would love to share information about any of the following topics:

•  Body-mind-spirit connection

•  Empathy and intuition

•  Grieving loss of a loved one

•  How to talk about impending death with patient and family 

•  Spirit communication before and after death

•  Psychic children

•   Walk-ins and soul exchanges

For more details on any of these topics that I might present in a workshop, please seemy page of speaking topics in this media kit.

For non-ticketed events, an honorarium plus travel and lodging expenses is muchappreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you and sharing with your group.

Enjoying oneness,

LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry 

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[email protected] 


LavendarRose is available to speak to large or small groups that include

medical symposiums, nursing schools, churches, clubs, organizations, parenting

groups, and hospice volunteers, staff, and care givers. One‐hour lectures or

one‐day workshops can be presented on the following topics:

Death and



There are some aspects of dying and death common to everyone regardless of background. These

mainstream topics include hospice and palliative care, giving a dying patient permission to let go, the mind‐

body‐spirit connection, helping a patient and family accept impending death, unplugging a dying patient from

life support, signs that the end of life is near, and comforting the grieving family. Those who are open to non‐

traditional thoughts will enjoy a presentation of the spiritual aspects surrounding death and dying, which

include reincarnation, souls in the afterlife, assisting a soul in its release from the body, spirit communication

during days/weeks after loved one dies, signs that a “deceased” loved one is trying to connect with a family

member(s), protocol for interacting with spirits.


Because we are all spiritually and mentally connected, many people—especially those who work in service‐oriented professions—pick up on the suffering of others. Carrying this surrogate emotional burden puts

undue stress on intuitive individuals who care for others in a time of illness, loss, or other disturbing

situation. Learn how to use this empathic ability to send healing vibes and prayer without encountering an

energetic backlash; set compassionate boundaries with those who tend to drain your energy; clear and

protect the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body.

Divine Oneness 

There are many spiritual paths that lead us “home” to our Creator. Regardless of what term you use to refer

to this higher power or creative force, we share many similar beliefs and ideas. However, our choice of 

terminology may divide us and cause us to segregate into exclusive groups or denominations. Once we see

how connected we really are and how we are all hoping to reach the same destination, we can accept ouroneness with God/Goddess/Source and learn to coexist peacefully while respecting our different ways of 

expressing our spiritual nature.

Psychic Children 

As the consciousness on Earth evolves to align with the Divine cosmic purpose, people are becoming more

spiritually aware and attuned to what was once considered paranormal or supernatural. Part of this shift 

includes souls incarnating as children who have instinctive supernatural abilities and rely on their intuition

to guide them. Our parenting model must change to accommodate these crystal kids, indigos, and “old souls”

who are enlightened beyond their parents.

Soul Exchange/Walk -in 

Perhaps the result of a near‐death experience, surgery, or severe depression, people are reporting immediate

and dramatic life transformations that can’t be explained. Someone you know may be a walk‐in! While some

old souls incarnate as babies, many are walking into adult bodies through a swap in identity known as a soul

exchange or walk‐in experience. The two souls literally swap places in order to continue soul development 

on different planes. The occurrence of walk‐ins/outs is not new, but soul exchanges are becoming more and

more common as the Earth evolves spiritually. While soul exchanges are a significant part of spiritual growth,

most walk‐ins do not know what has happened to them. They may feel confused, disoriented, and that close

friends and family members seem like strangers. Onlookers may decide that the walk‐in is having a nervous

or emotional breakdown due to the surge this energetic shift causes.

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LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry 


[email protected]


About LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry

After recovering from years of religious addiction and an subservient relationship with organized

religion, Yvonne Perry is finally free to be recognized as one who operates in both worlds—that of 

spirit and physical reality. Living life to the fullest in Nashville, Tennessee, Yvonne is an author,

podcast host, blogger, and outstanding keynote speaker who enjoys helping people discover a

spiritual path of love and joy that comes from the knowledge that we are all one with our Creator.

For the first 40 years of her southern life Yvonne was enmeshed with the fundamental dogma of 

religion and lived according to the interpretation of the Bible that her family, society, and church

leaders passed down to her. Before she had a label to put on her empathetic ability, the Georgia

native called herself an intercessor carrying the burdens of others to the throne of grace. It was not 

uncommon for her to be locked away in her prayer room for half the day, singing, playing

keyboards, writing worship songs, interceding, and laying in trance. While praying for others she

empathically took on their suffering until it severely challenged her emotional and physical health.

Four decades of operating as an untrained empath while trying to fit the mold of a male‐dominant,

legalistic religion, which caused her to repress her true feelings, was met with an eye‐opening mid‐

life crisis. The changes she began making took a toll on her co‐dependent marriage, and after 22

years, divorce—a “non‐Christian” act she had vowed never to participate in—became a harsh

reality. Losing everything familiar and comfortable, she found herself homeless. By then, she had

serious doubts that God even existed and she questioned everything her religion had taught her.

This was a good thing. She needed to heal not only from divorce, but also from religious addictionand this event—while it seemed horrible—was the catalyst for spiritual transformation.

Realizing how much of her time and energy had been given to religious activities, she became

extremely angry at the church for not accepting her prophetic gifts and refusing to help her through

the worse time of her life. Things suddenly and totally changed when Yvonne's original soul left her

body and a new soul walked in during a pre‐incarnation agreement known as a soul exchange. The

new soul (LavendarRose) began releasing the karma and healing the emotional issues of the first 

soul. Embracing a totally different path and belief system, she now openly uses the psychic gifts the

first soul brought in and fulfill her soul’s purpose to teach oneness with the Divine.

A graduate of American Institute of Holistic Theology, Yvonne holds a Bachelor of Science in

Metaphysics. Her style of writing lovingly nudges people’s beliefs in order to help them move past what she calls “Sunday School mentality.” She is the host of We Are One in Spirit Podcast , a show

that offers people a chance to share spiritual insight and join cross‐cultural hands.

During her five‐year involvement with Toastmasters International, Yvonne earned the recognition

of Distinguished Toastmaster Award for her exemplary speaking skills. LavendarRose is a polished,

motivational speaker available to share her knowledge on a wide variety of  spiritual topics such as

walk‐in/soul exchange, psychic gifts, empathy, ascension rituals, ghosts, afterlife, and near‐death or

other spiritually‐transforming experiences.

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LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry 


[email protected]



 Are your coworkers like psychic vampires who leech off your energy?

Do you have mysterious illnesses, aches, and pains?

 Are you depressed or angry for no good reason?

Do some friends and family members make you feel drained?

 Are you super sensitive to the negativity around you?

  You may be an empath picking up on the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, andeven the illnesses of others.

W h o s e S t u f f I s T h i s ? Fi n d i n g F r ee d o m Fr o m t h e T h o u g h t s , Fe e li n g s ,

a n d E n e r g y o f T h o s e A r o u n d Y o u is a guidebook for empathic people whohave been unknowingly carrying energetic burdens that belong to someone else.

This book, written by Yvonne Perry with Dr.Caron B. Goode, provides . . .

•  Tips to distinguish your personal energy from another person’s

•  Practices for clearing your energy fieldand raising your own vibration

•    Ways to shield yourself from thedetrimental energy of others

•  How to have compassion without

allowing external energy to wear you out

•    A fresh perspective on the psychologicalaspect of empathy and intuition

•  How to use your intuitive ability as a toolfor guidance without paying a personalprice

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[email protected]


Understanding Empathy The word “empath” may be a new term for some, but an ever-increasing number of people are reporting that they are sensitive to all types of energy, including thatproduced by other humans, the environment, electromagnetic frequencies, geophysicalstress, and even non-physical beings. Being empathic simply means you are able to pick up on the energy of others—we can all do that to some degree—but some people are sosensitive to the emotional energy of others that it causes disturbances in their healthand life. The confusion for empaths comes from not knowing when they are carrying orattached to someone else’s energy field.

Those who do volunteer or victim protection work, police or detective work, or havecompassionate service-oriented careers at hospitals, clinics, or hospice centers tend todeal with an overload of emotional energy from patients they tend to. There are some who rarely go into public because they feel overwhelmed by the energy they pick up.Many of them don’t know they are empaths, but they would love to learn how to stop theemotional and mental turmoil they encounter in a highly stimulating environment.

 Although it has not yet been studied and proven, some people seem to have unique variations in their central nervous system that cause them to be intensely affected by stimuli in their environment. They have an unusual sensitivity to light, smell, sound,taste, and touch, as well as extra-sensory perception (ESP) or what we might considerpsychic abilities. Many of these highly-intuitive individuals know that something is notquite “normal” about their abilities since not everyone is adversely affected by going intopublic and not everyone picks up on the thoughts, feelings, or pain of those aroundthem.

In her national bestseller, The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the WorldOverwhelms You, author Elaine Aron states that as many as one out of every five peopleare highly-sensitive. And, no wonder! We live in an age when electronic information inthe airwaves bombards us just about anywhere we go. We carry our cell phones, laptops,and other electronic devices with us on a daily basis. Our energetic field is infiltrated with background noise. While most people are able to tune it out or turn it down, somepeople have a difficult time processing this vast amount of energy. As a result they may 

have anxiety attacks, feel overwhelmed, tired, depressed, angry, or drained much of thetime.

It is especially important for empaths to recognize their own energy and vibration, butmany are not able to discern what their own energy feels like enough to know when ithas roamed into someone’s territory or when it is being violated. If an empath does notunderstand what is happening he may think he is suffering from a physical illness orsome form of mental distress or disorder. Psychology and psychiatry currently do not

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recognize empaths or know how to treat them. While I am not a psychologist, I am anempath and this “gift” has both blessed and cursed my life.

There are plenty of well-adjusted and fully-developed empaths including Dr. Caron B.Goode with whom I am writing a book, Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom From theThoughts, Feelings, and Energy of Those Around You. 

Developing intuition and empathic abilities is a journey of self-discovery that canawaken you to an entirely new understanding about life and what you currently believeabout yourself. The more we embrace the fact that we are spiritually, mentally, andemotionally connected, the more responsible we must become in managing our personalenergy. Everything we think, say, or do affects all of humanity and ultimately our planet.Let’s join together in a better understanding of this connection through developing thegift of empathy and intuition.

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 Your book makes it clear that you know how to providecomfort and help people not be afraid for loved ones whohave passed. ~ Angela Grett,author of My Mother’sBipolar, So What Am I? 

LavendarRose/Yvonne Perry 


[email protected]


 M o r e T h a n M e e t s t h e E y e : T r u e S t o r i e s

 A b o u t D e a t h , D y i n g , a n d A f t e r li fe

ISBN: 0-9753870-6-5Price $13.99 USPublisher: BooksurgePub date: 2005Pages: 166 pagesGenre: Spirituality/Metaphysics

•  Information about euthanasia, suicide,near-death experience, hospice care,assisting a dying loved one, spirit visitsfrom deceased loved ones, and other

topics people are somewhat reluctant totalk about.

•  Non-religious information and insight toassist people in finding peace about themysterious process of transitioning back to God/Source.

•  Comfort for those who need answers tothe questions we all ask while grieving theloss of a loved one.

LavendarRose is an author and keynote speaker who enjoyshelping people discover a spiritual path of love and joy thatcomes from the knowledge that we are all one with ourCreator. A graduate of American Institute of HolisticTheology, she holds a Bachelor of Science in Metaphysics.

Dying, Death, & Grieving 

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[email protected]


Spirit  Communication in the Elderly Those who interact with the non-physical realm are sometimes considered insane or inneed of psychiatric help. Unfortunately, many are shunned and ridiculed. Some aredrugged. I've heard of children who were punished for talking about seeing deceasedfamily members, angels, and ghosts.

If you are one who provides care for those who are near the end of life, you may havenoticed that elderly patients interact with deceased relatives and loved ones. Seeing,

hearing, and communicating with the unseen realm is sometimes an indication that thetransition toward the afterlife is beginning to occur. It gives a vague time line fordetermining how long a person may have before the soul departs from the body.

But, what do you do when someone like my grandmother enters palliative care orhospice? Although she didn't talk much about it until she had her second near-deathexperience in 2008, Nanny has heard and seen in the spirit realm ever since her near-death experience in 1952. Her third and fourth NDEs in 2009 really opened theairwaves! At age 94, it is a common occurrence for her to communicate with deceasedloved ones and have spirit visitors that no one else can discern.

 Why do some people have this psychic ability while others don't? P. M. H. Atwater saysthat this intuitive ability is due to the development of the temporal lobes in the brain.From approximately age two through six, the temporal lobes take in and sort differentforms, shapes, colors, and sounds so children can build neural libraries that let themknow what is expected of them on earth. As this part of brain development nearscompletion, the child tends to interact less with the spirit realm and adheres to society norms.

The elderly and those who have experienced near-death states, surgery requiringanesthesia, or some type of severe emotional trauma may find that this part of their brain has been reawakened. They may experience a transformation of consciousnessthat allows them to again see, hear, smell, and interact in other worlds. That is whathappened to me after two NDEs and several surgeries.

For more information, you might enjoy reading the complete book, More Than Meetsthe Eye True Stories about Death, Dying, a nd Afterlife.

Purchase on Amazon.com 

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[email protected]


We  Are One in Spirit  Podcast  Bringing heaven toearth one show at atime, We Are One inSpirit Podcast opensthe airwaves forpeople to share theirspiritual journey andlife-transformingexperiences thatremind us we are one

in spirit. Awakeningto the transformationoccurring in the

collective consciousness across the globe, we areloving, accepting, and unified spirit beings havinga physical presence on this planet. The podcast isarchived on WeAreOneInSpirit.blogspot.com andiTunes.

The host of the show, LavendarRose, is the

author of several books. She is a mystic with adesire to help people transform their limitingreligious beliefs into a liberating view of ouroneness with the Divine. Those who are comingout of traditional religions and seeking their ownpersonal truth will appreciate her freshinterpretation of the Bible as it refers to oneness

 with God/Goddess.

She is available for speaking engagements at

churches, new age workshops, and Earth-basedspiritual gatherings.Contact:

LavendarRose servesas prophetic voice of healing to all faithsand belief systems.

Metaphysical topicsinclude oneness,empathy, walk-in

souls, spirit

communication, andother uplifting,


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~ MORE ~


Media ReleaseContact:

Phone: (615) 415-9861

Email: [email protected]

 Web site: http://weare1inspirit.com 


January 11, 2011

Nashville Author and Spea ker Sh ares the Life-altering Belief in Oneness As

a W ay to End Conflict

Based on A Course in Miracles, a Nashville author has established a blog, Web site, and

podcast to broadcast her message about the oneness of all souls with the Creator.

NASHVILLE, TN June 1, 2010 — Yvonne (McCurley) Perry was an intercessor for the City 

of Muncie from 1995 to 1997. While there, she used her connections at a Christian

 bookstore where she worked to organize inter-denominational events that brought

together almost every church in the city. Since moving to Nashville, she has changed her

philosophy and embraced a tolerant and non-religious mindset to aid her in bringing

heaven to earth. Her new  We Are One in Spirit Podcast hosts guests who have an

unbiased, unifying message to offer those interested in such topics as universal laws,

alternative healing modalities, intuition and Divine guidance, metaphysics, afterlife,

mystical experiences, Paganism, Christianity, and other belief systems. Not all shows

have guests. Some of the episodes are short teachings based on A Course in Miracles 

and insight she receives during her daily meditation.

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~ MORE ~

“People must stop believing that they are depraved sinners,” says Perry, who also goes

 by the name of her higher self, LavendarRose. “As long as we see ourselves as separate

from the Divine and one another, we will continue to harm one another and our planet,

and we will engage in conflict whenever we perceive our values are being attacked. This

is because we see ourselves and others as condemned and deserving of punishment. 

“People are more likely to listen to those they know and trust when it comes to spiritual

guidance. Due to all the moral misconduct and power-hungry agendas of religious

leaders, many people have become disillusioned with traditional churches. In the past

few decades, people have been exposed to a variety of belief systems in our global

culture and they are using common sense when it comes to formulating their personal

 belief system. As people continue to see truth in the message of inclusion taught by 

Carlton Pearson and the Emergent Conversation, people are leaving religion behind

along with its dogma that was passed to them from their predecessors. Even those who

have been “saved” and jumped through all the hoops supposedly required to appease an

angry God are leaving the organization. They no longer believe in a God that has human

attributes and sadistic characteristics. Humans treat their offspring better than this

angry, God, which has been created in the image of man, treats his sons and daughters.

“The old hyped-up way of promoting a religious belief with an in-your-face approach,

has gone the way of the wind. No one wants another person force-feeding them the

doctrine of separation that says those who do not agree with the teachings of the church

are going to suffer and burn in hell. There’s no good news in that message and it is not

the message of Christ.”

 A lot of people have been victims of this type of religious teaching. They’ve been

 brainwashed by a misinterpretation of the Bible that promotes hatred and states that

God takes sides in battle and upholds the cause of Israel and the righteous. According to

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We Are One in Spirit Page 3

most religious teachings, the modern-day righteous are those who believe the dogma of 

Judeo Christianity. This philosophy, lived out in the form of judgment toward self and

others, is nothing like the peaceful and unifying message Jesus taught. Perry has

experienced this type of rejection in many churches where she has tried to use her

spiritual gifts of healing and prophecy.

 According to the Bible and the law of attraction presented in the movie,The Secret,

 whatever we think about comes about. If we believe we are worthless wretches in need

of a bloody savior to rescue us, we will never do greater works than Jesus Christ did,

 which is one of the promises in the New Testament. There will be those who disagree

 with this “oneness” idea. Perceiving that they are being attacked, fundamentalists lash

out against the teaching of oneness, much like they have against the gay community and

stem cell research.

The only solution to the age-old problem of ego, suffering, and fighting is to see

ourselves as one with the Divine. Perry teaches oneness and love for all on her blog

(http://WeAreOneInSpirit.com), Web site (http://WeAre1InSpirit.com), YouTube video

(http://youtube.com/weareoneinspirit), and podcast shows archived on her blog and


 Yvonne Perry is a graduate of American Institute of Holistic Theology where she earned

a Bachelor of Science in Metaphysics. She is the author of seven books and 170

published articles. http://weareoneinspirit.com 



 Yvonne Perry 

[email protected]  

