UOCC RAJ COLLEGE OF EDUCTION, MADURAI B.Ed. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRIL 2015 Optional Course: Content and Methods of Teaching Computer Science Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80 PART A — (10 X 2 = 20 marks) Answer any TEN questions . Each answer should not exceed 50 words. Each answer carries 2 marks. 1. Mention about different types of software and its applications. £À÷ÁÖ ÁøP ö©ßö£õ¸ÒPÒ ©ØÖ® Auß £¯ß£õkPøÍU SÔ¨¤kP. 2. Write a short note on cognitive domain of educational objectives. PÀ ÷|õUP[PÎÀ AÔÄ \õº PÍ® £ØÔ ]Ö SÔ¨¦ ÁøµP. 3. What are the objectives of Skill of Set Induction? öuõh[S vÓß& ß ÷|õUP[PÒ ¯õøÁ? 4. Define lesson plan. State its advantages. £õhzvmh® Áøµ¯ÖUP. Auß AÝT»[PøÍU TÖP. 5. Write the role of the teacher in the project method of instruction. ö\¯ÀvmhU PؤzuÀ •øÓ°À B]›¯›ß £[QøÚ GÊxP. 6. State any four importance of teaching aids. PؤzuÀ xønU P¸ÂPÎß •UQ¯zxÁzvÀ H÷uÝ® |õßQøÚU TÖP. 7. List two advantages and disadvantages of auditory aids. ÷PÒÂU P¸ÂPÎß £¯ßPÒ ©ØÖ® SøÓ£õkPÒ CµsiøÚ¨ £mi¯¼kP. 8. Define curriculum. £õhHØ£õk Áøµ¯Ö. 9. What are the characteristics of a good test? J¸ ÷\õuøÚ°ß £s¦PÒ ¯õøÁ? 10. What is the purpose of formative evaluation?

Computer Sciene

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Optional Course: Content and Methods of Teaching

Computer Science

Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80 PART A (10 X2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions.Each answer should not exceed 50 words.Each answer carries 2 marks.1. Mention about different types of software and its applications. P P Au

kPU SkP.2. Write a short note on cognitive domain of educational objectives.P |UP[P A \ P ] S P.

3. What are the objectives of Skill of Set Induction?

uh[S v & |UP[P ?

4. Define lesson plan. State its advantages.hzvmh UP. Au AT[PU TP.

5. Write the role of the teacher in the project method of instruction.\vmhU Pzu B] [Q GxP.

6. State any four importance of teaching aids.Pzu xnU PP UQzxzv Hu

|QU TP.7. List two advantages and disadvantages of auditory aids.PU PP P SkP Csi mikP.

8. Define curriculum.hHk .

9. What are the characteristics of a good test?

J \u sP ?

10. What is the purpose of formative evaluation?

uh vmi |UP x?

11. Compute Median for the given data.11, 25, 18, 27, 20, 22. PkUPmk [PUS Ch{U PnUQkP.

12. What is the need of a text book?

hzuPzv u x?

PART B (6 X5 = 30 marks)

Answer any SIX questions.Each answer should not exceed 200 words.Each answer carries 5 marks.13. Explain hardware components of a computer.Po Piuh SvP USP.

14. Give an account of psychomotor domain of educational objectives.P |UP[P Eh CUPa \ P GxP.15. What is meant by micro-teaching cycle? Explain.~s{U Pzu _] Gx x? USP16. What are the components of Skill of Reinforcement?

Write an episode for it.mh v EmTP ? AzvUP

~s{ hzvmhzv GxP.

17. Explain the steps in writing a lesson plan.hzvmh Gxv E i{P USP.

18. What are the advantages of overhead projector? How will you use it effectively in your class-room teaching?

uUS zv P ? Au

} G[V ]P Ex S Pzukzx?

19. Explain about Edgar Dale's cone of experience.GmP h AU T USP.

20. What is a diagnostic tests? State its stages of preparation and uses.S \u G G? Au uzu E

iP Au PU TP. PART C (2 X 15 = 30 marks)

Answer BOTH the questions.Each answer should not exceed 600 words.Each answer carries 15 marks.21. (a) Discuss the characteristics and importance of a unit plan. Prepare a unit plan for any one topic of computer science.ASvmhzv sP mi UP. Po A E Hu J

hzuS ASvmhzv u \P.Or(b)What are the principles and uses of programmed instruction? Write five frames for any topic from linear programming instruction.

vmhmk Pzu PmkP P

? | vmhzvP \mh[P Hu

Iv J hz uS GxP.

22.(a)What are the criteria for evaluating a text book? Based on the criteria evaluate the present

XI standard computer science text book.

J hzuPzv vk \uP PoP ? AUPoP Aih ux v Po A

hzuPzv vk \P.

Or(b) Explain the objectives and characteristics of good assignment. How will you use it as a method of teaching? Give illustration.J | Jh |UP[P sP

? } Au K Pzu P G

kzx Gu GkzxUPmkh TP.